7chapter Masonry Structures - BNBC 2020 Commentary
7chapter Masonry Structures - BNBC 2020 Commentary
7chapter Masonry Structures - BNBC 2020 Commentary
Table Of Contents
7.1.2 Scope
7.1.2 Definitions
7.1.3 Symbols and Notation
7.2 Materials
7.2.1 General
7.2.2 Masonry Units
7.2.3 Mortar and Grout
7.3 Allowable STRESSES
7.3 .1 General
7.3.2 Specified Compressive Strength of Masonry, f’m
7.3.3 Compliance with f’m
7.3.4 Quality Control
7.3.5 Allowable Stresses in Masonry
7.3.6 Allowable Stresses in Reinforcement
7.3.7 Combined Compressive Stress
7.3.8 Modulus of Elasticity
7.3.9 Shear and Tension on Embedded Anchor Bolts Allowable shear force Allowable tension Combined shear and tension Minimum edge distance, lbe Minimum embedment depth, lbe Minimum spacing between bolts
7.3.10 Load Test
7.3.11 Reuse of Masonry Units
7.4.1 General
7.4.2 Design Considerations Effective height
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7.11.1 General
7.11.2 Difference of Confined Masonry from RC Frame Construction
7.11.3 Mechanism of Resisting Earthquake Effects
7.11.4 Key Factors Influencing Seismic Resistance Wall density Masonry units and mortar Tie-columns Horizontal wall reinforcement Openings
7.11.5 Verification of Members
7.11.6 Confined Masonry Members
7.11.7 Architectural Guideline Building Layout Walls Building Height
7.11.8 Confined Masonry Details
7.11.9 Foundation and Plinth Construction
7.1.2 Scope
This Chapter of the Code covers the design, construction and quality control of masonry structures.
7.1.2 Definitions
For the purpose of this Chapter, the following definitions shall be applicable.
The measured dimensions of a designated item; such as a designated masonry unit or wall used in the
structures. The actual dimension shall not vary from the specified dimension by more than the amount
allowed in the appropriate standard mentioned in Sec 2.2.4 Chapter 2 Part 5.
A block bedded on a wall, column or pier to disperse a concentrated load on a masonry element.
A horizontal mortar joint upon which masonry units are placed.
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Arrangement of masonry units in successive courses to tie the masonry together both longitudinally and
transversely; the arrangement is usually worked out to ensure that no vertical joint of one course is exactly
over the one in the next course above or below it and there is maximum possible amount of lap.
A horizontal grouted element within masonry in which reinforcement is embedded.
A pier of masonry built as an integral part of wall and projecting from either or both surfaces, decreasing in
cross-sectional area from base to top and conforming to the requirement of Sec 4.3.3(c) (ii).
A wall comprising two limbs each built-up as single or multi-wythe units and separated by a 50-115 mm
wide cavity. The limbs are tied together by metal ties or bonding units for structural integrity.
A void space having a gross cross-sectional area greater than 1000 mm2.
The vertical, longitudinal, mortar or grouted joints.
An isolated vertical load bearing member the width of which does not exceed three times the thickness.
Net cross-sectional area of masonry unit is the gross cross-sectional area minus the area of cellular space.
A non-load bearing self-supporting wall subject to transverse lateral loads, and laterally supported by vertical
or horizontal structural member where necessary.
A wall in which facing and backing of two different materials are bonded together to ensure common action
under load.
A mixture of cementitious materials and aggregate to which water is added such that the mixture will flow without segregation of the
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That form of grouted masonry construction in which the space between the wythes is solidly or periodically
filled with grout.
A masonry unit of which net cross-sectional area in any plane parallel to the bearing surface is less than 75
percent of its gross cross-sectional area measured in the same plane.
Side of an opening in wall.
The mortar joint having a vertical transverse plane.
A support which enables a masonry element to resist lateral load and/or restrains lateral deflection of a
masonry element at the point of support.
Inner or outer portion of a cavity wall.
An assemblage of masonry units properly bonded together with mortar.
Individual units, such as brick, tile, stone or concrete block, which are bonded together with mortar to form a
masonry element such as walls, columns, piers, buttress, etc.
Specified dimensions plus the thickness of the joint with which the unit is laid.
An exterior non-load bearing wall in framed structure, supported at each storey but subject to lateral loads.
An interior non-load bearing wall, one storey or part storey in height.
A projection from either or both sides of a wall forming an integral part of the wall and conforming to the
requirement of Sec of this Chapter.
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A thickened section forming integral part of a wall placed at intervals along the wall, to increase the stiffness
of the wall or to carry a vertical concentrated load. Thickness of a pier is the overall thickness including the
thickness of the wall or, when bounded into a limb of cavity wall, the thickness obtained by treating that limb
as an independent wall.
An assemblage of masonry units bonded by mortar with or without grout used as a test specimen for
determining properties of masonry.
The masonry construction, in which reinforcement acting in conjunction with the masonry is used to resist
forces and is designed in accordance with Sec 7.6 of this Chapter.
A load bearing wall designed to carry horizontal forces acting in its own plane with or without vertical
imposed loads.
A masonry unit whose net cross-sectional area in any plane parallel to the bearing surface is 75 percent or
more of the gross cross-sectional area in the same plane.
The dimensions specified for the manufacture or construction of masonry, masonry units, joints or any other
components of a structure. Unless otherwise stated, all calculations shall be made using or based on
specified dimensions.
A bond in bearing and nonbearing walls, except veneered walls, in which less than 75 percent of the units in
any transverse vertical plane lap the ends of the units below a distance less than one-half the height of the
unit, or less than one-fourth the length of the unit.
A wall in which the facing is attached to the backing but not so bonded as to result in a common action
under load.
A vertical joint parallel to the face of the wall.
A metal fastener which connects wythes of masonry to each other or to other materials.
Portion of a wall which is one masonry unit in thickness.
Lengths mm
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Areas mm2
Moment of inertia mm4
Force N
Moment, torsion N mm
Stress, strength N/mm2
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7.2 Materials
7.2.1 General
All materials used in masonry construction shall conform to the requirements specified in Part 5 of this
Code. If no requirements are specified for a material, quality shall be based on generally accepted good
practice, subject to the approval of the building official.
Other types of masonry units conforming to Sec 2.2.4 of Part 5 may also be used.
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9/30/2020 MASONRY STRUCTURES - BNBC 2020 Commentary Masonry Prism Testing: The compressive strength of masonry based on tests at 28 days in accordance
with “Standard Test Method for Compressive Strength of Masonry Prisms”, (ASTM E447) for each set of
prisms shall equal or exceed . Verification by masonry prism testing shall meet the following :
Testing Prior to Construction: A set of five masonry prisms shall be built and tested in accordance with ASTM E447 prior to the
start of construction. Materials used for prisms shall be same as used in the project. Prisms shall be constructed under the
observation of the engineer or an approved agency and tested by an approved agency.
Testing During Construction: When full allowable stresses are used in design, a set of three prisms shall be built and tested during
construction in accordance with (ASTM E447) for each 500 square meters of wall area, but not less than one set of three masonry
prisms for any project. No testing during construction shall be required when 50% of the allowable stresses are used in design.
