Reconstitution of Injectable Poly-D, L-Lactic Acid: Efficacy of Different Diluents and A New Accelerating Method
Reconstitution of Injectable Poly-D, L-Lactic Acid: Efficacy of Different Diluents and A New Accelerating Method
Reconstitution of Injectable Poly-D, L-Lactic Acid: Efficacy of Different Diluents and A New Accelerating Method
Reconstitution of Injectable Poly-d,l-lactic Acid:
Efficacy of Different Diluents and a New
Accelerating Method
Se-Yi Chen, MD*†
Szu-Ting Chen, PhD‡ Background: Injectable poly-d,l-lactic acid (PDLLA) is a new collagen-stimulating
Jui-Yu Lin, MD§ filler containing PDLLA microspheres and carboxymethyl cellulose. It is available
Chuan-Yuan Lin, MD§ as a lyophilized powder that must be reconstituted with a diluent before adminis-
tration. The aims of this study were to investigate the efficacy of different diluents
and a new accelerating “back-and-forth” method.
Methods: Six different diluents, sodium bicarbonate, sterile water for injection
(SWFI), normal saline, lidocaine, lidocaine with epinephrine (lidocaine + E), and
mannitol, were tested. The recommended “vortex” method for preparation of thin
suspensions and a new back-and-forth method suitable for both thin and thick
suspensions were compared. Gross and microscopic views of the prepared suspen-
sions were examined.
Results: Using the vortex method, only mannitol and SWFI are found to be effective
reconstitution diluents for injectable PDLLA. Using the back-and-forth method,
all six diluents can be used for reconstitution of injectable PDLLA. Moreover, the
time needed for reconstitution of injectable PDLLA by this back-and-forth method
is very short, regardless of the thickness of the suspension.
Conclusions: Clinically, only SWFI can be used for reconstitution of injectable
PDLLA by “hand-shaking” or vortex method. To accelerate the reconstitution
time especially when using small amount of SWFI, back-and-forth is the method
of choice. Besides, when SWFI is not available, other diluents such as nor-
mal saline, lidocaine, or lidocaine + E can be used by this novel back-and-forth
reconstitution method. (Plast Reconstr Surg Glob Open 2020;8:e2829; doi: 10.1097/
GOX.0000000000002829; Published online 18 May 2020.) 1
PRS Global Open • 2020
diluent for reconstitution is sterile water for injection suspension became grossly homogenous or after a maxi-
(SWFI). However, can we use a diluent other than SWFI mum agitation time of 30 minutes. We then observed the
for reconstitution? According to the instructions for use, distribution of PDLLA microspheres microscopically. The
for shallow lines or overall facial wrinkle correction, 8 mL tubes were then allowed to stand for 30 minutes before
SWFI is used to reconstitute one vial of injectable PDLLA 0.1 mL lidocaine solution (both lidocaine and lidocaine
by shaking (“hand-shaking” method) until the SWFI is + E were used in different experiment groups) was added
well mixed with the lyophilized powder; for deep wrinkle to the SWFI and mannitol tubes. The resultant mixtures
correction, 1.4 mL SWFI is used to reconstitute one vial were then agitated by hand-shaking followed by gross and
of injectable PDLLA by agitation assisted by the vortex microscopic observations. The 6 suspensions were exam-
generator (“vortex” method).6,15 However, when 8 mL ined again after 24 and 48 hours. All these experiments
SWFI is used, more than 30 minutes is usually required were repeated 5 times.
for total dissolution by the hand-shaking method, and
it is an exhausting process. Agitation assisted by the vor- Back-and-forth Method
tex method is helpful. When 1.4 mL SWFI is used, more One injectable PDLLA bead was placed in a 3-mL
than 1 hour is required to achieve full dissolution by the syringe. Another 3-mL syringe was used to retrieve the
vortex method. Therefore, we developed a novel “back- required volume of diluent to prepare a thin or thick sus-
and-forth” method that can accelerate the reconstitution pension. The 2 syringes were tightly connected with a 3-way
procedure of injectable PDLLA. stopcock by Luer-lock (Fig. 1). The diluent and injectable
The objectives of this study were to investigate the PDLLA were then pushed back-and-forth between these 2
efficacy of different diluents and this new back-and-forth syringes for 1 minute, and the resultant suspensions were
method in the reconstitution of injectable PDLLA. The injected into Eppendorf tubes. Gross and microscopic
critical step in the reconstitution of injectable PDLLA is to observations were performed immediately and again after
dissolve all the CMC particles and prevent CMC particle 30 minutes, 24 hours, and 48 hours. All these experiments
aggregation. Some dissolution properties of CMC relevant were repeated 5 times.
to this study are discussed in this article.
