Solutions: Radiation Medicine Qa

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Edition Nov 2019

Radiation Medicine: Introduction

Radiation Medicine
Products from PTW

Ionizing Radiation Trademarks®

When the German physicist Wilhelm Conrad Röntgen The following product names are registered trademarks
discovered the X-rays in 1895 and French physicist of PTW-Freiburg and PTW North America:
Antoine-Henri Becquerel discovered the nuclear radia-
tion of uranium in 1896, which Marie Curie later on Advanced Markus, BQ-CHECK, Bragg Peak, CURIEMENTOR,
called “radioactivity”, they initiated a fascinating devel- DAVID, DIADEM, DIADOS, DIAMOND, DIAMENTOR,
opment in the science of ionizing radiation. Today DIAVOLT, Markus, MEPHYSTO, microDiamond, MLCSoft,
modern techniques in medical radiology are essential MultiCheck, MULTIDOS, NOMEX, NORMI, OCTAVIUS,
for human welfare. Modern sciences and industrial PinPoint, PTW FARMER, QUICKCHECK, QUICKCHECK webline,
production also depend on the use of ionizing radiation. ROOS, STARCHECK, STARCHECK maxi, TRUFIX, UNIDOS,
UNIDOS E, UNIDOS webline, VeriSoft, WEDGECHECK, X-Check
Contrary to the many positive aspects, the major draw-
back of ionizing radiation is the radiation risk. When Microsoft and Windows are either registered trademarks
irradiated, healthy human tissue can be damaged. The or trademarks of Microsoft Corporation.
higher the radiation load to a person, the higher is the
Product Information
risk for the development of diseases. In the case of
intended irradiation of patients in radiation medicine, Some of the products are used for multiple purposes.
the radiation exposure to healthy tissue should always be Therapy detectors, for example, are used for absolute
as low as possible. Quite a number of international dosimetry in conjunction with an electrometer and for
standards and regulations have settled the principles of relative dosimetry in conjunction with an automatic
radiation protection for all fields of radiation use. beam analyzer. Notes with the ‘ ‘ symbol at the end of
the product descriptions refer to related items.
To ensure proper functioning of technical equipment
producing ionizing radiation and to avoid unintended Many of the products presented in this catalog require
exposure, the radiation output and the equipment the use of a computer. Due to fast technological
quality have to be checked carefully after installation progress, computer requirements are not included in the
and frequently over time. Since 1922, PTW-Freiburg has descriptions. We suggest that you contact us for advice
been supplying specialized dosemeters to measure the about an appropriate solution in each specific case.
quantity of ionizing radiation with different beam quali- International Standards
ties in a most precise manner. A calibration laboratory
The medical and electric products from PTW are manu-
has been in continuous operation to provide for correct
factured in strict accordance with valid international
measurement of radiation quantities by the measuring
standards. The medical products are CE marked in
equipment from PTW production from the beginning.
accordance with the European Medical Device Directive
In addition, test tools for quality control of medical
radiation equipment and radiation monitoring devices
have always been part of the PTW product line. Delivery
Instruction manuals and software user interfaces are
written in English.

Radiation Medicine: Contents


Introducing PTW 4

Radiation Therapy 9

Absolute Dosimetry 11
Patient and Brachytherapy Dosimetry 27
Therapy Beam Analysis 33
Quality Control 43

Diagnostic Imaging 61

Absolute Dosimetry 63
Quality Control 71
Patient Dosimetry 81

Radiation Monitoring 89

Metrology 97

Quick View 117

TBA Therapy Beam Analyzers 118

Guide to PTW Dosemeters 120
Guide to PTW Software 122
Product Index 124
Item Number Index 126

Time to learn for the future

There is no good
– unless you do it
Excerpt from the autobiography of Dr. Herbert “When I returned to Freiburg
Pychlau (1897-1971) as a 27-year-old after a
serious illness, I thought
about what I wanted to do
Prof. Wilhelm Hammer,
in my future professional life. 1885-1949, inventor of the
I considered qualifying as a relay-based Hammer dose-
meter and founder of PTW
university lecturer. But in the
end, fate would have it that I met Dr. Hammer
(Dr. Pychlau’s supervisor (annotation of the translator))
in the street. He invited me to have a look at what he
had been doing in the meantime and told me about
his having set up a business for the production of his
invention, a dosemeter based on an electrostatic
relay. It was out of sheer friendship back then that I
went on a series of trips either to set up dosemeters
or to instruct their users in the operation. Dr. Hammer
himself had serious financial difficulties to contend
with and couldn’t take many trips owing to his offici-
al duties at the university.
In this way I came to know all the leading radiolo-
gists in person. After two years, the situation of
Dr. Hammer’s business was so precarious that he
wanted to close it. But, knowing how much the
radiologists were in need of such a device and how
highly they appreciated it, I thought it irresponsible to
throw in the towel due to mere financial or secondary
technical problems. Thanks to my efforts for the dose-
meter, the radiologists on one hand as well as an im-
portant company in the radiology branch on the other
had gained a lot of confidence in my person. The
latter even agreed to back the further work of our
Dr. Herbert Pychlau, business if I were willing to take over its management.
1897-1971, physicist,
owner and director of PTW And so that is how in the year 1927 I took over the
from 1927 until 1971 direction of the PTW in an honorary capacity, as it
were. Still I had to earn my living with the translation
of patents. It was not until after several hard initial
years that the business could pay
me a salary. Dosimetry
was an exceptionally
interesting field of work
in those years; so I stuck
to it and abando-
ned all other plans
I had once fostered.”

It set global standards for dosemeters:

the first dosemeter designed by Dr. Hammer
What our customers all over the world expect

Setting standards in

In 1922, twenty-seven years after Röntgen discovered

X-rays, Professor Hammer from the Physics Institute
of Freiburg University founded PTW to produce and
market his development of an X-ray dosemeter based
on electrostatic relay, a revolutionary new electro-
mechanical component for measuring very small elec-
trical charges.
In 1927, Dr. Herbert Pychlau took over the company Global headquarters in Freiburg, Germany
and developed it during four decades into an interna-
tionally recognized manufacturer of quality doseme- PTW Freiburg’s premises, which in the very
ters for medical radiology. beginning was located in Professor Hammer’s garden
During the second half of the 20th Century, the shed, covers a total area of 20.000 m2 today. PTW
business grew into an acknowledged international employs a staff of over 350 all over the world.
company, acquiring a good reputation as a pioneer The company, which scores steady growth, is the
with both scientists and users. recognized market leader in dosimetry today.
Technical improvements from electrometer tubes and We at PTW constantly strive to be competent and
transistors to microprocessor control and computer reliable partners for our customers all over the world,
communication modernized the growing spectrum of which includes maintaining demanding quality stan-
products. Increasing exports finally led to a further dards as well as comprehensive service and support
milestone in the company’s history: the foundation of standards. We will continue our efforts to develop
PTW North America as an independent subsidiary to the most reliable and highest quality dosimetry pro-
distribute and service PTW products all over the ducts in the future as we have in the past, products
American continent. In January 2002, PTW-France was in which users and patients put their trust.
established. Subsidiaries in Rio de Janeiro, Hong Kong, We are committed to upholding this trust, because
Beijing, the UK, India and Spain followed. we know what responsibility means.

Reception and
Meeting Area
Administration and
Product Management



Sales and
Packing Area Marketing Production,
Repair and

Second production site in Umkirch,


What you can expect from the market leader

The rules of the market are stringent

– so are our principles.

PTW is the global market leader in all essential product

lines, which is not least thanks to our historic commit-
ment to first-class production – not mass production!
The fact that PTW systems are still being used, which
were installed more than 30 years ago, testifies for the
quality of our products.
In contrast to common practice, we still maintain a
highly qualified R&D department. In contrast to
common practice, we design, develop and produce
whatever we consider useful inhouse. And in contrast
to general practice, we structure sales in such a way
that our customers realize one thing for sure: Not
selling, but performance is our motivation!
The areas of application of our products include radia-
tion therapy, diagnostic radiology, nuclear medicine
and health physics. Our product range includes abso-
lute and relative dosimetry, quality control equipment
and patient dosimetry for radiation therapy, diagnostic One out of eleven calibration benches making PTW one of the
radiology and nuclear medicine as well as radiation busiest calibration facilities for ionizing radiation in the world
monitoring in radiation protection.
Radiological calibration services are an essential part range of radiological calibrations from low X-ray
of our activities. PTW operates the first secondary energies up to 60Co and from low to high dose rates.
standard dosimetry laboratory for ionizing radiation With eleven calibration benches in continual use, the
accredited by DAkkS (German Calibration Service) in accredited PTW calibration lab, which is under regu-
Germany. We perform radiological calibrations for lar control of the national laboratory (PTB), is one of
dosemeters used in medical radiology and health the most active calibration labs for ionizing radiation
physics, which are directly traceable to the primary in the world. It also is a member of the IAEA/WHO
standard. Our calibration lab provides a complete network for dosimetry in radiation therapy.

For many products detailed technical data are available upon

request. Ask your local PTW agent or order them via e-mail.

Why our philosophy is a conservative one

Quantity can be counted

– Quality counts

PTW has always been a synonym for quality.

Equipment from the company’s initial years such as
the second generation dosemeters Simplex and
Duplex are still in use.

Motivated and responsible staff: the basis for reliable

medical products

Employee training sessions at regular intervals,

expanded service applications and customer support
are just as much a part of our daily business as the
From development to production, precision counts
continual promotion of innovative product ideas and
To our customers’ utmost satisfaction and in the service developments.
of medical technology, PTW has committed itself to the Our medical products are CE-marked according to
design, development and production of high quality the European Medical Device Directive.
devices and systems. To do justice to these high expec- We introduced the testing and calibration of our pro-
tations, PTW introduced a system of quality assurance ducts in realistic conditions as early as 1931. Today,
at an early stage, which meets the requirements accor- our own inhouse calibration laboratory is an essential
ding to DIN ISO 9001 and EN 46001. Additionally, our component in ensuring the precision and reliability of
quality management is constantly scrutinized, updated our products.
and adjusted to fulfill national and international stan-
dards. In this way, we ensure that our standards – and
our products – not only comply with standards, but
even surpass them.

Profits can be generated – trust has to be earned

Why we are close to our customers

– even to the remote ones

PTW products are well known for their outstanding

reliability. Our service standards obligate us to repair
and recalibrate each and every PTW product –
regardless of where it is in operation.
This is by no means a matter of course in our time,
but we take pleasure in offering our customers the
most comprehensive service and support possible.
For instance, PTW runs a service hotline, which
provides professional advice to resolve minor pro-
blems free of charge. We also provide software and
regular updates for our products,
which you can obtain
from your local
PTW agent.

Recalibration and repair: Just a selection of our after-sales services

You can find PTW agents on all continents, but it is

also possible to have PTW products shipped to
Freiburg or our branches for repair and maintenance.
We strongly recommend contacting your local PTW
agent for recalibration of nearly all kinds of dosime-
try equipment.

For details please visit our website at

Radiation Therapy: Products


Radiation Therapy: Introduction

PTW Products for

Medical Physics in
Radiation Therapy

Introduction Product Information

Radiation therapy is one of the most powerful weapons PTW offers a comprehensive range of measuring and
for an effective fight against the painful disease of human test equipment for medical physics in radiation therapy.
cancer. The treatment techniques and the irradiation The products are of high quality and have been tried and
equipment have been developed continuously in the past tested to ensure that responsible medical physicists can
to meet the goal of delivering radiation loads to cancer fulfill their duties and provide continual patient treat-
tissue in an optimal way and to protect patients against ment on high quality levels.
radiation damage. Dosimetry and quality assurance proce-
dures are essential for precise radiation treatment and Medical physics in radiation therapy includes a number of
avoiding unintended irradiation. different measuring and quality control tasks. Therefore,
the product catalog is divided into four chapters:
Medical physics experts are responsible for the scientific
and technical services and consultations in hospitals to Absolute Dosimetry
guarantee correct cancer treatment using ionizing radia- Presents dosemeters, electrometers, radiation detec-
tion. Medical physics in general is a branch of applied tors and calibration phantoms for absolute calibrated
physics, and radiation therapy physics is the main area of dosimetry.
activity of medical physicists worldwide. These physicists
are trained to use special concepts and methods of physics Patient and Brachytherapy Dosimetry
to help diagnose and treat human disease, and they have Presents in-vivo dosemeters for direct patient dosimetry
collected practical experience dealing with medical prob- during treatment and medical physics equipment for
lems and using equipment. brachytherapy dosimetry.
Because medical physics departments in radiation therapy TBA Therapy Beam Analysis
are involved in therapy dosimetry and quality assurance
Presents automatic measuring equipment for dose dis-
procedures, they need to be equipped with appropriate
tribution measurement and analysis of therapy beams.
measuring and test instruments to provide the best
possible cancer treatment including modern treatment
Quality Control
Presents test equipment for various quality control

Radiation Therapy: Absolute Dosimetry

Absolute Dosimetry

Absolute Dosimetry Equipment

UNIDOSwebline Universal Dosemeter 13

UNIDOS E Universal Dosemeter 13
MULTIDOS Multi Channel Dosemeter 14
TANDEM Dual Channel Electrometer 14
UniSoft Dosimetry Software 15
Waterproof PTW Farmer Chamber 15
PTW Farmer Ionization Chamber 16
Semiflex Ionization Chambers 16
PinPoint Ionization Chambers 17
microDiamond 17
microSilicon 18
Dosimetry Diode P 18
Roos Electron Chamber 19
Advanced Markus Electron Chamber 19
Soft X-Ray Ionization Chambers 20
Soft X-Ray Slab Phantom 20
MP1 manual Phantom Tank 21
Water Phantom 41001 21
Water Phantom 41023 22
Water Phantom 41014 22
ESTRO Mini Phantoms 23
Brass Mini Phantoms 23
RW3 Slab Phantom 23
Detector Extension Cables 24
Build-up Caps for Ionization Chambers 24
Radioactive Check Devices 25
Barometers, Thermometer 25

Radiation Therapy: Absolute Dosimetry

Absolute Dosimetry

Introduction International Standards

The quantification of ionizing radiation and the manufac- The dosemeters are developed and produced in
ture of reliable radiation dosemeters has been a challenge accordance with the international IEC standards. The
for medical physics experts since in 1895 W. C. Röntgen UNIDOSwebline and the UNIDOS E dosemeters as second-
discovered the X-rays in Würzburg, Germany. ary standard dosemeters in addition are based on the
PTW-Freiburg presented the first industrially produced IPEM guidelines. The dosemeters are used according to
therapy dosemeter, the Hammer dosemeter, in 1922, of the international protocols for therapy dosimetry. The
which approximately 1000 units have been delivered. major standards are:
During the period of meanwhile nine decades PTW-
Freiburg developed, produced and distributed thousands IPEM Guidelines on dosimetry transfer instruments as
of high quality radiation detectors and electrometers for a secondary standard dosemeter
absolute dosimetry in radiation therapy to the medical IAEA Report TRS-381
physics community around the world. The Use of Plane Parallel Ionization Chambers in
High Energy Electron and Photon Beams
Product Information IAEA Report TRS-398
The present product line includes a wide range of top Absorbed Dose Determination in External Beam
level dosemeters, ionization chambers, solid state detec- Radiotherapy: An International Code of Practice for
tors, check devices and calibration phantoms in different Dosimetry based on Standards of Absorbed Dose to
designs for multiple dosimetry purposes. Radiation Water
detectors, dosemeters and connection cables can be AAPM TG-25, Report #32
supplied with different connecting systems. When order- Clinical electron beam dosimetry
ing radiation detectors, the appropriate connector code
AAPM TG-51, Report #67
can be added to the chamber type number. The codes
Protocol for clinical reference dosimetry of high-
are N for BNT, W for TNC and M for PTW-M type con-
energy photon and electron beams
DIN 6800-2
Calibration Dosismessverfahren nach der Sondenmethode für
Photonen- und Elektronenstrahlung
Since the first days PTW-Freiburg put efforts to provide
Teil 2: Ionisationsdosimetrie
for accurate calibration of the radiation measuring
The calibration facilities and the content of the calibration
certificates are described in the health physics chapter.
When ordering ionization chambers please specify the
desired calibration including beam quality, measuring
quantity and reference temperature.

Radiation Therapy: Absolute Dosimetry Equipment

Universal Dosemeter Universal Dosemeter

High performance secondary standard Easy to use reference class or field class
and reference class dosemeter / electro- dosemeter / electrometer for routine
meter with integrated network features dosimetry
Features Features
High quality reference class dosemeter for radiation An economical high quality dosemeter for universal
therapy, diagnostic radiology and health physics use in radiation therapy and diagnostic radiology
Integration in a LAN with the internet standard TCP/IP Complies with the following standards:
Remote access functionality - IEC 60731 as a field class dosemeter
- IEC 60731 as a reference class dosemeter (option)
E-mail capability, eg. to initiate self tests and to send
- IPEM guidelines on dosimetry transfer instruments
a status report
as a secondary standard dosemeter (option)
Configurable TFT display with wide viewing angles - IEC 61674 as a diagnostic dosemeter
Easy and fast menu-driven handling with navigation knob High accuracy, excellent resolution (1 fA) and wide
The UNIDOSwebline is a high-precision, secondary standard dynamic measuring ranges
reference class dosemeter combined with modern net- HV power supply (0 … ± 400) V in increments of ± 50 V
work features. This unique dosemeter offers high quality, Measures integrated dose (or charge) and dose rate
reliability and an excellent adaptation to the measuring (or current) simultaneously
tasks. It has the best performance on the market.
RS232 interface for device control and data output
The Ethernet interface based on the TCP/IP protocol
makes it possible to integrate the UNIDOSwebline in a LAN The lightweight and compact UNIDOS E is an easy to use
for remote access and e-mail capability. Important settings dosemeter, mainly used for daily routine dosimetry in radi-
can be password protected (different levels). The oper- ation therapy. Ion chambers and solid-state detectors can
ation language is selectable. A comprehensive statistic and be connected. A chamber library makes it possible to store
data logging function is implemented. Chamber data are calibration data. Air density corrections are done by keying
stored in a comprehensive chamber library. Air density is in air pressure and temperature. UNIDOS E displays the
corrected by keying in air pressure and temperature or by measured values of dose and dose rate in Gy, R, Gy/min,
means of radioactive check devices. The check device data R/min or Gy·m. The electrical values charge and current are
are stored in a database. An internal clock calculates the measured in C and A. The device includes automatic leak-
isotope radioactivity decay. The device features both mains age compensation and an RS232 interface. The high voltage
and battery operation. between the ion chamber electrodes is checked automati-
UNIDOSwebline surpasses the requirements for reference cally. UNIDOS E features both mains and battery operation.
class dosemeters according to IEC60731, the IPEM second- Ordering Information
ary standard dosemeter guidelines, IEC 61674 for diagnos-
T10010 UNIDOS E, connecting system BNT, 115/230 V
tic radiology and IEC 60846 for health physics.
T10009 UNIDOS E, connecting system TNC, 115/230 V
Ordering Information T10008 UNIDOS E, connecting system M, 115/230 V
T10023 UNIDOSwebline, connecting system BNT Options
T10022 UNIDOSwebline, connecting system TNC
E10101 UNIDOS E Reference class certificate
T10021 UNIDOSwebline, connecting system M
T11003.1.020 UNIDOS E Carrying case
Options E41100B/S/G Service contract Bronze, Silver or Gold
L522021 UNIDOS Carrying case Radiation Detectors page 15ff.
E41100B/S/G Service contract Bronze, Silver or Gold Service Contracts page 112

Radiation Therapy: Absolute Dosimetry Equipment


Channel Dosemeter Channel Electrometers

Multi channel dosemeter for absolute Dual channel electrometers for absolute
dosimetry, in-vivo measurements and dosimetry with TanSoft software and for
quality control in radiation therapy relative dosimetry with TBA systems
Features Features
Dual channel therapy dosemeter according to Dual channel therapy dosemeters in accordance with
IEC 60731 (field class); HV +400 V, only M connect- IEC 60731 (field class), resolution 10 fA
ing system available (TANDEM XDR: 100 fA)
Twelve channel in-vivo dosemeter for diode XDR version with extendend dose rate range for e.g.
measurements (connection box required) IORT available
Six channel in-vivo dosemeter for diode measure- Absolute dose measurement with TanSoft software
ments in rectum and bladder Fast scanning measurements in motorized water
(connection box required) phantoms (time constant 10 ms)
LINAC constancy check device for homogeneity and Accepts ion chambers and solid state detectors to be
symmetry tests (check probe required) connected
Measures dose and dose rate or charge and current High resolution for small size ion chambers
The TANDEM electrometer is calibrated in electrical cur-
MULTIDOS can be used with ionization chambers and rent (A). It can be operated by a PC as an absolute ther-
semiconductor detectors. It meets or exceeds the stan- apy dosemeter. The TanSoft software provides calibration
dards for field class dosemeters as specified in IEC 60731. and correction factors for various detectors and displays
The calibration factors are stored in the unit and addition- the measurement results. The chamber voltage for both
al correction factors can be entered. Air density corrections channels is individually programmable in 50 V increments
are done by keying in air pressure and temperature. The up to 400 V with reversible polarity. The TANDEM is very
large LC display shows the measuring results in Gy, fast and makes it possible to set minimum measuring
Gy/min, R, R/min, C or A. MULTIDOS features a high meas- intervals of 10 ms. It features auto-range and offset com-
uring accuracy of better than ± 0.5 % and a very good pensation. TANDEM is also designed to perform radia-
long-term stability of less than ± 0.5 % per year. An RS232 tion field measurements referenced to an ionization
interface is included as well as the MultiCal software for chamber. In conjunction with a TBA therapy beam ana-
calibration purposes. lyzer, MEPHYSTO software controls TANDEM for fast and
accurate beam data acquisition. A trigger input synchro-
Ordering Information nizes measurements with external signals.
T10004 MULTIDOS Multi channel dosemeter, 115/230 V Ordering Information
E41100B/S/G Service contract Bronze, Silver or Gold
T10015 TANDEM Electrometer, connecting system BNT
Radiation Detectors page 15ff. T10016 TANDEM Electrometer, connecting system TNC
UniSoft Dosimetry Software page 15 T10011 TANDEM Electrometer, connecting system M
In-Vivo Probes page 30 T10038 TANDEM XDR Electrometer, connecting system BNT
Service Contracts page 112 T10039 TANDEM XDR Electrometer, connecting system TNC
T10037 TANDEM XDR Electrometer, connecting system M

S080028 TanSoft software

Radiation Therapy: Absolute Dosimetry Equipment

UniSoft Waterproof PTW

Dosimetry Software Farmer® Chamber

Software for radiation therapy Waterproof thimble chamber for meas-

dosimetry according to international uring high-energy photon, electron
dosimetry protocols and proton radiation
Features Features
Determines chamber correction factors and calculates Vented sensitive volume of 0.6 cm3
absorbed dose to water Suitable as therapy chamber for use in water
Put out data in worksheet format Flat energy response
Two versions are available to support all established
The 0.6 cm3 PTW Farmer chamber type 30013 is a water-
international therapy dosimetry protocols
proof standard chamber for absolute photon and electron
The UniSoft software is designed to determine the dosimetry with therapy dosemeters to be used in water or
absorbed dose to water of high-energy photon and elec- in solid-state material. The nominal photon energy range
tron radiation out of dosemeter readings from ionization is from 30 kV to 50 MV, the electron energy range is from
chambers based on 60Co calibrations. 10 MeV to 45 MeV and the proton energy range is from
50 MeV to 270 MeV. This chamber type is of rugged con-
UniSoft software, Edition 2000 supports the AAPM TG-51 struction, since the wall material is graphite with a protec-
and IAEA TRS-398 therapy dosimetry protocols by calcu- tive acrylic cover and the electrode is made of aluminum.
lating the relevant correction factors for air density, polar- The guard ring is designed up to the measuring volume.
ity effect, saturation effect, radiation quality and displace- The chamber is supplied with a cable of 1 m length.
ment. A software module to control the dose meter and Different connector types are available.
to position the detector is included. A calibration certificate for calibration in absorbed dose
UniSoft features ionization chamber libraries to store to water or air kerma is included with each chamber. Air
chamber data necessary for the determination of correc- density correction is required for each measurement.
tion factors. Dosimetry worksheets can be defined for dif- A radioactive check device is available as an option.
ferent dosimetry protocols, beam qualities, types of ion-
ization chambers and two kinds of air density correction. Ordering Information
Ordering Information Waterproof PTW Farmer chamber, connecting system BNT,
TNC, M or L:
S100009 UniSoft Software, Edition 2000
30013 Waterproof Farmer chamber
UNIDOSwebline Universal Dosemeter page 13 E41150B/S/G Service contract Bronze, Silver or Gold
UNIDOS E Universal Dosemeter page 13
MULTIDOS Multi Channel Dosemeter page 14 Therapy Dosemeters page 13f.
TANDEM Dual Channel Electrometer page 14 Radioactive Check Devices page 25
Radiation Detectors page 15ff. Calibration Service page 111
Radioactive Check Devices page 25 Service Contracts page 112

Radiation Therapy: Absolute Dosimetry Equipment

PTW Farmer® Semiflex

Ionization Chambers Ionization Chambers

Thimble chambers for measuring high- Waterproof thimble chambers for measur-
energy photon, electron and proton ing high-energy photon and electron radi-
radiation in air or in phantom material ation in air, water and phantom material
Features Features
Vented sensitive volumes of 0.6 cm3 Vented sensitive volumes of 0.07 cm3, 0.125 cm3
Suitable as therapy chambers for use in solid phantoms and 0.3 cm3
Flat energy response Suitable for use in water phantoms
Two different versions are available
Flat energy response within a wide energy range
The 0.6 cm3 PTW Farmer chambers are designed for
The semiflex chambers are designed for therapy dosime-
absolute photon and electron dosimetry with therapy
try, mainly for dose distribution measurements in motor-
dosemeters. Two chamber types for measurements in air
ized water phantoms. They have a short stem for mount-
or in solid state phantom material are available:
ing and a flexible connection cable. The wall material is
Type 30010 is the standard chamber. The wall mate- graphite with a protective acrylic cover. The guard rings
rial is graphite with a protective acrylic cover, and the are designed up to the measuring volume. An acrylic
electrode is made of Al. The nominal photon energy build-up cap for in-air measurement in 60Co beams is
range is from 30 kV to 50 MV. included with each chamber, as well as a calibration
Type 30012 is used for therapy dosimetry, where a certificate for calibration in absorbed dose to water or in
chamber with graphite wall and Al electrode is requi- air kerma. Air density correction is required for each
red. The nominal photon energy range is from 60 kV measurement, and a radioactive check device is available
to 50 MV. as an option. The chambers are shaped cylindrically. The
The electron energy range of all chambers is from 10 MeV to 0.07 cm3 chamber is ideal for 3D dosimetry in a water
45 MeV. The proton energy range of all chambers is from phantom, since the measuring volume is approximately
50 MeV to 270 MeV. The chamber type 30012 with its spherical resulting in a flat angular response over an
graphite cap is of delicate construction and should be angle of ± 180° and a uniform spatial resolution along all
handled with extreme care. The guard rings of both chamber three axes of a water phantom.
types are designed up to the measuring volume. An acrylic
build-up cap for in-air measurement in 60Co beams is in- Ordering Information
cluded with each chamber, as well as a calibration certificate. Semiflex chambers, connecting system BNT, TNC, M
or L (31021 only):
Ordering Information 31021 Semiflex 3D chamber 0.07 cm3
PTW Farmer chambers, connecting system BNT, TNC or M 31010 Semiflex chamber 0.125 cm3
(only 30010): 31013 Semiflex chamber 0.3 cm3
30010 PMMA/Al Farmer chamber E41150B/S/G Service contract Bronze, Silver or Gold
30012 Graphite/Al Farmer chamber
E41150B/S/G Service contract Bronze, Silver or Gold Therapy Dosemeters page 13f.
Radioactive Check Devices page 25
Therapy Dosemeters page 13f. Calibration Service page 111
Radioactive Check Devices page 25 Service Contracts page 112
Calibration Service page 111
Service Contracts page 112

Radiation Therapy: Absolute Dosimetry Equipment

PinPoint® microDiamond®
Ionization Chambers Diamond Detector

Waterproof ion chambers for dose Waterproof diamond detector for dose
measurements in radiotherapy with measurements in high-energy photon,
high spatial resolution electron and particle beams
Features Features
Vented sensitive volumes of 0.016 cm3 Small sensitive volume of 0.004 mm3
and 0.03 cm3 Excellent radiation hardness and temperature
Suitable for dose scanning in radiotherapy beams independence
with a superior spatial resolution Near tissue-equivalence
Suitable for use in water Operates without high voltage
The waterproof PinPoint chambers have been specially All connecting systems available (BNT, TNC, M)
designed for relative beam profile measurements in a
The microDiamond detector is a synthetic single crystal
motorized water phantom for characterization of LINAC
diamond detector (SCDD), based on a unique fabrication
radiation fields where superior spatial resolution is
process [1, 2]. Significant advantages of the synthetic pro-
desired. The PinPoint chambers are ideally suited for this
duction are standardised assembly and consequently a
purpose with their inner diameters of only 2.9 mm. The
high reproducibility of the dosimetric properties and
chamber model 31022 shows a flat angular response,
good availability of the detector.
since the measuring volume is approximately spherical.
When calibrated against a PTW Farmer chamber, the Ordering Information
PinPoint chambers can be used for depth dose and
TN60019 microDiamond Detector, connecting system BNT
absolute dose measurements. The sensitive volume is
TW60019 microDiamond Detector, connecting system TNC
vented. The wall material is graphite with a protective
TM60019 microDiamond Detector, connecting system M
acrylic cover. The chambers are fully guarded up to the
E41150B/S/G Service contract Bronze, Silver or Gold
measuring volume. The nominal energy range is 60Co up
to 50 MV photons (31015) and 60Co up to 25 MV
Service Contracts page 112
photons (31022). The chambers have a short stem for
mounting and a flexible connection cable. They can be
supplied with different connector types.

Ordering Information
PinPoint chambers, connecting system BNT, TNC or M:
31015 PinPoint chamber, 0.03 cm3
31022 PinPoint 3D chamber, 0.016 cm3
E41150B/S/G Service contract Bronze, Silver or Gold The microDiamond detector is realized in collaboration with Marco Marinelli
and Gianluca Verona-Rinati and their team, Industrial Engineering
Department of Rome Tor Vergata University, Italy.
Detector Extension Cables page 24
Service Contracts page 112 [1] I. Ciancaglioni, M. Marinelli, E. Milani, G. Prestopino, C. Verona, G. Verona-
Rinati, R. Consorti, A. Petrucci and F. De Notaristefani, Dosimetric charac-
terization of a synthetic single crystal diamond detector in clinical radiation
therapy small photon beams, Med. Phys. 39 (2012), 4493

[2] C. Di Venanzio, M. Marinelli, E. Milani, G. Prestopino, C. Verona, G. Verona-

Rinati, M. D. Falco, P. Bagalà, R. Santoni and M. Pimpinella, Characterization
of a synthetic single crystal diamond Schottky diode for radiotherapy elec-
tron beam dosimetry, Med. Phys. 40 (2013), 021712

Radiation Therapy: Absolute Dosimetry Equipment

microSilicon Dosimetry Diode P

Waterproof silicon diode detector for Waterproof silicon detector for

dosimetry in high-energy electron dosimetry in high-energy photon beams
and photon beams up to field size 40 cm x 40 cm
Features Features
Useful for measurements in all electron fields and for Useful for measurements in small and large photon
photon fields ≤ (10 x 10) cm2 fields
Excellent spatial resolution Excellent spatial resolution
Thin entrance window for measurements in the Minimized energy response for field size independent
vicinity of surfaces and interfaces measurements up to 40 cm x 40 cm
Very small detector to detector variation
The 60016 Dosimetry Diode P is ideal for dose measure-
Excellent dose stability
ments in small photon fields as encountered in IORT, IMRT
The microSilicon is ideal for dose measurements in and stereotactic beams. The excellent spatial resolution
electron and small photon fields. The excellent spatial makes it possible to measure very precisely beam profiles
resolution makes it possible to measure very precisely even in the penumbra region of small fields. The superior
beam profiles even in the penumbra region of small energy response enables the user to perform accurate
fields. The microSilicon is recommended for dose percentage depth dose measurements which are field size
measurements in all electron fields and for photon fields independent up to field sizes of (40 x 40) cm2. The water-
up to (10 x 10) cm2. The waterproof detector can be proof detector can be used in air, solid state phantoms and
used in air and in water. in water.
The microSilicon shows a very small detector to detector
variation which provides a sound basis for reliable small Ordering Information
field correction factors. TN60016 Dosimetry Diode P, connecting system BNT
TW60016 Dosimetry Diode P, connecting system TNC
Ordering Information TM60016 Dosimetry Diode P, connecting system M
TN60023 microSilicon, connecting system BNT
TW60023 microSilicon, connecting system TNC
TM60023 microSilicon, connecting system M

Therapy Dosemeters page 13f.

