Warhammer Fantasy - Orcs - Goblins JumpChain
Warhammer Fantasy - Orcs - Goblins JumpChain
Warhammer Fantasy - Orcs - Goblins JumpChain
Long ago, before da ritten wurd, der came a race o' da most belligerent bein's da Ole
Woild az known. Ebur since den, da Greenskins ab spread ter become an ebur per-sent an
revileded enemy o' da uvver racz. So primitiv an backwards woz da Greenskins durin' theyz
urlier years o' their bein dat da onlee sensibul record o' their 'istory will always be kept by da
very nashunz dat they ab addackeded an conqwereded. Da furst records o' their bein was ritten
an kept by da Stunties durin' da Goldun Aj o' their uumies, around da time o' da 'orrific
catastrofe known by their race as da Time o' Woes.
Loike a greun tide, da Greenskin 'ordes swept unopposeded in their western exodus,
crashin' against awl racz in their pad, until finaley, they as well reacheded da foovvills o' da
Woilds Edge Mountains. Upon dem distant peaks, da Greenskins fell upon da ancient an wunce
powerful civilizashun o' da Drawf race. Addackin' from above an below, da Greenskins surged
thruu da brokun baddlements o' their wunce mighty 'Olds an killed awl in their pad. So began a
time o' warfare dat da Uumies an Drawf ab appropriatelee named da Gobbo Wars - fer da
Gobbos woz da most lotza o' da Greenskin invadaz at dat point in time. Almost
twelve-hundreded years o' constant waa wif da Stunties an Uumies which left da Greenskins on
da cusp o' woild dominashun.
So da cycle az bin so fer decadz, if nub centuriss, but da omnipresent sound o' waa
drums echos in da 'earts o' da Greenskins. Their callin', their great Waaagh, iz comin' an they
will need a boz. Ya may or may nub take up dis duty but as Greenskin yer nows intertwineded
wif their fate, or ya must smash owt yer own pad.
You’ve been gifted with 1000 CP to use in an effort to help your life for the next ten years
in this world with Orcs and Goblins.
Welcome to the Badlands! Every Orc who is someone these days starts off here and
thus you’ll be starting here as well. Without any proper leadership, the tribes of the Badlands are
scattered and divided, and until the time comes when a Warlord of great strength and cunning
can unite them, the Badlands will only be a region of constant and bloody warfare, with bones of
the dead littering the landscape for miles upon miles around.
Common Orc [Free]
The common orc is just that, common. He stands about the same height as a human, though
he’d tower over the human in question if almost all orcs didn’t instinctively stoop as if ready for a
charge. They are broad and thickly built with thick bones and dense muscle, though most have
a propensity of being unintelligent some have shown to be quite clever.
Origins [The Free Origins are free but you may upgrade either Drop-In to Big Boss or Shaman
to Great Shaman for the amounts detailed.]
[Having two origins grants you all the benefits of both.]:
Drop-In [Free]:
You quite literally drop into the Badlands like a sack of fungus with little idea what’s going on,
you may or may not have killed someone on entry. The locals are all snotlings and mostly
average goblins, so if you wanted you could easily whip up the bare beginnings of a warband or
just wander the world as you wish.
Shaman [Free]:
Shamans of the Orc tribes are amongst some of the most stable spell-casters known to the
greenskins, capable of everything from melting brains to summoning the great foot of the mighty
Gork himself, in order to stamp out your foes.
Perks for 100 CP are free for their associated Origins and all other associated perks are
discounted for such. Races gain a free perk which will be noted in the perk.
Professhunal Krumping Champion [-100]:
Every Greenskin has a proper amount of killing skill instilled into them by their instincts
but you have even greater amounts. Any melee weapon you pick up can be used with a blunt
form of what could be kindly called ‘grace’ and unfamiliarity bleeds away with use. Ranged
weapons may not become more accurate from this ability to ‘pick up’ skill but you’d be able to
fire half a dozen arrows in the time it takes for most take to line up one shot. This ability allows
you to skip the inital rote skill development via being an awesome Greenskin.
