Anticancer Activities of Essential Oils
Anticancer Activities of Essential Oils
Anticancer Activities of Essential Oils
Anticancer Activities of Essential Oils
Constituents and Synergy with Conventional
Therapies: A Review
Many studies have shown that a large number of terpenoids and aromatic compounds contained in essential oils
have significant anticancer activities, both on cell lines and on tumors in animals. The activity of these constituents
is related to the activation of cell death (apoptosis) induced by the caspases proteins in cancer cells, with minor
modifications of healthy cells. Many phenomena seem to occur, among which are as follows: overexpression
and regulation of liver detoxification enzymes, changes in the membrane potential of cancer cells and mitochon-
dria, production of free radicals in cancer cells, inhibition of angiogenesis, and modification of tumor-inducing
genes. These active essential oil constituents appear to act synergistically with conventional chemotherapy and
radiotherapy, and some clinical studies in humans are beginning to be realized. In this review, we discuss about
the antitumoral activity of 13 essential oil components selected among the most studied in the literature, with a
focus on their possible mode of action. We also report current data on the anticancer properties of several total
essential oils. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
quest for alternative and complementary treatments of When humans and laboratory animals (rat, guinea
cancerous diseases still motivates the search for new pig, hamster, rabbit, and dog) were given oral doses of
antitumoral agents. Among natural extracts, EOs consti- D-[ C] limonene, it was almost completely absorbed in
tute a particularly interesting source of potential antican- the intestine. Indeed, 75–95% of the radioactivity was
cer compounds. They are usually easily accessible and recovered in the urine within 2 or 3 days after ingesting
contain an amazingly large variety of structures. With the compound. In this study, most of the radioactivity
the help of highly resolutive gas chromatographic tech- was recovered in the first 24 h, and less than 10% was
niques, their chemical composition can be analyzed more recovered in feces (Kodama et al., 1976). Only a small
thoroughly than most of the non-volatile natural extracts. part of limonene was recovered in its original form in
This point facilitates considerably the identification of urine. Blood level was maximal after 2 h and remained
single active constituents during bioguided fractionations. at a high level for 10 h and then decreases until be-
Moreover, as discussed later, despite the apparent sim- coming negligible after 48 h. In this study, no significant
plicity of their structures, the combination of their small accumulation in organs was observed.
molecular weight with a globally apolar character often Essential oils constituents are also well absorbed by
imparts a good biodisponibility to many of these EO the skin and more effectively when brought into contact
constituents. Because many of the most abundant EO in a pure or oily solution (Cardozo Monica et al., 2011).
components are also often widespread as natural food Both enantiomers of carvone are well absorbed when
ingredients and in flavor and fragrance formulations, their applied to the skin (300 mg) and can be detected in the
toxicological profile is well known and often supports blood (20–80 g/L) (Jager et al., 2001). Moreover, this
their lack of acute toxicity. For all these reasons, EOs interesting study showed that the two enantiomers are
represent an interesting source of new antitumoral com- not metabolized in the same way, the (R)-isomer being
pounds. The studies in this field have been initiated rather better metabolized, whereas the unchanged form of
lately, but the recent literature demonstrates the growing its (S)-isomer was found three to four times higher
interest of the medical community for these potential than (R).
alternatives to the current chemotherapies.
Indeed, several terpenic EO constituents such as
β-caryophyllene (Park et al., 2011) can specifically induce
the production of ROS in the mitochondria of cancer cells SYNERGISTIC ACTIONS OF ESSENTIAL OILS
without increasing oxidative stress in normal cells. More
generally, many studies show that several terpenoids and
aromatics commonly encountered in EO have various TREATMENTS
effects on cancer cells, which can reactivate the natural
process of cell death program (apoptosis) and reduce Some particular EO constituents have been extensively
tumor vasculature. These components may act synergisti- studied in vitro and in animals (Fig. 1) and have shown
cally with current therapies, and new protocols for the significant anticancer capabilities in combination with
treatment of cancer have to be investigated in this area. chemotherapy agents. The combination of geraniol
(150 mg/kg) with 5-fluorouracil (20 mg/kg) significantly
reduces (53%) colon tumor volume in mice. 5-Fluoro-
uracil alone had no effect, and geraniol alone decreased
Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Phytother. Res. 28: 1423–1446 (2014)
