Challenger 3 - L1-20

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ADULT READING Challenger Scecohrers Corea Murphy New Readers Press Images courtony of -6.p.11,p. 16,0. 21,p.22,p. 27, p28 p92 p. 3p. 9, p. 98, p. 42, p45, 0.50, P. Sip 58.69. 62 p. 7p. Typ. 78 p00, pd 9p Bie 98 pH p 0, 10h. 108, p19, p 114 © 2008 sitormagas Corpraion py. 7-p. 66 pip 15: ‘ Ghatenger 3, 24 ation ISBN G78 158420-570-4, Cop ©2010 Now Peaders Pros New Rendors Press Privacy Pushing Bsn 18 Mace Sot, Syracuse, New You 13204 ‘mwunouroadorsprens com Al its reserved. No part this book maybe repreduoed or ans in any frm or bo any means, electric of achana nluing photooopying, ecarra of ay Ieormation storage and rtioval syle, thot perissan n wing fo the pee Pinte in th United States of Amero oe? Procsods tom those of Now Readers Pros materi support professional ‘doveopmart vaning, and tcl seatanca programs of Pot ierscy That banat cal oracy programs the US. and around the globe, Developmental Esto: Ter ie ‘Controuting Writar: Nine Saope (Greatve Becta: Andee Woocbury Production Specialist Marston Cosy ‘Nt and Design Supervisor James Palace Cover Design: Caron Wsncs Table of Contents Lesson 1 Chart: Review of Long and Shot Vowels a5 Story: Sioven Takes Some Advice 6 Exercises: 1. About the Story. 7 2. The Ending ing @ 3. How Do These People Earn o Living?...9 4. Compound Words ° Lesson 2 Char: Review of Consonant Blande and Digrophs: Port 1 10 Story: Meet Jerome: n Exercises: 1. About the Story 12 2. Adding -3! 0 Words vel 3. How Do These People Earn a Living?..13 4. Compound Words. 14 Lesson 3 Chart: Review of Consonant Blends: Port 2... 15 Story Jerome lecmms About Yoga 16 Exercises: 1. About the Story 7 2. Adding + to Words. 18 3. Who Uses What? 18 4. Compound Words, 19 Lesson 4 ‘Chart Review of Consonont Blends: Past 3.20 Story: Ginger Is Grumpy. 2 Exercises: 1. About the Story. 2 2. Changing they 10 i 23 3. More Work with he Ending 3... 23 4. Who Uses What? 24 5. Compound Words 24 Word Index: Lessons I= 25 Lesson 5 Chart: Review of Consonont Blends: Part 4.26 Story: Who Is Ginger? 7 Exercises: 1. About the Story o 28 2. The Ending Wy. 29 3. Words That Mean the See. 30 4. Compound Words. 30 Lesson 6 Char: Review of Consonan Blends and Digrophs: Port 5 Story: A Stonge Twit of Fate Exercises 1. About the Story 2, More Work wih he Ending y 3. Word Opposites 4. Compound Words. Lesson 7 Char: Review of Silent Lees. Story: At Yoga Class. Exercises: 1. About the Story 2. The Endings fl ond se 3. Same or Opposite? 4. Compound Words, Lesson 8 ‘Chart: Review of Vowel Combinations Pant | Story: Ginger Gives Some Advice Exerc: 1. About the Story 2, Moe Werk with he Endings ul cond tes, 3. Some or Opposite? 4, Compound Words, Word Index: Lessons 1-8 Lesson 9 Chart: Review of Vowel Combinations Port 2 Story: Jerome Gets an E-Card Exercises: 1. About the Slory. 2. The Ending -en 3. Which Word Doce Not Fi? Lesson 10 ‘Chart: The Sound for ou Story: Jerome Goes tothe Laundromat Exercises: 1. About the Story 2. More Werk with he Ending -an 3, Which Word Does Not Fi. 4. Spelling Check a1 32 33 34 35 35 36 38 39 39 40 4) a2 6 SbaE “9 50 51 52 54 35 56 7 58 59 Table of Contents 3 4 Lesson 11 ‘Char: Review of he «Contolled Vowel ‘Story: The Comping Trip. Exercises: 1, About the Story 2. Words That Begin with 3. Words That Mean the Same 44, Whos Where? 5. Whats Where? Lesson 12 Char: Review of Vowels Followed by the Lt. ‘Story: Sven's New Game Exercises: 1. About the Story 2. More Work wih Woeds That Begin with re. 3. Compound Words, 4, Word Opposites Word Index: Leone 112 Lesson 13 ‘Chat: Review ofthe Hard and Soft cand g. Story: Jerome's Scheme Exercises: 1, About the Story 2. Word Oppostes 23. Which Word Fits Best? 44, Consonants. Lesson 14 Chat: The gh and ght Words. Story: Whatever Happened 1 Tony and Ginger? 7 Exercises: About the Story... 2. The gh ond ght Words 43, Some or Opposite? 44, More Work with Double Consonants Lesson 15 Chart: Review of sContrlled Vowel Combinations Story: Mrs. Dark Exercises: 1. About the Story 2. The ea and 00 Words 43. Syllables 44, More Work wath Unis Lesson 16 ‘Chat: Common Word Beginnings: Part 1 Story: Testing Recipes Exerises: 1 About the Story Table of Contents 78 79 80 o8h a2 32 as 86 37 28 89 90 91 2. Sounds fr ow. 3. Moce Work with Sylables, 4. Brain Benders Weed Index: Lessons 1-16 Lesson 17 ‘Chart: Common Word Baginaings: Prt 2. Story: Tony's Day Off Exercises: 1 About the Story 2, Moce Work with Sounds for ow. 3, Which Word Does Not Fi 14, Moce Work wth Syllables. Lesson 18 ‘Char: Common Word Beginnings: Pott 3. Slory: A Talk with Jerome Exercises: 1, About the Story 2. Shoe Stories 3. Spelling Check. “4, More Words That Begia with i Lesson 19 ‘Chart Up, Down, Out, Over, ond Undes. Story: Jereme and Ginger Exercises: 1, About the Story. 2. Twelve Questions 3, The Four Seasons 44. The Month ofthe Year Lesson 20 ‘Chart: More Wark wth Compound Words ‘Story: Holl’ Book Pay. Exercises: 1. Abou the Story. 2. More Werk with Compound Wards, 3, Worde That Mean the Some 44, Word Opposites. 5. Feelings Review: Lessons 1-20 Exercises: 1, Word Study ‘Words That Maan the Some Word Opposites. Syllables Word Sounds Spelling Cheek... Word index: Lessons 1-20... Word Index: Books 1-3 ‘Answer Key, 2 3 4 5. 9 100 101 101 102 108 104 105 105 106 107 108 no 0 m1 12 13 114 ns ne 117 118 18 120 122 122 123 123 124 125 128 137 LESSON i Review of Long and Short Vowels deep she's she'd Steven hem jet Ted tense dense wisely freight 7 bin chin kin sift dome dose mope job socks knot rotten Like reduce Ruth confuse true buzz cuff bush rut ply lassant 5 Words for Study Carpenter besides they're visits already exercise window advice YMCA Steven Takes Some Advice Steven Corpenter had been driving a van for five years. He liked his job very much, but sometimes the long hours of driving made him feel tense Every Thursday night, leven dropped by his older sister's house for dinner. His sister’s name was Ruth. During one of these weekly visits, Ruth watched her brother gaze out the livingroom window os she rinsed the dity dinner dishes. "You're not going to mope around all night again, ore you" asked Ruth *Somy,” answered Steven. “Thad to drive two hundred and seventy miles over badly paved roads today. I'm so tensed up that realy feel rofen. Maybe I'll go home and iy 1 get a good nights sleep.” "You know, Steve," soid Ruth, “you really owe ito yourself to do something besides working all he time. You're sill young, but you're already getting info @ rut. You should go out more, do things, meet some new people.” Steven wisely kept his mouth shut. There was no point in tying to stop Ruth once she made up her mind lo give him advice. “Look a this,” said Ruth, pointing fo an ad in the evening paper. “They're starting an exercise class down at the YMCA. This is just what you need fo feel more relaxed.” “Who needs exercise?" Steven soid loudly. He wos beginning to lose his temper. “Im as song os an ox. You're the one who needs o lose weight. You go!” ocean “You don't have to lose your temper just because I'm kying to help youl” Ruth shouted back, “Anyway, this would be @ very good way fo meet some new people.” Steven soid nothing A last, Ruth said, “Look, we'll make a pact You go tothe exercise class for six weeks, and Tl ty to mind my own business. How’s that?” ‘Steven grinned, “Tknow you won't be able to keep thot pac.” As he rose from the couch to get himself another cup of coffee, his whole body felt sore. "You know something?" said Steven. "You're right. Ido need exercise, Let me see that ad again.” 1 About the Story. Answer these questions. 1. What does Steven Carpenter do fora living? 2. How long has Steven hod this job? 9: Whel is thelnoms of stavels ster? siti e er 4, How often does Steven see his sister? 5 5. List two reasons why the sister thinks an exercise class would be good for Steven. b ss 6. How does Steven react to his sister’s advice at first? 7. What does Steven decide to do at the end ofthe story? 8. Bosed on how the word is used inthis story, what de you think @ pacts? Lesson 1 1 What do you think? 9. Do you think the sister's life is in ru? (Sentences inthis story will help you answer this, question 10. How old do you think Steven is? [Sentences inthis story will help you answer this question] 2. The Ending -ing. Add -ing to these words. Study the examples before you begin. 1. bless _ blessing 4, dress 2. build 5. suff os 3. clear 6. wash . 1. bathe __bathing 4, confuse 2. line 5. come aa 3. pave 6. ice 1. bed _pedding 4 cut = 2. knot 5. pod I 3. fit 6 wed 3 How Do These People Earn a Living? Match each word below with the sentence thot best describes the job, boker dishwasher farmer miner feller coach river lowyer teacher weiter 1. This person helps people with thei workin school and grades papers 2. This person makes pies, ros, bread, and other good things to ect 3. This person plans crops in the spring and mends fools and fences in the winter. This person drives a truck or van full of goods from place to place . This person seeks gold or brings cool up from under the ground. 5. This person takes people's orders and hopes for big fips. . This person helps a team win games. 8. This person cleans the dishes in o restaurant 9. This person works in & bunk und cushes people's paychecks. 10. When people ore sued, they hire this person to go to court with them 4 Compound Words. Find the two litle words in each compound word, and put them on the lines to the right. 1. roadwork __ 6. dishpon af 2, sidewalk 7. pigpen + 3. toolbox 8, mankind + 4, grapevine + 9. homemade ee 5. backtre = 10; newspaper sete seas LESSON 2 Review of Consonant Blends and Digraphs: Part 1 chalk cheat chore chose chow chunk. bench perch porch pinch starch sftch shade shark shelf shook shorts shove clash gosh leash mash rash stoth stem stir stone stool stunt beast breast cost feast mist paste Words for Study Jerome kitchen prety probably lowered wondered lessons offord yoga diference centered splurge ‘Meet Jerome Steven, who had only hs shirt and shorlson, was standing on his head in the middle of his bedroom. His eyes were closed, and his face had a very peaceful look. “That's @ great stun,” said his friend, Jerome, os he walked into the room. “Where did you learn that?* “It's not a stunt,” answered Steven calmly as he lowered himself o the floor. “This is yoga.” By now Jerome was perched on a stool inthe kitchen. He was feasting on some beef stew that Steven had made for dinner. “When did you slat doing yoga? shouted Jerome. “Lost Tuesday," answered Steven. "Iwent down to the YMCA to sign up for an exercise class, ond I wandered into the yoga class by mistake.” Jerome was confused. "What's the difference between yoga class tnd exercise class" he shouted. “If you ask me, it just looks like yoga means you do stranger exercises.” "T.guess it does look pretty strange,” said Steven. “Im not sure what the dllference is. I missed the tak ot the beginning of clas. Since it only casts thiety dollars for ten lessons, I decided to give ita try.” Jerome shook his head slowly. “What's the matter?” asked Steven as he entered the kitchen, "You probably thnk Im crazy for doing this, don't you? Jerome was Steven's best friend, and he cared very much what Jerome thought abou! what he did, "No, [don't think you're crazy," said Jerome, “just think this is the worst stew I've ever had in my life. It tastes like pastel As long as you're moking all hese great changes, why don't you leam how to cook?" ‘Very funny," said Steven. "Come on, just give me a few minutes fo get dressed, ond I'l reat you to a steak dinner.” Steven realy couldn't afford to go around buying steck dinners, But he was so glad that Jerome hadn't laughed ot him for taking the yoga class that he decided to splurge. 1 About the Story. Answer these questions 1, What s the name of Steven's best fiend? 2. What class is Steven taking at the YMCA? Ee 3. How did Steven happen to take this class instead of the one he had planned to toke? 4, What does Jerome think the difference is between exercise class and yoga? 5. Why does Steven want to treat his friend to a steak dinner? 16. What clues in this story tell you Jerome has visited Steven before? 2. Adding -est to Words. Study the examples. Then odd -estto the words. 1. fine +est = finest. 4, loie + est = 2. rude +est = 5. tipe+est = 3. nice test = 6 sore test = 1, proud+est= proudest ___. 4. great + est = 2. shortest = 5. mean + est = 3. cheop + est = 6 high +est = 1. sad +est= _ saddest 4 dim + est = 2. big + est = 5. mad + est = 3. thin + est = 6 hottest = 3 How Do These People Earn a Living? Match each word below with the sentence thet best describes the job ‘actor bodyguard clown fisherman seribe tailor babysitter carpenter doctor reporter shortstop trainer 1. This person asks questions to get the news. 2 This person builds and fixes things that are made out of wood. 3. This person is hired to guard someone's life 4. This person leans lines for roles in movies and plays. ‘5. This person makes clothes and mends rips and tears. {6 This person is hired to look afer children, This person-helps people to get in shape. 8. This person wears funny clothes and makes people laugh, 9. This person plays on a baseball fel. 10. This person spends the day on « boat with poles and nels 1. In the old days, when most people couldn't wit, this person wos hited to write lees. 12. You go to this person when you're feeling ill ‘4 Compound Words. Find the hw litle words in each compound word, and put them on the lines to the right 1. poycheck + ee ee ee 4, lampshade 5. chalkboard 6 shorteake 7. classroom _ + 8. undershih + - 9. flashlight _ + 10. cookbook V1. workshop + 12, handshake __ Review b oo blade blank blast blond blindly bloom br brace bracelet branch bribe broil brush d dam clench clerk lung clumsy later LESSON 3 of Consonant Blends: Part 2 cramp crate crow tick crude crutch a flop flail flight flip let flute f frown fright frame frog frozen frit Words for Study subject aside shoulder supposed cppeared figure frightened website bolance muscles pose scrolled Jerome Learns About Yoga ‘he real reason Jerome hada’ said very much to Steven abou the yoga class ‘was that he wanted to wait until he knew more about yoga. The next doy, Jerome did an Internet search on the subject and came up with ist of links Z He clicked on one of he links, and a picture appeared on the ff sereen, The piclre showed a blond woman who looked like on she was twisted inlo a knot. Jerome cracked a smile, He a couldn't picture his friend doing anything close to that. Steven was too clumsy. He'd break a limb and end up on erutches! Then Jerome thought back tothe other day. Steven had been standing on his head, and he hadn't lost fis balance once. “Tt must be easier than it looks,” Jerome thought. He got up from his desk and cleared a spot on the floor. His room was crowded with cuter. Dust and crumbs clung tothe floor. Jerome brushed them oside and cleaned @ space for himsel He crouched down in front of the wall and tied to figure out how to stand on his heod. He braced his hands on the floor and clenched his muscles. Then he tried to flip his fet up inthe air. Fora minute, he thought it was going to work. Then he fel his shoulder blades cramp and his wrists give out. He came crashing down, right on the crovi of his head. He heard a crack and felt o bast oF pain. Jerome crawled blindly over to his desk, frightened that he had bodly hurt himself. But the pain went away afer he took a few deep breaths. “Okay, maybe yoga isn't thot easy,” he said to himself, rubbing the erick in his neck, “That pose is supposed to clear your brain, But allI did was clear up some floor space in here!" Jerome sat down and tried not to frown. He never had thought cof himself as clumsy. He blushed as he pictured himself flailing around and falling fat on the floor. What a flop! Yoga must be hard, Maybe that was why the website had s© many books for sale. Jerome scrolled past c picture of people in some poses and read a bit of what wos wrt below. The website claimed that yoga helped people work on their bolance “T.guess I could use some help with that mysel,” Jerome thought. He clicked the link to crder a book 1 About the Story. Answer these questions. 