Steel For Quenching and Tempering
Steel For Quenching and Tempering
Steel For Quenching and Tempering
This Bosch-Norm may only be disclosed to third parties outside the Bosch Group upon consent of the herein listed supplier
Series: N28 Material order specifications
Technical responsibility: frmuehle CR/APM4 (460)
AVK3NA 2021-04-19 NormMaster
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2017-01-30 de en swi2si C/CET2 497
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© Robert Bosch GmbH. All rights reserved, also regarding any disposal, exploitation, reproduction, editing, distribution, as well as in the event of appli-
cation for industrial property rights.
000 04
Bosch-Norm | 4497026626 | N28 QT1201 S007 | 2017-01-30 |2
Premium quality
1 Scope
This Bosch-Norm may only be disclosed to third parties outside the Bosch Group upon consent of the herein listed supplier
This Bosch-Norm specifies the technical terms of delivery and additional requirements for the unalloyed
process-controlled, lead alloyed steel for quenching and tempering C45RPb, to be used for forged high
pressure parts quenched and tempered from the forging heat. In addition to the data in this Bosch-Norm
all the respective requirements of DIN EN 10277-1 (2008-06) and DIN EN 10277-5 have to be met that
AVK3NA 2021-04-19 NormMaster
2 Material designation
Quality standard DIN EN 10083-1(2006-10), DIN EN 10277-1 (2008-06),
DIN EN 10277-5 (2008-06)
Material abbreviation C45RPb
Material number 1.1201
© Robert Bosch GmbH. All rights reserved, also regarding any disposal, exploitation, reproduction, editing, distribution, as well as in the event of application
for industrial property rights.
000 04
Bosch-Norm | 4497026626 | N28 QT1201 S007 | 2017-01-30 |3
4 Production
The steel making processes (melting, secondary metallurgy, casting) are to be secured with regard to the
BST 4497026626
requirements for the microscopic cleanliness level and the prevention of macroscopic internal defects.
Steelmaking follows a control plan according to ISO/TS 16949 (2009-06).
Process–securing measures according to special agreement with the steel maker in accordance with pro-
duction and inspection schedule (QM-Plan-Bosch+SH-5-998-554-1, QM-Plan-Bosch+C-5-998-554-4).
5 Absence of defects
5.1 General
In accordance with state-of-the-art technology, the products have to be free from defects which impair
the processability under real production conditions
the use under real service conditions
Details may be agreed relating to the component
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5.2 Macroscopic internal defects
Macroscopic internal defects are e.g.
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non-metallic inclusions with a surface of more than 0,03 mm² in their largest dimension
internal discontinuities as e.g. blowholes, pores or internal cracks with a surface of more than
0,03 mm² in their largest dimension
Quantity and size of macroscopic internal defects must not exceed state-of-the-art technology. Measures
have to be taken in accordance with state-of-the-art technology to prevent the occurrence of macroscopic
internal defects.
5.2.1 Testing for internal defects
Testing for macroscopic internal defects and calibration of the installations is performed according to the
process and inspection schedule:
Ultrasonic full cross section test in continuous operation on the bar steel with automated installations
on all bars. Sorting threshold is to be set at the statically determined amplitude height of 0,7 mm FBH.
Bars with indication are to be rejected.
Random testing with ultrasonic immersion technique test as per SEP 1927 (2010-08).
The limit value for the detectable size of defects – according to the listed test conditions – in continuous
operation in the bar steel is determined to be a length of 10 mm and an equivalent reflector size of 0,7 mm
FBH. Macroscopic internal defects above this limit are not permissible.
For the evaluation of the ultrasonic immersion technique test as per SEP 1927 (2010-08), the permissible
limit value is determined to be a max. flaw length of 25 mm.
After the ultrasonic testing sufficient rust protection with suitable agents is to be ensured for the bars.
© Robert Bosch GmbH. All rights reserved, also regarding any disposal, exploitation, reproduction, editing, distribution, as well as in the event of application
for industrial property rights.
