Steel Construction - Education Buildings

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Education Buildings


Steel for Life and the British Constructional Steelwork Association (BCSA) are working
closely together to promote the effective use of structural steelwork. This collaborative
effort ensures that advances in the knowledge of the constructional use of steel are
shared with construction professionals.

Steel is, by a considerable margin, the most popular framing material for multi-storey
buildings in the UK and has a long track record of delivering high quality and cost-
effective structures with proven sustainability benefits. Steel can be naturally recycled
and re-used continuously, and offers a wide range of additional advantages such as
health and safety benefits, speed of construction, quality, efficiency, innovation,
offsite manufacture and service and support.

The steel sector is renowned for keeping specifiers abreast

of the latest advances in areas such as fire protection of
structural steelwork and achieving buildings with the highest
sustainability ratings. Recent publications have provided
detailed guidance on Fire Protection and CE Marking and
what it means for the construction sector. Guidance is
provided on all relevant technical developments as quickly as
is possible.

The sector’s go to resource website – – is a free online encyclopedia
for UK construction that shares a wealth of up-to-date,
reliable information with the construction industry in one
easily accessible place.

This publication has been funded by Steel for Life

and would not be possible without the support of our sponsors.
Headline sponsors:


Gold sponsors: Ficep UK Ltd | National Tube Stockholders and Cleveland Steel & Tubes |
Peddinghaus Corporation | voestalpine Metsec plc | Wedge Group Galvanizing Ltd
Silver sponsors: Jack Tighe Ltd | Kaltenbach Limited | Tata Steel | Trimble Solutions (UK) Ltd
Bronze sponsors: AJN Steelstock Ltd | Barnshaw Section Benders Limited | Hempel |
Joseph Ash Galvanizing | Jotun Paints | Sherwin-Williams | Tension Control Bolts Ltd |
Voortman Steel Machinery

For further information about steel construction and Steel for Life please visit or

Steel for Life is a wholly owned subsidiary of BCSA


by David Moore, Chief Executive Officer,
British Constructional Steelwork Association

Steel ready for education

investment boost

onstruction professionals keenly are essential to attract and retain students and
await the details of the promised academic staff.
‘infrastructure revolution’ in the The steel construction sector has provided
March 2020 budget, particularly many inspirational buildings in use by
those involved in the key business of providing educational establishments of all types,
schools and other education buildings. from flexible and cost-effective primary and
Education languished at times during the secondary schools and schools for children
years of austerity but now that the reins on with special needs, to leading research
public sector investment are to be relaxed establishments for universities, involving large
and resources rebalanced towards previously student accommodation blocks, sports halls and
relatively neglected areas of the UK it is hoped other leisure facilities like swimming pools.
that education will receive a boost. Steel enjoys a market share of over 60% in
What could be more crucial for the education, something that our sector takes
country’s future than having state-of-the- pride in. This publication showcases how
art, modern buildings that have been proven the use of steel, the most modern method of
to make an invaluable contribution to the construction, can help to provide the education
success of a child’s education? Further and buildings the UK’s future depends on. We hope
higher education is also key to the country’s you find it informative and useful.
future prosperity and stimulating buildings January 2020

4 Market Overview
6 The material of choice
8 Cost-effectiveness: Steel tops the class
10 Sustainability: Steel is a Priority
12 Mindenhurst Primary School, Surrey
14 Bertha Park High School, Perth
16 UCLan Engineering Innovation Centre, Preston
18 London School of Economics Centre Building Redevelopment
20 Fairfax Street Student Accommodation, Coventry
22 University of Warwick sports hub


Market overview
Steel construction has proven its superior suitability for providing the education sector
with modern, state-of-the-art buildings and extensions for many years, enjoying a market
share of over 60% as a result. Nick Barrett reports on a sector looking ahead to growth
as a modern method of construction.

teel has always enjoyed a spending watchdogs the National Audit education buildings.
strong demand from the Office. Some 123 Academy school Building programmes in England’s
education sector for schools, schemes were to be de-prioritised and education sector are being led by the
sports halls, further and higher reviewed on a case-by-case basis. Priority School Building Programme
education buildings and student Today we have the Priority School (PSBP), the first phase of which to
accommodation. The sector was very Building Programme, established in rebuild 260 schools was to be completed
vibrant for a few years before 2010 when 2011 to organise urgent repairs and in 2019. A second phase, PSBP2, will be
England’s £55,000M Building Schools refurbishments for primary, secondary worth a further £2,000M.
for the Future (BSF) programme of and special education needs schools in In Scotland, the £1,800M Schools
secondary school building, overseen by the worst condition, managed by the for the Future Programme was to deliver
Partnerships for Schools, was cancelled. Education & Skills Funding Agency. around 117 schools by March 2020. In
Also brought to a halt was a parallel There hasn’t been a satisfactory scheme Wales, the main investment programme
£1,900M Primary Capital Programme for tapping private sector funding since is the 21st Century Schools Building
for primary school building that had PFI fell into disfavour; PFI2 and Public Programme, which aims to upgrade and
envisaged some 675 projects being Private Partnerships failed to take up all extend the entire stock of schools in
ordered over three years. of the resulting slack. Wales.
Times have often felt testing ever Recent education construction In higher education total
since. Much of this work was funded spending peaked at around £11,200M construction output, including both
under Private Finance Initiative schemes in 2016, driven by investment in both private and public work, is forecast to
which were gaining in unpopularity with schools and higher education. Demand rise to around £4,000M between 2018
government, and the BSF organisation today is a mixed picture across countries and 2021, driven by the universities
had been criticised by parliamentary in the UK and among differing types of sector.


