62, Industrial Mang.

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Code: A-16/C-17/T-20 Subject: INDUSTRIAL MANAGEMENT

Time: 3 Hours JUNE 2003 Max. Marks: 100

NOTE: There are 11 Questions in all.

• Question 1 is compulsory and carries 16 marks. Answer to Q. 1. must be
written in the space provided for it in the answer book supplied and nowhere
• Answer any THREE Questions each from Part I and Part II. Each of these
questions carries 14 marks.
• Any required data not explicitly given, may be suitably assumed and stated.
Q.1 Choose the correct or best alternative in the following: (2x8)
a. The founder of Scientific management is
(A) Henri Fayol. (B) Peter F. Drucker.
(C) F W Taylor. (D) Elton Mayo.
b. A matrix organisation is a combination of
(A) Project and functional organisation.
(B) Project and Line & staff organisation
(C) Functional and Line & staff organisation.
(D) Functional and scalar organisation.

c. Theory X assumes that

(A) A typical person likes to work.
(B) People are not inherently lazy.
(C) Employees can exercise self-control.
(D) A typical person dislikes work.
d. Grapevine is
(A) a type of organisation. (B) an informal communication system.
(C) a motivational technique. (D) an incentive technique.
e. One of the authorities under the Industrial Dispute Act 1947 for investigation
& settlement of Industrial disputes is
(A) Courts of Inquiry.
(B) Labour Union.
(C) Head of personnel in an organisation.
(D) Dispute courts.
f. The acronym L.T.P.D. is
(A) Low Tolerance Percent Defective.
(B) Lot Tolerance Probability and Defects.
(C) Low Tolerance Probability and Defects.
(D) Lot Tolerance Percent Defective.

g. Direct cost is
(A) Direct Material & Labour Cost. (B) Only Direct Labour Cost.
(C) Cost Incurred by Directors. (D) Only Direct Material Cost.
h. Diversification is
(A) Increasing the product quality. (B) Increasing distributors.
(C) Decreasing the product variety. (D) Guiding activities into different lines
of business.

Answer any THREE Questions. Each question carries 14 marks.

Q.2 a. Define management (2)

b. Explain the principle of ‘Division of work’ (or labour) and its advantages
& disadvantages. (6)
c. Briefly explain:-
(i) Dummy activity.
(ii) Critical path. (6)
Q.3 a. It is said that we should delegate ‘Authority Commensurate with
Responsibility’-Discuss. (6)
b. Briefly explain the main considerations while designing an organisation
structure and briefly explain the steps involved in the design. (8)
Q.4 a. Briefly explain Downward and Upward communication with a few
examples in each. (5)
b. Briefly explain the concept of ‘Hygiene Factors’ (Dissatisfiers) as per
Herzberg’s two factor theory. (3)
c. There are various traits associated with leaders. A coach of a team is also
considered to have leadership traits. Given below are some characteristics
of leadership. Out of this list, pick up the three important traits which you
think is required for a coach of a cricket team and briefly explain the
reason for picking the trait.
Age Extroversion
Maturity Verbal skills
Intelligence Prestige
Physical bearing Attractiveness
Height Charisma
Education Popularity
Decisiveness Aggressiveness
Q.5 a. Briefly state why man power planning is an important step in human
resources management. (3)

b. Explain in brief the psychological and other tests which are conducted
during the selection process. (5)
c. Explain the various methods by which on the job training can be imparted
to a manager. (6)
Q.6 Write short notes on any TWO:
(i) Planning & Controlling.
(ii) Differences between classical theory and Neo classical theory of
(iii) Performance Appraisal.
(iv) Managerial skills. (7 x 2 = 14)

Answer any THREE Questions. Each question carries 14 marks.