000 04
Bosch-Norm | 4497026626 | N28 QT1201 S007 | 2017-01-30 |4
Without approval of the orderer, elements not listed below must not be added to the steel intentionally, ex-
cept for final treatment of the melt. All adequate preparation has to be made in order to avoid the addition
of that kind of elements from the scrap and other materials used in manufacturing that impair the mechani-
cal properties and the usability of the steel.
Mass fraction in % Mass fraction in %
C 0,43 to 0,51 Cr 0,10 to 0,40
Si 0,10 to 0,30 Mo max. 0,10
Mn 0,70 to 1,00 Ni max. 0,40
P max. 0,030 Cu max. 0,30
S 0,015 to 0,025 Sn1) max. 0,030
Pb 0,15 to 0,25 Ti max. 0,0050
Al max. 0,050 Ca max. 0,0015
This Bosch-Norm may only be disclosed to third parties outside the Bosch Group upon consent of the herein listed supplier
Cu + 10 x Sn max. 0,5
Ca-deoxidation is not permissible
AVK3NA 2021-04-19 NormMaster
8 Surface qualities
8.1 Surface B1
Smooth, clean metallic surface, protected with suitable antirust agent. Surface imperfections as per
DIN EN ISO 8785 (1999-10) must not exceed state-of-the-art technology in size and frequency. Cracks,
scores and other surface imperfections are permitted only to a depth of max. 0,15 mm. The one–sided re-
moval when peeling must be a min. of 0,65 mm.
8.2 Surface B2
Smooth, clean metallic surface, protected with suitable antirust agent. Surface imperfections as per
DIN EN ISO 8785 (1999-10) must not exceed state-of-the-art technology in size and frequency. Cracks,
scores and other surface imperfections are permitted only to a depth of max. 0,15 mm. The one-sided re-
moval when peeling must be a min. of 0,4 mm and/or when grinding for absence of cracks a min. of
0,3 mm.
© Robert Bosch GmbH. All rights reserved, also regarding any disposal, exploitation, reproduction, editing, distribution, as well as in the event of application
for industrial property rights.
000 04
Bosch-Norm | 4497026626 | N28 QT1201 S007 | 2017-01-30 |5
8.3 Surface B3
Smooth, clean metallic surface, protected with suitable antirust agent. Surface imperfections as per
BST 4497026626
DIN EN ISO 8785 (1999-10) must not exceed state-of-the-art technology in size and frequency. Cracks,
scores and other surface imperfections are permitted only to a depth according to the following table,
measured from the real surface.
Nominal thickness Maximum surface defect depth, one-sided
mm mm
16 to 20 0,20
over 20 to 30 0,01 x nominal thickness
This Bosch-Norm may only be disclosed to third parties outside the Bosch Group upon consent of the herein listed supplier
The limit value for defect visibility of the listed inspection are determined to be a min. flaw depth of
0,15 mm and a min. flaw length of 7,5 mm. Surface defects with dimensions above this limit value are not
AVK3NA 2021-04-19 NormMaster
9 Mechanical properties3)
9.1 Deviating from DIN EN 10277-2 (2008-06)
Delivery Nominal Elongation at
Tensile strength Yield strength Hardness4)
condition thickness break A
mm MPa MPa % HBW 5/750
A01W ≤ 40 max.255
C02Z 16 to 36 730 to 900 min. 430 min. 7 (210 to 265)
The values in parentheses are for information purposes and need not be substantiated in the initial sam-
ple test report and for the regular requalifications.
Securing of strength by way of defined drawing degrees
Measuring point: 2/3 radius from the surface
© Robert Bosch GmbH. All rights reserved, also regarding any disposal, exploitation, reproduction, editing, distribution, as well as in the event of application
for industrial property rights.