Radioactive Check Devices page 25
Calibration Service page 111
Service Contracts page 112

Radiation Therapy: Absolute Dosimetry Equipment

Roos® Advanced Markus®

Electron Chamber Electron Chamber

Precision Plane-parallel chamber for abso- Plane-parallel ion chamber for high-
lute dosimetry of high-energy electron radi- energy electron measurements in
ation in water and solid state phantoms water and solid state phantoms
Features Features
Vented sensitive volume of 0.35 cm3 Vented sensitive volume of 0.02 cm3
Reference chamber for precise absolute electron Same outer dimensions as the classic Markus chamber
dosimetry Wide guard ring design
Suitable for relative and absolute electron dosimetry
Perturbation-free design and minimal polarity effect
The chamber is waterproof when used with
Suitable for use in water and in solid state phantoms protective cap

The Roos electron chamber1 is used as a reference elec- The Advanced Markus chamber1 is a further develop-
tron chamber. It is recommended by the IAEA2 for high ment of the classic Markus chamber, featuring a wide
precision electron dosimetry in radiation therapy. The guard ring design to avoid perturbation effects by reduc-
chamber has a 4 mm wide guard ring to exclude any per- ing the influence of scattered radiation from the hous-
turbation effect even at low electron energies. The polar- ing. Since the outer shape is identical with the Markus
ity effect is negligible (< 0.5 % at 10 MeV). The energy chamber, all existing Markus chamber phantom plates
response is only influenced by the stopping power ratios and adapters can be used with the Advanced Markus
water / air. The chamber is waterproof for absolute dose chamber. The small sensitive volume makes the chamber
and depth dose measurements in a water phantom. The ideal for dose distribution measurements in a water
acrylic entrance window has a thickness of 1 mm. The phantom, giving a good spatial resolution. The chamber
nominal useful energy range is from 2 MeV to 45 MeV. features a flat energy response within the nominal ener-
A calibration certificate with a 60Co calibration factor gy range from 2 MeV to 45 MeV. With the very thin
given in absorbed dose to water is included. Air density membrane of only 0.03 mm polyethylene, the chamber
correction is required for each measurement. A radioac- is suitable for use in solid state phantoms. The chamber
tive check device with adapter is available as an option. comes with a protective acrylic cover of 0.87 mm thick-
The chamber cable length is 1.08 m. ness (1 mm water equivalence) for use in water. A cali-
1 The Roos electron chamber was developed in cooperation with Dr. Roos, bration certificate with a 60Co calibration factor given in
PTB-Braunschweig, German Federal Institute of Physics and Metrology absorbed dose to water is included. Air density correc-
(National Laboratory of Germany)
2 Technical Report No. TRS-381. The Use of Plane Parallel Ionization
tion is required for each measurement. A radioactive
Chambers in High Energy Electron and Photon Beams, IAEA check device is available as an option. The chamber cable
(International Atomic Energy Agency), Vienna 1997 length is 1.05 m.
1 The Advanced Markus chamber was developed in cooperation with
Ordering Information
Prof. Rosenow, Göttingen University, Germany
Roos chamber, connecting system BNT, TNC or M:
34001 Roos electron chamber Ordering Information
E41150B/S/G Service contract Bronze, Silver or Gold Advanced Markus chamber, connecting system BNT,
TNC or M:
Therapy Dosemeters page 13f.
34045 Advanced Markus electron chamber, 0.02 cm3
Radioactive Check Devices page 25
E41150B/S/G Service contract Bronze, Silver or Gold
Calibration Service page 111
Service Contracts page 112

Radiation Therapy: Absolute Dosimetry Equipment

Soft X-Ray Soft X-Ray

Ionization Chambers Slab Phantom

Plane-parallel chambers with thin Small size acrylic slab phantom for
membranes for measuring therapeutic soft X-ray dosimetry with soft X-ray
X-rays in air and solid state phantoms chambers
Features Features
Vented sensitive volumes of 0.005 cm3 and 0.02 cm3 Suitable for soft X-rays up to 100 kV
Very thin flat entrance windows for dose Makes it possible to perform absolute dose and
measurements of low energy X-ray beams depth dose measurement in a solid state phantom
Suitable for use in air and in solid state phantoms Supplied with chamber adapter plate and solid
The 0.02 cm3 soft X-ray chamber type 23342 is the stan-
dard ionization chamber for dose measurements in The slab phantom type 2962 is designed for therapy
superficial radiation therapy. The usual calibration is done dosimetry on X-ray therapy equipment in the energy
at 15 kV to 70 kV. The chamber has a very flat energy range from 7.5 kV to 100 kV bremsstrahlung. It is used
response in the range from 10 kV to 100 kV. for depth dose measurements and for calibration
The 0.005 cm3 soft X-ray chamber type 34013 has an purposes, using the soft X-ray chambers type 34013
extremely small sensitive volume and makes it possible to (0.0053 cm3), 23342 (0.02 cm3) or 23344 (0.2 cm3). The
measure therapeutic X-ray beams with very small field slab phantom consists of 1 plate 1 mm thick, 2 plates
sizes or with steep fluence gradients. The calibration is each 2 mm thick, 2 plates each 5 mm thick and 5 plates
typically done at 15 to 50 kV. The energy response with- each 10 mm thick. This combination enables the user to
in this range is ± 2 %. vary the measuring depth from the surface to a depth of
The membrane material is polyethylene of 0.03 mm 6 cm in increments of 1 mm. To provide for backscatter,
thickness. The guard ring borders the measuring volume. slabs are placed below the radiation detector. The size of
A calibration certificate is included. Air density correction the slabs is 13 cm x 13 cm. Three models with adapter
is required for each measurement. A radioactive check plates are available for the above-mentioned chamber
device is available as an option. types. The slab phantom is supplied in a solid storage case,
which is also used for the measurement set-up.
Ordering Information
Soft X-ray chambers, connecting system BNT, TNC or M: Ordering Information
34013 Soft X-ray chamber 0.005 cm3 L981467 Acrylic slab phantom for chamber type 34013
23342 Soft X-ray chamber 0.02 cm3 L981035 Acrylic slab phantom for chamber type 23342
E41150B/S/G Service contract Bronze, Silver or Gold L981034 Acrylic slab phantom for chamber type 23344

Therapy Dosemeters page 13f. Soft X-ray Ionization Chambers page 20

Radioactive Check Devices page 25
Calibration Service page 111
Soft X-Ray Slab Phantom page 20
Service Contracts page 112

Radiation Therapy: Absolute Dosimetry Equipment

MP1 Phantom Water Phantom 41001

Tanks for Vertical Beams

1D water phantoms for absolute Small size water phantom for absolute
dosimetry and measurement of depth dosimetry in photon and electron
dose curves beams with vertical beam incidence
Features Features
High precision 1D water tanks for absolute dosimetry Suitable for calibration of ionization chambers in
and depth dose measurement of high energy photon high-energy photon and electron beams
and electron beams Suitable for monitor calibration in water
Comply with the dosimetry protocols AAPM TG-51, Makes it possible to irradiate a thimble chamber in
IAEA TRS-398 and DIN 6800-2 water with vertical beam incidence
Easy setup with alignment and fill lines and Makes it possible to vary the measuring depth by
adjustable supports for leveling water level adjustment

The MP1 and MP1 manual water tanks are small 1D The water phantom type 41001 is designed for calibra-
phantoms for depth dose measurement to determine tion measurements in radiation therapy with vertical
beam qualities and measure absolute doses according to beam incidence directly into the water surface.
international dosimetry protocols. The tank sizes meet the Measurements are done with a horizontally mounted
AAPM TG51, IAEA TRS 398 and DIN 6800-2 require- thimble chamber, put into position through a hole in one
ments for absorbed dose determinations in reference side wall by using an appropriate waterproof acrylic
conditions. The MP1 tank is remote controlled and adapter. To seal the hole, the adapter is supplied with an
requires TBA electronics and MEPHYSTO mc2 software O-ring. By inserting the adapter tip into a cavity on the
for operation. Using the MP1 manual tank the detector opposite wall, which serves as support, the adapter is
positions are adjusted by hand. It is equipped with a fixed. Adapters are available for a variety of thimble
precise moving mechanism and a digital display of the chambers. The measuring position is 150 mm below the
detector position. upper edge of the tank. The measuring depth can be
varied by height adjustment of the water level by means
The tanks have vertical moving ranges of 254 mm and of a vertical scale on the phantom wall. The external
external horizontal phantom dimensions of 320 mm x phantom dimensions are approximately 30 cm x 30 cm x
370 mm. Holding devices to mount semiflex, Farmer and 30 cm. The phantom has two handles for easy carrying,
electron chambers to the moving mechanism are avail- three adjustable supports for leveling, etched cross hairs
able. Each phantom has three adjustable supports for for alignment and a collision protected drain tap for
levelling and a collision-protected drain tap for emptying emptying without tilting or changing the phantom's
without tilting or changing the phantom's position. position.
Alignment and fill lines ensure an easy setup.
Ordering Information
Ordering Information T41001 Stationary water phantom
T41019 MP1 phantom tank
T41025 MP1 manual phantom tank
E41200B/S/G Service contract Bronze, Silver or Gold Chamber adapters upon request

Chamber holding devices upon request Ionization Chambers page 15ff.

UniSoft Edition 2000 page 15

Service Contracts page 112

Radiation Therapy: Absolute Dosimetry Equipment

Water Phantom 41023 Stationary

for Horizontal Beams Water Phantom

Small size water phantom with sliding Completely closed stationary water
caliper for absolute dosimetry with phantom for high energy photon
horizontal beam incidence dosimetry with PTW Farmer chambers
Features Features
Suitable for calibration of ionization chambers in Makes it possible to perform quick and reproducible
high-energy photon and electron beams photon calibration measurements
Suitable for monitor calibration in water Accommodates a PTW Farmer chamber at a fixed
Makes it possible to irradiate up to three chambers measuring depth of 50 mm
simultaneously Beam markers on the top plate
Makes it possible to vary the measuring depth Compensates changes of the water volume caused
continuously by ambient temperature changes

The water phantom type 41023 is designed for calibration The phantom T41014 is a stationary water phantom for
measurements in radiation therapy using a horizontal absolute dosimetry and calibration measurements in
beam. Up to three ionization chambers (alternatively TL radiation therapy. It is completely covered by acrylic
detectors and FeSO4 ampoules) can simultaneously be (PMMA) plates. The external dimensions are approxi-
placed at different water depths with a distance of 50 mm mately 20 cm x 20 cm x 10 cm. The entrance wall thick-
from chamber axis to chamber axis by using waterproof ness is 3 mm, the measuring depth 50 mm. PTW Farmer
acrylic adapters. The measuring depth can be adjusted ionization chambers fit exactly into the built-in chamber
continuously by means of a caliper on the phantom top. holder. The top plate features markers for beam adjust-
Appropriate adapters enable users to position thimble ment.
chambers precisely in depths from less than 15 mm up to The phantom is filled with approximately 4 liters of water
260 mm and plane-parallel electron chambers as well as through a sealed fill plug. It is fitted with two elastic
thermoluminescent detectors from 6 mm up to 260 mm. expansion vessels to adapt the phantom to different
The external phantom dimensions are approximately ambient temperatures and to ensure a constant measu-
30 cm x 30 cm x 30 cm. The entrance window in one of ring depth.
the walls has the thickness of 3 mm and the size of
Ordering Information
170 mm x 170 mm. The phantom has two handles for
easy carrying, three adjustable supports for leveling, T41014 Stationary water phantom
etched cross hairs for alignment and a collision protect-
PTW Farmer Ionization Chambers page 15f.
ed drain tap for emptying without tilting or changing the
phantom’s position.

Ordering Information
T41023 Stationary water phantom

Detector adapters upon request

Radiation Detectors page 15ff.

Radiation Therapy: Absolute Dosimetry Equipment

ESTRO RW3 Slab Phantom

Mini Phantoms

Acrylic phantoms for “in air” measure- Water-equivalent RW3 slab phantom
ment acc. ESTRO recommendation with chamber adaptation plates for
therapy dosimetry
Features Features
“In air” measurement according to ESTRO Makes it possible to perform monitor calibrations and
Accommodate detectors at a depth of 100 mm depth dose measurements in a solid state phantom
Suitable for high energy photon and electron dosimetry
The acrylic cylinder mini phantoms are designed for
Makes it possible to vary the measuring depth up to
“in air” measurements or the measurement of volume
30 cm in increments of 1 mm
scatter ratios, described in the ESTRO booklet 3 /1997. They
have a height of 188 mm and a diameter of 40 mm each. Made of water-equivalent RW3 material (Goettingen
White Water) with thickness tolerance of ± 0.1 mm
Ordering Information
T40023.1.010 ESTRO Mini Phantom longitudinal for The RW3 phantom is water-equivalent in the energy
Farmer chamber ranges from 60Co to 25 MV photons and from 4 MeV
to 25 MeV electrons. The phantom is used for monitor
T40036.1.010 ESTRO Mini Phantom perpendicular for
calibration and quality assurance measurements. Depth
Farmer chamber
dose measurements are made by varying the measuring
T40036.1.020 ESTRO Mini Phantom perpendicular for depth. To provide for backscatter, slabs are placed below
0.3 cm3 semiflex chamber the radiation detector. The slab phantom consists of
T40023.1.020 ESTRO Mini Phantom for microDiamond 1 plate 1 mm thick, 2 plates each 2 mm thick, 1 plate
T40023.1.030 ESTRO Mini Phantom for Semiflex 3D 5 mm thick and 29 plates each 10 mm thick. This com-
bination makes it possible to vary the measuring depth in

Brass Mini Phantoms increments of 1 mm. The size of the complete phantom
is 30 cm x 30 cm x 30 cm. Adapter plates for a number
of detector types are available for both phantoms. Each
Brass phantoms for “in air” plate is precisely machined for a thickness tolerance of
measurements only ± 0.1 mm.
Features Ordering Information
“In air“ measurement according to standards T29672 Water-equivalent RW3 slab phantom
Accommodate a PinPoint 3D type chamber or T2967/12 Carrying case for slab phantom
different detectors types at a water equivalent
depth of 100 mm Option
The brass mini phantoms are designed for “in air” Detector plates upon request
measurements for small fields with an axial irradiation.
Radiation Detectors page 15ff.
Due to a minimum wall thickness they can be used for
field sizes down to 1.5 cm.

Ordering Information
T31016.1.300 Brass Mini Phantom for PinPoint 3D
T40064 Brass Mini Phantom for microDiamond

Radiation Therapy: Absolute Dosimetry Equipment

Detector Build-Up Caps for

Extension Cables Ionization Chambers

High quality triax extension cables with Acrylic and brass build-up caps for
BNT, TNC and PTW-M connectors thimble chambers for use in high-
energy photon beams
Features Features
Serve as low noise triax cables for the connection of Photon energy ranges from 60Co up to 20 MV
radiation detectors to electrometers Establish electron equilibrium for in-air measurement
Low cable leakage caused by irradiation Suitable for PTW Farmer, Semiflex and PinPoint 3D
Resistance against radiation damage chambers
Available in lengths of up to 100 meters Made of acrylic or brass

The low noise extension cables for the connection of Build-up caps are used with thimble ionization chambers
radiation detectors to dosemeters and electrometers are for in-air measurements in photon beams when electron
of high quality for precise current measurements down equilibrium is desired. Each standard delivery of a thim-
to 10-15 A. When irradiated, the cable leakage is less ble chamber includes an appropriate acrylic build-up cap
than 10-12 C/(Gy·cm). The triaxial cables provide insu- for 60Co. Optionally, a variety of build-up caps is avail-
lated potentials for the measuring signal, the guard elec- able for different ionization chamber types and for
trode, and high voltage. Besides the standard version, different photon energy ranges. Acrylic build-up caps are
a 'heavy duty' version is available for rugged use. The more water-equivalent than brass build-up caps, but
standard extension cables of 20 m length can be sup- their size may be disadvantageous when used in small
plied on cable reels. The cables can be supplied with beams.
various connector types. The BNT connector with bayo- Acrylic build-up caps are available for the chamber type:
net mounting and the TNC connector with threaded - 0.6 cm3 PTW Farmer chambers
mounting put high voltage to the chamber guard ring
Brass build-up caps are available for the chamber types:
while the PTW-M connector grounds the guard. (BNC
and banana pin upon request.) For through-wall installa- - 0.6 cm3 PTW Farmer chambers
tions, the extension cables with BNT, TNC, and M con- - 0.125 cm3 Semiflex chamber
nectors can be supplied with a flexible armored metal - PinPoint 3D chamber
tube to protect the cable against damage.
- Semiflex 3D chamber
Ordering Information The wall thicknesses cover the energy range from 60Co

T26005.1.002-10 BNT Extension cable, 10 m length to 20 MV photons.

T26002.1.001-10 TNC Extension cable, 10 m length
T2954/K2-10 M Extension cable, 10 m length Ordering Information
Other lengths‚ ‘heavy duty' execution, armored versions Variety of acrylic and brass build-up caps upon request
and 20 m cable on reels upon request

Dosemeters and Detectors page 13ff.

Radiation Therapy: Absolute Dosimetry Equipment

Radioactive Barometer
Check Devices Thermometer

Radioactive check devices for air density Precise air pressure and temperature
correction and constancy checks of measuring instruments for air density
therapy dosemeters correction of ion chamber readings
Features Features
Make it possible to perform air density corrections The barometers provide precise measurement of
when using vented ionization chambers absolute air pressure in hPa
Check proper functioning and constancy of the Official calibrations traceable to primary standards are
complete dosemeter optionally available for barometers and thermometer
Two types for thimble and flat chambers are available
The precision barometers and the thermometer are used
Include encapsulated low activity of 33 MBq
to determine air density correction factors for absolute
(type T48012) resp. 20 MBq 90Sr (type T48010)
The radioactive check devices are recommended for high pre- The precision barometers are calibrated against sea level.
cision dosimetry. They enable medical physicists to check the The temperature-compensated barometers have a circu-
stability of ionization chamber response and to determine air lar analogue scale with 115 mm diameter. The scale res-
density correction factors. For sealed in-vivo ionization cham- olution is 0.5 hPa. The metal housing is supplied with a
bers the use of a radioactive check device is mandatory (IEC flange for wall mounting.
60731). Check readings should be done each time before
The analogue precision thermometer is a mercury ther-
starting a dose measurement. The chamber calibration certifi-
mometer with a glass capillary. The measuring range is
cate includes the reference reading under standard conditions.
from -5 °C to 50 °C, and the scale resolution is 0.2 °C.
The check reading will decrease over time due to the decay of
the activity. The 90Sr half-value time is 28.7 years. Both check The digital combined barometer and thermometer device
devices include shielding containers, and the check device is equipped with interfaces for data transfer to a PC.
T48012 is supplemented by a thermometer for controlling the
check device temperature. Various holding devices for the Ordering Information
adaptation of different ion chambers are available. Due to the L991133 Precision barometer (900 ... 1050) hPa
arrangement of the radioactive source of the check device L991237 Precision barometer (900 ... 1050) hPa
model T48012, the measuring volume of the inserted thimble with German calibration
chamber is irradiated from all directions. The cylindrical source
L991385 Precision barometer (300 … 1300) hPa and
of the check device model T48010 is placed near to the
thermometer (-20 … 50) °C, digital with USB and
entrance window of flat ion chambers by means of the appro-
LAN interface, software included
priate holding device. The source T48012 is equivalent to ISO
class C64444, the source T48010 is equivalent to class L654006 Precision thermometer (-5 ... 50) °C
C6X444. The dose rate in 10 cm distance is below 1 µSv/h L654005 Precision thermometer (-5 ... 50) °C,
(with cover closed). Please observe the national regulations for officially calibrated
transport and use of radioactive material. Before shipping, we
need a confirmation certifying that the purchaser is allowed to
handle the radioactive sources.
Ordering information
T48012 Radioactive check device for thimble chambers
T48010 Radioactive check device for flat chambers
Chamber/check source holding devices upon request

Radiation Therapy: Absolute Dosimetry Equipment


Radiation Therapy: Patient and Brachytherapy Dosimetry

Patient and

Patient and Brachytherapy

Dosimetry Equipment

VIVODOS In-Vivo Dosemeter 29

VIVODOS E In-Vivo Dosemeter 29
MULTIDOS Multi Channel Dosemeter 30
In-Vivo Probes 30
VivoSoft In-Vivo Software 31
DIODE MATE Mobile Unit 31
SOURCECHECK 4π Well-type Chamber 32

Radiation Therapy: Patient and Brachytherapy Dosimetry

Patient and

Patient Dosimetry Source strength measurement in brachytherapy

To check the correct performance of patient irradiations Radioactive sources are positioned inside the target
according to the treatment plans and to avoid irradiation volume for direct contact to human tissue in brachy-
by mistake, on-line measurements of accumulated doses therapy procedures. These radiotherapy techniques are
during patient treatments are suggested. Regulations becoming more and more important for the treatment of
such as the European Directive 97/43/EURATOM on various diseases. Besides the traditional afterloading
health protection in medical radiology require to deter- techniques for gynecological radiotherapy, modern
mine, record and verify radiation loads on patients. techniques for seed implantation and for intravascular
brachytherapy are used now.
For patient dosimetry during radiotherapy, multiple semi- For correct irradiation according to the treatment plan,
conductor probes are fixed to the patient body and con- the radiation strength of each individual radioactive
nected to a multi-channel dosemeter. Compared with source has to be determined before starting brachy-
ionization chambers, semiconductor detectors have the therapy treatment. PTW offers a range of products to
advantage of small sensitive volumes. Since they do not measure the source strength of different source types for
need a bias voltage for operation, the existence of high brachytherapy.
voltage in the patient environment is avoided.
Our patient and brachytherapy products comply with
international standards:
AAPM TG-56, report #59
Code of Practice for Brachytherapy Physics
AAPM TG-60, report #66
Intravascular Brachytherapy Physics
ESTRO Booklet #1: Methods for in vivo dosimetry in
external radiotherapy; Physics for clinical radiotherapy
ESTRO Booklet #5: Practical guidelines for the imple-
mentation of in vivo dosimetry with diodes in exter-
nal radiotherapy with photon beams (entrance dose);
Physics for clinical radiotherapy

Radiation Therapy: Patient and Brachytherapy Dosimetry Equipment

In-Vivo Dosemeter In-Vivo Dosemeter

12 channel dosemeter for in-vivo 4 channel dosemeter for in-vivo

dosimetry during external treatment dosimetry during external treatment

Features Features
Connects up to twelve semiconductor detectors Connects up to four semiconductor detectors
Measures patient entrance and exit doses from exter- Measures patient entrance and exit doses from
nal beams external beams

The VIVODOS twelve channel dosemeter is designed for The VIVODOS E four channel dosemeter is designed for
patient dosimetry during radiation therapy treatment. In- patient dosimetry during radiation therapy treatment. In-
vivo dosimetry is generally recommended to record and vivo dosimetry is generally recommended to record and
verify the radiation load to patients and consequently to verify the radiation load to patients and consequently to
fulfill radiation protection requirements. VIVODOS con- fulfill radiation protection requirements. VIVODOS E con-
nects up to twelve semiconductor detectors for in-vivo nects up to four semiconductor detectors for in-vivo
dosimetry of external beams from LINACs including TBI dosimetry of external beams from LINACs.
(total body irradiation) via a special connection box.
The diodes are connected directly to the BNC connectors
VIVODOS features a high measuring accuracy of better on the rear panel.
than ± 0.5 % and a very good long-term stability of less
than ± 0.5 % per year. VIVODOS E features a high measuring accuracy of better
than ± 0.5 % and a very good long-term stability of less
The VIVODOS does not have high voltage supply, which than ± 0.5 % per year. VIVODOS E does not have high volt-
is not needed for semiconductor detector operation. An age supply, which is not needed for semiconductor detector
RS232 interface is included, as well as the MULTICAL operation. An RS232 interface is included, as well as the
software for calibration purposes. MULTICAL software for calibration purposes.

Ordering Information Ordering Information

T10018 VIVODOS Twelve channel dosemeter, T10028 VIVODOS E Four channel dosemeter,
115 V/230 V 115 V/230 V

VivoSoft Software page 31 VivoSoft Software page 31

In-Vivo Probes page 30 In-Vivo Probes page 30
DIODE MATE Mobile Unit page 31 DIODE MATE Mobile Unit page 31

Radiation Therapy: Patient and Brachytherapy Dosimetry Equipment

MULTIDOS® Multi In-Vivo Probes

Channel Dosemeter

Multi channel dosemeter for absolute Semiconductor detectors for in-vivo

dosimetry, in-vivo measurements and dosimetry during external radiation
quality control in radiation therapy treatment with linear accelerators
Features Features
Dual channel therapy dosemeter according to Measure patient dose during external radiotherapy
IEC 60731 (field class); HV +400 V, only M connect- Suitable for any irradiation technique including TBI
ing system available Types for different beam qualities are available
Twelve channel in-vivo dosemeter for diode Risk organ diode with homogenous directional
measurements (connection box required) response available
LINAC constancy check device for homogeneity and
symmetry tests (check probe required) The semiconductor probes for in-vivo dosimetry are fixed
Measures dose and dose rate or charge and current to the patient's body to measure the patient skin,
simultaneously entrance or exit dose during external radiation treat-
ments. Additionally a risk organ diode with increased
MULTIDOS can be used with ionization chambers and sensitivity and homogenous directional response is avail-
semiconductor detectors. It meets or exceeds the stan- able. Three different detector types with integrated
dards for field class dosemeters as specified in IEC 60731. build-up caps for photon energies from 60Co to 25 MV
The calibration factors are stored in the unit and addition- and one type for electron measurements are available.
al correction factors can be entered. Air density corrections The detectors do not require a bias voltage. They have a
are done by keying in air pressure and temperature. The connection cable of 4 m length with BNC connector.
large LC display shows the measuring results in Gy,
Ordering Information
Gy/min, R, R/min, C or A. MULTIDOS features a high meas-
uring accuracy of better than ± 0.5 % and a very good In-vivo semiconductor probes
long-term stability of less than ± 0.5 % per year. An RS232 T60010L-4 In-vivo semiconductor probe, 60Co to 5 MV
interface is included as well as the MultiCal software for T60010MP-4 In-vivo semiconductor probe, 5 MV to 13 MV
calibration purposes. T60010HP-4 In-vivo semiconductor probe, 13 MV to 25 MV
T60010EP-4 In-vivo semiconductor probe, electrons
Ordering Information L981539 Diode connection box, 12 x BNC
T10004 MULTIDOS Multi channel dosemeter, 115/230 V incl. 10 m cable
E41100B/S/G Service contract Bronze, Silver or Gold L981540 Diode connection box with wall mount
Radiation Detectors page 15ff. incl. 10 m cable
UniSoft Dosimetry Software page 15
MULTIDOS Multi Channel Dosemeter page 30
In-Vivo Probes page 30
VIVODOS / VIVODOS E In-Vivo Dosemeter page 29
Service Contracts page 112
VivoSoft In-Vivo Software page 31

Radiation Therapy: Patient and Brachytherapy Dosimetry Equipment


In-Vivo Software Mobile Unit

Software for patient dosimetry during Mobile support to accommodate

radiation therapy with external beams from in-vivo diode detectors near to the
linear accelerators and telecobalt units table-top of treatment units
Features Features
Controls the multi channel dose integration during Accommodates up to 12 semiconductor detectors
external beam treatment and records the measuring Provides up to 3.2 m extension length for each detec-
data tor to be placed at the patient’s skin for in-vivo
Operates up to 12 semiconductor probes connected dosimetry
to a multi channel dosemeter Extension cable can be easily locked at any extracted
Determines target doses length
Includes patient data base
The DIODE MATE unit is equipped with a mobile frame
The Microsoft Windows based VivoSoft software pro- with 5 rollers and a push handle. It can be moved into
gram enables the user to control the multi channel any desired position next to the patient couch or the
dosemeters VIVODOS, VIVODOS E and MULTIDOS for storing place. Two rollers are equipped with locking
dosimetry during external beam treatment and to store devices.
patient data together with associated dose values in a
data base. It supports different treatment techniques and The system is designed for robust daily use and for long-
multiple treatment sessions. In addition, it determines term reliability. It accommodates up to 12 in-vivo probes
organ doses according to the ESTRO booklet #1. for high-energy photon and electron dose measurement.
VivoSoft is prepared to control the measurement with in- The maximum cable length mounted to the probes is
vivo probes for dose measurement on the patient’s skin. 4 m and the maximum cable extension length is 3.2 m.
VivoSoft stores user defined probe sets and the associat- The desired cable length can be locked individually for
ed calibration factors. The measurement screen shows each probe at any length in the extension range.
the measurement values of up to 12 single detector
probes together with a graphical dose display for all The DIODE MATE is 1275 mm high, the outer diameter
detectors. is 550 mm. The weight including 12 probes is approxi-
mately 36 kg.
Administrative data including patient data are also
shown. Ordering Information
T20010 DIODE MATE mobile unit
Printouts for each session make it possible to document L981538 DIODE MATE with wall mount
the treatment in accordance with radiation protection
regulations, e.g., the European Council Directive 97/43 MULTIDOS Multi Channel Dosemeter page 30
on health protection in medicine. VIVODOS / VIVODOS E In-Vivo Dosemeters page 29
In-Vivo Probes page 30
Ordering Information
S090004 VivoSoft in-vivo software

MULTIDOS Multi Channel Dosemeter page 30

VIVODOS / VIVODOS E In-Vivo Dosemeters page 29
In-Vivo Probes page 30

Radiation Therapy: Patient and Brachytherapy Dosimetry Equipment

Well-type chamber

Well-type ionization chamber for

source strength measurements in
Measures low energy seeds and high energy
afterloading sources
Measures all sources in a full 4π geometry
Adapters for all commercial afterloading devices
and seeds
User friendly accessories for fast and safe handling
Compatible to high class PTW dosemeters
Calibration for Ir-192, Co-60 and for I-125 available

The SOURCECHECK 4π well-type ionization chamber is

suitable for source strength measurements of all kind of
brachytherapy sources. International standards require
the measurement of radioactive brachytherapy sources.
For HDR afterloading sources an acceptance test after
the replacement of the source and additional constancy
checks are required. For permanent implanted seeds the
typical quality assurance is measuring a defined amount
seeds out of a delivered batch.
Various adapters for all kind of afterloading applicators
and for different seeds and seed strands are available.
The radioactive check source T48010 can be used for
constancy checks. The chamber can be calibrated for
Ir-192, Co-60 and for I-125.

