Ship Stability B Question
Ship Stability B Question
Ship Stability B Question
2. A ship is 122m long has a beam of 15.25m and floats in salt water with an even keel draft of
5.50m. If the block coefficient is 0.695, what is the displacement? If the immersed midship
section area is 82.50 m2 . (ans 7190 tonnes)
3. A pontoon is 140m long and has a constant rectangular cross-section 16m beam and 10m deep.
If it floats at a mean draft of 6m in water density of 1020kg/m 3 , what is the value for bouyancy
given by the water to the pontoon? (ans 13709 tonnes)
4. A ship 110m long floats on an evel keel draft of 4.85m with center of floatation of 1.30m forward
of amidship. A load of 30 tonnes is moved forward until the draft forward is 5.05m. Throight what
distance is it moved? The MCT 1cm may be taken as 64 tonnes meters. (ans 87.50m)
5. The internal dimensions of a tank for holding fresh water are 8 ft x 3 ft – 6 inch. How may tons of
water will it contain? (ans 1.94 tons)
6. A ship is 500 ft long, 57 ft wide, 22 ft-6 inch draft, 9860 tons displacement, 1150 sq ft area of
immersed midship section. Find the prismatic coefficient Cp. (ans 0.897)
7. A vessel is 300 ft x 36.50 ft x 13.50 ft draft, 2135 tons displacement. Find the area of wetted
surface. (taylor 12,400 sq ft)
8. A vessel of 1792 tons displacement is inclined by shifting 5 tons already on board transversely
across the deck through 20 ft. The need of the plumb line 15 ft long moves through 5.50 inch.
Determined the metancentric height at the time of experiment. ( ans 1.83 feet)
GG1 = 5*20/1792 = 0.0558m tan =15/0.4583 = 32.729 Gm = 0.0558x 32.729 = 1.83 feet
9. A box is 200 Ft long, 30 ft wide, and weight of 2000 tons. Find the height of the transverse
metacentre above the bottom when the box floating in salt water on an even keel. (ans 12.26 ft)
3 3
BMT = LB / 12V = 200x30 /12(200x35) = 6.4285 d = 2000x35 / (200 x 30) = 11.67 feet
KB = 11.67/2 = 5.833 GM = 5.833+6.4285 = 12.26 Feet
10. When a mass of 25 tonnes is shifted 15m transversely across the deck of a ship of 8000 tonnes
displacement, it causes a deflection of 20 cm in a plumb line 4m long. If the KM = 7m, calculate
the KG. (ans 6.06m)
GG1 = 25*15/ 8000 = 0.0469m Tan = 4/0.20 = 20m Gm = 0.0469 x20 = 0.94m KG = 7-0.94 = 6.06m
11. A box shape vessel with 400 ft long and 70 ft wide and the weight before launching is 6400 tons,
what will be the draft in salt water. (ans 8 ft)
12. A ship has displacement of 2400 tonnes and KG = 10.80 m. Find the new KG if a weight of 50
tonnes mass already on board is raised 12 meters vertically. (ans 10.82 m)
2400 x 10.80 = 25920
50 x 12 = 600
2450 26520 KG = 10.82
13. Find the shift in the center of gravity of a ship 1500 tonnes displacement when a weight of 25
tonnes mass is shifted from the starboard side of the lower hold to the port side on deck through
a distance of 15 meters. ( ans 0.25m)
GG1 = wd / displ = 15*25 / 1500 = 0.25
14. A ship has displacement of 2000 tonnes and KG = 10.50 meters. Find the new KG if a weight of
40 tonnes mass already on board is shifted from the „tween deck to the lower hold through a
distance of 4.5 meters vertically. (ans 10.41 m)
GG1 = 40 x 4.5/2000 = 0.09 m KG = 10.50 – 0.09 = 10.41 m
15. Find the relative density of salt water whose density is 1025 kg/ cu. Mtr. (ans 1.025)
16. When a double bottom tank is full of fresh water it holds 120 tonnes. Find how many tonnes of oil
of relative density 0.84 it will hold. ( ans 100.80 tonnes)
17. Find the volume of oil if the tank measures 20m x 24m x 10.50m when the ullage is 2.5m.
(ans 3840 cu m)
18. A box shape vessel of 105 m long, 30 m wide, and 20m deep, is floating upright in fresh water. If
the displacement is 19500 tonnes, find the reserve volume of buoyancy. (ans 43500 cu mtr)
19. A ship displaces 7000 tonnes while floating in fresh water. Find the displacement of the ship
when floating the at the same draft in water density 1015 kg/ cu m. (ans 7105 tonnes)
new disp /sg = old disp/ sg = new disp = 7000 x 1.015/1 = 7105 cu m
20. A ship of 2400 tonnes displacement is floating in salt water. The ship has to proceed to a birth
where the density of the water is 1008 kg/cu m if she is to remain at the salt water draft her new
displacement is 6293.90 tonnes. Find how much cargo must be discharged.(ans 106.10 tonnes)
21. Find the number of persons which a wooden lifeboat 10 m long, 2.70 m wide, and 1 m deep may
be certified to carry. (ans 57 persons)
Cap = 10 x 2.70 x 1 x 0.6 / 0.283 = 57 persons)
22. A ship float on salt water with dimensions of 64 m long, 10 m wide, has a draft of 1.5 m, and has
a light displacement of 590.40 tonnesif a load draft of 4 m and had a block coefficient of 0.75.
Find the loaded displacement of the ship. (ans 1968 tonnes)
23. What is the distance between the center of gravity and the metacentre. (ans metacentric height)
24. The point where the intersection of a vertical line drawn through the center of buoyancy of a
listed vessel intersects with the centreline plane. (ans metacentre)
25. A measure of the capacity of the ship in which 1 ton is equivalent to 100 cubic feet.
(ansgross tonnage)
26. A prominent appendage attached to the bow in order to reduce resistance and thus reduce
horsepower. (ans bulbous bow)
27. It is a horizontal plate brackets of generally triangular form connecting port & starboard side
stringers and bow plating at the stem. (ans breasthook)
28. What is a steel warping drum rotating on a vertical axis for the handling of mooring lines and
optionally anchor cable. (ans capstan)
29. What is a point through which the weight of the ship may be assume to act.
(anscenter ofgravity)
30. It is the ratio of the volume of displacement and the volume of the circumscribing block of
constant rectangular section having the same length, beam, and draft.
(ansblock coefficient Cb)
31. A ship‟s wooden life boat measures 7.3 m x 2.5 m x 1 m. Find the number of persons which may
be carried. (ans 38 persons)
Vol = LBD x 0.6 = 7.3 x 2.5 x 1x 0.6 = 10.95 cu m no. of persons = V/x = 18.25/ 0.283 = 38
32. A ship is 150 m long, has 20m beam, load draft of 8m, light draft 3m. The block coefficient at the
load draft is 0.766, and the at the light draft is 0.668, Find the ship‟s deadweight.
(ans 12681.30 tonnes)
Disp = 150 x 20 x 8 x 0.766 x 1.025 = 18 843.60
L disp = 150 x 20 x 3 x 0.668 x 1.025 = 6 162.30
Deadweight = 12 681.30
33. A ship has a displacement of 1800 tonnes and KG = 3 m. She loads 3400 tonnes of cargo (KG =
2.5 m), and 400 tonnes of bunkers (KG = 5 m). Find the final KG. (ans 2.84 m)
34. A box-shaped vessel is 24 m x 5 m x 5 m and floats on an even keel at 2 m draft. Find the KB.
(ans 1m)
35. A vessel which is a shape of a box has a length of 24 m, beam 5 m, draft 5 m, and float on an
even keel at 2 m. Find the height of transverse metacentre BM. (ans 1.04 m)
37. The displacement is 7000 tonnes while floating in dock water of density 1008 kg per cu m. What
was the volume of water displaced. (ans 6944 cu m)
38. The second moment of a ship‟s water-plane area about the center line is 20 000 m units. The
volume of displacement of theis 6944 cu m. Calculate the initial metacentric height.
(ans 2.88m)
39. A box shaped-boat 75m long, 12m wide, and 7m depth, is floating on an even keel at 6m draft.
Find the center of buoyancy KB. (ans 3m)
40. A box shaped-vessel with a dimensions of 75m long, 12m breadth, and 7m depth, float on an
even keel of 6m draft. Calculate the transverse metacentre BM. (ans 2m)
41. A ship of 6000 tonnes displacement has KM = 7.3m, and KG = 6.7m, and is floating upright. A
weight of 60 tonnes already on board is shifted 12m transversely. Find the shift of center of
gravity from G to G1. (ans 0.12m)
42. A ship of 6000 tonnes displacement has KM = 7.3m, and KG = 6.7m, and is floating upright. A
weight of 60 tonnes already on board is shifted 12m transversely. Calculate the metacentric
height GM. (ans 0.6m)
43. A ship of 6000 tonnes displacement has KB = 3m, KM = 5.5m, and GZ = 0.35 m. Find the
moment of statical stability. (ans 2100 tonnes m)
44. A box-shaped vessel 65m x 12m x 8m has a KG = 4m, and floats in salt water upright on an
even keel at 4m draft and has a GM = 1m. Find the righting lever GZ at 5 degrees.
(ans GZ = 0.087 m)
45. A box-shaped vessel 90m x 14m x 9.25m and floats in fresh water and a 95 tonnes of cargo was
loaded on the vessel at a draft of 6m. Find the parallel singkage.(ans 7.54cm)
46. A box-shaped vessel 70m x 13m x 7.5m and floats in salt water and a 58 tons of cargo was
loaded on an even keel at 5m draft. Find the parallel sinkage. (ans 6.22 cm)
47. A box-shaped vessel 65m x 12m x 8m has a KG = 4m, and floats in salt water upright on an
even keel at 4m draft and has a GM = 1m. Calculate the moment of statical stability at 25
degrees heel. (ans 278.90 tonnes m)
48. When a ship of 12 000 tonnes displacement is heeled 6.5 degrees the moment of statical
stability is 600 tonnes m. Calculate the initial metacentric height GM. (ans 0.44m)
49. A ship of 4000 tonnes displacement has KG = 5.5m and KM = 6.0m. Calculate the moment of
statical stability when heeled 5 degrees. (ans 174.40 tonnes m)
50. A ship of 4000 tonnes displacement has KG = 5.5m and KM = 6.0m. Calculate the metacentric
height GM. (ans 0.5m)
51. A ship 126m long is floating at draft of 5.5m Fwd and 6.5m Aft. The center of floatation is 3m Aft
of amidship. MCT 1cm = 240 tonnes m. Displacement = 6000 tonnes. Find the trimming moment
if the weight of 120 tonnes already on board is shifted forward a distance of 45 metres.
(ans 5400 tonnes by the head)
52. A ship has a displacement of 6000 tonnes, MCT 1cm of 240 tonnes m, and a trimming moment
of 5400 tonnes m Fwd. Calculate the change of trim. (ans 22.5 cm by the head)
53. A box-shaped vessel 90m x 10mx 6m floats in salt water on an even keel at 3m draft. Find the
displacement of the vessel. (ans 2767.50 tonnes)
54. A box-shaped vessel 90m x 10mx 6m floats in salt water on an even keel at 3m draft. Find the
longitudinal matacenter BML. (ans 225m)
55. A box-shaped vessel with a dimensions of 90m long, 10m wide,and 6m draft, and floats in salt
water on an even keel at 3m draft. Calculate the moment change of trim (MCT 1cm) if the vessel
has a BMLof 225m.(ans 69.19 tonnes m/cm)
56. A rectangular pontoon is 45m long and has a beam of 10m. It floats in FW with an even keel
draft of 2m and carries a mass in the hold of 30 tonnes. Calculate the displacement.
(ans 900 tonnes)
57. A rectangular pontoon with a displacement of 900 tonnes and float in an even keel in FW and
carries a mass in the hold of 30 tonnes. The center of gravity of the mass is 3.50 m above the
base of the pontoon and the derrick which is to lift the mass has a head 18.50 m above the base.
What is the change in GM immediately after lifting the mass?(ans 0.50 m)
58. A weight of 15 tonnes is moved horizontally across the deck of a ship for a distance of 11
meters. The ship heels so that a pendulum, suspended 8 meters above a horizontal batten,
moves out along the batten for a distance of 244 mm. The ship‟s displacement is 3150 tonnes
and her KM is 6.12 m. Find the GM and KG. (ans 1.72m GM, 4.40m KG)
GG1 = wd/ displ = 15 x 11/ 3150 = 0.0524m tan = L/deflection = 8/0.244= 32.787mm
GM = GG1 / tan = 0.0524 x 32.787 =1.717 m KG = 6.12 – 1.717 = 4.40 m
59. A ship has a displacement of 7200 tonnes and 100 tonnes of cargo are moved from the upper
deck to the bottom of the hold. If the centre of gravity of the cargo is moved through 7.20 m by
how much is the metacentric height changed? (ans 0.10 m)
60. A ship had a displacement of 640 tonnes when floating in SW. When inclined the GM was found
to be 0.375 m, but there were free surfaces presentin: Oil tank FS = 0.0154, water ballast tank
FS = 0.0667, fresh water tank FS = 0.0021. Calculate the corrected GM. (ans 0.459 m)
61. A ship has a displacement of 3600 tonnes and during an inclining experiment 4 tonnes of ballast
were moved transversely through 6 m. This caused the end of a pendulum 5 m to deflect by
75mm and the tangent Øis 0.15. what is the value of GM in this condition? (ans 0.444 m)
62. This is the amount by which the midship section falls in from the half-breadth line at any
particular depth. (ans Tumble-home)
63. These are shaped underwater portion of the ship forward and aft of the parallel middle body.
(ans entrance and run)
64. This is the amount of inclination of the ship in the transverse direction, and is usually measured
in degrees. (ans Heel)
65. This is the transverse curvature given to the decks, and is measured by the difference between
the heights of the deck at side and center. (ans camber)
66. What is the density of fresh water in metric units. (ans 1000 kg/cu m)
67. The formula ofI = LB3/12 and the axis is in its plane passing through the centre of gravity and
parallel to the sideis the moment of inertia of what object.(ans rectangular)
68. The formula of I = πD4/64 and the axis in its plane passing through the center is the moment of
inertia of what object. (ans circle)
69. A ship has a displacement of 4280 tonnes, KG = 3.85m, KM = 3.97m. At what angle will the ship
be inclined when the value of the upsetting couple is 45 tonnes m? (ans 5 degrees)
70. The following particulars are known for a ship 120m length, when floating in SW at a mean draft
of 7.40m, displacement of 10 580 tonnes, GML of 122.92 m. Calculate the Moment Change of
Trim 1 cm. (ans 108.40 tonnes m)
71. A weight of 220 tonnes is added to a ship 120m length with the draft Fwd 5m and Aft 6m, TPC =
14.20, find the parallel singkage of the ship. (ans 15.50 cm)
72. A weight of 220 tonnes is added to a ship 120m length with the draft Fwd 5m and Aft 6m, LCF =
1 m Fwd, MCT 1cm = 116 tonnes m.Find the change of trim. (ans 39.80 cm Aft)
73. A ship has a breadth of 18 m and a water plane area of 2011 floating on SW. What is the
approximate value of the MCT 1cm? (ans 165.2 tonnes m)
74. A tank holds 120 tonnes when full of fresh water. Find how many tonnes of oil of relative density
0.84 it will hold, allowing 2% of the volume of the tank for expansion in the oil.