coinciding with the planned

completion of Priority School Building Wales
Programme 2.
The construction industry keenly In Wales, the main investment programme for the education
awaits the details of future education sector is the 21st Century Schools Building Programme,
investment plans that are expected after which aims to upgrade and extend the entire stock of
a process of spending reviews across the schools in Wales. In its first wave of investment, ending
public sector. News is hoped for in the in March 2019, over £1,400M was to have been invested
March 2020 budget. in supporting the rebuild and refurbishment of over 160
Forecasts from industry researchers schools and colleges across Wales. The second wave of
Glenigan suggest that over the next investment for the Programme began in April 2018.
couple of years a rise in secondary
school building projects will drive
education sector activity, despite
universities cutting back their capital
spending. The number of secondary
school age children in England is
projected to have risen by 13.6% over In Scotland, the Schools for the Future Programme, worth
the five years to 2022, which means new £1,800M, was expected to deliver around 117 schools
schools will be required in high growth by March 2020. The Scottish Government has recently
areas as well as continued expansions of announced that it will contribute extra funding of between
existing schools. £220M and £275M in partnership with local authorities
Cash-strapped councils have tried across the country to replace 26 schools, with a further
to accommodate the initial rise in pupil phase of investment to be announced within 12 months.
numbers through the expansion of The first projects could open by 2022-23.
existing schools. Where the areas of Scottish Futures Trust is to manage the programme on
high growth are exactly could be hard to behalf of the Scottish government. Several of these projects
predict as they might be influenced by involve a new type of multi-purpose campus that will bring
Prime Minister Boris Johnson’s promise together nurseries, schools, and colleges, with additional
Christ the King Centre
for Learning, Knowsley, to increase public investment in the facilities that benefit surrounding communities.
Merseyside north of England.
Glenigan figures from December
English universities experienced a 2019 suggested that the value of school In June 2019 the Department for
4% funding decline between 2016-17 project starts fell 7% in 2019 after rising Education (DfE) said it intends to
and 2017-18, with capital funding strongly in 2018 by 14%. Their forecast procure a new offsite construction
having declined by over 25% over is for a rise in the value of school framework worth £3,000M for the
that period. Some universities have building starts of 8% in 2020, with design and build of offsite schools
turned to the capital markets to fund another 7% growth in 2021. and educational establishments. The
infrastructure investments. The value of project starts in higher DfE says its offsite framework is being
Estimates from AMA Research education rose by an estimated 28% in established ‘to cultivate innovation and
suggest that education capital spending 2018, mostly as a result of expansion by modernise the construction industry
declined by around 12% between the Russell Group of universities, but by increasing the adoption of Modern
2016-17 and 2017-18, before rising to university spending might have fallen Methods of Construction (MMC) offsite
£6,100M in 2018-19, then falling again back by as much in 2019. The outlook is production in the market, in line with
in 2019-20. for a period of settled demand at around the government’s commitment to MMC
Going forward, higher education current levels. and its presumption in favour of offsite
sector workloads are expected to be Glenigan concludes that overall construction by 2019 across suitable
boosted by long-term capital building education sector starts will have fallen capital programmes, where it represents
programmes as universities invest to by 9% in 2019 due to reduced university best value for money.’ Steel is the
provide additional space for teaching, work and the drop in school building strongest established modern method
research and accommodation facilities work. Sector starts are forecast to rise of construction and will benefit from
and to attract higher fee-paying overseas 1% in 2020 followed by a 4% rise in this approach.
students. 2021, with the lift coming from school University construction work
The bulk of current education buildings. remains a much smaller market
sector projects are due to complete by Building programmes in England’s than the schools and colleges sector.
2020. The large rise in contract values education sector are being led by the Total construction output in higher
completing during these years is due Priority School Building Programme education, including both private and
to a small number of very high value (PSBP), the first phase of which is public work, is forecast to rise to around
schemes. The number of projects nearing completion. For the second £4,000M by 2021, as UK universities
currently due for completion beyond phase, the Government has allocated a continue to increase investment in new
2021-22 begins to drop considerably, further £2,000M. buildings


Criteria such as thermal mass and Catherine Mulley, Director at Pozzoni
speed of construction also come into play Architecture says:
when choosing a framing material for a “When it comes to education projects,
project’s construction. the price and potential of materials

Requirements change depending are key in meeting the stringent DfE
on the type of building, for instance standards. To put it simply, steel is far
infant, primary and secondary schools quicker and more cost-effective to work
will usually have a fairly regular set of with than concrete, while providing

of choice
classrooms, based around a standard grid clients with far greater flexibility for any
pattern. The main difference being that future adaptations.”
infant and primary schools are usually Fast construction programmes
single storey structures, while secondary are vital so that new buildings can be
schools are predominantly two or three completed within one academic year, or
What framing material criteria storeys high. even during the summer vacation in the
These establishments will also case of extensions. This will minimise
do project teams look at when have an assembly hall/sports hall, a any potential disturbance to the school,
designing education buildings? structure based around a much larger college or university, especially if the new
grid to accommodate the necessary open building is adjacent to or adjoined to an

chool buildings have a number of column-free area. existing establishment, which is quite
particular design requirements Meanwhile, in the higher education often the case.
and must adhere to a set of sector the structures will also have to Steel construction has achieved a
requirements in terms of spatial accommodate offices, lecture theatres and strong market position for all types of
planning, flexible use of space, control of laboratories, and even multi-storey halls education buildings, not just for its speed
vibrations and acoustics, and robustness. of residence with multiple bedrooms. of construction – helped by the fact that


A steelwork design provided a more cost-

effective solution for Rhyl New School

Cost-effective steel design

The BREEAM ‘Excellent’ Rhyl New School in totally different building was finally built,” explains
Denbighshire underwent a complete redesign during Ramboll Associate John Whitfield. “The old design
an enforced hiatus when it became entangled in included a sports hall on the ground floor and
the Welsh 21st Century Schools Building spending this was omitted as a nearby leisure centre was
review. refurbished as part of the project.”
During the period leading up to construction Structural steelwork was deemed to be the ideal
actually getting under way the project’s design was framing material for the three-storey school, which is
changed from a concrete frame to a more cost- rectangular in shape and divided in two by a covered
efficient steel solution. street. Steel footbridges span the void and link the
“The school was completely redesigned and a building above ground floor level.

Another area that relies on Consequently, their buildability was

steelwork’s long span qualities are one of the main reasons for choosing a
sports halls, which always require a clear steel framing solution for the project.
column-free space. “Early in the design process we
The sports hall at the Inverness Royal
Academy was economically constructed An example of this is the recently looked at all framing options, weighing
with steel completed Inverness Royal Academy, up their pros and cons. Ultimately, to
which has two games halls housed build the required long spans efficiently
steel can be prefabricated into modular within a 50m-long steel-framed braced and quickly, we went with a steel-
elements - but also for shallow floor structure. framed solution,” says Arup Lead Project
construction which can aid vibration and The steel structure also houses Engineer Ian Miller.
acoustic performance. changing rooms, a dance studio and
The majority of teaching spaces a gymnasium, with the majority of
tend to have a 3m clear headroom and these facilities also open to the local
exposed concrete soffits, either precast community. AKT II Director Riccardo
planks or exposed in situ reinforced
“Steelwork was chosen for this part
of the project because it provided the
Baptista says:
Flexibility is also a major most economical way of forming the ”Steel buildings offer a safer, faster and leaner ‘blueprint’ for
consideration in the design stage. hall’s 19m-long spans,” says Morrison education buildings that responds to the multiple challenges
Long span steel construction creates Construction Senior Project Manager that this typology, perhaps more than any other, faces
column-free space and allows rooms to Finlay Black. whenever looking to produce new built assets. As the majority
be configured on the floor plan to meet Designers usually say that steel is tend to be campus-based, any construction works associated
the current and future education needs. more expressive for the construction with the long-term betterment of the institutions can have
Light steel internal walls can be relocated of big feature elements such as curving a negative short-term impact as works are executed. Access
in the future if requirements change, and undulating covered streets and to development plots is often restricted, timetabling conflicts
leading to fully adaptable buildings. amphitheatres. inevitably impact on permissible working hours, and in live
Atriums and long linking streets for This was the case at the West Calder environments like this, health and safety is paramount. These
larger education buildings are parts of a High School project in West Lothian. logistical constraints sit alongside the core benefits of steel
construction project that are invariably This facility has an amphitheatre, a fabrication in enhancing quality control, limiting waste and
framed with steel. Both of these features swimming pool, games hall and dining reducing programme, resulting in an approach to development
rely on long open areas where steel area, all of which are contained within that can be considered on most education projects.”
construction is the obvious choice. large column-free spaces.