Da Immortal [-600]
What could kill one who has survived what you’ve gone through. You are unaccountably
tougher and stronger than your Greenskin fellows by an order of a magnitude. You could go toe
to toe with troll and beat it into submission. In summary, where other Orcs and Goblins grow
stronger by acheive greater and greater victory you also grow tougher with challenging battles.
Surviving something will grant you a resistance to it, subtle tricks become easier to see through
once they’ve been used on you even once, and generally you grow tougher the closer to death
you’ve been taken. This ability never outright allows you to become immune to something but
becoming so tough that people think you are is possible.
Da Big or Little WAAAGH! [One Free for Shaman and both Free for Great Shaman]
Greenskin magic is divided into two Lores – Da Big and Little Waaagh! Da Big Waaagh!
is usually used exclusively by Orc and Savage Orc Shamans, whilst Da Little Waaagh! Is almost
always restricted to Goblin and Night Goblin Shamans. You are one of the exceptional few who
has the ability to access either one of these great lores.
Da Big WAAAGH! Is a potent collection of spells able to smash into heavily armored
units, boost your own units strength, and in invoke massive attacks that could be considered an
equal to heavy artillery. It’s a straightforward magic, but it’ll get the Job done.
Da Little WAAAGH! Is a sneaky selection of spellcraft that allow a caster to boost things
like armor penetration across units of allies, hide units in a sudden shadowy night, and summon
forth a massive, hundred or so feet across, ‘moon; whose gaze is baleful and curses enemies
with bad luck as well as burns them.
A Shaman may purchase the second Lore they didn’t get for free for 100 CP.
The Twin’s Eyes [-200]
It is as if being so close to the powers of the greenskin gods is enough to unhinge a
Shaman's mind. Without a doubt, Shamans are a bit mad, being prone to trances and sudden
spasms of fitful dancing. This embarrassing behavior can cause scenes around the camp that
are awkward at best. It is hard to ignore the kind of hooting and arm-waving employed by an
Orc Shaman, but the battle-hardened, no-nonsense green-skinned warriors go to great lengths
to do so. The sight of a Shaman hopping about a disgruntled Warboss is not unusual.
Such actions are naturally upsetting to a race that solves its problems with the
application of swift and severe violence, but all Orcs know it is bad luck and dangerous to kick a
Shaman. It isn't that a Shaman might leak green lightning bolts from his eyes (although that
does happen); it is more that the superstitious greenskins are sure that Gork and Mork are
watching. It is best not to abuse the favored of the gods, and so the Shaman's outlandish
behavior is tolerated with a rare and unusual patience. Actions that are totally outside the norm
for most would invite socal stigma but for you these actions are seen as something that has to
be grudgingly tolerated. While this won't let you get away with punching the Warboss in the face
it will allow you to drap him in strings of pearls even the oddest pretenses.
Great Shaman:
Da Big or Little WAAAGH! [One Free for Shaman and both Free for Great Shaman]
Greenskin magic is divided into two Lores – Da Big and Little Waaagh! Da Big Waaagh!
is usually used exclusively by Orc and Savage Orc Shamans, whilst Da Little Waaagh! Is almost
always restricted to Goblin and Night Goblin Shamans. You are one of the exceptional few who
has the ability to access either one of these great lores.
Da Big WAAAGH! Is a potent collection of spells able to smash into heavily armored
units, boost your own units strength, and in invoke massive attacks that could be considered an
equal to heavy artillery. It’s a straightforward magic, but it’ll get the Job done.
Da Little WAAAGH! Is a sneaky selection of spellcraft that allow a caster to boost things
like armor penetration across units of allies, hide units in a sudden shadowy night, and summon
forth a massive, hundred or so feet across, ‘moon; whose gaze is baleful and curses enemies
with bad luck as well as burns them.
A Shaman may purchase the second Lore they didn’t get for free for 100 CP.
Shinies: [Any item that has a rough equal, except properties, can be imported into items as you
wish. 100 for Origin is free and the rest in that Origin is half off.
[If any purchased item is destroyed/killed it’ll respawn in about a week.]
