Sources of Finance and Resource Mobilisation 5
Budgeting Techniques 27
Budget Preparation 42
Programme Design Committee
Prof. Uma Kanjilal (Chairperson) Prof. S.B. Ghosh, Retired Professor
Faculty of LIS, SOSS, IGNOU Faculty of LIS, SOSS, IGNOU
Prof. B.K.Sen, Retired Scientist Prof. T. Viswanathan
NISCAIR, New Delhi Retired Director, NISCAIR, New Delhi
Prof. K.S. Raghavan, DRTC Dr. Zuchamo Yanthan
Indian Statistical Institute, Bangalore Faculty of LIS, SOSS, IGNOU
Prof. Krishan Kumar, Retired Professor Conveners:
Dept. of LIS, University of Delhi, Delhi
Dr. Jaideep Sharma
Prof. M.M. Kashyap, Retired Professor Faculty of LIS, SOSS, IGNOU
Dept. of LIS, University of Delhi, Delhi
Prof. Neena Talwar Kanungo
Prof. R.Satyanarayana Faculty of LIS, SOSS, IGNOU
Retired Professor, Faculty of LIS, SOSS
Dr. R. Sevukan
(Former Faculty Member) Faculty of LIS
Internal Faculty
Dr. Archana Shukla
Prof. Neena Talwar Kanungo
Prof. Jaideep Sharma
10.0 Objectives
10.1 Introduction
10.2 Financial Management
10.2.1 Principles of Financial Management
10.2.2 Financial Management in Service-oriented and Not-for-profit Organisations
10.3 Sources of Funding / Finance
10.3.1 Academic Libraries
10.3.2 Public Libraries
10.3.3 Special Libraries
10.4 Implications of ICT Developments: E-Procurement and E-Documents
10.5 Library Expenditure Planning
10.5.1 Importance of Library Expenditure
10.5.2 Nature of Library Expenditure
10.5.3 Principles of Library Expenditure
10.5.4 Classification of Library Expenditure
10.6 Summary
10.7 Answers to Self Check Exercises
10.8 Keywords
10.9 References and Further Reading
After reading this Unit, you will be able to:
• explain the need and purpose of financial management and its application
in libraries and information centres;
• identify the characteristic features of service-oriented and not-for-profit
organisations, and the circumstances under which financial management
system has to operate in libraries;
• describe the sources of finance for different types of libraries and ways of
mobilising finance for libraries; and
• discuss the major categories of expenditure, principles and classification of
library expenditure.
Since money is most important input resource for any enterprise, proper
management of funds is necessary to achieve the goals of the organisation.
Libraries and information centers are no exceptions. They also need substantial
financial resources almost on a continuous basis. No study of an important public
activity like library services can be complete and fruitful unless it also covers
Financial Management financial aspects. A basic knowledge of library finance, library expenditure,
budgeting and accounting is, therefore, very important for any librarian or a
student of library science. Hence, there is no need to over emphasise the need
for financial management skills among library and information professionals.
On the other hand, it is considered that the economic management of libraries
and information centers is the most neglected area in library management. There
is a general lack of ‘financial literacy’ among librarians. This is despite the fact
that in recent years, tremendous economic and financial pressures are mounting
on libraries. The way finance is managed in libraries is more akin to that of other
not-for-profit service organisations, that too those in welfare economy than profit
making enterprises.
Libraries are not revenue earning institutions. Most of them are service components
of academic and other institutional bodies. Hence, they have a special obligation
to manage their finances with great care and judiciousness. Public library service
is generally free because it is supported by public funds, either through special
grants from the government and/ or through a library cess. The importance of the
provision of a continuous flow of adequate finance to libraries cannot be
exaggerated. A few principles are required to be understood, as finance is also an
instrument of control and evaluation.
The task of finding money, investing funds, managing property and getting the
sanction for the budget and all other related matters of finance are the
responsibility of the central executive authority of the public library system or
the parent organisation to which a particular type of library belongs. However,
the library has a major share of responsibility in estimating its own financial
requirements, preparing a budget for its functions, activities and programmes,
managing the funds appropriated and spending within the specified period,
maintaining accounts, and finally preparing a report.
Self Check Exercise Sources of Finance and
Resource Mobilisation
Note: i) Write your answer in the space given below.
ii) Check your answer with the answers given at the end of this Unit.
1) What do you understand by financial management and what are its
While above principles are useful in operating and managing finances in libraries,
there are statutory financial rules and procedures laid down by the executive
authorities and therefore libraries have no option but to follow such financial
rules as well.
There are other related fields and issues of financial management, library and
information professionals need to be kept in mind. They are cost accounting and
economics (particularly welfare economics), various tools and techniques of
financial management, economics and cost accounting like funds flow analysis,
ratio analysis, break even analysis, operating and financial leverages, financial
forecasting, capital budgeting, economic theory, theory of production, costing,
etc. as they have adequate scope for application in library and information centre
Historically, the cost accounting and other control techniques were developed
for manufacturing (i.e., profit-oriented) companies and hence they are less
Financial Management applicable to service-oriented and NFP organisations. Inadequate management
controls have become a tradition in such institutions, which are usually relatively
small and operate on a single location.
The real impact of fee-based services should be in the areas of new services.
Increased use of a particular service and changed need among users provide
clue for new services. Introducing new services involves set-up cost, but
services far outweigh the risk as such new services not only generate revenue
but also provide many intangible benefits like enhanced public relations
and boosting library image. Hence the primary motive of fee-based new
services should not be generating profit or fund but gaining these intangible
benefits. Some of the fee-based services could be access to research
experience and services, online searching of international databases,
document delivery, local and external inter-library loan delivery, internet
and other resources charges.
Fee-based new services are not only required to be carefully and strategically
planned, avoiding duplicating local services or competing with other local
information systems but also promoted with appropriate marketing methods.