1. How does Jerome use the Intemet to learn more about yoga? 2. Why does Jerome think Steven will be bod at yoga? ‘3. What does Jerome think will happen if Steven tries yoga? 4. What makes Jerome wonder ithe is wrong about Steven? 5. Why does Jerome decide to ty standing on his head? 6. Do you think Jerome cleans his room often? Why or why not? 7. Based on how the word is used in this story, what do you think fail means? Why does Jerome decide yoga is hard? In one sentence, tell what happens inthis story 2. Adding -y to Words. Study the examples, Then add -y to the words. 1. tatety = ta 4, stone + y= 2. shake +y = Sledge ty = = 3. shade + y= z = 1, fight + y = flighty 4. rainy 2 sulfey = 5. leak +y 3. ding +y = Tewuney = tummy 4, knotty = 2 dogty = 5. clom+y 3. patty = ss 3 Who Uses What? Choose the best word below to fill n the blank for each sentence, brain computer mop mower proof tent brakes Jokes mith oven spell words 1. Acook uses an to bake « coke 2. Athinker uses her ___ to fixa problem, 3, Acamper uses a__ __ to sleep in the woods. 4, A driver uses the to stop the car. 5. A former uses o to cut the grass. 6. A stronger uses a to find his woy around 7. Aeaicher uses 0 ____ to catch a baseball ere tte facet maby man 8 Awitch wesa 9. Awotker usesa 10. A wie uses Th. A clown uses _ 12. A lawyer uses to tun a person into a frog. __10 find things on the Intemet. to tela story to make people laugh, fo win a case 4 Compound Words. Find the two litle words in each compound word and put them on the lines poun to the right. 1. blackboord 2. earting 3. milkshake + 4, fruitcake 5. overgrown + 6. hairbrush + 7. sunlight 8 suitcase 9% eyestrain 10. snowball + M1. racecourse 12. freeway LESSON 4 Review of Consonant Blends: Part 3 a - ee Py ot lance grace -~—=—plinly © proite. «sed «aan lobe grouch plead «press sleet say gloom grouchy pledge prince «slept areok gloomy grumpy pleny «= propia glove gyief!—plow proper slouch stressful ghmly grudge plump ———pry_—_slump—_stekh Words for Study Mansfeld control you've fallen improve you'll headache complained bother Ginger Is Grumpy Jerome called his girfriend, Ginger Mansfeld, on her cell phone. She picked up ‘ofter few rings, but she sounded grumpy. "What do you want, Jerome?” Ginger snapped, “Iwas tying to sleep!” “Don't be such a grouch,” Jerome said. “I know you are stressed out, but you don't have fo ake it out on me." “tim sorry,” Ginger scid glumly. “didn't mean to be rude, But haven't slept well in days, and I strained my voice prety badly the other night.” “You know what you should ry? Yoga,” Jerome said. Ginger laughed. “Jerome, what do you know about yoga? I mean, when isthe las time you even exercised?” Now it was Jerome's turn to feel grouchy. “Tknow plenty, Ginger,” Jerome snapped. "Yoga would help you sleep better and feel less sessed ou. I ried it just the other day." He didn't tell Ginger that he had fallen on his head, which had been a litle stressful Pls, he hadn't been able fo sleep well becouse of his headache, "Yoga is good for the mind and the body, ‘and it might help you control your mean streak, by the way. It might improve your slouch and give ‘you a litle more grace, too.” “That's really funny, Jerome, really funny.” How ‘on earth, thought Ginger, could she bein love with such a jerk? “Look, Jerome, are you ‘coming over tonight or not?” "Lalways come over to your place,” complained Jerome. "Why don't you come over here for a change?” "Because yout place looks ike a pigpen,” Ginger answered. “I's ful of clutter and dust, and you never clean up after yourself.” "You don't know what you ore talking about,” Jerome said. “I cleaned up the other day, right before I exercised. You know, you sound lke you've {got ome kind of grudge against mel” ‘That was the last straw for Ginger. “Jerome, I don't need any more stress. I fold youT was tired. Why are you giving me griefl Just tell me, are you coming cover fonight or not?" she screamed. “Stop screaming!" Jerome shovied. "You'l sain your voice!” “/m not screaming!” screamed Ginger. “Well, his has been a great phone call," Jerome said, “Look, why don’t you go do some yoga and calm down a bil, ond I'l call back when I can hear again.” “Don't bother!” Ginger shouted, hanging up the phone. 1 About the Story. Answer these questions. 11. What is Ginger doing when Jerome calls her up? = 2. Why does Jerome tell Ginger she should take yoga classes? 3. Why does Jerome get grouchy with Ginger? 4, Why doesn't Jerome want to go to Ginger’s place? 5. Give two reasons why Ginger doesn't wont fo go over to Jerome's place. b 6. How doss the phone call end? What do you think? 7. Do you think Ginger is going to make up with Jerome soon? Why or why not? (¢heetnde amare 2 Changing the y toi. Study how the fist set has been done. Then do the same with the remaining words 1. grouchy 2. rainy 3. icy 4, stuffy 5. streichy 6. rosy - —grouchiest __ 3. More Work with the Ending -y. Study the example, Then add -y tothe ten words below. Match these words with the right sentences, chill + y = chilly aie + risk + y= brain + y = pulf+y= 1. Aman who needs a shave has a 2. A person who is very scared is often 3. Ginger's eyes were 4, Driving scooter without @ helmet can be blood + y = Jump + y= __ salt y= trick + y = greed +y = foce. ter enying so hard. 5. The night was so chilly thot Ginger put on hat and gloves. 6 Luke was so 7. Soup from a can is sometimes very 8. Some people dont like scary movies because ofthe _ 9. The math problems seemed so with them, 10. People who want lots of money can be very that he never had to study for atest. deaths, that Mary asked her aunt fo help her ‘4 Who Uses What? Choose the best word below to fil inthe blank for each sentence, brace gloves leash prop sled globe iron plow putty spices 1. Ruth used an to press the gown she planned to wear fo the party. 2. Ted used a when he fook his dog for 0 walk 3. The cook used to make the stew more tasty. 4, The former used @ to get the field ready for planting 5. The children used 40 go down the snowy hil 6. The carpenter used some fo fix the window. 7. The teacher used a 7 to show the closs where England is. 8. Luke used to keep his hands warm. 9, The actor used _____ gun in the stage shootout 10, The doctor used a _____ fo fix Ginger’ slouch 5 Compound Words. Find the two litle words in each compound word, and write them on the Tines tothe right. 1. railrood 2. basketball + 3. underground 4, grandmother + 8. dreamland + 6 grondiaher + 7. cheapskate 8. sleepover A ‘ter advice ‘ford ‘leody ope ‘ppeor tide B berkte telonce tating bea selina ci bench . besides tin Hseboord bode ont Bes Berd ina ond bloody boom ter brace brace try branch breast bee trol brush bald buzz . c camper corpenter chalk chokkboord ‘cheapslcle ‘cheat chil cae chore chose cer chk doe Seinmy cok coors ‘lench See ding clingy Somay ing ‘ner a compan conse confing contol comp oo ‘de Sich oat cong D> dense alifrence ddshpan ‘ichorother soggy dome sore ‘roomlond desing E earring edge edgy ‘er Word Index: Lessons 1-4 exarclse yesrain F fallen fost figure flight fisherman fining Sail fap Ahlight fight, fighy fi flute Freow fg Fight grandmother ‘grapevine greedy ote grouchy sredge grumpy 4 hoireush hing andthe headache hem homemede how's hush icing Iiprove iy J Jerome i” iumpy kK kin chen keoting oy L lampshade lever leoky leash lesson fining lower luke ™ mankind ‘Mansfeld mosh rillhoke ope rmotce N newspaper paving perch Pigpen flo Bleed Beaae Ben plane porch pose Preise press rary Prince probably Prop Proper pay uty roood oh feporer “ky roadwork ren ow Poth say Son ay tool ioe thos ton shed oa oe Stovout Poneate thors shower shove ‘iowa of dea Senpover slept sl flouch slump Snowball snowy sslurge stash Sich Sod oy rok res rest Srey Sling sy subject ssitose suppose t rol fete tafe tole Sotpose rane ‘ely u underground Undrahie understand v wonder washing website wedding weight window ‘woods ‘workshop vce yoga youll youve dr drape drown dreamer drench et dell deip drug LESSON 5 © the race thread ance threat trend threaten tribe theif oop tly trooper thrill trout throughout truce scale scald scold scoop scorch Scotch Scott sk skater sketch ski skid skill skinny skip skull Review of Consonant Blends: Part 4 _ Words for Study hardware concerned homey savings wrench family given clothing counter etc dresser although Who Is Ginger? Ginger was the lead singer with @ band that played in many welbknown clubs throughout the city. She had met Jerome about six months ago in hardware store. She was buying a monkey wrench to fix a leaky pipe inher bathroom, and he was the clerk behind the counter. As far as Ginger was concermed, it was love at frst sight. A for Jerome— wel, who knew what went on in his mind? ‘Ginger lived on the third floor of a threefamily house, She paid four hundred dollars « month for her rent and owned hardly ‘anything in the way of couches, chairs, fables, etc. In fact, one of her four rooms had nothing init at all. ‘Whenever her mother dropped by to see how Ginger was doing, she would scold her. "Goodness, Ginger, why don't you at least buy some rugs and paint the walls so this place would look a litle more homey?" But Ginger would just answer, "Well, you know that I don’t make enough money with the band to do anything but pay the rent and buy food. Anyway, i's less work keeping a place clean when you don't ‘own anything.” However, Ginger was not being truthful. She made a lot of money singing with the band and writing songs. She also made a lot of money giving voice lessons fo children who wanted to be singers When Ginger was five years old, her grandmother had given her a piggy bank for her birthday. She had also given Ginger a card on which she hod printed: “A penny saved is @ penny eared.” Ginger had never forgotten this lesson on hrf. In fact, she sill had the piggy bank on the floor in her bedroom. The reason it was on the floor was that Ginger didn’t own a dresser. The piggy bank was only used for small change now. For at twentyfve, which was Ginger's age, she had twenty-seven thousand dollars in o savings bank. She also owned quite @ lot of land on the east side of town and had just bought @ clothing sore in « shopping center. And although Jerome didn’t know it, she even owned the hardware store in which he worked 1 About the Story. Answer these questions 1. How did the name of he story help you understand what you read? 2. How did Ginger Mansfield earn her living? 3. For how long had Ginger known Jerome, and where did she meet him? 4. What did Jerome Martin do to earn a living? 5. How did Ginger feel about Jerome? ——————— 6. How did Jerome feel about Ginger? ee 7. What did Ginger’s mother think about the place where Ginger lived? ——————————————————————————— 8, How was Ginger not being truthful with her mother? ‘What do you think? 9. How do you think Jerome would feel about Ginger ithe knew how much money she had? 2 The Ending -ly. Add 4yto the words below. Then use these words in the sentences. Study the example before you begin late _ lately : mod _ truthful __ = peaceful proper wild _ odd _ = cost shy live 1, Because John wasn't dressed . the mother ofthe groom would not allow him to enter the church for the wedding. 2. After the weeding, «litle ge asked the bride if she could have her flowers. 3. Ginger did not speak to her mother when she said she was broke. 4, Ginger wos in ove with Jerome although she really didn't knov why. 5. The boxer swung so inthe fourth round that he lost his Footing and fall into the ropes. 6 Getting his jeep fixed would have been so thot Dave decided it was time fo buy a new one. 7. Ted's boss hodn't been feeling well lately _. 50 he went fo see the doctor. 8. The fiddler played such __ tunes that all the dancers were worn out afer the first hour. 9. Miguel was sleeping so on the couch that Joan decided not to wake him wp. 10. enough, there were more men at the Mother's Day party than there ‘were women, 3 Words That Mean the Same. Match each word below withthe word that means necly the same thing beginning dense gaze pledge bright edgy healthy shove brink frighten plead slr 1. beg _ 7. shiny : 2, edge ee 6 aoe 3. jumpy ae 9. start ea a a 10. thick ___ 5. push eee 1h vou, _ 6 scare 12. well 4 Compound Words. Find the two litle words in each compound word, and put them on the lines to the sigh. 1. toothbrush ee 2, Thanksgiving _ — 3 cvaiboed cee ee 4, gumérop 5. flowerpot 6. bockground oa 7. snowball + 8 seaweed _ + 9% highway | _+ 10, crosswalk = LESSON 6 Review of Consonant Blends and Digraphs: Part 5 sm sn ser smack snatch span scram smeor snarl spark scraper Smith sneak speck scratchy smog sneakers sped screw smoky sneaky speech script smooth sniff spit serounge smoothly snowstorm spine scruff smudge spagheti re theft thief thinner thirst thirsty thorn thud thump wh whack wham wheeze whether whichever whatsoever whim whine enjoy epariment fate Words for Study loose fingers oozing fied Tony rogs soles ‘exclaimed buckets A Strange Twist of Fate Jerome was not thie, but he did enjoy having sneaky ideas now and then. Right now he was thinking how nice it would be to snatch o can of blue paint from the top shelf to give to Ginger. He didn’t have the money just now, but maybe he could pay forthe paint out of next week’s paycheck Jerome had not heard from Ginger for three weeks, and he missed her badly. ‘Maybe this gift of paint would make her come fo her senses. It also might be «a way to trick Ginger into painting her apartment. “The nerve of her,” thought Jerome, “calling my apartment a pigpen! At least I have rugs ond books and pictures and armchairs for my friends to sit on when they drop by for a visit." was a slow night atthe hardware store. “ll just check to see if his is the right shade of blue,” thought Jerome. "No harm in checking.” Jerome reached for the fivegallon can of blue paint on the shelf. What happened nex! is hard fo describe. Through some strange twist of fate, the lid on the con was loose. When Jerome tilted the can foward him as he brought it down from the shel, five gallons of blue paint poured all over him, the counter, and the floor. Jerome was covered with paint from the lop of his head to the soles of his feet. He tried to get the bills and other papers on the counter Pf amet out ofthe way, but all he did was smudge them bacly with his blue fingers. Now nobody would ever be able to read them. Just then his hiend Tony walked in. “Wow, Jerome!” exclaimed Tony. “Iknew Yyou were feeling blue about what happened with Ginger, but Thad no idea you were feeling his blue.” Tony was laughing so hard that he nearly slipped on the paint that was oozing toward the door. Jerome thought that if he opened his mouth it would fill with paint, so he jst snarled ot Tony. He pointed wildly atthe bathroom where all the rags, ‘mops, and buckets were kept. Seven hours later Jerome and Tony had wiped up the last oF the mess. Jerome dldn’t know how he would explain the missing bills and papers to his boss, Right now he didn't care. All he wanted to ddo was craw! into his bed and sleep for three solid days. 1 About the Story. Answer these questions. 