Release 13 20D Implementing Absence Management
Release 13 20D Implementing Absence Management
Release 13 20D Implementing Absence Management
Resources Cloud
Implementing Absence
Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud
Implementing Absence Management
Part Number F34314-02
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Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud
Implementing Absence Management
Preface i
12 Donation 119
Overview of Donation ............................................................................................................................................................... 119
Options to Define Donation Plans ......................................................................................................................................... 119
How You Can Set Up PTO Donations for Your Legislation .............................................................................................. 120
Create a Donation Plan ............................................................................................................................................................ 120
How You Configure Donation Rules on an Accrual Plan for Workers to Donate to Coworkers .................................. 121
Configure Approvals for Donation ......................................................................................................................................... 121
Enroll a Worker in a Donation Plan ....................................................................................................................................... 122
This preface introduces information sources that can help you use the application.
Use help icons to access help in the application. If you don't see any help icons on your page, click your user image
or name in the global header and select Show Help Icons. Not all pages have help icons. You can also access the Oracle
Help Center to find guides and videos.
Watch: This video tutorial shows you how to find and use help.
Additional Resources
• Community: Use Oracle Cloud Customer Connect to get information from experts at Oracle, the partner
community, and other users.
The following table explains the text conventions used in this guide.
Convention Meaning
boldface Boldface type indicates user interface elements, navigation paths, or values you enter or select.
monospace Monospace type indicates file, folder, and directory names, code examples, commands, and URLs.
Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Preface
Implementing Absence Management
Documentation Accessibility
For information about Oracle's commitment to accessibility, visit the Oracle Accessibility Program website.
Videos included in this guide are provided as a media alternative for text-based help topics also available in this guide.
Contacting Oracle
Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 1
Implementing Absence Management Absence Management Implementation Overview
Getting Started
Before you begin, review the following documents available in the Absence Management functional area:
Setup Sequence
The following figure illustrates the sequence for setting up absence management:
1. Add new values to lookups, value sets, and flexfields based on your requirement. Write fast formulas to include
rules in the absence objects in addition to the predefined ones. Create rate definitions to define payment rates
for absence plans.
2. Create absence plans to define rules for time accruals and entitlements. Create certification requests that you
want workers to complete to continue receiving entitlements during absence periods. Create absence reasons
that you want workers to select while recording absences.
3. Create absence types, such as sickness leave or vacation, and associate each type with the relevant plans,
reasons, and certifications.
Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 1
Implementing Absence Management Absence Management Implementation Overview
4. Create absence categories, such as personal leave or medical leave, and associate them with the relevant
absence types for reporting purposes.
Absence Absence
2 Absence Plans
Certifications Reasons
3 Absence Types
Absence types Use the Absence Types task to create absence types.
Absence categories Use the Absence Categories task to create absence categories and associate them with
absence types.
Absence patterns Review these settings on the Display Features tab when you create an absence type.
Absence plans Use the Absence Plans task to create absence plans.
Absence reasons Use the Absence Reasons task to create absence reasons.
Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 1
Implementing Absence Management Absence Management Implementation Overview
Absence certifications Use the Absence Certifications task to set up a requirement. Then associate the requirement as
an action item with an absence type so that every absence associated with the absence type is
subject to that requirement.
This figure illustrates how the absence management components fit together.
Absence Type
Absence Category
(Example: Illness and
Absence Type Injury)
(Example: Sick Leave)
Absence Type
When you create an absence type, such as sick leave, you include rules to determine when users record or manage
an absence of that type. For example, you can restrict workers so that they can record absences only of a particular
duration. An alert appears if the entered duration exceeds the maximum value.
Decide which fields or sections you want to show or hide for specific user roles when they record or approve a specific
absence type.
Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 1
Implementing Absence Management Absence Management Implementation Overview
Absence Category
Create absence categories to group absence types for reporting and analysis. For example, you can create an absence
category called family leave and associate with it absence types, such as maternity, paternity, and child care.
Absence Pattern
An absence pattern contains a predefined set of rules that you can use as a starting point to create an absence type.
When you create an absence type, you must associate it with any of the following predefined patterns:
• Illness or injury
• Childbirth or placement
• Generic absence
For example, you can select the Generic absence pattern to create an absence type to schedule vacation time using the
time accrued under a vacation accrual plan.
For example, the Illness or injury pattern displays a field for selecting whether the absence type applies for childbirth or
adoption placement.
Absence Plans
Create absence plans to define rules for accruing leave time and receiving payments during an absence period. You
must associate at least one absence plan with an absence type.
To schedule an absence using an absence plan, the unit of measure defined in the plan must match the unit of measure
defined in the associated absence type. If the unit of measure differs, you can define the conversion formula and attach
it to the absence type. This formula is applicable only if the unit of measure is hours or days for the absence type.
Absence Reasons
Create absence reasons to select from when scheduling an absence. Absence reasons are independent of absence
types. You can use the same reason for multiple absence types. When you create an absence type, you associate the
reasons with the type.
Absence Certifications
Create certification requirements for absences that require documentation to authorize an absence. For example,
in case of an absence due to illness, set up a requirement that workers must submit a doctor's certificate within a
stipulated period of time. This ensures they receive full payment for the absence duration.
Related Topics
• Create a Vacation Absence Type
• Create a Maternity Plan
• Create a Vacation Accrual Plan
Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 1
Implementing Absence Management Absence Management Implementation Overview
Search Order
This flow chart shows you the order that the application searches for someone's schedule, before applying it to the
Search Order
Assign the
1. Published schedule Schedule
schedule to the
2. Employment work week found?
3. Primary work schedule
4. Standard working hours
Schedule not
Assign default
hours to the
Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 1
Implementing Absence Management Absence Management Implementation Overview
Department 1 Department 2 Department 3
Departments 1 and 3 don't have primary schedules. So, the primary schedule at the enterprise-level applies to everyone,
with one exception. A person in department 3 has a schedule for their primary assignment. That primary assignment
schedule applies instead of the enterprise-level schedule. Department 2 has a primary schedule, and it applies to
everyone in that department.
Everyone's schedules are affected by the calendar events and resource exceptions that exist in the primary work
schedule, regardless of level. They're also affected by any absences they report during the selected time period.
Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 1
Implementing Absence Management Absence Management Implementation Overview
Default Hours
If the application doesn't find a schedule, it uses the default hours 8:30a to 5:00p.
Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 1
Implementing Absence Management Absence Management Implementation Overview
Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 2
Implementing Absence Management Responsive User Experience Setup
Deep Links
You can use deep links to provide easy navigation directly to a page in the HCM Cloud application. Deep links can also
be used for mobile responsive pages on your intranet, custom and third-party applications, or in a document. This helps
people run transactions in the HCM cloud and provides quick access to their HR information.
To access deep links:
Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 2
Implementing Absence Management Responsive User Experience Setup
Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 3
Implementing Absence Management Absence Lookups, Value Sets, and Flexfields
Overview of Lookups
Lookups are lists of values in applications. You define a list of values as a lookup type consisting of a set of lookup codes,
each code's translated meaning, and optionally a tag. End users see the list of translated meanings as the available
values for an object.
Lookups provide a means of validation and lists of values where valid values appear on a list with no duplicate values.
For example, an application might store the values Y and N in a column in a table, but when displaying those values in
the user interface, Yes or No (or their translated equivalents) should be available for end users to select. For example, the
two lookup codes Y and N are defined in the REQUIRED_INDICATOR lookup type.
The following table contains an example of a lookup type for marital status (MAR_STATUS) that has lookup codes for
users to specify married, single, or available legal partnerships.
In this case, tags are used for localizing the codes. All legislations list Married and Single. Only the Dutch legislation lists
Registered Partner. And all legislations except France and Australia also list Domestic Partner.
Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 3
Implementing Absence Management Absence Lookups, Value Sets, and Flexfields
statuses in a report. The lookup code values include All, so that users can report by all statuses: Approved, Resubmitted
for approval, Pending or rejected, and Rejected.
Configuration Level
The configuration level of a lookup type determines whether the lookups in that lookup type can be edited. This applies
data security to lookups.
Some lookup types are locked so no new codes and other changes can be added during implementation or later, as
needed. Depending on the configuration level of a lookup type, you may be able to change the codes or their meanings.
Some lookups are designated as extensible, so new lookup codes can be created during implementation, but the
predefined lookup codes can't be modified. Some predefined lookup codes can be changed during implementation or
later, as needed.
The configuration levels are user, extensible, and system. The following table shows the lookup management tasks
permitted at each configuration level.
Updating start date, end date, Yes Yes, only if the code isn't No
and enabling the lookup code predefined data
If a product depends on a lookup, the configuration level must be system or extensible to prevent deletion.
Once the configuration level is set for a lookup type, it can't be modified. The configuration level for newly created
lookup types is by default set at the User level.
• standardLookupsLOV
• commonLookupsLOV
• setEnabledLookupsLOV
Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 3
Implementing Absence Management Absence Lookups, Value Sets, and Flexfields
• genericLookupsLOV
However, you can control whether a lookup is a part of the LOV or not. On the UI, for each lookup you can specify the
REST Access Secured value that in turn determines whether it's included in the response or not. These values are:
• Anonymous: Lookup is available to a user having anonymous role or authenticated role.
• Authenticated: Lookup is available to a user having only the authenticated role.
• Secure: Lookup isn't available to users as part of the generic resource. To make it available securely, you must
create a specific resource, assign it to a role, and assign that role to select users.
For all lookups, the default value is set to Secure. So, if you want to make the lookup available to users through any of
those resources, you must change the value to Authenticated or Anonymous, depending on who needs to access that
Standard lookups are the simplest form of lookup types consisting only of codes and their translated meaning. They
differ from common lookups only in being defined in the standard lookup view. Common lookups exist for reasons
of backward compatibility and differ from standard lookups only in being defined in the common lookup view. These
can also be lookups having attribute columns. Set-enabled lookup types store lookup codes that are enabled for
reference data sharing. At runtime, a set-enabled lookup code is visible because the value of the determinant identifies
a reference data set in which the lookup code is present.
Accessing Lookups
Standard, set-enabled, and common lookups are defined in the Standard, Set-enabled, and Common views,
respectively. Applications development may define lookups in an application view to restrict the UI pages where they
may appear.
In lookups management tasks, lookups may be associated with a module in the application taxonomy to provide
criteria for narrowing a search or limiting the number of lookups accessed by a product specific task such as Manage
Purchasing Lookups.
Enabling Lookups
A lookup type is reusable for attributes stored in multiple tables.
Enable lookups based on the following.
• Selecting an Enabled check box
Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 3
Implementing Absence Management Absence Lookups, Value Sets, and Flexfields
If you make changes to a lookup, users must sign out and back in before the changes take effect. When defining a list of
values for display rather than validation, limit the number of enabled lookup codes to a usable length.
To view the predefined lookups and their lookup codes, use the following tasks in the Setup and Maintenance work
Translating Lookups
You can translate the lookups that you defined to the preferred language(s) without changing the language session
of the application. Use the translation option available on the lookup code table. By default, for each lookup, all the
permitted language rows in the translator dialog box appear in the source language (the current session language).
When you edit a particular language entry, you can modify the translated meaning and description to the language in
which you want the lookup to appear. Once the updates are made, the end-users can view the lookup in the translated
Note: You can add the translation for only as many languages as are permitted by the administrator. The functionality
to limit the number of languages displayed on the dialog box is controlled through the Translation Editor Languages
profile option. It can be set at the SITE or USER level. If nothing is specified, all active languages are displayed.
Related Topics
• How can I access predefined lookups
• Example of a Set-Enabled Lookup
• What's the difference between a lookup type and a value set
• Example of a Standard Lookup
• Enter or Edit Translated Text
You can assign a value set to any number of flexfield segments in the same or different flexfields. Value set usage
information indicates which flexfields use the value set.
The following aspects are important in understanding how flexfields and value sets work together:
Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 3
Implementing Absence Management Absence Lookups, Value Sets, and Flexfields
Note: Ensure that changes to a shared value set are compatible with all flexfield segments that use the value set.
You can also define global segments that are shown for all value sets. However, this would be quite unusual since it
would mean that you want to capture that attribute for all values for all value sets.
When you deploy a flexfield, the value sets assigned to the segments of the flexfield provide users with the valid values
for the attributes represented by the segments.
Related Topics
• Overview of Flexfield Deployment
• How Flexfields Work with Oracle Application Cloud Architecture
• Validation Type Options for Value Sets
Overview of Flexfields
A flexfield is a set of placeholder fields associated with business objects and placed on the application pages to
contain additional data. You can use flexfields to modify the business objects and meet enterprise data management
requirements without changing the data model or performing any database programming. Flexfields help you to
capture different data on the same database table and provide a means to modify the applications features.
For example, an airline manufacturer may require specific attributes for its orders that aren't predefined. Using a
flexfield for the order business object, you can create and configure the required attribute.
Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 3
Implementing Absence Management Absence Lookups, Value Sets, and Flexfields
Types of Flexfields
Flexfields that you see on the application pages are predefined. However, you can configure the flexfields or modify
their properties. Users see these flexfields as field or information attributes on the UI pages. To manage flexfields, use
any of the following tasks in the Setup and Maintenance work area:
• Manage Descriptive Flexfields: Expand the forms on the application page to accommodate additional
information that is important and unique to your business. You can use a descriptive flexfield to collect invoice
details on a page displaying invoices.
• Manage Extensible Flexfields: Establish one-to-many data relationships and make application data context-
sensitive. The flexfields appear only when the contextual data conditions are fulfilled. Thus, extensible flexfields
provide more flexibility than the descriptive flexfields.
• Manage Key Flexfields: Store information combining several values, such as a number combination. The key
flexfields represent objects such as accounting codes and asset categories.
• Manage Value Sets: Use a group of values to validate the data entered in the flexfields.
Note: You can manage value sets within the Manage Descriptive Flexfields or Manage Extensible Flexfields
Related Topics
• How can I access predefined flexfields
• Overview of Descriptive Flexfields
• Overview of Extensible Flexfields
• Overview of Key Flexfields
• Modules in Application Taxonomy
Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 4
Implementing Absence Management Formula Creation and Error Handling for Absence
Calculate Payrolls
You can write payroll calculations and skip rules for elements to represent earnings and deductions.
Benefits Administration
You can use formulas to structure your benefit plans. Formulas provide a flexible alternative to the delivered business
rules. Use formulas to configure:
• Date calculations, such as enrollment start and end dates, rate or coverage start and end dates, waiting periods
and enrollment periods, or action item due dates
• Calculations of rate and coverage amount, minimum and maximum, or upper and lower limits
• Certification requirements
Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 4
Implementing Absence Management Formula Creation and Error Handling for Absence
• Partial month and proration calculations
• Eligibility and participation evaluation
For example, you can write a formula to calculate benefits eligibility for those cases where the provided eligibility
criterion doesn't accommodate your particular requirements.
Note: For more information, see Benefits Fast Formula Reference Guide (1456985.1) on My Oracle Support at https://
When creating a rule template, you select a formula name, and then configure the parameter type and display name of
the parameters and variables. You don't have to redo the entire formula statement to determine what details to change
to achieve a particular outcome.
Here's what you can use formulas to apply in Time and Labor:
• Logic for processing or calculating time
• Parameters that enable rules to pass values to the formula for use in calculations
• Output variables that the formula uses to return calculation results to the rules
For example, the Period Maximum Hours Template uses the WFM_PERIOD_MAXIMUM_TIME_ENTRY_RULE formula to
compare reported time category hours to defined maximum hours.