Table 1. In vitro and in vivo effects of essentials oils constituents on cancer cells and tumors
D-Limonene in vivo Mice Stomach Injection BGC-823 15 mL/kg/day for 45% tumor No toxic effect on Lu et al., 2004
cells 7 weeks regression healthy group
(TR) 70–80%
Mice Lung and Nornitrosonicotine In diet 1 h prior Tumor development No toxic effect on Wattenberg and
forestomach (NNK) to NNK inhibition (TDI) healthy group Coccia, 1991
Rats Colon DEN 250 mg/kg for 35% inhibition No toxic effect on Vieira et al., 2011
9 week of aberrant healthy group
crypt foci
Hamsters Pancreas Transplanted PC-1 20 g/kg for 100% TDI No toxic effect on Burke et al., 1997
hamster pancreatic 4 weeks, 1 week healthy group
adenocarcinomas before
Hamsters Mouth, Topical application 100% TDI No toxic effect on Vinothkumar and
pouch 0.5% DMBA three healthy group Manoharan, 2011
Table 1. (Continued)
(-)-α-Bisabolol KLM1, KP4, Pancreas 5–6.25 μM Inhibition of cell Low toxicity on Seki et al., 2011
in vitro Panc1, MIA growth pancreatic cells
Paca2 Apoptosis (>50%) (ACBRI515)
(18% apoptosis)
HepG2 Liver 10 μM Inhibition of cell Not reported Chen et al., 2010
Cell cycle arrest G1
Apoptosis (70%)
K-562 Blood IC50: 6.37 μM Not reported da Silva et al., 2010
Table 1. (Continued)
Inhibition of cell
T67, U87 Brain 2 and 4 μM, Apoptosis (50%), No toxicity on rat Cavalieri et
respectively 100% at 10 μM astroglial cells al., 2004
(-)-α-Bisabolol Mice Pancreas Subcutaneous 1 g/kg once a week 70% TDI No toxic effect on Seki et al., 2011
in vivo inoculation of either for 3 weeks by healthy group
KLM1 or KP4 cells intragastric
A2780 Ovaries IC50: 330 μM Inhibition of cell IC50:114 μg/mL for Li et al., 2005
growth normal cells
Cell cycle arrest G2 (IOSE-397)
MG63 and Bones IC50: 70 and Inhibition of cell Not reported Liang and Lu, 2012
SaOS-2 62 μM, respectively growth
MCF-7, MCF Breast 30 μM Increase the Not reported Xu et al., 2012
7/DOX cytotoxicity
of doxorubicin
H22 Liver Inhibition of cell Not reported Bao et al., 2012
C6 and Brain 80 μM Apoptosis (40%) Not reported Zhao et al., 2012
SGC7901 Stomach IC50: 100 μM Inhibition of cell Not reported Liu et al., 2011
DU145 and Prostate IC50: 340 and Inhibition of cell Not reported Li et al., 2010
PC-3 500 μM, respectively growth
CCL-222 Colon IC50: 230 μM Inhibition of cell Not reported Li et al., 2010
B16BF10 Skin IC50: 469 μM Inhibition of cell Not reported Chen et al., 2011a
Inhibition of VEGF
Table 1. (Continued)
Model Toxicity data on
Compound cells/animals Cancer type Carcinogenesis Efficient dose Effect healthy cells/animals References
MCF-7 Breast IC50: 200 μM Inhibition of cell Not reported Chen et al., 2011b
Cell cycle arrest
products (Kim et al., 2013). In conclusion, most of the carvacrol (Jenner et al., 1964). In dogs, intravenously
studies prove the harmlessness of limonene, which is injected lethal doses were 0.15 g/kg for thymol and
besides included in the GRAS (generally recognized as 0.31 g/kg for carvacrol (Caujolle and Franck, 1944). A
safe) list (Burdock et al., 1990). mutagenicity study of thymol gave negative results with
the Ames tester strain TA97 (Azizan and Blevins, 1995)
while the mutagenic potential of carvacrol was never
Geraniol investigated (De Vincenzi et al., 2004). Further toxico-
logical studies are needed on these compounds to fully
Geraniol is a widespread unsaturated monoterpenic appreciate their pharmacological potential, because a
alcohol. It is a major constituent of rose and palmarosa promising result was given by a metabolic study where
EO (85%). It is also present in the EOs of geranium carvacrol was shown to be excreted with urine after
species (25–50%) and lemongrass (30%). As limonene, 24 h in large quantities or unchanged, or as glucuronide
geraniol shows interesting anticancer properties and sulfate conjugates (De Vincenzi et al., 2004).
(Crowell, 1999). The efficacy of geraniol has been dem-
onstrated by numerous studies in vitro and in vivo on
many cancers including prostate (Kim et al., 2011), Thymoquinone
kidney (Ahmad et al., 2011), liver (Cardozo et al., 2011;
Ong et al., 2006; Polo et al., 2011), colon (Carnesecchi This compound is predominantly found in the EO of
et al., 2004; Carnesecchi et al., 2001; Carnesecchi et al., Nigella seeds (24%) (Nigella sativa F., Ranunculaceae)
2002; Vieira et al., 2011), pancreas (Burke et al., 1997; also called black cumin. The biosynthesis of this quin-
Wiseman et al., 2007), breast (Duncan et al., 2004), onic compound probably involves the oxidation of
mouth (Vinothkumar and Manoharan, 2011), and skin thymol or carvacrol. This is a highly promising compo-
(Yu et al., 1995). Geraniol at 100 μM induced an inhibi- nent that is effective in cellular models as well as on
tion of proliferation in cultured cells of colon cancer animal tumor (fibrosarcoma models) with a 52% inhibi-
(Carnesecchi et al., 2001) and reduced tumor volume tion of tumor growth (one to four injections of doses of
by 26% with 150 mg/kg (Carnesecchi et al., 2004). Gera- 5 mg/kg) (Ivankovic et al., 2006). The results were dose
niol causes cell significant cycle arrest (G1) at 0.25 mM dependent, and in vivo activity was better than in vitro.