Masonry units, reinforcement, cement, lime, aggregate and all other materials meet the requirements of the applicable standard of
quality and that they are properly stored and prepared for use.
Mortar and grout are properly mixed using specified proportions of ingredients. The method of measuring materials for mortar
and grout shall be such that proportions of materials are controlled.
Construction details, procedures and workmanship are in accordance with the plans and specification.
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Placement, splices and bar diameters are in accordance with the provisions of this Chapter and the plans and specifications.
The allowable tensile stress for walls in flexure of masonry structures without tensile reinforcement using
mortar Type M1 or M2 shall not exceed the values specified in Tables 6.7.2 and 6.7.3. For Types M3 and M4
mortar, the values shall be reduced by 25 percent.
No tension is allowed across head joints in stack bond masonry. Values for tension normal to head joints are
for running bond. These values shall not be used for horizontal flexural members such as beams, girders or
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Table 6.7.4: Allowable Shear Stress for Reinforced Masonry Shear Walls, Fv
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(a) Bent bar anchor bolts shall have a hook with a 90o bend with an inside diameter of 3db plus an extension
of 1.5db at the free end.
(a) Plate anchor bolts shall have a plate welded to the shank to provide anchorage equivalent to headed
anchor bolts.
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The effective embedment length, lb for bent bar anchors shall be the length of embedment measured
perpendicular from the surface of the masonry to the bearing surface of the bent end minus one anchor bolt
diameter. For plate or headed anchor bolts lb shall be the length of embedment measured perpendicular
from the surface of the masonry to the bearing surface of the plate or head of the anchorage. All bolts shall
be grouted in place with at least 25 mm of grout between the bolt and the masonry except that 6 mm
diameter bolts may be placed in bed joints which are at least twice as thick as the diameter of the bolt.
When the distance be is less than 12db, the value of Bv in Eq. 6.7.15 shall be reduced to zero at a distance
equal to 40 mm. Where adjacent anchors are spaced closer than 8db , the allowable shear of the adjacent
anchors determined by Eq. 6.7.15 shall be reduced by interpolation to 0.75 times the allowable shear value at
a centre to centre spacing of 4db.
The area Ap shall be the lesser of the area obtained from Equations 6.7.17 and 6.7.18 and where the
projected areas of adjacent anchor bolts overlap, Ap of each anchor bolt shall be reduced by 50 percent of
the overlapping area.
Ap = πl2b (6.7.19)
Table 6.7.5: Allowable Shear, Bv for Embedded Anchor Bolts for Masonry, kN*
Table 6.7.6: Allowable Tension, Bt for Embedded Anchor Bolts for Masonry, kN1, 2
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Table 6.7.7: Allowable Tension,Bt for Embedded Anchor Bolts for Masonry, kN1
(bt/Bt)+(bv/Bv) ≤ 1.00 (6.7.21)
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The structure shall be proportioned such that eccentricity of loading on the members is as small as possible.
Eccentric loading shall preferably be avoided by providing:
(b) Column: Effective height of the column shall be taken as actual height for the direction it is laterally
supported and twice the actual height for the direction it is not laterally supported at the top normal to the
axis considered.
(c) Opening in Wall: When openings occur in a wall such that masonry between the openings is by definition
a column, effective height of masonry between the openings shall be obtained as follows:
1. When wall has full restraint at the top, effective height for the direction perpendicular to the plane of wall equals 0.75H plus 0.25H’
, where H is the distance between supports and is the height of the taller opening; and effective height for the direction parallel to
the wall equals H.
2. When wall has partial restraint at the top and bottom, effective height for the direction perpendicular to the plane of wall equals
H when height of neither opening exceeds 0.5H and it is equal to 2H when height of any opening exceeds 0.5H ; and effective
height for the direction parallel to the plane of the wall equals 2H .
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(a) Solid Walls: The effective thickness of solid walls, faced walls or grouted walls shall be the specified
thickness of the wall.
(b) Solid Walls with Raked Mortar Joints: The effective thickness of solid walls with raked mortar joints shall
be the minimum thickness measured at the joint.
(c) Cavity Walls: When both limbs of a cavity wall are axially loaded, each limb shall be considered
independently and the effective thickness of each limb shall be determined as in (a) or (b) above. If one of
the limbs is axially loaded, the effective thickness of the cavity wall shall be taken as the square root of the
sum of the squares of the effective thicknesses of the limbs.
(d) Walls Stiffened by Pilasters: When solid or cavity walls are stiffened by pilasters at intervals, the effective
thickness to be used for the calculation of ratio shall be determined as follows:
(i) Solid Walls: For stiffened solid walls the effective thickness shall be the specified thickness multiplied by
the stiffening coefficient, k, values of which are given below:
(ii) Cavity Walls: When one or both limbs of a cavity wall are adequately bonded into pilasters at intervals, the
effective thickness of each limb shall be determined separately as in (a), (b) or d above and the effective
thickness of the stiffened cavity wall shall be determined in accordance with (c) above.
Where slenderness ratio of the wall is based on the effective length, the effective thickness shall be the same
as that without pilasters.
(e) Columns: The effective thickness for rectangular columns in the direction considered is the actual
thickness provided in that direction. The effective thickness for non rectangular columns is the thickness of a
square column with the same moment of inertia about its axis as that about the axis considered in the actual
Support Condition
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Where a wall is continuous and is supported by cross wall and there is no opening within a distance of H/8 from the face of
cross wall. OR, Where a wall is continuous and is supported by pier/buttresses conforming to Sec (c).
Where a wall is supported by cross wall at one end and continuous with cross wall at other end. OR, Where a wall is supported
by pier/buttresses at one end and continuous with pier/buttresses at other end conforming to Sec (c).
Where a wall is supported at each end by cross wall. OR, Where a wall is supported at each end by pier/buttresses conforming
to Sec (c).
Where a wall is free at one end and continuous with a cross wall at the other end. OR, Where a wall is free at one end and
continuous with a pier/buttresses at the other end conforming to Sec (c).
Where a wall is free at one end and supported at the other end by a cross wall. OR, Where a wall is free at one end and
supported at the other end by a pier/buttresses conforming to Sec (c).
(b) Column: For a column, slenderness ratio shall be taken to be the greater of the ratio of effective heights
to the respective effective thickness in the two principal directions. Slenderness ratio for a load bearing
column shall not exceed 12.
7.4.3 Supports Vertical support
Structural members providing vertical support of masonry shall provide a bearing surface on which the initial
bed joint shall not be less than 6 mm or more than 25 mm and shall be of noncombustible materials, except
where masonry is a nonstructural decorative feature or wearing surface.
(b) Lateral supports for a masonry element such as load bearing wall or column shall be provided to
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1. limit the slenderness of a masonry element so as to prevent or reduce possibility of buckling of the member due to vertical loads;
2. resist the horizontal components of forces so as to ensure stability of a structure against overturning.
