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and scarring. Additionally, our patient developed as a separately de®ned clinical complex, a signi®cant
Raynaud's phenomenon, livedo racemosa predomin- number of patients may simultaneously suffer from
antly on the right foot (Fig. 2) and diffuse, painful, other autoimmune diseases [9].
erythematous swelling at the right lateral ankle due Due to multiple organ involvement during the course
to a deep and tender in®ltration. Biopsy revealed a non- of disease, an interdisciplinary approach was necessary
granulomatous vasculitis of small and medium-sized in order to make the proper diagnosis. However, in this
vessels (Fig. 3) without immune deposits on direct case the dermatological ®ndings, i.e. livedo racemosa,
immuno¯uorescence. p-ANCA was still positive at cartilaginous in¯ammation of the ears and deep
a dilution of 1 : 5120. These laboratory results, in cutaneous in¯ammation at the right ankle, were crucial
conjunction with the clinical and histopathological in recognizing the disease.
features, led to the diagnosis of microscopic polyangiitis.
The p-ANCA-positive (non-granulomatous) vasculitis F. WEBER, E. KOWALD, M. SCHMUTH, N. SEPP
of small and medium-sized vessels with pulmonary ®nd- Department of Dermatology and Venereology,
ings (haemoptysis, haemorrhagic capillaritis, increased University of Innsbruck, Anichstrasse 35, 6020
carbon monoxide transfer) in the absence of eosino- Innsbruck, Austria
philia, asthma and immune deposits made other sys- Accepted 29 August 2000
temic vasculitis syndromes, such as polyarteritis nodosa, Correspondence to: F. Weber.