Steel tops the class
Steel has been proven to be the most cost-effective solution for education buildings over
many years, providing aesthetically pleasing, flexible, modern environments in which
pupils and students thrive. There is a wide range of cost related benefits that flow from
selecting steel as the framing solution, whether it is for a primary or secondary school,
college or university building or student accommodation.

wide range of factors can have growing need for specialist information there are substantial cost benefits to be
a significant influence on the and computer technology (ICT) systems gained from selecting a steel framed
cost of education buildings. and for ‘future proofing’ them might solution. A key cost benefit derives from
Aside from the considerations demand additional services distribution the quicker erection time that is inherent
that would apply to any building like and penetrations through structural with using an offsite prefabricated
logistics, building form, fire protection, elements. modern method of construction. On site
and erection, education building Programming is a key cost driver for erection time is significantly less with a
costings have to consider a range of school buildings in particular due to the steel frame that can be brought to site as
specific cost drivers constraints of the academic calendar and and when required, eliminating the need
For example, there will be a need the frequent demand for new space to for storage of equipment like shuttering
for a wider range of specialist areas like be available for the start of the academic or accommodation of concrete batching
studios, laboratories, workshops year. The Employer’s Requirements plant and pumps.
and lecture theatres and this set out comparatively high liquidated Speed of construction is particularly
will vary between the damages to act as a deterrent to non- important as work - particularly
different education completion within the set timescales, extensions - is often undertaken
Christ the King Centre
sectors. The which may restrict the tender list and during non school periods. The main
for Learning, Knowsley, put added pressure on cost. continuous non school period is during
the summer holidays which restricts the
Erection available time to carry out the works.
Careful attention to the detail The adoption of a steel frame works well
of factors like those with the restrictive periods available and
above will pay allows for the outer shell to be in place
dividends, leaving only internal works which can be
and better accommodated during the school
periods as required.
If works have to take place up
against a live school teaching
environment the fact


that the fabrication of the steel frame

Key costs
takes place in a factory controlled £/m2 (GIFA),
Elements Steel and In situ concrete Steel composite
environment remote from the school for Merseyside precast flat slab
secondary hollowcore
has been appreciated by generations of
school planks
Frame and upper floors 293 253 266
Flexibility Total building 3200 3169 3143
Education buildings, in common with
other buildings, increasingly have to be
designed to allow for future uses, and to Cost Comparison
accommodate demographic changes that Above we provide the results of a cost comparison supporting precast concrete floor slabs and is clad in
impact on class sizes. Steel’s designed- exercise to show the cost model for a secondary a combination of timber cladding, aluminium curtain
in flexibility can mean that a building’s school building on Merseyside. walling and terracotta rainscreen.
life is extended for many years, when The building used for the cost model is the Christ
changing requirements might have the King Centre for Learning, a secondary school in Cost comparison
otherwise led to its demolition. Steel- Knowsley. Three structural options for the building were assessed
framed buildings are easily adapted in The building’s key features are: as shown in the table above which include;
comparison to buildings constructed • Three storeys, with no basement levels Base case: Steel frame; 250mm hollowcore
with loadbearing masonry. The flexibility • Typical clear spans of 9m × 9m precast concrete planks; 75mm structural screed
of the framing allows horizontal • 591m² sports hall (with glulam frame), 770 m² Option 1: In situ 350mm reinforced concrete flat
adaptation where rooms can be altered activity area and atrium slab with 400 × 400mm columns
in size to accommodate changing • Plant at roof level. Option 2: Steel frame; 130mm concrete topping
requirements. This building was originally part of the Target Zero on structural metal deck.
Adopting a steel frame allows the study conducted by a consortium of organisations The comparative costs highlight the importance
design to accommodate a variety of including Tata Steel, Aecom, SCI, Cyril Sweett and of considering total building cost when selecting the
functions, not all of which may suit a BCSA in 2010 to provide guidance on the design and structural frame material during design. The concrete
rigid layout. For example, workshops construction of sustainable, low and zero-carbon flat slab option has a marginally lower frame and floor
have differing sizes to classrooms. buildings in the UK. cost compared with the steel composite option, but
Column-free spaces for sports halls can This cost comparison updates the cost models on a total building basis, the steel composite option
only be cost-effectively achieved with developed for the Target Zero project and provides has a lower overall cost (£3,143/m² compared with
steel-framed solutions. up-to-date costs at Q4 2019 for the three alternative £3,169/m²). This is because of lower substructure and
framing solutions considered. roof costs and lower preliminaries resulting from the
Offsite manufacture shorter programme.
As steel components are manufactured About the building
offsite the main site activity is assembly. Christ the King Centre for Learning secondary school Embodied carbon comparison
This minimises impacts on building in Knowsley, Merseyside, was part of the Building The original Target Zero project also included a
users and on local communities and Schools of the Future programme (BSF), it was comparison of the embodied carbon of the three
reduces the requirement for on-site completed in December 2008 and constructed to be framing solutions. This was on a “cradle-to-cradle”
labour, which as a consequence reduces occupied by 900 pupils and 50 staff. The gross internal basis that included the manufacture and transport of
health and safety risks. Particularly floor area of the school is 9,637m². The building construction materials, the construction process and
in large buildings or programmes is based on a 9m × 9m structural grid with many the demolition and disposal of the building materials
of works, there is likely to be a drive classrooms 9m deep. at the end-of-life. The results, which are presented in
towards standardisation which allows The main architectural features of the building the chart below showed that the embodied carbon of
for the adoption of modern methods are: a standardised 9m × 9m structural grid, a 591m² the steel frame solution with precast hollowcore floor
of construction. These are made more sports hall, a winter garden covered by an ETFE roof, slab was 11% lower than the in situ concrete flat slab
viable with the volume of repetition and a three-storey high atrium and some external terraces alternative while the steel frame solution with decking
are well suited to a steel-framed building. at upper floors. The school has a structural steel frame and in situ concrete topping was a further 3% lower.

Restrictive/existing sites Embodied 3,500 3315

Prefabrication also means that steel is carbon 2981
comparison 3,000
particularly relevant to projects requiring
Total embodied carbon (tCO2e)

an extension to existing buildings and/or 2,500

the development of additional buildings

within a campus. Steel arrives on-site
prefabricated which in conjunction 1,500

with the speed of erection limits the

amount of disruptive time to the
adjacent buildings. Storage issues on 500

restricted sites are routinely overcome by

construction teams using steel-framed Steel and precast hollowcore planks In situ concrete flat slab Steel composite

solutions. Structural option


SDM Fabrication erected the steel for the

Silsoe Church of England Lower School

across England and grouped together
in batches by taking consideration of
condition, need, commercial viability
and geography.