(ans 98.78 tonnes)
75. Oil of relative density 0.75 is run into a tank measuring 6m x 4m x 8m until the ullage is 2m.
Calculate the number of tonnes of oil the tank then contains.(ans 108 tonnes)
76. A tank will hold 100 tonnes when full of fresh water. Find how many tonnes of oil with relative
density of 0.85 may be loaded if 2% of the volume of the oil is to be allowed for expansion.
(ans 83.333 tonnes)
77. A drum of mass 14 kg when empty, is 75 cm long , 60 cm in diameter. Find its draft in salt water
if it contain 200 liters of paraffin of relative density 0.63 (ans 0.484 m)
78. A box shaped barge 55m x 10m x 6m is floating in FW on an even keel at 1.5m draft. If 1800
tonnes of cargo is now loaded, find the difference in the height of the center of buoyancy above
the keel. (ans 1.636 m)
79. A box shaped vessel 20m x 6m x 2.5m floats at a draft of 1.5m in water of density 1035 kg per
cu. Mtr. Find the height of the center of buoyancy above keel.(ans 0.75 m)
80. A rectangular tank 3m x 1.2m x 0.6m is floating in FW at a draft of 15cm. Calculate the minimum
amount of FW which must be poured into tank to sink it.(ans 1.62 m)
81. A ship is said to be in _______ equilibrium if, when inclined she tends to return to the initial
position. (ans stable)
82. When the ship which is inclined to a small angle tends to heel over still further, she is to be
_______ equilibrium. (ans unstable)
83. A ship 0f 10 000 tonnes displacement has an initial metacentric height of 1.5 m. What is the right
lever GZ of the ship if she heeled 10 degrees. (ans 0.26 m)
84. A ship 0f 10,250 tonnes displacement has an initial metacentric height of 1.3 m, righting lever
0.25m. What is the moment of statical stability when the ship heeled 10 degrees.
(ans 2,313.86 tonnes m)
85. A tug boat is displaced in the salt water of 59.40 tonnes with a draft of 1.65m, a beam of 4.90m
and a length of 15.70m. What is the Block Coefficient (Cb) of the boat?(ans 0.457)
86. If the boat has midship section area of 6.468 sm, with a beam of 4.90m and a draft of
1.65m.What will be the Midship Coefficient (Cm) of the boat?(ans 0.80)
87. If the boat block coefficient (Cb) is 0.51 and a midship coefficient (Cm) of 0.92, what will be the
prismatic coefficient (Cp)?(ans 0.554)
88. The waterplane area of the boat is 48.50 sm with the length of 16.20m and a width of 5.00m.
What is the waterplane coefficient (Cwp) of the boat?(ans 0.60)
89. The ship was displaced in a salt water of 537.65 tonnes with equivalent volume of 525.54 cu-mtr,
a length of 30.081 m and a midship area of 21.375 sm. Find the Prismatic Coefficient (Cp) of the
ship?(ans 0.817)
90. The vessel had a length of 30 m, a moulded breadth of 10 m and a draft of 2.20 m, and a block
coefficient (Cb) of 0.775 which she float in salt water. What is the displacement of the
vessel?(ans 524.29 tonnes)
91. The ship length of 90 m and a moulded breadth of 6m and with a waterplane coefficient of 0.89.
What will be the Tons per cm (TPC) of the ship when she afloat on sea water?(ans 4.926)
92. The boat volume of displacement of 1432.95 mean draft of 3.00 m and an area of
waterplane of 792.86. Find the KB of the boat. (ans 1.88 m)
KB = 5 x 3/6 - 1432.95x1.025/(3x792.86) = 1.88 m
93. The boat floating in salt water has a length of 65 m long with a breadth of 13.70 m and a depth of
3.66 m while she has a freeboard of 0.67 m and a block coefficient of 0.85. Find the total
displacement of the boat.(ans 2320 tonnes)
94. This is a weight of a ship when completely empty. It is made up of steel weight, wood and
outfitting weights and machinery weights.(ans Lightweight)
95. This is the weight that a ship carries. It can be made up of oil fuel, fresh water, stores, lubricating
oil, water ballast, crew and effects, cargo and passengers.(ans deadweight)
96. This is the weight of the volume of water that the ship displaces.(ans displacement)
97. What will be the result if lightweight and deadweight will be added.(ans Displacement)
98. A capsize bulk carrier has a displacement of 256,295 tonnes with a dimensions of length 308 m,
breadth of 54 m, depth of 24.30m, and a draft of 18.127m, she has deadweight of 229,228
tonnes. What will be the ship Deadweight coefficient (CD)(ans 0.894)
99. A shipowner has specified to naval architect to design him a 9000 tonnes DWT. Information from
a database of previously built similar ships suggests Deadweight coefficeient (CD) to be 0.715.
Estimate the fully loaded displacement (W) for this new ship.(ans 12 587 tonnes)
100. A rectangular pontoon 60 ft long with a beam of 20 ft has a displacement of 300 tons with its
center of gravity 4 ft 4-1/2 inch above the keel. Calculate the draft of the pontoon in sea
water.(ans 8 ft 09 inch)
101. A fishing vessel has draft of 9‟–6” forward and 10‟-6” in aft. Bunkers and stores are taken aboard
of 20 tons and 12 tons respectively. Calculate new mean draft. TPI = 8. (ans 10‟-4”)
103. A large freezer trawler arrives off her home port with an even keel draft of 20 ft. equal to a
displacement of 3,634 tons at salt water . The waterplane area at this draft is 8,820 sq. ft. The
vessel is directed to enter in a enclosed basin in fresh water and having depth of 20‟-10” along
side. Calculate the TPI of a trawler.(ans 21)
104. A large freezer trawler arrives off her home port with an even keel draft of 20 ft. equal to a
displacement of 3,634 tons (the density of sea water 1,025 ozs/ cu. Ft). The waterplane area at
this draft is 8,820 sq. ft. The vessel is directed to enter in a enclosed basin in which the water
density is 1,010 ozs./ cu. Ft. and having depth of 20‟-10” along side. If the calculated TPI at this
draft is 21 what will be the increase of draft due to change in density.(ans 2.57 in)
Change of draft = disp (den 1 – den 2) / (den 2 x TPI) = 3634 x (1025-1010)/( 1010 x 21) = 2.57 inches
105. A curvilinear area has ordinates at a spacing of 2 ft. apart, the length being 1.45, 2.65, 4.35,
6.45, 8.50, 10.40, and 11.85 ft respectively. Find the area of the figure in square feet using
Simpson‟s 1st rule.(ans 78 sq ft)
106. A curvilinear area has ordinates at a spacing of 2 ft. apart, the length being 1.45, 2.65, 4.35,
6.45, 8.50, 10.40, and 11.85 ft respectively. Find the area of the figure in square feet using
Simpson‟s 2nd rule.(ans 78.00 sq ft)
107. A power yatch is 144 ft long, 22‟-6” beam, 9 ft draft, with a displacement of 334 tons salt water,
and a midship section area of 124 sq. ft. Find the midship coefficient.(ans 0.612)
108. A weight of 54 tonnes is shifted from No. 1 to No. 2, a distance of 20 meters, on a vessel MCT
cm 120 tonnes meters. Calculate the change of trim. (ans 9 cm)
109. A double bottom tank 20 meters long, 15 meters wide is being tested with a head of 2.5 meters
of salt water. Calculate the thrust on the tank top plating. ( ans 768.75 tonnes)
110. A graving dock which had a rectangular lock gate of 20 meters wide, 15 meters deep, has 6
meters of water with density of 1.025 on one side and a water pressure (thrust) of 369 tonnes,
while on the other side there is 10 meters of water with density of 1.012. Calculate the thrust.
(ans 1012 tonnes)
111. Calculate the upthrust on the bottom plating of a box shaped vessel 75 meters long, 10 meters
wide, 7 meters deep, when floating at a draught of 5 meters in fresh water. (ans 3750 tonnes)
112. A vessel displaced 8000 tonnes in salt water has a double bottom tank 20 meters long and 16
meters wide, partly full of sea water. If the ship‟s GM is 1 meter, calculate the effective GM if the
double bottom is undivided. (ans 0.125 meter)
113. A vessel displaced 8000 tonnes in salt water has a double bottom tank 20 meters long and 16
meters wide, partly full of sea water. If the ship‟s GM is 1 meter, calculate the effective GM if the
there is a center line division in the between the double bottom. (ans 0.7813 meter)
114. A battle class destroyer has a load displacement of 3000 tonnes. What is the volume of water
would be displaced when the ship floats in water density of 1.02587? (ans 2924.30 cu mtr)
115. A cargo ship has a load displacement of 9350 tonnes. Calculate the deadweight if the lightship is
32% of the load displacement. (ans 6358 tonnes)
116. What is an approximate value for the gross tonnage of a ship with 140 meters in length, 20
meters breadth, and 10 meters, depth?(ans 8000 GT)
117. A gross tonnage of the M/V Princess of the Star is 65 863. What is an approximate value for her
internal capacity? (ans 186, 392 cu meters)
Internal capacity = 65863 * 2.83 = 186392 cu
118. The total volume of enclosed spaces for a tanker is 140 376 cu mtr. What is the gross tonnage?
(ans 40107 GT)
119. What do call the decreasing of a vessel‟s beam above the waterline as it approaches the rail.
Opposite of flare. (ans tumblehome)
120. Is an special type ofdrum whose faces are so formed as to fit the links of a certain of given size
is called? (ans wildcat)
121. What is the term applied to the outboard plated on any deck, or to the plates attached to the
flanges of a tier of beams at the side of a vessel. (ans stringer plates)
122. Hole cut on any structural member, as in the web where very little loss of strength will occur.
These holes reduce the weight and in many cases serve as access holes. This condition is
particularly true in floor plates and longitudinals in double bottom. (ans Lightening hole)
123. What do call something got over the side of a ship into the water. (ans OVERBOARD)
124. Find the draft when the ship displaced on salt water 2258 tonnes, with a length of 60 meters,
13.70 meters wide, and 0.86 block coefficient. (ans 3.12 m )
125. The vessel has a lightship of 755 tonnes and displaced in salt water of 2250 tonnes, with the
dimensions of 60 meters x 13.70 meters, 3 meters draft. What will be the deadweight of vessel?
(ans 1495 tonnes)
126. If the boat has a block coefficient of 0.55, a prismatic coefficient of 0.74, what is the midship
coefficient of the boat? (ans 0.74 )
127. A rectangular barge has a dimensions of 120 m long x 36 m wide x 2 m draft and floats in salt
water. If a 10 tonnes of cargo was installed in the center midship, what will be the parallel
singkage of the barge. (ans 0.23 cm)
128. A ship is on drydock and had a repair on the side hull which need to install a steel plate of 1.50m
x 5m x 10mm thk. What is the estimated kg of the steel inserted on the hull. (ans 589 kg)
129. A tank was assembled with a dimension of 6m length x 4m wide x 2m high and all in 9mm thk
steel plate. What is the total estimated weight of the tank in Kg. (ans 6220 kg)
130. A cargo vessel has a waterplane area of 850 sq mtr and float in salt water. What is the vessel
tons per cm (TPC)? (ans 8.71)
131. What is the rounded portion of a vessel‟s shell which connects the bottom with side.
(ans Bilge)
132. What it is the alternate rising and falling motion of a vessel‟s bow in a nearly vertical plate as she
meets the crest and trough of the waves.(ans Pitching)
133. What it is the entire internal cubic capacity of a vessel expressed in “tons” taken at 100 cubic feet
each. (ans Gross Tonnage)
134. What is the area of a transverse section of a ship to successive waterlines may be calculated
and plotted in the form of a fair curve. (ans Bonjean Curves)
135. A boat has a volume 2878 tonnes in a draft of 3.2m and a water plane area of 1080 cu mtr.
Calculate the vertical buoyancy VCB (or KB)? (ans 1.778 mtr)
138. A LCT float in salt water has the length between perpendiculars of 59.60 mtr x 13.70 mtr breadth
x 3.00 mtr draft, with a volume of 2180 cu mtr. Calculate the Block Coefficient Cb of the LCT.
