United States Patent (10) Patent No.: US 6,527,353 B1: Bradfish Et Al. (45) Date of Patent: Mar. 4, 2003
United States Patent (10) Patent No.: US 6,527,353 B1: Bradfish Et Al. (45) Date of Patent: Mar. 4, 2003
United States Patent (10) Patent No.: US 6,527,353 B1: Bradfish Et Al. (45) Date of Patent: Mar. 4, 2003
(54) LATCH HANDLE FOR DOORS AND 3,450,453 A 6/1969 Tazaki ........................ 312/222
DRAWERS 4,302,037 A 11/1981 Nunez
5,165,737 A 11/1992 Riegelman
(76) Inventors: Darrell R. Bradfish, 4607-B Camp 5,292,191 A 3/1994 Slivon
Phillips Rd., Schofield, WI (US) 54476; 5,403,139
5,603,535 A
A 4/1995
2/1997 Slivonet
Antonuccial.et al.
Tracey M. Geurts, 10102 Pheasant 5,775.140
2 -2 A 7A 1998 Hallsten
Run Ct. Schofield, WI (US) 54476, Jay 5,868.478 A * 2/1999 Yemini .................... 312/332.1
A. Jaecks, 4905 Shirley La., Schofield, 6,161,909 A * 12/2000 Huang. ... 312/222 X
WI (US) 54476 6,296,334 B1 10/2001 Liao ....................... 292/128 X
(*) Notice: Subject to any disclaimer, the term of this FOREIGN PATENT DOCUMENTS
patent is extended or adjusted under 35 CA 568243 12/1958
U.S.C. 154(b) by 3 days. GB 866109 4/1961
JP O3156083 7/1991 ................. 292/128
(21) Appl. No.: 09/658,279 JP O6189832 7/1994 ................. 312/333
(22) Filed: Sep. 8, 2000 * cited by examiner
(51) Int. Cl. ................................................ A47B 8800 Primary Examiner-Lanna Mai
(52) U.S. Cl. .................... 312/332.1, 312,333. 292/102.
292/126; 292/128
Assistant Examiner Hanh V. Tran
(74) Attorney, Agent, or Firm-Richard C. Litman
(58) Field of Search .............................. 312/332.1, 333, (57) ABSTRACT
312/319.1, 222, 217; 292/118, 120, 29,
126, 128, 102 A latch handle for doors and drawers for latching construc
tion elements Such as windows and doors. The latch handle
(56) References Cited may be located on the upper front edge portion of a drawer
or the midportion of a door and may be manually opened by
U.S. PATENT DOCUMENTS reaching under the front edge portion or trim member of the
413,245 A 10/1889 Richmond .............. 292/128 x handle and pressing upwards on an actuator bar located
813,376 A 2/1906 Greenwood ..., ... 292/128 X inside the frame of the handle. The handle provides an
1,521,572 A 12/1924 Hammer et al. ........ 292/128 X aesthetic advantage in that the latch mechanism is concealed
1642,501 A * 9/1927 Knell ........... ... 312/332.1 X behind the front panel of the drawer or behind the door. The
2,197.195 A 4/1940 Schemers .................. 292/128 latching mechanism is made up of an actuator bar, a con
2.946,640 A 7/1960 Sitler ...................... 312/332.1 necting link, and a hook. The hook is configured to engage
3,003.202 A : 10/1961 Mendelsohn with a keeper. At least one Spring is fixedly attached to the
3.031248 A 4/1962 Jeeves ..................... 312/332.1 frame for urging the actuator downwards and for carrying
3,218,112 A 11/1965 Stark .......................... 312/333
3.239,298 A 3/1966 McCarthy the hook into a reliable and Secure engagement with the
3.252,746 A 5/1966 Kafferlin et al. actuatOr.
3.294,463 A 12/1966 Kafferlin et al.
