Dias Reviewer Finals

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DIAS Reviewer Finals - 12 HUMSS A

Definition of Social Work: problems and resources opportunities are

- profession that fulfills the social welfare produced
mandate to promote well- being and quality 10. Enhance communication through an
of life. appreciation of diversity
11. Employ educational strategies for the
Context and the Basic Concepts of Social prevention and resolution of problems
Work: 12. Embrace a world view of human issues
- the aim of social work is to help and solutions to problems
individuals fit better into their environment *the goal and scope of social work is to help
and change the environment so that it works an individual be included in society and to
better for them. transform the very society that creates
- the context of social work is a place that structures that marginalize individuals from
requires professionals to direct their service full participation in the enjoyment of social
on the needs and empowerment of people services.
who experience some forms of vulnerability,
oppression, and living in poverty. Principles of social work:
*first wave of social work was called
Settlement Movement. Principles relative to respect for human
Goals and Scope of social work: 1. Upholding and promoting human dignity
1. Empower people and well- being- social workers should
2. Support a proactive position to prevent respect each person’s whole well- being.
problems for individuals 2. Respecting the right to self-
3. Uphold the integrity of the profession determination- social workers should
4. Establish linkages between people and respect people’s dignity and right to make
societal resources their own choices.
5. Develop cooperative networks within the 3. Promoting the right to participation-
institutional resources system social workers should promote the full
6. Facilitate the responsiveness of the involvement of people using their services
institutional health systems to meet health 4. Creating each person as a whole- social
and human service needs workers should seek to recognize all aspects
7. Promote social justice of a person’s life.
8. Contribute to the development of 5. Identifying and developing strengths-
knowledge for social work social workers should focus on the strengths
9. Encourage exchange of information in of all individuals
those institutional systems in which both
DIAS Reviewer Finals - 12 HUMSS A

Principles relative to social justice 3. Social justice- a basis of their

1. Challenging discrimination- social understanding of the need to ensure that
workers have responsibility to challenge everyone get serviced
discrimination on the basis of characteristics 4. Dignity and worth of the person-
such as ability, age, culture, gender etc. provides the determination and drive for
2. Recognizing diversity- social worker social workers to seek the marginalized
should recognize the diversity of the 5. Importance of human relationships-
societies in which they practice makes it possible for social workers to do
3. Disturbing resources- social workers their job as most human situations
should ensure that resources at their disposal 6. Integrity
are distributed fairly 7. Competence- separates social caregiving
4. Challenging unjust policies and from social work professional practice
practices- social workers have a duty to
bring the attention of their employers Roles of social work:
5. Working in solidarity- social workers Group Role
have a duty to challenge social conditions For individuals & Enabler- helping
that contribute to social exclusion families people find solutions
Formal groups and Facilitator-in aid of
Principles relative to professional integrity organizations organizational
1. Upholding values and reputation of the development
profession Community and Planner-they
2. Being trustworthy society conduct outreach in
3. Maintaining professional boundaries aid of community
4. Making considered professional education
judgement Social work Colleague and a
5. Being professionally accountable profession monitor-in aid of
Core values of social work: enculturation and
1. Compassion- it is the basis for someone socialization
to go out and become a voice to the
voiceless *roles of social workers are grouped into 3:
2. Service- directs social workers to go case management, direct practice, and
beyond purely performing a service for a advocacy and policy building.
pay and allow them to be generous with
their time
DIAS Reviewer Finals - 12 HUMSS A

Functions of social work: Areas of specialization of social work:

1. Counsel with individuals 1. Family and child welfare- divorce,

2. Enhance social functioning of unemployment, physical or mental illness,
individuals adoption
3. Link clients systems with needed 2. Health- provide physicians information
resources 3. Mental health- aid mental and emotional
4. Improve the operations of the social stress
service delivery network 4. Corrections- prevention of crime
5. Promote social justice through 5. Schools- services to students
development of social policy

*consultancy- professional activities

through which social workers and their
clients plan
*resource management- the act of
coordinating resources and services needed
to support social functioning
*education- provision of knowledge and
critical information necessary for
empowerment practice

Competencies of social work:

A. Think critically
B. Build and sustain relationships
C. Execute empowering relationships
D. Use practical methods
E. Analyze policies
F. Communicate effectively
G. Strong cultural and intercultural
H. Good computer literacy
I. Conduct research
J. Do social planning
K. Perform crisis intervention
L. Sound time management

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