Note: For more information, see Time and Labor Fast Formula Reference Guide (1990057.1) on My Oracle Support at
Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 4
Implementing Absence Management Formula Creation and Error Handling for Absence
Conversion Method to convert the absence duration Global Absence Type Duration
to other units of measure. For example,
your workers' work schedules are in You can use the formula to convert
work hours, but you want to display the absence duration values that are in work
duration in work days. days or work hours only.
Validation Rules in addition to the ones that you can Global Absence Entry Validation
define on the Absence Types pages to
check the validity of the absence.
Enrollment Start Date when eligible workers are enrolled in Global Absence Plan Enrollment Start
the plan. If a worker is already enrolled in
an existing accrual plan, you can't use this
formula to change the enrollment start
Enrollment End Date when workers are disenrolled from Global Absence Plan Enrollment End
the plan. This formula works only if there
is an eligibility profile associated with the
Conversion Formula Method to override the default absence Global Absence Plan Duration
plan entry duration.
Anniversary Event Method to determine the employment Global Absence Plan Period Anniversary
anniversary date on which you want the Event Date
accrual plan to restart.
Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 4
Implementing Absence Management Formula Creation and Error Handling for Absence
Accrual Event Method to capture information about Global Absence Accrual Event
events during a calendar year that affect
the accrual band of a worker.
Accrual Vesting A period during which workers accrue Global Absence Vesting
time, but can't use it.
Accrual Proration Method to calculate the time workers Global Absence Proration
accrue if they enroll in the middle of an
accrual period.
Ceiling The maximum time that a worker can Global Absence Ceiling
Ceiling Proration Method to return a multiplying factor to Global Absence Ceiling Proration
prorate the defined ceiling limit.
Carryover The maximum unused time that a worker Global Absence Carryover
can transfer to the next accrual term.
Carryover Proration Method to return a multiplying factor to Global Absence Carryover Proration
prorate the defined carryover amount.
Accrual Definition Method to determine the paid time, Global Absence Accrual
eligible workers accrue over the course of
an accrual term.
Accrual Formula Range of eligibility criteria that identify Global Absence Accrual Matrix
how much paid time eligible workers
accrue over the course of an accrual
term. The criteria may be years of service,
Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 4
Implementing Absence Management Formula Creation and Error Handling for Absence
Partial Accrual Period Method to determine the prorated accrual Global Absence Partial Accrual Period Rate
amount for workers who enroll or disenroll
from a plan during the plan period.
Absence Payment Rate Method to calculate payment during Global Absence Plan Use Rate
absence period.
Discretionary Disbursement Rate Method to calculate payment when paying Global Absence Plan Use Rate
out part of the accrual balance.
Final Disbursement Rate Method to calculate payment of accruals Global Absence Plan Use Rate
when plan participation ends.
Liability Rate Method to calculate cost of accrual Global Absence Plan Use Rate
balance to determine employer liability.
When you schedule an absence for a worker using an accrual plan with formulas defined, the absence doesn't appear in
the Absence Records section of the Manage Absences and Entitlements page. Instead, you can view the absence in the
Plan Participation section. To view the absence:
1. In the Accrual Plans section, click the accrual plan to open the Accrual Plan Balance dialog box.
2. Enter the Balance Calculation Date to view the details of the absence. The details are displayed in the
Summary and Details tabs.
Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 4
Implementing Absence Management Formula Creation and Error Handling for Absence
Start Rule When the rolling backward plan term Global Absence Plan Roll Backward End
starts. A rolling backward term is a specific
time period that precedes the absence
start date.
Qualification Date Rule Date when eligible workers enroll in the Global Absence Plan Enrollment Start Date
Conversion Formula Method to calculate the absence duration Global Absence Plan Duration
Entitlement Definition Type Determines payment percentages to apply Global Absence Entitlement
during the absence period.
Entitlement Formula A level that determines the payment that Global Absence Band Entitlement
workers receive for a specific number of
(Qualification Details section) days during a long leave of absence based
on their length of service.
Absence Payment Rate Rule Method to calculate payment during Global Absence Plan Use Rate
absence period.
Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 4
Implementing Absence Management Formula Creation and Error Handling for Absence
Donation Rule Method to determine the minimum and Global Absence Discretionary Donation
maximum amount of leave balance that Rule
a worker can donate from their accrual
plan. Also, an increment, which limits
the donation amount to specific values
between the minimum and maximum
Is the formula for a specific legislative data group? No, this is a global formula that can be used by any legislative data
Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 4
Implementing Absence Management Formula Creation and Error Handling for Absence
Fields for the Fast Formula Values for the Fast Formula
4. Click Continue.
5. Enter these formula details in the Formula Text section:
DEFAULT FOR per_asg_job_name IS ' '
IF JOB_1 = 'Manager' then
6. Click Compile.
7. Click Save.
Syntax Error The formula text violates the grammatical rules for the formula language. For example, if you
use IF1 instead of IF in an IF statement.
Incorrect Statement Order ALIAS, DEFAULT, or INPUT statements come after other statements.
Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 4
Implementing Absence Management Formula Creation and Error Handling for Absence
Misuse of ALIAS Statement You can use an ALIAS statement only for a database item.
Missing DEFAULT Statement A database item that specifies a default value must have a DEFAULT statement.
Misuse of DEFAULT Statement You specify a DEFAULT statement for a variable other than as an input or a database item.
Uninitialized Variable The compiler detects that a variable is uninitialized when used. The compiler can't do this
in all cases. This error often occurs when the formula includes a database item that requires
contexts that the formula type doesn't support. The formula treats the database item as a
local variable. For example, balance database items require the PAYROLL_ REL_ACTION_ID
PAYROLL_ ASSIGNMENT_ID and CALC_ BREAKDOWN_ ID contexts. Typically, you use these
statements in formulas of type Oracle Payroll.
Missing Function Call The compiler doesn't recognize a function call. The combination of return type, function name,
and parameter types doesn't match any available function.
Incorrect Operator Usage An instance of a formula operator use doesn't match the permitted uses of that operator.
For example, the + operator has two permitted uses. The operands are both of data type
NUMBER, or both of data type TEXT.
Inconsistent Data Type Usage The formula uses a formula variable of more than one data type. Or the formula uses a
database item or context with the wrong data type.
For example, Variable A is assigned a NUMBER value at the start of the formula, but is assigned
a TEXT value later in the formula.
EXIT Statement Not Within WHILE A condition that eventually becomes false or an EXIT call for exiting the loop doesn't exist.
For example, a formula assigns a value to AREA1 as an ordinary variable, but later uses AREA1
as a context in a GET_CONTEXT call.
Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 4
Implementing Absence Management Formula Creation and Error Handling for Absence
Uninitialized Variable When the formula compiler can't fully determine if a variable or context is initialized, it
generates a code to test if the variable is initialized.
When the formula runs, the code displays an error if the variable or context isn't initialized.
No Data Found Raised when a non-array type database item unexpectedly fails to return any data. If the
database item can't return data, then it should provide a default value.
You can specify a default value using a DEFAULT statement. An error in formula function code
can also cause this error message.
Too Many Rows Raised when a non-array type database item unexpectedly returns more than a single row of
data. The cause is an incorrect assumption made about how the data is being accessed.
An error in the formula function code can also cause this error message.
NULL Data Found Raised when a database item unexpectedly returns a NULL data value. If the database item can
return a NULL value, then it provides a default value.
Note: Some database items can't return a NULL value. If the database items can return a
NULL value, then you can provide a default value for that database item.
Value Exceeded Allowable Range Raised for a number of reasons, such as exceeding the maximum allowable length of a string.
Invalid Number Raised when a formula attempts to convert a nonnumeric string to a number.
User Defined Function Error Raised from within a formula function. The error message text is provided as part of the
formula error message.
External Function Call Error A formula function returns an error, but doesn't provide any additional information to the
formula code. The function may have sent error information to the logging destination for the
executing code.
Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 4
Implementing Absence Management Formula Creation and Error Handling for Absence
Too Many Iterations A single WHILE loop, or a combination of WHILE loops has exceeded the maximum number of
permitted iterations. This error is raised to terminate loops that can never end, which indicates
a programming error within the formula.
Array Data Value Not Set The formula tries to access an array index that has no data value. This error occurs in the
formula code.
Invalid Type Parameter for You specify an invalid data type in the WSA_EXISTS call.
Incorrect Data Type For Stored Item When retrieving an item using WSA_GET, the actual data type doesn't match that of the stored
item. This error occurs within the calling formula.
Called Formula Not Found The called formula isn't found when attempting to call a formula from a formula. This error
may occur due to an issue in the calling formula, or because of installation issues.
Recursive Formula Call An attempt was made to call a formula from itself. The call could be made directly or indirectly
from another called formula. Calling a formula in a recursive manner isn't permitted.
Input Data Has Different Types in When calling a formula from a formula, the input data type within the called formula doesn't
Called and Calling Formulas match the data type specified in the calling formula.
Output Has Different Types In Called When calling a formula from a formula, the output data type within the called formula doesn't
and Calling Formulas match the data type specified in the calling formula.
Too Many Formula Calls When a formula calls another formula in its text, resulting in a hierarchy. The maximum depth
of the hierarchy is 10.
When do I run the Compile Formula process?
When you create or update multiple fast formulas simultaneously, run the Compile Formula process on the Submit a
Process or Report page from the Payroll Administration work area.
Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 4
Implementing Absence Management Formula Creation and Error Handling for Absence
Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 5
Implementing Absence Management Eligibility Profiles for Absence Plans
Related Topics
• Create a Maternity Plan
Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 5
Implementing Absence Management Eligibility Profiles for Absence Plans
Checklist Task
One may
be associated
with Total Compensation
Eligibility Criteria Statement
- Personal One is
- Employment associated
- Related Coverage Variable Rate or
with Coverage Profile
- Other One or more
may be
associated Benefits Object
User-Defined Eligibility
with - Program
Criteria Profile
- Plan Type
- Plan
- Option
Derived Factors
Compensation Object
- Plan
- Plan Option
Eligibility Criteria
You can add different types of eligibility criteria to an eligibility profile. For many common criteria, such as gender or
employment status, you can select from a list of predefined criteria values. However, you must create user-defined
criteria and derived factors before you can add them to an eligibility profile.
Eligibility Profile
When you add an eligibility criterion to a profile, you define how to use it to determine eligibility. For example, when you
add gender as a criterion, you must specify a gender value (male or female) and whether to include or exclude persons
who match that value.
Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 5
Implementing Absence Management Eligibility Profiles for Absence Plans
Object that Uses an Eligibility Profile Purpose Whether You Can Attach More Than
One Profile?
Variable rate or variable coverage profile Establish the criteria required to qualify for No
that rate or coverage
Goal plans or goal mass assignments Establish eligibility for the goal Yes
Related Topics
• User-Defined Criteria
Derived Factors
Derived factors define how to calculate certain eligibility criteria that change over time, such as a person's age or
length of service. You add derived factors to eligibility profiles and then associate the profiles with objects that restrict
Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 5
Implementing Absence Management Eligibility Profiles for Absence Plans
• Compensation
• Hours worked
• Full-time equivalent
Age derived Select a determination rule to specify the day on which to evaluate the person's calculated age
for eligibility.
Example: If the determination rule is set to the first of the year, then the person's age as of the
first of the year is used to determine eligibility.
Full-time equivalent Specify the minimum and maximum full-time equivalent percentage and whether to use the
primary assignment or the sum of all assignments when evaluating eligibility.
Example: If 90 to 100 percent is the percentage range for the sum of all assignments, then a
person who works 50 percent full-time on two different assignments is considered eligible.
For derived factors pertaining to time and monetary amounts, you can also set the following rules:
• Unit of measure
• Rounding rule
• Minimum and maximum time or amount
Benefits administrators frequently use age factors to determine:
• Dependent eligibility
• Life insurance rates
Age factors typically define a range of ages, referred to as age bands, and rules for evaluating the person's age. The
following table illustrates a set of age bands that could be used to determine eligibility for life insurance rates that vary
based on age.
Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 5
Implementing Absence Management Eligibility Profiles for Absence Plans
Derived Factor Name Greater Than or Equal To Age Value Less Than Age Value
Age Under 25 1 25
Age 25 to 34 25 35
Age 35 to 44 35 45
Age 45 to 54 45 55
Age 55 to 64 55 65
Age 64 or Older 65 75
The determination rule and other settings for each age band can use the same values, as shown in the following table:
Field Value
Age to Use
Length of Service
You use the length of service derived factor to determine eligibility based on an employee's length of service. For
example, you can create a derived factor to determine if an employee has completed 10 years of service. You can specify
the start date of the length of service period using any rule in the Period Start Date Rule list:
If you select Seniority Date, you use the Seniority Date list to select the specific configuration rule, such as the grade
seniority date, to determine the date. If you have other special requirements to calculate the length of service, you can
use a formula. You indicate the end of the length of service period by using a determination rule, such as end of month,
Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 5
Implementing Absence Management Eligibility Profiles for Absence Plans
first of month, as of event date, or end of pay period. The following table shows an example of a set of length-of-service
A derived factor for length of service defines a range of values and rules for calculating an employee's length of service.
The following table shows an example of a set of length-of-service bands. You can use the length-of-service bands to
determine eligibility for compensation objects such as bonuses or severance pay.
Derived Factor Name Greater Than or Equal To Length of Less Than Length of Service Value
Service Value
Service 1 to 4 1 5
Service 5 to 9 5 10
Service 10 to 14 10 15
Service 15 to 19 15 20
Service 20 to 24 20 25
Service 25 to 29 25 30
The determination rule and other settings for each length-of-service band are the same:
Field Value
Date of hire
Period Start Date Rule
This sets the beginning of the period being measured.
End of year
Determination Rule
This sets the end of the period being measured.
Age to Use
Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 5
Implementing Absence Management Eligibility Profiles for Absence Plans
Field Value
A derived factor for compensation defines a range of values and rules for calculating an employee's compensation
amount. The following table shows an example of a set of compensation bands. You can use the compensation bands
to determine eligibility for compensation objects such as bonuses or stock options.
Derived Factor Name Greater Than or Equal To Compensation Less Than Compensation Value
The determination rule and other settings for each compensation band are the same:
Field Value
First of year
Determination Rule
US Dollar
Unit of Measure
Stated compensation
Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 5
Implementing Absence Management Eligibility Profiles for Absence Plans
To do this, add two different ranges on the Range of Scheduled Hours subtab under the Employment tab of the create
or edit eligibility profile pages. Set the values for the weekly range as shown in the following table:
Field Value
Sequence 1
Minimum Hours 30
Maximum Hours 40
Set the values for the monthly range as shown in this table:
Field Value
Sequence 2
Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 5
Implementing Absence Management Eligibility Profiles for Absence Plans
Field Value
Eligibility Profiles
Create eligibility profiles to define criteria that determine whether a person qualifies for objects that you associate the
profile with. You can associate eligibility profiles with objects in a variety of business processes.
The following are key aspects of working with eligibility profiles:
• If an eligibility profile uses any of the following to establish eligibility, you must create them before you create
the eligibility profile:
◦ Derived factors
◦ User-defined formulas
◦ User-defined criteria
• Consider whether to combine criteria into one profile or create separate profiles depending on:
◦ Whether the object for which you're creating eligibility accepts only one eligibility profile or more than
◦ Performance considerations
• Use names that identify the criteria being defined rather than the object with which the profile is associated,
because eligibility profiles are reusable.
Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 5
Implementing Absence Management Eligibility Profiles for Absence Plans
Setting Description
Use only dependent profiles for Benefits plans or plan types when determining eligibility of
Profile Type participants' spouses, family members, or other individuals who qualify as dependents.
Usage Determines the type of objects the participant profile can be associated with, such as benefits
offerings and rates, compensation plans, checklist tasks, goal plans or mass goal assignments,
or performance documents.
Selecting Global makes the profile available to multiple business process usages.
Assignment to Use Determines the assignment that the eligibility process evaluates for the person
Category Description
Personal • Gender
• Person Type
• Disabled
• Uses Tobacco
• Service Areas
• Home Location
• Postal Code Ranges
• Leave of Absence
• Termination Reason
• Qualification
• Competency
• Marital Status
Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 5
Implementing Absence Management Eligibility Profiles for Absence Plans
Category Description
• Religion
Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 5
Implementing Absence Management Eligibility Profiles for Absence Plans
Category Description
Some criteria, such as gender, provide a fixed set of choices. The choices for other criteria, such as person type, are
based on values defined in tables. You can define multiple criteria for a given criteria type.
• Exclude certain age bands, then all age bands not explicitly excluded are automatically included.
• Include certain age bands, then all age bands not explicitly included are automatically excluded.
If you include multiple criteria of different types, such as gender and age, a person must meet at least one criterion
defined for each criteria type.
Related Topics
• User-Defined Criteria
Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 5
Implementing Absence Management Eligibility Profiles for Absence Plans
1. Create the eligibility profile using the Manage Eligibility Profiles task, which is available in several work areas,
including the Setup and Maintenance work area and the Plan Configuration work area.
2. Associate the eligibility profile with the relevant object, such as a benefit plan.
The following table provides the values for the eligibility profile definition.
Field Value
Profile Usage
Profile Type
Bonus Eligibility
You offer a bonus to all employees who received the highest possible performance rating in all rating categories. Create
an eligibility profile to associate with your Bonus compensation object.
The following table provides the values for the eligibility profile definition.
Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 5
Implementing Absence Management Eligibility Profiles for Absence Plans
Field Value
Compensation, or Global
Profile Usage
Profile Type
Specific Assignment
Assignment to Use
The following table provides the values for the eligibility criteria for each rating category.
The following table provides the values for the eligibility profile definition.
Field Value
Profile Usage
Profile Type
The following table provides the values for the eligibility criteria.
Related Topics
• How can I restrict benefits enrollment opportunities based on provider location
• How to Configure Grandfathered Benefits
Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 5
Implementing Absence Management Eligibility Profiles for Absence Plans
The following table shows which objects permit only one profile and which permit more.
The following objects inherit the eligibility criteria associated with the program:
• Plan types in program
• Plans in program
• Plans
• Options in plans that are in programs
However, it's sometimes more efficient to create more than one profile and attach the profiles at various levels in the
hierarchy. The following table illustrates applying successively restrictive exclusion criteria at different levels in the
Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 5
Implementing Absence Management Eligibility Profiles for Absence Plans
Plan type in program Exclude employees who do not have a full-time assignment.
Plan Exclude employees whose primary address is not within a defined service area.
Related Topics
• Best Practices for Setting Up Eligibility in a Benefits Hierarchy
What type of object is associated with Variable rate for benefits offering
this profile?
What types of eligibility criteria are Age derived factor (must have been previously defined)
defined in this profile?
Uses Tobacco criteria
Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 5
Implementing Absence Management Eligibility Profiles for Absence Plans
Create participant
- Create derived factors eligibility profile
for age bands
Associate eligibility
Add criteria for
profile with variable
tobacco use
rate profile
In this example, you create one eligibility profile that defines the requirements for a single variable rate.
• Typically, you create a set of eligibility profiles, one for each variable rate.
• Create a separate profile for each additional rate by repeating the steps in this example, varying the age and
tobacco use criteria.
1. Create an age derived factor for ages less than 30.
1. In the Tasks panel drawer, click Manage Eligibility Profiles to open the Manage Eligibility Profiles page.
2. On the Create menu, select Create Participant Profile.
3. In the Eligibility Profile Definition section, complete the fields as shown in this table.
Field Value
Profile Usage
Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 5
Implementing Absence Management Eligibility Profiles for Absence Plans
Field Value
Field Value
Select the derived factor that you previously defined for ages under 30
Field Value
Tobacco Use
Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 5
Implementing Absence Management Eligibility Profiles for Absence Plans
1. In the Tasks panel drawer, click Manage Benefits Rates to open the Manage Benefits Rates page.
2. Select the Variable Rates tab.
3. Click Create.
4. In the Eligibility Profile field, select the eligibility profile you just created.
5. Complete other fields as appropriate for the rate.
6. Click Save and Close.
Related Topics
• Create a Benefit Variable Rate
What happens if I include multiple criteria in an eligibility profile?
If you define multiple values for the same criteria type, such as two postal code ranges, a person must satisfy at least
one of the criteria to be considered eligible. For example, a person who resides in either postal range is eligible.
If you include multiple criteria of different types, such as gender and age, a person must meet at least one criterion
defined for each criteria type.
• If all profiles are optional, then at least one of the profiles must be satisfied.
• If all profiles are required, then all of the profiles must be satisfied.
• If some but not all profiles are required, then all required profiles must be satisfied and at least one optional
profile must also be satisfied.
Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 5
Implementing Absence Management Eligibility Profiles for Absence Plans
Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 6
Implementing Absence Management Rate Definitions for Absence Payments
The rate fields are optional in Absences even when you select the Transfer absence payment information for payroll
processing check box. You can define the rates on the payroll side.
Rates Description
Absence Payment Rate Rule Calculates payment during an accrual and qualification absence period.
For a qualification absence plan, you can select this rate definition to calculate payment for a
qualification absence period. When you create a qualification plan, remember that you define
qualification bands to specify the percentage of payment during an absence period.
Example: You want to award the worker 75 percent pay up to the first 90 days of the absence.
You use a rate definition to define the calculation method to translate that percentage into an
actual payment value.
Final Balance Payment Rate Rule Calculates payment of accruals when plan participation ends.
Example: If the worker is terminated or loses eligibility for the absence plan, you might want
to use a rate definition to calculate the final accrual balance. Create a rate definition that
considers the worker's salary details and calculates the payment value for each unit of accrued
Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 6
Implementing Absence Management Rate Definitions for Absence Payments
Rates Description
Partial Disbursement Rate Rule Calculates payment when paying out part of an accrual balance.
Example: If the worker is terminated or loses eligibility for the absence plan, you might want to
disburse the remainder of the accrual balance as cash. Create a rate definition that considers
the worker's salary details and calculates the payment value for each unit of accrued time.
Liability Booking Rate Rule Calculates the cost of a worker's accrual balance to determine employer liability.
Example: If the is terminated or loses eligibility for the absence plan, you might want to
determine employer liability for worker time accruals for the rest of the accrual term.
You can control if rate values are calculated live or retrieved based on the results of the Generate HCM Rates process.
For example, you use the Generate HCM Rates process to calculate compensation rates for reporting purposes. In this
case, you must recalculate the compensation rates in the payroll run to ensure that they're accurate with then payroll is
• Piece work where a worker gets 1.50 for each widget made.
• Meal allowance rate or mileage rates where the rate paid varies based on the number of miles traveled and the
type of vehicle.
Use the Rate Definitions task from the Payroll Calculation work area to define and manage rate definitions.
To create a new rate, select a category from this table.
Derived Rate Retrieves values from one or more payroll balances or other rate definitions, including rates
that retrieve element entry values. Use this option to create a rate that retrieves a value from
one or more rate contributors.
Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 6
Implementing Absence Management Rate Definitions for Absence Payments
Retrieves a value from or posts to an element input value. The element input value must have a
special purpose of either a Primary Input Value or Factor.
• Select the Primary Input Value special purpose for an amount value, such as a salary
• Select the Factor special purpose for a factor value, such as a car allowance that you
calculate as 3 per cent of average earnings (factor = 0.03).
Value by Criteria Retrieves values from a single value by criteria definition. A value by criteria definition specifies
one or more evaluation conditions that determine a particular value or rate. You can specify the
conditions as a tree structure to define the evaluation sequence.
For example, you can define a value-by-criteria to capture car allowance and housing
allowance values based on an employee's job. Define a rate definition to retrieve car allowance
rates and another rate definition to retrieve housing allowance rates. Both rate definitions refer
to the same value-by-criteria and use the criteria of job to retrieve the appropriate rate values
for an employee.
Formula Retrieves values from a rate definition formula. The Generate HCM Rates process supports the
calculation of most formula-based rates. However, rates that include complex payroll formula
contexts or use balances calculated within the payroll run, are calculated by the payroll run.
Related Topics
• Rate Contributors for Derived Rates
• Configure Elements to Use Rate Definitions
• Overview of Values Defined by Criteria
• Calculate Values Defined by Criteria
Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 6
Implementing Absence Management Rate Definitions for Absence Payments
Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 6
Implementing Absence Management Rate Definitions for Absence Payments
Value by Criteria Name Value by Criteria If you select the Value by Criteria category
to define a rate, you must select a Value
by Criteria name. A value by criteria
definition specifies one or more evaluation
conditions that determine a particular
value or rate.
Select the Return FTE Rate check box to instruct the rate definition process to return a part-time value by applying an
employee's FTE to the rate value.
Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 6
Implementing Absence Management Rate Definitions for Absence Payments
You must specify a periodicity, such as hourly or weekly, for the returned rate and each rate contributor. However, when
you use the rate in a formula, you can override the default periodicity.
The rate calculation converts each contributor to the periodicity specified on the rate contributor. It then adds or
subtracts the rate contributors, even if the periodicities are different. In most cases, they will be the same. Once the rate
contributors are summed up, the rate calculation then converts them into the return periodicity and currency.
For example, for a rate with a periodicity of weekly using the Standard Rate Annualized conversion formula, the rate
calculation does these actions.
1. Calculates an annual figure from the value and periodicity of each contributing earning and deduction.
2. Converts the annual figure into a weekly value.
By default, rates are converted using these predefined rate conversion formulas.
If the values in the predefined conversion rules don't meet your requirements, you can define your own.
Factor Rules
You can apply a factor or multiplier to a calculated rate, or to an individual rate contributor. To apply a factor rule, do
these steps.
You can apply a factor rule to the rate definition, rate contributors, or both. For example, you can define rate
contributors to calculate hourly values based on salary and bonus. You can then apply a factor of 1.0 or 100 percent
to the salary balance contributor and a factor of 0.5 or 50 percent to the bonus balance contributor. The factor rule is
applied to the rate before the periodicity conversion is applied.
Use the Limit Violation Action field to display an error, warning, or enforce the application to use minimum or
maximum value that you enter. For example, you can enter 500 as the minimum value and then select Enforce Rules. If
the returned value comes back as 400, the application uses 500 as the value.
This table explains the options for the minimum and maximum rate values.
Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 6
Implementing Absence Management Rate Definitions for Absence Payments
Value Comments
Based on another rate Uses the calculated value of the rate definition that you select.
Be careful that you don't create a loop. For example, Rate A has minimum value that's based on
Rate B, which has a minimum value based on Rate A. This situation would result in a runtime
If an element input validation formula has been defined for the rate contributor input value, you can view it in the
Override and Defaulting Rules section.
Note: You can't define override and defaulting rules if you select the Values by Criteria category to define a rate. But
you can select a formula to validate any rate that's returned and also use formulas to create default values.
For example, you can use the HCM Rates Default Value formula type to define the number of workdays in a year for your
workday = 250
periodicity = YEAR
return workday, periodicity, currency
In addition, you can use a value by criteria definition as the default type. Here, the process uses the value for the first
record created and carries that value forward in subsequent records, unless it's manually overridden. The rate engine
reevaluates the rate that the value by criteria method creates for each subsequent record. So, this rate could change. For
example you could use a value by criteria definition to enable a default value of 10 percent for bonuses that are targeted
to all eligible employees.
Contributor Rules
You can specify the periodicity for the contributor total. To process contributor totals as full-time equivalency amounts,
select Yes in the Process Contributor Total as FTE Amount field. The final rate value is converted from this status to
the Return Rate FTE status.
In this section, enter text that explains the purpose of the rate, how the rate is calculated, or provides further details for
the rate. This section isn't available for rate definitions using the Value by Criteria categories.
Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 6
Implementing Absence Management Rate Definitions for Absence Payments
Related Topics
• Rate Contributors for Derived Rates
• Configure Elements to Use Rate Definitions
• Configure Periodicity Conversion Rules
• Element Input Validation Formula Type
What elements do I need to create • Salary (assignment level) - This element contains the salary value to be retrieved by the
before I define the rate? rate definition. You must create it using the Flat Amount calculation rule.
• Car Allowance (assignment level) - This element contains the car allowance value to be
retrieved by the rate definition. You must create it using the Flat Amount calculation
• Absence - Use the Absence template to create the element. Enter Sickness as the
classification and Absence as the category.
Which balances hold the contributing • Salary is fed by the Salary element.
values? • Car Allowance is fed by the Car Allowance element.
Effective Start Date A date that's after the creation date of the objects that you're referencing
Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 6
Implementing Absence Management Rate Definitions for Absence Payments
4. Click OK.
5. In the Basic Details section, enter these values.
Field Value
Periodicity Daily
Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 6
Implementing Absence Management Rate Definitions for Absence Payments
Periodicity Daily
Related Topics
• Rate Contributors for Derived Rates
• Generate HCM Rates
• Integrate Absence Management with Global Payroll
Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 7
Implementing Absence Management Elements for Absence Management
Required Tasks
Your business requirements and product usage determine which required tasks you must perform. The required tasks
• Manage Elements
• Manage Payroll Definitions, which is usually required to support elements
• Manage Consolidation Groups, which is required for creating payroll definitions
If you use predefined Payroll Interface extracts to transfer data to a third-party payroll provider, you may need to create
element subclassifications, balances, organization payment methods, and object groups. Refer to the Global Payroll
Interface documentation for more information.
Manage Legal Entities Create payroll statutory units. Ensures that hiring employees
automatically creates payroll relationship
Manage Legal Entity HCM Information Associate a legislative data group with As above.
each payroll statutory unit.
Manage Features by Country or Territory Select Payroll Interface as the extension Ensures that you use the appropriate
for any countries or territories where you element templates to create earnings.
extract HR data to send to a third-party
payroll provider.
Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 7
Implementing Absence Management Elements for Absence Management
Note: Complete this task before the other tasks in this task list.
Manage Elements
Use elements to communicate payment and distribution information to payroll applications from the source
applications listed in the following table.
Compensation • Earnings and deduction elements, Required for compensation plans and
such as bonuses, overtime base pay, no matter which HR and payroll
earnings, and voluntary deductions. applications you're using.
• Information elements to load
user-defined data to use during a
workforce compensation cycle.
Time and Labor Earnings elements with input value of Required if you pay worked time based on
Hours. time card entries.
Absence Management Earnings elements with input value of Required if you process absence payments
Hours. and book employer liability of accrual
balances through Global Payroll or Global
Payroll Interface.
Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 7
Implementing Absence Management Elements for Absence Management
Task Requirements
Organization Payment Methods If you want to record personal payment methods for your employees, you must create
organization payment methods and associate them with your payroll definitions. Organization
payment methods define the combination of payment type and currency to use for payments
to employees or external parties.
Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 7
Implementing Absence Management Elements for Absence Management
Task Requirements
Element Classifications Primary element classifications are predefined. If you run the Calculate Gross Earnings process
(provided with Global Payroll Interface), you might create subclassifications to feed user-
defined balances.
Fast Formulas
You can write formulas for a number of uses, including:
Balance Definitions If you're using Global Payroll Interface, creating earnings elements creates balances
automatically. You can edit these generated balance definitions.
If you're using the Calculate Gross Earnings process, you may want to create additional
balances for extracts or reporting.
Object Groups You can create object groups to specify subsets of elements or payroll relationships to include
in a report or process, such as the Calculate Gross Earnings process.
Related Topics
• Overview of Using Formulas
• Payroll Definitions
• Payroll Balance Definitions
• Implement Payroll Interface
Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 7
Implementing Absence Management Elements for Absence Management
Leave Liability
Discretionary Disbursement
Final Disbursement
Overtime Earnings
Shift Earnings
Bonus Earnings
Tax Deduction
Involuntary Deduction
Absence Management
You can manage worker absences and corresponding entitlements. You can create absence types based on predefined
absence patterns, and associate them with absence plans. You can associate an absence element with an absence plan
to transfer these information for payroll processing:
• Payments for absent time, for example, during maternity or long term sickness.
• Accrual disbursement at the end of absence plan year
• Accrual disbursement when plan enrollment ends
• Absence liability amounts
You can process the payments in Oracle Fusion Global Payroll or use HCM extracts to transfer the information to a third-
party payroll application for processing.
Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 7
Implementing Absence Management Elements for Absence Management
Attach elements at various levels in the benefits object hierarchy to create deductions and earnings that you can
process in a payroll run to calculate net pay.
For Oracle Fusion Global Payroll, you define earnings and deduction elements, such as bonus and overtime earnings
and involuntary deductions. These elements incorporate all the components required for payroll processing, including
formulas, balances, and formula result rules.
Related Topics
• Create Earnings Elements for Payroll
• Define Elements for Time Card Entries for the US
Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 7
Implementing Absence Management Elements for Absence Management
1. Specify the calculation units to use when reporting the absence, for example that's shown on the payslip, and
statement of earnings. Typically, you select Days or Hours for your reports that correspond to the units for your
absence plan. When creating an absence element, select the work calculation rule to calculate the absence rate.
2. Select the absence information to transfer to payroll based on the type of absence management plan.
Question Steps
Does this plan enable balance 1. Select Yes to configure a final disbursement element and to maintain balances for the
payments when enrollment ends? disbursement hours and payments.
2. Optionally, select a rate to use for the calculation.
Does this plan enable partial payment 1. Select Yes to configure a discretionary disbursement element and to maintain balances
of balance? for disbursement hours and payments.
2. Optionally, select a rate to use for the calculation.
Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 7
Implementing Absence Management Elements for Absence Management
1. Select a method to reduce regular earnings if employees don't complete a time card.:
• The Reduce regular earnings option to reduce regular earnings by the absence payment. This
means that the employee is paid the same net amount as if they weren't absent.
• The Select rate to determine deduction amount option when the employee isn't due to be paid
for the absence at the same rate as their regular earnings. In this case, the absence deduction rate
that you select will be a rate that deducts 100% of the regular earnings. However, the absence
payment rate would be a different rate, for example 50%.
2. Optionally, select a rate to calculate the absence payment.
If you have standard earnings and absence elements in the same payroll run that reduce regular earnings, the
payroll calculation reduces earnings in this sequence:
Example: Amelia is due to be paid maternity payments after her termination. Select Yes in this question to set
the latest entry date of the entitlement elements to final close. With this, the absence entitlement payments are
made to Amelia after her termination. When Amelia is terminated, change her employment assignment status
to Process When Earning. Also, set the TERM_INCLUDE_PR_LEVEL action parameter to Y, so that payroll
relationship level entries are considered for processing.
The template also configures additional elements, depending on the options selected in the template to transfer
absence information, as shown in this table.
Type of Absence Information to Optional Balance Payments Selected Additional Elements Configured
Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 7
Implementing Absence Management Elements for Absence Management
Type of Absence Information to Optional Balance Payments Selected Additional Elements Configured
• Final Disbursement
If your enterprise calculates cost distributions, specify costing for all the element eligibility records. For example, for an
accrual element, you do these steps
1. Define element eligibility records for the accrual, accrual results, accrual retroactive, and accrual retroactive
results elements.
2. Specify costing for the accrual results and retroactive results elements.
The costing process costs the change in the liability balance since the last payroll period, debits the expense account
and credits the liability account.
Related Topics
• Element Costing Options
• Importing Absence Entries to Payroll: Procedure
• Rates Used to Calculate Absences in Payroll
Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 7
Implementing Absence Management Elements for Absence Management
Which rate should the calculate absence liability use? Liability Rate
Which rate should the final disbursement payment use? Final Disbursement Rate
Which rate should the partial disbursement payment use? Partial Disbursement Rate
Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 7
Implementing Absence Management Elements for Absence Management
Field Value
Primary Classification
3. Click Continue.
4. On the Create Element: Basic Information page, enter Vacation Payment in the Name and Reporting Name
5. In the Absence Plan Details section, complete the fields as shown in this table. Use default values for fields
unless the steps specify other values.
Field Value
6. Click Next.
7. On the Create Elements: Additional Details page, in the Accrual Liability and Balance Payments section,
complete the fields as shown in this table. Use default values for fields unless the steps specify other values.
Field Value
Calculate absence liability?
Liability rate.
Which rate should the liability
balance calculation use?
Does this plan enable balance
payments when enrollment ends?
How do you want Payout Amount
to be taxed?
Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 7
Implementing Absence Management Elements for Absence Management
Field Value
Absence Payout Process Mode Process and pay with other earnings
Does this plan enable partial
payments of absences?
8. On the Create Elements: Additional Details page, in the Absence Payments section, complete the fields as
shown in this table. Use default values for fields unless the steps specify other values. For the purposes of this
worked example, all fields are being entered, however, only required fields must be entered and others may be
Field Value
Absence payment.
Which rate should the absence
payment calculation use?
9. Click Next.
10. On the Create Element: Review page, review the information that you entered so far.
11. Click Submit to open the Element Summary page.
The template generates all the related elements, balances, and formulas.
Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 8
Implementing Absence Management Effective Dates in Absence Management
Date Effectivity
Date effectivity preserves a history of changes made to the attributes of some objects. As a Professional user, you can
retrieve and edit past and future versions of an object.
Many Human Capital Management (HCM) objects, including person names, assignments, benefits plans, grades, jobs,
locations, payrolls, and positions are date-effective.
This table shows changes to the department manager attribute in a department business object. Each row represents a
single physical record.
Physical Record Effective Start Date Effective End Date Department Manager
Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 8
Implementing Absence Management Effective Dates in Absence Management
Future-Dated Changes
For date-effective objects, you can enter future changes. For example, you enter the worker promotion shown in this
table on 25 October, 2011 to take effect on 18 January, 2012.
Physical record two becomes current on 18 January, 2012. From 14 October, 2010 until 17 January, 2012 physical record
one is current and available to transactions. If you can access the object history, you can see physical record two before
it takes effect.
When future-dated changes exist, other actions may be limited. For example, to end this worker's assignment before
the promotion takes effect, you must first delete the promotion.
Date-Enabled Objects
Some objects, such as work relationships, are date-enabled rather than date-effective. They have start and end dates
that define when they're available, but they have no history of changes. New attribute values overwrite existing attribute
Related Topics
• How You Make Multiple Updates to Date-Effective Objects in One Day
• How You Delete Physical Records from Date-Effective Objects
Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 8
Implementing Absence Management Effective Dates in Absence Management
Physical Record Effective Start Date Effective End Date Location Phone
Physical Record Effective Start Date Effective End Date Location Phone
Physical Record Effective Start Date Effective End Date Job Working at Home
You learn that the worker's job was actually Project Leader from 10 May to 19 October, 2010. As this period spans
physical records 2 and 3, you must correct both.
To retrieve physical record 2, you set the effective as-of date in the person search to any date between 10 May and 17
August, 2010. You select the assignment from the search results and make the correction.
You then retrieve physical record 3 and make the same correction.
Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 8
Implementing Absence Management Effective Dates in Absence Management
Physical Record Effective Start Date Effective End Date Ceiling Step
2 1 January, 2012 4
From 1 January, 2012 physical record 2 is in effect. Until then, physical record 1 is in effect.
Physical Record Effective Start Date Effective End Date Grade Location
You promote Jennifer to grade A2 from 1 July, 2010. You update her assignment with an effective start date of 1 July,
2010 and enter grade A2. This update:
You also correct existing physical record 2 to change the grade from A1 to A2.
Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 8
Implementing Absence Management Effective Dates in Absence Management
Physical Record Effective Start Date Effective End Date Grade Location
What's the effective as-of date?
A date value that filters search results. For any date-effective object that matches the other search criteria, the search
results include the physical record for the specified effective as-of date. The effective as-of date is one of the search
criteria. Therefore, objects with effective dates that don't include the specified date don't appear in the search results. By
default, the effective as-of date is today's date.
Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 8
Implementing Absence Management Effective Dates in Absence Management
Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 9
Implementing Absence Management Accrual Absence Plans
• Accrual
• Qualification
• No Entitlement
• Agreement
• Compensatory
• Donation
Use this type to create absence plans that enable workers to accrue time for taking paid leave, such as a vacation plan.
Configure rules that determine various aspects of leave time, such as:
• Length and type of the accrual term in which workers accrue time
• Maximum time that workers can accrue in a term
• Maximum time that workers can carry forward to the next term
Use this type to create an absence plan where workers qualify for the plan and receive payments during the absence
period. For example, use qualification plans for defining absence rules related to events, such as long term illness or
maternity. Configure rules to determine the payment percentages that apply for specific periods during the absence, for
specific workers.
No Entitlement
Create absence plans of this type to track unpaid absences without maintaining an accrual balance or providing leave
entitlements, such as periodic accruals. Similar to an accrual plan, you can define the length and type of the plan term
and determine when eligible workers can enroll in the plan. You can also use plans of this type in combination with a
qualification plan. For example, use a no-entitlement plan if a worker isn't eligible for a standard maternity absence
qualification plan.
Create absence plans of this type in accordance with statutory rules for use under an agreement. For example, create a
shared parental leave agreement for a worker and qualified parental partner to allocate paid or unpaid time off among
parenting partners.
Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 9
Implementing Absence Management Accrual Absence Plans
Create absence plans of this type to track earned compensatory time that can be used for time off. Compensatory time
is offered as compensation for working outside of regular work schedules. Instead of paying overtime, an employer can
create a policy to give paid time off.
Create absence plans of this type to track donated time that a worker receives. Workers can donate their accrual plan
balance to a coworker who needs additional time off and is eligible to receive the donated time.
Related Topics
• Create a Maternity Plan
Plan Term
An accrual term is a period of time during which workers accrue time. You must specify the type of accrual term to use
for the plan. For example, you can define one of these term types:
Plan Eligibility
Associate an eligibility profile with the accrual plan to determine the set of workers who can enroll in that plan.
Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 9
Implementing Absence Management Accrual Absence Plans
• Rollover limits so that employees can transfer remaining balance to a new plan. Select Unlimited if you don't
want to define a limit for rollover.
• Carryover limits to determine the maximum unused leave time that employees can take over to the next term
for the same plan.
If the unused absence balance at the end of the term is above the defined rollover and carryover limit, you can choose
to pay out the remaining balance. If you don't select the Disburse remaining balance check box, the unused accrual
balance expires.
Absence plan setup options allow you to define the balance amount eligible for reinstatement along with the time frame
for which the withheld balance can be reinstated. You can configure this option in the Re-enrollment Rules section. You
can find this section in the Plan Participation tab when you create or edit an absence plan.
If you select Allow Prior Balance Reinstatement, a new row in accruals called "Plan Balance close transaction" is
created that deducts the remaining balance on the last day of the employee. This is the transaction that will act as a
reference to calculate the reinstated balance if the employee is re-hired within the time frame limit configured in the
plan setup.
However, if you select Allow Prior Balance Reinstatement, and leave the Balance Reinstatement Limit and Time
Frame Limit fields blank, the entire closing balance can be reinstated any time.
Vesting Period
Define if you want newly enrolled workers to accrue time, but not use it until after a specific amount of time.
Plan Limits
Define rules for the maximum leave time that workers can accrue. For incremental plans, Absence Management
applies the limit to each accrual period. When there are accrual transactions such as adjustments, balance transfers,
and disbursements, which impact the ceiling or carryover value, then the periodic accrual balance calculation takes
precedence and readjusts the balance accordingly.
Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 9
Implementing Absence Management Accrual Absence Plans
Balance Updates
You can enable the following types of adjustments that HR specialists can make during maintenance of absence records
and entitlements:
Decide how you want to calculate payment of accrual balances for the following scenarios:
• When workers must be paid a different rate during the absence period
• When a part of the accrual balance must be disbursed to workers as cash
• When the cost of accrual balance must be calculated to determine employer liability
• When the accrual balance must be paid to workers when their plan participation ends
Determine whether workers are eligible for cash disbursement requests. Decide who can initiate the disbursement.
Additionally, define disbursement rules and the number of hours that can be disbursed.
Define whether workers are eligible to donate accrual balances to a coworker. Decide who can initiate the donation.
Additionally, define donation rules and the number of hours that can be donated.
• Calendar year
• Anniversary year
Calendar Year
The accrual term starts on the month, day, and year that you select. The term restarts next year on the same day. For
example, if you select January 1, 2015, the accrual term starts on that day and restarts on January 1, 2016.
Anniversary Year
The accrual term starts on the hire date and restarts on each anniversary. For example, if the enrolled worker's hire date
is May 1, 2015, the accrual term starts on this date and restarts on May 1, 2016.
Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 9
Implementing Absence Management Accrual Absence Plans
Entering a continuous service date when enrolling in the accrual plan doesn't affect the start date. The continuous
service date affects the length-of-service calculations while processing a waiting period, vesting period, or plan limits
defined in an accrual band matrix. However, it doesn't affect the accrual term.
Define a waiting period if you want newly enrolled workers to start accruing time under that plan only after a specific
amount of time elapses after the date of enrollment.
Configure the plan to automatically disenroll workers as a result of employment termination or loss of eligibility to a
plan. On plan termination, define how to:
• Disburse the amount for payment if the worker has a positive absence balance.
• Recover the amount from the last pay if the worker has a negative absence balance.
For example, if a worker is terminated from employment on October 12, 2017, the following updates can occur to reflect
the termination.
• If an absence starts on or after October 12, it's withdrawn.
• If there is an absence spanning the termination date of October 12, the end date is automatically calculated
as the termination date for the absence. For example, if the worker schedules an absence from October 9 to
October 17, since the termination date is October 12, the end date of the absence is updated as October 12.
• If an absence is open-ended, the end date of the absence is October 12 since the termination date is calculated
as the last day of the absence.
• Plan use is recalculated for all updated absences.
• All active accrual enrollments are updated to reflect an end date of October 12.
• Final disbursements are transmitted to payroll, if final disbursement is configured.
Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 9
Implementing Absence Management Accrual Absence Plans
If you want all workers to be eligible for the absence plan, then don't add an eligibility profile. If a plan doesn't have
an eligibility profile associated with it, then it doesn't mean that workers are enrolled automatically into the plan. New
hires may be enrolled automatically, if that's the option set in the plan definition. Existing workers have to be enrolled
It there is a change in payroll relationship, the repeating period is automatically updated when running accruals. For
example, when employee payroll changes from weekly to monthly.
You create the repeating time period using the Manage Repeating Time Periods task in the Absences work area. Then,
associate the repeating time period with the accrual absence plan on the Create Absence Plan page.
Note: When you create a repeating time period, ensure that the period has a duration of at least 7 days. For example,
if you select a period type of Daily and a period length of More than one day, you need to select a value that's
greater than or equal to 7.
Related Topics
• Repeating Time Periods
Annual Accrual Limit Rule Determines the maximum amount of leave time that workers can accrue within a plan year.
Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 9
Implementing Absence Management Accrual Absence Plans
Ceiling Rule Determines the maximum leave time that workers can accrue.
Use an accrual band matrix to build criteria using various factors, such as length of service, to determine workers who
qualify for specific plan limits. Alternatively, you can use a formula to determine each plan limit.
When accruals and balances are calculated, an annual accrual limit is evaluated. If the current period accrual results in
the accrual balance exceeding the limit, the accrual amount for that period is reduced. If a ceiling is also configured, it
can further impact the accrual amount.
• Length of service
• Location and length of service
• Grade
1. Create the following length of service derived factors using the Manage Derived Factors task in the Absence
Administration work area.
Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 9
Implementing Absence Management Accrual Absence Plans
1 [LengthOfService. LessThan5]
2 [LengthOfService. GreaterThan5]
2 Greater than or 20 15 60
equal to five years
4 Greater than or 15 15 45
equal to three
1. Create the following length of service derived factors for the specific geographic locations using the Manage
Derived Factors task in the Absences work area.
Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 9
Implementing Absence Management Accrual Absence Plans
The person. location attribute is on the Entities tab in the Expression Builder dialog box. The
LengthOfService derived factors are available from the Derived tab.
Band Sequence Effective Start Grade Range Accrual Rate Maximum Ceiling
Date Carryover
1 April 1, 2014 A1 - A3 15 15 45
2 A1 - A6 20 15 60
3 April 1, 2015 A1 - A3 20 20 30
4 A1 - A6 25 15 40
Set the session effective date to April 1, 2014 and create band 1 and band 2 using the following expressions:
The person.grade attribute is on the Entities tab in the Expression Builder dialog box.
Save your work and set the session effective date to April 1, 2015. Then, create band 3 and band 4 using the same
expressions that you used for band 1 and band 2:
Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 9
Implementing Absence Management Accrual Absence Plans
1. On the Absence Plans page for an accrual or donation plan, go to the Entries and Balances tab, Discretionary
Disbursements section.
2. Select Enable for administrator. The Enable for manager and Enable for worker fields are available for you to
3. Configure the disbursement rules and define limits for the number of hours to disburse. For the disbursement
rule, you can select either Formula or Flat Amount. When you select Flat Amount, you may also specify the
following quantities. When you select Formula, you must specify a formula that returns values for these same
◦ The minimum number of hours that the worker is eligible to request a cash disbursement
◦ The maximum number of hours that the worker can request, for instances where you want to limit the
amount to a certain number of hours
◦ An increment to prevent workers from entering decimal places, and thus avoid rounding issues later
If you don't specify any minimum, maximum, and increment quantities, the application assumes that there are no
minimum, maximum, and increment outputs.
1. Click Cash Disbursements in the Time and Absences page. Managers can navigate to this page using the Cash
Disbursements quick action from My Team page.
2. Click Add in the Request Cash Disbursement page.
3. Select the date and absence plan you want to disburse from. Enter the amount of time you want to disburse.
Note: Employees with multiple assignments must select the assignment and then the plan from
which they want to donate. Managers and administrators will see one row per assignment when
they search for the employee. Select the assignment from which donation is to be made.
4. Click Submit.
Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 9
Implementing Absence Management Accrual Absence Plans
1. Click Absence records in the Absences work area under the My Client Groups tab.
2. Search and select the employee to open the Manage Absences and Entitlements page.
3. Select the absence plan and click Disburse Balance on the Enrollments and Adjustments menu. This menu is in
the Plan Participation section.
4. Select the date and enter the amount to be disbursed.
5. Click Submit.
When you enable these adjustments, it then allows HR specialists to make adjustments to plan balances on the Manage
Absence Records and Entitlements page. To make adjustments, HR specialists can select an option on the Enrollments
and Adjustments menu of the Plan Participation section.
Other Adjustments
This adjustment option enables HR specialists to make special adjustments to plan balances, such as award leave
time to a worker for exemplary performance at work. When HR specialists make adjustments on the Manage Absence
Records and Entitlements page, they can select Clerical Error or Compensatory as the adjustment reason.
Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 9
Implementing Absence Management Accrual Absence Plans
Elective Disbursements
This adjustment option integrates benefits election with absences so that participants can sell all or part of their
vacation or sick accrual balance. You can create vacation or sick time sell plans in Benefits. During open enrollment or an
annual anniversary, a participant who's eligible for these plans can select the number of units to disburse and the date
the disbursement should be processed by payroll for payment. When participants make their elections to specify how
much time to sell and when, the information is sent to Absence Management for further processing. These elections
reflect in Absence Management when the accrual process is run.
◦ Current plan year end: The end date for the current plan year is used as the disbursement date.
◦ Determined by election: The end date is elected within Benefits. If you select this option, the elective
amount is disbursed only if the employee has a valid payroll relationship.
What unit of measure should this plan use to process absences? Days
What is the start date and length of the accrual plan term? Start on January 1 and restart the same day in the following year.
When can workers start accruing leave time on the plan? 1 month after hire date
When can workers start using the leave time that they accrued 2 months after hire date
How much leave time can workers accrue in a term? Workers who belong to grade A and B accrue at the rate of 15 days
each accrual term. They can carry-over 5 days to the next term.
Workers who are grade C and D accrue at the rate of 12 days each
accrual term. They can carry-over 2 days to the next term.
Do you want workers to accrue time for the whole term at once or Accrue time each pay period.
accrue in increments?
Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 9
Implementing Absence Management Accrual Absence Plans
What is the maximum leave time that workers can accrue? 40 days
Can workers use more time than their standard accruals during Yes, up to 5 days
the plan term?
How do you want to calculate cash disbursals of partial accrual 50 percent of the salary amount determines the payment for a
balances at any time? unit of absence.
How do you want to calculate final balance payments for a The salary amount determines the payment of a unit of absence.
terminated worker?
Task Summary
To create the absence plan:
Before you create the absence plan, in the Absences work area:
1. Use the Rate Definitions task to create two rate definitions that calculate payment of a unit of absence based on
50 percent and 100 percent of the salary amount.
2. Use the Manage Elements task to create a nonrecurring element. Specify Absences as the primary classification
and Vacation as the secondary classification in the Create Element dialog box, and complete the sections as
shown in this table.
Section Value
Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 9
Implementing Absence Management Accrual Absence Plans
Section Value
You must specify a rate for the liability calculation, which should be the same rate specified
as the liability booking rate rule in Absence Management.
Absence Payments
Select the Reduce regular earnings by absence payment option for the following question:
◦ How do you want to reduce earnings for employees not requiring a time card?
Field Value
UR_ 50_PC_Salary
Short Name
Periodicity (Returned Rate Details
Year to Date
Balance Dimension
Periodicity (Calculation section)
4. Click Create.
5. On the Create Rate Contributors page, complete the fields, as shown in this table.
Field Value
FIT Gross
Balance Name
Year to Date
Balance Dimension
Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 9
Implementing Absence Management Accrual Absence Plans
Field Value
Add or Subtract
Factor Rule
Factor Value
Field Value
UR_ Full_Salary
Short Name
Factor Value
Field Value
Plan Type
4. Click Continue.
5. On the Create Absence Plan page, complete the fields, as shown in this table.
Field Value
Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 9
Implementing Absence Management Accrual Absence Plans
Field Value
Plan UOM
Calendar year
Select the first day of your plan term year. In this example, select January 1 of the current
Calendar year.
6. Click Save.
7. Select the Participation tab, and complete the fields, as shown in this table.
Field Value
Waiting Period UOM
8. Click Save.
9. Select the Accruals tab, and complete the fields, as shown in this table.
Field Value
Accrual Method
Elapsed period
Accrual Vesting Rule
Flat amount
Ceiling Rule
Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 9
Implementing Absence Management Accrual Absence Plans
Field Value
Include in matrix
Carryover Rule
Negative balance allowed
Negative Balance Limit
10. In the Accrual Matrix section, create accrual bands, as shown in this table.
Field Value
Select the Unit Rate of Salary rate definition that you created.
Final Balance Payment Rate Rule
Select the Unit Rate of 50 Percent Salary rate definition that you created.
Disbursement Rate Rule
Select the Unit Rate of Salary rate definition that you created.
Absence Payment Rate Rule
Select the Unit Rate of Salary rate definition that you created.
Liability Booking Rate Rule
Transfer absence payment
information for payroll processing
Select the element that you created as part of the prerequisite task.
Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 9
Implementing Absence Management Accrual Absence Plans
Ensure that you set the plan inactivation date to a date that's after the accrual run date for all employees. Employees
won't be able to perform transactions if the absence plan is inactivated. Decide how you want to deal with the accrued
leave balances of the employees. You should either un-enroll all employees from the plan before you inactivate it or
withdraw accruals to a date prior to the inactivation date using the Withdraw Accruals and Balances process.
Before you make any date effective changes to the plan, try it out on test environment first. See whether the change
produces the results you expect. If it does, implement the change on a production environment.
Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 10
Implementing Absence Management Qualification Absence Plans
• Accrual
• Qualification
• No Entitlement
• Agreement
• Compensatory
• Donation
Use this type to create absence plans that enable workers to accrue time for taking paid leave, such as a vacation plan.
Configure rules that determine various aspects of leave time, such as:
• Length and type of the accrual term in which workers accrue time
• Maximum time that workers can accrue in a term
• Maximum time that workers can carry forward to the next term
Use this type to create an absence plan where workers qualify for the plan and receive payments during the absence
period. For example, use qualification plans for defining absence rules related to events, such as long term illness or
maternity. Configure rules to determine the payment percentages that apply for specific periods during the absence, for
specific workers.
No Entitlement
Create absence plans of this type to track unpaid absences without maintaining an accrual balance or providing leave
entitlements, such as periodic accruals. Similar to an accrual plan, you can define the length and type of the plan term
and determine when eligible workers can enroll in the plan. You can also use plans of this type in combination with a
qualification plan. For example, use a no-entitlement plan if a worker isn't eligible for a standard maternity absence
qualification plan.
Create absence plans of this type in accordance with statutory rules for use under an agreement. For example, create a
shared parental leave agreement for a worker and qualified parental partner to allocate paid or unpaid time off among
parenting partners.
Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 10
Implementing Absence Management Qualification Absence Plans
Create absence plans of this type to track earned compensatory time that can be used for time off. Compensatory time
is offered as compensation for working outside of regular work schedules. Instead of paying overtime, an employer can
create a policy to give paid time off.
Create absence plans of this type to track donated time that a worker receives. Workers can donate their accrual plan
balance to a coworker who needs additional time off and is eligible to receive the donated time.
Related Topics
• Create a Vacation Accrual Plan
• Plan term
• Plan eligibility
• Enrollment and termination
• Payments
Plan Term
A qualification plan term is an assessment period for which the Evaluate Absence process calculates entitlements for the
total absent time recorded in that period. When you create an absence qualification plan, you must select the type of
plan term. For example, you can limit the duration of the plan term to the duration of the absence.
Plan Eligibility
Associate an eligibility profile with the qualification plan to determine the set of workers who are eligible to record an
absence that belongs to that plan.
Use an entitlement band matrix to determine the payment percentages that apply for specific time periods during an
absence. Decide how you want to calculate the payment rate of a single unit of absence. You can use a rate definition to
Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 10
Implementing Absence Management Qualification Absence Plans
include the calculation rules, or use a formula. For example, you want workers who have completed a particular tenure
to receive specific percentage of pay for a specific absence period.
Decide how you want to calculate the payment rate of a single unit of absence. You can use a rate definition to include
the calculation rules, or use a formula.
• Calendar year
• Rolling backward
• Rolling forward
• Absence duration
Calendar Year
The qualification plan term starts on the month, day, and year that you select. The duration of the term is one year. For
example, if you select January 1, 2015, the qualification term starts on that day and ends on December 31, 2015.
Rolling Backward
A rolling-backward term calculates absence entitlements based on the total duration of absences for a specific time
period that precedes the absence start date. For example, if you specify a one year rolling period, and the worker's
absence start date is January 1, 2015, then the calculation considers absences scheduled from January 2, 2014. You can
also configure rules to determine how to deal with absences that overlap rolling backward terms.
Rolling Forward
A rolling forward term calculates absence entitlements based on the first date a worker's absence begins and calculates
the end date by adding the term duration to the start date. For example, if the term duration is 365 days and the
absence start date is 12 February, then the end date will be 11 February of the following year. The rolling forward option
evaluates absences between this start date and end date to track plan entitlements for that period.
Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 10
Implementing Absence Management Qualification Absence Plans
Absence Duration
The absence duration determines the qualification plan term. For example, if a worker schedules a maternity absence
from January 1, 2015 to April 15, 2015, then that's the duration of the qualification plan term.
• Include rule to assess absences that overlap current and previous terms
• Exclude rule to ignore the entire absence that overlaps the current and previous terms
• Split rule to assess absences falling within the current term only
Scenario: You defined a six-month rolling-backward term in your qualification plan and set up bands that entitle workers
to 20 days absence at full pay and a further 15 days at half pay.
Previously, the worker received payment under the same sick leave entitlement plan for 15 working days from December
20, 2013 to January 7, 2013.
Because you configured the plan term to use the Include rule, the previous absence that overlaps the current
assessment period is considered. So for the absence beginning on July 1, 2014, the worker receives full pay for the first 5
(20 - 15) days of the absence and half-pay for the next 15 days.
Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 10
Implementing Absence Management Qualification Absence Plans
The following figure shows the usage of the Include rule in this scenario.
Band Setup
Band 1:
20 days at full pay
Band 2:
15 days at half pay
January 1, 2014
Start of rolling period
6 Months
Rolling Term Start of
July 1,
December 20, January 7, 2014
2013 2014
Previous absence
(15 working days)
Band 1:
Entire duration of overlapping 5 days (20 - 15) at full pay
absence is considered
Band 2:
15 days at half pay
Even though the previous absence overlaps the current assessment period, the worker receives the entitlement band
benefits for the current absence without any deductions.
Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 10
Implementing Absence Management Qualification Absence Plans
The following figure shows the usage of the Exclude rule in this scenario.
Band Setup
Band 1:
20 days at full pay
Band 2:
15 days at half pay
January 1, 2014
(start of assessment
6 Months
Rolling Term Start of
July 1,
December 20, January 7, 2014
2013 2014
Previous absence
(15 working days)
Band 1:
Entire duration of overlapping 20 days at full pay
absence is excluded
Band 2:
15 days at half pay
Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 10
Implementing Absence Management Qualification Absence Plans
The following figure shows the usage of the Split rule in this scenario.