Pricing of these services is a tricky issue as professional research time, local
interlibrary loan and document copying, verification of citation information,
translation and other documentation services, copyright charges, taxes and
tariffs, staff time, etc., are involved. In addition to extensive marketing and
pricing structure, care should be taken not to violate lease agreements,
licenses and copyright restrictions, service tax, etc.
vi) Gifts and donations (Mobilising library finance): In these days of pressing
need for money to run library services, all possible sources of funding need
to be explored and if necessary, lobbying for fund taking library clientele
into confidence is not wrong. Apart from grants from Government, donations
and gifts, various fund generating sources have to be tapped and fund raising
activities and campaigns have to be launched. One such example is organising
book exhibitions and other sales by “Friends of the library group” in the
premises. Gifts and donations are excellent source of supplementing funds
for special projects. Citizens are often willing to make significant donations
to cover part or all the costs of a new or remodeled library building. However
some care should be taken in handling gifts and donations. Firstly, library
must have exclusive control over all funds collected, donated or appropriated
as library fund. There should not be unusual riders on such funds, i.e., gifts
and donations should be transferred unconditionally to treasurer of parent
organisation or local authority or a public depository like bank or to financial
secretary of the committee or Board. Secondly no gift, donations or grant
from charitable institutions be used to justify reducing or replacing the
community’s commitment to public funding. Otherwise, library runs the
risk of disenfranchising and benefactors-donors may cease according grants
to library if they see that their efforts are resulting in reduced public funding
for the library instead of improving the resources.
Gifts and donations need not be in cash. Any donation of building or other
investments are much better as they provide fund more regularly in the
12 form of rent on space/ accommodation and interest on investments.
10.3.1 Academic Libraries Sources of Finance and
Resource Mobilisation
a) University Libraries: University libraries receive their regular funds from
the respective universities and special grants from both the University Grants
Commission (UGC) and the State Governments. The UGC grants are mainly
plan grants, whereas the State Government grants are mainly non-plan grants.
However, government grants are not given to the libraries directly, but
government gives grants to the university and then the university allots to
the library the necessary share out of the same. The University Grants
Commission grants are mainly of three types, viz., recurring, non-recurring,
and ad hoc grants.
Few university libraries charge fees from their student members for the use
of the library. A charge or fee for library use is not made without protest
from users. These days there is a growing feeling that the university should
provide library services free of charge, just as it provides lecture rooms,
laboratories, and other facilities. Pros and cons of fee-based library services
are already discussed on previous pages.
b) College Libraries: A question often asked as “how much does it cost each
year to run a good library?” The amount will vary from college to college,
depending on the nature of the curriculum, the quantity and quality of services
expected, and the quality of the present collection. The total student strength
in a college is another criterion to be taken into consideration while allotting
funds for college library. The problems of financing a library of an established
college are different from those of a new college. The needs of the former
are confined to acquiring materials to remedy weaknesses and to keep the
collection up-to-date, whereas the latter must build up a complete basic
There are three main sources of funds for college libraries. The principal
source is the allocation from the current operating funds of the college.
Whether the college is public (government) or privately controlled matters
less in this connection than the amount of additional money the library may
need during any one budgetary year. Sometimes a part of the ‘Amalgamated
Fund Collection’ is given to the college library for purchase of reading
materials. Occasionally some portion of the contingency grant of the college
is made available to the library by the Principal. A second source of income
for college libraries is grants, individual gifts, and endowments. But this is
not so very popular in India. A large number of college libraries throughout
the country receive grants from the University Grants Commission. Other
sources of income for college libraries are subscription/membership fee
charged from the students, and annual recurring and non-recurring grants
from the State Governments or the governing bodies of the institution.
At present there are no fixed norms for the provision of finances to school
libraries in India. The library fund of school should preferably comprise of 13
Financial Management fee collected from pupils, equal contribution from the management, matching
contribution from government or local body, other gift or special grant that
may at any time be received specifically for the library and donations from
Public libraries need to tap all possible sources like cultural associations, private
foundations, commercial firms, philanthropists, trade unions, publishers’
associations either directly from such institutions or working in co-operation with
fund raising associations and organisations like ‘Friends of the Library Group’,
NGOs, important personalities of the locality and others. A strategic plan with Sources of Finance and
Resource Mobilisation
well articulated mission of the library to match the donor’s needs or the community
requirements has to be developed for the purpose.
In addition, RRRLF and other Government departments and agencies are well
known sources of funds for public libraries in India. Sometimes sources from
abroad and its specialised agencies, regional organisations, bilateral aids as well
as national and international organisations like UN may also provide fund in
cash or kind.
Public libraries should not fall behind in generating fund from fee-based services
particularly charging for non-traditional new services like demography, product,
trend and travel reports, computer prints, reference service, extension classes,
training programmes, internet based information services on health, travel,
education (scholarship), organising exhibitions, etc.
The main sources of public library revenue are subscriptions, library cess, grants
from government and endowments. Considering library subscription as a source
Financial Management of fund is widely disputed. An equally forceful opposite view is that subscription
defeats the whole concept of free public library service advocated by Ranganathan.
The report of the Advisory Committee for Libraries, Government of India (1957)
also supported the inadvisability of considering subscription as a source of
revenue. The Advisory Committee describes such subscription libraries as
‘stagnating pools’. Yet, after half a century, a bold and new review of the situation
is required in the light of privatisation, private-public partnership and ‘pay and
use’ philosophies of the time.
So far, Nineteen states in the country have public library legislation and run public
libraries under the statutory system which is not uniform. Tamil Nadu, Andhra
Pradesh, Karnataka, Kerala and Goa have provision for raising library cess as a
surcharge on certain taxes. These states have what is termed ‘pure form’ of
statutory system where Local Library Authority (LLA) created by the Act receives
cess, grants from government, special grants for special purposes, gifts,
contributions and income from endowments, fees, fines, etc. and has the
responsibility to run libraries and provide library services. For example, Tamil
Nadu and Andhra Pradesh Library Acts have provided for a cess in the form of
surcharge on land and property tax at the rate of six per cent. The Karnataka Act
has provided for a library cess in the form of surcharge at the rate of three per
cent (later increased to six per cent) not only on land and house tax but also on
octroi duty, vehicle tax and professional tax. In addition to the library cess,
Karnataka public libraries receive a grant from the government equivalent to
three percent (later six per cent) of the total land revenue collection. Other states
have what is termed as ‘mixed form’ of statutory system, where no library cess is
proposed, but the respective governments have made provision for grants-in-aid
for public libraries. In addition to substantial grant-in-aid, these libraries called
by different names like ‘Subscription Libraries’, ‘Recognised Libraries’, ‘Grant-
in-aid Libraries’ and ‘Affiliated Libraries’ are allowed to charge subscription
and run by voluntary organisations with gifts and donations. Rest of the States in
the country have no legislation (not bound by law/ statuary system to provide
public library services), but make direct government efforts as well as provide
grant-in-aid to voluntary organisations running public libraries. Experience shows
that library cess alone cannot be sufficient to meet the continuously growing
needs of public libraries. Besides, the taxable capacities of various local areas of
LLA differ significantly, thereby making standard and uniform public library
service throughout the country a difficult task.
