BEGuide 2020

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ISSN 2398-2020


Introduction by
Colin Camerer
Edited by
Alain Samson
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The Behavioral Economics Guide 2020

ISSN 2398-2020

Author information:

Alain Samson (Editor)

Colin Camerer (Introduction)

Elke U. Weber (Guest editorial)

Dan Ariely (Center for Advanced Hindsight & Irrational Labs), Matt Battersby (Reinsurance Group of
America), Mariel Beasley (Center for Advanced Hindsight), Catherine J. Berman (Center for Advanced
Hindsight), Kristen Berman (Irrational Labs), Charlotte Blank (Maritz), José Luis Calvo (Behavior & Law),
Sara Dadkhah (Irrational Labs), Torben Emmerling (Affective Advisory), Jo Evershed (Gorilla Experiment
Builder), Jessica Exton (ING), Russ Frey (Maritz), Evelyn Gosnell (Irrational Labs), Stephen Heal (Frontier
Economics), Aline Holzwarth (Center for Advanced Hindsight), Peter Hovard (Reinsurance Group of
America), Lindsay Juarez (Center for Advanced Hindsight & Irrational Labs), Abigail Letherby (Decision
Technology), Jan Willem Lindemans (Center for Advanced Hindsight), Rafael López (Behavior & Law),
Isaac López (Behavior & Law), Richard Mathera (Center for Advanced Hindsight), Abdellah Mou
(Behavior & Law), Ed Nottingham (Decision Technology), Paula Papp (Frontier Economics), Duncan
Rooders (Affective Advisory), Helena Rubinstein (Innovia Technology), Anja Schanbacher (Center
for Advanced Hindsight), Janet Schwartz (Center for Advanced Hindsight), Henry Stott (Decision
Technology), Laura Straeter (ING), Matt Trower (Center for Advanced Hindsight), Victoria Valle Lara
(Frontier Economics), Michele Visciola (Experientia)

(Contributing authors)

Andreas Haberl (Editorial assistant)

Published on by Behavioral Science Solutions Ltd

Copyright © by the authors

All rights reserved

Requests for permission to reproduce materials from this work should be sent to or directly to contributing authors

Suggested citation:

Samson, A. (Ed.)(2020). The Behavioral Economics Guide 2020 (with an Introduction by Colin Camerer).
Retrieved from

Suggested citation for individual chapters/articles: [Author(s)] (2020). [Chapter/Article Title]. In A.

Samson (Ed.), The Behavioral Economics Guide 2020 (with an Introduction by Colin Camerer)(pp. nnn-nnn).
Retrieved from
In Association With

With Contributions By

With Further Support By

Table of Contents

INTRODUCTION ���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� V

Challenges for Behavioral Economics: Cumulating and Distilling What We Know

(Colin Camerer)��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� VI

PART I - EDITORIAL���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 1

Giving the Future a Chance: Behavioral Economic Responses to the Dual Challenges of
COVID-19 and the Climate Crisis (Elke Weber) ��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 2

PART II - APPLICATIONS����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������14

Simple Strategies for S.H.A.R.P.E.R. Decision-Making in Groups�������������������������������������������������������������� 15

Uncovering Emerging Trends and Critical Responses to Behavioral Economics:

A Network Analysis of Behavioral Economics Tweets in 2019 ������������������������������������������������������������������ 26
Applying Behavioral Science to Health and Financial Decisions: Five Case Studies on the
Impact of Framing on Real-World Decisions ���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 40
Green New Deals: Social Boasting and the True Value of Ethical Branding ���������������������������������������� 57

Thinking as Behavioral Scientists, Acting as Designers �������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 69

Costly Behaviours: Using Behavioural Economics to Manage the Company Cost Base ���������������� 80

How Online Behavioural Experiments Are Opening New Opportunities for

Behavioural Economists�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 91

The Double-Edged Sword of the Sharing Economy: How Sharing Ownership and Usage
Influences Sustainable Consumption���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 100
Innovating with Users in Mind: Applying Behavioural Science to Innovation������������������������������������ 113

Reframing the Loneliness Epidemic������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� .123

How to Sell Sprouts: Lessons in Digital Persuasion From the Life Insurance Industry������������������ 132

PART III - RESOURCES ����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 142

Behavioral Science Concepts �������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 143

Postgraduate Programs������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 195
Popular Behavioral Science Books������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 218
Other Resources������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 245

APPENDIX������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 246

Author Profiles �������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 247

Contributing Organizations������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 250

The editor would like to thank Andreas Haberl for his help with this year’s BE Guide and Elke Weber
for writing a guest editorial. Special thanks go to Colin Camerer for writing the introduction to this edi-
tion. We are grateful for this year’s partnership and support from the Think Forward Initiative and the
support received from Affective Advisory, Behavior & Law, Center for Advanced Hindsight, Decision
Technology, Experientia, Frontier Economics, Gorilla Experiment Builder, ING, Innovia Technology,
Irrational Labs, and Reinsurance Group of America, as well as the Chicago School of Professional
Psychology, London School of Economics and Political Science, University of Pennsylvania, and
University of Warwick.

We would also like to thank Simon Alperstein, Susan Broomhall, Megan Crawford, Anthony Damtsis,
George Dan, Shireen Deobhakta & Team, Konstantinos Georgalos, Elina Halonen, Bob Hatcher,
Lindsey Horne, Chelsea Hulse, Lisa Kepinski, Arnaldo Nascimento, Tinna Nielsen, Elise Potier, Edgar
Sánchez, Mariliis Tael-Öeren, and Žiga Vižintin for their valuable feedback.

Behavioral Economics Guide 2020 IV

Challenges for
Behavioral Economics
Cumulating and Distilling
What We Know

Colin Camerer
Colin Camerer Challenges for Behavioral Economics: Cumulating and Distilling What We Know

Behavioral economics and its application in important areas of practice is thriving, as this Guide
and preceding annual Guides clearly show. In this essay, I would like to challenge all of us to
continue to innovate around ongoing challenges. Two of these are the result of an embarrass-
ment of riches, from having so much new evidence and new ideas. Those two challenges are
how knowledge accumulation can work better, and how to reduce the “dimensionality” of all
the different behavioral factors we perceive, to distill them to a smaller, more general set. The
third challenge is that there are many ideas in psychology and adjacent social sciences which
have not yet been incorporated into behavioral insights (in a way that fully respects ideas
and methods of their “native” fields). I use design thinking and salience as illustrations of this

Knowledge Accumulation

The goal of science is to accumulate knowledge, full stop. In my opinion, there is a lot of leak-
age in how we currently do this. The reproducibility “upgrade” (a term I prefer to “crisis”) going
on in many areas of science is an example of trying to minimize leakage. Solid accumulation
depends on not getting led too far or frequently astray by false positives which do not repro-
duce. A good infrastructure for rapidly evaluating and cumulating results is of special use for
“hurry-up” social science. For example, as I write this there are probably hundreds of social
science studies being done about COVID-19. It is essentially impossible for all those scientists
to know what the other scientists are doing. There will be duplication and poorly-designed
studies. (It is often said in design that everyone wants cheap, fast, and good. But you can only
have two.)

When studies are written and circulated in preprints, a lot of null effects won’t be written up.
Which studies will get the most attention? It will be a scrum of social media, presenting at sem-
inars, slow and fast reviewing paces. The one thing that would undoubtedly be most useful—a
giant dashboard summarizing weekly progress on each of those hundreds of studies—does
not exist. This is a failure of good informatics.

Behavioral economics is accumulating knowledge about how different kinds of nudges influ-
ence behavior at a rapid pace. The challenge is that carefully assessing what an entire body
of knowledge is telling us is actually quite difficult and is under-rewarded (by academic incen-
tives). A lot of academic publishing, and similar career concerns within government or NGOs,
depend on creativity and doing something new. This creates an incentive to exaggerate the
novelty of one’s contribution compared to what is known from past studies.

Doing a study in which you very carefully collect and code studies for meta-analysis shows little
creativity and novelty because the idea is to look at everyone else’s studies. If you were trying
to show your brilliance and originality, meta-analysis is the last thing you would do.

But think how valuable meta-analysis is! I’m working on a couple of these and will just mention
one that is almost published, about “time budget” (CTB) experiments (Imai, Rutter, & Camerer,
in press). The time budget paradigm presents subjects with a line that represents possible
allocations of 100 tickets for money earned at time T or T+X, with stated conversion rates for
tickets to money at the two times. For example, suppose T=today and T+X=one week from
now. If the conversion rates are $0.10 for today and $0.11 for one week from now, the budget
reflects an implicit interest rate of 10% per week. CTB is basically an expansion of the typical
“smaller sooner, larger later” (SS/LL) paradigm, in which two discrete amounts and dates are

Behavioral Economics Guide 2020 VII

Colin Camerer Challenges for Behavioral Economics: Cumulating and Distilling What We Know

compared. In CTB the ranges of “sooner” and “larger” are continuous. Present bias, for exam-
ple, will be evident if people allocate a lot more tickets to the earlier time T when that time
represents an immediate reward. Since this method was first used by Andreoni and Sprenger
(2012), it became an immediate sensation.

Imai et al. (in press) meta-analyzed 48 studies using this method. Figure 1 shows a “funnel
plot” of estimates of the present bias parameter . Publication bias can be detected from the
lowest-power studies which have high standard errors and low precision. Imprecise studies
should have both unusually low values (like the data points around PB=0.6) and very high
values, in this case above 1. Those high-value studies are missing. More careful tests indicate
publication bias, but only for studies that use “real effort” instead of money.

Figure 1: Funnel plot of estimates of present-bias parameter PB. The y-axis (precision; inverse
standard error) is presented in log-scale. The dotted curves indicate the boundaries for rejection
of the null hypothesis of no present bias (PB=1) at p<.05. Source: Unpublished artwork, Taisuke

There are many likely pressures that create publication bias. One is that a powerful profitable
institution does not want bad news to get out (this may contribute to false positives in medical
trials, for example). For academics, the typical pressures are more mundane—null results are
deemed “uninteresting” and results contradicting a consensus view are over-scrutinized. By
the way, most academics would love to publish a null result if they could; and most everyone
understands that a precisely-estimated “there is no effect” is actually informative, if people
think there is an effect. Because authors aren’t ashamed of null effects, but they do not often
appear in journals, the filtering seems to lie in the refereeing and editorial process.

An important point about publication bias for behavioral economics and nudges was made
by David Halpern (director of the very successful UK Behavioral Insights Team) in a meeting in
Singapore in 2017. Halpern said that in many government domains, randomized experiments
are taxpayer-funded and there is an understanding that all results will be ‘published’ in some
publicly accessible way, regardless of their results.

Halpern’s revelation is amazing, because there is literally no similar burden for academic re-
search in the US, even when it is taxpayer-funded. Suppose you wanted to sift through NIH or

Behavioral Economics Guide 2020 VIII

Colin Camerer Challenges for Behavioral Economics: Cumulating and Distilling What We Know

NSF funding, and figure out what the results of all hypothesized experiments were. It would
be impossible.

Here is an example of a meta-analysis that I loved (Cadario & Chandon, 2019). It represents
the accumulation of available knowledge about nudges used to change eating habits. They
culled 299 effect sizes from 96 studies reported in 90 papers. They drily note that “The number
of observations per study ranged from 36 to 100 million, with a median of 1231.” Figure 2 is
a gorgeous summary of what they learned. (The rest of the paper is packed with details and
methods; if you are curious about the nuts and bolts of meta-analysis it is a good place to start,
as is Stanley & Doucouliagos, 2012).

Figure 2: Meta-analytic effect sizes d from nudges to change eating. Source: Cadario and Chandon

Their conclusion is that there is a clear ordering from small to large, cognition<affect<behav-
ior. For example, changing plate size works better than adding nutrition details.

There are other prominent meta-analyses of nudges, but they are selective. Benartzi et al.
(2017) estimated cost-effectiveness of 20 published studies on typical interventions like in-
creasing savings and college enrollment. Hummel and Maedche (2019) meta-analyze 100
published studies. DellaVigna and Linos (2020) use data from the US “Nudge Unit” and aca-
demic publications. They examine only field RCTs with a control group, no financial incentives
or default treatments, and binary outcomes. Those filters selected 165 RCTS with 349 nudge
treatments from the Nudge Unit (90% unpublished). The same filters selected 26 RCTs with
75 nudge treatments from published papers. The interesting finding is that academic papers
report larger effect sizes, around 8.7 percentage point effects, compared to only 1.4 percent-
age point for Nudge Units. There seems to be publication bias (favoring positive results) in the
academic corpus, but not in the nudge unit sample (in which every RCT is reported, as Halpern

Behavioral Economics Guide 2020 IX

Colin Camerer Challenges for Behavioral Economics: Cumulating and Distilling What We Know

We need to see a lot more results like these. And they need to be published prominently. As
of this writing, Benartzi et al. (2017) has 319 Google Scholar citations. Hummel and Maedche
(2019), which is more recent (but first circulated in 2017), has only 21 citations.

The second challenge which is the focus of this essay is the simultaneous need to take stock
about what is known, while also continuing to “import” areas in psychology that have been
overlooked and should prove useful to understand behavior and create positive behavior

Social sciences are in a Golden Age (Buyalskaya, Gallo, & Camerer, 2019). Our golden age is
marked by incredible volume and quality of data and increasing “trade” and collaboration
across disciplines to solve hard problems (cf. Mažar’s, 2019, allusion to “integrative thinking”).
Behavioral economics was an early adopter, and successful exemplar, of this style.

Taking Stock: What is the “Periodic Table” of Behavioral Elements?

The fertility of behavioral economics is sometimes measured by the sheer number of concepts
from behavioral science that have been brought to bear on economic decisions. Many of you
will have seen the circular codex of 175 or so cognitive biases created by Buster Benson during
parental leave (you can see it at the URL below this citation: Benson, 2016). He writes:

I made several different attempts to try to group these 20 or so at a higher level, and even-
tually landed on grouping them by the general mental problem that they were attempting
to address. Every cognitive bias is there for a reason — primarily to save our brains time or
energy. If you look at them by the problem they’re trying to solve, it becomes a lot easier to
understand why they exist, how they’re useful, and the trade-offs (and resulting mental errors)
that they introduce.

Benson is a marketing person at Slack, and an author. He does not have a PhD But his codex
and the logic behind is a reminder, perhaps humbling, that there are a lot of very talented,
scientifically-curious people working in firms, especially in tech, who are essentially applied
social scientists. Their products test hypotheses about human behavior.

Benson’s rationale for grouping biases into categories is a partial rediscovery of a framework
introduced by the vision neuroscientist David Marr in 1982 (see Krakauer et al., 2017). Marr’s
idea was that understanding a biological system required knowing its functionality or compu-
tation (Why? What is it for?), algorithmic specification such as equations or a blueprint (What?
What abstract parts characterize it?), and mechanism (How? How does organic material exe-
cute the algorithm?). Benson used “What is it for?” to reduce the dimensionality in his codex.

Of course, there are other scientific methods to do dimension-reduction. However, profes-

sional career success in behavioral economics (and particularly in psychology) often rewards
the discovery of a “new” bias or effect. Those discoveries are necessary; but they are building
blocks, meant to be assembled into structures. Equally important to discovery is therefore the
disciplined ways of reducing a large number of related biases to a smaller number.

Think about psychometrics. Good psychometric scales ask multiple questions whose answers
are highly, but not perfectly correlated, because they are thought to tap subtly different aspects
of a single construct. Dimension reduction is achieved by methods like principal components.
The goal is something like a periodic table of behavioral elements, all of which are distinct.

Behavioral Economics Guide 2020 X

Colin Camerer Challenges for Behavioral Economics: Cumulating and Distilling What We Know

In behavioral economics, a pioneering paper on this topic is Stango and Zinman (2019). (Their
first version is from 2016 and was revised twice more before the 2019 version; that means it
was hard to publish.) They compress a long list of surveyed behaviors, such as beliefs in the
gambler’s fallacy, loss-aversion, and time discounting into a “B-count”. They show that while
B-count is highly correlated with measures of intelligence, it has additional predictive power
for financial outcomes and other variables.

The desire for a single-dimension B-count for each person is motivated by the suggestion
that such numbers could be used to do “welfare analysis” (e.g. Chetty, 2015). Welfare is the
economic term for analyzing how policy changes improve outcomes for different groups of
people, as those people themselves would judge them.

From a psychological point of view, the B-count approach is a little odd because it imposes a
single dimension onto behaviors which are likely to correlate imperfectly and draw on quite
different psychological and neural processes. It has the flavor of scales like the South Oaks
Gambling Screen (SOGS) diagnostic criteria for pathological gambling (Lesieur & Blume, 1987).
The SOGS asks 22 questions and counts up the number of pathology-consistent Yes answers
to questions such as “Have you ever lost time from work (or school) due to gambling?”. One to
four Yes answers means you have “some problems with gambling”. Five indicates “probable
pathological gambler”. We surely don’t want all the nuances of behavioral judgments, risk-tak-
ing, limits on strategic thinking, etc., to be boiled down to one such simple scale. (Although one
can see its value for busy clinicians.)

A different approach to dimension reduction was taken by me and coauthors in Chapman et

al. (2018). We did a survey of average Americans and asked questions yielding 21 measures
of behaviorally-interesting “econographic” choices, mostly about patience, risk preference,
sociality, and mental overconfidence. We then use principal components to see how many
distinct dimensions the 21 measures might be reduced to (rather than assuming the measures
contribute to a single B-count). We recover five dimensions, which generally cluster over risk,
time, and sociality with a couple of interesting exceptions. (Our paper has been difficult to
publish too.)

‘New’ Psychology: Design and Salience

A healthy behavioral economics should be dimension-reducing at the same time as new kinds
of effects are being discovered. Indeed, given how much psychology and other behavioral
sciences have to offer, I often feel that the menu of typical nudge treatments is a little stale.
The usual menu consists of defaults, loss/gain framing, prosociality priming, social compari-
son, and a few others. But there is so much more in psychology (and elsewhere)! Even the best
restaurants add new dishes regularly. We should too.

Thaler (2020) expresses a similar view. He wrote that:

"We know a lot about the effect of the strategies Katy [Milkman] used so successfully
here such as defaults, reminders, deadlines, guilt, salience and norms…my question is
whether they span the entire behavioral science repertoire? Do we not have some new
behavioral strategies to employ?"

Behavioral Economics Guide 2020 XI

Colin Camerer Challenges for Behavioral Economics: Cumulating and Distilling What We Know

Along these lines, Mažar’s (2019) editorial in last year’s Guide mentioned the importance of
design; I totally agree. Indeed, Thaler and Sunstein’s (2008) book has design discussion in
chapter 5, including a picture from Norman’s (1990) classic book, illustrating good and bad
stove-burner designs. Good designs map burner locations and on-off switches similarly, so the
visual system can quickly associate which switch corresponds to which burner.

Design first appears even earlier on the third page of their book. They mention two examples,
design of voter ballots and forms, and draw an analogy between choice architecture that influ-
ences behavior, and how architectural design of buildings influences behavior. When I worked
at Chicago GSB (now Booth) in the early 1990s, there was a single mailroom and just next to
it, a coffee area with couches. People would often bump into each other, catch up on research
and argue. Newcomers were quickly introduced around this way, and “high-centrality” people
connected faculty members from different fields. I’m not sure if this design influenced interdis-
ciplinary understanding for the better (or was even deliberate), but the fact that the entire field
of architecture exists and so thoroughly considers its behavioral influence suggests maybe it

If you are nudging you are designing, whether you realize it or not. Making forms simpler, re-
ducing visual clutter, creating a good infographic, directing attention to the right place, crafting
emails that remind without nagging, minimizing “pain points” in a visuo-motor sequence, etc.,
are all aspects of design. In social science we tend to abstract from how our brains absorb in-
formation in different sensory modalities, haptics, and affordances (outside of social sciences
that are focused explicitly on these topics). But such details are crucial for nudging. The details
are what determines whether something that is meant to be simple really is simple. (Simple =
well-designed.) Behavioral economics has not fully embraced the importance of these details,
and how they can be understood scientifically.

Salience has become salient in economics in a few ways. Bordalo, Gennaioli, and Shleifer (2012)
introduced a simple formula in which extreme values are more salient, and apply it successful
to examples from risky choice, asset pricing, and consumer theory. Another example is visual
salience (see Li & Camerer, 2019). Visual salience is special because the visual system is prob-
ably the brain circuit and function that is the most well-understood. Cognitive neuroscience
has discovered some robust principles about what makes stimuli visually salient (Cornia et
al., 2018; Itti & Koch, 2001). Some features are “bottom-up”—color, contrast, and orientation.
These features universally grab early attention (in <500msec). Others are “top-down”: They
depend on expectations, personal experience, task goals (looking for a familiar face at a party,
or a new one?), and surprise relative to a Bayesian prior. To a new Volvo-owner, Volvos are
suddenly familiar and seem to be everywhere.

Good design makes whatever you want people to see more visually salient and easy to make
sense of. That’s it.

Here is an example from Li and Camerer (2019) (who use visual salience to predict coordina-
tion in visual matching and hider-seeker games). In a particular kind of complicated behavioral
intervention, Karing and Naguib (2017) wanted to create credible and noticeable “signals” indi-
cating when Kenyans had dewormed their children. (The idea is that deworming is good for a
child, and also is a public good because it prevents worms from spreading to other children.)
A good signal must be visible to others, and the parents must know it will be visible to others.

Behavioral Economics Guide 2020 XII

Colin Camerer Challenges for Behavioral Economics: Cumulating and Distilling What We Know

Perceptual salience is essentially necessary for a good signal to do its social job. Ink on the
thumb did not work. But a lime-green bracelet did. Figure 1a shows the bracelet. Figure 1b
shows a heat map of a visual salience algorithm trained to predict what people will look at.
The algorithm predicts that the bracelets are salient (and a colorful logo on the t-shirt is too).

There are many other applications for how visual salience, and other predictive aspects of
good design, can be used to take behavioral economics to the next level in practice.

Figure 3: Bracelets used to signal compliance with a deworming program in Kenya. Source:
Photograph (a) courtesy of Anne Karing. Heatmap (b) generated by Xiaomin Li based on Cornia et
al. (2018).

Wrapping up

Active behavioral economists working in academia and practice are well-aware of the three
challenges described in this essay. Progress is likely on all three fronts. For example, between
the first draft of this essay and the last DellaVigna and Linos (2020) meta-analysis showed up as
if my words rubbed a lamp from which a genie emerged. That paper also vindicated Halpern’s
2017 statement that nudge units essentially ‘publish’ everything, whether RCTs worked or not.
This practice makes meta-analysis so much easier and can be easily adopted by academics
(for which preregistration is a step in the right direction). Whether we’ll ever have a Behavioral
Insights Truth Scoreboard to keep track of all the knowledge in the world in real time remains
to be seen. (Though more than one COVID-19 online trackers already exist, showing a use case
of a particular kind.) If there is such a thing, it will benefit greatly from publications like this that
regularly report what behavioral insights people are discovering.

Behavioral Economics Guide 2020 XIII

Colin Camerer Challenges for Behavioral Economics: Cumulating and Distilling What We Know

The Author

Colin Camerer is the Robert Kirby Professor of Behavioral Economics at the California Institute
of Technology. He earned a PhD from the University of Chicago in 1981, worked at Northwestern,
Penn, and Chicago, and came to Caltech in 1994. He was elected a Fellow of the Econometric
Society in 1999 and named a MacArthur Fellow in 2013. Camerer’s research group uses a wide
variety of lab and field methods to study computations made in goal-directed economic and
social decisions, including strategic interaction and market trading. fMRI projects have isolated
self-control in choosing tempting foods, emotional regulation of financial losses, curiosity, and
neural circuitry underlying disposition effects stock market bubbles. Their group have also
used TMS to causally influence choice, eyetracking to measure attention, behavior of lesion
patients, and competitive touchscreen experiments with chimpanzees. Besides creating lab
experiments, Camerer’s group tests theories from neuroscience and psychology using field
data on sports betting, work decisions, strategic naivete among moviegoers, and habits in
consumer choice.


Andreoni, J., & Sprenger, C. (2012). Estimating time preferences from convex budgets.” American
Economic Review, 102(7), 3333-3356.
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Behavioral Economics Guide 2020 XIV

Colin Camerer Challenges for Behavioral Economics: Cumulating and Distilling What We Know

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piness. New Haven, CT: Yale University Press.

Behavioral Economics Guide 2020 XV

Giving the Future a Chance
Behavioral Economic
Responses to the Dual
Challenges of COVID-19
and the Climate Crisis

Elke U. Weber
Elke U. Weber Behavioral Economic Responses to the Dual Challenges of COVID-19 and the Climate Crisis

The editorial in each annual edition of the Behavioral Economics Guide is meant to review
emerging trends in behavioral economics and related social and behavioral sciences. In 2018,
Robert Metcalfe discussed solutions to problems that affect governments and companies and
reviewed the use of social image, commitment contracts, and the role of inattention. Last year,
Nina Mažar wrote on ethics, integrative thinking, and the need for greater integration across
the social sciences. Both commented on the excitement and optimism present in the field.

This year, we find ourselves in a different reality. Like Lewis Carroll’s Alice, we have gone down
a rabbit hole, emerging in a world that is hardly recognizable. All that we took for granted—as
recently as the drop of the crystal ball in Times Square last New Year’s Eve—has been called
into question: Our ability to go to work; meet with friends and family; find needed products in
stores or online; attend conferences, concerts, movies, or plays; travel for work or recreation;
attend weddings, funerals, or reunions; and so much more. It is hard to predict when and
to what extent our lives will return to even a new normal. Most of us worry about infection
with the virus; some, who have fought symptoms, wonder whether they had the disease in
the absence of available antigen or antibody tests; those who tested positive worry wheth-
er previous exposure confers future immunity; and even those who dismiss the virus threat
as a conspiracy committed by a host of hostile groups need to worry about the economic
consequences of widespread lockdowns. In such times of deep uncertainty, excitement and
optimism are harder to find, not just in global markets and public sentiment, but perhaps also
in the behavioral science community. The COVID-19 crisis serves as a cautionary tale about our
societal and scientific ability to predict the future, with dystopic science-fiction narratives like
the movie Contagion becoming the script for reality seemingly overnight.

Hindsight shows that a coronavirus pandemic was not a ‘black swan’ (Taleb, 2007), a rare and
unpredictable outlier event, but a ‘gray rhino’ (Wucker, 2016), a highly probable yet neglected
threat (Sanger et al., 2020). The current crisis should alert the behavioral science community to
the following dangerous combination: Evidence of innumerous sources of uncertainty facing
us in many important societal decisions, juxtaposed with cognitive and motivational biases
(not only among the general public, but also among scientists and policymakers) that exagger-
ate our perceived ability to predict (Fischhoff, 1980; Tetlock & Gardner, 2015). One important
lesson the field may want to take away from this realization is the importance of employing
modeling approaches that explore and acknowledge the true extent of ignorance of future
events and creatively guard against probable and unpredictable high-impact surprises. I will
say more below about the Robust Decision-Making framework (Lempert, 2006), which does
precisely that.

Behavioral Economics Lessons for Coronavirus and Climate Change Responses

The COVID-19 pandemic may be the most important public health challenge of recent dec-
ades, with severe implications for human life, wellbeing, economic prosperity, and security.
Yet, over the long term, its impacts will most likely be dwarfed by the consequences of global
climate change. There is a growing threat of exceeding critical thresholds of greenhouse gas
concentrations in the Earth’s atmosphere that keep our planet’s climate within livable range
and also of exceeding other planetary boundaries, all of which are driven by a growing global
population with increasing expectations for improved standards of living and by a global mar-
ket economy that depends on continuous growth.

Behavioral Economics Guide 2020 3

Elke U. Weber Behavioral Economic Responses to the Dual Challenges of COVID-19 and the Climate Crisis

While appeals by the scientific community to pay attention to these fundamental and systemic
risks of business-as-usual have been ignored for far too long by the political class and the gen-
eral public, the tide appeared to be changing more recently. Over the past year or so, climate
change concerns and calls to action for environmental stewardship and sustainable devel-
opment had been increasing quite noticeably, driven by the UN Intergovernmental Panel on
Climate Change Special Report on the Impacts of Global Warming of 1.5°C above Pre-industrial
Levels (IPCC, 2018) and Sustainable Development Goals (Sachs et al., 2019), by emergent youth
movements like Greta Thunberg’s Fridays for Future, by increased stated concern about car-
bon risk exposure on the part of institutional investors and even major asset management
firms like BlackRock, and by other members of civic society (e.g. employees of companies like
Amazon) expressing the desire for increased efforts in climate change risk management and

The onset of the COVID-19 crisis has raised fears that a finite pool of worry will derail this mo-
mentum (Leiserowitz et al., 2020), as the attention of the public and policymakers shifts from
climate change mitigation to dealing with this public health emergency. The jury is still out on
what COVID-19 concern and action (both individual and public) will mean for climate change
concern and action. The 2020 version of the annual Yale-George Mason climate change survey
showed that Americans’ positions on climate change were not moved much by the corona-
virus pandemic and associated economic crisis: 73 percent of respondents said that climate
change was happening, 54 percent were “extremely” or “very” certain that it is happening, and
62 percent accepted the established scientific view that global warming is mostly caused by
human activity, all levels that matched the high levels of acceptance previously measured by
the survey in 2019 (Leiserowitz et al., 2020). Two large panel studies in which I am currently in-
volved with collaborators, one using a large representative sample of Americans (Constantino
et al., 2020) and the other employing three large samples in the US, Italy, and China (Sisco et
al., 2020), find that reported worry about climate change and reported worry about COVID-19
are positively correlated, even when controlling for a broad range of demographics. This clear-
ly contradicts the prediction that a simple interpretation of the finite-pool-of-worry hypothesis
(Weber, 2006) would make, but it is instead consistent with affect generalization (Johnson and
Tversky, 1983). On the other hand, both Twitter activity and media reporting in Sisco et al.
(2020) show the predicted negative relationship between climate change coverage and COVID-
19 coverage over the past two months in all three countries, with a greater frequency of post-
ings related to COVID-19 replacing postings related to climate change. Twitter activity and
media reporting about related risks, namely, between COVID-19 health risks and economic
and unemployment risks, on the other hand, show a positive relationship, suggesting that
the observed negative correlation between COVID-19 and climate change is not simply due to
logistical capacity constraints (Sisco et al., 2020). There is plenty more to understand, and the
COVID-19 crisis is a powerful natural experiment that will allow us to examine and qualify the
finite-pool-of-worry hypothesis in important ways.

There are other—positive—ways in which the two crises may relate. Media accounts have
been speculating about the extent to which the temporary reduction in carbon emissions as a
result of the pandemic may help with the climate change challenge. The International Energy
Agency predicts that the world will use six percent less energy this year (IEA, 2020), equivalent
to losing the entire energy demand of India. Of greater interest to this audience is the question
of whether there are ways in which current changes in behavior, enforced by governments
or circumstances, may lead to the establishment of new habits or new formal or informal

Behavioral Economics Guide 2020 4

Elke U. Weber Behavioral Economic Responses to the Dual Challenges of COVID-19 and the Climate Crisis

institutions that will continue to reduce greenhouse gas emissions after current restrictions
are removed. Both individuals and organizations are finding out the true costs and benefits
of changes in work and travel habits that they had previously resisted, in part out of status
quo bias. Working from home and using telepresence to reduce business travel saves time,
money, and carbon emissions, and may not compromise employee productivity or meeting
effectiveness. Consistent with such positive lessons, several companies, including Facebook,
Twitter, and the payment company Square, recently announced that employees would be
allowed to work permanently from home. On the other hand, current restrictions on travel
and movement in the personal sphere will more likely result in penned-up demand and an in-
crease in activities like airline travel after restrictions are lifted. Additionally, on the downside,
continued risk of virus transmission by close personal contact will put a serious damper on the
use of public transit options like subways, buses, and trains after economies reopen, in favor
of carbon-heavy use of private cars.

Lessons may also go the other way. That is, lessons from behavioral economics on how to
deal with the climate crisis may turn out to be useful to address challenges with COVID-19.
To explore what these lessons might be, it is useful to think about the ways in which the two
crises are similar—and the ways in which they are different. Starting with the latter, the two cri-
ses differ on at least two important dimensions. The first is psychological distance (Liberman,
Trope, & Stephan, 2007), with climate change and its negative impacts being seen as more
removed in space, time, and likelihood than coronavirus infection. Using responses from the
recent survey mentioned above (Constantino et al., 2020) and shown in the two bottom panels
of Figure 1, American respondents across the political spectrum rated the impacts of COVID-19
as falling on the present (right panel), whereas the impacts of climate change (left panel) were
judged to fall significantly more on the future, a difference that is greater for Democrats than
for Republicans. (I will say more about political polarization below.) Second, the two crises
also score differently on the psychological risk dimensions identified in the 1970s as driving
public willingness to accept risk or protect against it (Fischhoff et al., 1978). Figure 1 shows
boxplots of the scores on which three major psychological risk dimensions were evaluated for
climate change and COVID-19 (Constantino et al., 2020). The top panels plot “perceived un-
controllability”, which scored somewhat higher for climate change than COVID-19 on average,
but for both crises it was seen as much lower (i.e. more controllable) by Republicans than by
Democrats. The second row of panels plot “dread”. Previous work shows that climate change
is not something that elicits visceral feelings of dread (Fox-Glassman & Weber, 2016), a result
also shown here. COVID-19, in contrast, shows higher levels of dread, especially for Democrats
and Independents.