Band Setup
Band 1:
20 days at full pay
Band 2:
15 days at half pay
January 1, 2014
(start of assessment
period) 6 Months
Rolling Term
Start of
5 days
July 1,
December 20, January 7, 2014
2013 2014
Previous absence
(15 working days)
Band 1:
Only the absence duration that 15 (20 – 5) days at full pay
falls within current assessment
period is included Band 2:
15 days at half pay
Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 10
Implementing Absence Management Qualification Absence Plans
• Use a formula if you must consider other aspects or rules that determine when to enroll workers in the plan.
Decide whether ongoing payments under this plan must continue if a worker is:
• Terminated
• Not terminated, but loses eligibility for the plan
• Length of service
• Grade
• Length of service and grade
• For workers who have completed between 5 and 10 years of service to receive 75 percent of pay for up to 10
days of absence
• For workers who have completed between 11 and 20 years to receive the same pay percentage, but up to 20
days of absence
Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 10
Implementing Absence Management Qualification Absence Plans
1. Create the following length of service derived factors using the Manage Derived Factors task in the Absence
Administration work area.
◦ Length of service greater than or equal to 5 years and less than 10 years
◦ Length of service greater than or equal to 10 years and less than 20 years
2. Use the expression builder in the Qualification Band Matrix section to create bands using the derived factors
that you created:
1 [LengthOfService. GreaterThan5LessThan10]
2 [LengthOfService. GreaterThan10LessThan20]
For each band that you create in the Qualification Band Matrix section, you must create band details in the Qualification
Details section.
This table shows the band details that you must create for Band 1, which you created for workers who have completed
between 5 and 10 years of service.
1 75 percent up to 10 days of 10 75
This table shows the band details that you must create for Band 2, which you created for workers who have completed
between 10 and 20 years of service.
1 75 percent up to 20 days of 20 75
Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 10
Implementing Absence Management Qualification Absence Plans
This table shows the band information that you create using the expression builder in the Qualification Band Matrix
The person.grade attribute is on the Entities tab in the Expression Builder dialog box.
This table shows the band details that you must create for Band 2 in the Qualification Details section
1. Create the following length of service derived factors using the Manage Derived Factors task in the Absence
Administration work area.
Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 10
Implementing Absence Management Qualification Absence Plans
1 [LengthOfService. LessThan5]
This table shows the band details that you must create for Band 1 in the Qualification Details section.
This table shows the band details that you must create for Band 2 in the Qualification Details section.
Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 10
Implementing Absence Management Qualification Absence Plans
Selected View complete qualification plan entitlement details defined for the worker, even without an
absence record
Not selected
View partial plan entitlement details of scheduled absences with different payment
percentages. They can't view the plan period, qualified entitlement, and remaining entitlement.
If the worker hasn't scheduled any absence for the plan, the Qualification Plans section of the
Manage Absences and Entitlements page displays no plan details.
A worker took an absence for 88 days, from June 1, 2015 to September 30, 2015. The Qualification Plans section displays
the following qualified entitlements for an effective date of Sep 30, 2015 (Plan period will be Oct 01, 2014 - Sep 30, 2015):
Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 10
Implementing Absence Management Qualification Absence Plans
Sick Leave 50 30 30 0
The worker schedules another absence using the same plan from September 1, 2016 to September 30, 2016 for 22 days.
Since you defined a one-year rolling backward term, the details considered for the 365 day time period that precedes
the absence start date are:
Used entitlements during the rolling 21 days at 0 percent (September 1, 2015 to September 30, 2015)
backward time period
Available entitlements 30 working days at 100 percent, and the next 30 working days at 50 percent
For the 22-day absence from September 1 through September 30, 2016, the worker qualifies for full payment. The
Qualification Plans section displays the following qualified entitlement for an effective date of Sep 30, 2016 (Plan period
will be Oct 01, 2015 - Sep 30, 2016):
Sick Leave 50 30 0 30
If you don't select the Evaluate remaining entitlement without absence record check box during plan creation, the
qualified entitlements appear as shown in the following table:
Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 10
Implementing Absence Management Qualification Absence Plans
Open-ended Absences
For qualification plans, you can record an open-ended absence when the employee isn't sure about the end date of the
absence. This open-ended option is applicable for some absences, such as maternity or illness.
When you select the Open-ended check box, the end date is no longer available. You can enter an estimated end date,
but this date is not used in entitlement calculation. Instead, the entitlement is calculated for 365 days. If the absence
requires an extension beyond one year, a Pending Evaluation record is created, which denotes that the absence can be
extended by 90 days when the Evaluate Absences process is run.
When an end date is entered on the absence, the entitlement is recalculated based on the actual end date.
For example, an employee is eligible for qualified entitlements for 365 days. When the employee schedules an open-
ended absence, the calculation displays as follows in the Entitlements section of the Plan Use tab:
365 days
Displays the absence in a new row with the activity as Qualified Entitlement.
After the employee enters an end date, a new row is generated with an Entitlement exceeded entry for the unpaid
Who is eligible for this plan? Only full time regular employees
What unit of measure should this plan use to process absences? Weeks
What is the plan term to assess entitlements? 6 months, rolling backward from the absence start date
Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 10
Implementing Absence Management Qualification Absence Plans
How do you deal with absences that overlap the plan term? Use the Include rule to assess the entire absence.
How do you deal with terminated workers and workers who lose Continue entitlements if worker is terminated. Stop entitlements if
eligibility while receiving entitlements from the plan? worker loses eligibility.
For how much leave time are workers entitled to receive payment? Workers who have completed less than 5 years of service are
entitled to 8 weeks payment at 90 percent pay followed by a
further 16 weeks at 50 percent pay.
How do you want to calculate payments? The declared salary determines the payment of a unit of absence.
Before you create the absence plan, in the Absences work area:
1. Use the Manage Eligibility Profiles task to create a participant eligibility profile to restrict eligibility of the
absence plan to full time regular workers. In the Employment tab, Assignment Category subtab, select Full-time
regular from the Full Time or Part Time list.
2. Use the Manage Derived Factors task to create length of service derived factors. Don't create a qualification
absence plan with multiple expression builders where all expression builders are satisfied. If there is a specific
scenario, create multiple plans instead of multiple expression builders.
3. Use the Manage Rate Definitions task to create a rate definition for payment of a unit of absence based on the
declared salary on the absence start date.
4. Use the Manage Elements task to create a nonrecurring element. Use Absences as the primary classification
and Maternity as the secondary classification. In the Absence Plan Details section, select Qualification Absences
as the type of absence information you want transferred to payroll.
Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 10
Implementing Absence Management Qualification Absence Plans
Field Value
LengthOfService_ LessThan5
Unit of Measure
Less Than Length of Service
Date of hire
Period Start Date Rule
As of event date
Determination Rule
Field Value
LengthOfService_ GreaterThan5
Unit of Measure
Greater Than or Equal to Length of
Date of hire
Period Start Date Rule
As of event date
Determination Rule
Field Value
Maternity Leave
Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 10
Implementing Absence Management Qualification Absence Plans
Field Value
Short Name
Periodicity (Returned Rate Details
Year to Date
Balance Dimension
Periodicity (Calculation section)
4. Click Create.
5. On the Create Rate Contributors page, complete the fields, as shown in this table.
Field Value
FIT Gross
Balance Name
Year to Date
Balance Dimension
Add or Subtract
Factor Rule
Factor Value
Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 10
Implementing Absence Management Qualification Absence Plans
Field Value
Plan Type
4. Click Continue.
5. On the Create Absence Plan page, complete the fields, as shown in this table.
Field Value
Plan UOM
Rolling backward
Term Duration
Term Duration UOM
Overlap Rule
6. Click Save.
7. Click the Participation tab, and complete the fields, as shown in this table.
Field Value
On Loss of Plan Eligibility Only,
Terminate Entitlement
Select and add the eligibility profile that you created as part of the prerequisite task.
8. Click Save.
Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 10
Implementing Absence Management Qualification Absence Plans
Field Value
LengthOfService_ GreaterThan5
Derived factor to select in the
expression builder
11. In the Qualification Band Matrix section, click the LengthOfService_LessThan5 row.
12. In the Qualification Details section, complete the fields, as shown in this table.
13. In the Qualification Band Matrix section, click the LengthOfService_GreaterThan5 row.
14. In the Qualification Details section, complete the fields, as shown in this table.
Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 10
Implementing Absence Management Qualification Absence Plans
Field Value
Transfer absence payment
information for payroll processing
Select the element that you created as part of the prerequisite task.
Related Topics
• Define Payroll Elements to Process Absences
Add two bands, one paid and the other unpaid in the Entitlements tab.
Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 10
Implementing Absence Management Qualification Absence Plans
2. In the Plans and Reasons tab, ensure that the status of the selected plan is Active and the priority is set to 1.
Occupational plans can also be added to the same absence type. However, make sure the priority of those
plans is higher than the statutory plan and they're not concurrent. This ensures that the entitlement under the
statutory plan is always calculated, irrespective of whether the workers are eligible for occupational plans or not.
3. In the Display Features tab, set the Open Ended field to Do not display. This field is in the Dates and Duration
• The source plan where the entitlement is converted from a maternity or adoption leave
• The target plan associated with the Shared Parental Leave agreement
Leave agreements functionality controls the amount of leave which is used when a person consumes the Shared
Parental Leave. The mother or adopter must curtail their maternity or adoption leave or pay to allow a partner to
consume their Shared Parental Leave.
Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 10
Implementing Absence Management Qualification Absence Plans
Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 11
Implementing Absence Management Compensatory Time
11 Compensatory Time
Plan Eligibility
Associate an eligibility profile with the compensatory plan to determine the set of workers who can enroll in that plan.
Vesting Period
Define a vesting period for the plan if you want workers to use it after a specific amount of time after plan enrollment.
Plan Limits
Determine the maximum compensatory time that a worker can accumulate into the plan. Additionally, select if a
negative balance is allowed for the plan.
Manual Adjustments
Administrators and managers can manually adjust the compensatory time balance for workers. You can determine who
can make these adjustments in the Manual Adjustments section of the Entries and Balances tab.
Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 11
Implementing Absence Management Compensatory Time
• Acquisition date
• End of acquisition pay period
• End of acquisition week
• No expiration
Acquisition Date
Compensatory time expires in a defined amount of time from the acquisition date. For example, if the compensatory
time is earned on December 22 and the expiration time frame is defined as six months, the compensatory time expires
on June 22.
No Expiration
The compensatory time earned is not subject to expiration.
Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 12
Implementing Absence Management Donation
12 Donation
Overview of Donation
Workers can donate some or all of their accrual plan balances to others who need it. Administrators and managers can
also do this on behalf of workers.
Here's how workers and managers donate time:
1. Click Donations in the Time and Absences page. Managers can navigate to this page using the Donations quick
action from My Team page.
2. Click Add in the Donations page.
3. Select the date and absence plan you want to donate from. Enter the amount of time you want to donate.
Note: Employees with multiple assignments must select the assignment and then the plan from
which they want to donate. Managers and administrators will see one row per assignment when
they search for the employee. Select the assignment from which donation is to be made.
4. Select the alias or name of the recipient. If there's no alias, the recipient name appears.
5. Click Submit.
If you're an administrator, here's how you disburse an employee's balance:
1. Click Absence records in the Absences work area under the My Client Groups tab.
2. Search and select the employee to open the Manage Absences and Entitlements page.
3. Select the absence plan and click Initiate Donation on the Enrollments and Adjustments menu. This menu is in
the Plan Participation section.
4. .Select the date and amount to be donated
5. .Select the alias or name of the recipient. If the alias isn't defined, the recipient name appears
6. Click Submit.
Donation Rules
Configure the following rules when you create a donation plan in accordance with the leave policy of your enterprise:
Rule Description
Unit of measure
Specify the unit of measure for the donation plan. The unit of measure can be only Hours or
Days. An accrual plan shows donors only donation plans with the same unit of measure as
their accrual plans.
Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 12
Implementing Absence Management Donation
Rule Description
Enroll workers in only one donation plan of a specific unit of measure so that when a donor
initiates a donation from their accrual plan, the balance transfers to the correct donation plan.
For example, if a donor initiates a donation from a vacation accrual plan measured in days, the
donation process looks for a donation plan measured in days. When it finds the corresponding
donation plan, it transfers the donated time to the worker's donation plan.
If you know that coworkers can donate from multiple plans with different units of measure,
then enroll the worker into two donation plans, one measured in Hours, the other in Days.
Plan limits Determine the maximum donated time that a worker can accumulate in the plan. Additionally,
specify whether the plan allows a negative balance.
Termination Specify how to disburse or recover donation plan balances when the worker is terminated.
Balance updates Specify which types of donation balance adjustments must be available to HR specialists.
Disbursement Specify whether workers are eligible for cash disbursement requests from the donation plan.
Decide who can initiate the disbursement. Additionally define disbursement rules and the
number of hours that can be disbursed.
Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 12
Implementing Absence Management Donation
4. Click Continue.
5. On the Create Absence Plan page, Plan Attributes tab, enter the name of the plan.
6. Select the legislative data group.
7. In the Status field, select Active.
8. In the Plan UOM field, select Hours or Days so that this plan can receive donations from accrual plans with the
same unit of measure. If coworkers can donate time to the worker from multiple plans with different units of
measure, enroll the worker in 2 donation plans, one with Hours and the other with Days.
9. On the Plan Rules tab, optionally specify a ceiling amount. You can select Flat Amount or Formula. The ceiling
amount limits the total donated amount that this plan can receive. You can also specify how to disburse or
recover donation plan balances when the worker is terminated.
10. On the Entries and Balances tab, specify the transactions that this donation plan allows workers to make. For
example, you can allow workers to cash out the donated leave instead of taking an absence.
11. Select Transfer absence payment information for payroll processing and select an absence element to
transfer the donation balance for payroll processing. To integrate the absence plan with Global Payroll, create
elements using the Manage Elements task in the Payroll Calculation work area. Then, associate the element
with the plan on the Create Absence Plan page.
If you don't specify any minimum, maximum, and increment quantities, the application assumes that there are none.
Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 12
Implementing Absence Management Donation
4. Click Save.
5. Click the Commit task icon in the Tasks to be configured toolbar when you're ready to deploy your changes.
You can make corrections or change the alias by selecting Update Enrollment from the Enrollments and Adjustments
menu of the Manage Absences and Entitlements page. You can even update the ceiling amount to a value lower than
the current balance. However, this means that no more donations are accepted for this plan because the balance is
higher than the ceiling.
Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 13
Implementing Absence Management Absence Types, Reasons, and Categories
Absence types Use the Absence Types task to create absence types.
Absence categories Use the Absence Categories task to create absence categories and associate them with
absence types.
Absence patterns Review these settings on the Display Features tab when you create an absence type.
Absence plans Use the Absence Plans task to create absence plans.
Absence reasons Use the Absence Reasons task to create absence reasons.
Absence certifications Use the Absence Certifications task to set up a requirement. Then associate the requirement as
an action item with an absence type so that every absence associated with the absence type is
subject to that requirement.
Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 13
Implementing Absence Management Absence Types, Reasons, and Categories
This figure illustrates how the absence management components fit together.
Absence Type
Absence Category
(Example: Illness and
Absence Type Injury)
(Example: Sick Leave)
Absence Type
When you create an absence type, such as sick leave, you include rules to determine when users record or manage
an absence of that type. For example, you can restrict workers so that they can record absences only of a particular
duration. An alert appears if the entered duration exceeds the maximum value.