Choppa [Free]:
A term applied to a multitude of basic Greenskin close-combat weapons. This category
of weapon consists of a bewildering variety of bladed, spiked, serrated, jagged, barbed, and
notched hand weapons, ranging from the proverbial blunt instrument to massive two-handed
weapons that are said to weigh more than a knight in full plate armor. You get a single one of
these magnificent weapons free of charge.
Banners for Days [-100]:
You have an infinite supply of banners customizeable to show where your lands are and
what is your stuff. Your tribe can access these banners when they build stuff if you wish.
Big Boss:
Boss Pole [-100]
Savage is the warlord and the tradition of placing skulls upon poles to show might has
been a long held one. Every foe that you defeat who put up a good fight, or bore great
significance to a people/society, will find their skull upon the mount of your Boss Pole, or if the
skull is too large to carry on your person it will be obviously incorporated into your gear
somehow. This will inspire dread in your foes for sure.
Oblita’rator [-200]
A monstrously large weapon with a heft so great that even normal Greenskin Bosses
would struggle to move it. A slab of dull steel blade which is as long as a wagon is wide, about
five to eight feet, which smashes more often than it’s dull edge manages to cut. This heavy
weapon is meant to be wielded with two strong orc hands behind it, though a strong enough Big
‘Un could wield it one handed, and it is a weapon that could ruin most folks day. The weapon
has a special property to defeat things like the wardings of luck, magic, and other features. Pure
armor and skill is the only thing that can turn this massive weapon away from your foes..
Squigs n’ Stuff [-100]
So... squigs. The Squigs (short for Squiggly Beasts) are considered by many to be the
simplest form of Greenskin life. Squigs seems to be extremely simple in terms of their
motivations. So far, they have only ever been reliably observed exhibiting two behavioral
patterns; eat anything edible that is nearby, then move more-or-less randomly until there is
something else to eat within range and once more wander about aimlessly. These creatures are
a source of everything from leather to meat to bone tools for the Greenskins and you have a
stable full of them. There will always be around fifty of them in the stable. You can summon the
stable at any property you own or connect to it via your Warehouse.
Great Shaman:
Giant Wolf/Boar [-100]
The mounts of the shaman develop a deep bond with their masters. The common
mounts of the Greenskins are massive horse sized boars and wolves which could carry a
Greenskin across some of the most treacherous terrains quite easily. A forest goblin can get a
Giant Spider mount free instead and any other Greenskin can get a Giant Spider for an addition
50 CP. All mounts are sized to fit their masters.
Lords and Heroes [-100 or -300]:
You may import a single Companion into your Warband for 100 CP or you may pay 300
CP to import up to eight. They have 600 CP to work with.
Animosity [+100]
Usually the squabbles of the Greenskins are like a flash of heat. Felt but it fades quickly.
Now it’s like an irritating rash. All Greenskins under your command are grudge bearers able to
nurse a slight into a full blown vendetta and sometimes the orcs and goblins may fall into full
blown riots on the battlefields. This happens annoyingly often.
Gorknmorka [+600]:
Okay here’s the deal. First, you are human, back to the very form you started this
journey out in to be particular. Second, all abilities, perks, supplements, items, and other stuff
not from this Jump have been sealed for the duration of this Jump, learned stuff is still there
though it might or might not work. Third, you now have an objective: Find your tribe of
Greenskins, beat the Boss who is currently leading them, lead the Greenskins to a brighter
future culturally and as a society. Once that’s done you have to become the biggest and
greatest tribe to every WAAAGH! In the Badlands. You have eighty years to make this happen.
Now it is time to get out of this place. Drawbacks are lifted and you have a choice before you.
Stay: Found the Great Green and the WAAAGH too strong a draw, eh? Okay then.
To the next Waaagh!: Heading to the next Jump. Alright then.
Homeward Bound: Going to bring the Great Green home with you? Sounds fun!
1. You can buy A Proppa WAAAGH! With your Companions CP if you wish. However
I’m noting HERE that this shouldn’t be taken as a precedent for other Jumps with
similar offers. Greenskins having Tribes that are independent of their own, like
Bosses of tribes under Warbosses of the WAAAGH! Makes sense but it may not
make so much sense in any other setting with a similar offer.