Jambeswar Metrology
Jambeswar Metrology
Jambeswar Metrology
(MEE 2006)
[email protected]
203 P/SJT Annex. WTP
Module 6
Module Topics Lecture
1 Metal Cutting - Mechanics of metal cutting - cutting tool 4
materials, temperature, wear, and tool life considerations,
geometry and chip formation, surface finish and
machinability, optimization.
2 Basic Machine Tools - Lathe and its types - 4
Constructional details including accessories and
attachments, operations, types of lathe, Contructional and
operational details of Shaping - Planing - Slotting – Drilling
- Boring – Reaming – Tapping – Broaching.
3 Milling machine - Cutters - Milling operations - Indexing – 4
Gear Generation: Gear generating principles - Gear
Hobber - Gear finishing methods - Bevel gear generator.
4 Grinding machine- Operations and applications of 4
surface, cylindrical and centreless grinding processes,
dressing, truing and balancing of grinding wheels, grading
and selection of grinding wheels, micro-finishing (honing,
lapping, super-finishing).
5 Unconventional methods - Electro-chemical, electro- 4
discharge, ultrasonic, LASER, electron beam, water jet
Module Topics Lecture
6 Introduction to Metrology - Linear and angular 4
measurements – taper measurement, threads, surface
finish, inspection of straightness, flatness and alignment-–
Comparators - Gear testing.
7 Advances in Metrology - Precision Instrumentation based 4
on Laser Principals, Coordinate measuring machines,
Optical Measuring Techniques: Tool Maker’s Microscope,
Profile Projector. Nano-measurements: Scanning Electron
Microscope-.Atomic Force Microscopy-Transmission
Electron Microscopy.
8 Contemporary Discussion 2
• Metrology is the science of measurement
Linear measurements
Angular measurements
Geometric form measurements
Flatness, etc
Geometric relationships
Parallel, perpendicular, etc.
Concentric, runout, etc.
Controlled surface texture
Types of Measurement and Instruments Used
Introduction to Tolerances
“The allowable deviation from a standard, eg: the range of
variation permitted in maintaining a specified dimension in a
machined piece.”
Why is it necessary?
It is impossible to manufacture a part or a component to
an exact size and geometry.
– Angular measurement
• A very common measurement is that of dimensions, i.e.,
length, width, height of an object
– Calipers
– Dividers &
– Surface gauges
• Thickness gauges
Medium & high resolution devices
• Micrometer • Gauge blocks
• Micrometer with
assistance of • Gauge block with assistance of
– Telescoping – Mechanical comparator
– Extendable ball gauges
– Electronic comparator
• Vernier calipers
• Dial indicators – Pneumatic comparator
Rules also known as steel rules or scale and graduated length of steel, used for
approximately determining linear dimension
Simples and most common measuring instruments in inspection.
Principle : Comparing an unknown length to the one previously calibrated one.
The rule are graduated uniformly throughout its length. Rules are made in 150, 300,
500 and 1000 mm length.
The degree of accuracy when measurements are made by a steel rule depends upon the
quality of the rule, and the skill of the user in estimating part of a millimeter.
Rules are manufactured of carbon steel or stainless steel & spring Steel and many are
chrome plated with engraved graduations.
The required abilities of the steel rule:-
1. The end of the rules should be prevented form wear as it generally forms the basis for
one end for dimension.
2. The rule should never be used for cleaning between parts or as s substitute for screw
driver for scraping T slots and machine table, otherwise its edges and ends will be
3. Rusting of the role should avoid by oiling it during weekends and when it is not is used.
4. In order to maintain the sharpness of the graduations for easy and accurate reading scale
should be cleaned with grease dissolving fluids.
5. When taking measurement with rule, it should be so held that the graduation lines are as
closed as possible (Preferably touching) to the faces being measure.
6. In order to avoid the parallax error, while making measurement eye should be directly
opposite and 90° to the mark on the part to be measured.
Transfer caliper
Hermaphrodite Caliper
Graduated manual measuring tool
(slide caliper/vernier caliper)
Vernier caliper
• Components of vernier calipers are
– Main scale
– Vernier scale
– Fixed jaw
– Movable jaw
• Types of vernier calipers
– Type A vernier caliper
– Type B vernier caliper
– Type C vernier caliper
Type A Vernier Caliper
Type B Vernier Caliper
Type C Vernier Caliper
35.40 mm
Calculation of least count:
Graduated beam
Clamping screw
Fine adjustment
Vernier scale
Anvil and spindle
Screwed spindle
Graduated sleeve or barrel
Ratchet or friction stop
Spindle clamp
Errors in vernier caliper
i. Error due to play between sliding jaw on the scale.
ii. If the sliding jaw frame becomes worm or warped it will not slide squarely on the main scale and will cause error in
iii. Due to wear and warping of the jaws the zero line on main scale may not conclude with that on the vernier scale. This is
called as zero error.
iv. Errors are also caused by incorrect reading of vernier scale as the scales are difficult to read even with the aid of
magnifying glass.
v. Error is also introduced if the line of measurement does not coincide with the line of the scale.
vi. Since it to difficult to obtain correct feel due to its size and weight an error may be introduced due to incorrect feel.