Just like education, public health and other welfare economy measures, ideally
public library service, which is declared free to citizens, should be totally
supported by regular budget grants from the government. Unfortunately, in many
countries including India, this is not the position. As a result finances for public
libraries have become inadequate. Only library legislation at the national level
can change things for the better. It would be proper for the government to provide
for initial expenditure, while recurring demands of the libraries should be met
from the proceeds of library cess, etc. Moreover, the local authorities should be
encouraged to collect more funds by giving them matching government grants.
Other sources of public library revenue are fees and fines, gifts in cash or kind.
The income from these sources is generally very meager, and cannot be considered
as a significant source of revenue.
Consortia payment: Budget and funding are thorny issues in consortia mode.
As explained above, member libraries are required to transfer part of library
budget for consortium and yet they will have no control over the transferred
amount. Consortium libraries themselves need to have a legal entity with
permission and authority to deal with such pooled money. Though resource
sharing and library consortium are considered as possible solution to the financial
crunch faced by libraries, co-operative nature of resource sharing and consortium Sources of Finance and
Resource Mobilisation
may lead to bureaucratic problems of finance and implementation. A
memorandum of understanding between the host institution and the consortium
regarding operational, administrative, legal, financial and programmatic
requirements is necessary. The host institution is required to act as fiscal agent
for the consortium with the responsibility for accepting, accounting and
administering its funds, grants and contracts, maintain consortia budget and all
related accounts.
Lastly, some typical general problems and issues of fiscal management in libraries
are briefly listed below.
1) A large part (2/3 or more) of a library budget is consumed by reading materials.
2) The average raise in prices of reading materials is always above the average
inflation rate.
3) Prices of serials and journals increase much more rapidly than that of
4) Some of grey or semi-published literature like theses, technical reports and
standards are abnormally costly even though photo copies are normally
supplied to libraries.
5) The value of Rupee is steeply falling against hard currencies like US Dollar,
Sterling Pound and Japanese Yen.
6) Marginally increased budgets are unable to match the devaluation and
increase in prices.
7) Even during the periods of tight budgets, it is the reading materials budget
of a library is more vulnerable than salary and other maintenance budget.
8) Allocation of reading materials budget among different subjects or different
types of documents is becoming increasingly difficult.
9) The unconfirmed prices and unexpected increase in prices of reading
materials further complicate the fiscal management (for example,
supplementary invoices for additional volumes of journals).
10) Inconsistent conversion rates are applied by manipulating the date of billing.
11) Increased postage also adds its might to the problem.
12) The process of encumbering the available meager budget and moving
‘monies’ back and forth in a manual system can lead to errors and too broad
approximations of expenditures, commitments and available balance funds.
The process of encumbering funds is further complicated by fiscal policy of
parent organisation normally bound by the artificial year called financial
year. For these reasons and also sudden windfalls during end of financial
years constructing budget and creating a monitory plan is made difficult.
c) Library expenditure is recurring: Libraries are not only spending and growing
institutions, but they are also permanent bodies. In an era of educational
advancement, library services will have to maintain a continuous rhythm to
cope up with the academic requirements of the clientele. This means that
the library expenditure is recurring in nature.
d) Principle of economy: It means that you should not spend more than the
necessary amount on any item, and should not exceed your sanctioned grant.
Unnecessary duplication should be avoided, because the extra amount thus
saved could be better spent on purchasing new alternative titles covering
additional subject areas.
This Unit deals with the financial management of libraries. Financial management
in service and NFP organisations has several problems attributable to the
characteristics of such institutions. Libraries, being service institutions, seldom
earn revenue and hence, have to be funded almost entirely by their respective
parent organisations or by governments in case of public libraries. Adequate and
continuous supply of funds is necessary to sustain library and information services.
There are number of different sources like regular grants from parent
organisations, ad hoc grants from other organisations, grants from endowments,
fees, subscriptions, sale of service, etc. through which finance for libraries flow.
Libraries spend their funds on books and journals, salaries and allowances of
their staff, development of library, documentation and information services,
building, equipment, furniture, etc. The expenditure is normally channeled
Financial Management according to set rules and procedures, conforming to some guiding principles to
get maximum benefits.
Cost Accounting : It is a process of accounting for cost by relating
expenditure to cost centre and cost activities. In
management accounting, cost accounting
establishes budget and actual cost of operations,
processes, departments or product and the analysis
of variances, profitability or social use of funds.
CBA -Cost Benefit : The ratio of the benefits of a given project to its
Analysis cost, taking into account the benefits and costs
that cannot be directly measured in Rupee. CBA
has been considered as a valuable tool for
increasing people’s awareness of the costs and
benefits of information and documentation as a
production factor and to provide better basis for
budgeting and strategic planning.
Financial Management CEA-Cost Effectiveness: A way of finding the least expensive means of
Analysis reaching an objective or a way of obtaining the
greatest possible value from a given expenditure.
While CBA seeks to develop standards and criteria
for determining how well the existing services of
a library meet the requirements of its users, CEA
aims at discovering new, improved procedures
and devices for providing better services to the
Economics : It is the branch of social science that deals with
the production and distribution and consumption
of goods and services and their management.
The study of how the forces of supply and demand
allocate scarce resources. Subdivided into
microeconomics, which examines the behaviour of
firms, consumers and the role of government; and
macroeconomics, which looks at inflation,
unemployment, industrial production, and the role
of government. It is descriptive and concerned
with what is and what ought to be. It deals with
relationship of inputs to the outputs and eventually
to supply, demand, markets, sales, prices, value,
utility, etc.
