A Consideration of Vehicle's Door Shutting Performance: Y. Nagayama and R, Fujihara
A Consideration of Vehicle's Door Shutting Performance: Y. Nagayama and R, Fujihara
A Consideration of Vehicle's Door Shutting Performance: Y. Nagayama and R, Fujihara
* V ' •*;'•
A Consideration of
Vehicle's Door
Shutting Performance
Y. Nagayama
i * i
and R, Fujihara
Nissan Motor Co., Ltd.
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A Consideration of
Vehicle's Door
Shutting Performance
Y. Nagayama
and R. Fujihara
Nissan Motor Co., Ltd.
A VEHICLE'S AIRTIGHT INTEGRITY, which is,a integrity and the latter's influence upon door
factor that greatly affects its habitability , shutting performance. It also details the
has been the subject of improvements in the placement of air vent-holes that are required
past. It has been improved more and more in to reduce the aforementioned problems.
recent years, from the standpoint of both air- When a door is closed, the pressure in
conditioning amplification and better sound- the passenger compartment increases due to the
insulation. vehicle's airtight integrity. Fig. 1 demon
On the other hand, improvements in the strates how the pressure that is momentarily
airtight integrity of a vehicle have increased felt by the occupant changes with the passage
the reactive force of air, which is present in of time. The pressure is gradually increased
the passenger compartment, whenever the vehi approximately 0.2 seconds before the door is
cle's door is shut. This has adversely affected completely closed, and then rapidly reaches
the ability of the door to be easily closed, its peak. The values on these curves, except
which is, of course, one of the primary require for the peak ones, are almost identical, re
ments of a door. It also places an unpleasant gardless of the speed at which the door was
amount of pressure upon the eardrums of the shut. Therefore, the peak values that changed
occupants. in a comparatively short period of time were
used as typical values.
This paper discusses the experimental re For purposes of this study, the process
sults of various tests that were devised to of changing pressure in the passenger compart
consider human response to a vehicle's airtight, ment can be approximately divided into three
Copyright ©1981 Society of Automotive Engineers, Inc.
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2 ■ 810101
stages. Fig. 2 shows the flow of air in the door Is shut, the door's area, the passenger
passenger compartntent as observed by watching compartment's capacity and by the air vent-
a two-dimensional model in a water tank. Ob hole's area.
servations were conducted in the following Therefore, the pressure increase in the
three stages;: ■ ■ . ; ' ■ passenger compartment can be expressed by the
First stage: The door is still largely following function.
open, and any air that is being pushed by the
door does not yet' enter the passenger compart P = f(Vc, S D , v, S) (1)
ment. Consequently, there is not an increase Where P: Pressure increase in passenger
in -pressure.,, compartment
'Second stage: Approximately 0.2 seconds Vc: Capacity of passenger compartment
before the door is completely closed, air is
pushed into the passenger compartment. The v: Speed at which door is shut
pressure then begins to rise and some of it be (door periphery speed)
gins to simultaneously flow out of the vent-hole, S: Area of air vent-hole
Third stage*. After the door is completely
closed, the pressure in the passenger compart It is, of course, desirable for the speed
ment gradually decreases due to the flow of air at which the door is shut by an average in
out the vent-hole. dividual be such that the resultant increase
These conditions reveal that the pressure in pressure is not unpleasant to the vehicle's
increase in the passenger compartment is influ occupants. If Ps stands for that pressure
enced and determined by the speed at which the that will cause such unpleasant feelings, its
VC/SD = 4.05
F = 4 0 kg
1 = 7 7 , 1 kg,cm. S 2
F i g . 2 - Air flow
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relation to P^, which will represent the rise occur when a door is closed, have been described
in pressure that ordinarily occurs, must be as "very unpleasant," "unpleasant," and "dis
expressed in the following terms: turbing but tolerable." We have looked into
P^, < Ps ., (2) the characteristics of each. An occupant's'
response varies when he knows that the door is
In order for the door to close at the going to shut beforehand, and he .does not know
locking stage, it is necessary that its kinetic ahead of time. In this regard, Fig. 4 is a
energy be greater than the energy that hinders comparison of the results that were obtained
it from shutting, as expressed by the following when the occupant himself shut the door and
equation: those that were derived when another person
shut the door. The experimental method is
Ec(I, v) £ E R (P,F). (3) shown in Fig. 3.
Where Ec: Door's kinetic energy
ER: Energy hindering door from This comparison reveals the following
shutting facts:'
(1) In the "very unpleasant" class, there
Door's moment of inertia was little difference noted' whether occupant
shut the door himself or another person did,
F: Weatherstrip, bumper rubber, although the response does vary from individual
and lock interlocking re to individual. In the field of aeronautic
sistance (called, "shutting medicine, it is reported that the maximum
force" hereinafter) tolerable pressure on the eardrum due to a rise
When E c = Ep l n equation (3), the speed in pressure is 85 to 105 mm Aq. In the exami
at which the door shuts is called the minimum nation results shown that are in Fig. 4, the
shutting speed, v]_. It is used as a standard value of 50% is approximately 80 mm Aq, which
to evaluate-the door shutting condition. is nearly identical to the aeronautic medicine
RESPONSE TO PRESSURE CHANGE (2) In the "unpleasant" class, there was
some difference in the two cases; the average
The feelings that an occupant experiences value is approximately 12 mm Aq lower when
in response to the changes in pressure that another person shut the door.
