ICRU - 50 - Prescribing, Recording and Reporting Photon Beam Therapy
ICRU - 50 - Prescribing, Recording and Reporting Photon Beam Therapy
ICRU - 50 - Prescribing, Recording and Reporting Photon Beam Therapy
This report was prepared by the International Commission on Radiation Units and Measurements, Inc. (ICRU). The Commission strives to
provide accurate, complete and useful information in its reports. However, neither the ICRU, the members of ICRU, other persons
contributing to or assisting in the preparation of this report, nor any person acting on the behalf of any of these parties: (a) makes any
warranty or representation , express or implied, with respect to the accuracy, completeness or usefulness of the information contained in this
report, or that the use of any information, method or process disclosed in this report may not infringe on privately owned rights; or (b)
assumes any liability with respect to the use of, or for damages resulting from the use of any information, method or process disclosed in this
Prescribing, Recording,
and Reporting Photon
iv ... Preface
ICRU's Relationships With Other During the last ten years, financial support has
Organizations been received from the following organizations:
In addition to its close relationship with the Inter- ADAC Laboratories
Agfa-Gavaert, N.V.
national Commission on Radiological Protection, the American Society for Therapeutic Radiology and Oncology
ICRU has developed relationships with other organi- Atomic Energy Control Board
zations interested in the problems of radiation quan- Central Electricity Genera ting Board
tities, units and measurements. Since 1955, the ICRU CGR Medical Corporation
has had an official relationship with the World Health Commissariat it L'Energie Atomique
Organization (WHO) whereby the ICRU is looked to Commission of the European Communities
Dutch Society for Radiodiagnostics
for primary guidance in matters of radiation units Eastman Kodak Company
and measurements and, in turn , the WHO assists in Ebara Corporation
The Commission has found its relationship with all In addition to the direct monetary support provided
of these organizations fruitful and of substantial by these organizations, many organizations provide
benefit to the ICRU program. Relations with these indirect support for the Commission's program. This
other international bodies do not affect the basic support is provided in many forms, including, among
affiliation of the ICRU with the International Society others, subsidies for (1 ) the time of individuals partic-
of Radiology. ipating in ICRU activities, (2) travel costs involved in
ICRU meetings, and (3) meeting facilities and ser-
Operating Funds In recognition of the fact that its work is made
possible by the generous support provided by all of
In the early days of its existence, the ICRU oper- the organizations supporting its program, the Com-
ated essentially on a voluntary basis, with the travel mission expresses its deep appreciation.
and operating costs being borne by the parent organi-
zation of the participants. (Only token assistance was ANDRE ALLISY
originally available from the International Society of Chairman, fCR U
Radiology.) Recognizing the impracticability of con-
tinuing this mode of operation on an indefinite basis, Sevres, France
operating funds were sought from various sources. 1 September 1993
Executive SUlDlDary
When delivering a radiotherapy treatment, param- Planning Target Volume
eters such as the volume and dose have to be specified
The Planning Target Volume (PTV) is a geometri-
for different purposes: prescription, recording, and
cal concept, and it is defined to select appropriate
reporting. It is important that clear, well defined and
beam sizes and beam arrangements, taking into con-
The ICRU Reference Point erations, different levels of ambition for dose evalua-
tion can be identified:
The present system of recommendations for report-
ing is based on the selection of a point within the
PTV, which is referred to as the JCRU Reference Level 1: Basic Techniques
Point. The minimum requirements for reporting can be
The JCR U Reference Point shall be selected accord- followed in all centers including those with restricted
ing to the following general criteria: therapy equipment, dosimetric, computer, and staff
-the dose at the point should be clinically relevant facilities. This basic level may sometimes be sufficient
and representative of the dose throughout the in any center when simple treatments are performed
Planning Target Volume (PTV), (e.g., some palliative treatments).
-the point should be easy to define in a clear and At this level, it is assumed that the dose at the
The Dose Variation Throughout the Planning The performance of dose planning at level 3 pro-
Target Volume vides for the development of new techniques and
clinical research in radiotherapy. At this level, 3-D
As a minimum requirement, the maximum and the dose computation of any beam arrangement (such as
minimum dose to the PTV shall be reported together non-coplanar beams) and dose/volume histograms
with the dose at the ICRU Reference Point. The three are available.
dose values then represent the dose to the Clinical
NB: In summary, the 3 levels could be described as
Target Volume and the dose variation.
Other dose values considered to be relevant (e.g.,
average dose and its standard deviation, dose/volume Level 1: Only the dose at the Reference Point
histograms, biologically weighted doses), when avail- and its variation along a central beam
able, should also be reported. axis is available.
Level 2: The dose distribution can be computed
for plane(s).
Three Levels of Dose Evaluation for Reporting Level 3: The dose distribution can be computed
The level of completeness and accuracy of reporting for volumes.
therapeutic irradiation depends to a large extent on At any level, the dose at the ICRU Reference Point
the situation in the department and on the aim of the and the best estimation of the maximum and the
treatment. For different clinical and practical consid- minimum dose to the PTV should be reported.
Preface. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. HI
Executive Summary. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . v
1. Introduction ............................ ... ............... 1
2. Definitions of Terms and Concepts. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 At levell. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 36 At levels 2 and 3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 38
3.6 Organs at Risk . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 38
3.7 Hot Spots. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 38
Appendix I. Minimum Requirements for Documentation and
Recommendations for Description of
Technique for Reporting. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 39
1.1 Minimum Requirements for Documentation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 39
1.2 Description of Treatment Techniques, Including Methods for
Planning, Dose Calculation and Control, for the Purpose of
Reporting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44
When treating a patient with radiotherapy, the d. to enable the results of the department's treat-
radiation oncologist normally prescribes doses 1 to ments to be meaningfully compared with those
both the malignant disease and to relevant normal of other centers without having access to the
tissues. The therapist also records doses delivered complete, original data. This is particUlarly im-
during treatment within various volumes or at vari- portant in m'ulti-center studies, in order to keep
ous points in the tissues for the purpose of documen- treatment parameters well-defined, constant,
tation. Doses will also have to be specified for the and reproducible.
purpose of reporting. The recommendations in this It will be noted that all of these functions, except
report are intended to be applicable to most clinical the first are intended to facilitate communication. In
situations, past or present, and to most radiotherapy fact, there is little purpose in reporting the treatment
centers. if the data cannot be interpreted by other workers in
Specification of volume(s) and dose(s) has to be the field. It is, therefore, considered essential to adopt
done for different purposes: a common method for recording and reporting. The
(a) for prescription, recommendations given here, however, will give some
(b) for recording (to be included in the treatment freedom to the radiation oncologist to use different
chart), methods to prescribe the dose, but the prescription,
(c) for reporting. recording, and reporting should be unambiguous.