3,338,610 A * 8/1967 Pelcin et al................. 292/126 13 Claims, 4 Drawing Sheets
U.S. Patent Mar. 4, 2003 Sheet 1 of 4 US 6,527,353 B1
Fig. f
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U.S. Patent Mar. 4, 2003 Sheet 3 of 4 US 6,527,353 B1
U.S. Patent Mar. 4, 2003 Sheet 4 of 4 US 6,527,353 B1
US 6,527,353 B1
1 2
LATCH HANDLE FOR DOORS AND pull at the front of the drawer. An actuator plate is located
DRAWERS under the drawer pull and is disposed in a slot of a trim
member on the drawer pull. A keeper is located on a side
wall of the cabinet adjacent the hook. A hook is attached to
BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION one end of the actuator plate and is arranged to engage the
keeper when the drawer is closed. The hook is releasable
1. Field of the Invention from the keeper by pivoting the actuator plate toward the
The present invention relates generally to lockS and more drawer pull to open the drawer.
particularly to latch mechanisms adapted to regulate the U.S. Pat. No. 5,603,535, issued to Antonucci et al.,
locking of doors and drawers. discusses a Slam latch for Securing a slidable window or door
2. Description of the Related Art to a corresponding frame consisting of a housing including
Numerous apparatuses have been devised for providing a base plate, a catch, and a keeper, wherein the catch is
enhanced locking mechanisms for various construction ele Spring biased downward against the housing So as to become
ments Such as windows, doors, and drawers. Over the years, operatively engaged with the keeper when the door or
Some of the most significant advances have involved the 15 window is moved to a closed position, causing the catch and
development of latch fasteners which are configured to keeper to become in juxtaposition to one another.
cooperate with a fixedly Secured Striker member for Selec U.S. Pat. No. 5,775,140, issued to Hallsten, relates to a
tively locking and unlocking a door or drawer. However, lock for cassettes for the construction of drawer cabinets,
none of the references described hereinbelow provides a including a frame Structure which carries a locking bar
concealed latch mechanism which allows a user to easily passing through an opening in a frontal part of the drawer,
open a door or drawer with one hand, while reliably and the bar being turnable and projecting from the inside of the
Securely fastening the door or drawer when in closed posi frontal part. A handle connected to the bar is also included.
tion. For example, U.S. Pat. No. 5,403,139, issued to Slivon At least one fixed projection is connected to the frame
et al., presents a latch mechanism which includes a drawer structure. The projection extends from the back side of the
pull at the front of the drawer. Under the top flange of the 25 frontal part, the locking bar being, by turning the handle,
drawer pull is located a channel in which a latch bar is movable between a locking turned-up position in which the
slidably movable from side to side. One end of the latch bar bar engages behind an upper vertical flange of the frontal
carries a hook which is Spring loaded in the latched position. frame of the cassette and a liberating turned-down position
When it is desired to open the drawer, the user places his in which the bar is located below the upper side of the
fingertips beneath the pull and against the latch bar and projection.
moves the Slide bar to its unlatched position. U.S. Pat. No. 3,003,202, issued to Mendelsohn, discloses
U.S. Pat. No. 3,239,298, issued to McCarthy, discusses a a window Sash construction having a side member and a
combination drawer pull and latch mechanism adapted to croSS member interengaged by a lock to form a corner of the
regulate the locking Structure provided to Secure a file Sash, the Side member having a croSS Sectional configuration
drawer, or the like, within its associated cabinet Structure. 35 comprising a channel. The croSS member ha S a croSS
And U.S. Pat. No. 3,252,746, issued to Kafferlin, presents a Sectional configuration comprising a third channel normal to
filing cabinet and latching mechanism comprising a handle two other channels, including a croSS web and bottom wall
that incorporates a finger actuated latch mechanism by forming opposite Sides of the third channel and an Outer wall
which the operator may release the drawer for withdrawal interconnecting the Sides.
from a closed or confined configuration. 40 Canadian Patent (CA 568,243), granted to Anthony, dis
U.S. Pat. No. 4,302,037, issued to Nunez, relates to a latch closes a drawer for a filing cabinet or the like having a
fastener for construction elements Such as windows, doors drawer body and a front plate, characterized in that a portion
or the like, which includes a base member and a movable of the front plate is depressed to define a recessed handle
member, having a latching hook configured to cooperate formation. The depressed portion has an open Side and a
45 latch mechanism for the door mounted in Spaced relation to
with a fixedly Secured Striker plate for Selectively locking the depressed portion and presenting a finger contact Surface
and unlocking the window or door. The members have along the open side. And finally, British Patent (BR866,109)
positioned therebetween several bearing balls which facili granted to Jeeves, illustrates improvements in or relating to
tate movement of the movable member and a latching hook Sliding drawers, shelves, or other sliding structures for cases,
relative to the base member between at least two positions 50 cabinets, or the like.