1. Where does this story take place? 2 What time of day does this story take place? 3. For what two reasons did Jerome think about giving Ginger some blue pain’? b ee 4, Describe what happened when Jerome went to check the can of paint. ‘5. How did Tony react when he sow what had happened to Jerome? {6 How long did it take Jerome and Tony fo clean up the mess from the spilled paint? What do you think? 7. Do you think Jerome was really going o take the pain’? 8. you were Jerome's boss, what would you say to Jerome when you learned that ol he bills cand papers on the counter were gone? eee sly. Add yt the words below. Then use these words in the sentences. Study he example before you begin. fresh _freshly —__ how ——-- neat fight = ieee rare squore successhl ‘cominon certain —_ 1, Sue folded her sweoters and placed them in the dresser. 2, Since the bith oftheir baby, the Smiths __ have a chance to goto the movies anymore. 3, The workers stated that ihey didn’t get «higher swage, they would 4 5. 10. {ge out on stike next Monday. The workers were _ would get the rise The smell of _ freshly __ bback porch. 5. Miguel looked you're wrong." . Spaghettis }. Ms. Bond had curled her hair so sleep all night . Jim spread the jam so ‘without moking a mess John was able fo get up __in a good mood when they were told that they bboked cupcakes brought the whole family In from the into his wife's eyes and said, "This time, served with tomato sauce. that she tossed ond tuened in her con the toast that he could hardly eat it ‘on the water skis on his third ty 3 Word Opposites. Maich the words below with their opposites, lear frozen loose skinny costly given rarely fense foke hairy risky aly __1. bold 7. real __ 2. cheap _ 8. relaxed __ 3. meted 9. safe __ 4. offen = 10. smoky ___ 5. plump 11. token 6. pretty = 12 tight 4 Compound Words. Write the two litle words that make up each compound word onthe lines to the right. 1. dishrag + . 2. Fingernail + 3. tailspin 4, anymore + 5. overdone 6. drugstore 7. fingerprint 8. bathtub LESSON 7 Review of Silent Letters ka knack knapsack knelt knight knob knee-deep wrapper wrapping wrecker wring wrung on nash gnarled gnat gnaw gnawing gnome th notch Butch clutch pitch pitcher watchman dge ledge lodge judge nudge trudge ridge gh and ght lighten lighter tighten tightly mighty slight Holly, “It iells how yoga isn't just a matter of doing exercises. You also have to eat right and breathe right and change your bad habits. Yoga is a whole way of life. The book says that if you do these certain things, you Words for Study involved force habits unhealthy herward nasty brownies denist Holly nearby restless practice At Yoga Class Steven had a slight cold, but he decided to go to his yoga class anyway. He lanced at his watch and saw that he would have to leave right away if he wos going o get there by eight o'clock ‘Once he was in class, Steven became so involved in the new exercises they were leaming that he forgot all about his cold. He was getting the knack ofthese ‘exercises more quickly than he ever had before. Who knew? Maybe some day he ‘would become a yoga teacher. Aterward Holly, who worked out on the mat nex! fo Steven, asked him if he ‘wanted 10 go out for « cup of coffe. “Sure” said Steven between sneezes, “why 10?" It seemed that the minute class ended, his cold came back in fll force “That's « nasty cold you've got, Steve, Are you doing anything to gt id off" cosked Holly os they sat down at the counter in o nearby coffee shop. “No, I'll be ol right” answered Steven, “You know, I should lend you this book I have about yoga,” said never get sick or feel os if you're under a lot of otros." Pa “What does the book say about doublechocolate brownies?” laughed Steven, who had decided to order one. 1% “Chocolate brownies are awul for youl” exclaimed Holly “Oh, come on, Holly. One litle brownie? asked Steven. "I's the sugar,” Holly explained. "The book says sugar is one of the worst things inthe world for {y0U. I's 0 main cause of feeling grouchy ond restless. I's also one of the main reasons why so many people are fat and unhealthy.” "You sound just ike my dents," laughed Steven, “and he doesn't ‘even practice yoga.” Then Steven sighed and said, "Well so much for doublechocolate brownies." He was beginning to see that geting involved with yoga was like so many ther things in life: there was more fo think about than he though! there would be. 1 About the Story. Answer these questions. 1. How did Steven feel just before he lft for his yous class? 2. Why did Steven think that some day he might become a yoga teacher? 3. What did Holly ask Steven when the yoga class was over? 4. What did Holly think was so awful about brownies? 5. Does Steven order a double-chocolate brownie? How do you know? 6. What did Steven learn about yoga from falking fo Holly? 7. This sory takes place in thee places. Name them in order. b pment ny meee 2 The Endings -ful and -ess, ‘A. Study the example and then add -ful or less to the words. sfress + ful = _ as harm + ful 8. Study the example, and then maich each word you wrote with the sentence that best describes it, 1, This word describes how your lfefels if your nerves are stained. 2. This word describes how unsalted food might fase. 13 This word describes what a dentist would say that sugar is, 4, This word describes a huge load that @ person is carrying. 5. This word describes « person who feels very calm inside —testless ___ 6, This word describes @ person who has trouble relaxing. 7. This word describes a room that is really lean, 8. This word describes the kind of chewing gum that Holly would chew. ‘3 Same or Opposite? If he pair of words means nearly the same thing, write same on the line to the right. Ihe pair of words doesn't mean the some thing at all, write opposite on the line 1. ceiling floor es = 2. gloom iey = 3. idea thought a 4, knapsack backpack ee 5. nearby close : aa 6. penny cent = = 7. strange odd = = 8. raise 9, scour 10. smear U1. stood 12, vowels 4 Compound Words. Find the two litle words in each compound word, and put them on the lines to the right. 1. knockout 2. shipwreck 3, lifeguard 4, matchbook 5. lighthouse 6, doorknob 7. stetish 8. comeback 9. eyesight 10. kneecap lower serub smudge knelt Pc eer mun LESSON 8 Review of Vowel Combinations: Part 1 ee ea bo ui breeze bead dread fruit ‘geese leap dreadful grapefruit greet flea tread bruise greedy plea weather cruise lee pleased feather erviser tee veal leather vice mailbox feepee grease pleasant iviey waist season suit Words for Study soltly mailman moments broaging folks route yeah who's cogreed expect happiness ily Ginger Gives Some Advice Gail souched against he doorway of Ginger’s apariment with « leather suitcase inher hand. There were bruises on her face, and she was crying sofy “Gail” cried Ginger. “What on earth happened? You look aw ull” “Ion want o put you to any trouble,” sighed Gail as she put her suitcase down, “but sit okay iT stay here for a day or two? I hate fo be by myself when I'm feeling lke this.” “Sure! answered Ginger, “ofcourse it's alright. You want some grapeftul? I was Just moking breckins! Tall me what happened.” “Skip the food. I'l just have some coffe. 'm too upset eat anything,” cried Geil *Gail, wll you jus sit down and tell me what happened?” pleaded Ginger. “Well” Gail begon, “I dropped by to se my folks. wanted to ask them if hey could lend me the money for a down payment on «neve car, My father lst his temper ond started complaining that the only time I ever visited them was when I needed some money. I started yelling, and the next thing knew, my father told me * rot to come back until I learned to care more about human happiness than greed.” "So, how did you get those bruises? asked Ginger. “Your father did't hit you, > did he?” “Gail shook her head. “No. Iwas s0 angry that, when I lef, [banged my head against the front door. I dont think he even cared whether ‘or not was hurl. Oh, Ginger, it was jst dreadful” |. "sounds dreadful,” agreed Ginger. “You know you do only go over there when you want money, and you should knove by now how your father gets whenever the question of money comes up. When are you going to learn?” orate tam Gail was really eying now. “He thinks he's such a big shot. Always bragging cebout how strong he is. A flea could knock him over. All he isis an old ‘mailman who walks the same rovte day after day, year after year.” “What on earth has his job got to do with anything?” asked Ginger. “You know very well your father's proud of his job, and the fact that you're always putting him down for it doesn’t help matters any ‘What do you expect him fo do—kiss and hug you for calling him © dumb maiiman who couldn't hurt a flea?” Gail stared at Ginger for a few moments and then said slowly, "You know, Ginger, [never thought of it that way." Ginger just said, "Yeoh, well there are a lot of things you better start thinking about. Now go wash your face, and I'l fix you some breakfast.” 1 About the Story. Answer these questions. 1. Where does this story toke place? 2. What time of day do you think the story okes place? Why did you choose this time? 3. What did Gail want from Ginger? 4. Why was Gall’ father so angry with her? 5. Why was Gail's face so bruised? 6. What advice did Ginger give Gail? 7. Does Gail live with her parents? How do you know? What do you think? 8. Do you agree with Ginger’s advice? (Be sure to explain your answer.) 2. More Work with the Endings “ful and -ess. [A Study the example and then add -fulor “ess to the words. count+ less = counties foith + ful joy + ful= ee worth + less a home + less = as pain + ful _ sun + less = se B. ‘Study the example, and then maich each word you wrote withthe sentence that best describes it. 1. This word describes o family thot doesn’t have @ place to lve, 2. This is as much as @ spoon will hol. 3 This word describes @ gloomy day when there is hardly any sunlight. 4. This is another word fo describe o person who is loyal. 5, This word describes something that hurts you very much. 6. This word describes a person who doesn't miss 0 tick because his eyes are always open 7. This word describes a feeling of great happiness. countless ____ 8. This word deseribes something that happens so many times that is hard to keep track ofthe number. 19. This word describes something that doesn't hut you at al 10, This word describes something that would bring o person very litle money if he tried to sll. hart an 3 Same or Opposite? Ifthe pair of words means nearly the same thing, write same on the line to the right. Ifthe pair of words doesn’t mean the same thing a all, write opposite on the line. 1. offerword 2. aim 3. cluttered 4, dreadful 5. joyful 6. lively 7. mighty 8 nasty 9. nudge 10. pitcher 11, pleased 12. sna before goal messy owl gloomy dll strong kind poke cotcher troubled grow! 4 Compound Words. To find the answers, choose @ word from list A and add @ word from List B to it, Sudy the example before you begin List A cheop Yeoffee oy kin meat pitch score spend waist wash List 8 baby bolls board eoke cloth folks fork skate stand thet _coffeacake 1. This is @ kind of cake that is offen, cs 5, 10. TF 2 served for breakfast. Mary people sop here to buy the daily paper. You use this when you take a shower. |. Many people lke to eat these with spaghetti. The fans glance at this to see who's winning the gome. Many doctors think that you ore unhealthy if this is too large. In this. game, a child jumps over the back ofthe child in front of him. 3. Farmers and others use this tool for tossing hey and srow. This person whines and complains ‘when he doesn't get his own way. ‘These people are related to you by bith This person refuses fo spend money unless he really hos to, This person has a lt of rouble saving money. He wants fo spend itll Coretta game A ‘ctor odes ‘ford harvard gree ‘ready although ‘onymore ‘pariment ope ppear emi ide bockie background backpack bait bolonce bathing both ood boost bedaing to teeming seen beads te Blood Soe ont bos tom Bes Soa? Bond Hos toe” bother bee Brel tes Bel ____Word Inde brainy branch brea breeze bbe bro brownie bree bash bucket bulding Butch boxe c camper carpenter cetainly chalk chalkboard chunk Sam ‘dammy ash eating clench clerk ing ingy eating omsy ‘hung’ catch later coflaccake comeback ‘coming commonly complain oe ee oo Snes — otk Sova code 5 oe ‘cult = cating dentist ‘Aference ddshpon dlshrog dlshwosher soggy dome doorknob dove dope drown ‘deed seeadhl eeamer ‘reomlond drench dresser dresing aut ‘alt dip dag rugstore foth fai fallen tomy foe frost fether figure foger Finger fngerpn felon fisherman fing fl fon fshighe feo fight Aighy fia flowerpt five tokio) foot force fongten freeway tel, fight tighten frog ‘nerled ‘nosh Shot raw ‘growing ‘grome gosh at Srodther Srondoher Sopeine gene Seedy i Srey Son roe pa Sumo H bit tail feibanh fei hordhake happiness teclnere feodoche ten way Hah tememade homey reo tows to icing Ingo iy J Jerome et joy jidge jvice isiey simpy. k kin Kin) kitchen krack knapsack needeep nal eight knob knockout noting boty L Lng sy oe & ior Sees ee eh ledge leo. lesson eguard lighten lighter lighthouse lining vey ledge loose lower luke ™ rmodly mmoibex ‘mailman ‘mankind Manield Marta rmosh mmoichbook righ Miguel rilechoke ope muscle N saxty neorby really newspaper newetond rch udge ° oddly overboard ‘overdone overgrown Pe act pending point painless ferent pate pay pay pong pecetly perch Papen pinch pich pier