IDPR Corruption and SMEs Participation in The Oil and Gas Industry
IDPR Corruption and SMEs Participation in The Oil and Gas Industry
IDPR Corruption and SMEs Participation in The Oil and Gas Industry
Local content policies are relevant policy tools that can ensure that natural resource extraction leads to
the social and economic development of countries through local participation. With a focus on Ghana’s
local content policy and small and medium-scale enterprises (SME)’s participation, this article highlights
the complexities pertaining to the role of natural resource extraction in African economies. This work
further reiterates the need to focus on actors, networks and assemblages, and the interrelation between
social, material and ideational elements to better understand local participation in the extractive indus-
tries. The heterogeneous relations between actors and their constant reconfiguration creates a condition
for bifurcated SME’s participation in Ghana’s oil and gas industry.
Keywords: SMEs, local participation, actor-network, assemblages, oil and gas industry, Ghana
Today, petroleum exploratory activities have moved to arctic and ultra-deepwater
environments. Oil and gas exploration offshore has increased in the last decade with
the Gulf of Mexico, Brazil and the Gulf of Guinea at the forefront (Bridge and
Le Billon, 2013). In Africa, multinational corporations (MNCs) have increased their
exploration and production activities in recent times, although the region accounts
for less than 10 per cent of the world’s proven oil reserves (Bridge and Le Billon, 2013;
Carmody, 2016; Ghazvinian, 2008). The increase in exploratory activities in Africa
can be attributed to factors such as the quality of crude oil from Africa, described as
‘light’ and ‘sweet’ and thus easier to refine (Bridge and Le Billon, 2013). Increasing
Chinese interest and investment in Africa is also driving exploratory activities, with
the Gulf of Guinea being described as ‘the world’s fastest-growing sources of energy’
(de Oliveira, 2007, 2).
In Ghana, although exploratory activities started in 1896 (Chitor, 2012; Donyiyah,
2013; McCaskie, 2008), it was not until 2007 that the oil and gas industry properly took
off with the commercial oil and gas discoveries by Kosmos Energy off the country’s
western coast (Ablo, 2016; 2018; McCaskie, 2008) and production starting in the third
quarter of 2010. Generally, however, natural resource extraction in African countries,
including Ghana, has not resulted in the structural transformation of economies. A
Austin Dziwornu Ablo is Lecturer in the Department of Geography and Resource Development, University of
Ghana, Legon LG59, Accra, Ghana; e-mail: [email protected]
2 Austin Dziwornu Ablo
of political coalitions in Ghana’s oil industry, with implication for governance of the
sector. McNeish and Logan (2012, 16) conclude that ORCA’s ‘explanations for the
links between natural resources and conflict do not adequately account for the role of
social forces or external political and economic environments in shaping the develop-
ment outcomes in resource-abundant countries’.
Thus, the ORCA has provided a rather ahistorical, uncritical and reductionist
analysis of the natural resource and development nexus (Campbell, 2003; McNeish
and Logan, 2012; Rosser, 2006; Watts, 2004). According to McNeish and Logan (2012,
8) ‘rather than seeing resource politics as a prism of historical temporality, the hypoth-
esis of [ORCA] tends to stereotype national politics and flatten out critical social and
historical evaluation’. The correlation between natural resource wealth and increased
risk of civil war is a simplistic and misleading proposition. Civil wars in resource
abundant countries are caused by various mechanisms and not just by looting mecha-
nisms (Ross, 2004). Regarding institutional weakness, Rosser (2006) contends that
historical processes have made institutions in the global South weak while powerful
groups have promoted their own interests (see also Acemoglu, 2003; Obeng-Odoom,
2014b). The ORCA overemphasised macroeconomic and national level issues with
limited attention to actors, networks and assemblages, which is discussed in the next
Law, 1992) and are ‘not out there to be discovered by either social actors or scientific
endeavours’ (Siakwah, 2017a, 2).