In principle, prescriptions, records and reports of The outcome of treatment can only be interpreted
radiotherapeutic procedures should be as complete meaningfully if the parameters of the irradiation, in
and accurate as possible and should contain adequate particular the distribution of dose in space and time,
and explicit information on the patient's disease, the can be accurately correlated with the clinical and
volumes irradiated, the physical parameters and tech- pathological extent of the disease.
nique of irradiation, the overall treatment time and However, this obvious statement is still far from
the fractionation scheme. In some situations, factors being realized in practice. Many radiation oncologists
additional to those listed may be considered to have and physicists are so used to the style and conven-
clinical implications and should, therefore, be re- tions in their own departments that they would be
corded and possibly reported as well. shocked to learn that their treatment reports were
Such specifications serve a number of purposes: ambiguous, uncertain, or even incomprehensible, to
a. to enable the radiation oncologist to maintain a others. Unfortunately, there is substantial evidence
consistent treatment policy and improve it in
that this is often the case. It is not uncommon for the
the light of experience;
reporting of a treatment to be insufficiently explicit
b. to enable the radiation oncologist to compare
and without adequate details to enable the treatment
the results of treatment with those of departmen-
to be repeated or evaluated without having recourse
tal colleagues;
to the center of origin for further information.
c. to enable other radiation oncologists to benefit
While a complete description of the data relating to
from the department's experience;
each patient is clearly desirable, in practice, the
amount of information that can be reported in many
1 If not otherwise stated, in this report dose is taken to imply situations, e.g., in a published paper, is limited.
absorbed dose. Furthermore, complete information for each patient,
2 ... 1. Introduction
including extent of the disease and a full individual ated by beams of x or gamma rays in radiotherapy
dose distribution, is not always available. One is, procedures, and defined a number of terms of impor-
therefore, faced with the problem of selecting a tance in these procedures. Definitions of certain
minimum set of data for recording and for reporting, terms and concepts used in radiotherapy as well as
that will be the most relevant for assessing the results recommendations for dose specification in reporting
of treatment. external beam therapy with photons and electrons
It is expected that the rapid development of new were given in a third ICRU report (Report 29 [ICRU,
techniques for the acquisition of patient data (e.g., 1978]), and in a fourth report (Report 38 [ICRU,
computed tomography, magnetic resonance imaging, 1985]), recommendations were given on dose and
nuclear medicine imaging, and ultrasonography), and volume specifications for reporting intracavitary ther-
the use of image handling systems will increase the apy in gynecology. The radiation dosimetry of elec-
2.1 The Different Steps in the Radiotherapy Recording of parameters related to the treatment
Procedure (see Appendix I, Table 1.1.) should be possible during
the whole treatment procedure, as indicated in Fig.
The decision to use radiotherapy as a treatment
2.1., and a summary should be made in an unambigu-
modality must be based on adequate clinical work-up
ous way.
including confirmation of the histological diagnosis, Reporting of the treatment should be unambiguous
staging, etc. In the radiotherapy process, different and sufficiently detailed to fulfil the statements al-
steps then have to be taken successively, as illus- ready given in the introduction (Section 1). The
trated in Fig. 2.1. radiation oncologist and physicist have, in contrast to
The specification of volumes and doses serves three
Acquisition of additional anatomical 1+--- Record ~
data for dose planning
Provisional selection of beam
arrangements and computation of
corresponding dose distribution
Verification-simulation Record ~
Verification Record .. I
Follow-up Record .. 0
Fig.2.1. Steps in the radiotherapy procedure. NB: There should be a continu ou s feed-back between all the different steps. A difficulty at a
given point may question all the decisions made at previous steps.
distinct steps. Different volumes may be defined, During the treatment planning process, other vol-
often with varying concentrations of demonstrated or umes have to be defined:
suspected malignant cells. Furthermore, consider- - Planning Target Volume (PTV).
ations have to be given to probable changes in the - Organs at Risk.
spatial relationship between the volume(s) and ther- As a result of treatment planning, further volumes
apy beam(s) during treatment, viz., movements of the can be described. These volumes are:
tissues/ patient, and to possible inaccuracies in the - Treated Volume.
treatment set-up. - Irradiated Volume.
Two volumes should be defined prior to treatment Further details are given below.2 A schematic pre-
planning. These volumes are:
Gross Tumor Volume (GTV). 2 Throughout, in the following, the singular (e.g., CTV) will also
- Clinical Target Volume (CTV). include the plural (e.g., CTVs).
2.3 Volumes ... 5
sentation of the different volumes is shown in Fig. tumor with decreasing density towards the periphery.
2.2. The GTV and its local margin for subclinical disease
Acquisition of additional anatomical data besides constitute a Clinical Target Volume (CTV) (e.g., CTV
the diagnostic information may be needed, and should I).
be obtained with the patient under treatment condi- If the tumor has been removed prior to radiother-
tions. Such further information could be CT -scans or apy, no Gross Tumor Volume can be defined.
orthogonal x-ray films in the treatment position. Additional volumes which do not contain demon-
The palpable or visible extent of the malignant strable tumor but with suspected malignant cells,
tumor (evaluated also by different imaging tech- may also be considered for therapy (e.g., regional
niques) constitutes the Gross Tumor Volume (GTV). lymph nodes and their volumes for subclinical spread).
Usually, depending on tumor site and diagnostic These volumes with only subclinical disease also
methods, this volume corresponds to the part of the constitute Clinical Target Volumes (e.g., CTV II,
Irradiated volume
treatment set-up, margins have to be added around include not only the GTV but also volumes with
the Clinical Target Volume to account for variation in suspected, subclinical disease, and, furthermore, it
size and position of tissues relative to the treatment was previously also defined to include margins for
beams, due to, e.g., patient movement, respiration, expected variations in shape, size, and position of the
changes in size and internal position of the Clinical demonstrated tumor and/or subclinical disease, as
Target Volume and to variation in the daily set up due well as variations in patient set-up and beam sizes
to technical and other factors. This volume, which and orientation. There are reasons to differentiate
takes into account both anatomical/biological factors between, on the one hand, considerations taking into
and treatment reproducibility factors, is the Planning account purely oncologic/biological factors (Clinical
Target Volume (PTV). Target Volume [CTV]) , and, on the other hand,
margins taking into account the reproducibility of
Fig. 2.3. Example of Gross Tumor Volume (GTV), Clinical Target Volumes (CTVs), and Planning Target Volume (PTV) for a patient
with a bronchial carcinoma, T3 NO MO (according to the TNM-classification [VICC, 1987]) of the right lung .
Fig.2.3.a. One frontal chest radiograph and one transverse CT-section at the level of the centre of the demonstrated tumor are shown,
and considered here to represent the true three-dimensional situation. Structures above and below the transverse section are projected into
the section.
make an estimation of the overall importance of the etc. Also, consideration has to be given to the fact that
possible variations in relation to the selected beam most imaging techniques used for dose-planning
arrangement, considering, furthermore, anatomical (mainly x-ray diagnostic procedures) actually show
location, the use of patient immobilization devices, the situation in seconds or fractions of a second, and
2.3 Volumes •.. 9
not the whole integrated situation during the actual margins, resulting in unnecessary side·effects. Some
treatment (= exposure time for a s ingle treatment of the movements and variations previously listed
fraction). could systematically deviate at the time of the irradia-
It is not recommended that all uncertainties due to tion compared to the planning process. Other u ncer-
the movements and spatial variations be added lin- tainties may vary at random. It is desirable to have
early because this would probably lead to too large detailed estimation of all these spatial uncertainties.
10 .. . 2. Definitions of Terms and Concepts
Fig.2.3.c. A margin is added around the GTV to include presumed local subclinical involvement around the demonstrable tumor, due to
individual malignant cells, small cell clusters, or microextensions, which can not be detected clinically. This constitutes the CTV I, and is
shown by the broken line.
However, the information that can be obtained is standard deviations, the combined effect can be esti-
usually limited, and they can only be estimated. If the mated. The total standard deviation is then the root
random uncertainties are normally distributed and of the square sum of random and systematic uncer-
the systematic uncertainties are estimated by their tainties.
2.3 Volumes ... 11
Treatment planning consists of the delineation of with respect to the technical factors ofthe irradiation ,
the Clinical Target Volume and the prescription of including select ion of beam arrangements, etc. Note
lhe Target Dose. Th is constitutes the pure medical that for a given CTV, t he PTV may vary sign ificantly
prescri ption, which must precede the integrated pro· with diffe rent beam arrangements.
cess of defining a proper Plann ing Target Volume A Clinical Target Volume may occasionally have to
12 ... 2. Definitions of Terms and Concepts
Fig.2.3.e. The patient's condition did not allow for radical therapy, and the prescribed dose is the same (and relatively low) for both CTV
I and CTV II. The two CTVs will be treated with the same beams, and a re here shown joined.
be represented by 2 or more Planning Target Vol- sections is presented, the PTV should be clearly
umes. Such special situations are illustrated in Figs. indicated on the diagram (represented by an area in a
2.4. and 3.4. particular section). It is an advantage if the CTV is
When a dose distribution in one or more anatomical also shown (Figs. 2.3.f. and II.4.).