and apoptosis both in cultured cells and animal tumors Thymoquinone also activates apoptosis in colon cancer
(60 mg/kg) in prostate cancer (Kim et al., 2011). An ester cells (Gali-Muhtasib et al., 2008); it reduced tumor
derivative of geraniol, geranyl-O-acetylhydroquinone, incidence (67%) in 1,2-dimethylhydrazine-induced colonic
seems to have superior properties to geraniol itself carcinogenesis (Jrah-Harzallah et al., 2013). Thymo-
(McAnally Jennifer et al., 2003). quinone is also active in lung, liver, melanoma, and breast
Antitumoral effects of geraniol can be significantly cells (Attoub et al., 2013). In this last work, the anticancer
increased by co-administration of conventional treatment activity of the compound was also investigated in athymic
such as 5-fluorouracil as described earlier (McAnally mice inoculated with the LNM35 lung cells. Administra-
Jennifer et al., 2003). Geraniol has rather low acute and tion of thymoquinone (10 mg/kg i.p.) for 18 days inhibited
chronic toxicities, with oral, dermal, and intramuscular the LNM35 tumor growth by 39%. Thymoquinone is also
LD50 around 4 g/kg in rodents. No mutagenic or active on skin tumors (Das et al., 2012) and osteosarcoma
genotoxic properties were ever recorded in the published (Peng et al., 2013). Finally, other quinones from EO
studies, and human tests showed no skin irritant proper- may have potential anticancer effects such as juglone
ties (Lapczynski et al., 2008b). and β-lapachol (Lu et al., 2012).
The antitumor activity of monoterpenoids is related
to their chemical structures and functions although this
Thymol and carvacrol is not clearly defined. Acyclic and bicyclic compounds
seem to have no significant activity compared with
Thymol is a monoterpenic phenol also associated with monocyclic ones, and hydroxylation of monoterpenes
cancer cell death related to various organs: melanoma increases their anticancer activity (Loza-Tavera, 1999).
(He et al., 1997; Satooka and Kubo, 2012), osteosarcoma Thymoquinone is somewhat more toxic than the
(Chang et al., 2011), glioblastoma (Hsu et al., 2011), lung other compounds described in this review and showed
cancer (Slamenova et al., 2007), breast cancer (El Babili cytotoxic and genotoxic effects on primary rat hepato-
et al., 2011), leukemia (Deb Dipanwita et al., 2011), cyte cultures (Khader et al., 2009). Its toxicity mecha-
hepatoma (Slamenova et al., 2007), and colon cancer nism seemed dependent of the route of administration
(Slamenova et al., 2007). Like for the action of most (Abukhader, 2012). In rats, the oral LD50 was deter-
terpenoids, DNA strand breaks and cell cycle block in mined to be 794.3 mg/kg, and it is 57.5 mg/kg after
G0/G1 phase were observed (Deb Dipanwita et al., intraperitoneal injection. Slightly higher values were
2011). Carvacrol is an isomer of thymol, and these two observed in mice (Al-Ali et al., 2008). As pointed out
compounds are often tested in parallel in activity by the authors of this study, these values are 10–15 times
studies. They are also often found in the same plants (i.p.) and 100–150 times (oral) higher than doses of
as in oregano EO (Origanum compactum Bentham, thymoquinone reported for its antiinflammatory, anti-
Lamiaceae). These two compounds show similar cura- oxidant, and anticancer effects. In another study, the
tive properties on several cancers including liver, colon, oral LD50 in mice was 2.4 g/kg. The high doses pro-
and lung (Slamenova et al., 2007). Despite their wide- duced hypoactivity and difficulty in respiration, and
spread occurrence (especially as spice constituents), several metabolic changes on various organs, but no
toxicity studies on thymol and carvacrol are scarce. toxic effects were noticed with subchronic doses previ-
The acute oral LD50 in mg/kg was determined as 980 ously shown to have cytoprotective activity (Badary
(rat) and 880 (guinea pig) for thymol and 810 (rat) for et al., 1998).
Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Phytother. Res. 28: 1423–1446 (2014)
(-)-β-Caryophyllene is one of the most widespread
α-Bisabolol is a sesquiterpenic alcohol present in a large
sesquiterpenes. It is present in large amounts (75%) in
number of EO, with stereoisomere (6S, 7S)-α-(-)-
the EO of clove bud (Syzigium aromaticum or Eugenia
bisabolol being the most common. It also ranks among
caryophyllata, (L.) Merr. and L.M. Perry, Myrtaceae),
this class of sesquiterpenes potentially active against
hemp (Cannabis sativa L., Cannabaceae), black pepper
cancer and is the major component of the EO of
(Piper nigrum, L., Piperaceae) (35%), Ylang-ylang
chamomile (Matricaria chamomilla L., Asteraceae),
(Cananga odorata (Lam.) Hook. f. and Thomson,
poplar buds of North American Populus deltoides (Bartr.
Annonaceae) (30%), and guava leaves (Psidium
And Marsh., Salicaceae), and Artemisia desertorum
cattleianum Sabine, Myrtoideae) (60%).