Q.7 a. Why is it necessary to have a good Industrial Relations (IR) in an

organisation. Given below are the causes of Poor (IR) and the conditions
necessary for establishing & maintaining good IR. Choose any three
causes which are important as per you and indicate condition/conditions
which you think are closely related to it.
Causes of Poor IR
1 Mental inertia on the part of management and labour;
2 An intolerant attitude of contempt towards the workers on the
part of management.
3 Inadequate fixation of wage or wage structure.
4 Unhealthy working conditions.
5 Indiscipline.
6 Lack of human relations skill on the part of supervisors and
other managers.
7 Desire on the part of the workers for higher bonus or DA and
the corresponding desire of the employers to give as little as
8 Inappropriate introduction of automation without providing the
right climate.
9 Dispute on sharing the gains of productivity.
10 Retrenchment, dismissals and lock-outs on the part of
management and strikes on the part of the workers.
Conditions for Good IR
(i) Recognition by the employer that the workers are a part of
a team working towards common objectives.
(ii) An attitude on the part of the employee of delivering the
goods, that is, giving their money’s worth.
(iii) Fair redressal of the employees’ grievances such as
regarding working conditions, facilities, attitude of
superiors and others.

(iv) Avoidance by workers of being unduly influenced by
political leaders staging strikes as a protest or publicity for
their own political gains.
(v) Payment of fair wages and adequate wage structure as well
as establishment of satisfactory working conditions.
(vi) Adoption of a policy which ensures to the workers an
equitable share of the gains of increased productivity.
(vii) Introduction of a suitable system of employee’s education
at all levels as well as providing them with appropriate
equipment, where necessary.
(viii) Training in industrial relations and human relations to
workers, technical staff and at all managerial levels.
(ix) Sufficient communication to keep the employees informed
about decisions which affect their interests.
(x) Establishment of an atmosphere of participation whether
through joint committees or other methods. (5+3)
b. Briefly discuss the circumstances/occasions under which an employer is
not liable to pay compensation to an employee. (6)
Q.8 a. Briefly explain the concept of Line Balancing in production. (4)
b. Explain the concepts of Inventory Procurement costs and Inventory
carrying costs. (5)

c. With the help of a graphical diagram explain the terms ‘Total Cost’ and
the ‘Economic Order Quantity’. (5)
Q.9 a. Briefly explain the difference between production & productivity. (4)
b. It is said that management acts as a catalyst to produce goods/services
using labour (Man), Materials (Machine) and Capital (Money). Explain
how a good manager can utilise these three resources to improve
productivity. (10)
Q.10 a. Why is a Trial Balance prepared and what are its uses? (4)
b. Define Fixed & variable costs with an example for each. (4)
c. Explain the concept of break even analysis with the help of a diagram. (6)
Q.11 a. Differentiate between selling and marketing concepts. (4)
b. The four ‘Ps’ of marketing are ‘Product’, ‘Price’, ‘Promotion’ and
‘Positioning’. Explain their relevance to the strategy of Marketing. (10)

Code: A-16/C-17/T-20 Subject: INDUSTRIALMANAGEMENT
Time: 3 Hours December 2003 Max. Marks: 100

NOTE: There are 11 Questions in all.

• Question 1 is compulsory and carries 16 marks. Answer to Q. 1. must be

written in the space provided for it in the answer book supplied and nowhere
• Answer any THREE Questions each from Part I and Part II. Each of these
questions carries 14 marks.
• Any required data not explicitly given, may be suitably assumed and stated.

Q.1 Choose the correct or best alternative in the following: (2x8)

a. Span of management refers to the number of

(A) departments in an organization.

(B) senior managers in a department.
(C) subordinates working under a manager.
(D) employees in an organisation.

b. In PERT the expected time estimate is calculated on the basis of the

following distribution of time estimates :

(A) Normal (B) Exponential

(C) Beta (D) Gamma

c. Dual factor theory has been proposed by

(A) A.H. Maslow. (B) V.H. Vroom.

(C) Alderfer. (D) Herzberg.

d. Trade unions Act 1926 provides that

(A) any seven workers may form an union.

(B) the membership of the union should be at least 25% of the total
(C) any twenty one workers may form an union.
(D) no such limit.

e. Sales promotion is resorted

(A) when we have less salesmen.

(B) to promote out standing salesmen.
(C) when competitors are less.
(D) to increase the sales volume.

f. Which one is not the purpose of performance appraisal in modern

(A) It serves as a feedback to the employees.

(B) It measures the input of the employees.
(C) It measures the output of the employees.
(D) It serves as the basis of job change and promotions.

g. The important feature of collective bargaining is

(A) freedom of association. (B) mutual trust and confidence.

(C) to take it or leave it. (D) give and take.

h. The following control chart is used with go and not go inspection :

(A) X (B) R
(C) σ (D) p

Answer any THREE Questions. Each question carries 14 marks.