The following characteristics are shared by the two crises, both at an individual and at a pol-
icy-level decision-making perspective: a) In both situations, the consequences of action or
inaction are delayed, making it hard to learn from experience. (b) COVID-19 infections grow
exponentially, and greenhouse gas emissions affect the global climate in complex and highly
nonlinear ways that can result in tipping points. Both of these features lead to a drastic un-
derestimation of the costs of delaying mitigative action (Kunreuther & Slovic, 2020). (c) Both
hazards are characterized by deep uncertainty that encompasses physical, biological, and
chemical processes, technological progress, and behavioral responses. (d) Actions to reduce
the risk of infection by COVID-19, and actions to rein in the magnitude of climate change, have
upfront costs that need to be paid now and for sure, but their benefits accrue to the individual
and to the collective only in the future, and with some uncertainty. (e) Both crises are collective

Behavioral Economics Guide 2020 5

Elke U. Weber Behavioral Economic Responses to the Dual Challenges of COVID-19 and the Climate Crisis

action problems. (f) The costs and benefits of different ways of responding to both hazards
are unequally distributed across geographies, levels of income, and prosperity, as well as age
and future generations. (g) Both crises call for cooperative action, even though their negative
effects on health, wellbeing, and the economy seem to elicit competitive responses.

Figure 1: Boxplots of three psychological risk dimensions (perceived controllability, dread, and
perceived precision of knowledge of impacts) and psychological distance of climate change (CC)
risk and COVID-19 (CV) risk, provided by 4,557 American respondents in April 2020, by self-
identified political party affiliation (Constantino et al., 2020). Reproduced with permission.

Behavioral economics and allied social sciences have been active in developing solutions
for the list of shared challenges described above, which have so far mostly been examined
in the context of circumventing challenges related to the climate crisis. A panel of experts
convened by the Behavioral Science and Policy Association reviewed the literature on docu-
mented solutions that can be applied to energy and environmental policy (Yoeli et al., 2017).
As shown in Figure 2, they identified 13 tools that range from choice architecture interven-
tions (e.g. setting defaults, choosing frames, reducing the number of options), to methods of
persuasion (e.g. communicating social norms, obtaining commitments) and communication
(e.g. providing timely feedback, employing intuitive metrics). More interestingly, perhaps, the
experts mapped these 13 tools onto four categories of problems that need solutions. The first
objective (“getting people’s attention”) is a challenge for climate change but does not appear to
be a problem for COVID-19, the crisis with a far greater psychological proximity, as described

Behavioral Economics Guide 2020 6

Elke U. Weber Behavioral Economic Responses to the Dual Challenges of COVID-19 and the Climate Crisis

above. Politicians and media have responded accordingly, with COVID-19 attention and action
displacing coverage of many if not most other issues.

Figure 2: Overarching objectives to be achieved by 13 behavioral science tools, in order to

strengthen energy and environmental policy, as described by Yoeli et al. (2017). Copyrighted by
Behavioral Science and Policy Association (BSPA). Reproduced with permission.

The other three objectives, however (“engaging people’s desire to contribute to the social
good,” “facilitating accurate assessment of risks, costs, and benefits,” and “making complex
information more accessible”), apply equally well to the challenge of wisely guiding individual
and policy responses to COVID-19. The map of tools and objectives in Figure 2 can help in doing
so. Communicating appropriate injunctive norms about social distancing and the wearing of
face masks (tool 11) will be an important component of effective strategies to move to the
next stage of dealing with COVID-19, namely, the gradual reopening of economic, social, and
cultural life. Such voluntary restrictions and rules will need to be enforced by the community,
which will be helped by the fact that such behaviors are highly visible (tool 10), but they need to
be incentivized by informing people about consequences they care about (tool 7), for example
protecting their parents or children from infection. As another example, peer-generated and
enforced norms of fairness and equity are probably better responses to reduce incidences
of hoarding and panic-buying than governmental or store prohibitions. Social norms are cur-
rently much in vogue as tools to influence environmental action, in part because they have the
potential to lead to tipping points in behavior (Nyborg, 2017).

Responses to both crises show political polarization, i.e. the divergence of concerns, beliefs,
and attitudes to ideological extremes. Long established for climate change, both anecdotal
evidence and our recent national survey (Constantino et al., 2020) confirm this phenomenon

Behavioral Economics Guide 2020 7

Elke U. Weber Behavioral Economic Responses to the Dual Challenges of COVID-19 and the Climate Crisis

for COVID-19. Cognitive dissonance, wishful thinking, solution aversion, and a host of other
psychological processes and phenomena predict such polarization, which puts limits on the
effectiveness of communicating scientific information to inform and modify behavior (Weber,
2017). Even personal experience, long-documented to be a far more effective teacher (Marx et
al., 2007), has been shown to be less effective for individuals with strong ideological beliefs in
the domain of climate change beliefs and action. For example, as UK residents were exposed
to extensive flooding attributable in its frequency and magnitude to climate change, those
relatively uncommitted to either a liberal or a conservative ideology became more convinced
of the reality and seriousness of climate change (“seeing is believing”), but those at the con-
servative end of the ideological spectrum failed to take note of the floods (“believing is seeing”)
(Myers et al., 2013; Weber, 2013). Nevertheless, there are bound to be limits to people’s willing-
ness to ignore painful personal experience for the sake of maintaining ideological consistency.
Given the greater psychological proximity of COVID-19, it will be interesting to see whether and
when “believing is seeing” gives way to “seeing is believing.”

Broader Receptivity to Behavioral Economics

The UK was the first national government to establish a Behavioral Insights Team in 2010 to
apply the insights of behavioral economics and allied social sciences to inform public policy
design and implementation and improve the collection of taxes and fines and delivery of other
public services. The US government established its Social and Behavioral Science Team in 2015,
and a long list of other countries have followed suit, from Australia, Canada, and Singapore
to Germany, the Netherlands, Indonesia, Ireland, Peru, and others. Behavioral Insight Teams
have also been instituted in transnational organizations, including the European Union, the
OECD, and the World Bank, with some issuing reports on their efforts and successes (Naru &
Cavassini, 2016; World Bank, 2015).

There has been progress in the way behavioral economics has been acknowledged and uti-
lized by the UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change and the energy transition and
carbon mitigation policy community. In the first four IPCC reports, the implicit assumption
about decision processes on the demand side of mitigation (i.e., energy technology adoption
and energy consumption decisions) was rational choice, where individual agents maximize
self-focused expected utility, with individual difference variations only in wealth, risk attitude,
and time discount rates. A chapter on risk management in the IPCC’s 5th Assessment Report
(Kunreuther et al. 2014) introduced a broader range of goals (from material goals to self- and
other-regarding social goals, and psychological goals) and a broader range of decision process-
es (calculation-based, but also affect-based, and role- and rule-based processes). The chapter
reviewed how experts and the general population differ in their perceptions and responses
to risk and uncertainty and pointed policy makers to the importance of understanding and
predicting the public’s reaction in order to communicate climate risks and uncertainties effec-
tively. It is encouraging that in its 6th Assessment Report the IPCC allocated a full chapter to an
expanded treatment of behavioral demand-side mitigation solutions that focuses on human
needs as well as human responses in their full complexity (Creutzig et al., 2020).

The introduction of a broader range of goals, decision processes, and individual and cultur-
al differences than those of the compact and homogenous homo economicus has important
implications for the evaluation of scenarios in the climate change context and elsewhere. On
the one hand, it introduces additional variance and uncertainty about the effects of climate

Behavioral Economics Guide 2020 8

Elke U. Weber Behavioral Economic Responses to the Dual Challenges of COVID-19 and the Climate Crisis

change (e.g., temperature increases or extreme weather) on human behavior and hence fu-
ture GHG emissions (Beckage et al., 2018). On the other hand, a modeling framework that in-
cludes the many drivers and influences on individual decisions that go beyond rational choice
and rational expectations (e.g., responses to extreme events, perceived behavioral control,
perceived social norms, and framing effects) explains many anomalies observed by ecologists
in the field (Constantino, Wijermans, et al., 2020; Schlüter et al., 2017) and generates a broader
set of demand-side policy options and more effective ways of implementing them.

Behavioral economics has not just enjoyed broader receptivity in the public policy arena. An
increasing number of companies have been acquiring behavioral insight teams to employ
them in internal operational and strategic decisions and when interfacing with customers,
clients, or other external stakeholder groups. On his website, consultant Steve Shu (2019)
lists 37 major companies with internal behavioral economics groups that include BlackRock,
Facebook, Google, Microsoft, Prudential, Uber, UBS, SwissRe, and Walmart, as well as 15 con-
sulting firms and practice groups in the behavioral science and behavioral economics space.

Modeling to Protect Against Dangerous Surprises: Robust Decision-Making

Modeling in behavioral economics has combined the best characteristics of its two parent
disciplines. Its origins in the intellectually precise and rigorous traditions of economics have
made behavioral economic models of psychological processes more formal, quantitative, and
cumulative than psychological explanations, often by adding arguments or parameters to ex-
isting rational models of choice. At the same time, the addition of such modeling components
is guided by a strong focus on observed empirical regularities of psychology, in contrast to the
stronger commitment to the normative option in economics. Adding the present-bias param-
eter beta to the regular exponential time-discounting parameter delta in the beta-delta model
that approximates hyperbolic discounting (Laibson, 1997) is a good example of both of these
observations. However, most—if not all—behavioral economics models still fall into the cate-
gory of (constrained) optimization, providing best estimates of parameter values while making
very specific assumptions about the functional form of different sources of uncertainty.

In contrast, Robust Decision-Making (RDM) is an analytic framework in the family of regret mod-
els, satisficing evaluation criteria, and sensitivity analyses developed by the RAND Corporation
( It is designed to identify decision
strategies that are robust to important classes of deep uncertainty and ignorance. Rather than
generating one optimal action recommendation, RDM explores a given set of plausible actions
going forward (iteratively generating creative new options and solutions along the way) for
their ability to provide acceptable outcomes under a broad range of possible future states of
the world (Lempert, 2006). Such an analytic framework, exemplified nicely by Bloom (2014) to
prioritize the allocation of health care resources for HIV, seems well suited to the challenges of
deciding on wise actions in the face of COVID-19 and the climate crisis, which is very much in
the spirit of behavioral economics.

Walk the Talk

Let me close with some recent insights relevant to more politically charged behavioral eco-
nomics applications, such as climate change action or COVID-19 responses. In such contexts,
the scientist who communicates insights about existing risks and recommendations for how
personal action can mitigate these risks may well be judged for his or her personal adherence

Behavioral Economics Guide 2020 9

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to these recommendations. Scientists who fail to do so are perceived as being less credible,
and their recommendations are less likely to be followed. Perceived personal lifestyle con-
sistency on part of the scientist (“walking the talk”) increases adherence to recommendations
when these are about personal lifestyle changes (Attari, Krantz, & Weber, 2016) and about
support for governmental action (Attari, Krantz, & Weber, 2019). As with most virtues, how-
ever, personal lifestyle consistency can backfire when it is too extreme. When scientists are
perceived as too extreme in their sustainable lifestyle pursuit, their decarbonization messages
have somewhat lower impacts than those of scientists with merely strong but more relatable
personal sustainability profiles (Sparkman & Attari, 2020).


We live in interesting times, in all senses of the apocryphal Chinese blessing and curse! There is
much to be learned about our species’ willingness to change lifestyles and behavior when the
stakes are high, about the role and ability of feedback and personal experience to overcome
ideological opposition to certain classes of solutions, about the finite pool of worry, and about
the best ways to model and evaluate action going forward. Behavioral economics and allied
social and behavioral sciences have had—and will continue to have—much to contribute to
the important endeavor of giving the future a chance.

The Author

Elke Weber is the Gerhard R. Andlinger Professor in Energy and the Environment and Professor
of Psychology and Public Affairs at Princeton University, where she founded and directs the
Behavioral Science for Policy Lab (BSPL).

In her research, Weber examines and models decision-making under uncertainty and time
delay in financial and environmental contexts from a psychological and neuroscience per-
spective. Her expertise in the behavioral decision sciences has been sought out by advisory
committees of the National Academy of Sciences on Human Dimensions in Global Change, an
American Psychological Association Task Force that issued a report on the Interface between
Psychology and Global Climate Change, and Working Group III for the 5th and 6th Assessment
Report of the U.N. Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). She is past president
of the Society for Neuroeconomics, the Society for Judgment and Decision Making, and the
Society for Mathematical Psychology. She is a fellow of the American Academy of Arts and
Sciences, the American Association for the Advancement of Science, the American Psychological
Association, the Association for Psychological Science, the Society for Risk Analysis, and the
Society for Experimental Psychology. She received the Distinguished Scientific Contribution
Award from the Society for Risk Analysis and was elected to the German National Academy of
Sciences Leopoldina and the US National Academy of Sciences.

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Behavioral Economics Guide 2020 13

The content of papers in this section is the sole responsibility of the contributing authors
and organizations. The editor accepts no liability for the quality, correctness, or com-
pleteness of the information provided.
Simple Strategies
for S.H.A.R.P.E.R.
Decision-Making in

Torben Emmerling
Duncan Rooders
Affective Advisory
Torben Emmerling & Duncan Rooders Simple Strategies for S.H.A.R.P.E.R. Decision-Making in Groups

“Madness is the exception in individuals, but the rule in groups”

Friedrich Nietzsche, Beyond Good and Evil


The reason why humans have come to dominate this planet is due, to a large extent, to our
extraordinary evolutionary capacity for decision-making (Dawes & Hastie, 2010; Sunstein &
Hastie, 2015). Over hundreds of years, we have efficiently learnt how to analyse and amend
our decisions, ranging from choosing the right food and shelter, to devising complex business
strategies and effective public policies. Looking back, it is probably fair to say that, on aggre-
gate, our decisions have had a positive outcome on society, enabling us to enjoy progressively
higher levels of safety and prosperity (Harari, 2016). However, many expensive and painful
mistakes have been made along the way on both an individual and a societal level. Looking
forward, it should therefore be in the interest of our society and each individual to make use of
this vast pool of experiences, in order to cultivate strategies leading to positive outcomes and
avoid those leading to negative outcomes.

Taking a behavioural science perspective, our aim is to contribute to this process of establish-
ing a better collective understanding of what enables and supports good decision-making.
Since many of the most important decisions for businesses and societies alike are taken by
groups of people – on boards, ministries, committees and the like – we are particularly inter-
ested in the obstacles that present themselves when human beings try to make decisions
together, as a collective. Bridging insights from academia and practice, we start with a brief
review of the most critical patterns of human decision-making. Subsequently, we discuss four
of the most critical biases resulting from these patterns for individuals and groups. This first
part follows the simple rational logic that better knowledge of human judgement and deci-
sion-making processes can lead to better outcomes. Building thereupon, we present seven
simple principles for S.H.A.R.P.E.R. decision-making in groups. This second part follows the
behaviourally-informed logic that carefully designed contexts, or ‘choice architectures’, can
greatly improve decisions (Thaler, 2015; Thaler & Sunstein, 2008). We conclude with a short
summary and a practitioner-focused outlook on strategic decision-making.

Critical Patterns, Heuristics and Biases in Strategic Decision-Making

Critical Patterns in Individual Decision-Making

The most important characteristic in any decision-making process is the degree of uncertain-
ty surrounding future outcomes and the associated risk perceptions of individuals (Noyes et
al., 2012). Strategic decisions in private and public settings are often characterised by high
complexity, incomplete information and limited resources – factors which pose considerable
challenges to ‘boundedly rational’ individuals (Simon, 1955). Humans often remedy this situ-
ation by reverting, mostly subliminally, to simple heuristics that serve as efficient shortcuts
in situations of risk and uncertainty (Tversky & Kahneman, 1974). This way, we substitute a
complex question with an easier one, and we rely on the most easily and vividly accessible
memories and on subjectively appropriate reference values when presented with a complex
decision to make (Kahneman, 2003).

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While these broadly accurate individual rules of thumb work most of the time and can gener-
ally be described as very powerful (Gigerenzer, 1999), they are also the source of systematic
biases (Gilovich et al., 2002; Haselton et al., 2005; Kahneman & Frederick, 2002). Moreover,
the fact that they are activated quickly and subconsciously complicates their recognition and
potential correction (Gilbert, 1991). We even go as far as altering our perception of a situation
so that it seems subjectively less uncertain, in order to reduce the tensions we experience
in uncomfortable decision challenges (Schwenk, 1984). Not surprisingly, when simplifying or
changing perceptions of a complex situation at hand, mistakes can – and will – be made.

Another source of error originates from our desire for consistency and our receptiveness to
narratives and processes to which we can easily relate (Nash, 2005). We like to set up and
follow script-like procedures at an individual and organisational level. While learned scripts
represent a powerful strategy in repetitive short-term situations, such as medical emergency
responses, they inadequately cover complex and volatile long-term situations. Problems arise
when procedures push decision-makers to incorporate pre-existing beliefs and fill gaps with
incomplete or inappropriate information (Halpern, 1989), but they are further exacerbated by
our tendency to stick with our initial choices and by our neglect of further examination (Nisbett
& Ross, 1980). Unfortunately, history is full of examples in which people have blindly relied on
simple heuristics and rigid scripts, resulting in disaster. The ‘Tenerife air crash in 1977’ is one
such example where following a script in a situation of incomplete information resulted in a
release for take-off on an occupied runway, leading to the biggest aviation disaster in history
(Ziomek & Hopkins, 2020).

Critical Biases

We believe the first approach to improving strategic decisions is to create a greater awareness
and understanding of the impact of biases caused by our reliance on heuristics and scripts.
While more knowledge does not provide a guarantee for less biased decision-making, it is
generally considered a prerequisite for more successful coping strategies (Kahneman, 2011).
Based on our experience in the field, four key biases stand out, in particular when decisions
are made in teams: availability, base rate neglect, confirmation and overconfidence (Affective
Advisory Research 2018/19/20).

Availability bias describes misjudgements about the likelihoods of events occurring, or of cer-
tain outcomes being realised, based on the ease of their mental retrievability. It originates
from limitations in our memory and concerns the ease with which information thought to be
relevant to a current decision can be recalled (Freudenburg, 1993; Tversky & Kahneman, 1974).
The more recent, vivid and salient a past experience may be, the more likely it is to come to
mind and present itself as an anchor in a given decision challenge. Availability bias can have
great impact on the assessment of risks and associated behaviours. Managers facing a critical
choice may overweigh information that was recently available to them (Tversky & Kahneman,
1974), and physicians’ recent exposure to a medical condition increases the likelihood of a
subsequent diagnosis of the same condition in other patients (Poses & Anthony, 1991).

Base rate neglect refers to our human tendency to use data inappropriately, by misinterpreting
or ignoring the relevant statistical base rates (Dawes & Hastie, 2010). We underestimate the
probabilities in favour of matching information from a small sample that we think is repre-
sentative when, in reality, it is not so; for example, when one only draws black marbles from
a sample, we tend to assume that only black marbles are in the sample, forgetting that white

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Torben Emmerling & Duncan Rooders Simple Strategies for S.H.A.R.P.E.R. Decision-Making in Groups

ones might be present as well (Pennycook et al., 2014). As a result, we often make decisions
on the basis of insufficient and unreliable information, which in turn leads to errors. Our pro-
pensity to fall for representative stereotypes or ascribe an event to a familiar class is particu-
larly pronounced when the sample information represents a vibrant and compelling image to
which we can easily relate (Bazerman & Moore, 2008). Billy Beane, the manager of the Oakland
A baseball team, had successfully recognised the neglect of the base rate of many scouts and
selected his players based on remarkable performances in the past, rather than rejecting them
because they did not fit into a known stereotype. The team achieved excellent results and
became the basis of Michael Lewis’ bestseller ‘Moneyball’ (Kahneman, 2011).

Confirmation bias occurs when people seek out and evaluate information in a way that fits
with their preconceptions. It captures our deeply ingrained tendency to notice and select in-
formation that confirms our existing beliefs and set objectives, or fits the pattern of previous
behaviours, leading to systematic errors despite opportunities to learn (Jonas et al., 2001;
Nickerson, 1998). In many circumstances, we do not even realise we are stuck in a confirming
cycle, looking only for supporting rather than disproving information, a tendency Kahneman
(2011) nicely captured as ‘what we see is all there is’. During negotiations, opposite parties can
even feel validated in their own opposite beliefs on exactly the same evidence. In a famous
1979 Stanford study, for instance, two groups with opposing beliefs about the death penalty
were asked to read two completely made-up studies, one for and one against the punish-
ment. In the analysis, both groups assessed the credibility of the studies in accordance with
their previously held beliefs and opinions. Even worse, the beliefs of both groups were further
strengthened, so that they reported even stronger opinions after the study (Lord et al., 1979).
Likewise, a recent study demonstrated that US voters rated the outcome of polls as more
trustworthy if the results corresponded with their initial expectations, further supporting the
finding that people have a tendency for selecting confirming information (Madson & Hillygus,

Overconfidence bias can be summarised as the difference between people’s subjective con-
fidence in their own ability to perform a task or predict an outcome, and the objective of
their real performance or effective outcome (Montibeller & von Winterfeldt, 2015; Pallier et
al., 2002). It is supported by a subliminal feedback-loop reinforcing belief in one’s own judge-
ment after observing positive outcomes from previous decisions. The ideal circumstances for
overconfidence bias are situations to which a high degree of commitment and importance
are attributed (Frey, 1981). Perhaps the most celebrated example in this regard is Svenson’s
(1981) finding that 93% of American drivers rated themselves better than average, which is
statistically impossible. This way, overconfidence can be seen as the final step in the decision
process, in an attempt to bring a level of certainty into an uncertain situation (Williams, 2007).

While this list of biases is by no means complete and exclusive, it describes the most frequent-
ly observable and most problematic deviations from good decision-making. Even more, these
four biases especially persist in group settings and can even be amplified in situations in which
strategic decisions are taken together.

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Torben Emmerling & Duncan Rooders Simple Strategies for S.H.A.R.P.E.R. Decision-Making in Groups

Simple Strategies for Improving Strategic Decision-Making

Critical Patterns in Group Decision-Making

Beyond an awareness and understanding of the biases previously outlined, it follows that an-
other approach is required, and in order to improve strategic decision-making it should focus
on the processes and interactions of individuals in groups. Particular attention is required in
this regard, as group settings do not automatically lead to the correction of individual biases
and thus better outcomes. On the contrary, a growing body of research demonstrates that
groups are often unable to utilise the greater pool of collective knowledge available, are often
incapable of overcoming biases, resulting for example from individual past experiences, and
regularly fail to control for in-group effects in strategic decision-making (Pavitt, 2003).

Groups may even perform worse than individuals, in particular in situations where the com-
munication and processes between individuals cannot be controlled (Sunstein & Hastie, 2015;
Tversky & Kahneman, 1983); for example, Tindale et al. (1990) showed that errors in probabil-
ity estimation can be greater for groups than for individuals. Even under ideal circumstances,
the error rate for groups can be 37% higher than for individuals (Tindale et al., 1993), and
moreover, groups often fail to combine and contrast individually held information effectively.
Consequently, groups can reach extreme positions far beyond any individual’s preferences
(Stasser & Titus, 1985). Especially in situations exemplified by high cohesion, structural faults
and justification-based contexts, groups exhibit dysfunctional symptoms, often referred to
as ‘groupthink’ (Janis, 2008). Socially motivated concurrence-seeking and dissent-preventing
tendencies lead to singular suboptimal conclusions (Forsyth & Elliott, 1999; Frey et al., 2013).
History is full of examples of groupthink, including the start of the Iraq War, the Challenger
Space Shuttle disaster and the Bay of Pigs invasion (Janis, 2008).

In this way, groups offer an ideal breeding ground for the four previously discussed biases,
whilst individually provided information quickly serves as an anchor for all; thus, availability
bias is easily extended across the entire membership. Groupthink tendencies facilitate the
misjudgement of important (base-rate) information by suppressing a critical analysis of subjec-
tively representative samples and silencing potential objections. Particularly, inputs by people
of higher seniority are commonly presented with higher salience and therefore often weighted
disproportionality. Naturally, this narrow focus, paired with attendant pressure on potential
dissenters to conform, results in a collective reinforcement of individual confirmation bias
(Frey et al., 2013). Finally, situations with a high degree of commitment and significance (Frey,
1981) – factors that to a large extent require group decision-making in the first place – give
rise to overconfidence. As a result, information is often incompletely and incorrectly taken into
account, risk is assessed inadequately and mis-judgements are made easily.

Seven Simple Principles for Better Decision-Making

As we have seen, many things can go wrong in strategic decision-making, particularly in groups.
Subliminal biases can severely impair our individual capacity for good judgement without us
being able to recognise it, let alone correct it, and making decisions with other people adds
an extra layer of complexity on top, since biases can be amplified further by the interaction
between group members. However, on closer inspection, this interaction also contains the
very solution to our challenge. We must focus on setup, processes and principles for groups,
in order to leverage their potential for better decision-making, and rather than teaching indi-

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Torben Emmerling & Duncan Rooders Simple Strategies for S.H.A.R.P.E.R. Decision-Making in Groups

vidual members only how to think about processes and biases (which is extremely hard and
not too promising after all), we need to provide group contexts that are capable of overcom-
ing distortions and ultimately achieving better outcomes. To achieve this aim, the growing
field of behavioural science has some interesting approaches to offer. In the following, we
present seven simple pieces of advice, which, according to scholarly and applied research,
can effectively improve the quality of group setups and interactions, ultimately resulting in
S.H.A.R.P.E.R. decision-making.

S.maller groups work better

Research demonstrates that large groups show significantly greater tendencies towards bi-
ased decision-making. Frey et al. (2013), for example, conclude that groups of seven or more
individuals display a significant increase in overconfidence bias, reaching levels of almost
100% confidence in their decision-making capabilities. It is obviously hard to advise on an ideal
number of group members, since different tasks demand different compositions; however,
research suggests that, whenever possible, it is advised to aim for the often self-selected ‘nat-
ural group size of 2-4 people’, for an effective operation (Moreland et al., 2013). This way, the
negative effects found in larger groups can be reduced, and the benefits of having multiple
perspectives can still be guaranteed.

H.eterogeneity beats homogeneity (most of the time)

Various studies have shown that groups consisting of individuals sharing the same (homo-
geneous) opinions and beliefs are not only consistently more confident about decisions, but
they also show a stronger tendency toward confirmation bias (Schultz et al., 2007). Differently,
potentially opposing perspectives can effectively mitigate group bias. Moreland et al. (2013),
for instance, found that especially in complex tasks requiring different abilities and perspec-
tives, e.g. creative processes in marketing and communication or research and development,
heterogeneous groups substantially outperform homogeneous groups. On the other hand,
if a task requires convergent thinking in very structured environments, e.g. repetitive safety
procedures in flying or healthcare, homogenous groups can actually outperform more heter-
ogenous setups (Moreland et al., 2013).

A.ppoint a strategic dissenter (or even two)

One element to increase heterogeneity and diversity further in a group is to appoint a so-called
‘devil’s advocate’ – an elected person equipped with the mandate to stimulate dissent actively
amongst members. Various business and military examples show that appointing one person
to act as a deliberate counterforce against consenting group dynamics leads to significant
improvements in decision quality (for a good overview see Senor & Singer, 2011). Depending
on the group size (more than seven people are considered a large group in this regard), a sole
dissenter can be seen and isolated as a disturbing troublemaker, thereby diminishing their ef-
fects (Svenson, 1992). It is therefore advised to appoint at least two devil’s advocates, in order
to ensure that dissenting voices are effectively heard and followed (Frey et al., 2013).

R.ate options independently

Another piece of advice to help increase the quality of decisions in groups is the independent
and anonymous rating of options by group members. In this regard, simple processes such
as the well-established ‘Delphi method’ can be used (Sunstein & Hastie, 2015; Webler et al.,

Behavioral Economics Guide 2020 20

Torben Emmerling & Duncan Rooders Simple Strategies for S.H.A.R.P.E.R. Decision-Making in Groups

1991). In a first round, all members are asked to note down their favourite options, following
which all options are collected and exchanged anonymously within the group. In a subsequent
round, people are asked to choose their preferred option, now being aware of the opinions of
all other group members. Again, this should be done independently and anonymously, before
any opinions are finally shared and presented in the plenary. This iterative process helps in
mitigating biases and safeguarding more balanced group results independent of seniority,
rank and alleged expertise. An additional benefit of independent evaluation processes is that
responsibility for the decision outcome is shared by the entire group and that the creativity,
transparency and objectivity of strategic decisions actually increases (Nowack et al., 2011).

P.rovide a safe space to speak up

The basis for the effectiveness of deviant devil’s advocates and discussions on constructing
individual viewpoints, as discussed earlier, is the existence of psychological security among
team members. People need to feel safe to speak up (Edmondson, 2018), and room for re-
flecting and discussing failure in an intelligent way must be guaranteed (Sitkin & Pablo, 1992).
Only when all members feel comfortable and secure in sharing their thoughts and doubts
about a potential solution can a group make use of its diverse knowledge and experience
base. Edmondson (2018) suggests three basic rules for creating safe spaces to speak up: first,
feedback should always be focused on the decision or discussed option, not on the individual.
Second, comments should be expressed as a suggestion, and not in an overly dictating way.
Third, recommendations and critique should always be functional, not patronising.

E.xperts - please handle with care

Many people assume that the quality of group decision-making increases when adding people
who are considered or consider themselves to be experts (for a good discussion on what
constitutes an expert see Ericsson et al., 2007). While it is generally advisable to bring on sub-
ject-matter-expertise, one should be aware that experts are equally prone to biases (Frey et
al., 2013), so one should therefore make it very explicit in what area experts can help – and in
what they may not be of assistance. While general expertise is a desirable trait, it rarely exists
in practice. Halo effects (i.e. the spillover of an impression we have about someone in one
domain to other domains), attributed authority and a high level of confidence in expert judge-
ments can easily be misleading and actually take the group along the wrong path (Kahneman,
2011). For this reason, it is advised to invite experts for their opinion on a clearly defined
subject matter and position them as an informed outsider to the group.

R.esponsibility - share it collectively

Often, during difficult and fractious discussions, a representative is selected to govern the in-
formation-seeking and decision-making process. What sounds like a good and straightforward
idea can often lead to systematic biases. Research shows that elected group representatives
often consider themselves infallible and exert above-average influence when they are chosen
for this task (Frey et al., 2013; Sunstein & Hastie, 2015). Moreover, high-stake group decisions
are often justified and communicated by one (senior) group member, which further promotes
the potential for individual justification, dissonance and feelings of infallibility of individuals
with effects on the overall decision-making process in the plenary. The simple – and yet pow-
erful – advice to mitigate such effects is a joint declaration of shared accountability for the
group’s final decision. Being explicit in this way, not only about a shared responsibility for the

Behavioral Economics Guide 2020 21

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outcome, but also for the process leading to the decision (e.g. signing a joint responsibility
statement at the outset, or assigning responsibilities for specific group tasks), can successfully
balance the perception of individual team members and, hence, decision outcomes (Schultz
et al., 2007).


Since strategic decision-making plays a key function in modern-day political, corporate and
non-profit strategy, it is crucial to focus on a closer analysis of critical patterns and suitable
aids, to support better decision outcomes. With this article, we aim to contribute to applied
behavioural science research by raising awareness of the key patterns and biases in individual
and group decision-making, and by providing a simple set of seven powerful principles for
S.H.A.R.P.E.R. decision-making. We are convinced that it is essential to first develop a better
understanding of how we make decisions and what can go wrong in this process. Building
thereupon, we believe it is important to provide practitioners with a set of simple yet effective
principles for designing deliberate group contexts that enable better decision-making process-
es (and thus better outcomes). As with any serious behavioural science intervention, these
strategies should be subject to an evidence-led application, analysis and adaption process,
and so in this regard we look forward to further debates with academics and practitioners, as
well as joint applications and further developments of our recommendations.

The Authors

Torben Emmerling is founder and managing partner of Affective Advisory and the inventor of
the D.R.I.V.E.® framework for behavioural insights in strategy. He is an accomplished trainer,
keynote speaker and lecturer in Behavioural Science and Consumer Psychology.

Torben has over 10 years of experience in business strategy, organisational development

and customer relationship management. He holds an Executive Master (MSc) in Behavioural
Science from the London School of Economics, a Master (Mlitt) in International Business from
the University of St Andrews and a Bachelor (BA) in Economics from the University of Basel.

Duncan Rooders is managing director of Matcorp Investments, a PhD Candidate at the

Rotterdam School of Management Erasmus University and a strategic advisor to Affective

Duncan possesses vast leadership experience, including piloting Boeing 747s as relief captain
for 12 years before managing a leading Dutch single family office for more than 7 years. He
holds an Executive Master (MSc) in Behavioural Science from the London School of Economics
and a Master (MSc) in Leadership and Strategy from the London Business School. Moreover,
Duncan is a graduate of the prestigious Harvard Owner President Management Program.

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Behavioral Economics Guide 2020 25

Uncovering Emerging
Trends and Critical
Responses to Behavioral
A Network Analysis of
Behavioral Economics Tweets
in 2019

Rafael López
Abdellah Mou
José Luis Calvo
Isaac López
Behavior & Law
Rafael López et al. A Network Analysis of Behavioral Economics Tweets in 2019


Behavioral economics is an ever-evolving field, which is why professionals and academics

need to stay on top of new ideas. The academic sphere is exciting, but so is public opinion.
An instant way of ascertaining general perceptions about a specific subject is through social
networks, which nowadays offer an incredible information flow where target opinions can
get lost. By using analysis and big data visualization tools, the current research analyzed 2019
tweets related to behavioral economics. The analysis results, from 24,824 tweets, generated
some interesting emerging trends and critical opinions about behavioral economics.