Financial Estimation : Estimating the amount of money required for
running services of an institution.
Financial Forecasting : It is forecast of the expected financial position and
the results of operations and cash flows based on
expected conditions. It involves a systematic
projection of expected actions of management in
terms of financial statements, budgets, etc. using
past records, funds flow behaviours, financial
ratios and expected economic conditions in the
industry and the firm.
Financial Management : Financial management encompasses the two core
processes of resource management and finance
operations. It is an element of management dealing
with acquisition, distribution and utilisation of
Library Expenditure : Money spent by a library on different heads such
as purchase of reading materials, salaries and
allowances, stationary, postage, furniture,
equipment, etc.
Library Finance : Sources of financial flows and expenditures.
Library Income : Funds which accrue to a library from different
sources such as grants, membership fee,
endowments, fines, service charges, sale of
publications, etc.
Macroeconomics : Industry and national level economic system with Sources of Finance and
Resource Mobilisation
the objective of maximisation of profit.
Microeconomics : It is concerned with behaviour of individuals,
firms and markets.
Non-plan Grants : Regular budgeted grants given every year.
Non-recurring : Expenditure that do not repeat every year (e.g.
Expenditure building, equipment, machinery, etc.).
Plan Grants : Funds made available on projects that go under
annual plans, five-year plans, etc.
Ratio Analysis : Single most important technique of financial
analysis in which quantities are converted into
ratios for meaningful comparisons, with past ratios
and ratios of other firms in the same or
different industries. Ratio analysis determines
trends and exposes strengths or weaknesses of a
firm and hence, used for evaluating the
performance, setting standard and estimation.
Recurring Expenditure : Expenditure that repeats every year e.g. books,
journals, staff salaries, etc.
Welfare Economics : It is a branch of economics that uses microeconomic
techniques to simultaneously determine allocative
efficiency within an economy. It deals with cost-
benefit analysis of the allocation of resources,
economic activity, and distribution of the
resulting output on a society’s welfare. It provides
theories and techniques to analyse operations of
NFP institutions.
Broyles, Jack, eds. Financial Management Handbook. 2 ed. England: Gower,
1983. Print.
Holland, Yvonne. “Purchasing with Plastic! Using a Credit Card for Procurement
in Libraries”. CSIR Information Services, Australia.
Financial Management IGNOU.MLIS-E6. Public Library System and Services. Block-2: Public Library
System: Resource Development, Unit 5: Development Plans and Resource
Mobilisation, Unit 6: Financial Resources. New Delhi: IGNOU, 2003. Print
Kent, Allen, and Lancour, Harold, eds. Encyclopaedia of Library and Information
Science. Vol. 3. New York: Marcel Dekker, 1970. 430-440. Print.
Moore, Russell F., ed. AMA Management Handbook. New York: AMA, 1970.
--- . “Are Books ‘Inferior Goods’ of Leisure Industry”. Library Science with a
Slant to Documentation and Information Studies 34. 4 (1997): 159-162. Print.
--- . “Ratio Analysis Technique: a Tool for Assessing the Health of a Library”.
Proceeding of the Twelfth IASLIC National Seminar on Financial Management
of Library and Information Centres, 28-31 December 1986. Calcutta: IASLIC,
1986, p 137-146. Print.
Sources of Finance and
UNIT 11 BUDGETING TECHNIQUES Resource Mobilisation
11.0 Objectives
11.1 Introduction
11.2 Library Budget and Financial Planning
11.3 Budgetary Methods and Techniques
11.3.1 Line Item or Incremental or Historical or Object-of-Expenditure Type Budgeting
11.3.2 Formula Budgeting
11.3.3 Programme Budgeting
11.3.4 Performance Budgeting
11.3.5 Planning Programming Budgeting System (PPBS)
11.3.6 Zero-Based Budgeting (ZBB)
11.4 Budgetary Norms and Standards
11.5 Methods and Techniques of Financial Estimation
11.5.1 Per Capita Method
11.5.2 Proportional Method
11.5.3 Method of Details
11.6 Summary
11.7 Answers to Self Check Exercises
11.8 Keywords
11.9 References and Further Reading
After reading this Unit, you will be able to:
• discuss library budget and its features;
• describe budgeting and financial planning processes;
• explain types of budgetary methods;
• highlight budgetary standards, norms and principles;
• apply norms and standards to work out financial estimates for different types
libraries viz., academic, public and special libraries; and
• differentiate budgetary methods, prepare an outline of a library budget and
maintain accounts using appropriate records conforming to audit requirements.
In the preceding Unit of this Block, you have learnt about the financial
management of libraries in general and sources of funds as well as circumstances
under which budgetary system has to operate in service-oriented and not-for-
profit organisations. In this Unit, you will learn what is budget, why it is required
in libraries and information centres, how it is prepared and operated together
with advantages and disadvantages of different budgetary methods and techniques.
Library being an expenditure-oriented institution, the central aspect of financial
management is the budget. Budget is a statement of income and expenditure. It 27
Financial Management provides guidance in spending the appropriated funds through a period of time.
It is also an instrument of control, communication, coordination, evaluation and
motivation. In this Unit, we shall study the basic features of a library budget.
Budgeting is one of those managerial functions you would have studied as part
of POSDCORB in Unit 1 (Principles and Functions of Management). In addition
to being a key managerial function, budget is both a plan document and a control
mechanism. It is a plan document as it provides projected futuristic plan for
library in terms of money and it is a control mechanism as the budgetary control
ensures checking the performance against plan and helps to correct deviations, if
any, from the performance targets.
Budget being a road map for the delivery of library services in the subsequent
years, provides a fiscal foundation for library operations. It provides opportunity
to request necessary funding for established services as well as supplemental
support for increased use and for new services. It is a way to track required
revenues and reportable expenditures. It involves details and cost factor of each
activity together with future growth and promises of library services. In view of
cost factors involved, there is also a need for standards for operational procedures.