000 04
Bosch-Norm | 4497026626 | N28 QT1201 S007 | 2017-01-30 |6
10 Additional requirements
10.1 Microstructure
BST 4497026626
Ferrite and lamellar perlite, no ferrite/pearlite bands which may impair machining.
10.2 Hardenability
Determination of hardenability with Jominy test with restricted hardenability requirements (+HH) as per
DIN EN ISO 642 (2000-01). Calculating the hardenability based on the respective set of formulas of
SEP 1664 (2004-06) permissible. In controversial situations the values assessed in the Jominy test as per
DIN EN ISO 642 (2000-01) are valid.
Every 10th batch is to be tested in the Jominy test.
Hardness in HRC at a distance from the quenched end face in mm
1 4 7
57 48 31
This Bosch-Norm may only be disclosed to third parties outside the Bosch Group upon consent of the herein listed supplier
10.3.1 Oxides
Applies to nonmetallic oxidic inclusions as per DIN 50602 (1985-09).
K3 max. 15
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10.3.2 Sulfides
The microscopic degree of purity for sulfides must not exceed index number 4 (standard diagram plate 1
as per DIN 50602 (1985-09), method M). Sulfides of index number 5 may occur sporadically, limited to
max. 2 per grinding (polished surface 12 x 20 mm). Sulfide inclusions distributed as homogeneously as
possible over the cross section. Avoid sulfide agglomerations.
10.3.3 Lead inclusion
Sulfide inclusions distributed as homogeneously as possible over the cross section, no lead accumula-
tions or lead bands.
10.4 Form of delivery
Straightness: To the straightness, the permissible deviations as per DIN EN 10060 (2004-02) apply.
Untested ends: Ends untested on both sides, length depending on diameter
Application not permissible
Identification required
Removing as per order
Quality of ends: as per order
10.5 Identification
Mark durably each bar with the brand of the supplier and the melting number. For bars delivered in bun-
dles, the brand and the melting number can be mounted on a tag for each bundle instead of on every bar.
© Robert Bosch GmbH. All rights reserved, also regarding any disposal, exploitation, reproduction, editing, distribution, as well as in the event of application
for industrial property rights.
000 04
Bosch-Norm | 4497026626 | N28 QT1201 S007 | 2017-01-30 |7
12 Additional agreements
Additional details with reference to product geometry, identification, form of delivery and packaging can be
BST 4497026626
13 Suppliers
Melting Saarstahl AG, Völklingen
Drawing, turning, grinding Saarstahl Völklingen, Saarstahl-Blankstahl GmbH, Homburg
Ultrasonic testing Saarstahl Völklingen, Saarstahl-Blankstahl GmbH, Homburg
Eddy current testing Saarstahl Völklingen, Saarstahl-Blankstahl GmbH, Homburg
14 Declaration
This Bosch-Norm may only be disclosed to third parties outside the Bosch Group upon consent of the herein listed supplier
The supplier accepts the obligation of compliance with the Bosch-Norm N 2580-1 (Prohibition and decla-
ration of substances). Always the current version is to be used for the declaration (e.g. in the download
section of the Bosch Internet). The moment of signing the order specification is the latest point in time for
making the declaration.
AVK3NA 2021-04-19 NormMaster
16 Normative references
The following documents are applicable in addition to this Bosch-Norm. With dated references solely the
edition referred to applies. With undated references the last edition of the indicated document applies (in-
cluding all revisions). Intentionally cited historical documents are additionally identified as "H" in the col-
umn "Type".
No. Document number (edition date) Title Type
Metallographic examination; microscopic ex-
amination of special steels using standard di-
1 DIN 50602 H
agrams to assess the content of non-metallic
2 N23A Dimensions and dimensional deviations M
3 N 2580-1 Prohibition and declaration of substances M
Type: M = Document to be supplied; Z = Cited document; H = Historical document
© Robert Bosch GmbH. All rights reserved, also regarding any disposal, exploitation, reproduction, editing, distribution, as well as in the event of application
for industrial property rights.