Design and Fabrication of A CNC Router Machine For Wood Engraving

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Design and fabrication of a CNC router machine for wood engraving

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iCAST-ES 2019 IOP Publishing
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1450 (2020) 012094 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1450/1/012094

Design and fabrication of a CNC router machine for wood


K Bangse1, A Wibolo1, I K E H Wiryanta1

Department of Mechanical Engineering, Politeknik Negeri Bali, Kampus Bukit
Jimbaran, Bali, Indonesia

E-mail: [email protected]

Abstract. The purpose of this research was to designing and fabrication a Computer Numerical
Control (CNC) based router machine for wood engraving machine. The idea behind this research
was to help the traditional woods craft men in Bali to make a craft more productive and more
efficient. The router machine that is made is driven by the driver in the form of a stepper motor,
with a 3 axis motion so that the results of wood engraving obtained are precision and
homogeneous. G-code program used on CAM processing uses MACH 3 software. The
workspace of the machine was 800 mm x 500 mm. The stepper motor driven with TB 6600
driver and combined with ball screw on linear bearing to make the motion more precisely. The
test result showed that the machine accuracy is about 99.5 percent for X and Y axis and 96
percent for Z axis.

1. Introduction
The wood craft industry is one of the industries that develop in Bali. Nowadays, the processes of
producing wood crafts in Bali still use the machine with manual operation. This manually production
requires more time and energy, thereby reducing the productivity and profitability of wood craftsmen.
Computer Numerical Control (CNC) is the automation of machine tools that are operated by a computer
controlled programs to perform a desired product shape. Design and fabrication of milling machine
using CNC has been done with ATMEGA 328 micro controllers in an Arduino. The test result showed
that the milling machine can be used in acrylic, wood, aluminium with accuracy 0.02mm [1]. Design of
A CNC prototype machine was designed, with three Cartesian axes, with 600 mm of length both X and
Y axes and 100 mm of length Z axis. The software use Lab VIEW IDE [2]. Study on Computer
Numerical Control (CNC) machines for fabrication of rollers also done, various processes like facing,
turning, parting, drilling, boring and knurling to improve production in order to decrease the production
time and also to increase the efficiency in conventional lathe and CNC machines by writing the program
on STC-25 CNC lathe [3]. A mechanical prototype of a CNC Router which is able to draw a PCB layout
and wood engraving has been build [4]. The other research of the design, implementation and
performance test of CNC has also been done by many researchers using different software. Research
about accuracy of CNC feed has been done [5]. Low cost CNC machine for Industrial application and
also for engraving machine has been design and build [6, 7]. The designed system is user -friendly one
which give accurate results and also flexible to users. Implementation 3-Axis CNC Router for Small
Scale Industry and CAM courses has been done [8, 9]. Both of them uses stepper motor and the results
showed a good accuracy especially for the depth accuracy which is almost 100%.
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iCAST-ES 2019 IOP Publishing
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1450 (2020) 012094 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1450/1/012094

Based on the description above, it is interesting to develop by designing and fabricating a router
machine controlled with CNC programs for wood craft. By developing this machine, it can help the craft
men producing wood craft more efficient with high accuracy for a large scale of production.

2. Methodology
The development of router machines based on CNC program for engraving machine was divided into
two sections, which were design and the fabrication.

2.1. Design
The design of the engraving machines is shown in Figure 1 below.

Figure 1. Design of engraving machine.

The router machine that is made will be used for wood engraving with various types of wood with
the driver of a stepper motor that moves on 3 axes. This is intended so that the wood craft results can
have a good precision and accuracy. The G-code CNC software Mach 3 is used, as in the following
Figure 2.

Figure 2. Workflow diagram of G-code.

iCAST-ES 2019 IOP Publishing
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1450 (2020) 012094 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1450/1/012094

2.2. Mechanical System

The mechanical systems are the most important part of the engraving machine system that is made. The
result of wood craft engraving in the form of accuracy of its shape depends on the precision of the
mechanical system. Mechanical systems are made by various components as follows:

(a) (b) (c)

Figure 3. Components of mechanical system: (a) stepper motor,

(b) linear guide, (c) ball screw.