Financial Management 11.3.1 Line Item or Incremental or Historical or Object-of-
Expenditure Type Budgeting
Probably the most common type of budget is the one that divides items of
expenditure, line-by-line, into broad categories such as books and journals, salaries
and allowances, equipment, supplies, capital expenditure, contingencies, etc.
with further sub-divisions for each of these broad categories. This is the usual
traditional method , which by taking into account past expenditure on each item,
prepares the current budget, hence it is also called historical budgeting. The
budget is prepared with a small increase of say 5 or 10 per cent for each major
item of expenditure of the previous year’s allocation, assuming that all current
programmes are as good and necessary and hence termed as incremental
budgeting. The other name for line item budgeting is Object-of-Expenditure Type
A library may also group its major programmes or functions, which may
correspond to the organisational structure of the library like administrative
services, technical services, readers services, etc. Each of these services may be
organised through departments such as acquisition, classification and cataloguing,
reference and bibliographical services, documentation and information services,
together with summary descriptions of these functions or programmes and
comparative figures of current and proposed expenditure. In this type of budget,
provision is made for various activities of each department. This method gives
an opportunity to the heads of various departments to gauge their requirements
and watch their expenditures.
Financial Management 11.3.5 Planning Programming Budgeting System (PPBS)
This method of budgeting was first proposed by USDOD (United States
Department of Defence) (1961). Two key elements of PPBS are budgeting and
systems analysis. As an extension of programme budgeting, PPBS involves
systems analysis, OR (Operation Research) and other cost-effectiveness processes
to provide a more systematic and comprehensive comparison of costs and benefits
of alterative approaches to a policy goal or programme objective. This establishes
a rational basis to enable decision maker to choose between alternative programmes.
This method combines the best of both programme budgeting and performance
budgeting. The focus in this method is on planning. It begins with the
establishment of goals and objectives and ends with formulation of programmes
or services. The controlling aspect of measurement, which is central to performance
budgeting, is also an important part of PPBS. This method combines the functions
of planning activities, programmes and services, translating them into tangible
projects and finally presents the requirements in budgetary terms.
Some Observations: Some of these budgetary methods are of recent origin and
present a more readily understandable view of budgetary requirements of activities
and services. A more objective justification for them makes them better
instruments for purposeful spending. In practice it is necessary to understand the
‘politics’ of the budget process within the parent organisation and look for
opportunity for personally participating in the final negotiations/ deliberations
as well as using personal informal contacts effectively.
In India, almost all libraries follow the conventional historical method of budgeting.
It is only in recent years that some attention is given to other newer methods.
One aspect that needs careful examination is that most library functions and
services are of a continuing nature and cannot be discontinued on any account
without reference to its past. While it is necessary to evaluate performance and
bring improvements to ensure quality of service, discontinuity of existing services
would prove undesirable, particularly if conditions do not warrant. It is, however,
possible to make a more objective assessment of these methods of budgeting,
only if Indian libraries start making their budgets by these newer methods and
gain sufficient experience in their operations.
Having got some idea on the methods of budgeting, let us now discuss the
standards and norms that form the basis of estimating library funds required and
also the distribution of funds to major items of expenditure within the total library
budget. We will discuss the basis for estimating financial requirements of libraries
in the next section with three important methods of estimating funds, namely, i)
per capita method, ii) proportional method and iii) method of details. These
methods make use of established standards and norms. However, the other aspect
of budgetary norms and standards that needs attention in this section is the actual
distribution of budgetary funds to different competing items of expenditure. The
major items of expenditure in libraries are books and journals, salaries and
allowances, both of which are to be combined to generate services. Ranganathan
has suggested that the proportion of expenditure of a university library on these
two major items be as follows:
Staff : 50%
Books and other reading materials : 40%
Miscellaneous : 10%
The University Grants Commission Library Committee (1957) has suggested
that a university library with 5,000 students and 500 teachers and research fellows
should have a budgetary provision of Rs.3,50,000 out of which Rs.1,75,000
would be spent on books, journals and other kind of reading materials, and a
similar amount on staff, implying thereby that the expenditure on books and
staff may be equal. But general trend on expenditures in libraries tend to be
higher for staff salaries than for books. Taking into account the recommendations
of University Grants Commission, university and education commissions and
library experts, the general norms appear to be as follows:
Salaries and allowances : 50%
Books : 20%
Periodicals : 13%
Binding : 7%
Others (supplies, maintenance, etc.) : 10%
In the case of public libraries, the distribution is more or less the same for the
two major items of expenditures.
Salaries and allowances : 50%
Books : 20%
Periodicals and Newspapers : 5%
Binding : 5%
Others : 20%
Some Observations: Current thinking on library and information services, library Budgeting Techniques
budgeting and related aspects, is on the following lines.
i) Library and information services are to be totally oriented to user needs,
irrespective of the types of libraries. User needs must be systematically
assessed and obtained, on the basis of which libraries should organise their
ii) Library budgets, consequently, are to be in tune with need-based services.
iii) Unit costs of every operation in a library have to be worked out and budgetary
estimates have to be built on this data. Cost of library operations and services,
particularly in India, is not attempted. Libraries mostly operate on
appropriated funds by the parent organisations without any scientific basis
for allotment. Cost accounting is essential for fixing budgetary estimates.
iv) With tremendous increase in the cost of books, journal subscriptions, staff
salaries, library and information services, etc. the question very often arises,
whether library services should be continued to be given without any charge.
Some of these services like literature search, document supply, compilation
of bibliographies, SDI, CAS, etc. can be priced. Of course, in the context of
Indian conditions these services may be subsidised partially.
On the whole, a more scientific basis for library expenditure has to be evolved in
view of the importance of library services. Library budgeting has to be more
innovative and in tune with the new demands.
Three methods generally used for estimating library finances are percapita method,
proportional method and method of details. These methods are discussed in the
following sub-sections.
The UGC Library Committee (1957) in its report suggested a staff formula for
finding out the quantum of library staff members of various categories required
for college and university libraries. It has also laid down their respective pay
scales. The total amount required for meeting the cost of the staff can be calculated
by this formula. For cost of books and other reading materials, the Committee
has suggested a per capita expenditure formula.