(ans 0.868)
139. Calculate the Waterline Coefficient (Cwp) of the vessel if the boat waterplane area of 759 sq mtr
and length of 59.60 mtr x 13.70 mtr width. (ans 0.93)
140. The vessel undergone deck repair in the shipyard and re-plated a three steel plates of 11mm thk
x 1.80 mtr x 5 mtr and two steel plates of 6mm x 1.80 mtr x 3 mtr. Calculate the total weight in kg
of the two thickness steel plates. (ans 2841 kg)
141. With no other information the ship has a dimensions of 60m long x 13m wide x 3m depth,
calculate the gross tonnage of the ship. (ans 668 or 669 GT)
142. A Filipino ship owner want to construct a rectangular deck barge to the shipbuilder with the
dimensions of 150 ft x 45 ft x 12 ft, calculate the approximate total steel weight of the barge.
(ans 324 tons)
143. A ship owner need a tugboat of 60 ft long x 22 ft wide x 10.50 ft depth that can pass in Pasig
River to the Pandacan oil depo. Calculate the approximate steel weight needed to construct the
tugboat. (ans 49.50 tons)
144. A tugboat has to undergone a crew‟ steel house repair and the dimensions of steel plate to be
install was 6mm x 2.10m x 3.5m and wall stiffeners were included using 8mm x 75mm x 2.10m
flat bar on seven locations. Calculate the total steel weight of the repair. ( ans 415.60 kg)
145. The ship owner needs an approximate steel weight for budgetary purposes to construct a
tugboat that can pass in Pasig River. The dimensions of the boat was 65 ft long x 22 ft wide x 11
ft depth, calculate the approximate total steel weight of the tugboat. (ans 56 tons)
146. A box shaped barge 100 mtr in length x 15 mtr wide is floating at a draft of 5.30 mtr in water
relative density 1.013. Calculate the number of tonnes she can load , if her maximum permitted
draft in salt water is 6.0 mtr. (ans 1171.65 tonnes)
147. A ship has a TPC of 21.60 tons and her drafts are 4.42 meters forward and 4.60 meters aft. How
much she will sink if a weight of 125 tons is added directly over the center flotation? (ans 5 cm)
148. A boat with a draft of 4.42 m Forward, 4.60 m Aft and has a bodily sinkage of 5 cm when she was
added by a weight of 125 tons directly over the center of floatation. What will be her new draft?
(ans. Fwd 4.47m, Aft 4.69m)
149. If the ship has a TPC =7 and 70 tons of cargo was discharge from a point directly below the
center of floatation. Find how much she will float? (ans 10 cm)
150. Find the new draft in a ship which has a TPC of 7, if 70 tons of cargo were discharge from a point
directly below the center of floatation and resulted the bodily rise of 10 cm. The original drfat
were 3.05 meters forward and 3.303 meters aft. (ans Fwd 2.95 m, Aft 3.20m)
151. The boat has a displacement of 2735 tonnes. Calculate the Cb if her length is 77.20 m, width of
16 m, draft of 3 m when she float on salt water. (ans 0.72)
152. A barge has a dimension of 155 feet, breadth of 45 feet, and depth of 12 feet. Calculate the
estimated steel weight of the barge. (ans 335 tons)
153. A tanker barge of double hull, with dimensions of length overall 66.27 m, breadth of 13.73 m, and
depth of 4 m. Find the estimated steel weight of the tanker. (ans 584 tons)
154. The ship was damaged on the side plating and had to bring on the shipyard for hull repair and the
size of the steel plate to be re-plated was 10mm x 5.5m x 1.2 m. Find the weight new steel plate.
( ans 518 kg)
155. If the ship was ship side at the pier and a certain cargo is to be loaded on the cargo hold. What
will the formula for bodily sinkage of the ship. (ans W / TPC)
156. The cargo ship was arrive from Cebu and needs to unload a certain cargo load. What will be the
formula for bodily rise of the ship. (ans W / TPC)
157. A certain weight on the ship has to be moved or shifted from the center of floatation, forward or
aft to its new position. What will be the formula for the change of trim caused by this.
(ans (w x d) / MCT )
158. Find the Tons per 1 centimeter(TPC) of a box shaped vessel of 70 long and 10m wide.
(ans 7.2)
160. A ship is 150 m long 16 m wide and floats at a draft of 5 m, and with waterline coefficient of
0.763. Find the TPC . (ans 18.77)
161. A ship has a draft of 3.95 m Forward and 4.40 m Aft, her center of floatation is on the midship. A
weight is shifted so that her trim changes by 0.38 m. What are the new draft Forward and Aft.
(ans F 4.13m, A 4.20m)
162. What is the Tubes leading the anchor chain from the deck on which the windlass is located down
and forward through the vessel‟s bow plating.(ans HAWSE PIPE)
163. What is the framework of a vessel together with all decks, deck houses and the inside and
outside plating or planking but exclusive of masts, yards, rigging and all outfit or equipments.
(ans HULL)
164. A center-line strength member running fore and aft along the bottom of a ship an often referred
to as the back bone.(ans KEEL)
165. A fin fitted in the bottom of a ship at the turn of the bilge to reduce rolling. It commonly consists of
a plate running fore and aft and attached to the shell plating by angle bars. It materially helps in
steadying a ship and does not add much to the resistance to propulsion when properly located.
166. A space used for laying down the lines of a vessel to actual size and making templates there
from for laying out the structural work entering into the hull.(ans MOLD LOFT)
167. A mark painted on the sides of a vessel designating the depth to which the vessel may under the
maritime laws be loaded in different bodies of water during various seasons of the year.(ans
168. An artificial wall or bank, usually of stone, made toward the sea or at the side of harbor or river
for convenience in loading and unloading vessels. (ans QUAY)
169. A dished circular piece of metal made in two parts and fitted closely on hawsers and lines to
prevent rats boarding or leaving a ship while at a dock or wharf. The concave side is placed
toward the shore to prevent boarding and the guard is reversed to prevents rats leaving the ship.
170. A unit of speed, equaling one nautical mile (6,080.2 feet) an hour, as when a ship goes ten
nautical miles per hour, her speed is ten knots. (ans KNOT)
171. An oil Tanker is 260 m long and floats at a draft of 5.12 m forward and 6.88 m aft. The center of
floatation is 4 m forward of amidship. Oil is shifted from an after tank to a forward tank so as to
change the trim by 1.20m. Find the new drafts. (ans F 5.70m, A 6.26m)
172. What will be the change of trim if a weight of 90 tonnes is shifted Aft for a distance of 100 m in a
ship which has MCT 1cm of 180 tons-meter. (ans 50cm)
173. Find the new drafts Fore and Aft if the ship has a length of 150m and a Moment Change of Trim
of 50cm. Her center of floatation is 2m Aft of amidship and the original draft were 6m Fore and
6.10m Aft, (ans F 5.74m, A 6.34m)
174. A ship has a 4.10m Forward and 5.50m Aft, Her MCT1cm is 200 tons-meter. Find how much oil
to be transfer from no. 6 DB tank to no. 1 DB tank, through a distance of 100 meters to bring the
ship to an even keel. (ans 280 tonnes)
175. Calculate the bodily sinkage of a ship when she has a TPC of 20 and a cargo load of 100 tons.
(ans 5 cm)
176. If the vessel load a cargo of 100 tonnes with a distance from amidship forward of 19m and
MCT1cm of 120 tonnes-meter. Find the change of trim of the vessel. (ans 15.83 cm)
177. Calculate the new draft if the vessel original draft forward is 7.10m and aft is 7.25m with the
length of 140 m long and a weight was loaded on the forward section of the vessel. It has a
bodily sinkage of 5 cm,a change of trim of15.83 cm, and the center of floatation is 3m Aft of
amidship. (ans F 7.23m, A 7.20m)
178. The ship is 140 m long, her TPC is 20, and the MCT1cm is 135 tonnes-meter, the center of
floatation is 3 m Aft of amidship. Where must the cargo be placed in order to maintain the draft of
7m Aft. Find the distance of load cargo forward and Aft in reference of center of floatation.
(ans F 14.10m, A 11.10m)
179. What do you call the ratio between the space available for water and the total space in the
compartment? (ans permeability)
180. Find the permeability of the compartment if it has a volume of 5000 cu meters. If this
compartment was filled with cargo of solid parts and take up space of 3000 cu meters, then only
2000 cu meters of space would be available for water. (ans 40%)
181. What do you call the ratio between the weight of the solid material and the weight of an equal
volume of fresh water? (ans relative density)
182. Find the permeability of a cargo which has a relative density of 1.80 and stowage factor of 1.20.
(ans 53.70%)
183. A box shaped lighter is 50m long, 8 m wide and floats at a mean draft of 2m. Find the bodily
sinkage if an empty compartment amidship, 20m long is bilged. (ans 1.33 m)
184. Find the shift of the center of gravity GG1 of a ship of 7000 tons displacement, if a weight of 50
tons is shifted for a distance of 80 meters. (ans 0.57 m)
185. A ship has a displacement of 3200 tons. What would be the shift of her center of gravity GG 1 if a
weight of 200 tons is added at a distance of 60 m from the original position of her center of
gravity. (ans 3.53 m)
186. Find the new KG if the boat has an original Kg of 6.20 m at a displacement of 690 tonnes.A
cargo of 48 tonnes was removed with the center of gravity of 2 m above the keel.(ans 4.20 m)
A weight of 48 tonnes was removed from the ship, the center of gravity of this weight is 2 m above the
keel. Find new KG of the ship if it‟s original KG of 6.20 m at a displacement of 690 tonnes.
(ans 6.514 m)
Distance = 6.20 – 2 = 4.20 m Displ = 690 – 48 = 642 tonnes GG1 = 48*4.2/642 = 0.314
New KG = 6.2 + 0.314 = 6.514 metr
187. What will be the new displacement of the boat has an original 690 tonnes displacement with a Kg
of 6.20 m and the weight removed was 48 tonnes with Kg of 2 m. (ans 642 tonnes)
188. Calculate the new shift of center of gravity GG1 if the ship displaced 642 tonnes after the weight
of 48 tonnes was unloaded, with a Kg of 4.20 m. (ans 0.31 m)
189. A ship of 2500 tons displacement has a Kg of 4.50 m. Find the desired height of Kg if the existing
G is to be lowered by by 33 cm. (ans 4.17 m)
190. A ship displaced 2500 tons whit a Kg of 4.50 m. Find how many tons of cargo had to be loaded
on the twin deck whose Kg is 3 m andif the existing G is to be lowered by 33 cm the desired
height of Kg was of 4.17 m. (ans 700 or 705 tons)
191. A ship of 2000 tons displacement has a Kg of 3.50 m. It has a cargo weight of 500 tons, find the
desired height of Kg if the existing G is to be raise by 50 cm. (ans 4 m)
Final KG = 3.5+0.5 = 4 m
192. A vessel has 2000 tonnes displacement and has a Kg of 3.50 m. It has a cargo weight of 500
tonnes, calculate the new Kg if the existing Kg had to be raise with the desired Kg of 4 m.
(ans 6 m)
193. The ship had an inclining experiment and her GM is found to be 1.90 m, her displacement in salt
water is 3200 tonnes. Find ship the volume of displacement? (ans 3122 cu meters)
194. The ship had a volume of displacement of 3122 cu meters, has a GM of 1.90 m, a moment of
inertia of her waterline of 17070. Calculate the transverse metacentre BM of the ship?
(ans 5.47 m)
195. The vessel has 3122 m3 volume of displacement, with GM of 1.90 m, a transverse metacentre
BM of 5.47 m and a KB of 1.62 m. Find the KG? (ans 5.19 m)
196. A box shaped barge had a length of 60 m long, wide of 10 m and a depth of 3 m. Find the BM?
(ans 2.78 m)
197. A box shaped vessel had a 60m long, 10 m wide and floats at a draft of 3 m. Find the vertical
center of buoyancy (KB)? (ans 1.5 m)
198. A barge of rectangular shape with 60m long, 10 m wide and she floats at a draft of 3m, with a BM
of 2.78m and a KB of 1.5 m. Find the metacentric height (KM) of the barge? (ans 4.28 m)
199. A box shaped vessel had a length of 40 m and 10 m wide and floats at sea water. Find Tons per
cm (TPC) of the vessel? (ans 4.10)
200. A ship had 160 m long, 20 m breadth and had a Waterline coefficient of 0.788. What is the Tons
per cm (TPC) of the ship? (ans 25.85)
201. The ship displacement is 6050 tonnes and float in salt water. Find the volume of displacement.
(ans 5902 cu m)
202. A deep tank which has a rectangular free surfaceof 20 meters long and 18 m wide. Find the free
surface of the deep tank? (ans 9720 m4)
203. If the barge has deep tank with a rectangular free surface of 20 meters long and 18 m wide and
had a free surface of 9720 m4 and a volume of displacement of 5902 cu m. Find the rise of G due
to free surface? (ans 1.65 m)
204. A tanker has a rectangular double bottom tank is 14 m, 12 m wide and 1.30 m deep. Sea water
is run into it to a depth of 0.70 m. Find the weight of the water comes in the tank?