2.3 Volumes ... 13
Fig. 2.3.f. The geometrical relationship between the CTV and other relevant parts of the patient on one hand and the treatment beam(s)
on the other hand should be stable and not change during or between fractions. This relation should be correlated to a fixed coordinate system
related to a point in/at the patient (e.g., the sternal notch). However, in relation to the fixed coordinate system, the CTV will move, e.g., with
respiration, and the patient as a whole will not be perfectly immobilized during each fraction. Furthermore, there may be minor random
variations in the set up (positioning of the beams in relation to the fixed coordinate system, small variations in beam size and blockings, etc.).
Therefore, treatment has to be planned for a larger volume than the CTV, and a suitable PTV (indicated by the thick solid line) is defined for
treatment planning purpose and for dose recording and reporting. Note that in this example the PTV extends into healthy tissues (the chest
14 ... 2. Definitions of Terms and Concepts
/ /
--// _}~....-_1.0
Fig. 2.4.h. The dose distribution correspond ing to the treatment described in Fig. 2.4.a. is shown. The following isodose curves are
drawn: 2.0, l.8, l.6, l.4, l.2, and l.0 Gy.
2.3 Volumes ... 15
Fig.2.4.d. The dose distribution corresponding to the treatment described in Fig. 2.4.c. The following isodose curves are drawn: 2.0, 1.8,
1.6, 1.4, 1.2, and 1.0 Gy.
16 ... 2. Definitions of Terms and Concepts
2.3.4 Treated Volume reduced, and the treatment plan has to be reevaluated
and, if necessary, even the aim of therapy may have to
Ideally, the dose should be delivered only to the
be reconsidered.
PTV. However, due to limitations in radiation treat-
There are several reasons for identifying the Treated
ment technique, this goal cannot be achieved, and
Volume. One reason is that the shape and size of the
this leads to the definition ofthe Treated Volume.
Treated Volume relative to the Planning Target
The Treated Volume is the volume enclosed by an
Volume is an important optimization parameter.
isodose surface, selected and specified by the radiation
Another reason is that a recurrence within the Treated
oncologist as being appropriate to achieve the purpose
Volume but outside the Planning Target Volume may
of treatment (e.g., tumor eradication, palliation).
be considered to be a " true," " in-field" recurrence
When the minimum target dose envelope is se-
due to inadequate dose and not a "marginal" recur-
lected as appropriate, the Treated Volume may, in
Fig. 2.5. Examples of four different Treated Volumes resulting from irradiating the same Planning Target Volume (indicated by the
dotted area) with four different treatment techniques. In all cases, the Treated Volume is defined by the 95% isodose curve (..... ), and, in
addition, the 20% isodose (- -) is given as representing the Irradiated Volume. The geometrical limits of the beams are indicated by
(- ' - ' - ).
The following ratios can be observed between the respective areas of the Planning Target Volume (1.0), the Treated Volume, and the
Irradiated Volume:
a. 1.0 : 2.4 : 4.6
b. 1.0 : 1.9 9.0
c. l.0 1.4 9.0
d . l.0 l.1 : 1l.0
.....-- - -----
Il I \
\I \. : : « <» <::: : i \I
~ ~:::::::::::::::::: :::::::::: :::::::::1 1/
1\J(18:~ I
/1 : ,\
I \ :I
1\ \ I
-------- J
Fig. 2.5.h. Three beams.
Fig. 2.5.c. Four beam box technique.
18 ... 2. Definitions of Terms and Concepts
--- --- -
The comparison of the Treated Volume and the 2.4 Absorbed Dose Distribution
Irradiated Volume for different beam arrangements
The prescription of radiation treatment includes a
can be used as part of the optimization procedure as
definition of the aim of therapy and volumes to be
illustrated in Fig. 2.5.
considered, as described in Sections 2.2. and 2.3., and
If the Irradiated Volume is reported, the significant
also a prescription of dose and fractionation.
dose level must be expressed either in absolute values
A provisional dose prescription is usually made at
or relative to the specified dose to the PTV.
the same time as the decision to use radiotherapy is
made and the volumes to be considered are specified.
When a standardized treatment technique is used
2.3.6 Organs At Risk (e.g., in a protocol), it is often possible, at the time of
prescription, to have sufficient knowledge of the final
Organs at risk are normal tissues whose radiation
dose distribution that there is no need to change the
sensitivity may significantly influence treatment plan-
prescription due to factors that may emerge during
ning and/or prescribed dose.
dose planning. However, in non-standard individual-
As is the case when defining the Planning Target
ized treatments, it may not be possible to achieve the
Volume, any possible movement of the organ at risk
prescribed doses in the selected volumes. This may be
during treatment, as well as uncertainties in the set
due, for instance, to high dose to organs at risk. The
up during the whole treatment course, must be
final dose prescription will then have to be modified
from the provisional one.
Estimations of dose limits for normal tissues under
Different concepts needed for reporting are defined
different conditions have been tabulated by, e.g.,
below. Recommendations for reporting are given in
Rubin (1975), and further elaborated by Brahme et
Section 3.
al. (1988). Organs at risk may be divided into three
different classes:
Class I organs: Radiation lesions are fatal or re-
2.4.1 Dose Variation in the Planning Target
sult in severe morbidity.
Class II organs: Radiation lesions result in moder-
ate to mild morbidity. When the dose to a given volume has been pre-
Class III organs: Radiation lesions are mild, tran- scribed, then the corresponding delivered dose should
sient, and reversible, or result in be as homogeneous as possible. Indeed, due to the
no significant morbidity. steep slopes of the dose-effect-relationships for tumor
2.4 Absorbed Dose Distribution ... 19
Area, cm 2 Area, cm 2
20 40 60 80 100
Dose, % Dose, %
Fig. 2.6.h. Dose-area histograms for the same patient as in Fig. 2.6.a.
i. frequency dose-area histogram (left) for the PTV.
ii. cumulative dose-area histogram (right) for the whole section.
(Modified from Report 42 LICRU, 1987]).
20 ... 2. Definitions of Terms and Concepts
control, the outcome of treatment cannot be related structures of importance (e.g., bony landmarks). For
to dose if there is too large a dose heterogeneity. this purpose, a series of parallel transverse planes or
Furthermore, any comparison between different pa- orthogonal planes or other presentations may be
tient series becomes difficult, or even impossible. used. Usually, at least a plane through the centre of
However, even if a perfectly homogeneous dose distri- the Clinical Target Volume or Planning Target Vol-
bution is, in principle, desirable, some heterogeneity ume is used, but often, several sections are necessary
has to be accepted due to obvious technical reasons. in order to display the full topography and dose
Thus, when prescribing the treatment, one has to distribution.
forsee a certain degree of heterogeneity, which today In some situations, only one section may be used
in the best technical and clinical conditions should be for dose planning (Fig. 2.6.a.). In doing so, one is
kept within +7% and -5% of prescribed dose (Witt- forced to assume that all structures through which
Fig. 2.7. Figures to illustrate the elfe<:t of treatment planning based on one se<:tion only (left figure in each set) and a complcte set of
sections (n - 24, right row) in a patient with a central bronchogenic ca rcinoma. The Clinical Target Volume includes the mediastinal and
supraclavicular nodes. (By courtesy, I.·L. !.amm, Ph. D., Dept. of Radiation Physics, Lund!.
Fig. 2.7.g. & h . Clinical Target Volume and the len lung.
