Effective oral communication aims to stimulate meaningful changes in listeners' understanding or opinions through messages conveyed in conversations or public speaking. A good conversation is characterized by being vocal, reciprocating, issue-oriented, rational, imaginative, and honest - it invites all participants to speak and be heard respectfully discussing specific issues and considering various possibilities, supported by intelligent reasons and objective truth.
Effective oral communication aims to stimulate meaningful changes in listeners' understanding or opinions through messages conveyed in conversations or public speaking. A good conversation is characterized by being vocal, reciprocating, issue-oriented, rational, imaginative, and honest - it invites all participants to speak and be heard respectfully discussing specific issues and considering various possibilities, supported by intelligent reasons and objective truth.
Effective oral communication aims to stimulate meaningful changes in listeners' understanding or opinions through messages conveyed in conversations or public speaking. A good conversation is characterized by being vocal, reciprocating, issue-oriented, rational, imaginative, and honest - it invites all participants to speak and be heard respectfully discussing specific issues and considering various possibilities, supported by intelligent reasons and objective truth.
Effective oral communication aims to stimulate meaningful changes in listeners' understanding or opinions through messages conveyed in conversations or public speaking. A good conversation is characterized by being vocal, reciprocating, issue-oriented, rational, imaginative, and honest - it invites all participants to speak and be heard respectfully discussing specific issues and considering various possibilities, supported by intelligent reasons and objective truth.
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Effective Oral Communication: Characteristics and Strategies
Oral communication is creating messages that stimulate in listeners’
meanings that bring about the desired change in their understanding or opinions. Whether the oral communication is formal or informal, through conversation or public speaking, it must be done effectively and strategically. Conversation is a type of oral communication where there is exchange of ideas and opinions between two or more people that involve or invite shared interactions. It takes a responsible speaker and active partners to make a good conversation. People generally judge a good conversation based on the following characteristics.
1. A good conversation is vocal. It invites people to speak out and challenge
the received wisdom from the conversation. 2. A good conversation is reciprocating. It gives the opportunity for everyone to participate and be heard. 3. A good conversation is issue-oriented. It focuses on specific concerns and rightful resolutions rather than subjective criticism. 4. Good conversation is rational where reasons are intelligent and well- argued. 5. Good conversation is imaginative. It is open to suggestion and consider unexplored possibility from the parties involved. 6. Good conversation is honest for it speaks the truth with objectivity.