Warlock's Wicked Weapons (And Other Magical Items)
Warlock's Wicked Weapons (And Other Magical Items)
Warlock's Wicked Weapons (And Other Magical Items)
Introduction: Drawing their power from the fell realms beyond the ken of mankind or the
weird and sensuous heart of the Fey, these thirty magic items will lend power and colour to your
Warlocks, blessing them with extra spells, the ability to bath in the presence of their patron or to
step between the realms.
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Amulets 4-5
Boots, Bracers,
Clothing and Headwear 6-8
Rings 11
Weapons 12-13
Miscellaneous 14-18
We are writing supplements for DnD Fifth Edition, which will be published through Dungeon
Masters Guild, plus other OGL / OSR material when we feel the urge.
The material is designed to be dropped into your pre-existing campaign setting with but a few
tweaks, adding colour, character and adventure to the world you are playing in.
We aim to provide high quality content in settings and play-tested adventures, with brand new
monsters and magic items. These will come with hand-drawn illustrations and maps. In this, we
hope to assist you in offering your players the experience they deserve.
Richard and Davis
Follow the Green Bird here:
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After a night of hideous dreams, Alfred awoke sweaty and disturbed. Something had been calling him,
whispering to him throughout his sleep and now there was a painful throb in his chest. Opening his shirt, a
bright red gem shone in the dull light, it was buried into his flesh. All attempts to remove it resulted in extreme
agony. The strangest thing though, was that he swore he saw it wink at him.
You know your patron is aware of you when you awake with one of these objects buried in your chest. A
feeling of unease will permeate as the consequences become apparent. You are now theirs, forever.
Amulet: The Heartstone is placed in the Warlocks chest to remind them of where their powers come from and
the responsibility they owe. It provides +1 to AC and resistance to fire and cold. However, healing magic does
not fully function on the recipient of this… boon. All healing spells do only half the hit points rolled (rounded
up), the other half of is siphoned off to somewhere beyond...
The Heartstone can only be removed by the Warlock’s Patron or a Wish spell.
L’arials Broach
L’arial was well known in occultist circles, her dazzling intellect, desire for power and lack of morals made her a
dangerous foe. However, one day she simply vanished, the only thing for her to be remembered by was a
treatise on the Abyssal Lords and this locket, which contained a lock of beautiful, black hair from her lover.
Amulet: This locket provides Fiendish resistances: acid, cold, fire, lightning, thunder; bludgeoning, piercing, and
slashing from non-magical attacks.
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Amulet of Eldritch Power
As the energy coalesced into a blast of energy against the hissing Yuan-ti fanatic, the amulet on his doublet
glowed, aiding his spell casting lending power and force rendering bolt that ripped apart that hideous snakelike
This focuses the hidden reverse of eldritch energy allowing the wearer to double the intensity of one spell or
cantrip cast a day. Mechanically, this means the range, duration and damage is doubled.
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Boots, Bracers, Clothing and Headwear
Abyssal Slitherer
A most unusual item, these “gloves” are made of a serpent-like creature, black in scales and heart alike. It is a
creature very much alive, though scarcely active, as it is only interested in movement when it comes to
attaching itself, surprisingly painlessly, to a nearby warlock. The creature then seeks to form a somewhat
symbiotic relationship, feeding from the eldritch energy used by warlocks, and converting it into raw magical
power for the warlock’s benefit. Though largely effective for both, such a relationship can sometimes turn sour,
and a few of these Abyssal Slitherers have been found on the hands of a decomposing warlock who failed to
feed them properly.
Gloves. Only useable by Warlocks. When the wearer of these gloves kills an enemy with their Eldritch Blast
cantrip (or any of its variants), they can regain a spell slot of their choosing.
DM Note: Consider “cursing” this item so that it is difficult to remove without harming the warlock that wears
it. Think of a minimum diet this beast would require – perhaps an eldritch blast once per day. If the warlock
fails to deliver this meal, the Abyssal Slitherer can always nourish itself from the warlock, draining them for
1d10 psychic damage per day to feed their hunger.
Aurora’s Mask
As she donned the thin wooden mask her skin became tight, bonding with its inner, rune-covered surface. The
world swirled in front of her eyes revealing a misty realm with eerily shifting figures.
Mask. When placed on the face, it merges with the skin giving the wearer +2 to charisma and the ability to see
ethereal objects. For all intents and purposes the mask blends in with the wearers face, meaning it is
undetectable to the common eye.
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Boots of the Two Realms
From one realm to another he stepped, with one stride he found himself crossing over the misty border and in
to the realm of the Fey.