2.4 Absorbed Dose Distribution . .. 23
Fig. 2.7.k. & I. Clinical Target Volume, both lungs, and spinal cord. as seen from behind.
24 ... 2. Definitions of Terms and Concepts
Dose distribution
along central axis
% Absorbed dose /Gy
100 54
8MV _
- - ., - - ---. 35
6 MV o = Distance betwee n entrance point s
8MV 30 - 16
51 14
94+----1----- 1-------+ 14 15 16 17
14 15 16 17
Di em Di em
-:::::--. --=-;--
Beam # 1 Beam # 2
Fig. 2.8. Example of a standard treatment technique with two opposed unequally weighted beams for irradiation of malignant glioma,
The prescribed dose in the center of the tumor-bearing hemisphere (lCRU Point 1) is 58 Gy, and in the center of the other hemisphere (ICRU
Point 2) 50 Gy, in order to irradiate presumed malignant growth across the midline.
The beam weight and corresponding total peak absorbed dose for each beam can be read from the two nomograms for different distances
between the beam entrances (D) and for different beam energies.
The resulting dose distribution along the central axis is also shown.
The case illustrates a quite complex situation (more than one prescribed dose, and unequally weighted beams ), where, with a detailed
analysis of the procedure as a basis, the routine work can be done in a greatly simplified but nevertheless standardized way.
2.4 Absorbed Dose Distribution ... 25
% 1.
100 5. 3.
80 2.
Fig. 2.9. Example of dose evaluation only along the central beam axis ("one-dimensional" dose evaluation). Treatment with a single 60CO
gamma beam at SSD 80 cm of a patient with painful vertebral metastases (patient prone, level L III). The beam size was selected to allow for
patient movement during treatment due to pain. Normalization at peak absorbed dose in the central beam ( = 100%).
For specification, the doses at the following points along the central beam axis were considered:
1. The dose at the most dorsal part of the spinal process of the vertebral body (= 98%).
2. The dose at the ventral surface of the vertebral body (= 65%).
3. The dose in the geometrical center of the whole vertebra (= midway between points 1 and 2) (= 81%).
4. The dose centrally in the vertebral body proper (= 73%).
5. The dose at the dorsal surface of the spinal cord (= 85%).
For reporting purposes, the dose at point 3 was not considered adequate, since this point is not within the proper bony structures. Instead,
the dose at point 4 was selected as ICRU Reference Dose. This dose was in a position where the bone destruction was most obvious. This dose,
together with the dose at point 1 and point 2, represent the Target Dose specified for reporting (= 73%, variation 98%-65% of peak absorbed
dose). The dose to the organ at risk (spinal cord) is 85%.
The figure illustrates a common clinical situation. Even when no isodose distribution is available, it is possible to state within certain
restrictions the PTV dose at an ICRU Reference Point and the dose variation as well as the dose to organs at risk.
26 ... 2. Definitions of Terms and Concepts
The minimum dose is the smallest dose in a defined The Modal Dose is the dose that occurs most
volume. frequently at lattice points in the volume concerned.
In contrast to the situation with the maximum There may be more than one modal dose value, which
absorbed dose (see 2.4.3), no volume limit is recom- then makes this concept useless for reporting pur-
mended when reporting minimum dose. pose.
The Minimum Planning Target Dose is the lowest NB: In order to determine the values of D average,
Dmedian, and D modaJ , a complete computer-based dose
dose in the Planning Target Volume.
distribution is required. This limits the universal use
of these concepts.
2.4.5 Average Dose (Daverage)4
2.4.8 Hot Spots
The determination of the average, the median and
modal doses is based on the calculation of the dose at In many situations, tissues outside the Planning
each one of a large number of discrete points (lattice Target Volume will receive a relatively large absorbed
points), uniformly distributed in the volume in ques- dose.
tion. A Hot Spot represents a volume outside the PTV
The Average Dose is the average of the dose values which receives a dose larger than 100% of the speci-
in these lattice points and can be' expressed by the fied PTV Dose.
As for the general rule about maximum dose (2.4.3.),
a hot spot is, in general, considered significant only if
4 In this report, the term average refers to the mathematical
the minimum diameter exceeds 15 mm. Ifit occurs in
mean. The reason for using the term average instead of mean is to a small organ (e.g., the eye, optic nerve, larynx), a
avoid confusion with " min." used as an abbreviation for minimum. dimension smaller than 15 mm has to be considered.
3. Recommendations for Reporting
TABLE 3. I-Summary of the recommendations for choosing ICRU Reference Point for dose specification for reporting treatments with
emphasis on simple beam arrangements. Note that for each situation the variation of dose (maximum and minimum dose) to the Planning
Target Volume will also have to be specified for reporting.
3.2.5 Irradiated Volume absorbed dose value (Gy) should be given. Also, an
In conformity with the Treated Volume, the Irradi- estimation of the size of the volume (cm 3 ) should be
ated Volume is also defined by a specified isodose reported.
envelope and, for reporting purposes, the value of the An illustration of the variation in size of the
isodose chosen, or, preferably, the corresponding Treated Volume and Irradiated Volume with differ-
Fig.3.1. Examples ofICRU Reference Points (e) for dose specification, and the dose variation in the PTV from maximum (*) to minimum
in typical simple beam arrangements. The Planning Target Volume is represented by the striated areas.
8MV Xrays
BEAM =#= 1 10cm x10cm
10 10
o 5 10cm
Fig. 3.1.a. One 8 MV photon beam. The ICRU Reference Point (100%) is in the center of the PTV and on the beam axis. The dose
variation in the PTV is from 114% to 86%.
3.3 General Recommendations for Reporting Doses • •• 29
ent techniques for the same PTV is to be found in Fig. the point should be selected where the dose can
2.5.a to d. be accurately determined (physical accuracy) ;
the point should be selected in a region where
there is no steep dose gradient.
3.3 General Recommendations for Reporting
These recommendations will be fulfilled if the
ICRU Reference Point is located firstly at the center,
The dose at or near the center of the Planning or in the central part, of the Planning Target Volume,
Target Volume as well as the maximum and the and secondly on or near the central axis of the
minimum dose to the PTV shall be reported. Addi- beam(s).
tional information (such as average dose, dose / The method of selection of the ICRU Reference
volume histograms) , when available, may be useful. Point is best illustrated by practical examples. Some
recommended ICRU Reference Points for simple
8 MV Xrays
~ BEAM #1 16cmx 20cm
95 .-/95
\.....!02 , 11cm
~~~ i
RIGHT ----- - LEFT
~! ~ 50
10 10
t BEAM #2 16cmx20cm
POST I Ii. i i •
o 5
Fig. 3.1.b. Two opposed equally weighted 8 MV photon beams. The ICRU Reference Point (1007< ) is midway between the beam
entrances and is also in the center of the PTV. The dose variat ion in the P TV is from 1027< to 957< .
30 ... 3. Recommendations for Reporting
BMV X rays
10cm x 10cm ANT
W= 2/3 ~ BEAM #1
20 \
5 10cm
10cm x 10cm t BEAM #2
W =1/3
Fig. 3. I.e. Two opposed unequally weighted (1:3 at peak absorbed dose) 8 MV photon beams. Th e ICRU Reference Point (100%) is in the
center of the PTV and on the beam axes (but not midways between the beam entrances). The dose variation in the PTV is from 105% to 95%.
BEAM # 2
W:1 50
~ --
Bern x 10em
r I
o 5 10em
Fig.3.I.d. Two orthogonal 8 MV photon beams. The ICRU Reference Point (100%) is in the center of the PTV and on the beam axes. The
dose variation in the PTV is from 102% to 95%.
3.3 General Recommendations for Reporting Doses . •. 31
8MV X rays ANT
~ ~
10cmx 20cm
20 20
j i I ,
t BEAM#1 10cm x 20cm
o 5 10cm
Fig.3.1.e. Three equally weighted 8 MV photon beams that converge towards one point. The ICRU Reference Point (100%) is in the
center of the PTV and on the beam axes. The dose variation in the PTV is from 108% to 90%.