Precautions in the use of vernier caliper
i. The line of measurement must coincide with line of scale.
ii. While measuring the outside diameter with vernier caliper the plane of the measuring tips of the calipers must be
perpendicular to the center line of the work piece. The caliper should not be fitted/twisted.
iii. The caliper jaws are moved on the work with light touch under pressure should not be applied.
iv. The accuracy of measurement depends on sense of sight & sense of feel.
v. The measuring instrument must be properly balanced in hand and held lightly in such a way that only fingers handle the
moving and adjustable screws.
Angular Measurement:
Angular Measurement: instrument for angular measurement: Vernier bevel
protractor, universal bevel protractor and sine bar.
Length standards such as foot and metre are arbitrary inventions of man.
This has necessitated the use of wavelength of light as a reference standard
of length because of the difficulty in accurately replicating the earlier
But, the standard for angle, is not man-made but exists in nature, which is
which is derived with relation to a circle (an envelope of a line moving
about one of its ends).
Ex:- the circumference of a planet, path of an electron around the nucleus of an
atom, its parts always bear a unique relationship.
Conventional and electronic clinometers
Universal bevel protractor
A simple protractor is a basic device used for measuring angles. At best, it can provide a least
count of 1° for smaller protractors and ½° for large ones.
Special Set
Example :
Let us consider the case where we have to arrange a dimension of 56.421 mm and normal
sets of slip gauges are available.
Always the last decimal point is to be considered first, i.e. 0.001 mm. Since gauge of 0.001
mm is not available, 1.001 mm slip gauge is to be selected.
Now considering the second decimal place, slip gauge with 1.02 mm height is selected. The
dimension left is 55.42 – 1.02 = 54.4 mm.
Next for 54.4 mm, slip gauge with 1.4 mm is to be chosen and then 3.0 mm gauge.
All these five slip gauges are wrung properly to get the required dimension.
Sine bar
Small type components
Center line of the Profile: It is the line that divides the effective
profile such that, the area contained by the profile above & below
the line are equal.
Surface texture is deemed to include irregularities which, recurring many times
across the surface, tend to form on it a pattern or texture. The irregularities in the
surface texture which result from the inherent action of the production process is
called roughness or primary texture. That component of surface texture upon
which roughness is super imposed is called waviness or secondary texture. This
may result from such factors as machine or work deflections, vibrations, chatter,
heat treatment or warping strains. The direction of the predominant surface
pattern, ordinarily determined by the production method used is called lay. The
parameters of the surface are conveniently defined with respect to a straight
reference line. The most widely used parameter is the arithmetic average
departure of the filtered profile from the mean line. This is known as the CLA
(Centre - Line - Average) or Ra (roughness average).
Analysis of Surface Traces(surface finish)
1. Centre line Average (C.L.A. Method)
•Surface roughness is
measured as the average
deviation from nominal
•It is defined as average value
of the ordinates from mean
line, regardless of the
arithmetic sign of ordinates.
Caln of CLA Value by
equation 2 is carried out
1 by Planimeter .
= 2
2. Root Mean Square (R.M.S. Method)
•Surface roughness is
measured as the average
deviation from nominal
•It is defined as square root of
arithmetic mean of values of
square of ordinates of the
surfaces measured from mean
3. Ten Point Height Method
In this method avg.
difference between five
height peaks & five lowest
valleys of surface texture
within sampling length
measured from a line parallel
to mean line & not crossing
the profile.
A device that compares the size of a part with that to which is set and does not
are employed
– Optical comparators
– Pneumatic comparators
Sigma comparator
Based on the type of air gauge circuit, pneumatic gauges can be classified as
free flow gauges
back pressure gauges
Free Flow Air Gauge
This uses a simple pneumatic circuit. Compressed air with a pressure in the range 1.5–2 bar
is passed through a tapered glass column that contains a small metal float. The air then
passes through a rubber or plastic hose and exits to the atmosphere through the orifice in the
gauging head. Since the gauging head is inserted inside the work part that is being inspected,
there is a small clearance between the gauging head and the work part. This restricts the
flow of air, thereby changing the position of the float inside the tapered glass column.
Back Pressure Gauge