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G.R. No. 234711, March 2, 2020,: Decision, Leonen, (J) Dissenting Opinion, Gesmundo, (J)

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G.R. No. 234711, March 2, 2020,

♦ Decision, Leonen, [J]
♦ Dissenting Opinion, Gesmundo, [J]


[ G.R. No. 234711, March 02, 2020 ]




In resolving claims under the Philippine Overseas Employment Administration Standard Employment Contract, the el
work-relatedness only demands a reasonable link between the illness and the seafarer's work. It is not required that t
seafarer's work is the sole contributor or factor in the aggravation of the illness. The test is only reasonable proof of w
connection, and not direct causation.

This resolves a Petition for Review on Certiorari1 assailing the Decision2 and Resolution3 of the Court of Appeals. Th
Appeals dismissed the petition and ruled that Junlou H. Castillon's illness and subsequent death is not compensable
Philippine Overseas Employment Administration Standard Employment Contract.

Junlou H. Castillon (Castillon) was employed by Magsaysay Mitsui Osk Marine, Inc. (Magsaysay) as an Able Seaman
months with a basic salary of US$564.00. He underwent pre-employment medical examination and was declared fit t
February 23, 2009, he was deployed on board M/V Amethyst Ace.4

In June 2009, Castillon complained of intermittent mild stomach pains but he later dismissed them as ordinary discom

However, in August 2009, his stomach ache became severe and he discovered blood in his stool. While they were in
doctor examined him, declared him unfit for duty, and recommended his repatriation. The doctor further recommende
tests to rule out malignancy due to Castillon's record of chronic hemorrhage and family history of intestinal malignanc

On September 3, 2009, Castillon was repatriated to the Philippines. He reported his condition to Magsaysay, which th
him to Medicross Health Management Hospital where he was diagnosed with abdominal mass and was recommende
undergo colonoscopy. The company-designated physician likewise determined that Castillon's condition "was not wo

Consequently, Castillon underwent colonoscopy and biopsy tests in Iloilo Doctors Hospital, as per his request since h
Iloilo.8 The tests showed that Castillon had lymph nodes in his colon, resulting to Sigmoid Colon Carcinoma Stage III
on the results, Castillon was then endorsed for immediate operation.10 Castillon called the Claims Department of Ma
and informed them of the needed operation. Magsaysay provided the estimated operation cost of P100,000.00.11

On November 3, 2009, Castillon was admitted to Iloilo Doctors Hospital where Dr. Maximo Nadala conducted the ope
subsequently endorsed Castillon for chemotherapy.12

On December 12, 2009, Castillon asked for a quotation of expenses for the chemotherapy and sent Magsaysay a req
financial assistance.13

On August 26, 2010, Magsaysay asked Castillon to go before the National Labor Relations Commission in Quezon C
instance, Castillon signed a pro-forma labor complaint against Magsaysay. The case was assigned to Labor Arbiter M
Sol Del Rosario (Labor Arbiter Del Rosario). Immediately after, Castillon signed a quitclaim and received a check for
P888,340.00 before Labor Arbiter Del Rosario.14 The quitclaim reads:


READ CAREFULLY - By signing this you give up EVERY right you have.

I, JUNLOU H. CASTILLON ..., in exchange for TWENTY THOUSAND US DOLLARS ... which I have received, do
hereby RELEASE (Please write the word RELEASE to show that you know what you are doing) and forever discharg
which I now have, or may hereafter have, ... on account of ... illness ... suffered by JUMLOU [sic] H. CASTILLON as f

Colonic Carcinoma Sigmoid Stage IV. with Urinary Bladder Invasion, ...

and in addition to that, I RELEASE (Please write the word RELEASE to show that you know what you are doing) them
and every right and claim which I now have or may have because of any matter or thing which happened before the s
this paper ...


Lastly, I certify that the contents of this Release have been translated to me in my national language/local dialect, wh
Filipino, and that I fully understand its terms and provisions.

(1) I know that this paper is much more than a receipt. IT IS A RELEASE. I AM GIVING UP EVERY R

(2) I know that in signing this Release I am, among other things, now settling in full for all rights which
arising from my ...

 illness ...


(4) I am signing this realease [sic] because I am getting the money, have not been promised anything


A. Have you read this paper from beginning to end? YES

B. Do you know what this paper you are signing? [sic] YES

C. What is this paper you are signing? RELEASE OF ALL RIGHTS

D. Do you make the five (5) numbered statements above and do you intend that the parties whom you
releasing shall rely on the statements as truth? YES

E. Do you know that signing this Release settles and ends EVERY right or claim you may have, wheth
based on contract, tort or on other grounds? YES

Therefore, I am signing my name upon the words THIS IS A RELEASE and alongside the seal, ... to show that I mea
that is said on this paper.15 (Emphasis in the original)

On August 26, 2010, Labor Arbiter Del Rosario then issued an order of dismissal with prejudice.16

Subsequently on October 1, 2010, after reflecting on what had transpired, Castillon decided to file a complaint agains
Magsaysay for claim of disability and other benefits. On May 5, 2011, the Labor Arbiter dismissed the case for lack of
Castillon moved for reconsideration but his motion was denied.17

Castillon appealed before the National Labor Relations Commission but his appeal was likewise dismissed.18 The N
Labor Relations Commission ruled that Labor Arbiter Del Rosario's order of dismissal with prejudice operated as res
the present case, thus:

The records reveal that complainant executed a Release of All Rights, Pagpapaubaya Ng Lahat Ng Karapatan, Affida
Claimant and Receipt of Payment in favor of respondents. This [wa]s in consideration of the settlement amount of Tw
Thousand (US$20,000.00) Dollars he received from the latter. Alongside with it, both parties executed and filed a Join
Dismiss before Labor Arbiter Melquiades Sol Del Rosario in NLRC-NCR Case No. (M) 08-12091-10. In said motion, t
informed the Labor Arbiter that they have entered into a full and final amicable settlement of their impending case and
claims that complainant has on respondents.