(c) From consideration of slenderness (i.e. requirement b(i) above), masonry elements may be considered to
be laterally supported if
1. in case of a wall, where slenderness ratio is based on effective height, floor/roof slab (or beams and slab) irrespective of the
direction of span, bears on the supported wall as well as cross walls, to the extent of at least 100 mm;
2. in case of a wall, when slenderness ratio is based on its effective length, a cross wall/pier/buttress of thickness equal to or more
than half the thickness of the supported wall or 125 mm, whichever is more and average length equal to or more than one-fifth of
the height of the wall, is built at right angle to the wall and properly bonded;
3. in case of a column, an RC or timber beam/RS joist/roof truss, is supported on the column. In this case, the column will not be
considered to be laterally supported in the direction at right angle to it; and
4. in case of a column, an RC beam forming a part of beam and slab construction, is supported on the column, and the slab
adequately bears on stiffening walls. This construction will provide lateral support to the column, in the direction of both
horizontal axes.
7.4.4 Stability
A wall or column subject to vertical and lateral loads may be considered to provide adequate lateral support
from consideration of stability, if the construction providing the support is capable of resisting the following
(a) Simple static reactions at the point of lateral support to all the lateral loads; plus
(b) A lateral load equal to 2.5% of the total vertical load that the wall or column is designated to carry at the
point of lateral support.
In case of load bearing buildings up to five storeys, stability requirements may be considered to have been
satisfied if the following conditions are met.
(b) Cross walls acting as stiffening walls continuous from outer wall to outer wall or outer wall to a load
bearing inner wall, and of thickness and spacing as given in Table 6.7.9 are provided.
If stiffening wall or walls that are in a line, are interrupted by openings, length of solid wall or walls in the
zone of the wall that is to be stiffened shall be at least one-fifth of the height of the opening.
(c) Floors and roof either bear on cross walls or are properly anchored to those walls such that all lateral
loads are safely transmitted to those walls and through them to the foundation.
(d) Cross walls are built jointly with the bearing walls and jointly mortared, or interconnected by toothing.
Cross walls may be anchored to walls to be supported by ties of noncorrosive metal of minimum section 6 x
35 mm and length 60 mm with ends bent at least 50 mm, maximum vertical spacing of ties being 1.2 m.
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In case of walls exceeding 8 m in length, safety and adequacy of lateral supports shall always be checked by
structural analysis.
A trussed roofing may not provide lateral support unless special measures are adopted to brace and anchor
the roofing. However, in case of residential and similar buildings of conventional design with trussed roofing
having cross walls, it may be assumed that stability requirements are met by the cross walls and structural
analysis for stability may be dispensed with.
In case of walls exceeding 8 m in length, safety and adequacy of lateral supports shall always be checked by
structural analysis.
A trussed roofing may not provide lateral support unless special measures are adopted to brace and anchor
the roofing. However, in case of residential and similar buildings of conventional design with trussed roofing
having cross walls, it may be assumed that stability requirements are met by the cross walls and structural
analysis for stability may be dispensed with.
In case of external walls of basement and plinth, stability requirements of Sec 7.4.4 may be considered to be
satisfied if :
(a) Bricks used in basement and plinth have a minimum crushing strength of 5 N/mm2 and mortar used in
masonry is of Type M3 or better,
(c) In the zone of action of soil pressure on basement walls, traffic load excluding any surcharge due to
adjoining buildings does not exceed 5 kN/m2,
In case there is surcharge on basement walls from adjoining buildings, thickness of basement walls shall be
based on structural analysis.
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(a) Wall Ties in Cavity Wall Construction: Wall ties shall be of sufficient length to engage all wythes. The
portion of the wall ties within the wythe shall be completely embedded in mortar or grout. The ends of the
wall ties shall be bent to 90 degree angles with an extension not less than 50 mm long. Wall ties not
completely embedded in mortar or grout between wythes shall be a single piece with each end engaged in
each wythe.
There shall be at least one 6 mm diameter wall tie for each 0.45 m2 of wall area. For cavity walls in which the
width of the cavity is greater than 75 mm, but not more than 115 mm, at least one 6 mm diameter wall tie for
each 0.3 m2 of wall area shall be provided.
Ties in alternate courses shall be staggered. The vertical distance between ties shall not exceed 600 mm. The
horizontal distance between ties shall not exceed 900 mm. Additional ties spaced not more than 900 mm
apart shall be provided around and within 300 mm of the opening. Wall ties of different size and spacing
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(b) Wall Ties for Grouted Multi-wythe Construction: The two wythes shall be bonded together with at least 6
mm diameter steel wall ties for each 0.20 m2 of area. Wall ties of different size and spacing may be used if
they provide equivalent strength between wythes.
(c) Joint Reinforcement: Prefabricated joint reinforcement for masonry walls shall have a minimum of one
cross wire of at least 3 mm diameter steel for each 0.2 m2 of wall area. The vertical spacing of the joint
reinforcement shall not exceed 400 mm. The longitudinal wires shall be thoroughly embedded in the bed
joint mortar. The joint reinforcement shall engage all wythes.
Where the space between tied wythes is filled with grout or mortar, the allowable stresses and other
provisions for masonry bonded walls shall apply. Where the space is not filled, tied walls shall conform to the
allowable stress, lateral support, thickness (excluding cavity), height and tie requirements of cavity walls.
(a) Rigid electrical conduit may be embedded in structural masonry when their location has been detailed on
the approved plan.
(b) Any pipe or conduit may pass vertically or horizontally through any masonry by means of a sleeve at least
large enough to pass any hub or coupling on the pipeline. Such sleeves shall not be placed closer than three
diameters, centre to centre, nor shall they unduly impair the strength of construction.
(c) Placement of pipes or conduits in unfilled cores of hollow unit masonry shall not be considered as
support the walls and to transfer lateral forces to the supporting structures.
Stiffened solid masonry bearing walls in one-storey buildings may have a minimum effective thickness of 165
mm when not over 3 m in height, provided that when gable construction is used an additional 1.5 m height
may be permitted at the peak of the gable.
(b) Resultant tensile stress due to combined bending and axial load shall not exceed the allowable flexural
tensile stress, Ft as specified in Sec 7.3.
fb = Mc / I (6.7.23)
Shear calculations in flexural members and shear walls shall be based on Eq. 6.7.24 below.
fv = V/Ae (6.7.24)
(i) Dead loads shall be placed in conformity with their actual distribution.
(ii) Live loads shall be positioned to cover entire span or part of the span as necessary to produce the
maximum stresses at the crown, springing and all other sections of the arch rib.
The maximum horizontal projection of corbelling from the plane of the wall shall be such that stress at any
section does not exceed the allowable value. Assumptions
The following assumptions shall be applicable for this Section.
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The design of walls with an (h//t) ratio larger than 30 shall be based on forces and moments determined
from analysis of structure. Such analysis shall take into account influence of axial loads and variable moment
of inertia on member stiffness and fixed end moments, effect of deflections on moments and forces, and the
effects of duration of loads.
When the computed shear stress exceeds the allowable value, web reinforcement shall be provided and
designed to carry the total shear force. Both vertical and horizontal shear stresses shall be considered. The
area required for shear reinforcement placed perpendicular to the longitudinal reinforcement shall be
computed by Eq. 6.7.27 below:
Spacing of vertical shear reinforcement shall not exceed d/2, nor 600 mm. Inclined shear reinforcement shall
have a maximum spacing of but not greater than 600 mm, where α is the acute angle between inclined bar
and the horizontal.
j = 1-K/3 (6.7.32)
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In flexural members in which tensile reinforcement is parallel to the compressive face, the bond stress shall
be computed by the formula:
(b) Lateral Ties: All longitudinal bars for columns shall be enclosed by lateral ties. Lateral support shall be
provided to the longitudinal bars by the corner of a complete tie having an included angle of not more than
135 degrees or by a hook at the end of a tie. The corner bars shall have such support provided by a complete
tie enclosing the longitudinal bars. Alternate longitudinal bars shall have such lateral support provided by
ties and no bar shall be farther than 150 mm from such a laterally supported bar.