corresponding to the locked and unlocked positions of the
window or door. None of the above inventions and patents, taken either
U.S. Pat. No. 5,165,737, issued to Riegelman, discloses a Singularly or in combination, is seen to describe the instant
invention as claimed. Thus a handle for doors and drawers
housing with a top wall, upstanding posts between the Solving the aforementioned problems is desired.
upstanding parallel walls, and two upstanding posts between 55
the upstanding walls on a line parallel with the walls. Each SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION
post extends through an elongated opening in a first bolt The latch handle for doors and drawers according to the
which is mounted Slidingly in the housing for reciprocation invention is directed to an apparatus for latching construc
toward first and second ends of the housing. The bolt is tion elements Such as windows and doors. In the preferred
extendible beyond the second ends of the housing for 60 embodiment of the invention, the latch handle is fixedly
engaging a window jamb when the housing is mounted on disposed on the upper front edge portion of each drawer of
a sash of a tilt window that is fully seated in the jamb. The a cabinet and is manually actuated by reaching under the
bolt is urged toward the Second end by a Spring in one of the front edge portion of the handle and pressing upwards on an
elongated openings, bearing on the bolt and the post in the actuator bar located inside the frame of the handle. When a
opening. 65 user presses upwardly on the actuator bar, at least one hook,
U.S. Pat. No. 5,292,191, issued to Slivon, relates to a latch which is fixedly attached thereon, is caused to be upwardly
mechanism including a trim member Secured to a drawer displaced from engagement with a keeper.
US 6,527,353 B1
3 4
The invention provides an aesthetic advantage in that the The preferred embodiment of the invention is depicted in
latch mechanism is concealed behind the front panel of the FIGS. 1-3 and is generally referenced by numeral 10.
drawer So that, when the drawer is viewed from the front, the For many people, one of the most difficult tasks of
viewer sees only the front portion of the handle and the front ordinary living entails the opening and closing of doors and
panel with the rectangular opening in which the handle sits. drawers. Most everyone has experienced the challenge of
And because the latching mechanism is hidden, almost any having to open a door with only one hand. This can be
kind of keeper may be used. The latching mechanism is especially difficult when the other hand is preoccupied with
made up principally of three operative parts including the
actuator bar, a connecting link, and the hook. The elongated various articles Such as a bag of groceries or a child.
actuator bar is preferably L-shaped in cross-section and Latching mechanisms and handles are an absolutely neces
dimensioned to be received in the frame. The actuator bar Sary part of domestic life and an indispensable part of every
also has an upper and lower leg, the upper leg having an household. Nevertheless, these Seemingly simple objects
upper Surface for Supporting at least one Spring thereon. can present major obstacles in the lives of many people.
In the preferred embodiment of the invention, the outer Compounding this problem is the fact that many conven
frame of the handle is generally C-shaped and elongated and tional latching mechanisms are unattractive in appearance or
15 inadequate to Secure doors and drawers in their respective
includes an upper wall, a lower wall, and a back. The upper
wall has an inner Surface and defines a lip or trim member retaining Structures. Thus, a real need exists for an attractive,
which extends substantially downwardly and inwardly to reliable, and Secure handle for doors and drawers, which
create a Space within the frame for nesting the Spring may be easily manipulated through a minimum of manual
Securely therein. The Spring has an inner diameter, a top COntact.