Steel is a priority
The current Priority School
Building Programme Phase Two, which
will conclude in 2021, has a greater
emphasis on standardisation, cost
reduction and energy efficiency.
The majority of the schools in
Making sure schools offer a high quality and positive this latest programme, along with
environment is a key part of the government’s long-term many higher education and student
accommodation schemes, are steel-
vision for education. framed projects as the material is chosen
as it comfortably meets clients and

he sustainability of all types ‘Building Schools for the Future’ project teams’ numerous requirements.
of educational buildings is programme there was a significant Along with speed of construction
important throughout all stages drive to make schools more sustainable and cost-effectiveness, sustainability
of their design, construction and and for new school buildings to be features highly in those requirements.
operation. There is a general belief that examples of best practice in sustainable With its lightweight nature, future
better schools help build a fairer society construction. flexibility and recyclability, steel
and ultimately a better economy. A sustainable school was defined construction is the ultimate sustainable
To this end, the UK government has as one which prepares its pupils for a framing material and facilitates the
in recent times launched a number of lifetime of sustainable living through highly rated BREEAM projects shown in
initiatives which have not only produced its teaching, fabric and day-to-day this publication.
better educational establishments, but practices. The lightweight nature of steel
also more cost-effective and sustainable The intention of the Priority Schools and optimum use of thermal mass
buildings. Building Programme was to undertake helps to minimize both embodied
Many schools and universities school rebuilding and refurbishment carbon and operational energy. Low
are keen to promote environmental projects to improve the overall standard and zero carbon buildings are readily
awareness and so sustainability is of school buildings by creating achievable using steel construction,
manifested in the design of highly classrooms which were conducive to as demonstrated by the BCSA and
sustainable buildings, which are often learning and providing access to world- Steel for Life’s Target Zero programme,
very energy efficient in operation and class facilities for pupils and teachers. which included a study of a real
frequently contain a high proportion of The programme covered primary, secondary school building where steel
renewable energy provision. secondary and special education needs construction out-performed other
As part of the Government’s previous (SEN) schools, which were spread framing materials.


“We’ve designed a number of schools

and they always have a steel frame
for ease and speed of construction,” Thermal Mass
says David Turnock Architects’ Leon
Delegate. As energy costs have risen in the past decade, building frames create better thermal mass than
Turnock Architects worked on the schools as well as other construction schemes steel frames. This is incorrect, as steel-framed
design of Silsoe Church of England have increasingly become interested in creating structures are just as effective, as it is the concrete
Lower School in Bedfordshire. buildings that save money through utilising their floor that ultimately provides the mass.
This school’s layout needed to own thermal mass to reduce energy use. In buildings such as schools, which are
provide a compact building plan, to Also, known as fabric energy storage, intensively used during the day, temperatures
keep construction costs to a minimum, thermal mass is the ability of a building’s fabric can build up to uncomfortable levels due to solar
while a fabric first approach to the – particularly the exposed soffit of a concrete gain and internal heat gains from the occupants,
building design, led to energy- floor slab – to soak up excess heat. This helps to computers and other equipment. If the soffit
efficiencies in all aspects of the design. keep the internal environment comfortable while of the floor slab is left exposed, the warm air
In order to tick all of these boxes a reducing the need for air conditioning. rises and some of the heat is soaked up by the
structural solution based on the use A common misconception is that concrete concrete.
of a steel frame with lightweight steel
in-fill panels was the chosen method of
construction. One of the seven schools: The Kings
“The extensive use of insulation and Langley School, where Leach Structural
Steelwork erected steel that supports pre-
using materials with less embodied cast blanks
energy also helps to keep the U-values
as low as possible,” explains Central
Bedfordshire Council Principal Project
Manager Helen Konstantinidi.
Other reasons for using a steel
solution include the fact that the
material can be multicycled endlessly
with no detrimental effect on its
When a steel-framed building
is demolished, its components
can be reused or returned to the
steelmaking process to create brand
new components, thereby adding to a
project’s sustainability credentials.
In the UK, 96% of steel construction
components are recovered in this way.
Globally, recycled steel accounts for
50% of new steel production.
Because steel structures are
significantly lighter than concrete
equivalents, they require less extensive
foundations, which reduces the In-built sustainability for Home Counties schools
environmental impact of the build. If
steel pile foundations are used, these As part of the Government’s Priority School Building chosen as the most cost effective design for all of the
can be extracted and recycled or reused Programme a total of seven steel-framed secondary main school buildings, while long span areas such
at the end of a building’s life, leaving no schools spread across Hertfordshire, Luton and as sports halls and assembly halls were formed with
waste material on site. Reading were constructed as one of the first batches cellular steel beams.
Long-span steel solutions, such of the Education Funding Agency’s Priority School The chosen structural solution also helped the
sports halls or atriums, provide flexible Building Programme, PF2 private finance model. school buildings benefit from heating and cooling
clear span spaces that future-proof a To create a cost-effective and efficient gains. These were achieved through taking advantage
building, offering an increased lifetime. construction programme, the team developed a of the high thermal mass qualities of the composite
Steel structures are also durable and solution that standardised the classroom design and design, which is able to absorb and store heat. This
can be readily adapted, improving their allowed for similar corridor layouts. in-turn reduces the requirements for mechanical
economic viability as they can easily be Predominately three storeys high, each school ventilation and cooling, which contributes to an
updated or modernised. Educational benefits from a large centrally positioned atrium, overall saving in running costs of each school.
clients like steel’s flexibility, as a which acts as a conduit between separate teaching Senior Engineer at Arup Mike Wood says: “To
steel-framed school can be more blocks. mobilise the thermal mass effectively, the precast
easily reconfigured than a concrete A steel frame supporting precast planks was plank soffits are left exposed in all of the classrooms.”


with steel
Structural steelwork is forming a
signature school building for the new
community of Mindenhurst, which is
being built on former Army land in
Surrey. Martin Cooper reports.

he new community of
Mindenhurst is quickly taking
shape at the Princess Royal
Barracks at Deepcut in Surrey. As
the Army undergoes a phased withdrawal
of its personnel to Worthy Down near
Winchester, it is vacating land for 1,200
new homes, 69 hectares of public green
space and village amenities.
The site, which has been the home
of an Army training centre since the
Nineteenth Century, is steeped in
history. Once Deepcut is entirely more to follow in the near future, on “The first homes are nearing
vacated, the remaining Army buildings a scheme that Skanska expects to run completion and there will shortly be
will be demolished, with the exception until 2025. a need for the 420-capacity primary
of three listed structures, making way Mindenhurst, will boast village-style school,” explains Skanska Development
for further phases of the redevelopment retail outlets, business premises, a pub, Manager Peter Cater.
scheme. a community hall adjoining the site’s The T-shaped steel-framed primary
Currently, work is all being historic garrison church of St Barbara school building has a distinctive design,
undertaken ‘outside of the wire’ on land at Deepcut and a new primary school. as its main two-storey classroom block
adjacent to the functioning military The latter is already under construction forming the T’s upright section is topped
facility. So far, two parcels of land have and is due to take-in its first pupils in with a four-peaked saw-tooth roof.
been awarded to housebuilders with September. “As a key piece of infrastructure,
we wanted the school to be a signature
building for the site, acting as a signpost
to the development as it has a prominent
position near to a main road,” adds Mr
The saw-tooth feature, not only
creates a stand-out building, it also
means the upper level of classrooms will
have a higher floor-to-ceiling height and
will be flooded with natural light as the
vertical sections of the roof will have
large glazed windows.
The roof is formed with a series
of cranked south-facing rafters, with
a bolted knuckle joint, that forms an
inclined section from two separate steel
Steel was considered to be the only viable members. Completing each saw-tooth
material for this project