8MV Xrays
16cm x 20cm
~ BEAM #1 37%
j i 1 ,
o 5 10cm 16cm X 20cm BEAM # 2 37%
Fig.3.1.f. Box technique with four 8 MV photon beams that converge towards one point. The ICRU Reference Point (100%) is in the
center of the PTV and on the beam axes. The dose variation in the PTV ranges from 103% to 95%.
32 ... 3. Recommendations for Reporting
8 MV X rays 7cm x 16cm Rotation 300
o 5 10cm
Fig.3.l.g. Moving beam therapy with 8 MV photons; large arc. The ICRU Reference Point (100%) is in the center of the PTV and also on
the central axis of the moving beam. The dose variation in the PTV is from 102% to 80%.
8MV Xrays 6cm X 10cm Rotation 100
o 5 10cm
Fig. 3.1.h. Moving beam therapy with 8 MV photons; small arc (100°) . The dose distribution has been normalized to the dose at the
intersection of the central axis of the moving beam (open circle, = 100%). The ICRU Reference Point (solid circle = 108%) is in the center of
the PTV. The dose variation in the PTV is from 114% to 85% (relative to the normalized dose), or from 106% to 79% (relative to the ICRU
Reference dose).
3.3 General Recommendations for Reporting Doses .•. 33
tion at or close to the center of the PTV should be volume histograms, biologically weighted doses), when
given preference. Some examples are given in Figs. available, should also be reported.
3.2, 3.3, and 3.4, and Appendix II, Fig. II.5.e. An analysis of the relative merits of using different
In other situations, it will be found that the "center types of doses for reporting is given in Appendix III.
of the PTV" will not be a meaningful concept, if it is
taken to imply the purely geometrical center or the
center of gravity. Such a definition could result in the 3.3.4 The Three Levels of Dose Evaluation for
"center" being outside the tissues represented by the Reporting
PTV (e.g., when treating the chest wall, where the
center of gravity of the PTV may be in healthy lung The level of completeness and accuracy of reporting
tissue, or, in the case of treatment of the regional therapeutic irradiation depends to a large extent on
lymph nodes of a pelvic tumor, where the PTV may be the situation in the department and on the aim of the
Fig. 3.2. Example of a technique for radiotherapy after breast conserving surgery in node positive patients. There are two
topographically separate PTVs, namely, the breast (dotted line in section II, Fig. 3.2.c) and regional lymph nodes in axilla and supraclavicular
fossa (dotted line in section I, Fig. 3.2.b). An overview of the beam arrangements is given in Fig. 3.2.a. The treatment machine is equipped
with asymmetric jaws, which are used to shield to the midline in each beam, producing the four 5·MV·photon beams (two tangential [Nos. 1
and 2] to the breast, and two AP·PA [Nos. 3 and 4] towards the lymph nodes in the axilla and supraclavicular fossa). All four beams have the
same isocenter (circle with cross), and all beams thus have a common border through the isocenter. Thus, there is no central axis within any
of the beams. Additional parts of the beams are shielded and shown as hatched areas. The 100%, 95%, and 105% isodose lines are given,
normalized to the ICRU Reference Points for the two PTVs (as indicated by the triangle [breast] and the square [regional lymph nodesD. A
dose of 50 Gy is given to each of these PTVs according to the ICRU Reference Points (100% isodose lines).
. _. _. _.- SECTION II
# 1 #2
Fig. 3.2.a. Schematic overview.
Level 3: the dose distribution can be computed for The dose to the ICRU Reference Point as well as
volumes. the maximum and the minimum dose to the PTV
At any level, the dose at the ICRU Reference Point should be reported.
and the best estimation of the maximum and the Several of the simple beam arrangements, consid-
minimum dose to the PTV should be reported. In ered in Fig. 3.1., are used in a large proportion of
addition, this information could be supplemented by, treatments, especially for palliation.
e.g., isodose plans, dose-area/volume histograms, and
other information, when available, at levels 2 or 3.
In such situations, the ICRU Reference Point will the maximum and the minimum dose to the PTV,
have to be selected according to the additional criteria should be reported.
given in section 3.3.1. Examples are given in Figs. 3.2., 3.3., and 3.4., and
The dose to the ICRU Reference Point, as well as in Appendix II, Figs. 11.4. b to d.
36 ... 3. Recommendations for Reporting
5 em
Fig. 3.3. Treatment of a thyroid carcinoma with mediastinal involvement using coplanar beams whose central rays do not intersect at
one point. The purpose of treatment was to deliver 60 Gy to the thyroid and anterior mediastinum and to keep the dose to the cord below 42
Gy. Only anterior beams were used: their weight is expressed by their dose contribution to the ICRU Reference Point (triangle) and, for the
electron beam, to the 60 Gy isodose in the sagital median plane. The PTV is indicated by the dotted line. The isodose lines indicate absolute
values (Gy). The ICRU Reference Point is indicated by the triangle. The dose specified for reporting is 60 Gy, with the variation from 69 Gy to
47 Gy. Modified from Report 29 [lCRU, 1978l.
3.5. Complex Treatments with More Than other PTV, reporting at level 1 may give information
One Planning Target Volume that does not take this into consideration. Informa-
tion obtained at levels 2 and 3 (e.g., isodoses, dose-
3.5.1 Introduction area/ volume histograms) will increase the usefulness
of the information.
With the increasing complexity of radiotherapy
treatments, more than one Planning Target Volume
is frequently identified. In practice, the two most
3.5.3 Overlapping Planning Target Volumes
common situations are adjacent PTVs and overlap-
ping PTVs (Fig. 3.5.) . In this situation, one PTV is totally contained
within the confines of the other. A typical example is
the "boost" technique. In this case, again, two situa-
3.5.2 Adjacent Planning Target Volumes
tions may occur:
In this situation, the PTVs are adjacent to each the beam axes of the two PTVs are identical and
other; they do not overlap. A typical example may be the centers coincide (see Appendix II, Figs.
the postoperative treatment of breast cancer includ- II.3.a. and b.).
ing the breast and chest wall, and the regional the centers of the two PTVs and the beam axes
lymphatics (see Fig. 3.2., and Appendix I, Fig. l.l.b.). differ (see Appendix II, Fig. 11.2.).
When the PTVs are adjacent to each other, as a NB: The "shrinking field technique" can be consid-
minimum requirement, the dose to each PTV (at its ered as consisting of a series of smaller PTVs inserted
ICRU Reference Point, as well as the maximum and into each other.
the minimum dose to each PTV) should be reported When the PTVs are overlapping the following
as indicated in section 3.4.1. Note that since treat- procedures are recommended:
ment of one PTV may give a dose contribution to the At Levell. The dose to the ICRU Refer-
3.5. Complex Treatments with More Than One Planning Target Volume . .. 37
60 Co
Field SSD Size Wedge Beam weight
em em x em %
1 70 22 x 22 - 100
2 70 22 x 22 100
3 70 5 x 5 15° 40
4 70 5 x 5 15° 40
2 5 70 12 x 5 - 180
6 70 12 x 5 - 180
, 6
5 em
Fig. 3.4. Dose plan in 3 sections for the treatment of medulloblastoma with two PTVs (a. the demonstrated cerebellar tumor [GTV1 and
its local subclinical extensions [CTV I/PTV IJ, and b. the whole subdural space and the ventricular system [CTV II/PTV II]) with coplanar
beams whose central rays do not intersect at one point, non-coplanar beams, and opposed noncoaxial beams. The weighting of the beams was
chosen to give the prescribed total absorbed dose in the two PTVs with the same number offractions. The distribution of the absorbed dose is
calculated firstly for PTV I and the cranial part of the PTV II in a frontal section (I) and then a dose plan is produced for the spinal part of the
PTV II in a median sagittal section (II). Furthermore, in order to evaluate the kidney dose, a transverse section (Ill) was also used. For
reporting, three different ICRU Reference Points are defined, namely, one for the PTV I (e = ICRU 1), two (. = ICRU 2, and.a, = ICRU 3,
respectively) for the cranial and spinal parts of the PTV II, respectively. From Report 29 [ICRU, 19781.
