TSC 802 (A)

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TSC 802 (A)


flow is through the check valve and out of the
The hydraulic manifold is part of the manifold to the control oil filter. The check
high pressure hydraulic supply system and valve prevents back flow from the system and
provides a convenient means of also isolates the two relief valves in a dual
interconnecting a number of small pump installation.
components required in this subsystem. It is
The flow path in the manifold for the
located in a compartment above the oil tank.
dual pump hydraulic system is similar to that
Two models of this assembly are in previously described for the single pump
use, one model when both a main high system, but with the addition of the second
pressure hydraulic pump and an auxiliary path for the oil flow from the auxiliary pumpto
pump are supplied and a second model when the relief valve, bleed valve and through the
only a main pump is provided. The manifold is check valve to the common discharge port.
a brazed assembly of three plates, two cover
plates and a center plate containing the
hydraulic passages to interconnect the RELIEF VALVES
components mounted on the assembly. The
component consists of relief valve, bleedvalve The relief valves (VR21 AND 22) are
and check valve for each high pressure pump adjustable pilot-operated valves, rated at 30
being used. gpm for a pressure relief range of 100 to 3000
psig. The relief settings for the valves are given
OPERATION on the Turbine Piping Device Summary and are
normally 1350 psig for the main shaft-driven
For a dual pump installation, the path
pump (this is about 10 percent above the
of oil flow through the manifold is describedas
pump pressure compensator adjustment),and
follows, considering first, the manifold
1200 psig for the auxiliary pump. The discharge
arrangement for a single pump hydraulic
supply system. pressure of the auxiliary pump is controlled by
the relief valve on the manifold, that of the
From the main hydraulic pump, oil main pump, by the pressure compensator built
enters the manifold and is ported directly to into the pump. The main pump relief valve is
the check valve inlet, with branches to the air provided as a backup to the main pump
bleed valve and to the relief valve. If the oil pressure compensator control. The valves are
pressure is above the relief valve setting, the the subplate mounting type and mount
relief valve will open and relieve the oil directly directly to the manifold plate using “O” ringsto
to drain at a rate sufficient to just maintain the effect sealing.
set pressure at the valve inlet. If the pump
pressure compensator (provided only in the
main shaft driven pump) is operating normally, The check valves (VC1 and 2 or VCK3-1
the pressure will be below the relief valve and -2) are spring-loaded, poppet-type valves
setting and oil will pass through the relief built for subplate mounting using “O” rings to
valve. The air bleed valve allows any air that seal the connecting ports. Rating is 20 gpm at
may be trapped in this portion of the supply pressures to 5000 psig. Free flow pressure drop
system to escape during the pump startup is 10 to 30 psi, depending upon flow velocity.
cycle. The normal path for the high pressure oil Design of the poppet is such that it forms a
TSC 802 (A)

damping chamber of the spring cavity. This MAINTENANCE

chamber is connected by an orifice in the
The manifold normally requires very
poppet to the downstream pressure and this
little maintenance. Should unusual noises or
combination aids in providing chatter free
leakage occur, the cause should be determined
operation of the valve.
and corrected. During routine inspections, the
assembly should be checked for leakage and
presences of any lose parts.

The air bleed valves (VAB1 and 2) work

automatically allowing any air present in the
pump discharge line to vent to atmosphere as
the pump is started. As soon as system
pressure reached 140 psig and a steady stream
of oil is present, the valve closes. As noted
above, a bleed valve is provided for each
hydraulic pump.

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