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1. INTRODUCTION Good Morning Everyone!!!

a. Greetings
b. Acknowledge TESDA Welcome to Capiz State University-Main Campus as your
representative accredited assessment Center. Thank you for choosing
c. Prayer CAPSU Main as your assessment center.

I am ____________________ your accredited

competency assessor for Electronic Product Assembly
Servicing NC II.

I would like to acknowledge the presence of Mr. Roger

Porras our TESDA representative. Good morning Sir…

You do not have to worry about his presence, he will not

assess you. He is here to oversee the conduct of the
assessment, and to check if the conduct of assessment is in
accordance with the prescribed competency assessment
methodology, standard and procedure.

To bless us activity this morning, I would like to invite

everyone to pray, please stand-up. Heavenly father we are
grateful for your resurrection which gives us life and
salvation… Amen. Thank you…
2. ADMISSION SLIP & Candidates, as I call name, please submit your admission
ATTENDANCE SHEET slip and sign the attendance sheet.
compare signatures
including application form
3. SELF-ASSESSMENT I have here with me your accomplished self-assessment
GUIDE- Accomplished guide. This is an indication that you can perform all the unit
of competency enumerated for Electronic Product
Assembly Servicing NC II.
4. PURPOSE OF The purpose of this assessment is to determine your level
ASSESSMENT of competency on EPAS NC II qualification.
5. QUALIFICATION/ The EPAS NC II consists of basic, common and core
UNITS OF competencies.
3-cores w/ 4-projects 1. Assemble electronic products--DC Power
2. Service consumer electronic products and
system—Audio Amplifier & Washing
3. Service industrial electronic modules,
products and system—CCTV


• Electronic Products Assembler
• Domestic Appliance Service Technician
• Audio-Video Service Technician
• Industrial Electronic Technician
• Electronic Production Line Assembler
• Factory Production Worker


1. Prepare to assemble electronic products
2. Prepare/ Make PCB modules
3. Mount and solder electronic components
4. Perform electronic products assembly
5. Test and inspect assembled electronic
Prepare workplace in accordance with
OH&S policies and procedures.
Mount and solder electronic components on
printed circuit board.
Assemble and disassemble electronic parts
(DC Power Supply Kit)
Test the assembled electronic product


Prepare unit, tools and workplace for installation and
Install consumer electronic products and systems
(Amplifier & Washing Machine)
Diagnose faults and defects of consumer electronic
products and systems
Maintain/Repair consumer electronic products
Re-assemble and test repaired consumer electronic


Prepare unit, tools and workplace for installation /
Install industrial electronic modules/products/ systems
Diagnose faults and defects of industrial electronic
Maintain/Repair industrial electronic products
Reassemble and test repaired industrial electronic
6. METHOD OF The method of assessment that I’m going to use in this
ASSESSMENT assessment are written test, demonstration and oral
Written test, Demo. & questioning. I used these methods to measure your
Oral questioning underpinning knowledge, skills and values toward your
qualification. In same manner, where I based my decision
whether you are competent or not yet competent for a
particular competency/qualification.
7. RESULT OF We have only two (2) results of assessment, it could be
ASSESSMENT competent and not yet competent.
a. 2 Results: C=NC,
The successful candidates will be awarded by a national
certificate/NC. For those who cannot pass all the unit of
b. Right to appeal
competencies you will receive a certificate of competency
Uphold confidentiality
(COC) on the unit of competency you are able to perform.
In case you are not satisfied with the result of the
assessment you have the right to appeal. Address your letter
of appeal to the TESDA-Capiz provincial director but
before doing so you need to inform our TESDA
representative here right now and even the assessment
center manager.

I’d like to emphasize that anything that will takes place

here must be kept confidential within among us.
If you have clarification, ask it now because I am more
than willing to answer your question. If there’s a need to
translate the instruction I gave in vernacular I will do so.
8. DO’S & DON’TS The acts allowed & nit allowed during the assessment:
1. Avoid wearing of metal accessories to avoid
2. Don’t use cellphone and take pictures
3. Avoid disturbing you co-candidates
4. Never leave the assessment area until the assessment
is officially ends
5. Don’t test the project you assembled until I
checked it for possible incorrect placement of
components, electrical wires and supplies- prevent
explosion/ damage to it.
6. Don’t proceed to the next project/activity until you’re
work has been checked, tested and recorded.
7. Wear PPE and
8. Do 5’s and observe safety
9. Since we are in pandemic please make a habit to wear
your face mask and observe social distancing.
9. PERSONAL If you have personal necessities, our comfort rooms are
NECCESITIES situated at the ground floor right side near the dental clinic
a. Comfort room and in the second floor at both sides. For your refreshment,
b. Canteen locations the canteen is located at the ground floor beside the school

However, during the assessment you are not allowed to

leave the premises of this assessment area.
10. SPECIFIC Candidates, you have 1 hour to answer the 50 items
INSTRUCTION written test. You must get a score of 35 or 80% to pass the
a. Written tests-50 items examination. Read and understand the question carefully
for 1 hour and don’t write anything on the test paper. Don’t forget to
b. Be cautious-wires, PS write your name, and answer in the provided answer sheet.
polarity, soldering Iron
placement For your demonstration, you have 5 hours to perform the
c. Distribute copy--specific required 4 projects namely: assemble and disassemble DC
instruction power supply, service audio amplifier and washing
d. Allowable adjustments machine, and install closed circuit television (CCTV).
e. Wear PPEs
f. Again Observe safety & Before your demonstration, kindly check your electrical
do 5’s wires, power supply polarity and place your soldering iron
to its stand to avoid injury/damage. Additionally, return the
tools & materials you used after using to its proper place.

