Panel Supported On Three Sides Example
Panel Supported On Three Sides Example
Panel Supported On Three Sides Example
Summary table
Allowable Actual Utilisation
Height to thickness ratio; 80.000; 21.429; 0.268; PASS
Design moment to wall; 1.089 kNm/m; 0.958 kNm/m; 0.880; PASS
Masonry details
Masonry type; Aggregate concrete - Group 1
Compressive strength of masonry; fc = 17.5 N/mm2
Height of unit; hu = 215 mm
Width of unit; wu = 140 mm
Conditioning factor; k = 1.0
- Conditioning to the air dry condition in accordance with cl.7.3.2
Shape factor - Table A.1; dsf = 1.3
Norm. mean compressive strength of masonry; fb = fc k dsf = 22.75 N/mm2
Density of masonry; = 9.8 kN/m3
Mortar type; M6 - General purpose mortar
Compressive strength of masonry mortar; fm = 6 N/mm2
Compressive strength factor - Table NA.4; K = 0.75
Characteristic compressive strength of masonry - eq 3.1
fk = K fb0.7 fm0.3 = 11.439 N/mm2
Characteristic flexural strength of masonry having a plane of failure parallel to the bed joints - Table NA.6
fxk1 = 0.25 N/mm2
Characteristic flexural strength of masonry having a plane of failure perpendicular to the bed joints - Table NA.6
fxk2 = 0.9 N/mm2
Lateral loading details
Characteristic wind load on panel; Wk = 0.850 kN/m2
Partial factors for material strength
Category of manufacturing control; Category I
Class of execution control; Class 2
Partial factor for masonry in compressive flexure; Mc = 2.70
Partial factor for masonry in tensile flexure; Mt = 2.70
Partial factor for masonry in shear; Mv = 2.50
Limiting height and length to thickness ratios for walls under the serviceability limit state - Annex F
Length to thickness ratio; L / t = 28.571
Limiting height to thickness ratio - Figure F.3; 80
Height to thickness ratio; h / t = 21.429
PASS - Limiting height to thickness ratio is not exceeded
Design moments of resistance in panels
Self weight at top of wall; Swt = 0 kN/m
Design compressive strength of masonry; fd = fk / Mc = 4.237 N/mm2
Design vertical compressive stress; d = min(fG (Gk + Swt) / t, 0.15 fd) = 0 N/mm2
Design flexural strength of masonry parallel to bed joints
fxd1 = fxk1 / Mt = 0.093 N/mm2
Apparent design flexural strength of masonry parallel to bed joints
fxd1,app = fxd1 + d = 0.093 N/mm2
Design flexural strength of masonry perpendicular to bed joints
fxd2 = fxk2 / Mt = 0.333 N/mm2
Elastic section modulus of wall; Z = t2 / 6 = 3266667 mm3/m
Moment of resistance parallel to bed joints - eq.6.15
MRd1 = fxd1,app Z = 0.302 kNm/m
Moment of resistance perpendicular to bed joints - eq.6.15
MRd2 = fxd2 Z = 1.089 kNm/m
Project Job Ref.