(L., Asteraceae), a sagebrush from Siberia and China
β-Caryophyllene has shown antitumor properties in
(in typical amounts of 13%, 25%, and 55%, respec-
particular against prostate cancer and breast cancer
tively). Many studies have demonstrated its effectiveness
(Park et al., 2011) and several types of solid tumors (Kubo
against the development of various cancers: pancreas
et al., 1996). It also induces apoptosis in lymphoma cell
(Seki et al., 2011), liver (Chen et al., 2010), brain
lines (Amiel et al., 2012).
(Cavalieri et al., 2004), and breast in mice (Costarelli
et al., 2010), or against leukemia [ex vivo blasts from 42
acute leukemia, Ph /Ph+B-acute lymphoid leukemia and α-Humulene
acute lymphoid leukemia (AML)] (Cavalieri et al., 2011).
Low doses can be effective: a 24-h treatment with This sesquiterpene is present in hops (Humulus lupulus
2.5–3.5 μM α-bisabolol reduced by 50% cell viability L., Cannabinaceae) (36%) and sages EO (Salvia spp.)
of rat glial tumor and by 100% with 10 μM (Cavalieri (15%) and has shown antitumor activity in lung and
et al., 2004). colon cancers with IC50 values for growth inhibition of 66
These results were observed in different cell lines and and 46 μg/mL, respectively (Sylvestre et al., 2007) as well
pancreatic tumors in mice with 1 g/kg once a week for as in prostate cancer (IC50 of 11.24 μg/mL) (Loizzo et al.,
3 weeks (Seki et al., 2011). Mammary tumors established 2007) and breast cancer (Legault and Pichette, 2008).
in mice (HER-2/neu transgenic animals) decreased
significantly with doses of 10 mg per animal (Costarelli
et al., 2010). On blood cells taken from 42 patients with Nerolidol
leukemia, IC50 was 14 ± 5 μM after 24 h of exposure in
chronic myeloid leukemia and 45 ± 7 and 65 ± 5 μM for Some compounds have been less studied but have inter-
AML (Cavalieri et al., 2011). esting properties that remain to be clarified. This is the
Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Phytother. Res. 28: 1423–1446 (2014)
case of nerolidol contained in Niaouli EO (Melaleuca and is widely used as a food additive (Kamatou et al.,
quinquenervia (Cav.) S.T. Blake, Myrtaceae) (25%) 2012). Its toxicity should however be better defined for
and mugwort leaf chamomile (Artemisia chamaemeli- other applications, because even if it seems to have a
folia, Vill., Asteraceae) (22%). This compound is a rather low acute toxicity on rats (Clark, 1988), some
sesquiterpenic alcohol, which has shown antitumor hepatotoxic (Soundran et al., 1994; Thompson et al.,
activity in lung cancer cell lines and colon with IC50 1998) and genotoxic effects (Minet Emmanuel et al.,
values for growth inhibition of 66 and 46 μg/mL, respec- 2012) have been reported for this compound.
tively (Sylvestre et al., 2007). The LD50 of nerolidol was
determined to be superior to 5 g/kg in rats, mice, and
rabbits (Lapczynski et al., 2008a). Up to now, no data Whole essential oils or essential oils mixture
are available on the other types of toxicity such as
chronic, reproductive, and developmental toxicities, Several teams have also evaluated EO globally for their
mutagenicity, genotoxicity, and carcinogenicity. anticancer activity. Table 2 summarizes the most signifi-
cant studies concerning these EO. This is the case of
plants from the family of Labiatae and Lauraceae such
Germacrone as sage (Salvia officinalis L., Lamiaceae) and bay tree
(Laurus nobilis L., Lauraceae) (Loizzo et al., 2007)
Germacrone is also one of these promising sesquiter- against prostate carcinoma LNCaP, MCF-7 breast
penoids whose effects have been discovered very re- cancer, renal cell adenocarcinoma ACHN, and mela-
cently (Lu et al., 2012). It is present in significant noma C32 cell lines. L. nobilis fruit oil exerted the
amounts (2–10%) in turmeric EO (Curcuma longa L., highest activity with IC50 values on C32 and ACHN of
Zingiberaceae) and induces cell cycle arrest and 75.45 and 78.24 μg/mL, respectively. Oregano EO (O.
apoptosis (between 50 and 200 μM) (Chen et al., 2011b; compactum Bentham, Lamiaceae) exhibited an IC50 of
Zhong et al., 2011). 34 μg/mL against human breast cancer cells (MCF7)
(El Babili et al., 2011). Different fractions can be identi-
fied to clarify the bioactive compounds, and another
Eugenol study on oregano EO showed that carvacrol was the
most active oil component (Mezzoug et al., 2007).
