Diagnostic Value of Contrast-Enhanced Spectral Mammography For Screening Breast Cancer. Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis
Diagnostic Value of Contrast-Enhanced Spectral Mammography For Screening Breast Cancer. Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis
Diagnostic Value of Contrast-Enhanced Spectral Mammography For Screening Breast Cancer. Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis
Clinical Breast Cancer, Vol. -, No. -, 1-10 ª 2018 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Keywords: Accuracy, Breast cancer, Contrast-enhanced spectral mammography, Meta-analysis
Location Study Design Patients Patients Lesions Unaware of Final Reference Standard
Study Year (Asia) (Prospective) (Consecutive) (Age > 40 Years) (Included BI-RADS 1-3) Diagnosis (Histopathology Only)
Houben8 2017 No No No Yes Yes Yes No
Li10 2017 No No No No Yes No Yes
Patel30 2017 No No No No No No Yes
Mori7 2017 Yes No No No Yes Yes No
Richter31 2017 No No No No Yes No No
Cheung32 2016 Yes No Yes Yes Yes No Yes
Luczynska33 2016 No No No Yes Yes No Yes
Cheung34 2016 Yes No No No No No Yes
Lalji35 2016 No No Yes Yes Yes Yes No
Tennant36 2016 No No Yes No Yes No Yes
Kamal37 2016 No No Yes No Yes No No
Wang38 2016 Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes
Luczynska39 2015 No No No Yes Yes Yes Yes
Luczynska40 2015 No No No Yes Yes Yes Yes
Kamal41 2015 No No Yes No Yes Yes No
Luczynska42 2014 No Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes
Cheung43 2014 Yes No No No Yes Yes Yes
Lobbes44 2014 No No No Yes Yes Yes No
Xiao Zhu et al
Diagnostic Value of CESM
designed without a control arm, such as diagnostic studies, have no likelihood ratio (NLR), and diagnostic odds ratio (DOR), were
way to assess study quality.14 Therefore, in recent years, a tool, computed. A summary receiver operating characteristic (SROC)
Quality Assessment of Diagnostic Accuracy Studies (QUADAS)- curve, which was plotted based on the sensitivity and specificity
2,15 an improved edition of QUADAS,16 has been developed for value, and the area under the curve (AUC) of the SROC curve18,19
quality assessment of studies of diagnostic accuracy. Quality were also calculated. A random-effects model was used to calculate
assessment is a vital part of any systematic review, and hence these diagnostic accuracy parameters.20
QUADAS-2 is recommended to evaluate the risk of bias in diag- The Cochran Q test (P < .05 or I2 > 50%)21 was used to detect
nostic studies. The QUADAS-2 checklist comprises key domains heterogeneity, which referred to the degree of variability in results
covering patient selection, index test, reference standard, and flow across the studies. We analyzed the effects of the covariates on DOR
and timing domains. Each domain was assessed in terms of risk of (ie, study design, geographic location, patients’ age, BI-RADS,
bias, and the first 3 domains were also analyzed in terms of appli- blinded or not for final diagnosis, kind of reference standard
cability. Each domain was assessed as “yes,” “no,” or “unclear,” with used). The relative DOR was calculated to analyze the influence of
“yes” indicating low risk of bias or low concern regarding applica- these covariates.22,23 We analyzed the potential presence of publi-
bility and “no” indicating high risk of bias or high concern regarding cation bias using funnel plots.24
applicability. Quality assessment was independently cross-checked
by 2 reviewers (Z.X. and K.Z.). If reviewers failed to extract Results
sufficient data from the literature to permit a judgment, those items After independent review, 24 publications were included in the
were categorized as “unclear.” Discrepancies were solved by team analysis. Two of the 24 studies identified were excluded because they
discussion and consensus. The final quality assessments were merely evaluated the value of CESM in monitoring neoadjuvant
recorded in a QUADAS-2 form.15 chemotherapy.25,26 Three studies were not included because they
incorporated only breast cancer patients.27-29 One study was a sys-
Statistical Analysis tematic review and meta-analysis.11 Thus, a total of 18 full-text articles
Analyses were performed by Stata 10.0 (StataCorp, College meeting the analysis criteria were included in our study.7,8,10,30-44
Station, TX) and Meta-DiSc for Windows (XI Cochrane Collo- Figure 1 provides the flowchart for identification of eligible studies.
quium, Barcelona, Spain). Recommended standard methods were
used to carry out diagnostic meta-analyses.17 Characteristics and Quality of Studies
Besides sensitivity and specificity, the other important measures The eligible studies included 2859 patients who ranged in age
of test accuracy, like positive likelihood ratio (PLR), negative from 31 to 75 years with CESM. Two studies were designed
Abbreviations: H ¼ high risk; L ¼ low risk; ? ¼ unclear risk; QUADAS ¼ Quality Assessment of Diagnostic Accuracy Studies.
prospectively and 16 studies were designed retrospectively. Five Multiple Regression Analysis and Publication Bias
studies were carried out in Asia, and the rest were performed in the Metaregression was applied to assess the following aspects of 18
United States and Europe. One or two outcome measures consid- studies (Table 2): study design (design: prospective or not), de-
ering histopathologic findings, clinical follow-up, or both were mographic characteristics (region: Asia or not), patients (consecutive
adopted in these studies (Tables 1 and 2). or not), patient age (age > 40 years or not), lesions (included BI-
The quality assessment of the incorporated papers by the RADS 1-3 or not), CESM (blinded to final diagnosis or not),
QUADAS-2 tool is depicted in Table 3 and Figure 2. In the “patient and reference standard (histopathology only or not). These cate-
selection” domain, 7 studies32,35-38,41,44 were considered to be at gories did not significantly affect diagnostic accuracy (P > .05), and
relatively low risk of bias, and the rest of the studies were at high risk. none of them showed any definite influence on heterogeneity
In “index test,” 9 studies7,8,35,38-41,43,44 were at low risk of bias, and (Table 4). The funnel plots showed large asymmetry, which indi-
the rest were not. In “reference standard,” 8 studies10,30-34,38,39 were cated a potential for publication bias for CESM (Figure 5).