Q.2 a. Describe briefly the various steps in the management planning process. (7)

b. Calculate the earliest and latest time values of the events and hence
identify the critical path for the following network :

The numbers on the arrow indicate activity times in days. (7)

Q.3 a. Give the principles of organisation. (7)

b. Explain the salient features of line and staff organization. (7)

Q.4 a. Discuss managerial motivation. (7)

b. Explain leadership and its development. (7)

Q.5 a. Why is performance appraisal an important activity in the Human
Resources Development. How does the appraisals help in an individual’s
career progression? (7)

b. Explain the various methods of training supervisors in a factory. (7)

Q.6 Write short notes on any TWO of the following :

(i) Levels of management.

(ii) System concept of organization.
(iii) Understanding of human behaviour.
(iv) Job evaluation. (7 x 2 = 14)

Answer any THREE Questions. Each question carries 14 marks.

Q.7 a. Give the objects, applicability and important terms of Factory Act 1948. (7)

b. What are the important terms in Workmen’s Compensation Act 1923? (7)

Q.8 a. Define the terms quality, quality control and total quality management. (7)
b. Explain the theory of control charts. Determine the trail control limits for
the control chart, if the average number of defects in a product are 7. (7)

Q.9 a. Explain the role of management in promotion of productivity. (7)

b. Discuss the concept of work study as a management tool. (7)

Q.10 a. Explain the preparation and analysis of balance sheets.

b. What is meant by product development? Describe briefly the various steps

in product development. (7)

Q.11 Write short notes on any TWO :-

(i) Inventory Control – its scope & importance.

(ii) Line balancing.
(iii) Marketing & selling.
(iv) Break Even Analysis. (7 x 2 =14)

Code: A-16/C-17/T-20 Subject: INDUSTRIAL MANAGEMENT
Time: 3 Hours JUNE 2004 Max. Marks: 100

NOTE: There are 11 Questions in all.

• Question 1 is compulsory and carries 16 marks. Answer to Q. 1. must be
written in the space provided for it in the answer book supplied and nowhere
• Answer any THREE Questions each from Part I and Part II. Each of these
questions carries 14 marks.
• Any required data not explicitly given, may be suitably assumed and stated.

Q.1 Choose the correct or best alternative in the following: (2x8)

a. For employees the departmentation

(A) is useful. (B) is harmful.

(C) has no effect. (D) None of the above.

b. Which is not the primary record book from the following :

(A) Cash Book (B) Sales Book

(C) Bills Payable Book (D) Ledger Book

c. If the profit of the firm increases by Rs.5,000 with the increase in sales of
Rs.20,000 then the variable cost ratio is

(A) 25%. (B) 50%.

(C) 75%. (D) 80%.

d. In a PERT network, computation of variance of time estimates of activities is

based on the assumption

(A) Normal distribution of time of activity - events.

(B) Poisson distribution of time of activity - events.
(C) Beta distribution of time of activity - events.
(D) None of the above.

e. Grapvine is related to

(A) Formal communication. (B) Informal communication.

(C) Both the (A) & (B). (D) Not used in relation to
f. Advertisement helps in

(A) Increase in sales. (B) Buildingup the image of the brand.

(C) Precipitating buying action. (D) All of the above.

g. The inventory system that continuously disclose the amount of inventory is called

(A) Retail. (B) Physical.

(C) Periodic. (D) Perpetual.

h. Insurance Premium for a factory premises is an example of

(A) Direct cost. (B) Indirect cost.

(C) Sunk cost. (D) None of the above.

Answer any THREE Questions. Each question carries 14 marks.

Q.2 Explain
(i) Scope of Total Quality Management (TQM).
(ii) Problems of Industrial marketing in India. (14)

Q.3 Discuss the importance of training and education for

(i) Workforce. (ii) Middle level management. (14)

Q.4 Explain the following terms :

(i) PERT. (ii) Lead Time. (14)

Q.5 a. Point out the sources of manpower recruitment. (7)

b. Explain the ABC analysis of inventory control. (7)

Q.6 Write short notes on :

(i) Break Even Analysis. (ii) Leadership. (14)

Answer any THREE Questions. Each question carries 14 marks.