... one of the quitclaim documents executed by complainant is in the vernacular. From that alone, he cannot deny any
and understanding of the contents thereof. Such was further bolstered by the Joint Motion to Dismiss filed by him and
respondents, attesting to their full settlement.19 (Emphasis in the original, citation omitted)

Castillon then filed a motion for reconsideration, but to no avail.20 Thus, he filed an appeal before the Court of Appea
that the proceedings before Labor Arbiter Del Rosario was a "sham[,]" because it was Magsaysay which caused the f
complaint. Moreover, he argued that he did not voluntarily sign the release document and the joint motion to dismiss.
contended that he is entitled to full disability benefits of US$60,000.00 because his illness is work-related.21

The Court of Appeals dismissed the petition, thus:

WHEREFORE, the petition is DENIED. The NLRC's Decision dated October 28, 2011 and Resolution dated Decemb
in NLRC Case No. OFW VAC-06-000027-201 are AFFIRMED.


The Court of Appeals ruled that the release documents signed by Castillon barred him from claiming total disability
benefits.23 The appellate court found that the quitclaim was "knowingly and voluntarily" executed by Castillon, consid
absolute character of the document.24 The Affidavit of Claimant executed by Castillon categorically stated that the
US$20,000.00 covered all benefits due to him under the Philippine Overseas Employment Administration Standard E

Moreover, the Court of Appeals pointed out that the document was translated and was signed by Castillon in both En
Filipino versions. Castillon also handwrote the word "RELEASE" and the affirmative responses to the clarificatory que
documents. Castillon cannot assail the validity of the quitclaim on the ground that it was Magsaysay who filed the com
before the National Labor Relations Commission because he fully participated in the proceedings. It is also noteworth
quitclaim was presented to and approved by Labor Arbiter Del Rosario.26

Further, the amount of US$20,000.00 is already a fair and reasonable settlement of Castillon's claim, considering tha
is not work-related. The Court of Appeals considered the determination of the company-designated physician, along w
Castillon's family history of intestinal malignancy.27

Thus, the Court of Appeals affirmed the National Labor Relations Commission's finding of res judicata. All elements o
judicata are present in this case: (1) the order of dismissal was final; (2) it was an adjudication on the merits because
premised upon a settlement; (3) Labor Arbiter Del Rosario had jurisdiction over the subject matter and the parties; an
is an identity of parties, subject matter, and causes of action.28

Castillon moved for reconsideration, but was later denied by the Court of Appeals.29 Unfortunately, during the pende
motion for reconsideration, Castillon died.30

Castillon's widow and their two (2) children filed a Petition for Review on Certiorari before this Court assailing the Dec
Resolution of the Court of Appeals.31

Petitioners argue that Castillon's execution of the quitclaim cannot be considered voluntary, taking into account his si
that time. He was already weak and in dire need of financial assistance; thus, he was in a disadvantageous position w
signed the quitclaim.32

Moreover, petitioners aver that Castillon is not precluded from claiming his full disability benefits because a quitclaim
if the compensation is less than what the claimant is legally entitled to.33 In this case, Castillon is entitled to more tha
respondents gave him. Respondents should have shouldered the total cost of chemotherapy amounting to P313,125
professional fee amounting to P400,000.00, sickness allowance for four (4) months amounting to US$2,256.00, and f
benefits of US$60,000.00. Thus, the amount of P888,340.00 is not a fair and reasonable settlement of Castillon's clai

Further, petitioners maintain that Castillon is entitled to full disability claim because his illness is work-related.35 To re
before boarding, he was subjected to a pre-employment medical examination and was declared fit to work.36 He was
during the term of his contract and at the very least, the nature of his job aggravated his condition.37 His work was st
his meals on board were always canned goods, which are mostly high in fat. These facts were never disputed by resp

As to the declaration of the company-designated physician that Castillon's illness is not work-related, petitioners cont
finding should be given scant consideration. Being the chosen physician of the respondents, the findings are clearly s
and biased.39

Petitioners further argue that there is no res judicata in this case, because the proceedings before Labor Arbiter Del R
were fraudulent. The pro-forma complaint and the hurried dismissal with prejudice was orchestrated to take advantag

Petitioners claim that Castillon was only a layman and was not well-versed in legal matters. They alleged that it was M
who directed Castillon to sign a prepared pro-forma complaint, only to cause its immediate dismissal with prejudice.4

In their Comment,42 respondents counter that Castillon's illness is not compensable under the Philippine Overseas E
Administration Standard Employment Contract because it is not work-related.43 That he was declared fit to work prio
boarding and that he later on got sick while on board does not make his illness work-related.44

Respondents aver that to be regarded as work-related, the illness must be one of those enumerated as occupational
under Section 32-A of the Philippine Overseas Employment Administration Standard Employment Contract. The com
designated physician likewise determined that Castillon's illness is not work-related and that this finding was never di
contrary evidence.45

Moreover, the pre-employment medical examination is merely routinary and not exploratory. It is not conclusive proof
does not support petitioners' contention that Castillon's illness is work-related.46 That Castillon's illness manifested w
on board does not also necessarily mean that his illness is work-related.47

Respondents also dispute petitioners' claim that the working condition and unhealthy diet on board contributed to his
Respondents argue that this claim is baseless because there is already a prevailing standard on dietary provisions on
vessels.48 Further, petitioners failed to present any evidence to prove that Castillon's work aggravated his illness.49 
face of the company-designated physician's diagnosis, petitioners' claims must fail.50

Respondents argue that the quitclaim signed by Castillon is a valid settlement of his claims.51 The dismissal of the fir
constituted res judicata.52 The four (4) elements of res judicata are present in this case:

(1) The dismissal order from Labor Arbiter Del Rosario is final;53

(2) The order was issued after considering documentary evidence;54

(3) The National Labor Relations Commission had jurisdiction over the claim and over the parties;55 a

(4) There is an identity of parties, subject matter, and cause of action in the first and second cases.56