Together with the terpenic constituents, EOs often contain Many other EOs have been tested as Helichrysum
also aromatic components coming from a distinct bio- gymnocephalum ((DC.) Humb., Asteraceae) (Afoulous
synthetic pathway. Eugenol (4-allyl-2-methoxyphenol) is et al., 2011), some species of wormwood (Artemisia
a member of the phenylpropanoid family. It is present in capillaris Thunb, Asteraceae) (Cha et al., 2009), rosewood
many EOs: leaf and stem of clove (over 90%) (S. (Aniba rosaeodora Ducke, Lauraceae) (Soeur et al.,
aromaticum or E. caryophyllata, (L.) Merr. and L.M. Perry, 2011), sweetfern (Comptonia peregrina (L.) J.M. Coulter,
Myrtaceae), cinnamon leaves (Cinnamomum zeylanicum Myricaceae) (Sylvestre et al., 2007), nutmeg (Myristica
Nees, Lauraceae) (80%), allspice (Pimenta dioica (L.) fragrans Houtt, Myristicaceae) and nono or apple dog
Merr., Myrtaceae), berries from Indian wood (Pimenta tree (Morinda citrifolia L., Rubiaceae) (Piaru et al.,
racemosa (Mill.) J.W.Moore, Myrtaceae) (50%), and 2012), balsam fir (Abies balsamea (L.) Mill. Pinaceae),
leaves of basil (Ocimum basilicum L., Lamiaceae) (20%). clove (Eugenia caryophyllus (L.) Merr. and L.M. Perry,
Literature has brought increasing data about eugenol’s an- Myrtaceae) (Park et al., 2011), Nigella (N. sativa L.,
tioxidant, antiinflammatory, antimutagenic, antigenotoxic, Ranunculacea) (Ait Mbarek et al., 2007; Edris, 2009;
and anticancer activities. Molecular mechanisms of Randhawa and Alghamdi, 2011; Salomi et al., 1991), and
apoptosis induced by eugenol in skin tumors, osteosar- eastern lemongrass (Cymbopogon flexuosus (Nees ex
coma (Shin et al., 2007), leukemia (Yoo et al., 2005), cells Steud.) W. Watson, Poaceae) (Sharma et al., 2009).
and gastric tumors (Manikandan et al., 2010), and colon In the work on H. gymnocephalum ((DC.) Humb.,
(Jaganathan et al., 2011) and breast cancers (Vidhya and Asteraceae) (Afoulous et al., 2011), 23 compounds
Devaraj, 2011) are documented. Eugenol at a concentra- were identified. β-Selinene (R2 = 0.76), α-terpinolene
tion of 0.5 μM inhibited cell growth by 50% after 24 h in (R2 = 0.88), and aromadendrene (R2 = 0.90) presented
melanoma cell lines (Sbcl2 and WM3211), and administra- a higher relationship with the anticancer activity of
tion of 125 mg/kg twice a week intraperitoneally in mice the whole oil thus showing that many other EO con-
(melanoma xenograft model) (Ghosh et al., 2005) reduces stituents may potentially have anticancer activity even
the size of tumors by 40% compared with control animals. though they have not been yet studied.
This extended the survival median of 20% with a 50% Lemon balm (Melissa officinalis L., Lamiaceae) was
reduction in metastasis. Other researchers have observed effective against a series of human and animal cancer
a 42% decrease in the number of mice developing cell lines related to lung, breast, colon, blood, and skin
melanoma induced by DMBA (Pal et al., 2010) with oral cancers (De Sousa et al., 2004).
administration of 1.25 mg/kg eugenol twice per week. Among ten EO tested [mint (Mentha spicata L.,
The administration of 100 mg/kg of eugenol in rats Lamiaceae), ginger (Zingiber officinale Rosc., Zingi-
developing gastric carcinomas induced by N-methyl-N beraceae), lemon (Citrus limon Burm. F., Rutaceae),
(′)-nitro-N-nitrosoguanidine (MNNG) (three times per grapefruit (Citrus paradisi Macf., Rutaceae), jasmine
week from the beginning of exposure of MNNG until (Jasminum grandiflora L., Oleaceae), lavender (Lavan-
the end of the study, 26 weeks) leads to apoptosis in dula angustifolia Mill., Lamiaceae), chamomile (Matri-
tumor cells and did not affect healthy cells (not treated caria chamomilla L., Compositae), thyme (Thymus
with MNNG) (Manikandan et al., 2010). vulgaris L., Lamiaceae), rose (Rosa damascena Mill.,
Eugenol has been classified as “generally recognized as Rosaceae), and cinnamon (C. zeylanicum N., Lauraceae)],
safe (GRAS)” by the US Food and Drug Administration thyme EO showed the highest cytotoxicity against three
Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Phytother. Res. 28: 1423–1446 (2014)
Table 2. In vitro and in vivo effects of whole essential oils (EO) or EO mixture on cancer cells and tumors
Crude extracts
Sage (Salvia In vitro C32 and ACHN Kidney IC50: 367 and Inhibition of cell growth Not reported Loizzo et al., 2007
officinalis) 109 μg/mL
Bay tree In vitro C32 and ACHN Kidney IC50: 75 and Inhibition of cell growth Not reported Loizzo et al., 2007
(Laurus nobilis) 78 μg/mL,
ACHN Prostate IC50: 78 μg/mL Inhibition of cell growth Not reported Loizzo et al., 2007
Oregano (Origanum In vitro MCF7 Breast IC50: 34 mg/mL Inhibition of cell growth No toxic effect El Babili et al., 2011
DLD-1 Colon IC50: 46 mg/mL Inhibition of cell growth Not reported Zu et al., 2010
Nutmeg Ex vivo Rat aortic IC50: 77.64 μg/mL Antiangiogenic Not reported Piaru et al., 2012
(Myristica fragrans) rings activities
Nigella sativa P815 Mastocytoma IC50: 6 μL/mL Inhibition of cell growth Not reported Ait Mbarek
et al., 2007
In vivo Mice DBA2/P815 model, Six intratumoral 95% TR No toxic effect on Ait Mbarek
subcutaneous injection injections healthy group et al., 2007
(1/2 days) of 50 μL
(47.5 mg)/mouse
at day
In vitro and Reviews on inhibition Randhawa and
In vivo of cell growth and Alghamdi, 2011
apoptosis in Edris, 2009
different cell lines
In vivo Skin DMBA/croton oil 100 mg/kg TDI No toxic effect on Salomi et al., 1991
healthy group
Sarcoma 33% TR No toxic effect on Salomi et al., 1991
healthy group
Zu et al., 2010
Zu et al., 2010
Zu et al., 2010
Zu et al., 2010
Zu et al., 2010
and MCF-7 (human mammary carcinoma) were respec-
tively 0.010% (v/v), 0.011% (v/v), and 0.030% (v/v) (Zu
et al., 2010).