Ordering Information
TN33005 SOURCECHECK 4π, connecting system BNT
TW33005 SOURCECHECK 4π, connecting system TNC
TM33005 SOURCECHECK 4π, connecting system M

T48010 Check device 90-Sr, point source
T33005.1.020 SOURCECHECK radioactive check source
E21272 SOURCECHECK calibration Ir-192
E21271 SOURCECHECK calibration I-125

Adapters for afterloading applicators, seeds and seed

strands upon request

Radiation Therapy: Therapy Beam Analysis

Therapy Beam
TBA Therapy Beam Analysis Equipment

BEAMSCAN Water Phantom System 35

BEAMSCAN Software 36


MP3-XS Phantom Tank 38

MP3-P Phantom Tank 38

Bragg Peak Chambers 39

PEAKFINDER Water Column 39

MP3-T Phantom Tank 40

MP1 Phantom Tanks 40

TRUFIX Detector Positioning 41

TBA Detector Holding Devices 41

Film Digitizers for Film Densitometry 42

TBA Trolley 42

Radiation Therapy: TBA Therapy Beam Analysis Equipment

Water Phantom

All-in-one 3D water phantom system With enhanced mechanics and a new built-in state-of-
for automatic dose distribution meas- the-art electrometer, BEAMSCAN lets you scan profiles
with a scanning speed of up to 20 mm/s within a scan-
urement of radiation therapy beams ning range of 50 x 50 x 41.5 cm3. The detector mount-
Features ing is easily performed with the patented TRUFIX BS clip-
in detector mounting and positioning system, including
All built-in design ready for use straight out of the box
the “click-fix” SSD adjustment tool. The delivery includes
Fully automated, wireless setup with BEAMSCAN two 0.07 cm3 Semiflex 3D ionization chambers.
Wizard on any smart device
Patented fully automatic virtual tank leveling
(TRULEVELTM) and auto field alignment
Wireless operation and data transfer
Fast scanning (up to 20 mm/s) with continuous and
step-by-step scanning mode
Built-in, high-precision electrometer
Easy clip-in detector installation with TRUFIX BS
Optimized workflows from scanning to protocol-
based documentation

With all electronics and cables directly built into the system,
BEAMSCAN comes with a powerful, feature-rich soft-
the all-in-one BEAMSCAN is ready for use straight out of
ware that makes it easy for you to collect and analyze
the box. No cable runs and there are no external devices to
your beam data the way you need it. Select from ready-
install. Move it into the treatment room, align and position
to-use, TPS-specific task lists and perform multiple meas-
it to the LINAC, plug in the power cable and set the SSD.
urement tasks in one go. Export your data to the option-
BEAMSCAN provides you with a fully automated setup. al Track-it QA database to track machine performance.
Its unique, patented virtual auto leveling function ensures
that your water tank is properly leveled with the touch of Ordering Information
a single button, without physically moving the tank or L981475 BEAMSCAN Water Phantom, complete,
scanning arm. Simply access the built-in BEAMSCAN web BNT connector, incl. BEAMSCAN software
server via WiFi using a mobile device (iPod touch® includ- L981476 BEAMSCAN Water Phantom, complete,
ed). There is no need to install or connect data cables to TNC connector, incl. BEAMSCAN software
use BEAMSCAN. It can also be connected to a LAN sock-
L981474 BEAMSCAN Water Phantom, complete;
et if desired.
M connector, incl. BEAMSCAN software
S080054.002 Option Absolute Dosimetry
E41200B/S/G Service contract Bronze, Silver or Gold

Service Contracts page 112

Radiation Therapy: TBA Therapy Beam Analysis Equipment

BEAMSCAN® Software

Software for beam data acquisition Powerful data processing and expert analysis tools help
to better visualize and analyze the acquired beam data.
and analysis with BEAMSCAN water Users can choose from a variety of mathematical
phantoms functions and filters, including smoothing, averaging,
mirroring or shifting profiles, correcting the CAX of FFF
profiles or converting measured ionization curves to
Features absorbed dose water curves based on international
Wireless Auto Setup for fast and easy phantom protocols or user defined R50. FFF beam profiles are auto-
setup matically detected and evaluated following recommen-
TPS-specific, customizable task lists for automatic dations of Fogliata et al. The acquired beam data can be
beam data collection quickly analyzed according to international or vendor-
specific protocols. A table generator makes it easy for
Advanced measurement options, e.g., TPR/TMR,
users to automatically calculate TPR/TMR, OCR and out-
output factors, absolute dose, large profiles
put factors.
Real-time display of beam profiles for beam steering
measurements With interfaces to all treatment planning systems,
Enhanced data processing and analysis tools, BEAMSCAN software makes it easy to correctly format
including profile comparisons, FFF analysis, analyzed beam data for import into the treatment plan-
absolute/film dosimetry ning system.
Fully integrated with Track-it
Ordering Information
BEAMSCAN software is a feature-rich, user-friendly soft- BEAMSCAN software is part of the BEAMSCAN system.
ware platform for fast, efficient beam data acquisition
and analysis. Fully integrated with Track-it, it provides a Options
complete solution from scanning to protocol-based S080054.002 Option Absolute Dosimetry for BEAMSCAN
documentation. S080054.001 Option Film Analysis for BEAMSCAN
S080054.003 Option Planning Module for BEAMSCAN
Designed with the user in mind, BEAMSCAN software (type of RTPS to be specified)
facilitates commissioning and QA tasks. Its Wireless Auto
Setup reduces phantom setup time to a minimum. BEAMSCAN Water Phantom page 35
TPS-specific tasks lists are already included and can be
easily customized to automate beam data acquisition. All
treatment machines and detectors can be accessed and
managed effectively from one single location. A wide
range of measurement options is selectable to perform
all necessary measurements with one single platform,
including SSD conversion for large profile measurements,
TPR/TMR, output factors for any field size or geometry,
wedge/tray factors, isodose distributions in different
depths or absolute dose. Reference curves can be over-
laid on running measurements for convenient online
comparison. Beam profiles can be easily displayed in real-
time to allow beam steering measurements.

Radiation Therapy: TBA Therapy Beam Analysis Equipment


All-in-one 3D water phantom system The system includes a built-in fast, sensitive electrometer
for automatic dose distribution with excellent signal-to-noise-ratio. It provides a consistent
detector orientation for all scans, including off-axis scans.
measurement in MR environments The delivery includes two 0.07 cm3 Semiflex 3D ionization
Integrated, fully equipped solution
All-in-one system for fast, hassle-free setup
Vendor-specific water tanks with optimized scanning
Fast scanning up to 30 mm/s
Built-in, high-precision electrometer
Patented TRUFIX system for quick axial and radial
detector setup

BEAMSCAN MR is a complete solution for commission-

ing and QA of MR-LINACs – from automatic beam data
acquisition, processing and analysis to protocol-based
documentation. Built to the highest quality and techno- BEAMSCAN MR comes with a powerful, feature-rich soft-
logy standards, BEAMSCAN MR is exceptionally robust, ware that makes it easy for you to collect and analyze your
incredibly versatile and straightforward in its operation. beam data the way you need it. Select from ready-to-use,
As an all-built-in system, it comes ready to use on a TPS-specific task lists and perform multiple measurement
single carriage, including everything needed. A comfort- tasks in one go. Export your data to the optional Track-it
able touch panel guides you step by step through the QA database to track machine performance.
installation and setup process.
Ordering Information
The system is dedicated for use with MR-LINACS up to L981558 BEAMSCAN MR Water Phantom for Elekta,
1.5 T. Two models with vendor-specific water tanks for complete, incl. BEAMSCAN software
optimized scanning ranges are available: L981559 BEAMSCAN MR Water Phantom for Viewray®,
568 mm x 145 mm x 355 mm for Elekta Unity and complete, incl. BEAMSCAN software
408 mm x 248 mm x 355 mm for ViewRay® MRIdian®. E41210B/S/G Service contract Bronze, Silver or Gold
Pending 510(k), not available for sale within the
United States

Service Contracts page 112

Radiation Therapy: TBA Therapy Beam Analysis Equipment

MP3-XS MP3-P Phantom Tank

Phantom Tank

Small size motorized 3D water phantom Motorized 3D water phantom for

for automatic dose distribution meas- horizontal radiation therapy beams for
urement of radiation therapy beams protons and heavy ions
Features Features
High precision small volume 3D water tank, High precision 3D water tank for proton and heavy
especially designed for stereotactic or IORT dose ion therapy
distribution measurements Size and moving range optimized for horizontal beam
3D stainless steel moving mechanism with high Thin entry window for highest precision
speed stepper motors
The MP3-P water tank is a 3D phantom for remote con-
The MP3-XS water tank is a small 3D phantom for trolled scans with 100 µm increments to determine the
remote-controlled dose distribution measurements of Bragg peak position of proton and heavy ion beams. The
small radiation fields as used for example in stereotaxy or scanning range is 350 mm x 250 mm horizontally and
intra-operation radiation therapy IORT. The horizontal 380 mm vertically. A thin exchangeable entrance win-
moving range is 200 mm x 200 mm and the vertical dow of 250 mm x 250 mm x 5 mm PMMA makes the
range is 300 mm. The phantom has three adjustable sup- system suitable for horizontal beams with highest preci-
ports for leveling, etched crosshairs for alignment and a sion measurements. Dual chamber holders allow the
collision protected drain tap for emptying without tilting fixation of Bragg peak chambers to the MP3-P. One
or changing the phantom's position. chamber is mounted to the entrance window outside of
the water tank, the second chamber is mounted to the
The 20 mm thick acrylic walls and bottom do not bulge moving mechanism for relative dose measurements. To
during prolonged period of use. Precision stepper motors operate the tank, MEPHYSTO mc2 software and TBA
are mounted close above the tank making it possible to electronics are required.
adjust distances between the LINAC head and the water
surface as small as 120 mm. They provide for high dete- Ordering Information
ctor moving speed of 50 mm/s and high positioning L981185 MP3-P Water phantom, connecting system BNT
accuracy of ± 0.1 mm. In contrast to analog drives, step- L981186 MP3-P Water phantom, connecting system TNC
per motor drives do not require regular recalibrations. L981233 MP3-P Water phantom, connecting system M
Stainless steel drive mechanics are used to minimize L981403 MP3-P Water phantom, connecting system M
water perturbation and to preserve positioning accuracy including SCANLIFT
during movement. They do not disturb or affect the L981442 Dual chamber holder for fixation of two
measurement accuracy. The delivery includes a cable Bragg peak chambers 34073 to the tank
connection box mounted to the tank, a spirit level and
L981423 Dual chamber holder for fixation of two
an ion chamber-adjusting device. To operate the tank,
Bragg peak chambers to the tank. Chamber type
MEPHYSTO software and TBA electronics are required.
34070 or 34080 as reference and chamber type
34070 measures depth dose distributions
Ordering Information
E41200B/S/G Service contract Bronze, Silver or Gold
L981069 MP3-XS Phantom tank
E41200B/S/G Service contract Bronze, Silver or Gold MP3-P Configured Basic Systems page 118
MP3-XS Configured Basic Systems page 118 Service Contracts page 112
Service Contracts page 112

Radiation Therapy: TBA Therapy Beam Analysis Equipment


Ionization Chambers Water Column


Waterproof plane-parallel chambers for Water column system for highest

dosimetry in proton and heavy ion precision peak detection in proton
beams and heavy ion therapy
Features Features
Waterproof, wide guard ring design Measures position of Bragg peak within (20 … 350) mm
Sensitive volumes 34 cm3 and 10.5 cm3, with a spatial resolution of 10 µm
vented to air Built-in monitor and measuring chambers
Gate input for spill-by-spill measurements
The Bragg peak chambers are designed to measure the
exact location of the Bragg peak in therapy proton The PEAKFINDER water column is especially designed for
and heavy ion beams. The large diameters of the highest precision peak detection of proton and heavy ion
chambers allow the measurement of the complete beam beams in particle therapy. It is a closed water column for
diameter (non-scanned) including the scattered particles. scans up to 35 cm depth with increments of 10 µm.
The chambers are waterproof and consequently can Because of its sealed construction it can be used in any
either be used in air behind a water column or in a water spatial orientation. Windows allow a visible inspection of
phantom. the column inside. The signals of the built-in thin win-
In water, the Bragg peak chambers can be used for dow Bragg peak chamber T34080 and the monitor
measurements of horizontal beams. Due to the thick chamber T34082 are read out by the TANDEM XDR elec-
entrance and exit windows, the 34070 and 34089 Bragg trometer. A TCP/IP interface is implemented for software
peak chambers can also be used in vertical beams where control.
measurements are performed in different water depths. The PeakScan software package allows precise measure-
ments and a detailed Bragg peak analysis.
Ordering Information
Bragg peak chambers, connecting system BNT, TNC or M: Ordering Information
34089 Bragg Peak 150 chamber 34 cm3, L981257 PEAKFINDER water column, including
cable length 2.5 m electronics, dosemeter, measurement and
reference chamber
34070-2,5 Bragg Peak chamber 10.5 cm3,
cable length 2.5 m S080052 PeakScan software
T41049 PEAKFINDER holder 180°
E41150B/S/G Service contract Bronze, Silver or Gold
L981441 PEAKFINDER holder 0-90°
Service Contracts page 112 E41250B/S/G Service contract Bronze, Silver or Gold

Service Contracts page 112

Radiation Therapy: TBA Therapy Beam Analysis Equipment

MP3-T MP1 Phantom Tanks

Phantom Tank

3D water phantom for automatic 1D water phantoms for absolute

dose distribution measurement at dosimetry and measurement of depth
TomoTherapy® treatment units dose curves
Features Features
High precision 3D water tank High precision 1D water tanks for absolute dosimetry
Size, moving range and motor positions optimized and depth dose measurement of high energy photon
for TomoTherapy® Hi·Art® Systems and electron beams
3D stainless steel moving mechanism with high Comply with the dosimetry protocols AAPM TG-51,
speed stepper motors IAEA TRS-398 and DIN 6800-2
Easy setup with alignment and fill lines and
The MP3-T water tank is optimized for the use with adjustable supports for leveling
TomoTherapy® Hi·Art® treatment units with dynamic arc
techniques. Once adjusted to the therapy unit, the water The MP1 and MP1 manual water tanks are small 1D
tank has not to be moved to cover all measuring tasks. phantoms for depth dose measurement to determine
The 20 mm thick acrylic walls do not bulge during pro- beam qualities and measure absolute doses according to
longed period of use and feature etched lines for precise international dosimetry protocols. The tank sizes meet the
tank alignment. Precision stepper motors are mounted AAPM TG51, IAEA TRS 398 and DIN 6800-2 require-
on a position for the use in the TomoTherapy® Hi·Art® ments for absorbed dose determinations in reference
gantry. They provide for high detector moving speed of conditions. The MP1 tank is remote controlled and
50 mm/s and high positioning accuracy of ± 0.1 mm. In requires TBA electronics and MEPHYSTO mc2 software
contrast to analog drives, stepper motor drives do not for operation. Using the MP1 manual tank the detector
require regular recalibrations. positions are adjusted by hand. It is equipped with a
To operate the tank, MEPHYSTO mc2 software and TBA precise moving mechanism and a digital display of the
electronics are required. detector position.

TomoTherapy and Hi·Art are registred trademarks of TomoTherapy The tanks have vertical moving ranges of 254 mm and
external horizontal phantom dimensions of 320 mm x
370 mm. Holding devices to mount semiflex, Farmer and
Ordering Information
electron chambers to the moving mechanism are avail-
T41026.1.001 MP3-T Acrylic water tank able. Each phantom has three adjustable supports for
T41026.1.100 MP3-T Semiflex chamber holding device levelling and a collision-protected drain tap for emptying
MP3-T water phantom sets including dosemeter, without tilting or changing the phantom's position.
chamber, cables and software MEPHYSTO mc2 Alignment and fill lines ensure an easy setup.
L981199 MP3-T Water phantom, connecting system BNT
L981183 MP3-T Water phantom, connecting system TNC Ordering Information
L981182 MP3-T Water phantom, connecting system M T41019 MP1 phantom tank
E41200B/S/G Service contract Bronze, Silver or Gold T41025 MP1 manual phantom tank
E41200B/S/G Service contract Bronze, Silver or Gold
MP3-T Configured Basic Systems page 118
Service Contracts page 112 Chamber holding devices upon request

UniSoft Edition 2000 page 15

Service Contracts page 112

Radiation Therapy: TBA Therapy Beam Analysis Equipment


Detector Positioning

Positions the effective point of measure- Reference detector for small fields
ment of different therapy detectors exact-
ly to the water surface in TBA systems
Features Features
Positioning of effective points of measurement of Very low total area density of 206 mg/cm2
detectors on the water surface No measurable perturbation of the beam
Interchangeability of various detector types without High and very stable signal
resetting the effective points of measurement
No contact to linac head
Can also be used for horizontal irradiation
Fast and easy to mount
Maintains minimum distance to the metal parts
of the moving mechanism The T-REF chamber 34091 provides a solution to the
problem where to put a reference detector in small
The TRUFIX precision attachment system is used for fields. The T-REF chamber is a large-area plane-parallel
simple installation of various ionization chambers and transmission reference chamber and proved to be easy to
detectors in TBA systems. It serves for fast and precise use. From the minimum distance to the water surface
positioning of effective points of measurement of various on, there are no measurable perturbations of the beam.
detectors on the water surface in water phantoms. The very good signal-to-noise-ratio makes it an excellent
option for the use as a reference detector.
Ordering Information
L981150 TRUFIX Basic equipment Ordering Information
Holders for various detectors upon request TN34091 T-REF chamber, connecting system BNT
including holder
TW34091 T-REF chamber, connecting system TNC
including holder

TBA Detector TM34091 T-REF chamber, connecting system M

including holder

Holding Devices E41150B/S/G Service contract Bronze, Silver or Gold

There is a variety of holding devices for attaching thera-

py detectors to the mechanism of TBA phantom tanks
available. Special holders enable the user to fix a cylindric
ion chamber, an electron chamber, a diode detector or a
diamond detector to the moving mechanism. Other
holders are designed to fix a detector cable plug or a ref-
erence chamber to the tank wall.

Ordering Information
Details of TBA detector holding devices upon request

Radiation Detectors page 15ff.

TBA Phantom Tanks page 38ff.

Radiation Therapy: TBA Therapy Beam Analysis Equipment

Film Digitizers TBA Trolley

for Film Densitometry

Film Scanners for digitizing radiographic Trolley with three plane storage space
films irradiated for film dosimetry in for TBA electronics, computer and
radiotherapy peripheral devices
Features Features
Computer controlled 48 bit (16 bit) scanners to Accommodates electronic water phantom components
digitize radiographic films for mobile use
Dynamic measuring ranges of up to 4.0 optical density Includes three storage planes
Support TWAIN Interface Includes a multi-way grounding type mains plug

The VIDAR DosimetryPro Advantage (Red) The TBA trolley has three planes to store the electronic
16 bit HD-CCD scanner, measuring range (0 ... 4.0) OD. For the devices including the computer and peripheral devices
use of GAFCHROMIC® EBT and X-ray films (20 ... 35.6) cm such as a printer. Four wheels make it possible to move
width, and (20 ... 43.2) cm length, resolution max. 89 µm. the electronic components to different control rooms of
Universal power supply (85 ... 264) V, (47 ... 63) Hz. radiotherapy treatment units. The electronic components
can be powered by a switchable multi-way mains plug.
The EPSON Expression 11000XL Pro
A3 flatbed color scanner (RGB 48 bit) for the use of Ordering Information
GAFCHROMIC® EBT films. Resolution 2400 dpi, measur- L656004 Trolley
ing range max 3.8 OD, USB 2.0 computer interface,
includes transmission light unit and universal power sup-
ply (110 … 120) V, (220 … 240) V, (50 … 60) Hz.

All above mentioned types of scanners can be operated

by computer control, using USB interface and TWAIN
drivers with the FilmSoft or VeriSoft software packages or
the FilmAnalysis option in MEPHYSTO mc2 for dosimetry

Ordering Information
Detailed information on film digitizers upon request

Radiation Therapy: Quality Control

Quality Control

Quality Control Equipment

RUBY Phantom 45
OCTAVIUS I, 1500 47
OCTAVIUS I, 1500 MR 47
OCTAVIUS II, 1500 49
OCTAVIUS Detector 1500 XDR 49
OCTAVIUS Accessories 50
Universal IMRT Verification Phantom 50
Inhomogeneity Phantom 51
DIAMOND MU Calculation 52
VeriSoft Verification Software 52
QUICKCHECKwebline Constancy Test Device 53
Track-it Software 54
STARCHECK Chamber Array 54
STARCHECK maxi Chamber Array 55
STARCHECK maxi MR Chamber Array 55
BQ-CHECK Test Object 56
MultiCheck LINAC QC Software 57
epidSoft Software 58
IGRT QC Set 58
ISOCHECK Isocenter Test Device 59
IsoCheckepid Software 59
SC Holding Device Universal Gantry Mount 60

Radiation Therapy: Quality Control

Quality Control

Regular quality control procedures are mandatory to se- The following quality control tasks can be fulfilled with
cure patient radiation treatment on high quality levels. the equipment presented in this chapter:
Since quality checks have to be done quite frequently by IMRT verification
the responsible medical physics staff, the PTW test tools OCTAVIUS systems
are designed for time-saving, accurate results with easy VeriSoft IMRT dose verification software
handling and minimum loss of treatment unit operation IMRT verification phantoms
Daily LINAC performance test
The quality test devices enable the responsible medical OCTAVIUS Detectors
physics experts to comply with international standards. STARCHECK 2D Ion chamber array
BQ-CHECK beam quality test object
Geometric beam test
FIELDCHECK congruence of light and radiation
field test device
ISOCHECK isocenter test device
Universal holding device for measuring equipment
SC holding device for LINAC gantry mount
EPID quality control
EPID QC phantom

Radiation Therapy: Quality Control Equipment


Modular phantom for System QA, LINAC QA

LINAC QA and Patient QA - Daily checks of IGRT positioning accuracy, including
remote-controlled couches as recommended in AAPM
TG-179 and TG-142
Features - Tissue-equivalent bone structures for enhanced visibility
in kV and MV images
Modular phantom platform with powerful,
ready-to-use application-specific inserts - High-density radiopaque sphere at isocenter for easy
Winston-Lutz testing
Comprehensive end-to-end testing of the entire
process with one single insert - Automated analysis of EPID images with optional
IsoCheck epid software
Alignment checks of the entire system,
including 6D couches - 6D couch QA with optional RUBY tilting base
CT markers in phantom and all inserts for enhanced Patient QA
visibility - Detector insert for fast, accurate single-point dose
Tissue-equivalent materials that follow ICRU-44/-46 measurements with different detector types
standards - Unique “Plug and Measure” convenience using detector
Integrated, compatible solution – phantom, inserts, holders – no need to replace phantom or exchange inserts
detectors from one single source - Measurement-based single-point dose verification of
RUBY is a new modular phantom platform for radiother- patient plans, including non-coplanar plans
apy QA. With its unique modular phantom design and - Film insert designed for use with high-resolution
variety of application-specific inserts, RUBY combines radiochromic films
versatility with unrivaled flexibility. It allows to perform - Film-based patient plan verification for high-precision
integrated tests of the entire treatment chain with one radiotherapy and SBRT/SRS, e.g. CyberKnife®
basic phantom by adding and expanding QA capabilities
as and when needed. Ordering Information
L981635 RUBY set All-in incl. RUBY phantom, inserts
System QA System QA, LINAC QA, Patient QA-detector and Patient
- Comprehensive end-to-end testing and patient QA of QA-film, tilted base, 4 detector holders and carrying case
stereotactic treatments (SRS, SBRT, SRT) with one single L981636 RUBY set System QA incl. RUBY phantom,
insert inserts System QA and Patient QA-detector,
- Clinically tested MRI visibility in all commonly used 4 detector holders and carrying case
sequences (T1, T2 and FLAIR at 1.5 T) – no additional L981637 RUBY set LINAC QA incl. RUBY phantom,
components required insert LINAC QA, tilted base and carrying case
- ICRU-based tissue-equivalent materials (brain, lung and L981638 RUBY set Patient QA incl. RUBY phantom,
bone) for enhanced CT visibility inserts Patient QA-detector and Patient QA-film,
- CT and MRI cavities for accurate verification of the 4 detector holders and carrying case
CT/MRI image fusion algorithm of the treatment planning
system Options (if not included in a set)
- Patient-specific single-point does measurements with T40072.1.300 RUBY insert System QA
different detector types using the same insert T40072.1.200 RUBY insert LINAC QA
T40072.1.030 RUBY tilted base
T40072.1.120 RUBY insert Patient QA-detector
T40072.1.400 RUBY insert Patient QA-film
detector holders upon request

Radiation Therapy: Quality Control Equipment


4D Patient Plan Verification Supported PTW Detector Arrays:

OCTAVIUS Detector 729
OCTAVIUS Detector 1500
OCTAVIUS Detector 1500 MR
Features OCTAVIUS Detector 1000 SRS
True independent 4D dose verification OCTAVIUS Detector 1600 SRS
Dose measurements inside the entire phantom volume
Unique rotating phantom offering perfect isotropic Ordering Information
measurement geometry L981438 OCTAVIUS 4D system incl. trolley, 1500
Modular phantom with exchangeble tops L981429 OCTAVIUS 4D system incl. trolley, 1000 SRS
Superior ionization chamber technology L981426 OCTAVIUS 4D system incl. trolley, 1600 SRS
Upgrade Packages for use with existing PTW detector
Phantom suitable for different detector arrays
arrays are available
Suitable for FFF LINACs
L981570 OCTAVIUS 4D for Halcyon system incl. trolley, 1500
Failed point analysis in patient contours L981561 OCTAVIUS 4D MR system for Elekta
DVH analysis option L981562 OCTAVIUS 4D MR system for Viewray
OCTAVIUS 4D is a 4D dosimetry system designed to ver-
ify IMRT treatment plans based on true independent
measurements. It rotates with the gantry, measuring S070009.001 DVH 4D module
the dose inside the entire phantom volume, always T40056.1.007 Phantom Insert Plate Semiflex 3D 0.07 cm2
perpendicular to the incident beam. As a consequence, T40056.1.002 Phantom Insert Plate Semiflex 0.125 cm2
OCTAVIUS 4D requires no angular corrections or detec- T40056.1.003 Phantom Insert Plate Farmer
tor calibrations to compensate for the directional T40056.1.006 Phantom Insert Plate PinPoint 3D
response of its detectors which makes it perfectly suited T40063.1.004 Standard Top
for rotational delivery techniques and easy-to-use in T40063.1.002 SRS Top
clinical routine. The modular phantom can be adapted T40063.1.003 LINAC QA Top
for SRS treatment or LINAC QA. E41300B/S/G Service contract Bronze, Silver or Gold

With its powerful acquisition and 3D dose analysis capa-

bilities the software VeriSoft allows to compare the dose
in transverse, coronal and sagittal planes and to analyze
the measurement results superimposed on the patient’s
CT scan. VeriSoft allows to perform a volume analysis
comparing the measured dose against the calculated
dose for the entire phantom volume.

The optional software module DVH 4D calculates dose-

volume histograms (DVHs) for each structure in less than
a few minutes and compares them with the DVHs calcu-
lated by the treatment planning system (TPS). As a truly
independent plan evaluation tool, DVH 4D requires no
dose data from the TPS, but performs its calculations
based entirely on patient CT data and OCTAVIUS 4D
measurements, using a unique algorithm.

Radiation Therapy: Quality Control Equipment


IMRT patient plan verification and IMRT patent plan verification, LINAC QA

Features Features
Provides a matrix of 1405 detectors resulting in an Safe for use in high magnetic fields (≤ 1.5 T)
effective measuring field of 27 cm x 27 cm Provides a matrix of 1405 detectors resulting in an
Diagonal detector spacing of 7.1 mm effectice measuring field of 27 cm x 27 cm
Best available field coverage of 50 % Diagonal detector spacing of 7.1 mm
Avoids detector ageing effects by utilizing Best available field coverage of 50 %
ion chambers Avoids detector ageing effects by utilizing ion
Gold Standard ionization chamber technology chambers
Absolute dose calibration at 60Co
The OCTAVIUS Detector 1500 MR is a new concept of an
One detector – multiple applications
ion chamber matrix in a plane for IMRT verification and
Suitable for FFF LINACs quality control in radiation therapy. Utilizing ion cham-
bers avoids radiation defects, the major drawback of
The OCTAVIUS Detector 1500 is a new concept of an ion solid-state detectors. The vented plane-parallel ion
chamber matrix in a plane for IMRT verification and qual- chambers are 4.4 mm x 4.4 mm x 3 mm in size, and the
ity control in radiation therapy. Utilizing ion chambers center-to-center spacing is 7.1 mm. In total there are
avoids radiation defects, the major drawback of solid located 1405 ion chambers in a chessboard matrix,
state detectors. The vented plane-parallel ion chambers providing a maximum field size of 27 cm x 27 cm. The
are 4.4 mm x 4.4 mm x 3 mm in size, and the center-to square chamber design offers unique 50 % field
center spacing is 7.1 mm. In total there are located 1405 coverage. The OCTAVIUS Detector 1500 MR can be used
ion chambers in a chessboard matrix, providing a maxi- for the dose verification of IMRT beams by using the
mum field size of 27 cm x 27 cm. The square chamber VeriSoft software, and it can be used for routine quality
design offers unique 50 % field coverage. The OCTAVIUS control of high-energy photon and electron beams by
Detector 1500 can be used for IMRT plan verification, using the MultiCheck software. MLC leaf positioning can
LINAC QC (with optional MultiCheck software) and also be checked by the OCTAVIUS Detector 1500 MR.
online LINAC adjustment (with BeamAdjust software). This device can be operated safely in high magnetic
The OCTAVIUS Detector 1500 can be mounted to the fields (≤ 1.5 T). It can therefore be used with integrated
gantry using the Universal Gantry Mount, used together MRI-radiation therapy machines.
with the octogonal OCTAVIUS phantom or with the
OCTAVIUS rotation unit for advanced 3D dosimetry. Ordering Information
L981489 OCTAVIUS Detector 1500 MR incl. electronics
Ordering Information
and data acquisition software BeamAdjust
L981449 OCTAVIUS I, 1500 incl. electronics and
E41320B/S/G Service contract Bronze, Silver or Gold
VeriSoft software
E41320B/S/G Service contract Bronze, Silver or Gold Options
S070009 VeriSoft software
OCTAVIUS Accessories page 50
S070011 MultiCheck software
Service Contracts page 112

Radiation Therapy: Quality Control Equipment


IMRT patient plan verification and IMRT patent plan verification and
LINAC QA for small fields LINAC QA for small fields

Features Features
977 liquid filled ionisation chambers 1 1521 liquid filled ionisation chambers 1

Detector size 2.3 mm x 2.3 mm x 0.5 mm Detector size 2.3 mm x 2.3 mm x 0.5 mm
Detector spacing 2.5 mm (center area) Detector spacing 2.5 mm (center area)
Maximum field size 11 cm x 11 cm Maximum field size 15 cm x 15 cm
Best available field coverage Best available field coverage
Suited for very small fields Suited for very small fields

