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A Detailed Lesson Plan in ENGLISH 9

April 21, 2021

Content Standards: The learner demonstrates understanding of how Anglo-American literature

and other text types serve as means of preserving unchanging values in a
changing world; Also, how to use the features of a full-length play, tense
consistency, modals, active and passive constructions plus direct and
indirect speech to enable him/her competently performs in a full-length
Performance Standards: The learner competently performs in a full- length play through
applying effective verbal and non-verbal strategies and ICT resources
based on the following criteria: Focus, Voice, Delivery and Dramatic

I. Objective
At the end of the lesson, 100% of the students with 75% level of proficiency shall be able to:
a. identify verbal from nonverbal communication and its types
b. appreciate the value of verbal and nonverbal cues in communication through some
c. act out scenario using verbal and nonverbal communication
II. Subject Matter
Topic: Verbal and Nonverbal Communication
Reference: Essential English Worktext in Literature and Language 9
Materials: Cartolina, powerpoint presentation, pictures,

III. Procedures


A. Preliminaries
a.1 Prayer Jane: Let us pray……
Everybody stand! Jane, please In Jesus Name we pray. AMEN
lead the prayer.
a.2 Greetings All: Good Morning Ms. Ansale!
Good Morning Class?
a.3 Checking of Attendance Johara(class beadle): Perfect attendance
Class beadle, kindly check the Ma’am!
Very Good! Perfect Attendance
a.4 Assignments All: (Do the checking)
Let’s check your assignment

b. Developmental Activities

b.1 Drills:
I will be presenting to you some pictures ALL: (1st picture) reacts
and you are going to react through emoji’s ALL: (2nd picture) reacts
b. 2 Review of Past Lesson John: (raising his hand)
Who can recall our past lesson? We discussed about the elements of
Yes, John! communication process the sender, ideas,
encoding, communication, channel, receiver,
Precisely! I’m glad that you still
decoding and feedback.
remember those elements of

b. 3 Unlocking of Difficulties
Let us have first the vocabulary terms that
we will be encountering later in our
Arranged the jumbled letters to get the
correct answer.


C. Motivation
Today, we are going to have some fun by
having a game that I think you are all familiar
with. Sounds interesting right?
The students group themselves into two.

But before that, you will be grouped into two


All: Yes Ma’am

All: Yes Ma’am

Do you know the game, charades?

That’s good. So you are already familiar with the

mechanics of the game, right?

I have here pieces of paper and all of them

contain titles of a movie. One representative
from each group will pick a piece of paper and
he/she will act whatever title he picked. Other All: Yes Ma’am
members of the group will guess the act. Each
correct answer is equivalent to 1 point. A 5
second steel will be given to the other group in (The students will do the activity.)
case the other group will not be able to guess
the title.

Is that clear?

If that’s the case, let’s start the game.

(Posting of objectives)

D. Lesson Proper

Now, the thing that you did a while ago has

something to do with our topic for today.
We used words.

On your activity a while ago, you were able

to guess some of the titles of the movies, They used actions.

What did you use in guessing the titles that

your classmates picked?

What about in guessing those titles, what

did one of your classmates use?

Exactly! So, it means that not just through

words we can communicate, but through
actions as well.
(A student will read the definition of verbal

The thing that you did a while back has

something to do with verbal communication
and nonverbal communication. (A student will read the definition of non-
verbal communication.)
E. Discussion
Now, let’s take look what verbal
communication and non-verbal
communication is. Please read.


things by means of words, whether oral or

communication without words, only visual

a. Facial expressions – The principal

source of feedback.
1st group: The group presented a scene from
b. Eye contact – The most expressive
the movie “she’s dating a gangster”
element in face-to-face communication.
c. Body movements & posture – The
way you stand and hold your body also
sends messages.
2nd group: The group presented a scene from
d. Gestures – The movement that you the movie “ANAK”
make with a part of your body, especially
your hands.
e. Haptics – also known as “touching”.
f. Proxemics – refers to the amount of
space that individuals naturally maintain Grace: Verbal communication is the use of words
between each other which communicates to convey a message or to express a feeling to
meanings. someone, while nonverbal communication is the
interaction to others without the use of words but
g. Voice – The way in which a message actions and behaviour, instead.
is spoken is as important as what is said.

F. Application Andrei: Knowing verbal and non-verbal

communication helps us improve our ability to
relate, engage and establish meaningful
Now, with the same group a while ago, you interactions in everyday life.
are going to prepare a short role playing
about a particular scene from a movie or
play of your choice. Verbal communication
and nonverbal communication should be
seen in your presentation.
A rubric will be given by the teacher.

G. Generalization
1. b

Can someone differentiate verbal 2. a

communication from nonverbal 3. a
4. b

5. d
6. c

7. b

8. b

What is the relevance of this in our daily 9. b

living? 10.b

H. Evaluation

Choose the letter of the correct answer.

1. This type of communication is wordless.

a. verbal b. nonverbal c. oral d. written

2. This type of communication can be oral or


a. verbal b. nonverbal c. oral d. written

3-10. Identify the type of nonverbal communication

being described in each of the following sentences:

3. The principal source of feedback.

a. feedback b. eye contact c. proxemics d.


4. The most expressive element in face-to-face


a. feedback b. eye contact c. proxemics d. None, Ma’am.


5. The way in which a message is spoken is as

important as what is said.
Goodbye, Ma’am. Thank you for teaching us!
a. feedback b. eye contact c. proxemics d.

6. This refers to the amount of space that

individuals naturally maintain between each other
which communicates meanings.

a. feedback b. eye contact c. proxemics d.


7. The way you move and carry yourself.

a. feedback b. posture c. proxemics d. Voice

8. The movement that you make with a part of your

body, especially your hands.

a. feedback b. gesture c. proxemics d. Voice

9. This includes a weak handshake, a timid tap on

the shoulder or a warm bear hug.

a. feedback b. gesture c. proxemics d. Voice

10. We wave, point and use our hands when we are

a. feedback b. gesture c. proxemics d. Voice

I. Assignment

Search for other nonverbal cues used in

communication. write it in a 1 whole sheet
of paper

(Do you have questions? Clarifications?

If None, So that’s all for this morning.

Goodbye everyone.

Prepared by:


Subject Teacher
Group Name:


4 3 2 1
Criteria Excellent Proficient Adequate Limited
Participation in Always willing and Usually willing and Sometimes willing Rarely willing and
Preparation and focused during focused during and focused focused during
Presentation group work and group work and during group group work and
presentation. presentation. work and presentation.

Presentation of Convincing Competent Adequate Limited

Character communication of communication of communication of communication of
character’s character’s character’s character’s
feelings, situation feelings, situations feelings, situation feelings, situation
and motives. and motives. and motives. and motives.
Achievement of Purpose is clearly Purpose is clearly Purpose is Purpose is vaguely
Purpose established and established and established but established and
effectively generally may not be may not be
sustained. sustained. sustained. sustained.
Use of Non-Verbal Impressive variety Good variety of Satisfactory variety Limited variety
Cues (voice, of non-verbal cues non-verbal cues of non-verbal cues of non-verbal
gestures, eye are used in an are used in a used in an cues are used in
contact, props, exemplary way. competent way. acceptable way. a developing
costumes) way.

Imagination Choices Choices Choices Choices

and Creativity demonstrate demonstrate demonstrate demonstrate little
insight and thoughtfulness and awareness and awareness and do
powerfully completely developing little to enhance
enhance role play. enhance role play. acceptably role play.
enhance role play.

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