Make Connections: Outgrow To Become Too Big To Fit in Grow Faster Than Overran
Make Connections: Outgrow To Become Too Big To Fit in Grow Faster Than Overran
Make Connections: Outgrow To Become Too Big To Fit in Grow Faster Than Overran
What do you do when you outgrow the things that you used to do and
-Every time I outgrow the things I used to do and enjoy, I make sure to
keep a part of it as a memory and still consider its sentimental value so that I can
always go back to the things I used to do and love, and by doing so, I won't forget
who I am, who I might become, and what I am capable of being.
Denotation-Connotation Chart
CASS-DELL| Literature of the Philippines 2
A Poem by Angela Manalang-Gloria
Note the Facts:
Read aloud the poem. Who is the speaker? What is the speaker’s gender? Give
words or lines to support your answer.
-The speaker of the poem is Angela Manalang-Gloria, which has a female gender.
Analyze Literature
A. Read again the poem. Then give the denotative and connotative meanings of
the following lines.
6. change
Denotation: To become different
Connotation: To abandon or lose one’s original form to another.
Grasp the poem’s full implications and suggestions to answer the following
2. Did you love the same things the speaker did? Do you still love those
things? Why?
- I suppose I did enjoy playing with dolls and spending my days listening
to music. Though I might say, I outgrew most of the things I loved as a kid
because as time went by, I found a lot of new things that piqued my interest
more than the things I used to enjoy. As I matured, I found myself being picky
in choosing the things and people to love.
-I believe the speaker's "drink and bread" refers to the grief she felt due to
the transition and loss of the things or people she cared for. Simply put, it refers
to the life experiences that reshaped her.
5. Why does the speaker treasure “change” so much? What does it mean to
-Yes, I would probably forgive her. Who am I to judge her decisions in life?
Failures and disappointments are all part of our lives. We became more
assertive, and it shaped us to become the best version of ourselves.
1. Are women really fickle? What about men? Can they be fickle, too?
- Anyone, regardless of age, gender, or religious views, can be fickle. It all
depends on the situation in which the individual finds himself. It may be a
major dilemma that will have a big effect on his or her life.
2. When do you feel most ‘grown up’ and able to handle anything? When
do you feel ‘young’ and unsure of yourself?
-I feel most ‘grown up’ and able to handle anything when I can decide for my
own, and do things on my own. Meanwhile, I feel ‘young’ and unsure of myself
when I started to doubt my existence and the decisions I make.
4. What’s one change you would make that would give you more freedom
and inner peace?