Diluents Characteristics
Materials NaHCO3 is a weakly alkaline diluent; SWFI, lidocaine,
The injectable PDLLA used in this study was and mannitol are neutral diluents; and NS and lidocaine
AestheFill-V200, which comprises 13–15 acorn-shaped + E are acidic diluents. All 6 diluents contain SWFI as their
lyophilized powder beads of total weight 200 mg stored in excipient. NaHCO3, NS, lidocaine, and lidocaine + E con-
a vial. Six different diluents, namely SWFI, normal saline tain dissolved electrolytes in their ingredients, but SWFI
(NS), lidocaine, lidocaine with epinephrine (lidocaine + and mannitol do not. Therefore, the ionic strength of
E), sodium bicarbonate (NaHCO3), and mannitol, were NaHCO3, NS, lidocaine, and lidocaine + E is high, whereas
chosen for reconstitution tests. that of SWFI and mannitol is low. The characteristics of
these diluents are listed in Table 1.
The pH value of each diluent was measured using a pH Vortex Method
meter. As recommended by the manufacturer, 2 suspen- After immersing the PDLLA beads into each of the
sion “concentrations” can be prepared by reconstitution: diluents for 3 minutes, only the beads in SWFI and man-
200 mg injectable PDLLA per 8 mL (a “thin” suspension) nitol showed signs of dispersion, with mannitol effecting
or 1.4 mL (a “thick” suspension) diluent.15 The weight of slightly a better dispersion than SWFI. The beads in the
each lyophilized powder bead of injectable PDLLA was
measured and then the corresponding volume needed to
prepare a thin or thick suspension was calculated. Using
the 6 aforementioned diluents, thin suspensions were pre-
pared by the vortex method, whereas both thin and thick
suspensions were prepared by the back-and-forth method.
Vortex Method
One acorn-shaped bead of injectable PDLLA was
placed in a 2-mL Eppendorf tube followed by the vol-
ume of diluent needed to prepare a thin suspension. The
dissolution pattern over the first 3 minutes after immer-
sion of the PDLLA bead was recorded for each diluent.
With these tubes holding on fingers, they were agitated
by touching on the vibrated platform of a vortex gen-
erator at 2,700 rpm. We inspected the suspension every Fig. 1. Back-and-forth method: 2 syringes, each containing a diluent
5 minutes and stopped the agitation process after the and a PDLLA bead, were tightly connected with a 3-way stopcock.
Chen et al. • Reconstitution of Injectable PDLLA
other 4 diluents showed no signs of dispersion after this between the pH values of these diluents and their effec-
time period (Fig. 2). tiveness at reconstituting injectable PDLLA. No further
After observation, the tubes were then agitated by a changes were found after adding lidocaine (or lidocaine
vortex generator at 2,700 rpm. After 5 and 10 minutes, the + E) into reconstituted suspension and after 24–48 hours.
mannitol and SWFI tubes contained homogenous suspen-
sions, respectively. After 30 minutes, the agitation process Back-and-forth Method
was stopped for the other 4 tubes. Although they showed
a good suspension, the suspended particles in these tubes Thin Suspension
were larger than those in the mannitol and SWFI tubes All diluents resulted in homogenous suspensions after
(Fig. 3). using the back-and-forth method (Fig. 6). The prepared
The suspensions in the 6 tubes were then examined suspensions remained homogenous without floating par-
microscopically. The mannitol and SWFI tubes contained ticles or precipitation even after standing for 30 minutes
well-separated microspheres, whereas the other 4 tubes (Fig. 7), 24 hours, and 48 hours. The microspheres of
contained aggregates comprising tens to hundreds of injectable PDLLA were well separated in the 6 different
microspheres (Fig. 4). Gross and microscopic images diluents both immediately and at 30 minutes after prepa-
did not change significantly after adding lidocaine (or ration using the back-and-forth method (Fig. 8).
lidocaine + E) solution to the SWFI and mannitol tubes.