(ans 120.5 tonnes)
205. A tanker barge has a displacement of 5154 tonnes with a KG of 6m and also had a rectangular
double bottom tank is 14 m, 12 m wide and 1.30 m deep. Sea water is run into it to a depth of
0.70 m. Find the KG (neglecting the free surface)? (ans 5.88 m)
206. A sea water run into a rectangular double bottom tank of the tanker barge and resulted arise of G
due to free surface of 0.39 m. If the tanker had a displacement of 5154 tonnes and a KM of 7.60
m, and a KG of 5.88 m. Find the corrected GM of the tanker? (ans 1.33 m)
207. Find the change of trim and the new drafts in a ship of 125 m length when a weight of 100 tons is
shifted Aft for a distance of 60 m. (ans 50 cm)
208. Find the change of draft of Forward and Aft if the center of floatation is 65 m and 60 m
respectively. If the change of trim is 50 cm. (ans F 0.26m A 0.24m)
209. If the vessel has a length of 60 m long, 13.70 m beam, and 3.66m depth. Find the approximate
gross tonnage of the vessel? (ans 859 GT)
210. A rectangular pontoon barge has a 60 feet long with a beam of 20 feet has a displacement of
300 tons. Find the mean draft of the barge. (ans 8.75 feet)
A ship of mass 5000t tones, 98m long, floats at draughts of 5.5m forward and 6.2m aft, being
measured at the extreme ends. The longitudinal metacenteric height is 104m and the centre of
floatation is 2.1m aft of amidships. Determine the moment of jange of trim 1 cm when a mass of 85
tonnes, which is already on board, is moved 30m forward. (ans 48.10 cm by the now)
213. Find the density of salt water whose density is 1025 kg / cu mtr. (ans 1.025)
214. Find the density of a fuel oil whose relative density is 0.92. (ans 920 kg/m3)
215. When a double bottom tank is full of fresh water it hold 120 tonnes. Find how many tonnes of oil
of relative density 0.84 it will hold. (ans 100.8 tonnes)
216. A tank will hold 153 tonnes when full of fresh water. Find how many tonnes of oil with specific
gravity of 0.80 will hold allowing 2% of oil loaded expansion. (ans 120 tonnes)
217. A box shaped barge with 105 m long, 30 m wide, and 20 m deep, is floating upright in fresh
water. If the barge has a displacement of 19500 tonnes, what will be the reserve volume of
buoyancy in order to sink the barge. (ans 43500 cu m)
218. A ship 128 m long has a beam of 20 m at the waterline and the Cw waterplane coefficient of
0.85. Calculate the TPC at this draft. (ans 223)
219. Find the area of water plane of the vessel of 36 m long, 6 m wide which has a waterplane
coefficient of 0.80. ( ans 173 sq m)
220. What will be the (KB) vertical center of gravity of a rectangular midship section of the barge if she
is in a draft of 3 m. (ans 1.5 m)
221. A box shaped vessel is 24 m x 5 m x 5 m and floats on an even keel at 2m draft. Calculate the
transverse metacenter height (BMT). (ans 1.04m)
221. A box shaped vessel is 24 m x 5 m x 5 m and floats on an even keel at 2m draft. Calculate the
initial metacentric height if it has a KG of 1.5 m) (ans 0.54 m)
2 2
KB = 2/2 = 1 m BMT = B /12d = 5 /12*2 =1.04m KM = 1 + 1.04 = 2.04 GM = 2.04 – 1.5 = 0.54m
222. A ship arrived in the pier and had to load the following cargo:
1000 tonnes x KG 2.5m
500 tonnes x KG 3.5 m
750 tonnes KG 9.0 m
Find the final KG of the cargo.(ans 4.89 m)
1000 2.5 2500
500 3.5 1750
750 9 6750
2250 11000
= 4.888889
223. A ship is on the pier and had to load and unload cargoes:
The total loaded cargo was 2250 tonnes x KG 4.89 m,
The following cargo to be unloaded:450 tonnes x KG 0.6 m and 800 tonnes x KG 3.0 m. Find the
final KG of the cargo. (ans 2.136 m)
224. A ship of 6000 tonnes displacement has KG = 6 m and KM = 7.33 m. The total cargo was loaded
2250 tonnes x KG 4.89m, and the total unloaded cargo was 1250 tonnes x KG 2.136 m. Find the
final GM of the ship. (ans 1 m)
6000 6 36000
2250 4.89 11002.5 KM 7.33
-1250 2.136 -2670 KG 6.33
7000 44332.5 GM 1m
= 6.333214
225. A ship of 5000 tonnes displacement has KG 4.5 m and KM 5.3 m. The following cargo is loaded:
2000 tonnes KG 3.70 m and 1000 tonnes KG 7.50 m. Find the final GM of the ship
(ans 0.625 m)
227. A vessel has a 6000 displacement with a KM = 7.30 m and KG = 6.70 m, and she is floating in
upright position. A weight of 60 tonnes already on board is shifted 12 m transversely. Find the
resultant list. (ans 11º 18.50‟)
228. A ship of 8000 tonnes displacement has a GM = 0.50m. A quantity of grain in the cargo hold,
estimated at 80 tonnes has shipts and as a result the center of gravity this grain moves 6.10 m
horizontally and 1.50 m vertically. Find the resultant list. (ans 7º 12‟)
GG1 hor = wd / W GG1 vert= wd / W
80 x 6.1 = 0.061m 80 x 1.5= 0.015
GM = 0.5
GM-GG1hor= 0.485
tan = a/b
0.061/0.485= 0.126 = 7deg 12
229. A ship of 4000 tonnes displacement has KG 5.5 m and KN 6.0 m. Calculate the moment of
stability when heeled 5 degrees. (ans 174 tonnes-m)
230. When a ship of 12000 tonnes displacement is heeled 6.50 degrees the moment of statical
stability is 600 tonnes –m. Find the initial metacentric height GM. (ans 0.44 m)
231. A box shaped vessel 65m x 12m x 8m, and floating in salt water upright on an even keel at 4m
draft. Find the displacement of the vessel. (ans. 3198 tonnes)
232. Find the vertical center of buoyancy KB of the box shaped barge of 65m long x 12m wide x 8m
depth in a draft of 4m. (ans 2m)
233. Calculate the height of metacentre BM if the box shaped barge of 65m long x 12m wide x 8m
depth in a draft of 4m. (ans 3 m)
234. A box shaped vessel 65m x 12m x 8m has KG 4m, and floating in salt water upright on an even
keel at 4m Forwrad and Aft. Find the GM if the BM = 3m, and KB = 2m. (ans 1 m)
235. A box shaped vessel 65m x 12m x 8m has KG 4m, and floating in salt water upright on an even
keel at 4m Forwrad and Aft with a GM of 1m. Calculate the moment of statical stability at (a) 5
degrees. (ans 278.90 tonnes –m)
236. A ship 126 m long is floating at draft of 5.5 m Forward and 6.5 m Aft. The center of floatation is 3
m Aft of amidship. MCT 1cm = 240 tonnes-m, displacement of 6000 tonnes. Find the moment of
trim if a weight of 120 tonnes already on board is shifted forward a distance of 45 m. (ans
5400 tonnes m F)
237. A ship 126 m long is floating at draft of 5.5 m Forward and 6.5 m Aft. The center of floatation is 3
m Aft of amidship. MCT 1cm = 240 tonnes-m, displacement of 6000 tonnes. Find the change of
trim if a weight of 120 tonnes already on board is shifted forward a distance of 45 m and resulted
a trimming moment of 5400 tonnes by the head. (ans 22.5 cm F)
238. A ship 126 m long is floating at draft of 5.5 m Forward and 6.5 m Aft. The center of floatation is 3
m Aft of amidship. Find the new draft Forward and Aft trim if a weight of 120 tonnes already on
board is shifted forward a distance of 45 m and as a result a change of trim of 22.5 cm by the
head. (ans 6.393m A, 5.618 m F)
239. A box shaped barge with 90 m x 10 m x 6 m is floating in salt water on an even keel at 3 m draft.
Find the height of longitudinal metacentre BML. (ans 225 m)
240. A box shaped barge with 90 m x 10 m x 6 m is floating in salt water on an even keel at 3 m draft.
Calculate the displacement of the barge. (ans 2767.50 tonnes)
241. A box shaped barge with 90 m x 10 m x 6 m is floating in salt water on an even keel at 3 m draft.
Find the MCT 1cm if the BML = 2767.50 tonnes. (ans 69.19 tonnes m-cm)
242. A box shaped barge with 90 m x 10 m x 6 m is floating in salt water on an even keel at 3 m draft.
Find the new draft if a weight of 64 tonnes already of board is shifted a distance of 40 m Aft and
F = amidship, MCT 1cm = 69.19 tonnes m –cm. (ans 2.815 m F, 3.185 m A)
243. A ship of 90 m long is floating at draft of 4.5m F and 5,0m A. Find the parallel sinkage if the
vessel has a TPC of 10 tonnes per cm if the total weight of 450 tonnes is loaded in a location of
14m forward of amidship. (ans 45 cm)
244. A ship of 90 m long is floating at draft of 4.5m F and 5,0m A, MCT 1cm = 120 tonnes m –cm.
Find the change of trim if the total weight of 450 tonnes is loaded in a location of 14m forward of
amidship. (ans 58.12 cm F)
245. A ship of 90 m long is floating at draft of 4.5m F and 5,0m A, center of floatation of 1.5 m Aft. If
the total weight of 450 tonnes is loaded in a location of 14m forward of amidship and resulted a
change of trim of 58.12 cm and parallel sinkage of 45 cm. Find the new draft forward and aft.
(ans 5.25 m F, 5.169 m A)
246. A box shaped vessel of 40m x 6m x 3m is floating in salt water on an even keel at 2m draft. Find
the TPC of the vessel. (ans 2.46 tonnes/ cm)
247. A box shaped vessel of 40m x 6m x 3m is floating in salt water on an even keel at 2m draft. Find
the change of trim if a weight of 35 tonnes is discharge from a position 6m from forward. MCT
1cm = 8.4 tonnes m-cm, TPC = 2.46. (ans 58.30 cm)
248. A box shaped vessel of 40m x 6m x 3m is floating in salt water on an even keel at 2m draft. If a
weight of 35 tonnes is discharge from a position 14m from amidshipand has MCT 1cm = 8.4
tonnes m-cm, TPC = 2.46, and F = amidship. Find the new draft forward and aft. (ans
1.570 m F, 2.150 m A)
249. A box shaped barge with 60m long, 10m beam, and 6m depth is floating in salt water at draft of
4m F and 4.40m A. Calculate the TPC of the barge. (ans 6.15 tonnes/cm)
250. Find a displacement of the box-shaped barge with a length of 60m x width of 10m x depth of 6m
and floating in salt water at draft of 4m. (ans 2583 tonnes)
251. A box-shaped barge with a length of 60m x width of 10m x depth of 6m and floating in salt water
has a displacement of 2583 tonnes. Find the moment change of trim MCT 1cm. (ans
30.75 tonnes m –cm)
252. When a weight is shifted aft in a ship 120 m long, it causes the ship‟s center of gravity to moved
0.20 m horizontally and the trim to change by 0.15 m. Find the longitudinal metacentric height
(BML). (ans 160 meters)
253. A ship of 150 m long has a displacement of 7200 tonnes, and is floating upright on an even keel.
When a weight of 60 tonnes, already on board, is shifted 24m forward, trim is changed by 0.15m.
Find the BML. (ans 200 m)
GML / GG1 = L / t
GML = GG1 x (L/t)
GG1 = w x d / W
so GML = L/t x (wd/disp)
256. What is the mass density of salt water? (ans 1.025 tonne/ m3)
257. Find the relative density of salt water whose density is 1025 kg per cu m. (ans 1.025)
258. Find the density of fuel oil whose specific gravity is 0.92 (ans 920 kg/ m3)
259. When a double bottom tank is full of fresh water it holds 120 tonnes. Find how many tonnes of oil
with specific gravity of 0.84 it will hold. (ans 100.80 tonnes)
260. A tank will hold 153 tonnes when full of fresh water. Find how many tonnes of oil with specific
gravity of 0.80 it will hold allowing 2% of the oil loaded for expansion. (ans 120 tonnes)
261. A tank when full will hold 130 tonnes of salt water. Find how many tones of oil relative density
0.909 it will hold, allowing 1% of the volume of thetank for expansion.(ans 114.13 tonnes)
262. A tank measuring 8m x 6m x 7m is being filled with oil of relativedensity 0.9. Find how many
tonnes of oil in the tank when the ullage is3 metres.(ans 172.8 tonnes)
263. A tank will hold 100 tonnes when full of fresh water. Find how manytonnes of oil of relative
density 0.85 may be loaded if 2% of the volume ofthe oil loaded is to be allowed for
expansion.(ans 83.30 tonnes)
264. A rectangular tank (3m x 1.2m x 0.6 m) has no lid and is floating in freshwater at a draft of 15 cm.
Calculate the minimum amount of fresh waterwhich must be poured into the tank to sink it.
(ans 1.62 tonnes)
265. A box-shaped vessel 20m x 6m x 2.5m floats at a draft of 1.5m in waterof density 1013 kg per
cu. m. Find the displacement in tonnes, and theheight of the centre of buoyancy above the
keel.(ans 0.75m, 182.34 tonnes)
266. A lifeboat, when fully laden, displaces 7.2 tonnes. Its dimensions are7.5m x 2.5m x 1m, and its
block coefficient 0.6. Find the percentage ofits volume under water when floating in fresh water.
(ans 64 %)
267. A box-shaped barge 55m x 10m x 6m. is floating in fresh water onan even keel at 1.5m draft. If
1800 tonnes of cargo is now loaded, find the difference in the height of the centre of buoyancy
above thekeel.(ans 1.636m)
268. A ship displaces 7500 cu.m of water of density 1000 kg per cu. m. Findthe displacement in
tonnes when the ship is floating at the same draft inwater of density 1015 kg per cu. m. (ans
7 612.5 tonnes)
269. A box shaped vessel 24m x 6m x 3m displaces 150 tonnes of water.Find the draft when the
vessel is floating in salt water. (ans 1.016m)
270. A box-shaped vessel draws 7.5m in dock water of density 1006 kg percu. m. Find the draft in salt
water of density 1025 kg per cu. m.(ans 7.361m)
271. The KB of a rectangular block which is floating in fresh water is 50 cm.Find the KB in salt
water.(ans 0.4875m)
272. A ship has a displacement of 1800 tonnes and KG.3m. She loads 3400tonnes of cargo (KG.2.5
m), and 400 tonnes of bunkers (KG.5.0 m).Find the final KG. (ans 2.84m)
273. A ship has a light displacement of 2000 tonnes and light KG.3.7m. Shethen loads 2500 tonnes of
cargo (KG.2.5 m), and 300 tonnes of bunkers(KG. 3 m). Find the new KG. (ans 3.03m)
274. A ship has light displacement 2800 tonnes and light KM 6.7 m. She loads400 tonnes of cargo
(KG 6m) and 700 tonnes (KG 4.5 m). The KG is thenfound to be 5.3m. Find the light GM.