pick plily raft 9 reload rainy ravely nse tiky roadwork rotien route Po Roh ‘aly Sam savings fala vale ory veal 0p ‘eoraboord Scotch Scot seroper scratchy setipt serll seromge sent ced rey shady shark ied Se es ipwreck ‘hao shore orcas Sore er Soe oy hy ‘lal o dsr dhach a a 2h Many moo smoothly smudge sich sneak sneokers sneaky snl snowball snowy selly sale spagheth span spark speck sed Speech spencthit ‘ine seit splurge ‘poonkl ss ua Storch Stofsh stash stem Stove Steven sich sony sea! say sreok es. sre steteh sttchy suing silly un subject succes, sit saiease sunless| sippose Swode ‘Sweden sweep swesper swept Swiss T sain tases nd = ‘epee Trerishing to theyre thiely tel thinner w wot wailing wonder waco woshing swolcimen weather rebate ‘wedding vweight wel shack wham ‘whokoevee ‘wheeze swhaher whichever whe whine who's wily window waely woods vwoshop ‘wrapper wrapping wrecker sven wing swan x Y yeoh Yea eae yeu youve SS LESSON 9 Review of Vowel Combinations: Part 2 boom brook pout moist goof nook pounce hist —_—loyally goofy understood sound toil loyalty roof bookworm bound boiler royally moose bookcase lousy void royally stoop bookshelf ~— aloud -——ovoid choy goodies trousers rejoice Words for Study ecard message delete despite voice mail invited noficed promise email ‘anyone botlom perform Jerome Gets an E-Card Jerome had’ heard from Ginger in four weeks, He checked his voice mail and cemoil daily, hoping she would leave him a message. But she never got in touch with him Jerome felt lousy. He missed Ginger a lot. He wanted to hear the sound of her vice and see her goofy grin. But he was too proud to tell her he was sorry None of his friends understood. They told him to stop moaning about who was right and who was wrong. They said he should tell Ginger he was sory. But Jerome couldn't bring himself to do it. His mood got worse and worse. He begon to avoid his good friends. He didnt feel like leaving his house. Jerome tried to pass the time by cooking and reading books. Soon enough, he had read everything on his bookshelf. Jerome decided to order some new books online. He turned on his laptop, and the computer made « beeping noise, The sound meant he had « new email message. Maybe the message ‘was from Ginger! She was bound to get in touch sooner or later, he though Jerome opened the email. Someone named Holly had sent him on e-card, ‘The card invited him to a party at Holy’s house. Jerome didn't know anyone named Holly. The card must be a mistake, he thought. He was about delete the card when he noticed a note atthe bottom from Sieven. Now everything made sensel Steven knew Jerome was avoiding his sent he card knowing Jerome would pte his bad mood. “That id.alaud. Then he rte to this party at Holly’s house tonight. Holly is a woman in my yoga class. She is writing @ health food cookbook. She's baking up a batch 6f goodies that she wants people fo taste. I promise you'll have a good lime. You can pout about Ginger os much as you want. Just come goof ‘round end enjoy o night with your good fiend Steven! Il pick you up of eight." Jerome looked at his watch, He only had half on hour to get ready. He changed into nice rousers and laced up his boots, He flt beter already. ‘Steven was right: Jerome had been spending too much time by himself Thank goodness he had such a kind, loyal friend to help him get out of his lousy mood. 1 About the Story. Answer these questions. 1. Why was Jerome checking his voice mail ond e-mail? 2. What did Jerome's friends fll him he should do? 3. Why did he go online that nigh? 4. Why did Jerome almost delete the ecard he got? 5. How did Steven make sure that Jerome would come to Holly's party? 6 What did Jerome agree with Steven obout by the end of the ston/? 7. What isthe difference between how Jerome feels at the beginning of the story and how he feels atthe end of the story? What do you think? 8, Why won't Jerome tell Ginger that he is sorry? 19. Is Jerome the kind of person you would like to have as a friend? (Be sure to explain your onswer] Z = 2 The Ending -en. Use the words below to fil n the blanks. broken forgotfen ‘loosen moisten token weaken fallen < frozen mistaken sunken threaten writen 1. Therainhad into ice on the street, causing cars fo slide and crash. 2, Jerome hod _ ‘when he tried lo stand on his head, 3, Aer Wo hours of hard work, the divers were able to hoist the chest up tothe boat. 4, Joyce hod been so busy working on the plans for the new computer that she had all about her aunt's bithday. 5. When he woke up the next morning, the boxer wondered if winning the fight was really worth © \psteer _jow. 6, The cab driver had _ __@ wrong turn, and now he was lost 7. The doctor told Ann that geting to litle exercise could ___ her heart. 8, The later had been ‘on such thin paper that Lovise ripped it badly when she unfolded i 9. Evary few years, Scott would to quithis job ifhe did not get o raise, 10. Dave decided fo fis te so he could breathe beter. 1. Because Ruth didn’t the stamp enough, it came off the letter a8 s00n € she put tin the mailbox. 12, "Ifyou think I'm going to wash all hese dishes while you sit there and watch television, you're sodly I" Mike shouted. 3 Which Word Does Not Fit? Choose the word in each line that dees not ft with the est, and write iton the line to the right. 1. brother 2. hail 3. raincoat 4, butler 5. bake 6. roar 7. email 8. anyone 9. goof 10, act friend mother ice ice cubes moist wet flour salt beef boil scream shout website mailman ‘everyone everything clown joker task play sister sleet damp sugar fy speck Inemet promise perform rendfather slosh dripping brownies roost yell computer fool put on LESSON 10 The Sound for au haul couse auto sauce pause caught Paul because automobile saucer. © gauze-—taught | fault ——cavtion autumn saucepon haunt daughter foully cautious. August «faucet! «haunted slaughter loundry laundromat Words for Study machines completed repeated together quarters slot forgive neither responded straightened forgiven ror f Jerome Goes to the Laundromat Jerome havied his laundry out fo his outomobile and threw tin the trunk. Itwas a rainy autumn moming, and Jerome decided he might os wall do his laundry now and get it over with, The laundromat was always such a drag. First you had to search for a parking space, Then you had to get your clothes from the trnk ofthe ar fo the machines without dropping them all over the place. Then you had to hope the machines were working properly. The last concem, of course, was getting all the clothes back home without losing anything Today wasn't so bad though. The only other person there was lly. She had just found a machine that worked afer having lst six quarters ond two dimes. Not only was Jerome glad to see her «again, but cso she could tll him which machines to avoid “Hey, Holly,” Jerome said. “Remember me? I'm a fiend of Steve's He brought me to your party last Saturday.” “Of course, I remember you," responded Holly who had just completed writing “Out of Order” signs for Wwo ofthe washing ‘machines. “i's good fo see you again. You were feeling bad cbout some girl that night, weren't you?" “Yeoh, her name's Ginger,” answered Jerome. “ sill haven't seen her.” Holly thought for a moment before she spoke. “Have you tied?” "Nope," sid Jerome as he paused to emply some soap ino the machine and push in the slot. “How about that!” he exclaimed. “On the first ry, [got « machine hat works right!” “Tdon't understand you at all,” said Holly. “IF you like this gil so much, why don't you ry fo see her and get things straightened our?” *Because,” Jerome explained, “is her fal.” “Even s0, you'te the one who wants fo see her.” “W’s her foul,” Jerome repeated. "She's the one who hung up on me, s0 she's the one who should call up and say how sorry she is for being such «jerk. Then maybe I would forgive her.” “anybody isa jerk, Jerome, it's you," said Holly. "You're the cone who needs to be forgiven.” "You women," laughed Jerome. "You sick fogether lke glue. Well, just to show you there's no hard feelings, I'l buy you a Coke.” He put {quorters into the Coke machine, but neither Coke nor his quarters came out "Serves you right,” laughed Holly. 1 About the Story. Answar these questions 1. Uist three reasons that explain why Jerome thought going tothe laundromat was « drag, ee 2. Describe what Holly was doing when Jerome came into the laundromat 3. How many washing machines did Holly ry before she found one that worked? 4, What Wo clues inthe story told you how many washing machines Holly ried before she found ‘one that worked? EEE 5. Why hadn't Jerome called up Ginger yet? erent dame 6. Why did Holly think thot Jerome should call up Ginger? 7. Why did Holly tell Jerome that he was a jerk? What do you think? 8. Do you think Jerome should call up Ginger? Why or why nof? 2 More Work with the Ending -en. Use the words below to il n the blanks. beaten deepen eaten given rotten spoken bitten driven fallen ridden shaken straightened 1. Because a new driver had _ the bus on Monday, it was twenly minutes late 2. Becky decided to put off raking her yard until all the leaves had : from the trees. 3. Lee was s0 ‘when she fll off the horse that she vowed she would never ride again. 4, The dentist old Mr, Downs that it would cost over a thousand dollars to have his daughter's teeth 5. Whet does it mean when somebody tells you that you have __off more than you ean chew? 6. Alter the Brown children had ___ their Thanksgiving dinner, they were so {ull that they had no room forthe pie 7. Paul had not {0 Joyce for so long that he had forgotten what her voice sounded lke, 8. Even though the team was badly __. the fans clapped loyally as the players came off he field. 9. Tim would have with her friends. 10. Have you ever 11, Jerome knew that if he kept seeing Ginger his feelings for her would 12, When you have had a his daughter a lif into town, but she wanted fo waik a horse? days, or do you feel that everything is hopeless? 3 Which Word Does Not iton the line tothe right. 1. newspaper reporter 2. August February 3, ace deck 4, brick building 5. ont flea 6. blues drum 7. cup gloss 8. auto highway 9. chestnut elm 10, autumn season 11, cotfish eal 12, England France teacher Jonuary Jack grat folk plate jeep. teller Moy king seal bee jazz truck ‘oak shark Spain ___ day at werk, do you look forward fo better Choose the word in each line that does not fit with the rest, and write verter ‘month queen wood pest hiphop saucepan pine winter whole ‘Sweden 4 Spelling Check. The answers to the clues are listed atthe left. As you can see, the letters of the ‘words are all mixed up. Spell the words the right way on the lines. aabefkrst cabehipt aChimesst cdoort ceeffo eddginw iSssw eehinrtt 1 2 10. This is the frst mecl of the day. __ This begins withthe leter 0 ond ends with the letter z This animal feeds its young with milk Some people celebrate this day by giving ais which have been placed under a tree or in stockings. Some people goto this person when they feal sick Some people like it black; others put cream fond sugar in it You will find « bride and groom here. ‘You look at yourself in this to make sure you {ook all right This kind of cheese has holes in it ‘Many people think this number brings bad luck Revi tise ee w_of the darn concert sir cord fur harp cancer Kirk cork futher lard perk chip compse blurt barge Herb birch forbid lurch charge herb fir forth murder berber berserk circus forge murmur forher weren't circle gorge hurl part nervous squirm stork joy -Controlled Vowel _ Words for Study bordered daydreaming spied peanut breed single sandwiches listen sideshow The Camping Trip Even if Jerome had decided to call Ginger, he wouldn't have been ble to reach her. Inthe first place, Ginger hed had her cell phone shutoff. As she saw it, no phone would mean one less bill to pay. In the second place, Ginger had gone fo camp out on a piece of land she ‘owned up north, This was just what she needed, she reatoned, to perk her vp after her trouble with Jerome. Men! On the third day Ginger was camping, she hiked on a path that she hadn't been on before, The path was bordered by huge fr ees cand pina trees. Birds chirped from the branches, and squirrels searched for food. ‘Alter Ginger had hiked about five miles, she sat down under 0 birch tree and gorged on peanut butter sandwiches and brownies. How peaceful it was! There was no way that anybody could barge in on her here, There were no newspapers filled with the latest murder stories and cancer scares and no shows or concerts fo have to get ready for. Ginger did not have fo report back to the band until nex! Thursday. She was daydreaming abou! never having to work again when she thought she heard a growling sound from father dowa the path “Oh, nol” cried Ginger. Her pleasant daydream ickly turned into on awful picture of being eaten by some strange breed of wld cnimal. "Why," thought Ginger out loud, “didn’t Tisten to my mother?" Ginger’s mother was always harping on the fact that young women never go comping alone. By now, Ginger was so nervous that she couldn't toll if she had really heard an animal or not However, this was certainly no time fo go berserk, She calmly put the sandwiches and brownies in her backpack, slowly got up, and then carp for her life. The oncepeaceful woods now seemed filled with shange: threatening sounds. Ginger had run about half a mile when she spied two fishermen, wading in a stream. She yelled with al her might tothe men, who ‘were so surprised that they neatly ost heir footing an fell into the stream. "When I get back tothe cily,” screamed Ginger as she lurched toward the men, “Tm going to carry my cell phone everywhere, paint iy whole apariment, and read every single newspaper I can find!” Needless to say, he men thought she was nuts, 1 About the Story. Answer these questions. 1. Give two reasons why Jerome couldn't have gotten in ouch with Ginger even if he had wanted to. b eee ee 2. What was Ginger daydreaming obout just before she thought she heard the growl of a strange conimel? 3. List three things Ginger vowed to do os soon as she got back tothe city b. © 4. Why does Ginger now look forward to her life in the city? 5, In one or two sentences, tell what happened inthis story What do you think? 6. Do you think Ginger really heard a wild animat? Give a reason for your answer. 7. Do you feel safer in the city or the woods? 2 Words that Begin with re-. Use the words below to fin the blanks. (Use the rules you have leamed fo sound out the new words.) react recover rejected remarks require reveal recall refuse rejection repeat respect 1. The main reason that Jerome didn't coll Ginger was that he had no idea how she would 2. He didn’t want to face the fac that Ginger might to see him again. 