Three methods are generally considered for estimation of budget, namely, per
capita method, proportional method, and method of details. Per capita method
suggests a minimum sum of money per user such as students, faculty and research
scholars in the case of university and college libraries. Hence, population is an
important factor while working out funds for public libraries. Proportional method
prescribes a percentage on the total budget of the parent organisations for libraries,
whereas method of details takes items of expenditure for libraries as the working
data for allocation of funds.
ii) Proportional method prescribes a fixed percentage on the total budget Budgeting Techniques
of the parent organisation’s research budget, or education budget of
iii) Methods of details take into account the actual amount of expenditure
spent on each item.
Budget : A financial and/or quantitative statement
prepared and approved prior to a defined
period of time of the policy to be pursued
during that period for the purpose of attaining
a given objective.
Budget Centre : A section or area of an organisation under the
responsibility of a manager for which budgets
are prepared; these budgets are compared with
actual performance as part of the budgetary
control process. A budget centre may be a
function, department, section, individual, cost.
Cost-Analysis (Analysis of : Knowledge of the reaction of individual costs
Cost Behaviour) (i.e., fixed, variable and semi-variable costs)
and expenses to changes in the volume of
activity. Cost- analysis helps (i) planning the
amount of costs to be incurred in future
periods (ii) estimating profits from future
activities; and (iii) determining whether costs
have been adequately controlled by those
responsible for their incurrence.
Cost Centre : A location, person or item of equipment, or a
group of these in or connected with an
undertaking in relation to which costs may be
ascertained and used for the purposes of cost
control or product costing. Cost Centre is a
non-revenue-producing element of an
organisation, where costs are separately
figured and allocated, and for which someone
has formal responsibility. The personnel
function is a cost centre in that it does not
directly produce revenue.
Financial Estimation : Estimating the amount of money required for
running services of an institution.
Financial Forecasting : It is forecast of the expected financial position
and the results of operations and cash flows
based on expected conditions. It involves a
systematic projection of expected actions of
management in terms of financial statements,
budgets, etc. using past records, funds flow
behaviours, financial ratios and expected
Financial Management economic conditions in the industry and the
Flexible Budget : A budget that recognises the difference in
behaviour pattern of fixed and variable costs
and which is designed to change in relation
to the level of activity actually attained.
Operating Statement : A summary of the operating costs (and, where
appropriate, of the revenues and profit
margins) of the whole or part of the activities
of an enterprise for a given period. A
detailed periodic report of the financial
results of a firm’s operations, as compared
with budgeted and previous period’s figures.
Profit Centre : A kind of responsibility centre in which the
manger is held responsible for both revenues
and costs, and hence for the resultant level of
Prospective Pricing : Setting price prior to the performance of the
service is called prospective pricing.
Responsibility Centre : A personalised group of cost centres under the
control of a ‘responsible’ individual.
Restricted Funds : Restricted funds do not allow flexibility in use
of funds. Like grants for specific purposes,
restricted funds cannot be used for purposes
other than that specified. Grants or donations
that require that the funds be used in a specific
way or for a specific purpose. They can be
considered a contract between the
donating party and the receiving party.
Restricted funds are often associated with
non-profit organisations, since a donation
might be made to the organisation for a
specific use only. If the funds are used for
something other than what was stipulated, the
organisation could be required to pay the
funds back. For example, a restricted
funds gift to a university could indicate that
the funds only be used for scholarships in a
specific department.
Unit Cost : Expenditure incurred in producing one unit of
a good or service, computed usually as average
cost. Cost of a single unit of operation, e.g. cost
of cataloguing a single book.
Unrestricted Funds : Unrestricted funds allow flexibility in use of
funds and reallocation of funds from one head
to another.
Budgeting Techniques
Anthony, Robert N., and John Dearden. Management Control Systems: Text and
Cases. Illinois: Richard D. Irwin Inc., 1976. Print.
Broyles, Jack, eds. Financial Management Handbook. 2 ed. England: Gower,
1983. Print.
Moore, Russell F., ed. AMA Management Handbook. New York: AMA, 1970.
Price, Parton P. “Budgeting and Financial Control” .Kent, Allen and Harold
Lancour, eds. Encyclopaedia of Library and Information Science. Vol. 3. New
York: Marcel Dekker, 1970, 430-41. Print.
Tripathi, P.C., and P.N. Reddy. Principles of Management. 2ed. New Delhi: Tata
McGraw Hill, 1991. Print.
Financial Management
12.0 Objectives
12.1 Introduction
12.2 Preparation of Library Budget
12.2.1 Contents of a Budget Document
12.2.2 Principles of Budget Making
12.2.3 Justifying the Budget Request
12.2.4 Approval of the Budget
12.2.5 Notification of the Budget of the Library
12.2.6 Budget Excess
12.3 Use of Funds, Financial Control and Accounting
12 .3.1 Allocation of Funds
12.3.2 Encumbering Funds
12.3.3 Financial Control
12.3.4 Fund Accounting
12.3.5 Financial Records
12.3.6 Financial Audit
12.4 Summary
12.5 Answers to Self Check Exercises
12.6 Keywords
12.7 References and Further Reading
You already know that library budget serves as an instrument of control,
communication, coordination, evaluation and motivation. Studying this Unit will
enable you to prepare an outline of a library budget and maintain accounts using
appropriate records conforming to audit requirements.
Budget Preparation
In the preceding Unit of this Block, you have learnt about the budgeting techniques
and principles in general and certain standards and norms for preparation of
budget. This Unit deals with the important phase of financial management,
namely, budgeting, financial control and accounting. Library being expenditure
oriented institution, the central aspect of financial management is the budget,
which is a statement of income and expenditure, providing guidance in spending
the appropriated funds through a period of time. In this Unit, we shall study the
basic features of a library budget.
As described earlier, budget is a road map for the delivery of library services in
the subsequent years and provides a fiscal foundation for library operations. It
involves details of each activity and considering cost factor involved in each
activity together with future growth and promises of library services.
The process of preparing budget begins with considering what the library hope
to accomplish in the next year. It is necessary to have current long-range plan in
mind with necessary adjustments/revision made to update it. An important aspect
in budget preparation, in recent years, is to note the current and new factors like
developments in ICT, resource sharing, networking, consortia, etc. affecting the
library. The overall current economic condition of the parent organisation and in
the country has also to be kept in view while preparing the budget for library.
