Transformation and Oncogenesis: Biology W3310/4310 Virology Spring 2016
Transformation and Oncogenesis: Biology W3310/4310 Virology Spring 2016
Transformation and Oncogenesis: Biology W3310/4310 Virology Spring 2016
Lecture 18
Biology W3310/4310
Spring 2016
Cause and effect, means and ends, seed
and fruit, cannot be severed; for the effect
already blooms in the cause, the end pre-
exists in the means, the fruit in the seed.
Kaposi’s sarcoma
Kaposi’s sarcoma herpesvirus Primary effusion lymphoma
Multicentric Castleman’s disease
Epidemiologists...argued that
exogenous chemicals caused cancer,
although they could not offer a
mechanistic explanation.
Howard Temin
Most of the infected cells died, but rare cells did not
room number: virus
Which of the following is not a property of
transformed cells?
Route to understanding viral
transformation of cells in culture and
relationship to cancer was convoluted
• >60
• Highly regulated
room number: virus
* Tumors
Polyomaviral transformation of cultured
cells is rare
• Why is it so rare?
p53, Rb and E2F were subsequently discovered to be cri)cal players in control of the
normal cell cycle
The cell cycle
ReMnoblastoma protein (Rb) – if both copies of the Rb gene are lost, develop reMnal tumors of
reMnoblasts that form reMna - these cells are gone by age 5
(Ad transcription
also requires E2f)
room number: virus
T antigens are:
Two more mysteries remain
These events are not required for the normal viral life cycle
or transmission
We now understand that even in the natural host, these rare events may
occur, leading to tumorigenesis (e.g. HPV)
Transformation is an epiphenomena of a
unique reproductive cycle
If ly;c events are blocked, cells making T an;gens con;nue to divide – they are
They are on their way to becoming cancer cells
Revealed by studying
transforming retroviruses
Dominant oncogenes
Revealed by studying
DNA tumor viruses
Recessive oncogenes