In another study realized on 17 Thai medicinal plants
TDI, tumor development inhibition; TR, tumor regression; DMBA: 7,12-dimethylbenz[a]anthracene; URE, urethane; MMS, methyl methanesulfonate; MCA, 20-methylcholanthrene.
on human mouth epidermal carcinoma (KB) and
murine leukemia (P388) cell lines (104 cells/well of KB
cell line and 1 × 105 cells/well of P388 cell line), guava
healthy cells/animals
Toxicity data on
Not reported
Not reported
Not reported
Not reported
highest antiproliferative activity with the IC50 value of
37.9 μg/mL (4.37 times more potent than vincristine),
whereas sweet basil (Ocimum basilicum L., Lamiaceae)
oil gave the highest antiproliferative activity with the
IC50 value of 36.2 μg/mL (12.7 times less potent than
5-FU) in P388 cell line (Manosroi et al., 2006). Moreover,
Inhibition of cell growth
Prostate, lung,
Prostate, lung,
and breast
PC-3, A549,
PC-3, A549,
and MCF-7
In vitro
In vitro
In vitro
In vitro
Guava (Psidium
Sweet Basil
Figure 2. Biochemical pathways of anticancer activity of essential oils (EO) constituents. Activation of proapototic pathways by EO constit-
uents through mitochondria in cancer cells. Inhibition of tumor-inducing genes and angiogenesis. Protection of healthy cells.
Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Phytother. Res. 28: 1423–1446 (2014)
et al., 2008). Eugenol also reduces the NF-κB in the treat- prostate cancer cells with 0.25 mM for 24–48 h (Kim
ment of gastric carcinomas induced in rats (100 mg/kg, et al., 2011). Cancer cells are often hyperpolarized, and
three times per week throughout the study) (Manikandan their terpene-induced depolarization helps to restore
et al., 2011). Moreover, compounds such as eugenol normal processes in the cell including apoptosis.
decrease inflammation by influencing other factors such α-Bisabolol is also efficient against leukemia (AML
as cyclooxygenase 2 (COX2), cytokines, and inflammatory and chronic myeloid leukemia) by depolarizing the
factors such as IL-1β, IL-6, TNF-alpha, and PGE2 mitochondrial membrane), among other processes
(Hussain et al., 2011). (Cavalieri et al., 2011), as thymol on the same type of can-
Thymoquinone pre-treatment also restored com- cer (Deb Dipanwita et al., 2011). Germacrone also seems
pletely 1,2-dimethylhydrazine-induced oxidative stress to depolarize the mitochondrial membrane of cancer cells
at initiation as well as established histological changes in breast cancer (Chen et al., 2011a). Geraniol induces
and tumor development. It abrogated oxidative status membrane depolarization of colon cells (Caco-2) from
aggravation at promotion and significantly reduced 0.1 mM (Carnesecchi et al., 2001; Carnesecchi et al.,
tumor incidence (67%) (Jrah-Harzallah et al., 2013). 2002). Other terpenes such as β-elemene also alter
the membrane of cancer cells (Zhao et al., 2007).
Under the action of terpenoids, cancer cells mito-
Reactive oxygen species production in the cancer cell chondria release cofactors such as cytochrome C, which
will activate apoptosis (through caspases activation).
Oxidative stress and inflammation are detrimental at a One of the pathways is the opening of the mitochondrial
global and uncontrolled level in the body (Lesgards permeability transition pore, which enables a sudden
et al., 2011). However, a specific increase of free radicals increase in the permeability of the mitochondrial inner
and oxidative stress in cancer cell has an antitumor membrane to water and molecules smaller than 1.5 kDa.
effect. Several terpenic EO constituents such as Terpenoids such as α-bisabolol seem to target this system
β-caryophyllene (Park et al., 2011) can specifically induce (Cavalieri et al., 2009; Darra et al., 2008).
the production of ROS in the mitochondria of cancer cells The change in membrane potential can modulate the
without increasing oxidative stress in normal cells. opening or closing of ion channels (which may alter
Thymol seems to produce a stable phenoxy radical intracellular pH) and induce multiple reactions in the
intermediate that generates free radicals and oxidized cell. For example, thymol and carvacrol at 200 μM seem
derivatives of quinones, which are associated with death to induce apoptosis by mitochondrial pathway and
of melanoma cells (IC50 reached to 400 μM) (Satooka opening of calcium channels that produces the release
and Kubo, 2012) and osteosarcoma cells (200–400 μM) of Ca2+ in the endoplasmic reticulum of cancer cells:
(Chang et al., 2011). Thymol in particular increases osteosarcoma (MG63) (Chang et al., 2011) and glioblas-
the production of hydrogen peroxide in the mitochon- toma (Hsu et al., 2011; Liang et al., 2012).
dria of cancer cells (Deb Dipanwita et al., 2011).