portion, and a bottom portion, the inner diameter being The latch handle for doors and drawers is particularly well
greater at the top portion than at the bottom portion, a shape Suited for use in many Structures, Such as the filing cabinet
which helps to insure the Spring is stable and remains in 12 shown fitted with the handle 10, illustrated in FIG.1. The
place under the trim member. The Spring is fixedly attached filing cabinet is provided with top 14, bottom (not shown),
to the inner Surface of the upper wall by a fastener. and Side walls, generally 16, along with the usual drawer
The lower wall of the frame includes at least one aperture 25
receptacles 18 conventionally Supported on door guides. In
for receiving a bolt and for mounting the frame to a Support the preferred embodiment of the invention, the handle 10 for
Structure. The back of the frame includes at least one
elongated oval Slot for receiving a bolt therethrough for doors and drawers is located on the upper front edge portion
interconnecting the hook to the actuator bar to allow the 20 of each drawer 18. A user U is shown in ghost lines
hook to slide along the length of the slot. The hook is manually opening the top drawer of the cabinet by reaching
configured to frictionally engage with the keeper. The Spring under the upper front edge portion or trim member 22 of the
acts to urge the actuator downwards, reversibly holding the handle 10 and pressing upwards on an actuator bar located
hook in engagement with the keeper. inside the frame of the handle.
Accordingly, it is a principal object of the invention to Turning now to FIG. 2, the drawer 18 includes a drawer
provide a latch mechanism for doors and drawers which 35 body 24 and a front plate 26, and the front plate 26 defines
requires only one hand to use. a structure for mounting the handle 10. In the preferred
It is another object of the invention to provide a latch embodiment, this Structure 28 is provided as a croSS piece
mechanism for doors and drawers which is Substantially extending behind the front plate 26 to define a generally
concealed. planar Support Surface, and may be made of any Suitably
It is a further object of the invention to provide a latch 40 Strong and durable material, though the handle 10 is pref
mechanism for doors and drawers which is reliable and erably made of lightweight Steel or aluminum.
In comparison, and as shown in FIG. 4, the handle 10 may
It is an object of the invention to provide improved also be incorporated into the body or frame of a larger sized
elements and arrangements thereof for the purposes door 30, and mounted on a planar Support Structure config
described which is inexpensive, dependable and fully effec 45 ured in the door 30, indicated at 32, similar to the structure
tive in accomplishing its intended purposes. 28 observed in the embodiment designed for drawers 18.
These and other objects of the present invention will Referring again to FIG. 2, showing a rear view of the
become readily apparent upon further review of the follow drawer 18 of the cabinet 16 with the rear portions thereof
ing Specification and drawings.
removed, it may be more fully appreciated how the handle
BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS 50 10 cooperates with the various structures to which it is
FIG. 1 is an environmental, perspective view of a latch mounted So as to be Securely latched thereon. AS previously
handle for doors and drawers according to the present indicated, a userU typically opens the drawer 18 by placing
invention. his fingers Funder the edge of the trim member 22 whereby
FIG. 2 is a cut away view of the latch handle for drawers his fingers F will come into contact with the actuator bar 36
and doors, according to the invention. 55 located in the body of the handle 10. The userU then presses
FIG. 3 is an exploded view of the latch handle for drawers upwardly on the actuator bar 36, which causes at least one
and doors, according to the invention. hook 38, which is attached to the bar 36, to be upwardly
FIG. 4 is an environmental view of a second embodiment displaced or disengaged from its associated keeper 40. This
of the latch handle for doors and drawers, according to the mechanical function allows a userU to open doors, cabinets,
invention. 60 and other enclosed structures with a quick, upward motion
Similar reference characters denote corresponding fea of a single hand, So that the drawer easily unfastens and
tures consistently throughout the attached drawings. slides out. This enables two motions-the unlatching of the
drawer 18 and the pulling out of the drawer 18-to be
DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF THE Seamlessly combined into one action to accomplish the
PREFERRED EMBODIMENTS 65 intended purposes of the invention.
