Aljon A. Galas Bsed Filipino 3 Student'S Expectation

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The first learning task of this subject was the student's expectation of the course Assessment
in Learning 2. We shared our hopes and expectations towards the subject through writing. In that
activity, we're given an opportunity to write down our personal anticipation to the subject. The
first learning activity serves as a way in order for the instructor to be aware of the desires and
expectations of the students to happen, and that was really happening to our class, because the
instructor for this subject was being considerate, kind and understanding when it comes to the
outcries of his students.
A student like me, it is really valuable for me to share some hopes and expectations towards
the subject and the teacher since I want them to bring out the best in me, help me to find the
courage to speak out, and give me the desire to do the required work. Some students want their
teacher to respect them, understand their difficulties, their hesitations, and their complexes,
Students want to learn something new and useful in each lesson. They do not expect the teacher
to know everything. They want the teacher to convey knowledge or skills relevant to their lives.
At first, I am nervous to think that I may not give it my all and I will bomb this class, but I
know that with the right help and direction from my teacher, I will be guided to the next step in
achieving my goals. Taking this class makes me feel nervous and excited at the same time. I am
excited to learn that I can use in the future to become a better teacher. Taking this subject, I
learned a lot of new things that will surely help me and guide me. I learned from this class that
determination is a great motivator to helping me accomplish my goal that I envision.
In this task, we carefully comprehend the course description in order to fill out the given
table. Our task is to write 5 possible topics in this course and give our reasons why we decided to
include that topic. This task helped me to understand the course description. I learned that this
course focuses on the principles, development and utilization of alternative forms of assessment
in measuring authentic learning. It emphasizes on how to assess process- and product- oriented
learning outcomes as well as affective learning.

Course analysis refers to a holistic review of the course. The course analysis is based on the
students’ evaluations of the course but also considers other factors that affected the course.
Indeed, conducting course analysis able us to express our opinions on the course. It enables us to
brain storm some important ideas and explore the importance of having an analysis to a course.
Through this activity, the instructor can easily understand if the students really understand and
carefully comprehend the course description.

I do really appreciate this activity because I was able to make my own topics that are
aligned to the topics that are written in the course syllabus. Thinking some topics wasn't easy for
me. The particular reason for this is that it takes time and deep analysis to do this activity.
Through this activity, I learned that in the end it's never going to be easy making this task but it's
worth the effort. Analysis is one of the great intellectual achievements. Many people find the
course rewarding and enjoyable once they've got over the difficulties.

As a future teacher, it is important for me to be vigorous and knowledgeable enough. This

course plays a role for me as a future teacher, because this will help me to become equip when
facing the field of teaching. It will help me to develop my skills about the ways of handling a
consultation to every parent with regards to the performances of their children and to learn the
ways/methods of collecting the data that can be used in assessing my future students'

This learning task gave us some insights about the process of gathering students' data in
order to understand the strengths and weaknesses of the student in learning. It becomes a
flashlight in understanding the learning of student's and to identify the barriers and factors that
can affect the students' learning.

This course is valuable in teacher education and it plays a major role. It is integral to the
teaching and learning process, because relevant information in terms of gathering, analyzing and
the use of assessment information. This task provides holistic and relevant information that
teacher education can be used in preparing and equips prospective teachers with the knowledge,
skill, effectiveness in tasks and behavior.

Assessment in Learning 2 is not just a course. For me, it serves as my guide in becoming a
well-prepared teacher in the future. It allows me to identify the areas of my future students’
strengths and weaknesses. This course, taught me the relevance of grading and reporting system.
I will make use of them in a right and proper way.


As a future teacher, I have learned to appreciate the importance of measuring the central
tendency. Measures of central tendency are one of the most useful statistics not just in field of
research but for teachers and future teachers as well. This will help teachers and future teachers
to know the center point answers such questions as “what is the middle score?” or “which
student attained the average score?”. The mean, median and mode are the three fundamental
statistics that measure the central tendency of data.
The mean is the average of all the students’ scores or the arithmetic average of all scores.
The median is the middle number in a sorted, ascending or descending, list of numbers and can
be more descriptive of that data set than the average. A median is simply the score that falls
exactly in the middle, such that half of the people had higher scores, and half of the people had
lower scores. The mode is the most frequent score in the set scores and data of the students.
The mean, median and mode are the measures of central tendency and they provide
meaningful information to the teacher when it is used correctly. Measures of central tendency
provides teacher with a mathematical description of how well a student are performing. So,
measuring central tendency will help the teachers to assess the student’s performance,
development and progress in teaching and learning process.
This task taught us the significant role of measures in variability in informing teachers
and future teachers about student learning, providing an opportunity to examine teacher
instructional strengths and weaknesses by displaying how spread out or clustered together their
scores appear.
As a future teacher, we should take this seriously because this plays a huge role when it
comes to determining the progress and development of every student. Mastering it would be a
great help for us in the future. If we are proficient in measuring the central tendency, it is now
easy for us to measure how well the students are performing in its academic and in classroom.


This activity taught me why we need to understand the grading and reporting system of
student performance. The purpose of this grading and reporting is to clearly, accurately,
consistency, and fairly communicate learning progress and achievement to students and parents.
This makes sure that students, teachers, and parents have detailed information they need to make
important decisions about the education of the students.
In this learning task, I learned the importance of having a grading system. Having this
activity makes me realized that grades have both positive and negative effect to the students. I
can now understand the concepts of grading and reporting grades of students’ performance and
differentiate grading system used in reporting grades of students’ performance.
The last part of the activity envelops given a task to create a 3-4 video where we need to
discuss the right way of doing parent teacher conference. With the help of blogs and articles in
the internet, I successfully completed the task. The video was all about the dos and don’ts in
conducting parent teacher conference. Through this activity, I learned new things, which I can
bring with my students in the near future.

I learned from this activity about the importance of questioning where effective
questioning is one the strategy in teaching. It is the effective way of guiding the students toward
more scholarly answers than simple fact of drilling. This learning task taught me that there are
different types of questions that can be used in the classroom and teachers can apply different
techniques in questioning.
I was able to know that the strategy of questioning should be used at the beginning of a
unit and effective questioning must be used consistently. This will make an engagement and
interest of students in content with the help of activating their prior knowledge and encouraging
them to clearly verbalize their responses from the questions that are given to them.
This activity we were about to conduct a one on one class on messenger where we need
to select one student only. We need to select one from different approaches that we decided to
use in conducting questioning for selected student. The whole conversation from messenger is
our output. My questions to my selected students are based on a particular issue which is the new
In the end, I am so happy because my selected student learned something from the
activity that we did. I also realized that questioning is so important in the process of teaching and
learning. It serves as my practice even if we did this only through online but still worth it
because both of us learned something from this. The last activity from this task is that the
reflection about the importance of questioning which help me to express my opinions about the
importance of questioning not just in classroom but in our daily lives as well.

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