Lateral ties and longitudinal bars shall be placed not less than 40 mm and not more than 125 mm, from the
surface of the column. Lateral ties may be against the longitudinal bars or placed in the horizontal bed joint
if the requirements of Sec 4.4.6 are met. Spacing of ties shall not be more than 16 times longitudinal bar
diameter, 48 times tie bar diameter or the least dimension of the column but not more than 450 mm.
Ties shall be at least 6 mm in diameter for 22 mm diameter or smaller longitudinal bars and 10 mm in
diameter for larger longitudinal bars. Ties less than 10 mm in diameter may be used for longitudinal bars
larger than 22 mm in diameter, provided the total cross-sectional area of such smaller ties crossing a
longitudinal plane is equal to that of the larger ties at their required spacing.
(c) Anchor Bolt Ties: Additional ties shall be provided around anchor bolts which are set in the top of the
column. Such ties shall engage at least four bolts or, alternatively at least four vertical column bars or a
combination of bolts and bars totaling four in number. Such ties shall be located within the top 125 mm of
the column and shall provide a total of 250 square millimeters or more in cross-sectional area. The upper
most ties shall be within 50 mm of the top of the column.
The clear distance between the surface of a bar and any surface of a masonry unit shall not be less than 6
mm for fine grout and 12 mm for coarse grout. Cross webs of hollow units may be used as support for
horizontal reinforcement.
All reinforcing bars, except joint reinforcing, shall be completely embedded in mortar or grout and have a
minimum cover, including the masonry unit, as specified below:
The required development length for deformed bars or deformed wires shall be calculated by:
ld = 0.29dbfs (6.7.34)
Development length for plain bars shall be 2.0 times the length calculated by Eq. 6.7.34.
(b) Except at supports, or at the free end of cantilevers, every reinforcing bar shall be extended beyond the
point at which it is no longer needed to resist tensile stress for a distance equal to 12 bar diameters or the
depth of the flexural member, whichever is greater. No flexural bars shall be terminated in a tensile zone
unless one of the following conditions is satisfied:
1. The shear is not over one-half of that permitted, including allowance for shear reinforcement, if any.
2. Additional shear reinforcement in excess of that required is provided each way from the cutoff a distance equal to the depth of the
beam. The shear reinforcement spacing shall not exceed d/8rb, where rb is the ratio of the area of bars cutoff to the total area of
bars at the section.
3. The continuing bars provide double the area required for flexure at that point or double the perimeter required for reinforcing
(c) At least one third of the total reinforcement provided for negative moment at the support shall be
extended beyond the extreme position of the point of inflection a distance sufficient to develop one half the
allowable stress in the bar, one sixteenth of the clear span, or the depth d of the member, whichever is
(d) Tensile reinforcement of negative moment in any span of a continuous restrained or cantilever beam, or
in any member of a rigid frame, shall be adequately anchored by reinforcing bond, hooks or mechanical
anchors in or through the supporting member.
(e) At least one third of the required positive moment reinforcement in simple beams or at the freely
supported end of continuous beams shall extend along the same face of the beam into the support at least
150 mm. At least one fourth of the required positive moment reinforcement at the continuous end of
continuous beams shall extend along the same face of the beam into the support at least 150 mm.
(f) Compression reinforcement in flexural members shall be anchored by ties or stirrups not less than 6 mm
in diameter, spaced not farther apart than 16 bar diameters or 48 tie diameters whichever is smaller. Such
ties or stirrups shall be used throughout the distance where compression steel is required.
(g) In regions of moment where the design tensile stresses in the steel are greater than 80 percent of the
allowable steel tensile stress (Fs), the lap length of splices shall be increased not less than 50 percent of the
minimum required length. Other equivalent means of stress transfer to accomplish the same 50 percent
increase may be used.
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(i) Hooking tightly around the longitudinal reinforcement through 180 degrees.
(ii) Embedment above or below the mid-depth of the beam on the compression side a distance sufficient to
develop the stress in the bar for plane or deformed bars.
(iii) By a standard hook (see Sec considered as developing 50 N/mm2, plus embedment sufficient to
develop the remainder of the stress to which the bars are subject. The effective embedded length shall not
be assumed to exceed the distance between the mid-depth of the beam and the tangent of the hook.
(b) The ends of bars forming single U or multiple U stirrups shall be anchored by one of the methods
specified above or shall be bent through an angle of at least 90 degrees tightly around a longitudinal
reinforcing bar not less in diameter than the stirrup bar, and shall project beyond the bend at least 12
diameters of the stirrup.
(c) The loops or closed ends of single U or multiple U stirrups shall be anchored by bending around the
longitudinal reinforcement through an angle of at least 90 degrees and project beyond the end of the bend
at least 12 diameters of the stirrup. Hooks
(a) The term “standard hook” shall mean one of the following:
(i) A 180 degree turn plus an extension of at least 4 bar diameters but not less than 65 mm at the free end of
the bar.
(ii) 90 degree turn plus an extension of at least 12 bar diameters at the free end of the bar.
(ii) For stirrup and tie anchorage only either a 90 degree or a 135 degree turn, plus an extension of at least 6
bar diameters but not less than 65 mm at the free end of the bar.
(b) The diameter of bend measured on the inside of the bar other than stirrups and ties, shall not be less
than that set forth in Table 6.7.12.
(c) Inside diameter of bend for 12 mm diameter or smaller stirrups and ties shall not be less than 4 bar
diameters. Inside diameter of bend for 16 mm diameter or larger stirrups and ties shall not be less than that
given in Table 6.7.12.
(d) Hooks shall not be permitted in the tension portion of any beam, except at the ends of simple or
cantilever beams or at the freely supported ends of continuous or restrained beams.
(e) Hooks shall not be assumed to carry a load which would produce a tensile stress in the bar greater than
50 N/mm2.
(f) Hooks shall not be considered effective in adding to the compressive resistance of bars.
(g) Any mechanical device capable of developing the strength of the bar without damage to the masonry
may be used in lieu of a hook. Data must be presented to show the adequacy of such devices. Splices
The amount of lap of lapped splices shall be sufficient to transfer the allowable stress of the reinforcement as
in Sec In no case shall the length of the lapped splice be less than 30 bar diameters for compression
and 40 bar diameters for tension.
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Welded or mechanical connections shall develop 125 percent of the specified yield strength of the bar in
tension, except for connections of compression bars in columns that are not part of the seismic system and
are not subject to flexure, where the compressive strength only need be developed.
When adjacent splices in grouted masonry are separated by 75 mm or less, the lap length shall be increased
by 30 percent or the splice may be staggered at least 24 bar diameters with no increase in lap length.
Slender masonry walls shall have a minimum nominal thickness of 150 mm.