In behavioral economics, new ideas and applications arise every day, and it is crucial to main-
tain the state of the art. The impact of a behavioral economist’s work relies on staying up to
date through the use of tools such as journals, blogs, or social networks, the latter of which
contain a tremendous volume of topics and reveal the immediate interests of the audience.
Social media platforms allow people to connect, share, and discuss any issue—anywhere, and
at any time. This hyperconnectivity is classed as “mass self-communication” (Castells, 2009)
and has experienced exponential growth, due to social smartphone penetration.

According to Del Fresno, Daly, and Supoyitz (2015), social media categories may include so-
cial networking platforms (Facebook, LinkedIn), microblogging (Twitter, Weibo), photography
(Flickr, Instagram, Pinterest), video (YouTube, Vimeo, MetaCafe), social news (Meneame, Digg,
Reddit), live broadcasts (Livecast, Ustream), social gaming (World of Warcraft), bookmarking
(Delicious, StumbleUpon), or blogs (WordPress, Blogger). Nowadays, new applications exist,
such as WhatsApp, Facebook Messenger, WeChat, Twitch, Fortnite, and League of Legends,
among others. All of these media applications are in a state of continuous renewal, to facilitate
the current need for connection and information.

Social networks, particularly Twitter, are ideal information sources when seeking to analyze
trends and interests in a specific subject. Tweets may contain opinions, queries, or news,
linked to hashtags and keywords, thereby enabling information extraction. Data complexity,
high-volume processing, and mining represent several problems for information analysis, and
it is necessary to use specific tools and techniques to process the information and visualize the
results. According to del Fresno (del Fresno et al., 2015):

Twitter is currently the fastest, simplest, and cheapest social medium through which all kinds of
information, news, ideas, events, rumors, multimedia materials, etc. circulate, broadcast from
any professional media or other social media in real time. Thus, on Twitter, both professional
media (television, print media, magazines, radio, etc.) and any other social media (Facebook,
Instagram, YouTube, Flickr, blogs, forums, etc.) intersect with an extensive registry of typologies
of user profiles (individuals, NGOs, government entities, mass media, pressure groups, scientific
magazines, companies, brands, etc.). All of this gives Twitter a privileged field for research,
since, in practice, it would be playing the role of a sort of central nervous system of the Internet.

Social network analysis (SNA) recently emerged as a set of techniques sharing a methodolog-
ical approach (Sanz Menéndez, 2003). SNA connects individuals and organizations with social
structures arising from established relationships between them. Graph theory is a prominent

Behavioral Economics Guide 2020 27

Rafael López et al. A Network Analysis of Behavioral Economics Tweets in 2019

technique employed to perform SNA, and, due to its impact, it was selected to perform the
subsequent research analysis.

One of SNA’s fundamental ideas posits that interactions between individuals and organiza-
tions influence people’s behavior, thus making social networks both the cause and the result
of individual behavior. According to Del Fresno (2014, p 246), the merging of sociability and
technology generates a massive social network that:

[…] connects us to people, information, events, and places, facilitating or restricting the flow of
information, ideas, and perceptions, in an instantaneous and massive network communication

However, these interpersonal relationships, generated massively on social networks, tend to

remain invisible, due to the complexity involved in handling such large volumes of data.

This research aims to present issues related to behavioral economics and addressed by
Twitter users via tweets and retweets throughout 2019. The study considers social media min-
ing (SMM) and SNA tools to capture, represent, and analyze social network interactions. These
tools allowed us to conduct a study on a massive scale and to perform a prospective analysis
of Twitter’s topics of interest.

The intersection between SMM, SNA, and Twitter allowed for tracking, capturing, and analyzing
massive amounts of data in a retrospective way. This work presents essential information
about meaningful explicit relationships (e.g. following a specific user) and, more significantly,
implicit relationships, the latter of which were inferred from the users’ behaviors (Golbeck,
2013), such as retweets, mentions, or responses.

The research questions that guided this research were as follows:

• What topics of interest about behavioral economics were discussed on Twitter during 2019?

• How did these topics evolve throughout the year?

• What were the most influential accounts in the behavioral economics field?

• What topics could be unexplored and become a trend?


For this study, the research considered all the tweets related to the term “behavioral econom-
ics” and the hashtag subject #behavioraleconomics in 2019. As free license tools only extract
the most recent tweets, this was a problem, as the research began in late 2019. We therefore
applied a payment solution to extract the data, and we ultimately recovered 24,824 tweets
related to the terms defined above.

Once the data were obtained, the following analysis tools were selected:

• Voyant Tools (Sinclair & Rockwell, 2019): An open source, web-based application for per-
forming annual text analysis.

• Microsoft Excel: Formulas and dynamics tables, to obtain influential accounts.

Behavioral Economics Guide 2020 28

Rafael López et al. A Network Analysis of Behavioral Economics Tweets in 2019

• InfraNodus: Used to seek and explore new fields, according to the method proposed by
Paranyushkin (2011).

Before executing the analysis, we performed data cleaning, which eliminates several words
from the text corpus to improve the overall analysis. Examples of these words are variations on
“behavioral economics,” usernames, expressions (http://), function words, and URL shorteners
( We gathered all of these words in a single file (stopwords.txt), and the analysis tool was
instructed to not consider these terms, for both concept analysis and new field exploration.


Most Influential Terms and Emerging Matters

From the generated dataset, we performed a data selection process, to search for tweets in
English with more than 20 retweets and 30 likes. The process returned the 280 most influential
tweets in 2019, and we then used an analysis tool (Paranyushkin, 2011) to examine the gener-
ated text corpus.

Figure 1 presents the results of the text network analysis. It is composed of nodes and edges
which represent words and the connections between them. Closer nodes mean those words
usually appeared together. The graph represents the next-generation tag cloud, emphasizing
relevant words and showing the context in which they appear.

Behavioral Economics Guide 2020 29

Rafael López et al. A Network Analysis of Behavioral Economics Tweets in 2019

Figure 1: The most influential tweets in 2019 text network graph.

The topics around behavioral economics were diverse, thereby indicating a balanced rep-
resentation of several perspectives. We listed, in terms of influence, the top ten topic groups:

1. fintech-ai-bigdata

2. bias-research-solve

3. human-rational-time

4. reread-relevant-interesting

5. blockchain-techforgood-digital

6. brain-economy-eating

7. artificialintelligence-iot-robotics

8. machinelearning-ethics-quantum

Behavioral Economics Guide 2020 30

Rafael López et al. A Network Analysis of Behavioral Economics Tweets in 2019

9. ux-cx-designthinking

10. understand-help-customer

The connection between fintech, artificial intelligence, and big data was the topic discussed
most often in 2019. Taking a closer look, the topic group related to specific subjects such as
algorithms, cybersecurity, data science, neural networks, internet of things, insurtech, machine
learning, user experience, experimentability, predictive analytics, and ethics (Figure 2).

Figure 2: The fintech-ai-bigdata topics text network graph.

The second topic group is composed of the words bias, research, human, and solve. Figure 3
presents the subjects’ connections, illustrating that the scientific community planned to cor-
rect human biases by using scientific research. The third topic group (Figure 4) was a strong
influence, due to the prominent phrase “Human beings are rarely rational, so it’s time we all
stopped pretending they are.”

Behavioral Economics Guide 2020 31

Rafael López et al. A Network Analysis of Behavioral Economics Tweets in 2019

Figure 3: The bias-research-solve topics text network graph.

Figure 4: The human-rational-time topics text network graph.

Emerging terms, such as insurtech and research, have a significant and local influence. As
mentioned before, the topics were diverse, meaning a balanced representation of several
approaches; however, a structural gap exists between the less represented topics. We expect
that during 2020, these topics will have an increasing impact and generate new fields.

Behavioral Economics Guide 2020 32

Rafael López et al. A Network Analysis of Behavioral Economics Tweets in 2019

Removing rarely repeated terms such as reread, solve, and year, the graph presented a gap
between userexperience-health-costumerexperience and bias-machinelearning-research. These
findings suggest that user and customer experience in the health field could appear as an
emerging topic, on a par with research and machine learning. A combination of these topics
could be how insurtech uses machine learning and research to improve user/client experience
in the health field. The idea could be an interesting topic to follow in 2020.

Influence Analysis

The extracted data displayed 24,824 tweets mentioning “behavioral economics,” in the text or
as a hashtag. People retweeted these tweets 114,317 times, and they received 45,205 “likes.”

Influence analysis searched for users generating more content and for those who had a great-
er reach. It considered published tweets, likes, and retweets received, albeit only likes and
retweets using the term behavioral economics were recorded.

Table 1 presents the top five content generators. These accounts were the most active in terms
of the number of original tweets made. With a considerable difference, @andi_staub was the
most influential user account with 920 original tweets, 13,899 likes, and 11,879 retweets. The
account came first in three categories: Published tweets, received likes, and received retweets.

In second place, @FehrAdvice appeared with 416 tweets. Although this account is very active
in terms of publications, it only received 449 likes, ranking it in this regard in 19th place. With
415 total retweets, it ranked ninth in this category.

In the remaining positions appeared the accounts @thebrainybiz (409 tweets, 409 likes, 232
retweets), @jjcousins (368 tweets, 51 likes, 29 retweets), and @HLSPaola (276 tweets, 238 likes,

User Tweets posted Likes received Retweets Retweets/

received tweets ratio

@andi_staub 920 13,899 11,879 1,291.20%

@FehrAdvice 416 449 415 99.75%
@thebrainybiz 409 409 232 56.72%
@jjcousins 368 51 29 7.88%
@HLSPaola 276 238 209 75.72%

Table 1: Top five content generators against likes received and retweets received.

From a different perspective, Table 2 shows the ranking for accounts with more likes received.
As mentioned previously, @andi_satub placed first; however, the accounts @SheilKapadia and
@FieldYates came in second and third places, respectively. These two accounts specialized in
sports and mentioned behavioral economics only in four tweets. Their reach and influence,
ranked by numbers of followers, meant that at 51.3 million and 512,0000 followers they came
in second and third places, respectively. The reader can find their most-liked tweets in Table 5.

Behavioral Economics Guide 2020 33

Rafael López et al. A Network Analysis of Behavioral Economics Tweets in 2019

Users Likes received Tweets posted Retweets Retweets/

received tweets ratio

@andi_staub 13,899 920 11,879 1,291.20%

@SheilKapadia 9,072 3 1,638 54,600.00%
@FieldYates 5,230 1 732 73,200.00%
@kaushikcbasu 3,486 3 716 23,866.67%
@nntaleb 2,117 5 538 10,760.00%

Table 2: Top five likes received by accounts against tweets posted and retweets received.

The last two places were filled by @kayshikcbasu and @nntaleb, both of whom took a critical
stance against behavioral economics. The @kayshikcbasu account posted three tweets, but
they accumulated 3,486 likes from 135,000 followers. The account tweets were1:

Behavioral economics: They decide on the price, they decide how large to make each pack, and
they decide to call it “40% extra”. Alas for the gullible consumer.

Here is a behavioral economics hypothesis worth testing. If you invite people for dinner at 8.05
pm instead of 8.00 pm not only will they be more punctual but will probably arrive earlier.

Behavioral economics. This toothbrush removes bacteria not 150% but 151% more. It sounds
like hard science and therefore more consumers are likely to buy.

On the other hand, @nntaleb received 2,117 likes from 545,000 followers. This account holds
radical opinions on behavioral economics, exemplified by the following tweets:

NUDGE SINISTER: How Behavioral Economics is Dangerous Verbalism. A project that will end up
putting Nudgevillain @R_Thaler in his place. Filling in the math progressively.

For those who think behavioral economics has been “helpful” (outside consulting fees), some

How Behavioral Economics is Dangerous BS. Very dangerous.

You can be fooled by people, and you can be fooled by fields. For instance I was fooled by
behavioral economics...

The end of Behavioral Economics.

The reach and influence this account maintained against behavioral economics are impres-
sive. In behavior terms, it is very consistent with the human being.

Table 3 presents the most retweeted user accounts. The first three positions from Table 2
appear on this occasion in 1st, 2nd, and 5th places, respectively. @wirojlak tweeted about edu-
cation and the economy and generated 1,570 retweets to 137,000 followers. In fourth position,
@Gleb_Tsipursky received 1,031 retweets on shared content about decision-making.

Behavioral Economics Guide 2020 34

Rafael López et al. A Network Analysis of Behavioral Economics Tweets in 2019

Users Retweets Likes received Tweets posted Retweets/

received tweets ratio

@andi_staub 11,879 13,899 920 1,291.20%

@SheilKapadia 1,638 9,072 3 54,600.00%
@wirojlak 1,570 505 2 78,500.00%
@Gleb_Tsipursky 1,031 1,919 121 852.06%
@FieldYates 732 5,230 1 73,200.00%

Table 3: Top five retweets received accounts against likes received and tweets posted.

Changing the angle from user accounts to tweets, Table 4 displays the more retweeted posts
related to behavioral economics. The first position is taken by the @SheilKapadia tweet men-
tioned previously, whilst second place is for the @wirojlak account, which tweeted about the
last-place aversion. @FieldYates mentioned the Redskins in a tweet about how Ravens had
hired a behavioral economist for decision-making support during games. The last two com-
ments came from new account users in the ranks. Oddly, @parpnn posted 5,360 tweets and
received 363 retweets with just eight followers. To finish the ranking, the @jhaushofer account
received 337 retweets with an exciting job offer.

User Text posted Total


@SheilKapadia John Harbaugh has a 25-year-old behavioral economics 1,631

major giving him win probabilities during games. John
Harbaugh has become the most aggressive 4th-down
coach in the NFL. These 2 things are related. Really en-
joyed reporting this story from Baltimore.
@wirojlak Between 2 situations A: I myself can +1, other people 1,570
+10 Vs B: You can get yourself 0 or -1, others get -10.
Believe it or not, many people choose to emulate the
latter. Or situation B This behavior is called “Last place
@FieldYates John Harbaugh and the Ravens: let’s hire and develop a 732
Yale graduate with a degree in behavioral economics to
help in-game decision making. Redskins
@parnpnn_ 1. How to love: Content according to the title of the 363
book ;)
2. The art of thinking clearly.
3. Nudge. This book is very good. Reading will give a
new perspective on economics. If anyone is interested
in these behaviors, the Behavioral economics is 2 books
that are recommended to read and enjoy. # Request-
@jhaushofer I’m looking for 1-2 full-time research assistants to join 337
my group for 2 years. Based in Nairobi, you will work on
a cool portfolio of lab and field studies in economics/
psychology. Great for recent BA/MA

Table 4: Top five most retweeted tweets.

Table 5 presents the most liked tweets in 2019. The already mentioned accounts @SheilKapadia,
@FieldYates, and @kaushikcbasu ranked in the first four positions. @GregGutfeldShow (a Fox
News journalist) received 1,115 likes with a tweet to present a show guest.

Behavioral Economics Guide 2020 35

Rafael López et al. A Network Analysis of Behavioral Economics Tweets in 2019

User Text posted Likes


@SheilKapadia John Harbaugh has a 25-year-old behavioral econom- 9,034

ics major giving him win probabilities during games.
John Harbaugh has become the most aggressive 4th-
down coach in the NFL. These 2 things are related.
Really enjoyed reporting this story from Baltimore.
@FieldYates John Harbaugh and the Ravens: let’s hire and develop 5,230
a Yale graduate with a degree in behavioral econom-
ics to help in-game decision making. Redskins.
@kaushikcbasu Behavioral economics: They decide on the price, they 1,654
decide how large to make each pack, and they decide
to call it “40% extra”. Alas for the gullible consumer.
@kaushikcbasu Here is a behavioral economics hypothesis worth 1,323
testing. If you invite people for dinner at 8.05 pm in-
stead of 8.00 pm not only will they be more punctual
but will probably arrive earlier.
@GregGutfeldShow He’s the master of comics and behavioral economics. 1,115
Creator of Dilbert, legendary cartoonist, and author @
ScottAdamsSays is on #Gutfeld TONIGHT!

Table 5: Top five most liked tweets.

Annual Analysis

The first step was to analyze each month, to discover the top five most used words. Figure 5
presents the evolution of these five terms during 2019. Behavioral economics appeared in
relation to terms such as fintech, artificial intelligence, psychology, and marketing, all of which are
associated with human behavior, and were very popular in each month, except for May.

In the fifth month, the results were 2,142, and the term automation was streets ahead of the
second word. The appearance of the new term occurred in the tweet “When deployed correctly,
the inclusion of desktop automation technology can improve process design, reinvigorating humans
to focus better, and access creative thinking. Is RPA going to restore natural order in the workplace?”
This tweet linked to a video series in which Dan Ariely reflected on the benefits of collabora-
tion between humans and robots. It was so widely disseminated and commented upon that it
changed the word ranking compared to previous months.

Behavioral Economics Guide 2020 36

Rafael López et al. A Network Analysis of Behavioral Economics Tweets in 2019

Figure 5: Words with the highest appearance during 2019.

Conclusions and Implications

The present research analyzed over 2019 tweets related to behavioral economics. The analysis
returned the top user accounts in terms of content generation, likes, and retweets. Also, it
found the most popular tweets and their reach according to likes and retweets. In a second
experiment, we performed a prospective analysis of the most popular topics in 2019, which
generated several text networks to detect the relationships between and influence of these
topics. Ultimately, we established what topic groups may be present in 2020.

In summary, this work resulted in three important findings: Emerging topics, critical responses
to and skeptical discourse on the behavioral economics field, and the influence of key tweet-
ers. The prospective analysis delivered interesting results on how several topics were related
in 2019 and how new topic groups could become indicators for upcoming areas to follow.

Behavioral economics, as an emergent field, should consider critiques and concerns for future
studies, which will lead to richer and better considered behavioral economics practice. Finally,
the analysis of user account and tweet influence showed that a number of tweeters had a
profound impact on what is liked and retweeted. Therefore, a few users have the potential to
influence the behavioral economics field and the direction in which it might move.

As mentioned, the joining of topics such as insurtech, health, research, and machine learning will
be interesting to follow during 2020. Of course, the disruption caused by COVID-19 will mark
the evolution of the year, but it will be exciting to follow the mentioned terms on Twitter and
check their receipt in light of this new reality.

Also, it is important to mention research limitations to be considered in future works. For

instance, bots’ participation in the most popular tweets or likes is unknown, but this may in-
fluence results, and we cannot definitively establish their reach in the current work. Also, the
experiments were only carried out on the Twitter platform, and we cannot extend the re-
sults to the complete audience. Many interested people, academics, and experts may not use

Behavioral Economics Guide 2020 37

Rafael López et al. A Network Analysis of Behavioral Economics Tweets in 2019

this network; furthermore, Twitter users tend to be younger and have different perspectives
(Stefan & Hughes, 2019).

This research produced some interesting findings by using a certain type of analysis; however,
there is too much space to be explored. As part of future work, we therefore propose to per-
form a similar analysis on different social media platforms, such as LinkedIn, WordPress, or
Blogger. In addition, research terms could be broadened beyond American English spelling, to
avoid excluding other countries that engage in the community.

The Authors

Rafael López, PhD, is an economist and psychologist. He has a doctorate in psychology, spe-
cializing in human emotions, and is currently pursuing a second doctorate, in behavioral eco-
nomics, with research linking to personality variables and decision-making. He is the Training
Manager of the Behavioral Economics Observatory of the Madrid College of Economists.

Abdellah Mou, PhD, is a data mining and social media analyst with a solid background and
experience in NLP and psychosocial studies. PhD, former adjunct professor in the Department
of Languages & Literature Didactics (ICT applied to language teaching/learning, Complutense
University of Madrid). Former coordinator & professor in European teachers’ training program
and IT instructor (UIMP University).

José Luis Calvo, PhD, is a professor of economic theory and mathematical economics at UNED.
He combines teaching and research with advice for the Presidency of the Government and the
Ministries of Science and Technology and Industry of Spain. He is the Research Manager of the
Behavioral Economics Observatory of the Madrid College of Economists.

Isaac López is an economist, graduate in law, master in emotional intelligence and coaching,
specialist in applied positive psychology, and author of the book Change: An essential practi-
cal guide. He currently works in decision-making through the contributions of the Behavioral
Economy. Isaac is the director of the Behavior & Law postgraduate program in Behavior
Economics and the Ethics Manager of the Behavioral Economics Observatory of the Madrid
College of Economists.


Castells, M. (2009). Comunicación y poder. Madrid: Alianza Editorial.

Del Fresno, M. (2014). Haciendo visible lo invisible: Visualización de la estructura de las rel-
aciones en red en Twitter por medio del Análisis de Redes Sociales. El Profesional de La
Información, 23(3), 246-252.
Del Fresno, M., Daly, A. J., & Supovitz, J. (2015). Desvelando climas de opinión por medio del
social media mining y análisis de redes sociales en Twitter: El caso de los common core
state standards. REDES- Revista Hispana Para El Análisis de Redes Sociales, 26(1), 53-75.
Golbeck, J. (2013). Privacy. In J. Golbeck (Ed.), Analyzing the social web (pp. 223-235). Burlington,
MA: Morgan Kaufmann.

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Rafael López et al. A Network Analysis of Behavioral Economics Tweets in 2019

Paranyushkin, D. (2011). Identifying the pathways for meaning circulation using text network
analysis. Nodus Labs. Retrieved from
Sanz Menéndez, L. (2003). Análisis de redes sociales: o cómo representar las estructuras so-
ciales subyacentes. Apuntes de Ciencia y Tecnología, 7, 21-29.
Sinclair, S., & Rockwell, G. (2019). Voyant Tools. Retrieved from
Stefan, W., & Hughes, A. (2019). Sizing up Twitter users. Pew Reserach Center. Retrieved from

Behavioral Economics Guide 2020 39

Applying Behavioral
Science to Health and
Financial Decisions
Five Case Studies on the​
Impact of Framing on
Real-World Decisions

Aline Holzwarth,
Catherine J. Berman,
Janet Schwartz, Anja Schanbacher,
Lindsay Juarez, Richard Mathera,
Jan Willem Lindemans,
Mariel Beasley and Dan Ariely
Illustrations: Matt Trower
Center for Advanced Hindsight
Aline Holzwarth et al. Applying Behavioral Science to Health and Financial Decisions

It’s the Year 2010

Sixteen-year-old Justin Bieber just came out with his hit “Baby,” Apple unveils the iPad for
the first time, and Obama’s Affordable Care Act is passed. The world is beginning to recover
from the financial crisis of 2008, and Dan Ariely’s Predictably Irrational is still a newbie on the
bestseller list. Now zoom into a typical behavioral research lab. You, the research participant,
are led into a room to give your informed consent and play a “debt management game.” You’re
put in front of a computer and given a set of hypothetical debt accounts to decide how much
money you’ll put into each. After 25 rounds of allocating hypothetical dollars into these hypo-
thetical accounts, you collect compensation for your participation and are on your way. You
and 162 other students in this lab study (Amar, Ariely, Ayal, Cryder & Rick, 2011), combined
with three additional studies, will give the researchers mounting evidence of a single phe-
nomenon: People fail to pay off debt rationally. Rather than allocating money to the highest
interest-bearing accounts first, people prefer to pay off smaller accounts with lower interest
rates in order to have fewer remaining accounts open, a phenomenon that the researchers
termed “account aversion.”

The most casual observer might note that the debt management game in this study is quite far
removed from debt management in the real world—the order of the lab fails to capture the
disorder of the field. We may learn that people are highly motivated to close hypothetical debt
accounts in the lab, but the same people may treat their actual debt accounts very differently
in life, perhaps simply paying off the default amount of the minimum monthly balance for
their accounts. One would be right to question the ecological validity of these sorts of lab stud-
ies. While they do teach us something about human behavior, they don’t teach us everything.

Fast Forward to 2020

In the decade since Amar et al.’s study, the observation that even well-executed studies from
controlled lab environments cannot fully predict behavior in the wild has transformed into a
movement to supplement traditional lab research with a new form of field research. At Duke
University’s Center for Advanced Hindsight where we work, for example, we move beyond the
laboratory setting, mixing the science of controlled experimentation with the art of real-world
application (for published examples, see Schwartz, Riis, Elbel & Ariely, 2011; Schwartz, Mochon,
Maroba, Patel, Wyper & Ariely, 2014).

A field that used to be confined to ivory towers has taken a cue from Rapunzel to let down its
proverbial hair and enter the real world. This shift has enabled researchers to not only focus
on applied research questions that address real-life issues, but also to emphasize impact with
an eye toward designing, testing, and implementing interventions that truly improve people’s
lives in rich and meaningful ways.

A Shift to Real-World Applied Behavioral Science

The expansion of research into the real world is increasingly welcomed through a new kind of
partnership between academia and industry—partnerships that emphasize how behavioral
insights manifest in real, everyday behaviors and can thus be leveraged to help organizations
and their clients make more informed choices. The relationship is symbiotic; researchers can
test the ecological validity and scalability of their hypotheses under real-world operational
constraints while industry or public sector partners gain insights from the rigorous testing of

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hypotheses in ways that are customized to their unique products, services, and organizational

Industry adoption of behavioral science has been an impetus to expand research methodol-
ogies and embrace new models for understanding human behavior. Technological advances
of the past decade, combined with the proliferation and availability of behavioral data, have
made it possible for researchers and industry partners to better understand decision-making
in real time within the nitty gritty contexts of people’s lives. The study of relationships is now
very different with the invention of online dating apps, just as the study of physical activity has
changed dramatically with the popularity of wearables, or the study of financial decision-mak-
ing has evolved alongside the increasing ubiquity of digital wallets.

As applied behavioral scientists, we adapt to the needs and practices of industry partners to
translate academic work, develop practical frameworks, and solve problems with real-world
behavioral challenges. At the Center for Advanced Hindsight, we achieve this through in-depth
workshops for each project (for an example of a workshop with Centene, see Corbin, Rayburn-
Reeves & Lindemans, 2020). We work with key stakeholders at a range of organizations to
identify their pain points and map the steps, barriers and opportunities involved to fully un-
derstand each problem we tackle. Our process of behavioral discovery, diagnosis, intervention
design, testing and reporting ensures the customization of research to the unique problem at
hand: from adherence to retention, from saving to exercise. Such industry collaborations are
not only beneficial to the organizations we work with, but also ensure that the research is likely
to have a real-world impact and can inform the public to further the collective understanding
of human behavior in tangible ways.

The shift to conducting research in real-world environments with industry partners has sub-
stantial—and often-overlooked—benefits to the quality of research at large. By testing and
re-testing in different environments — by looking at the same problems through different
lenses (“what are all the behavioral principles that might apply here?”) and different problems
through the same lens (“how might confirmation bias play into problem A versus problem B?”),
we can accumulate evidence that, when combined, leads us toward a greater understanding of
human behavior in all its complexities and situation-dependencies. And perhaps most impor-
tantly, by supplementing neatly controlled lab studies with the messy realities of field studies
and experimentation in the real world, we are better able to understand the generalizability of
any particular finding. Take the behavioral science concept of framing as a model.

The Study of Framing

A wealth of research shows that decisions can be influenced by the mere description, or “fram-
ing”, of choices (Levin, Schneider, & Gaeth, 1998). People prefer meat labeled as 75% lean
rather than as 25% fat (Levin & Gaeth, 1988). And an extension of classic research on the
influence of framing on risk decision-making (e.g. Kahneman & Tversky, 1979) would suggest
that the majority of people today would probably favor a coronavirus vaccine that saves 90%
of patients over one where 10% of patients die.

Lab studies on the influence of framing are prolific, but researchers are only beginning to test
the robustness of framing in the real world where things are, frankly, far from immaculate.
At the Center for Advanced Hindsight, we are generating evidence on the impact of differ-
ent types of decision framing in both lab and field contexts, in both the health (e.g. Mochon,

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Johnson, Schwartz & Ariely, 2017) and the financial (e.g. Lee, Morewedge, Hochman & Ariely,
2019) domains.

Health and financial decisions often require people to trade off short- and long-term benefits
(it hurts to save money or exercise now, but there are long-term benefits to both), and because
people frequently behave in shortsighted ways—as if the only moment that matters is the
present—our goal is to help them make decisions that serve their long-term interests. The
insights from our lab and field research are used to help our industry sponsors develop and
test the framing that both improves well-being and works best for their organizations.

In what follows, we present five case studies on the impact of framing in the real world: two
in the financial domain on loan repayment and savings, and three from the health domain
on exercise and vaccination. Across these five case studies, we consider how reframing could
help people make better health and financial decisions.

Framing in Financial Decision-Making

In the financial domain, MetLife Foundation and BlackRock support the Center for Advanced
Hindsight’s research on strategies to help people decrease their debt and increase their sav-
ings. The following two case studies demonstrate this in the context of loan payments and
savings instruments, where the short-term pain of paying off debt and saving money compete
with the long-term benefits of financial security.

Financial Case Study #1: Reframing Loan Payments


People are motivated to eliminate debt (Amar et al., 2011). Consumers prefer putting $100
toward fully paying off a loan with 2% interest over putting that same $100 toward paying
down the balance of a larger loan with 4% interest. This tendency underscores the premium
consumers are willing to pay for the satisfaction of feeling fully paid.

Hypotheses and Key Insights

We build on the finding of “debt aversion” by examining whether feelings of ownership (ver-
sus reminders of the loan) can facilitate loan repayment. The financial advantage of framing
loan repayment as progress towards what is owned, as compared to what is owed, may be
especially beneficial early in the life of a loan where consumers can shorten the duration of
payments and avoid paying some interest.


We asked 300 participants to imagine they had recently purchased a $1,000 sofa – with a one-
year financing deal of 20% down, 0% interest, and equal monthly payments. They were ran-
domly assigned to condition, with financing framed as having 12 months to pay off the loan,
pay off the sofa, or own the sofa. Next, we asked participants to fast-forward three months,
and reflect on their repayment progress. For the “pay off” and “own” conditions, the down
payment was included in the amount. They were then asked whether they wanted to put
some of their $300 tax refund toward the sofa purchase (even though they still had 9 months
of interest-free payments).

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Aline Holzwarth et al. Applying Behavioral Science to Health and Financial Decisions


• Loan: payment framed as the amount required to pay off the loan

• Pay off sofa: payment framed as the amount required to pay off the sofa

• Own sofa: payment framed as the amount required to own the sofa

Dependent Variable: amount of a $300 tax refund put toward the sofa purchase


Participants contributed significantly more of their refund to “owning” the sofa than to “paying
off the loan.” In part, these results were driven by how people conceptualize progress toward
the goal of owning versus paying. The price of the sofa was the same in all three conditions,
but for participants in the “own sofa” (and the “pay off sofa”) condition, the down payment was
counted as progress towards the entire purchase.

Participants in the “loan” condition focused on how much of the loan remained to be paid,
which was a smaller percentage of the whole and therefore made it feel like less overall pro-
gress. Of course, this framing is the industry standard. Most consumers get bills with their
payments and progress on the balance of their loan, rather than progress made. These results
suggest that helping people think about what they already own, or including reminders of their
equity in a purchase, may help them see the light and get to the end of the debt tunnel sooner.

Figure 1: Average amount of a $300 tax refund put toward a sofa purchase across three
conditions framing payment as paying off the loan, paying off the sofa, or owning the sofa. Note:
*Asterisk denotes that the difference between groups is statistically significant.

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Aline Holzwarth et al. Applying Behavioral Science to Health and Financial Decisions

Financial Case Study #2: Reframing Certificates of Deposit


Locked savings products, in which account holders cannot withdraw their money until a prede-
termined date, have shown impressive results in increasing savings (Brune, Gine, Goldberg &
Yang, 2011). In the following case study, our Common Cents Lab collaborated with the online
bank Simple to explore the framing of time-locked savings products.

Hypotheses and Key Insights

In the US, most time-locked savings products are called “certificates of deposit” (CDs). We hy-
pothesized that they are less successful than they could be as a result of negative associations
(they prohibit you from accessing your money, rather than empower you to keep your money
safe until you truly need it). We hypothesized that reframing CDs in a more positive light could
lead to higher uptake and ultimately greater savings.


We tested the framing of a hypothetical “Super Locked Savings Goal” product compared to a
traditional “Certificate of Deposit (CD)” product—identical aside from the account framing—in
a survey sent to 344 active Simple account holders. We also tested the impact of a meaningful,
but feasible, interest rate change (2% vs. 3% for 6 months of money held) across the products
to test the relative impact of interest rates on uptake compared to account framing.


• CD framing, 2% interest: Certificate of Deposit (CD) with 2% interest

• CD framing, 3% interest: Certificate of Deposit (CD) with 3% interest

• Super Locked framing, 2% interest: Super Locked Savings with 2% interest

• Super Locked framing, 3% interest: Super Locked Savings with 3% interest

Dependent Variables: likelihood of using the product, and amount expected to save.


Consistent with the hypothesis that negative associations unfavorably impact CDs, people said
they would be more likely to put their money in the “Super Locked Savings Goal” product
compared to a “Certificate of Deposit.” Although there was no statistically significant difference
between conditions in the amount of money people said they would put into the respective
products, their savings account balances were predictive of their reported willingness.

Changing from a 2% to a 3% interest rate significantly increased how likely someone was to
put money into the product. Importantly, switching from a “CD” to a “Super Locked Savings
Account” had the same effect as the switch from a 2% to a 3% interest rate. This suggests that
financial institutions can increase savings rates by reframing their products.

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Figure 2: Likelihood of use and amount expected to save across four conditions that vary the
interest rate (2% or 3%) and the framing of a financial product (Super Locked Savings Goal
product or Certificate of Deposit). Note: *Asterisk denotes that the difference between groups is
statistically significant.

Across these two case studies in financial decision-making, we found that reframing—in terms
of progress made on loan repayment and the name of a savings account—showed promise in
helping people make better long-term financial decisions.