Budget estimates depend much on what users require. Hence, it is necessary to Budget Preparation
document library service needs of users and the library activities necessary to
meet those needs. Head of library should widely invite suggestions from library
staff on possible new services, additional material and personnel required for
‘new services’.
The total financial resources required has to be determined taking into consideration
estimated approximate increase for regular budget items, expected revenues,
increase in cost, increase in usage, the need for new services, change in number
and composition of user community, etc. However, any anticipated resource
constraints have to be spelled out how inadequate resources are likely to affect
goals of the library.
After drafting the library budget (both BE and RE) each item is reviewed with
Finance Committee, Library Committee/Board/Director before submitting for
approval. The required funds are secured once the budget document is approved
with or without modifications. Occasionally, budget document may need changes
during the budget year due to unexpected developments.
The preparation of the budget is the responsibility of the chief librarian who also
has the responsibility for allocating and administering funds within the overall
activities and services of the library. This responsibility can be delegated to the
next level, i.e., department or section heads, but the overall coordination and
accountability still rests with the chief librarian. Adequate discussion should
take place between the chief librarian and her/his section heads. When the
information needed for making the estimates for the library budget has been
assembled the next step is the preparation of the budget itself. Preparation of a
budget takes substantial time and efforts. Generally during the middle of the
current financial year, Budget Estimates (BE) for the next financial year and
Revised Estimates (RE) for the current financial year are called for by the office
concerned. Estimates are prepared on the basis of past experience, present
demands and future expectations of requirements. The estimates should take
into account the actual expenditure of previous financial year, spillovers, if any,
amount spent up to the date of preparation of the budget during current financial
year, foreign exchange requirements (if any), advance commitments to be made
for the next financial year, capital items, etc. No set of rules can be given for
preparing this statement, but the librarian should bear in mind the impact of
inflation on cost of books, periodicals, binding, and other supplies. The increase
in enrolment, the probable need for annual salary increases at least comparable
to those of the past five years and the possible impact of new technological
developments on library economy and efficiency are some of the factors to be
kept in mind. Head of the library has to discuss the budget proposal with the
section or department heads before the final consolidation. Budget requirements
are filled up in a proforma approved by the institution. The proforma commonly
used for a historical budget in academic libraries is of two types: i) Schedule of
expenditure on pay and allowances of staff ii) Schedule of expenditure on all
other items. The above-mentioned two schedules of expenditure usually are made
under the following heads.
Schedule of expenditure on staff salaries:
It is usually prepared under the following heads:
Financial Management 1) Serial number
2) Designation of staff member
3) Pay scale
4) Basic pay on 1st April
5) Total for twelve months
6) Date of increment
7) Rate of increment
8) Total amount of increment (rate x months)
9) Dearness pay rate and amount
10) Dearness allowance rate and amount
11) House rent rate and amount
12) Contribution to GPF/CPF rate and amount
13) Any other honorarium rate and amount
14) Interim relief rate and amount
15) Total of amount of columns 5, 8 to 14
The librarian should be invited by the authorities to submit the library budget.
The librarian in turn must consult her/his departmental heads about book funds,
and the library staff members about personnel and other administrative costs.
The final choice of what goes into the budget and how much to ask for should
rest with the librarian.
The librarian should request sufficient funds in each head of the budget to support
a sound programme of library development. It is very important to calculate the
Financial Management expenditure by anticipating income, inflation rate, foreign exchange rates, salary
increases, insurance rate, public utility charges, etc. as well as time-delay.
The budget should be prepared and submitted in time. This facilitates recruitment
of additional staff, ordering of materials, etc. in a proper way.
Depending on the size of library or information centre and nature of its parent
organisation the complexity of budget and budgetary control system may vary
from a simple fairly fixed (constant) voted grant of budget from parent
organisation for books, journals and other reading materials to a most complex
situation where grants are received from parent institution and other agencies in
addition to certain revenues earned. These sources of finance may have several
restrictions in their deployment. Allocation has to be done to all heads as explained
above and by type of material (i.e., books, journals, reports, etc.), subjects, or by
departments, etc. An “effective budgeting can display endless variety” in terms
of material (Newton, 1981). The budgeting method used by a library or
information centre is normally decided by the parent institution.
The chief executives of the parent organisation often take the final decision about
library budget. The officials who are responsible for providing library funds will
quite naturally want to know why the funds are required. They will consider
critically the merits of the library request in relation to those of other departments
or agencies and the total financial resources at their disposal. It is probable that
funds will not be sufficient to meet all the requirements in full and that budget
allocations may be affected accordingly. The library budget request should state
separately and clearly the purposes for which funds are requested and explain
why additional funds may be required in certain categories. The supportive
documentation and justification for the budget has to be developed through out
the year. Justification for the library’s budget will already have been made if the
arguments for services have been well presented in detailed and timely reports
throughout the year. In other words, budget preparation should not become once-
a-year crisis. As stated earlier, it is also necessary to understand the ‘politics’ of
the budget process and build up effective rapport with the key members of the
team or committee.
While preparing the budget you should remind yourself that, regardless of other
values it may have, the budget document must be easily understood and so
convincing in its arguments that the appropriating authority will be persuaded to
accept it and provide the necessary funds. To produce such a document, you
should use all the techniques and supporting data that are available with you.
In a college, usually the principal of the college approves the library budget,
after taking into account the requirements and opinions of the heads of different
teaching departments, and the requirements in different subject areas. In public
and special libraries, similar procedures are there to get the budget approved and
sanctioned by appropriate authorities.
Budgetary control is one of the oldest and transitional control techniques used
by managers. Budgetary control is the process of comparing what was planned
with what has been accomplished during the budget period. It is not a past-
oriented or post-action control but a future-oriented control system. It is not a
post-mortem type assessment but a continuous examination of the progress made
and comparing it with the cost standards and time lapsed so that the manager is
able to make adjustments in operation on a day-to-day, week-to-week, or month-
to-month basis for rest of the period of the budget.
