Aggregate Fatigue Failure On Macro Textu 2018 International Journal of Pavem
Aggregate Fatigue Failure On Macro Textu 2018 International Journal of Pavem
Aggregate Fatigue Failure On Macro Textu 2018 International Journal of Pavem
International Journal of Pavement Research and Technology 11 (2018) 176–184
Received 14 June 2017; received in revised form 9 August 2017; accepted 13 September 2017
Available online 20 September 2017
The macro-texture of asphalt pavement greatly affects the traffic safety of driving. In this study, the 3D laser scanning data, which is
captured from the pavements, is used for reverse modeling. FE software ANSYS is used to analyze the contact stress distribution of
pavement macro-texture and tire. The results show that the macro texture will be affected by fatigue failure considering the size effect
of coarse aggregate. The fatigue life distribution of pavements is analyzed using the fatigue analysis software FE-SAFE which is based
on linear cumulative damage theory. The developing tendency of texture depth with respect to the number of loading times is obtained by
analyzing the results of fatigue life. Compared with the results of accelerated loading test shows that the factor of fatigue failure has
remarkably affected the macro texture under low loading times. This effect is gradually decreased with the increasing of cyclic loading
Ó 2017 Chinese Society of Pavement Engineering. Production and hosting by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND
license (
Keywords: Fatigue failure; Reverse modeling; FE simulation; Pavement macro-texture; Fatigue life analysis
1996-6814/Ó 2017 Chinese Society of Pavement Engineering. Production and hosting by Elsevier B.V.
This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (
Z. Qian et al. / International Journal of Pavement Research and Technology 11 (2018) 176–184 177
2. Fatigue failure mechanism of pavement macro texture micro structures will increase and expand, and the cracks
will also be connected with each other. After unloading,
A large number of studies show that the damage of these micro structures will be closed till the cyclic loading
pavement macro texture is mainly influenced by the prop- is loaded again, the micro structures will expand continu-
erty of asphalt aggregate and traffic condition [10–13]. In ously along the fractures, and the fractures gradually
actual use of the pavement, the contact surface of tire develop until rock failure [20]. Therefore, if the internal
and pavement is an approximately elliptical rectangle, fatigue damage of exposed coarse aggregate of asphalt
due to the vehicle load and the influence of the inner pres- pavement is generated by the stress, then with the increase
sure of the tire [14,15]. The tire and the macro texture of of cyclic times, the damage is continuously accumulated till
pavement are in contact closely with this contact surface, failure.
which makes the tire to an elastic deformation of flexure
in the vertical direction to wrap the rough edges of macro 3. Numerical simulation analysis
texture, as shown in Fig. 1(a). Meanwhile, micro slip phe-
nomenon could occur between tire and pavement. Even if 3.1. Establishment of the pavement macro texture model
the contact condition is pretty good, the slip rate of the tire
will still reach 5–10% [16]. Therefore, the macro texture of In order to analyze the stress distribution of pavement
pavement will bear the vehicle load in the vertical direction macro texture accurately, reverse models based on real
and the friction force in the longitudinal direction, which is pavement is used for finite element analysis. This study uses
generated by the micro slip of the tire, as shown in Fig. 1 hand-held high-resolution 3D laser scanner produced by
(b). With the repeated actions of the vehicle, the macro tex- Creaform Inc. to capture the spatial coordinates of macro
ture of pavement is under the cyclic stress constantly, texture from the real pavement, as shown in Fig. 2. The
resulting in a periodic disturbance of coarse aggregates
exposed on the pavement surface.