(ans 1.3m)
275. A ship sails with displacement 3420 tonnes and KG.3.75 m. During thevoyage bunkers were
consumed as follows: 66 tonnes (KG.0.45 m) and64 tonnes (KG. 2 m). Find the KG at the end of
the voyage.(ans 3.85m)
276. A ship has a light displacement of 2000 tonnes (KG.3.6 m). She loads2500 tonnes of cargo
(KG.5m) and 300 tonnes of bunkers (KG.3 m).The GM is then found to be 0.15 m. Find the GM
with the bunkers empty.(ans 0.063m)
277. A ship of 7350 tonnes displacement has KG 5.8 m and GM 0.5 m. Findhow much deck cargo
must be loaded (KG 9m) if there is to be ametacentric height of not less than 0.38m when
loading is completed.(ans 286.3 tonnes)
278. A boxshaped vessel 75m long, 12m beam and 7m deep, is floating on aneven keel at 6m draft.
Calculate the KM.(ans 5m)
279. A box-shaped vessels are each 100m long, 4m deep, float at 3m draft,and have KG 2.5 m. Find
the initial metacentric height if the beam is 10m wide. (ans 1.78m)
BM = B2 / (12d) = 102 / (12 *3) = 2.78m KB = 3/2 = 1.5 m KMT = 1.5 +2.78 = 4.28
GM = KM-KG = 4.28 – 2.5 = 1.78 m
280. A box-shaped vessels are each 100m long, 4m deep, float at 3m draft, and have KG 2.5 m. Find
the initial metacentric height if the beam is 12m wide. (ans 3m)
281. A box-shaped vessel 60m x 12 m x 5m is floating on an even keel at adraft of 4m. Find the KM if
she float at 2.4m draft. (ans 6.2 m)
282. A ship of 4515 tonnes displacement is upright and has KG 5.4 m, and KM5.8 m. It is required to
list the ship 2 degrees to starboard and a weight of15 tonnes is to be shifted transversely for this
purpose. Find the distancethrough which it must be shifted.(ans 4.2m)
283. A ship of 1500 tonnes displacement has KB 2.1 m, KG 2.7 m, and KM3.1 m, and is floating
upright in salt water. Find the list if a weight of 10tonnes is shifted transversely across the deck
through a distance of 10metres.(ans 9º 30‟)
284. A ship of 10 000 tonnes displacement has GM 0.5 m. Calculate the momentof statical stability
when the ship is heeled 7.75degrees.(ans 674.5 tonnes metres)
285. When a ship of 12 000 tonnes displacement is heeled 5.25degrees themoment of statical
stability is 300 tonnes - m KG 7.5 m. Find the height ofthe metacentre above the keel.(ans
286. Find the moment of statical stability when a ship of 10 450 tonnesdisplacement is heeled 6
degrees if the GM is 0.5 m. (ans 546.2m)
287. When a ship of 10 000 tonnes displacement is heeled 15 degrees, therighting lever is 0.2 m, KM
6.8m. Find the KG. (ans 6.49 m)
288. _________ is the perpendicular distance between the lines of action of the forces (GZ) is
called? (ans righting lever)
289. When a ship of 10 000 tonnes displacement is heeled 15 degrees, therighting lever is 0.2 m, KM
6.8m. Find the Moment of statical stability. (ans 2000 tonnes metres)
290. A box-shaped vessel 55m x 7.5m x 6m has KG 2.7 m, and floats in saltwater on an even keel at
4m draft F and A. Calculate the moments ofstatical stability at 6 degrees heel.
(ans 83.43 tonnes metres)
291. A box-shaped vessel 55m x 7.5m x 6m has KG 2.7 m, and floats in saltwater on an even keel at
4m draft F and A. Calculate the moments ofstatical stability at 24 degrees heel.
(ans 404.4 tonnes metres)
292. A box-shaped vessel of 3200 tonnes displacement has GM 0.5 m, and beam15 m, and is floating
at 4m draft. Find the moments of statical stability at 5degrees.
(ans 139.5 tonnes metres)
294. A box-shaped vessel 90m x 10m x 6m floats in salt water on an even keel at3m draft F and A.
Calculate the BML. (ans 225m)
BML = 90 / (12*3) = 225 m
295. A box-shaped vessel 90m x 10m x 6m floats in salt water on an even keel at3m draft F and A.
Find the MCT 1cm. (ans 69.19 tonnes m/cm)
296. A box-shaped vessel 90m x 10m x 6m floats in salt water on an even keel at 3m draft F and A,
and has a MCT 1m of 69.19 tonnes m/cm and BML of 225 m. Find the new drafts if a weight of
64 tonnes already onboard is shifted a distance of 40 metres aft.(ans 2.815m F, 3.185m A)
297. A ship 90m long is floating at drafts 4.5m F and 5.0m A. The centre of flotation is 1.5m aft of
amidships. TPC 10 tonnes. MCT 1 cm. 120 tonnes m. Calculate the change of trim if a total
weight of 450 tonnes is loaded in a position 14mforward of amidships.(ans 58.12cm)
298. A ship 90m long is floating at drafts 4.5m F and 5.0m A. The centre of flotation is 1.5m aft of
amidships. TPC 10 tonnes. MCT 1 cm. 120 tonnes m. Find the new draft if a total weight of 450
tonnes is loaded in a position 14mforward of amidships.(ans 5.25m F, 5.169m A)
299. A box-shaped vessel 60m long, 10m beam, and 6m deep, is floating in saltwater at drafts 4m F
and 4.4m A. Calculate the MCT 1cm if the vessel has a BML of 71.42 m. (ans
30.75 tonnes m/cm)
D = 4 + 4.40 / 2 = 4.2m MCT = (60*10*4.2*a.025)*71.42 / 100*60 = 30.75
300. In the plimsoll mark of all vessels what is the “S” stand for? (ans summer load line)
301. A ship of 1500 tonnes displacement has a speed of 14 knots. If the admiralty coefficient is 410,
calculate the power developed by the machinery. (ans 4070 kw)
2/3 3 2/3 3 2/3 3
Adm Coef = ∆ V / P P=∆ V /C = (15000) (14) / 410 =
4070 kw
302. It is an alloy materials used as a sacrificial anode to protect the steel hull of the vessel.
(ans Zinc)
303. It is a materials which a combination of thin fibres of glass in various forms which. When mixed
with resin, will cure (set) to produce a hard material which is strong and chemically inert.
(ans Glass reinforced plastic GRP)
304. It is a hardwood which is used for the stern bearing lining. It can be lubricated by sea water but is
subject to some swelling. (ans Lignum vitae)
305. A fishing boat has a data of length 14.251m, breadth of 4.52m, draft of 1.908m, with a volume of
58.536 cu. m. Find the block coefficient (Cb)of the fishing boat. (ans 0.476)
306. A fishing boat has a data of length 14.251m, breadth of 4.52m, draft of 1.908m, with waterlplane
area of 47.595 sq. m. Find the waterplane coefficient (Cw) of the fishing boat. (ans 0.739)
307. A fishing boat has a data of length 14.251m, breadth of 4.52m, draft of 1.908m, with midship
area of 6.855 sq. m.. Find the midship coefficient (Cm) of the fishing boat. (ans 0.795)
308. If the fishing boat has a length of 14.251 m, beam of 4.52 m, draft of 1.908 m, with midship
coefficient (Cm) of 0.795 and block coefficient (Cb) of 0.476. Find the prismatic coefficient of the
of the fishing boat. (ans 0.60)
310. Find the relationship between the prismatic coefficient (Cp), midship coefficient (Cm), and block
coefficient (Cb). (ans Cb = Cp x Cm)
311.Prior for undocking the vessel was in drydock and an anode should be installed for steel hull
protection. If the vessel has an underwater area of 882 sq m, how many 12kg of zinc anodesto
be install for three years design life span. (ans 49 pcs)
312. How many type of ship for freeboard calculations. (ans A and B)
313. What type of ship in freeboard calculation if a ship designed to carry cargoes in bulk sych as
tankers, chemical carrier, LPG and LNG carriers. (ans type A ship)
314. For freeboard calculation, what type of ship which is smaller in tabular freeboards when both
have equivalent lengths but differ in the structural layout and types of cargo carried. (ans
Type A-ship)
315. What is the deadweight coefficient (CD) of the vesselwhich has a deadweight of 1650 tonnes and
a displacement of 2350 tonnes. ( ans 0.70)
316. A new ship design, a shipowner has specified a Dwt of 9000 tonnes. Information from a
database of previously similar ships suggest deadweight coefficient (CD) to be 0.715. Estimate
the fully loaded displacement (W). (ans 12587 tonnes)
317. A ship has a 1200 Kw power and in the diesel oil consumption chart indicated 0.15 kg/Kw hr.
How liters per hour of the fuel diesel oil consumption of the ship. (ans 180 ltr/hr)
318. Let it be required to determine the power for a ship to have 28600 tons displacement and a
speed of 25 knots per hr. The admiralty coefficient is 276. (ans 52944 IHP)
2/3 3 2/3 3
IHP = ∆ V / K = 28600 x 25 / 276 = 52944
319. Required the power for a motor boat weighing 0.714 tonnes to make a speed of 13 knots and
has an admiralty coefficient of 165. (ans 10.64 kw)
320. A ship of 15000 tonnes displacement has a speed of 14 knots. If the admiralty coefficient is 410,
calculate the power developed by the machinery. (ans 4070 kw)
321. A cargo ship has a length of 760 feet, 87.50 feet beam, 32.75 feet draft, find the displacement of
the ship if she has a block coefficient of 0.596. (ans 37086 tons)
322. Find the shift in the center of gravity of a ship 1500 tonnes displacement when a weight of 25
tonnes mass is shifted from the starboard side of the lower hold to the port side on deck through
a distance of 15 meters. ( ans 0.25m)
323. A ship has displacement of 2400 tonnes and KG 10.8 metres. Find thenew KG if a weight of 50
tonnes mass already on board is raised 12 metresvertically. (ans 11.05m)
324. A ship has displacement of 2000 tonnes and KG . 10.5 metres. FInd thenew KG if a weight of 40
tonnes mass already on board is shifted from the'tween deck to the lower hold. through a
distance of 4.5 metres vertically.(ans 10.41m)
325. A ship of 2000 tonnes displacement has KG 4.5 metres. A heavy lift of20 tonnes mass is in the
lower hold and has KG 2 metres. This weight isthen raised 0.5 metres clear of the tank top by a
derrick whose head is 14metres above the keel. Find the new KG of the ship(ans 4.62m)
Ship =2000 *4.5 = 9000 cargo=20*(14-2.5)= 230 KG = 230+9000/ 2000= 4.62m
326. A ship has a displacement of 7000 tonnes and KG . 6 metres. A heavy liftin the lower hold has
KG . 3 metres and mass 40 tonnes. Find the new KGwhen this weight is raised through 1.5
metres vertically and is suspendedby a derrick whose head is 17 metres above the keel.
(ans 6.08m)
327. Find the shift in the centre of gravity of a ship of 1500 tonnes displacementwhen a weight of 25
tonnes mass is shifted from the starboard side of thelower hold to the port side on deck through
a distance of 15 metres. (ans 0.25m)
328. A box-shaped vessel 105m long, 30m beam, and 20m deep, is floating uprightin fresh water. If
the displacement is 19 500 tonnes, find the volume of reservebuoyancy.(ans 43500 cu m)
329. A box-shaped vessel 20m x 6m x 2.5m floats at a draft of 1.5m in waterof density 1013 kg per
cu. m. Find the displacement in tonnes, and theheight of the centre of buoyancy above the keel.
(ans 0.75 m, 182.34 tonnes)
330. A lifeboat, when fully laden, displaces 7.2 tonnes. Its dimensions are7.5m x 2.5m x 1m, and its
block coefficient 0.60. Find the percentage ofits volume under water when floating in fresh
water.(ans 64 per cent)
331. A box-shaped barge 55m x 10m x 6m. is floating in fresh water onan even keel at 1.5m draft. If
1800 tonnes of cargo is now loaded, find the difference in the height of the centre of buoyancy
above thekeel.(ans 1.636m)
332. A ship is loading in dock water of density 1010 kg per cu.m. in a plimsoll mark FWA =
150mm. Find the change in draft on entering salt water. (ans 90mm)
333. The KB of a rectangular block which is floating in fresh water is 50 cm.Find the KB in salt water.
(ans 0.488m)
334. A rectangular barge floats at a mean draft of 2.10 meters, in dock water of density 1020 kg/cu m.
Find the mean draft for the same mass displacement in salt water of density 1025 kg per cu.m.
(ans 2.09m)
335. A rectangular barge floats upright on an even keel as shown in fresh water of density 1000 kg/cu
m, and the center of buoyancy is 0.50 above the keel. Find the height of the center of buoyancy
above the keel when the vessel is floating water of density 1025 kg/cu m. (ans 0.49m)
336. A cargo vessel displaces 7000 tonnes while floating in fresh water. Find the displacement of the
ship when floating at the same draft in water of density 1015 kg/ cu.m. (ans 7105 tonnes)
Old disp/old density = new disp/new density new disp = 7000*1015/1 = 7105 tonnes
337. A ship is 120 meters long has a displacement of 3618 tons and the GML of 180 meters. Find the
MCT 1cm. (ans 54.27 tons-m)
338. A box shaped vessel has its center of floatation amidships and floats at draft of 5 m forward and
5.16 m Aft. A weight is shifted forward and causes a change of trim of 12 cm. Find the new draft.