Framing in Health Decision-Making

In the health domain, our research focuses on how to help people be happier and healthier.
The following three case studies demonstrate this in the context of exercise and vaccination
decisions. These case studies focus on how to reframe the short-term pain, discomfort, and
lack of motivation often identified as barriers to beneficial long-term health decisions.

Health Case Study #1: Reframing Exercise Pain


Although some exercisers love to “feel the burn,” many find that the discomfort of exercise
is a barrier to starting and maintaining an active routine. While the pain of exercise is a true
physiological phenomenon, it can also be influenced by cognitive and emotional factors in
ways similar to placebo effects (Ekkekakis & Zenko, 2016).

Hypotheses and Key Insights

Building on lab research (e.g. Shiv, Carmon & Ariely 2005; Weber, Shiv, Carmon & Ariely, 2008)
showing that people experience greater pain relief and cognitive acuity depending on how
a placebo is described (e.g. its price), we tested whether framing exercise pain as helpful, or
indicative of “working” could influence people’s exercise-related thoughts and behavior. In a
recently published study (Berman, O’Brien, Zenko & Ariely, 2019), we examined this framing

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effect, also known as “cognitive reappraisal” (Gross & Thompson, 2007), or changing how par-
ticipants interpret the meaning of a feeling before it is experienced. We hypothesized that
the “helpful” framing would lead to higher exercise persistence and improved affect during


We asked 78 participants (ages 18-55) to perform as many bench presses as possible in order
to collect a baseline measure of their exercise persistence. We then randomly assigned them
to listen to a voice recording that described the purpose of exercise pain as either “helpful”
or “harmful,” then asked them to repeat the bench press task to compare their post-framing
persistence against their baseline measure.


• Helpful: pain framed as a sign of muscle-building

• Harmful: pain framed as a sign of muscle-tearing and possible injury

Dependent variables: exercise persistence (number of completed bench press repetitions),

affective valence, pain valence, pain intensity, exercise-task anxiety, and arousal.


Participants in the “helpful” condition felt less negatively about their pain, but no other varia-
bles differed between groups (including the number of completed bench presses).

Although the manipulation did not affect exercise persistence, this study shows that it is pos-
sible to change feelings during exercise while its physiological nature remains unchanged.
Participants lifted weights the same number of times across condition but felt less negatively
about their pain when it was reframed positively.

Affect during exercise is associated with future exercise intentions (Rhodes & Kates, 2015), so
it is possible that a framing manipulation like this could also lead to improvements in people’s
plans to exercise in the future, and further research could examine potential long-term behav-
ioral impacts of reframing pain.

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Figure 3: Pleasantness of pain reported across two conditions framing exercise pain as helpful or
harmful. Note: *Asterisk denotes that the difference between groups is statistically significant.

Health Case Study #2: Reframing Vaccination Pain


Vaccination is a powerful way to prevent illness (Orenstein & Ahmed, 2017; Andre et al., 2008);
however, vaccine availability does not automatically translate into behavior, and structural
and psychological barriers can prevent people from getting vaccinated.

Hypotheses and Key Insights

Memories of negative affect can influence intentions toward future health behaviors such as
exercise (Kwan, Stevens, & Bryan, 2017) and vaccination (Taddio et al., 2009). In collaboration
with the Duke School of Nursing, we asked participants to reframe the pain they experienced
from a recent flu vaccine and measured whether their remembered pain influenced their in-
tentions to get a flu vaccination the following year. For eligible participants, we also asked
about their intentions to get the human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccination.

Since cognitive reappraisal can help individuals manage pain (Hampton, Hadjistavropoulos,
Gagnon, Williams & Clark, 2015) and negative emotions (Kalokerinos, Greenaway & Denson,
2014), we hypothesized that individuals in the “pain reappraisal” condition would rate their
pain as lower and show stronger intentions to get flu and HPV vaccinations compared to the
“baseline control” and “pain control” conditions.

Behavioral Economics Guide 2020 48

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A sample of 1,657 Duke students, faculty and staff received flu vaccines at a pop-up clinic, of
which 1,478 completed our experimental measures (89% response rate). Participants received
one of three flyers (shown below) and temporary tattoos with messages about the pain of a
flu shot.


• Baseline Control: flu shot described as a good way to stay healthy

• Pain Control: flu shot pain described with arm soreness solutions

• Pain Reappraisal: flu shot pain framed as the body getting stronger

Baseline Control Flyer

Pain Control Flyer

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Pain Reappraisal Flyer

Figure 4: Flyers given to participants across three conditions to reframe the pain of vaccination:
Baseline control flyer, pain control flyer, and pain reappraisal flyer.

Dependent Variables: intention to get a flu and HPV vaccination.


We found no difference across condition in the intention to get a flu or HPV vaccination. This
may have been because pain perception was already very low (an average rating of 2.5 from
their previous flu shot on a scale of 1-10), and vaccination intentions were already high in this
sample (with an average interest of 2.72 on a 1-5 scale for the HPV vaccine (SD=1.33), and an
average interest of 4.33 (SD=0.86) for the flu vaccine.) This potential floor effect for pain, and
ceiling effect for vaccination intention, could have resulted in too little variation to detect any
differences from our manipulation. We are following up to examine reappraisal in vaccinations
that may be associated with greater arm soreness or require multiple doses to examine the
impact of reframing pain on more painful vaccination types.

The positive effect of reframing pain in our exercise study did not emerge in our vaccination
study, perhaps due to the low level of pain that participants associated with the flu shot. As
such, we attempted to reframe another aspect of vaccination that we believed may be more
relevant than pain: Motivation for getting a vaccination.

Health Case Study #3: Reframing Vaccination Motivation


Changing the frame can increase healthy eating in adolescents (Bryan, Yeager, Hinojosa,
Chabot, Bergen, Kawamura & Steubing, 2016), a behavior that is particularly challenging to
promote with teenagers (Stevenson et al., 2007). One iconoclastic intervention successfully
capitalized on the desire for social justice and autonomy by presenting healthy eating as a
way to take a stand against large corporations and manipulative marketing campaigns. Given

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Americans’ general antipathy toward health insurance companies (Gallup, 2018), we tested a
similar strategy in the context of flu vaccination with an adult sample.

Hypotheses and Key Insights

Many people feel that the cost of their health insurance is too high relative to the benefits
they receive and are skeptical that insurers have their best interests at heart (Gallup, 2018;
2019). We hypothesized that framing vaccination as a way to stick it to one’s health insurance
company (the “spite” condition) would result in the greatest intention to get a flu vaccine.


A total of 800 adults were randomly assigned to one of three conditions: “control,” “maximize,”
or “spite.”


• Control: flu shot framed as a way to stay healthy

• Maximize: flu shot framed as a way to maximize your insurance benefits

• Spite: flu shot framed as a way to spite your insurance company

Dependent Variable: intention to get a flu vaccine.


Compared to the control group, the “maximize” and “spite” conditions both significantly in-
creased the percentage of people interested in getting a flu vaccination. Additionally, partici-
pants in the “maximize” condition expressed slightly less dislike for their insurance company
than in the “spite” condition, though this difference was not statistically significant. Framing
the flu shot as either a way to maximize a benefit or spite one’s insurance company led to
~10% more people interested in vaccination when compared to the control framing.

Across these three case studies in health decision-making, we found that reframing had vary-
ing effects on affective and intention outcomes. Reframing pain improved people’s experience
of exercise pain but didn’t impact vaccination pain or intentions. However, using spite to re-
frame the motivation for getting a vaccination did increase vaccination intentions.

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Figure 5: Intention to vaccinate across three conditions framing vaccination motivation as a way
to stay healthy (control), maximize insurance benefits, or spite your insurance company. Note:
*Asterisk denotes that the difference between groups is statistically significant.

Framing Matters

Through five case studies conducted in the lab and the field, we demonstrate how and when
different varieties of framing can influence decision-making. We saw in the financial domain
that framing payment as the amount one puts toward ownership led people to allocate more
money into paying off their debt than when the same decision was framed as paying off their
loan. And we saw how reframing Certificate of Deposit (CD) products as Super Locked Savings
products led to the same increase in reported likelihood to save as increasing interest from
2% to 3%.

In the health domain, we saw how framing exercise pain as a sign of muscle-building led people
to feel less negatively about exercise but framing vaccination pain as a sign of the body getting
stronger did not lead to a comparable effect. Reframing the motivation behind vaccination,
however, did have an impact on people’s intentions to get a flu vaccine; framing the flu shot
as a way to maximize insurance benefits or to spite one’s insurance company led to greater
intention to vaccinate than when the flu shot was simply framed as a way to stay healthy.

Choice architects are tasked with using framing techniques to promote positive behavior
change—whether it is encouraging vaccination or saving behavior—and each insight tested
in the lab and the field builds a stronger foundation to inform future behavioral interventions.

The practice of behavioral science has come a long way since 2010 when lab studies reigned
supreme, and its evolution—both in terms of the complementary mixture of lab and field stud-
ies, and in the development of academic-industry partnerships—is an important shift toward a
more complete understanding of human behavior that considers both context and real-world

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Thanks to our sponsors and funding agencies

Research conducted by the Center for Advanced Hindsight is generously supported by MetLife
Foundation, BlackRock as a part of BlackRock’s Emergency Savings Initiative, Truist, Prudential,
Banorte, Zilveren Kruis, Joep Lange Institute, and an academic grant from GSK Vaccines.

The Authors

Aline Holzwarth is an applied behavioral scientist, specializing in digital health research and
scientifically informed product design. Her training in psychology and business, and her expe-
rience working in research and healthcare have given her the interdisciplinary lens necessary
to appreciate the complexity of decision-making in the real world. Aline is Head of Behavioral
Science at Pattern Health, a digital health platform designed to inspire and accelerate inno-
vation and deliver more impact with less hassle. She also co-founded the Behavior Shop, a
behavioral science advisory company, and is Principal of the Center for Advanced Hindsight
at Duke University, Dan Ariely’s applied behavioral science lab that helps people be happier,
healthier and wealthier.

Catherine J. Berman is a researcher at Duke University’s Center for Advanced Hindsight.

Her current research focuses on the intersections of behavioral science, health, and mental
wellbeing. Catherine is passionate about using research collaborations to contribute tangible,
equitable improvements in the world.

Janet Schwartz is an Executive in Residence at Duke University’s Center for Advanced Hindsight.
She has a PhD in Cognitive Psychology from Rutgers University. Her current research is at the
intersection of marketing and public policy where she uses insights from behavioral econom-
ics to investigate how consumers navigate the healthcare marketplace. She uses a variety of
methods to better understand healthcare as a consumer experience. Her hope is that these
insights can be used to inform practices and policies that improve consumer welfare. Janet’s
research has been published in leading marketing, health policy, and psychology journals such
as the Journal of Marketing Research, the Journal of Consumer Research, Health Affairs and
Psychological Science. Her work has also been featured in media outlets such as The New York
Times, CNN, NPR and the Harvard Business Review.

Anja Schanbacher is a Post-doctoral Associate at the Center for Advanced Hindsight at Duke
University. Her main research interests include self and identity, consumer financial deci-
sion-making, intertemporal decision-making, and health behavior. Her research has implica-
tions for consumer welfare, and offers a basis for marketing and public policy interventions.
Anja completed her PhD in Marketing (Consumer Behavior) at London Business School and
prior to that, earned a Diplom (equivalent to Master’s degree) in Psychology from Ludwig-
Maximilians-University in Munich.

Lindsay Juarez is a Director at Irrational Labs. Her research specialty is self-control and de-
signing interventions that make taking the daily behaviors that lead to healthier, wealthier,
and happier people—such as exercising or saving for retirement—not just easier but also
more enjoyable and fun. Prior to her work at Irrational Labs and the CAH, Lindsay worked for
the federal Government Accountability Office and at New York University on a series of mul-

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ti-site school interventions to reduce the racial academic achievement gap. Her research has
been funded by grants from the National Science Foundation and the Templeton Foundation
and published in top policy and psychology journals. She’s worked with clients ranging from
meditation start-ups and cookbooks to international banks to incorporate behavioral science
insights. Lindsay received her BA in psychology from Reed College and her MA and PhD in
social psychology from the University of Virginia. In her quest for enjoyable exercise, she’s
completed her 200-hour yoga teacher certification and two barre instructor certifications.

Richard Mathera is a managing director at Irrational Labs where he leads the financial de-
cision-making practice and a Senior Research Advisor for the Common Cents Lab, a Duke
University initiative within the Center for Advanced Hindsight that leverages behavioral eco-
nomics to improve the financial well-being of low- to moderate-income households in the
United States.

Jan Willem Lindemans leads the Health team at the Center for Advanced Hindsight. His re-
search covers a wide range of health behaviors: from lifestyle, vaccination and self-care to the
personal finance of health. He has collaborated extensively with partners in the healthcare in-
dustry, global health, and health tech. Before arriving at Duke, he was postdoctoral researcher
and founding co-director of the Penn Social Norms group at the University of Pennsylvania.

Mariel Beasley is a Principal at the Center for Advanced Hindsight at Duke University and Co-
Founder of the Common Cents Lab—a subcenter committed to improving the financial behav-
ior of low- to moderate-income households in the United States. Working directly with credit
unions, non-profits, and local governments, the Lab incorporates findings from the behavioral
sciences to help members, clients, and residents lead happier, healthier, and wealthier lives.
Mariel and her team use quantitative methods to design and rigorously test ideas in the field,
exploring what is needed, what works, and how to move forward. To date, innovations from the
Common Cents Lab have measurably improved the financial lives of over half a million people
in the U.S. Mariel also teaches a Master’s level course in Behavioral Science for Municipal Policy
at Duke University.

Dan Ariely is James B. Duke Professor of Psychology and Behavioral Economics at the Fuqua
School of Business and Principal of the Center for Advanced Hindsight. He studies how people
actually act in the marketplace, as opposed to how they should act if they were rational be-
ings. Dan’s bestselling books about behavioral economics include ‘Predictably Irrational: The
Hidden Forces that Shape Our Decisions, ‘The Upside of Irrationality’, ‘The (Honest) Truth About
Dishonesty’, ‘Irrationally Yours: On Missing Socks, Pickup Lines, and Other Existential Puzzles’,
‘Dollars and Sense: How We Misthink Money and How to Spend Smarter’, and, most recently,
‘Amazing Decisions: The Illustrated Guide to Improving Business Deals and Family Meals’.

Matt Trower is the resident artist at the Center for Advanced Hindsight. At the Center, they
use illustration and design to enrich the way the lab communicates with the world and con-
ducts research. Whether it’s comics, illustrations, charts, or designs, Matt believes in the power
of visual media to easily convey concepts that are difficult to explain in text or speech alone.

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Aline Holzwarth et al. Applying Behavioral Science to Health and Financial Decisions


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war: The psychology of debt management. Journal of Marketing Research, 48(SPL), S38-S50.
Andre, F. E., Booy, R., Bock, H. L., Clemens, J., Datta, S. K., John, T. J., Lee, B. W., Lolekha, S.,
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Kalokerinos, E., Greenaway, K., & Denson, T. (2014). Reappraisal but not suppression downreg-
ulates the experience of positive and negative emotion. Emotion, 15(3), 271-275.
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experimental test of the anticipated affect-exercise relationship. Health Psychology, 36(4),
Lee, C. Y., Morewedge, C. K., Hochman, G., & Ariely, D. (2019). Small probabilistic discounts stim-
ulate spending: Pain of paying in price promotions. Journal of the Association for Consumer
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Levin, I. P., & Gaeth, G. J. (1988). How consumers are affected by the framing of attribute in-
formation before and after consuming the product. Journal of Consumer Research, 15(3),
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critical analysis of framing effects. Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 76,
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Orenstein, W. A., & Ahmed, R. (2017). Simply put: Vaccination saves lives. Proceedings of the
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Behavioral Economics Guide 2020 56

Green New Deals
Social Boasting and the True
Value of Ethical Branding

Henry Stott
Ed Nottingham
Abigail Letherby
Decision Technology
Henry Stott et al. Green New Deals: Social Boasting and the True Value of Ethical Branding

Executive Summary

More and more shoppers seem to be making purchase decisions based on their value judge-
ments about ethical issues (Steinhoffer, 2018). Concomitantly, there has been a sharp rise in
the number of brands pushing ethics to the forefront of their propositions. It’s fair to say, then,
that brands are responding to the drivers behind consumer purchasing behaviour. Or are
they? We leveraged a range of research methodologies to find out.

Our headline finding is that people exaggerate how ethical they are, and this is especially true
for those behaviours that are topical and require a considerable amount of effort; for exam-
ple, more than one in three consumers exaggerate their recycling behaviour. Our research
found that almost nine in ten (87%) people claim to have recycled in the last week, but only
just over half of them actually did so (52%). Consumers also overstate their sustainable travel
behaviour, with one in four falsely claiming that they had chosen to travel by bike or on foot
instead of taking the car or public transport in the last month.

Across the vast majority of demographics, people overstate behaviours that they think fit with
social norms. We find such ‘social boasting’ is highest when it comes to recycling, travel behav-
iour and avoiding products with palm oil. All of these behaviours are prevalent in today’s so-
ciety, with many media reports and campaigns focusing on their impact on the environment.
But when it comes to ‘Keeping up with the Attenboroughs’, it appears to be shoppers’ words,
not deeds, which are adding to the ethical consumerism hype.

The second part of our research corroborates this finding, suggesting that ethical consum-
erism is not currently a purchase driver. Consumers are not moved to purchase a brand’s
ethical product by virtue of it having an ethical image; instead, how much they like a brand
and consider it affordable are much stronger purchase drivers. Consequently, not only do
consumers behave less ethically than they claim to, they also do not generally care whether or
not a company is actually ethical or not.

That said, there are some minor exceptions to this general rule, with specific ethical levers
available to brands that can help boost sales. In the Health & Beauty industry, for instance,
consumers are willing to pay the greatest premium for products that aren’t tested on animals
(17%). Key to unlocking this potential value is modelling consumer data. Our research finds
that a number of demographics stand out from the crowd as more likely to make ethical pur-
chase decisions: females and people with a degree.

However, none of the findings in this report would be reliable had we relied on self-reporting.
People are not good at introspection, so brands should not rely on standard research approach-
es such as qualitative interviews and focus groups. Instead, methods like the unmatched count
technique (Govind et al., 2017) and randomised control trials help elicit true behaviours and
uncover real insights. To illustrate this point, our research discovers a substantial disconnect
between those people who rated themselves as either an extremely unethical shopper or an
extremely ethical shopper, with both having a 30% propensity to purchase ethical products.

Chapter One: He, Who Shouts the Loudest

People often claim to act in ways they think conform with the rest of society, generally due to
social norming (Farrow et al., 2017). Of course, these claims do not always map onto the truth,

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Henry Stott et al. Green New Deals: Social Boasting and the True Value of Ethical Branding

so in order to determine how ethical consumers actually are, we used the unmatched count
technique to elicit real behaviours. The main finding is revealing, in that they often exaggerate
how ethical they are.

As social creatures, we care about what other people think of us. When the majority of our
friends, family and colleagues act in a certain way, or share a similar set of values, our default
is to fall in line. Therefore, we used the unmatched count technique (Raghavaro & Federer,
1979) to provide respondents with a veil of anonymity and encourage them to answer more

Overstated Actions, Undervalued Ethics

Using the Unmatched Count Technique (UCT, see Methodology section), we randomly split the
consumers into three groups. One group was asked which of eight ethical statements were
true for them. The second group was asked how many statements were true from a fixed list
of four uncontroversial statements (e.g. I have been to America), but they were not asked to
indicate which of the statements were true. The third group was presented with another list
of uncontroversial statements, but these also included one of the eight ethical statements,
chosen at random for each consumer. This group was also asked to detail how many of the
statements were true, but not which specific ones.

By comparing the results for those that did and did not see an ethical statement, we were
able to determine the actual prevalence of each ethical behaviour. The results (Figure 1) show
that people tend to overstate the occurrence of seven of these behaviours, though to varying
extents. This is especially true of behaviours that are more typical – such as recycling – and
those that require a considerable amount of effort – such as sustainable travel.

Consumers’ biggest ethical exaggeration relates to their recycling behaviour, with more than
one in three overstating their conformity in the past week (35% difference between stated and
actual behaviour). Similarly, the research finds that while three in five consumers claim to have
engaged in sustainable travel behaviour in the past month (60%), just over one-third actually
do walk or cycle instead of taking the car or public transport (35%). This means that one in four
consumers exaggerates their travel behaviour.

However, if an ethical behaviour is not particularly prominent and does not involve a signifi-
cant amount of effort, consumers exaggerate their actions much less. This is most clearly seen
with the finding that almost 50% fewer people claim that they donated to a food bank in the
last year, compared to claims about sustainable travelling. And where ethical behaviour is less
intensive and provides a direct benefit to the consumer – as in the case of reusing a plastic
bag – consumers overstate their actions to a far lesser degree.

Listen, I’m Like You

Underpinning consumers’ exaggeration of their own ethical behaviour is the phenomenon of

social boasting, which captures people’s tendency to over-report behaviours that are deemed
to fit in with social ideals. According to the research, it appears that the general consensus
and overall salience of these ethical behaviours contributed most to consumers’ responses
(Cialdini et al., 2006).

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Figure 1: Comparison of claimed consumer behaviour vs actual consumer behaviour.

Chapter Two: Is Being Liked More Important Than Being Ethical?

From Audi’s latest E-tron vehicle, to the latest single-plastic pledge, brands everywhere seem to
be responding to consumer concerns and incorporating new ethical features into their prop-
ositions. We wanted to find out whether being perceived as an ethical company persuades
consumers to purchase ethical products. The answer is, ‘it depends’.

Our behavioural survey focuses on what persuades consumers to move from the awareness
stage to the purchase consideration stage, and across five major industries, the extent to
which consumers find a brand ‘Likeable’ and ‘Competent’ are the most significant drivers when
it comes to brand consideration.

By modelling how brand perceptions affect consumer purchases, we discover that consumers
don’t particularly consider the ethics of a company when deciding where to purchase. This
finding is a challenge to brands that have made wholesale changes to their offer in response
to a perceived increase in demand for ethical products.

In fact, while ethical considerations make up one of the six distinct and differentiating di-
mensions uncovered by the research using factor analysis (see Table 1), consumers are more
persuaded by their trust and affinity with a brand (see Table 2). In fact, how much consumers
like a brand is over two times more persuasive for deciding where to purchase compared
to ethical considerations (8% vs 3%). Furthermore, consumers that think a brand delivers
good-quality products and services (‘Competent’) and offers good value compared to the mar-
ket (‘Affordable’) are also more influential factors than a brand’s perceived ethics.

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Table 1: Guide to brand perception factors.

Table 2: Impact of brand perceptions on purchase consideration. Note: the proportions in the
table indicate the size and direction of impact on purchase consideration; for example, if people
think a fashion label’s prices are better than other brands, they are 7% more likely to consider
that label when making a purchase. Numbers in bold indicate perceptions that have a statistically
significant impact on brand consideration (95% confidence level).

Ethical Perceptions Do Matter, Sometimes

There are some industries where being perceived as an ethical brand can add value; for in-
stance, brands that are perceived as ethical have some pull in converting shoppers in the
fashion and health & beauty sectors. Our research reveals that the second biggest influence
on consumers’ purchase decisions in the health & beauty sector is the ‘Ethical’ perception
dimension (6%). And in the case of the fashion industry, consumers’ views of a brand’s ethics
have the joint second biggest impact on purchase decisions, alongside ‘Affordability’ (both 7%).

It is worth noting that health & beauty brands have engaged in conversations about broad eth-
ical considerations since at least the 1970s (Chesters, 2011). By and large, this has left today’s
consumer aware of how some products involve animal testing and the environmental harm
caused by some ingredients and the wider supply chain.

Consumer considerations for animal welfare have also affected the fashion industry. Since
2017, for instance, a number of consumers across the globe have protested outside Canada

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Goose shops, taking exception to the alleged animal cruelty involved in making the fashion la-
bel’s famous down jackets. And leading industry figures, like Stella McCartney (Franklin-Wallis,
2018), and respected journalists at renowned publications such as Vogue (Singer, 2019), have
also helped drive ethical consumerism to the fore.

Chapter Three: Ethical Purchase Drivers

If ethical considerations are not at the forefront of most consumers’ minds when they make
a purchase decision, brands might wonder whether there is value in ethical propositions. But
our research uncovers the finding that industry-specific ethical levers can yield price premi-
ums for companies that successfully target ethical consumers.

These ethical levers provide opportunities to generate value for both consumers and compa-
nies. In this part of the research, we ran an RCT experiment to eliminate any inherent prefer-
ences for a particular brand and focused on whether respondents chose a proposition with
an ethical feature. Binomial regression was used to model the estimated premium brands can
charge, by adding a select ethical feature to a product proposition.

Industry-Specific Levers

Across five industries, the research finds a range of ethical levers for which consumers are
willing to pay a premium. The highest average premium is 11.5% in the health & beauty sector,
which also contains the highest ethical feature premium across all industries for products
that have not involved animal testing (17.0%). Interestingly, the second highest average ethical
price premium is available to food delivery platforms (7.9%), which shares a similar premium
to supermarkets relating to sustainable packaging (see Table 3).

While there are a number of reasons why some ethical feature premiums rank higher than
others, two factors seem to have the most impact: how salient an issue is, and how long it’s
been around. In the case of the sustainable packaging premium, many recent marketing cam-
paigns and initiatives have raised consumer awareness about the peril that plastic poses to
the environment and wildlife. Moreover, regarding the animal testing premium, this issue has
been covered since the 1970s, when the Body Shop was one of the first high street brands to
highlight the harm done to animals during production.

Arguably, the potential premiums on offer for supermarket and fashion brands in the case of
local goods (6.0% and 8.9%, respectively) are also a result of growing consumer awareness.
This interest in where clothes are sourced, how they are made and in what working conditions
has contributed to the commercial success of labels like Private White V.C. Acknowledging this
consumer interest, high street brands have tapped into this ethical consumerism and specifi-
cally mark some of their clothes as ‘Made in Britain’ (Wright, 2019).

Nonetheless, having previously found that fashion brands that are perceived as ethical can
persuade consumers to purchase, the relatively low average premium for the sector (6.6%)
can be explained by the poor score of the clothes recycling scheme (3.3%). While H&M Group
has laudably done its best to push its clothes recycling scheme through its subsidiary brands,
it has not found much traction among consumers. Consequently, this relatively new initiative
has not reached the mainstream and does not offer brands much of a price premium. fashion

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brands should bear this in mind when reflecting on the potential ethical premiums available
to them.

Table 3: A cross-industry assessment of the premium a brand can charge through implementing
ethical features into their proposition. Note: Numbers in bold reflect statistical significance at a
95% confidence level. The Ethical feature’s premium reflects the relative premium a brand can
charge on average for a product with the respective ethical feature; for example, customers are
willing to pay an additional 2.7% for a renewable energy tariff.

A Potential Windfall

Further analysis we conducted suggests there is £82 billion worth of value in ethical premiums
across all UK sectors. Using the latest ONS data on household weekly expenditure and the
number of UK households, we worked out the annual market figure at approximately £810
billion (ONS, 2020).

And our analysis finds a 10.1% ethical premium available to brands from all sectors, which
equates to a potential annual revenue figure from ethical features of £82 billion. Although
there is no data to confirm how much of this has already been realised, and the revenue figure
does not account for the costs of implementing the ethical features, it’s clear that brands have
an opportunity to capitalise on ethical consumerism.

One prominent example includes supermarket brands, which could stand to gain as much as
£5 billion in revenues if they were to incorporate successfully the ethical levers used in this
research into their proposition. As the table above shows, one of the most valuable premiums
that supermarkets could leverage is the removal of plastic packaging. Morrisons has done just
this, becoming the first supermarket chain to remove packaging from its fruit and vegetables
(Quinn, 2019).

Elsewhere, and as supported by other research in this report, our analysis finds a real oppor-
tunity for fashion the fashion and health & beauty brands. By catering their propositions to
ethical consumers, brands in these industries could boost their top lines by around £2 billion.

Behavioral Economics Guide 2020 63

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Table 4: Estimation of the potential value added by incorporating an ethical feature into
propositions in different industries. Note: Average annual spend for all industries, food delivery
per household. For food delivery, the average annual spend is per customer.

Key to unlocking this potential windfall is tailored, well-targeted communication that stimu-
lates consumers’ more deliberative ways of thinking. Since, by themselves, shoppers are un-
likely to change their consumption habits, it is thus incumbent upon brands to engage people
in such a way that persuades them to make more ethically considered purchases. 

Chapter Four: The Limits of Self-Reporting

It is noteworthy that the findings documented here could only be found by using robust re-
search methodologies that avoid inaccurate self-reporting. It follows that if companies choose
an inappropriate methodology for their research, then it’s likely that the results will be mis-
leading at best and erroneous at worst.

Self-reporting is not a good way of understanding why customers make purchase decisions,
because on the whole, people are not good at introspection; they often don’t know why they
made a certain choice, and many post-justify their decision to make themselves feel better.

If introspection provided a good prediction of ethical consumer behaviour, then there would
be a positive relationship between consumer purchase decisions and their self-rating of how
ethically they behave.

Yet, in reality, those who rate themselves as either extremely unethical or extremely ethical
are equally as likely to actually purchase ethically (both 30%, see Figure 2). The research also
finds that females tend to rate themselves significantly less ethically than males, and yet they
are significantly more likely to purchase ethically.

Behavioral Economics Guide 2020 64

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Figure 2: Comparison of self-rated ethical purchase behaviour against actual propensity to

purchase ethically.

Instead of relying on qualitative and focus group research, brands should employ an experi-
mental method, since this approach is well attuned to assessing consumer preferences that
relate to socially desirable ends, such as with ethical consumerism. A number of experimental
methods were used in this research to test hypotheses more robustly in a controlled environ-
ment. Consequently, the findings detailed in this report provide reliable insights that brands
can use to improve their business propositions.

Recommendations for Retailers

Ensure your business case is proportional to your target market

Brands should ensure that any changes to their proposition, targeting and communications
correspond to the size of their addressable market, which might be smaller than expected.

Educate consumers to improve the environment, society and your balance sheet

In order to better leverage ethical credentials, companies should invest in education cam-
paigns to bring ethical considerations front of mind. An increase in ethical purchases may well
benefit brands, consumers and the wider world.

Identify the specific ethical features with the greatest sales leverage in your specific market

Brands should conduct objective, mixed-method research and econometric analysis in order
to establish the most valuable ethical features and gauge potential profitability.

Behavioral Economics Guide 2020 65

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Don’t rely on self-reporting to identify relevant ethical levers

Introspection is notoriously unreliable. Experimental research carried out in a controlled envi-

ronment is more likely to yield robust insights and help brands identify the right ethical levers
for their market.


This research used a combination of a behavioural survey, the unmatched count technique
(UCT) and a randomised controlled trial (RCT) to generate the insights reported.

The RCT involved taking participants through a realistic simulation of purchasing a product
through a price comparison website. Each participant was required to make two purchases
for two different products selected at random from utilities, supermarkets, fashion, health &
beauty or online food delivery.

Each experiment presented three fixed control propositions that were exactly the same for
each participant, and one test proposition that varied between-subject. All participants were
shown the same four brands within each product area, with the propositions replicating re-
al-life offers and the brands chosen typically representing the most established in that indus-
try. There were some exceptions to this, in that brands that currently offer ethical products
could be included, in order to assess congruence to brand. The propositions were always
ordered from lowest price to highest price as is typical of a price comparison website, but the
order in which brands were presented to a participant varied between-subject, so that each
brand was randomly assigned to a proposition. The test proposition varied in two ways: (1)
the price was randomly chosen between a range that stretched below and above the control
offers with fixed increments and (2) one ethical feature from a possible three could be shown
at random, or not at all. The ethical features tested for each industry were designed in order
to be topical and impactful.

By keeping the propositions consistent between participants, the impact of brand desirability
was isolated, thereby ensuring a clean test of the influence of including an ethical feature in
a proposition. The key outcome measure was product choice, specifically whether a product
with an ethical feature was chosen.

The unmatched count is a technique used to improve the reliability of responses to sensitive
or possibly embarrassing questions by providing the respondent with anonymity. It was intro-
duced by statisticians Raghavarao and Federer in 1979. We used it in this research to establish
more accurately how people actually behave, rather than relying on self-reporting.


The research was conducted online with a nationally representative sample of 2,497 UK con-
sumers aged 18 and over.

Behavioral Economics Guide 2020 66

Henry Stott et al. Green New Deals: Social Boasting and the True Value of Ethical Branding

The Authors

Henry Stott is co-founder and managing director of Decision Technology. He has a PhD in
decision-making and is a Certified Member of the MRS. At Decision Technology, Henry helps
businesses and policymakers understand and manage customer decision-making. He was pre-
viously a director of Oliver Wyman, a financial services strategy consultancy, where he helped
found their highly respected Risk Practice, developing many of their proprietary techniques in
credit risk measurement and business valuation.

Ed Nottingham is a senior associate at Decision Technology. He has a BSc in Psychology and

an MSc in Management. Ed designs randomised controlled trials to test product offerings and
explore customer acquisition and retention, in order to deliver actionable insights to senior
business stakeholders.

Abigail Letherby is a senior associate at Decision Technology. She also has a BSc in Psychology
and is a member of the Young Management Consultancies Association. Abbie helps solve cli-
ents’ problems by running randomised controlled trials to optimise business propositions,
customer communications and brand strategy.


