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Critical Book Review: Nutrition Guideline "Nutrition For Women"

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Nutrition Guideline
“Nutrition for women"

Nurhassyanah 5193240018

Ruth Olga Fanela Situmorang 5193240008

Siti Rahma 5193540030


Mei 2020
Praise to the Almighty God who has always blessed in completing the Critical
Book Review (CBR), as for this assignment was undertaken to fulfill the Bahasa
Inggris Terapan subject.
The writers hopes that Critical Book Review (CBR) can provide benefits and
make the addition of insight as well as understanding of the subject matter of Bahasa
Inggris Terapan. Hopefully after completing this Crtical Book Review, the writers can
increasingly understand how to compile a Crtical Book Review.

The writers realizes that in the preparation of this Critical Book Review, there are still
shortcomings, therefore the writers expect criticism and advice and guidance from
lecturers for improvement in the future.

The Writers


TABLE OF CONTENTS....................................................................................................................3
CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION.........................................................................................................5
A. Rationalization of The Importance of CBR....................................................................5
B. Book Identity......................................................................................................................6
CHAPTER II SUMMARY OF BOOK CONTENT..............................................................................6
CHAPTER III DISCUSSION...........................................................................................................11
A. Discussion of Book Content...........................................................................................11
B. Strengths and Weaknesses of Book..............................................................................12
CHAPTER IV..................................................................................................................................13
A. Conclusion.........................................................................................................................14
B. Suggestion.........................................................................................................................14


A. Rationalization of The Importance of CBR

Critical Book Review (CBR) is very important for education circles especially
for students. Because by criticizing a book, students can compare two books
with the same theme, can see which books need to be improved and which
books are good for use based on the research that has been done by the
authors of the book. After being able to criticize books, students are expected
to be able to make a book because they already know how good and correct
book criteria are to be used, and already understand how to write or what
steps are needed in writing a book.
B. Book Identity




A. Why is good nutrition important for women and adolescent girls?

Good nutrition is not only obtained before birth and for children under the age of
two years, but good nutrition is also needed for girls during adolescence (women of
childbearing age). The advantage is that if a woman has good nutrition when
pregnant a child who is born has sufficient weight and is not easily affected by
problems during pregnancy and childbirth. Whereas for the other way around if a
woman or mother's nutrition is bad the impact is also quite a lot such as having a
baby with low birth weight and tend to have chronic illness as an adult.

B. What are good nutrition behaviours for women and adolescent girls?
1. Teenage girls who go to adulthood, pregnant women and nursing mothers
need to have enough variety and adequate amounts of food in their diets.

2. Pregnant women and nursing mothers need two extra meals a day, and drink
lots of water.

3. Consumption of iron-rich foods and iodized salt is also important.

C. Adequate diet
1. For adolescent girls, pregnant women and breastfeeding mothers

A varied and balanced diet means including different types of foods such as:

 Staple foods (millet, barley, sorghum, maize, rice) with every meal.

 Pulses, green leafy vegetables and red/yellow/orange fruits and vegetables

every day.

 Fish, meat and dairy products whenever possible.

 Small amounts of fats such as butter, oil and/or oily seeds daily with meals.

 Foods rich in iron are dark green leafy vegetables, meat, liver and kidney.
Yellow/orange fruits and vegetables are called “iron helpers” as they help the
body use the iron. Tea and coffee are called “iron blockers” as they slow down

absorption of the iron and should be avoided one hour before and after eating

 Foods rich in vitamin A are dark green leafy vegetables, yellow/orange fruits
and vegetables, liver and kidney.Try to add small amounts of iodized salt to
every meal.Some commercial products like flour and/or vegetable oil have
vitamins and minerals already added.

2. For pregnant women

 One extra meal a day is recommended for more energy, especially after the
fourth month of pregnancy.

 Iron tablets can help prevent anaemia if they are taken daily for six months
or as recommended by a health worker. They should be taken with meals
to prevent difficulty digesting. Digestion of iron can be improved by
drinking plenty of safe water and by eating more fruits, vegetables and
other foods with fibres, such as whole grains. Folic acid is sometimes
included in iron tablets and helps prevent anaemia and other defects in the
unborn child.

3. For breastfeeding mothers

 Two extra meals a day are recommended for more energy, especially
during the first six months after childbirth, along with extra amounts of
safe water when sitting down to breastfeed.

D. Absence of disease
Good health is important to maintaining a good nutritional status. Common
diseases, such as malaria, intestinal worms and severe respiratory infections (colds),
can cause vulnerability to malnutrition or make malnutrition worse. However,
specific diseases can be treated by health workers, and the use of malaria bed nets
and hand washing with soap or ash are simple but effective preventive measures.

1. For adolescent girls, pregnant women and breastfeeding mothers

 Malaria, How to prevent it with: Sleeping under insecticide-treated mosquito

nets (these should be dipped in insecticide every six months), Wearing clothes
that cover as much of the body as possible, especially between sunset and
sunrise and If a high fever or headache is detected, an immediate visit to the
local health facility is recommended for diagnosis and treatment.

 Intestinal worms, The best way to prevent intestinal worms is to practise
good hygiene by: Burying all excrement or disposing of it in a latrine or toilet
and keeping the living area clean and washing hands and nails with water and
soap or ash before preparing and eating food.