The OCTAVIUS Detector 1000 SRS is the first liquid-filled The OCTAVIUS Detector 1600 SRS is a liquid-filled 2D
2D ionization chamber array. The very small detector size ionization chamber array. The very small detector size of
of only 2.3 mm x 2.3 mm x 0.5 mm makes this array only 2.3 mm x 2.3 mm x 0.5 mm makes this array ideal
ideal suited for dosimetry of small fields. suited for dosimetry of small fields. Target application is
Target application is patient plan verification in stereo- patient plan verification in stereotactic radio surgery and
tactic radio surgery and quality assurance of small fields. quality assurance of small fields. In the inner area of
In the inner area of 5.5 cm x 5.5 cm the detector 6.5 cm x 6.5 cm the detector distance is 2.5 mm center-
distance is 2.5 mm center-to-center, in the outer area of to-center, in the outer area of 15 cm x 15 cm the detec-
11 cm x 11 cm the detector distance is 5 mm center-to- tor distance is 5 mm center-to-center. On the main axes
center. On the main axes the detector distance is the detector distance is 2.5 mm, on the diagonals
2.5 mm, on the diagonals 3.5 mm. 3.5 mm. The excellent surface coverage of the liquid-
The excellent surface coverage of the liquid-filled ioniza- filled ionization chambers ensures a virtually complete
tion chambers ensures a virtually complete field coverage field coverage which otherwise can be optained by film
which otherwise can be optained by film only. only. The OCTAVIUS Detector 1600 SRS can be used in a
The OCTAVIUS Detector 1000 SRS can be used in a slab slab phantom or the OCTAVIUS Rotation Unit. It is com-
phantom or the OCTAVIUS Rotation Unit. It is compatible patible with the PTW software.
with the PTW software. 1 Due to the specific characteristics of liquid-filled ionization chambers, the
1 Due to the specific characteristics of liquid-filled ionization chambers, the values of up to ten individual detectors outside the inner 6.5 cm x 6.5 cm
area may be deactivated during calibration. Their values are determined by
values of up to ten individual detectors outside the inner 5 cm x 5 cm area
interpolation of surrounding chambers.
may be deactivated during calibration. Their values are determined by
interpolation of surrounding chambers.
Ordering Information
Ordering Information L981627 OCTAVIUS I, 1600 SRS incl. electronics and
L981465 OCTAVIUS I, 1000 SRS incl. electronics and VeriSoft software
VeriSoft software
Options L981324 OCTAVIUS Rotation Unit
L981324 OCTAVIUS Rotation Unit L981023 SC Gantry Holding Device
L981023 SC Gantry Holding Device S070011 MultiCheck Software
S070011 MultiCheck Software S080032 BeamAdjust Software
S080032 BeamAdjust Software E41320B/S/G Service contract Bronze, Silver or Gold
E41320B/S/G Service contract Bronze, Silver or Gold

Radiation Therapy: Quality Control Equipment


Detector 1500 XDR

IMAT Patient Plan Verification and Patient Plan Verification and Quality
LINAC QA Assurance for proton and heavy ion
Features Features
Unique chamber and phantom geometry: Outstanding detector and matrix design:
Superior directional response at different gantry angles 1405 vented cubic ion chambers, uniformly arranged
without gantry angle corrections on a 27 cm x 27 cm matrix
Flexible positioning for measurements in the clinically Pioneering ionization chamber array,
relevant direction and PTV flat and lightweight (6 kg)
Pioneering ionization chamber technology Gold Standard ionization chamber technology
Ready for measurement (60Co calibrated), Absolute dose calibration at 60Co

no commissioning required One detector – multiple applications

Complete field coverage with VeriSoft Merge Suitable for proton and heavy ion beams
Improved angular response during irradiation at
different gantry angles due to built-in semicircular air The OCTAVIUS Detector 1500 XDR is a new concept of an
cavity and advanced cubic detector design ion chamber matrix in a plane for patient plan verifica-
No gantry angle input, angular corrections and cable tion and quality control in radiation therapy. Utilizing ion
connections to LINAC required chambers avoids radiation defects, the major drawback
of solid-state detectors. The vented plane-parallel ion
Including the complete functionality of the OCTAVIUS I, chambers are 4.4 mm x 4.4 mm x 3 mm in size, and the
OCTAVIUS II adds a specially designed phantom along center-to-center spacing is 7.1 mm. In total there are
with dedicated tools to enable fast and precise verification located 1405 ion chambers in a chessboard matrix, pro-
of composite IMRT plans or IMAT plans. viding a maximum field size of 27 cm x 27 cm. The
OCTAVIUS II contains the OCTAVIUS Detector 1500, square chamber design offers unique 50 % field cover-
VeriSoft software and a dedicated OCTAVIUS phantom. age. The OCTAVIUS Detector 1500 XDR can be used for
the dose verification of patient plans and for machine
The OCTAVIUS Phantom was designed by Ann van Esch and
Dominique P. Huyskens from 7Sigma, Belgium. QA. The package includes an interface for fast data
acquisition. The display cycle can be set between 100 ms
Ordering Information and 800 ms.
L981450 OCTAVIUS II, 1500
E41320B/S/G Service contract Bronze, Silver or Gold
Ordering Information
L981464 OCTAVIUS Detector 1500 XDR incl. electronics
OCTAVIUS Accessories page 50 and BeamAdjust software
Service Contracts page 112
S070009 VeriSoft software
S070011 MultiCheck software
E41330B/S/G Service contract Bronze, Silver or Gold

Service Contracts page 112

Radiation Therapy: Quality Control Equipment


Accessories Verification Phantom

Optional accessories for OCTAVIUS Acrylic phantom for IMRT dose veri-
systems (not for OCTAVIUS 4D) fication using radiographic film and
0.125 cm3 ionization chambers
OCTAVIUS mobile QA Trolley (T40053) Features
Robust, functionally designed trolley to conveniently Makes it possible to verify IMRT dose delivery
store and move OCTAVIUS phantom and detector. Checks either IMRT sub beams or total beams
Accommodates radiographic film and up to five
Film Measurement (T40054.1.015)
ionization chambers
Polystyrene holding device for OCTAVIUS octogonal
Marks the film position by perforation
phantom to insert a GafChromic® EBT / EBT 2 film
(max. size 20.32 cm x 25.4 cm, 8“ x 10“) for film
The purpose of IMRT dose verification phantoms is to
verify dose distributions and absolute dose values pro-
duced by IMRT beams, either sub beams or total beams.
Chamber Measurement (T40042.1.010)
The verification is done by irradiating an IMRT verifica-
Insert plates for OCTAVIUS phantom with cavities to tion phantom and by comparing the measured phantom
allow point measurements with up to nine 0.125 cm3 values and the calculated values of the radiotherapy
semiflex ionization chambers. Unneeded cavities can be treatment planning system.
closed with blind plugs. The Universal IMRT Verification Phantom type T400201
enables the user to check the spatial distribution of IMRT
Inhomogeneity Phantom (L981296) beams using a radiographic film. Ion chambers connected
Acrylic phantom to test RTPS system with consideration to integrating dosemeters measure absolute dose values.
of inhomogeneities incl. adapter plate The phantom accommodates a film of 25 cm x 30 cm and
page 51 up to five 0.125 cm3 ion chambers type 31002/31010.
The position of the film is marked by needles with respect
BQ-CHECK (T42030) to the phantom and the chamber orientation. The phan-
Energy verification phantom tom is composed of two 30 cm x 30 cm acrylic blocks, the
page 56 depth of the film is 50 mm, and the depth of the ion
chambers is 60 mm. The simple shape of the phantom
Universal Gantry Mount makes it easy to enter its dimensions into the treatment
Vendor-specific gantry holding device designed to keep planning system.
PTW ionization chamber arrays secure at isocenter at any 1 The design of the phantom was suggested by Jörg Bohsung of the
gantry position University Hospital Charité in Berlin, Germany.
page 60
Ordering Information
T40020.1.010 Universal IMRT verification phantom

Semiflex Ionization Chambers page 16

Radiation Therapy: Quality Control Equipment

Inhomogeneity VERIQA

Inhomogeneity phantom mimicking One-stop solution for integrated

body like inhomogeneities for dose patient QA
Features Features
Inserts are mimicking tissue, bone, lung Fully automated workflows
Dose measurement with ionization chamber, Fast web-based access to QA results
film or OCTAVIUS Detector Independent Monte Carlo dose calculations with
Inserts fit into a slab phantom RT MonteCarlo 3D
Phantom-based 3D dose measurements with
The IMRT Inhomogeneity Phantom is used to verify basic RT OCTAVIUS
data of a radiotherapy treatment planning system (RTPS).
Fully integrated with Track-it
The corrections of the RTPS for inhomogeneities are
verified by the phantom. As an all-in-one multi-tasking platform, VERIQA manages all
The IMRT Inhomogeneity Phantom is composed of a patient QA tasks efficiently in one place, from visualization
base plate and five inserts of four different materials. and evaluation to verification and reporting. With its modu-
Three inserts are mimicking inhomogeneities in the lar, scalable design, VERIQA gives the flexibility to combine,
human body (1 x bone, 1 x tissue, 1 x lung). Two inserts expand or upgrade modules as and when needed. Built on
are made of acrylic glass (PMMA). future-proof client-server architecture, it is simply accessed
The phantom can be placed on the bottom part of the through its web client to browse and organize measure-
Universal IMRT phantom T40020.1.010 for use with film ments, calculations and “To Do” lists or to retrieve QA
or ionization chambers or on the OCTAVIUS Detectors results. VERIQA automates repetitive tasks and manual steps
729/1500 or it can be placed on a 30 cm x 30 cm slab in patient QA. It streamlines all operations from data collec-
phantom. tion and analysis to approval and documentation, generates
The size of the Inhomogeneity Phantom is 30 cm x 30 cm reports upon task completion, sends email alerts and noti-
x 2.5 cm. The inserts can be exchanged according to the fications where actions are required, and exports QA results
users requirements. The IMRT Inhomogeneity Phantom to Track-it for efficient case-related monitoring fully auto-
is not a CT test phantom. The Hounsfield units of the matically. Combined with OCTAVIUS 4D measurement
phantom must be determined by a CT scan. equipment, VERIQA automates manual setup tasks, data
acquisition and analysis.
Ordering Information VERIQA calculates dose using a robust proprietary Monte
T40037 Inhomogeneity Phantom Carlo algorithm that is truly independent of the LINAC and
treatment planning system, thus providing most accurate
results – even in complex situations (e.g., small fields, inho-
mogenous regions). It features advanced comparison tools,
including structure-based gamma volume analysis (GVH).
Ordering Information
S070031 VERIQA software
S070031.010 Option RT Evaluate
S070031.020 Option RT MonteCarlo 3D
L991398 RT MonteCarlo Server
S070031.030 Option RT OCTAVIUS

Radiation Therapy: Quality Control Equipment

DIAMOND® VeriSoft®
MU Calculation Verification Software

MU calculation software IMRT patient plan verification


Features Features
Efficient plan verification without LINAC DVH analysis in patient anatomy based on measured
Compares dose at one or multiple measurement data independent from TPS
points (field-by-field, composite) 3D volume analysis
Provides basic and advanced calculation capabilities 2D/3D Gamma index analysis
(e.g. electron and photon, blocks, MLCs, Profile and dose distribution overlays
dynamic wedges) Dose-difference distributions
Offers enhanced fluence mapping with color wash Results summary with “traffic light” indicator
and contour lines Gamma histograms
Supports multiple treatment techniques (conformal, Patient CT overlay
static and dynamic IMRT, e.g. step and shoot,
sliding window, RapidArc®, VMAT) VeriSoft helps the medical physics expert to verify the
IMRT treatment plan by comparing data measured in an
DIAMOND is a clinically proven1 secondary check software IMRT verification phantom with data computed for the
that allows independent point dose or MU verification of same phantom by a radiotherapy treatment planning
both conformal and IMRT treatment plans. system. Matrices of measured and calculated points of
It computes the dose at one or multiple dose points and an IMRT beam are read and displayed by VeriSoft.
compares the results with calculations by the treatment Isodoses, profiles and numerical values can be compared.
planning system (TPS), making routine IMRT plan verifica- VeriSoft features several display modes.
tion much faster and simpler. As an independent verifica- The unique 3D volume analysis compares the dose meas-
tion tool, it can replace IMRT dose verification measure- ured inside the entire phantom volume and automatically
ments with PTW OCTAVIUS systems in clinical routine calculates all slices of the dose volume. Failed points, meas-
cases. IMRT fluence and dose maps can be calculated and ured isodoses, contours of the CTV, PTV and organs at risk
exported to the TPS or VeriSoft IMRT plan verification soft- can be overlaid onto the patient's CT image to support you
ware for comparison and detailed analysis. in your evaluation of the accuracy of dose delivery.
DIAMOND utilizes a modified Clarkson integration and The optional software module DVH 4D calculates dose-
advanced optimization algorithms to ensure the most volume histograms (DVHs) for each structure in less than
accurate calculations for dynamic IMRT delivery techniques. a few minutes and compares them with the DVHs calcu-
Ordering Information lated by the treatment planning system (TPS). As a truly
independent plan evaluation tool, DVH 4D requires no
S070020 DIAMOND software dose data from the TPS, but performs its calculations
S070020.001 Option VMAT & ROI based entirely on patient CT data and OCTAVIUS 4D
S070020.002 Option M.D. Anderson electron calculation measurements, using a unique algorithm.
S070020.003 Option Brachy
E41350B/S/G Service contract Bronze, Silver or Gold Ordering Information
S070009 VeriSoft Software
S070009.001 Option DVH 4D for VeriSoft
1 Evaluation and Commissioning of K&S Associates Inc. Diamond Monitor Unit
E41340B/S/G Service contract Bronze, Silver or Gold
Calculation Software; R Kukdchadker et al., The University of Texas MD
Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, TX 77030, Poster Presentation, AAPM
Annual Meeting 2006 IMRT Verification Phantoms page 50f.
Service Contracts page 112

Radiation Therapy: Quality Control Equipment

Constancy Test Device

Compact and easy to use portable For the use with flattening filter free LINACs (FFF) optional
compensators are available. By using a QUICKCHECK FFF
check device for daily constancy tests Compensator, all QC measurements can be performed as
usual. The compensator can easily be used just by placing
it on top of the QUICKCHECKwebline device.
Suitable for all LINACs including FFF
Uses sturdy ionization chambers
Connects via USB, RS232 or TCP/IP to a computer or
Remote device control software
Includes automatic beam quality check
Features cordless operation with rechargeable batteries
Comprehensive software package included

Application Highlights
Constancy check of all essential beam parameters in
one go and at any gantry angle
Built-in beam energy check Settings and readings can be done directly at the device.
Field sizes 10 cm x 10 cm and 20 cm x 20 cm Autostart, autostop, autopower-off and autocalendar
Automatic air density correction functions allow hassle-free measurements. A remote
Vendor-specific gantry mounts for rotational testing device control software allows instant result viewing and
optionally available device configuration. While not used for measurements,
the device can be stored in an optional docking station.
The QUICKCHECKwebline is a highly reliable and very easy The comprehensive software package enables the user
to use QC measurement device especially designed to to set up worklists and to read out and analyze measured
make daily routine measurements for LINAC constancy data which can be exported to Track-it.
tests as convenient as possible. 13 vented ionization
chambers are integrated in a housing that also contains Ordering Information
the complete electronics. Air density corrections of the L981975 QUICKCHECKwebline including software and
open ionization chambers are performed automatically. power cables
QUICKCHECKwebline features all the measuring tasks for L981976 QUICKCHECKwebline including docking
daily constancy tests of the relevant LINAC parameters as station, software and power cables
symmetry, flatness, central beam dose, energy, irradia- L981406 QUICKCHECK holding device
tion time or wedge filtering. All these tasks can be per- T42031.1.310 QUICKCHECK FFF Compensator X06
formed with this single portable wireless device. T42031.1.320 QUICKCHECK FFF Compensator X10
S070027 Track-it software
E41400B/S/G Service contract Bronze, Silver or Gold

Service Contracts page 112

Radiation Therapy: Quality Control Equipment

2D Chamber Array

Comprehensive software for QA Chamber matrix system to measure high

data tracking resolution star profiles of high-energy
therapy beams in real-time
Features Features
Track and manage all of your QA data efficiently on one Measures high resolution profiles along the principal axes
single platform and share it within your organization. and along the diagonals with 3 mm spatial resolution
Export analyzed QA data from your PTW QA software Checks the start-up behaviour
to Track-it with the click of a single button Checks positions of MLC leaves
Easily access your data from any network device Checks congruence between light field and radiation
simply by using a standard web browser field and beam quality with dedicated phantoms
Add custom data manually or import external QA
data via open XML interface STARCHECK is a precise and reliable tool for fast measure-
Personalize your data view by adding and/or removing ments in radiation therapy beams. Typical applications are
parameters or data types to see only the data that quality control and LINAC beam adjustment measurements
interests you, conveniently on one screen with the detector panel embedded in a solid state phan-
tom. The ionization chambers feature an excellent relative
Immediately spot deviations of selected data types,
response stability, avoiding the need of frequent recalibra-
e.g., CAX or symmetry
tion. A full set of four profiles is measured every 200 ms,
Show trends of selected data types to recognize outliers making the device useful for real-time measurements. The
and deviations from previously defined limits more easily excellent spatial resolution of only 3 mm ensures precise
Track the current status of your QA tasks (completed measurements even in penumbra regions. The scanning
or open, pass or fail) from anywhere in your network lengths covered by the detectors are 25.2 cm along the
Use predefined or custom protocol templates, e.g., principal axes and 34.5 cm along the diagonals.
for AAPM TG-142 or DIN, to quickly collect the QA The optional FIELDCHECK phantom allows to measure
data you need light field and radiation field. The optional BQ-CHECK
Document results and print them for sign-off using phantom is used for contancy check of the beam quali-
custom reports ty. Both phantoms are supported by the MultiCheck soft-
Edit and/or create your own protocol templates to ware. The delivery includes the detector panel, an inter-
perfectly meet your facility’s requirements face box which connects to a PC via RS232 or network,
real time analysis software (BeamAdjust), and a quality
Track-it allows managing and following up all kind of QA control software (MultiCheck).
data. Measurement data from different devices can be dis-
Ordering Information
played as a function of time. For maximum flexibility addi-
tional numerical data may be entered. Individual limits allow L981389 STARCHECK system with 527 ionization
easy tracking of your QA data. Reports allow to keep track chambers, incl. interface software
of all protocol tasks such as all TG-142 tasks. Option
Track-it is network based. Data can be accessed from any
E41330B/S/G Service contract Bronze, Silver or Gold
computer or mobile device inside the network.
Gantry Mount Holder page 60
Ordering Information
FIELDCHECK phantom page 56
S070027 Track-it software BQ-CHECK Energy test phantom page 56
E41500B/S/G Service contract Bronze, Silver or Gold Service Contracts page 112
Service Contracts page 112

Radiation Therapy: Quality Control Equipment


Full Size Chamber Array Full Size Chamber Array

Chamber matrix system to measure Chamber matrix system to measure

high resolution star profiles for fields high resolution star profiles for MR
up to 40 cm x 40 cm fields up to 40 cm x 40 cm
Features Features
Measures fields up to a size of 40 cm x 40 cm Safe for use in high magnetic fields (≤ 1.5 T)
Measures high-resolution (3 mm) profiles along the Measures fields up to a size of 40 cm x 40 cm
principal axes and along the diagonals Measures high-resolution (3 mm) profiles along the
Checks the start-up behaviour principal axes and along the diagonals
Checks congruence between light field and radiation Checks the start-up behaviour
field and beam quality with dedicated phantoms
The STARCHECK maxi MR is a precise and reliable tool for
STARCHECK maxi is a precise and reliable tool for fast fast measurements in radiation therapy beams. Typical
measurements in radiation therapy beams. Typical appli- applications are quality control and LINAC beam adjust-
cations are quality control and LINAC beam adjustment ment measurements with the detector panel embedded
measurements with the detector panel embedded in a in a solid state phantom. The ionization chambers
solid state phantom. The ionization chambers feature an feature an excellent relative response stability, avoiding
excellent relative response stability, avoiding the need of the need of frequent recalibration. A full set of 4 profiles
frequent recalibration. A full set of 4 profiles is measured is measured every 400 ms (or one profile every 100 ms),
every 200 ms (or one profile every 100 ms), making the making the device useful for real-time measurements.
device useful for realtime measurements. The excellent spatial resolution of only 3 mm ensures
The excellent spatial resolution of only 3 mm ensures precise measurements even in penumbra regions. The
precise measurements even in penumbra regions. The scanning lengths covered by the detectors are 40 cm
scanning lengths covered by the detectors are 40 cm along the principal axes and 56.5 cm along the diago-
along the principal axes and 56.5 cm along the diagonals. nals. BeamAdjust software displays up to four profiles in
BeamAdjust software displays up to four profiles in realtime. real-time. The profiles can be analyzed according to
The profiles can be analyzed according to selectable selectable dosimetry protocols and the protocols of the
dosimetry protocols and the protocols of the accelerator accelerator manufacturers. The software displays the
manufacturers. The software displays the start-up start-up behaviour with a time resolution of 100 ms. The
behaviour with a time resolution of 100 ms. delivery includes the detector panel, an interface box
With an additional accessory plate BQ-CHECK phantom and which connects to a PC via TCP/IP and data acquisition
FIELDCHECK phantom can be used with STARCHECK maxi. software.
The STARCHECK maxi can be manually rotated using the
optional rotation unit.
Ordering Information
L981488 STARCHECK maxi MR incl. electronics and data
Ordering Information acquisition software BeamAdjust
L981377 STARCHECK maxi measuring system T10033.3.052 Build-up plate (25 mm)
T40059 Rotation unit for STARCHECK maxi E41330B/S/G Service contract Bronze, Silver or Gold
T10033.1.050 Build up plates for STARCHECK maxi
T10033.1.550 Carrying case for build up plates
T10033.1.150 STARCHECK maxi accessory plate for
E41330B/S/G Service contract Bronze, Silver or Gold

Radiation Therapy: Quality Control Equipment

Test Object

Test object for constancy checks of Checks congruence of light field and
photon and electron beam qualities using radiation field of linear accelerators
Features Features
Checks the beam quality of photon and electron Checks congruence of light field and radiation field in
beams in combination with STARCHECK or combination with STARCHECK and STARCHECK maxi
OCTAVIUS Detector 2D ionization chamber array
No interference with profiles on the main axes Field size 10 cm x 10 cm and 20 cm x 20 cm
Comprehensive data analysis by MultiCheck software Single shot measurement
Highest precision, no film required
BQ-CHECK is a phantom with 300 mm x 300 mm x 47 mm
Measurement analysis and documentation by
in size. It can be placed on the PTW 2D ion chamber arrays
MultiCheck software
OCTAVIUS Detector 729/1500 and STARCHECK to check
the constancy of the beam quality of high energy photon
Combined with the STARCHECK 2D ionization chamber
and electron beams.
array, the FIELDCHECK device is used to check the con-
Wedges of different materials are placed over the diago-
gruence of light field and radiation field. Performance
nals of the arrays. The MultiCheck software checks the
and analysis of the measurements are done by means of
constancy of the beam quality and displays a figure for
the MultiCheck software (version 3.3 or higher).
each beam quality. Limits of acceptance can be adjusted.
To detect the exact position of the light field, four mov-
The beam quality can be tracked with a statistic function.
able sliders are adjusted to the margins of the light field.
Because the main axes are not affected by the use of
The sliders move markers on the measuring diagonals of
BQ-CHECK the beam quality can be checked without
the STARCHECK detector.
additional workload.
With “beam on” the markers are displayed on the diag-
The beam quality analysis is part of the MultiCheck soft-
onals while the limits of the field size are measured on
ware. For the use of BQ-CHECK, MultiCheck software is
the main axes of the STARCHECK detector.
With an additional accessory plate the FIELDCHECK
Ordering Information
phantom can be used together with STARCHECK maxi.
T42030 BQ-CHECK Test object

OCTAVIUS Detectors 1500 page 47 The evaluation software MultiCheck shows size and
STARCHECK page 54 position of both, light field and radiation field and
STARCHECK maxi measuring system page 55 displays the values and trends. Adjustable limits help to
STARCHECK maxi accessory plate page 55 keep track of all parameters.
MultiCheck page 57
Ordering Information
T40052 FIELDCHECK phantom

STARCHECK measuring system page 54

STARCHECK maxi measuring system page 55
STARCHECK maxi accessory plate page 55
MultiCheck page 57

Radiation Therapy: Quality Control Equipment

MultiCheck EPID QC

Software program to check the consis- Test object for quality control of
tent performance of linear accelerators Electronic Portal Imaging Devices used
by using PTW 2D ion chamber arrays in high-energy photon beams
Features Features
Suitable for fast and easy daily constancy tests of photon Suitable for conventional EPIDs and flat Panel Imagers
and electron beams from LINACs using PTW 2D arrays Checks linearity, isotropy, noise, low and high contrast
Checks flatness, symmetry, dose deviation in the central resolution with test elements in focal spot geometry
axes, wedge angle of dynamic, virtual and fixed wedges High contrast resolution in horizontal, vertical and
as well as the congruency of light and radiation fields diagonal direction
Checks beam quality with BQ-CHECK phantom
Measurement of all parameters with a single beam
Compares all parameters to a reference data record in one image
and displays deviations
Enables tracking parameters via a statistic function Electronic Portal Imaging Devices (EPID) are used in radi-
Creates a comprehensive data analysis according to ation therapy to verify the patient’s position in the radia-
selectable dosimetry protocols and the protocols of tion beam during treatment. EPIDs are intended to
the accelerator manufacturers detect physiological structures of the patient and to refer
Provides snapshoot mode for fast checking of the beam to them to the photon beam’s coordinate system.
Regular quality checks of the EPIDs are therefore crucial
Analysis results can be exported to Track-it
to ensure constant image quality and thus a high safety
MultiCheck is a Windows based software for fast and level for the patient.
easy-to-handle routine constancy tests of high-energy The EPID QC PHANTOM1 is easy to use. Baseline images
photon and electron beams from linear accelerators. and subsequent test images are taken by irradiating the
Reference files for different accelerators and different phantom with a suitable dose, depending on the type of
beam parameters can be defined. MultiCheck is based EPID. The phantom includes test elements for all relevant
on two-dimensional dose measurements by the 2D ion parameters for a complete quality control procedure
chamber arrays. By evaluating the dose matrices, the measured in a single beam. It checks linearity, isotropy,
relevant LINAC quality parameters are compared to noise, low and high contrast resolution in a focal spot
original reference values, which are stored together with geometry. The phantom includes a wide range of high-
tolerance thresholds. Measuring results, parameter contrast test patterns to perform tests even of the most
variations and tolerance excesses are presented in either advanced EPIDs available.
numeric or graphic format. The progress of test results Due to horizontal and vertical resolution in one beam,
combined with statistical evaluations is shown. Profiles the focal spot size can be controlled with flat panel
can be analyzed after different protocols. imagers. An optimized 'Las Vegas' like phantom is
The software offers air density correction of the ion included for low contrast analysis which enables service
chamber measuring values. The data can be exported to personnel to adjust EPID brightness and contrast using
Excel sheets for further evaluation. well-established procedures.
1 The EPID QC PHANTOM was designed by Schmidt, Decker, Winkes,
Ordering Information
Rittler, Kretner and Herbig, Westpfalzklinikum Kaiserslautern, Germany
S070011 MultiCheck software
Ordering Information
OCTAVIUS Detectors page 47ff.
BQ-CHECK page 56

Radiation Therapy: Quality Control Equipment

epidSoft Software IGRT QC Set

QC Software to evaluate EPID images Test objects for image quality control
acquired by EPID QC PHANTOM of MV and kV imagers at IGRT
radiation treatment devices
Features Features
Automatic evaluation of all parameters Optimized phantoms for MV and kV beam imagers
A traffic light indicates a fast 'Go' Measurement of all parameters with a single beam
User defined set of limits for each imager in one image
Statistic functions for all relevant parameters
In Image Guided Radio Therapy (IGRT), most radiation
Supports file formats of all established EPIDs treatment devices are using a kV beam to detect and cor-
rect the patient’s position in the MV beam. For both beam
The epidSoft software package reads images which are
types typically a flat panel imager is used for the image
acquired by the EPID QC PHANTOM. An automatic posi-
read out. To ensure a high imager quality the IGRT set
tion calibration and evaluation makes it very easy to use.
contains optimized test phantoms for kV and MV imagers
A traffic light indicates the result of the evaluation accord-
for consistency checks.
ing to the limits which can be defined by the user for each
The EPID QC PHANTOM checks linearity, isotropy, noise,
imager separately. All parameters are on a single screen
low and high contrast resolution. All test elements are
and can be enlarged for detailed analysis. A statistic func-
focused to 100 cm focus distance, for use in 4-25 MV
tion allows to follow up the QC history over the whole
photon beams. A dedicated software epidSoft allows an
lifetime of the imager. A long term degradation of the
automatic evaluation of image files acquired with the
imager can be easily detected.
EPID QC PHANTOM. A statistic function allows following
All evaluations will be stored together with the images.
up the QC history over the whole lifetime of the imager.
Printout of all parameter values and ASCII export function
The NORMI RAD/FLU test object is designed for constan-
are available as well as an acceptance test sheet.
cy tests of X-ray installations for fluoroscopy in diagnos-
Ordering Information tic radiology. The test object includes a structure plate
S070010 epidSoft Software with a copper step wedge for testing the dynamic range,
E41520B/S/G Service contract Bronze, Silver or Gold a resolution test pattern, low contrast and detail test ele-
ments. The NORMI RAD/FLU structure plate allows to
EPID QC PHANTOM page 57 check all parameters in one shot. For patient simulation,
Service Contracts page 112 a 1 mm copper plate and a 30 mm PMMA is included in
the set.

Ordering Information
L981097 IGRT QC set
L981425 IGRT QC set with dose measurement

epidSoft page 58

Radiation Therapy: Quality Control Equipment

ISOCHECK IsoCheckepid
Isocenter Test Device Isocenter QA Software

Film phantom for checks of the LINAC Software for determining the radio-
isocenter geometry logical rotational isocenters of a
LINAC by analysing EPID images
Features Features
Checks the size and position of the isocenter sphere Determines the radiological rotational isocenters of a
Checks the conformity of the mechanical and the LINAC by analysing EPID images
radiation isocenter Shows several levels of information:
Line marks and crosshairs for LASER adjustment on Combined and per image analysis
the table-top Trends over time

The ISOCHECK test object consists of two cylindrical The software IsoCheck epid helps the medical physics
POM plates, each of 20 cm in diameter and 5 cm in expert to ensure the correct positioning of the LINAC
thickness with a segment cut away to form a base. Both radiological rotational isocenters. This is done by com-
plates have circumferential line marks and front side paring the position of a high density ball (ISOBALL
crosshairs to perform easy adjustment by means of the T42037) aligned to the treatment room lasers to the
LASER beams. The LASERs should be adjusted to the center of a radiation field irradiating this ball. The results
mechanical rotation axis of the accelerator gantry. An can be displayed visually or numerically. Trends over time
X-ray film, packed in an opaque envelope, is put can be displayed in a separate QA statistics tab.
between the plates and fixed by means of plastic screws.
The mechanical isocenter is marked by a needle on the Ordering Information
test film through the hole in the center of the test object.
S070023 IsoCheck epid Software
Then the test object and the film are irradiated by pencil
beams under various angles of incidence. The developed Option
film shows the pencil beams, indicating the location and
size of the radiation isocenter, as well as the position of T42037 ISOBALL isocenter marker
the mechanical isocenter, identified by the needle mark.
The optional IsoCheck software package allows auto-
matic starshot analysis. It checks size and position of the
isocenter sphere and its distance to the laser cross. The
result can be exported in an ASCII xml file and printed.
IsoCheck software supports direct control of various
scanner types as well as scanners with TWAIN interface.
For film irradiation the ISOCHECK isocenter test device
can be used. All common file formats including DICOM
can be read. IsoCheck software is also a part of the
FilmAnalysis option of MEPHYSTO mc².

Ordering Information
T42004 ISOCHECK Test object and needle

S070019 IsoCheck software
E41520B/S/G Service contract Bronze, Silver or Gold

Radiation Therapy: Quality Control Equipment

SC Holding Device
Universal Gantry Mount

Universal sturdy holding device for

gantry mounts of any measuring
equipment to different LINAC types
Mounts to different LINAC types without interfering
with accessory tray guide rails and with electron cones
Accommodates any detector and phantom assembly
for measurements in the isocenter
Universal tool for any therapy dosimetry task at
arbitrary gantry angles

The SC holding device is a very stable mechanism, which

is available for different types of LINAC gantries. It does
not interfere with the guide rails of the accessory tray
and with an attached electron cone. These features
make the SC holding device a real universal tool for ther-
apy dosimetry using any dosimetry assembly at any
gantry angle. A solid mounting frame at the holding
device makes it possible to position any phantom-detec-
tor combination in the isocenter. As an example, single
radiation detectors can be placed in an acrylic or RW3
phantom, or a 2D chamber matrix can be attached for
on-line measurements in a plane.