With respect to the voluntariness of the quitclaim's execution, respondents point out that Castillon knew that the paym
him was already the full and complete settlement of all his claims. The document was translated to Filipino, which wa
understood by Castillon.57 He voluntarily acknowledged the quitclaim before a Notary Public and confirmed it before
Arbiter Del Rosario.58 Moreover, petitioner Daisy Castillon, Castillon's wife, signed as a witness to the quitclaim.59

In their Reply,60 petitioners add that, even assuming the pre-employment medical examination is not exploratory, Ca
during the term of his contract. Moreover, this illness was further aggravated by the nature of his work.61 He worked
than eight (8) hours, lifted heavy objects, and was exposed to oils and fumes.62 Further, it is questionable why respo
Castillon US$20,000.00 while they continue to insist that his ailment was not work-related.63

The issues for this Court's resolution are the following:

(1) Whether or not petitioners may raise questions of fact in a Rule 45 petition;

(2) Whether or not petitioners may claim for disability or death benefits against respondents. Subsume
this issue are the following: (a) whether or not the findings of the company-designated physician must
and (b) whether or not Castillon's illness is work-related; and finally

(3) Whether or not the quitclaim signed by Castillon was valid. Subsumed under this issue is whether
order of dismissal operates as res judicata.

As a rule, only questions of law may be raised in a petition for review.64 Generally, this Court "does not re-examine c
evidence, re-evaluate the credibility of witnesses, or substitute the findings of fact of the [National Labor Relations Co
an administrative body that has expertise in its specialized field."65

In Fuji Television Network, Inc. v. Espiritu,66 this Court explained in length the procedural parameters for petitions for
labor cases. Thus, when a Court of Appeals decision in a Rule 65 petition is appealed by way of a Rule 45 petition to
only questions of law may be decided upon. Thus:

This Court is not a trier of facts. Well-settled is the rule that the jurisdiction of this Court in a petition for review on cert
Rule 45 of the Revised Rules of Court is limited to reviewing only errors of law, not of fact, unless the factual findings
of are completely devoid of support from the evidence on record, or the assailed judgment is based on a gross misap
of facts. Besides, factual findings of quasi-judicial agencies like the NLRC, when affirmed by the Court of Appeals, ar
upon the parties and binding on this Court.67

Nevertheless, when there is a showing that the Court of Appeals manifestly overlooked facts which would justify a dif
conclusion,68 or when there is insufficient evidence to support the findings of the lower courts, or when too much is c
from bare or incomplete facts submitted by the parties,69 this Court can delve into questions of fact and review the ev

A careful review of this case reveals relevant and crucial facts which were overlooked by the Court of Appeals and la
tribunals. Thus, we proceed to resolve the questions of fact raised by petitioners.


For a seafarer's death to be compensable, the 2010 Philippine Overseas Employment Administration Standard Emplo
Contract stipulates that the claimants must establish that (a) the seafarer's death is work-related, and (b) the death oc
during the term of the employment contract.70

Work-relatedness requires a "reasonable linkage between the disease suffered by the employee and his work."71 Th
Overseas Employment Administration Standard Employment Contract defines "work-related illness" as "any sickness
of an occupational disease listed under Section 3 2-A of this Contract with the conditions set therein satisfied."72 In in
where the illness or disease does not fall under Section 32-A, Section 20(A)(4) states that a disputable presumption a
the illness or disease is work-related.73 In Romana v. Magsaysay Maritime Corp.:74

The legal presumption of work-relatedness was borne out from the fact that the said list cannot account for all known
unknown illnesses/diseases that may be associated with, caused or aggravated by such working conditions, and that
presumption is made in the law to signify that the non-inclusion in the list of occupational diseases does not translate
absolute exclusion from disability benefits. Given the legal presumption in favor of the seafarer, he may rely on and in
legal presumption to establish a fact in issue. The effect of a presumption upon the burden of proof is to create the ne
presenting evidence to overcome the prima facie case created, thereby which, if no contrary proof is offered, will prev

However, the presumption of work-relatedness established under Section 20(A)(4) is not tantamount to a presumptio
compensability. In Romana:

The established work-relatedness of an illness does not, however, mean that the resulting disability is automatically
compensable. As also discussed, the seafarer, while not needing to prove the work-relatedness of his illness, bears t
of proving compliance with the conditions of compensability under Section 32 (A) of the 2000 POEA-SEC. Failure to d
result in the dismissal of his claim.

Notably, it must be pointed out that the seafarer will, in all instances, have to prove compliance with the conditions for
compensability, whether or not the work-relatedness of his illness is disputed by the employer.76

Nevertheless, the presumption of work-relatedness, like any presumption, may be controverted by the contrary evide
employer or principal may show that the conditions on board the vessel were such that there can be reasonable conc
the condition of the claimant could not have been aggravated by his work.

In Magsaysay Maritime Corporation v. National Labor Relations Commission,77 this Court considered that the workin
of the seafarer did not cause or increase the risk of contracting the illness. In this case, the employer assailed the gra
disability benefits to the seafarer after he fell ill with lymphoma. The employer argued that the seafarer's working cond
not have exposed him to carcinogenic fumes or chemicals because his duties merely involved housekeeping and cle

In granting the employer's petition, this Court found that the employer was able to prove that the working conditions o
could not have exposed the seafarer to the risk of contracting lymphoma. The evidence presented by the employer su
showed that the seafarer's work as an assistant housekeeping manager did not expose him to anaesthetics or any vi
in his workplace.78

Corollarily, for death arising from work-related illness to be compensable, the claimant must satisfy the requirements
provision, which reads:

SECTION 32-A. Occupational Diseases. —

For an occupational disease and the resulting disability or death to be compensable, all of the following conditions mu

1. The seafarer's work must involve the risks described herein;

2. The disease was contracted as a result of the seafarer's exposure to the described risks;

3. The disease was contracted within a period of exposure and under such other factors necessary to

4. There was no notorious negligence on the part of the seafarer.

Even if the illness was not contracted as a result of exposure to the work's risks, a pre-existing illness may be regarde
related if it was aggravated by the seafarer's working conditions.79