Mindenhurst Primary School,
Main client:
Defence Infrastructure Organisation
Architect: AWW
Main contractor: Skanska
Structural engineer: Skanska
Steelwork contractor:
William Haley Engineering
Steel tonnage: 220t

Visualisation of how the school will look

ridge, the north side is formed with a erect on the project.

single rafter that slopes outward and The top portion of the T-shaped
downwards to its supporting column. structure accommodates a large
Overall, the school will include double-height space for two halls. These
two nursery classrooms with column-free spaces are both 12m-wide
associated spaces that can be operated and will be separated by a moveable
independently on the ground floor. partition, allowing them to be used as
Elsewhere, two reception and 12 one or two separate areas.
more classrooms will be available to Adjacent to the hall is another
accommodate year one and two pupils two-storey zone, accommodating the
on both the ground and first floors. school’s kitchen on the lower floor and a
The ground floor is 2m wider than plant deck above. Steel supporting precast planks was
chosen for its speed of construction
the upper level along the western Stability for the steel frame, which
elevation, allowing these classes to have supports precast planks to form the
more room. upper level, is provided by bracing,
Because of this longer span on the located in corridors and partition walls.
ground floor, the column line for this “The decision to use precast flooring
elevation’s first floor does not align with was all about speed of installation,”
lower level. sums up Skanska Construction Director
The first-floor columns are George Taylor. “William Haley erected
consequently supported on a series the steel and all of the project’s precast
of box section members, acting as a units, which included a lift shaft, in just
transfer structure. five weeks.
The 500mm × 300mm box “Also the overall design for this
sections each measured 8m-long and eye-catching structure could not have
weighed 2.5t. These were the heaviest been done in any material other than
steel elements steelwork contractor steel, because of the shape and length
William Haley Engineering had to of spans.” The distinctive saw-tooth roof is formed
with cranked rafters


new town An amphitheatre sits in
the middle of the school

with a five degree pitch, which slopes

Scotland’s first brand new secondary school in more than 25 downwards from the north facing main
years has opened with the aid of steel construction’s efficiency façade. This means the structure has
three floors with a large enclosed plant
and speed of delivery. Martin Cooper reports. deck above at one end, sloping down to
only two floors at the southern elevation.

he new Bertha Park High School Commenting on the completed The uppermost third floor consequently
is a £32.5M project led by hub project, Robertson Tayside Managing only extends over five bays at the north
East Central Scotland on behalf Director Kevin Dickson says: “Bertha end.
of Perth & Kinross Council with Park is set to be one of the most This 40m-wide north façade contains
Robertson serving as main contractor. advanced schools not only in Scotland the school’s main entrance and, similar
The school will serve the new 800- but across the UK and beyond. to the slightly narrower southern
acre village, known as Bertha Park, Partnership working has been crucial to elevation, will feature large glazed areas
which is starting to take shape on the delivering this state-of-the-art facility in contrast to the two side elevations of
outskirts of Perth. and Robertson has been privileged to the school that will be clad with brick.
Spearheaded by Springfield serve as the main contractor. “It’s a very efficient shape, suited to
Properties, which secured planning “The built environment can have a steel-framed design,” explains NORR
consent for its masterplan in 2016, the an enormous impact on the education Director Kevin Cooper. “The teaching
construction of the village’s proposed experience and while our work is now spaces are located around the exterior
3,000 homes will continue for the next complete, we are genuinely excited to see of the structure with a large column-free
30 years, creating about 450 building how the story of the school unfolds.” centrally positioned amphitheatre acting
jobs. Having a blank canvas with no old as the school’s main focal point.”
It is estimated Bertha Park, school to replicate in any way, as well as The steel frame is based around
featuring 60 acres of commercial land building on a greenfield site, has allowed a nominally standard gird for its
accommodating shops, offices and the design team to produce a highly classrooms of 7.5m × 7.5m, although
restaurants, will generate work for 2,000 distinctive school building. there are some slightly larger teaching
people. The school is accommodated within spaces with a grid of 7.5m × 9m.
The school is said to be unique in one large wedge-shaped structure that Steelwork supports metal decking
that it is an entirely new school and not measures 70m-long and is 40m-wide throughout creating a composite design.
a replacement of an existing one. Part of at the northern end. Both of the main Stability for the steelwork is derived
the Scottish Government’s Schools for elevations taper inwards and so the entirely from braced bays, located
the Future programme, Bertha Park will southern end is slightly narrower at throughout the structure, but mostly in
eventually accommodate up to 1,100 20m-wide. partition walls.
pupils. Topping the building is a sloping roof Ground floor of the project contains


simply providing access and toilets for

wheelchair users, but also addresses for
example, the needs of the hearing and
visually impaired, and the provision
of accommodation for teaching areas
appropriately sized to accommodate
students with special mobility and
equipment needs.
Summing up, Robertson Operations
Manager Robbie Kerr says: “There were a
number of factors as to why this job was
always going to be a steel project, speed
of construction was one but also the
The glazed north façade location was important. We were located
contains the main entrance
on a greenfield site with little or no paved
the aforementioned classrooms around supporting precast planks. Behind the access roads, but steel was transported
much of the perimeter, with the western terracing the school’s three-storey part to site in erectable loads. We would have
elevation also accommodating a sports extends for five bays. struggled with any other material.
hall, a smaller games hall and a gym. The According to the design team, the “The long 16m spans over the
sports hall is a double-height braced box intention is that the school provides amphitheatre and the 20m spans over
with spans of 20m. well-designed spaces, both internally the sports hall would also have been
The middle of the ground floor and externally, that produce and difficult to form in any other framing
features the amphitheatre, breakout encourage opportunities for positive solution.”
spaces and dining areas, all of which social interaction for all age groups, both Bertha Park High School opened at
form the central open-plan spine of the within the formal school setting and in the start of the Autumn term 2019.
school. These zones are spanned by the public environment.
bridges, giving access across the void, The design addresses the access needs FACT FILE
and are topped with a roof featuring of disabled children and adults, pupils, Bertha Park High School, Perth
rooflights allowing plenty of natural staff, and visitors. The new school is Main client: Perth & Kinross Council
Architect: NORR
daylight to penetrate the building’s said to be a ‘barrier-free’ environment, Main contractor: Robertson
interior. providing full access for the integration Structural engineer:
The northern end of the of students and other users who have Goodsons Associates
amphitheater features an audience special needs. Steelwork contractor: Walter Watson
Steel tonnage: 720t
terrace, formed by steel rakers This requirement goes beyond

The steel frame creates the school’s

distinctive wedge shape


Centre set to
drive industrial
Exposed steelwork is the order of the day for a £35M teaching
and research facility which engages directly with industry
and provides students with real-world experience on live,
engineering-related projects.