Fig. 3.5. Two different Planning Target Volumes which may be:
a. Adjacent to each other.
b. One totally contained within the confines of the other with coinciding centers and identical beam axes.
c. One totally contained within the confines of the other but different centers of the PTVs and the beam axes.
38 ... 3. Recommendations for Reporting
ence Point and the maximum and minimum dose to 3.6 Organs at Risk
each PTV for each part of the treatment are calcu- For each organ at risk, the maximum dose, to-
lated along the central beam axes and should be gether with the volume of the organ receiving that
reported accordingly. At levell, the report is confined dose, should, when possible, be reported, (e.g., maxi-
to a simple description of technique. mum spinal cord dose 42 Gy, 10 cm C1-C4, or left At Levels 2 and 3. The dose distribu- kidney dose 21 Gy, whole kidney).
tions for each PTV are calculated and added and the In some situations, part of the organ or even the
dose to each ICRU Reference Point, as well as the whole organ is irradiated to doses above the accepted
maximum and minimum dose for each PTV, are tolerance level. In that case, the volume that receives
reported, taking into account the cumulative contribu- at least the tolerance dose should be estimated.
tion to each PTV. For the smaller PTV, the criteria of When reporting at Level 3 is possible, dose-volume
TABLE I. I-List of parameters that should be recorded at different steps in the radiotherapy procedure (compare Section 2.1 and Fig. 2.1)
Note: * indicates recommended, (*) indicates optional
Radiation Record Form!
Oncologist's Dose Check and Clinical
Information Prescription Plan Confirm Register Reporting
Patient ID # *
histologic type (*)
extent! stage (*)
Intention of treatment
Plan ID #
Date of planning
Patient position *
Anatomical description of:
organs at risk
40 ... Appendix I
TABLE I.l---continued
Radiation Record Form/
Oncologist's Dose Check and Clinical
Information Prescription Plan Confirm Register Reporting
a. Glottic carcinoma (the figures illustrating GTV are taken from the TNM Atlas ([UlCe, 1982)).
: .•.::.i::::: :":""" .:........ :. . .
D·: · . ·: :·.·. . . .
. ....:....::::.::
1 :.·•• • •· • ·• • ·• ·1
c. Abdominal Hodgkin's disease, stage II (the figure illustrating GTV is taken and modified from TNM Atlas [UICC, 1982]).
d. Medulloblastoma (the figure illustrating GTV is taken from Clinical Oncology, A Multidisciplinary Approach [ACS, 19831.
1.2 Description of Treatment Technique . .. 47
(iv) Radiation quality for each beam. All transverse sections of the patient should be
* Orthovoltage or low-energy x-ray beams as viewed from the foot end of the patient
( < 300 kV): the generating potential (kV) irrespective of the patient position. The right
and HVL (mm Al or Cu). and the left side of the section should be
* Gamma ray beams: the radionuclide (ele- indicated (e.g., Dxt/Sin, or Right/Left). For
ment and mass number). other sections, the orientation should also be
* X-ray beams> 2 MV: the nominal accelerat- clearly indicated in the figure.
ing potential, and the type of accelerator. For comparison purposes, 60CO gamma rays
(v) Beam modification devices (wedge filters, com- should be taken as the reference radiation. The
pensators, shielding blocks, individually cut
same RBE applies for photon radiations with a
blocks, etc.) should be indicated.
nominal energy of at least 2 MV, and for
electron radiation in the range 1-50 MeV. For
CLINICAL SITUATION 65-year-old male, smoker, presented with a persistent cough. Clinical
examination normal. Chest radiography showed a right hilar mass. Bron-
choscopy showed endobronchial tumor in the right main bronchus. Biopsy
revealed squamous cell carcinoma. CT scan confirmed lesion in the right
bronchus with a 3 cm x 3 cm mass oflymphadenopathy at the right hilum,
no evidence of mediastinal lymphadenopathy. Clinical stage T2 Nl MO.
AIM OF THERAPY Patient inoperable. Palliative radiotherapy for the purpose of relieving
cough is planned.
GTV Primary endobronchial tumor and hilar lymphadenopathy [C34.0-1,
CTV CTV I: GTV + local subclinical extensions [C34.0-1 , C77.1C-I].
CTV II: Mediastinal regional lymph nodes [C77 .IAJ.
PTV Ajoint PTV is defined for the two CTVs.
ORGANS AT RISK A: Spinal cord [C72.0BJ.
B: Left lung [C34.9-2J.
PRESCRIBED DOSES PTV: 30 Gy in 10 fractions over 2 weeks.
ACCEPTED DOSES TO A: Less than 35 Gy in 10 fractions .
ORGANS AT RISK B: As low as possible.
PATIENT POSITIONING AND Supine with head on standard head rest and arms by side. No special
IMMOBILIZATION patient fixation.
50 ... Appendix 1/
SECTION FOR DOSE One CT-scan through the centre of the GTV [26],
Two opposed equally weighted beams with direction 0° and 180°, respec-
Isocentric technique.
Field width 10 cm (both).
Fig.II.1. The PTV I for the primary tumor is indicated by the densely dotted area. The PTV II for mediastinal lymph nodes is indicated
by the sparsely dotted area.
CLINICAL SITUATION 56-year old female presented with a 2 cm x 1.5 cm hard, mobile lump in the
upper outer quadrant of the left breast. There was no fixation to skin or
underlying muscle, and no regional lymphadenopathy palpable. Mammog-
raphy showed a mass suspicious of malignancy. Clinical diagnosis T1a NO
MO carcinoma. Excision biopsy showed infiltrating ductal carcinoma. Wide
local excision and axillary dissection was then performed. Histology showed
complete excision of primary tumour and 12 axillary lymph nodes excised,
all 12 free of metastases. Surgical clips were placed in the tumour bed at
time ofre-excision.
Fig.II.2.h. Isodose values (relative values) for the dose distribution with one 9 MeV electron beam for PTV I (indicated by densely dotted
area). The dose specified for prescription and for recording of this part of the whole treatment is 100% (the beam energy chosen so that this
value is found near the center of the PTV). The absolute dose value is 14 Gy.
Appendix II ... 53
PTVII: 6 MV photons.
Two opposed beams.
Beam direction 305° and 125°.
Isocentric technique.
Field width 8 cm.
Field length 19 cm.
Wedge 15° and 15°.
Beams equally weighted at isocenter.
Start treatment of both PTVs with the tangential photon beams, then add
with electrons to PTV I.
CONTROL MEASURES Simulator port films.
Verification films of photon beams once a week.
Diode measurements of entrance dose x 2.
DOSE SPECIFICATION FOR PTV I: 1. Centrally in PTV I. (= at the ICRU Reference Point 1).
REPORTING 2. Maximum and minimum.
PTV II: 1. At isocenter of photon beam treatment (ICRU Reference Point
2) only, supposing this to be representative of the central dose
in the whole breast (PTV II) outside the volume corresponding
to the tumor bed (PTV I).
2. Maximum and minimum.
54 ... Appendix II
CLINICAL SITUATION 57-year-old male developed acute urinary retention. Rectal examination
revealed a hard prostate gland with an enlarged left lateral lobe. No
palpable extensions outside the prostate. Clinical diagnosis T2 carcinoma
of the prostate. No other abnormality on physical examination. Cystoscopy
revealed prominent left lateral lobe of prostate gland. Biopsy showed
adenocarcinoma of the prostate gland, poorly differentiated tumour (G 3).