Further, jurisprudence has settled that in determining work-relatedness, it is not necessary that the nature of the seaf
is the sole cause of the illness. In Magsaysay Maritime Services v. Laurel:80

Settled is the rule that for illness to be compensable, it is not necessary that the nature of the employment be the sole
reason for the illness suffered by the seafarer. It is sufficient that there is a reasonable linkage between the disease s
the employee and his work to lead a rational mind to conclude that his work may have contributed to the establishme
very least, aggravation of any pre-existing condition he might have had.81 (Emphasis supplied)

Even if the illness is disputably presumed as work-related, a claimant must still present substantial evidence that the
conditions caused or at least increased the risk of contracting the disease and only a reasonable proof of work conne
direct causal relation is required."82

Thus, when the illness does not fall under Section 32-A, it is disputably presumed that the illness is work-related. The
does not initially bear the burden of proving the work-relatedness, and the burden of proof shifts to the employer.83 T
employer should either prove that the illness was pre-existing, or if it was pre-existing, it should be proven that the co
his work did not contribute or aggravate the illness. If this was sufficiently proved by the employer, there is no need to
question of compensability.84

Should the employer contest the illness's work-relatedness, the burden shifts to the seafarer to prove otherwise (i.e. t
not pre-existing, or even if it was pre-existing, the work contributed to or aggravated the illness).85 In doing so, the se
also able to comply with the condition of compensability under Section 32-A, particularly: (1) that the seafarer's work
the risks described herein; (2) that the disease was contracted as a result of the seafarer's exposure to the described
(3) that the disease was contracted within a period of exposure and under such other factors necessary to contract it.

Further, the findings and declaration of the physicians who assessed the seafarer is equally important, because it is t
the seafarer's claim.86 The Philippine Overseas Employment Administration Standard Employment Contract clearly p
guideline for the medical assessment of the seafarer's condition for the purposes of claiming benefits. The pertinent p
Section 20(A)(3) reads:

For this purpose, the seafarer shall submit himself to a post-employment medical examination by a company-designa
physician within three working days upon his return except when he is physically incapacitated to do so, in which cas
notice to the agency within the same period is deemed as compliance. In the course of the treatment, the seafarer sh
report regularly to the company-designated physician specifically on the dates as prescribed by the company-designa
physician and agreed to by the seafarer. Failure of the seafarer to comply with the mandatory reporting requirement s
in his forfeiture of the right to claim the above benefits.

If a doctor appointed by the seafarer disagrees with the assessment, a third doctor may be agreed jointly between the
and the seafarer. The third doctor's decision shall be final and binding on both parties.

The Philippine Overseas Employment Administration Standard Employment Contract prescribes the primary respons
company-designated physician to determine the disability grading or fitness to work of the seafarers.87 The rules fav
assessment of the company-designated physician because it is assumed "that they have closely monitored and actua
the seafarer and are therefore in a better position to form an accurate diagnosis."88

To be deemed sufficient, the medical assessment or reports of the company-designated physician must be complete
to give the proper disability benefits. In Orient Hope Agencies, Inc v. Jam:89

A final and definite disability assessment is necessary in order to truly reflect the true extent of the sickness or injuries
seafarer and his or her capacity to resume work as such. Otherwise, the corresponding disability benefits awarded m
commensurate with the prolonged effects of the injuries suffered.90

Courts are not automatically bound by the company-designated physician's findings because its merit must still be we
considered.91 If the assessment of the company-designated physician was tardy, incomplete, and doubtful, the medi
shall be disregarded.92 In Pastor v. Bibby Shipping Philippines, Inc.:93

[T]he foremost consideration should be to determine whether the medical assessment or report of the company-desig
physician was complete and appropriately issued; otherwise, the medical report shall be set aside and the disability g
contained therein disregarded. As case law holds, a final and definitive disability assessment is necessary in order to
the true extent of the sickness or injuries to the seafarer and his or her capacity to resume work as such.94

If the company-designated physician fails to conduct all proper and recommended tests, the medical assessment can
given credence for being indefinite and inconclusive. In Toquero v. Crossworld Marine Services, Inc.95 this Court hel

Disability ratings should be adequately established in a conclusive medical assessment by a company-designated ph

be conclusive, a medical assessment must be complete and definite to reflect the seafarer's true condition and give th
corresponding disability benefits. As explained by this Court:

A final and definite disability assessment is necessary in order to truly reflect the true extent of the sickness or injuries
seafarer and his or her capacity to resume work as such. Otherwise, the corresponding disability benefits awarded m
commensurate with the prolonged effects of the injuries suffered.

On the contrary, tardy, doubtful, and incomplete medical assessments, even if issued by a company-designated phys
been repeatedly set aside by this Court.

Here, the medical assessment issued by the company-designated physician cannot be regarded as definite and conc
review of the records shows that the company-designated physician failed to conduct all the proper and recommende

In this case, respondents assert that Castillon's illness is not work-related based on the finding of the company-desig
physician, and because colon cancer is not one of the occupational diseases under Section 32-A.

This Court disagrees.

For the purpose of compensability, the Philippine Overseas Employment Administration Standard Employment Contr
require that the illness must be one of those enumerated under Section 32-A. To the contrary, Section 20(A)(4) explic
that illnesses not listed under Section 32-A are disputably presumed as work-related.97 As long as the work-relatedn
compensability is established, the illness or death benefit claimed by the seafarer may be granted.

Colon cancer is disputably presumed as work-related because it is not one of the occupational illnesses listed under
A. Thus, the burden of proving otherwise shifts to respondents. In this case, respondents failed to discharge its burde

The finding of the company-designated physician presented by the respondents cannot be regarded as the final and
assessment of Castillon's medical condition. When it was declared that Castillon's illness was not work-related, it can
that the assessment was complete, thorough, and final, because the company-designated physician merely felt an ab
mass on Castillon and recommended him to undergo a colonoscopy test. In fact, Castillon's condition was finally dete
after the colonoscopy and biopsy tests were conducted. There was no accurate diagnosis yet when the physician ma
declaration; thus, this Court cannot use the company-designated physician's findings.