The present invention is directed to an apparatus for Turning again to the front view of the handle 10 seen in
latching construction elements Such as windows and doors. FIG. 1, it can now be appreciated that the invention provides
US 6,527,353 B1
S 6
an aesthetic advantage in that its latching mechanism is other diseases can experience exquisite pain upon engaging
concealed behind the front panel 26 of the drawer 18 so that in Such basic manual tasks as turning a doorknob or pushing
when the drawer 18 is viewed from the front, the viewer sees a button. The present invention provides an important Solu
only the front panel 26 with the rectangular-shaped opening tion to this problem in the form of an apparatus for easily
in which the handle sits. Because the latching mechanism is opening a door, drawer, or other construction element, which
hidden, almost any kind of latch mechanism and keeper 40 gives the owner the comfort of knowing that it is also
may be used, including the conventional L-shaped keepers dependable, reliable, and Secure.
fixedly adhered to the inner walls of the cabinet depicted in It is to be understood that the present invention is not
FIG. 2 or a single tubular keeper extending between the limited to the embodiments described above, but encom
walls of the cabinet 16, which is the preferred embodiment passes any and all embodiments within the Scope of the
of the invention for doors 30. following claims.
Turning now to FIG. 3 for greater detail, the latching We claim:
mechanism itself is made up principally of three operative 1. A handle for doors and drawers comprising:
parts including the actuator bar 36, a connecting link 44, and an elongated actuator bar and at least one Spring, said bar
the hook 38. The keeper 40 is located on a side wall of the 15
including an upper Surface for Supporting Said Spring
cabinet adjacent the hook 38. In the preferred embodiment thereon;
of the invention, the frame 36 is generally C-shaped in an elongated frame including at least one wall, Said wall
croSS-Section, elongated, and includes an upper wall 48, a having front and rear Surfaces and defining a trim
lower wall 50, and a back 52. The upper wall 48 has an inner member extending from an edge thereof, Said wall
Surface (not shown) and defines a lip or trim member 22 including at least one aperture for receiving a bolt and
which extends substantially downwardly and inwardly to for mounting Said frame to a Support Structure, Said
create a Space within the frame 36 and along the length frame being dimensioned for receiving Said actuator
thereof for nesting a biasing member Securely therein. bar;
The elongated actuator bar 36 is preferably L-shaped in at least one latch member and at least one keeper, Said
croSS-Section and dimensioned to be received in the frame
frame configured for Slidably mounting Said at least one
25 latch member to the rear Surface of Said frame, Said
46 of the handle 10. It is now seen how the user U can grasp frame comprising at least one elongated slot, a bolt
the handle 10 at any point along the extent of the actuator bar extending through Said elongated slot to interconnect
36. The actuator bar 36 preferably has an upper 56 and lower Said at least one latch member to Said actuator bar to
leg 58, the upper leg 56 defining an upper Surface for allow said at least one latch member to slide vertically
Supporting the biasing member, preferably a Spring 60, along the slot, Said at least one latch member being
thereon. However, the spring 60 is fixedly attached to the configured to engage with Said at least one keeper; and
frame 46 on the inner surface of the upper wall 48. In the Said Spring being fixed to Said inner Surface of Said wall
embodiment of the invention for doors (depicted in FIG. 4) by a fastener, said Spring arranged and configured for
only one Such biasing element is used; however any appro urging Said actuator bar downwardly and to carry Said
priate biasing element may be employed including a leaf 35 at least one latch member into engagement with Said at
Spring or mechanical assembly for urging the actuator 36 least one keeper;
downwards. The Spring 60 has an inner diameter, a top whereby a user's urging Said actuator bar upwardly
portion, and a bottom portion, the inner diameter being against Said Spring causes Said at least one latch mem
greater at the top portion than at the bottom portion, helping ber to Slide upwards and become disengaged from Said
to insure that the Spring 60 fits neatly and remains in place 40 at least one keeper.
under the trim member 22. The spring 60 is fixedly attached 2. The handle for doors and drawers recited in claim 1, in
to the inner surface of the upper wall 48 by a fastener, which, combination with a cabinet, Said cabinet having at least one
in the preferred embodiment, is foam tape 62, disposed So as keeper mounted thereon and at least one drawer, Said drawer
to adhesively hold the top portion of the Spring 60 against comprising a drawer body and a front plate, Said front plate
the upper wall 48. The spring 60 urges the actuator 36 45 defining Said Support Structure for mounting Said handle.
downwards to carry the hook 38 into reversible engagement 3. The handle for doors and drawers recited in claim 1, in
with the keeper 40. combination with a drawer, Said drawer comprising a front
The lower wall 50 of the frame 46 includes at least one plate, Said front plate being provided with a croSS piece
aperture 64 for receiving a bolt 68 and for mounting the extending behind Said front plate to define Said Support
frame 58 to the Support structure 28. And so the frame 52 is 50 Structure for Supporting Said handle above Said front plate.