3, Jerome made some rude about Ginger 4, However, the uth was that he had « lot of for her. ‘5. His problem was that he didn’t want to his true feelings to Ginger because he thought he might get hurt 6. Jerome could sill the frst time o git! had told him she didn’t wont to see him anymore, 7. Ishod happened during his second year of high school, and it had token him the rest of high school to from i 8, Jerome certainly didn't want fo this kind of pain with Ginger 9. None of us likes to be but Jerome was so scored of that it kept him from calling someone he really loved. . Jerome would 4 lot more than just one tlk inthe laundromat with Holly fo change his mind. Lesson 11 6 3 Words That Mean the Same. Match the words below withthe words that mean neorly the same thing, boast juicy mistaken recall require faithful lousy nervous rejoice respond 1. ewhl 6, loyal 2, answer 7. moist eee orog 8. need 4, celebrate 9. remember 5. edgy 10. wrong ‘4 What Is Where? Put the words below under the proper heading, bleach exercise bikes pool coin machines gill waitress dryers oven yoge class ‘ALaundromat AYMCA, ADiner i: iL 2 2s 2 3. Ey ‘5: What Is Where? Put the words below under the proper heading, center field drums scoreboard downs flutes sideshows dancing bears pitchers stoge AGireus A Concert ‘A Baseball Game 1 a L 2) 2 eee 3. 64 Lesson tt hte thm LESSON 12 Review of Vowels Followed by the Letter | al dl il ol ul gall ef dill colt gulf malt elk sill volt gull palm elbow silk mold gully waltz ely pil moldy sulk wallet welldone pillow trol sulky Walter hotel filter roller bulk motel wilt holder bulky shelter william control cedult Words for Study video cortived bowl workout system special galt movement excited spaceships tennis ease Steven's New Game lh wos Saturday afternoon, and Steven had just retuned home from the mell. He had bought « brandnew video game system. He invited Holly over to play some of the games, Holly wasnt thrilled about the idea, but she could tell that Steven was really excite. When Holly arrived, Steven was fll of energy. He couldn't ‘wait fo try out his new system: “So what's so special about this video game system?” Helly asked. She thought video games were silly. They ‘were meant for children, not for adults. She didn't want to spend all day shooting spaceships or kiling trolls “This is a new kind of game system,” Steven said. “You control the games by moving your body around You can bowl, golf, ond play tennis. i's so cool! You ‘can get « workout while you play.” Big decl, Holly thought to herself. A video game is a video game, What « dull way to spend o day. f "We can stot with a game of golf,” Steven said Steven showed Hell how to held the video control and swing her A. ‘rms like she was playing gol. I took her some time to get used to the game, but she did get a few of the gol balls to go in the holes. Next, Steven Strted a baseball game. He held the control and swung his arms like he was swinging a baseball bot. Holly iried, but the movement made her elbow sore. "Do you have any games that don't involve sports?” Holly asked. She was feeling a litle grumpy because Steven kept winning. “Fm not a big fan of golf ‘or boseball,” she said. “I there o game that’s more like yoga?” i : “Well, here is « dancing game," Steven said in o sulky voice. He wanted to keep playing baseball. He was not « good dancer. "That sounds great!” Holly exclaimed. Steven couldn't refuse, since she'd been such @ good sport The dancing game brought out Steven's clumsy side. He tripped and missed steps. Holly, on the other hand, performed every dance move with ease. She was a natural dancer. Steven couldn’? keep up. “Don't sulk, Sleven, you'll gt the hang of it," Holly said. But she couldn't help laughing when Steven tripped. After half an hour, Steven was ready to cal it quits. Holly wanted to play more "Lcould play this game all day," she said. Steven rolled his eyes and flopped down on the couch, He hoped she didn really plan to stay al day! 1 About the Story. Answer these questions. 1. What did Steven buy and where did he buy i? 2. Why did Holly tink video games were silly? cs = two reasons why Steven's new video game system is special ee 44, Describe how Steven moved the control fo play the baseball game, 5. Why i ly wa vic donc ae? 6. Describe Holly ond Steven as dancer What do you think? 7. Why do you think Holly wanted to keep playing the video game, but Steven wanted to stop? 2. More Work with Words That Begin with re- Use the words below to fil in the blanks. (Use the rules you have learned to sound out the new words.) record reduce refund remove report retreat recovered refresh related repair retired reluen 1. The worker got a ___ for paying too much in taxes. 2, Dick was unable to the grease stains from his shirt, 30 he decided to Use it as 0 10g 3. Grace knew her parents would be angry when they saw her cord, 4, Luke didn’t get the grass cut last Saturday because it ook him all afternoon to the lawn mower. 5. When William wanted to __ himself, he took a long shower. 6. Kirk had put on twentythree pounds during the winter months, and he knew he would have to if his spring clothes were going o it him right. 7. The frst thing Louise wanted fo do when she __ from her job was move to a warmer state. 8. Walter was surprised when his mother told him thet all the people who had come to the wedding were to him, 9. Alter Rose the doctor fold her that she sill had to take it easy for a few months. 10. On her way to the movie, Ms. Hall stopped by the store to __the shirt thot did not fit her. 11. After the battle, the army was ordered to to ohill futher away from the field 12. Ruth ried to the talevsion show so she wouldn't miss it 3 Compound Words. To find the answers, choose a word from List A and add a word from List B to it. Study the exemple before you begin List A court day dead egg foot home loft luke paper play stand waste —— footprint __ 1. List B 2 back 3. basket 4 break a line i. oe a7. “print 8 %. shell 10. sick sill Me warm 12. This word isa mark made by the foot. . This word describes 0 meal that you sove for later . This word is the hard covering of a bird’s egg. This word i the latest time by which something must be done. 5. This word describes how you feel if you long to be home, This is another word for dawn This is another word for everything coming to a full stop, This is for papers ond other trash that you want fo throw away. This word describes o book with a soft cover. This is where the jury sits to hear a This word describes something that is neither hot nor cold You find children playing on swings here Lesson 1268 4 Word Opposites. Motch the words below with the words that are opposite in meaning, ™ codult crrived Hassan 17 bulky excited 1 seer bloom bored break child fake moldy repai sulky rtural scratchy wilt 6. Fresh 7. happy : 8. left 9. silky ee 10, fin ener man A oat ‘shoe ‘lord herword sore they ‘hud lead ‘ahogh nye anyone ope eporment oe eppeer ‘mis de Argost suorcble od bockre background backpack air bolonce barber barge bohing bath bead boast baten bedding beg. beginning bench bere besides bin birch bien Bactboord bode blank baw bene Blesing Blin bo bloody boom bes tat boost bole bookeate boakshal bokwem boom border bother atom boon bowl brace braclet bag brie brainy branch beast breed breeze bribe bral broken brook brownie bse trash bce bong bole bally Buch buzz c compar camping corpenier caus carcily hol ‘hakboord cheoptiaie cheat Sheet ‘ily ‘chin chip chore chose Show ‘hunk rele ews chm ammy coh Word Index: Lessons 1-12 clearing tdench ek dog ingy doing ‘dinsy ing htch cater cofeccoke coh ‘comeback ae ‘complon' compete confine confsing conte! cord cork corpse cosy counter cours covering comp cate oe crosswalk cre cnich ‘cybaby of ing > daily ‘dor Seughor Soybroak oyereom deadline sespen lae dense ents espe ‘Serence dil shpon Siehrog ihwother ae ovr oe ‘tice oe pe doom deel eect Seamer amine den dee dressy be a dp en og drsere ee . coring ‘oten ‘cord age fagerai finger fe Beat theme ‘ing fol fy fethigh feo ahr ah mn” flowerpot fie tok teaing foot fee fece foge ove ‘orien forgaten fork fe ‘gah ” grece lye ‘grandiother —joyfl Gandmother ge srpevine ica greene sey seeh hwy Sid ol gouhy K growl tin oe Aenf) rar Kk suf lichen oul a sully a Soop (mck eedeep Hat hob right hil hee habs ecko hey noting Fondiboke omy oppines i herdwore ke lompshode tat tod ont lly fovnied tes heodecke ——lundiomal health feed ound fem lower eb teay hero ieee Kohwoy hiphop feo bolt leather er ledge Hal tae fomomade ae homens —_(fove feeer lfeguard ae lighon fond lige ka Uehhowe i ing = en 1 hey ising lodge inate tooten ine Pd my 3 ily Sete Word Index: Les n ” sectina = cee ‘ateon = nd Nena fn oo Tock nose a if mia tile br mis ly mre roa vet nae = ridge alneal adly overboard overdone overgrown poet peso pin Prinless 27 Weed indax Vassnns 1-1? poperbock ferent owe fety Fea owe ary oving pevosoly onl Pech peor pt Pigpon Bir Pech ish fiche pach plainly: ployer Floygeound fea feos! pleased pedge post proctce Preise press prety prince Probably promise Prop Proper propetly oh rg walked inp rarely ey recall ahh tee ‘aeeton roe ‘coer oa wcpct ‘pore one ‘epee tepond cen toed ‘den tidge tay toate ter Feme ro ‘sien ‘ep royaly mh ly Sam sondvich seucepon savings seal fle say seold 209 search ‘eoreboord Seach Soot sexopet serhy mr = ‘eroange out reoweed Shoe shody thoken Stork he'd thal thelr she's shipwreck theo shopping Shoreake show shoulder Bove ay yy sidethow Sidewalk th sik silky sil ingle thoter ‘hatch tk td silt sony sp kl slougher aed seepover set Slept ad slide slight slot slouch stomp timock Smith smog smoky moo smoothly suge ead roth seo eokere teaky if owl sow sett ‘ele fpocecip sposhett spon spark tpevial veck ped Speech spendin fed ine eS Shege spoken ‘oon savory sui Brel torch sarich eh Sea Seve Seven a fic toding sony toa oa Srighon soy aeak es sresthl Srech Srochy ing suy sie, socal teay towght Ted teepos ten Thonksgiving ah theyre ‘hiky ‘hel thier ‘hint Thay thorn thread Treaien tit invity th throughout thud thump Fgh igh a gee Te took tooth teohpaste trainer tread trend tribe ky ol trop weoper rowers toot vdge thy u underground ‘dere Undarstond Understood ‘nbealhy v ved video vi oie mail vid vol w ‘woitine wrote vretese ‘ral Wale waltz wonder ‘waskcoh ‘washing ‘wostbashet ‘watchman weaken weaher vrabae vreding a ‘ratdone ‘whock ‘whom ‘whatever hesee haber ‘whichever hin whine whos aly Wilion vt window ‘vey wood workout ‘workhop ‘wrapper ‘wrapping vweker ‘wrench wweing rg x yesh Yca yoo, yout ore ttn ame LESSON 13 —Review of the Hard and Soft cand g_ The hard cas in candy, cost, and cutting: cannot compet cardboard coconut comer cob contain Cuban cockroach ‘The soft cain cellar, city, and pounce: cider cinder Cinderella Groce force lence mince mmincemeat dunce The hard g as in gas, get, goof, and log: gain gear gob 909 garlic glee forgiven tag gross gut gutter The soft g as in Ginger, George, and forge: gee gem gentle gently binge gentleman merge verge manager plunge uge cobweb cinch pronce fancy gobble forgive gust cringe lunge grungy Words for Study quarrel borrow music themselves scheme cD salsa except convince favorite indulge despair Jerome's Scheme Jerome decided he and Ginger needed to work out their quarrel face to face. He falt cerain that once they saw each other, they wouldn't be able o stay angry. So Jerome came up with a scheme. He would throw a dance party Friday night and invite Ginger, who loved to dance. The only thing he couldn't figure out was how to get Ginger to come over to his ploce. I didn’t help that she hated his messy ‘partment, ‘On Wednesday nigh, Tony called to tell Jerome that Ginger was back in town. \ Jerome fold Tony about his plan and his problem. “Tl convince her to come with me," Tony said, “I will be a cinch. She won't be ‘able fo turn down a party with good friends! Don’t worry, you can count on me." Jerome couldn't contain his glee. In justo few days, he would see Ginger and cll would be forgiven! Jerome started cleaning his 7 oparlment right away. He bought two cans of bug spray to kill he cockroaches in the kitchen, He cleared the cobwebs from the ceiling. He scrubbed the carpet and was on the ‘verge of washing the windows when he decided, "Enough is enough I'l put a piece of cardboard where the glass is cracked, and thats i.” Jerome called Steven and esked to borrow the dancing game that Holly loved. She'd tld him all about it ot her pay, seemed like fun. Then he went online and burned ‘a CD of Ginger’s favorite hiphop songs. He added some ‘Cuban music, since Ginger liked salsa dancing. Next, he went on @ shopping binge. He bought cider, cocoa, cold cuts, gal bread, cheese, crackers, and coconut cake. As snuch as Jerome had enjoyed Holly’ party, the food hod been cross. He wanted his ests o indulge ond enjoy themselves. On Friday, the party didn't get into gear until about ten o'clock. By one o'clock, the apartment was a wreck. The guests had gobbled up the food, the carpet was covered with crumbs and spilled cider, and poper cups and plates were tossed everywhere, Jerome's CD was a big hit. Everyone was dancing ‘except lerome, He sat by himself in & comer of the room, Ginger and Tony hadn't stopped by, Jerome had called Tony's cell phone, but ‘he calls went fo voice mail. Where were those two? Had they confused the date ofthe party? Were they out on a date with each other? The thought made? him cringe. Jerome plunged into despair. He had the urge to kick everyone out of he party. He wanted fo sit in his grungy apartment, alone, and sulk. Luckily for my gue Tm too much of a gentleman to do so, he thought. He threw himself down the couch and counted the hours, waiting forthe party o end. 1 About the Story. Answer these questions. Reh ied Jerome decided is haves paneer ee ee 2. How was Tony involved in Jerome's scheme? eee 3. List three things thet Jerome did to clean the apartment forthe party . a 4 = kind of music did Jerome bur on the CD for Ginger? 5 Wher ‘thought made Jerome cringe? 7 ‘6 ‘What stopped Jerome from kicking everyone out of his apartment? ee What do you think? 