(b) Moment and Deflection Calculation: All moments and deflections of slender walls shall be calculated
based on simple support conditions at top and bottom. For other support and fixity conditions, moments
and deflections shall be calculated using established principles of mechanics.
(b) Required Moment: Required moment and axial force shall be determined at the mid-height of the wall
and shall be used for design. The factored moment, Mu, at the mid-height of the wall shall be determined by
Eq. 6.7.37.
Δu = horizontal deflection at mid-height under factored load; P -Delta effects shall be included in deflection
e = eccentricity of Pu
(c) Design Strength: Design strength in flexure is the nominal moment strength,Mn multiplied by the
strength reduction factor, φ and shall equal or exceed the factored moment, Mu
Mu ≤ Mn (6.7.38)
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(d) Design Assumptions: The following are the design assumptions for calculation of nominal strength.
(i) Nominal strength of singly reinforced masonry wall cross-sections subject to combined flexure and axial
load shall be based on applicable conditions of equilibrium and compatibility of strains.
(ii) Strain in reinforcement and masonry walls shall be assumed directly proportional to the distance from the
neutral axis.
(iii) Maximum usable strain at extreme masonry compression fibre shall be assumed equal to 0.003.
(iv) Stress in reinforcement below specified yield strength fy shall be taken as Es times steel strain. For strains
greater than that corresponding to fy stress in reinforcement shall be considered independent of strain and
equal to fy.
(v) Tensile strength of masonry walls shall be neglected in flexural calculations of strength, except for
deflection calculation.
(vi) Relationship between masonry compressive stress and masonry strain may be assumed to be rectangular
as defined by the following:
Masonry stress of 0.85 f’m shall be assumed uniformly distributed over an equivalent compression zone bounded by edges of the
cross-section and a straight line located parallel to the neutral axis at a distance a = 0.85c from the fibre of maximum compressive
Distance c from fibre of maximum strain to the neutral axis shall be measured in a direction perpendicular to that axis.
Δs = 0.007h (6.7.39)
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pb = 0.85f’mbab (6.7.43a)
(c) For shear φ = 0.60 . The shear strength reduction factor may be increased to 0.80 for any shear wall
when its nominal shear strength exceeds the shear corresponding to development of its nominal flexural
strength for the factored load combination.
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(b) The maximum usable strain emu , at the extreme masonry compression fibre shall not exceed 0.003.
(c) f’m shall not be less than 7 N/mm2 or greater than 20 N/mm2.
The shear wall shall be designed for the axial strength Pu, such that
Pu ≤ φ(0.80)po (6.7.45)
(b) The nominal shear strength of shear walls except for shear walls specified in (c) below shall be determined
by Eq. 6.7.46.
(c) For a shear wall whose nominal shear strength exceeds the shear corresponding to development of its
nominal flexural strength, two shear regions exist.
(i) For all cross-sections within the region defined by the base of the shear wall and a plane at a distance Lw
above the base of the shear wall, the nominal shear strength shall be determined by Eq. 6.7.49
Vn = AmvPnfy (6.7.49)
The required shear strength for this region shall be calculated at a distance Lw/2 above the base of the shear
wall but not to exceed one-half storey height.
(ii) For the other region, the nominal shear strength of the shear wall shall be determined by Eq. 6.7.46.
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9/30/2020 MASONRY STRUCTURES - BNBC 2020 Commentary Reinforcement
Reinforcement shall be in accordance with the following:
1. Minimum reinforcement shall be provided in accordance with Sec for all seismic areas using this method of analysis.
2. When the shear wall failure mode is in flexure, the nominal flexural strength of the shear wall shall be at least 1.8 times the
cracking moment strength of a fully grouted wall or 3.0 times the cracking moment strength of a partially grouted wall as obtained
from Eq. 6.7.42.
3. All continuous reinforcement shall be anchored or spliced in accordance with Sec with fs = 0.5fv
4. Vertical reinforcement shall not be less than 50 percent of the horizontal reinforcement.
5. Spacing of horizontal reinforcement within the region defined in Sec shall not exceed three times the nominal wall
thickness or 600 mm, whichever is smaller.
The need for boundary members at boundaries of shear wall shall be determined using the provisions set forth in (b) or (c) below.
Boundary members shall be provided when the failure mode is flexure and the maximum extreme fibre stress exceeds 0.2f’m The
boundary members may be discontinued where the calculated compressive stresses are less than 0.15f’m Stresses may be
calculated for the factored forces using a linearly elastic model and gross section properties.
When the failure mode is flexure, boundary member shall be provided to confine all vertical reinforcement whose corresponding
masonry compressive stress exceeds 0.40.2f’m. The minimum length of the boundary member shall be 3 times the thickness of the
Boundary members shall be confined with minimum of 10 mm diameter bars at a maximum of 200 mm spacing or equivalent
within the grouted core and within the region defined by the base of the shear wall and a plane at a distance Lw above the base of
the shear wall.
7.8.2 Loads
Seismic forces on masonry structures shall be determined in accordance with the provisions of Sec 2.5
Chapter 2 of this Part.
7.8.3 Materials
(a) Well burnt clay bricks and concrete hollow blocks having a crushing strength not less than
12 N/mm2 shall be used.
(b) Mortar not leaner than Ms shall be used for masonry constructions.
(a) at the bottom and top of wall openings and shall extend at least 40 bar diameters, with a minimum of 600
mm, past the opening,
(b) continuously at structurally connected roof and floor levels and at the top of walls,
(c) at the bottom of the wall or in the top of the foundations when dowelled to the wall,
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(d) at maximum spacing of 3.0 m unless uniformly distributed joint reinforcement is provided. Reinforcement
at the top and bottom of openings when continuous in the wall may be used in determining the maximum
spacing specified in item (a) above. Columns
Columns shall be reinforced as specified in Sec
Reinforced hollow unit stack bond construction which is part of the seismic resisting system shall use open-
end units so that all head joints are made solid, shall use bond beam units to facilitate the flow of grout and
shall be grouted solid.
(b) Columns: The least nominal dimension of a reinforced masonry column shall be 375 mm except that if
the allowable stresses are reduced to 50 percent of the values given in Sec 7.3, the minimum nominal
dimension shall be 250 mm.
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(b) The portion of the reinforcement required to resist shear shall be uniformly distributed and shall be joint
reinforcing, deformed bars, or a combination thereof. The maximum spacing of reinforcement in each
direction shall be not less than the smaller of one-half the length or height of the element or more than 1.20
Joint reinforcement used in exterior walls and considered in the determination of the shear strength of the
member shall conform to the requirement “Joint Reinforcement for Masonry” (UBC Standard No. 24-15) or
“Standard Specification for Steel Wire, Plain, for Concrete Reinforcement”, (ASTM, A82).
Reinforcement required to resist in-plane shear shall be terminated with a standard hook or with an
extension of proper embedment length beyond the reinforcing at the end of the wall section. The hook or
extension may be turned up, down or horizontally. Provisions shall be made not to obstruct grout placement.
Wall reinforcement terminating in columns or beams shall be fully anchored into these elements.