On the other hand, petitioners were able to prove that Castillon's working condition contributed to and aggravated his
While Castillon's illness can be traced from his family history of malignancy, his working and living condition while on
contributed to his illness. In Leonis Navigation Co., Inc. v. Villamater,98 this Court held that colon cancer-can be cons
work-related illness, and that a seafarer is entitled to disability benefits if it's proven that the conditions inside the vess
increased or aggravated the risk of colon cancer. This Court discussed:

It is true that under Section 32-A of the POEA Standard Contract, only two types of cancers are listed as occupationa
— (1) Cancer of the epithelial lining of the bladder (papilloma of the bladder); and (2) cancer, epithellematous or ulce
skin or of the corneal surface of the eye due to tar, pitch, bitumen, mineral oil or paraffin, or compound products or re
these substances. Section 20 of the same Contract also states that those illnesses not listed under Section 32 are dis
presumed as work-related. Section 20 should, however, be read together with Section 32-A on the conditions to be s
an illness to be compensable, 31 to wit:

For an occupational disease and the resulting disability or death to be compensable, all the following conditions must

1. The seafarer's work must involve the risk described herein;

2. The disease was contracted as a result of the seafarer's exposure to the described risks;

3. The disease was contracted within a period of exposure and under such other factors necessary to

4. There was no notorious negligence on the part of the seafarer.

Colon cancer, also known as colorectal cancer or large bowel cancer, includes cancerous growths in the colon, rectu
appendix. With 655,000 deaths worldwide per year, it is the fifth most common form of cancer in the United States of
and the third leading cause of cancer-related deaths in the Western World. Colorectal cancers arise from adenomato
the colon. These mushroom-shaped growths are usually benign, but some develop into cancer over time. Localized c
is usually diagnosed through colonoscopy.

Tumors of the colon and rectum are growths arising from the inner wall of the large intestine. Benign tumors of the lar
are called polyps. Malignant tumors of the large intestine are called cancers. Benign polyps can be easily removed du
colonoscopy and are not life-threatening. If benign polyps are not removed from the large intestine, they can become
(cancerous) over time. Most of the cancers of the large intestine are believed to have developed as polyps. Colorecta
can invade and damage adjacent tissues and organs. Cancer cells can also break away and spread to other parts of
(such as liver and lung) where new tumors form. The spread of colon cancer to distant organs is called metastasis of
cancer. Once metastasis has occurred in colorectal cancer, a complete cure of the cancer is unlikely.

Globally, colorectal cancer is the third leading cause of cancer in males and the fourth leading cause of cancer in fem
frequency of colorectal cancer varies around the world. It is common in the Western world and is rare in Asia and in A
countries where the people have adopted western diets, the incidence of colorectal cancer is increasing.

Factors that increase a person's risk of colorectal cancer include high fat intake, a family history of colorectal cancer a
the presence of polyps in the large intestine, and chronic ulcerative colitis.
Diets high in fat are believed to predispose humans to colorectal cancer. In countries with high colorectal cancer rate
intake by the population is much higher than in countries with low cancer rates. It its believed that the breakdown pro
metabolism lead to the formation of cancer-causing chemicals (carcinogens). Diets high in vegetables and high-fiber
rid the bowel of these carcinogens and help reduce the risk of cancer.

A person's genetic background is an important factor in colon cancer risk. Among first-degree relatives of colon-cance
the lifetime risk of developing colon cancer is 18%. Even though family history of colon cancer is an important risk fac
(80%) of colon cancers occur sporadically in patients with no family history of it. Approximately 20% of cancers are as
with a family history of colon cancer. And 5% of colon cancers are due to hereditary colon cancer syndromes. Heredi
cancer syndromes are disorders where affected family members have inherited cancer-causing genetic defects from
of the parents.

In the case of Villamater, it is manifest that the interplay of age, hereditary, and dietary factors contributed to the deve
colon cancer. By the time he signed his employment contract on June 4, 2002, he was already 58 years old, having b
October 5, 1943, an age at which the incidence of colon cancer is more likely. He had a familial history of colon cance
brother who succumbed to death and an uncle who underwent surgery for the same illness. Both the Labor Arbiter an
[National Labor Relations Commission] found his illness to be compensable for permanent and total disability, becaus
found that his dietary provisions while at sea increased his risk of contracting colon cancer because he had no choice
eat on board except those provided on the vessels and these consisted mainly of high-fat, high-cholesterol, and low-f
foods.99 (Emphasis supplied)

In the more recent cases, this Court has repeatedly emphasized that the working conditions and dietary provisions ag
and increase a seafarer's risk of colon cancer.100 While there are other causes that may have contributed to the illne
genetics and the overall health of the seafarer, this Court recognized that the poor working conditions while on board
at the very least, the risk of contracting the illness.

In this case, Castillon himself pointed out that he was given poor dietary provisions such as canned goods, which are
and cholesterol while he was on board respondents' vessel.101 This allegation was never disputed by respondents. W
respondents made a general claim that there is a prevailing dietary standard for seafarers, they failed to prove their c
to this standard. Further, they never specifically denied that Castillon was only provided canned and fatty foods, that
for more than eight (8) hours a day, and that he was exposed to oil and fumes.

In his Dissenting Opinion, Justice Alexander Gesmundo points out that there is no substantial evidence to prove that
illness was work-related, considering that: (1) his cancer was already critical at the time he was employed, and thus,
be ruled that his condition "developed or progressed" while he was on board the vessel;102 (2) his claim that his can
aggravated by his diet and living conditions is merely speculative;103 and (3) the pre-employment medical examinati
have detected an asymptomatic illness, because the medical examination is only routinary.104

We disagree. First, work-relatedness only demands a reasonable link between the illness and the seafarer's work. It d
require that the seafarer's work should be the main cause of the illness' progression.