Ordering Information
T41021.1.070 SC holding device for Elekta
T41021.1.030 SC holding device for Varian
T41021.1.110 Chamber plate holder
T41021.1.150 Chamber/cable clamping device
T41021.1.170 Holder for OCTAVIUS Detectors
T41021.1.210 Holder for OCTAVIUS Detectors
and STARCHECK incl. 10 cm PMMA build-up

Radiation Detectors page 15ff.

RW3 Slab Phantom page 23

Diagnostic Imaging: Products


Diagnostic Radiology: 60 Years DIAMENTOR

The Story of the Dose Area Product Meter

In 1957 Herbert Pychlau had In June 1997 the Council of Ministers approved the
the idea of a new diagnostic European Directive 97/43/EURATOM with the aim to opti-
measuring device determining mize diagnostic efficiency at the lowest reasonable dose to
the patient load during med- the patient. This Medical Exposure Directive (MED) had to be
ical X-ray examinations. This implemented into national law by all members of the
measuring device was meant European Union.
to show young radiologists
working in a teaching hospi- Germany accommodated the
tals the patient dose conse- MED by introducing the
quences of radiological proce- second edition of the German
dures also considering mini- “Röntgenverordnung” in 2002.
mizing techniques like collimation or filtration adjustment. Indication of the patient load
Herbert Pychlau invented a new measuring quantity based on became an official legal re-
the inverse square law, which he named the “Dose Area quirement for special diagnostic
Product (DAP)”. The DAP is the product of the multiplication X-ray examinations. Moreover
of the entrance dose and the area of the irradiated field. reference values for X-ray examinations based on the unit
Doubling the distance increases the radiation area by factor DAP are a standard in X-ray departments since 2003.
four, while the dose decreases simultaneously by factor four.
Today the DIAMENTOR is
Both effects cancel out each other and therefore the new unit
going stronger than ever
[Rcm2] was ideal for educational measurements as it is inde-
before. It is a must in X-ray
pendent of the focus patient distance.
diagnostics worldwide, not
Two years later in 1959 PTW only helping to reduce
released the first DAP meter patient exposure, but also
worldwide called DIAMENTOR. being an independent qua-
The measuring principle: An lity control tool, informing
ionization chamber installed the operator about any
to the X-ray collimator deter- deviation of the X-ray unit
mines the patient radiation constancy. Since five decades the measuring principle is
load during X-ray examina- still the same while the PTW DIAMENTOR product portfolio
tions while the DIAMENTOR electronics measure and display of course changed: PTW provides integrated, built-in, multi
the DAP value. channel, wireless and combined dose and DAP DIAMENTOR
solutions. Over the years PTW as pioneer of the DAP meter
The following years Herbert Pychlau and his son Peter struggled has delivered many thousands of reliable instruments to sat-
with a host of problems introducing the DIAMENTOR into isfied customers worldwide.
routine clinical work. Starting with technical issues (non-trans-
parency of the first original
chamber) and continuing
through user handling difficul-
ties (chamber maintenance
and problems in understand-
ing the meaning of the new
measuring quantity) up to dif-
ficulties with public authority

In 1964 the study “Messung der Patientendosis in der Röntgen-

diagnostik” was published by E. Bunde and Peter Pychlau,
showing the correlation between the DAP and the patient load.
This work found such a great national and international recog-
nition that a working group
was founded with the aim to
define a national German
standard establishing legal
rules how to use DAP meters
in X-ray diagnostic depart-

In 1987 the first German “X-Ray Directive” called “Röntgen-

verordnung” was published, having the ultimate objective
to keep radiation levels in general and especially during
high dose and high risk X-ray examinations such as fluo-
roscopy as low as possible. This was the breakthrough for
the use of the DIAMENTOR.

Diagnostic Imaging: Absolute Dosimetry

Absolute Dosimetry

Absolute Dosimetry Equipment

NOMEX Dosemeter 65

NOMEX Multimeter 65

NOMEX mAs Meter 66

SL Survey Detector 66

DIADOS E Diagnostic Dosemeter 67

UNIDOS E Universal Dosemeter 67

R/F/D and MAM Detectors 68

SFD Chambers for Diagnostic X-Rays 68

CTDI Equipment for CT Dosimetry 69

HVL Measuring Stand 69

Al and Cu Filter Sets 70

Diagnostic Imaging: Absolute Dosimetry

Absolute Dosimetry

The dose output of X-ray tubes is one of the most The dosimetric test equipment from PTW is widely used
important parameters for image quality and patient by X-ray technicians working in companies manufactu-
exposure to radiation in diagnostic radiology. The dose ring X-ray equipment and by public agencies monito-
output has to be checked very carefully during accep- ring technical standards, as well as by medical physicists
tance tests after installation and regularly during routine and technicians in hospitals. The instruments are self-
quality control. PTW manufactures a variety of high pre- explanatory and consequently easy to use. Many satis-
cision dosemeters for this purpose, including the fied customers worldwide could not imagine working
NOMEX system, connecting ionization chambers and without their reliable dosemeters from PTW.
the multipurpose diagnostic dosemeters UNIDOS E and
DIADOS E, connecting semiconductor probes and spe-
cial CT chambers. The detectors are calibrated exactly
for their range of use. Depending on the application,
our secondary standard dosimetry laboratories perform
calibrations in a wide energy range from low energy
X-rays up to 60Co and in a wide dose rate range.
Calibration factors are given for measurements in the
unfiltered beam or behind an absorber. A variety of
patient equivalent absorbers for different purposes
complete the range of dosimetry accessories.

Diagnostic Imaging: Absolute Dosimetry Equipment

NOMEX® Dosemeter NOMEX® Multimeter

Dosimetry System Dosimetry System

Dosemeter for absolute dosimetry in Multimeter for absolute dosimetry in

diagnostic radiology diagnostic radiology

Features Features
CE marked class IIb certified; fully compliant with Combined electronics and detector matrix
IEC 61674 Connection via USB directly to a PC
For QA of R/F/D/-PAN/CT/MAM X-ray units Automatic range for dose and kV measurement
For connection of the NOMEX Multimeter, Software running in different languages
a semi-conductor probe or an ion chamber
Logs the dose rate and the kV waveform The NOMEX Multimeter is a miniaturized non-invasive
measuring system for absolute dosimetry and quality
Stores the last 100 measurements
control in X-ray diagnostic radiology. It can be used for
Data export to Excel via USB or Bluetooth radiography, fluoroscopy, dental, CT and mammography
(Mo/Mo, Mo/Rh, W/Al, W/Rh, W/Ag, Rh/Rh) application.
The NOMEX Dosemeter can be used for acceptance test-
NOMEX measures the dose, dose rate, irradiation time,
ing, service procedures as well as for routine quality con-
dose per pulse, pulses, kVp, the total filtration and the
trol X-ray measurements. Depending on the detector
half value layer (HVL) in one single shot. Additionally, the
connected, NOMEX can be used for all applications in
kV and dose rate waveform is stored.
diagnostic radiology. Semi-conductor detectors, flat
shadow-free ion chambers (no interferences with the The smart NOMEX Multimeter can be directly connected
AEC) as well as CT ion chambers can be connected. via USB to a PC running the NOMEX software. No addi-
Combined with the NOMEX Multimeter all relevant tional accessories like a power supply or display are
parameters are captured simultaneously in a single required for putting the NOMEX into operation.
exposure. The intuitive NOMEX software together with Measurements are automatically started upon detection
the accustomed, worldwide well-known PTW long-term of radiation. The dose and kV ranges are set fully auto-
stability and reliability guarantees a first-class dosimetry matically almost in real-time, so that multiple exposures are
solution. avoided. The NOMEX software allows most convenient
and clear data handling. Statistics functions are provided as
Ordering Information
well as data export to Excel or as XML or CSV file.
L981816 NOMEX Dosemeter
L981532 NOMEX Dosemeter with mAs option Ordering Information
L981814 NOMEX set L981815 NOMEX Multimeter
L981531 NOMEX set with mAs option L981533 NOMEX Multimeter with mAs option
L981814 NOMEX set
L981531 NOMEX set with mAs option
TL60004 R/F/D detector
E21232 DENT detector calibration, 50 – 90 kv Options
TL60005 MAM detector L991422 Mobile PC
TL34060 SFD diagnostic chamber, 75 cm³ T20016 NOMEX Multimeter holder
TL34069 SFD MAM chamber, 6 cm³ T20017 NOMEX cassette adapter
TL30009 CT ion chamber 3.14 cm³, 100 mm long L178088 Active USB extension cable, 5 m
TL30017 CT ion chamber 9.3 cm³, 300 mm long L522058 NOMEX Multimeter box
T26076-6 Extension cable 'L6l' L981529 Current clamp for NOMEX mAs meter
E41100B/S/G Service contract Bronze, Silver or Gold E41700B/S/G Service contract Bronze, Silver or Gold

Diagnostic Imaging: Absolute Dosimetry Equipment

NOMEX® mAs SL Survey Detector

Invasive mAs meter

Invasive mAs meter for measuring the Radiation detector for scatter and
current time product on diagnostic leakage measurements
X-ray generators
Features Features
Allows non-invasive measurements by means Measures dose, dose rate, irradiation time and
of connecting an mAs clamp optionally dose rate waveform
Measures current, current time product, mAs per Selectable units: air kerma [Gy], exposure [R] and
pulse, measuring time, pulses, frequency and ambient equivalent dose H*10 [Sv]
current waveform Selectable time base: [1/s], [1/min], [1/h]
Provides auto ranging and auto start/stop
For single or simultaneous usage in combination The SL Survey Detector is a radiation detector for scatter
with the NOMEX system and leakage measurements for usage in combination
with the NOMEX Dosemeter (T11050). It bases on semi-
The NOMEX mAs is an invasive meter for measuring the conductor technology and can be used within the X-ray
current time product (mAs) on diagnostic X-ray genera- energy range (33 keV ... 1.33 MeV).
tors. For invasive measurements the NOMEX mAs con-
nects to the generator of the X-ray unit via banana Scatter radiation measurements as well as air kerma
plugs. Optionally, non-invasive mA and mAs measure- measurements due to leakage radiation, typically meas-
ments can be performed by means of connecting a cur- ured at 1 m distance from the focal spot of the X-ray
rent clamp directly to the NOMEX mAs. tube, can be performed with the SL Survey Detector effi-
ciently. When measuring the ambient equivalent dose
The NOMEX mAs can be used as a stand-alone device or rate, a tone, proportional to the dose rate, is audible.
in combination with the NOMEX Dosemeter together
with an external dose detector and/or simultaneously The detector comes calibrated for the radiation qualities
with the NOMEX Multimeter. In single operation, the N40 ... N120. After a measurement the data can be
NOMEX mAs connects via USB to a PC running the stored, analyzed or exported to e.g. Track-it via the
NOMEX Software. The NOMEX mAs sets up fully auto- NOMEX software.
matically. When being used in combination with the
NOMEX Multimeter, mA, mAs and mA waveform will be Ordering Information
measured at the same time with the dose, dose rate dose T60021 SL Survey Detector
per pulse, pulses, frequency, time kVp, HVL, total filtra-
tion and the waveforms for both, dose rate and kV. The NOMEX Dosemeter page 65
measurements will be stored within the NOMEX
Software and can be exported for further data analysis
e.g. to Excel.

Ordering Information
L981530 NOMEX mAs
L981529 Current clamp for NOMEX mAs

Diagnostic Imaging: Absolute Dosimetry Equipment

Diagnostic Dosemeter Universal Dosemeter

Diagnostic routine dosemeter for QC of Easy to use reference class or field class
radiographic, fluoroscopic, mammogra- dosemeter / electrometer for routine
phic, dental and CT X-ray installations dosimetry
Features Features
For use in combination with a DIADOS detector or a An economical high quality dosemeter for universal
CT ion chamber use in radiation therapy and diagnostic radiology
Valuable small size dosemeter for acceptance tests Complies with the following standards:
and service of X-ray equipment - IEC 60731 as a field class dosemeter
Measures dose, dose rate, dose per pulse, pulses, - IEC 60731 as a reference class dosemeter (option)
dose length product and irradiation time - IPEM guidelines on dosimetry transfer instruments
as a secondary standard dosemeter (option)
Complies with IEC 61674
- IEC 61674 as a diagnostic dosemeter
The DIADOS E is a small size dosemeter for acceptance High accuracy, excellent resolution (1 fA) and wide
tests and routine quality control of any type of diagnostic dynamic measuring ranges
X-ray installation, which measures dose values and irradi- HV power supply (0 … ± 400) V in increments of ± 50 V
ation time. It utilizes semiconductor detectors except for Measures integrated dose (or charge) and dose rate
CT measurement, which is based on a pencil ion chamber (or current) simultaneously
connected to a separate high voltage supply. The calibra-
RS232 interface for device control and data output
tion factors of the detectors are selectable for different
X-ray filtration. The auto-start feature starts as soon as The lightweight and compact UNIDOS E is an easy to use
the instrument detects radiation. The measuring ranges in dosemeter, mainly used for daily routine dosimetry in radi-
general feature wide dynamics. The DIADOS E can be ation therapy. Ion chambers and solid-state detectors can
operated by the mains power supply or by rechargeable be connected. A chamber library makes it possible to store
batteries. calibration data. Air density corrections are done by keying
in air pressure and temperature. UNIDOS E displays the
Ordering Information measured values of dose and dose rate in Gy, R, Gy/min,
L981239 DIADOS E dosemeter R/min or Gy·m. The electrical values charge and current are
measured in C and A. The device includes automatic leak-
Options age compensation and an RS232 interface. The high voltage
between the ion chamber electrodes is checked automati-
T60004 DIADOS diagnostic detector
cally. UNIDOS E features both mains and battery operation.
E21232 DENT detector calibration, 50 – 90 kv
T60005 DIADOS MAM detector Ordering Information
TM30009 CT ion chamber 3.14 cm3, 100 mm long T10010 UNIDOS E, connecting system BNT, 115/230 V
TM30017 CT ion chamber 9.3 cm3, 300 mm long T10009 UNIDOS E, connecting system TNC, 115/230 V
T16018 DIADOS CT adapter T10008 UNIDOS E, connecting system M, 115/230 V
T26002.1.001-6 Extension cable 'W6w'
CT Dosimetry page 69 E10101 UNIDOS E Reference class certificate
T11003.1.020 UNIDOS E Carrying case
E41100B/S/G Service contract Bronze, Silver or Gold
Radiation Detectors page 15ff.
Service Contracts page 112

Diagnostic Imaging: Absolute Dosimetry Equipment

R/F/D and MAM SFD Chambers for

Detectors Diagnostic X-Rays

Semiconductor detectors for diagnostic Shadow free ionization chambers

X-rays 6 cm3 and 75 cm3 for absolute dosimetry

Features Features
Fully comply with IEC 61674 Plane-parallel chambers for the measurement and
Small size and lightweight precision probes monitoring of radiation output in diagnostic radiology
For acceptance testing, service and QC in Shadow free design causes no interference with
X-ray diagnostics automatic exposure control (AEC)
For measurements in front of and behind a phantom
The R/F/D and MAM detectors are sturdy semiconductor
detectors designed to withstand tough handling. Air The high precision SFD chamber suitable for mammogra-
density corrections (measurement of air pressure and phy has a sensitive volume of 6 cm3. The energy response
temperature) are unnecessary. The detectors do not need for mammography radiation qualities (25 … 35) kV is
a high voltage supply. Fully compliant to IEC 61674 they better than ≤ ± 2 %.
are suitable for measurements during acceptance tests, The high precision SFD chamber for conventional radio-
service and quality control procedures. logy has a sensitive volume of 75 cm3. The energy
Two detector types are available, covering either the radi- response within the conventional range is better than
ography/fluoroscopy and dental range (40 … 150) kV or ≤ ± 2 %. Both flat SFD chambers are used for dose and
the mammography range (25 … 45) kV. dose rate measurements in front and behind of a patient-
equivalent phantom. Because of their shadow free con-
The following quantities can be measured in conjunction
struction and low attenuation both chambers give near to
with e.g. the NOMEX Dosemeter:
no interference with the phototimer, reduce effects with
air kerma and dose in the conventional range the AEC and cause almost no influence like shadows on
air kerma and dose in the dental range the image. Furthermore HVL measurements can be
air kerma and dose in mammography performed conveniently using special chamber holders in
combination with the HVL measuring stand. Both
dose per pulse and number of pulses in fluoroscopy
chambers comply fully with IEC 61674.
and irradiation time

Ordering Information Ordering Information

SFD chambers, connecting system BNT, TNC, M or L:
Connecting system TNC or L:
34069 SFD MAM chamber 6 cm3
60004 R/F/D detector
34060 SFD diagnostic chamber 75 cm3
60005 MAM detector

Options Options
T26077-0,3 Adapter cable 'L0,3w' T34069.1.050 Chamber holder for 34069
T26078-0,3 Adapter cable 'L0,3n' T34060.1.050 Chamber holder for 34060
T26079-0,3 Adapter cable 'L0,3m' E41150B/S/G Service contract Bronze, Silver or Gold
L981816 NOMEX Dosemeter
T20002 Cassette adapter, (18 x 24) cm NOMEX Dosemeter page 65
E41150B/S/G Service contract Bronze, Silver or Gold Service Contracts page 112

NOMEX Dosemeter page 65

Service Contracts page 112

Diagnostic Imaging: Absolute Dosimetry Equipment

CTDI Equipment for HVL Measuring

CT Dosimetry Stand

Accessories for determination Measuring stand for an ideal perform-

of CTDI in computed tomography ance of half value layer (HVL) measure-
Features Features
For measurements acc. IEC 61223-3-5 Accommodates an Al or a Cu filter
CT ion chamber, sensitive length 10 cm or 30 cm Accommodates a radiation detector
Body phantom, 32 cm Ø, and head phantom, Suitable for HVL measurements at overcouch and
16 cm Ø, both acrylic cylinders of 15 cm height undercouch tube installations
Combined head and body phantom is available
Measurements of the half value layer (HVL) are per-
The CT chamber 30009 is inserted for CTDI measurements formed during acceptance tests to determine the beam
into one of the five holes of the head or body phantom. quality of X-ray installations in diagnostic radiology as
Holes not used are filled by acrylic dummy plugs. Etched well as in diagnostic therapy. The HVL measuring stand
crosshairs on the phantoms allow exact alignment. enables the user to position a detector and a HVL filter
easily. Convenient undercouch measurements as well as
The CT chamber 30017 is used for dose length product HVL measurements in computed tomography can be
(DLP) measurements free in air. carried out by using the HVL measuring stand with its U-
shaped tripod.
Ordering Information
The set includes an universal detector holder enabling
CT chambers, connecting system BNT, TNC, M or L:
the user to fix different detectors to the stand. An
30009 CT ion chamber 3.14 cm3, 100 mm long optional carrying case to accommodate the HVL measur-
30017 CT ion chamber 9.3 cm3, 300 mm long ing stand and up to 13 HVL filters is available.
T40016 CT body phantom
T40017 CT head phantom Ordering Information
T40027 CT head and body phantom T20008 HVL measuring stand
T20008.1.020 Carrying case for HVL measuring stand
T40016.1.010 Carrying case for body phantom Al and Cu Filter Sets page 70
T40017.1.010 Carrying case for head phantom, NOMEX Dosemeter page 65
DIADOS and CT chamber
T40027.1.050 Carrying case for head and body
phantom, DIADOS E and CT chamber
T77336/U20 CT chamber positioner
L991397 Adapter for CT chamber

NOMEX Dosemeter page 65


Diagnostic Imaging: Absolute Dosimetry Equipment

Al and Cu Filter Sets

Al and Cu filters for precise half value

layer (HVL) measurements

Include high purity Al and Cu material
Comply with IEC 60601-1-3

The extremely high purity of the aluminium and copper

filter material enables high precision measurements of
the X-ray beam quality in diagnostic radiology and in
diagnostic therapy. The useful filter size is (80 x 80) mm
and the outer dimensions are (100 x 100) mm.

Ordering Information
L981957 99.99 % Al filter set RAD/FLU
(7 Al-layers; 1 x 0.1 mm; 2 x 0.2 mm; 1 x 0.5 mm;
1 x 1 mm and 2 x 2 mm thickness)
L981956 99.99 % Al filter set MAM
(4 Al-layers; 1 x 0.1 mm; 2 x 0.2 mm and
1 x 0.5 mm thickness)
T43026 99.5 % Al filter set RAD/FLU
(7 Al-layers; 1 x 0.1 mm; 2 x 0.2 mm; 1 x 0.5 mm;
1 x 1 mm and 2 x 2 mm thickness)
T43009.1.910 99.9 % Cu filter set
(13 Cu-layers; 1 x 0.01 mm; 2 x 0.02 mm; 1 x 0.05 mm;
1 x 0.1 mm; 2 x 0.2 mm; 1 x 0.5 mm; 1 x 1 mm;
2 x 2 mm; 1 x 5 mm; 1 x 10 mm thickness)
Single Al and Cu filters are available

HVL Measuring Stand page 69

Diagnostic Imaging: Quality Control

Quality Control

Quality Control Equipment

NOMEX Multimeter 73

NOMEX mAs Meter 73

DIAVOLT QC Meters 74

CONNY II Constancy Dosemeter 74

NORMI RAD/FLU X-Ray Test Object 75

NORMI 13 X-Ray Test Object 75

NORMI 3D DVT Test Object 76

X-Check DSA Test Object 76

NORMI MAM digital Test Object 77

NORMI MAM analog Test Object 77

CATPHAN CT Test Objects 78

Centric Cross Image Ruler 78

Test Patterns X-Ray Image Tests 78

Luminance and Illuminance Meter 79

Diagnostic Imaging: Quality Control

Quality Control

The quality of X-ray images is influenced by a number of

parameters. To maintain the consistent performance of
X-ray installations, quality checks have to be conducted
regularly. International regulations demand quality test
procedures for all types of X-ray equipment. Regular
quality controls ensure proper functioning of the medical
X-ray devices, reduce patient exposure, avoid unnecessa-
ry double exposures and consequently even reduce the
costs of X-ray departments. The various components of
the imaging chain are ideally tested independently to
identify malfunctions and eliminate those detected easily.

PTW offers a variety of diagnostic test tools for different

X-ray equipment. The PTW product line includes non-
invasive multimeters, kV meters and test objects for qua-
lity checks of radiographic, fluoroscopic, mammographic,
dental, DSA and CT installations. The QC sets include the
basic test objects.

Diagnostic Imaging: Quality Control Equipment

NOMEX® Multimeter NOMEX® mAs

Dosimetry System Invasive mAs meter

Multimeter for quality control in Invasive mAs meter for measuring the
diagnostic radiology current time product on diagnostic
X-ray generators
Features Features
Combined electronics and detector matrix Allows non-invasive measurements by means
Connection via USB directly to a PC of connecting an mAs clamp optionally
Automatic range for dose and kV measurement Measures current, current time product, mAs per
pulse, measuring time, pulses, frequency and
Software running in different languages
current waveform
The NOMEX Multimeter is a miniaturized non-invasive Provides auto ranging and auto start/stop
measuring system for absolute dosimetry and quality For single or simultaneous usage in combination
control in X-ray diagnostic radiology. It can be used for with the NOMEX system
radiography, fluoroscopy, dental, CT and mammography
(Mo/Mo, Mo/Rh, W/Al, W/Rh, W/Ag, Rh/Rh) application. The NOMEX mAs is an invasive meter for measuring the
NOMEX measures the dose, dose rate, irradiation time, current time product (mAs) on diagnostic X-ray genera-
dose per pulse, pulses, kVp, the total filtration and the tors. For invasive measurements the NOMEX mAs con-
half value layer (HVL) in one single shot. Additionally, the nects to the generator of the X-ray unit via banana
kV and dose rate waveform is stored. plugs. Optionally, non-invasive mA and mAs measure-
ments can be performed by means of connecting a cur-
The smart NOMEX Multimeter can be directly connected
rent clamp directly to the NOMEX mAs.
via USB to a PC running the NOMEX software. No addi-
tional accessories like a power supply or display are
The NOMEX mAs can be used as a stand-alone device or
required for putting the NOMEX into operation.
in combination with the NOMEX Dosemeter together
Measurements are automatically started upon detection
with an external dose detector and/or simultaneously
of radiation. The dose and kV ranges are set fully auto-
with the NOMEX Multimeter. In single operation, the
matically almost in real-time, so that multiple exposures
NOMEX mAs connects via USB to a PC running the
are avoided. The NOMEX software allows most conven-
NOMEX Software. The NOMEX mAs sets up fully auto-
ient and clear data handling. Statistics functions are pro-
matically. When being used in combination with the
vided as well as data export to Excel or as XML or CSV file.
NOMEX Multimeter, mA, mAs and mA waveform will be
Ordering Information measured at the same time with the dose, dose rate dose
per pulse, pulses, frequency, time kVp, HVL, total filtra-
L981815 NOMEX Multimeter
tion and the waveforms for both, dose rate and kV. The
L981533 NOMEX Multimeter with mAs option
measurements will be stored within the NOMEX
L981814 NOMEX set
Software and can be exported for further data analysis
L981531 NOMEX set with mAs option
e.g. to Excel.
Ordering Information
L991422 Mobile PC
T20016 NOMEX Multimeter holder L981530 NOMEX mAs
T20017 NOMEX cassette adapter L981529 Current clamp for NOMEX mAs
L178088 Active USB extension cable, 5 m
L522058 NOMEX Multimeter box
L981529 Current clamp for NOMEX mAs meter
E41700B/S/G Service contract Bronze, Silver or Gold
Diagnostic Imaging: Quality Control Equipment

All-in-one QC Meter QC Dosemeter

Non-invasive X-ray meter for kVp, PPV, X-ray dosemeter for constancy tests
dose and exposure time of X-ray installations for radiography,
measurements at X-ray installations fluoroscopy and mammography
Features Features
Compact universal meter according to IEC 61676 Small size dosemeter for routine QC
Measures kVp, PPV, dose and exposure time in one Measures the entrance dose and dose rate at 30 kV
shot (MAM) and 70/100 kV (R/F)
Independent of orientation Complies with IEC 61674 within the ranges of use
Very fast sampling frequency Displays the measuring units Gy, Gy/s and time in s
Convenient use for under couch tubes
The dose of X-ray beams is the most important parame-
The DIAVOLT is designed for measurements of kVpmean, ter to check consistent performance of X-ray equipment.
kVpmax, PPV, exposure time and dose of X-ray installa- Each constancy test should include a dose measurement.
tions for CT, radiography, fluoroscopy, mammography The CONNY II dosemeter is especially designed for this
and for dental applications. purpose. It can be used in combination with the phan-
The key features of the small and light-weight all-in-one toms of our NORMI product line. CONNY II is calibrated
device provide easy handling because of automatic func- in air kerma.
tions like auto start, auto stop and auto range. The dis-
play reading switches automatically when used for meas- The device features auto-start, auto-reset, auto-shutoff
urements on under couch tubes. and timer functions. During the measurement the dis-
The DIAVOLT has an analogue output which connects play shows the selected measuring quantity. After the
to an oscilloscope for displaying the voltage waveform. measurement has been completed, the display can be
Furthermore because of the fast sampling frequency, switched between dose, mean dose rate and irradiation
precise measurements can be performed even on very time.
demanding X-ray units with high substantial ripples. No
test shots for determination of the right detector orien- Ordering Information
tation are necessary and no external accessories are T11007 CONNY II dosemeter
required for operation.
NORMI MAM page 77
Ordering Information NORMI 13 page 75

Diagnostic Imaging: Quality Control Equipment


X-Ray Test Object X-Ray Test Object

Test object for quality control of Test object for quality control of digital
analogue and digital fluoroscopic and X-ray installations
radiographic X-ray installations
Features Features
Checks all relevant parameters of analogue and Checks the relevant parameters of digital X-ray
digital fluoroscopic and radiographic X-ray units equipment (DR and CR systems)
Suitable for routine acceptance quality checks on Suitable for constancy tests in digital radiography
over couch tubes, under couch tubes and C arms For use with an attenuation plate for patient simula-
Includes an attenuation plate for patient simulation tion and a dosemeter for entrance dose measurement
Complies with DIN 6868-4 and 6868-150 Complies with DIN 6868-13

The NORMI RAD/FLU test object is used for acceptance The NORMI 13 test object is designed for constancy tests
and constancy tests of analogue and digital X-ray instal- of X-ray equipment with a digital image intensifier or
lations for fluoroscopy. The NORMI RAD/FLU structure plate. It includes a structure plate with radiological visible
plate includes a copper step wedge for testing the line marks for the light field adjustment and the test of
dynamic range, a resolution test pattern, low contrast the light field/radiation field congruency, a gray scale
and detail test elements. The structure plate allows to test, a low-contrast test, a line group resolution test pat-
check all parameters in one shot. tern, an area for entrance dose measurement and homo-
Four different NORMI RAD/FLU packages are available, geneous areas for homogeneity tests and signal normal-
either with the outer format (200 x 200) mm or (300 x ization.
300) mm and either with a 30 mm thick PMMA plate, a
1 mm thick copper plate or a 25 mm thick aluminum The structure plate is used in combination with a 30 mm
absorber which must be used for acceptance tests for thick acrylic attenuation plate or a 25 mm Al plate to
patient simulation. Furthermore, each package includes simulate patient absorption. The external dimensions of
assembling parts which allow a convenient adjustment the plates are (300 x 300) mm.
on over couch tubes, under couch tubes and C arms. The The entrance dose is measured by the CONNY II or the
entrance dose can be measured with a CONNY II or NOMEX Dosemeter.
NOMEX Dosemeter.
Ordering Information
Ordering Information L981246 NORMI 13 Set Al
L981302 NORMI RAD/FLU Set Al (300 x 300) mm L981247 NORMI 13 Set PMMA
L981309 NORMI RAD/FLU Set Al (200 x 200) mm
L981301 NORMI RAD/FLU Set PMMA (300 x 300) mm Option
L981307 NORMI RAD/FLU Set PMMA (200 x 200) mm L981473 NORMI holder for bucky wall stand

Option CONNY II page 74

L981473 NORMI holder for bucky wall stand NOMEX Dosemeter page 65

CONNY II page 74
NOMEX Dosemeter page 65

Diagnostic Imaging: Quality Control Equipment

NORMI® 3D X-Check® DSA

DVT Test Object Test Object

Test object for quality control of digital X-ray test object for quality control
volume tomography (3D) X-ray of DSA installations
Features Features
Test object for testing the spatial resolution at Suitable for acceptance and constancy tests of
DVT systems for ENT and at C arm systems with DSA installations
3D function Complies with IEC 61223-3-3, DIN 6868-4 and
Fully complies with DIN 6868-150 DIN 6868-150
Consists out of a 10 mm thick detail plate embed- Simulates the contrast agent within vessels
ded between two 25 mm thick PMMA absorbers Includes pneumatic remote control of the movable
PMMA detail plate incl. four cylindrical cavities with slider, extension 8 m
different diameters 0.5/0.6/0.7/0.8/0.9/1/1.3 mm
which are arranged parallel to the z-axis X-Check DSA is a test object for quality checks of Digital
Subtraction Angiography equipment (DSA). The size of
NORMI 3D is a test object for quality control and acceptance the acrylic phantom is (150 x 150 x 57) mm. X-Check
tests of digital volume tomography (DVT) X-ray installations DSA includes a 6 mm thick acrylic slider with manual
as well as for DVT installations with integrated imaging remote-control and contains four Al strips for vessel
function according to DIN 6868 part 150. The NORMI 3D simulation to check the dynamic range and artifacts.
consists out of three PMMA plates, while the detail Sensitivity checks are conducted by means of a copper
objects, bore holes with seven different diameters are step wedge with 7 steps in 0.2 mm increments. An addi-
embedded in the middle plate. The bore holes are within tional copper step of 1.4 to 0.2 mm makes it possible to
a 30 mm radius in parallel with the Z-axis. Furthermore, evaluate logarithmic errors.
the whole test object has a continuous bore hole with a
diameter of 2.5 mm. Ordering Information
T42003 X-Check DSA test object
Ordering Information
T42038 NORMI 3D Option
T42003.1.006 X-Check DSA frame
L981302 NORMI RAD/FLU Set Al (300 x 300) mm NORMI RAD/FLU page 75
L981309 NORMI RAD/FLU Set Al (200 x 200) mm
L981301 NORMI RAD/FLU Set PMMA (300 x 300) mm
L981307 NORMI RAD/FLU Set PMMA (200 x 200) mm

NOMEX Dosemeter page 65


Diagnostic Imaging: Quality Control Equipment

NORMI® MAM digital NORMI® MAM analog

X-Ray Test Object Mammo Test Object

Test object for acceptance and Test phantom for quality control of
constancy tests of X-ray installations analog mammographic X-ray
for digital mammography installations
Features Features
Checks all relevant parameters of digital Suitable for acceptance and constancy tests of
mammographic X-ray installations analog mammographic X-ray units
Fully complies with DIN 6868-162 and DIN 6868-14 Complies with DIN 6868-7 and -152
Modularly composed CE marked class I certified test High-contrast test, low-contrast test and steel balls
object incl. different absorbers and test elements at thorax side
Retrofit sets for PTW NORMI PAS test objects available
NORMI MAM analog is an easy-to-use test phantom, which
NORMI MAM digital is used for acceptance and con- makes it possible to test specific values of mammographic
stancy tests of digital mammographic X-ray units. The X-ray systems. The values tested are the optical density of
modularly composed test object includes a basic phan- test films, the position and size of the useful radiation field,
tom, a structure plate, PMMA absorbers and different the contrast resolution, the presence of impurity spots. Two
test elements for insertion into the structure plate. lines of five steel balls each are symmetrically placed in the
The basic plate has an inclined aluminum step wedge structure plate and in the attenuation phantom to show the
with 14 ranges for testing the dynamic range. Two lines image limitations at the thorax side on the radiograph. The
of five steel balls each symmetrically placed in the struc- acrylic plate of 20 mm thickness in combination with the
ture plate and in the basic attenuation phantom show standard 40 mm attenuation phantom can be used for tests
the limitations on the thoracic wall side. of the automatic exposure control (AEC). Moreover a reso-
The PMMA absorbers can be used for tests of the auto- lution test pattern (8, 10, 13, 16 lp/mm) is included in
matic exposure control (AEC). Furthermore, different test the structure plate. An optional second 20 mm plate is
elements can be placed into the cut-out provided in the used for bigger cassette formats such as (24 x 30) cm.
structure plate. The test element SDNR is used to deter-
mine the average pixel values for the determination of Ordering Information
the signal-difference-to-noise ratio. The high contrast T42024 NORMI MAM analog test object
can be tested with the test element HK, while the PMMA
test element is used for checking the average grey value. CONNY II page 74
Different sets, as well as retrofit sets for the NORMI PAS NOMEX Dosemeter page 65
are available.