7, What do you think might have hoppened to Tony and Ginger? ee Lesson 13.75 2 Word Opposites. Motch the words below with the words ha are opposite in meaning. borrow despoir forgive except goin 2. also 3. tise __ 4. glee - __ 5. stay opart ray plunge nese curl ___ 6, blame 7 ee 8, get along 9, Neve out ______ 10. lend 3. Which Word Fits Best? Choose the right word from the four choices and put it on the line. 1. Sola is to dance as __ is to music, «. horn b. hiphop «. ploy 2. Beli to waist os glove is 10 «6. finger b. woo! ©. hand 3, Stale is to California as city isto ae «@. Boston b county . sidewalks 4, Grapefruit isto sour as is to sweet «. coffeecake b. cracker «. spaghetti 5, Reveal i o show as convince is t0_ «. hidden b. talk out of c. talk into 6. Gillis to fish as is to human, «0. oir , breath . breathe 7. Wade isto water os hike isto _ = «@. bools b. land fe. march WR locean 12 d. beat d. palm 4d. stretlights d. sally d. love lung d. trudge 8. ees to solid as, «. liquid b. steam 9. Overdone is to raw as @. new b. ripe 10. Then sto now as past isto «. lest year . next year Vi. Murmur isto softas ©. wheeze b. speak 12, Sunday is to week as January is to b. thintyone days ©. month is to gas, ©. stove d. water is to hesh nude d. stale present d. tomorrow is to loud. rear d. soy . time d. year 4 Consonants. A consonant is any feller ofthe alphabet that is not a vowel, Each of the words listed below has a double consonant. To help you sound out the word, draw a line between the dlovble consonant and mark the fist vowel shor. Then, say the word out loud. Shdy the example before you begin, 1. gutter __giit=ter 2. mater _ 3. summer 4. happen 5. cannot 6 cuting 7. mammol _ 8. rotlen 9. pepper __ 10. slipper 11. quarrel 12, gobble LESSON 14 The gh and ght Words fight eight sight eighty height freight fright weight frighten bright overnight sigh weigh high sleigh neighbor neighborhood caught taught daughter slaughter naughty laugh laughter bought brought fought sought ought tough cough dough rough doughnut enough Sheets samen emma megesent Words for Study ‘snore shown spying dhiveway creseg = “ul sition pranks insisted forassing is Darkpill doorbell property sons Whatever Happened fo Tony and Ginger? Stitt The reason Tony and Ginger hadn't shown up for Jerome's party was that aay ‘hey had spent mos of the night atthe police station Tis is what happened " ‘A year ago, Tony had bought a small house on the north side of town. For the first eight months, he and his neighbor, Mrs. Darkpil, had been on ver yaaa good terms. This was odd because everybody else in the neighborhood avoided Ms. Darkpill and her family tem ‘Mrs, Darkpill spent most of her time spying on the neighbors. She ‘Pct crapemamenm of sight, hidden behind her curtains, but she was always watching. Fa neighbor parked his car on the sreet overnight or raked leaves into ~ Aa memee ‘he gutter, Mrs. Darkpll was the first person to report him. The Darl children were very naughty. The daughters fought with each other from noon to night. They liked to play pranks on the neighbors. They would ring the doorbell and run away or knock over a full rash can in the driveway. IF ™. ‘anyone caught them, the girl would breck down int fis of tougher. Although other neighbors had gone through rough times with the Drkpills, Tony hadn't run nto any problems. Then, four months : «ago, Mis, Drkpll began to complain o Tony abou! he chestnut ree itis backyard. She thought the tree had grown foo high. She claimed it blocked out ll he bright sunlight that used foreach her house. The she insisted, was realy on her property, and she wanted it cut down =f eal Tony checked his deed to the property, and it was clear that Mrs: Dac ‘wrong. Tony brought the deed over fo show her, but she didn't even look at it That’s when the trouble began. Every moming at five o'clock for three sie amas Ny straight, Tony woke up tothe sound of « buzz saw. It seemed that Mrs. planned to remove the branches of his lovely chestnut ree one by one. Tony tried to talk some sense into her, but it didn't work ‘One day, Tony caught the Darkpill kids letting the air out of his car tires. He started yeling atthe gids, and Mrs. Darkpill called the police. She told the cops that Tony ought io be orrested for harassing her children. After that, Tony avoided the Darkpills. He was frightened they would press false charges against him. [Now what does al his have to do with the fact that Tony and Ginger missed Jerome's party? The answer to that question is in the next story 1 About the Story. Answer these questions 1, Deseribe how Mis. Darkpill spends most of her time 2. What were Mrs. Darkpils reasons for wanting the chesnut ee cut down? 3. What did Mrs. Darkpill fl the police about Tony? and her family? 4. Why did Tony stor fo avoid Mrs. Dar ‘What do you think? 5. What would you do if person like Mrs. Darkpill were your neighbor? | | | 2 The gh and ght Words. Use the words below to fill in each blank bright eight neighbor rough cough enough ought sighed daughters height right sleigh dough might Fight tough 1. Although I do try with all my | can't seem to get those gh words 2. When I see git words, Ichoke and cough, Their crazy spellings jut turn me oft 3, Taasked my _ ‘the could tll why these rules were made, but he only ae 4, "Ws srange,” he laughed sadly." They _ to know better than fo teach sons and _ these nasty old letters.” 5. Now breads made from _ ____which is smooth and not A ‘means you're sick. Strong arms mean you're. 6 You ride ina To play basketball, you need __ ae Alter seven comes, When the sun's out, i's 7. Well, Ihave no idea how Tl learn al this stuff Tm going out with my fiends now, ‘cause Ive had ___ lessnn 1d at 3 Same or Opposite? If the words in each pair mean the same thing, write same onthe line fo the right. If hey do not mean the same thing, write opposite on the line. 1. alot 2. blank 3. brook 4, learing 5. dunce 6. goin 7. genile 8, ought 9. property 10. question 11, slaughter 12. thow plenty emply stream woods knowitall lose tough should not lond sk kill freeze 4 More Work with Double Consonants. Draw o line between the dovble consonants, and mork the first vowel short Then say the word outloud. Study the example before you begin. 1. hidden if = dem 6. hitler _ 2. cuter 7 hobby 3. bien __ Coe 4. wrapper 9. apper 5. thinner J ecean 1d 10, common haireut Stairway fairy faitly fairness | affair dreary fear beard clearly = LESSON 15 sneer soar doorman sheer uproar doormat cheer board fleerboards cheery boardwalk poorly cheerful cupboard poorhouse cheerleader keyboard indoors Review of r-Controlled Vowel Combinations ourselves hourglass sourpuss downpour Lesson 15 Words for Study tow truck grabbed grasp fff trespassing piano stumbled holidays giggled disturbed believe unit % Mrs. Darkpill ‘Ateight o'clock that Friday evening, Ginger had stopped by to pick up * Tony. He hadn't tld her where they were going. She hoped he had something planned that would make her feel more cheertl Ginger rang Tony’s doorbell The sky was fll of storm clouds, and she felt certain it was going to pour. Sure enough, as she stood on the doormat, « downpour started. She dashed indoors, but she was already soaked. Because of the dreary weather, Tony ond Ginger decided to have « cup =f ree and listen to a few CDs before going out. Tony was telling Ginger bout his crazy neighbor when the doorbell rang, “Who would be ovt in such an awful downpour?" Ginger wondered *Clearly you cam over here just lo start a fight,” Tony said calmly. “Tm telling you to ge ou of my aise. Why dont you go sland in the rin ond cool of foro i?” ‘Atthat, Ginger glégled. She couldn't help it. Tony shot her a warning look, but it was too late. Mrs. Darkpill whirled oround to face her. remafty ees “Don't think I don’t know who you arel” she shovted. “I know you have 0 boyfriend, and I know that you and Tony are having an affair!" Now Ginger really stared fo laugh. She and Tony having an affair? How funny! The laughter made Mrs. Darkpill even more angry. “Ihave my sources,” she ‘roared. “I watch everything that goes on around here!” Suddenly, in an act of sheer rage, she grabbed the coffee cup out of Ginger’s hand and hurled it atthe Piano. The cup soared through the air and smashed into bits on the keyboard. For the firs time, Ginger felt some fear. Mrs. Darkpill was clearly disturbed. Things could get out of hand fairly quickly if she didn't calm down, "Why don't we sit down and talk this whole thing over,” Ginger said. She put her ‘arm around Mrs. Darkpill and started to lead her over to the couch. “Get your hands off mel” Mrs. Darkpll screamed. She tore loose from Ginger's <9r08p, knocking her off balance. Ginger stumbled into the cupboard. Cups, saucers, and plates shattered on the floorboards. Moments lt, @ polis corroared into the hvewoy. The neighbors must have heard the uproar and called the cops. “Tdon’t believe this is happening,” ‘moaned Tony And that show Ginger ond Sp/Licé, fo I gu POL happened to spend Friday night atthe police station, 1 About the Story. Answer these questions. 1. Why did Tony and Ginger decide to have coffee and listen to CDs? 2. What was the reason Mrs. Darkpill gave for being angry this time? ‘3, What did Tony threaten to do to Mrs. Derkpill if she didn’t leave? 4, What did Tony say that made Ginger giggle? Lesson15 85 5. What made Ginger really start laughing? 6. Why did Ginger ty to calm Mrs. Darkpill down? ‘What do you think? 7. Do you think the neighbors did the right thing by calling the police? 8. Why do you think the police brought Tony, Ginger, and Mrs. Darkpil into the station? 2 the ea and ee Words, Soy the words in each group at the left out loud. Then fill in the blanks with the right answers 1. Every season comes round _ dreary ya (Cold winter days help us think cheery The days are shorter and quite es clearly But holidays make some folks oe weed x Spfing brings with it nicer sneeze Birds wath and fu their weather People _ and mow their lawns scald and others from dusk ill daw, weap Some folks ot summer days. beaches They hate to cand soak up rays. sneer Others enjoy the sunny prochat ‘ond summer fruits like pears and 85 Lesson 15 Pont vermont breeze trees leaves cheer leap year clear least 4, Fall brings out the pretty that drop so gently from the The days require longer cand soon folks Feel 0 cooling ‘5. Winter months are drawing cand snow will come by end of Some folks : the holidays, others ____ on skis and sleighs. 6. Everyone has their own good for picking out a favorite And some folks also moke quite a their own favorite time of year! 3 Syllables. syllable is a word or part of « word said os a unit. For exomple, near has one syllable; driveway has two syllables; and piano has three syllables. Each ofthe words listed below has two syllables. Write these syllables on the line tothe right of each word. Be sure fo study the examples before you begin. 1. cardboard _card = board 7. floorboard 2. clearly clear-ly 8. stairway 3. cheerful 9. cobweb Beaaeeae 4, doughnut 10. fairness. a 5. foirly 11, dowmpour 6. uproar : 12. invite Lesson 15 a 4 More Work with Units. Use the words below to fill inthe blanks. Study the example before you begin. feet hours letiers months ounces quarts rooms seconds states 1. The 12 units of a year ore called _months. 2. The 24 units of a day ore called __ 3, The 60 units of a minute are called = 4, The 4 unis ofa gollon are called 5. The 16 units ofa pound are called 6. The 3 units of e yard are called 7. The units ofthe alphabet are called 8, The unis inside @ house are called 9. The units that make up the United States are called = Lesson 15 eee tage nn describe decide deserve defend depend debate destroy Detroit LESSON Common Word Beginnings: explain expect excite explode except exact exoally mis: mistake mistaken nisplace misireat risspell mistrust mmiscount misiudge 16 complain complaint compose combine compete complete completely commit confront contain container control consumer consent Words for Study commented yuck cheod vanilla lemon lozy wwieecracks recipe behave Testing Recipes Steven sat atthe table in Holly's kitchen ryt ‘munching on peanut butter balls "Not bad,” he commented fo Holly, who was trying to MMT store the peanut butter balls in container He faster than Sleven was eating them, “What's in them?" ‘Rolled oats, milk, peonut butter, honey, salt, vanilla, ond chopped nuts," answered Holly. “Enough ofthe peanut buter balls. Now try some of this.” She pushed o bowl infront - of Steven. “What i #2" asked Steven. “Itlooks exacily ike baby food—afier the baby has spitit out” “Why don’t you decide what i's like offer you tase i?" laughed Holly. “Tm never going to ge! this cookbook ready with food experts like you making wisecracks all the time." “Yuck! Holly, this is awful i's prunes. [hate prunes!” “Prune whip to be exad," said Holy. “Prunes combined with lemon juice, honey, ‘and egg whites. Very good for what cis you.” "Nothing is ciling me except this awful taste in my mouth,” replied Steven. “IFT were you, I'd destroy this recipe ot once. Let me test the peanut butter bolls again.” “Is the prune whip really that bad?" “Here,” said Steven, “go chead and try some. Be my gues.” Well,” soid Holly ferrying a spoonful, “I'm not going to debate with you ‘on this one,” ond she tore up the recipe card. As she checked the two pans of date-nut bread in the oven, she asked, “How's Jerome doing? Does he sf think the world’s giving him o raw deal?” “He's a litle beter,” responded Steven. “What's crazy is that he found out why Ginger never made i tothe party, and he sill won't call her.” “As far as I'm concesmed,” said Holly, “Jerome is one of those men who will never ‘commit himself o doing the things you have to do in order to get what you want in life, Then he spends oll hs ime complaining about how other people let you down cor are lazy or dumb.” "You're being obit hard on him, aren't you?" asked Steven. “He's not down on ‘other people. I's just that he has these silly rules about how people should behave, ‘and he can’t see thatthe ules might have been good at one time, but they're kind cof useless now. Jerome's a very complex person, Holly. I's not really fair of you to Jodge him lke tha.” “Ym not judging him," exclaimed Holly. “I'm just teling you what I see.” “Well,” grinned Steven, “let me tll you what I ee. I see smoke coming out ofthe oven.” “Oh, nol” groaned Holly. "The dotenut bread! I completely forgot about i!” 1 About the Story. Answer these questions 1, list three recipes that Holly was testing. b. 2. Why wos Holly testing these recipes? 3. Which recipe did Steven think was good? 4. Which recipe did Steven think was awful? ‘i 5. What did Holly think Jerome's problem was? 6. What did Steven think Jerome's problem was? 7. What happened tothe third recipe thot Holly was testing? What do you think? 8. Who do you think i right about Jerome—Holly or Steven? Be sure o explain your answer. 9 Which of Holly's recipes would you enjoy the most? 2 Sounds for ow. Filln the blanks with the words below. bowl cow Flowerpot rowboat bowling downstream grownups shower brownie elbow pillow towel rack 1. This word is @ container for plants 2. This is game in which you ty for strikes and spares. 3. You find this in the bathroom next to the sink or ub. 4, This is @ dish for serving oatmeal or prune whip. 8. This is he way a river Flows. 6, This is « chocolate treat. 7. Many people put their heads on ths when they go to sleep, 8. This isthe joint or bend of the arm. {9 This is where you go fo get cleaned vp. 10, This is what most children cal older people. ___ 11. You need a pair of oars to get ocross« lake inthis. _ 12, You'll find this animal in «herd in field or on the range, 3 More Work with Syllables. In the box below are some syllables that you can use fo make words. The words wil ithe eight sentences. No syiloble is used hice, and no sylables should be let ‘over when you are done. The number after he sentence tells you how many syllables are in each word. Study the example before you begin. ev bor Cin doy dro heli laun mat neigh re ter to biles ci cop der el hood la ly mo. pe_ ter fight yes _yesterday— 1. This is what the day before today is called. (3) 2. These are what most people drive. (4) ___. 