According to Latour (2005), ANT pays attention to networks, associations and
assemblages in framing how phenomena are formed and shaped. ANT allows us
to trace ‘the complex relationships that exist between governments, technologies,
knowledge, texts, money and people’ (Cressman, 2009, 4) and in the context of this
article, how such relationships influence the local content and SMEs participation in
Ghana’s oil and gas industry. Networks in ANT describe the relationships between
heterogeneous actors (Cressman, 2009; Gluckler, 2007; Murdoch, 1998; Siakwah,
2017a; 2017b) which are durable and resilient in form (Law, 1999). Networks as a
form describe the organisational structures within which people and institutions
interact (Cressman, 2009). The global oil and gas industry, for example, is a network
of governments, MNCs, local oil companies, technologies and civil society organisa-
tions across a scale which Watts (2005) describes as the oil complex. Networking, as a
process, relates to the activities that occur within the networks (Cressman, 2009; Law,
1999). ANT – as Law (1992; 1999), Latour (1999) and Callon (1999) argue – focuses
on how networks overcome resistance to gain internal coherence, on their dynamics,
and on how they enrol/ link actors in any sociotechnical situation. Thus, the interac-
tion between actors to form alliances and associations for their benefit, for instance,
is a dynamic process laden with diverse relations of power. Drawing on the political
settlement framework, for example, Mohan and Asante (2015) examined the networks
between actors in Ghana’s oil and gas sector and show how these networks influenced
the governance of the industry. Latour (2003) considers a network as the association
between heterogeneous elements which act as mediators. Networks and networking
are thus co-constitutive. Association, for Cressman (2009, 4), is ‘how networks come
to be larger and more influential than others, how they come to be more durable
through enrolling both social and material actors, and where power comes from and
how it is exerted’. By focusing on the association of actors, ANT allows as to map out
the function of each actor in the network (Latour, 1996; Siakwah, 2017b), the power
relations between actors and how they shape the development outcome of natural
resource extraction (Ablo, 2016). Central to ANT is translation/transformation which
is the process by which identities and conditions for interaction in a network are estab-
lished. The actors in a network, as well as their relations, are translated/transformed/
altered as networks change (Law, 1992) and this constant reconfiguration affects the
extent to which local content can be achieved in Ghana’s oil and gas industry.
Assemblage focusses on instability and change (Haarstad and Wanvik, 2016;
Siakwah, 2018) in the interrelation between social, material and ideational elements
(Haarstad and Wanvik, 2016). Watts (2013) views the oil and gas assemblages as a
global production network. For Watts (2005, 378), the ‘oil complex’ – ‘[assemblage]
of social, political and economic forces’ plays essential roles in shaping the outcomes
6 Austin Dziwornu Ablo
This article is based on fieldwork conducted between June and August 2017 in Accra,
Tema and Sekondi-Takoradi, Ghana’s industrial hubs and centres of oil and gas activ-
ities. The current data collection period builds on a series of fieldwork conducted in
the study areas since May 2011 which enabled analyses of the extent to which Ghana’s
LCP for the oil and gas sector has shaped SMEs’ participation in the petroleum sector.
Over the period of the fieldwork, seven SMEs were studied in detail to under-
stand their activities in the petroleum sector. Focusing on these businesses since 2011
enabled me to track the changes they have undergone, how they have adjusted to the
dynamics of the global oil and gas industry and local political and economic changes
Actors, networks and assemblages 7
for their successful participation. Although several local businesses are registered with
the Petroleum Commission to provide various goods and services to the oil and gas
industry, thirty-two of them, including the seven leading local firms, have been the
focus of this study as they have at various stages attempted to secure contracts in the
oil and gas industry. The overall goal is to underscore how Ghanaian SMEs navigate
through the oil and gas industry, the strategies they deploy to remain competitive and
how Ghana’s electoral cycle influences SMEs activities in the oil and gas industry. In
this article, attention is paid to how the relationships between key actors from institu-
tions including MNCs, service companies, the government of Ghana (through the
Ministry of Energy and Petroleum, the Petroleum Commission, the Ghana National
Petroleum Corporation (GNPC)) as well as Ghanaian entrepreneurs, influence SMEs
participation, as well as the overall goal of promoting local content in the oil and gas
Data for the article were produced through key informant interviews, observations
and review of documents from various stakeholder institutions. scholarly works and
news items. The interviewees included fourteen chief executive officers (CEOs) and
management officials of seven leading local businesses, three officials of two MNCs
and an official of a foreign service company, and five officials of two state institutions.
Broadly, the issues broached included local content and local participation strategies,
tender processes, corruption and the challenges of Ghanaian businesses’ participation
in the petroleum sector. Officials of the Petroleum Commission (the Commission)
and the Ministry of Energy and Petroleum were interviewed on how they ensure that
MNCs adhere to the local content requirements and measures put in place to ensure
that local businesses successfully participate in the oil and gas industry. Additionally,
the interviews also focused on corruption in the petroleum sector, measures taken to
manage it and to ensure value retention from the oil and gas industry.