(ans 5.06m F, 5.10m A)
339. A cargo ship is 120 m long and her center of floatation is 3m amidships. She floats at a draft of
7.45m forward and 7.33 m Aft. Find the new draft if a weight is shifted Aft so as to change the
trim by 56 cm. (ans 7.16m F, 7.60m A)
Change of draft FWD (63/120) x 56 = 29cm Change of draft AFT (57/120) x 56 = 27cm
Originag draft 7.45 Fwd 7.33 Aft
-0.29 +0.27
New draft 7.16m 7.60m
340. A cargo ship has 50 m long, TPC of 5 and MCT 1cm of 12.50, her draft are 2 m Forward and
2.20 m Aft. The center of floatation is amidships. What will be her new drafts after a weight of 60
tonnes has been discharged from a point 20 m from the bow? (ans 1.76m F, 2.20m A)
341. A weight of 200 tonnes is loaded into the ship at a distance of 15m abaft amidships. The ship‟s
length is 120 m, TPC is 10, MCT1cm is 96 and the center of floatation is 3 m Abaft amidships. If
the original draft were 5.85 m F and 6 m Aft. Find the new drafts? (ans 5.92m F, 6.32m A)
342. What is the term applied to any one of the partition walls which subdivide the interior of a ship
into compartments or rooms. (ans bulkhead)
343. What is the term applied to void or empty spaces separating two or more compartments for the
purpose of insulation, or to prevent the liquid contents of one compartment from entering another
in the event of the failure of the walls of one to retain their tightness. (ans cofferdam)
345. What is a term applied to the space between the inner and outer skins of a vessel called
respectively the “inner bottom” and “shell”, usually extending from bilge to bilge and for nearly the
whole length of the vessel fore and aft, and subdivided into water or oil tight compartments.(ans
double bottom)
346. It is a line applied to a longitudinal curve of a vessel‟s rails, decks, etc., the usual reference being
to the ship‟s side. (ans sheer)
347. A line perpendicular to the base line and intersecting the forward side of the stem at the
designed waterline.(ans forward perpendicular)
348. A term applied to a short structure at the forward end of a vessel formed by carrying up the ship‟s
shell plating a deck height above the level of her uppermost complete deck and fitting a deck
over the length of this structure. (ans forecastle)
349. The numbers which are placed on each side of a vessel near the bow and stern, and often also
amidships, to indicate the distance from the number to the bottom of the keel or a fixed reference
point. (ans draft marks)
350. A term applied to the strake of shell plating or the side planking above a weather deck. It helps to
keep the deck dry and also serves as a guard against losing deck cargo or men overboard. (ans
351. The center of floatation of a ship is 4 m abaft of amidships. Weights are shifted Aft so as to
change the trim by 0.56 m. If the ship length is 140 m and her original draft Forward is 5.92 m
and 6.48 m at Aft. Find the new draft fore and aft. (ans 5.62 m F, 6.34 m A)
352. What is the effect of loading a weight of 140 tons directly over the center of flotation in a ship
which has a TPC of 10.(ans ship sink of 14 cm)
353. A ship has a TPC = 8 and the draft of 3.85 m forward and 4.05 m aft. Find the new draft after 96
tonnes of cargo have been discharged from a point directly over the center of floatation.
(ans 3.73 m F, 3.93 m A)
354. A ship has a 150 m long, TPC =12.5 and MCT1cm of 120. Her draft is 4.76 m forward and 5.40
m aft. A cargo of 250 tonnes are loaded at a distance of 50 m abaft the stem. Find the new draft
assuming the center of flotation is amidship.(ans 5.22 m F, 5.34 m A)
355. A ship has the following particulars: length of 128 m, beam moulded of 19.20 m, draft moulded of
8.85 m, Cb of 0.713, Cm of 0.945. Calculate the prismatic coefficient (Cp) of the ship.
(ans 0.754)
356. What do you call a formula H/3 {y0 + 4y1 + y2} used to find the area under a curve defined by an
odd number of equally spaced ordinates. (ans 1st simpson rule)
357. What do you call a formula 3H/8 {y0 + 3y1 + 3y2 + y3} used to find the area under a curve defined
bynumber of equally spaced ordinates. (ans 2nd simpson rule)
𝑦1+𝑦2 𝐿
358. What do you call a formula used to find the area under a curve defined by number of
equally spaced ordinates. (ans tchebycheff rule)
359. The vessel of 120m long and have an oridinates Find the area of the waterplane with the
following half-breadth.
Half-breadth. m 0 8.20 10.10 9.30 3.90 0
(ans 1629 m2)
360. A ship 120m in length floats at draughts of 5m forward and aft and has the following particulars:
waterplane 1m 2m 3m 4m 5m
Areas, sq. m 1579.40 1761.60 1881.80 1931.00 1943.20
Find the displacement when floating in salt water. (ans 7536 tonnes)
361. A ship 120m in length floats at draughts of 5m forward and aft and has the following particulars:
waterplane 1m 2m 3m 4m 5m
Areas, sq. m 1579.40 1761.60 1881.80 1931.00 1943.20
Find the value of KB and the position of LCB. (ans 3.06m)
362. A vessel has a mean draft of 5m, with volume of displacement of 7352 cu. m., and waterplane
area of 1943.20 sq. m. Find the KB of the vessel. (ans 2.91 m)
363. If the cargo-passenger has a length of 60 m, beam of 12 m, and depth of 6 m. Find the
approximated gross tonnage. (ans 1234 tons)
364. The cargo has a length of 59m, beam of 10.20 m, and depth of 4.6 m. Find the approximate
gross tonnage. (ans 790.94 tons)
365. A tugboat has a mean draft of 2.96 m, a moulded breadth of 9.75 m, and a volume of
displacement of 483 cu.m. and waterplane area of 273.80 sq. m. Find the KB of the vessel.
(ans 1.88 m)
366. The LCT has a mean draft of 3 m, a moulded breadth of 13.70 m, and a volume of displacement
of 2245 cu. m and waterplane area of 801 sq. m. Find the KB of the LCT. (ans 1.565 m)
367. Find the pressure and the total thrust on the flat plate keel of a ship which is floating on an even
keel at 4 metres mean draft in salt water . the keel plate is 35m long and 1.5 m wide.
(ans 215.04 tonnes)
368. A tugboat with a length of 35m, a breadth of 10.08m, a draft of 4m, a midship coefficient of 0.908
and block coefficient 0.565. Calculate the volume of displacement. (ans 797.33 tonnes)
367. A fishing boat had a length of 14.251m, beam of 4.52m, a draft of 1.908 m, with a volume of
58.536 m3, area midship of 6.855m2. Calculate the block coefficient Cb.
(ans 0.476)
368. A fishing boat had a length of 14.251m, beam of 4.52m, a draft of 1.908 m, with a volume of
58.536 m3, and waterplane area of 47.959m2. Calculate the waterplane coefficient Cwp.
(ans 0.7339)
369. A fishing boat had a length of 14.251m, beam of 4.52m, a draft of 1.908 m, with a volume of
58.536 m3, area midship of 6.855 m2, and waterplane area of 47.959 m2. Calculate the prismatic
coeffient Cp. (ans 0.66)
370. A curvilinear area has ordinates at a common apart of 2 meters, the ordinates being 1.45, 2.65,
4.35, 6.45, 8.50, 10.40, and 11.85 meters respectively. Find the area of the figure in square
meters. (ans 77.95 sq. m)
371. The under water portion of a vessel is divided by vertical sections 10 m apart of the following
areas: 0.30, 22.70, 48.80, 73.20, 88.40, 82.80, 58.70, 26.20, and 3.90 sq. m. Find the volume in
cu. Meters. (ans 4052 cu m)
0.3 22.7 48.8 73.2 88.4 82.8 58.7 26.2 3.9 total
1 4 2 4 2 4 2 4 1
0.3 90.8 97.6 292.8 176.8 331.2 117.4 104.8 3.9 1215.6 4052
372. The internal dimensions of a tank holding fresh water are 8m x 3.5 m x 2.5 m. How many tonnes
of water will it contain? (ans 70 tonnes)
373. The internal dimensions of a tank holding fresh water are 8 ft x 3.5 ft x 2.5 ft. How many tons of
water will it contain? (ans 1.94 tons)
375. The half-breadth of a deck plan in meters are respectively 1.25, 5.50, 10.25, 13.50, 14.75, 14.50,
12.50, 9, and 3.50 m, and the length of the plan is 12.80 meters. Find the area of the deck plan.
(ans 237 sq m)
376. The water-plane of a ship is 55 m long and has the following values for the half ordinates in
meters, as measured at equal intervals: 0.76, 2.59, 3.81, 4.25, 4.08, 2.93, and 0.0. Find the area
of the water-plane. (ans 340 sq m)
0.76 2.59 3.81 4.25 4.08 2.93 0
1 3 3 2 3 3 1
0.76 7.77 11.43 8.5 12.24 8.79 0 49.49 340.24375
1 4 2 4 2 4 1
0.76 10.36 7.62 17 8.16 11.72 0 55.62 339.9
0 1 2 3 4 5 6
377. The “Tons per inch of immersion” of a vessel when floating in salt water at a certain water-plane
is 44.50. What is the area of this plane? (ans 18 960 sq feet)
378. The Tons per cm of immersion of a vessel when floating in salt water at a certain water-plane is
16.697. what is the area of this plane? (ans 1629 sq. m)
379. The vertical section of a vessel with 10 m apart have the following areas: 10, 50, 60, 70, 50, 40,
and 20 sq. m. Find the volume of displacement in salt water.
(ans 2966.70 cu m, 3040.83 tonnes SW)
10 50 60 70 50 40 20
1 4 2 4 2 4 1 volume salt water
10 200 120 280 100 160 20 890 2966.667 3040.833
380. The ship particulars; Length 168 feet, Breadth 25 feet, draft 10.50 feet, Cm of 0.87, Cb of 0.595.
Find the displacement in tons in salt water, and area of the immersed midship section.
(ans 750 tons, 228.40 sq feet)
381. The half-breadth ordinates of the load water-plane of a vessel 395 m long are commencing from
forward 0, 10.20, 20.00, 27.40, 32.10, 34.00, 33.80, 31.70, 27.60, 20.60, and 9.40 meters. Find
the total area and the distance of it‟s center of gravity LCB from the middle of ordinate.
(ans 19 276 cum, 16 m Aft)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
0 10.2 20 27.4 32.1 34 33.8 31.7 27.6 20.6 9.4
1 4 2 4 2 4 2 4 2 4 1
0 40.8 40 109.6 64.2 136 67.6 126.8 55.2 82.4 9.4 732 19276
5 4 3 2 1 0 1 2 3 4 5
0 163.2 120 219.2 64.2 0 67.6 253.6 165.6 329.6 47 -296.8 -16.016 Aft
382. A ship is 140 m LBP and has a displacement in SW of 14 600 tonnes with a mean draft of 8 m.
What is the estimated area of wetted surface? (ans 3684 sq. meter)
383. A passenger cargo has a length of 110 m and a displacement in salt water of 3000 tonnes. What
is the estimated wetted surface of the vessel. (ans 1482 sq. meter)
384. A ship is 130 m long and has a displacement of 12 500 tonnes in SW. What is the estimated
wetted surface of the vessel. (ans 3289 sq, meter)
385. A vessel of 13500 tonnes displacement has a KG of 7m. A crane is used to shift a weight of 175
tonnes from the lower hold (KG of 4m to the upper deck (KG 9.5m). The head of the derrick is
17.50m above the keel. Find the KG of the ship when the shifting is over.