These lights boots enable the wearer to cross the border between the material plane and the fey realm once
per day. The wearer will end up in the parallel location equivalent to where they started. Only those wearing
the boots can travel this way, plus their equipment.
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themselves with. A quest will then be delivered to them via portents, visions and signs, which if not adhered to
will cause them agony. For every day the Warlock is not engaging with this quest, the manacles grow tighter
around their wrists and drain 1 Charismas point. These will be rejuvenated once the quest is complete and the
master appeased.
DM’s Note: Obviously, the details of the quest are up to you and it should something that could be completed
within a few days of game time.
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Potions and Oils
N’lee’nck’s Oil
I don’t know where he sourced it from, but this little vial cost me many a gold to obtain from the Ogre Magi
merchant. It was worthwhile, despite the smell…
By rubbing a dose of this oil onto the forehead, a Warlock momentarily doubles the range of their acquired
eldritch invocations. This effect lasts for 1 turn. A bottle contains six doses of this mysterious and sticky oil.
Patron’s Promise
The bottle smashed amid the horde of hairy gibberlings, issuing from its remains came black twisting tentacles,
bludgeoning those wide eyed and crazy creatures to bloody pulp.
This large bottle contains a small part of the essence of a Warlocks patron, when opened it causes an effect
specific to that patron-type over a 40ft radius to all those, apart from the Warlock, in that area.
Archfey – All creatures within the 40ft radius area are affected by Insect Plague (p254). It will last only last 2
Fiend – All creatures within the 40ft radius area are affected by Hellish Rebuke (p250) cast as a 4th level spell
(5d10), DC16 to save.
The Great Old One – All creatures within a 40ft radius are affected by Evard’s Black Tentacles (p238 PHB) with
a DC16. It will only last two rounds.
A Warlock will, upon touching the bottle, understand what sort of power lies within, if it is connected to their
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The Crimson Container
A foot-long flask of thick glass, encased in spirals of blackened gold, the Crimson Container is filled with a thick,
viscous liquid that barely reacts to the movements of the container. A sharper eye will see that six notches are
etched on the corners of the flask, in equal intervals. The keenest ear might hear a cacophony of strange
sounds emanating from the vial. The strongest hand, try as it might, will be unable to open it…
This flask acts as an accessory. When in Warlock’s possession, it aids in their spell casting, allowing them to
cast more spells per day. The flask has six servings, each one corresponding to one spell level. The warlock is
therefore able to cast any combination of free spells, up to level 6, as there are measures in the flask, i.e. 6
level 1 spells or 2 level 3 spells or 1 level 6 spell, etc... When a spell is cast using the flask, an appropriate
amount of liquid disappears. The liquid returns at the start of a new day, as represented by a long rest.
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Harvest’s Edge
A scythe that often shows up in hushed folk tales, the Harvest’s Edge is a grim weapon, one that seeks to bind
itself to a wielder who carves a path of destruction. Many stories describe it as being found as a rusted, simple
farmer’s tool, all but with the faintest glimmer of magical power. Yet soon, if wielded by a violent enough hand,
the Harvest’s Edge regains its true power, as if it would use the souls of the fallen as its own sharpening stone.
War Scythe. 1d10 + 2 slashing damage. When this weapon yields to the will of the warlock, and they become
proficient in its use, regardless of their specializations. While wielding Harvest’s Edge, the Warlock uses their
charisma stat for attack and damage rolls. The warlock also gains an extra attack at level 5 (with an additional
extra attack at level 11 and 20, for up to 4 attacks per round).
Obsidian Nails
Gasping for breath after the long fight, Jerome quietly muttered a ‘thank you’ to his mysterious benefactor who
had gifted these talons. The ripped open faces of his enemies were a testament to their power.
Two sets of false obsidian nails, that once placed on the Warlocks fingernails, graft themselves seamlessly.
These two inch long talons can be used as a hand to hand combat weapon, 1d4 slashing, with +1 to hit and +2
damage and enable the wearer to have two attacks per round.
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Staff of Supremacy
As the elder mage entered the court, the supplicants chattered in scarcely hushed tones. Her walk was slow,
marred by years of gout and aging bones. Her robes were a size or two too long, betraying a body that no
longer enjoyed the comforts of food. As the mage reached the throne, the chatter turned to talk, and whispers
changed to open smirks. The elder one remained unmoved, and struck the marble floor sharply with her staff,
once for each of the fallen. There never was a room more silent.
Quarterstaff. 1d6 + 2 bludgeoning damage. Gain +2 AC, and immunity to fear, charm and sleep effects. By
rapping the staff on the ground, you gain +1 to intimidation checks.
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Coin – the Leprechaun’s Promise bestows both good and bad luck on the character holding the item. Every
time they try to get rid of it, it rematerializes in their money pouch.