The interviews with officials of MNCs and other foreign service companies delved
into tender processes and how they navigate through the Ghanaian business environ-
ment, the various ways by which they meet Ghana’s local content requirements,
especially relating to the engagement of Ghanaian businesses, and the challenges in
meeting local content targets. Management officials and CEOs of local businesses
were interviewed on their experiences and strategies in winning contracts and
participating in the oil industry. Also discussed are the challenges SMEs face in their
attempts to secure contracts and how they manage these challenges to effectively
participate. Their views were also sought on corruption in the industry and how that
affects their activities. The data were analysed by coding responses from the interviews
into themes based on the research goals and theoretical perspectives used. Different
narratives about and discourses relating to local content, SMEs and corruption in the
oil and gas industry were analysed.
8 Austin Dziwornu Ablo
aimed at ensuring environmental and personal health and safety in the oil and gas
industry. The increasing emphasis on, and strict adherence to, international certifica-
tions and high HSE standards are apparent in light of the 2010 Deepwater Horizon
oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico which resulted in the loss of life, damage to marine
and wildlife habitats, and which adversely affected the fishing and tourism industries
(National Commission on the BP Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill, 2011). It was found
that the inability of Ghanaian SMEs to meet these standards limits their participation
in the oil and gas industry, despite the LCP provisions.
services, warehousing, transport and other logistics services in the oil and gas sector.
The company progressed from being a new player in the oil industry to becoming one
of the leading local companies. Until December 2016, the company constantly got
contracts from MNCs, GNPC and other service companies, both foreign and local.
But by the end of 2016 and the first quarter of 2017, the company lost several
contracts, and as at May 2017, they had no active contracts in the oil and gas industry.
In the December 2016 election, the NDC government had lost power to the opposi-
tion NPP. With their government in opposition, the company was unable to secure
contracts since their political networks do not command the influence they had while
in power. According to the human resources manager, the company is re-aligning
itself, building new networks in the ruling NPP government, to increase their chances
of securing contracts in the oil industry. While the opportunities for this company
dwindled because of the change in government, some new SMEs have emerged and
are now among the ‘local champions’ in providing services in the oil and gas industry.
In addition to the local political dynamics, the downturn in the company’s activi-
ties is also attributed to the maritime dispute between Ghana and Cote d’Ivoire. In
2014, Cote d’Ivoire took Ghana to the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea
(ITLOS) over its maritime boundary. The location of Ghana’s offshore TEN oil field,
Cote d’Ivoire contended, was in its territory. The case dragged on until judgement was
given in favour of Ghana in September 2017. The dispute slowed down drilling activi-
ties in the disputed waters. While existing contracts between the government of Ghana
and MNCs pre-dating the dispute were executed, no new wells were drilled during
the period of the court hearing. With limited drilling activities going on, the available
opportunities for local businesses in Ghana’s oil industry were also affected. According
to an official of one of the MNCs whose activities were impacted by the court case, the
company had strategically started some activities in Cote d’Ivoire to position them in
order to commence operation there should the ruling go against Ghana.
Another major factor which indirectly affected the activities of Ghanaian businesses
is the recent fall in oil prices. While state officials and local business elites link the
fall in global oil prices in the past few years to the dwindling opportunities for local
businesses, an MNC official disputes this assertion. In her view, Ghana’s oil is of high
quality and commands premium rates on the international market and as such, was
not affected by the fall in oil prices. According to her, the maritime dispute between
Ghana and Cote d’Ivoire significantly affected exploratory activities in Ghana’s oil
fields, as new wells were not drilled much, more than because of the fluctuations on
the international commodities market. While external factors play essential roles in
shaping the opportunities for local participation, (re)configuration of internal political
dynamics and relations has significant implications for SMEs participation in the oil
and gas industry. Thus, the instability and change that characterises the assemblages
of actors and networks influence SMEs activities in the oil and gas industry.
Actors, networks and assemblages 11
interviewees claim that the official of the Commission handling their case demanded
money before he would sign off for the contract to proceed. They paid the bribe and
the contract was then approved and awarded to them.
The case above is not an isolated incidence since all the CEOs and senior manage-
ment personnel of the Ghanaian SMEs studied acknowledged paying bribes, or
what some of them described as ‘facilitation fees’, to state officials at some stage of
the bidding process to successfully secure contracts. Another case in point was given
by the crew manager of another Ghanaian SME, who claimed that their contract
was unduly delayed, and when they followed up, a government official requested
as part of conditions for the contract to be approved, to be made a shareholder in
the SME. According to the interviewee, they could not come to terms with making
the official a shareholder in the company hence they negotiated and paid him an
undisclosed sum of money. What is striking about the issue of bribing government
officials is that local SMEs consider paying bribes to state officials ‘normal and
business as usual’. While respondents acknowledged that bribing is bad practice and
illegal, they argue that it remains their ‘surest’ guarantee of successfully securing
contracts in the oil industry. Another feature that characterises bribing in relation
to SMEs participation in the oil and gas industry is that it often occurs between
government officials and SMEs, with officials in state agencies receiving money to
facilitate the award of contracts.