regarded as low risk; the rest were at high risk. In terms of “flow and
timing,” only 7 studies7,8,31,35,37,41,44 were scored with low risk of Discussion
bias. But in both “index test” and “reference standard” domains, all Feasibility studies have shown that CESM is better than con-
the studies had low concerns regarding applicability. ventional mammography,45 and its sensitivity could possibly be
comparable with magnetic resonance imaging.10,31
Overall Diagnostic Accuracy of CESM A previous meta-analyses about diagnosis of CESM11 reported
Forest plots were created to show sensitivity and specificity values that CESM has a high pool sensitivity (0.98; 95% CI, 0.96-1.00)
with their corresponding 95% confidence intervals (CI) (Figure 3). but very low pool specificity (0.58; 95% CI, 0.38-0.77). The
The pooled sensitivity and specificity was 0.89 (95% CI, 0.88-0.91) present study showed that the pooled sensitivity (0.89, 95% CI
and 0.84 (95% CI, 0.82-0.85), respectively. The PLR was 3.73 0.88-0.91) was in line with previous meta-analyses,11 but the
(95% CI, 2.68-5.20), NLR was 0.10 (95% CI, 0.06-0.15), and pooled specificity (0.84, 95% CI 0.82-0.85) was higher than the
DOR was 71.36 (95% CI, 36.28-140.39). I2 values of sensitivity, previously reported specificity of CESM. It is likely that the
specificity, PLR, NLR, and DOR were 91.9%, 97.0%, 90.7%, development of technology and a deeper experience in the use of a
85.6%, and 66.3%, respectively. new imaging modality such as CESM may increase the diagnostic
As shown in Figure 4, in the SROC curve of CESM, the solid performance. The previous study11 included only 8 articles in the
circle presenting the studies is positioned near the desirable literature, and 2 of them included only breast cancer patients, which
upper left corner, indicating a relatively high level of overall would create inappropriate exclusions and result in overoptimistic
accuracy in breast cancer diagnosis. The AUC was 0.96 (standard estimates of CESM diagnostic accuracy. In addition, the previous
error ¼ 0.011). The maximum joint sensitivity and specificity meta-analyses did not discuss PLR and NLR, which has been pre-
(ie, the Q value) was 0.90 (standard error ¼ 0.016). sented as a Supplemental Figure 1 in the present study.
The DOR is the ratio of the odds of a positive test relative to the conclusive shifts from pretest to posttest probability, indicating high
odds of a negative test, and the value ranges from 0 to infinity. accuracy.49,50 In the present study, the PLR value of 3.73 suggests
DOR is considered as a single indicator of test accuracy.46 Higher that patients with breast cancer, compared to those without the
values of DOR indicate higher accuracy, except when DOR is equal disease, have an approximately 4-fold higher chance of being disease
to 1. DOR equal to 1 refers to the index test that does not positive on CESM. This PLR value is not satisfactory. The reason
distinguish patients with the disease and those without it. In the might be that there were several kinds of benign lesions with
present meta-analysis, the DOR of CESM is relatively high (71.36). enhancement,8,30 which results in a false-positive result and reduce
It indicated that the likelihood of a correct diagnosis of true breast the PLR value. The high pool sensitivity of 89% and a PLR value of
cancers is 71.36:1 if CESM indicates a positive result. 3.73 suggests that the enhancing area of breast lesion should be
The SROC curve and the corresponding AUC value are used to sampled by biopsy to exclude malignant mass. On the other hand,
estimate the overall diagnostic performance. When the AUC value is NLR was found to be 0.10, which is not low enough to completely
greater than 0.90, the performance of the index test is considered to rule out the presence of breast malignant lesions. If the CESM result
have a good diagnostic capability.47 Therefore, in the present study, was negative, the probability that the patient has breast cancer is
the location of solid circles in the SROC curves and the AUC value approximately 10%. In terms of NLR, the CESM indicate the
of 0.96 indicated that CESM is an excellent breast imaging unsatisfactory robustness. In other words, a negative CESM result
modality. should be interpreted with caution when this method is used
Likelihood ratios (LRs) are considered to be more clinically independently for the detection of breast cancer.
meaningful than SROC curves and DOR.48,49 LRs evaluate According to QUADAS-2 quality assessment criteria, the do-
whether a negative or positive result changes the probability of an mains “patient selection,” “index test,” and “flow and timing” were
existing disease state. LRs of > 10 or < 0.1 often produce contributing potentially high risks of bias to our review. In the
Table 4 Metaregression of Effects of Different Studies’ Aspects on Diagnosis Value of Contrast-Enhanced Spectral Mammography
Abbreviations: BI-RADS ¼ Breast Imaging Reporting and Data System; RDOR, relative diagnostic odds ratio.
Abbreviations: CESM ¼ contrast-enhanced spectral mammography; NLR ¼ negative likelihood ratio; PLR ¼ positive likelihood ratio.