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influence behavioral outcomes in ethical consumption. Journal of Business Ethics, 155(4),
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Quinn, I. (2019, May 20). Morrisons to roll out plastic-free fruit & veg aisles in 60 stores. The
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Singer, M. (2019, February 4). Is there really such a thing as “ethical consumerism”? Vogue.
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Behavioral Economics Guide 2020 68

Thinking as Behavioral
Scientists, Acting as

Michele Visciòla
Michele Visciòla Thinking as Behavioral Scientists, Acting as Designers

“The proper study of mankind has been said to be man. But I have argued that man—or at least
the intellective component of man—may be relatively simple, that most of the complexity of his
behavior may be drawn from man’s environment, …. If I have made my case, then we can conclude
that, in large part, the proper study of mankind is the science of design, not only as the professional
component of a technical education, but as a core discipline for every liberally educated person.”

Herbert A. Simon.


Behavioral sciences (BSs) and design are old friends, although this long-standing relationship
is going to change significantly in the years to come, yielding benefits to behavioral and social
scientists, economists and designers.

Design schools and universities do not refer to any specific scientific school of thought or body
of knowledge, and yet the breadth of information that human sciences can provide is often
used to support design propositions implicitly. Behavioral sciences play an outstanding role in
influencing design directions, especially in the digital economy. In recent years, insights from
BSs have been misused by various digital technology companies, in that they have extract-
ed value from the Internet, shaping behavioral experiences through skilful manipulation of
emotions and digital behavior. For instance, in political contests we have witnessed the con-
sistent use of Web-based communication strategies forming cognitive lock-in loops, in order
to manipulate the judgment of people and guide them toward choices that misrepresent their
best interests, Cambridge Analytica being an exemplary case of data misappropriation and
brokerage (see BS heuristics in framing,
anchoring, and priming can be used by interaction designers to set preferences in such a
way that control is taken away from users, thus making it very difficult for them to evaluate
the consequences of oversimplified choices. Furthermore, it has become relatively easy and
legitimate for large-scale marketing programs and advertising strategies to use personal data
via release forms that can confuse even the most cautious. Content strategies that implement
information architectures with hierarchies that favor deception, proposing over-simplified
choices or over-informative—and hence overwhelmingly misleading—contents, are even more
subtle. Usability tests can be easily designed to favor simplification strategies or information
hierarchies that lead to channeling preferences reflecting business goals rather than actual
user preferences.

A backlash is underway, and BSs are being held up as instrumental in behavioral control (see
Schneier, 2015; Zuboff, 2019) devaluing the role that good science can have in improving cop-
ing capabilities and users’ competence in managing uncertainty. However, the answer to this
potential threat can be found in a more sophisticated use of BSs, which can—and should—
play a key role in setting new horizons to increase the impact of strategic behavioral design in
business. Currently, the role of good design involves integrating values such as utility (function-
alities), usability (flow), and pleasure (emotional engagement) (Visciola, 2000), but a new frontier
requires the reduction of information noise and an increase in giving people the chance to
become more competent in their daily life, while enhancing cooperation patterns to address
our challenges seriously.

The digital economy is still unable to deal with requests aimed at reducing misbehavior, or
to reflect on communities and society’s new and progressive evolutionary values. Behavioral

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Michele Visciòla Thinking as Behavioral Scientists, Acting as Designers

sciences and design can generate the conditions for new narratives in business strategies and
in policy definition, to find sustainable solutions to the enormous social challenges we current-
ly face.

This position paper argues that strategic design should aim to go beyond current standards
that focus on experience design and frictionless decision-making, and set new standards fos-
tering competent-rich decision-making and real-life cooperation, hence drafting a new design
ethics. I believe new standards require combining observation and behavioral modeling tech-
niques. Furthermore, this new design frontier requires BSs to move beyond set laboratory
settings, suggest experimental methodologies that can correctly emphasize the role of context
in defining information resources, and document what people need, in order to become more
competent and collaborative in their daily lives.

Theory-wise, BSs should converge with the body of knowledge from the most advanced avail-
able theory of behavioral and cultural changes, namely, the theory of evolution, which enables
us to understand how the pressure to change can shape how we describe adapting to such
change. Behavioral change programs based on (behavioral) models can be based on an under-
standing of the relationship between mental routines, habits, value systems, and contextual
cultural constraints. However, the most appropriate paths to ensure a sustainable change able
to foster competence and collaboration require a sound theory of change, which is where the
theory of evolution is of great help.

In the following sections, I shall illustrate how this methodological framework has enabled us
to build behavior modification programs in leading sectors of digital innovation, such as the
design of:

a) tools for financial savings and

b) a masterplan of services for the elderly.

Natural Contexts and Adaptive Forces

Complexity typical of natural contexts in daily life reveals the fallacy of behavioral nudging
programs based on raising awareness and counting on the willingness of the target audience
to adapt to the recommended practices. For instance, people’s resistance or lack of adherence
to well-known standards and lifestyle recommendations are often due to constraints (and
pressure to stay stable) that were at the very origin of the formation of bad habits. Smoking,
regular over-eating, or poor nutrition are cases in point. This means that these issues cannot
be addressed by relying on mere willpower.

Very often, people do not know how to upgrade their competence in managing complex health
and financial issues. For instance, patients do not know how to modify lifestyles to address
health-related issues, due to a lack of control over their surroundings. This is one of the main
reasons for non-compliance with clinical trial protocols, whereby people decide to discontinue
a prescribed regime or deviate from it, thus compromising the results. Such behavior is due to
the mismatch between controlled clinical trial practices and clinical practice requirements in
real life. Prescribed behavior that fails to consider real-life constraints is likely not to work even
when people volunteer for trials. In the financial sector, our research into designing financial
tools for saving has shown that saving capacities are distributed very unevenly among people

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Michele Visciòla Thinking as Behavioral Scientists, Acting as Designers

within the same income bracket. We observed a variety of heuristics and captured psycho-
logical routines at different levels of sophistication where a range of abilities in maintaining
financial stability and planning for future projects has been reported and documented.

Even when social norms are accepted and behavioral prescriptions are defined to set good
reference points, the internalization of norms or standards can prove difficult because of the
inherent costs of adapting to settings not from one’s original ethnic group. This is very often
the case in multicultural and multiethnic societies. Heuristics such as “copy success” or “copy
plurality”, which are learning strategies in bounded rationality that can be observed in labo-
ratory settings (see Apesteguia, Huck & Oeschssler, 2007), are impracticable in real life until
local institutions build a targeted set of meanings for each ethnic group, so that preferences
between different ethnic groups can be calibrated and balanced (see further on in this text,
and the 2015 Aging Gracefully Report).

To represent the complexity of natural contexts, we need visual tools such as a two-axes chart
to map people’s mental routines and the evolution of their competences in adapting to spe-
cific challenges.

Behavioral Models and the Theory of Change

Biological and cultural evolution share the same characteristics (Lewens, 2015), in that biologi-
cal and cultural forces interact according to co-evolutionary paths and can be described using
the same set of principles, i.e. migration or mutation, which are the outcomes of selective
pressures and can ultimately result in persistent drift (see Cavalli-Sforza 1981).

We can observe and describe people’s behaviors and their differential patterns as adaptive or
maladaptive reactions (Wood, 2019) in the presence of “selective pressures” and psychological
forces in society. The pressure to change is part of the cultural life of any creature as a result
of the biological pressure to fit in. Every biological creature has inherited or acquired mecha-
nisms to reduce the pressure to change and maintain stability or select the opportunities that
might improve their living conditions. Homeostasis—the tendency towards a relatively stable
equilibrium between interdependent elements—is one of the driving forces within our brain
and helps reduce unwanted consequences of change. Many cultural adaptations to external
pressure result into cultural evolution (see Damasio, 2018).

Cultural change can be facilitated, or hindered, as a function of how norms, standards, val-
ues, and belief systems are framed, since both individual and societal systems have recurring
narratives that build upon implicit or explicit reference points and mental representations
structured as belief systems. Our modern societies are highly regulated, and cultural change
is often the result of strategies employed to generate selective pressures to change. However,
cultural change can also result from pressures that are not properly managed, due to limited
rationality or to the presence of different and competing value systems. In such cases, cultural
changes are often triggered by technological and marketing strategies that happen before
new regulatory systems are able to control them, or before regulatory decisions can deter-
mine behavioral and cultural drift.

This implies that even in our highly regulated societies, the pressure to change can lead to a
variety of reactions. An ethnographic study can reveal how people and cultures react to given
pressures to change, for instance to the availability of innovative technologies and infrastruc-

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Michele Visciòla Thinking as Behavioral Scientists, Acting as Designers

tures at a given time. By observing people’s behavior during periods of technological transfor-
mation, we can reveal how new habits are formed as well as how old habits decline.

Figure 1: Clusters of elderly profiles on a map with the zone of proximal development.

From a cultural perspective, the evolution of behavior can be described along a continuum
and mapped out across two axes, allowing us to define both adjacent and distant patterns
or clusters (see Figure 1). As described later, this map shows the position of different clus-
ters across two dimensions: On the horizontal axis we observe pro-activity vs. reactivity, i.e.
the level of competence in using healthcare services and their relative capacity to anticipate
and control the outcomes of their actions in that domain, and on the vertical axis we see the
social traits of a person and their relative propensity to remain socially engaged and active in
communities versus being isolated and individualistic instead. The construction of behavioral
models through representations of how people can be differentiated according to their level
of competence, and the collaborative fabric within which they act, has the advantage of identi-
fying the levers necessary to plan change programs.

The theory of evolution implies the “migration” of habits to adjacent possibilities: A set of choic-
es is a more frequent cause of behavioral change than those due to a disruptive mutation of
habits. In our maps, we represent behavioral models to highlight how it is more realistic and
inclusive to expect people to move along the axes towards adjacent models, while it is more
difficult to propose disruptive evolutionary models. In biology, successful mutations are said
to be rare, whilst in cultural evolution, when they occur, mutations can be exclusive and create
barriers to inclusive and sustainable growth.

Cultural change programs can be conceived as behavior modification programs, in that they
replace old habits with new ones. Technological solutions and the design of new personalized

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services, to encourage a gradual advancement along the axes of competence and collabora-
tion, can consequently create value for people while generating positive social impact.

There are many examples of how cultural and behavioral evolution took place gradually, and
how technology has followed the model of migration to adjacent evolutionary tiers. This also
applies to the digital world and to mobile phones. For instance, the gradual evolution of mo-
bile technology solutions evolved from the 2-mode rinGO mobile phone (the so-called “bimbo
phone” because of its simplicity), to the Nokia “navikey” (second mobile generation), to the
touch-phone (the third mobile generation, launched with the iPhone), which is gradually trans-
forming and anticipating the next phase of mobile migration whereby people will navigate to-
wards interacting with proximal digital information embedded in physical reality (see Visciola,
2013). It is a case of gradual transformation, rather than disruptive innovation!

Formidable selective pressures can occur when technological and infrastructure innovations
and regulation act in unison. However, resistance to change or objective difficulties are more
evident when the impact of the innovative solution in increasing people’s competence to cope
with societal challenges and encourage cooperation and collaboration is not explicitly stated.

Furthermore, when applying the theory of evolution to digital culture, we can also foresee that
nudges (Thaler & Sunstein, 2009) will function most effectively when information is framed in
such a way that people grasp that achieving the preferred objective will enable them to sta-
bilize certain behavioral patterns and sets of preferences and/or create an aspirational path.

Behavioral Models in Practice

In any complex domain such as saving and investing, protecting personal assets, aging, and
making lifestyle choices for wellbeing and longevity, people display different levels of compe-
tence and a variety of belief systems. In building preferences and habits, people form mental
routines and frame choices according to reference points, so that contextual factors can be
adequately modified or manipulated to achieve the desired purposes (see Slovic, 2000).

Understanding the prominent and dominant mental structures that regulate habits and be-
havior should allow us to shape the possible directions of preferences so that people can
be oriented towards choices that strengthen good habits or help modify bad ones. Methods
employed in modeling new directions and habits help deconstruct and reconstruct the various
elements that define people’s preferences and choices.

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Figure 2: Some recommendations on what to do to help people become more competent and
proactive, and what services could be conceived and designed for this purpose.

Persona is one of the artifacts that designers use to represent differences when considering
people and peculiar traits. Persona can do much more than simply describe the socio-demo-
graphics of customer segmentations—it is a powerful tool to shape services and innovations
actively, thus promoting behavioral evolution and cultural change in the segments the perso-
nas represent. Persona models offer insights into the drivers of people’s habits and behaviors,
by situating them within customers’ goals, cycles, and patterns of behaviors, engagement
with service solutions, and interaction with physical and digital service touchpoints. Persona’s
distinguishing traits are not static, though, because behaviors, expectations, and values can
evolve. Consequently, persona modeling aims to map potential evolutionary pathways that can
describe how behavioral change can be nudged through the appropriate service model (see
Figure 2).

Furthermore, persona identifies key user traits, namely, beliefs, behavior, mental routines, ex-
pectations, and goals, and brings users to life by giving them names depicting some archetypal
features. Although personas are fictitious, they are nevertheless based on knowledge of real
people. Some form of ethnographic research is conducted before they are defined, to ensure
they represent real people rather than the opinions of the researchers shaping their main
traits. By generating insights and better expectations of how these profiles are likely to behave
in a context of use, these models increase our understanding of user requirements, i.e. those
the digital solution should satisfy. We call these artifacts behavioral models, as they represent
behavioral traits in the ongoing adaptation to the environment’s demands.

Tech-driven innovation initiatives in many sectors are often driven by assumptions of what
matters to people, and they are created by marketers, designers, or decision-makers. These
assumptions are not necessarily based on a real-life understanding of how people behave, and
therefore they cannot necessarily guide how to design products, services, and strategies so
that they positively influence people’s behaviors. To avoid false assumptions, behavioral mod-

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els are built upon people’s observed behaviors, by exploring their daily contexts and modeling
their interactions with services, touchpoints, challenges, and solutions. A well thought through
behavioral model can help people understand the implications of their decisions, and possibly
enable them to move in a more sustainable direction. The following cases show how these
behavioral models work in two highly complex domains which are part of everyday life.

Behavioral Design for Aging Gracefully

Ageing can be considered a cultural matter, as it affects the social fabric, the systems and
structures that make up cities, governments, and individual life. The Government of Singapore
and the Design Council asked Experientia, a user experience design consultancy firm, to help
them conceive innovative service solutions to make daily life more inclusive for elderly citizens,
and particularly to ensure that they could have seamless access to healthcare and pursue
active and healthy lifestyles. We ran an extensive ethnographic program involving shadowing
sessions, i.e. participatory workshops with more than 100 stakeholders, and defined behavio-
ral models to support the ideation of new services.

The people selected for the study were clustered according to how well they represented
the characteristics along the two axes, which were used to frame the personas (see Figure 1).
Singaporeans ranged from “individual-focused” to “community-oriented” people. Their atti-
tudes to health and healthcare ranged from “proactively” exploring opportunities and address-
ing their adaptive goals, to “reactively” responding to what they were told to do, without really
evaluating what was fit for them. As shown in Figure 2, the elderly in Singapore are mapped
out along the competence axis, ranging from reactive to proactive, thereby representing their
understanding of healthcare service offers from the public healthcare system.

The masterplan of services for the elderly resulting from our behavioral model was conceived
to foster persona-centric services, to increase their level of competence in terms of the avail-
ability of services for the elderly, and to reduce isolation for some of them (see an example
in Figure 2). Moreover, it had to reproduce an ethnicity-centric infrastructure, tracking the
zone of proximal development and facilitating a smooth evolution of behaviors. Behavioral
modeling was a sort of reference model for designing a collaborative ecosystem, and the mas-
terplan of services was a type of hypothetical behavioral change program.

Behavioral Design for Financial Savings

Experientia conducted an extensive ethnographic research and design project on “personal

finance management” (PFM is the acronym used in the finance industry) behavior in Italy. The
project included contextual interviews, formative evaluations, persona development and be-
havioral modeling, information architecture sessions, and design concept development to in-
form software development planning and the release of the PFM tool. From the definition of
differentiating factors in spending behavior and saving habits, coping skills, mental account-
ing, and other routines, we created a “behavioral model” as shown in Figure 3. The model de-
scribes the two control mechanisms aimed at maintaining stability and pursuing aspirations,
respectively. The different phases through which we mapped mental routines to control be-
haviors and decisions is called an “activity model”, and it comprises the following five activities:
Monitoring, analysis, budgeting, simulation, and planning. We found these activities embed-
ded in typical routines carried out by the observed sample of 36 participants. Behavioral mod-
els were based on distinguishing behavioral traits for each persona and ability to run with the

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five outlined activities and therefore manage income and save money. This model informed
the four software design development phases and the design iterations in integrating the sys-
tem features (see Figure 4).

Figure 3: The behavioral model, used to inform the design of a personal finance management

Figure 4: Software design roadmap, informed by the behavioral model and activity model.

The final tool was conceived for initial users (also beginners in their understanding of finance)
to support just “monitoring” and “analysis” activities. Besides, the tool has dedicated features
to learn how to allocate resources in different baskets (“budgeting”) (see Figure 5). Finally, for

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the most sophisticated users, the tool contributes to a “simulation” of different saving and
spending objectives and then helps reduce fungibility, once a plan has been established in the
family and agreed with the bank (“planning”) (see Figure 6).

Our behavioral model was conceived to improve savings competence. Maintaining stability
between monthly income and outgoings is the first important goal to manage. This is achieved
by learning to use simple analytical reporting on how income has been spent (i.e. the “moni-
toring” and “analysis” activities in the behavioral model). Once this learning is achieved, the
software gently suggests allocating some money (the “budgeting” activity) for typical recurring
expenses (e.g. food, house rental, utilities). As soon as the people have learned to manage the
budgeting tool, they are encouraged to start using the tool to plan and to simulate different
spending scenarios (i.e. the “simulation” and “planning” activities in the behavioral model).

Figure 5: Dashboard used to monitor expenses and allocate resources. Expenses can be traced
by category, in a time window, and compared versus income.

Figure 6: Dashboard to simulate goals and allocate fungible resources to plans. The planning can
be done in different time windows, i.e. any 3 months, 6 months, and so on up to 5 years.

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In conclusion, to set up programs that can facilitate behavioral change, we need to understand
better how cultural changes can be facilitated at the individual and group levels, by using be-
havioral representations in a map and then designing services and solutions that can improve
the competence levels of people in addressing their distinct challenges. At a social level, such
programs can be conceived as experiments in real-life contexts that can allow selective pres-
sure and thus facilitate migration to the adjacent zone, in line with individual and community
aspirations and societal ethics.

The Author

Michele Visciòla is founding partner, CEO & Chair of Experientia Global where he is personally
involved in projects that deal with the following topics in a variety of industries: digital transfor-
mation of services; behavioral modeling and culture evolution implied in service innovation;
business innovation; user-centered design and policy making.

Michele has an international curriculum and extensive experience in strategic user experience
analysis and modeling. His career started as research fellow in Cognitive Sciences at the Italian
National Research Council and focused on the digitalization of services in complex systems,
with a specialization in human error analysis and information design.

As entrepreneur, Michele has founded pioneering start-ups on usability and human-factors

consultancy and was part of the team that founded the World Usability Day.


Apesteguia, J., Huck, S., & Oeschssler, J. (2007). Imitation: Theory and experimental evidence.
Journal of Economic Theory, 136(1), 217-235.
Cavalli-Sforza, L., & Feldman, M. (1981). Cultural transmission and evolution: A quantitative ap-
proach. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press.
Damasio, A. (2018). The stranger order of things. New York, NY: Pantheon Books.
Lewens, T. (2015). Cultural evolution. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press.
Slovic, P. (2000). The construction of preference. In D. Kahneman & A. Tversky (Eds.), Choices,
values and frames (pp.489-502). Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press.
Schneier, B. (2015). Data and Goliath: The hidden battles to collect your data and control your
world. London, UK: Norton & Co.
Thaler, R. H. & Sunstein, C.R. (2009). Nudge: Improving decisions about health, wealth, and happi-
ness. New York, NY: Penguin Books.
Visciola, M. (2000). Usabilità e Web design. Milano, Italy: Apogeo.
Visciola, M. (2009). People-centered innovation or culture evolution? Interactions. XVI.6,
Visciola, M., et al. (2015). Design for aging gracefully. Rethinking health and wellness for the elder-
ly: Public services. Asian Insights & Design Innovation, Design Singapore Council. Retrieved
Wood, W. (2019). Good habits, bad habits: The science of making positive changes that stick. New
York, NY: Farrar, Straus and Giroux.
Zuboff, S. (2019). The age of surveillance capitalism. London, UK: Profile Books.

Behavioral Economics Guide 2020 79

Costly Behaviours
Using Behavioural
Economics to Manage the
Company Cost Base

Stephen Heal
Paula Papp
Victoria Valle Lara
Frontier Economics
Stephen Heal et al. Using Behavioural Economics to Manage the Company Cost Base

Introduction: BE in the Commercial Arena

When working with businesses, we often hear that many examples reported about behav-
ioural economics (BE) are either too theoretical, too time-consuming or just too focused on
the public sector to be of practical use in commercial settings. This may occur because there
are factors that hinder publishing studies in the private sector, such as interest in keeping the
details of successful interventions secret from competitors1.

Marketing objectives are often behind the application of BE techniques within firms (Caldwell,
2018). Much of the work by neuromarketeers and consumer psychologists looks at how be-
havioural insights can help to increase conversion rates and improve revenues, while rather
less has been done on how it can help in, for example, managing costs.

This article concentrates on costs. If we get companies to ask themselves the simple but pow-
erful question, ‘Which behaviours are driving my cost base?’, we can shine a new light on cost
management. We illustrate this notion through two case studies on companies that were able
to cut their costs in new and unexpected ways:

• A water company tackling sewer blockages and

• A retail bank managing costs to compete better against lower-cost digital-first competitors.

These case studies illustrate the rigorous and effective application of behavioural econom-
ics in a commercial setting. Embracing an approach firmly footed in behavioural economics
helped these firms address both little-researched private behaviours and well-ingrained hab-
its, resulting in reduced costs and better outcomes. 

Case: Changing Very Private Behaviours to Prevent Sewer Blockages and Save Costs

Water utility companies in the UK are regulated by Ofwat, to control how they deliver water
and sewerage services, and they run operations to extract water from rivers and reservoirs,
before delivering it clean to customers. Importantly, but perhaps less often considered by the
public, they also take away and treat sewerage, before subsequently cleaning and releasing it
safely back into the environment.

What is the Costly Behaviour?

We all use sewerage services every day, but consciously we don’t think about them very often.
Jane Taylor, a householder from a bustling town in England,2 had to think about these services
a lot when the sewer outside her house became blocked. Raw sewage spewed out of the pipes
in the street and spilled into her front garden. She had to call the water company to come and
unblock the sewer – and fast. The direct cost to the industry of such blockages comes close to
£100m per year across the UK (Water UK, 2017), plus the cost and hassle to Jane and families
such as hers of clearing up and paying related insurance premia.

See Caldwell (2018) for an extensive review of these factors.
From interviews conducted with customers for this case, names changed to maintain confidentiality.

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Sewer blockages are caused by a number of factors. A common one is the build-up of ‘wet
wipes’ that people use in their homes and then flush down the toilet. These combine with con-
gealed fats, oils and grease that come from both households and businesses (e.g. restaurants
or fast-food shops) to form ‘fatbergs’ that block the sewers.

There has been a burst of media attention on fatbergs, and water companies have urged
people not to flush wet wipes. Nevertheless, the incidence of related blockages continues to
be a costly problem for the industry, with over 300,000 such impasses occurring every year in
the UK. In one industry study, the majority (around 93%) of the sewer blockage material, when
recovered, comprised of non-flushable wipes (Water UK, 2017).

So how can the behaviour of people flushing wet wipes down toilets be changed, and how can
this be done more cheaply than getting rid of the blockages themselves?

Using BE to Develop New Approaches

Several initiatives are underway to address the issue. We summarise one approach here from
our work with a company that carries out industry-leading customer research.

Diagnosis: Combining purchase data for wipes3 with details of sewer blockages, we were able
to identify postcode areas with both higher sales of wipes and more blockages. Using trained
consumer psychologists, we then conducted a series of in-depth interviews with people re-
cruited from these areas.

The interviews ‘retracked’ people’s actions from purchase decision through use and disposal,
without directly revealing the purpose of the discussion (Graves, 2010). We found that several
billion wipes are purchased in the UK every year, with baby wipes being the biggest segment,
followed by skin care and personal hygiene (WC). Consumers find them relatively cheap, con-
venient and effective, and often they started buying them after having children. People using
wipes for personal hygiene and for young children were the ones most likely to flush them
down the toilet, so they became the focus of our study.

We needed to focus on what was taking place ‘behind closed doors’, with no traceability link-
ing the behaviour to the outcome. We used the insights from the interviews as a stimulus to
develop creative solutions and then a novel behavioural experiment.

Interviews revealed that wipe-flushing had become a habit for many customers. Habits can be
defined as automated actions that reduce cognition costs and are difficult to change (Lally et
al., 2010), whilst behaviours turn into habits after they are repeatedly performed in the pres-
ence of a cue or set of cues. The interviews also revealed that ease and reward were important
factors in forming the wipe-flushing habit: wipes are convenient and consumers feel refreshed
after using them. For many interviewees, this positive reinforcement turned the act of using
wet wipes into a habit.

Furthermore, the vast majority of individuals did not make a direct connection between flush-
ing a wipe and a sewer blockage. Why not? Because it says on some packs that they are ‘flusha-
ble’, and sure enough, the dirty wipe does indeed flush away. As for sewer blockages, however,

Detailed data on purchases of wipes from Kantar Worldpanel survey of 30,000 households in the UK.

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they are expensive and messy, but comparatively rare, and may not even happen near the
houses responsible for the flushing, so they are not salient. They also happen in the future,
which is an abstract world for many of us. The literature on intertemporal choices shows that
people tend to think of the future as a distant place that they will never inhabit, and instead
they tend to have a bias for the present (O’Donoghue & Rabin, 1999). In the case (or wipe) at
hand, this implies that users put more weight on the present refreshing experience and less
weight on the less salient and future blockage disaster. In conclusion, we are seeking to alter
a private, well-ingrained habit with no apparent reward for changing it.

We left aside broader possibilities such as reducing sales or redesigning wipe materials for
their decomposition, as these were being discussed by industry-wide initiatives. Therefore, we
concentrated on what was more practical for the company in the short to medium term. Note
we did not know what proportion or segment of the population was flushing wipes, or how
their behaviours were affected by exhortations to reduce flushing.

Targeting: The diagnosis pointed to a need to influence people’s behaviour and change their
habits of flushing wipes by providing links that appear to be missing in their decision process.
Could we make the outcomes more salient and generate an association between flushing and
the consequences of their actions?

Previous interventions showed that providing information on the positive consequences of a

behavioural change may aid habit development by enhancing motivation (Gardner & Rebar,
2019); for instance, information on the health risks of inactivity and an unhealthy diet can
increase exercising and healthy eating (Storm et al., 2016).

The communications team used these insights to devise alternative messages to share with
customers. These targeted the hidden costs of flushing. We aided them by designing the
messages so that they followed the EAST framework (Behavioural Insights Team, 2014), i.e.
easy, attractive, social and timely, which gave us two alternative messages to test, using a
randomised control trial.

One message focused on environmental costs (wipes ending up on beaches) and the other
message on household costs (sewage in your backyard and the hassle and cost of clearing up).

Field trials: But how do you conduct field experiments and randomised control trials to test
something like this? In previous trials, water companies hung nets like spider webs across
main sewers to catch flushed wipes. These were then extracted and counted to see if initia-
tives in the communities upstream of the nets were having any effect on the volume of wipes
flushed. These trials can be expensive, take many weeks to complete and do not effectively
establish significant impacts.

We therefore decided to collect data closer to the source, for which we needed somewhere
busy with a representative sample of the local community and a way of randomising the mes-
saging at point of use. A very large shopping centre in the region agreed to allow us to run
experiments in their main toilets so we could get the measure of thousands of people in a
short period of time.

By providing a known number of wipes, normal toilet paper rolls and a bin in each toilet cubi-
cle, we could measure what proportion was flushed and what was binned in both men’s and

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women’s washrooms. By displaying different messages, we could gauge what impact they had
on flushing behaviour compared with control groups that had no message.

• Note: No other messages were visible in the cubicles, except those provided on the inside
of the doors of the treatment groups. The messages on the doors were not visible from the
outside. The wall-mounted wipe dispenser was placed next to the paper roll and dispensed
wipes individually.

Figure 1: Set up of ‘cubicle trials’ for messages in a busy shopping centre. Source: Frontier case
work with a UK water company. Shopping centre cubicle trials.

A well-protected sanitary team counted how many wipes were left at the end of each period,
how many had been disposed of in the bins in each cubicle and how many people had used
each cubicle. The simple core equation is thus:

Wipes flushed = Wipes dispensed – Wipes binned.

This approach produced quicker, more directly pertinent results at much lower cost than the
spider web trials.

Results: The results cast new light on the extent of the problem, and how to design messages
to deter people from flushing wet wipes. We obtained 1,602 observations across control and
treatment groups from 20 cubicles over a 9-hour period.

Treatment groups Cubicles Used Flushed % % difference

Flushed flushed
compared to

C - Control 5 459 170 37% NA

D - Domestic cost 8 624 171 27% 27%
E - Environmental cost 7 520 130 25% 32%

Table 1: Summary of results obtained in each type of cubicle Note: Differences between
treatments in the proportion of wipes flushed down the toilet were analysed using a
generalised linear model (GLM) with a binomial error structure. Every predictor used was
highly significant (p<0.05, measure of statistical significance). Source: Frontier case work with
a UK water company. Shopping centre cubicle trials.

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We found that:

• The control group showed that over a third (37%) of wipes are flushed by the general pop-
ulation in private with no ‘nudges’, even when bins are provided.

• The treatment groups showed that ‘point of use’ messaging reduces the number of wipes
flushed by over a quarter compared to the control groups, especially in the environmental
costs message:

· The domestic cost message reduced flushing of wipes by 27% compared to the control,
whilst the environmental cost messages reduced flushing by 32%.

· These results were significantly beyond the expectations of the company, based on
its experience with previous initiatives. What’s more, sewerage engineers at the water
company considered this effect to be enough to have a meaningful impact on the num-
ber of blockages.

Discussion: The cubicle trials provided a model to test and measure behaviour that was not
possible to measure in the home. Whilst the context is different to that of people’s own homes
in a number of respects, we would argue that the set-up (individual cubicles, free choice, no
obvious priming) provides insights into behaviours that are likely to take place in the home.
The messages that we tested directly targeted a specific trait in our assessment of the uncon-
scious drivers of the behaviours – to make the future (hidden) costs of people’s actions more
salient at point of use.

Rollout: The water company has adapted its approach to encourage people to reduce the
flushing of wipes by highlighting both the domestic and environmental costs. Point-of-use
reminders were provided to public locations such as schools and nurseries, and social media
video messages were shared directly linking the behaviour to the costs. Through applying BE
to address the costs of blockages, the company has gained greater awareness of people’s
behaviours and what works to change their habits. The success of the new approach will be
judged by the incidence of costly blockages over the forthcoming five-year regulatory cycle.
Early in the COVID-19 crisis, toilet paper shortages occurred, and so the company re-iterated
messaging as people switched to wipes: “[If you flush wipes, they] will build up and cause blockag-
es, and that will lead to the nightmare of sewage overflowing in or around your home or expensive
plumbing bills. That really is the last thing anyone needs at the moment.”

Case: Nudging Customers Away From Dealing With Bank Branches and Contact Centres
Toward Lower-Cost Digital Channels

Maintaining an extensive branch network is an important part of the multi-channel strategies

of many European banks. Their presence on the high street is reassuring for customers and is
a vital source of new business and sales, but such networks are expensive to maintain. Major
retail banks in the UK spent on average 21% of their total cost base on running their high
street operations, with an average cost per branch of £590,000 (Financial Conduct Authority,
2018). In today’s digital markets, many banking services needed by banking customers can be
provided easily online and at significantly lower marginal costs, and so most incumbent banks
have been pursuing branch closures and migration to digital channels. But how many of them
actively seek to use BE to improve the outcomes of such programmes?

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Working with one major retail bank as part of their digital transformation strategy, we helped
them to save many millions of pounds by applying insights from BE. The challenge was to
‘nudge’ customers away from the branch network toward using the bank’s online channels.
Interestingly, we found that customers making more use of the digital services said they had
become more satisfied with the bank and, over time, had shifted their behaviours to greater
use of digital channels. However, despite previous nudges, many customers continued to stick
with their branch visits, calls to the call centre and preferences for paper statements.

What new insight could BE bring to help the bank address these more ‘sticky’ behaviours?

What Were the Costly Behaviours?

The answer, as often, lay in the data already held by the bank. Thanks to detailed activity-based
cost (ABC) analysis of transaction-level data, we were able to pinpoint the main behaviours
that were determining the bank’s cost base – and the customers responsible. This was a
non-trivial exercise, given the bank’s tens of millions of clients, but it helped us keep the eco-
nomics in BE and concentrate efforts on areas with the largest potential for saving.

Figure 2: Selected activity-based costs for customer behaviours. Note: * Cost figures relative to
print and paper statement costs. Source: Frontier case work with a retail bank.

We found, for example, that customers called the contact centres many millions of times a year
simply to find out the balance on their accounts, whilst others repeatedly went to a branch to
ask for copies of their statements. Moreover, others rang the call centres to transfer money
between their accounts despite having an active internet banking facility. Being careful not to
lose out on the most valuable face-to-face contacts in a branch, we screened for high-cost but
relatively low-engagement transactions.