(c) Multi-wythe grouted masonry shear walls shall be designed with consideration of the adhesion bond
strength between the grout and masonry units. When bond strengths are not known from previous tests, the
bond strength shall be determined by test. Hook
The standard hook for tie anchorage shall have a minimum turn of 135 degrees plus an extension of at least
6 bar diameters, but not less than 100 mm at the free end of the bar. Where the ties are placed in the
horizontal bed joints, the hook shall consist of a 90 degree bend having a radius of not less than 4 tie
diameters plus an extension of 32 tie diameters.
(b) The total width of the openings shall not be more than half of the length of the walls between the
adjacent cross walls, except as provided in (f) below.
(c) The opening shall preferably be located away from the corner by a clear distance of at least one-eighth of
the height of the opening for Seismic Zones 2 and 3, and one-fourth of the height for Seismic Zone 4.
(d) The horizontal distance between two openings shall not be less than one-fourth of the height of the
shorter opening for Seismic Zones 2 and 3, and one-half of the height for Seismic Zone 4.
(e) The vertical distance between openings one above the other shall be not less than 600 mm.
(f) Where openings do not comply with the requirements of (b) and (c) above, they shall be strengthened in
accordance with Sec
(g) If a window or ventilator is to be projected out, the projection shall be in reinforced masonry or concrete
and well anchored.
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(h) If the height of an opening is approximately full height of a wall, dividing the wall into two portions, these
portions of the wall shall be reinforced with horizontal reinforcement of 6 mm diameter bars at not more
than 600 mm intervals, one on inner and one on outer face, properly tied to vertical steel at jambs and
corners or junctions of walls where used.
(i) The use of arches to span over the openings is a source of weakness and shall be avoided unless steel ties
are provided.
Strengthening Arrangements to be
Seismic Zones No. of Storey
a) Masonry mortar shall not be leaner than
1 Up to 4
a) Masonry mortar shall not be leaner than
b) By lintel and roof band (Sec
2, 3 Up to 2 with pitched roof c) By vertical reinforcement at corners and
junctions of walls (Sec
d) Bracing in plan at tie level for pitched
a) Masonry mortar shall not be leaner than
b) By lintel and roof band (Sec
c) By vertical reinforcement at corners and
3 to 4 junctions of walls (Sec
d) Vertical reinforcement at jambs of
openings (Sec
e) Bracing in plan at tie level for pitched
a) Masonry mortar shall not be leaner than
b) By lintel and roof band (Sec
c) By vertical reinforcement at corners and
4 Up to 4 junctions of walls (Sec
d) Vertical reinforcement at jambs of
openings (Sec
e) Bracing in plan at tie level for pitched
At tie level all the trusses and the gable end
shall be provided with diagonal bracing in
plan so as to transmit the lateral shear due
to earthquake force to the gable walls acting
as shear walls at the ends. Bands
Roof band need not be provided underneath reinforced concrete or brickwork slabs resting on bearing walls,
provided that the slabs are continuous over parts between crumple sections, if any, and cover the width of
end walls fully.
The band shall be made of reinforced concrete with f’c not less than 20 N/mm2 or reinforced brickwork in
cement mortar not leaner than 1: 4. The bands shall be to the full width of the wall and not less than 75 mm
in depth and shall be reinforced as indicated in Table 6.7.16. In case of reinforced brickwork, the thickness of
joints containing steel bars shall be increased so as to have a minimum mortar cover of 6 mm around the
bar. In bands of reinforced brickwork, the area of steel provided shall be equal to that specified above for
reinforced concrete bands.
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Plain Mild Steel Bars High Strength Deformed Bars Links
2 – 12 mm dia, one on each face of the wall with 2 – 10 mm dia, one on each face of the wall with 6 mm dia, 150
2, 3
suitable cover suitable cover mm c/c
2 – 16 mm dia, one on each face of the wall with 2 – 12 mm dia, one on each face of the wall with 6 mm dia, 150
suitable cover suitable cover mm c/c
(a) Typical details of vertical steel in brickwork and hollow block at corners, T-junctions and jambs of opening
are shown in Figures 6.7.1 and 6.7.2.
(b) Details of vertical reinforcement given in Table 6.7.17 are applicable to brick masonry and hollow block
Table 6.7.17: Vertical Reinforcement for Brick and Hollow Block Masonry
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Figure 6.7.3 Minimum reinforcement in walls and around openings in Seismic Zones 2, 3 and 4
7.9.2 Materials
Materials for masonry structures shall generally comply with the provisions of Part 5; however, there are
some special requirements for masonry construction in high wind regions, which are given below: Fig 6.4.1
(a) Burnt clay bricks shall have a compressive strength not less than 15 N/mm2,
(c) Mortar for exterior walls and interior shear walls shall be type M1 or M2,
7.9.4 Foundation
Footings shall have a thickness of not less than 375 mm and shall be extended 450 mm below the
undisturbed ground surface. Foundation stem wall shall have the same width and reinforcement as the wall it
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7.9.5 Drainage
Walls retaining more than 1 m of earth and enclosing interior spaces or floors below grade shall have
minimum 100 mm diameter footing drain. A slope of 1:50 away from the building shall be provided around
the building.
All walls shall be laterally supported at the top and bottom. The maximum unsupported height of bearing
walls or other masonry walls shall be 3.5 m. Gable end walls may be 4.5 m high at their peak.
The span of lintels over openings shall not exceed 3.5 m. All lintels shall be reinforced and the reinforcement
bars shall extend not less than 600 mm beyond the edge of opening and into lintel supports.
Walls shall be adequately reinforced.
Anchors between walls and floors or roofs shall be embedded in grouted cells or cavities and shall conform
to Sec 7.9.7 below.
Floor and roof diaphragms shall be properly connected to masonry walls. Gable and sloped roof members
not supported at the ridge shall be tied by the ceiling joist or equivalent lateral ties located as close to
where the roof members bear on the wall as practically possible and not at more than 1.2 m on centers.
Collar ties shall not be used for these lateral ties.
Masonry walls shall be provided around all sides of floor and roof systems in accordance with Figure 6.7.5.
The cumulative length of exterior masonry walls along each side of the floor or roof systems shall be at least
20 percent of the parallel dimension. Required elements shall be without openings and shall not be less that
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1.25 m in width.
Interior cross walls at right angles to bearing walls shall be provided when the length of the building
perpendicular to the span of the floor of roof framing exceeds twice the distance between shear walls or 10
m, whichever is greater.
When required interior cross wall shall be at least 1.8 m long and reinforced with 2 mm wire joint
reinforcement spaced not more than 400 mm on centre.
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7.10.1 General
Masonry shall be constructed according to the provisions of this Section.
1. Masonry materials shall be stored in such a way that at the time of use the materials are clean and structurally suitable for the
intended use.
2. All metal reinforcement shall be free from loose rust and other coatings that inhibit reinforcing bond.
3. Burnt clay units shall have a rate of absorption per minute not exceeding 1 litre/m2 at the time of lying. In the absorption test the
surface of the unit shall be held 3 mm below the surface of the water.
4. Burnt clay units shall be thoroughly wetted before placing. Concrete masonry units shall not be wetted unless otherwise
approved.Fig 6.4.5
5. Materials shall be stored in such a manner that deterioration or intrusion of foreign materials is prevented and at the time of
mixing the material conforms to the applicable requirements.
6. The method of measuring materials for mortar and grout shall be such that proportions of the materials can be easily controlled.