To ascertain the veracity of the claims by officials of SMEs, the issues were probed
further with officials of the Petroleum Commission and the Ministry of Energy and
Petroleum. While officials of the Petroleum Commission denied these allegations,
officials of the Ministry of Energy and Petroleum could not ‘confirm or deny these
allegations’. The Ministry officials, however, note that it is possible for bribing to
take place, although they could not tell how widespread it is. On the other hand, an
expatriate MNC official noted that they try as much as possible to avoid awarding the
contract to SMEs that have politicians or bureaucrats as board members or major stake-
holders. This, according to MNC officials, limits the potential for conflicts of interest
that can negatively affect their operation. MNCs sometimes conduct background
checks to identify who the owners of the SMEs are. These MNC officials, however,
acknowledge that their background checks do not always yield accurate outcomes,
since names on company documents can be a front for the actual owners. Importantly,
measures to prevent conflict of interests and corruption yield better results if they are
initiated and pursued by state regulatory agencies. The challenge of corruption is not
limited to the oil and gas industry. Recent Transparency International Corruption
Perception Index ranked Ghana 81 out of 180 countries with corruption perception
score forty out of 100.1
company as well as low salaries for the rig workers. Wondering why the foreign service
company asked them to reduce their rates after terms were agreed, the CEO of the
Ghanaian company was told that another Ghanaian company was ready to provide
the rig workers at a much lower rate. Thus, unless the SME initially selected for the
contract could reduce or match the low rate offered by the second SME, the contract
would not be awarded to them.
Given that the new Ghanaian company that was eventually awarded the contract
also went through the initial tender process, the interviewee believes this is an outcome
of some strong networks that the local company had with the foreign service company.
This is particularly so because the tender period had elapsed with several local compa-
nies shortlisted before selection of the most competitive bidder was announced. All
informants acknowledged that local companies submitting relatively lower bids are
a common practice. The scramble for the few opportunities is resulting in SMEs
‘bidding down’ contract values to remain competitive.
SMEs in the oil industry can be a proxy for estimating the benefits of the LCP because
SMEs constitute a significant proportion of businesses in Ghana (Ablo, 2016; 2017;
Ablo and Overå, 2015; Abor and Quartey, 2010) and Africa as a whole (Fafchamps,
2003; Yoshino, 2011) and employ a significant number of people. The key actors
identified in this article, regarding the participation of SMEs in the petroleum sector,
are officials of MNCs, foreign service companies, officials of state institutions, civil
society organisations and management and CEOs of local SMEs.
This work highlights the fact that the participation of SMEs in the oil and gas
industry is an outcome of the heterogeneous relations (Latour, 2005; Siakwah, 2017a)
between MNCs, state officials and SMEs. Although the LCP requires a preference for
Ghanaian businesses, SMEs must first meet the financial and technological standards
(Ablo, 2017) of the oil and gas industry in order to gain access to and participate in
the sector. ANT places emphasis not only on humans and their assemblages but also
on non-human elements (see Haarstad and Wanvik, 2016; Murdoch, 1998; Siakwah,
2017a). As shown in this article, the high technological and financial requirements of
the global oil and gas industry which are normally beyond local capacity (Ablo, 2016;
2017) are critical elements in determining the success of LCPs and the promotion
of intersectoral linkages between the oil and gas sector and broader national econo-
mies (Klueh et al., 2007). Crucially, the standards of the oil and gas industry and the
capacity of SMEs to meet them is a major determinant of whether they participate
and, as such, whether having an LCP in place, as in the case of Ghana, might neces-
sarily translate into extensive local participation in the oil and gas sector. Additionally,
the geopolitical relations between Ghana and Cote d’Ivoire, for example, played a
critical role in shaping the pursuit of LCP in Ghana. The maritime boundary dispute
between Ghana and Cote d’Ivoire limited exploratory activities in Ghana’s oil fields
and this resulted in a reduction in the available opportunities for local businesses.