The coarse aggregate used in asphalt pavement is mainly
composed of rock material. As a kind of quasi-brittle mate-
rial, the process of rock failure caused by cyclic loading is
quite complicated [17–19]. There are a large number of
micro cracks, pores, and other micro structures in natural
rock when the rock is affected by external loading, these
than the threshold value of rock fatigue damage. Thus the cracked rock under different cyclic stresses are obtained
concentrated stress could produce a small range of direct based on the high-frequency uniaxial compression fatigue
failure at the rough edges of the exposed pavement aggre- test. According to the fatigue test data, the S–N curve of
gate, and then leads to change the macro texture of pave- the rock material as shown in Fig. 7.
ment. While if the concentrated stress did not cause a Input the stress results of ANSYS into FE-SAFE, the
direct failure, but the stress is still greater than the fatigue fatigue life of aggregate is calculated based on the S–N
threshold of the rock, the fatigue damage would be accu- curve of rock material. As shown in Fig. 8, the fatigue life
mulated continuously inside the aggregate [31]. distribution is coincident with the results of stress, the fati-
gue life is displayed in base-10 logarithm, in which the
3.5. Fatigue life analysis of pavement macro texture pavement area of fatigue life over 109 loading times is the
infinite area, means that the pavement texture would not
The macro texture of asphalt pavement mainly consists be affected by fatigue failure.
of aggregate particles. There was very limited research on While the fatigue failure occurs on pavement aggregate,
fatigue failure of aggregate rock at present. The influence which will lead to the changes of pavement macro texture,
factors of the rock fatigue failure include the maximum the contact condition between tire and pavement, as shown
and minimum cyclic stress, the frequency of the cycle, the in Fig. 1, will also be changed. As shown in Fig. 9, using a
cycle times and the loading wave, in which the main factors sine wave to represent these two kinds of macro texture
are the maximum cyclic stress and stress amplitude [29,32]. model, the length of these two model are the same, while
Under real traffic, the stress on pavement is very compli- the wavelength of the sine waves are various. Obviously,
cated, thus this study assumed the traffic load is based on the first model is much sharper than the latter one. Assum-
BZZ-100 standard axle load, when a vehicle passes over ing the former model is the initial state of pavement macro
the pavement, the standard axle load of this vehicle is texture, and the latter model is the macro texture which has
applied onto the pavement, the stress at this moment is been affected by aggregate fatigue failure. Once the mor-
assumed as the maximum cyclic stress, once the vehicle phology of macro texture is changed, the contact condition
leaves, the pavement is no longer under loaded, which will also be changed, which leads to the changes of stress
means the lower limit of cyclic stress on pavement is 0. distribution on pavement texture. ANSYS is used to simu-
Therefore, the stress conditions of pavement are assumed late the stress on the pavement with different texture mor-
as a constant amplitude cyclic loading, and the loading phologies and to compare the changes of stress on
sequence does not affect the fatigue life of pavement pavement texture before and after the failure. The simula-
texture. tion boundary conditions are the same with last chapter.
The density of the hysteresis loop curve of the typical As shown in Fig. 9(a), the maximum first principal stress
rock fatigue failure test under the effects of constant ampli- is reached to 6.17 MPa and reduced to 5.29 MPa in
tude cyclic loading is basically unchanged [33]. Thus, the Fig. 9(b). Results show that the changes in the morphology
accumulation tendency of fatigue damage of rock can be of macro texture will lead to the changes of stress distribu-
approximately considered as linear increasing. According tion on pavement. It means that the stress which concen-
to the Miner damage model in linear fatigue damage the- trated on macro texture could be gradually reduced with
ory, the fatigue damage of coarse aggregate rock can be the continued failure of aggregate, till the concentrated
calculated by stress amplitude and a number of repetition stress is finally reduced to less than fatigue threshold stress
curves (hereinafter referred to as S–N curve) [30].
The linear Miner fatigue cumulative damage model con-
sidered that the fatigue damage degree is calculated by the
following equation:
D¼ ¼1 ð2Þ
Fig. 13. Comparison of the test pavement wear rate x1 and the simulated
Fig. 11. The pavement model which is eliminated the failure elements. pavement wear rate x2 .
Z. Qian et al. / International Journal of Pavement Research and Technology 11 (2018) 176–184 183
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