After standing for 30 minutes, only the SWFI and man- Thick Suspension
nitol tubes retained homogenous suspensions; the other All suspensions exhibited a paste-like appearance after
4 tubes contained 2 distinct layers with particles floating using the back-and-forth method, which remained for 30
on the diluent (Fig. 5). No further gross or microscopic minutes, 24 hours, and 48 hours. Microscopic examina-
changes were observed in any of the 6 tubes after 24 and tion of the suspensions revealed that, despite being close
48 hours. together due to the high concentration, the microspheres
Of the 6 diluents tested here, only 2 diluents with low were well separated in all 6 different diluents both imme-
ionic strength, SWFI and mannitol, were found to be effec- diately and 30 minutes after preparation using the back-
tive diluents for reconstitution of injectable PDLLA using and-forth method (Fig. 9).
the vortex method. The reconstitution time was shorter By using the back-and-forth method, all 6 diluents can
for mannitol than that for SWFI. No correlation was found be used for reconstitution of injectable PDLLA quickly
Fig. 2. Three minutes after immersing the PDLLA beads into 1 of the Fig. 3. Right after the vortex method, the 6 diluents yielded homog-
6 diluents, only SWFI and mannitol tubes showed signs of dispersion. enous suspensions.
PRS Global Open • 2020
Fig. 4. After homogenous suspensions were attained, only the mannitol and SWFI tubes contained fully separated microspheres, whereas
the other 4 tubes contained microspheres stuck together in groups. A, Sodium bicarbonate; B, sterile water for injection; C, normal saline;
D, lidocaine; E, lidocaine + E; F, mannitol (original magnification ×50).
Fig. 5. Standing for 30 minutes after the vortex method, only the Fig. 6. All tubes contained homogenous suspensions right after
SWFI and mannitol tubes retained homogenous suspensions, preparation using the back-and-forth method.
whereas the other 4 tubes exhibited 2 distinct layers with particles
floating on the diluents.
liquid, called the diluent, before it can be administered. In
this experiment, we chose SWFI, NS, lidocaine, lidocaine
and effectively, regardless of the thickness of the desired + E, NaHCO3, and mannitol as diluents for the reconstitu-
suspensions. tion test. The reasons why we choose these diluents are
described below. SWFI is the diluent recommended by the
DISCUSSION manufacturer.15 NS is readily available and is the diluent
used for the reconstitution of botulinum toxin.24 It is the
Injectable PDLLA must be stored in powdered form
diluent that is most often used to replace SWFI for the
because PDLLA gradually decomposes into lactic acids via reconstitution of injectable PLLA.25 Lidocaine and lido-
hydrolysis,18–22 and the CMC hydrogel undergoes hydro- caine + E solutions are the diluents used for the reconsti-
lytic degradation.23 The PDLLA microspheres are pre- tution of the acellular dermal matrix.26 They are also often
pared by a new solvent spray technique,4 suspended in added to the suspension after reconstitution of injectable
CMC solution, and then lyophilized into powdered form. PDLLA with SWFI for anesthesia. NaHCO3 can be added
The powdered form needs to be reconstituted with a to the lidocaine solutions to adjust their pH to reduce
Chen et al. • Reconstitution of Injectable PDLLA
Fig. 8. The PDLLA microspheres in the thin suspension prepared by the back-and-forth method were fully separated in each of
the 6 different diluents immediately after reconstitution. A, Sodium bicarbonate; B, sterile water for injection; C, normal saline;
D, lidocaine; E, lidocaine + E; F, mannitol (original magnification ×50).
PRS Global Open • 2020
Chen et al. • Reconstitution of Injectable PDLLA
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