7. Mortar or grout mixed at the job site shall be mixed for a period of time not less than 3 minutes or more than 10 minutes in a
mechanical mixer with the amount of water required to provide the desired workability. Hand mixing of small amounts of mortar is
permitted. Mortar may be retempered. Mortar or grout which has hardened or stiffened due to hydration of the cement shall not
be used, but under no case shall mortar be used two and one-half hours, nor grout used one and one-half hours, after the initial
mixing water has been added to the dry ingredients at the job site.
The initial bed joint thickness shall not be less than 5 mm or more than 25 mm; subsequent bed joints shall
be not less than 5 mm or more than 15 mm in thickness.
(b) All surfaces in contact with mortar or grout shall be clean and free of deleterious materials.
(c) Solid masonry units shall have full head and bed joints.
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(d) All head and bed joints shall be filled solidly with mortar for a distance from the face of the unit not less
than the thickness of the shell. Head joints of open-end units with beveled ends need not be mortared. The
beveled ends shall form a grout key which permits grout within 16 mm of the face of the unit. The units shall
be tightly butted to prevent leakage of grout.
(a) Deviation from vertical within a storey shall not exceed 6 mm per 3m height.
(b) Deviation in verticality in total height of any wall of a building more than one storey in height shall not
exceed 12 mm.
(c) Deviation from position shown on plan of any brickwork shall not exceed 12 mm.
(d) Relative displacement between load bearing walls in adjacent storeys intended to be in vertical alignment
shall not exceed 6 mm.
(e) Deviation of bed joint from horizontal in a length of 12 m shall not exceed 6 mm subject to a maximum
deviation of 12 mm.
(f) Deviation from the specified thickness of bed joints, cross joints and perpends shall not exceed one-fifth
of the specified thickness.
Tolerances for the placement of steel in walls and flexural elements shall be ±12 mm for d ≤ 200mm, ±25mm
≤ d ≤for 600mm and ±30mm for d>600m. Tolerance for longitudinal location of reinforcement shall be ± 50
Space to be filled with grout shall be clean and shall not contain any foreign materials. Grout materials and
water content shall be controlled to provide adequate workability and shall be mixed thoroughly. The
grouting of any section of wall shall be completed in one day with no interruptions greater than one hour.
Size and height limitations of the grout space or cell shall not be less than those shown in Table 6.7.19.
Higher grout pours or smaller cavity widths or cell size than shown in Table 6.7.19 may be used when
approved, if it can be demonstrated that grout spaces are properly filled.
Cleanouts are required for all grout pours over 1.5 m in height. When required, cleanouts shall be provided
in the bottom course at every vertical bar but shall not be spaced more than 800 mm on centre for solidly
grouted masonry. When cleanouts are required, they shall be sealed after inspection and before grouting.
When cleanouts are not provided, special provisions must be made to keep the bottom and sides of the
grout spaces, as well as the minimum total clear area as required by Table 6.7.19, clean and clear prior to
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(b) Depth of vertical and horizontal chases in load bearing walls shall not exceed one-third and one-sixth of
the wall thickness respectively.
(c) Vertical chases shall not be closer than 2 m in any stretch of wall and shall not be located within 350 mm
of an opening or within 230 mm of a cross wall that serves as stiffening wall for stability. Width of a vertical
chase shall not exceed the thickness of wall in which it occurs.
(d) Horizontal chases shall be located in the upper or lower middle third height of wall at a distance not less
than 600 mm from lateral support. No horizontal chase shall exceed one metre in length and there shall not
be more than 2 chases in any one wall. Horizontal chases shall have minimum mutual separation distance of
500 mm. Sum of lengths of all chases and recesses in any horizontal plane shall not exceed one-fourth the
length of the wall.
(e) Lintel shall not be used to support masonry directly above a recess or a hole wider than 300 mm. No
lintel however, is necessary in case of a circular recess or hole exceeding 300 mm in diameter provided upper
half of the recess or hole is built as a semi-circular arch of adequate thickness and there is adequate length
of masonry on the sides of openings to resist the horizontal thrust.
(f) Recesses and holes in masonry shall be kept at the time of construction so as to avoid subsequent cutting.
If cutting is necessary, it shall be done using sharp tools without causing heavy impact and damage to the
surrounding areas.
(g) No chase, recess or hole shall be provided in half-brick load bearing wall, excepting the minimum number
of holes needed for scaffolding.
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Confined masonry construction consists of masonry walls (made either of clay brick or concrete block units)
and horizontal and vertical RC confining members built on all four sides of a masonry wall panel. Vertical
members, called tie-columns or practical columns, resemble columns in RC frame construction except that
they tend to be of far smaller cross-section. Horizontal elements, called tie-beams, resemble beams in RC
frame construction. To emphasize that confining elements are not beams and columns, alternative terms
horizontal ties and vertical ties could be used instead of tie-beams and tie-columns.
1. Enhancing the stability and integrity of masonry walls for in-plane and out-of-plane earthquake loads (confining members can
effectively contain damaged masonry walls),
2. Enhancing the strength (resistance) of masonry walls under lateral earthquake loads, and
3. Reducing the brittleness of masonry walls under earthquake loads and hence improving their earthquake performance.
The structural components of a confined masonry building are (see Figure 6.7.6):
1. Masonry walls – transmit the gravity load from the slab(s) above down to the foundation. The walls act as bracing panels, which
resist horizontal earthquake forces. The walls must be confined by concrete tie-beams and tie-columns to ensure satisfactory
earthquake performance.
2. Confining elements (tie-columns and tie-beams) – provide restraint to masonry walls and protect them from complete
disintegration even in major earthquakes.
These elements resist gravity loads and have important role in ensuring vertical stability of a building in an
1. Floor and roof slabs – transmit both gravity and lateral loads to the walls. In an earthquake, slabs behave like horizontal beams and
are called diaphragms.
2. Plinth band – transmits the load from the walls down to the foundation. It also protects the ground floor walls from excessive
settlement in soft soil conditions.
3. Foundation – transmits the loads from the structure to the ground.
The design of confined masonry members shall be based on similar assumptions to those set out for
unreinforced and for reinforced masonry members. Confined masonry shall be constructed according to the
provisions of this Section.
The appearance of a finished confined masonry construction and a RC frame construction with masonry in
fills may look alike, however these two construction systems are substantially different. The main differences
are related to the construction sequence, as well as to the manner in which these structures resist gravity and
lateral loads. These differences are summarized in Table 6.7.20 and are illustrated by diagrams in Figure 6.7.7.
In confined masonry construction, confining elements are not designed to act as a moment-resisting frame;
as a result, detailing of reinforcement is simple. In general, confining elements have smaller cross-sectional
dimensions than the corresponding beams and columns in a RC frame building. It should be noted that the
most important difference between the confined masonry walls and infill walls is that infill walls are not load-
bearing walls, while the walls in a confined masonry building are.
A transition from RC frame to confined masonry construction in most cases leads to savings related to
concrete cost, since confining elements are smaller in size than the corresponding RC frame members.
Note that, in confined masonry structures, shear failure mode develops due to in-plane seismic loads (acting
along in the plane of the wall), whereas flexural failure mode may develop either due to in-plane or out-of-
plane loads (acting perpendicular to the wall plane).