(ans 7m)
13500 Kg = (13500x 7) + (175x 9.5) – (175x 4)
13500 Kg = 95462.50
Kg = 7 m
386. A pontoon is 180m long and has a constant rectangular cross-section 18 m beam and 12 m
deep. If it floats at a mean draft of 8 m in water density of 1020kg/m3 , what is the value for
bouyancy given by the water to the pontoon? (ans 26 438 tonnes)
387. The internal dimensions of a tank for holding salt water are 10 ft x 4 ft x4 ft. How may tons of
water will it contain? (ans 4.57 tons)
388. A ship is 500 ft long, 57 ft wide, 22 ft-6 inch draft, 9860 tons displacement, 1150 sq ft area of
immersed midship section. Find the prismatic coefficient Cp. (ans 0.538)
9860 x 35 = 345100 cu ft
Vol = 500*57*22.5 = 641 250 cu ft
Cb =345100/641250 = 0.538
389. A vessel is 450 ft x 37.50 ft x 14.50 ft draft, 2255 tons displacement. Find the area of wetted
surface. (ans taylor 15614 sq ft)
Taylor area = 15.5 𝑑𝑖𝑠𝑝𝑙 𝑥 𝐿
= 15.5 2255 𝑥 450 = 15614 sq feet
390. A box is 190 Ft long, 30 ft wide, and weight of 1950 tons. Find the transverse metacentric height
above the bottom when the box floating in salt water on an even keel. (ans 12.25 ft)
3 3
BMt = LB / 12V = 190 x 30 / 12 (1950x35) = 6.26 Ft d= 1950x35 / (190x30) = 11.97 ft
KB = 11.97/2 = 5.985 GM = 5.985+6.26 = 12.245 FEET
391. In the ship which the value of BML is 89 ft, the center of buoyancy was 3.50 ft below waterline,
the center of gravity was estimated at 1.25 ft below the LwL. Find the GML
(ans GML = 89 – 3.50 = 85.50 ft)
392. A box shape vessel with 450 ft long and 73 ft wide and the weight before launching is 7550 tons,
what will be the draft in salt water. (ans 8 ft)
393. A ship has displacement of 2650 tonnes and KG = 11 m. Find the new KG if a weight of 50
tonnes mass already on board is raised 10 meters vertically. (ans 11 m)
2650 x 11 = 29150
50 x 10 = 500
2700 = 29650 KG = 29650/2700 = 11 m
394. Find the shift in the center of gravity of a ship 1650 tonnes displacement when a weight of 50
tonnes mass is shifted from the starboard side of the lower hold to the port side on deck through
a distance of 15 meters. ( ans 0.45m)
GG1 = wd / displ = 50x15 / 1650 = 0.45 m
395. A ship has displacement of 2560 tonnes and KG = 10.50 meters. Find the new KG if a weight of
55 tonnes mass already on board is shifted from the „tween deck to the lower hold through a
distance of 5.35 meters vertically. (ans 10.385 m)
GG1 = 55 x 5.35/2560 = 0.115 m KG = 10.5-0.115 = 10.385 m
396. Find the volume of oil with specific gravity of 0.88 and if the tank measures 50m x 24m x 10.50m
when the ullage is 2 m. (ans 8976 cu m)
397. A ship displaces 8350 tonnes while floating in salt water. Find the displacement of the ship when
floating at the same draft in water density 1015 kg/ cu m. (ans 8268.54 tonnes)
new disp /sg = old disp/ sg = new disp = 8350 x 1.015/1.025 = 8268.54 cu m
398. Find the number of persons which a wooden lifeboat 4.3 m long, 2 m wide, and 0.6 m deep may
be certified to carry. (ans 13 persons)
Vol = LBD x 0.6 = 4.3 x 2 x 0.6 = 5.16 cu m
No. of persons = V/x = 5.16 / 0.396 = 13.03
For 7.3m length = 0.283
For 4.9 m length = 0.396
399. A ship is 250 m long, has 28m beam, load draft of 9m, light draft 4m. The block coefficient at the
load draft is 0.766, and the light draft is 0.668, Find the ship‟s deadweight. (ans 30 293 tonnes)
Displ = 250 x 28 x 9 x 0.766 x 1.025= 49 464.45 tonnes
L disp = 250 x 28 x 4 x 0.668 x 1.025 = 19 171.6 tonnes
Deadweight = 30 292.85 tonnes
400. A box shaped-boat 80m long, 14m wide, and 6.75m depth, is floating on an even keel at 5.5 m
draft. Find the center of buoyancy KB. (ans 2.75 m)
401. It is a space or spaces between two bulkheads or decks primarily designed as a safeguard
against leakage of oil from one compartment to another.
(ans Cofferdams)
402. it is araised walkway between superstructure such as between forecastle and bridge or between
bridge and poop. (ans Gangway )
403. A deck opening fitted with or without glass port light and serving as a ventilator for engine room,
quarters, etc. (ans Skylight )
404. A box shaped-vessel with a dimensions of 85m long, 14m breadth, and 8m depth, float on an
even keel of 6m draft. Calculate the transverse metacentre BM. (ans 2m)
BMT = LB /12V = 85x14/(12x (85x14x8))= 2 m
405. A ship of 4582 tonnes displacement has KG = 6.25m and KM = 6.70m. Calculate the metacentric
height GM. (ans 0.45m)
GM = KMT – KG = 6.7 – 6.25 = 0.45 M
406. A ship has a displacement of 8200 tonnes and 150 tonnes of cargo are moved from the upper
deck to the bottom of the hold. If the centre of gravity of the cargo is moved through 8.30 m by
how much is the metacentric height changed? (ans 0.15 m)
GG1 = 150 X 8.3 / 8200 = 0.15M
407. A weight of 110 tonnes is added to a ship 120m length with the draft Fwd 5m and Aft 6m, TPC =
10.20, find the parallel singkage of the ship. (ans 10.78 cm)
408. A tug boat is displaced in the salt water of 65 tonnes with a draft of 1.75m, a beam of 4.90m and
a length of 15.70m. What is the Block Coefficient (Cb) of the boat?(ans 0.47)
409. The waterplane area of the boat is 65.25 sm with the length of 16.50m and a width of 5.00m.
What is the waterplane coefficient (Cwp) of the boat?(ans 0.80)
409. The boat volume of displacement of 1685 mean draft of 3.50 m and an area of waterplane
of 812.35 Find the KB of the boat. (ans 2.21 m)
KB = 5 x 3.5/6 - 1685x1.025/(3x812.35) =
410. A ship owner has specified to naval architect to design him a 10150 tonnes DWT. Information
from a database of previously built similar ships suggests Deadweight coefficeient (CD) to be
0.72. Estimate the fully loaded displacement (W) and the lightweight for this new ship.
(ans 14097 tonne, 3947 tonnes)
Disp = dwt/ 0.72 = 14097 tonnes Light ship = 14097-10150 = 3947 tonnes
411. The total volume of enclosed spaces for a tanker is 12543 cu mtr. What is the gross tonnage?
(ans 3584 GT)
412. A ship is on drydock and had a repair on the side hull which need to install a steel plate of 2.35m
x 5m x 9.5mm thk. What is the estimated kg of the steel inserted on the hull. (ans 876 kg)
413. A fishing boat has a data of length 16.55 m, breadth of 4.75 m, draft of 2.10 m, with a volume of
96.55 cu. m. Find the block coefficient (Cb)of the fishing boat. (ans 0.584)
414. A fishing boat has a data of length 16.25 m, breadth of 5 m, draft of 2.25 m, with waterplane area
of 52.357 sq. m. Find the waterplane coefficient (Cw) of the fishing boat. (ans 0.644)
415. A fishing boat has a data of length 16.25m, breadth of 5 m, draft of 2.10 m, with midship area of
7.558 sq. m. Find the midship coefficient (Cm) of the fishing boat. (ans 0.72 )
416. if the fishing boat has a length of 16.55 m, beam of 4.75 m, draft of 2.25 m, with midship
coefficient (Cm) of 0.855 and block coefficient (Cb) of 0.576. Find the prismatic coefficient of the
of the fishing boat. (ans 0.674)
417. A ship of 13550 tonnes displacement has a speed of 16 knots. If the admiralty coefficient is 410,
calculate the power developed by the machinery. (ans 5678 kw)
(2/3) 3
Power = 13550 x 16 / 410 = 5678 kw)
418. Find the shift in the center of gravity of a ship 1650 tonnes displacement when a weight of 35
tonnes mass is shifted from the starboard side of the lower hold to the port side on deck through
a distance of 15 meters. ( ans 0.33m)
GG1 = wd/disp = 36 * 15 / 1650 = 0.33 m)
419. A ship of 2850 tonnes displacement has KG 5.10 metres. A heavy lift of 25 tonnes mass is in the
lower hold and has KG 1.75 metres. This weight is then raised 1 metre clear of the tank top by a
derrick whose head is 15 metres above the keel. Find the new KG of the ship (ans 5.21 m)
Ship = 2850*5.10 = 14 535 cargo = 25*(15-2.75) = 306.25 KG = (306.25+14535)/2850 = 5.21 m
420. A box-shaped vessel 115m long, 35m beam, and 10m deep, is floating upright in fresh water. If
the displacement is 15 500 tonnes, find the volume of reserve buoyancy.
(ans 24 750 cu m)
Vol = 15500/1. = 15500 Volume of vessel = 115*35*10= 40250 reserved = 15500-40250 =24750 tonnes
421. A box-shaped vessel 30m x 6.5m x 2.75m floats at a draft of 1.75m in water of density 1013 kg
per cu. m. Find the displacement in tonnes, and the height of the centre of buoyancy above the
keel. (ans 0.875 m KB, 345.70 tonnes)
422. A cargo vessel displaces 6580 tonnes while floating in fresh water. Find the displacement of the
ship when floating at the same draft in water of density 1015 kg/ cu.m. (ans 7105 tonnes)
423. A ship has a TPC = 10.10 and the draft of 4.13 m forward and 4.36 m aft. Find the new draft after
98.5 tonnes of cargo have been discharged from a point directly over the center of floatation.
(ans 4.03 m F, 4.26 m A)
424. A ship 120m in length floats at draughts of 5m forward and aft and has the following particulars:
waterplane 1m 2m 3m 4m 5m
Areas, sq. m 1625 1865 2011.25 2105.36 20956
Find the displacement when floating in salt water. (ans 3319 tonnes)
425. If the cargo-passenger has a length of 60 m, beam of 12 m, and depth of 6 m. Find the
approximated gross tonnage. (ans 1234 tons)
426. A tugboat has a mean draft of 2.89 m, a moulded breadth of 9 m, and a volume of displacement
of 475 cu.m. and waterplane area of 269 sq. m. Find the KB of the vessel. (ans 1.81 m)
KB = (5*2.89) /6 –(475*1.025)/(3*269) = 1.81m
427. A fishing boat had a length of 15.30 m, beam of 5.10 m, a draft of 2 m, , and waterplane area of
54.79m2. Calculate the waterplane coefficient Cwp. (ans 0.70)
428. A fishing boat had a length 15.79 m, beam of 4.53 m, a draft of 2.15 m, with a volume of 61.97
m3, area midship of 7.35 m2. Calculate the prismatic coeffient Cp. (ans 0.534)
429. A cargo vessel has a length of 98.50 m, a draft of 6.55 m and a displacement in salt water of
3215 tonnes. What is the estimated wetted surface of the vessel. (ans 1575.70 sq. meter)
Wetted surface = 1.7 LD + (V/D) = 1.7 *98.50*6.55 + (3215/1.025/ 6.55) = 1575.70 sq. m
430. The KB of a rectangular quay which is floating in fresh water is 1530 cm.Find the KB in salt
water.(ans 1.49 m)
431. A rectangular barge floats at a mean draft of 3.10 meters, in dock water of density 1020 kg/cu m.
Find the mean draft for the same mass displacement in salt water of density 1025 kg per cu.m.
(ans 3.085m)
432. A ship has displacement of 2853 tonnes and KG 8.63 metres. Find the new KG if a weight of
48.55 tonnes mass already on board is raised 12.54 metresvertically. (ans 8.417 m)
KG = 8.63 – (48.55 x 12.54 / 2853) =8.417 m
433. What is the deadweight coefficient (CD) of the vessel which has a deadweight of 1865 tonnes
and a displacement of 2650 tonnes. ( ans 0.704)
434. A box-shaped vessel 75m long, 11m beam, and 5.5m deep, is floating in saltwater at drafts
3.75m Fwd and 4.25m Aft. Calculate the MCT 1cm if the vessel has a BML of 68.428 m (ans
30.86 tonnes m/cm)
D= 3.75+4.25/2= 4m MCT = (75*11*4*1.025)*68.428/(100*75) = 30.86
435. A box-shaped vessel 120m x 11m x 6m floats in salt water on an even keel at 4m draft F and A.
Calculate the BML. (ans 300m)
BML = 120 / (12*4) = 300 m
436. Find the BML of a box shaped vessel, 120 meters long , 15 meters wide, and float in salt water
at a draft of 6 meters. (ans 200 m)
3 3
BML = bL /(12 V) = 15*120 /12(120*15*6) = 200 m
437. Find the GML of the box shaped vessel with 120 m long, 15 m wide and floats in salt water in a
draft of 6 meters and with KG of 5 meters and BML of 200 meters. (ans 198 m)
438. Find the angle to which a ship will heel if the original GM is -0.01 meter, and the BM is 4 meters.
(ans 4 degrees)
Tan Ø = 2𝐺𝑀/𝐵𝑀 = 2 ∗ =0.071 =4 DEGREES
439. When a ship of 12000 tonnes displacement is heeled 6.5 degrees the moment of statical stability
is 600 tonnes-m. Calculate the initial metacentric height. (ans 0.44 m)
440. A ship of 4500 tonnes displacement has a KG of 5.75 m and KM of 6.25 m. Calculate the
moment of statical stability when heeled 5 degrees.(ans 196 tonnes – m)
GM = KM – KG = 6.25 – 5.75 = 0.50 m Moment SS = W GM sin Ø = 4500 *0.50* sin 5 = 196 tonnes-
441. When a ship of 12300 tonnes displacement is heeled 12 degrees, the righting lever is 0.25 m,
KM 7.32 m. Find the Moment of statical stability. (ans 3075 tonnes metres)
442. A ship of 12300 tonnes displacement has GM 0.75 m. Calculate the momentof statical stability
when the ship is heeled 8.25degrees.(ans 1323.72 tonnes metres)
443. A box-shaped vessel 72m x 12.5 m x 5.25 m is floating on an even keel at adraft of 4.25 m. Find
KM.(ans 5.189 m)
2 2
W = 72*12.5*4.25*1.025=3920.625 tonnes KB = 4.25/2 = 2.125 m BM = B /(12d) = 12.5 / (12*4.25)=
3.064 m KM = 2.125 + 3.064 = 5.189 m
444. A box-shaped vessels are each 125m long, 5.25m deep, float at 3.5m draft,and have KG 3.5 m.
Find the initial metacentric height if the beam is 12.20 m wide. (ans 1.794 m)
Bm = 12.20 / (12 *3.5) = 3.544m KB = 3.5 / 2 = 1.75m KMt = 3.544+1.75 = 5.294 m
GM = 5.294 – 3.5 = 1.794 m
445. A ship has a light displacement of 2120 tonnes and light KG.3.85m. Shethen loads 2625 tonnes
of cargo (KG.2.75 m), and 310 tonnes of bunkers(KG. 3.20 m). Find the new KG. (ans
3.24 m)
2120 3.85 8162
2625 2.75 7218.75
310 3.2 992
5055 16372.75
KG = 3.239
446. A box-shaped vessel draws 8.25 m in dock water of density 1008 kg percu. m. Find the draft in
salt water of density 1025 kg per cu. m. (ans 8.11 m)
447. A box-shaped barge 63m x 13.20m x 6.66m. is floating in salt water onan even keel at 1.5m
draft. If 1930 tonnes of cargo is now loaded, find the difference in the height of the centre of
buoyancy above thekeel.(ans 1.13 m)
448. A box shaped barge with 75m long, 14m beam, and 6.5m depth is floating in salt water at draft of
4m Fwd and 4.40m Aft. Calculate the TPC of the barge. (ans 10.76 tonnes/cm)
449. A box-shaped barge with a length of 75m x width of 14m x depth of 6.5 m and floating in salt
water 4.75m in even keel has a displacement of 2670 tonnes. Find the moment change of trim
MCT 1cm. (ans 35.13 tonnes m –cm)
BML = 75 / (12*4.75) =98.684m MCT = 2670*98.684 / (100*75) = 35.132 tonne m
450. Find a displacement of the box-shaped barge with a length of 75m x width of 14m x depth of 6.5
m and floating in salt water at draft of 4.2m Fwd and 4.50m Aft.(ans 4682 tonnes)
451. A ship of 115 m long is floating at draft of 4.75m Fwd and 5.25 m Aft. Find the parallel sinkage if
the vessel has a TPC of 12 tonnes per cm, if the total weight of 462 tonnes is loaded in a location
of 14m forward of amidship. (ans 38.50 cm)
452. A ship of 90 m long is floating at draft of 4.5m F and 5,0m A. The center of floatation is 1.5m Aft
of amidship. Find the new draft if the vessel has a TPC of 10 tonnes per cm, MCT 1cm 125
tonnes - m and the total weight of 525 tonnes is loaded in a location of 15m forward of amidship.