X =778 X = 79.2
- G = 1 8.2 0" = 2 0 . 6
40 —
X = 48.0 X =60.1
a = i i.t a = i 5.4
20 ^ J ^ ^ ^ J " * "*^^%s'""i*> "*^
40 X = 32.5 X =47.4
a= 7.4 f \ 0" = 14. 9
1 X ^ < ! >^ > - 4 ~ 1 1 1 1 1
20 40 60 80 100
Fig- 4 — Response c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s
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4 810101
(3) In the "disturbing but tolerable" greatly depending on the area of the opening;
class, a significant difference between the when the area is larger than 500 cm^, the
two cases is noted. The average value is factor (Vc/Sp) affects very little, but as the
approximately 15 mm Aq lower when another area becomes smaller, the rate at which the
person shut the door. Generally speaking, pressure Increases undergoes a rapid change.
when the occupant himself shut the door, a Therefore, the area of air vent hole should be
considerably higher pressure was tolerated. made as large as possible.
Consequently, when another person shuts The relationship between factor (Vc/Sp)
the door, the pressure increase must be suf and rate at which the pressure increases is
ficiently low enough that it does not disturb shown in Fig. 7. The smaller the value of
the occupant; in other words, the pressure (Vc/Sp), the greater the rate; the extent is
increase should not exceed a value of 32 mm Aq,. influenced greatly by the area of the opening.
which was disturbing to 50% of the occupants. When the ratio of the passenger compartment
capacity to the opening area is extremely small
FACTORS AFFECTING AIRTIGHT INTEGRITY (as in the case of trucks, etc.), the rate at
which the pressure increases rises very high.
The factors shown in equations (1) and Consequently, a sufficient opening area is
(3) will be examined by using a vehicle with required. The (Vc/Sp) value for ordinary
the specifications indicated in Table 1. In passenger cars is in the 2.5 to 4.5 range, or
this examination, the factor Sp will be so. Any change within this range, even though
regarded as fixed, and Vc/Sp will be considered linear, is not considered significant.
as one. The force with which the door is shut and
Passenger compartment pressure that its moment of inertia do not affect the rate
changes with the speed at which the door is at which the pressure increases, as shown in
shut is shown in Fig. 5. The relationship Figs. 8 and 9.
between the speed at which the door is shut The various influences of the respective
and passenger compartment pressure is linear. factors, summarized in the specifications
If factor (Vc/Sp) is changed in Fig. 5, the. shown in Table 1, are indicated in Fig. 10.
relationship between both will also be linear. From this figure, the degree of Influences
Pressure in the passenger compartment is ex for each factor can be expressed as follows:
pressed by the following equation:
Vc/SD » S » I = F = 0 (5)
av (4)
Where a: Rate at which pressure increases FACTORS THAT AFFECT THE MINIMUM SPEED NEEDED
... (The rate at which the pressure TO SHUT THE DOOR
increases in relation to each
factor is discussed in the The relationship betwen factor (Vc/Sp)
following paragraphs.) and the minimum speed required to shut the
door is shown in Fig. 1L. The smaller the
Fig. 6 represents the relationship between value of (Vc/Sp), the greater the minimum
the area of the opening (S) and the rate at speed. In the (Vc/Sp) range of ordinary pas
which the pressure increases.. The rate varies senger cars, the difference in minimum speeds
■DOOR W E I G H T 2 4 kg
Fig. 3 - Outline of measuring method
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810101 5
uJ 6 0
F = 4 0 kg
a: 1 = 771 kg.cm.S2
S = 2 0 cm2
is approximately 0.1 m/s, which is considered ence of the airtight integrity, as shown in
insignificant. Fig. 15. That is, if the moment of inertia
The change in the minimum speed needed to is smaller than that which we have examined
shut the door, according to the area of the here, the changes shown in Figs, 11 and 12
opening unit (S) is shown in Fig. 12. The will become greater, even though the other
smaller the area of the opening unit, the conditions remain unchanged. Fig. 15 also
greater the change in minimum speed, as re reveals that when the moment of inertia is
vealed in this graph. Where the opening area greater than 100 kg.cm.sec^, .door shutting
is large, the change in minimum speed is in performance is not affected by factor (VC/SJJ) .
significant. In other words, even if the Fig. 16 is a summary of the influences of
airtight integrity affects very little, the the respective factors. From this figure, the
minimum speed required to shut the door will degree of influence of the respective factors .
not go below a certain value because the force can be expressed as follows::
needed to shut the door has some resisting
energy. Consequently, it,is necessary to con I>F» S > (Vc/SD) .. (6)
sider improved door shutting in terms of other This indicates, that the moment of inertia
factors.: and the force needed to shut the door, which
Fig. 13 shows the relationship between the had little effect on the rate at which the
force (F) heeded to shut the .door and the pressure increased, have a great effect.