Eugenol also produces oxidative stress in cancer cells
and decreases glutathione levels (Vidhya and Devaraj, Activation of apoptosis by caspases
2011; Yoo et al., 2005).
Apoptosis of cancer cells occurs through the activation
of certain proteins of the caspase family. All terpenes
Overexpression and regulation of liver detoxification quoted in this review have shown to activate caspases.
enzymes Caspases 3 and 9 are activated in leukemic cells
cultured in the presence of limonene (Ji et al., 2006) or
Blocking the initiation phase of carcinogenesis by some geraniol (caspase 3) in many cancers (on cells and
terpenoids is probably also associated with the induction tumors), especially in prostate (Kim et al., 2011) or
of phase I and phase II enzymes that metabolize carcin- kidney cancers (caspases 3, 8, and 9) (Ahmad et al.,
ogens and reduce their impact on DNA and, therefore, 2011). Other terpenes such as β-caryophyllene also acti-
the occurrence of cancer. Glutathione S-transferase vate caspases (caspase 3) (Park et al., 2011), α-bisabolol
(Chaudhary et al., 2012; Elegbede et al., 1993; Uedo (caspase 3, 8, and 9) (Chen et al., 2010), or β-elemene
et al., 1999; van Lieshout et al., 1998) and cytochrome (caspases 3,7, 9, and 10) in different cancer cell lines
P-450 (Austin et al., 1988) are among the most impor- (prostate, glioma, breast, colon, and lung) with average
tant enzymes whose activity is increased (30%) by doses of 300 μM (Li et al., 2009) and thymol (caspase 3, 8,
terpenoids such as limonene, in human studies with doses and 9) in leukemia (Deb Dipanwita et al., 2011). The
of 400 mg/kg/day for 30 days (Ariyoshi et al., 1975). germacrone activates caspases 3, 7, and 9 (Zhong et al., 2011).
From a biochemical point of view, this requires the
phosphorylation and activation of different proteins
Modification of membrane potential of cancer cells and (p53, Bax, and p21/waf) involved in the cascade of
mitochondria events that ultimately leads to the activation of these
caspases, which will eventually give the signal to destroy
An increasing number of studies demonstrate that the cancer cells, and to cell proliferation. Our laboratory has
beneficial effects of terpenoids against cancer are associ- a significant experience on p53 activation and its targets
ated with a change in the polarization of the membrane such as TP53INP1, which is an antiproliferative and
of cancer cells and especially in the membrane of proapoptotic protein involved in cell stress response
mitochondria. Terpenoids are indeed very lipophilic (Cano et al., 2009). We have shown that p53 and
and have a high affinity for cell membranes. Induction TP53INP1 were closely linked with ROS regulation
of apoptosis by geraniol in prostate cancer is associated and apoptosis in colorectal cancer (Gommeaux et al.,
with a membrane depolarization of mitochondria in 2007) and in thymus cells (N’Guessan et al., 2011).
Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Phytother. Res. 28: 1423–1446 (2014)
This pathway also implies a decrease in the expres- regulation of energy metabolism. If its positive role is
sion of genes bcl-2 (antiapoptotic) and related proteins mainly described for type II diabetes, its function in
in cancer cells. The variation of these markers changes cancer cells generates also an increasing interest. This
significantly with geraniol from 0.25 mM in cell cultures protein is a mediator of the tumor suppressor LKB1,
and 60 mg/kg in animal tumor (Kim et al., 2011). and its stimulation reprograms the cellular metabolism
α-Bisabolol acts on bcl-2 protein in leukemia (Cavalieri and acts on the biochemical pathway of p53, which is
et al., 2011). β-Elemene is also linked to P53 and bcl-2 involved in the cascade of events leading to caspase
pathways (Li et al., 2005) as well as eugenol (Pal et al., activation and apoptosis in cancer cells (Luo et al.,
2010). Most of these biochemical processes are clearly 2010). Studies suggest that activation of AMPK by
described in a study in rats developing gastric carcino- some terpenoids such as geraniol (Kim et al., 2012) and
mas induced by MNNG (Manikandan et al., 2010). β-caryophyllene (Park et al., 2011) contributes to the
Administration of 100 mg/kg eugenol (three times per inhibition of growth and the apoptosis of human cells in
week from the beginning of MNNG exposure until the various cancers including bladder, prostate, or breast.