orming one of the initial elements To date, the EIC is the largest single
of the University of Central investment in Lancashire’s educational
Lancashire’s (UCLan) ambitious infrastructure establishing UCLan as
£230M campus masterplan, the one of the UK’s leading universities for
Engineering Innovation Centre (EIC) is a engineering innovation.
unique facility. Commenting on the construction of
Based at the University’s Preston the EIC, Simon Atkinson, Construction
campus, the steel-framed EIC will act Manager for main contractor BAM says:
as one of the driving forces behind “The project was a big success with
the Lancashire Industrial Strategy as the client, and the steelwork was an
well as the national industrial strategy, important part of the finished building.
addressing the need for innovation and “Often a building will cloak
producing the next generation of world- its services. But being a centre of
class engineers. engineering excellence, this building 6.5m. The longer span accommodates
Cutting-edge research and makes a virtue of the frame and the the building’s workshops and teaching
teaching facilities include an additive connections. This makes them an spaces, while the shorter span houses
manufacturing lab (3D printing), an integral part of the design and tone of the circulation routes, a main staircase and
advanced manufacturing workshop, an building, and an incidental teaching tool some smaller ancillary classrooms.
intelligent systems facility, a motorsports which is also naturally elegant.” Within the frame a series of steel box
and air vehicles lab, a high-performance Work on the site, which had sections support 450mm-deep precast
computing lab, a flight simulator suite as previously been used as a car park, started flooring planks within their depth via
well as a fire, oil and gas facility. during 2017. Prior to the structure’s steel a welded plate on the bottom flange.
frame being erected, BAM had to install These sections work in conjunction with
piled foundations along with a retaining T-section members spanning in the
wall along three of the elevations. opposite direction, which also sit within
Preliminary work then included the plank depth to create the flat soffit.
erecting the building’s two precast “This framing solution was chosen
concrete cores, which are positioned at as it creates a flat soffit from which the
either end of the structure. Once these services are suspended,” explains BDP
were up, the steelwork programme was Project Engineer Chris Goodwin.
able to commence, as the cores provide “The client had an aspiration for a
the frame’s overall stability. clean soffit as it helps – along with the
The six-storey steel frame is building’s exposed steelwork – to create
approximately 70m-long x 20m-wide an industrial-feel to the structure.”
and 30m-high. It has been designed According to project architect
around a regular grid which incorporates Simpson Haugh, a key concept from
The exposed steelwork is a two spans, one of 13.5m and another at early inception was the expression of the
highlight of the building’s interior


University of Central Lancashire [UCLan]
Engineering Innovation Centre, Preston
Main client: UCLan
Architects: Reiach and Hall Architects, Simpson Haugh
Main contractor: BAM Construction
Structural engineer: BDP
Steelwork contractor: Elland Steel Structures
Steel tonnage: 700t

The steel frame is visible through the

glazed cladding

building structure ‘as the engineering of The steel bracing, erected by the as an open, accessible and welcoming
the building becomes the architecture.’ steelwork contractor Elland Steel facility and it is genuinely exciting to
By having an exposed structural frame Structures, allowed the entirety of the think of the new ideas and projects that
behind glazed cladding, the building steelwork to be erected at once, removing will now emerge from the students,
is promoting itself as an engineering the requirement of waiting for the planks staff and businesses in the building.
educational tool. to achieve diaphragm action and so We hope this new building helps the
The building’s long column-free shortened the construction programme. university project the dynamic and
spaces have provided the university with Columns were brought to site exciting activities contained inside and
plenty of flexibility. in 15m-long sections, meaning the helps encourage wide engagement in
In the upper floors, this flexibility structure’s 30m-high frame has one splice engineering.”
provides the ability to move partitions just above third floor. The internal, and The UCLan EIC opened in October
between classrooms to suit future use heaviest, columns are 305 UC sections. 2019.
requirements and also means any services The heaviest steel member was only
for new equipment will be unrestricted. 6t, however the large 250t-capacity
On the ground floor, it provides open- crawler crane had to be utilised. With
plan workshop spaces for positioning only one location available for any crane
machinery. on the site, and very little room for it to
Stability is provided by the precast manoeuvre, the crane had to be able to
cores and precast planks acting as a lift some columns and beams over the
floor diaphragm. As part of the floor, entire frame.
a lightweight T-section allowed for Summing up, David Green, Partner,
a flat soffit, but during construction, Simpson Haugh and Lyle Christie,
temporary bracing was required before Director, Reiach and Hall Architects, say:
the planks were installed. “The completed building is intended
The completed steel frame


The Centre Building

is the highest
The London School
structure on the LSE
of Economics has
used an aesthetically-
Photos: Joas Souza

pleasing exposed steel

frame design for its
new landmark Centre
Building. Martin Cooper

ituated in the heart of the
London School of Economics
(LSE) estate the steel-framed
Centre Building has been
described as a bold and beautiful
structure, the highest on the campus,
and offering spectacular views across the
capital’s skyline.
Part of a much-larger campus-wide
redevelopment programme, the Centre
Building offers an internal floor area
of 15,507m², while a modern and
stylish environment has been created
by leaving much of the building’s steel
frame largely exposed, a design that has
required a number of bespoke steelwork
elements in order to fulfil the project’s
architectural vision.
Tracy Meller, Partner and architect,
Rogers Stirk Harbour + Partners says:
“The Centre Building project presented
us with a unique opportunity to work
with the LSE to design a building which
really reflects the values of the school,
creating innovative and inspirational
spaces for students and staff, in which to
learn, socialise, study and collaborate.
“Embracing sustainable design
principles from the offset, the BREEAM
‘Outstanding’ building provides good
daylighting and natural ventilation
to over 70% of the accommodation,
creating workspaces which enhance the
wellbeing of its occupants. In addition
it reduces embodied carbon by 30%,
harvests rainwater and utilises a biomass
boiler and PVs as part of its renewable

Exposed design
energy strategy.”
Another part of the architectural
intent is to provide a slimmed down
floor construction, in order to maximise

for new London

available space. This design has been
achieved by using RHS or plated floor
beams, featuring bottom plates to
support the building’s long span precast

floor units, which sit within the depth of
the beams.
As exposed steelwork plays such an
important role within the design, the


