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Changquan, Jianshu, Daoshu, Qiangshu, & Gunshu Degree of Difficulty categories, content & execution nonconformity

Degree of
Category Content Non-Conformity Criteria

Bān Tuǐ Cháo Tiān Zhí Lì

(Grasp the foot and bring it to head
level with the leg held vertically
while remaining standing)

Cè Tī Bào Jiǎo Zhí Lì

(Side kick up to catch the foot at  Raised leg not completely vertical
head level with the leg held
vertically while remaining standing)

Shí Zì Píng Héng

Balance (Forward Leaning Balance with
Techniques Arms Outspread)
Hòu Tī Bào Jiǎo Zhí Lì  Raised leg not completely vertical
(Back kick and hold the leg  The hands are not grabbing the foot directly
vertically while remaining standing) behind the shoulder
Yǎng Shēn Píng Héng  Torso held at 45° degrees or more above
(Backward Leaning Balance) horizontal level

Degree of Tàn Hǎi Píng Héng  Angle formed between the two legs is
Difficulty (Exploring the Ocean Balance) smaller than 135° degrees.
Techniques Wàng Yuè Píng Héng (Gazing  The rear (raised) leg’s thigh is held at
at the Moon Balance) 45°degrees or less above horizontal level.
Qián Sǎo Tuǐ 540°
(Front Sweep 540°)
 Insufficient degree of sweeping rotation
Qián Sǎo Tuǐ 900°
(Front Sweep 900°)
 Exceeding 4 run-up steps
Téng Kōng Zhèng Tī Tuǐ (Jumping  Not executed in the air
Front Straight Kick)  The toes of the kicking leg do not make
contact with the forehead
Téng Kōng Fēi Jiǎo
Jumping (Jumping Front Slap Kick)
Téng Kōng Xié Fēi Jiǎo  Exceeding 4 run-up steps
(Jumping Slant Kick)  Not executed in the air
 Foot slapped lower than horizontal level
Téng Kōng Shuāng Fēi Jiǎo
(Jumping Double Front Slap Kick),

Xuàn Fēng Jiǎo

(Tornado Kick) 360°, 540°, 720°  Exceeding 4 run-up steps
 Not Executed in the air
Téng Kōng Bǎi Lián  Insufficient degree of rotation
(Jumping Lotus Kick) 360°, 540°,  Foot slapped lower than horizontal level
(Butterfly Kick)
 Exceeding 4 run-up steps
Cè Kōng Fān  Not Executed in the air
(Aerial Cartwheel)
Xuàn Zǐ Zhuǎn Tǐ
(Butterfly Twist) 360°, 720°)  Exceeding 4 run-up steps
 Not Executed in the air
Cè Kōng Fān Zhuǎn Tǐ 360° (Aerial
 Insufficient degree of rotation
Cartwheel Twist 360°)

Téng Kōng Fēi Jiǎo (Jumping Front

Slap Kick) + Cè Kōng Fān (Aerial  Exceeding 1 run-up step between the 2
Cartwheel) jumping techniques

Xuàn Fēng Jiǎo 360° (Tornado Kick

360°) + Xuàn Zǐ Zhuǎn Tǐ 720°
Dynamic +
(Butterfly Twist 720°)
Dynamic  Exceeding 4 run-up step between the 2
Connection jumping techniques
Xuàn Zǐ Zhuǎn Tǐ 360° (Butterfly
Twist 360°) + Xuàn Fēng Jiǎo 720°
(Tornado Kick 720°)

Xuànzi (Butterfly Kick) + Qián Sǎo

Tuǐ 540° (Front Sweep 540°)  Obvious pause between the 2 techniques

Xuàn Fēng Jiǎo (Tornado Kick)

360°, 540°, 720°/Téng Kōng Bǎi
Lián (Jumping Lotus Kick) 360°,
540°, 720° + Mǎ Bù (Horse Stance)  The feet land alternately (not
Degree of simultaneously)
Téng Kōng Bǎi Lián 360° (Jumping  Foot shuffles or skips  Use of
Lotus Kick 360°) + Gōng Bù (Bow additional support  Fall
Stance); Téng Kōng Bǎi Lián 540°
(Jumping Lotus Kick 540°) + Pū Bù
(Crouching Stance)
Dynamic + Xuàn Fēng Jiǎo (Tornado Kick)
Static 360°, 540°, 720°/Téng Kōng Bǎi
Connection Lián 360° (Jumping Lotus Kick  The feet land alternately (not
360°)/Xuàn Zǐ Zhuǎn Tǐ (Butterfly
Twist) 360°, 720°/Cè Kōng Fān  Sliding into the splits  Use of
(Aerial Cartwheel) + Diē Shù Chā additional support  Fall
(Falling Front Split)

Xuàn Fēng Jiǎo (Tornado Kick)  The kicking and slapped foot is not the single
360°, 540°/ Téng Kōng Bǎi Lián leg which is landed on
(Jumping Lotus Kick) 360°, 540° +  When landing the foot shuffles or skips
Tí Xī Dú Lì (Single Raised-Knee
 The foot of the raised knee touches the
Téng Kōng Fēi Jiǎo (Jumping Front
 Obvious pause before forming Zuò
Slap Kick)/Xuàn Fēng Jiǎo 360°
(Tornado Kick 360°)/Téng Kōng Bǎi (Cross-Legged Sitting)
Lián 360° (Jumping Lotus Kick
 The thighs are not crossed clearly
360°)/Xuànzi (Butterfly Kick) + Zuò
 Use of additional support  Fall
Pán (Cross-Legged Sitting)

 Obvious pause between the 2

Qián Sǎo Tuǐ 540° (Front Sweep
540°)/Xuànzi (Butterfly Kick) + Zuò
 The thighs are not crossed clearly
Pán (Cross-Legged Sitting)
 Use of additional support  Fall

Pāo (Throw) + Qiǎng Bèi (Forward  When performing Qiǎng Bèi (Forward Dive
Roll), the hip/buttock, knee or single hand is
Dive Roll)/Téng Kōng Fēi Jiǎo
Between not off the ground when catching the
(Jumping Front Slap Kick)/Xuàn
Difficulty weapon
Fēng Jiǎo 360° (Tornado Kick
Techniques  The catch is unsuccessful, or the weapon is
360°)/Téng Kōng Bǎi Lián 360°
caught by the broadsword ribbon/straight
(Jumping Lotus Kick 360°) + Jiē
sword tassel

Nanquan, Nandao & Nangun Non-Conformity Specifications

Degree of
Difficulty Category Content Non-Conformity Criteria

Degree of Qián Sǎo Tuǐ 540°

Difficulty (Front Sweep 540°)
Techniques  Insufficient degree of sweeping rotation
Qián Sǎo Tuǐ 900°
(Front Sweep 900°)
 Exceeding 2 run-up steps
Téng Kōng Fēi Jiǎo
 Not Executed in the air
(Jumping Front Slap Kick)
 Slapped foot lower than horizontal level
Xuàn Fēng Jiǎo(Tornado Kick)
 Exceeding 4 run-up steps
360°, 540°, 720°
 Not Executed in the air
Téng Kōng Wài Bǎi Tuǐ  Insufficient degree of rotation
(Jumping Lotus Kick) 360°,  Slapped foot (Lotus Kick Leg) lower than
Jumping 540°, 720° horizontal level
Cè Kōng Fān  Exceeding 2 run-up steps
(Aerial Cartwheel)  Not Executed in the air
 Foot shuffles prior to jump
Yuán Dì Hòu Kōng Fān
 Use of hand for additional support when
(No-Step Back Flip)
 Exceeding 2 run-up steps
Dān Tiào Hòu Kōng Fān
 Use of hand for additional support when
(Single Step Back Flip)
Tumbling Téng Kōng Shuāng Cè Chuài  Exceeding 4 run-up steps
Techniques (Jumping Double Side Kick)  Legs below horizontal level when kicked
Téng Kōng Pán Tuǐ 360° Cè Pū
 Exceeding 4 run-up steps 
(Flying Cross Legged Kick 360°
Insufficient degree of rotation
to Falling on Side)