In case of accident, please call my attention immediately

so that we can provide first aid.

Candidate’s, kindly receive the copy of your specific

instruction. Please read and understand the contents therein
carefully. If you have difficulty in understanding the
instruction. Please feel free to inform me because I am
willing to translate it in vernacular.

If you have question, ask it now because as soon as the

assessment begins your question will no longer be
entertained. Clarification?
11. CANDIDATE As your name is called kindly get your assigned
NUMBER candidate’s number.
Giving of # to 10 Candidate no 1 please proceed to booth no. 1, candidate
candidates number 2 to both #2, the rest please find your designated
booth. Thank you..
12. WRITTEN TESTS Candidate’s #1 here’s your written tests paper with
answer sheet, candidate’s #2 so on & so forth.
13. DEMONSTRATION Candidates please check the materials, tools and
a. Materials, tools equipment provided in your respective booth/area.
and equipment
b. Allotted time: 5 hours You have 5 hours to perform the tasks/ the 4 projects
to perform the 4 namely: assemble and disassemble power supply kit,
projects service audio amplifier and washing machine and install
c. Wear PPE, observe CCTV.
safety & 5’s
d. Clarification?/ Demo While you are performing the task I will be observing and
you may start now rating you using the Rating Sheet. Please be reminded to
wear your PPE, and observe 5’s and most importantly
please exhibit extra care as you perform the different tasks.
AREA Clarification??? If there’s none, you may start now…
14. ORAL Candidates since we are done with our demonstration,
QUESTIONING please step back a little bit except for candidate #1 for our
AFTER THE oral questioning. This is to determine your underpinning
DEMONSTRATION knowledge, skills and attitude towards the tasks you
relevant question to performed in this qualification.
job performed
Candidate No. 1, Please sit down, How do you feel about
our assessment? Excellent
WORK AREA I’d to ask you some questions on the following core
competencies you performed.
supply kit
a. What are the tools and materials needed in
a DC power supply?
b. Discuss the primary function of DC power supply.


PRODUCTS AND SYSTEM (audio amplifier &
washing machine)
a. Name the major parts of audio amplifier.
b. Give the possible trouble of humming noise in an
audio amplifier.
c. Discuss the main purpose of washing machine timer


a. Identify the parts of CCTV
b. What is the trouble symptoms of defective a CCTV
hard disk?
15. FEEDBACKING (+ to --) Candidate #1, based on your written tests, out of 50 items
For Competent you got 42 and since 80% is the passing score & that is 35
a. Result of written tests you passed the written tests. This showed that you
b. Relevant question on possessed the essential knowledge on EPAS NC II
the qualification. Congratulations candidate #1.
tasks performed-core During the oral questioning on the tasks you performed.
You answered the questions satisfactorily, and you as well
Feedbacking must be done demonstrated the following the tasks very well on
right after the oral 1. Assembled Electronic Products- DC power
questioning still @ supply.
PRACTICAL WORK 2. Serviced Consumer electronic products
AREA and system- Audio amplifier and Washing
3. Serviced industrial electronic modules,
products and system- Install CCTV security

For that great job candidate #1 however, you failed to

tighten the nut of the DC power supply selector switch and
you missed to do the 5’s- by returning the tools and
materials you used to its proper place. But you need not
worry about it because it is not a critical part of this

Next time candidate’s #1, please recheck all the parts of

the unit you are working in order to ensure its durability
andt it will function very well. Subsequently, do the habit in
returning things you used to its proper place.

Generally, candidate’s #1 you are competent,


Please sign the rating sheet and the Competency

Assessment Result Summary (CARS). You may claim your
CARS at Assessment Center after this assessment.

For your National Certificate, claim it at TESDA-Capiz

provincial office within 3 working days after this
assessment. Don’t forget to bring your CARS slip, P100 for
the certificate processing and certification, and 1 passport
size picture with collar and white background.

Once again, congratulations candidate #1

16. FEEDBACKING (+ to -) Candidate #2- kindly be seated. What can you say about
For Not Yet Competent the assessment? It’s nice to hear that…
a. Result of written tests
b. Relevant question on Based on your written tests, out of 50 items you got 37
and you passed it since 35 is the passing score. This
the tasks performed- indicates that you possessed the necessary knowledge on
core Electronic Product Assembly and Servicing NC II
qualification. Congratulations.
For your demonstration, under core 1, in just 40mins you
Feedbacking must be done assembled and made the DC power supply operational.
right after the oral Great job.
questioning @
PRACTICAL WORK You also repaired the audio amplifier and washing
AREA machine for core #2, for that another congratulation

For core #3, you connected the CCTV cable right to its
port however you missed to identify the parts and function
of the CCTV system and you failed also to connect the
power supply correctly which in turn resulted to
unfunctioned CCTV. I’m so sorry candidate #2 since these
are critical aspect of the assessment. Sorry but for now you
are not yet competent.

I suggest that you need to review your module

specifically on core #3- Service industrial electronic
modules, products and system where the CCTV system
belongs. Do more practice in connecting/installing the
CCTV system parts until you master it.

For now, you will receive COC1 & COC2.

If you are ready, apply for a re-assessment only on the

unit of competency you fail to pass- Core 3.

You may apply for the reassessment at the assessment

center or to the TESDA Capiz provincial office so long the
assessment canter, the competency assessor and TESDA
representative are available.

Please sign the rating sheet and the Competency

Assessment Result Summary (CARS) COC1 & COC2. You
may claim your CARS at assessment center after this
assessment or to the TESDA Capiz provincial office 3
working days after this assessment.

God bless and keep safe candidate’s #2!!!

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