fabrication process had to rise to the their lengths, exposed SHS bracings FACT FILE
challenge accordingly as Mace Project bookend the project and form another London School of Economics Centre Building
Director Frank Connolly explains. highly visible exposed steelwork Main client: London School of Economics
“Billington, our steel contractor, element. Architect: Rogers Stirk Harbour + Partners
was tasked with making sure that the This exo-skeleton bracing, which Main contractor: Mace
majority of the steel connections were sits approximately 300mm outside of Structural engineer: AKT II
Steelwork contractor: Billington Structures
hidden from view in accordance with the the building envelope, is not just an Steel tonnage: 1,100t
client’s requirements. aesthetic element as it is also a structural
“Flush connections were the order of requirement, sharing the stability with Encased in concrete and positioned
the day, or alternatively they positioned two concrete cores. at ground floor level, the two girders
end-plates to help create shadow Significant forces are transferred measure 17m long × 1,600mm deep
gaps, which in turn were then used as both within and into the SHS bracing and each one was brought to site in two
repeating architectural features.” system and so bespoke cruciform node pieces for ease of transportation. The
Shear forces and torsional joints were engineered with machined main steel frame was erected entirely by
moments applied to the RHS beams, flush plates to ensure the correct tower crane, but these girders needed a
in conjunction with the desire to avoid standard of finish was achieved. 400t-capacity mobile crane to be used
site welding, led to the bespoke hidden Full stability to the structure was for their installation.
connection design. Many of the steel only achieved once the entire frame The part of the basement that
members have an internal bolted was erected and all of the precast contains to the auditorium does not lie
connection, hidden from view and flooring was installed. Until that point beneath the new building, but instead
accessed via a hatch. was reached Billington had to install it is positioned in front of the structure
Having the steel frame and the temporary bracing to each floor, which and below a new public square.
ductwork exposed not only creates was only removed once each level was Access to the auditorium is via
an aesthetic environment within the fully complete. the Tower Building’s atrium, which
completed building, it also brings According to Billington Structures accommodates a staircase to the lower
ventilation advantages. Managing Director Mark Smith, to allow level and is a void formed with exposed
Director of Estates at LSE Julian flexibility in the overall build sequence steel columns that start at basement
Robinson says: “This building delivers the temporary stability system was level.
on the two key tenets of our estates developed to largely ignore any benefit The atrium also offers access to the
strategy, creating a world-class estate that the concrete cores may have offered. Tower’s main staircase, known as the
and a university quarter in this part of “Due to the architecturally sensitive meandering stair as it shifts along the
London. The Centre Building, with its nature of the exposed frame, we had to structure one bay per floor.
emphasis on sustainability, community be mindful of the subsequent impact Formed with a lightweight
and collaboration, has created an of any of the connection points for the prefabricated steel frame, this staircase
inspiring academic environment within temporary bracing, and so bolted cleats was lifted into position piece by piece
which to work and study that will were used to negate the need for any along with the main steel frame. Its
enhance the campus experience for our removal of welded plates,” he says. design is said to mimic the movement
students, staff, alumni and visitors.” The majority of the project’s within the square, as well as allowing
Overall, the building consists of two steelwork begins at ground floor better connectivity and collaboration
conjoined parts; the 13-storey Tower level, however in order to form a large between different departments on
Block and the six-storey Houghton subterranean auditorium two large plate different floors.
Block. At either end of the blocks, that girders had to be installed during the Summing up, AKT II Director
sit side-by-side for just under half of basement works programme. Ricardo Baptiste says: “The contribution
of the steel frame, which includes
bespoke floor beams contained within
the structural floor’s depth, goes beyond
the construction stage - the clever
and skilfully detailed steel frame is
visually expressed throughout, both
internally and externally, celebrating
the ‘building’s skeleton’ by leaving it
exposed for all to see.”
The Centre Building, which opened
in Autumn 2019, hosts a number of
academic departments, more than
a dozen seminar rooms, hundreds
of study spaces and four lecture
theatres, including an innovative ‘LSE
style theatre’ designed to allow for
both traditional style teaching and
Exposed steelwork is said to create collaborative group work.
inspirational spaces for students and staff

Photo: Winvic Construction

Students get
high Block B. Meanwhile, Block A
has 14-storeys and Block D tops out
at 21-storeys, technically making it
Coventry’s second tallest tower.

high-rise living
According to the client CODE
Students, the en-suite studio flats
have been purposely built to provide
great student housing as they feature
everything a tenant would need.
Topping out at 23-storeys high, a steel-framed student All of the units feature a fully-
equipped kitchen, deluxe shower room,
accommodation project is now Coventry’s tallest building. a double bed, 200mb broadband and a
Martin Cooper reports. secure CCTV and fob entrance system.
Other features include a spacious

oventry is famous for many Towering over the city centre, the wardrobe and relaxing leather chair/
things, but until recently high- Fairfax Street scheme for specialist sofa, a personal workspace with desk
rise buildings was not one of student accommodation developer and comfortable office chair.
them. CODE Students has delivered 1,192 “We’re just a few minutes’ walk from
That has now changed since self-contained studios and achieved a Coventry University, as well as offering
last summer’s completion of a ‘Very Good’ BREEAM rating. city-based living for those studying
new landmark 23-storey student Overall the scheme consists of four at the University of Warwick,” says a
accommodation scheme, which is now interlinked steel-framed blocks, ranging spokesperson for CODE Students.
the city’s tallest building, excluding the in height from the eight-storey Block This is the highest project main
nearby cathedral spire. C to the tallest element, the 23-storey contractor Winvic has ever built as


Fairfax Street Student
Accommodation, Coventry
Main client: CODE Students
Architect: RG+P
Main contractor: Winvic Construction
Structural engineer: PRP
Steelwork contractor:
Caunton Engineering
Steel tonnage: 1,800t

This design decision proved to be

the correct one as after only 11 months
on site 315 bedrooms were already
completed. Block A and a portion of
the adjacent Block B, were handed-over
in September 2018, just in time for the
new University term.
By the following month (October),
steelwork contractor Caunton
Engineering had competed the majority
of its programme, having erected
Blocks A, B and D, and then completing
Block C.
RG+P Architect Laura Davison says:
“The exterior of Fairfax Street features
a number of large ‘fin’ extensions as
well as deep recesses and reveals. These
create shadows, texture and make the
overall impression of the buildings
much more dynamic. Steelwork offered
the flexibility to be able to deliver this
design intent within the time period
The high-rise steel- and to the desired quality.” Steelwork aided
framed buildings the project’s fast
are now a city The final piece of the steelwork construction
landmark jigsaw was then completed in February programme
2019 when Caunton returned to site to
the company is primarily known for erect 26t of steel that formed a single- stability for the frames derived from full
constructing distribution centres. storey podium deck situated in front height vertical bracing systems.
However, the company is now of Block C. This accommodates ground The bracing forms steel cores
diversifying and previously completed floor retail units and a landscaped around stairs and lifts, which are
a similar job for the client in Leicester, private garden on the first floor. located in the two tallest towers, Blocks
although that was low-rise compared to Caunton Engineering were employed B and D.
this scheme as it only had eight-storeys. on a design and build contract for “The entire scheme is essentially
Winvic started work on site during the scheme. The company’s Senior two large steel frames, separated by a
October 2017, and began by installing Structural Engineer Colin Winter says: movement joint between Block C and
piled foundations in readiness for “Although there are four blocks and B,” explains Mr Winter.
the steel erection to begin. The plot a podium, much of the steelwork was The regimented tower block grid
had previously been used as a surface fairly straightforward and repetitive as lines even include non-bedroom areas
car park and the client had already each of the accommodation blocks have such as the ground and first floor areas
remediated the site before the main identical floor plans.” which will accommodate retail and
contractor started. The four accommodation blocks student communal areas.
The choice of a steel-framed solution have widths between 13m and 15m, Some of these areas will be
for the scheme was made primarily for with only one internal column line. subjected to higher loadings and so
the material’s speed of construction. These members are offset from a central larger beams, measuring 350mm ×
The client wanted the line, allowing them to be positioned 300mm, have been installed at first
accommodation completed as one side of the corridor that separates floor level in Block A where a student
quickly and efficiently as possible. two rows of bedrooms on each of the gym will be located.
Consequently, the team went with a block’s floors. The entire Fairfax Street
steel frame construction with metal Meanwhile, perimeter columns are accommodation scheme was handed
decking as it offered the fastest method. generally set at 6m or 7m intervals, with over during the summer of 2019.


