Flag On Moon Handout NASA

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Can You See the Flag on the Moon?

Let’s take a closer look.

The smallest crater
a human eye can
see on the Moon
is 100 km (60 mi)
across. You could Through a pair of
drive across a crater good binoculars, the
that size in an hour... smallest crater you
if there were lunar can see on the Moon
freeways. is 10 km (6 mi) across.
You could walk 10 km
A backyard in about two hours
telescope can here on Earth.
(Moon image Jay Tanner)
resolve craters about
1 km (0.6 mi) across
about the size of a The Hubble Space
large neighborhood. Telescope could just
(Moon image courtesy NASA’s Scientific make out a crater
Visulization Studio: svs.gsfc.nasa.gov/4442)
100 meters or yards
across, the length of
a soccer field.
NASA’s Lunar
(image via trek.nasa.gov/moon)
Orbiter can resolve
objects about
1 meter across and
Astronauts first
can just make out
landed on the Moon
the flag left by
in 1969. This image
Apollo 17 astronauts.
(NASA/Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter)
is from Apollo 17 in
1972. What would
be the largest
feature they could
see on Earth?

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© 2019 Astronomical Society of the Pacific

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