Beyond the capital and technological requirements, the relationship between
Ghanaian SMEs, state officials and MNCs greatly determines which local companies
can take advantage of the opportunities in the oil and gas industry. Thus, emphasising
the lack of expertise (Karl, 2007) alone cannot properly explain the limited linkages
between extractive sectors and broader national economies in African countries. As
shown in this article, the relationship between local entrepreneurs, politicians and
bureaucrats influences SMEs participation in the oil and gas industry. The assemblage
of these actors and networks (Cressman, 2009; Latour, 2005; Murdoch, 1998; Siakwah,
2017a) is characterised by instability and change (Haarstad and Wanvik, 2016) with
implication for SMEs’ participation in the oil and gas industry. The relation between
politicians and local entrepreneurs is in a constant state of flux, and depending on
which political party is in power, Ghanaian SMEs must constantly form relations
to remain competitive and increase their chances of securing contracts in the oil
and gas industry. Thus, the heterogeneity of the relations between actors (Callon,
16 Austin Dziwornu Ablo
1999; Latour, 1996; 1999; 2003; 2005; Law, 1992; 1999) as espoused in ANT, and their
constant reconfiguration, implies that SMEs participation in the oil and gas industry
in Ghana can be directly linked to the country’s political cycle. As illustrated in the
article, some SMEs’ active participation in the oil and gas industry is dependent on
which political party is in power. This supports Mohan and Asante’s (2015) findings of
how Ghana’s political settlement and transnational factors influence the governance
of the country’s oil and gas sector.
Importantly, the activities of various actors, their networks and assemblages create
a condition for bifurcated SMEs participation. This tendency of LCPs having dual
effects was also found in the study of local content in Angola’s oil industry by Ovadia
(2012). In the case of Ghana, thus, only a few politically connected SMEs can take
advantage of the opportunities in the oil and gas sector. The success of an LCP in the
extractive sector is therefore mediated by actors, networks and globalised assemblages.
In Ghana’s oil and gas industry, these networks of actors and their relationships have
created the platform for corruption, as shown by interviewees’ claim that ‘you have
to be corrupt’ to succeed. Although LCPs can drive intersectoral linkages between
extractive sectors and national economies (Bloch and Owusu, 2012; Klueh et al., 2007;
Ramdoo, 2015) they can serve as avenues for corruption, legitimise elites’ capture of
resource rent and perpetuate inequality (Ablo, 2017; Ovadia, 2012) as this article has
also demonstrated.
value retention from the oil and gas sector. Indeed, having regulatory frameworks
such as LCPs alone in place does not guarantee positive synergies between the extrac-
tive sector and economies, but rather as the case of SMEs and Ghana’s LCP illustrates
in this article, is mediated by actors, networks and assemblages (Haarstad and Wanvik,
2016; Latour, 2003; 2005; Siakwah, 2017a; 2017b). The types of relations between
actors influenced by the dynamics of power and interests thus result in whether there
is actual participation in the oil and gas industry by Ghanaian SMEs, or whether there
exists merely a mirage of SME participation.
LCPs are relevant policy tools that can ensure that natural resource extraction leads to
the social and economic development of countries. Whether LCPs promote positive
relationships between the resource sector and the rest of economies, this article
argues, is mediated by actors, networks and globalised assemblages (Callon, 1999;
Haarstad and Wanvik, 2016; Latour, 2005; Law, 1992; Siakwah, 2017a; 2017b). The
assemblages of actors and their networks can systematically lead to the exclusion from
the country’s oil and gas industry by various SMEs and promote only those SMEs
18 Austin Dziwornu Ablo
that are strategically positioned in relevant political and transnational networks. The
outcome of resource extraction, therefore, cannot be clear if analyses are limited to
whether they are a ‘blessing’ or ‘curse’.
The activities of actors in the oil and gas industry value chain show that LCPs can
have dual effects (Ablo, 2016; Ovadia, 2012). Depending on the assemblage of actors
and their networks, Ghana’s LCP promotes some local SME participation but, in
the process, legitimises local elites’ capture of oil rent. The configuration of relations
between actors and their networks can potentially lead to inequality, as businesses that
are not integrated into networks that can foster their activities in the oil and gas sector
are not able to take advantage of opportunities in the sector. It is therefore concluded
that focus on the interrelation between social, material and ideational elements, as
well as actors and their networks, is essential in conceptualising the role of natural
resource extraction in Africa’s political economy.
This project was supported by the University of Ghana Building a New Generation
of Academics in Africa (BANGA-Africa) Project, with funding from the Carnegie
Corporation of New York. The statements made and views expressed are solely the
responsibility of the author.
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