E. Appropriate caring practices

1. Avoid early marriage and/or pregnancy until at least 18 years of age. Teenage
pregnancy presents high health risks for the mother during childbirth. It is
also more likely to result in an early birth and low birth weight.
2. Attend school for as long as possible. Educated girls are better able to protect
their own health as well as that of their families, even in the poorest
households and communities.
3. Take enough rest, especially after four months of pregnancy.
4. Avoid smoking, alcohol, drugs and exposure to other poisons, especially during
5. Take enough rest during the first six months after childbirth.
6. Delay the next pregnancy for at leasttwo years.
7. Try to limit pregnancies to no more than four in a lifetime.

F. What health and nutrition services are available?

This section provides an overview of health and nutrition services for adolescent
girls, pregnant women and breastfeeding mothers. The availability of health and
nutrition services may differ from one country to the next depending on existing
policies and programmes. As a volunteer, it is good to learn what exists locally and
how you can best refer people to these services according to their needs. Below are
listed the health and nutrition services available to each of the target groups, starting
with adolescent girls.
1. For adolescent girls
 Supplementation of iron and folic acid tabletsTo prevent anaemia and birth
 Supplementation of iodized capsules. To prevent iodine deficiency.

 Adolescent-friendly reproductive health services. (For family planning and For
prevention of HIV/AIDS and sexually transmitted infections).
2. For pregnant women
 Antenatal care, Pregnant women are expected to visit the local health facility
at least four times.
 Supplementation of iron and folic acid for six months during pregnancy, The
health worker should provide the pregnant woman with enough tablets to last
until the next antenatal visit.
 De-worming, De-worming tablets must not be taken during the first three
months of pregnancy.
 Preventive malaria treatment, The health worker will prescribe two doses.
 Supplementation of iodized capsule, The health worker will provide one dose
during pregnancy.
 HIV voluntary counselling and testing, In most countries this service is
provided as part of antenatal care to prevent mother to-child transmission of
HIV during childbirth and/or during breastfeeding.
3. For breastfeeding mothers
 Safe childbirth, In most countries women are advised to see a skilled birth
 Postnatal care, Skilled birth attendants are expected to check the health of the
mother and her infant within a day of the birth and periodically over the next
six to eight weeks.
 HIV voluntary counselling and testing.
 Family planning services, In most countries, family planning services are
available through health facilities.

G. What can volunteers do?

Volunteers can play a useful role in the promotion of good nutrition at
community and household levels, where they can encourage people to change their
behaviours and adopt safe practices.
1. For adolescent girls, pregnant women and breastfeeding mothers

 Promote key behaviours for an adequate diet, disease prevention and
treatment, and appropriate care.

 Identify and address key challenges to recommended behaviours at household

and community levels.

2. For adolescent girls

 Raise awareness of the importance of nutrition for adolescents, especially

girls, through youth clubs/groups.

 Collaborate with teachers’ and parents’ associations to promote nutrition

education in schools.

3. For pregnant women

 Encourage pregnant women to go for antenatal check-ups at least four times.

 Encourage mothers to take iron and folic acid tablets daily for the duration
prescribed by the health worker.

 Encourage mothers to get skilled assistance during childbirth.

4. For breastfeeding mothers

 Check that they get one dose of vitamin A within six to eight weeks of

 Raise awareness of the importance of at least a two-year space between births

and the need to limit the number of pregnancies to four for the health of
mothers and their children.

 Direct both men and women to the nearest family planning services so they
can make an informed decision on the future of their families.


A. Discussion of Book Content

In this book we will discusses the fourth chapter about Nutrition for Women.
The reason why is good nutrition important for women and adolescent girls are if a
woman has good nutrition when pregnant a child who is born has sufficient weight
and is not easily affected ,by problems during pregnancy and childbirth. Where as for
the other way around if a woman or mother's nutrition is bad the impact is also quite
a lot such as having a baby with low birth weight and tend to have chronic illness as
an adult. And also we must know about what is good nutrition behaviours for women
and adolescent girls.

For adolescent girls, Supplementation of iron and folic acid tabletsTo prevent
anaemia and birth defects,Supplementation of iodized capsules. To prevent iodine
deficiency, and Adolescent-friendly reproductive health services. For pregnant
women, Antenatal care, Supplementation of iron and folic acid for six months during
pregnancy, De-worming, De-worming tablets must not be taken during the first three
months of pregnancy, Supplementation of iodized capsule, HIV voluntary counselling
and testing, In most countries this service is provided as part of antenatal care to
prevent mother to-child transmission of HIV during childbirth and/or during
For breastfeeding mothers, Safe childbirth,Postnatal care, HIV voluntary counselling
and testing, and Family planning services, In most countries, family planning services
are available through health facilities. All of these things are very important for
women to maintain a healthy body.

And also we as young people can certainly be volunteers, and do what we can do.
Volunteers can play a useful role in the promotion of good nutrition at community and
household levels, where they can encourage people to change their behaviours and adopt safe
practices. For adolescent girls, pregnant women and breastfeeding mothers, volunteers can
promote key behaviours for an adequate diet, disease prevention and treatment, and
appropriate care. For adolescent girls, Collaborate with teachers’ and parents’
associations to promote nutrition education in schools. For pregnant women,
Encourage pregnant women to go for antenatal check-ups at least four times, and
Encourage mothers to take iron and folic acid tablets daily for the duration prescribed
by the health worker. For breastfeeding mothers, Check that they get one dose of
vitamin A within six to eight weeks of childbirth. And also Direct both men and
women to the nearest family planning services so they can make an informed
decision on the future of their families.

B. Strengths and Weaknesses of Book


Overall the book is very interesting in terms of appearance. In our discussion chapter,
the material is concise and easy to understand. Not too much, so it's not boring for the

Because the book is in English, readers who do not understand the language will have
a little difficulty reading and understanding the contents of the book.

A. Conclusion
B. Suggestion



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