2.3. Electrical system

BOB (Breakout Board) is used to connect between PC and various control motors, relays, and other
devices that are controlled on CNC machines. In this research BOB Mach 3 are used as the
microcontroller. In this research, a 24 V DC is used as the source electricity power for the stepper motors
of three axes. Proximity sensors are devices that can change information about the movement or
presence of objects into electrical signals, so this device had an important use to detect the presence of
objects around it without any physical touch. The stepper motor interprets the step and direction signals
given from the BOB and then moved the stepper motor rotate in the right direction with the correct
number of steps. The electrical system of the engraving machine shown in Figure 3, Figure 4, Figure 5,
and Figure 6 below.

Figure 4. Mach 3 Breakout Board (BOB) and the port.

iCAST-ES 2019 IOP Publishing
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1450 (2020) 012094 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1450/1/012094

Figure 5. Power supply. Figure 6. Proximity sensor.

Figure 7. Stepper motor drivers.

The technical specification of woods engraving machine are shown in Table 1 below:

Table 1. Technical specification of wood engraving machine.

Part Specification
Dimension 1150 mm  830 mm  760 mm
Workspace area 800 mm  500 mm
Z-axis 130 mm
Maximum load 20 kg
Spindle 440 Watt, DC, 1200 rpm
Stepper motor drivers TB6600 4.5 Ampere
Stepper motor torsion 2.8 Nm
Software control Mach 3
Breakout board CNC USB Mach 3 100 KHz

3. Results and Discussion

3.1 Fabrication wood engraving machine

Based on the design and the specification above, a medium size of wood engraving machine has been
build. The dimension of workspace area of the machine was 800 mm  500 mm, so the machine can use
to make a medium size of woodcraft. The machine is shown in Figure 8 below:

iCAST-ES 2019 IOP Publishing
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1450 (2020) 012094 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1450/1/012094

Figure 8. CNC-based wood engraving machines.

The G-code for controlling the CNC was made using Mach 3 Software. Before the CNC can be
running the G-code must be installed first. The set-up and user interface of Mach 3 software shown in
Figure 9 below:

Figure 9. Set-up and UI of Mach 3 software.

3.2 Machine Test

The machining test was carried out to observed and analyse the abilities of the wood engraving
machine that has been builds. The test was carried out on different wood type with different shape of
model to find the accuracy of the machine. The test of wood engraving accuracy shown in Table 2 below.

Table 2. Measurement of machine test.

Test Design/model Measurement

X (mm) Y (mm) Z (mm) X (mm) Y (mm) Z (mm)

1 35 35 8 35.1 35.4 8.4
2 40 30 8 40 30.2 8.3
3 20 10 8 20.2 9.9 8.4
4 20 20 8 20.2 20.1 8.3
5 92 92 8 92.05 92.3 8.2

From the test result, the measurement of wood engraving shows a good accuracy. The X axis
accuracy about 0.11 mm, the Y axis accuracy about 0.18 mm and the Z axis accuracy about 0.32 mm.

iCAST-ES 2019 IOP Publishing
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1450 (2020) 012094 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1450/1/012094

The average accuracy of the machines is around 99.5 % for X axis, 99.6 % for Y axis and 96% for Z
axis as shown in Figure 10.

Figure 10. Result of wood engraving.

4. Conclusions
In This research, a medium size of router machine for wood engraving has been build. The router
machines that has been build was controlled by CNC program using Mach 3 for the software. The
mechanical systems of CNC machine build with low-budget material with a good quality. Experiment
test result of the machine shown a good accuracy of the machine, where the average accuracy is about
99.5 % for X and Y axis and 96% for Z axis. It can be concluded that the development of a router
machine with CNC programs can uses as a wood engraving for wood craft.

5. References
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The authors would like to acknowledge The Director and Head of P3M Bali State Polytechnic for
funding this research. Authors also likes to thanks full to the research team and all the staff of Mechanical
Engineering Department of Bali State Polytechnic for the support.

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