Justice Gesmundo posits that since Castillon's colon cancer could not have developed from Stage 1 to Stage 3 in a s
(4) to six (6) months during which he was on board, his illness could not have developed due to his work.105

However, work-relatedness does not mean that the illness drastically progressed due to the seafarer's work. There m
relatedness in cases where a seafarer's colon cancer developed from Stage 1 to Stage 3 during his employment and
seafarer's cancer was in a more advanced stage at the time he or she was employed. The severity and progression o
is not the test of work-relation. As long as the work has "contributed to the establishment or, at the very least, aggrava
pre-existing condition,"106 work-relatedness is proven.
Second, there is substantial evidence that Castillon's working condition contributed to or at least aggravated his illnes
pointed out that the poor dietary provision as well as his continuous exposure to oils and fumes worsened his conditio
consistent with jurisprudence where this Court has repeatedly recognized that high fat intake paired with an obnoxiou
environment increases the risk of developing colon cancer. On the other hand, respondents never denied that this is
condition of Castillon; they merely relied on the findings of the company-designated physician, which turned out to be
and doubtful.

Further, while Justice Gesmundo is correct in saying that there are various factors that lead to the development of the
factors do not need to be entirely work-related. As discussed in Leonis Navigation Co., Inc.,107 family history, genetic
predisposition, and the physical condition of the seafarer may likewise increase the risk of developing colon cancer. H
lack of work-relation with these factors will not preclude compensability, because it is not required that the seafarer's
be the sole contributor or factor in the aggravation of the illness.108 It is sufficient that the seafarer's "employment co
even if only in a small degree, to the development of the disease."109

To reiterate, only reasonable proof of work-connection is required, and not direct causation. In resolving compensabil
Court only looks for "[p]robability, not the ultimate degree of certainty."110

Moreover, as pointed out, there is a disputable presumption of work-relatedness in cases of colon cancer; thus, the b
proving otherwise is shouldered by respondents—a burden which they failed to discharge.

Third, there is no contention as to the validity of the pre-employment medical examination. This type of initial examina
merely routinary and as such, the pre-employment medical examination on Castillon is not one of the bases of this C
finding of work-relatedness. However, in this case, it is only suggestive that his colon cancer was not yet symptomatic
been detected at the time he was examined.

Thus, Castillon's illness is work-related and compensable. Under Section 20(B)(1), respondents must pay petitioners
US$50,000.00 and an additional amount of US$7,000.00 to each child under 21 years, but not exceeding four (4)
children.111 Respondents must also pay petitioners an amount of US$1,000.00 for the burial expenses.112


Generally, the law frowns upon quitclaims executed by employees for being contrary to public policy. However, when
executed voluntarily, fully understanding its terms and with a corresponding reasonable consideration, the quitclaim is

Legitimate waivers or quitclaims are regarded as the law between the employers and employees. In Radio Mindanao
Inc. v. Amurao III,114

Indeed, there are legitimate waivers that represent the voluntary and reasonable settlements of laborers' claims that s
respected by the Court as the law between the parties. Where the party has voluntarily made the waiver, with a full
understanding of its terms as well as its consequences, and the consideration for the quitclaim is credible and reason
transaction must be recognized as a valid and binding undertaking, and may not later be disowned simply because o
of mind. A waiver is essentially contractual.115

When the waiver or quitclaim is freely and voluntarily executed, it discharges the employer from liability to the employ
the agreement was voluntarily entered into and represents a reasonable settlement, it is binding on the parties and m
be disowned on a whim.117

In Goodrich Manufacturing Corporation v. Ativo:118

It is true that the law looks with disfavor on quitclaims and releases by employees who have been inveigled or pressu
signing them by unscrupulous employers seeking to evade their legal responsibilities and frustrate just claims of emp
certain cases, however, the Court has given effect to quitclaims executed by employees if the employer is able to pro
following requisites, to wit: (1) the employee executes a deed of quitclaim voluntarily; (2) there is no fraud or deceit on
any of the parties; (3) the consideration of the quitclaim is credible and reasonable; and (4) the contract is not contrar
public order, public policy, morals or good customs, or prejudicial to a third person with a right recognized by law.119

The employer bears the burden to prove that the quitclaim is a reasonable settlement of the employee's benefits, and
executed voluntarily, fully understanding its import.120

When the waiver was executed by an unsuspecting or gullible person, or when the terms of settlement was unconsci
courts strike down the waiver for being invalid. Thus, when the consideration for the settlement was low and inequitab
quitclaim will not bar recovery of the full measure of the worker's benefits and rights, and the acceptance of benefits w
amount to estoppel.121

In Principe v. Philippine-Singapore Transport Services, Inc.:122

Even assuming for the sake of argument that the quitclaim had foreclosed petitioner's right over the death benefits of
husband, the fact that the consideration given in exchange thereof was very much less than the amount petitioner is c
renders the quitclaim null and void for being contrary to public policy. The State must be firm in affording protection to
quitclaim wherein the consideration is scandalously low and inequitable cannot be an obstacle to petitioner's pursuing
legitimate claim. Equity dictates that the compromise agreement should be voided in this instance.123

Here, the quitclaim signed by Castillon cannot be regarded as valid and binding. First and foremost, the consideration
settlement of Castillon's claim is less than what he is legally entitled to. The amount of US$20,000.00 given by the res
hardly sufficient considering that the petitioners are legally entitled to a total amount of US$65,000.00.

Moreover, based on the circumstances of this case, it cannot be said that Castillon signed the quitclaim voluntarily.  A1âшphi1

he was asked to execute the document, Castillon had already progressed to stage 4 colon cancer, and was desperat
financial assistance for his chemotherapy. For Castillon, time was already running out and the amount of US$20,000.
him hope. He was not in a position to bargain with respondents.