In game terms, when a character attempts to do a skill check roll a D6, on a 1-3 this is done at Advantage, on a
4-6 it is done with Disadvantage.
Only a wish spell can separate the owner and the item, or by tricking a leprechaun into taking it back.
Memory Slug
The hallucinations fell from his eyes like leaves in autumn. The booming voice had offered him no choice; its
favors must be accepted. Then he felt its wetness, the weight of it and its tight grip behind his ear. What had he
gotten himself into?
Not technically a magic item, this is a creature in its own right. It provides a boon to a particularly fervent
Warlock follower. Sent from whatever dimension the patron lives, it crawls onto the Warlock and latches itself
just behind their ear, connecting itself to their brain. It then allows the Warlock an extra spell slot for each spell
level the Warlock is able to cast.
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Each block requires attuning to the Warlock who wishes to utilize their power. Once this has been completed
the Warlock gains one extra spell slot per block.
DM Note: This is potentially a game and world changing item, lending huge power to the Warlock who
assembles it. But, like all bargains for power, this Faustian situation could go very badly wrong for someone
who would summon such an alien mind into the prime material plane.
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Tome of Infernal Punishments
A heavy, massive book, the Tome of Infernal Punishments features thousands of pages of infernal writing. It
concerns itself with the various offenses committed against the devils of the nine hells and their servants, with
millennia of offenders, their crimes, and the appropriate punishment. The book is difficult to read in the typical
manner though, as each time it is opened, or has a page turned, the lists change as well, turning to a whole
new array of sinners, traitors, and deal-breakers. The pattern, however, stays the same – offender – offense –
Despite your lengthy travels, this might be one of the strangest things you have ever held. You probably should
not have it. There might be a devil committed to its retrieval, somewhere, at some point. And, definitely, there
is a devil roasting in an infernal pit, somewhere, at some point, for losing this priceless tome.
Tome. Only useable by those who can read Infernal. You can spend an action to flip through the tome, and
unleash a punishment on your target. Then, you must roll a d10 to determine the type of punishment:
1. Flames. The target is scorched for 1d8 fire damage, per book-holder level.
2. Entropy. The target is afflicted with a -6 penalty to all of their main stats (strength, dexterity,
constitution, intellect, wisdom, charisma) until the end of combat. A successful Wisdom save (at book-
holder’s spell DC) negates this effect.
3. Infamy. The target is assaulted by anxious thoughts. For the duration of the combat, all opponents
have advantage on their attack rolls against the target.
4. Indigestion. The target is poisoned, and will take 1d10 poison damage per round at the start of their
turn. This lasts until the end of combat.
5. Mockery. Three imps appear around the Tome of Infernal Punishments. They are hostile to all
surrounding creatures, and are placed under DM’s control.
6. Back-breaking labour. The target is knocked prone and takes 1d10 bludgeoning damage, unless they
make a successful Dexterity save (at book-holder’s spell DC).
7. Prejudice. A polymorph spell is cast at the target, as determined by the wielder of this tome.
8. Poverty. The target loses all of their equipped items, weapons and clothing, which are transported to
another plane of existence. The DM can exempt any item from being lost in this manner should they so
9. Incarceration. The target is locked in their body, becoming paralyzed for one minute, unless they make
a successful Wisdom save (at the book-holder’s spell DC).
10. HELLFIRE! The target disappears from this plane, as their body is hurled through the lower planes,
suffering 10d10 psychic damage, unless it is a fiend. They return on the next round, in the space that
they previously occupied, or the nearest unoccupied space. For more details, consult the “Hurl through
Hell” spell from the Otherworldly Warlock patron choice.
DM Note: Contemplate the balance of your game, if you choose to introduce this tome. Perhaps it is best if its
use comes with a heavy cost, starting with the warlock taking psychic damage from reading its infernal pages,
and culminating with a high-ranking devil that seeks to eradicate the party, and return the tome to the lower
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Worms of Gholduul
He could not tell whether this was a gift or a curse. His insides writhed with their presence, but he gritted his
teeth, hoping that this discomfort would be worth the while.
The Worms of Gholduul are an inter-dimensional parasitical infection, sent by whatever strange beings live in
those inhospitable realms to grant a boon to a worshipper or warlock. Dehydrated worms have also been
found in several Warlocks’ homes, when invigorated with Eldritch magic they come alive and can be imbibed.
Once inside their host, they can live for many years, often outliving the host being. Upon being ingested, they
will grant to the Warlock +1 to all of their spell’s damage dice. However, like all parasites, they feed from the
host. Whilst infected the host loses 2 Constitution points. They can be removed with a Remove Curse or Wish
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