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Getting to the Heart of Costly Behaviours

Behaviour-based costing gave the bank a new way of segmenting its clients. Customers who
asked in person for a statement, or who phoned up for their balance, were not classified
according to typical demographic characteristics or their banking products; rather, they were
segmented by their patterns of behaviour. For instance, there was a significant share of older
customers who did not use the bank’s own digital channels extensively but who, we could see,
were regular shoppers on Amazon. Next, we recruited and interviewed a sample of customers
in each behavioural segment to understand better what made them behave as they did, and
to identify potential barriers to changing their habits.

Consumer psychologists ‘retracked’ each specific behaviour to highlight the possible uncon-
scious drivers at play (Festinger, 1957). The insights they gleaned often differed from what
customers had reported in previous survey-based research. For example, in surveys, some
had said they were ‘concerned with security’ online, in order to explain why they kept going
to a branch. Behavioural interviews, by contrast, revealed the reason in many cases was not
security per se but the customer’s fear of making a mistake when transacting online – a fear
they did not feel when dealing through a bank teller.

Such behavioural insights formed the starting point for joint creative sessions with bank staff.
These sessions used Frontier’s ‘Nine traits’ framework to help them consider how the uncon-
scious can influence customer decisions in different contexts. Over 150 new ideas covering
around a dozen selected behaviours of interest resulted.

Figure 3: The ‘Nine traits’ framework. Source: Frontier Economics.

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Costly, but Important, Pieces of Paper

One behaviour of particular interest was the continued use of paper statements by a subset of
customers. In the UK, there are many people for whom paper statements are clearly needed,
since they do not bank online, and yet a significant number of the bank’s active online cus-
tomers chose to stick with paper statements even when asked to switch. What was going on?
Printing and sending paper statements cost the bank tens of millions of pounds per year, and
the bank did not really understand the behaviour of this group. Again, thanks to specialist in-
terviews with people from this cohort and the Nine traits framework, we were able to provide
new insights with which the bank could re-evaluate its approach:

• Habit: Paper statements were familiar and linked to deeply ingrained personal finance hab-
its and record-keeping. Specifically, they were associated with good financial management.

• Reward: Some customers used statements to mark and tick off items. This brought a sense
of reward when they were checked and filed. This was not possible with online versions.

• Loss aversion: Many customers saw paper statements as a more official record. Often, they
felt the need to keep them, as they thought the tax authority would require them and
would squirrel them away just in case they were needed. They were anxious that the online
versions might not be available when needed.

• Association: Bank statements were often printed on high-quality official-looking paper, thus
signalling to customers unconsciously that they were valuable and to be kept.

These insights helped the bank understand that the paper statement fulfils important and
hitherto little-explored roles in people’s financial habits and routines. Not only did the bank
have to work harder at ‘nudges’ to get customers to change their ways, but its own online
statement service had to become ‘smarter’, easier and more rewarding, to meet its customers’
needs. Furthermore, its online service had to be easier to sort and check-off items – and so be-
come part of some customers’ good financial housekeeping routines. These challenges were
thus made clear in a new way for the design team.

Discussion: The Bottom Line

This application of behavioural science formed part of this bank’s digital transformation. An
extended testing phase followed where different variants of the ideas developed were trialled
across digital channels, in call centres – and on paper statements. The bank rolled out over
a dozen of these ideas to help make annual cost savings of over £150m whilst changing the
financial habits of some, very particular, segments of their client base.


Whilst the application of behavioural economics in the private sector is not an academic
undertaking, it can still benefit from rigorous diagnosis, experimental design and testing.
Behavioural economics can suggest new approaches to difficult problems and yield novel
solutions that help firms manage their costs.

Whether they are regulated monopolies or active in competitive markets, companies can har-
ness behavioural economics to nudge their customers to change costly habits. To do this,

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companies can integrate behavioural economics with many of their existing methods, such as
‘Activity-Based Costing’ and ‘Agile’ transformation techniques.

For organisations which understand the limitations of traditional market research, behavioural
economics research techniques and frameworks can open up new avenues for creativity and
innovation. Importantly, we have shown in these and other cases that applying behavioural
insights can give companies a competitive advantage by helping them bear down on their
costs by reducing fatbergs, if you are a water company, or paper mountains, if you are a bank.

The Authors

Stephen Heal is an associate director at Frontier Economics, specialising in consumer mar-

kets and the application of Behavioural Economics. He has over 30 years of commercial and
consulting experience, from JP Morgan to Boston Consulting Group and Tesco plc. Stephen
has also served as visiting fellow at the Sustainable Consumption Institute at the University of
Manchester and sits on the advisory board of the Cambridge-Massachusetts Institute.

Paula Papp is an associate director at Frontier Economics. Paula has worked for the past 15
years advising a wide range of clients in the financial sector in addressing issues ranging from
strategy design and regulatory compliance through to operational organisation.

Victoria Valle Lara is an analyst at Frontier Economics. Victoria holds a PhD in Economics with
a dissertation in experimental economics from the University of Lausanne. She has focused on
the application of behavioural economics to the internal organisation of firms.


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Caldwell, L. (2018). Public and private sector nudgers can learn from each other. Behavioural
Public Policy, 2(2), 235-245.
Festinger, L. (1957). A theory of cognitive dissonance. Palo Alto, CA: Stanford University Press.
Financial Conduct Authority (2018). Strategic review of retail banking business models.
Retrieved from
Graves, P. (2010), Consumerology: The market research myth, the truth about consumers and the
psychology of shopping. London, UK: Nicholas Brealey Publishing.
Gardner, B., & Rebar, A. L. (2019). Habit formation and behavior change. Oxford Research
Encyclopedia, Psychology. Retrieved from
Lally, P., Van Jaarsveld, C. H., Potts, H. W. & Wardle, J. (2010), How are habits formed: Modelling
habit formation in the real world. European Journal of Social Psychology 40(6), 998-1009.
O’Donoghue, T., & Rabin, M. (1999). Doing it now or later. American Economic Review, 89(1),

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Storm, V., Dörenkämper, J., Reinwand, D. A., Wienert, J., De Vries, H., & Lippke, S. (2016).
Effectiveness of a web-based computer-tailored multiple-lifestyle intervention for people
interested in reducing their cardiovascular risk: A randomized controlled trial. Journal of
Medical Internet Research, 18(4), e78.
Water UK (2017). Wipes in sewer blockages study. Retrieved from

Behavioral Economics Guide 2020 90

How Online Behavioural
Experiments Are
Opening New
Opportunities for
Behavioural Economists

Jo Evershed
Gorilla Experiment Builder
Jo Evershed Online Behavioural Experiments Opening New Opportunities for Behavioural Economists

Picking a wine in a restaurant can be a nightmare, even if there are just three to choose from.
Do you opt for the cheapest one, which sounds dependable? Or the mid-priced one that ap-
parently goes with your food better? Or perhaps the most expensive one, even though it has
a less appealing description than the mid-priced one? Chances are you will opt for the middle
wine, even though it costs more than you want to pay. If so, you have experienced the decoy
effect; the presence of the expensive option made you more likely to opt for the mid-priced
wine than the cheap one.

The decoy effect is a classic piece of behavioural economics, backed up by numerous studies
stretching back to the 1980s, and is used as a sales and marketing technique by countless
companies (Huber, Payne & Puto, 1982). And yet, for a while, it was on the ropes after attempts
to replicate some well-known decoy studies failed.

Being able to replicate and validate the results of research is the cornerstone of science, and
the replication crisis that has torn through many scientific fields has seen key studies over-
turned after their results could not be repeated, whilst many others exist under the long shad-
ow of suspicion (Camerer et al., 2016; Chang & Li, 2015).

Scientists have blamed the replication crisis on numerous factors, including small and weird
samples. First, when collecting data in a lab, it can take days, if not months, to collect data face
to face, so labs have often collected the smallest sample possible to detect the studied effect,
and this makes their results weaker than they would otherwise be. Second, if you are testing
in a lab, the easiest sample to test is your department’s undergraduate students. To support
this strategy, many departments require their students to take part in experiments. However,
undergraduate behavioural science students do not represent the full diversity of the wider
population; consequently, we know a lot about how behavioural science students behave, but
there is no guarantee that this will transfer to a general population.

To increase reproducibility, behavioural scientists have sought approaches that allow them to
increase the size and diversity of their samples. One way to do this is to take research online,
as it allows access a large and diverse sample quickly and easily (Anwyl-Irvine et al., 2020).
With an online behavioural task, a wide range of market research agencies and participant
recruitment services will provide participants for a fee, thus assuring a representative sample
of a thousand participants in a matter of hours.

Nevertheless, these gains come at a cost. Running experiments online requires researchers
to give up control and accept a higher degree of uncertainty about the identity of partici-
pants and testing conditions (Rodd, 2019). Additionally, while the timing accuracy provided
by browsers as of 2015 is good enough for a wide range of behavioural research (Reimers &
Stewart, 2015), it is not as good as the timing accuracy of installed software typically used in
the lab (Bridges et al., 2020).

By taking research online, behavioural researchers can trade a small amount of control and
precision for a huge increase in experimental power, more representative samples and a dra-
matic increase in the pace of research. Online methods can then be used in conjunction with
other research methods (natural experiments, field studies, focus groups, surveys, etc.) to
provide a robust evidence base.

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Rapid Deployment, Rapid Results

This increase in speed means that research can be done in response to current events and still
provide reliable findings that can be used to inform policy.

For example, experiments have already shown how subtle differences in messaging about
the new coronavirus could influence how people respond to lockdown guidance – and thus
the rate of virus transmission. Shane Timmons at the Economic and Social Research Institute
in Dublin, Ireland, and his colleagues discovered two key findings by showing people different
posters in an online experiment.

They found that highlighting risks to people particularly vulnerable to covid-19, such as the el-
derly and healthcare workers, and focusing on the exponential rate of transmission made peo-
ple more cautious about “marginal behaviours” related to social distancing, such as meeting
up with friends outdoors, visiting parents and letting children play together (Lunn et al., 2020).

This suggests that there are better ways to promote social distancing than the current official
advice, said Timmons on Twitter (2020).

Timmon’s study went from conception to pre-print in a matter of weeks, which would not have
been possible with a lab-based study.

Ecological Validity

Mircea Zloteanu and colleagues ran a series of experiments examining people’s online be-
haviour on sharing economy platforms. His team created a simulated AirBnB-style website to
measure how people make decisions about hosts who have been given different reviews or
star ratings (Zloteanu et al., 2018). They found that participants over-weighed social informa-
tion and under-weighed non-social information, drawing attention to a cognitive bias that can
lead to poorer decision-making on a sharing economy platform.

As more of our lives happen online, for instance in the forms of social media, banking, shop-
ping and dating, online environments open up as ecologically valid settings for psychological
research. Creating facsimiles of the websites that we use, and using them to study behaviour,
gives us the experimental control we need to understand how people behave in the digital

Embedding Digital Experimentation in Industry

Many companies have struggled to embrace digital experimentation because of the wide range
of specialist skills needed to do it successfully. Until recently, one would need a behavioural
science graduate, a programmer and potentially also a data scientist. A key aspect in changing
this situation is to ensure that the next generation of behavioural scientists graduates with the
skills and experience to create and analyse digital experiments independently.

“[Online experiment builders have] allowed our students to follow their scientific curiosity,
and be rewarded with real data, from the very first stages of their degree,” says Daniel C.
Richardson, an experimental psychologist at University College London.

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He and his colleagues have used such tools in their lectures, seminars and lab modules. Their
students generated their own hypotheses, then designed and created their own online exper-
iments investigating what makes people donate money to charity and, finally, collected their
own data.

Each experiment began with participants being told to imagine that they had just won £100.
Then they were shown one of two slightly different charity appeals, which could be an image,
text or even a movie. Participants were then asked how much money they wished to donate.

Crucially, there was a small difference between the two appeals, thus allowing the students to
test a range of hypotheses relating to pro-social behaviour.

One of the most interesting findings was that in an advert for a domestic abuse charity, refer-
ring to someone as a “survivor” rather than as a “victim” increased donations by more than

Students made posters displaying their results, and two of them were accepted to the British
Psychological Society’s social psychology conference and won awards, even though they were
first-year students competing against graduate students and established researchers.

As these students move on to careers in academia or industry, courses like this should help
embed a culture of digital experimentation and evidence-based decision-making in a wide
range of industries, including marketing, advertising, recruitment, PR and policy-making.

Large, Robust Study Sizes

A key aspect of reliable science is having a large enough sample size to be confident in the
results. This is an area in which digital experiments can really help. The speed, scale and reach
of online research can be tremendous.

The large sample size made it possible for Richardson’s students to produce award-winning
studies. “The students ran around 30 different experiments, crowd-sourcing data from over
1200 people, across more than 20 countries,” says Richardson. “I was astonished by this – that’s
more data than my lab by itself would typically collect in a year. What was also impressive was
the variety of ideas and theories that the students tested.”

If you do not have a cohort of students willing to leverage their social networks, then pairing
an online experiment platform with a recruitment service like Prolific makes it possible to get
thousands of participants to take part in a study in a day. For small studies of 100 participants,
the main benefit is the time-saving, in that it might take a lab 6 weeks to test 100 participants,
but only an hour to do so online. However, the more important revelation is that one can also
test 1000 or 10,000 participants online in not much more time. Sample sizes of these magni-
tudes would be near impossible in a lab-based setting, and so the result is that researchers
can ask and answer questions at pace, and build each new study on firm foundations of prop-
erly powered studies.

The Intention-Action Gap

David Ogilvy famously said, “People don’t think what they feel, don’t say what they think and don’t
do what they say”. Behavioural research measures what people actually do, rather than what

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they say. Consequently, a new generation of behavioural science consultancies are going be-
yond traditional surveys and embracing behavioural experimentation to bridge this gap.

In a revealing example, behavioural change consultancy MoreThanNow wanted to see if mes-

saging tweaks could boost the number of women applying for science, technology, engineer-
ing or mathematics (STEM) jobs.

In STEM-focused organisations, women hold only 5% of board positions, and there is little
evidence of a shift on the horizon. MoreThanNow wanted to address the disparity in applica-
tion rates for technology careers by focusing on the effectiveness of recruitment messages, in
an attempt to understand not just what people think, but also how they actually behave in a
recruitment situation.

Using a large sample of 18- to 23-year-olds, they tested different recruitment adverts and mes-
sages using a survey, but they also gave participants the option of leaving the survey to explore
current technology graduate roles on a popular recruitment website, in order to understand if
any of the messages changed behaviour.

By simply adding a button to the end of a survey, MoreThanNow added a behavioural measure
to test each job advert to measure the gap between self-reported intentions and action.

Three types of message were tested: prosocial ones, focusing on helping people and solving
social problems; self-interest ones, that talked about increasing personal reward and career
opportunities; and communal ones, talking about work in a close community and being sup-
ported by a tight-knit team.

The survey part of the experiment showed that, in line with most self-report research on this
topic, women responded to pro-social messages, and men to those of self-interest. In contrast,
the behavioural measure showed a different result, in that there was no statistical difference
in gendered responses to pro-social or self-interest messaging. Instead, men responded to the
communal message “join a community that works together” far more than women.

By using behavioural insights, rather than survey data, MoreThanNow have created adverts
that have doubled the number of women exploring technology careers. These findings under-
line how self-report surveys could lead us to draw false conclusions that won’t work if they are
not confirmed with behavioural measures (Women in Technology – A Behavioural Approach,

Refining Advisory Services With Context-Specific Experimentation

When it comes to human behaviour, the rich pageant of our cultures, knowledge and languag-
es can influence what we do or how we act. It may be that there are not many theories that
seamlessly replicate across people, industries, contexts, personalities and emotional states;
rather, there are subtle location-specific differences. This is where online experimentation can
really come into its own.

For example, the Behavioural Science Unit of public relations firm Hill + Knowlton Strategies
(H+K) has tried to understand how changes to adverts about cold and ‘flu remedies affect
whether people buy related products from a certain healthcare firm.

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Focus groups and interviews had proved time-consuming and generated insufficient insights
to act on confidently. So the firm supplemented this work with digital experimentation to cre-
ate a virtual walkthrough of a realistic, cluttered pharmacy. Participants could choose where
to go with the click of a button, what shelves to look at and choose products to add to their
basket. They could also interact with digital pharmacists. A bit like being in a computer game.

H+K used a between-subject design, in which participants were allocated to a group that test-
ed a single variation of the messaging. An advert or a series of adverts were placed within
the pharmacy, but other than that, conditions were identical. The messages on the adverts
differed in terms of what behavioural insights they addressed.

Around half of participants did not notice the messages, which provides evidence for the va-
lidity of the simulation, i.e. in real-life, people tend not to attend consciously to such material.

The best-performing message increased purchases by around 10% compared with the
worst-performing message. There was also evidence for variation in the effectiveness of dif-
ferent messages in different markets, which means the healthcare firm could then adapt its
messaging to different territories.

While the behavioural literature can inform consultancies of the likely levers that will influence
behaviour, behavioural experimentation can go further and allow companies to optimise in-
terventions for maximum impact in their specific context.

The Promise of Impact

A wide number of challenges facing society have behavioural solutions: climate change, tax
evasion and obesity, to name a few. Using behavioural insights to inform policy will allow the
behavioural sciences to deliver on the promise of improving lives.

For example, the University of Oxford’s Nuffield Department of Primary Care and Health
Sciences has used an online tool to design a virtual supermarket to test how people respond
to tweaks to food labelling. The fundamental premise is that if we can change what people
buy, we can change what people eat. And if we can change what people eat, we can improve
diets and reduce lifestyle diseases.

“It would be very challenging, if not impossible, to run these studies in real online supermar-
kets,” says team member Dimitrios Koutoukidis. “The experimental supermarket platform
allows us to test and optimise different interventions quickly and relatively cheaply.”

Until recently, any changes to messaging were largely tested in focus groups, if at all, so they
were only likely to discern self-reported intentions, not the reality of a situation.

Containing all the features one would find and experience in a normal online supermarket,
such as browsing for products, adding items to a basket and checking out, the specially de-
signed online supermarket also contains features such as shopping lists and basket budgets.
Behind the scenes, researchers can change adverts, add taxes and rebates, change the order
in which lists of products appear, highlight nutritional information and change food labelling.
They can also offer swaps for alternative items that might be a healthier or differently priced

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The supermarket has revealed that fiscal policies that tax food or drinks may be an effective
means of altering food purchasing, with a 20% rate being enough to significantly alter purchas-
es of breakfast cereals and soft drinks (Zizzo et al., 2016).

The supermarket has also revealed that listing foods so that those with less saturated fat
are at the top reduces the total amount of saturated fats in the shopping basket at checkout
(Koutoukidis et al., 2019).

This exceptional degree of experimental control gives tools like this great power to inform
public policy and, ultimately, improve lives.


All of these case studies demonstrate how online tools – like the Gorilla Experiment Builder
and Testable – are opening up a new frontier for behavioural science. The ability to gain be-
havioural insights from experiments with large sample sizes in a short space of time eclipses
what can be done in the lab and opens up new opportunities.

Online tools have already been used to investigate a wide range of topics, but they have cer-
tainly not reached their limits. As Bill Gates once said, “If you give people tools, and they use
their natural abilities and their curiosity, they will develop things in ways that will surprise you
very much beyond what you might have expected.”

Getting the science of behavioural economics right will have profound results. Academia has
the opportunity to banish the ghost of the replication crisis and shift the evidence base back
onto a firmer footing. Students can equip themselves for a future that will benefit from dig-
ital experimentation in a wide range of industries. Industry can use the insights gained to
make better products and services that improve lives. And finally, policy-makers can create
evidence-informed regulations that improve society. Altogether, these initiatives will combine
to improve our health, wealth, happiness and education.

The Author

Jo Evershed is Founder CEO of Gorilla Experiment Builder, a powerful, flexible and intuitive
platform for running behavioural research online. A former financial and business analyst with
a background working for the likes of Shell and Telereal Trillium, her first business venture saw
her develop a training tool to unleash innovation.

Jo holds a BSc in Economics and Business from Oxford Brookes and a BSc in Psychology from
UCL. An Innovate UK Women in Innovation Award Winner, Jo is passionate about providing be-
havioural scientists with tools to liberate their work from the lab and accelerate the creation
of evidence-tested interventions. Her unique experience and skillset enables her to lead a
multidisciplinary team of software engineers and psychologists to bring behavioural scientists
the best possible research software.

Jo is proud to lead a talented growing team at Gorilla who serve a wide community of students,
researchers and practitioners running experiments and ultimately creating insights to increase
health, wealth, happiness and education. Based in Cambridge, UK, Gorilla now boasts thou-

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Jo Evershed Online Behavioural Experiments Opening New Opportunities for Behavioural Economists

sands of users globally, and it is trusted by top institutions, including UCL, University of Oxford,
LSE and Cambridge University, as well as a variety of commercial agencies and public-sector


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Koutoukidis, D.A., Jebb, S.A., Ordóñez-Mena, J.M., Noreik, M., Tsiountsioura, M., Kennedy, S.,
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an experimental online supermarket: A randomized controlled trial. International Journal of
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Zizzo, D., Parravano, M., Nakamura, R., Forwood, S., & Suhrcke, M.E. (2016). The impact of
taxation and signposting on diet: An online field study with breakfast cereals and soft
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Behavioral Economics Guide 2020 99

The Double-Edged
Sword of the Sharing
How Sharing Ownership
and Usage Influences
Sustainable Consumption

Laura Straeter
Jessica Exton
Think Forward Initiative & ING
Laura Straeter & Jessica Exton The Double-Edged Sword of the Sharing Economy

Shared ownership arrangements between consumers (C2C) have grown in popularity and
adoption, following a societal trend towards a sharing economy in which consumers grant
others temporary access to their physical assets, possibly in return for payment (Frenken &
Schor, 2017). However, sharing is not new. It is an ancient, universal form of “human economic
behaviour” (Price, 1975). The internet age has enabled the sharing economy to really take off
(Belk, 2014), and consequently the popularity of sharing-based ownership arrangements has
grown. Many of us have some experience of sharing, whether lending a lawnmower to a neigh-
bour or a car to a family member. Although people may get paid or have their favour returned,
true sharing need not be reciprocal. Types of non-reciprocal C2C arrangements include joint
ownership (i.e. multiple owners of a single item) and shared single ownership (i.e. a single
owner sharing their item). These differ from the classic form of private ownership where the
owner is also the sole user.

There are multiple reasons to participate in the sharing economy and to adopt emerging forms
of non-reciprocal sharing-based ownership. Consumers no longer need to buy some products
(for the full amount) in order to use them. Therefore, joint and shared single ownership allow
consumers to buy fewer products while maintaining access to a wider range. This reduces not
only spending and hyper-consumption, but also demand for raw production materials. It is
therefore expected to be more sustainable (Bani & Blom, 2020) and can motivate consumers
to participate in the sharing economy (Böckner & Meelen, 2017; Hamari et al., 2015).

But is this view rose-tinted? At first glance, it may seem that sharing indeed reduces environ-
mental impact. But there may be more to the story, as moving to a sharing economy could
have undesirable flow-on effects. In this research, we will address drawbacks of sharing-based
ownership arrangements from a sustainable perspective. We will show that owners of jointly
purchased or shared products are more likely to throw away, replace and resell them, com-
pared to owners of privately-owned and used products. Focusing on product end of use (e.g.
disposal or replacement), will shed light on how sustainable sharing-based ownership really is.

Sharing-Based Ownership Arrangements

Ownership arrangements affect our relationship with a product in terms of who makes the
purchase and who uses it. In traditional private ownership arrangements, the owner buys the
item and in return has unlimited and continuous use. Any wear and tear on the item is the
direct result of the owner and the owner’s responsibility.

However, private ownership is just one of multiple options, sharing-based ownership forms
also exist. Shared single ownership is an arrangement whereby a private owner allows others
(e.g. friends or relatives) to use their possession at agreed times, often as a sociable gesture.
The private owner buys the item and others use it for free. Any wear and tear on the item is
the direct result of usage by both the owner and other users.

Another sharing-based option is joint ownership. In this case, all users buy the item together,
and all partial owners can use it. The cost of the item might be shared equally or in a way that
reflects how each joint owner anticipates using it. Joint ownership means multiple people use
the item, and any wear and tear on the item is the direct result of shared use by the group.

A commonality across these three distinct forms of ownership is that they require owners (not
users) to make major decisions regarding the product. After purchase, owners manage main-

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tenance (e.g. storage, cleaning, repairs) and make decisions regarding the product’s end of use
(e.g. disposal, replacement, reselling). Differing ownership arrangements (varying in levels of
ownership and usage) may influence these decisions. In this paper, we specifically address
how decisions regarding ending ownership and use are affected by the ownership arrange-

Table 1: Ownership and usage types.

Consumer Contamination

But why would owners treat products differently when jointly owned or shared with oth-
ers? Their perception of the physical state of the item may be influenced by having multiple
users. Obviously, multiple users could lead to the intensified use of a product (Plepys & Singh,
2019), but a perceived physical state does not purely depend on usage frequency. Research
has shown that a product that has been in contact with other consumers can be viewed as
contaminated, even when it has been objectively unharmed (Argo et al., 2006). Contact can
result in both positive and negative contamination (Argo et al., 2008). People generally feel
uncomfortable about products touched by others, but when touched by a highly attractive
person, product evaluations may increase. Negative contamination primarily occurs as a result
of physical contact (Argo et al., 2008), when the essence of a user is transferred onto and re-
mains part of the product (Nemeroff & Rozin, 1994). Feelings of disgust can consequently arise
(Rozin et al., 1986; Rozin & Fallon, 1987; Argo et al, 2006).

Interestingly, physical contact is not needed to formally contaminate a product (Rozin et al.,
1994), and implicit cues in the environment can be enough to create the illusion of contamina-
tion (Argo et al., 2006). The stronger a cue signals contact between a consumer and a product,
the greater the chance that people will perceive that product to be contaminated. Three as-
pects in the environment can induce and strengthen this contamination cue: proximity be-
tween product and consumer, time passed since a consumer touched the product and the
number of consumers touching it.

Perceived contamination affects our decisions regarding products (Baxter et al., 2017). In the
retail consumption context, consumers have been found to be less attracted to in-store prod-
ucts that have been touched by other potential buyers (Argo et al., 2006), that have superficial-
ly damaged packaging (White et al., 2016) or that are made of easily contaminated soft fabric
(compared to hard material, Edbring et al., 2016). But effects of perceived contamination are
not limited to the retail sector, they also appear in other areas such as the sharing economy.

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Previous research on the sharing economy has focused on the role of contamination in the
adoption of access-based services (e.g. car-sharing platforms). It has been found that con-
sumers believe access-based products, touched by (unfamiliar) others, are contaminated,
decreasing both access-based service evaluation and adoption (Hazée et al., 2019). This sheds
light on the potential effects of contamination on sharing activities from the user’s perspective
within B2C sharing platforms. However, to the best of our knowledge, no research to date has
investigated how perceived contamination influences the owner’s end-of-use decisions or how
it impacts C2C sharing initiatives.

Addressing this gap in the literature seems important for understanding (unforeseen) con-
sequences of sharing-based ownership arrangements. The success of these arrangements
depends primarily on owners. They are the decision-maker regarding maintenance and end of
use, and therefore have ultimate control over the impact of these sustainably-driven behav-
iours. We believe that decisions regarding shared possessions are influenced by the owner’s
perception of how contaminated products are. Consequently, decisions relating to shared
products will differ relative to those that are privately owned.

Possession Attachment

Owners have difficulty letting possessions go. Once people own an item, they become at-
tached to it and adverse to ending its use (Thaler, 1980; Kahneman et al., 1990) driving a range
of consumption decisions. For example, possession attachment can inflate the resale price an
owner is willing to accept, reducing the likelihood of a transaction (Shu & Peck, 2011; Reb &
Connely, 2007). Moreover, it affects people’s willingness to dispose of an item and can lead to
hoarding behaviour (Cherrier & Ponnor, 2010) and a decreased likelihood of “returning” it to a
second-hand market (Simpson et al., 2019).

However, joint ownership structures may change these perceptions. It is possible that shared
product ownership impacts the endowment felt by owners. On the one hand, possession at-
tachment may be reduced with shared ownership, in that paying for – and therefore owning
– only a portion of an item may mean one feels less attached to it. With multiple people using
an item, the owner also has less control over it and may feel more distanced.

On the other hand, it is reasonable to suggest that people are attached to items that are jointly
owned, similarly to those that are privately owned (e.g. shared single or private ownership).
When people share product ownership, that product can still be considered part of the ag-
gregated extended self and provide meaning to their identity (Belk, 2010). Consequently, they
can feel attachment towards products that are not fully theirs, or even towards collective pos-
sessions such as monuments (Belk, 1992). The strength of the attachment to shared products
might be slightly less. Nonetheless, what we own reflects who we are, even if we own only a
portion of that item. Attachment towards an item, independent of the strength of attachment,
may therefore influence end-of-use decisions. This would mean that similar to private owner-
ship and shared single ownership, which are both characterised by a single owner, owners of
joint possessions will feel attached to their items too, finding it hard to distance themselves
from them and valuing them highly.

So, we presume that shared ownership does not affect end-of-use decisions. The attachment
strength might be less for joint possessions, but it does not cancel out the influence of attach-
ment in itself. Consequently, the impact of possession attachment on end-of-use decisions

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does not differ across ownership arrangements. Instead, we believe that these decisions are
likely to be affected by shared usage. With multiple users, contamination can become a worry.
We hypothesise that shared usage (not ownership) of a possession increases the willingness
to end product use, because the product is perceived as more contaminated.

Study 1: Lawnmower

In the first study, we investigate whether sharing-based ownership arrangements, character-

ised by multiple users and sometimes multiple owners, cause owners to end product use. We
test if owners are more likely to replace a shared product than one that is privately owned. We
expect this effect will occur for both shared single ownership and joint ownership, proving that
shared usage, not shared ownership, drives end-of-use decisions.


Participants. Two hundred and eight American adults participated in a scenario study on
Amazon Mechanical Turk (60.1% male, Mage = 31.71, SDage = 9.90). Participants were randomly
assigned to one of three conditions (private ownership, shared single ownership or joint own-
ership) in a between-subjects design.

Procedure. All participants read a scenario indicating they had bought a lawnmower for $199 a
few years ago. Depending on the condition, they were either informed that they were the only
owner and user of the lawnmower (private ownership condition), the only owner who shared
the lawnmower with neighbours (shared single ownership condition) or jointly owned and
shared the lawnmower with neighbours (joint ownership condition). In all conditions, the lawn-
mower was used 200 times in total. After reading the scenario, participants indicated whether
they would replace the lawnmower in the next five years (1 = very unlikely, 9 = very likely).
Finally, participants answered three attention checks (“Who is the owner of the lawnmower?”,
“Who uses the lawnmower?” and “How much did you pay for the lawnmower?”). Four partic-
ipants incorrectly responded to one of them and were excluded from analysis. In addition,
the scores of one participant were marked as outliers (Box-and-Whisker plots method, Tukey,
1977) and excluded from the analysis.

Results & Discussion

A two-way ANOVA1 of usage and ownership on the intention to replace the lawnmower
showed that, as expected, usage (F(1,189) = 21.896, p < .001, Cohen’s d = 0.71) and not own-
ership (F(1,189) = 0.074, p = .786, Cohen’s d = 0.04) has a significant effect. Simple contrasts
showed that participants in the private ownership condition (MPO = 5.37, SDPO = 2.32) were least
likely to replace the lawnmower and significantly differed from participants in the shared sin-
gle ownership condition (MSSO = 6.97, SDSSO = 1.69, t(189) = 4.679, p < .001, Cohen’s d = 0.83) and
the joint ownership condition (MJO = 6.88, SDJO = 1.70, t(189) = 4.424, p < .001, Cohen’s d = 0.78).
Participants in the shared single ownership and joint ownership condition did not differ in

To compare the influence of different ownership arrangements, and to test whether ending use is driven by
shared usage and/or ownership, we created two variables (usage and ownership) to identify the three types of
ownership. Private ownership has single ownership (0) and single usage (0), shared single ownership has single
ownership (0) and shared usage (1), and joint ownership has shared ownership (1) and shared usage (1).

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their intention to replace the lawnmower (t(189) = 0.272, p = .786, Cohen’s d = 0.05, see Figure

Figure 1: Intention to replace the lawn mower across conditions in Study 1. Note: Error bars
represent ± 1 standard error.

The results confirmed our first hypothesis. Keeping usage frequency constant, an item is less
likely to be replaced when it is owned and used by one person than when it is owned or used
by multiple people. It is important to note that people are equally likely to replace a product
when they privately own it but share it with others as when they jointly own and use it. This
shows that shared usage, not shared ownership, is causing these effects, and a slightly looser
attachment to a jointly purchased product does not play a role. If attachment strength did play
a role, shared single ownership and joint ownership conditions would have differed.

Study 2: Mountain Bike

In the second study, we aim to confirm the findings of Study 1, adding additional end-of-use
measures (i.e. disposal of products and the resale price). Moreover, we test whether perceived
contamination explains the difference in decisions regarding ending product use across own-
ership arrangements.


Participants. Two hundred and five American adults participated in a scenario study on Amazon
Mechanical Turk (60.1% male, Mage = 31.71, SDage = 9.90). Like Study 1, the participants were
randomly assigned to one of three conditions (private ownership, shared single ownership or
joint ownership) in a between-subjects design.

Procedure. Participants were asked to read a scenario indicating they had bought a mountain
bike for $249 when they moved into a new apartment building a few years ago. Depending on
the condition, they read that they were either the only owner and user of the mountain bike
(private ownership condition), the only owner who shared the mountain bike with neighbours

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(shared single ownership condition) or jointly owned and shared the mountain bike (joint own-
ership condition). In all conditions, the mountain bike was used 400 times in total.

