Soal Latihan 3 - Accounts1

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1. Buatlah file perusahaan baru dengan ketentuan sebagai

berikut: Nama perusahaan : Latihan3_nim
Current financial year : 2020
Last month of financial year : December
Conversion month : January
Number of accounting periods: Thirteen
*Daftar akun akan dibuat sendiri oleh perusahaan

2. Buatlah daftar akun berikut:

Account type Leve
A/C# Account Name Account
1-0000 Assets Header Asset 1
1-0010 Current assets Header Asset 2
1-0130 Bank Detail Bank 3
1-0300 Inventory Detail Other current asset 3
1-2000 Fixed assets Header Asset 2
1-2100 Office equipments Header Asset 3
1-2110 Office equp at cost Detail Fixed Asset 4
1-2111 Office equip accum dep Detail Fixed Asset 4
1-0200 Trade debtors Detail Account receivable 3
2-0010 Current liabilities Header Liability 2
2-0100 Credit card Detail Credit card 3
2-1000 GST liabilities Header Liability 3
2-1100 GST Collected Detail Other current 4
2-1200 GST Paid Detail Other current 4
2-1300 GST Clearing Detail Other current 4
2-0200 Trade creditors Detail Account payable 3
3-0100 Share capital Detail Equity 2
4-1000 Sales (Product) Detail Income 2
4-2000 Sales (Services) Detail Income 2
5-1000 COGS (Product) Detail Cost of sales 2
5-2000 COGS (Services) Detail Cost of sales 2
6-1000 Rent Detail Expense 2
6-2000 Bank Charges Detail Expense 2
6-3000 Depreciation Detail Expense 2
8-1000 Interest income Detail Other income 2
9-1000 Income tax Detail Other expense 2

3. Delete akun berikut:

2-4000 Payroll liabilities
6-5100 Wages & salaries

4. Edit akun dengan kode berikut:

1-1100 General cheque account, menjadi 1-0100 Cash
1-1200 undeposited funds, menjadi 1-0150 undeposited funds

5. Berikut adalah daftar saldo awal perusahaan

A/C # Account name Saldo (Rp)

1-0100 Cash 500.000
1-0130 Bank 2.000.000
1-0150 Undeposited fund -
1-0200 Trade debtors 1.100.000
1-0300 Inventory 500.000
1-2110 Office equip at cost 1.200.000
1-2111 Office equip accum (100.000)
2-0100 Credit card -
2-0200 Trade creditors 2.200.000
2-1100 GST Collected 100.000
2-1200 GST Paid (200.000)
2-1300 GST Clearing -
3-0100 Share capital 3.000.000
3-0800 Retained earning 100.000

6. Lakukan proses backup file data akuntansi dengan nama file

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