Ordering Information
L981426 NORMI MAM digital set 162
L981427 Part 162 retrofit set
L981492 NORMI MAM digital set 14
L981494 Part 14 retrofit set
T40046 PMMA absorber (300 x 300 x 40) mm

Diagnostic Imaging: Quality Control Equipment

CATPHAN® Centric Cross

CT Test Objects Image Ruler

Test Objects for quality control of Cross ruler to determine image

computer tomography installations locations on intensifier screens

Features Features
Suitable for all kinds of axial, spiral, multislice, Small mechanical test tool to check the correct
conebeam and volume CT scanners centering of intensifier screens
Modular design allows test modules to be interchanged Enables easy adjustment at fluoroscopic installations
Made from solid-cast materials Presents radiopaque scales on a fluoroscopic monitor

The CATPHAN test object’s design includes many exclusive The centric cross is mounted on a base plate of
features that make it easy to achieve perpendicular align- (16 x 16) cm, made of aluminum. Two 20 cm rulers,
ment. As all of the test sections are arranged at prescribed starting from the center, can be adjusted as a cross and
intervals from the first module, operators can quickly scan can be centered easily. The centric cross is fixed by means
all test sections in a single sequence, eliminating the need of suction cups.
to reposition the phantom for each section.
The modular design allows test modules to be inter- Ordering Information
changed. A wide range of modules for different tasks and
T43010.1.001 Centric cross
installations are available. CATPHAN test objects are of US
American origin.

Selection of test objects:

CATPHAN 500 incl. modules 401, 486, 515 and 528
Test Patterns for
CATPHAN 600 incl. modules 404, 486, 515, 528
and 591
X-Ray Image Tests
CATPHAN 700 incl. modules 515, 682, 712, 714, Lead foil test patterns for X-ray resolu-
721 and 723
tion, focal spot size and MTF tests
Selection of modules:
Module 401 - Slice geometry and sensitometry module Features
Module 404 - Slice geometry and sensitometry module Enable easy quality checks of X-ray imaging chains
Module 486 - Uniformity module Spatial frequencies are given in line pairs per mm
Module 515 - Low contrast module (lp/mm)
Module 528 - High resolution module
Module 591 - Bead geometry module Ordering Information
Module 682 - Geometry sensitometry module
L659005 X-ray group test pattern
Module 721 - Wave Insert
L659066 X-ray group test pattern, (0.6 – 5.0) lp/mm
Module 714 - High resolution module
L659150 X-ray group test pattern, mammography, tin
Module 712 - Uniformity Section
L659093 X-ray test pattern, digital mammo
Module 723 - Bead Blocks
L659035 Single sector test pattern, 0.4°, 20 lp/mm
Ordering Information
Detailed information upon request.
Detailed information upon request.

Diagnostic Imaging: Quality Control Equipment

Luminance and
Illuminance Meter Set

Digital luminance and illuminance

meter for quality control of viewing
boxes and image display devices
Measures the luminance of viewing boxes and image
display devices
Usage in combination with a test picture

The quality of film viewing boxes and monitors in X-ray

diagnostics has to be monitored regularly. Boxes and
image display devices are tested easily by using the
battery operated MAVO-SPOT 2 USB, which measures
the luminance in cd/m2.

Ordering Information
L981495 Luminance and illuminance meter set incl.
L981496 MAVOLUX 5032 B precision lux meter

NORMI 13 page 75
NORMI MAM page 77

Diagnostic Imaging: Quality Control Equipment


Diagnostic Imaging: Patient Dosimetry

Patient Dosimetry

Patient Dosimetry Equipment








DIAMENTOR Built-in Solutions 86


DIAMENTOR Accessories 87

Diagnostic Imaging: Patient Dosimetry

Patient Dosimetry

Patient exposure has to be determined, documented and Dose area product (DAP) meters and dosemeters, firmly
evaluated according to international regulations. The installed to the X-ray unit, make it possible to determine
DIAMENTOR patient dosimetry systems are our solution the radiation loads to which patients are exposed during
for diagnostic radiology to fulfill these requirements. X-ray examinations. Patient exposures can differ in hospi-
Its major features are: tal routine practices. The exposures can be reduced by a
Measures and protocols the dose area product (DAP) measuring device informing the practitioner of the total
and/or dose during X-ray examinations, especially amount of radiation applied to the patient. Especially
during high dose and high risk examinations such as: high dose and high-risk X-ray examinations require such
a device.
Angiography, including DSA
Interventional radiology
Informs the practitioner of the amount of
radiation applied to the patient
Mounts firmly to the X-ray unit without disturbing
routine work
Consists basically of a transparent ionization
chamber and a display unit

Diagnostic Imaging: Patient Dosimetry Equipment

DAP Meter DAP Meter

Dual channel dose area product (DAP) Dual channel dose area product
meter for patient dosimetry in (DAP) meter for patient dosimetry in
diagnostic radiology diagnostic radiology
Features Features
Dual channel device for single plane and bi-plane Dual channel device connects two ion chambers
fluoroscopic and radiographic X-ray units Complies with IEC 60580
Complies with IEC 60580 With built-in printer
Displays the selectable DAP units µGym2, cGycm2,
Gycm2, Rcm2 and the exposure time The DIAMENTOR C2 is a measuring system with two
Displays DAP rate during fluoroscopy, switches auto- separate measuring channels, enabling simultaneous
matically to DAP after the examination measurements with two chambers. The system can also
be used at two separate X-ray rooms, if these are oper-
DIAMENTOR M4 is a state-of-the-art dose area product ated from one control desk. Each channel can be reset
meter. The dual channel device measures the total diag- separately and the measured values of channel A and B
nostic dose area product (DAP) during radiography and can be printed alternatively. The measuring results of
fluoroscopy according to international regulations. Its both channels can be shown simultaneously on the
digital display shows simultaneously the readings from digital display. The RS232 interfaces enable the user to
both channels. In addition, exposure time during fluo- transfer data to a RIS.
roscopy is measured. The RS232 interface enables the
user to transfer data to a RIS. Ordering Information
T11038AP DIAMENTOR C2 display unit
Ordering Information TA34028-1 DIAMENTOR chamber
T11006 DIAMENTOR M4 display unit, V L502078 Self-adhesive stickers
TV34028-1 DIAMENTOR chamber E41750B/S/G Service contract Bronze, Silver or Gold
T11024 DIAMENTOR M4 display unit, A
TA34028-1 DIAMENTOR chamber DIAMENTOR Accessories page 87
Service Contracts page 112
L991096 Label Printer DP8340
E41750B/S/G Service contract Bronze, Silver or Gold

DIAMENTOR Accessories page 87

Service Contracts page 112

Diagnostic Imaging: Patient Dosimetry Equipment


DAP System DAP System

Compact dose area product system Dose area product measuring system
with communication between single with communication between single
CAN components CAN components
Features Features
Highly integrated single channel built-in DAP meter All-in-one chamber and electronics housing
Flexible positioning of the small electronics Flexible display positioning
Flexible display positioning Easy connection to a RIS via RS232 interface
Easy connection to a RIS via RS232 interface Internal test function for fast calibration and
Internal test function for fast calibration and constancy checks
constancy checks
The well-priced DIAMENTOR Set CI includes a DIAMENTOR
The well-priced DIAMENTOR Set CM includes a separate chamber size B with integrated measuring electronics, a
electronics, a DIAMENTOR chamber size B, a separate power supply, extension cable and a separate display unit.
display unit as well as a power supply and extension By integrating the electronic parts in a chamber the
cable. The miniature DAP meter electronics can be whole device is made suitable for firm mounting on the
mounted arbitrary e.g. behind the housing of the X-ray collimator of radiographic and fluoroscopy units. For pre-
installation. For presenting the measuring results, the senting the measuring results, a separate small-sized dis-
separate small- sized display can be connected and fixed play can be connected and fixed arbitrary e.g. next to the
flexible e.g. next to the control desk. An easy and control desk. An easy and uncomplicated RIS connection
uncomplicated RIS connection can be realized straight- can be realized straightforward via an RS232 interface.
forward via an RS232 interface. Fast calibration and Apart from that, fast calibration and constancy checks
constancy checks can be realized by means of a built-in can be performed by means of a built-in test function.
test function. For mobile X-ray installations a power limi- For mobile X-ray installations a power limitation can be
tation can be connected. connected.

Ordering Information Ordering Information

L981198 DIAMENTOR Set CM mobile with power
limitation for mobile X-ray units
L981250 Power limitation for CAN system
Options L981379 Printer set for DIAMENTOR CM/CI
L981255 CAN-RS232 interface for DIAMENTOR CM/CI
L981379 Printer set for DIAMENTOR CM/CI
S020012 DiaCanSet software
L981255 CAN-RS232 interface for DIAMENTOR CM/CI
E41750B/S/G Service contract Bronze, Silver or Gold
S020012 DiaCanSet software
E41750B/S/G Service contract Bronze, Silver or Gold
DIAMENTOR Accessories page 87
Service Contracts page 112
DIAMENTOR Accessories page 87
Service Contracts page 112

Diagnostic Imaging: Patient Dosimetry Equipment


Wireless DAP System Wireless DAP System

Wireless dose area product (DAP) Compact wireless dose area product
meter for patient dosimetry in (DAP) meter for patient dosimetry in
diagnostic radiology diagnostic radiology
Features Features
Integrated chamber and electronics housing Highly integrated electronics
Available with RS232 or RS485 interface Available with RS232 or RS485 interface
Optional DIAMENTOR BT interface available for Optional DIAMENTOR BT interface available for
wireless data transfer wireless data transfer

The DIAMENTOR RS has the outer dimensions of the The DIAMENTOR C-RS is a highly integrated single
DIAMENTOR standard B chamber but combines addi- channel built-in DAP meter. The electronics is available
tionally the measuring electronics. Thus the DIAMENTOR in two versions with RS485 or RS232 interface.
RS can be used as a built-in DAP solution for fixation Combined with the DIAMENTOR BT interface, which
under the X-ray tube housing or can be mounted via allows the DIAMENTOR C-RS to be accessed via Bluetooth,
adaption rails directly to the collimator. wireless communication between the DIAMENTOR C-RS
and the control desk is possible.
Two DIAMENTOR RS versions with RS485 or RS232 inter-
face are available. The miniature DAP meter electronics as well as the
Combined with the DIAMENTOR BT interface, which DIAMENTOR BT interface can be mounted behind the
allows the DIAMENTOR C-RS to be accessed via Bluetooth housing of the X-ray installation.
wireless communication between the DIAMENTOR RS and The wireless DIAMENTOR solution enables convenient
e.g. the control desk is possible. and fast installation due to the removal of extension
The wireless DIAMENTOR solution enables convenient and cables.
fast installation due to the removal of extension cables.
Ordering Information
Ordering Information T11059 DIAMENTOR C-RS, version RS485
T11054 DIAMENTOR RS, version RS485 T11058 DIAMENTOR C-RS, version RS232
T11055 DIAMENTOR RS, version RS232 L981528 DIAMENTOR BT Interface
L981528 DIAMENTOR BT Interface Network cable available in 1, 3, 10 and 25 m length
Network cable available in 1, 3, 10 and 25 m length E41750B/S/G Service contract Bronze, Silver or Gold
E41750B/S/G Service contract Bronze, Silver or Gold
DIAMENTOR Accessories page 87
DIAMENTOR Accessories page 87 Service Contracts page 112
Service Contracts page 112

Diagnostic Imaging: Patient Dosimetry Equipment

DAP Meter Built-in Solutions

All-in-one dose area product (DAP) Compact dose area product systems for
meter for patient dosimetry patient dosimetry in diagnostic radiology

Features Features
All-in-one chamber and electronics housing Different built-in DIAMENTOR systems are available
Complies with IEC 60580 Multifunctional and dual channel devices for single
Mounts directly on the collimator of the X-ray unit plane and biplane X-ray units
Systems with an RS232, RS485 or Bluetooth® inter-
By integrating the electronic parts into the flat size B face for easy connection
chamber, the whole DIAMENTOR CX is made suitable for Internal test function for fast calibration and
firm mounting on the collimator of radiography and fluo- constancy checks
roscopy units using appropriate adaptation rails. The
transparent chamber neither blocks the light field nor Various built-in DIAMENTOR systems have been devel-
interferes with patient routine work. The DIAMENTOR CX oped in cooperation with well known manufacturers of
includes a built-in small size display unit. The internal X-ray installations worldwide.
RS232 interface enables printing or data transfer to a RIS. Built-in solutions with one or two measuring channels,
all-in-one chambers and electronic systems with or with-
Ordering Information out an RS232, RS485 or Bluetooth® interface for easy
L981961 DIAMENTOR CX DAP meter incl. power supply connection interface are available. For presenting the
L981251 DIAMENTOR CX Set for AMX4+/AMX4 measured dose area product or dose results, the display
L981275 DIAMENTOR CX Set for AMX4+/AMX4 of the control desk as well as secondary display units can
E41750B/S/G Service contract Bronze, Silver or Gold be used. An easy and uncomplicated RIS connection can
be realized straightforward via the internal interface.
DIAMENTOR Accessories page 87 The optimally coordinated DIAMENTOR built-in solutions
Service Contracts page 112 enable convenient and fast installations and comply fully
with the requirements of IEC 60580.

Ordering Information
Built-in DIAMENTOR solutions upon request

DIAMENTOR Accessories page 87

Diagnostic Imaging: Patient Dosimetry Equipment


DAP & Dose Meter Accessories

Device for simultaneous measurements Optional accessories for DIAMENTOR

of DAP and dose in radiography and systems
Features in addition to the DIAMENTOR M4 DIAMENTOR chambers
Displays the dose and the dose rate of the chamber The flat, transparent and rectangular DIAMENTOR
plane besides the dose area product (DAP) chambers size B are suitable for firm mounting on
the collimator of radiography and fluoroscopy units
The dual channel DIAMENTOR M4-KDK features the in- using appropriate adaptation rails.
novative “Chamber-in-Chamber” transmission ion cham- The chambers have a very low filter absorption and
ber. Using this design technology, the unit can measure beam hardening effect.
dose, dose rate and dose area product easily and simul-
More chambers and adaptation rails upon request
taneously during radiographic and fluoroscopic proce-
dures. The KDK chamber, firmly fixed to the collimator by
DIAMENTOR universal mount
adaptation rails, is transparent for light and X-rays. The
chamber structures are not shown on the X-ray images. Easy and flexible adjustment of rail distances
between 133 mm and 177 mm are possible
Ordering Information Allows the correct arrangement of any filter and the
T11017 DIAMENTOR M4-KDK display unit, V chamber without influencing the measurement
TV34044-1 DIAMENTOR chamber KDK Optional rails for use of filters or cones are available
T11025 DIAMENTOR M4-KDK display unit, A
TA34044-1 DIAMENTOR chamber KDK DIAMENTOR chamber adaptation rails
Various adaptation rails for different collimators
Option are available
L991096 Label Printer DP8340 Can be screwed easily to the ionization chamber
E41750B/S/G Service contract Bronze, Silver or Gold
Distance adaptation rails enable the use of fade out
DIAMENTOR Accessories page 87
Service Contracts page 112
DIAMENTOR power limitation
Ideal for mobile installations, which fulfill IEC 60601-1
Small and convenient solution for operation with 24 V

DIAMENTOR RS232, extension and adapter cable

Different lengths are available

DIAMENTOR label printer

Various label printer for patient exposure recording are
Printing is automatically controlled by the dosemeter

Ordering information
Details upon request

Diagnostic Imaging: Patient Dosimetry Equipment


Radiation Monitoring: Products


Radiation Monitoring: Introduction

Radiation Monitoring

Radiation Protection Considerations Radiation protection dosimetry

According to the international ICRP 60 standard1 radia- Personal Dosemeters
tion exposure to humans has to be as low as reasonably A variety of pocket-sized and light-weight digital
achievable (ALARA principle). Furthermore, the ICRP radiation monitors are available for continual personal
requires control of risk in the case of potential exposures dosimetry to safeguard all personnel against the
and observance of certain dose limits. hazards of ionizing radiation.
Mobile monitors
The available radiation monitoring equipment is quite
multifarious depending on the differing characteristics of Surfaces in radionuclide laboratories such as nuclear
a multitude of beam qualities and dose rate ranges as medicine laboratories are monitored by the large
well as the variety of measuring tasks. The equipment is area contamination monitor.
used for highly sensitive measurement of natural back- Portable survey meters enable the user to monitor
ground radiation or for dose level measurements of arti- radiation levels in the environment, e.g., in the sur-
ficial radiation sources such as nuclear research laborato- roundings of radiation emitting units.
ries, nuclear power plants and medical irradiation units. Stationary monitors
Ionization chambers of various volumes to monitor
The control of potential radiation expositions and the different gamma levels are used in connection with
measurement of radiation loads to persons working in high quality dosemeters.
areas of exposure risk are basic requirements of radiation
The X-ray leakage system checks the leakage radia-
protection procedures. PTW supplies radiation monitor-
tion of diagnostic X-ray tubes.
ing equipment that helps persons in charge to meet
these requirements.
1 ICRP 60, 1990 Recommendations of the International Commission on
Radiological Protection. Report #60

Radiation Monitoring

Radiation Monitoring

Radiation Monitoring Equipment

Contamination Monitor 92

OD-02 Survey Meter 92

Thermo FH 40 G-L10 93

Thermo EPD Personal Dosemeter 93

XLS X-Ray Leakage System 94

3 Liter Chamber for Radiation Monitoring 95

50 Liter Chamber for Radiation Monitoring 95

UNIDOSwebline Dosemeter for Health Physics 96

Radiation Monitoring Equipment

Contamination STEP OD-02

Monitor Survey Meter

Monitor with plastic scintillator for radio- Compact portable ion chamber
active contamination measurement of dosemeter for dose and dose H*(10),
surfaces in nuclear medicine laboratories H´(0.07,Ω) rate measurements
Features Features
Utilizes a large size thin-layer plastic scintillation Serves for protection level dosimetry in a wide energy
detector range of 6 keV to 15 MeV of X-rays and gamma rays,
Does not require detector gas filling or gas flow above 15 MeV an optional PMMA cap is necessary
Measures alpha, beta and gamma radiation using Measures beta rays in a range of 80 keV to 3 MeV
one detector Provides wide measuring ranges for radiation
protection levels:
The portable contamination monitor model CoMo 170 Dose: (0 … 2000) µSv
measures alpha, beta and gamma contamination with a
Dose rate: 0 µSv/h … 2000 mSv/h
high degree of sensitivity, utilizing a thin plastic scintilla-
tion detector of 170 cm2 measuring area. A background Measures continuous and pulsed radiation
subtraction function with adjustable background meas-
urement time is included. The measuring results are pre- The STEP survey meter is used for protection level dosime-
sented on an illuminated large-area graphical LC display. try in nuclear medicine laboratories and in the environ-
The measurement is menu-prompted, and the measur- ment. Nuclear medicine therapy patients can be checked
ing data are stored internally. The built-in RS232 inter- before release. The instrument is based on a 600 cm3
face and optional software make it possible to read and large volume ionization chamber, which provides high
process the data. The monitor is operated by size AA bat- precision and a wide range of health physics measure-
teries or by rechargeable batteries. The model CoMo 170 ments. The unit is prepared for chamber volume air den-
D additionally features a built-in GM detector for dose sity corrections. The chamber can be separated from the
rate measurements in the range of 1 µSv/h … 20 mSv/h. display unit and located at a distance of 0.7 m by using
For stationary use, two types of wall stations are avail- the standard extension cable or up to 100 m by using the
able: a passive wall mount, which just accommodates optional extension cable. The background-illuminated
the monitor, and an active wall mount, which includes a LCD display shows the measuring result in large charac-
voltage supply. ters and on a bar graph as well as the operating condi-
tions. The STEP basic set comes with a battery operated
The optional mobile floor control device accommodates display unit, a measuring probe and a carrying case.
the contamination monitor for easy contamination STEP OD-02 features a smoothing algorithm, simultaneous
checks of floor areas. display of dose rate and dose and the indication of arith-
metic mean.
Ordering Information
Ordering Information
L991221 Contamination monitor model CoMo 170
L991257 Contamination monitor model CoMo 170 D L991288 STEP survey meter OD-02

Options Options
L991222 Radioactive check device 200 Bq 90Sr L991289 Acrylic plastic shielding for STEP OD-02
L991223 Stationary wall mount, passive Radioactive check device, wall holder set and extension
L991224 Stationary wall mount, active cables in different lengths available upon request
(mains voltage 115 V or 230 V has to be specified)
L991225 Floor control device

Radiation Monitoring Equipment

Thermo FH 40 G-L10 Thermo EPD® Mk2

Survey Meter Personal Dosemeter

Portable digital survey meter for dose Electronic personal dosemeter for
and dose H*(10) rate measurements Hp(10) and Hp(0.07) readouts of
gamma, beta and X-radiation
Features Features
Serves in an energy range of 30 keV to 4.4 MeV Highly sophisticated multi-functional personal
Fitted with an internal counter tube radiation monitor for radiotherapy, nuclear medicine
and X-Ray diagnostic
Provides measuring ranges for radiation protection
levels: Modern detector technology: PIN diode detector
Dose: (0.1 … 1000) µSv Measures Hp(10) and Hp(0.07) according to ICRP
Dose rate: 10 nSv/h … 100 mSv/h Programmable by external readers
No external probe or cable required for gamma dose Various audible and visual alarms configurable
rate measurements All readers are supplied with the software EasyEPD2
Display units: Sv and rem
The FH 40 G-L10 is a digital survey meter for many dif-
Dose indication range: 0 µSv … 16 Sv
ferent radiation protection applications. It incorporates
an energy-filtered proportional detector. It meets the Dose measuring range: 10 µSv … 10 Sv
energy response behaviour of the new units ambient Dose rate range for dose measurement:
dose equivalent and ambient dose equivalent rate 0 µSv/h … 4 Sv/h
(H*(10)). Measured values are shown on a clear, backlit Display resolution: 1 µSv
LCD display including a 3 decade logarithmic bargraph.
Energy range:
An intelligent algorithm detects and indicates small
15 keV … 10 MeV (gamma and X-Ray)
changes in dose rate, suppressing random noise.
250 keV … 1.5 MeV (beta)
The FH 40 G-L10 records up to 256 data points contain-
Dose alarm thresholds:
ing measurement number, date, time and dose rate. The
2 x Hp(10) and 1x Hp(0.07) values, programmable
stored values can be read directly from the display of the
device and can also be transferred to a PC via a serial IR Dose rate alarm threshold:
interface. The IR interface cable and the software are 2 x Hp(10) and 1x Hp(0.07) values, programmable
available as options. The survey meter is rugged, light- Power supply: 1 battery AA, alkal. 1.5 V or 3.6 V LTC
weight and easy to operate with large keys. Acoustic alarm: approx. 98 dB(A) at 20 cm distance
Dimensions: 85 mm x 63 mm x 19 mm
Ordering Information
Weight (incl. battery): approx. 95 g (with clip)
L991382 Survey meter FH 40 G-L10
L991383 Survey meter FH 40 G-L10 Ordering Information
with official German authority calibration L991017 Thermo EPD Mk2 Electronic personal dosemeter
More models, external detectors, connection cables and L991362 Thermo EPD Mk2 Electronic personal dosemeter
software available upon request with official German authority calibration
L991295 Thermo EPD Basic IrDa Reader, USB
L991294 Thermo EPD Desktop Reader, USB
Digital readers upon request

Radiation Monitoring Equipment

X-Ray Leakage System

Multi-channel measuring system for records the radiation levels of the entire hemisphere
around the X-ray tube. The rotatable table and the
radiation leakage measurements of chamber fixation parts are neither part of the XLS
diagnostic X-ray installations chambers nor the XLS X-ray leakage system.
The individual response and the long-term stability of
Features the chambers can be checked by means of an
Measures dose and dose rate at 18 locations around appropriate adapter between a radioactive check
diagnostic X-ray tubes simultaneously source type T48010 or T8921/8922 and the chambers
High sensitivity and excellent long-term stability type TA34055-0. PTW can provide customized solutions
including measuring unit, ionization chambers,
Complies with IEC 60601-1-31
connection cables, rotation unit, C-arc and software.
Full software control via the RS232 interface
1 IEC 60601-1-3 Medical electrical equipment - Part 1 General requirements
for safety - 3. Collateral standard: General requirements for radiation pro-
Manufacturers of diagnostic X-ray tubes must ensure tection in diagnostic X-ray equipment
that the leakage radiation emitted by the tube outside
the useful beam does not exceed certain levels provided Ordering Information
by law or by standards such as IEC 60601-1-31. The
T11036 XLS Measuring unit
XLS X-ray leakage system is an effective device to fulfill
T26014.1.001-15 Cable set, 15 m length
these requirements. The XLS Measuring unit consists of
T26014.1.001-20 Cable set, 20 m length
a specialized MULTIDOS multi-channel dosemeter and an
TA34055-0 XLS Ionization chamber
18 channel measuring extension to connect up to 18 XLS
T26014.1.200-15 Cable for X-ray leakage system,
ionization chambers. The system measures dose and
15 m length
dose rate or charge and current of all 18 chambers
T26014.1.200-20 Cable for X-ray leakage system,
simultaneously. The maximum and minimum measuring
20 m length
results are displayed together with the channel numbers.
A built-in high voltage supply for 400 V chamber
polarizing voltage is included in the base unit. The
measuring results of all chambers can be read via an T48011 Chamber adapter for radioactive check source
RS232 interface. The chamber calibration factors are Information about customized parts like rotation units
stored in the device and can be read and modified via the and C-arcs upon request
serial interface.
The rectangular plane-parallel XLS ionization chamber is Radioactive Check Devices page 25
used for the XLS X-ray leakage system. The central
electrode has an active area of 20 cm x 5 cm. The cham-
ber response is approx. 10 µC/Gy. The external chamber
dimensions are 225 mm x 90 mm x 35 mm. The dose
rate measuring range of the chamber connected to the
XLS electronic devices is from 0.15 mGy/h to 30 mGy/h,
and the chamber current measuring range is from 0.4 pA
to 100 pA.
Up to 18 chambers can be mechanically arranged on
a semicircular arch of 1 m radius according to IEC. The
X-ray tube is positioned on a rotatable table and – while
the table is continuously rotated – the XLS leakage
system monitors the dose rate of all detectors and

Radiation Monitoring Equipment

3 Liter Chamber for 50 Liter Chamber for

Radiation Monitoring Radiation Monitoring

Cylindrical polyethylene ionization Cylindrical pressurized steel ionization

chamber for stationary radiation moni- chamber for stationary gamma radia-
toring of gamma radiation tion monitoring
Features Features
Vented sensitive volume of 3 liters Sealed sensitive volume of 50 liters
Suitable as radiation monitoring chambers Suitable as stationary radiation monitoring chamber
Gamma energy range 80 keV to 1.3 MeV Gamma energy range 80 keV to 1.3 MeV

The 3 liter chamber is used as stationary surveillance The ionization chamber T7262 has a constructive volume
device for environmental radiation monitoring. The of 5 liters filled with Argon gas at the pressure of 10 bar,
chamber is designed to measure protection level dose resulting in an effective measuring volume of 50 liters.
rates. The response is 1 · 10-4 C/Sv. The maximum dose This superior design makes the chamber very sensitive
rate at 90 % saturation is 10 Sv/h. The chamber is fully and enables performing low level gamma radiation
guarded up to the measuring volume. Since the sensitive measurements down to the natural radiation back-
volume is open to the surroundings, air density correc- ground. The chamber is used as highly sensitive station-
tion is required for precise measurement. ary surveillance device for environmental radiation mon-
itoring. The response is 2 · 10-3 C/Sv. The maximum dose
The cylindrical chamberr is made of graphite coated rate at 90 % saturation is 10-2 Sv/h. The chamber is fully
polyethylene with 4 mm wall thickness. The ion-collect- guarded up to the measuring volume. Since the sensitive
ing electrode is made of graphite coated polyethylene volume is sealed, no air density correction is required.
too. The external chamber diameter is 150 mm and the
length is approx. 200 mm. For the transfer of the meas- The cylindrical 50 liter chamber is made of steel with
uring signal and the polarizing voltage, the chamber 3.25 mm wall thickness and a 3 mm aluminum cover. The
is supplied with two coaxial connectors. The maximum ion-collecting electrode is made of brass. The external
length of an extension cable to connect a dosemeter chamber diameter is 195 mm and the length is 538 mm.
is 100 m. The maximum chamber polarizing voltage is The chamber is supplied with two coaxial Fischer connectors
1000 V. for the transfer of the measuring signal and the polarizing
voltage. Via an optional adapter cable of 1.5 m length, the
The chamber is supplied with an integrated adapter for chamber can be connected to a dosemeter with M connec-
positioning a radioactive check source of type T48010, tor, which has input circuits on ground potential. The maxi-
which make it possible to check the proper performance mum length of an extension cable is 100 m. The maximum
of the entire measuring system. chamber polarizing voltage is 1000 V.
Ordering Information Ordering Information
T34031 Monitoring chamber 3 l, 2 Fischer coax T7262 Radiation monitoring chamber 50 l
connectors T7262A Radiation monitoring chamber 50 l with
integrated adapter for check device T48010
T7262/U10-1.5 Connection cable with M connector for Option
the monitoring chamber type T34031, length 1.5 m T7262/U10-1.5 Connection cable with M connector,
length 1.5 m
UNIDOS/UNIDOS E Dosemeters pages 13 and 96
Radioactive Check Device page 25 UNIDOS/UNIDOS E Dosemeters pages 13 and 96
Radioactive Check Device page 25

Radiation Monitoring Equipment

UNIDOSwebline Dosemeter
for Health Physics

High performance health physics dose-

meter with trip output and integrated
network features
Health Physics dosemeter for simultaneous dose and
dose rate measurement
Integration in a LAN with the internet standard TCP/IP
Remote access functionality
Trip output and data logging function
Active, configurable TFT display with wide viewing angles
Easy and fast menu-driven handling with navigation
knob and help system

The Ethernet interface based on the TCP/IP protocol makes

it possible to integrate the UNIDOSwebline in a LAN for
remote access and e-mail capability, e.g. to initiate self
tests and to send a status report. Its large, user-config-
urable TFT display guarantees visibility from wide angles.
UNIDOSwebline features a easy to use menue-prompting sys-
tem with help texts. Important settings can be password
protected (different levels). A comprehensive statistic and
data logging function is implemented. Up to 100 measur-
ing values are stored in a list. The data can be reviewed and
exported. Mean value and relative standard deviation are
displayed on the measuring screen.
Chamber data are stored in a comprehensive chamber
library. Air density is corrected by keying in air pressure and
temperature or by means of radioactive check devices. The
check device data are stored in a database. An internal clock
calculates the isotope radioactivity decay. It features both
mains and battery operation.
UNIDOSwebline surpasses the requirements for reference
class dosemeters according to IEC60731, the IPEM second-
ary standard dosemeter guidelines, IEC 61674 for diagnos-
tic radiology and IEC 60846 for health physics.