Q.7 a. “Accounting is an art of recording and classifying the data”. Explain. (7)

b. Define MIS and discuss its scope. (7)

Q.8 a. Explain the basic procedure of job evaluation. (7)

b. Define time-study and work – measurement. (7)

Q.9 Which is more important and why?

(i) Delegation of authority or responsibility.

(ii) “Creating a constant flow of new products or continually
updating and improving the current product line”. (14)

Q.10 a. “All organisations need marketing”. If you agree. Explain the reasons. (7)
b. What are the main stages in the process of rational decision making? (7)

Q.11 Write short notes on :

(i) Non – monetary motivations.
(ii) Theory X and Theory Y. (14)

Code: A-16/C-17/T-20 Subject: INDUSTRIAL MANAGEMENT
Time: 3 Hours December 2004 Max. Marks: 100

NOTE: There are 11 Questions in all.

• Question 1 is compulsory and carries 16 marks. Answer to Q. 1. must be

written in the space provided for it in the answer book supplied and nowhere
• Answer any THREE Questions each from Part I and Part II. Each of these
questions carries 14 marks.
• Any required data not explicitly given, may be suitably assumed and stated.

Q.1 Choose the correct or best alternative in the following: (2x8)

a. The principle of management that emphasizes the need for teamwork

among employees is known as

(A) Equity of Treatment. (B) Espirit de Corps.

(C) Scalar Chain. (D) Unity of Direction.

b. Top management level includes

(A) Board of Directors, Managing Directors, Chief Executive and General

(B) Board of Directors, Sales Executives, Production Executives and
Finance Executives.
(C) Board of Directors, Superintendents, Branch Managers and General
(D) Board of Directors, Foreman, Sales Managers and Production

c. A combination of short statements that describe both the work to be

performed and the essential requirements of the particular job is known as

(A) Job Evaluation. (B) Job Rotation.

(C) Job Description. (D) Job Assessment.

d. The Industrial Disputes Act aims at settling disputes between

(A) Employees and Trade Union. (B) Employees and Employer.

(C) Employees and Public. (D) Employees and Government.

e. The sum total of Direct Material Cost, Direct Labour Cost and Direct
Expenses is

(A) Prime Cost. (B) Factory Cost.

(C) Cost of Production. (D) Total Cost.

f. Method study and Work Measurement are components of

(A) Operation Analysis. (B) Network Analysis.

(C) Time Study. (D) Work Study.

g. Decisions made in accordance with some habit, rule or procedure is called.

(A) Routine Decisions. (B) Policy Decisions.

(C) Programmed Decisions. (D) Non- Programmed Decisions.

h. Samples, money-refund offers, contests and competition for consumers are

(A) Sales Force Promotion Tools. (B) Consumer Promotion Tools.

(C) Trade Promotion Tools. (D) Retailer Promotion Tools

Answer any THREE Questions. Each question carries 14 marks.

Q.2 a. Discuss the causes of organisational change. (7)

b. What do you mean by Delegation of authority? What are its principles? (7)

Q.3 a. Explain Labour Turnover and give out its causes. (7)

b. Describe the steps involved in Collective Bargaining. (7)

Q.4 a. What do you mean by a Production or Manufacturing Budget? (7)

b. Define and explain the advantages of Work Study. (7)

Q.5 a. Explain morale and the factors affecting the morale of an employee. (7)

b. What are the functions of Marketing Management? (7)

Q.6 Write short notes on any TWO of the following: -

(i) Matrix Organisation,

(ii) Grievances Handling
(iii) TQM
(iv) Workers Participation in Management. (7×2=14)

Answer any THREE Questions. Each question carries 14 marks.

Q.7 a. Explain the skills required of a successful manager. (7)

b. Explain different types of decisions. (7)

Q.8 a. Describe the functions and objectives of Trade Unions. (7)

b. Explain the advantages and limitations of budgets. (7)

Q.9 a. Discuss the important provisions of Factories Act, 1948. (7)

b. Describe the barriers to successful communication. (7)

Q.10 a. “Industrial Management involves guidance, leadership and control of a

group of individuals towards some common goals of the industry.”
Discuss. (7)
b. Explain the objectives and characteristics of organisational development. (7)

Q.11 Write short notes on any TWO of the following:-

(i) Line and Staff Organisation.

(ii) Managerial Leadership.
(iii) Effects of Indiscipline.
(iv) Cost Benefit Analysis. (7×2=14)


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