While a quitclaim has the effect and authority of res judicata upon the parties,124 a quitclaim may be rendered null an
when found contrary to public policy.125 Thus, respondents cannot cite res judicata to bar petitioners from claiming th
of the benefits.

Being an action for employer's liability, attorney's fees must likewise be awarded to petitioners.126

Finally, social justice is very much a part of our every decision in labor cases. Our seafarers gamble their lives to wor
shipping company that will direct their ships to where they can efficiently gain profits for their owners and shareholder
aware that on board are human souls within human bodies who have to live for weeks or months under the condition
provide. While at sea, the seafarers do not have any option except to live in their quarters, eat the diet provided to the
exist within the hours that are fully controlled by the officers of the vessel under the command of the owners.

That the Philippine Overseas Employment Administration already puts a cap on the amount that can be recovered by
for a work-related illness caused or aggravated by the working conditions of the employers is already a major and ga
compromise. The true cost of hiring a human being therefore will not be internalized. On many occasions, this Court s
mute witness to the paltry amounts received—even for permanent and total disabilities—compared with the illness Fi
seafarers have to suffer or the deaths that their families have to endure. Fairness and social justice demand that we g
petitioner's families all that they are due—as a Filipino seafarer who sacrificed and as a human being.

WHEREFORE, the Petition for Review is GRANTED. The Decision and Resolution of the Court of Appeals in CA-G.R
06715 dated September 30, 2015 and April 7, 2017 are SET ASIDE. Respondents Magsaysay Mitsui Osk Marine, In
Francisco D. Menor, and Mol Ship Management Co. Ltd. are solidarity liable to pay petitioners Daisy Ree Castillon, J
Phoebe Castillon, and Drew Wyatt Castillon the following:

1) Death benefit of US$50,000.00;

2) Additional death benefit of US$7,000.00 for each of Junlou Castillon's two (2) children;

3) Burial expenses of US$1,000.00;

4) Attorney's fees equivalent to 10% of the total monetary award; and

5) Legal interest of six percent (6%) per annum of total monetary award, computed from the date of fin
judgment until full satisfaction.


Carandang, Zalameda, and Gaerlan, JJ., concur.

Gesmundo, J., Pls. see dissenting opinion.

October 26, 2020


Sirs / Mesdames:

Please take notice that on March 2, 2020 a Decision, copy attached hereto, was rendered by the Supreme Court in th
entitled case, the original of which was received by this Office on October 26, 2020 at 11:05 a.m.

Very truly yours,


Division Clerk of Court


1 Rollo, pp. 15-28.

2 Id. at 30-38. The Decision dated September 30, 2015 was penned by Associate Justice Edwin B. C
and concurred in by Associate Justice Edgardo L. Delos Santos (now a Member of this Court) (Chair)
C. Francisco of the Nineteenth Division, Court of Appeals, Cebu City.

3 Id. at 39-40. The Resolution dated April 7, 2017 in CA-G.R. SP No. 06715 was penned by Associate
Edwin B. Contreras, and concurred in by Associate Justice Edgardo L. Delos Santos (now a Member
Court) and Gabriel T. Ingles (Chair) of the Special Former Nineteenth Division, Court of Appeals, Ceb

4 Id. at 30-31.

5 Id. at 17.

6 Id. at 31.

7 Id.

8 Id.

9 Id.

10 Id. at 44.

11 Id. at 44.

12 Id. at 44-45.

13 Id.

14 Id. at 18.

15 Id. at 34-35.

16 Id. at 18.

17 Id.

18 Id. at 32.

19 Id.

20 Id. at 32.

21 Id. at 33.

22 Id. at 37.

23 Id. at 33.

24 Id. at 34-35.
25 Id. at 35.

26 Id. at 36.

27 Id.

28 Id. at 37.

29 Id. at 39-40.

30 Id. at 7.

31 Id. at 15-28.

32 Id. at 20.

33 Id. citing American Home Assurance Co. v. National Labor Relations Commission, 328 Phil. 606 (1
Regalado, Second Division].

34 Id. at 20-21.

35 Id. at 21.

36 Id. at 23.

37 Id. at 21.

38 Id.

39 Id. at 22-23.

40 Id. at 23.

41 Id.

42 Id. at 68-90.

43 Id. at 69.

44 Id. at 70.

45 Id. at 70.

46 Id. at 71.

47 Id. at 76-78.
48 Id. at 78-80.

49 Id. at 80-81.

50 Id. at 81.

51 Id.

52 Id.

53 Id. at 82.

54 Id. at 82-83.

55 Id. at 83.

56 Id.

57 Id. at 84.

58 Id. at 85.

59 Id. at 88.

60 Id. at 122-131.

61 Id. at 123.

62 Id. at 124.

63 Id. at 126.

64 RULES OF COURT, Rule 45, sec. 1.

65 Monana v. MEC Global Shipmanagement and Manning Corp., 746 Phil. 736, 749 (2014) [Per J. Le
Second Division].

66 749 Phil. 388 (2014) [Per J. Leonen, Second Division].

67 Id. at 416 citing Meralco Industrial v. National Labor Relations Commission, 572 Phil. 94 (2008) [P
Nazario, Third Division].

68 See Radio Mindanao Network, Inc. v. Amurao III, 746 Phil. 60 (2014) [Per J. Bersamin, First Divisi

69 See Cootauco v. MMS Phil. Maritime Services, Inc., 629 Phil. 506 (2010) [Per J. Perez, Second Di

70 POEA Memorandum Circular No. 10 (2010), sec. 20(B)(1) provides:

B. Compensation and Benefits for Death

1. In case of work-related death of the seafarer, during the term of his contract, the employer s
beneficiaries the Philippine currency equivalent to the amount of Fifty Thousand US dollars (U
and an additional amount of Seven Thousand US dollars (US$7,000) to each child under the a
twenty-one (21) but not exceeding four (4) children, at the exchange rate prevailing during the

71 Manansala v. Marlow Navigation Phils., Inc., 817 Phil. 84, 96 (2017) [Per J. Leonen, Third Division

72 POEA Memorandum Circular No. 10 (2010), Definition of Terms (16).

73 POEA Memorandum Circular No. 10 (2010), sec. 20(A)(4) provides:

Those illnesses not listed in Section 32 of this Contract are disputably presumed as work-rela

74 816 Phil. 194 (2017) [Per J. Perlas-Bernabe, First Division].