Ordering Information
T10023 UNIDOSwebline, connecting system BNT,
T10022 UNIDOSwebline, connection system TNC
T10021 UNIDOSwebline, connection system M

L522021 UNIDOS Carrying case

Metrology: Products


Metrology: Introduction


Calibration Facilities Calibration Services

Radiation detectors and dosemeters are usually calibrat- The PTW calibration laboratory is accredited by the IAEA,
ed on a calibration bench for correct dose measurement. the International Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna, as a
The bench is combined with a radiation source for member of the IAEA/WHO international network of
defined irradiation of the dosemeters that are to be cali- Secondary Standard Dosimetry Laboratories (SSDL) for
brated. The calibration source is a 60Co source or a 137Cs dose quantities in radiation therapy.
source, each delivering only one radiation energy, or an The PTW calibration laboratory is also accredited by the
X-ray tube, delivering a range of X-ray energies by vary- Federal Institute of Metrology, Braunschweig (PTB),
ing the high voltage and filter settings. Different X-ray which is the German National Laboratory.
beam qualities require different filtration. For this reason PTW operates Germany’s first Secondary Standard Dosi-
a filter wheel, which can move diverse filters into the X- metry Laboratory for radiation quantities accredited by
ray beam, is mounted in front of the X-ray tube. A stable the DAkkS (German Calibration Service), under direct
support is required to install the X-ray tube together with supervision of the National Laboratory.
its heavy lead shielding into the right position. For dose With eleven calibration benches in continual use, the
comparison, a reference chamber is mounted in the PTW calibration laboratory is one of the most active
beam. This chamber is designed as a shadow-free trans- calibration laboratories for ionizing radiation in the
mission chamber and has to be calibrated traceable to a world. The calibrations are directly traceable to the
primary standard. primary standards of
PTB and BIPM (Bureau International de Poids et Mesure,
For calibration, the detectors are fixed on a carriage that Paris, France).
can be precisely moved on the rails of the calibration The PTW calibration laboratory has a long history. From
bench by remote control to realize different distances its very beginning, PTW has always maintained a calibra-
from the radiation source and to establish different dose tion laboratory for radiation measuring quantities.
rates. Although it is an integral part of the company and its
comprehensive quality assurance system, the calibration
PTW’s product range comprises calibration benches and laboratory is proud of its own tradition and achievements.
accessories, as well as a variety of reference ionization Internal traceability is extended to the point of preserving
chambers for calibration purposes. the original measurement notes for every calibration
performed since 1937.



Calibration Equipment and Services


X-Ray Irradiator for Calibration Facilities 101

Gamma Irradiators 102

Beta Irradiators 104

Neutron Irradiator 105

Monitoring System 105

Accessories for Calibration Facilities 106

Monitor Ionization Chambers 106

X-Ray Therapy Monitor Ionization Chamber 107

Cylinder Stem Ionization Chamber 107

TK-30 Spherical Ionization Chamber 108

1 Liter Spherical Ionization Chamber 108

10 Liter Spherical Ionization Chamber 109

Böhm Extrapolation Chamber 109

ISO Calibration Phantoms 110

Hp(10) Secondary Standard Chamber 110

Calibration Service - Laboratory 111

Calibration Service - Radiation Qualities 111

Service Contracts 112

Metrology: Radiological Calibration Equipment


Calibration bench with carriage for The DARS software allows to control benches, gamma
and neutron irradiators and to read out the dosemeter
precise calibration of dosemeters used UNIDOS webline such as temperature and pressure.
for ionizing radiation measurement X-Ray irradiators (shutter, filter wheel, electrometer and
read out temperature and pressure) are currently con-
trolled by the software BenchControl – to be replaced by
Versatility, possibility of calibrating various devices DARS X-Ray modules in future.
from various manufacturers
Implemented batch modes allow an automatic calibration
Made for X-Ray, gamma and neutron laboratories work flow for both types of software.
Reliability and precise positioning
Additionally available is the PTW CertificatesManager
Safe, automated remote control
Software that allows data consolidation obtained with
Possibility of uneven floor compensation DARS, BenchControl as well as the EZAG BSS-2 software
for calibration factor calculation and certificate compila-
The 4D CALIBRATION BENCH is typically a part of a com-
plete calibration facility which can be delivered by PTW
with many options as a turnkey project. Ordering Information
The high precision 4D CALIBRATION BENCH is designed L991453 4D calibration bench 6 m,
as a very stable construction on steel rails used for accu- manual XYZ movement
rate positioning of radiation detectors. Different types of L991454 4D calibration bench 6 m,
bench models are available, allowing manual or software automatic XYZ movement
controlled 3D movements and optionally rotation too. L991458 Surcharge for bench rail extensions, price per m
Both types of benches allow the positioning of the detec-
Options for all benches
tor in the beam in X, Y and Z direction.
L981284 Connection module for connecting system M
Technical parameters: L981285 Connection module for connecting system BNT
Track length up to 10 m L981286 Connection module for connecting system TNC
Position adjustment accuracy < 1 mm L991455 Option automatic rotation for calibration benches
Track gauge 1250 mm L991456 Option extended +/-1m lateral bench movement
Bench ground plan 1250 mm x 570 mm L991457 Option bench side camera
Radiation beam height 1500 mm
Horizontal detector positioning +/- 300 mm Control and processing software
Vertical detector positioning +/- 150 mm L991481 DARS BASIC CONTROL for equipment control only
Work table load capacity 50 kg L991482 DARS EASY with record and verify functionality
Power supply 230 VAC (optionally 110 VAC) L991483 DARS PROFESSIONAL with advanced features
Communication interface Ethernet S160003 BenchControl software for X-Ray irradiators
S160004 CertificatesManager software
Dosimetry connection modules M, W, N Other Options upon request
Interface connection module
Irradiators pages 101ff.
Enviromental parameter measurement
VF RMS Monitoring System page 105
Bench side camera
Accessories (cameras, lasers, safety system) page 106
Extended lateral movement
UNIDOSwebline pages 13 and 94
UniSoft edition 2000 page 15

Metrology: Radiological Calibration Equipment

X-Ray Irradiator for

Calibration Facilities

System to accommodate an X-ray automatic calibration with predefined filter positions and
shutter control.
and a monitor chamber Ordering Information
L981288 Basic construction and X-ray tube support for
The X-Ray irradiation system is intended for precise,
GE MXR320/26
comfortable and safe calibration of X-Ray dosimeters
used in X-Ray diagnostics, radiation therapy as well as L981293 Basic construction and X-ray tube support for
for health physics measurements. Working together with YXLON YTU/320-D03
PTW’s calibration benches it is designed even in fully L981289 Basic construction and X-ray tube support for
automatic mode with relatively high throughput. a tube specified by the customer
The software BenchControl allows to comfortably operate L981437 X-ray tube changer for GE PW21xx
the bench and the irradiator (incl. SHUTTER and FILTER
T90012 X-RAY SHUTTER, software controlled
WHEEL) as well as to acquire relevant measurement data.
L981194 FILTER WHEEL, software controlled
Features T43033-MMXX Filter for FILTER WHEEL L981194
Basic construction with X-ray tube support and radi- (MM is the material and XX is the thickness in mm)
ation shielding
Filter sets:
Number of tubes: max. 3
ISO 4037-N qualities
Standard X-Ray tubes:
(40/60/80/100/120/150/200/250/300 kV)
High (industrial and medical w/o mammo) 320 kV
Medium (diagnostic w/o mammo) 160 kV ISO 4037-W qualities
Low (mammography) < 50 kV (60/80/110/150/200/250/300 kV)

Lead shielding: 8 mm Pb IEC 61267-X-Ray RQA/RQR

(40/50/70/90/120/150 kV)
Beam axis height above the floor: 1.5 m
IEC 61267-Mammography
Up to 3 FILTER WHEELs with 24 positions each
(Mo, Rh and W tube filters acc. to
Filters for calibrations for X-ray radiation qualities RQA/RQR-M1…4 and similar qualities)
High speed X-RAY SHUTTER: < 100 ms, up to 450 kV (50 kV, 100 kV, 135 kV, 180 kV, 250 kV)
Holding device for a monitor chamber DIN 6809-4-Therapy
(optionally temperature value acquisition possible) (10 kV, 15 kV, 30 kV, 50 kV, 70 kV, 100 kV)
Open field size at 50 cm focus distance: 10 cm DIN 6809-5-Therapy
Standard diaphragm field sizes at 50 cm: 2, 4, 8 cm (100 kV, 135 kV, 180 kV, 250 kV)
Weight complete, with 3 filters: < 350 kg X-ray systems upon request
Max. setup dimensions: 157 cm x 60 cm x 235.1 cm Monitor chamber and electrometer required

CALIBRATION BENCH are controlled by the BENCH Monitor chamber page 106f.
CONTROL UNIT via network cable with TCP/IP inter- VF Radiation Monitoring system page 105
face. The BENCH CONTROL UNIT is connected via one Accessories (cameras, lasers, safety system) page 106
network cable with the PC. The BenchControl software Dosemeters, Detectors, Dosimetry Phantoms
controls all movements, electrometers and readout of pages 13ff., 96 and 106ff.
the temperature and pressure. A batch mode allows an

Metrology: Radiological Calibration Equipment

VF OG-8 Universal VF GI-6 Multisource

Gamma Irradiator Gamma Irradiator

Universal gamma isotope irradiator Multisource Gamma irradiator for

for calibration facilities calibration facilities
Number of sources: max. 7 Number of sources: max. 5
Max. total activity137Cs 200 TBq Max. activity of one source 137Cs 100 TBq
(≤ 1 µSv/h on surface) Max. activity of one source 60Co 40 GBq
Max. total activity 60Co 2.2 TBq Beam axis height 1.5 m above floor
(≤ 100 µSv/h on surface)
Weight with standard double shielding 1.5 t
Max. activity of one source 137Cs 100 TBq
Dimensions without collimator: (Ø × h) 53 × 199 cm
(≤1 µSv/h on surface)
Dimensions with collimator: (Ø × h) 57,3 × 199 cm
Max. activity of one source 1.85 TBq
(≤ 100 µSv/h on surface) Collimator complying with ISO 4037 or with GOST
Recommended activity of one source 370 GBq
(≤ 20 µSv/h on surface) Wide beam collimator ISO 4037: (ØIn × ØOut × l)
6 × 13 × 26 cm (type C-200)
Beam axis height 1.5 m above floor
Narrow beam collimator ISO 4037: (ØIn × ØOut × l)
Weight with standard double shielding: 3.5 t
6 × 9 × 26 cm (type C-210)
Dimensions without collimator: (Ø × h) 67 × 219 cm
Beam collimator GOST 8.087-2000: (ØIn × ØOut × l)
Dimensions with collimator: (Ø × h) 72 × 219 cm 10.4 × 10.4 × 29 cm (type C-230)
Collimator complying with ISO 4037 or with GOST Surface dose rate for 137Cs: ≤1 µSv/h;
8.087-2000 60Cs:
Surface dose rate for ≤10 µSv/h;
Wide beam collimator ISO 4037: (ØIn × ØOut × l)
Fully automated irradiation process
6 × 15 × 29 cm (type C-100)
Narrow beam collimator ISO 4037: (ØIn × ØOut × l) The GI-6 irradiator is an economical multisource gamma
6 × 10 × 29 cm (type C-110) irradiator for health physics which provides a collimated
Beam collimator GOST 8.087-2000: (ØIn × ØOut × l) beam and dose rates from tenths of µGy/h up to units of
11.6 × 11.6 × 29 cm (type C-130) Gy/h at a reduced irradiator weight.
Very low surface dose rate Suggestion for sources
(e.g. total activity 60Co 740 GBq: ≤ 20 µSv/h) 60Co:
Fully automated irradiation process 18.5 GBq (0.5 Ci), 185 MBq (5 mCi)
The OG-8 irradiator generates the homogeneous and 137Cs:
collimated ionizing radiation beam required for health 3 TBq (81 Ci), 185 GBq (5 Ci), 0.5 GBq (0.014 Ci)
physics calibrations, providing dose rates from tenths of
µGy/hr up to units of Gy/hr. CALIBRATION BENCH page 100
Monitor chamber page 106f.
Suggestion for sources VF Radiation Monitoring system page 105
60Co: Accessories (cameras, lasers, safety system) page 106
185 GBq (5 Ci), 1.85 GBq (0.05 Ci) Dosemeters, Detectors, Dosimetry Phantoms
pages 13ff., 96 and 106ff.

3.7 TBq (100 Ci), 185 GBq (5 Ci), 20 GBq (0.54 Ci),
0.5 GBq (0.014 Ci), 370 MBq (0.01 Ci)

Metrology: Radiological Calibration Equipment

VF IG-13 Basic VF PGI-01 Panoramic

Gamma Irradiator Gamma Irradiator

Basic Gamma irradiator for Panoramic gamma isotope irradiator

calibration facilities for calibration facilities
Number of sources: max. 3 PGI-01 irradiator is primarily intended for the calibration
Max. activity of one source 137Cs 5 TBq and testing of personal dosimeters with a non-collimated
60Co source or can be used as a general panoramic source of
Max. activity of one source 20 GBq
gamma radiation. For this purpose, PGI-01 has to be
Beam axis height 1.3 m above floor fitted with a suitable radionuclide.
Weight with standard double shielding 1.2 t One 137Cs or 60Co source can be installed into the irra-
Dimensions: 188 x 57 x 74 cm (h x w x d) diator. There are fixed or rotary tables for simultaneous
Collimator complying with ISO 4037 or irradiation of multiple dosimeters and attenuators for the
GOST 8.087-2000 dose rate reduction available.

Narrow beam collimator ISO 4037: (ØIn × ØOut × l) Features

6 × 13 × 26 cm (type C-300) Number of sources: 1
Beam collimator GOST 8.087-2000: (ØIn × ØOut × l) Max. activity 137Cs 3 TBq (81 Ci) or 60Co 300 GBq
9 × 9 × 22.5 cm (type C-330) (8.1 Ci)
Surface dose rate for 137Cs: <1 µSv/h Badge dosimeter calibration w/table 20 pcs/cycle
Surface dose rate for 60Cs: <10 µSv/h Attenuators for dose rate reduction (10x, 100x)
Fully automated irradiation process Weight: < 600 kg (137Cs source) or 1300 kg
(60Co source)
The IG-13 irradiator is a basic gamma irradiator for health Dimensions: (Ø × h) 53.8 × 120 cm
physics which provides a collimated beam and dose rates Low surface dose rate < 10 µSv/h
from tenths of µGy/hr up to Gy/hr at low budget.
Semi-automatic calibration workplace:
Ordering Information
It is possible to set up an efficient semi-automatic system
L991461VF IG-13 Basic Gamma Irradiator for busy workplaces using electronic readout of the val-
ues measured. The system records the exposure time of
Suggestion for sources
dosimeters and calculated exposure values. The installed
L991468 137Cs 2.5 TBq (67.6 Ci) reader identifies semi-automatically each dosimeter and
L991470 137Cs 20 GBq (0.54 Ci) records the respective measured value. The tolerance
L991471 137Cs 0.5 GBq (0.014 Ci)
limits, data storage link, label print and other settings can
L991477 60Co 1.85 GBq (0.05 Ci)
be preset in the system.
CALIBRATION BENCH page 100 Ordering Information
Monitor chamber page 106f.
L991462 VF PGI-01 Panoramic Gamma Irradiator
VF Radiation Monitoring system page 105
Accessories (cameras, lasers, safety system) page 106 Suggestion for source
Dosemeters, Detectors, Dosimetry Phantoms 60Co
L991474 185 GBq (5 Ci)
pages 13ff., 96 and 106ff.

Metrology: Radiological Calibration Equipment

UJP TERABALT High Beta Irradiators

Level Gamma Irradiator

Radiation therapy level 60Co irradiator Beta irradiator for calibration facilities
for calibration facilities

The TERABALT T-100 represents a laboratory irradiator The EZAG BSS-2 Beta Secondary Standard Irradiator is a
which serves for applications where “hard” gamma worldwide common referential standard.
radiation of 60Co (1.17 and 1.33 MeV) is used. Primarily,
The VF Industrial Beta Irradiator is similar to the BSS-2
the T-100 is designed for calibration laboratory needs.
design but optimized for industrial beta calibration of
Features personal dosimeters in a fully automated process.
Number of sources: 1 Sources included in below irradiators:
Max. activity: 560 TBq (15 kCi) 60Co 147Pm: 85Kr: 90Sr/90Y:
3.7 GBq (0.1Ci), 3.7 GBq (0.1Ci),
Beam axis height: 1.5 m above floor 460 MBq (12.7 mCi)
Weight: approx. 1850 kg
Dimensions: 115 × 90 × 200 cm (l x w x h) Features
Power supply: 230 VAC, max. 8 A EZAG BSS-2 Beta Secondary Standard Irradiator:
Collimator: 25° (optionally decreased) For single dosimeter calibration acc.ISO 6980
Low surface dose rate
Designed and calibrated by PTB
Ordering Information Beam flattening filters, one for each source
VF Industrial Beta Irradiator:
Suggestion for source Principle similar to BSS-2
L991473 60Co 260 TBq (~7 kCi) For ISO 6980 Hp(0.07) personal dosimeter calibra-
CALIBRATION BENCH page 100 Automatic irradiation of 12 personal dosimeters
Monitor chamber page 106f.
Traceability to PTB (cross calibration against a BSS-2)
VF Radiation Monitoring system page 105
Accessories (cameras, lasers, safety system) page 106
Ordering Information
Dosemeters, Detectors, Dosimetry Phantoms
pages 13ff., 96 and 106ff. L991464 EZAG BSS-2
Due to exclusive distribution rights the EZAG BSS-2
might not be available from PTW in all countries of
the world.
L991465 VF Beta Irradiator

Böhm Extrapolation Chamber page 109

Metrology: Radiological Calibration Equipment

Neutron Irradiator Monitoring System

Single source neutron irradiator for Radiation monitoring system for

calibration facilities calibration facilities

Features Features
Number of sources: 1, an upgrade to multisource Smart probes with microprocessor and calibration
irradiator (NI-0x) possible constants
Modular system which can be optimized to client’s Local archiving of data, statuses and logs
needs Displaying of the measured data, status and
Accreditation according to ISO 17025 possible historical data including tables and graphs
Sturdy safety interlocks Alerts if the preset alarm levels are exceeded (optical
Safe source position typically under the floor and acoustical) to warn local personnel
Low dose rate in one-meter distance from irradiator Process control unit depending upon the radiation
(< 5 µS/h neutrons, < 0.5 µS/h gamma) situation – digital or relay I/O boards available for
various interlocks and alarms.
Weight 800 kg
Integration into automatic or semi-automatic The VF radiation monitoring system RMS consists of a
operation control of the entire lab is possible state-of-art PLC based local display unit (LZJ), dose rate
max. source activity (239PuBe): 0.24TBq probes (MDG), neutron flux probes (MDN), alarm slave
Standard beam axis height: 1.5 m units (ASU-50) and a server with operators workstations.
Weight approx. 800 kg
Due to its modular concept, the VF RMS enables wide
Dimensions w/o stand and elevating mechanism: variety of configurations, meaning that the whole system
(h × w × l) 210 × 80 × 80 cm can be customized for different radiation monitoring
Main components of neutron calibration facilities are
irradiation room acc. ISO 8529 The standard display unit contains a
(recommendation: 15 m x 15 m x 15 m) power supply module
irradiator with neutron radiation source 1 Ethernet output to host system
calibration bench(es) made of light and as less as 4 signaling lights
possible material internal horn
safety system to prevent impermissible exposure of 6 digital outputs (5 used for alarm signaling, 1 free)
personnel 1-8 inputs for up to 16 detection units via RS485
irradiation control room and an operator workstation
radiation monitoring system Optionally display units can contain
1 or 2 pulse processing modules from “dumb” probes
Suggestion for source
standard interfaces (RS232, RS485, USB)
241Am/Be: 0.24 TBq (6.5 Ci) current loop modules as input or output
digital input/output modules
VF Radiation Monitoring system page 105 relay output modules
Accessories (cameras, lasers, safety system) page 106

Metrology: Radiological Calibration Equipment

Accessories for Monitor

Calibration Facilities Ionization Chambers

Cameras, lasers and safety system Large size plane-parallel transmission

chambers for use as dose monitors
combined with calibration facilities
TCP/IP camera monitoring system (L981291) Features
state-of-the-art, high resolution, software controlled Vented sensitive volumes of 94 cm3 and 86 cm3
zoom, ceiling mounted, for room surveillance and read
Include twin-measuring volumes
out of dosimeter displays
Shadow-free transmission chambers for dose moni-
TCP/IP economy room surveillance camera toring with calibration facilities
for room monitoring only
The circular plane-parallel transmission chambers are
Economy camera to read dosimeter displays used for dose monitoring in combination with calibration
manual focus, mini display for focusing at carriage side benches. The sensitive volumes are designed as twin-
LAP ASTOR line laser (L991298) chambers with 2.5 mm measuring depth each and a
for distance in bench direction reference as well as diameter of 155 mm (model 786) or 148 mm (model
when no cross laser can be installed in the central axis 34014). The chamber walls and the electrodes are made
beam, e.g. at installations w/2 irradiators at one bench of polyimide (PI) of 0.025 mm thickness each with
graphite layer. The nominal photon energy range is
LAP ASTOR cross laser (L991323) 7.5 kV up to 420 kV, and the leakage current is less than
for wall mounting opposite the source 1 pA. The chambers are fully guarded. The external
diameter of the chamber housing is 230 mm. Two holes
LAP ASTOR ceiling mount (L991299)
with 6 mm threads serve for mechanical chamber fixation.
required to mount line lasers at suspended ceilings

VF Point laser (L991433) Two chamber versions are available: model 786 is used
economy laser alignment system for wall or ceiling together with dosemeters having the input circuits on
mounting ground potential, and model 34014 is used together with
dosemeters having the input circuits on high voltage.
VF OG-8 Point laser
economy laser alignment system to be mounted at the Ordering Information
irradiator TN34014 Monitor chamber, BNT connector
Safety interlocking system TW34014 Monitor chamber, TNC connector
TM786 Monitor chamber, M connector
CertificatesManager software (S160004) TB786 Monitor chamber, BNC connector and banana pin
for creation of calibration certificates in dosimetry
laboratories. Measurement data can be imported in Option
xml format or from database. Printouts in pdf format Monitor chambers with smaller diameter of sensitive
based on MS Word templates volume upon request

Special calibrations (DKD, PTB, NIST, NPL) and application UNIDOS Dosemeters pages 13 and 96
training at PTW’s or VF’s calibration laboratory such as
external laboratories upon request

Metrology: Radiological Calibration Equipment

X-Ray Therapy Monitor Cylinder Stem

Ionization Chamber Ionization Chamber

Large size plane-parallel transmission Cylindrical PMMA ionization chamber

chamber for use as dose monitor with a long rigid stem for radiation
combined with X-ray therapy units protection measurement
Features Features
Vented sensitive volume of 17.6 cm3 Vented sensitive volume of 30 cm3
Shadow-free transmission chamber for dose monitoring Suitable as high precision reference chamber for
with radiation therapy X-ray equipment radiation protection dosimetry
Very flat energy response within a wide range
The circular plane-parallel transmission chamber model
7862 is used for dose monitoring in combination with The cylinder stem chamber is designed as a reference
radiotherapy X-ray units. The sensitive volume is de- chamber for absolute dosimetry to be used by secondary
signed as a very thin cylinder of 2.4 mm thickness and standard dosimetry laboratories (SSDL) and users with
96.5 mm diameter. The chamber wall and the electrode high quality requirements. It has very small variations of
are made of polyimide (PI) of 0.05 mm thickness each response with radiation quality from low X-ray energies
with graphite layer, mechanically protected by another up to high-energy photon radiation. The nominal useful
PI foil of 0.05 mm in front of each wall. The nominal energy range is 30 keV up to 60Co radiation. The cylin-
photon energy range is 7.5 kV up to 420 kV and the drical sensitive volume has a diameter of 31 mm and a
leakage current is less than 1 pA. The chamber is fully length of 51 mm. The wall material is graphite with a
guarded. The external diameter of the chamber housing protective acrylic cover. The electrode is made of
is 119.5 mm. Three holes with 3.5 mm threads serve for graphite-coated aluminum. The guard ring is designed
mechanical chamber fixation. up to the measuring volume. The chamber is constructed
The transmission chamber model 7862 is used in con- with a long rigid stem of approx. 20 cm length for easy
nection with dosemeters having the input circuits on mounting in the radiation beam.
ground potential. An acrylic build-up cap with 3 mm wall thickness for
in-air measurement in 60Co beams is included with each
Ordering Information chamber, as well as a calibration certificate. Air density
TM7862 Monitor chamber for X-ray therapy units, correction is required for each measurement. A radio-
M connector active check device and an appropriate holding device
are available.
UNIDOS Dosemeters pages 13 and 96
Ordering Information
TN23361 Cylinder stem chamber 30 cm3, BNT connector
TW23361 Cylinder stem chamber 30 cm3, TNC connector
TM23361 Cylinder stem chamber 30 cm3, M connector

T23237 Radioactive check source holding device
E41150B/S/G Service contract Bronze, Silver or Gold

UNIDOS Dosemeters pages 13 and 96

Radioactive Check Device page 25
Service Contracts page 112

Metrology: Radiological Calibration Equipment

TK-30 Spherical 1 Liter Spherical

Ionization Chamber Ionization Chamber

Spherical ionization chamber with a Spherical ionization chamber for

long rigid stem for radiation protection radiation protection level and low level
measurement measurement
Features Features
Vented sensitive volume of 28 cm3 Vented sensitive volume of 1 liter
Suitable as high precision reference chamber Suitable for survey meter calibration and low level
for radiation protection dosimetry measurements
Very flat energy response within a wide range Superior energy response, reproducibility, directional
dependence and long-term stability
The TK-30 spherical chamber is designed as a reference
chamber for absolute dosimetry to be used by secondary Superior features make the chamber suitable as a
standard dosimetry laboratories (SSDL) and users with standard chamber for calibration purposes. It fulfills the
high quality requirements. It has very small variations of requirement for excellent reproducibility and long-term
response with radiation quality from low X-ray energies up stability of the sensitive volume. The spherical construc-
to high-energy photon radiation. The guard ring is tion ensures a nearly uniform response to radiation from
designed up to the sensitive volume. The chamber is con- every direction. The energy response is very flat within
structed with a long rigid stem of approx. 20 cm length for ± 1.3 % in the energy range from 45 keV to 1.3 MeV.
easy mounting in the radiation beam. Air density correc- This is achieved by the thin layer of aluminum on the
tion is required for each measurement. inner wall surface, which provides for an increased
photoelectric yield to compensate for the absorption of
Ordering Information soft X-rays. The chamber wall is made of graphite coated
TN32005 TK-30 Spherical chamber, polyoxymethylene (Delrin) with 3 mm thickness.
connecting system BNT
The spherical chamber model 32002 is designed for the
TW32005 TK-30 Spherical chamber,
measurement of ionizing radiation in the protection level
connecting system TNC
range from 0.1 mSv/h to 0.3 Sv/h. The outer chamber
TM32005 TK-30 Spherical chamber, diameter is 140 mm. The spherical electrode of 50 mm
connecting system M diameter, made of graphite-coated polystyrene, is locat-
ed in the center of the chamber sphere.
T48001 Radioactive check source holding device The chamber is supplied in a custom built case of
E41150B/S/G Service contract Bronze, Silver or Gold 530 mm x 190 mm x 190 mm external dimensions to
protect them.
UNIDOS Dosemeters pages 13 and 96
Radioactive Check Device page 25 Ordering Information
Service Contracts page 112 Spherical chamber with BNT, TNC or M connector
32002 Spherical 1 liter chamber LS-01

T48001 Radioactive check source holding device
E41150B/S/G Service contract Bronze, Silver or Gold

Metrology: Radiological Calibration Equipment

10 Liter Spherical Böhm Extrapolation

Ionization Chamber Chamber

Spherical ionization chamber for Low energy extrapolation chamber with

radiation protection level and low level adjustable volume depth for measure-
measurement ment of absorbed dose in soft tissue
Features Features
Vented sensitive volume of 10 liters Measures absolute dose of beta radiation and soft
Suitable for survey meter calibration and low level X-rays in soft tissue equivalent material very precisely
measurements Includes a micrometer screw for the depth adjustment
Superior energy response, reproducibility, directional of the measuring volume down to zero
dependence and long-term stability Suitable for beta calibration at PSDLs and SSDLs

Superior features make the chamber suitable as a standard The Böhm extrapolation chamber is a high quality device
chamber for calibration purposes. It fulfills the requirement for absorbed dose measurements of beta and low ener-
for excellent reproducibility and long-term stability of the sen- gy X radiation in certain depths below the surface of the
sitive volume. The spherical construction ensures a nearly uni- entrance window. Primary standard dosimetry laborato-
form response to radiation from every direction. The energy ries (PSDL) and secondary standard dosimetry laborato-
response is very flat within ± 1.3 % in the energy range from ries (SSDL) use it for low energy radiation calibration. The
45 keV to 1.3 MeV. This is achieved by the thin layer of alu- dose is determined from the ionization density in a small
minum on the inner wall surface, which provides for an air gap, the extrapolation chamber volume, embedded in
increased photoelectric yield to compensate for the absorp- tissue equivalent material (PMMA). The chamber is sup-
tion of soft X-rays. The chamber wall is made of graphite plied with a very thin entrance window of 0.75 mg/cm2
coated polyoxymethylene (Delrin) with 3 mm thickness. and a collecting electrode of 30 mm in diameter. By
means of the built-in micrometer screw, the collecting
Model 32003 is designed for the low level range from electrode surrounded by a guard ring of 15 mm can be
10 µSv/h to 30 mSv/h. The outer chamber diameter is moved to adjust the depth of the sensitive volume
276 mm. The spherical electrode, made of graphite-coat- between 10 mm and 0 mm. The zero point of the cham-
ed polystyrene, has a diameter of 100 mm. ber depth setting can be obtained by measuring the
chamber capaciting charge C versus the chamber depth
The chamber is supplied in a custom built case of x and extrapolating C-1 towards x=0.
650 mm x 335 mm x 320 mm external dimensions to The chamber is equipped with two BNC sockets for sig-
protect them. nal and polarizing voltage. A connection cable from both
BNC sockets to an electrometer with M type connector
Ordering Information is available. An electrometer with the input circuits on
Spherical chamber with BNT, TNC or M connector ground potential is required. The extrapolation chamber
32003 Spherical 10 liter chamber LS-10 comes in a protective storage case.