Steelwork keeps
academia active
A world-class sport hub has been created at the University of customer over £1 million.”
Cost is always a major factor in any
Warwick with the aid of steel construction. construction scheme and this project
was no different. Early in the design

ast year Willmott Dixon completed Adding to the hub’s array of facilities, phase, Willmott Dixon engaged with the
the University of Warwick sports it also boasts retractable bleacher seating steelwork contractor Hambleton Steel to
hub, a project that relied on steel for over 1,000 spectators, a martial arts help with a value-engineering exercise.
construction’s numerous attributes hall, squash courts, outdoor 3G sports The project’s original design
to deliver a project that has positioned pitches and netball courts. envisaged a steel frame supporting
the client as a leader in sports facilities, Willmott Dixon Construction precast planks to form the hub’s upper
and on track to achieve its objective of Manager Nick Preedy says: “This project floors, but for this project it was decided
being the “most physically active campus was complex in design and there were that it would be more cost-effective to
community in the UK by 2020”. many aspects to the build that were new use metal decking.
Students, staff, as well as the local to me. I needed to identify the high-risk “We changed all the floors to metal
community, now have access to a elements of the build to focus everyone’s decking with the exception the wet
multi-functional sports hall and a attention. changing rooms and areas near to the
230-station gym – said to be the largest “We were working within a live pool because of chlorine corrosion
at a UK university. The hub also has campus and replacing all the existing concerns,” says Mr Preedy.
a 25m-long 12-lane swimming pool sporting facilities. I was part of the “This meant we had to add extra
that, with the touch of a button, allows team right from the start, allowing beams to support the decking as it
flexible configuration and an adjustable me to get involved with initial designs couldn’t span as far as the planks, but
height to accommodate different users to drive efficiencies and solve issues overall we used less steel tonnage as
and abilities. To top that, a dramatic that may arise during the build. That a lighter frame was needed, which
17m-high climbing wall offers 706m² included redesigning aspects like the ultimately saved the client more money.”
of climbable surface, with 144 different cut and fill, resulting in zero materials Another benefit resulting from
routes. leaving site and ultimately saving our this design change was a quicker steel


University of Warwick sports hub
Main client: University of Warwick
Architect: Space & Place
Main contractor: Willmott Dixon
Structural engineer: Arup
Steelwork contractor: Hambleton Steel
Steel tonnage: 900t

Raking columns
form a series of
signature Ws

steel frame, which gains its stability from corrosion from the potentially humid
strategically-placed cross bracing, and and chlorinated conditions.
offers 14,000m² of floor space. The sports hub’s other facilities
Two large open-plan areas dominate occupy the large area between these two
the building and are placed at either column-free zones, as well as running
end of the 200m-long structure. At the along the entire eastern elevation. In
northern end of the structure the sports these parts, the hub has three floors,
hall is a large column-free space reaching a basement – mainly accommodating
the full-height of the building. The hall changing rooms and offices, a ground
is formed with a series of 11 spliced floor with the main entrance, climbing
40m-long × 2m-deep trusses, which wall and squash courts, wet changing
weighed 8t each. facilities and a café, and a first floor
The trusses are supported at one end containing a 330-station gym and multi-
by tubular raking columns that form the purpose studios.
architectural feature façade for a viewing As well as internal exposed steelwork,
gallery. some of the hub’s exterior steel also
Another design innovation from remains visible as architectural features.
The climbing wall is 17m high and offers
more than 700m2 of climbable surface Hambleton was a series of beams that Adjacent to the pool hall a large
cantilever out from the top of the sports cantilevering canopy, partially supported
erection programme. Including the hall’s roof and over the lower roof of by raking CHS columns, creates an
metal decking installation and the the adjoining areas. Willmott Dixon outdoor terrace for the hub’s café.
remaining precast planks, the work was supported the scaffold for the cladding At the opposite end of the hub, a
completed in 13 weeks instead of the installation on these sacrificial beams, similar canopy forms the roof for the
previously estimated 18 weeks. which were removed once the cladding facility’s main entrance, again supported
Enabling the design team and site was complete. by raking columns.
team to fully coordinate any changes, “This helped speed up the installation These raking 273mm-diameter
BIM level 2 was used, as Mr Preedy of the scaffolding as it would have columns also extend along the exterior
explains: “This was a big commitment for ordinarily been supported from ground of the eastern elevation, joining the two
a project at that time, as it was only just level. By using the beams the scaffold canopies with a series of large W’s, which
starting to be used, but we had full buy- was erected more rapidly, which allowed obviously stand for Warwick.
in from all stakeholders from the start. us to get started on the cladding earlier,
The hub has a 25m-long swimming pool
“BIM was critical through all stages and meant we got the sports hall
– it enabled the seamless installation watertight earlier,” says Mr Preedy.
of highly complex multiple faceted roof At the southern end of the hub there
intersections and drove a right-first- is an 8m-high swimming pool hall,
time strategy as sequences were fully which is another large open column-free
understood. space. This zone is formed by a series of
“Most significantly, through 30m-long glulam beams supported on
extensive use of digital technology, I steel columns.
was able to have the plant room fully The columns in the pool area will be
manufactured offsite and brought in on left exposed in the completed building,
skids – effectively a ‘plug and play’ which as will most of the sports hub’s steel
reduced the installation time to just frame. To this end, all of the project’s
three days!” steelwork has been painted with a high-
Overall the sports hub is one large spec protective coating to prevent any


Steel for Life

Steel for Life is a wholly owned subsidiary of BCSA, created in 2016, with funding
provided by sponsors from the whole steel supply chain. The main purpose of
Steel for Life is to communicate the advantages that steel offers to the
construction sector. By working together as an integrated supply chain for the
delivery of steel-framed solutions, the constructional steelwork sector will
continue to innovate, educate specifiers and clients on the efficient use of steel,
and market the significant benefits of steel in construction.

British Constructional Steelwork Association

BCSA is the national organisation for the steel construction industry: its Member
companies undertake the design, fabrication and erection of steelwork for all
forms of construction in building and civil engineering. Industry Members are
those principal companies involved in the direct supply to all or some Members
of components, materials or products. Corporate Members are clients,
professional offices, educational establishments etc which support the
development of national specifications, quality, fabrication and erection
techniques, overall industry efficiency and good practice.
is the go to resource for all steel construction
related information and guidance.

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Twitter: @steelcoinfo

Produced for:
The British Constructional Steelwork Association
Steel for Life
by Barrett, Byrd Associates

January 2020


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