minimum speed required to close it. The lines From equations (1) and (2), the relation
that show the relationship are all linear and ship between the force required to shut the
have slightly different gradients. The change door and pressure in the passenger compartment
per 10.kg is approximately 0.2. m/s, which is is expressed as follows:
equivalent to an opening area of. 100 cm^; that
is, the force used to shut the door is one of V! = g (P, I, F) . (7)
the factors that greatly affecfdoor shutting Where P varies with the.other factors.
performance. . The relationships of V]_ and P with S in
Fig. 14 shows the relationship between equation (7) are shown in Fig. 17. . In this
the moment of inertia (I) and the minimum graph, the intersection of AA' with each line
speed required to shut the door. From this denotes the minimum speed needed to shut the
graph, we can see that the moment of Inertia door, the range of minimum speed usually used
also greatly affects door shutting performance, is from 1.5 to 1.6 m/s.
just as the door shutting force does. We also If a target minimum speed of 1.1 m/s is
note some gradient difference depending upon set in this figure, the following conclusions
the area of the opening unit. This is because, may be drawn:
when the moment of inertia is small, door (1) If the force needed to shut the door
shutting performance is subject to the influ is 40 kg, the opening area is required to be
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6 810101
I =77.1 kg.cm.S*'
F = 4 0 kg
VC/SD = 4.05
UJ I = 7 7. I kg. cm. S8
5 20 \
to 320
UJ ■x.
Q- 10 '520
■The minimum'speed required to shut the: 0
,,p. ^ ' : ( q 0 ; + A Q ) ...'...:........... cioy
door for a vehicle with the specifications -QO
used in our experiment, and an opening area
Where'P: Pressure in passenger compart
required to bring the passenger compartment
ment '
pressure down to 30 mm Aq (when the door'shut
ting speed is 1.6'm/s),- can be obtained by P Q : Atmospheric pressure
regression analysis and'approximated with.the Q Q : Capacity of passenger compart-
following equations:' ■■ '
" '; ' me'nt '
a.(.SD/Vc) - b.log(S) .+ c(F). - ...AQ: Quantity of entrapped air.
■d(I) ■+ e . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (8)
' Herein, AQ is the difference between Aq]_
Where a = 0.437 (the quantity of air,entrapped by the door)
b = 0 .248 and Aq2 (the quantity, of air exiting, the
c = ^.0185 opening).: During the.minute.time.At, ■ these .
d = J.0131 elements. can be expressed. approximately,. as
■e =' 1.82 - follows: ■.
- ' . , . ■
Downloaded from SAE International by University of Birmingham, Monday, August 20, 2018
VC/SD = 4.05
F = 40kg
< , 30
1 (kg. cm. S 2 )
20 o 77.
A 94. I
or a 105.8 Vc/So
to UJ
cr I/)
a 10 in
a- 10
200 400 600 800 1000
E 1.5
1,6 o
Q_ Q.
to I -
z 14
I VC/SD = 4.05
F = 40kg V)
£ 1.2 0.5 F = 4 0 kg
I =77.1 kg,cm S2 2
S = 20 cm2 13 I = 771 kg,cm. S2
i I
T_ 0
0 2 3 0 200 400 600 800 1000
8 810101
£ .1.5 E 1.5
/ S D * 4.05 z
.I = 77.1 kg.cm.S2 I-
i I 520
z _L _L _L JL
5 70 80.. 90 100 110
X _L
30 40 50 MOMENT OF INERTIA I (kg.cm.S2)
Fig. 13 - Minimum shutting speed compared to Fig. 14 - Minimum shutting speed compared to
resistance moment of inertia
E 1.5 F = 4 0 kg ■s.
S ' 2 0 cm 2
CL 1.5
-8>.;. Vc/So
x Vc/So Z>
to X
0.5 x !2.03
o .2.70 2
• 4.05 3
-L X X
70 80 90 100 I.I 0 _L
2 3
VC/SD = 4.05
S(cmz) Vfc/So =4.05
I =77.1 kg.cm.S'
20 S 60 /=77.1kg*cm
E a :0.5
70 Q.
LU 50
0_ 40
170 H
o 20
of opening must be carefully examined and the (5) The force needed to shut the door
efficiency of the air conditioning system and greatly influences its shutting performance.
protection from noise, dust and rain must be This is one of the most important factors be
considered. cause it can be adjusted by the reaction force
(4) The moment of inertia has little of the weatherstrip, bumper rubber or by the
effect on the pressure increase, but it greatly resistance of the lock's interlocking.
affects the door's shutting performance.
That is, the larger the moment of inertia,
the better the door shutting performance. In
the case of light-weight, low-fuel-consumption ACKNOWLEDGEMENT
vehicles, however, the moment of inertia tends
to be smaller. Therefore, some other factor The authors wish to express their great
must be used to improve door shutting perform appreciation for the guidance of Mr. Masaru
ance. Asakai in the development of this paper.
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