International Standard: Synchronous Belt Drives - Pulleys
International Standard: Synchronous Belt Drives - Pulleys
International Standard: Synchronous Belt Drives - Pulleys
Second edition
1989-07- 15
Reference number
ISO 5294 : 1989 (El
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ISO (the International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide federation of
national Standards bodies (ISO member bedies). The work of preparing International
Standards is normally carried out through ISO technical committees. Esch member
body interested in a subject for which a technical committee has been established has
the right to be represented on that committee. International organizations, govern-
mental and non-governmental, in liaison with ISO, also take part in the work. ISO
collaborates closely with the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) on all
matters of electrotechnical standardization.
International Standard ISO 5294 was prepared by Technical Committee lSO/TC 41,
Pulleys and belts (including veebelts).
The second edition cancels and replaces the first edition (ISO 5294 : 19791, of which it
constitutes a technical revision.
0 ISO 1989
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International Organization for Standardization
Case postale 56 l CH-121 1 Geneve 20 l Switzerla nd
Printed in Switzerland
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The principal characteristics include IS 0 254 : 1981, Qual@, finish and balance of transmission
a) tooth dimensions and tolerantes;
The following Standard contains provisions which, through 3.1.2 Dimensions and tolerantes for the generating tool rack
reference in this text, constitute provisions of this International for synchronous pulleys with involute teeth are given in table 1
Standard. At the time of publication, the edition indicated was and figure 1.
1) These drives have been known under various names in the past, for example : timing belt drives, positive belt drives, gear belt drives.
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Table 1 - Dimensions and tolerantes for generating tool rack for pulleys with involute teeth
...... in mm in mm in
7 + 0,05 + 0,002 mm 1 in
2 *0,003 to,ooo 1 AZ0,12 0 1 0 0 0 *0,03 j iO,OOl dz0,03 It 0,001
1 / I
m , I 28 I 0,6l i 0,024 I I
z > 24 20 0,67 1 0,026 5 I
I / /
1 , I
XL z> 10 5,08 I 02 25 1,4 ' 0,055 1,27 ' 0,05 0,61 1 0,024 0,61 0,024 0,508 j 0,02
, i
L 22 10 9,525 0,375 20 2,13 I 0,084 3,l j 0,122 0,86 / 0,034 0,53 1 0,021 0,762 j 0,03
1 j /,
z> 19 1,42 / 0,056
ISO5294:1989 (EI
3.2 Straight-sided teeth 3.2.2 Dimensions and tolerantes for straight-sided teeth (see
figure 2) are given in table 2.
3.2.1 Involute teeth are normally recommended for syn-
chronous belt drives. Since straight-sided teeth are in use, their
specifications are also included.
MXL 0,84 k 0,05 0,033 *0,002 669 -i
l: 0,027 -0 Ioo2 20 0,25 0,Ol 0,13 + iJo5 i 0,005 + ;too2 0,508 j 0,02
I i
XXL 0,96 + ito5 / 0,038 + itoo2 0,84 -; Io5 1 0,033 -i Ioo2 25 0,35 : 0,014 0,3 I!I 0,05 / 0,012 +0,002 0,508 1 0,02
I I ,
l 1
XL 1,32 rto,o5 1 0,052 k0,002 lt65 _ 0I08 j 0,065 _ 0Ioo3 25 0,41 0,016 0,64 +iro5 j 0,025 +$Oo2 0,508 j 0,02
/ I I
i /
L 3,05 k 0,I 1 0,12 +0,004 2,67 -; 1 0,105 m;oo4 20 1,19 0,047 1,17 +$13 / 0,046 +$Oo5 0,762 / 0,03
I I Io I II 1I
H 4,19 +0,13 0,165 f 0,005 3to5 -0 0,12 -; Ioo5 20 1,6 0,063 1,6 +;.13 1 0,063 +iroo5 1,372 !/ 0,054
I I3
XH 7,9 + 0,15 0,311 -to,oo6 Tl4 -0 I3 0,281 -im5 20 1,98 0,078 2,39 +o0' 13 0 094
+ 0,005 2,794 j 0,ll
r I 0
XXH 12,17 f 0,18 0,479 +0,007 lOt3l -0 rI3 I 0,406 -; ,oo5 20 3,96 0,156 3,18 +;#13 ' 0,125 +$Oo5 3,048 0,12
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3.3 Pitch-to-pitch tolerantes arc of a pulley, are given in table 3. This tolerante applies to the
distance between the same Point on either the right or left cor-
Tolerantes on the amount of deviation of belt pitch between responding flanks of adjacent teeth.
adjacent teeth, and on the summation of deviations within 90’
mm in mm in mm in