75 Id. at 203-204.

76 Id. at 210.

77 630 Phil. 352 (2010) [Per J. Brion, Second Division].

78 Id. at 365-366.

79 Manansala v. Marlow Navigation Phils., Inc., 817 Phil. 84, 96 (2017) [Per J. Leonen, Third Division

80 707 Phil. 210 (2013) [Per J. Mendoza, Third Division].

81 Id. at 225.

82 Philippine Transmarine Carriers, Inc. v. Bernardo, G.R. No. 220635, August 14, 2019, [Per J. Cara

83 Romana v. Magsaysay Maritime Corp., 816 Phil. 194, 210 (2017) [Per J. Perlas-Bernabe, First Div

84 Id.

85 Id

86 See Licayan v. Seacresl Maritime Management, Inc., 773 Phil. 648 (2015) [Per J. Mendoza, Secon

87 See Orient Hope Agencies, Inc. v. Jara, G.R. No. 204307, June 6, 2018, 864 SCRA 428 [Per J. Le

88 Leonis Navigation Co., Inc. v. Obrero, 794 Phil. 481, 490 (2016) [Per J. Jardeleza, Third Division].
89 G.R. No. 204307, June 6, 2018, 864 SCRA 428 [Per J. Leonen, Third Division].

90 Id. at 450.

91 See Licayan v Seacrest Maritime Management, Inc., 773 Phil. 648 (2015) [Per J. Mendoza, Secon

92 See Olidana v. Jebsens Maritime, Inc., 772 Phil. 234 (2015) [Per J. Mendoza, Second Division].

93 G.R. No. 238842, November 19, 2018, [Per J. Perlas-Bernabe, Second Division].

94 Id.

95 G.R. No. 213482, June 26, 2019, [Per J. Leonen, Third Division].

96 Id.

97 POEA Memorandum Circular No. 10 (2010), sec. 20(A)(4) provides:

4. Those illnesses not listed in Section 32 of this Contract are disputably presumed as work-re

98 628 Phil. 81 (2010) [Per J. Nachura, Third Division].

99 Id. at 96-99.

100 See Jebsens Maritime, Inc. v. Alcibar, G.R. No. 221117, February 20, 2019, [Per J. Carpio, Seco
Division]; Skippers United Pacific, Inc. v. Lagne, G.R. No. 217036. August 20, 2018, [Per J. Peralta, F

101 Rollo, p. 43.

102 Dissenting Opinion of J. Gesmundo, pp. 3-4.

103 Id. at 4.

104 Id. at 4-5.

105 Id. at 3.

106 Magsaysay Maritime Services v. Laurel, 707 Phil. 210, 225 (2013) [Per J. Mendoza, Third Divisio

107 628 Phil. 81 (2010) [Per J. Nachura, Third Division].

108 Skippers United Pacific, Inc. v. Lagne, G.R. No. 217036, August 20, 2018, [Per J. Peralta, First D

109 Id.

110 Leonis Navigation Co.. Inc. v. Obrero, 794 Phil. 481, 488 (2016) [Per J. Jardeleza, Third Division]
111 POEA Memorandum Circular No. 10(2010), sec. 20(B)(1) provides:


1. In case of work-related death of the seafarer, during the term of his contract, the employer s
beneficiaries the Philippine currency equivalent to the amount of Fifty Thousand US Dollars (U
and an additional amount of Seven Thousand US Dollars (US$7,000) to each child under the
one (21) but not exceeding four (4) children, at the exchange rate prevailing during the time of

112 POEA Memorandum Circular No. 10 (2010), sec. 20(B)(4)(c) provides:

4. The other liabilities of the employer when the seafarer dies as a result of work-related injury
during the term of employment are as follows:


c. The employer shall pay the beneficiaries of the seafarer the Philippine currency equivalent
amount of One Thousand US dollars (US$1,000) for burial expenses at the exchange rate pre
during the time of payment.

113 Poseidon International Maritime Services, Inc. v. Tamala, 712 Phil. 459, 476 (2013) [Per J. Brion,

114 746 Phil. 60 (2014) [Per J. Bersamin, First Division].

115 Id. at 68.

116 Remoticado v. Typical Construction Trading Corp., G.R. No. 206529, April 23, 2018, 862 SCRA 2
254 [Per J. Leonen, Third Division].

117 Periquet v. National Labor Relations Commission, 264 Phil. 1115, 1122 (1990) [Per J. Cruz, First

118 625 Phil. 102 (2010) [Per J. Villarama, First Division].

119 Id. at 107.

120 F.F. Cruz & Co., Inc. v. Galandez, G.R. No. 236496, July 8, 2019, [Per J. Perlas-Bernabe, Secon

121 De Andres v. Diamond H Marine Services & Shipping Agency, Inc., 813 Phil. 746, 766-767 (2017
Mendoza, Second Division].

122 257 Phil. 522 (1989) [Per J. Gancayco, First Division].

123 Id. at 530-531.

124 Olaybar v. National Labor Relations Commission, 307 Phil. 847, 852 (1994) [Per J. Bellosillo, Firs

125 Principe v. Philippine-Singapore Transport Services, Inc., 257 Phil. 522, 530 (1989) [Per J. Ganca

126 CIVIL CODE, art. 2208(8) provides:

Article 2208. In the absence of stipulation, attorney's fees and expenses of litigation, other tha
costs, cannot be recovered, except:


(8) In actions for indemnity under workmen's compensation and employer's liability laws;

The Lawphil Project - Arellano Law Foundation

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