Chapter Three Research Methodology Intro

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This chapter presents the methodology used for collecting the data for the study. It

explains the study population, sample and sampling procedure, data collection techniques, data

collection procedure, administration of the survey instrument, and data analysis. It also gives

details about the population and sampling techniques used for the research.

Research Design

According to Welman and Kruger (1999:46), research design is the plan according to

which we obtain research participants (subjects) and collect information from them. In it, we

describe what we are going to do with the participants with a view to reaching conclusions about

the research problem (research hypothesis or research questions).This research investigated the

comparison of motivation, development, and productivity level among the employees working in

ACCESS bank.

In this research, survey was used because it involves respondents and questionnaires to

provide qualitative and quantitative answers to the problems related to the company, by

searching for the necessary information. A survey consists of predetermined set of questions that

is given to a sample. With a representative sample, that is, one that is representative of the larger

population of interest, one can describe the attitude of the population from which the sample was

drawn. Further, one can compare the attitudes of different population as well as look for changes

in attitudes over time. A good sample selection is needed to generalize the findings from the

sample population to enable us draw accurate conclusions.

Population of Study

A population is a summation of all organisms of the same group or species, which live in

the same geographical area, and have the capability of breeding (Wikipedia). Welman and

Kruger (2001; 46) defined population as the objects, which may be individuals, organizations,

human products and events, or the conditions to which they are exposed.

A cross section of the staff of ACCESS Bank comprising of 50 subjects drawn from

every class and staff of the organization was sampled. For the purpose of this study, the workers

were divided into three major groups namely:

1. The contract staff 3. The permanent staff officers

2. The management staff officers.

The Sample Size

In order to have a more effective sampling of the various groups of staff, a total of

50 staff was sampled. The following numbers were sampled from each group:


1. Management 15
2. Permanent 28
3. Contract 7

Although management staff is only 9%of the entire staff strength, 15 subjects were

sampled from the group representing 30% of the management staff. The researchers believed that

this group constitutes the leadership of the organization and their attitudes are more likely to

affect the motivation of the workers. 28 of the respondents sampled were permanent staff. This

group consisted of Account Officers, Teller Captains, Customer Information Service Officers,

Funds Transfer Officers and Operation Heads. The remaining 7 of the respondents are the staff

on contract bases.

Research Instrument

Questionnaire was used for initiating responses from the respondents selected for the


The questionnaire consisted of two component parts.

The first part (A) consisted of questions that made it possible for the bio-data to be

collected. This part of the questionnaire was intended to elicit information about the sex, age,

wage, working category and employment duration of the respondents.

The second part of the questionnaire contained the dependent variables which were

designed to elicit responses from respondents on familiarity dimension and to find out the extent

to which this affects their motivation to work and enhance productivity by influencing employee

development. There were thirty one questions on the whole.

In designing the questionnaire, the researchers followed the following procedure:

1. Deciding what information should be sought;

2. Deciding what type of questionnaire should be used;

3. First draft of the questionnaire; and

4. Editing the questionnaire and specifying procedures for its use.

Consequently, care was taken to ensure that the information collected on implication of

adequate motivation on workers’ development and productivity, for example, was relevant to the

subject under consideration and that the response received to each question was the type elicited.

Data Collection Procedure

A total of 50 respondents completed and returned the questionnaires and all filled and

returned questionnaires were used for the analytical purposes. The questionnaires collected from

the respondents were used for the analysis.

Data Analysis Technique

The analytical tool used in the analysis is namely; use of simple percentage.

Percentage analysis is the method to represent raw streams of data as a percentage (a part

in 100 - percent) for better understanding of collected data.


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