3. This is the name of a git in 0 foiry tale who lost her slipper at the prince's ball. (4) 4. This machine flies in the sky and can land on the top of buildings. (4) _____5. This is where some people go to wash their clothes. (3 6. This instucts @ cook in how to make a certain food. (3} 7. Ifyou have a good grip on something, his is how you are holding it. (2) = 8, This word describes the steels near your home. (3) 4 Brain Benders. Do you know what the experts tell us about food? Answer ive or false to these fen sentences. [F you don’t know the answer, make a good guess.) se 1. Whole grain breod is better for you than white bread, 2. W's not important to wash fresh frus and vegetables. 3. Lowfat milk is part ofa healthy diet 4 You don't have fo put leflovers in the refrigerator. Raw eggs are good for you 6. Healthy protein choices are lean beef, skinless chicken, and beans 7, People do not need to exercise every day. 8. A good diet is high in fot and sugar. 9. You can check the temperature to see if cooked meat is safe to et. _ 10, The food you eat has nothing to do with how you Feel A odor can circ dior oford Steward opr od ahoy dod ale clos omer ee cron ofarient ore cm cet code eget combi caren ovoid bockfre background bckpode bait belonce barber barge bathing bah beod boord beast beaten bedding bag beginning behave believe bench bere beides te Binge birch bien Boctboord ode bonk best Blend besing bina ond bloody eon ber the boordwatk toa toler Bookeote bookael Booka oom re bonow ter boro taund bowl Bowing trove Broce bre srs a branch breast treed breeze bribe trod broken brook brownie true brah kat Word Inde. boiling bole bulky Buch buzz ¢ comper cenming ‘cordboord cnutous o cetanly chalk chalboord cheapskate cheat cheer hear cheerleader chooy chest chily hin chip chore chose chow chunk cider cinch inde Cinderello circle om clammy each eorng early ench eek fing eingy thing clumsy cong’ latch later compete complcin complaint complete ‘completly compose cron! confuse confusing ‘onsen! ‘ceneonant ‘ontoin contoines contol cod cork corpse cosy cough ‘ovnior countess ‘ourtroom covering romp etic etnge cron nde cruch ‘crybaby Ctbon ch cpboord extn > dat Dari dom daigher daybreak daydeeom dendine abot deepen dlend date dense deni depend despa dephe estoy Devo Set iference i ‘kgon Sites Shwosher dan rer easy dove doorbell doorknob ‘dooman omar doe Lessons 1-16 dough doughnut downpour rope drown ‘read reodhl dreamer ‘reomlond sreory ‘drench reser dressing it ‘al ip ‘ven sivewoy us siugsore ‘yer ‘ne E earring afen ecard say bow yestcin F foity foes fay foih foi fallen fem fo fore fale fowl fot foul, fevorte feo fecher figure fier fager Fngora finger fr Fralight fuberon fins fai flap Ashlight fica freshly frig fighion frog frown frozen fire 999 Sai gain ale gal gate gouze gaze ger gee ‘ese gem gene ‘genleman ‘genly sigole ‘lance lee globe gloom ‘omy glove ‘lumly ‘gnerled ‘ash ona ‘raw sgrawing rome ‘0b ‘gobble ‘ot goodies goo gorge gosh grab Grace gon Srnaiher Srondnahor Sree ssp a Seedy set ae Sos srovshy Sou grudge srmey a ut oul gully gundrop Ft a Biter H habit bei haicbeush hing handshake hoppiness horase hardware harp hast havnt haunted headache health food height her He he highway hiphop hols holder holiday Holy L lompinode loxd leely lose laughter laundromat faundey lawyer lazy leaky leap leopirog leosh leather ledge le lehover lemon lesson lifeguord lighten Higher lighthouse Hing Fer lly ledge machine rmodly malo ‘maiimen ‘alt ‘manoger ‘monkind Monsild Mesto mosh tmeichbaok merge mmessoge righty ‘Mig! mila ‘incemeat risjudge migplace stp mist mislokon moist ‘moisten meld moldy ‘moment mone mote rorenet muscle N nasty naughty nearby, realy neighbor neighborhood neither newspaper ewsstond nook atch nofce nudge ° ak oatmeal daly cought oursaes overboard overdone overgrown ‘ovemight poet podding pain painless paperback Potent paste aly, Poul powwe ove poving peoceuly peanut perch petfrm perk piano Pigpen pilew Pinch Pitch picher Pichler pleinly ployer playground ples lead Plsasant pleased Pedge perty pow plum Ponge pooch poorhouse poy porch pose Pownce post proce pros rence ren ress prety prince frobably frome prop proper properly propery Pr putty Poly @ quoree ‘quarter R raf reg ‘alread rainy rorely rash ry recall recipe ‘eles Word Index: Lessons 1-16 85 reject ‘ection ‘eoice remark repair repeat reply report require respect respond reales reat reveal ddr fidge fy roadwork role Rone tool ‘ough ute rowboat ‘eral ay fh aka sly Som sendwich saucepan 9% Word Index: Lessons 1-16 Scot seroper serotchy sept sera scrounge ent seaweed ening, shade shady shaken shark hill ‘oles sinay ip sl sloughler ded sepover the a a ide aot 4 Sich skimp oro Soh sop ately ooh Sooty Sooage mal srokh Seok ces sneaky a ove 7 hy Bs ooh soups spochip oon ‘pon wok Spec speck a speech spend spied ‘pee ph spurge spoken Zpoorh = satan squarely, — Sey Sons sock fork Soh et oem Seve Sten a Pa sich sosing op ee sroighton ster oreak Seal crock Srochy isting ay Srble Fe sec soccsly ot sly non rk Suppose Sede Sweden oa sweeper see Swiss syllable sem 1 te relepin tosses rosy tovght Ted teepee Thankegiving thet | i tek fal” Mer wes wy toy trea ees ie hy i feu fret ee ae nb in ” ' Phe a . teen ohbreh apne ce ov ooper trout tree edge really u underground undershie vndersond ‘ndertood ‘healthy proar urge v venta veal verge video voice mail void vol w swoitine walter wale Wolte wale wonder vwashdloth washing swaskasket ‘watchman ‘weaken wreath: rete vredding well swoon ‘whock ‘whom ‘wheter ‘wheeze ‘whet ‘whichaver ‘hin ‘whine who's wll Wiliam wit wvindow swisecrack woods ‘workout ‘werkshop wrapper ‘wrapping wrecker ‘wrench ‘wing ‘weg yeah year Mca, vege youll youve rock LESSON 17 Common Word Beginnings: Part 2 _ de ex com com un: define expose command ——_conclude unclear defeat extend commander confess undo delight extent commandment confide undid devote exireme composer. —— confine unfit demand extremely composed -—=—conceal_-=—_unwling decay express compare convince vnlkely declore explore compule ——construct_ «uncover detach explorer comply conform uncertain Words for Study alarm fy slacks whoever Dennis desire comforted hurry aloid shoppers booth quiet Tony's Day Off ‘When the alarm clock rang, Tony shut i off, rolled over, ond tied fo go back to sleep. He was just about asleep when he remembered that he had to callin sick. IF he failed to comply with this rue, his boss would dock him a day's pay. He looked up the number of Mr. Dennis, his boss, in hs cll phone. The phone rang six times before Mr. Dennis answered it. “Yeah, what do you want said Mr. Dennis in an extremely unfriendly voice. Tony made his voice sound as weak as he could. He was afroid that Mr. Dennis would guess thot he wasn't really sick. “Hi, i's Tony. Lihink I'm coming down with the fu sit okay with you iF take the day off and rest” “Who do you think Lam, your mother?" exploded Mr. Dennis. “You know very well you've got fifteen sick days 0 year. f you're sick, you take a sick day. Is that 0 hard to figure our?” “T vst wanted fo check i ou,” replied Tony, who was having rovble concealing his desire to tell his boss oft The minute Tony hung up the phone, he felt great. As he took his shower, he made up litle song about Mr. Dennis. The song amused him so much that he cut himself in three places while shaving because he was laughing so hard. He ected himself too huge breakfast of grapefruit juice, fried eggs, ham, toast, doughnuts, and coffee at o nearby diner. As he was having his second cup of coffee, he saw an ad in the newspaper for a great clothing sole at a men’s store only three blocks from the diner. I seemed as if every man in town had the some idea because the store was filled wih shoppers by the fime Tony got there. He had to fight is way to the racks, but he was comforted when he saw how cheop the clothing was compared to other stores in town. He chose lwo pairs of slacks and a brown sweater fo try on. Tony waited inline to use the fing booth for what seemed like an hour. “Whoever you are, will you please hurry up in there,” commanded Tony. “Thaven't got all day, you know." All at once, it became very quiet inthe fiting booth, “Oh, yeah? That's what you think. You'll have all the time inthe world to shop for fancy dothes now, Tony,” declared Mr. Dennis as he poked his head from behind the curiain, “because you're fired!” 1 About the Story. Answer these questions 1. In what three places does this sory take place? b 2. Who is Tony's boss? 3. What kid of mood is Tony's boss in when Tony cals him up? 4, Why does Tony say he can't go to work? 5. What does Tony decide to do after breakfast? 6 Why does Tony lose his job? ‘What do you think? 7. Tf you were Tony, what would you have said to Mr. Dennis when you saw him inthe store? ‘8. Do you think Mr. Dennis will change his mind about fing Tony? 2 More Work with the Sounds for ow. To find the answers, choose a word from List A and add a ‘word from Lis B to it. Write the compound word on the line. List A blow- crow down land pillow scare slow towns wild list ber down flow flowers out people plow poke 1. This s an iron bar used to move or lift things. 2. This person has property. 3, This word describes something that bursts quickly, such os © cor fire 4, Thisis used to clear the roads afer a winter storm. 5. This person moves very slowly. 6. This word describes those who live in city 7. This word describes a heavy cain. 8. People enjoy picking these on walks through the woods or field. 9. This covers the pod you rest your head on when you sleep. 10, Farmers put these in their fields to help keep birds from eating their crops. 11, What you call it when your avio completely stops working, 12. When something is filed past whet it can hold, you have this. meee ean 3 Which Word Does Not Fif? On the line to the right, write the word that does not fit with the ces. 1. grapefruit lemon peach pear peas. a 2 caring gentle kind loving unfriendly 3. check chin eyes knees mouth Se 4, brush comb lipsick mirror purse = ee 5. bold brave doting tough weak a 6 all wet drenched dripping rain Ce re 7. hunted looked for searched sheer = sought. = 8. gofast —humy fla el speed 9. calm composed nervous peacefl eeloxed = 10. build compose construct destroy make Ti. conceal expose reveal «= show = uncover, = 12 comment declare express. mule. = speak 4 More Work with Syllables. Say each word out loud. On the lines o the right of each word, write the syllables you hear, Study the examples before you begin. 1. confess _con_* _fass_ ovine ee booth _booth_ 10. payday __s_ exeme __ex + treme We homesick ie rete) cee eee 12 pero a 13, overboord ee 14, unfriendly : ‘ 15. bosketball . 2 3. 4 5. shopper 6 Z a Lesson 17101 1m exchange exceed expand expense expel exist exhaust exert Lesson 18 LESSON Common Word Beginnings: Part 3 discuss disgust display dispose discharge discover discovery disturb uncooked unlawful unpack unpoid untrained unafraid uneven uneasy 18 impress improve impose impure import imported improper improperly insect insight injure injury inquire intend Words for Study edmit horsh hasn't you'd limit sgerbage universe disagree evra ATalk with Jerome “The trouble with you, Jerome," said Steven, “is hat you can't admit you've made @ mistake. Why don’t you just admit fo yourself how much you'd really like to get together with Ginger again and then do what you have to do in order to get things straightened out? Instead you mope around as if nobody else exiss in the universe but you." Jerome felt hat Steven was being too harsh with him, but he was so exhausted from feeling awful that he dida't say a word, "You know,” Steven went on, “there's a limit to just how much you can expect from other people. If you want something bad enough, you're the one who has lo {90 aftr it. As my mom used fo fell me when I was a kid, the world doesn’t owe YoU anything. And she’s right, Jerome. Nobody owes you a thing. I's « hard fact to lear, but i's tue .. “Tdisagree with you there,” replied Jerome in a sad voice. “If Ginger wanted to see me, why hasn't she colled me?" “You'te missing the whole point,” said Steven who was staring fo feel diagusted with the way Jerome refused to face his problem. “The point is hat you have to do something fo get what you want out of if. Forget all this garbage about what other people should do, That kindof thinking will just drive you crazy. You have to think about what you should be doing for yourself” "So you think I should call her?" asked Jerome after a long pause "Yeoh. If you wan fo see her, call her and tell her tha,” replied Steven as he went into the kitchen to get himself something to drink. “What if she doesn't want to see me? yelled Jerome, Posen musanim ah “That's a chance you have o take. The important thing,” explained Sleven, “is that you'd be doing something instead of wailing around for somebody else to do it for you. Just doing something will make you feel a lot beter. Anyway, she must want to see you. Tony told you that she was upset when she found out she missed your party." Steven was beginning to Fee! as if he were taking to a child "What i she really strted the fight with Tony's nuty neighbor just 10 {get out of coming to the party?" Jerome whined, Steven slammed the refrigerator door shut in disgust. “Jerome, Tony dida’t even mention the party to Ginger until they were driving home from the police station. [really can't tok cbout this anymore. Either call her oF don’t call her, but don’t come complaining to me anymore. I'm sick of it I just don’t want to hear i.” So why didn't they come fo the party offer they got out of the police station?" Jerome inquired. "JEROMEI Tscid I don't want io hear it” "Okay, okay," soid Jerome. "Okay, what?" Steven inquired "Okay, so Il all hes!” 1 About the Story. Answer these questions. 1. What does Steven think is the matter with Jerome at the beginning of the story? 2. What point is Steven trying to get Jerome to understand? 3. Why does Jerome think that Ginger might have stared the fight with Tony’s neighbor? 44. Why does Steven get so angry with Jerome? 