After reading the scenario, participants were requested to fill out two questions measuring
perceived contamination: “How do you perceive the mountain bike?” (1 = not contaminated
at all, 7 = very contaminated) and “How would you categorise the condition of the mountain
bike?” (1 = very bad condition, 7 = very good condition). The second item was recoded to
compute an overall perceived contamination score (ρ = 0.373, p < .001). Next, participants
indicated whether they would dispose of or replace the mountain bike in the next 12 months
(1 = very unlikely, 7 = very likely). In addition, they also indicated the minimum price for which
they would sell the mountain bike.

At the end of the questionnaire, participants answered the same attention checks as in Study
1. Forty-six participants incorrectly responded to one of them and were excluded from analy-
sis. In addition, the scores of five participants were marked as outliers and excluded from the

Results & Discussion

Disposal, replacement and reselling. Three two-way ANOVA’s1 of usage and ownership on inten-
tion to dispose, intention to replace and the minimum resale price confirmed our hypothesis
and showed (marginally) that shared usage (F’s(1,151) > 3.588, p’s < .060, Cohen’s d’s = 0.31), not
ownership (F’s(1,151) < 2.209, p’s > .139, Cohen’s d’s < 0.26), intensifies the end-of-use decision
regarding the mountain bike. Participants in the private ownership condition were least likely
to throw away or replace the mountain bike, and asked for the highest resale price compared
to both shared single ownership (t’s(151) > 1.894, p’s < .060, Cohen’s d > 0.37) and joint owner-
ship (t’s(151) > 2.067, p’s < .040, Cohen’s d > 0.40). Participants in the latter two conditions were
equally likely to throw it away, replace it and named a similar price (t’s(151) < 1.486, p > .139,
Cohen’s d < 0.31). See Table 2, Figure 2 and Figure 3 for means and standard deviations across
conditions for each measure.

Table 2: Means and standard deviations across conditions in Study 2.

Behavioral Economics Guide 2020 106

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Figure 2: Intention to dispose and to replace across conditions in Study 2. Note: Error bars
represent ± 1 standard error.

Figure 3: Minimum amount to resell ($) the mountain bike across conditions in Study 2. Note:
Error bars represent ± 1 standard error.

Perceived contamination. A two-way ANOVA of usage and ownership on the perceived contam-
ination of the mountain bike showed usage (F(1,151) = 25.376, p < .001, Cohen’s d = 0.83) and
not ownership (F(1,151) = 0.197, p = .658, Cohen’s d = 0.08) influences participants’ perceptions
of contamination. Private ownership (MPO = 2.82, SDPO = 1.30) leads to the lowest level of per-
ceived contamination and is significantly different from the perceived contamination in both
shared single ownership (MSSO = 3.98, SDSSO = 1.14, t(151) = 5.037, p < .001, Cohen’s d = 0.98) and
joint ownership (MJO = 3.87, SDJO = 1.06, t(151) = 4.535, p < .001, Cohen’s d = 0.89). Perceived
contamination across shared single ownership and joint ownership did not differ (t(151) =
0.444, p = .658, Cohen’s d = 0.09).

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Mediation. Three 5,000-sample bootstrapping mediation analyses (Preacher & Hayes, 2008)
tested whether perceived contamination of the mountain bike drives differences in the inten-
tion to dispose, intention to replace and the minimum resale price, due to single vs. shared
usage. The mediation analysis controlled for ownership. As hypothesised, perceived contam-
ination partially mediated the effect of usage on the intention to dispose (b = 0.4785, 0.2196
< CI 95% < 0.8469) and replace (b = 0.5172, 0.2031 < CI 95% < 0.9173) the mountain bike, and
fully mediated the effect of usage on the minimum resale price (b = -9.4206, -18.7822 < CI 95%
< -1.0655, see Figure 4).

Figure 4: Mediating role of perceived contamination on the effect of usage on the intention to
dispose (A), the intention to replace (B) and the minimum reselling price (C) of the mountain bike.

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Discussion. The results of Study 2 are in line with the findings of the previous study and confirm
our second hypothesis that the owner’s perception of the product being contaminated chang-
es his/her intention to dispose, replace or resell the product. Nonetheless, we found partial
mediation, suggesting that there are more factors driving the effect.

General Discussion

Although the nature of the sharing economy suggests that innovative C2C sharing-based
ownership arrangements reduce environmental impact, motivating consumers to adopt them
(Böckner & Meelen, 2017; Hamari et al., 2015), our research emphasises that this reduction
may be smaller than anticipated and identifies drawbacks of shared single ownership and
joint ownership. In support of our hypotheses, we found that owners who share the use of
a privately-owned item (i.e. shared single ownership), or who jointly own and share an item
with others (i.e. joint ownership), perceive the item as more contaminated than items which
are privately owned and used. Consequently, owners who share their (joint) possessions are
more likely to dispose, replace or resell (i.e. demanding a lower price) these items compared
to private owners and users. This shows that both the increased perceived contamination and
the increased intention to end the use of an item are determined by shared usage rather than
shared ownership arrangements.

Besides the two studies presented here, we also tested our main hypothesis across another
five experiments to confirm our ideas. A meta-analysis based on Winer’s method of pooling
t’s (1971) of all seven studies validates the increased likelihood to dispose, replace and resell
shared products. Overall, we find an effect of usage on the intention to dispose, replace or
resell (z = 8.77, 0.3548 < CI 95% < 0.5893, see Figure 5). These findings suggest that although
sharing-based ownership arrangements may be expected to reduce environmental impact in
the short-term (e.g. reduce production of goods and raw material demand), in the long-term
this anticipated reduction may be smaller than expected. This is because people end the use
of shared products at a faster rate than those that are individually used.

This research is valuable both practically and theoretically. It enriches the sustainability discus-
sion associated with new forms of ownership and usage, illustrating a flow-on effect of sharing
products. Expectations of reduced total consumption, as one product can service multiple
users, may be smaller than anticipated if those items are replaced or disposed of faster. This
critical assessment is important to both policymakers and businesses in developing shar-
ing-based initiatives, and consumers in adopting shared products. Although the prevalence of
the sharing arrangements tested in this paper may differ across cultures and age groups, we
believe that these are important (potential) aspects of the sharing economy, reflecting the true
non-reciprocal nature of sharing.

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Figure 5: Meta-analysis of main effect across seven studies. Note: White dots reflect the intention
to replace, orange dots the intention to dispose and grey dots the minimum reselling amount.
The black dot displays the overall estimated effect size. The dotted line highlights the measures
reported in the paper.

We also extend sharing economy theory. First, our research studies the treatment of products
shared between consumers (C2C), as opposed to more extensively investigated business to
consumer (B2C) arrangements (e.g. Lamberton & Rose, 2012; Ozanne & Ozanne, 2011). These
B2C interactions often rely on an interactive platform and a large user base to coordinate
product access. Looking at products shared between neighbours, we demonstrate that the
perceived state of an item is affected by shared usage at an individual level.

Still, there is more to learn about the broader impact of the sharing economy. Perceived con-
tamination was found to partially explain the increased tendency to dispose of or replace a
shared possession, leaving room for additional complementary explanations. Future research
should investigate what other factors play a role in ending the use of possessions, providing a
fuller understanding of how the sharing economy impacts product lifecycles.

Additionally, it is relevant to investigate moderators of the effect of shared usage on end-of-

use decisions. For example, one might test how the strength of relationships between users
and owners influences trust and care taken when using products. One could expect that in
close relationships, owners believe their product is less contaminated, as it is treated carefully.

Another factor to test is deterioration visibility. Some products have cues of deterioration (e.g.
the meter on a car clocking up miles), while on others it is difficult to spot. In our research, we
intentionally employed durable goods without clear contamination signs. However, obvious
signs of deterioration could strengthen perceived contamination.

Overall, we believe that our research contributes to a better understanding of the consequenc-
es of sharing-based ownership arrangements and the sharing economy as a whole. Although
sharing your possessions may indeed have great benefits, sustainable outcomes might be
limited in the long run, highlighting a double-edged effect.

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Laura Straeter & Jessica Exton The Double-Edged Sword of the Sharing Economy

The Authors

Laura Straeter is a behavioural scientist at ING and works across the retail bank to practical-
ly apply an understanding of behavioural science. She is also involved in the Think Forward
Initiative, fuelling innovations and start-ups with consumer research insights. She holds a PhD
in Marketing Management from the Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University.
Laura received her Bachelor degree in Social Psychology and her Research Master degree in
Social and Behavioural Sciences from Tilburg University. Before joining ING in January 2018,
she was a lecturer at Maastricht University and worked for marketing research consultancy
firms. Laura’s LinkedIn profile:

Jessica Exton is a Behavioural Scientist at ING and works across the retail bank to practically
apply an understanding of behavioural science. She also runs the ING International Survey,
one of the largest surveys of consumer financial decision-making in Europe and an initiative
that aims to continually build a better understanding of how people think about their money.
Originally from Australia, Jessica holds a MSc in Behavioural Economics from the University
of Amsterdam and has a background in management consultancy, specifically in assisting or-
ganisations from a broad range of sectors to better understand and deliver to their customer.
Jessica’s LinkedIn profile:


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investigation of consumers’ contamination concerns about access-based services. Journal
of Service Research, 22, 256-271.
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and the coase theorem. Journal of Political Economy, 98, 1325-1348.
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Anthropology, 22, 158-186.
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virtues in toy libraries. Journal of Public Policy & Marketing, 30, 264-278.
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Behavioral Economics Guide 2020 112

Innovating With Users
in Mind
Applying Behavioural
Science to Innovation

Helena Rubinstein
Innovia Technology
Helena Rubinstein Applying Behavioural Science to Innovation

Looking back over the past few years of the annual Behavioral Economics Guide is fascinating.
Since the first edition in 2014, it is evident that the discipline has grown rapidly, and it is now
a widely accepted function in many sectors, especially in finance, consumer marketing and
the public sector. In the 2018 Guide, Robert Cialdini explored why ‘the world is turning to
behavioural science’. He proposed several reasons for behavioural science becoming more
popular. First is the rigour of the approach, in that major societal institutions now favour in-
terventions rooted in evidence. Second, in terms of the cost-benefit analysis, behavioural sci-
ence approaches often produce ‘oversized outcomes for undersized outlays.’ And finally, the
increasing communication of its relevance indicates that behavioural scientists have become
much more willing to talk about their work (Cialdini, 2018).

However, the Guide has not discussed how behavioural science is being used in innovation.
This seems surprising, as most businesses and organisations need to innovate to survive, and
the success of their innovations depends as much on the willingness of people to engage with
the innovation as it does on the technology. To quote Kurt Vonnegut, ‘If it weren’t for the peo-
ple, the god-damn people… always getting tangled up in the machinery. If it weren’t for them,
the world would be an engineer’s paradise’ (Vonnegut, 1952).

Vonnegut had a point: many innovations, especially technological ones, are used incorrectly
or in such a way that people are unable to get the most out of them, and sometimes they are
bought and not used at all! This is because people don’t behave in the way the inventors pre-
dicted. But before I discuss how behavioural science can improve this situation, let us explore
the process of innovation.

The Process of Innovation

Six years ago, I set up a behavioural science team at Innovia Technology, an innovation con-
sultancy based in Cambridge, England. When I started, I learned that innovation teams aim to
solve the biggest hurdle first. The biggest hurdle – the most difficult and complex challenge – is
often a technical one. Innovators have to go through a series of “gates” as they develop their
ideas, and at each gate they are directed to “stop” or “go” (Cooper, 1990). In my experience,
if they do not consider human behaviour early enough, they may find that an unconsidered
hurdle remains.

Even when organisations claim to consider the user when innovating, they often only think
about the “human factors” that determine what is needed to make a new product ergonomic
and efficient to use; they do not always take into account the psychological, emotional and
social barriers until much later in the process. Moreover, these barriers may turn out to be
the biggest hurdles, and when not taken into account early enough, innovations may fail. For
example, we have seen a case where the product was well-designed and had gone through
a series of concept and usage tests where consumers claimed that they liked the product
and would buy it. However, when launched, the product did not perform as well as expected,
because peers were not supportive and because people fell back on old habits. Little thought
had thus been given to the social context or how to disrupt habitual behaviour.

Considering the wide range of factors that influence human behaviour as early as possible in
the innovation process helps to avoid wasting time and money on innovations that will never
be adopted. Furthermore, it gives stakeholders more confidence to make the right invest-
ments, and it ensures that people will actually use the products and services developed.

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Helena Rubinstein Applying Behavioural Science to Innovation

Why Does Behavioural Science Facilitate Innovation?

Behavioural science is good for understanding how people respond to new ideas and technol-
ogies and why they respond in the way they do. In addition, it highlights the factors that really
matter in driving behaviour and, finally, it can prevent innovators from getting fixated on features
that are at best irrelevant, and at worst could cause an innovation to fail.

By applying the scientific method to human behaviour, behavioural science seeks to provide evi-
dence for how people interact with new products and services. It reduces any uncertainty about
the effectiveness of different solutions so that organisations have more confidence in where to
place their bets. Additionally, it investigates the complex interaction of capabilities, motiva-
tions and the general environment that determine whether an individual will engage with an
innovation; consequently, it goes far beyond a standard consideration of human factors.

Behavioural science cannot work miracles. It cannot predict accurately what people want in
the future, and it is no better than any other discipline at imagining how people will want to
live their lives in ten years’ time. Nevertheless, it can provide new insights into how people
make decisions, and into how they buy and use products that go beyond traditional consumer
insight techniques.

The limitations of many traditional ‘consumer insight’ approaches have been well documented
(Rubinstein, 2018, p. 28). People cannot easily articulate what they want, and they appear
to say one thing and do another. If you had asked people in 1880 to describe the transport
solution they needed, they would have asked for a “faster horse.” For this reason, many in-
novators prefer observational techniques rather than asking people directly what they want
– they assume that it is not worth doing so, because they can’t envision the future. Moreover,
innovators worry that conducting behavioural research early in the process might kill genuine-
ly innovative ideas, but this is not borne out by the evidence, since the innovation process itself
is just as likely to kill good ideas (Ingerslev, 2014).

So how does behavioural science help?

How Does Behavioural Science Facilitate Innovation?

There are four points in the innovation process where behavioural science is especially useful
(Rubinstein 2018, p73-88): when defining the problem, when describing the solution space,
when generating ideas and when testing the ideas.

1. Problem definition: behavioural science can clarify the problem definition by identifying the
target behaviour(s) needed for the innovation to succeed

2. The context: behavioural science can diagnose the barriers to and promoters of performing
the target behaviour (s) in different contexts so innovators know how to recognise good ideas

3. Ideas: behavioural science can give guidance on how best to change behaviour, given the
barriers and promoters, thus helping innovators to generate good ideas

4. Testing: behavioural science can evaluate and test solutions to explore whether they meet
the needs of users as well as the business.

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Helena Rubinstein Applying Behavioural Science to Innovation

Let us now explore each point in turn.

Problem Definition

To solve a problem, we need to define the problem clearly. In innovation (as with all deci-
sion-making), this is critical, because if the problem statement is wrong, everything that follows
will also be wrong. It is therefore worth taking the time to create a detailed definition of the
dilemma, which includes defining the behavioural challenge, namely the “target behaviour”
that needs to change.

A few years ago, we worked with a company that wanted to create a device to help women
understand their skin health, diagnose problems and choose skincare products to resolve
them. There was clearly an opportunity here. At this early stage, the company did not know
who might use the device, nor what it might look like. The only specification was that the
desired target behaviours should be to a) use the device to diagnose skin conditions and b)
order products directly from the device. In situations like this, companies often focus on the
technical challenge, i.e. what is needed to create the device. At that point, the only consumer
behaviour they can consider is whether or not people will buy what they have produced.

However, this company wanted to take a different approach: they wanted to be sure that
the device they were making was the one that people needed most, and so they needed to
consider user behaviour alongside the technical specifications. In practice, this meant that
behavioural scientists, material scientists, technologists and designers worked together right
from the outset.

The behavioural scientists investigated consumer expectations and used a model of behav-
iour loosely based on the Common-sense Model of Illness Representations (Leventhal et al.,
1980) to frame their thinking about what the device had to do to meet these expectations.
This model takes into account people’s lay beliefs about their condition, and it proposes that
illness representations are guided by three sources of information: the lay knowledge that
people have, information from external sources and their current experience of the condition.
Furthermore, there is parallel processing of the information: a cognitive stream, where people
think about the causes of their condition, and an emotional stream, where they feel and expe-
rience it. The representations that people have of their condition filter how they respond and
guide their actions, and they also influence how they choose to cope. Finally, people appraise
their coping strategies to see if they worked, and this new knowledge is then fed back into the

This model was useful when working out what the device had to do. It had to be able to recog-
nise conscious responses (such as condition recognition or solution options), and it also had to
acknowledge the automatic, emotional responses (such as the need for trust or reassurance).
Finally, it was important that it was also able to provide opportunities for appraisal and be able
to give feedback (Figure 1).

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Helena Rubinstein Applying Behavioural Science to Innovation

Figure 1: Behavioural model used to map user needs.

Having mapped out what the device needed to do psychologically, the technical team used it
to design the process flows and specify what the technology needed to do to influence the
target behaviour and to meet user needs (Figure 2).

Figure 2: Same behavioural model used to map technical requirements for the device.

As shown in the diagram, the device had to allow users to state their objective (such as clear up
acne), be able to recognise the condition (this is acne), provide a solution to the problem (use
this cream), provide reassurance that the product would work (for example, “as recommended
by doctors”) and finally provide feedback to the user (the product has cleared your acne). This
helped the team to explore specific technologies that would be included in the device and
which could achieve these aims.

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Helena Rubinstein Applying Behavioural Science to Innovation

When a behavioural model can be used by both behavioural and technical teams, it gives
the overall project a common language, thus making the process more efficient, because the
problem can be defined in user and technical terms at the same time. Validated models pro-
vide reassurance of effectiveness, and they help teams to prioritise relevant factors and avoid
being distracted by interesting but irrelevant factors.

There are many ways to use behavioural science to help deconstruct a problem, but no matter
which option is chosen, the problem needs to be clearly defined for both efficiency and likeli-
hood of success.

The Context

Innovation is a risky business. According to common wisdom, between 40 and 90% of new
products will fail (Anderson et al., 2015; Cierpicki et al., 2000), which is a startlingly high num-
ber. The reasons for these failures are manifold and well documented (Gourville, 2005), and
so companies know that they need to think about their consumers; they try hard to do so, and
yet many products still fail.

Using behavioural science, however, may help to increase the likelihood of success, because it
uses evidence and theory to guide decisions. In the previous section, we explained the innova-
tion value of describing a target behaviour. Once the target behaviour is identified, behaviour-
al scientists can explore what might encourage or discourage it. The barriers to and promoters
of the target behaviour may have little to do with the innovation itself, but if there are social
barriers to its use, for example, it can still fail. Innovators sometimes forget that even great
products can fail if the user does not have the skill or the knowledge to use them correctly.

Behavioural science can help to map out systematically these barriers and promoters in ad-
vance. For example, we often conduct a behavioural diagnostic, using a framework such as the
COM-B, to understand comprehensively what will prevent or encourage a desired behaviour
(Michie et al., 2011). This relatively well-known diagnostic model proposes that there are three
conditions for any behaviour to occur: the person must be capable of performing it (the C in
the model), they must have the opportunity to perform it (the O in the model) and the need to
be motivated to perform it (the M in the model).

An example of using this model concerns a company that wanted to improve the experience
of buying and using contact lenses. Before considering what type of new products or services
to develop, it was essential to know what behaviours contributed to a positive or negative
experience. The team used primary research and data supplied by the company to identify
comprehensively several behaviours ranging from compliance with instructions to attending
check-ups. For each behaviour, a behavioural diagnostic was conducted into what would pre-
vent or encourage the target behaviour.

For the contact lens innovation challenge, a wide range of company research reports and
academic literature was used to conduct the diagnostic. Mapping out all the barriers and pro-
moters enabled the creation of problem statements – these are summaries of the main bar-
riers and promoters that must be addressed by the innovation for it to succeed. For example,
there were several problem statements concerning the visit to the eye care professional (ECP).
Understanding the difficulties concerning the experience of visiting the ECP meant that it was
possible to design innovations focusing on different ways to engage with the patient, such as
creating tools and demonstrators, prompts and reminders, along with better ECP training.

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Helena Rubinstein Applying Behavioural Science to Innovation

Using a behavioural science process helps to ensure that products address a real user need
and that they improve the user’s capability, opportunity or motivation to use said product.
Furthermore, it ensures that the innovator thinks about what a person needs to do to start
using the product, which in turn increases the chance that the product will not join the ranks
of failed innovations and instead might actually succeed.


When people think of innovation, they often think about generating ideas. As we have seen, a
lot of research and analysis needs to be performed before we are ready to come up with ideas
for a new product or service.

The process of generating ideas, sometimes referred to as “ideation”1 is the part of the in-
novation process that people generally enjoy, because it is a creative activity often done in
multi-functional teams. However, any ideation activity must be structured and remain focused
on the challenge at hand. A knowledge of human psychology enables behavioural scientists
to help teams focus on factors that drive the target behaviour and on ideas that solve the
problem for the user and overcome the biggest barriers to usage or engagement.

The generation of ideas for new products or services is an iterative process. The evidence sug-
gests that stereotypical brainstorm sessions, with frantic scribbling and Post-it notes, are often
unproductive and produce fewer ideas than achieved by individuals working alone (Gallupe
et al., 1991). However, incorporating more perspectives typically leads to more robust ideas.

Behavioural scientists can help to structure an ideation process, in order to yield better target-
ed solutions, thus providing stimulus to the innovation team in the following ways:

• create problem statements, hence guiding the group towards solutions that address a par-
ticular barrier or promoter

• use a behavioural model to help innovators see how they could influence the main drivers
of the behaviour

• map out a behavioural archetype (a description of the users) to ensure that ideas address
their greatest needs at different points on the user journey.

In behaviour-led innovation, we ensure that the interventions that are ultimately selected have
a defined mechanism of action and use behaviour change techniques. In this way, we have
greater confidence that they can influence the target behaviour (Bartholomew et al., 1998;
Campbell et al., 2000; French et al., 2012; Michie et al., 2014).

We recently devised a behaviour-change programme to reduce drink-driving for Heineken’s

“When You Drive, Never Drink” campaign. During this process, we used problem statements
and behavioural archetypes as stimuli. Our approach yielded dozens of possible ideas, which
we prioritised according to the relevant barriers and promoters. The solutions that were
eventually selected for testing were chosen because they directly addressed the key factors in
drink-driving: having a goal and making a commitment, the availability of non-alcoholic substi-

In psychology, ideation is used to mean the process of forming and relating ideas or images. It is commonly
used in the innovation domain to mean the formation of ideas or concepts for products and services.

Behavioral Economics Guide 2020 119

Helena Rubinstein Applying Behavioural Science to Innovation

tutes, the need for social affirmation and incentives and rewards to promote good behaviour
(Innovia Technology, 2017).


Both behavioural scientists and innovators (for example, engineers, research scientists and
industrial designers) know the importance of evaluating interventions. In the early stages of
innovation, typical behavioural questions are: “Does the concept work?” “Do users find it ac-
ceptable and useful?” And “Are people likely to pay for it?” In the later stages of development,
typical behavioural questions are: “Do users find it easy and intuitive to use?” “Can we make it
cost-effective?” And “How much will people pay for it?”

Answering these questions usually requires experimentation in the form of testing ideas at
different stages of the process. This often involves a Minimum Viable Proposition (MVP) – a
concept or a version of a product with just enough features to satisfy early customers and pro-
vide feedback for future product development. Using an MVP helps a company reduce the risk
by quickly learning and adapting before progressing to a more concrete product or service.

Behavioural scientists can influence how the testing and evaluation stage is conducted. They
may use behavioural models, such as the Technology Acceptance Model (Davis, 1989), as a
framework for the study. This model has gone through several iterations, but it centres on
the idea that the acceptance and usage of technology are influenced by two factors, name-
ly perceived usefulness and perceived ease of use. The former is the person’s beliefs about
whether or not the technology will improve their performance, whilst perceived ease of use
is the person’s beliefs about the amount of effort required to use the technology. Hence, this
model is particularly useful when trying to work out the factors that will encourage the uptake
of a new technical product or service.

Behavioural scientists know a wide range of evaluation techniques and understand the impor-
tance of rigorous analysis. We helped an organisation, called The Ray, to test solutions for a
solar-powered road stud that improved driver behaviour. The Ray is a not-for-profit organisa-
tion that manages an 18-mile stretch of highway in Georgia, a ‘living lab for innovative ideas
and technologies that can set a new standard for roadways around the world’.

To develop this concept, our behavioural scientists worked with physicists, product designers
and transport designers. In order to design the solar studs, the behavioural scientists investi-
gated the major sources of accidents and identified what solar studs had to do to make driving
safer. The physicists identified the technologies needed to create the stud, whilst the designers
and behavioural scientists created an MVP for testing with different types of road users. The
role of the behavioural scientists at the evaluation stage was to design a series of experiments
to evaluate the effectiveness of the studs in reducing tailgating and speeding, and improving
hazard awareness (Innovia Technology, 2016). The initial experiments simulated the studs on
the road. Different types of drivers participated in the experiments, the aim of which was
to establish whether they changed their behaviour in response to the solar road studs. For
example, we could see whether they slowed down or reduced the distance between their car
and the car in front as a result of a series of timed signals. The team was able to demonstrate
that solar-stud signalling was intuitive and capable of reducing accidents. Since then, The Ray
has made a prototype stud and applied for patents.

Behavioral Economics Guide 2020 120

Helena Rubinstein Applying Behavioural Science to Innovation


Innovation and behavioural science are perfect partners. Technical innovators are familiar
with the scientific method, since behavioural science gives them an evidence-based approach
to understanding human behaviour and a common language to talk about the implications.
Critically, taking human behaviour into account as early as possible in the innovation process
can help to reduce the inevitable uncertainty around the introduction of new products and
services. When user behaviour is considered at every stage of the innovation process, the re-
sultant products and services will be ones that people want and will actually use. Behavioural
science thus increases the chances of an innovation’s success.

The Author

Dr Helena Rubinstein set up and leads the behavioural science team at Innovia Technology,
an innovation consultancy based in Cambridge, UK. She has worked with a wide range of glob-
al corporations in many sectors, and applied behavioural science to innovation, new product
development, service design, medical adherence, communications, and organisational behav-
iour. Prior to this she was a partner at The Brunswick Group, where she specialised in corpo-
rate reputation and was managing director of the global brand consultancy at Leo Burnett. She
received her doctorate at the University of Cambridge in social psychology and also worked
on behaviour change programmes for pandemic influenza at University College, London. She
lectures on behavioural science at the University of Cambridge and City University. She is the
author of Applying Behavioural Science to the Private Sector: Decoding What People Say and What
They Do, published by Palgrave MacMillan in 2018.


Anderson, E., Simister, D., & Tucker, C. (2015). Harbingers of failure. Journal of Marketing
Research, 52(5), 580-592.
Bartholomew, L. K., Parcel, G. S., & Kok, G. (1998). Intervention mapping: A process for devel-
oping theory- and evidence-based health education programs. Health Education & Behavior:
The Official Publication of the Society for Public Health Education, 25(5), 545-563.
Campbell, M., Fitzpatrick, R., Haines, A., Kinmonth, A. L., Sandercock, P., Spiegelhalter, D., &
Tyrer, P. (2000). Framework for design and evaluation of complex interventions to improve
health. BMJ, 321(7262), 694-696.
Cialdini, R. B. (2018). Why the world is turning to behavioral science. In A. Samson (Ed.),
The Behavioral Economics Guide 2018 (with an Introduction by Robert Cialdini) (pp. VII-XIV).
Retrieved from
Cierpicki, S., Wright, M., & Sharp, B. (2000). Managers’ knowledge of marketing principles: The
case of new product development. Journal of Empirical Generalizations in Marketing Science,
5, 771-790.
Cooper, R. G. (1990). Stage-gate systems: A new tool for managing new products. Business
Horizons, 44-54.
Davis, F. D. (1989). Perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, and user acceptance of infor-
mation technology. MIS Quarterly, 13(3), 319-340.

Behavioral Economics Guide 2020 121

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French, S. D., Green, S. E., O’Connor, D. A., McKenzie, J. E., Francis, J. J., Michie, S., Buchbinder,
R., Schattner, P., Spike, N., & Grimshaw, J. M. (2012). Developing theory-informed behaviour
change interventions to implement evidence into practice: A systematic approach using the
Theoretical Domains Framework. Implementation Science, 7(1), 38.
Gallupe, R. B., Bastianutti, L. M., & Cooper, W. H. (1991). Unlocking brainstorms. Journal of
Applied Psychology, 76(1), 137-142.
Gourville, G. (2005). The Curse of Innovation: A theory of why innovative new products fail in the
marketplace (No. 05-06). Harvard Business School.
Ingerslev, K. (2014). “The Killing Fields” of innovation How to kill ideas. The Innovation Journal,
19(3), 1.
Innovia Technology. (2016). Idea makes the final of the World Changing Ideas Awards. Retrieved
Innovia Technology. (2017). A unique behaviour change programme. Retrieved from https://
Leventhal, H., Meyer, D., & Nerenz, D. (1980). The common-sense representation of illness
danger. In Contributions to Medical Psychology (Vol. 2, pp. 7-30). Oxford, UK: Pergamon Press.
Michie, S., Atkins, L., & West, R. (2014). The behaviour change wheel: A guide to designing interven-
tions. Sutton, UK: Silverback Publishing.
Michie, S., van Stralen, M. M., & West, R. (2011). The behaviour change wheel: A new method
for characterising and designing behaviour change interventions. Implementation Science,
6(1), 42.
Rubinstein, H. (2018). Applying behavioural science to the private sector: Decoding what people say
and what they do. Cham, Switzerland: Palgrave Macmillan.
Vonnegut, K. (1952). Player piano. New York, NY: Charles Scribner’s Sons.

Behavioral Economics Guide 2020 122

Reframing the
Loneliness Epidemic

Kristen Berman
Dan Ariely
Evelyn Gosnell
Sara Dadkhah
Lindsay Juarez
Irrational Labs

Charlotte Blank
Russ Frey
Kristen Berman et al. Reframing the Loneliness Epidemic

The “loneliness epidemic” was a hot topic before Coronavirus hit, but it is even more top of
mind now. Loneliness has a UK government department solely devoted to it, whilst nonprofits
everywhere are submitting grants for programs designed to prevent it. The subject captures
the research imagination because, most likely, we’ve all experienced it ourselves. And—at risk
of sounding too technical—it sucks.

What exactly is loneliness? It is the feeling that your social relationships are not as satisfying as
you need them to be (Piquero & Jennings, 2016).

This may look like:

• Before Coronavirus: You’re at home on a Friday night because you couldn’t find someone to
go out with. You see on social media that your friends have been hanging out without you.

• During Coronavirus: You’re social distancing with frequent Zoom calls, but you do not really
feel supported. You have a bad day and do not have anyone to talk to about it.

These feelings hit a majority of us at some point, and 60% of Americans say they’ve been lonely
in the last year. Sadly, loneliness affects some more than others, with 20% of people saying
they have no close friends at all (Ballard, 2019). And it matters, since it is likely to increase your
risk of death by 29% (Holt-Lunstad & Smith, 2015).

For all the talk about loneliness, research and solutions are lacking.

• Masi et al. (2010) conducted a meta-analysis of 20 randomized studies designed to reduce

loneliness; it revealed a small effect size.

• Dickens et al. (2011) reviewed 32 studies on loneliness and concluded ‘there is a need for
well-conducted studies to improve the evidence base’.

• Gardiner et al. (2018) looked at 38 studies on older populations and isolation, and they
concluded ‘the quality of the evidence base is weak, and further research is required to
provide more robust data’.

This is all shorthand for: We know the loneliness epidemic is important, but we cannot find any
remedies that work on a meaningful, reliable basis.

Is documenting the severity of this problem really the best we can do? Why are we not finding
more solutions to this problem?

It is possible that we are not finding ways to combat loneliness because much of it is deep,
structural, and difficult to change. For example, some of the largest causes fall into the “hard-
to-change” category:

1) Genetics: The estimate of genetic contributions to variation in adult loneliness is 48%

(Boomsma & Willemsen, 2005).

2) Demographics: Age is inversely associated with loneliness (Schnittker, 2007), in that

people tend to become lonelier as they get older. Also, females tend to be more lonely
than males.

Behavioral Economics Guide 2020 124

Kristen Berman et al. Reframing the Loneliness Epidemic

3) Life Circumstances: Having a healthy marriage helps (Olson & Wong, 2001) (Schnittker,
2007), but retirement hurts (Hansson & Briggs, 1990), and so does unemployment
(Viney, 1985).

4) Cyclical: Lonely people expect rejection, and in so doing, they ruminate on social and
interpersonal information to the degree that they feel social anxiety and do not reach
out. This becomes a negative feedback loop that’s very hard to get out of (Gardner &
Pickett, 2005).

When it comes to loneliness, often all of these factors play a role, and all of them are diffi-
cult—some impossible—to change. However, we would like to propose a way to reframe the
problem and perhaps come up with some effective remedies.

What is the change in framing that we would like to propose? The current framing of the
problem is “How can we reduce loneliness?” which helps focus efforts on the group with the
highest acute need—typically the elderly—and designs solutions to make them less lonely. For
example, the AARP Foundation has million-dollar grant programs for helping lonely seniors.
Venture capital is also getting into the game with a reported $25M in the last year invested
in startups aimed at engaging older populations. The UK has even asked mailmen to knock
on the doors of the elderly to increase social interaction. And obviously these directions are
important to explore, because they approach the problem where it is the most acute.

