Course - Patty and Ramon
Course - Patty and Ramon
Course - Patty and Ramon
Here we cover how a persons personality is not set in stone and is malleable. It is to easy to get stuck
into a stagnant sense of identity that makes what you want to do incoherent with “who you are”. Who
you are is a process and a work in progress.
Consider how much of your personality is influenced by outside factors? Genetics, diet, weather, the
company you keep, what you watched on TV, how long it has been since you have sex, drugs etc…
“Self” is not really definable, and based on a lot of variables, and so because of this, it is possible to
start reinforcing a new sense of self.
Who has a life that you think is a “warning”, as in do not follow in there footsteps. What have they
done? How do they think? What do they say?
Who in your life is an example? What can you model? How do they approach problems in life? What
makes them worth emulating.
Reflect on this.
Follow your enthusiasm as a guide in life, and let the process grow and teach you.
You will start to face resistance around what you have been told and who you are “suppose” to be.
You will see everyone else moving in a particular direction. Understand that to do this work is move
against the current.
The Two Different Pains- The Pain of Uncertainty or the Pain of Regret
As you start to do this work you must face one of two pains. The pain of an uncertain outcome, or the
pain of regret.
Delayed Gratification
Learn to delay what you want to get a better reward down the road.
To break out of old patterns you need to increase your energy level. Eat better, exercise, do breathing
exercise. The more energy you have, the easier it is to break out of loops and patterns.
Leap of faith. Jump into the unknown. Over and over again. Get use to to leaping into the void. \\
Upper Limits
As you start to feel better and your life improves, you will face the upper limit problems. These must
be continuously transcended.
Magical Work:
Written Exercises: