GI and Sampling Methods
GI and Sampling Methods
GI and Sampling Methods
Mechanically excavated trial pits Ability to recover bulk Requires suitable access.
samples for earthworks Smaller machines may be
assessments; used but that limits power
High productivity in open or and therefore depth;
‘wet’ areas; Difficult to carry out precise
Ability to penetrate ‘hard’ in situ testing at depths
strata such as ‘Clay with greater than 1m below
flints’; and ground level;
Trial pits give a less Higher H&S risk having
conservative assessment of large open excavations;
soakage for water disposal. High water flows into the pit
can prevent further
Risk of pit wall instability
and therefore destabilising
nearby structures and
underground services; and
Reinstatement can be
problematic in sensitive
areas. Surplus spoil is
usually left proud of the
positions to allow for future
Hand excavated trial pits Can be carried out in areas Pit depths are limited to 1m
of limited access depending below ground level unless
upon plan area of proposed the pit is shored;
pit; Pits are typically terminated
Bulk samples can be immediately upon
recovered; and encountering water or the
Precise in situ testing can be excavation becomes
carried out depending upon unstable;
man access into excavation. Greater exposure to
contaminative problems for
site personnel; and
The intensity of labour limits
the number of pits
excavated per man per
Windowless sampling Recovery of undisturbed Can only carry out in situ
samples for shear strength testing by cutting the liner
or effective stress testing; thus making the
Doesn’t necessarily require undisturbed sample a
supervision as the liners disturbed sample;
containing the soil samples This system has larger
can be delivered to the diameter tubes that are
laboratory for subsequent harder than window
logging; and sampler tubes to drive into
Can typically achieve the ground at depth;
deeper depths than a JCB Access for a tracked
3CX or similar mechanical machine can be
excavator; and problematic; and
Ability to case the borehole The fuel based engine for
through unstable soil working the rig means that it
conditions. cannot be used within
enclosed spaces without
adequate ventilation.
Bulk samples cannot be