Decide which fields or sections you want to show or hide for specific user roles when they record or approve a specific
absence type.
Absence Category
Create absence categories to group absence types for reporting and analysis. For example, you can create an absence
category called family leave and associate with it absence types, such as maternity, paternity, and child care.
Absence Pattern
An absence pattern contains a predefined set of rules that you can use as a starting point to create an absence type.
When you create an absence type, you must associate it with any of the following predefined patterns:
• Illness or injury
Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 13
Implementing Absence Management Absence Types, Reasons, and Categories
• Childbirth or placement
• Generic absence
For example, you can select the Generic absence pattern to create an absence type to schedule vacation time using the
time accrued under a vacation accrual plan.
For example, the Illness or injury pattern displays a field for selecting whether the absence type applies for childbirth or
adoption placement.
Absence Plans
Create absence plans to define rules for accruing leave time and receiving payments during an absence period. You
must associate at least one absence plan with an absence type.
To schedule an absence using an absence plan, the unit of measure defined in the plan must match the unit of measure
defined in the associated absence type. If the unit of measure differs, you can define the conversion formula and attach
it to the absence type. This formula is applicable only if the unit of measure is hours or days for the absence type.
Absence Reasons
Create absence reasons to select from when scheduling an absence. Absence reasons are independent of absence
types. You can use the same reason for multiple absence types. When you create an absence type, you associate the
reasons with the type.
Absence Certifications
Create certification requirements for absences that require documentation to authorize an absence. For example,
in case of an absence due to illness, set up a requirement that workers must submit a doctor's certificate within a
stipulated period of time. This ensures they receive full payment for the absence duration.
Related Topics
• Create a Maternity Plan
• Create a Vacation Accrual Plan
• Create an Absence Certification Requirement
Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 13
Implementing Absence Management Absence Types, Reasons, and Categories
When adding an absence, if you select an absence type from the list that has been configured to allow assignment
selection during absence entry, the Business Title field appears. This is where you can select the assignment that
you want to add an absence for. If you choose a specific assignment, the absence will impact only that particular
assignment. But if you select the option All, the absence will impact all the assignments active as of the absence start
Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 13
Implementing Absence Management Absence Types, Reasons, and Categories
Approvals reset on update When you update an already scheduled absence, it resets approvals and goes through
manager approval again. For example, the status changes from Scheduled to Awaiting
Deferred processing An absence that you schedule doesn't have any impact on accrual balance or entitlements until
you confirm the absence. You must run the Evaluate Absences process to confirm deferred
Additional payload attribute Helps you configure the absence approval flow according to your organization needs. This
allows more flexibility in routing approvals within your organization.
Concurrency Enable workers to receive concurrent entitlements through different absence types for
absences scheduled for the same time and day.
Payable after termination Enable workers to receive qualification entitlements even after termination. For example, in
some legislations even though employment may end, the absence entitlement for maternity or
adoption leave may continue to be paid.
Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 13
Implementing Absence Management Absence Types, Reasons, and Categories
• Advanced absence entry: This rule enables the Advanced mode option so that workers can schedule
discontinuous dates, a weekly recurring absence, or a half day absence.
• Override Daily Duration: This rule enables workers to override the start and end time of a particular day on
which they were absent.
• Matching date: For qualification plans, configure this rule to determine the date a child is matched with the
worker for adoption purposes. When the child is from another country, it's usually the date the child enters the
prospective parent's country. This field is applicable only when you select Placement as the event type.
• Expected date of event: Configure this field to determine the expected date of childbirth or adoption.
• Expected week of event: Configure this field to determine the expected week of childbirth or adoption.
• Actual date of event: Configure this field to enter the actual date of childbirth or adoption.
• Intend not to return to work: Configure this rule for qualification plans where the worker doesn't intend to
return to work after the maternity absence.
Do note that if the employer changes the work schedule, and an absence is recorded with the same absence type that
has the override daily duration rule enabled, the duration of the absence doesn't change.
Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 13
Implementing Absence Management Absence Types, Reasons, and Categories
• Authorization status updated: Determines the authorization status for an absence based on the certification
• Block leave status: Enables workers to report a fixed period away from work deducted from the worker's
normal annual leave entitlement. For example, in financial organizations depending on the nature of work,
certain workers are required to take a block of leave every year so that finance watchdog organizations can
audit the financial transactions for any inconsistencies.
• Notification date: Determines the absence notification date.
• Late notification waiver date: Determines the waiver date when an absence notification qualifies as a late
• Late notification waived: Determines when an absence notification that qualifies as a late notification is
• Special conditions: Enables workers to select any special conditions relevant for the absence type. This field
appears when you select the Illness or injury or Childbirth pattern.
You configure the first condition of the absence start date validation rule with the following information.
Field Value
Operand +
Time period 2
Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 13
Implementing Absence Management Absence Types, Reasons, and Categories
Field Value
You configure the second condition of the absence start date validation rule with the following information.
Field Value
Operand +
Time period 3
UOM Months
You configure the absence start date validation rule with the following information.
Field Value
Operand +
Time period 30
Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 13
Implementing Absence Management Absence Types, Reasons, and Categories
Field Value
UOM Days
The occupational maternity plan contains rules defined by your enterprise that entitle workers to payment in addition to
the statutory payment rules.
When you create the statutory plan and the occupational plan, you must: select the Enable concurrent entitlement
check box in the Plan Attributes tab for both the plans.
1. Select the Enable concurrent entitlement check box in the Plan Attributes tab for both plans.
2. Associate these plans with the maternity absence type when you create that absence type.
Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 13
Implementing Absence Management Absence Types, Reasons, and Categories
When you associate each of these plans with the absence type:
• Set a higher priority to the absence plan whose accrual balance workers must use first.
• Set a lower priority to the absence plan whose balance workers must use after they exhaust the other plan's
• Set a higher priority to the statutory plan so that workers are paid from that plan first.
• Set a lower priority to the occupational sickness plan so that payment rules in that plan are processed after the
statutory plan.
To ensure the worker can record a concurrent sickness absence, you must enable concurrency in the Display Features
tab for one of the absence types. When concurrency is enabled, depending on the rules defined by the worker's
enterprise, the worker can:
Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 13
Implementing Absence Management Absence Types, Reasons, and Categories
When you create an absence type, you can select a starting point to indicate which level the application should start
searching for a schedule. For example, if you select Published schedule, the application starts searching at that level and
continues down until it finds the schedule or relevant work hours.
1. Published schedule
2. Work schedule
3. Assignment hours details
You select one of these starting point options on the Create Absence Type page, Type Attributes tab, in the Schedule
Hierarchy Start Point field.
Absences uses the schedule to determine the duration only if the absence type unit of measure is Hours or Days and
there's no conversion formula defined. The schedule isn't used for other units of measure.
If the absence type is linked to an absence plan that has an Alternate Schedule Category field defined, the duration is
generated using the plan schedule.
Related Topics
• How an Individual's Schedule Is Determined
The absence type must belong to which absence pattern? Generic absence
What is the minimum absence duration that workers must 2 working days
schedule to submit the absence?
Can workers schedule an absence whose duration is less than the Yes, but display a warning message before allowing users to
minimum limit? submit the absence.
What is the maximum absence duration that workers can 10 working days
Can workers schedule an absence whose duration exceeds the No. Display an error message that prevents users from submitting
maximum limit? the absence
Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 13
Implementing Absence Management Absence Types, Reasons, and Categories
Who can update absence records after submitting them? Managers and workers only
Can workers record absences of this type from a time card? Yes
Can workers and managers use the advanced absence entry No. Only administrators can use the advanced absence entry
method to record discontinuous absence dates? method.
Create the vacation absence type on the Manage Absence Types page.
Field Value
4. Click OK.
5. On the Create Absence Type page, Type Attributes tab, complete the fields, as shown in this table. Use default
values for fields unless the steps specify other values.
Field Value
Name Vacation
Status Active
UOM Days
Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 13
Implementing Absence Management Absence Types, Reasons, and Categories
Field Value
Minimum Duration 2
Maximum Duration 10
Field Value
Administrators Enabled
Why can't I see my absence type on the absence categories page?
Ensure that the absence type is active and effective on the current date.
Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 13
Implementing Absence Management Absence Types, Reasons, and Categories
Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 14
Implementing Absence Management Absence Certifications
14 Absence Certifications
Certification Components
When you create a certification requirement, you configure the following aspects:
• Requirement type
• Requirement trigger
• Requirement phases and actions
• Requirement status during absence recording
• Entitlement reevaluations
Select one of the following to define an absence certification requirement:
Classification Purpose
Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 14
Implementing Absence Management Absence Certifications
Authorization Select this rule if workers must complete an action item to receive entitlements.
For example, you can mandate workers to submit certain medical reports and other
documents to continue to receive entitlements for the absence period.
Timeliness Select this rule to define the actions to take depending on when workers notify their managers
about their absence.
For example, you might want to revise entitlements for workers who have provided a late
notification of their absence.
Other Select this rule if you want to consider other special requirements.
For example, you can define a certification requirement that HR specialists can initiate at any
time to retract absence entitlements for a worker whose employment ends.
Rule Description
On demand HR specialists add the certification requirement as an action item when they record an absence
for a worker on the Manage Absence Records and Entitlements page.
On the absence start date The certification requirement appears as an action item in the Edit Absence dialog box on the
Manage Absence Records and Entitlements page.
HR specialists can set the status of the action item when the worker provides the required documents or other
Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 14
Implementing Absence Management Absence Certifications
Phase Description
On creation When the certification requirement takes effect. Sometimes your certification requirement
might not require any action from the worker to complete it.
For example, you might want to retract entitlements from a terminated worker when there is
no further action required from the worker. In that case, you can configure the certification
requirement to complete automatically when it becomes effective.
On passage of due date When the certification requirement is past its due date.
On completion When HR specialists evaluate the action item corresponding to the certification requirement
and mark it complete.
In the Actions section of page, you specify the update status value in the target field for each phase of the requirement.
For example, you can configure the target field on the absence recording page to display True when a worker provides
the required documents to complete a certification requirement.
Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 14
Implementing Absence Management Absence Certifications
Entitlement Reevaluations
Depending on the status of the certification requirement, you can reevaluate entitlements that a worker receives during
the absence period. Reevaluate entitlements as of the absence start date or the action date.
For example, you can change the worker's entitlement to half pay as of the absence start date when a certification
requirement has passed its due date. When the worker completes the requirement, you can recalculate the entitlements
from the absence start date or the completion date.
Rule Description
Override Enables entry of a revised payment percentage that overrides the absence plan payment rules.
What action do you want workers to take to complete the Submit a doctor's certificate to the manager within 14 calendar
certification requirement? days of their absence start date.
What action do you want to take if workers don't complete the Revise entitlement for the rest of the absence period to 75 percent
requirement within the stipulated time? of pay.
When do you want the certification requirement to take effect? On the absence start date
Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 14
Implementing Absence Management Absence Certifications
Field Value
Doctor's Certificate
Waiting period
Due Date Rule
Calendar days
4. In the On Creation section, set the Target Field Update status to True.
5. In the On Passage of Due Date section, complete the fields, as shown in this table.
Field Value
Target Field Update
As of action date
Entitlement Reevaluation Rule
Entitlement Update Rule
Revised Payment Percentage
6. In the On Completion section, set the Target Field Update status to True.
Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 14
Implementing Absence Management Absence Certifications
Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 15
Implementing Absence Management Absence Processes
15 Absence Processes
Evaluate Certification Updates Checks whether certification requirements Administrators typically run this process
for multiple employees are past their due daily to check if certifications are overdue.
You run this process only if you use
certifications with due dates.
Update Accrual Plan Enrollments Updates enrollments based on the new Administrators typically run this process
hire and transfer events for multiple daily to determine plan eligibility for
employees multiple employees.
Calculate Accruals and Balances Calculates the accrual balances for Administrators typically run this process
multiple employees under an accrual at regular intervals. You can also run the
absence plan process for individual enrollments.
Withdraw Accruals and Balances Withdraws accruals or deletes enrollments Administrators typically run this process
in bulk for several employees when there is an error in calculation or
the dates and they want to roll back the
accrual balances to correct the error.
Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 15
Implementing Absence Management Absence Processes
Process Parameters
Use combinations of these parameters to control which person records are processed:
Effective Date Evaluates and updates absence records that are effective on the specified date
Includes absences for only the specified person
When you select a person record, the Scheduled Absences parameter appears.
Scheduled Absences
Includes a particular future-scheduled absence for the selected employee
This parameter appears only when you select an employee in the Person parameter.
You can use the Person Selection formula type to include specific employees who meet
special requirements for the absences batch process. You define the formula using the
Manage Fast Formulas task and select that formula in the Person Selection Rule field.
Legislative Data Group Includes a group of one or more absence types that are associated with the legislative group
that you select
Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 15
Implementing Absence Management Absence Processes
Record Selection
Decides which absence records are selected for processing:
• Evaluate All Absences: Reprocesses all absence records that meet the other filtering
options for the process
• Evaluate Only Duration Changes: Reprocesses the absence records only if there is a
change in absence duration
• Evaluate Only Deferred Absences: Reprocesses deferred absences
• Evaluate Only Open-ended Absences: Reprocesses open-ended absences that require
an extension
Related Topics
• View Status and Other Details for Scheduled Processes
• Statuses of Scheduled Processes
Process Parameters
Use combinations of these parameters to control which person records are processed:
Parameter Description
Effective Date Evaluates and updates certification requirements that are effective on the specified date
Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 15
Implementing Absence Management Absence Processes
Parameter Description
You can use the Person Selection formula type to include specific employees who meet
special requirements for the absences batch process. You define the formula using the
Manage Fast Formulas task and select that formula in the Person Selection Rule field.
Related Topics
• View Status and Other Details for Scheduled Processes
• Statuses of Scheduled Processes
Process Parameters
Use combinations of these parameters to control which person records are processed:
Parameter Description
Effective Date Evaluates and updates plan enrollments that are effective on the specified date
You can use the Person Selection formula type to include specific employees who meet
special requirements for the absences batch process. You define the formula using the
Manage Fast Formulas task and select that formula in the Person Selection Rule field.
Absence Plan
Processes enrollments for only the selected accrual plan
If you don't select an absence plan, you must select at least one of these parameters:
• Person
• Business Unit
Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 15
Implementing Absence Management Absence Processes
Parameter Description
• Legal Employer
• Person Selection Rule
The process updates accrual plan enrollments for each employee identified by the other
Changes since last run Includes employees with changes, such as assignment updates or corrections since the last
process run
If you want to automatically enroll employees to corresponding accrual plans based on their
legislative data group, you need to define the following lookup type and lookup code:
So when you run the process, the application automatically enrolls employees to eligible
absence accrual plans associated with the legislative data group, even if you don't select this
Related Topics
• View Status and Other Details for Scheduled Processes
• Statuses of Scheduled Processes
Process Parameters
Use combinations of these parameters to control which person records are processed:
Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 15
Implementing Absence Management Absence Processes
Parameter Description
Effective Date
Calculates the accrual balance for only those plans that are effective on the specified date
This is a required parameter. You can select a past, current, or future date. The process only
runs if a plan enrollment exists for the employee on the effective date.
• If you don't select an absence plan with this parameter, the process calculates the
accrual balance for multiple plans with differing accrual periods on the effective date.
• If you select an absence plan, the process calculates the accrual balance for the accrual
period of the selected plan on the effective date.