Options Ordering Information

T48001 Radioactive check source holding device T23392 Böhm extrapolation chamber
E41150B/S/G Service contract Bronze, Silver or Gold T23392/U5 Connection cable with M connector for
Böhm extrapolation chamber
UNIDOS Dosemeters pages 13 and 96
Radioactive Check Device page 25 UNIDOS Dosemeters pages 13 and 96
Service Contracts page 112

Metrology: Radiological Calibration Equipment

ISO Hp(10) Secondary

Calibration Phantoms Standard Chamber

Standard test phantoms representing Parallel plate ionization chamber for

parts of human bodies with regard to direct measurement of Hp(10) personal
back-scattering of incident radiation dose equivalent on a slab phantom
Features Features
Comply with the standard ISO 4037 part 31 Vented sensitive volume of 10 cm3
Represent parts of human bodies with regard to Measures the Hp(10) personal dose equivalent directly
back-scattering of the incident radiation Suitable as a reference chamber for Hp(10) calibration
Suitable for calibrations and type tests of personal
dosemeters, because they measure the quantities The parallel plate ionization chamber model 340351 is
Hp(0.07) and Hp(10) integrated into a slab phantom to measure the Hp(10)
radiation protection measuring quantity directly. The
The ISO calibration phantoms comply with the standard high performance chamber is designed to be used as a
ISO 4037 part 31 which describes standard test phantoms secondary standard chamber for calibration purposes.
for calibration and type tests of personal dosemeters, that The beam calibration with the Hp(10) chamber makes it
measure the dose quantities Hp(0.07) and Hp(10). The unnecessary to precisely determine the spectrum of the
phantom composition is acrylic material (PMMA). Three X-ray beam. The chamber comes uncalibrated; a primary
types representing parts of human bodies in regard to standard calibration by PTB, the German National
back-scattering of incident radiation are available: Laboratory, is available.
The useful gamma energy range is from 10 keV to 1400 keV.
Slab phantom: The water slab phantom represents The chamber response is approx. 350 nC/Sv. The chamber
the human torso and consists of a 300 mm x 300 mm set includes a phantom slab of 31 mm thickness with cham-
x 150 mm cube, which is filled with water. The front ber assembly and an additional phantom slab of 120 mm
wall is 2.5 mm thick; all other walls are 10 mm thick. thickness. The slab phantom is composed of tissue-equiva-
lent acrylic material (PMMA). The total external dimensions
Pillar phantom: The water pillar phantom represents
are 300 mm x 300 mm x 151 mm. Both sets include an
a lower arm or leg and consists of a circular cylinder
adapter cable to connect the chamber either to a dosemeter
with 73 mm diameter and 300 mm length, which is
with M connector or with BNC connector and banana pin.
filled with water. The wall is 2.5 mm thick; the bot-
The Hp(10) chamber should be used in connection with
tom and cover plates are each 10 mm thick.
a high quality dosemeter such as UNIDOS or UNIDOS E
Rod phantom: The acrylic rod phantom represents a to ensure best performance.
finger and consists of a circular acrylic cylinder with
19 mm diameter and 300 mm length. 1 Ankerhold, Ambrosi, Eberle – A chamber for determining the conventional-
ly true value of Hp(10) and H*(10) needed by calibration laboratories – Rad.
1 ISO 4037-3:1999 “X and gamma reference radiation for calibrating Prot. Dos. Vol. 96, Nos 1-3, pp. 133 - 137 (2001), Nucl. Techn. Publishing
dosemeters and doserate meters and for determining their response as a
function of photon energy -- Part 3: Calibration of area and personal Ordering Information
dosemeters and the measurement of their response as a function of
energy and angle of incidence” L981937 Hp(10) Secondary standard chamber, M connector
L981938 Hp(10) Secondary standard chamber, BNC
Ordering Information connector and banana pin
T41007 ISO water slab phantom, representing a torso
T41011 ISO water pillar phantom, representing arm and leg Option
T40009 ISO acrylic rod phantom, representing a finger PTB Primary standard calibration upon request

UNIDOS Dosemeters pages 13 and 96

Metrology: Radiological Calibration Equipment

Calibration Service - Calibration Service -

Laboratory Radiation Qualities

PTW-Freiburg operates an accredited A variety of ionizing radiation beam

secondary standard dosimetry laboratory quality sets for different applications is
for radiological measuring quantities available
PTW-Freiburg is a member of the IAEA international Radiation Therapy Dosemeters
SSDL network and the German Calibration Service - X-rays 10, 15, 30, 50, 70, 100 kV
DAkkS (TW qualities according to DIN 6809-4)
The calibrations are directly traceable to the primary - X-rays 70, 100, 140, 200, 280 kV
standards of: (TH qualities according to DIN 6809-5)
- 137Cs 662 keV
BIPM (Bureau International de Poids et Mesure, Paris)
- 60Co 1.3 MeV
PTB-Braunschweig (German Federal Institute of
Physics and Metrology) Diagnostic Radiology Dosemeters
Eleven calibration facilities for various radiation - X-rays 50, 70, 90, 120, 150 kV Conventional
qualities, measuring quantities and dose rate ranges (RQR and RQA qualities according to IEC 61267)
are available - X-rays 70, 90, 120, 150 kV CT
(RQR and RQA qualities according to IEC 61267)
Regular external audits are performed by PTB
- X-rays 100, 120, 150 kV CT
(RQT qualities according to IEC 61267)
The calibration laboratory has been a most important
- X-rays 50, 70, 90 kV Dental
part of PTW-Freiburg since its first days. The task to
- X-rays 25, 28, 30, 35 kV Mammography
produce accurate dosimetric instrumentation implies the
Qualities according to IEC 61267 Mo/Mo, Mo/Rh,
necessity to provide accurate calibration. PTW-Freiburg
Rh/Rh, W/Ag, W/Al, W/Rh (each with 2 mm Al optional)
operates Germany's first Secondary Standard Dosimetry
Laboratory for radiation quantities accredited by the Radiation Protection Dosemeters
DAkkS German Calibration Service, under direct supervi- - X-rays 20, 30, 40 kV (Narrow Spectrum Series (N)
sion of the National Laboratory. It operates as an ADCL qualities acc. ISO 4037-1:1996)
(Accredited Dosimetry Calibration Laboratory) and it is - X-rays 60, 80, 100, 150, 200, 250 kV (Narrow
also a member of the international SSDL network, Spectrum Series (N) qualities acc. ISO 4037-
organized by the International Atomic Energy Agency 1:1996)
IAEA. With eleven calibration benches in continual use, - 137Cs 662 keV
the PTW calibration lab is one of the most active calibra- - 60Co 1.3 MeV
tion labs for ionizing radiation in the world. The follow-
ing radiation therapy beam qualities can be calibrated:
Miscellaneous Calibrations
- Source strength (cGym2h-1) of brachytherapy sources
- 60Co (1.3 MeV) measured by well-type chambers
- 137Cs (662 keV) - Diagnostic X-ray generator high voltage of all types of
- X-rays (10 ... 280) kV X-ray equipment measured non-invasively by kV-meters
In addition, well-type chambers can be calibrated to - Nuclide activity in nuclear medicine measured by isotope
measure brachytherapy sources. Besides the therapy calibrators (only CURIEMENTOR instruments)
dosimetry calibrations, the PTW lab provides for dose - Electrical measuring quantities charge (C) and current (A)
and non-invasive kV calibrations in diagnostic imaging, measured by highly sensitive electrometers
nuclide radioactivity calibrations of isotope calibrators in
nuclear medicine and calibrations of health physics dosi- General Information
metry equipment. According to the PTW definition, each such set of beam
qualities represents one calibration point for a certain appli-
cation and can be ordered with a single order number.

Services: Service Contracts

PTW Service Contracts

Service Contracts with different service levels

Service Contracts Bronze, Silver Services include:

and Gold All the advantages of the “Bronze” service package
Software upgrades
Free provision of further developed versions of
PTW instruments are a valuable investment. Keep your licensed PTW software
PTW equipment in top condition to get the best out of it Service checks
as long as you use it. PTW service contracts hold the key
Inspection and calibration of measuring
to it. They come in three attractive contract packages
instruments in recommended service intervals
that are built on each other to meet different mainte-
nance and budget needs - from basic coverage to total Priority service and support
care. Guaranteed, faster reaction time to support,
service and repair requests
BRONZE – The “Extended Warranty” Package
The PTW service contract “Bronze” offers prolonged GOLD – The “Total Care” Package
protection against unexpected repair costs after the The “Gold” service contract provides the highest level of
statutory warranty has expired. Extend your coverage protection for your investment which gives you true
further and benefit from the expertise of our technical peace of mind. Building on the “Silver” package, it
support and free software updates. includes free replacement equipment, covering all ship-
ping costs within the EU. Reduce the risk of unplanned
Services include: downtime of your PTW equipment during servicing or
Technical hotline support off-site repairs. Shipment is handled by us, freeing you
up to focus on your core business.
Unlimited access to support hotline via phone,
fax and e-mail
Services include:
Warranty extension
All the advantages of the “Silver” service package
Free repair and/or equipment replacement warranty
Loan equipment
Software updates
Fast provision of replacement equipment during
Free provision of updated versions of licensed off-site repairs and servicing at no extra cost
PTW software
Logistical services
SILVER – The “Stay Save” Package Free shipping within the EU and full logistical and
administrative support in the event of servicing
The PTW service contract “Silver” combines the advan-
tages of the “Bronze” service package with regular
service checks. In addition to priority support and repairs,
it includes inspection and calibration of your instru- For more information about PTW service contracts
ments, as well as free software upgrades. Perfect for and other PTW services, visit our website at
those who want to keep their PTW system always in top or contact your local
condition and technically up to date. PTW sales partner.

Services: Service Contracts


Radiation Medicine: Quick View


Radiation Medicine: Quick View


Radiation Medicine: Quick View

Quick View
Product Families

The size of this product catalog shows that the PTW This chapter reviews the following product families:
product range is quite comprehensive. It meets the tasks
and needs of users for the measurement of ionizing radi- TBA Therapy Beam Analyzers
ation and the quality control of irradiation equipment in Various sets of basic equipment for data acquisition
medicine and health physics. and analysis of external beams in radiotherapy are
available, depending on different types of phantom
The products are presented in this catalog in the order tanks. Optional items for the TBA analyzers are also
of their application and use. This chapter includes listings listed.
of certain product families and reviews the entire range
of the presented product families. Each product is char- PTW Dosemeters
acterized within these reviews by a small picture, the
This guide gives a review of the available dosemeters,
item number, the product name, a short description and
which are combined with different detectors for the
the page, where the product is described more compre-
measurement of ionizing radiation of varying radiation
qualities and dose rates.

PTW Software
Since the majority of electronic devices for the meas-
urement of ionizing radiation is computer controlled
today, a number of software programs for various
applications in medicine and health physics are avail-

PTW Detectors
The PTW product line includes quite a number of dif-
ferent radiation detectors for the measurement of the
entire range of ionizing radiation qualities and dose
rates and for varying applications in medical radiology
and health physics.

For detailed information refer to our Detector Catalog

Radiation Medicine: Quick View

Quick View

Product Family Quick View

TBA Therapy Beam Analyzers 118

Guide to PTW Dosemeters 120

Guide to PTW Software 122

Product Index 124

Item Number Index 126

TBA Therapy Beam Analyzers

TBA Therapy Beam Analyzers

Configured Basic Systems

L981475 BEAMSCAN Water Phantom, complete, BNT connector

L981476 BEAMSCAN Water Phantom, complete, TNC connector
L981474 BEAMSCAN Water Phantom, complete, M connector
consisting of: - BEAMSCAN phantom tank
- Lifting carriage with integrated dosemeter, control unit and reservoir
- Mobile device (iPod touch®), WiFi access point
- 2x Semiflex 3D 0.07 cm3 ion chamber, TRUFIX BS
- BEAMSCAN Software, software option PLAMO
- Accessories

L981558 BEAMSCAN MR Water Phantom for Elekta, complete
L981559 BEAMSCAN MR Water Phantom for Viewray, complete
consisting of: - BEAMSCAN MR phantom tank
- Carriage with integrated dosemeter, control unit and reservoir
- 2x Semiflex 3D 0.07 cm3 ion chamber
- BEAMSCAN Software, software option PLAMO
- Accessories

L981172 MP3-XS Water Phantom, complete, BNT connector

L981173 MP3-XS Water Phantom, complete, TNC conntector
L981174 MP3-XS Water Phantom, complete, M connector
consisting of: - MP3-XS phantom tank
- TBA control unit, TANDEM dosemeter, control pendant
- 2x Semiflex 0.125 cm3 ion chamber
- MEPHYSTO mc2, software option Absolute Dosimetry
- Accessories

L981199 MP3-T Water Phantom, complete, BNT connector

L981183 MP3-T Water Phantom, complete, TNC conntector
L981182 MP3-T Water Phantom, complete, M connector
consisting of: - MP3-T phantom tank
- TBA control unit, TANDEM dosemeter, control pendant
- PinPoint ion chamber 0.03 cm3 ion chamber
- SFD Mammo ion chamber 6 cm3
- Accessories

L981185 MP3-P Water Phantom with Reservoir, TCP/IP interface, BNT connector
L981186 MP3-P Water Phantom with Reservoir, TCP/IP interface, TNC connector
L981233 MP3-P Water Phantom with Reservoir, TCP/IP interface, M connector
L981403 MP3-P Water Phantom with SCANLIFT and positioning device, M connector
Consisting of: - MP3-P phantom tank
- TBA control unit, TANDEM XDR, dosemeter, control pendant
- Accessories

For product details see chapter Therapy Beam Analysis, page 35ff.

TBA Therapy Beam Analyzers

TBA Therapy Beam Analyzers

Dosimetry Options

Dosimetry diodes page

60023 microSilicon Dosimetry Diode for electrons and photons; BNT, TNC or M connector 18
60016 Dosimetry Diode P for photons; BNT, TNC or M connector

Thimble ionization chambers page

31021 Semiflex 3D 0.07 cm3 ion chamber; BNT, TNC or M connector 15-17
30013 Waterproof Farmer 0.6 cm3 ion chamber; BNT, TNC or M connector
31022 PinPoint 3D 0.016 cm3 ion chamber; BNT, TNC or M connector

Plane-parallel ionization chambers page

34045 Advanced Markus 0.02 cm3 electron chamber; BNT, TNC or M connector 19
34001 Roos 0.35 cm3 electron chamber; BNT, TNC or M connector

Diamond detector page

60019 microDiamond; BNT, TNC or M connector 17

Detector positioning tools page

L981150 TRUFIX Basic equipment 41
Holders for various detectors upon request

Guide to PTW Dosemeters

Guide to PTW Dosemeters

Therapy Dosemeters

T10023 BNT UNIDOSwebline High performance reference class dosemeter with integrated page
T10022 TNC Universal network features for universal use;
T10021 M Dosemeter chamber bias voltage supply ± (0 ... 400) V

T10010 BNT UNIDOS E Easy to use reference class or field class dosemeter for rou- page
T10009 TNC Universal tine dosimetry; chamber bias voltage supply ± (0 ... 400) V
T10008 M Dosemeter

T10015 BNT TANDEM Fast dual channel electrometer for absolute dosimetry with page
T10016 TNC TanSoft software and for beam analysis with TBA therapy
T10011 M beam analyzers; chamber bias voltage supply ± (0 ... 400) V

T10038 BNT TANDEM XDR Fast dual channel electrometer for absolute dosimetry with page
T10039 TNC TanSoft software and for beam analysis with TBA therapy
T10037 M beam analyzers; chamber bias voltage supply ± (0 ... 400) V;
extended dose rate range for e.g. IORT

T10018 VIVODOS Twelve channel dosemeter for twelve channel in-vivo page
in-vivo dosimetry (diodes) and six channel afterloading dosimetry
Dosemeter (diodes)

T11028 VIVODOS E Four channel dosemeter for four channel in-vivo page
in-vivo dosimetry (diodes)

T10004 MULTIDOS Field class dual channel dosemeter (chambers with M connector), page
multi-channel dosemeter for 12-channel in-vivo dosimetry (diodes),
6-channel afterloading dosimetry (diodes), 48-channel beam ana-
lysis (LA48 linear array), and quality control (QC6Plus probe)

Diagnostic Dosemeters

L981816 NOMEX Non-invasive measuring system for absolute dosimetry and page
Dosemeter quality control in X-ray diagnostic radiology

L981815 NOMEX Miniaturized non-invasive measuring system for absolute page

Multimeter dosimetry and quality control in X-ray diagnostic radiology

T11035 DIADOS E Diagnostic dosemeter for routine quality control of radio- page
graphic, fluoroscopic, mammographic, dental and CT X-ray
installations, utilizing semiconductor detectors; hand-held

T11007 CONNY II Diagnostic dosemeter for constancy tests of X-ray installa- page
tions for radiography, fluoroscopy and mammography, utiliz-
ing a semiconductor detector

Guide to PTW Dosemeters

T11006 DIAMENTOR Multifunctional dose area product (DAP) meter for patient page
M4 dosimetry in diagnostic radiology, utilizing a TV34028-1

T11038AP DIAMENTOR Dual channel dose area product (DAP) meter for patient page
C2 dosimetry in diagnostic radiology, utilizing a TA34028-1
DIAMENTOR chamber; with build-in printer

L981197 DIAMENTOR Compact dose area product (DAP) measuring system for patient page
L981198 Set CM dosimetry with communication between single CAN

L981196 DIAMENTOR Dose area product (DAP) measuring system for patient dosime- page
Set CI try with communication between single CAN
components with chamber-integrated measuring electronics

T11054 DIAMENTOR Wireless dose area product (DAP) measuring system with page
T11055 RS integrated standard B chamber

T11059 DIAMENTOR Compact wireless dose area product (DAP) page

T11058 C-RS measuring system

L981961 DIAMENTOR Compact dosemeter for dose area product (DAP) and DAP page
CX rate measurement in patient dosimetry during diagnostic
examinations with all-in-one chamber and electronics

T11017 DIAMENTOR Patient dosemeter for simultaneous measurement of patient page

M4-KDK entrance dose and dose rate, and dose area product (DAP)
during diagnostic X-ray examinations, utilizing a
TV34044-1 DIAMENTOR KDK chamber

Health Physics Dosemeter

T10023 BNT UNIDOSwebline High performance reference class dosemeter with integrated page
T10022 TNC Universal network features for dosimetry in health physics;
T10021 M Dosemeter chamber bias voltage supply ± (0 ... 400) V

Guide to PTW Software

Guide to PTW Software

This guide gives a review of the complete range of PTW software programs to be used in combination with PTW dosime-
try and quality control equipment.

Radiation Therapy

Absolute Dosimetry

S080028 TanSoft Absolute dosimetry with the TANDEM dual channel dosemeter page

S100009 UniSoft Absorbed dose to water calculation according to AAPM TG-51 page
Edition 2000 and IAEA TRS-398

Patient and Brachytherapy Dosimetry

S090004 VivoSoft Patient in-vivo dosimetry during external radiation treatment page
with the MULTIDOS / VIVODOS / VIVODOS E dosemeters

Therapy Beam Analysis

BEAMSCAN Software Therapy beam data acquisition and data analysis, part of the page

Options Options Film Analysis, Absolute Dosimetry and Planning page

Modules (PLAMO) for BEAMSCAN Software

S080052 PeakScan Measurement and analysis of the Bragg peak with the page

Quality Control

S070031 VERIQA All-in-one solution for integrated patient QA page


S070020 DIAMOND MU calculation software page


S070009 VeriSoft IMRT patient plan verification, DVH 4D option available page

S070017 QUICKCHECK Software LINAC constancy tests with the QUICKCHECKwebline constancy page
test device

Guide to PTW Software

S070027 Track-it Software for QA data tracking page


S070011 MultiCheck LINAC quality control with the 2D ion chamber arrays page

S070010 epidSoft Quality control of Electronic Portal Imaging Devices (EPID) using page
the EPID QC Phantom

S070019 IsoCheck Software Checks size and position of the isocenter by analysing starshot page

S070023 IsoCheck epid Determination of radiological rotational isocenters of LINACs by page

analysing EPID images

Diagnostic Radiology

Quality Control

S030008 NOMEX Software Control of the NOMEX Multimeter and data handling page
incl. statistics and data export


L991481 DARS Software Controls benches, irradiators and reads out dosemeter page

S160003 BenchControl Controls FILTER WHEEL, X-RAY SHUTTER, page

CALIBRATION BENCH with motorized carriage and
electrometer, readout temperature and pressure

Product Index

Product Index
Product Page Product Page
1 liter chamber 108 I
10 liter chamber 109 IGRT QC set 58
3 liter chamber 95 Illuminance meter 79
3D chamber 16-17 Image ruler 78
4D calibration bench 100 IMRT phantom 50
4D dose verification 46 Inhomogeneity phantom 51
50 liter chamber 95 Interlocking system 106
A In-vivo dosemeter 29-30
Advanced Markus chamber 19 In-vivo probe 30
Al filter 70 ISO calibration phantom 110
B Isocenter QA software 59
Barometer 25 ISOCHECK 59
BEAMSCAN 35 IsoCheck epid 59
BEAMSCAN MR 37 IsoCheck software 59
BEAMSCAN software 36 L
BenchControl software 100 Label printer 87
Beta irradiator 104 Laser 106
Böhm extrapolation chamber 109 Luminance meter 79
Bragg peak chamber 39 MAM detector 68
Brass mini phantom 23 Mammo test object 77
BRONZE package 112 Markus chamber 19
Build-up cap 24 mAs meter 66, 73
C MAVOLUX 5032 B 79
Calibration bench 100 MAVOLUX 5032 C BASE 79
Calibration phantom 110 MAVO-SPOT 2 USB 79
Calibration service 111 Measuring stand 69
Camera monitoring system 106 microDiamond 17
CATPHAN 78 microSilicon 18
Centric cross 78 Mini phantom 23
CertificatesManager 100, 106 Monitor chamber 106-107
Chamber array 47-49, 54-55 Monitoring system 105
Check device 25 MP1 21, 40
CoMo 170 92 MP3-P 38
CONNY II 74 MP3-T 40
Contamination monitor 92 MP3-XS 38
CT dosimetry 69 MR products 37, 47, 55
CT test object 78 MU calculation 52
CTDI equipment 69 Multi channel dosemeter 14, 29-30
Cu filter 70 MultiCheck 57
Cylinder stem chamber 107 MULTIDOS 14, 30
DAP meter 83-87 NOMEX Dosemeter 65
DAP/Dose meter 87 NOMEX mAs 66, 73
DARS software 100 NOMEX Multimeter 65, 73
Detector holding device 41 NORMI 13 75
Diagnostic Dosemeter 65-67, 73-74 NORMI MAM 77
DIAMENTOR built-in solution 86 NORMI RAD/FLU 75
DIAMENTOR CM 84 OCTAVIUS accessories 50
DIAMENTOR CX 86 OCTAVIUS Detector 1500 47
DIAMENTOR M4 83 OCTAVIUS Detector 1500 MR 47
Diamond detector 17 OCTAVIUS I 47-48
DIAMOND software 52 OCTAVIUS II 49
Diode 18, 30 PEAKFINDER 39
DIODE MATE 31 Personal dosemeter 93
Dosimetry diode 18 PinPoint chamber 17
DVT test object 76 Power limitation 87
Electron chamber 19 QUICKCHECK webline 53
EPD Mk2 93 R
EPID QC Phantom 57 R/F/D detector 68
epidSoft 58 Radioactive check device 25
ESTRO mini phantom 23 Roos chamber 19
Extension Cable 24 RUBY phantom 45
Extrapolation chamber 109 RW3 slab phantom 23
Farmer chamber 15-16 SC holding device 60
FFF compensator 53 SCANLIFT 38
FH 40 G-L10 93 Semiflex chamber 16
FIELDCHECK 56 Service contract 112
Film digitizer 42 SFD chamber 68
Film measurement 50 Silicon Detector 18
Filter set 101 SILVER package 112
Filter wheel 101 SL Survey Detector 66
G Slab phantom 23
Gamma irradiator 102-104 Soft X-ray chamber 20
GOLD package 112 Soft X-ray phantom 20
Health physics dosemeter 96 Spherical chamber 108-109
Hp(10) secondary standard chamber 110 STARCHECK 54
HVL measuring stand 69 STARCHECK maxi 55

Product Index

Product Index
Product Page
STEP OD-02 92
Surveillance camera 106
Survey meter 92-93
TBA software 36
Test pattern 78
Thermometer 25
TK-30 chamber 108
Track-it 54
T-REF chamber 41
Trolley 42, 50
Tube support 101
UNIDOS E 13, 67
UNIDOS webline 13, 96
UniSoft 15
Universal dosemeter 13, 96
Universal gantry mount 60
Universal mount 87
Verification phantom 50
Verification software 52
VERIQA software 51
VeriSoft 52
VF irradiator 101-105
VivoSoft 31
Water column 39
Water phantom 21-22, 35, 37-38, 40
Waterproof Farmer chamber 15
Well-type chamber 32
X-Check DSA 76
XLS 94
X-ray leakage system 94
X-ray test object 75-78
X-ray test pattern 78

Item Number Index

Item Number Index

The item numbers of most of the detectors are without the leading letters indicating the connecting system. For information about the available connect-
ing systems see the according product page.

Item # Page Item # Page Item # Page Item # Page

786 106 L981324 48 L991457 100 T26014.1.200 94
7862 107 L981377 55 L991458 100 T26076 65
23342 20 L981379 84 L991461 103 T26078 68
23361 107 L981389 54 L991462 103 T26079 68
30009 69 L981403 38 L991463 104 T2954/K2 24
30010 16 L981423 38 L991464 104 T2967/12 23
30012 16 L981425 58 L991465 104 T29672 23
30013 15 L981426 46, 77 L991468 103 T31016.1.300 23
30017 69 L981427 77 L991470 103 T33005.1.020 32
31010 16 L981429 46 L991471 103 T34031 95
31013 16 L981437 101 L991474 103 T34060.1.050 68
31015 17 L981438 46 L991477 103 T34069.1.050 68
31021 16 L981441 39 L991481 100 T40009 110
31022 17 L981442 38 L991482 100 T40016 69
32002 108 L981449 47 L991483 100 T40016.1.010 69
32003 109 L981450 49 S020012 84 T40017 69
32005 108 L981464 49 S070009 52 T40017.1.010 69
33005 32 L981465 48 S070009.001 46, 52 T40020.1.010 50
34001 19 L981467 20 S070010 58 T40023.1.010 23
34013 20 L981473 75 S070011 57 T40023.1.020 23
34014 106 L981475 35 S070019 59 T40023.1.030 23
34031 95 L981476 35 S070020 46, 52 T40027 69
34044 87 L981488 55 S070020.001 52 T40027.1.050 69
34045 19 L981489 47 S070020.002 52 T40036.1.010 23
34055 94 L981492 77 S070020.003 52 T40036.1.020 23
34060 68 L981494 77 S070023 59 T40037 51
34069 68 L981495 79 S070027 54 T40042.1.010 50
34070 39 L981496 79 S070031 51 T40046 77
34089 39 L981528 85 S070031.010 51 T40052 56
34091 41 L981529 65, 66, 73 S070031.020 51 T40053 50
60004 68 L981530 66, 73 S070031.030 51 T40054.1.015 50
60005 68 L981531 65, 66, 73 S080028 14 T40056.1.002 46
60016 18 L981532 65 S080052 39 T40056.1.003 46
60019 17 L981533 65, 73 S080054.001 36 T40056.1.006 46
60023 18 L981538 31 S080054.002 35, 36 T40056.1.007 46
34028-1 83 L981539 30 S080054.003 36 T40059 55
E21271 32 L981540 30 S090004 31 T40063.1.002 46
E21272 32 L981558 37 S100009 15 T40063.1.003 46
L178088 65, 73 L981559 37 S160003 100 T40063.1.004 46
L502078 83 L981561 46 S160004 100, 106 T40064 23
L522021 13, 96 L981562 46 T10004 14, 30 T41001 21
L522058 65, 73 L981570 46 T10008 13, 67 T41007 110
L654005 25 L981627 48 T10009 13 T41011 110
L654006 25 L981810 74 T10009 67 T41014 22
L656004 42 L981814 65, 73 T10010 13, 67 T41019 21, 40
L659005 78 L981815 65 T10011 14 T41021.1.030 60
L659035 78 L981815 73 T10015 14 T41021.1.070 60
L659066 78 L981816 65 T10016 14 T41021.1.110 60
L659093 78 L981937 110 T10018 29 T41021.1.150 60
L659150 78 L981938 110 T10021 13, 96 T41021.1.170 60
L891406 53 L981956 70 T10022 13, 96 T41021.1.210 60
L981034 20 L981957 70 T10023 13, 96 T41023 22
L981035 20 L981961 86 T10028 29 T41025 21, 40
L981069 38 L981975 53 T10033.1.050 55 T41026.1.001 40
L981097 58 L981976 53 T10033.1.150 55 T41026.1.100 40
L981150 41 L991017 93 T10033.1.550 55 T41049 39
L981182 40 L991096 83, 87 T10033.3.052 55 T42003 76
L981183 40 L991133 25 T10037 14 T42003.1.006 76
L981185 38 L991221 92 T10038 14 T42004 59
L981186 38 L991222 92 T10039 14 T42024 77
L981194 101 L991223 92 T11003.1.020 67 T42025 57
L981198 84 L991224 92 T11006 83 T42030 50, 56
L981199 40 L991225 92 T11007 74 T42031.1.310 53
L981233 38 L991237 25 T11017 87 T42031.1.320 53
L981239 67 L991257 92 T11024 83 T42037 59
L981246 75 L991288 92 T11025 87 T43009.1.910 70
L981247 75 L991289 92 T11036 94 T43010.1.001 78
L981250 84 L991294 93 T11038AP 83 T43026 70
L981251 86 L991295 93 T11054 85 T43033 101
L981255 84 L991298 106 T11055 85 T48001 108
L981257 39 L991299 106 T11058 85 T48010 25, 32
L981275 86 L991323 106 T16018 67 T48012 25
L981284 100 L991362 93 T20008 69 T60004 67
L981285 100 L991382 93 T20008.1.020 69 T60010EP 30
L981286 100 L991383 93 T20010 31 T60010HP 30
L981288 101 L991385 25 T20016 65, 73 T60010L 30
L981289 101 L991397 69 T20017 65, 73 T60010MP 30
L981291 106 L991398 51 T23237 107 T60021 66
L981293 101 L991422 65, 73 T23392 109 T7262 95
L981296 50 L991433 106 T23392/U5 109 T7262/U10 95
L981301 75, 76 L991453 100 T26002.1.001 24 T7262A 95
L981302 75, 76 L991454 100 T26005.1.002 24 T77336/U20 69
L981307 75, 76 L991455 100 T26007 68 T90012 101
L981309 75, 76 L991456 100 T26014.1.001 94

Item Number Index


Dosimetry Pioneers since 1922.
PTW is a global market leader for dosimetry and quality control solutions in radiation medicine, serving the needs of medical radiation
experts in more than 160 countries worldwide. Starting with the famous Hammer dosemeter in 1922, the German manufacturer is
one of the pioneers in medical radiation measurement, known for its unparalleled quality and precision.

For PTW, making medical radiation safer is both a passion and lifetime commitment. The family-run high-tech company operates one
of the oldest and largest accredited calibration laboratories in the field of ionizing radiation and established THE DOSIMETRY SCHOOL
to promote the exchange of knowledge in clinical dosimetry.

For more information on PTW products visit

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