EAS207 Pastexam Solution 2003 2006

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Lo + yom A Rites 20 iT olisiW\oo Fadl 2003 —~ Fist Exaw — Solesion Q.1 Determine the moment due to force F at point C, and then calculate its moment about lines CE and CD. 63 points) F= 1000N ar (250,400, 0) Ag - ee F = 1000 ene = = 1000 Ti . _ ~350 $-300F +160 f . F = 1600 ( “Taarromrior F= {000 (-o-7173# = 06148 F + 0°S279 k) 3 heme] +3279 S Ec a ath - Nur Moe G Mc (ato b+ 0 F +100) : Gam), Y= 210 f+ 0 F +160 « cB / O48, x CUTS 437 9K) Esl nar eam Fam 2005 Fe i mM t [ -. = a A | “ 29108 K + 688S95 + 71730 K 432790 4 . : 5 | _ Aes F + 9B3CRt =) M= 13 x x A gk N= 1i1sef 4503 SEVERE a ee 45.9 f+ 200-84 K Nom) rash MOON Mona clot Uwe Cone \ = = is a . \ Meg = CMe a Cee | 2 =210 q 4-400 . 4‘ : cee a2104 A003 _ 9 aedet + 988545 \ {aor aor as ‘ . 5 8 ‘ = a ; ((oh@8t go Mee =\ {34,198 t 45,309 5 4-200, 838 k) Conese A . a Meg =(-699 62:24 4 40 64183) (-0-4eaei roses Meg = “yorglo gees 1+0'88S45) Nig = Oe en eonesp cen) Moe 41,228 1 = 9,968 F (Newer) Most obo Line CDP Mowswh slow’ i: w Coy = rN “wae 160K 2 0-658 o 40-7526 k 7 — ans Co” © — > x : 4 e |" (Me: Egy) Sep = ZEEE Fe Q.2 Replace the forces shown in Fig. 2 by an equivalent force system at point A. (33 points ) Gm) (ERC temeae (: = 700 Sin 0! 4+ 700 cosé0 k (N) R= 606-257 R= 606-218 4 4 350 K WN) [ Beeps 4430 F Gom) Y= ~ 006K + 0-47 + 0-037 (wh ‘| o [R= = 50034077 + G00 cose") cos gs 5 @ | ok (s00cos 40°) Sings * ~ [f= 52-394 t+ 270: BSB 4270 B39 Ic a yi = 50 K+ 120 +807 Cwm) { — n > cls P|) Ye oosk + oF #9084 Ow) E, =-25 singe’ d —[2scos 4a" )eusas’f . —(25¢0840°) sings’ K -16-0697t — 135427 -13542 2K ond

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