I.V. pyelography, isotopic bone scan, chest radiograph and acid phosphata-
ses were all normal. CT scan of the pelvis confirmed T2 staging. No involve-
AIM OF THERAPY Radical radiotherapy to prostate gland and pelvic lymph nodes.
CTV CTV I: The entire prostate gland with good left lateral margin. Define by
CT scan and palpation [C61.9) .
CTV II: The regional lymph nodes in the obturator, internal and external
iliac and pre-sacral lymph nodes and also common iliac lymph
nodes [C77.5B-4, C77.5A-4, C77.5C) .
PTV For CTV I and II to allow for variation in repositioning in the beams. There
is little organ movement. (See Fig. 11.3.)
Fig.II.3.a. Isodose (absolute values) distribution for the first treatmen t of both PTV I and II (the latter indicated by the sparsely dotted
area, and the former indicated by the densely dotted area). The dose specified for prescription and for recording (44 Gy) is at the intersection
ofthe beams.
Fig.II.3.c. Isodose (absolute values) distribution of the total treatment. For reporting purposes, the following specification of dose and
fractionation was adopted:
For PTV I (the primary tumor and prostate) the dose at the intersection (see below) of the 7 beams and the variation of dose in PTV 1= 66
Gy (69-66) given in 32 fractions over 45 days.
For PTV II (the regional lymph nodes) the dose at a point considered significant for the regional lymph nodes (indicated by the circle) = 65
Gy) , and the variation in dose in PTV II = 68 - 52 Gy, given in 22-32 fractions over 31-45 days.
Note: The example illustrates the problems encountered in "boost" therapy. It is usually only possible to achieve a homogeneous dose to
PTV L It is recommended that a display of the total dose distribution from the combined treatments to both PTVs is made at the
outset. Also, for this case, note that for the dose planning of the two different parts of the whole treatment, different sections were
used, but for reporting purposes in this case, only one section was considered, disregarding the possible importance of 3-D evaluation.
The true minimum dose ofPTV II will then be lower than the one stated above, and of the order 42 Gy at the most cranial section.
56 ... Appendix II
ORGANS AT RISK A: Small bowel [C17.9].
B: Rectum-posterior wall [C20.9].
C: Femoral heads [C41.4G-4].
PATIENT POSITIONING AND PTV I and II: Supine with head on standard head rest and arms on chest.
IMMOBILIZATION No cast immobilization. Laser alignment and skin tattos.
SECTIONS FOR DOSE PTV II: Principal section through center ofPTV II.
PLANNING Other sections used for localization of target volume [51].
PTV I: Principal section through center of PTV I [52].
DOSE CALCULATION Dual plane but not off-axis dose calculation based on generating function,
corrected for oblique incidence and tissue inhomogeneity.
TECHNIQUE PTV I and II: 8 MV photons. Anterior, posterior, right and left lateral
Beam directions 0° and 180° (ant & post) and 90° and 270°
Isocentric technique.
Field width 16 cm (ant & post).
Field width 12 cm (laterals).
Field length 16 cm (all beams) .
Weight at specification point 28%,28%, 22%, and 22%.
PTV I: 8MV photons.
Anterior and right and left posterior oblique beams.
Beam directions 0°, 250°, 110°.
Isocentric technique.
Field width 8 cm (anterior) and 7 cm (posterior oblique beams).
Field length 9 cm.
Wedge 15° for posterior oblique beams.
Weight 46%,27%, and 27%.
Start treating both PTVs together, then treat only PTV I.
CLINICAL SITUATION 58-year old male presented with a 4.5 cm x 3.5 cm x 4.0 cm ulcerated tumor
in the left floor of the mouth. The tumour extended into the tongue but did
not reach the midline. It did not involve the submandibular salivary gland.
There was no fixation to the mandible. There were no palpable regional
lymph nodes. Physical examination otherwise unremarkable. Clinical
stage = T4 NO MO. Biopsy showed moderately differentiated squamous cell
carcinoma. The patient was considered unfit for radical surgery.
PTV 1 cm margin is added to allow for movements and variation in beam set up.
Note I: CTV I is well located inside CTV II and thus needs no special
margin for planning purpose, since no external beam boost
therapy was intended.
Note II: Since the dose to the cord would have been unacceptable with the
same margin around the CTVs in all direction, the compromise
was made to retain the prescribed dose (see below) but accept a
smaller positional margin close to the cord. Extra careful checking
of the beam positioning close to the cord then becomes necessary.
(See Fig. 11.4.)
PATIENT POSITIONING AND Supine in individualized plastic casts. Arms along side. Use mouth bites to
IMMOBILIZATION spare upper oral cavity.
DOSE CALCULATION True 3-D dose planning based on the 3 sections and interpolated volume,
using pencil beam photon algorithms.
Right Left
. - . _ . _ . _ . - Section _.1r.-
4.0 cm
Section II -·l·- 12.0 cm
Section I I
-- .......... P.i<;hl
Section III
Fig. II.4.a. Schematic presentation of the GTV and CTVs and the 3 different sections used for dose planning. The height of the PTV = 12 cm.
GTV = Striated area. CTV I = Dotted line (1). CTV II = Dotted line (II). PTV = Dashed line.
Appendix /I ... 59
" :p
"" \ BEAM # 2
Fig.II.4.c. Dose distribution in section #II ( =central plane). The cross indicates the position of the single largest dose value in the whole
60 ... Appendix II
6 MV photons.
Two beams.
Beam angles 0 and 140
0 0
Isocentric technique. The central beams intersect at the body surface (at
the level of section # I1).
Field width 7.4 cm.
Field length 14 cm.
Beams blocked using "beam's eye view."
Wedge +30 and -30
0 0
CONTROL MEASURES Simulator port films. Verification films of photon beams three times a week
(with special attention to the medial borders, see above).
Diode measurements of entrance dose x 2.
DOSE SPECIFICATION FOR 1. Centrally in PTV in section # I (ICRU Reference Point 2) (since the
REPORTING beams intersect at the level of section # II where there is only
subclinical disease, and furthermore, they do not intersect well within
the tissues of the patient) = 66 Gy.
2. Maximum and minimum doses in PTV (to be found in sections #11 and
III, respectively) = 108% (71 Gy) and 84% (=55 Gy), respectively. Note
that the minimum dose can be raised by using beam compensating
filters, bolus to diminish the effect of build· up, or additional treatment
to section #111.
3. Furthermore, the following dose parameters to the PTV are available:
- average value = 102% (standard deviation = 6.6).
- median value = 101%,
4. Organs at risk:
Spinal cord dose = maximum 50% = 33 Gy.
Dose to the right parotid gland = < 15% = < 10 Gy.
Appendix" •.. 61
CLINICAL SITUATION A 38-year old male presented with a painless mass in the right posterior
thigh. Clinical and radiological examination indicated a liposarcoma in the
long head of the biceps femoris muscle, which was verified by means of fine
needle aspiration biopsy. At subsequent operation, the lateral part of the
tumor was found to protrude out of the muscle. Microscopically, a grade IV
liposarcoma was diagnosed, and the surgical margin was classified as
probably not radical. Thus postoperative radiotherapy was indicated.
ORGANS AT RISK The testes were carefully pushed well outside the beams [C62.9-4J.
TENTATIVE TECHNIQUE Two lateral opposing beams. Care should be taken to avoid irradiation of
the entire cross-section of the leg.
PATIENT POSITIONING Recumbent position on right side and immobilization individual cast, with
right leg straight and left leg flexed 90 degrees.
SECTIONS FOR DOSE 55 transversal CT-slices from pelvis cranially to the knee joint caudally.