Includes absences for only the specified person
• If you select a person but not an absence plan, the process calculates the accrual
balance for all plans in which the employee is actively enrolled in.
• If you select a person and an absence plan, the process calculates the accrual balance
for only the selected plan, if the employee is actively enrolled in the plan.
You can use the Person Selection formula type to include specific employees who meet
special requirements for the absences batch process. You define the formula using the
Manage Fast Formulas task and select that formula in the Person Selection Rule field.
Payroll Relationship Group Includes employees assigned to the selected payroll relationship group
You can define payroll relationship groups for a group of people in a single payroll or in
multiple payrolls.
If you select:
• Payroll events since last run: The process calculates the accrual balance for employees
whose payroll records have changed since the last scheduled run.
For example, an employee schedules five days off on January 25 and you run the
process on January 26. Due to an emergency, the employee returns to work on January
29, after being off just four days. The employee updates the absence record to reflect
four days off instead of five. If you schedule the process again on February 1 and
select Payroll events since last run, it generates the updated accrual balance for the
• HR Assignment changes since last run: The process calculates the accrual balance for
employees whose assignment record last updated date is after the last scheduled run.
Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 15
Implementing Absence Management Absence Processes
Parameter Description
For example, the last scheduled run was on January 1 and you update an employee's
assignment on January 2. If you schedule the process again on January 3 and select HR
Assignment changes since last run, it generates the updated accrual balance for the
Legislative Data Group Includes only the absence types associated with the selected legislative data group
Absence Plan
Calculates accrual balances for only the selected accrual plan
When you select this option, the Repeating Period option appears.
If you don't select an absence plan, you must select at least one of these parameters
• Legislation
• Business Unit
• Legal Employer
• Person Selection Rule
• Person
• Payroll
• Payroll Relationship Group
• Changes Only
The process calculates accrual balances for each employee identified by the other parameters.
Repeating Period
Includes the selected accrual period for the selected plan
This option appears only when you select a value in the Absence Plan option.
Related Topics
• View Status and Other Details for Scheduled Processes
• Statuses of Scheduled Processes
Process Parameters
Use combinations of these parameters to control which person records are processed:
Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 15
Implementing Absence Management Absence Processes
Parameter Description
Effective Date Withdraws the accrual balance or deletes enrollments for only those plans that are effective on
the specified date
This is a required parameter. You can select a past, current, or future date as the effective date.
You can use the Person Selection formula type to include specific employees who meet
special requirements for the absences batch process. You define the formula using the
Manage Fast Formulas task and select that formula in the Person Selection Rule field.
Payroll Relationship Group Includes employees assigned to the selected payroll relationship group
You can define payroll relationship groups for a group of people in a single payroll or in
multiple payrolls.
Legislative Data Group Includes only the absence types associated with the selected legislative data group
Absence Plan Withdraws accrual balance or deletes enrollments for the selected accrual plan
Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 15
Implementing Absence Management Absence Processes
You can schedule the job to run as often as required. The more often you run, the more up-do-date information will be
available to your manager when they check the Absence Calendar. Any new absences or changes to existing absences
that are made after running the job are synced up only in the subsequent run.
Process Parameters
Use combinations of these parameters to control which person records are processed:
Parameter Description
Effective Date Generates daily breakdown of absences for absence types that are effective on the specified
Absence Start Date Includes absences whose start date falls on or after this specific date. If you enter this date, the
process ignores the Effective Date parameter.
Absence End Date Includes absences whose end date falls on or before this specific date. If you enter this date,
the process ignores the Effective Date parameter.
If you select a person but not an absence type, the process generates the daily breakdown of
absences meeting the eligibility criteria
If you select a person and an absence type, the process generates the daily breakdown of
absences for only the selected absence type.
Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 15
Implementing Absence Management Absence Processes
Parameter Description
Legislative Data Group Includes only the absence types associated with the selected legislative data group
Absence Type Generates the daily breakdown for only the selected absence type
Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 16
Implementing Absence Management Integrated Workbooks for Loading Absence Data
Use the Initiate Spreadsheet Load task of the Data Exchange work area to use the absence spreadsheets.
Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 16
Implementing Absence Management Integrated Workbooks for Loading Absence Data
• You can associate a maximum of five absence certifications with an absence type.
• Feature usages and rules for the absence type automatically upload with default values based on the absence
pattern that you enter.
• When you enter special conditions for a qualification plan, you must enter the corresponding condition codes
separated by commas.
You can create, update and delete all the entities mentioned above.
Related Topics
• Generate Spreadsheets
• Import Data to a Spreadsheet
• Manage Spreadsheet Data Sets
• Upload Data Using HCM Spreadsheet Data Loader
• How You Delete Data Using HCM Spreadsheet Data Loader
Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 16
Implementing Absence Management Integrated Workbooks for Loading Absence Data
The add-in installer does check if you have these software already, and would download and install them if
needed. However, if you run into issues installing them as part of installing the Excel add-in, you can manually
install them first.
• Rename text from the integrated workbook, such as the worksheet or the tab names.
• Add columns.
• Delete any part of the template, such as columns.
• Hide required columns and status columns or headers.
Caution: Don't close Excel using the Windows Task Manager and clicking the End task button because that might
disable the add-in.
Some column headers in the integrated workbook might include [..]. This means that you can double-click within any
cell in the column to open a dialog box, where you can select a value to insert into that cell.
Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 16
Implementing Absence Management Integrated Workbooks for Loading Absence Data
You can use Status Viewer to see the status of the entire integrated worksheet and the status of any row in a
worksheet. To use the status viewer, click Status Viewer on the Excel ribbon. You can see the status of the entire
integrated worksheet by default. To see the status of a row, click any table row in a worksheet. You can use the
information that appears on the Status Viewer to review and correct errors at the same time.
Some integrated workbooks have searches. To search within the workbook, you must first sign in to the application.
When you click the Search button, the application prompts you to sign in if you haven't already done so.
Related Topics
• How You Use Tables
Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 16
Implementing Absence Management Integrated Workbooks for Loading Absence Data
What's the difference between Export to Excel and desktop
integration for Excel?
You use the Export to Excel button or menu option to download data from your table as a Microsoft Excel file. You can
then use this file to view or analyze your data.
You use desktop integration for Excel to create or edit records in Excel workbooks, and then upload them back into the
application. This comes in handy when you have to work offline or make mass updates. In most cases, you download
the desktop integrated workbook from a link in a panel tab or your table.
Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 16
Implementing Absence Management Integrated Workbooks for Loading Absence Data
Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 17
Implementing Absence Management HCM Extracts for Absence Data
Consider these aspects before you create an extract definition for absence data:
• Extract type
• Data groups
Extract Type
When you create an extract definition for absence data ensure that you:
Data Groups
The absence data group available is ABS_EXT_ABSENCE_ENTRY_UE. You can select it as the root data
group. If you want person information such as first name and last name to appear, then you need to create a
PER_EXT_SEC_PERSON_UE (Person) data group. The Person data group doesn't need to be the root data group.
Define Extracts
This example demonstrates the steps required to create an extract definition using the Desktop interface. Before you
create an extract definition, you should understand the following details:
FAST bank is a global organization with subsidiaries all over the world. As part of an external business reporting
requirement, FAST bank is required to extract the department and employee details (grouped by department) across
the entire company. This information must be sent to a third party in an XML file and to HR Managers in a PDF file using
email. The following table summarizes the key decisions in this scenario:
Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 17
Implementing Absence Management HCM Extracts for Absence Data
How many extracts do I create to You create one extract definition to define a headcount report.
produce this type of report?
How many data groups do I create? There are 2 functional groups of information, therefore you create two data groups, one for
department and one for employees.
• Department Details
• Department Summary
You create one record for the employees data group: Employee Details.
• Department Name
• Department Location
• Record Code
• Report Date
• Employee Count
• Full Name
• Gender
• Date of Birth
• Salary
• Bonus
• Tax Rate
Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 17
Implementing Absence Management HCM Extracts for Absence Data
The session effective date is an effective start date that applies to all date-effective interactions in the current
3. Enter FAST Bank Extract as the name and select HR Archive as the type. The application automatically creates
the tag name based on the extract name and uses this name to generate the XML output file.
4. Set the Type as Full or Changes Only. Based on your selection, either the entire extract definition is updated or
only the Incremental Changes are considered.
Existing extract definitions continue to remain unclassified. Existing definitions are automatically classified
during upgrade based on the extracts runs for a given extract. This automatic classification can be reviewed
from the Extract Definitions page. If you find an extract to be misclassified, you can export and import the
extract definition with the correct classification by leveraging the Rename Extracts Definitions feature and
retaining the same name for your extract.
5. Click OK. The application saves the extract definition and automatically generates the parameters based on
the type of extract. The parameters control the output of an extract. In this example, the application creates the
following parameters:
◦ Effective Date
◦ Legislative Data Group
◦ Parameter Group
◦ Report Category
◦ Request ID
◦ Start Date
1. Open the extract for which you want to specify the Effective Date parameter.
2. In the Define tab, go to the Parameters region and select Advanced View from the Show list.
3. Select the value from Parameter Basis list.
4. Click Save and Close.
1. In the Extract Definitions page, use the Copy or Rename icon among the action icons in the last column.
2. Choose the Rename option and click OK. After renaming the extract, ensure that you run a new baseline if your
extract is incremental.
Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 17
Implementing Absence Management HCM Extracts for Absence Data
Name Departments
Root Data Group Yes (By selecting this option you select this data group as the starting point for the extract
4. Select Save and Create Another to create a data group for Employees.
5. Complete the fields to create a data group, as shown in this table:
Name Employees
Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 17
Implementing Absence Management HCM Extracts for Absence Data
Sequence 20 10
4. Save the records, then select the Employees data group and select the Add icon in the Records region.
5. Create one record for the Employees Data Group.
6. Complete the fields to create a record for the Employees data group, as shown in this table:
Sequence 10
Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 17
Implementing Absence Management HCM Extracts for Absence Data
Create Attributes
1. Select the Departments data group from the Hierarchy and select the Department Details record.
Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 17
Implementing Absence Management HCM Extracts for Absence Data
8. Select the Employees data group from the Hierarchy and select the Employee Details record.
9. Create the following extract attributes for the Employee Details record and select Save.
10. Complete the fields to create extract attributes for the Employee Details record, as shown in this table:
Type Database Item Group Decoded database item Database item group
Database Item Group Person Full Name Person Gender Person Date of Birth
11. Complete the fields to create more extract attributes for the Employee Details record, as shown in this table:
Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 17
Implementing Absence Management HCM Extracts for Absence Data
5. Define further information for each delivery option in the Additional Details region. For example, add the
server, username and password for the FTP delivery type.
6. Enter FAST Bank Extract as the reporting category and click Submit.
Submit an Extract
An extract definition automatically creates an extract process (payroll flow) with the same name as the extract. The
extract process enables you to define an execution sequence of multiple tasks, including before and after tasks.
1. Select the Submit Extracts task and select the FAST Bank Extract process.
2. Select Next.
3. Enter FAST Bank Extract - Jan 2012 as the Payroll Flow (extract process).
4. Enter 1/1/15 as the End Date.
5. Select Next. You can specify interaction details if the task is dependent on other tasks with different extract
processes. For example, this task must wait because another task is running.
6. Select Next and review the extract. You can schedule the extract, or run it immediately.
7. Select Submit.
Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 17
Implementing Absence Management HCM Extracts for Absence Data
Related Topics
• Extract Components
• Define Extracts in the Simplified Interface
• Guidelines for Delivering Extracts
• How do I create a BI Publisher template for HCM extract
Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 17
Implementing Absence Management HCM Extracts for Absence Data
Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Glossary
Implementing Absence Management
absence pattern
Predefined rules related to common usages of absences that you must use as a starting point to create an absence type.
absence plan
A benefit that entitles workers to accrue time for the purpose of taking leave and receiving payments during absence
absence reason
A specific cause of absence that can be selected during absence recording.
absence type
A grouping of absences, such as illness or personal business that is used for reporting, accrual, and compensation
A set of information, including job, position, pay, compensation, managers, working hours, and work location, that
defines a worker's or nonworker's role in a legal employer.
assignment statement
A statement that formulas use to set a value for a local variable.
A specified range of values. Example: An age band defines a range of ages, such as 25 to 30, used to determine a
person's eligibility.
benefits offering
Any of an organization's nonsalary components of employee benefits packages, such as health, savings, life insurance,
recreation, goods, or services.
calendar event
A period that signifies an event, such as a public holiday or a training course, that affects someone's work availability.
Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Glossary
Implementing Absence Management
ceiling step
Highest step within a grade that a worker may progress to.
date-effective object
An object with a change history. Professional users can retrieve the object as of a current, past, or future date.
derived factor
Calculated eligibility criterion that changes over time, such as age or length of service.
A value that specifies the use of a reference data set in a particular business context.
Component in the calculation of a person's pay. An element may represent a compensation or benefit type, such as
salary, wages, stock purchase plans, pension contributions, and medical insurance.
element classification
Provides various element controls, such as the processing order, balances feeds, costing, and taxation. Primary element
classifications and some secondary classifications are already defined. You can create other secondary classifications.
eligibility profile
A user-defined set of criteria used to determine whether a person qualifies for a benefits offering, variable rate or
coverage, compensation plan, checklist task, or other object for which eligibility must be established.
An organization having common control over one or more legal entities.
fast formula
A simple way to write formulas using English words and basic mathematical functions. Formulas are generic
expressions of calculations or comparisons that repeat with different input values.
Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Glossary
Implementing Absence Management
A flexible data field that you can configure such that it contains one or more segments or stores additional information.
Each segment has a value and a meaning.
flexfield segment
An extensible data field that represents an attribute and captures a value corresponding to a predefined, single
extension column in the database. A segment appears globally or based on a context of other captured information.
A component of the employment model that defines the level of compensation for a worker.
A generic role that's independent of any single department or location. For example, the jobs Manager and Consultant
can occur in many departments.
The base definition that governs certain rules so that Oracle Global Human Resources can perform differently for
different countries and territories in order to meet statutory requirements. Can be predefined by Oracle or defined
during implementation using the Manage Legislations for Human Resources task.
logical record
One or more physical records that constitute a date-effective object.
lookup code
An option available within a lookup type, such as the lookup code BLUE within the lookup type COLORS.
lookup type
The label for a static list that has lookup codes as its values.
Grouping of setup tasks that support specific business functions, such as Sales, Service, and Product Management.
panel tab
A tab that provides supplemental information or functionality for the page. Each panel tab is on the right side of the
page, has an icon as the tab label, and slides out when you open the tab.
payroll relationship
Defines an association between a person and a payroll statutory unit based on payroll calculation and reporting
Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Glossary
Implementing Absence Management
physical record
A single record, with effective start and end dates, in the history of a date-effective object. Each physical record is a row
in a database table.
A specific occurrence of one job that's fixed within a department. It's also often restricted to one location. For example,
the position Finance Manager is an instance of the job Manager in the Finance Department.
profile option
User preferences and system configuration options that users can configure to control application behavior at different
levels of an enterprise.
set enabled
A property that describes entities that an organization shares as reference data. For example, you can indicate a lookup,
customer, location, or document attachment as set enabled.
user-defined criteria
Factors used to determine eligibility for objects such as benefits offerings and rates.
value set
A predefined set to validate the values that a user enters in the application. The set may be hierarchical.
work relationship
An association between a person and a legal employer, where the worker type determines whether the relationship is a
nonworker, contingent worker, or employee work relationship.