(ans 5.38m Fwd, 5.19m Aft)
Sinkage = 525/10 = 52.50 cm Change of trim = 525*(1.5+15) / 125 = 69.30cm F
453. Find the vertical center of buoyancy KB of the box shaped barge of 72m long x 13.7m wide x
3.66 m depth in a draft of 3 m. (ans 1.50 m)
454. Calculate the height of metacentre BM if the box shaped barge of 75m long x 13.70m wide x 7m
depth in a draft of 5.25 m. (ans 2.98 m)
BM = 13.70 / 12 (5.25) = 2.98 m
455. A box shaped vessel 73.5m x 14.8m x 8m has KG 3.75m, and floating in salt water upright on an
even keel at 3.5m Forwrad and Aft. Find the GM if the BM = 5.215m, and KB = 1.75m.(ans
3.215 m)
456. A box shaped vessel 75m x 14.55m x 8.25m has KG 4.5m, and floating in salt water upright on
an even keel at 4.5m Forwrad and Aft with a GM of 2.25m. Calculate the moment of statical
stability at (a) 5 degrees. (ans 987 tonnes –m)
457. A ship 130 m long is floating at draft of 5.5 m Forward and 6.5 m Aft. The center of floatation is 3
m Aft of amidship. MCT 1cm = 240 tonnes-m, displacement of 6530 tonnes. Find the moment of
trim if a weight of 130 tonnes already on board is shifted forward a distance of 35.50 m.(ans
4615 tonnes m )
458. A ship 126 m long, the center of floatation is 3 m Aft of amidship. MCT 1cm = 240 tonnes-m.
Calculate the change of trim if a weight of 120 tonnes already on board is shifted forward a
distance of 45 m and resulted a trimming moment of 5400 tonnes by the head. (ans
22.5 cm F)
459. Find the new draft Forward and Aft trim if a weight already on board is shifted forward and as a
result a change of trim of 22.5 cm by the head. The ship has 126 m long and float at draft of 5.5
m Forward and 6.5 m Aft. The center of floatation is 3 m Aft of amidship.. (ans 6.393m A,
5.618 m F)
Change of draft Fwd = 66 / 126 * 22.5= 11.786 m draft Aft = 60/126 * 22.5 = 10.714 m
Fwd = 5.5 + 0.11786 = 5.618 m Aft = 6.5 -0.10714 = 6.393 m
460. A box shaped barge with 100 m x 15 m x 6.33 m is floating in salt water on an even keel at 3 m
draft. Find the height of longitudinal metacentre BML. (ans 225 m)
BML = 100 /(12*3) = 278 m
461. A box shaped barge with 120 m x 50 m x 6.55 m is floating in salt water on an even keel at 3.25
m draft. Calculate the displacement of the barge. (ans 19987 tonnes)
462. A box shaped barge with 120 m x 50 m x 11 m is floating in salt water on an even keel at 4 m
draft. Find the new draft if a weight of 85 tonnes already of board is shifted a distance of 40 m Aft
and F = amidship, (ans 3.972 m F, 4.028 m A)
BML = 120 / (12*4) = 300 m W= 120*50*4*1.025 = 24600 tonnes
MCT = 24600 *300 / 100*120 =615 t-m Change of trim = 85*40 / 615= 5.53 cm
Change of draft = 60/120 * 5.53 = 2.765m draft = 4 -0.028= 3.972 Fwd 4.028 m AFT
463. A box shaped vessel of 50m x 6.55m x 3.66m is floating in salt water on an even keel at 3m
draft. Find the TPC of the vessel. (ans 3.36 tonnes/ cm)
464. When a weight is shifted aft in a ship 95 m long, it causes the ship‟s center of gravity to moved
0.15 m horizontally and the trim to change by 0.18 m. Find the longitudinal metacentric height
(BML). (ans 114 meters)
465. When a weight is shifted aft in a ship 86.75 m long, it causes the ship‟s center of gravity to
moved 0.25 m horizontally and the trim to change by 0.18 m. Find the longitudinal metacentric
height (BML). (ans 62.46 meters)
466. A ship of 160 m long has a displacement of 7660 tonnes, and is floating upright on an even keel.
When a weight of 65 tonnes, already on board, is shifted 28m forward, trim is changed by
0.165m. Find the BML. (ans 230 m)
467. A ship of 4500 tonnes displacement has KG 5.85 m and KM 6.75 m. Calculate the moment of
stability when heeled 5 degrees. (ans 353 tonnes-m)
468. A ship of 5350 tonnes displacement has KG 7.33 m and KN 6.56 m. Calculate the moment of
stability when heeled 6.25 degrees. (ans 448.50 tonnes-m)
469. Find the area of water plane of the vessel of 65 m long, 13.70 m wide which has a waterplane
coefficient of 0.80. ( ans 712 sq m)
470. What will be the (KB) vertical center of gravity of a rectangular midship section of the barge if she
is in a draft of 4.5 m. (ans 2.25 m)
471. A box shaped vessel is 40 m x 6 m x 6 m and floats on an even keel at 3m draft. Calculate the
transverse metacenter height (BMT). (ans 1m)
BMT = B / (12d) = 6*6 /(12*3) = 1 m
472. A box shaped vessel is 40 m x 6 m x 6 m and floats on an even keel at 3m draft. Calculate the
initial metacentric height if it has a KG of 2.0m) (ans 0.50m)
473. A box shaped vessel is 55 m x 6.5 m x 5 m and floats on an even keel at 2.5m draft. Calculate
the initial metacentric height if it has a KG of 1.5 m) (ans 1.158m)
474. A ship float in salt water and had 165 m long, 19.75 m breadth and had a Waterline coefficient of
0.80. What is the Tons per cm (TPC) of the ship? (ans 26.72 TPC)
475. A ship had 75 m long, 13.75 m breadth and had a Waterline coefficient of 0.85. What is the Tons
per cm (TPC) of the ship? (ans 8.46 TPC)
476. The ship displacement is 7500 tonnes and float in salt water. Find the volume of displacement.
(ans 7317 cu m)
477. A box shaped barge had a length of 59 m long, wide of 13 m and a depth of 3 m. Find the BM?
(ans 4.70m)
478. A box shaped vessel had a 75m long, 13.75 m wide and floats at a draft of 4.25 m. Find the
vertical center of buoyancy (KB)? (ans 2.125 m)
479. A ship of 2350 tons displacement has a Kg of 4.50 m. It has a cargo weight of 530 tons, find the
desired height of KG if the existing G is to be raise by 50 cm. (ans 4 m)
480. A ship of 2000 tons displacement has a KG of 3.50 m. Find the KG of 500 tons cargo in order to
raise the existing KG by 50 cm. (ans 6 m)
Kg of the ship = 3.50+0.5 = 4 m moment = 4*(500+2000) = 10000
2000 * 3.5 = 7000
500 x = 10000-7000=3000 x = 3000/500= 6 m
2500 = 10000
481. Find the shift of the center of gravity GG1 of a ship of 5750 tons displacement, if a weight of 48
tons is shifted for a distance of 75 meters. (ans 0.63 m)
482. Find the shift of the center of gravity GG1 of a ship of 9525 tons displacement, if a weight of 78
tons is shifted for a distance of 83 meters. (ans 0.68 m)
483. Calculate the bodily sinkage of a ship when she has a TPC of 37.25 and a cargo load of 150
tons. (ans 4 cm)
484. Calculate the parallel sinkage of a ship when she has a TPC of 33.16 and a cargo load of 236
tons. (ans 7.12 cm)
485. What will be the change of trim if a weight of 125 tonnes is shifted Aft for a distance of 80 m in a
ship which has MCT 1cm of 176 tons-meter. (ans 56.82 cm)
486. What will be the change of trim if a weight of 90 tonnes is shifted Aft for a distance of 100 m in a
ship which has MCT 1cm of 180 tons-meter. (ans 50cm)
489. What will be the change of trim if a weight of 135 tonnes is shifted Aft for a distance of 115 m in a
ship which has MCT 1cm of 183 tons-meter. (ans 84.84cm)
490. The boat has a displacement of 835 tonnes. Calculate the Cb if her length is 27.20 m, width of
8.25 m, draft of 2.5 m when she float on salt water. (ans 0.67)
491. A tugboat has to undergone a hull repair and the dimensions of steel plate to be install was
10mm x 3.75 m x 1.52m. Calculate the total steel weight of the repair. ( ans 447.64 kg)
492. A ship owner need a tugboat of 75 ft long x 24 ft wide x 10.50 ft depth that can pass in Pasig
River to the Pandacan oil depo. Calculate the approximate steel weight needed to construct the
tugboat. (ans 67.50 tons)
493. A Filipino ship owner want to construct a rectangular deck barge to the shipbuilder with the
dimensions of 160 ft x 48 ft x 12 ft, calculate the approximate total steel weight of the barge.
(ans 368.60 tons)
494. With no other information the ship has a dimensions of 75m long x 13.75m wide x 3.66m depth,
calculate the gross tonnage of the ship. (ans 1078 GT)
495. With no other information the ship has a dimensions of 82m long x 14.75m wide x 4m depth,
calculate the gross tonnage of the ship. (ans 1382 GT)
496. A gross tonnage of the M/V Baleno is 9863. What is an approximate value for her internal
capacity? (ans 27912 cu meters)
497. A weight of 35 tonnes is shifted a distance of 20 meters, on a vessel MCT cm 128 tonnes
meters. Calculate the change of trim. (ans 5.5 cm)
498. A box-shaped vessel 112m x 16mx 7m floats in salt water on an even keel at 3m draft. Find the
longitudinal matacenter BML. (ans 348 m)
499. A box-shaped vessel 60m x 13mx 4.66m floats in salt water on an even keel at 3m draft. Find the
longitudinal matacenter BML. (ans 100m)
500. A ship has a TPC of 23 tons and her drafts are 4.65 meters forward and 4.70 meters aft. How
much she will sink if a weight of 125 tons is added directly over the center flotation? (ans 5.40
501. The ship with the following particulars of 120 m long, 14 m breadth, 5 m draft with CB of
0.78. Find the volume of displacement of the specific gravity 1.020.
A. 6683 tonnes
B. 6854 tonnes
C. 7658 tonnes
D. 6586 tonnes
502. Find the TPC of the vessel with 67 meters long, 13.57 meters wide, had a waterline
coefficient of 0.78 and floats in salt water.
A. 7.27 tonnes per cm
B. 8.55 tonnes per cm
C. 7.11 tonnes per cm
D. 6.55 tonnes per cm
503. Find the volume of the vessel when she had a displacement in salt water of 3215 tonnes.
A. 3336 cu meter
B. 3436 cu meter
C. 3136 cu meter
D.3536 cu meter
504.Find the moment pf statical stability when the ship of 20150 tonnes displacement is
heeled 8 degrees with GM of 0.8m.
A. 2243.50 tonnes- m
B. 2255 tonnes -m
C. 2365.23 tonnes- m
D. 2186.23 tonnes -m
1. What is the effect of loading a weight of 140 tons directly over the center of flotation in a ship
which has a TPC of 10
2. The center of floatation of a ship is 4 m abaft of amidships. Weights are shifted Aft so as to
change the trim by 0.56 m. If the ship length is 140 m and her original draft Forward is 5.92 m
and 6.48 m at Aft. Find the new draft fore and aft.
3. A weight of 200 tonnes is loaded into the ship at a distance of 15m abaft amidships. The ship‟s
length is 120 m, TPC is 10, MCT1cm is 96 and the center of floatation is 3 m Abaft amidships.
If the original draft were 5.85 m F and 6 m Aft. Find the new drafts?
4. A rectangular barge floats at a mean draft of 2.10 meters, in dock water of density 1020 kg/cu
m. Find the mean draft for the same mass displacement in salt water of density 1025 kg per
5. The KB of a rectangular block which is floating in fresh water is 50 cm.Find the KB in salt
Exercise 5
1. 7 612.5 tonnes
2. 4352 tonnes
3. 1.016m
4. 7.361m
6. 187.5 tonnes
7. 13 721.3 tonnes
8. 6 406.25 tonnes
9. 6.733m F 6.883m A
10. 228 tonnes
11. 285 tonnes
12. (a) 8515 tonnes (b) 11 965 tonnes
13. 27mm
14. 83.2mm