Quiz 3 Reviewer
Quiz 3 Reviewer
Quiz 3 Reviewer
In the process of moral development, there is the circular relation between acts
that build character itself.
Not all acts help to build moral character, but those acts which emanate from
moral characters certainly matter in moral development. Hence there appears
the apparent circular relationship between individual acts moral character.
This goes to show that moral development should also be understood in the
sense of human flourishing. This flourishing is attained by the habitual practice of
moral and intellectual excellences, or “virtues”.
In the context of developing a developing morally which also brings about self-
realization and happiness, acting in line with virtues is acting in accordance with
The Circular Relation of Acts and
Virtuous traits of character ought to be stable and enduring and are not mere products of
fortune, but of learning, constant practice, and cultivation. But we have to add that
virtuous traits of character are called excellences of the human being because they are
the best exercise of reason, which is the activity characteristic of human beings. In this
sense, the Greek moralists believe, virtuous acts complete or perfect human life.
Nonetheless, the Greek philosophers think that it takes someone of good moral character
to determine with regularity and reliability what individual acts are appropriate and
reasonable in certain situations and that it takes someone of good moral character to
decide with regularity and reliability how and when to secure goods and resources for
himself/herself and others.
Aristotle thus states that, it is not easy to define in rules which acts deserve moral praise
and blame, and that, these matters require the judgement of the virtuous person, that is,
someone with good character.
Moral Character as Dispositions
Dispositions are particular kinds of properties or characteristics that objects can possess.
In the physical world, examples of dispositions include the elasticity of a rubber band, the
solubility of a sugar-cube in water, the fragility of porcelain, and the magnetism of a
Among human beings, moral character traits- either virtues and vices-are considered as
dispositions. Moral character traits are those dispositions of character for which it is suitable
to hold agents morally responsible. A moral character trait for which a person is deserving
of a positive reactive attitude such as praise or gratitude, is a virtue.
On the other hand, a vice is a moral character trait for which the agent is deserving of a
negative reactive attitude, such as resentment or blame.
Six Stages of Moral Development
Lawrence Kohlberg (1927-1987) is best known for his theory of stages of moral
development. In principle, he agreed with the Swiss clinical psychologist Jean Piaget’s
(1896-1980) theory of moral development but wanted to develop his ideas further.
Kohlberg employed Piaget’s storytelling technique to tell stories involving moral dilemmas.
In each case, Kohlberg offered an option to be considered, for example, between the
rights of some authority and the needs of some deserving person who is unfairly treated.
One of his best known stories concerns a man called Heinz.
Six Stages of Moral Development
“In Europe, a woman was near death from a special kind of cancer. There was
one drug that the doctors thought might save her. It was a form of radium that a
druggist in the same town had recently discovered. The drug was expensive to
make, but the druggist was charging ten times what the drug cost him to make.
He paid $200 for the radium and charged $2000 for a small dose of the drug. The
sick woman’s husband, Heinz, went to everyone he knew to borrow the money,
but he could only get together about $1000 which is half of what is cost. He told
the druggist that his wife was dying and asked him to sell it cheaper or let him
pay later. But the druggist said: “No, I discovered the drug and I’m going to make
money from it.” So Heinz got desperate and broke into the man’s store to steal
the drug for his wife.”
Six Stages of Moral Development
Level II: Seen in a few older elementary Stage 3: Good People make decisions based on what
Conventional school students, some junior high boy/girl actions will please others, especially authority
Morality school students and many high figures and other individuals with high status
school students. (Stage 4 does not (e.g., teachers, popular peers). They are
appear until the high school years) concerned about maintaining relationships
through sharing, trust, and loyalty, and they
take other people’s [perspectives and
intentions into account when making
Level Age Range Stage Nature of Moral Reasoning
Level II: Seen in a few older elementary Stage 3: People make decisions based on what
Conventional school students, some junior high Good actions will please others, especially
Morality school studentsm and many high boy/girl authority figures and other individuals
school students. (Stage 4 does not with high status (e.g., teachers,
appear until the high school popular peers). They are concerned
years) about maintaining relationships
through sharing, trust, and loyalty, and
they take other people’s [perspectives
and intentions into account when
making decisions.
Stage 4: People look to society as a whole for
Law and guidelines about right or wrong. They
order know rules are necessary for keeping
society running smoothly and believe it
is either their “duty” to obey them.
However, they perceive rules to be
inflexible, they don’t necessarily
recognize that as society’s needs
change, rules should change as well.
Level Age Range Stage Nature of Moral Reasoning
Level III: Postconventional Rarely seen before college Stage 5: Social People recognize that rules represent
Morality (Stage 6 is extremely rare contract agreements among many individuals
even in adults) about appropriate behavior. Rules are
seen as potentially useful mechanisms
that can maintain the general social
order and protect individual rights, rather
than as absolute dictates that must be
obeyed simply because they are “the
law”. People also recognize the flexibility
of rules; rules that no longer serve
society’s best interests can and should
be changed.
Stage 6: Stage 6 is a hypothetical, “idea;” stage
Universal that few people ever reach. People in
ethical this stage adhere to a few abstract,
principle universal principles (e.g. equality of all
people, respect for human dignity,
commitment to justice) that transcend
specific norms and rules. They answer to
a strong inner conscience and willingly
disobey laws that violate their own
ethical principles
Getting to the Highest Level, Conscience-
Based Moral Decisions