Introductory Plant Pathology

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1. Introduction
2. Definition and classification of plant diseases
3. Historical development of plant pathology
4. Causative agents and diseases they cause:-
5. Fungal and bacteria
6. Viruses and phanerogams
7. Abiotic agents and nematodes
8. Mechanism of plant diseases and disease epidemics
9. Diseases of various crops
10. Control measures of plant diseases

1. Introduction
Plant pathology is the study of plant/crop diseases and their control
It is also known as phytopathology
A greek word meaning:-
Phyton = plant
Pathos = disease
Logos = discourse
 Cover the economic importance of plant diseases, historical development,
causative agents of plant diseases and their entry mechanisms; the symptoms of
plant diseases, disease epidemics and the control measures of plant diseases.
 Plant diseases in the ancient times.

2. Definition and classification

 Disease is an interaction among the host, the pathogen and the environment.
 Disease triangle
 Interruption of biologic rhythmical equilibrium in terms of physiology, structure or
 Results in death of part or whole plant
3. Historical development
 Ancient Era (Ancient – 470)
 Dark Era (470 – 1600)
 Premodern Era (1600 – 1554)
 Modern Era (1554 – 1406)
 Present Era (1906 onwards)

4. Causative agents of plant diseases

a) Fungi
 Characteristics of fungi
 Classes of fungi
 Diseases and disease causing fungi in each class
b) Bacteria
 Characteristics of bacteria
 Genera of bacteria
 Diseases and disease causing bacteria in each genera
5. c) Viruses
 Characteristics of viruses
 Diseases and disease causing viruses

d) Parasitic Phanerogams

6. Abiotic agents of plant diseases

 Environment
 Deficiencies
 Injurious chemicals

 Nature of nematodes
 How they injure plants
 Symptoms they cause
 Nematodes found in Kenya
 Control measures
7. Mechanisms of infection by the disease causing agents (fungi, bacteria, viruses,

8. Symptoms of plant diseases

 Hypoplastic
 Hyperplastic
 Necrosis

 Definition of epidemiology
 Factors of epidemics
 Host
 Pathogen
 Environmental

9. Diseases of various crops

These will be covered in the whole course

10. Control measures of plant diseases

 Exclusion methods (quarantine)
 Eradication methods (cultural methods)
 Protection methods
 Physical and chemical (heat, fungicides)
 Biological methods (biopesticides, male insect sterilization, sex hormones,
predators, genetic engineering)
 Antibiotics
 Resistance

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