end of the 26 weeks study) induces apoptosis in tumor
cells and does not affect healthy cells (not treated with
MNNG). This has also been observed with global EO MAPK/ERK pathway
extract as Artemisia capillaries (Cha et al., 2009) with
changes in Bcl-2 and Bax levels. MAPK/ERK proteins belong to a chain of proteins in
cells that communicate a signal from a receptor on the
surface of the cell to the DNA in the nucleus. The signal
Inactivation of PI3K/Akt/NF-κB pathway starts when a signaling molecule binds to a receptor on
the cell surface and stimulates DNA in the nucleus,
Inactivation of PI3K/Akt/NF-κB pathway is also a which leads to the expression of proteins, and changes
way of controlling the development of cancer. The in the cell, such as cell division. These proteins are
expression of genes leading to the activation of kinases that communicate by adding phosphate
phosphoinositide 3-kinase (PI3K)/Akt pathway has groups to a neighbor protein. These phosphorylation–
been observed in many cancers, including leukemia, dephosphorylation reactions act as a switch “on” or
which makes this route a central target for the treatment “off”. Some substances such as limonene act in this
of cancer. Signaling pathway of PI3K is involved both in way to induce apoptosis in cancer cells lines such as
the control of cell growth and in glucose metabolism. It lymphoma (Manuele et al., 2010). β-elemene also
influences protein synthesis via mTOR enzyme and also modulates MAPK pathway (Manuele et al., 2010).
acts on uptake and utilization of glucose. Even in non-
insulin-dependent tissue, Akt via PI3K can regulate
the expression of glucose transporters and activity of Inhibition of other factors implicated in tumor-inducing
glycolytic enzymes such as hexokinase and phospho- genes
fructokinase (DeBerardinis et al., 2007). Activation of
the PI3K pathway makes cancer cells dependent on Some monoterpenoids contained in EO inhibit a
high levels of glucose flux (Buzzai et al., 2005). Thus, chemical reaction called “isoprenylation” accomplished
by limiting this pathway, some EO components such by several cells on certain proteins (reaction realized
as geraniol can affect the metabolic aspect of cancers, by enzymes such as farnesyl protein transferase). The
which requires large amounts of glucose to grow and prenylated proteins activate certain genes promoters of
generate energy, such as prostate cancer (Kim et al., cell growth and proliferation, and these monoterpenoids
2012). Indeed, cancer cells preferentially use aerobic compete with these reactions, thus slowing down or
glycolysis in the cytoplasm of the cell (fermentation of blocking the function of cellular signaling proteins
pyruvate to lactate: it produces only two ATP molecules leading to the growth of cancer cells (Gould, 1997;
per molecule of glucose) rather than oxidative phos- Loza-Tavera, 1999). The action of such components
phorylation in the mitochondria (production of 36 (such as limonene or perillyl acid) also leads to the
molecules of ATP/molecule of glucose). This metabolic decrease of growth factors such as “mitogen IGF II”
diversion was described by Otto Warburg in 1924 and is and the active cell stabilizing factor TGF-β (Loza-
called “Warburg effect” (Vander Heiden et al., 2009; Tavera, 1999). In mammary tumors cells, these phenom-
Warburg, 1956; Warburg, 1930). ena induce, for example, the shutdown of the division
Inhibition of mTOR by geraniol and other terpenes in cycle (in G1 phase), followed by cell death and tumor
cancer cells can also reactivate a process called regression (Gould, 1997). On the other hand, the pro-
“autophagy” that will lead to the death of these cells teins of the Ras family (from “rat sarcoma”: cancer
(Kim et al., 2012). Derivatives of β-caryophyllene also tissue in rats) and associated genes have a role in pro-
seem to act by this biochemical pathway to exert their moting cancer growth by activating cancer cells through
anticarcinogenic effect particularly in breast and prostate the acceleration of their division (Goodsell, 1999). Many
(Park et al., 2011) as well as α-bisabolol in pancreatic EO constituents inhibit this pathway and thereby block
cancer (Seki et al., 2011) or β-elemene in lung (Liu et al., the development of cancer. This is the case of limonene
2012) and stomach cancers (Liu et al., 2011). (Chaudhary et al., 2012). Another example of important
genes and proteins on which terpenoids may have an
effect is the hypoxia-inducible factor-1α (HIF)-1α. Re-
AMPK pathway cent research has highlighted the active participation
of (HIF)-1α in human cancer tumors. Several mecha-
The AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK) is a sensor nisms may be responsible for its overexpression such
of the energy status of the cell and plays a key role in the as the creation of an intratumoral hypoxic region that
Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Phytother. Res. 28: 1423–1446 (2014)
Histone This work was supported by the Centre National de la Recherche
Scientifique and by grants from IPSEN-Institut Henri Beaufour. The
Histones are essential proteins in the body because they authors thank Drs Katy Drieu and F. V. DeFeudis for constructive
wrap around DNA to form structures called nucleo- initial discussion. Nicolas Vidal acknowledges the SARL YELEN,
somes. The positive charges of basic histones allow a Ensuès-La-Redonne, France, for the financial support.
strong interaction with the phosphate groups of DNA
that carry negative charges. The inhibition of cancer cell
growth by some terpenes such as β-elemene could be Conflict of Interest
associated with the increase of histone H1, considered
as a transcription inhibitor (Bao et al., 2012). We declare no conflicts of interest.
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