PLANNING Reconstructed sagittal section through entire length of femoral bone
[50 > > > 62].
DOSE SPECIFICATION FOR PTV: 1. Centrally in PTV (= the ICRU Reference Point) .
REPORTING 2. Maximum and minimum .
62 ... Appendix II
Sciatic nerve
Fig. 1I.5.a. Based on clinical. radiologic, and cytologic findings. Fig. 1I.5.b. At OIX'ration. the medial part of the tumor was
a high·grade lipoaaN;(lma in the long head of the bieeps femoris was found embedded in the long head of the bieeps muscle. The lateral
diagnosed. part of the tumor protruded out of the muscle and was oovered by a
thin membrane. Whether this was muscle fascia or a tumor
pseudocapsule was uncertain. The tumor and the long muscle head
were removed en bloc. Microscopic examination showed a grad", IV
liposarcoma. There Wall no fascialoontainment of the tumor in the
lateral part. The margin was thus c1llSfiified as marginal, and
radiotherapy was indicated.
Fig. I1.5.c. Multiple·plane display of 4 of the 8 CT sections Fig.II.5.d. Volum,~tric image ~'Onstructed from the outlinea in
taken before surgery. In each section, the external oontour and the 8 CT sections deSCI"ibed in Fig. 11.5.c. The most proximal and
outlines of bone, muscle oompartments. and gross tumor are distal sections are shown with a groy scale. The femur is displayed
visualised. as a solid structure (white) as well as the grOl!S tumor (pink), while
the biceps muscle is displayed as a semitransparent structure
(magenta). The spatial relationship of these structures can ellllily
be oonceived. The orientation of the image is given by the patient
related coordinate sysl<)m (L '" Left. R '" I{igh!, S .. Superior, I ~
Inferior, A .. Anterior. P '" Posterior).
Appendix II . . . 63
C~~~···· :0
.... ~
· \
'.:: .::::::::::::::::::::::::::5~.::::::.:
_ .-. -- '-
'- ''-- '-
Fig. 11.5.e. Transverse section through theoontral part of the PTV. The entire cross· section of the posterior compartment was defined as
the CTV. Radiation is given by two oppoaing beams. beam directions 90' and 270' . respectively. Irradiation of the entire cross·section of the
thigh is l\Voided. The numbers indicate absolute dose levels (Gy l for the individual isodose curves. The specified target dose (P'rV-doscl is 51
Gy at a point centrally in the PTV 1_). This point was chosen as being more representative than the point midway on the beam axes (. ). The
maximum dose to the P1'V is 53 Gy, and the minimum dose is 45Gy.
Parameter Comments
Central dose in the PTV Easy to determine.
(=ICRU Reference Dose) Good physical accuracy.
Almost independent of type of dose computation (1-, 2-, or 3-D).
Minimum dose to the PTV Computer is needed.
Limited physical accuracy.
Dependent on dose computation method 0-, 2-, or 3-D).
Average dose to the PTV Computer is needed.
Good physical accuracy.
Dependent on dose computation method (1- , 2-, or 3-D).
decision of the clinical safety margin is one of the The dose at the central part of the PTV, along the
most critical steps in radiotherapy. Consequently, the central axes of the beams, must then be reported in
size and border of the CTV may vary considerably all cases. It is the most representative single dose
from one radiation oncologist to another for the same value for the PTV. However, in order to evaluate the
clinical situation, due to different opinions. Also, the total dose distribution in the PTV, the dose variation
selection of proper margins when defining the PTV (maximum and minimum dose to the PTV) (Section
may vary from therapist to therapist. 3.3.3) also have to be reported.
ACS (1983). American Cancer Society, Clinical Oncol- Energy Photons and Electrons, ICRU Report 42.
ogy for Medical Students and Physicians. A Multi- (International Commission on Radiation Units and
disciplinary Approach, 6th Edition, Rubin, P., Ed., Measurements, Washington).
page 269. (American Cancer Society, Atlanta). MIJNHEER, B. J., BATTERMANN, J. J., and WAMBERSIE,
AJCC (1988). American Joint Committee on Cancer, A (1987). "What degree of accuracy is required and
Manual for Staging of Cancer, 3rd edition, Beahrs, can be achieved in photon and neutron therapy?,"
O. H., Henson, D., Hutter, R V. P. and Myers, Radiotherapy and Oncology, 8,237-252.
M. H., Eds. (J. P. Lippincott, Philadelphia). MOLLER, T. R, NORDBERG, U. B., GUSTAFSSON, T.,
ICRU Publications
7910 Woodmont Avenue, Suite 800
Report No. Title
lOb Physical Aspects of Irradiation (1964)
10c Radioactivity (1963)
10f Methods of Evaluating Radiological Equipment and Ma-
terials (1963)
12 Certification of Standardized Radioactive Sources (1968)
13 Neutron Fluence, Neutron Spectra and Kerma (1969)
14 Radiation Dosimetry: X Rays and Gamma Rays with
Maximum Photon Energies Between 0.6 and 50 MeV
15 Cameras for Image Intensifier Fluorography (1969)
16 Linear Energy Transfer (1970)
68 ... ICRU Reports
Report No. Title and Reference*
1 Discussion on International Units and Standards for
X-ray work, Br. J. Radiol. 23,64 (1927).
2 International X-Ray Unit oflntensity, Br. J. Radiol. (new
series) 1,363 (1928).
3 Report of Committee on Standardization ofX-ray Mea-
surements, Radiology 22,289 (1934).
4 Recommendations of the International Committee for Ra-
diological Units, Radiology 23,580 (1934).
5 R ecommendations of the International Committee for Ra-
diological Units, Radiology 29,634 (1937).
6 Recommendations of the International Commission on
Radiological Protection and of the International Com-
mission on Radiological Units, National Bureau of
Standards Handbook 47 (U .S. Government Printing
Office, Washington, D.C., 1951 ).
7 Recommendations of the International Commission on
Radiological Units, Radiology 62,106 (1954).
8 Report of the International Commission on Radiological
Units and Measurements (lCRU) 1956, National Bu-
reau of Standards Handbook 62 (U.S. Government
Printing Office, Washington, D.C., 1957).
9 Report of the International Commission on Radiological
Units and Measurements (lCRU) 1959, National Bu-
reau of Standards Handbook 78 (U.S. Government
Printing Office, Washington D.C., 1961).
lOa Radiation Quantities and Units, National Bureau of Stan-
dards Handbook 84 (U.S. Government Printing Office,
Washington, D.C., 1962).
10d Clinical Dosimetry, National Bureau of Standards Hand-
book 87 (U.s. Government Printing Office, Washington,
D.C., 1968).
70 ... ICRU Reports
'References given are in English. Some of the Reports were also published in other languages.
Absorbed dose calculation, 47 Evaluation, 5
Reporting, 47 Example, 5, 8-9, 21
Absorbed dose distribution, 18 Reporting, 27
Absorbed dose pattern, 20, 26, 47
Isodose plan, 47 Hot spots, 26, 38, 50
72 ... Index
Reporting, 20, 26-29, 33-36, 38, 44, 47 Organs at risk, 38
Absorbed dose calculations, 47 Three levels of dose evaluation , 33-34
Absorbed dose rate, 47 Reporting therapy, 27
Complex treatments with more than one Planning Target Vol- Reporting volumes , 27-29
ume, 36, 38 Representation of a spatial dose distribution , 20-23
Description of technique, 44, 47
Doses, 47 Single Planning Ta rget Volume, 34-35
Fractions, 47 Complex beam arrangements, 34-35
Hot spots, 26 Simple beam arrangements, 34
Isodose curves, 20, 47 Steps in the radiotherapy procedure, 3-4
Isodose plots, 47
Organs at risk, 38 Target volume, 7
Quality control, 47 Three levels of dose evaluation for reporting, 33-34