Bahan Ajar - Telling Days and Months

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A. Kompetensi dasar
3.3 Mengidentifikasi fungsi sosial, struktur teks dan unsur kebahasaan teks interaksi
transaksional lisan dan tulis yang melibatkan tindakan memberi dan meminta informasi
terkait nama hari, bulan, nama waktu dalam hari, waktu dalam bentuk angka, tanggal dan
tahun sesuai dengan konteks penggunaannya (perhatikan kosakata terkait angka kardinal
dan ordinal).
4.3 Menyusun teks interaksi transaksional lisan dan tulis sangat pendek dan sederhana yang
melibatkan tindakan memberi dan meminta informasi terkait nama hari, bulan, nama
waktu dalam hari, waktu dalam bentuk angka, tanggal dan tahun sesuai dengan konteks
1. Melalui kegiatan mengamati tayangan video lagu siswa dapat menyebutkan nam-nama
hari dan bulan dalam bahasa inggris dengan benar
2. Melalui membaca materi yang di berikan guru siswa mampu Menggunakan ungkapan-
ungkapan untuk menyatakan dan menanyakan hari, dan bulan, dengan ucapan yang tepat.
Lets sing this song!

Song name of the days (klik here)

Name of the days

It’s a beautiful day

Sunday, Monday, Tuesday,

Thursday, Friday and Saturday
Hey, Hey, Hey, It’s a beautiful day
My, My, My, Beautiful Sunday
This is my, my, my, beautiful day
When you say, say, say
Say that you love me
Oh oh oh
It’s a beautiful day

Telling Days
 What are the days in a week?
1. It is Monday 5. It is Friday
2. It is Tuesday 6. It is Saturday
3. It is Wednesday 7. It is Sunday
4. It is Thursday
 Some other useful expressions:
 What day is today? Today is Monday
 What day was yesterday? Yesterday was Sunday
 What day is tomorrow? Tomorrow is Tuesday
 What is the day after Friday? It is Saturday
 What is the day before Tuesday? It is Monday

 Study these dialogues and practice with your Partner

Dialogue 1
Mr. Armin : What day is today?
Sekar : It’s Tuesday, Sir.
Mr. Armin : Thursday?
Sekar : Tuesday, Sir. Not Thursday.
Mr. Armin : Oh... Tuesday. Thank You,

Dialogue 2
Paula : Mom, What day is today? Paula : Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday,
Mother : It’s Monday, dear Friday and Saturday
Paula : Oh, no. I don’t like Monday. Mother : You mean you have English class
Mother : why? everyday, except Monday?
Paula : Because there is no English class Paula : Yes, You’re right.
on Monday
Mother : Oh, really? So, what days do you
usually have English class?
Song name of the Months(klik here)

 What Month is it?

Teacher can show a calendar and show the names of months in a year, then pronounce them
1. It is January 7. It is July
2. It is February 8. It is August
3. It is March 9. It is September
4. It is April 10. It is October
5. It is May 11. It is November
6. It is June 12. It is December
Then, students are asked to repeat after the teacher with the appropriate pronunciation.
 More useful expressions;
What month is this month? It is March
What is the month before June? It is May
What is the month after Augustus? It is September
What is the month before April? It is March
What is the month after May? It is June
What is the month before December? It is December
 Exercise
Discuss with your partner what month it is?
1. This is the second month of the year ? ....................................................
2. This is the sixth month after October? .......................................................
3. This is the last month of the year? ..............................................................
4. This is the only month with the letter “g” on it? ......................................
5. The last letter of the month is “e”?.............................................................
6. This is the first onth of the year?.................................................................
7. This month has only three letters in its name?..........................................
8. This is the third month of the year?............................................................
9. This month has the longest name?.............................................................
10. The last letter of this month is “h”?............................................................


1. Kementrian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan , 2016, Bahasa Inggris When English Rings a Bell SMP
Kelas VII

Thank you

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