5. Atthe end of the story, does Jerome decide that Steven is right or wrong? How do you know? 2 Short Stories. Fil in the blanks with the right choices from the word groups atthe lef. convince Vs In class yesterday, the teacher how water disagreed _ when itis heated. Andy ce with this, and the teacher spent an i ten minutes after “ class trying 10 him ofthe truth ofthis fae 2. The policeman pulled Mr. Jones over tothe side of the road exceeding forte the speed limit. The two men ochonaed _ ‘angry words. Ina very oe voice, Mr. Jones tld the policeman that he was afi for this job. The policeman hoped the court would fine him an twenty bucks for being so rude. 3. Mary was 20 when she got home from work that expenses she was how long she could keep two jobs ond stil aie tke core of an apartment and two children, She knew that working this hard ae was but che had so many unhealthy that she needed the __ from two jobs jus to make ends meet. 3 Spelling Check. The answers to the clues are listed at he lft. As you can see, the lelers of the words are all mixed up. Spell the words the right way on the lines. bhmty L __ itl children suck this when they're upset or bored : Agstuu This isthe eighth month of the year. f gellwt — People keep money, pictures, and important papers in this Lesson 18105 eoccehkpy = 4 ‘A.worker gets his each week or every ‘other week for his work sooptt 5 You can bake, boil fry, or mash this for your dinner. aCdeeillnr 6 A fairy godmother helped her get toa ball where she waltzed with Prince Charming until the clock struck twelve, This is the kind of dancing that Prince Charming and Answer 6 did at the ball. redecleahre 8 . This is a person who shouts to the crowd cond urges 0 team to win 4 More Words That Begin with ins. Use the words below to fill the blanks. Use the rules you have learned fo sound out the new words, Infect inkale instruct invent inform inspire invade invite 1. to draw air into the lungs . 19 make a machine or anything else brand-new 10 tll or ceport something to someone 10 lake over another person's land by force . 10 leach someone how to do something 2 3 4 5, to ask someone to come fo your house 6 7. to give someone germs thot will make them sick 8. . 1 fil someone with hope 105 Lesson 18 i i LESSON 19 _Up-, Down-, Out-, Over-, and Under- up down- ‘out- over vunder- update downhill ‘outlook overcoat undershirt upscale downfall outcome overhead underground upbeat downright outdoors overtime underdog uptown downstream outsmart overnight understood upkeep downcost outskirts overcome undertaker upstairs downstairs outspoken overflow underwear upsidedown downhearted outstanding overseas underneath ‘upcoming. down-to-earth outnumber overweight understated Holidays ‘Months of the Year New Year's Eve Jonwary sly New Year's Doy August Veletne’s Day September April Fool’s Day ‘October Fourth of July November Halloween December Thanksgiving Christmas. Words for Study caf staff ‘weeknight slipper rea hoh brighter boaleony continue Jerome and Ginger 1 Jerome decided that he would not call Ginger afterall, He would go see her in person. Checking through the newspaper, he sow that Ginger was singing at a new café that had just opened uptown. The cof ‘was called The Gloss Slipper. Jerome fel ths was a lucky sign. AS he was putting on his overcoat, he found himself humming one ofthe first songs f) thot Ginger hod ever writen. Steven had been right, Now tha! Jerome had decided to act, he no longer Felt downcast. In fact, he felt upbeat, cand even his outlook for the future seemed brighter. The cofé wat very upscale, with a small stage and fancy overhead lighting, bu the staff seemed downto-ecrth and friendly. Theve ‘was an outdoor seating area and an upstairs balcony. But since it was winter and @ weeknight, there were only a few people in the café Jerome spotted Ginger, siting next to the piano player. ‘She wasn' singing, so she must be on break, he thought. Jerome was overcome by how lovely Ginger looked and suddenly understood just how much he had missed her, Ginger must have felt Jerome's store, for at that very ‘moment, she looked up from the keyboard and gazed right ino Jerome's eyes. I! would have been clear to anybody watching that both Ginger and Jerome were overcome with strong feelings Ginger murmured something tothe piano player, got up, and walked slowly over to Jerome's toble. "Hello, Jerome,” she said shyly. “Hi, Ginger." Jerome sounded os nervous as he fel. “How have you been” “Tm ckay. What brought you up here on this dark, chilly righ?" Ginger asked, “Oh, [just fl lke hearing ‘September Song’ and 1 didn’t have any plans for this evening, so I thought T'd come on up here and ask you to sing i for me,” Jerome lid. "You always said that ‘September Song’ bored you!” exclaimed Ginger. “That's not uel” Jerome soid. “I's understated, but that's the best thing about it.” Look, Jerome, why are you really here? You always claim that people should be outspoken and not beat around the bush, but that’s exactly what I think you're doing right now.” “Ate you going to sing ‘September Song’?” “Jerome,” threatened Ginger, “I'm going to give you just one more chance o explain what you're daing here.” "Maybe Iwas right about your mean streak,” Jerome joked. “T guess you haven't been practicing yoga afterall, huh?” “Jerome, this is going downhill quickly. If all you want fo do is continue our fight, then we're done talking," Ginger said She turned fo walk away. “Wait, Ginger. I was just making o dumb joke. I guess that’s part ofthe problem. I've been doing a lot of thinking, ‘and I want you to know that underneath all my jokes and smart remarks, I miss you very much." Ginger said nothing, She touched Jerome gently on the cheek ‘and tured to go back o the band. "Hey!" shouted Jerome. "Tm sorry! Where are you going?" “To sing ‘September Song,”” Ginger replied sofly. Jerome felt 0 hoppy, he thought his heart would overflow. Lesson 19 109 1 About the Story. Answer these questions. 1. Why does Jerome decide not to call wp Ginger? P 2. Where does most of this sory take place? 3. What is Ginger doing when Jerome firs sees her? A. What reason does Jerome frst give Ginger for coming to see her? '5. What does Jerome do that almost makes Ginger walk away? 6. How do you know that Ginger has forgiven Jerome by the end ofthe stor/? What do you think? 7. Why does Jerome think i's a lucky siga that the café is called The Glass Slipper? 2 Twelve Questions. Write the underlined word that is correct on the line to the lf. 1. In most houses, are the bedrooms downsiars or upstairs? IF it's raining hard ouside, do children play indoors or outdoors? . Does « happy person feel upbeat or downcas!? . Is the money that you earn called your income or your outcome? 2. 3. 4 5, When you toke out he trath, ore you composing or disposing of if? 6, IFyou broil a steok for long time, i it overdone or uncooked? 7. 1. When you report a rude waiter fo his or her manager, are you 110 Lesson 19 (sheeted me 8. When you ask someone to do too much to help you, are you imposing or exposing? 9. Ifa person gels better after long illness, has the person recovered or uncovered? — 10. IF you tell your boss that you refuse to do something that you've bbeen ordered to do, are you complying or replying? — 11. Ifyou go along with what everyone else does, are you reforming or conforming? 12, Ifa person forgets his or her name, i the person refused or 3 The Four Seasons. Put each word below under the best heading. March August beach New Year's Eve Holloween hot weather falling leaves flowers blooming December ice skating October schools open snowstorms spring traning April Foo!’s Day Fourth of July Spring Summer ee 1 a = 2 oe = ae gaia a — ‘Autumn Winter ae 1 2 = 2 ae 3. : 3 4 a = 4 The Months ofthe Year. Do you remember this verse? Thirty days has September, pail, June, ond November. ‘When short February is done, All the rest have thityone. Use the list of months fo fil in the blanks. You may need to use a word more than once. Jonvary March May July September November February April June August October December 1. In. what month is New Year's Day? 2, In what month is New Year's Eve? 3, In what month is Halloween? 4, In. what month is Thanksgiving? 5. In what month is Valentine's Day? 6. In what month is Chrismas? 7. We celebrate on the fourth day of this month 8. In wha! month do most children get out of schoot? 9. In what month do most children return to school? 10, In what month is your bithday? 11, In what month does spring begin? 12, In what month does summer begin? 13, In what month does autumn begin? 14, In what month does winter begin? 15. Which month of the year do you like the most? 16. Which month ofthe year do you like the least? LESSON 20 More Work with Compound Words dipstick bookmark landmark landlord landlady homeland homebody housework courthouse formhouse widespread bedspread bedtime meslime password passport rings seoport seacoast seafood teaspoon tablespoon tablecloth clothesline clothespin hairpin hairbrush paintbrush horseback horseplay blacksmith blackmail slowpoke slovidowa sundown heartbeat heartbreak breakdown breakahrc Words for Study contract honor kidding included publisher. beautiful matchmaker different bookstores dessert midnight deny Holly's Book Party Holly decided to throw @ party. She had just signed a contract that morning for her book, and the publisher had told her that her heath food cookbook would be on the shelves ofall the wellknown bookstores and health food stores by February By early afternoon, she had invited the whole yoga class, Jerome and Ginger, Gail, Tony, and a few other friends fo the party, Because Steven had been #0 helpful in testing the recipes, she told him he was to be her guest of honor When Jerome called Holly to thank her for inviting him, he asked her if she was going o serve real food or heath food. Holly jst laughed and fold him that she ‘was so sick of al the recipes inher cookbook tut she hud already penned to serve a spagheti dinner. “In that case” said Jerome, “you can count on me to help ‘withthe dishes. Can I bring anything?” “Bring some wine,” Holly replied. “And, if you don't mind, call Tony and tell him to bring some, oo. I've got to start making the tomato sauce right now if everything is going to be ready on time.” The party was a huge success. Holly looked beautiful in a red dress that she had rushed out fo buy between making the tomato sauce and baking the cheesecake. Everyone was happy for her success as a cookbook writer. “Steven, 10 thank you forall your help, you get the honor ofthe firs bite,” Holly said ‘Steven turned pele and wondered if Holly's Feelings would be hur i he refused to eat the dessert, He stood there, holding the spoon, not knowing what te do. Holy couldn't help laughing when she saw the look on his face. “Just kidding,” grinned Holly. "The real desserts are in the kitch “Now I know why they call a joke a gag,” Steven remarked, lo ‘atthe awful prune whip, Jerome watched Steven and Holly joke cround together. It seemed clear to him that the two of them would end up dating soon. They would make a good match, Jerome thought. He had been playing matchmaker for his fiends ever since he cand Ginger had patched things up. Jerome felt hat everyone deserved to be as happy as he was at that moment, Ginger orived at Holly's apartment around midnight because her boss let her leave work early. She had never met Holly before, and she was glad to be included, The two women liked each other at once. Ginger also enjoyed meeting all the people from the yous class and asked all sorts of questions about yoga Jerome could tell from how excited Ginger was that by next week, both he and ‘Ginger would be down at the YMCA trying to stand on their heads. He didn’t mind. He remembered his own party and how bad he had felt. I all seemed like a long time ago, even though it really wasn’. Now, here he was, feeling so happy, ‘with Ginger by his side and his third plate of chocolote cheesecake in his hand. “That's life,” he thought to himself as he kissed Ginger on the cheek. “One minute you're down, and the next minute you're up. You just never know whats going to happen nex!" 1 About the Story. Answer these questions. 1. Why is Holly throwing a party? 2. What does Jerome ask Holly when he calls her to thank her for inviting him? 3. Why has Holly planned to serve a spagheti dinner? i ' 5 i 4. Why does Holly make Steven her guest of honor? 5. What does Holly serve for dessert as a gag? 6. What isthe real dessert? 7. What does Jerome think will happen with Holly and Steven in the future? 8. What does Jerome think he and Ginger will be doing nex! week? 9. How does Jerome seem diferent in this stor/? 10. What does Jerome seem to have learned about life? 2 More Work with Compound Words. Choose the right word from the four choices, and write the Fetter on the line to the lef 1. Sometimes you have to show this in order to enter another country. 0. homeland b. passport . bookmark d. password 2. When you lose someone you love, you feel this. «. heartbeat b. breakthrough. breakdown _—_d. heartbreak {3 This person is most happy when he isin his own home. «. anybody b, busybody <. homebody —_d._ somebody 4, This is the time right before evening, ©. sunrise sundown . sunlight d, Sunday 5, This is another word for your spine. 9. backbone b. backfire ¢. background 6. This is common thing to buy for the Fourth of July. «. firelight b. firecracker. backfire 7, This is when you go to sleep. a. lifetime b. overtime . mealime 8, This is a place for people who have no money. 6. lighthouse b. farmhouse c._poorhouse 9. This is the country you were born in, 1. homesick b. homemade ——¢._homework 10. This person is not fast. 1. slowpoke b. slowdown c. downpour d. comeback 4. fireplace d. bediime . courhouse d. homeland d. slowly 3 Words That Mean the Same. Choose the word from the line that means the same thing as the fist word, and write it on the line fo the right, Study the example before you begin, 1. discover: conceal cover find lose 2 exhausted: asleep relaxed © awake fired 3. heavy: slim skinny overweight thin 4, barely: hardly unlikely notatall clearly 5. thrown: baseball caught catch hurled 6, harsh: calm mild rough rude 7, fancy: plain ugly upscale pretty 8. chilly: coldly warmly mild cold 9. kidding: joking playing _ployground joker 10. sulk: plead prance praise pout find. 4 Word Opposites. Choose the word from the line that means the opposite ofthe frst word, and “write itn the line fo the right. Study the example before you begin. 1. male: mother daughter female lady _female 2. sweet: wil honey sour a 3, Future: over old past before 4, honor: shame praise lie foul 5. thaws freeze liquid melt solid 6. injure: hut hecth heel heal 7, admit: confess deny disagree confide _ os 8, pole: flash flashed flesh flushed 9 notsure: certain unceriain convince doubt 10, expand: conform conclude confide contract 5 Feelings. How do you think the people in these lle stories feet? Choose your answer from the four choices, ond vite it on the line. Then, on the line below the story, explain why you picked this 1. After practicing yoga, Holly always felt . onary b. relaxed ©. unhealthy helpful 2. Joan read an ad in the newspaper that described just the kind of job she had always dreamed cf having, Joan felt ©. exited b. bored ©. goofy d. unhappy 13 Roy had jut lst his last dollar in the Coke machine, Roy was a @. angry b. cool ©. shy

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