Shear failure mode is characterized by distributed diagonal cracking in the wall. These cracks propagate into
the tie-columns at higher load levels, as shown in Figure 6.7.9. Initially, a masonry wall panel resists the
effects of lateral earthquake loads by itself while the confining elements (tie-columns) do not play a
significant role. However, once the cracking takes place, the wall pushes the tie-columns sideways. At that
stage, vertical reinforcement in tie-columns becomes engaged in resisting tension and compression stresses.
Damage in the tie-columns at the ultimate load level is concentrated at the top and the bottom of the panel.
These locations, characterized by extensive crushing of concrete and yielding of steel reinforcement, are
called plastic hinges (Figure 6.7.10). Note that the term plastic hinge has a different meaning in the context
of confined masonry components than that referred to in relation to RC beams and columns, where these
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hinges form due to flexure and axial loads. In confined masonry construction, tie-beams and tie-columns
resist axial loads. Shear failure can lead to severe damage in the masonry wall and the top and bottom of the
Figure 6.7.8 Confined masonry building: (a) Vertical truss model; (b) Collapse at the ground floor level
Figure 6.7.8 Confined masonry building: (a) Vertical truss model; (b) Collapse at the ground floor
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Flexural failure caused by in-plane lateral loads is characterized by horizontal cracking in the mortar bed
joints on the tension side of the wall, as shown in Figure 6.7.11. Extensive horizontal cracking, which usually
takes place in tie-columns, as well as shear cracking can be observed.
Irrespective of the failure mechanism, tie-columns resist the major portion of gravity load when masonry
walls suffer severe damage (this is due to their high axial stiffness and load resistance). The failure of a tie-
column usually takes place when cracks propagate from the masonry wall into the tie-column and shear it
off. Subsequently, the vertical stability of the entire wall is compromised. Vertical strains in the confined
masonry walls decrease at an increased damage level, thereby indicating that a major portion of the gravity
load is resisted by tie-columns. This finding confirms the notion that tie- columns have a critical role in
resisting the gravity load in damaged confined masonry buildings and ensuring their vertical stability. Tie-columns
Tie-columns significantly influence the ductility and stability of cracked confined masonry walls. The
provision of closely spaced transverse reinforcement (ties) at the top and bottom ends of tie-columns results
in improved wall stability and ductility in the post-cracking stage. Openings
When the opening area is less than approximately 10 percent of the total wall area, the wall lateral load
resistance is not significantly reduced as compared to a solid wall (i.e. wall without openings). The walls with
larger openings develop diagonal cracks (same as solid walls), except that the cracks are formed in the piers
between the openings; thus, diagonal struts form in the piers, as shown in Figure 6.7.13.
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In the verification of confined masonry members subjected to shear loading the shear resistance of the
member should be taken as the sum of the shear resistance of the masonry and of the concrete of the
confining elements. In calculating the shear resistance of the masonry the rules for unreinforced masonry
walls subjected to shear loading should be used, considering the length of the masonry element.
Reinforcement of confining elements should not be taken into account.
In the verification of confined masonry members subjected to lateral loading, the assumptions set out for
unreinforced and reinforced masonry walls should be used. The contribution of the reinforcement of the
confining elements should be considered.
Figure 6.7.13 Failure modes in the confined masonry walls with openings
The verification of confined masonry members at the serviceability limit states shall be based on the
assumptions given for unreinforced masonry members.
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(c) Openings (doors and windows) should be placed in the same position up the building height. Walls
(a) At least two fully confined walls should be provided in each direction.
(b) For Seismic Zone 1 and 2, wall density of at least 2 percent in each of two orthogonal directions is
required to ensure good earthquake performance of confined masonry construction. The wall density for
Seismic Zones 3 and 4 should be at least 4 percent and 5 percent respectively. Wall density can be defined as
the total cross sectional area of all walls in one direction divided by the sum of the floor plan areas for all
floors in a building.
Top and sides confining elements shall be cast after the masonry has been built so that they will be duly
anchored together.
Vertical confining elements should be placed:
(b) at both sides of any wall opening with an area of more than 1.5 m2;
(c) within the wall if necessary in order not to exceed a spacing of 5 m between the confining elements;
(d) at the intersections of structural walls, wherever the confining elements imposed by the above rules are at
a distance larger than 1.5 m.
Horizontal confining elements shall be placed in the plane of the wall at every floor level and in any case with
a vertical spacing of not more than 4 m.
Confining elements should have a cross-sectional area not less than 0.02 m2, with a minimum dimension of
150 mm in the plan of the wall. In double-leaf walls the thickness of confining elements should assure the
connection of the two leaves and their effective confinement.
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The longitudinal reinforcement of confining elements may not have a cross-sectional area less than 300
mm2, nor than 1 percent of the cross-sectional area of the confining element. The detailing of the
reinforcements should be in accordance with Chapter 8.
Stirrups not less than 6 mm in diameter and spaced not more than 300 mm should be provided around the
longitudinal reinforcement. Column ties should preferably have 135° hooks – the use of 90° hooks is not
recommended. At a minimum, 6 mm ties at 200 mm spacing (6 mm@200 mm) should be provided. It is
recommended to use 6 mm ties at 100 mm spacing (6 mm@100 mm) in the column end-zones (top and
To ensure the effectiveness of tie-beams in resisting earthquake loads, longitudinal bars should have a 90°
hooked anchorage at intersections, as shown in Figure 6.7.14. The hook length should be at least 500 mm.
Proper detailing of the tie-beam-to-tie-column connections is a must for satisfactory earthquake
performance of the entire building. Reinforcing bars must be properly anchored. A typical connection detail
at the roof level is shown in Figure 6.7.15. Note that the tie-column reinforcement needs to be extended into
the tie-beam as much as possible, preferably up to the underside of the top tie-beam reinforcement. A
hooked anchorage needs to be provided (90° hooks) both for the tie-column and tie-beam reinforcement.
Special lintel beams may be required across larger openings having a width exceeding 1.5 m. Additional
reinforcement bars need to be provided. Lintel beams can be integrated with the tie-beams at the floor level.
Lap splices may not be less than 60 bar diameters or 500 mm in length. Splicing should take place at column
mid height, except for the ground floor level (where splicing is not permitted).
The minimum wall thickness should not be less than 100 mm. The wall height/thickness ratio should not
exceed 30.
Toothed edges should be left on each side of the wall, as shown in Figure 6.7.16(a). Toothed edges are
essential for adequate wall confinement, which contributes to satisfactory earthquake performance.
Alternatively, when the interface between the masonry wall and the concrete tie-column needs to remain
smooth for appearance’s sake, steel dowels should be provided in mortar bed joints to ensure interaction
between the masonry and the concrete during an earthquake, Figure 6.7.16(b).
Concrete in the tie-columns can be poured once the desired wall height has been reached. The masonry
walls provide formwork for the tie-columns on two sides; however the formwork must be placed on the
remaining two sides.
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preventing building settlements in soft soil areas. An alternative foundation solution with RC strip footing is
also illustrated in Figure 6.7.17.
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Figure 6.7.16 (a) Toothed wall construction; (b) Horizontal dowels at the wall-to-column interface
Figure 6.7.17 Foundation construction: (a) RC plinth band and stone masonry foundation; (b) RC strip footing
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