Lǐ Yú Dǎ Tǐng  Hand or hands used on the floor for support or

(Carp Kip-Up) assistance
Xuàn Fēng Jiǎo 360° (Tornado
Kick 360°) + Téng Kōng Fēi Jiǎo
(Jumping Front Slap Kick)
Dynamic +
Xuàn Fēng Jiǎo 360° (Tornado  Exceeding 2 run-up steps in between 2 jumps.
Kick 360°) + Dān Tiào Hòu
Kōng Fān (Single Step Back
Xuàn Fēng Jiǎo
(Tornado Kick) 360°, 540°, 720°
/Téng Kōng Wài Bǎi Tuǐ
(Jumping Lotus Kick) 360°,  The feet land alternately (not
540°, 720° + Mǎ Bù (Horse simultaneously)
Stance)  Foot shuffles or skips  Use
of additional support  Fall
Téng Kōng Wài Bǎi Tuǐ 540°
(Jumping Lotus Kick 540°) + Pū
Bù (Crouching Stance)
Xuàn Fēng Jiǎo
(Tornado Kick) 360°, 540°  The feet land alternately (not
/ Yuán Dì Hòu Kōng Fān (No- simultaneously)
Degree of
Step Back Flip)  Forming the butterfly stance only after
/ Dān Tiào Hòu Kōng Fān landing
(Single Step Back Flip)  Foot shuffles or skips  Use of
/ Lǐ Yú Dǎ Tǐng (Carp Kip-Up) + additional support  Fall
Dynamic + Dié Bù (Butterfly Stance)
Téng Kōng Fēi Jiǎo (Jumping
Front Slap Kick)  The kicking/slapped foot is not the
/ Xuàn Fēng Jiǎo 360°
single leg which is landed on
(Tornado Kick 360°)
/ Téng Kōng Wài Bǎi Tuǐ 360°  Foot shuffles or skips
(Jumping Lotus Kick 360°) + Tí  The foot of the raised knee touches the
Xī Dú Lì (Single Raised-Knee ground
 ▲The feet land alternately (not
Cè Kōng Fān (Aerial Cartwheel) simultaneously)
Jiǎn Shì (Scissor Position)  ▲Additional Support
 ▲Fall
▲Hand and foot landing alternately (not
Dān Tiào Hòu Kōng Fān simultaneously)
(Single-Step Back Flip) + Xiē Shì  ▲Rear raised Leg touches the floor
(Scorpion Stance)  ▲Use of additional support
 ▲Fall
Taijiquan & Taijijian Non-Conformity Specifications
Degree of
Category Content Non-Conformity Criteria
Dīshì Qián Dēng Cǎi Jiǎo Píng  Thigh of supporting leg above
Héng horizontal level
(Forward Sole Kick with Low  Foot of the extended kicking leg
Step Balance) touches the carpet
Balance Qián Jǔ Tuǐ Dī Shì Píng Héng
Techniques (Low Balance with Leg
Stretched Forward)  The thigh of supporting leg is above
horizontal level
Hòu Chā Tuǐ Dī Shì Píng Héng  Hand is on the supporting leg
Degree of (Low Balance with Leg
Difficulty Crossed Behind)
Fēn Jiǎo
(Parting Kick)
 Heel of the kicking leg is below shoulder level
Dēng Jiǎo
(Heel Kick)
 Exceeding 1 run-up step
Jumping Téng Kōng Fēi Jiǎo (Jumping  Not Executed in the air
Techniques Front Slap Kick)  Slapped foot lower than horizontal

 Exceeding 1 run-up steps

Téng Kōng Zhèng Tī Tuǐ
 Not Executed in the air
(Jumping Front Straight Kick)
 Not Executed in the air
Xuàn Fēng Jiǎo (Tornado Kick)  Exceeding 1 run-up step
180, ° 360°, 540°
 Not Executed in the air
Téng Kōng Bǎi Lián (Jumping  Insufficient degree of rotation
Lotus Kick) 360°, 450°, 540°  Slapped foot lower than horizontal level

Dynamic +
Téng Kōng Bǎi Lián (Jumping
Dynamic  Run-up step executed prior to takeoff
Lotus Kick) 360°, 450°, 540°

Téng Kōng Zhèng Tī Tuǐ

(Jumping Front Straight Kick)
/ Xuàn Fēng Jiǎo 360°
Dynamic + (Tornado Kick 360°)  The kicking/slapped foot is not the
Static / Téng Kōng Bǎi Lián 360° single leg which is landed on
Connection (Jumping Lotus Kick 360°) + Qi  Foot shuffles or skips
Degree of
Difficulty Tiào Jiǎo Luò Dì (Landing on
Connections takeoff foot)

Téng Kōng Fēi Jiǎo (Jumping

Front Slap Kick)  The kicking and slapped foot is not the
Dynamic + / Xuàn Fēng Jiǎo (Tornado single leg which is landed on
Static Kick) 180°, 360°, 540°  Foot shuffles or skips
Connection / Téng Kōng Bǎi Lián (Jumping  The foot of the raised knee touches the
Lotus Kick) 360°, 540°+Tí Xī Dú ground
Lì (Single Raised-Knee Stance)
Téng Kōng Bǎi Lián (Jumping  Foot shuffles
Lotus Kick) 360°, 450°, 540° +  The feet land alternately (not
Diē Chā (Hurdler's Split simultaneously)
Position)  Use of additional support  Fall
Dīshì Qián Dēng Cǎi Jiǎo Píng
(Forward Sole Kick with Low  During the transition, the torso sways
Step Balance)/Qián Jǔ Tuǐ Dī
 Insufficient degree of rotation
Shì Píng Héng (Low Balance
 The knee dips below horizontal level
with Leg Stretched Forward) +
during the connection transition
Tí Xī Dú Lì (Single Raised-Knee
Stance)  The foot of the raised knee touches the
Hòu Chā Tuǐ Dī Shì Píng Héng  Foot shuffles or skips during the single
(Low Balance with Leg Crossed knee raised
Behind) + Tí Xī Dú Lì (Single
Raised-Knee Stance)
Qián Jǔ Tuǐ Dī Shì Píng Héng
(Low Balance with Leg
Stretched Forward) + Dēng
Jiǎo (Heel Kick) / Fēn Jiǎo  During the transition the torso sways
Static + (Parting Kick)  Supporting foot shuffles or skips
Connection  Foot of the raised leg makes contact
Hòu Chā Tuǐ Dī Shì Píng Héng with the floor
(Low Balance with Leg Crossed
Behind) + Dēng Jiǎo (Heel
Kick)/ Fēn Jiǎo (Parting Kick)

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