dimensioned to Snugly receive the actuator bar 36 and for 4. The handle for doors and drawers recited in claim 1,
slidably mounting at least one hook 38 to the rear Surface of wherein Said fastener is foam tape.
its back wall 52. The back 52 includes at least one elongated 5. The handle for doors and drawers recited in claim 1, in
oval aperture or slot 66 for receiving a bolt therethrough for combination with a drawer, Said drawer comprising a front
interconnecting the latch member or hook 38 to the actuator 55 plate, Said front plate being provided with a croSS piece
bar 36 to allow the hook 38 to slide along the length of the extending behind Said front plate to define Said Support
slot 66. The hook 38 is configured to frictionally, reliably, Structure for Supporting Said handle above Said front plate,
and Securely engage with the keeper 40. and wherein Said frame and Said trim member define a Space
The arrows at 42 point upward to show the direction of for nesting Said Spring therebetween.
movement of the hooks 38 with respect to the keeper 40 60 6. The handle for doors and drawers recited in claim 1,
when the handle 10 is actuated and indicate the minimal wherein Said trim member extends along the length of Said
amount of effort needed for a person to use the handle 10. handle, Said trim member extending Substantially down
AS the American population continues to age and the rights Wardly and inwardly to define a Space for nesting Said Spring
of individuals with disabilities are increasingly recognized, therein.
more and better ways are being found to help individuals in 65 7. The handle for doors and drawers recited in claim 1, in
their daily tasks of living Such as opening and closing combination with a door, Said door defining a generally
cabinet doors and drawers. Persons with osteoarthritis and planar Support Structure for mounting Said handle.
US 6,527,353 B1
7 8
8. A handle for doors and drawers comprising: for urging Said actuator bar downwards when Said
an elongated actuator bar and at least one Spring, Said bar actuator bar is manually lifted upwards and to carry
being generally L-shaped in cross-section and defining Said latch member into engagement with Said keeper,
an upper and lower leg, said upper leg having an upper Said trim member extending downwardly to define a
Surface for Supporting Said Spring thereon; Space within Said frame for nesting Said Spring therein.
an elongated frame generally C-shaped in cross-section 9. The handle for doors and drawers recited in claim 8, in
and including an upper wall, a lower wall, a back, and combination with a drawer, Said drawer comprising a drawer
configured to define an elongated open portion for body and a front plate, Said front plate defining Said Support
manual access to Said actuator bar, Said upper wall Structure for mounting Said handle.
having an inner Surface and defining a trim member 10. The handle for doors and drawers recited in claim 8,
extending from an edge of Said upper wall, Said back in combination with a cabinet, Said cabinet having at least
including front and rear Surfaces, Said lower wall one keeper mounted thereon and at least one drawer, Said
comprising at least one aperture for receiving a bolt and drawer comprising a drawer body and a front plate, Said
for mounting Said frame to a Support Structure; front plate defining Said Support Structure for mounting Said
15 handle.
at least one hook and a keeper therefor; 11. The handle for doors and drawers recited in claim 8,
Said frame being dimensioned for receiving Said actuator in combination with a drawer, Said drawer comprising a
bar and for Slidably mounting Said hook to the rear front plate, Said front plate being provided with a croSS piece
Surface of Said back, Said back comprising at least one extending behind Said front plate to define Said Support
Vertically-oriented, oval aperture, a bolt extending Surface for Supporting Said handle above Said front plate.
through Said oval aperture to interconnect Said hook to 12. The handle for doors and drawers recited in claim 8,
Said actuator bar to allow Said hook to Slide along the wherein Said fastener is foam tape.
length thereof toward Said upper wall and Said lower 13. The handle for doors and drawers recited in claim 8,
wall, Said hook being configured to frictionally engage in combination with a door, Said door defining a generally
with Said keeper; 25 planar Support Structure for mounting Said handle thereon.
Said Spring being fixed to Said inner Surface of Said upper
wall by a fastener, Said Spring arranged and configured k k k k k