IPEX Newsletter
IPEX Newsletter
IPEX Newsletter
Vol. 1, Iss. 1, August 2008
In this Issue:
Inter-Peoples Exchange (IPEx), Inc. was born in
response to the disturbing issues of Indigenous 1 Background
Peoples (IP) in the Philippines. In 1991 series of 2 Services
consultation and sharing of ideas have been
undertaken. On May 10-11 1996, the first national
4 Community
meeting was held where IPEx was finally come to its Empowerment
existence as a non-stock/ non-profit organization, 6 Programs and
officers were elected, program of activities were Activities (Lakbayk -
discussed and the establishment of National Tribo)
Secretariat. Eventually, IPEx was duly registered with
the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) on
June 16, 1997.
The Inter-Peoples Exchange
envisioned the promotion of indigenous
peoples rights and their ancestral
domains, advocate the protection of environment, foster sustainable
livelihood, establish strong networks and develop a self-reliant communities.
It also aim to establish strong networks among IP communities toward self
governance and other support groups conduct training to capacitate IPs in
their application for CADT, community mapping and 3D model preparation
needed in the formulation of IPs community resource management plan.
* Promotional Desk
- Popularizes the issue of Indigenous
People's (Ips) Right to self – determination.
* Youth Development
Develops the potentials of IP youths
through alternative education and skills acquisition
so they may become productive members of the community.
-- Economic
-- Social
Targets awareness raising
among Ips to be more productive
community member especially the
-- Political
Initiates and conducts conferences
and trainings to strengthen traditional
leadership structure innthe comunity. Also
arranges conflict resolution to
patch – up any conflict between IP
communities especially regarding
boundary of Ancestral Domains.
-- Legal
-- Cultural
Promotes respect to Customary
Laws and Practices and also the
preservation of “Nature”, the observance
of Ips being the stewards of nature.
LakbayK - Tribo
Is a month long non – competitive cross-country bike ride
which aims to generate awareness and consciousness for the 500
years of exploitation and subjugation of the indigenous peoples and
their various histories of resistance for the defense of their lands
and resources, self – determination, empowerment and self –