As budget is only a futuristic plan, how far the actual operations of the library or
information centre have, conformed to the budgeted programme will be known
only after completion of the budget period (i.e., financial year). Knowing post-
facto how much deviation or under spending or ineffective utilisation of resources
has taken place is like discussing the ways of avoiding accident after the accident
has occurred. Hence, continuously monitoring the operations to examine how
the operations are carried out, whether there are any deviations, the causes for
deviations and ways to rectify deviations within a week or a month will be of
immense help. Though budget is prepared once in a year, the budgetary control
process is a day-to-day, week-to-week, fortnight-to-fortnight, month-to-month
and quarterly-to-quarterly activity for a check of all revenues and expenditures
budgeted and stated before hand.
The three basic steps in the control process are: establishing standards, comparing
results with standards and taking corrective action. Preparation of budget is
nothing but establishing cost standard. This process begins with top management
setting goals and objectives and the lower level managers developing budgets
for their units and the same successively reviewed and integrated at each higher
level. Unlike profit-oriented organisations where budget for marketing expenses
can influence the amount of revenue, the service-oriented and not-for-profit
organisations should have different kind of simple matching of revenues and
Self Check Exercise Budget Preparation
The major part of the fund in a library is operating fund. For fund accounting
purpose operating fund can be divided into restricted fund and unrestricted fund.
Unrestricted fund allows flexibility in use for purposes other than that specified
where as restricted fund cannot be used for other purposes.
a) Cash Book: The cash book is a record in which details of daily cash
transactions regarding income and expenditure of an institution are entered.
But in many libraries, the librarian does not maintain a cashbook, because
the financial transactions generally take place through the accounts/
administrative office, and not directly through the librarian. However, the
libraries which take some amount towards contingency expenditure do
maintain a record in the form of cashbook. The specimen of cashbook of a
library is as under.
Receipts Expenditure
Date Parti- No. & Head of Amount Date Parti- No. & Head of Amount
account Rs. Ps.
culars Date of account Rs. Ps. culars Date of
voucher to be voucher to be
credited credited
Total Total
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
c) Allocation Register or Allotment Registers: In allocation register Budget Preparation
expenditure head-wise and subject-wise accounts are maintained. Separate
financial records are maintained in the library for books, periodicals, binding,
stationery, contingency, postage, etc. under approved budget heads. It helps
us in knowing, at any point of time, how much money under what head and
on which subject is spent or committed/ encumbered and how much balance
remains to be spent. Technically speaking, though ledger and allocation
register are two different records, their purposes are the same. The specimen
of an allocation register is as under:
Name of library: Year:
Head of demand: Provision of amount allotted: Rs.
S.No Name Bill Amount Amount Progres- Bal- No. of Sub- Sign Sign of
of No. & passed sive ance books ject of in librarian
vendor date total charge
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
In this register the serial number given in column one are termed as the
voucher number of this bill. The office copy of each bill is arranged in serial
number in separate file after the same has been processed and paid for. This
arrangement helps the library staff in finding out any information regarding
any item at any time as the voucher number of the bill links it to all registers
in library sections and relevant records.
Allocation: Rs.
Financial Management
Month Expenditure Cumulative Balance Sign Remarks
May etc.
f) Salary Bill Register: The salary bill register of the library staff is a detailed
document of the salaries during a particularly year. It contains information
relating to salary and deductions of library staff. In this register all the entries
are made by the accounts section except the leave record of the library staff,
which is filled in by the librarian.
g) Record of Petty Cash: In general, petty cash accounts are handled in two
ways: (i) Turning fine and replacement monies into petty cash directly, (ii)
Fine and replacement monies are collected directly by the accounts office
and this amount is made available to the library in the form of petty cash. In
some cases, separate amount is drawn and used as petty cash and fine being
a revenue cannot be used by the library.
h) Equipment Record or History Card: Another useful record for the library
is a card file of major equipment. This should be made in duplicate, one
copy to be kept in the main administrative office and the other in the library’s
files. It should indicate the name of the item, the date of purchase, the cost,
and such information as serial numbers (e.g. PCs). This record facilitates
equipment purchasing and replacement, makes possible a more considered
judgment in placing replacement orders or in deciding repair versus
replacement, and also provides an accurate inventory for insurance and other
purposes. Many problems of legacy accounting system are solved in
automated accounting system.
Lastly, financial audit part of the process enables meticulous but sample scrutiny
of financial transactions to have proper control over irregular, inappropriate and
wasteful expenditures. Auditing is a scrutiny of the financial transactions of
government and semi government bodies. It is deemed necessary from the
authority’s point of view for their satisfaction.
i) Help in the preparation of the annual report and the budget of the
following year,
ii) Provide factual monetary basis for making decisions on books,
periodicals and other expenditures;
iii) Assist the departments, in case of universities, in making a wise and
systematic use of their book fund allotment;
iv) Provide information for annual reports, studies and surveys.
5) Generally invoice register has the following headings; Serial Number; Bill
Number and date; Name of Firm; Amount; Signature of the Librarian;
Signature of bill receiver; Remarks.
Accounting : A systematic maintenance of income and
expenditure flow on records. It is a
systematic process of identifying,
recording, measuring, classifying,
verifying, summarising, interpreting and
communicating financial information.
Accounting provides information on the
(i) resources available to a firm, (ii)
he means employed to finance those
resources, and (iii) the results achieved
through their use
Financial Management Budget Centre : A section of the organisation or the
undertaking defined for the purpose of
budgetary control.
Broyles, Jack, eds. Financial Management Handbook. 2 ed. England: Gower,
1983. Print.
Moore, Russell F., ed. AMA Management Handbook. New York: AMA, 1970.
Price, Parton P. “Budgeting and Financial Control” .Kent, Allen and Lancour,
Harold, eds. Encyclopaedia of Library and Information Science. Vol. 3. New
York: Marcel Dekker, 1970. 430-41. Print.
--- . “Ratio Analysis Technique: a Tool for Assessing the Health of a Library”. Budget Preparation
Proceeding of the twelfth IASLIC National Seninar on Financial Management
of Library and Information Centres IASLIC National Seminar, 28-31 December
1986. Calcutta: IASLIC, 1986. 137-46. Print.
Tripathi, P.C., and P.N.Reddy. Principles of Management. 2ed. New Delhi: Tata
McGraw Hill, 1991. Print.