Nonetheless, in the same way that it is easier to prevent cancer than to cure it, here too it
may be more productive to focus on loneliness prevention rather than on trying to cure those
who suffer the most. If we really want to make a dent in loneliness, maybe the question we
should be asking is: “How do we prevent people from becoming lonely in the first place?” As an
analogy, if we wanted to decrease the number of people who are obese, we might be tempted
to try to help those who are already obese, but a more promising approach would be to deal
with the population as a whole to prevent obesity initially. The benefit of prevention in terms
of effectiveness is rather obvious, and the benefit becomes even greater when the condition
in question, such as loneliness, is a negative aspect of so many people’s lives.

Once we state that our goal is prevention, we can ask how a population gets into trouble in the
first place (Morenga & Mallard, 2013). The solution seems simple: The opposite of loneliness is
making (and keeping!) friends. From this perspective it is not a loneliness epidemic but a lack-
of-friendship epidemic, and the solution will have to involve creating high-quality relationships.
While this may seem an oversimplification, friendship is a key factor in resolving loneliness.

How Can We Increase Friendship?

To understand friendship, we began by studying conversations, the lifeblood of relationships.

Conversations have always been the main building block of friendship, but these days they
are more important than ever. In a world full of physical distancing precautions, conversations
have become the most crucial ingredient in friendship.

In Aron et al.’s seminal “36 Questions” study, it only took 45 minutes of vulnerable conver-
sation between strangers to make them feel as close as the average relationship in their life
(Aron & Melinat, 1997). The ability of such short conversations to have such an impact on the
feeling of closeness has to be one of the most amazing improvements of any social science

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Kristen Berman et al. Reframing the Loneliness Epidemic

intervention ever—and one of the best social ROIs for 45 minutes. The key for the large impact
of this intervention is that the questions were not all of the “small talk” variety but instead were
designed for mutual disclosure—when each person reveals something personal, it encourag-
es closeness.

However, this well-known study was published in the New York Times in 2006, which begs
the question: Why are we not, by now, overwhelmed with close companions? If the recipe for
closeness is so well known, why are we not all using it?

The answer lies in our general approach to risk. As humans, we work very hard to avoid risk in
many areas of life, including in our social relationships. Vulnerable conversations, especially
with people we do not know well, carry with them a high social risk, and so one must figure out
if they should engage and, if so, how to engage. What is acceptable to discuss? What are the
power dynamics in a room? What are the cultural norms? Is social status an issue? Research
from Nicholas Eply’s lab (Epley & Schroeder, 2014) supports this assertion by demonstrating
that one reason why people do not engage in conversation with strangers is because we fear
that the other person will not enjoy it and will reject us.

How can we become close with someone if we’re scared to dive deeper than the latest sport-
ing score or the weather? This is the challenge we need to solve.

Our Studies: How Can We Prompt Deeper Conversations?

We began our investigation with the following hypothesis: In the normal state of affairs, in our
regular day-to-day life, if we go too deep and too quickly into a conversation, we break a social
norm. To avoid the risk of being that “weirdo” who asks inappropriate questions (the risk),
we adopt a strategy of keeping to the lowest common denominator of conversation—small
talk—and take no risk, but in return we also receive scant reward. Our team wanted to try to
change the paradigm by making deep, less superficial conversation the new normal.

To test this notion, we conducted two experiments in contexts that could not be more differ-

Study 1

Irrational Labs, in collaboration with Maritz Global Events, facilitated a series of networking
events for one of their client companies, a financial services firm. Imagine six separate groups
of about 50 financial advisors each (mostly men, and mostly in suits) sitting down at 9 am
to kick off a conference. At this point, our team gets on stage and provides each group with
instructions on how to have networking conversations. Each group then gets started and has
conversations according to our rules for the next 45 minutes.

• Just Network: In two of the groups we asked attendees to spend the time networking as they
normally would with other attendees.

• Low Guidance: In two of the groups we asked attendees to avoid small talk, but we gave no
clear guidance on what they should talk about.

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Kristen Berman et al. Reframing the Loneliness Epidemic

• Strong Rules: For two of the groups we provided conversational cards with probing ques-
tions like: “What life experience made you grow the most?” and “What is a compliment you
wished you received more?” These groups were required to use these cards to direct their

Figure 1: Picture from the networking event.

Figure 2: Example of some cards that were used in the “Strong Rules” condition.

What happened?

To get a handle on the effect of these different approaches, we surveyed the financial profes-
sionals three times: First, at the start of the conference, second, after the networking activity,
and then again at the end of the conference. We discovered people did not like two things: They
did not like taking three surveys in a relatively short period of time, but more than surveys,
they disliked NOT having clear guidance.

In the standard networking groups and in the groups with the conversational cards, the in-
structions were clear. In the standard networking groups, people knew what to do, because

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business people have a particularly good mental model for what is expected of them in a
networking session. In the groups with the cards, the participants did not have strong prior
knowledge about how to avoid small talk, but the cards and the instructions created a very
clear script for what they were expected to do.

However, people in the groups where the only instructions were “not to make small talk” had
no script, and so they were left on their own to figure out what to do to break the vulnerability
barrier. The end result for this group was more discomfort, lower enjoyment, and fewer new

What implications can we take away from this first finding? People prefer when social norms
are clear, and social norms reduce the cognitive effort of figuring out the appropriate behav-
ior. At a time like the present, when the norms for interaction are in flux, we have an opportu-
nity to create environments that make it clear how people should or should not behave. For
example, if we want to create and improve social bonds in these complex Coronavirus times,
we could create new scripts and social norms to encourage more meaningful disclosure in the
digital environments.

We also discovered that groups with the conversational cards discussed more topics (on av-
erage three more topics) compared to the other groups, and they also discussed themes that
are generally considered deeper, like one’s childhood, relationships, plans for the future, or
religion. Yet, somewhat to our disappointment, when we looked at our main outcome of inter-
est, namely, the “likelihood to hang out after the conference,” we did not find any increase in
the desire for sustained interaction as a consequence of these more meaningful discussions.
While disappointing, we were not yet ready to toss out the conversational prompts as a pos-
sible way to increase friendship. We started this experiment with the full recognition that it
might be tough to engage conference attendees fully at 9:00 am as the first agenda item of
their financial conference. People came for business purposes, not to make new friends. They
were also, to some degree, competitors. Not the ideal place to try to create friendship.

With this in mind, our next experiment was set within a social space (i.e. happy hour) where
the mode, context, and expectations were more in line with social exchanges and friendship.

Study 2

Now, picture the laid-back setting of Study 2: Our team hosted six Friday night events, each
with about 40 people for a total of 247 attendees. The attendees were recruited from the
20,000 person Meetup group “I want to do that - just not alone.” These were people who, un-
like the group in Study 1, were explicitly hoping to meet others and came with the expectation
that the evening would include an activity to move their social agenda forward.

This time, we changed not only the people and the setting, but also the focus of the study.
We decided to try to learn which conversation topics worked best to drive connection. We
assigned attendees to one of three conversation categories:

• Conversations About the Future: Question prompts that asked about one’s future, e.g. “Where
do you see yourself in 5 years?”

• Conversations About the Past: Question prompts that asked about one’s past, e.g. “What is
something surprising about your childhood?”

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• Activity: A control 30-minute icebreaker activity, without any conversational prompts. The
icebreaker activities were interactive but did not focus on conversation depth. They includ-
ed short games like blind wine tasting and a challenge to “draw a bicycle” (Lawson, 2006).

Our hypothesis was that talking about your past would increase self-disclosure and, in turn,
the likelihood of making a connection. Once again, we found that it is especially useful to test
our intuition, because again we were wrong (this is why we do experiments). We found that it
did not matter if people discussed their future plans or their past experiences. What did matter
was if there were conversational prompts to guide the discussion. Although all participants
came to the event hoping to increase social connections, the control group was not as success-
ful as their prompt-receiving counterparts.

We found that with both types of conversation prompts, people revealed more about them-
selves, felt others revealed more, and talked about more new things than in the control con-
dition. In turn, this mutual disclosure had the intended effect on bonding. On average, people
talked to 1.6 more new people and had a higher likelihood of wanting to hang out afterwards
in the conversational prompt conditions than in the control condition. Offering a script and
setting up a norm for deeper conversation fostered new connections.


What we have on our hands is not a loneliness epidemic but a friendship epidemic.

To fix it, we need to figure out how to help people make (and sustain) quality friendships before
they become lonely. While there are many possible ways to encourage friendships, we know
at least one path that can help: Having deeper conversations. Our findings? Instead of allow-
ing people to fall back on the lowest common denominator of conversation, we changed the
norms and steered them away from small talk by giving them topics to talk about. Doing this
took pressure off the individual, putting the hard task of being vulnerable on the shared social
infrastructure, and with it they also got a high return of social dividends. We should strive for
a world with communities, schools, bars, and neighbors that are designed from the ground up
to make it easy and enjoyable to connect. Ideally, the individual never has to feel like they are
taking a social risk, and instead they can follow the pre-existing conversational norm.

Of course, there is still much more research to do on creating socially productive bonds once
a norm is set and learning how to strengthen these bonds over time so that they can become
real buffers for loneliness. We need to figure out what kinds of people can benefit more and
less from this conversational approach to kickstarting friendships. And, where possible, we
still want to establish ways to get people to take more social risks on their own, without con-
versational prompts. Despite all of these open questions, we end this first step of research
with optimism. It is clear that more effort should be invested in preventing loneliness before it
starts and that preventing loneliness is a promising direction for both research and for society.

As a final note, we hope all readers take this lesson to heart, by risking a bit more in conversa-
tions and reaping the benefits of meaningful social bonds. If you would like to adhere to the
research and start with a script and norm-setting, we are very happy to offer our No Small Talk
conversation cards at cost with the coupon code ATCOST here.

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Kristen Berman et al. Reframing the Loneliness Epidemic

The Authors

Dan Ariely is the James B. Duke Professor of Psychology and Behavioral Economics at Duke
University. Ariely is the founder of the research institution The Center for Advanced Hindsight,
author of three NYT best sellers and the co-founder of Irrational Labs, Timeful, Genie and Shapa,
the Chief Behavioral Economist of Qapital, and the Chief Behavioral Officer of Lemonade.

Kristen Berman is the CEO and co-founder of Irrational Labs, a behavioral economics prod-
uct design company, with author and professor Dan Ariely. Kristen also co-founded Common
Cents Lab, a Duke University initiative dedicated to improving the financial wellbeing of low
to middle Americans. She was on the founding team of the behavioral economics group at
Google, which touched over 26 teams across the organization.

Charlotte Blank is chief behavioral officer at Maritz, a world-leading provider of global events,
motivation, and loyalty programs. As head of Maritz’s behavioral science and field research
practice, Charlotte forges the connections between academic theory and business application,
inspiring innovative managers to lead like scientists.

Sara Dadkhah is a behavioral scientist with Irrational Labs and public policy student at the
Harvard Kennedy School of Government.

Russ Frey is director, intelligence at Maritz and a member of the firm’s behavioral science and
field research practice. Russ oversees The Maritz Field Research Collaborative, a partnership
that matches academic researchers with Maritz client companies to conduct field research
that advances behavioral science scholarship and sparks innovative business practices.

Evelyn Gosnell is a managing director at Irrational Labs and a frequent speaker in behavioral
economics and consumer psychology. She launched the Irrational Lab training and develop-
ment program, training hundreds in the science of decision-making. Evelyn was previously the
Head of Product Development and Behavioral Science at Shapa, a health startup founded by
Dan Ariely.

Lindsay Juarez is a director at Irrational Labs, where focuses on designing and testing in-
terventions in the financial and health domains. Before she joined Irrational Labs, she was a
senior behavioral researcher at the Center for Advanced Hindsight at Duke University.


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perceived control, depression, and loneliness. Journal of Applied Gerontology, 9(2), 230-240.
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Behavioral Economics Guide 2020 131

How to Sell Sprouts
Lessons in Digital
Persuasion From the Life
Insurance Industry

Matt Battersby
Peter Hovard
Reinsurance Group of America
Matt Battersby & Peter Hovard Lessons in Digital Persuasion From the Life Insurance Industry

It is easy to sell candy. Candy tastes nice. It is full of sugar that our bodies crave, and we have
to use our willpower to stop ourselves from overindulging.

If you want to sell me more candy, you just need to make it easy to buy and hard to avoid. You
can ensure the packaging is bright, bold, and colorful so that it grabs my attention and makes
it hard to ignore my cravings. You can place the candy by the supermarket checkout so that it
tempts me while I am waiting to be served.

It is much harder to sell sprouts. Although they are good for us, sprouts just do not taste
good to most people. We will not sell many more sprouts simply by making them easier to
buy. Wrapping them in beautifully colored packaging and placing them by the supermarket
checkout is unlikely to lead to a dramatic increase in sales. Few people would find themselves
unable to resist impulse buying a pack of sprouts.

As behavioral scientists, most of us are sprout sellers. Saving for a pension, exercising, dieting,
driving less, eating less meat: These behaviors are good for us, but unfortunately, for most
people, they just don’t taste very nice.

Life insurance is the ultimate sprout. It provides money to families when they need it the
most. But we know people are disproportionately motivated by immediate, certain, and per-
sonal gains – the exact opposite of what life insurance offers. Yet life insurance has been sold
successfully for over 150 years and at its peak in the 1960s, almost three-quarters of U.S.
households had it (Lyons & Demaster, 2015).

We argue that the success of the industry has been understudied by behavioral scientists.
Lessons from its history in understanding context and preparing consumers to engage with a
message – concepts Robert Cialdini has recently termed ‘pre-suasion’ (Cialdini, 2016) – could
help us change other low-motivation behaviors.

Furthermore, we argue that the challenges the life insurance industry is facing selling polices
online highlight the problem for other digital behavior change initiatives. Too often, when dig-
ital solutions are created, we assume sprout-like behaviors will suddenly become candy-like:
that making it easy to perform the behavior will suddenly create engagement.

We believe that for many sprout-like products and behaviors, ease is by no means enough for
engaging consumers. “Nudge” techniques, such as making beneficial behaviors the default,
have proved effective in fields like pension saving (Benartzi & Thaler, 2013). But, here, we focus
on what behavioral science can tell us about effective persuasion – tools that can be used
without requiring system or policy changes. We argue that we need to learn how to better
apply pre-suasion techniques – considering how context and timing can make communica-
tions more effective online.

Sprouts Are Sold, Not Bought – Changing Low-Motivation Behaviors

If you asked a behavioral scientist to design a product that pushed against many of our psy-
chological quirks, they would probably design something like life insurance.

We know behavior and decisions don’t necessarily result from weighing benefits and risks
like statisticians; rather, we often use heuristics that can lead to errors (Tversky & Kahneman,
1974). We overweigh immediate pleasure and pain – the present bias (O’Donoghue & Rabin,

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Matt Battersby & Peter Hovard Lessons in Digital Persuasion From the Life Insurance Industry

2015). We can be over-optimistic about realistic risks, like getting cancer – the optimism bias
(Sharot, 2011a) – and under-weigh contrary evidence (Sharot, 2011b). We might avoid informa-
tion altogether if we think it will be unpleasant (Sharot & Sunstein, 2020).

This presents a problem for marketers. Life insurance requires consumers to think about their
own mortality (not pleasant or easy) and promises a payoff that is far in the future (hopefully),
not always certain (some products are designed to cover a fixed period of time, such as the
length of a mortgage), and will not even go to the purchaser. This is not an obviously attractive
product, which has given rise the industry adage: “Life insurance is sold, not bought.”

But the problem is not that life insurance doesn’t have intrinsic value. In fact, it solves prob-
lems that many have: paying a mortgage, funeral costs, and securing financial stability for the
family after an income unexpectedly stops. Many people are underinsured, and their families
would struggle if an income stopped. The protection gap – the difference between the amount
of insurance held and the amount needed to sustain surviving families – was estimated to be
$25 trillion in 2016 in the U.S. alone (Swiss Re Institute, 2018).

Important behavior change theories, such as Michie’s COM-B model (Michie, van Stralen, &
West, 2011) and the theory of planned behavior (Ajzen, 1991), give a leading role to motivation.
But unfortunately, it’s clear that despite its potential value, consumers’ motivation to think
about and purchase life insurance is low.

Life insurance may well be the ultimate sprout, but many positive behaviors, like pension sav-
ing, eating more vegetables, and going regularly to the gym, suffer from the same behavioral
biases. They may have genuine value, but it is often realized in the long term, requiring short-
term sacrifices. Present-biased people often have to be nudged to engage with these ideas.

Given that the life insurance industry has so successfully sold a low-motivation product for
over a century, are there persuasion lessons we can learn and apply elsewhere?

Engaging Consumers: Learning From Life Insurance

For most of its history, life insurance has been sold face-to-face by salespeople and financial
advisers. Even now, this channel accounts for the vast majority of sales.

Salespeople are experts in persuasion. Tversky himself said his work on heuristics and bias-
es was a formalization of what advertisers and salesmen already knew (Stanford University,
1996), and Cialdini’s popular book Influence (Cialdini, 1984) was based mainly on observations
of salespeople. Arguably, persuasion made life insurance viable, historically (Rotman Zelizer,
1979). Salespeople were able to engage consumers with the solutions insurance offered for
their real, but distant, problems.

Salespeople became experts in what Cialdini calls pre-suasion – the techniques that commu-
nicators use to create the right state of mind in their audience to make persuasion more suc-
cessful (Cialdini, 2016). That means salespeople, before introducing their message, arranged
to make the audience sympathetic to it. Pre-suasion techniques take many forms, but life
insurance salespeople focused their attention on two in particular.

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Matt Battersby & Peter Hovard Lessons in Digital Persuasion From the Life Insurance Industry

The key technique involved awakening a potential customer’s need for life insurance. Typically,
this was achieved by asking people difficult questions like “how will your family pay the mort-
gage if you die?” (Thomson, 1969).

This kind of persuasion relies on creating emotional and cognitive representation of the prob-
lem that, for many people, normally exists out of sight and out of mind. If the answer to the
question is “my family would be fine, we have hundreds of thousands of dollars savings,” then
there is no need for life insurance and the salesperson moves on. But if the answer is “I don’t
know?” or “they wouldn’t be able to pay it,” then the salesperson has made them aware of a
problem they have and might need to solve. They have increased the salience – a selective
attention phenomenon long discussed by psychologists (Taylor & Fiske, 1978).

Silicon Valley venture capitalists often say they are looking for start-up products that are pain-
killers (“need to have”) rather than vitamins (“nice to have”). Successful life insurance sales-
people awakened a need, a pain, so that life insurance moved from a “nice to have” to a “must

Salespeople also recognized that context matters when awakening a need. There is a reason
life insurance is sold by mortgage advisors – their audience is primed to make decisions about
financial risk, and with committing to buying a house, the exact content of what they could lose
is salient.

Life insurance companies looked for ways to create the right context to awaken needs. A lit-
tle-known piece of musical history highlights this perfectly. Life insurance can credibly claim a
significant role in the development of the U.S. country music scene.

WSM is a country music station based in Nashville that has been on air since 1925. It is home
to a famous show called “The Grand Ole Opry,” or “the show that made country music famous”
(Grand Ole Opry, 2020). The Grand Ole Opry has hosted performances from country super-
stars including Johnny Cash, Dolly Parton, and Willie Nelson. But surprisingly, WSM was invent-
ed by The National Accident and Life Insurance Company. Their motto “We Shield Millions”
gave the station its name and still adorns its microphones. Inventively, WSM created a loyal
captive audience to whom to advertise.

Salesmen would wander the neighborhoods looking for people who were tuned in to WSM
and call the following Monday to try to sell policies. They would bring with them free Grand
Ole Opry gifts and memorabilia. But also, country music drips with nostalgia and emotion,
and explores themes of relationships, loss, and community: arguably an excellent prime for
connections with people you love.

WSM’s example demonstrates the idea of finding (or creating) the appropriate context to en-
gage people with a difficult subject and applying persuasive techniques to awaken and boost
the salience of consumers’ needs for life insurance.

Using context effectively and awakening needs may play a role in changing many other behav-
iors as well. Most people realize the logical case for saving more or eating more healthily, but
they do not have the emotional need that might help them to engage with the problem. To
change attitudes and intentions, we need to focus on awakening this need and find the right
context in which to do so.

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Matt Battersby & Peter Hovard Lessons in Digital Persuasion From the Life Insurance Industry

But how do we do this digitally? This question is particularly pertinent for the life insurance
industry. In most developed markets, the number of financial advisers and life insurance sales-
people is falling, while the average age of those remaining keeps increasing (World Economic
Forum, 2017). Partly this is a result of increased costs and regulation placed on advisers. But
it perhaps also reflects the difficulty and unpopularity of the job. Selling life insurance is hard
and far from glamourous.

This is one reason why life insurance, like many industries, is moving toward a digital distribu-
tion model. But the question remains, can persuasion techniques be replicated (or recreated)
online? Can sprouts be sold digitally?

Challenges of Selling Sprouts Digitally

This year marks the 30th anniversary of the first web browser built by Sir Tim Berners-Lee. It
would be difficult to overstate the scale and impact of innovation in the years since, as digital
has become a major channel through which organizations interface with consumers.

Digital native brands like Amazon, Google, and Netflix are now ubiquitous, and a significant
foundation of their appeal is the convenience and ease they offer consumers.

Much is said in the UX and behavioral science communities about the value of making things
easy – it is a pillar of the U.K. Behavioral Insights Team’s influential EAST framework (Service, et
al., 2015). Accordingly, the benchmark digital successes have made it very quick and easy for
us to do things that we want and need to do. Amazon makes it easy to buy things; Spotify and
Netflix give us easy ways to consume entertainment; and social media makes it easy for us to
compare and present ourselves to our social groups.

But by focusing on the seamless consumer experience we might come to the wrong conclu-
sion about drivers of consumer behavior online. More than making things easy, the success
stories use product design, digital marketing, and user experience expertise to amplify our
existing desires and needs that linger just beneath the surface. They respond to, and enable,
our hedonistic tendencies, like experimenters leaving tasty marshmallows in a laboratory for
disinhibited children (Mischel, Ebbesen, & Raskoff Zeiss, 1972).

The role of persuasion in engaging difficult subjects may well be the biggest casualty of digiti-
zation. Digital advertising settings give consumers more choice about what information they
want to pay attention to; it is likely that the less hedonic topics will be the first to be ignored.
Traditionally, persuasive process is applied to captive audiences by experts. If investment in
persuasion is reduced in favor of offering easy access to products online, consumers are un-
likely to realize their needs for utilitarian products and services, and engagement is likely to

Life insurance is experiencing just that. Millions of dollars have been spent building very simple
purchasing journeys and now it can take less time to buy life insurance than to book a flight.
But digitization has not sent people into a life insurance-buying frenzy. In fact, the proportion
of the U.S. population who held life insurance in 2016 has substantially dropped since the
1960s (Bloomberg, 2018).

The facets of how we (mis)understand the economic arguments for insurance present a signif-
icant challenge for digital marketers trying to attract consumer engagement. The tendency to

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Matt Battersby & Peter Hovard Lessons in Digital Persuasion From the Life Insurance Industry

focus on short-term rewards, avoid punishing information, and misjudge personal risk means
consumers are unlikely to spare attention for insurance-related subjects in busy digital set-

Life insurers are realizing that the digital environment is not always the best context for their
messages. People do not want to be asked difficult questions that make them think about their
mortality and the impact it would have on others, especially in the middle of checking out the
photos from their friend’s latest holiday or posting an update about what they are eating for
lunch. However, our own research suggests that softer messages that focus on the benefits of
life insurance do not cut through.

Even consumer brands are starting to realize that digital is more often a converter of custom-
ers, not a creator. Adidas recently suggested that they have over-invested in digital advertising
at the expense of building a desirable brand (Vizard, 2019). They had focused metrics on un-
derstanding customers’ last actions before purchasing. But when an outage in an SEO cam-
paign was unexpectedly inconsequential, Adidas concluded the reason people bought their
products had deeper roots than being easy to find on a search engine. Consequently, they
have stepped up their investment in brand building. Adidas’ case shows an understanding
of the value of amplifying the deeper psychological underpinnings that made their products
viable in the first place.

The same is being experienced in many digital solutions for sprout-type behaviors. For exam-
ple, digital health applications promise to offer consumers a range of benefits, like self-mon-
itoring, easy access to resources, and structured behavior-change programs. There are over
400,000 health apps available in app stores, but this does not necessarily indicate success
– most of the apps have been downloaded less than 10,000 times (Georgiou, 2020). Despite
the huge and often acknowledged potential of these services for consumers, the promise of
making them available and easy through digitization clearly does not necessarily result in take-
up and later use.

For health maintenance, insurance purchasing, and likely many other useful but unattractive
behaviors, digitization per se is unlikely to present the benefits it unlocks for more hedonic
propositions. If we charge down the path of digitization without understanding motivation
(and the lack thereof), engagement will suffer.

Lessons From Behavioral Science: Digital Targeting and Availability

In the absence of any hedonistic pull, behaviors like buying insurance or living healthily re-
quire awakening consumers’ needs and desires. Like riding a skateboard down a hill, removing
friction makes for a smoother, more successful journey; but without some initial force, the
journey won’t start.

“Nudge” techniques could be applied on digital channels. For example, making desirable be-
haviors default options has proven successful in encouraging retirement saving (Benartzi &
Thaler, 2013). These techniques could improve user journeys if applied conscientiously, or
even provide consumers with insurance by default. But the latter would require significant
systemic changes.

Behavioral Economics Guide 2020 137

Matt Battersby & Peter Hovard Lessons in Digital Persuasion From the Life Insurance Industry

How about marketers? What can they learn from behavioral science to make digital persua-
sion more effective?

So far, we have talked about salespeople proactively awakening the need for life insurance, but
often events can do this naturally. The availability heuristic (Tversky & Kahneman, 1973) plays
a strong part in insurance purchases. Consumers judge events that are easy to imagine hap-
pening, or that they remember happening previously, as more likely to happen in the future.
This may be why we see evidence that insurance purchasing increases after well-publicized
floods, even in non-flooded areas (Gallagher, 2014). The underlying risks have not changed,
but the availability of the risk has.

The same phenomenon happens in life insurance. Awareness of the need for life insurance
often increases in an individual who has seen a friend or family member die young and wit-
nessed the financial impact it had on the family (McKinsey, 2017). Supporting this, a peak in
searches for life insurance in the U.S., and reports of increased insurance applications, coincid-
ed with the death of NBA superstar Kobe Bryant on January 26, 2020 (Herron, 2020). Bryant’s
death didn’t increase anyone else’s actual underlying risk, but it certainly increased the salience
of death at a young age and leaving children behind. Research demonstrates that considering
the similarities between current and future perceptions of ourselves can encourage effective
long-term decision making (Hershfield, 2011). It’s plausible that events in the environment like
widely reported deaths could make our future needs more salient, and stimulate consumer

The future for digital distribution may lie not in awakening needs, but in reaching people at
moments in time when circumstances have awoken their needs for them. The life insurance
industry is attempting creative ways of doing this. For example, insurance used to be sold
in vending machines at airports. In this context, your own mortality and the financial needs
of your loved ones may be more salient, awakening the need for insurance (Kunreuther &
Pauly, 2006). Some companies have now begun using geolocation to identify when people
are at airports and target advertisements more effectively. Also leveraging digital channels,
crowd-funding platforms have become a popular way in many countries to raise money for
families who have lost a key breadwinner and are struggling. Messages can be targeted at
those who donated to these causes in the past and are, in that moment, likely to be aware of
their own mortality and the impact it could have on loved ones.

It is quite possible that the other sprout sellers may find the same context effects useful – har-
nessing context, or creating it with subtle cues that prime people’s goals (Papies & Hamstra,
2010), to engage consumers when their needs are salient. Some good examples already exist:
In 2019, the BBC launched a digital well-being app for children called “Own It” that uses AI to
reduce online bullying (BBC, 2019). The app monitors a user’s messages as they write them
and asks, “Are you sure you want to post this?” if they contain words such as stupid, fat, or ugly.
Interrupting impulsive behavior at exactly the right time and in the real context prompts users
to reconsider their words before posting.

Good examples of sprout sellers creating their own context are charities that offer, and heavily
market, free will-writing services. People are often persuadable of the merits for leaving a
charitable donation in their will – the bigger challenge has been that not enough people write
wills. According to the creators of “Free Wills Month” in the U.K., 7.3% of wills typically contain
a legacy charity gift, compared to 58% of those created through the free wills service (Institute
of Fundraising, 2015).

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Matt Battersby & Peter Hovard Lessons in Digital Persuasion From the Life Insurance Industry

Similar opportunities must exist to maximize context and timing to promote other positive
behaviors. For example, the popularity of beach body diets suggest that an upcoming vacation
can trigger motivation to lose weight, but how many holistic health and wellness interventions
are built into the purchase of a vacation or beachwear?

Sprouts for Everyone

Behavior change is much easier when it accesses pre-existing motivations in easier ways. But
we run into difficulties when we try to apply the same techniques to low-motivation behaviors.
Often, we become blinded by what we believe someone’s motivation should be or even what
they think it is. The problem is people do not often want to change behavior or adopt new

When it comes to selling life insurance, expert use of persuasion has historically been suc-
cessful at engaging consumers with difficult topics by boosting the salience of their long-term
goals. If we rely on the power of digital channels to create frictionless experiences alone, we
are in danger of losing these persuasive tools.

But context can prepare consumers to receive a message and make persuasion more effec-
tive. Digital technology, when used alongside data and behavioral science, can help reach con-
sumers in those times and contexts where they might be receptive to sprout-like topics. This
may be a fruitful avenue for the future of reaching and persuading consumers online.

As we move deeper into the digital era, consideration of consumers’ psychology can help unlock
the value of utilitarian products. Digitization per se certainly isn’t enough to create engagement
with sprout-like behaviors. We must remember the lessons of the pre-digital past – context
and persuasive technique will be as important as ever for meaningfully engaging consumers.

The Authors

Matt Battersby founded and leads the behavioral science team at Reinsurance Group of
America, Incorporated (RGA). He is responsible for the development and deployment of be-
havioral science-informed models for RGA and its clients for use in underwriting, claims, risk
management, marketing, and customer engagement.

Prior to joining RGA, Matt was with the communications firm Hill+Knowlton Strategies for more
than a decade. Most recently, he was Managing Director and head of the behavioral science
team, working with a wide range of organizations to implement behavior change strategies
to help meet diverse business goals, such as improving financial decision-making, increasing
recycling, and encouraging healthier lifestyles.

Matt has a Master of Science (MSc) in Behavioral Science from the London School of Economics
and a Bachelor of Science (BSc) in Economics and Philosophy from the University of Bristol.

Dr Peter Hovard is Lead Behavioral Scientist at Reinsurance Group of America, Incorporated

(RGA), and is based in RGA’s London office. His role is to apply behavioral science principles
and methods to challenges in the life and health insurance industry.

Behavioral Economics Guide 2020 139

Matt Battersby & Peter Hovard Lessons in Digital Persuasion From the Life Insurance Industry

Peter previously worked as Behavioral Science Lead for U.K. general insurer RSA. As the organ-
ization’s first behavioral scientist, this involved introducing behavioral thinking in areas such as
digital behavior change, product development, and counter fraud.

Peter has a PhD in experimental psychology from the University of Sussex and has published
in peer reviewed journals on eating behavior, appetite, and atypical perception.


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Behavioral Economics Guide 2020 141

Behavioral Science Concepts

The editor would like to thank Andreas Haberl, Chelsea Hulse, and Roger Miles for their contributions to
this encyclopedia.
Selected Behavioral Science Concepts

Action bias

Some core ideas in behavioral economics focus on people’s propensity to do nothing, as evi-
dent in default bias and status quo bias. Inaction may be due to a number of factors, includ-
ing inertia or anticipated regret. However, sometimes people have an impulse to act in order
to gain a sense of control over a situation and eliminate a problem. This has been termed the
action bias (Patt & Zeckhauser, 2000). For example, a person may opt for a medical treatment
rather than a no-treatment alternative, even though clinical trials have not supported the
treatment’s effectiveness.

Action bias is particularly likely to occur if we do something for others or others expect us to
act (see social norm), as illustrated by the tendency for soccer goal keepers to jump to left or
right on penalty kicks, even though statistically they would be better off if they just stayed in
the middle of the goal (Bar-Eli et al., 2007). Action bias may also be more likely among over-
confident individuals or if a person has experienced prior negative outcomes (Zeelenberg
et al., 2002), where subsequent inaction would be a failure to do something to improve the

Affect heuristic

The affect heuristic represents a reliance on good or bad feelings experienced in relation to
a stimulus. Affect-based evaluations are quick, automatic, and rooted in experiential thought
that is activated prior to reflective judgments (see dual-system theory) (Slovic et al., 2002). For
example, experiential judgments are evident when people are influenced by risks framed in
terms of counts (e.g. “of every 100 patients similar to Mr. Jones, 10 are estimated to commit an
act of violence”) more than an abstract but equivalent probability frame (e.g. “Patients similar
to Mr. Jones are estimated to have a 10% chance of committing an act of violence to others”)
(Slovic et al., 2000).

Affect-based judgments are more pronounced when people do not have the resources or time
to reflect. For example, instead of considering risks and benefits independently, individuals
with a negative attitude towards nuclear power may consider its benefits as low and risks as
high under conditions of time pressure. This leads to a more negative risk-benefit correlation
than would be evident without time pressure (Finucane et al., 2000).

The affect heuristic has been used as a possible explanation for a range of consumer judgments,
including product innovations (King & Slovic, 2014), brand image (e.g. Ravaja et al., 2015), and
product pricing (e.g. the zero price effect; see Samson & Voyer, 2012). It is considered another
general purpose heuristic similar to availability heuristic and representativeness heuristic
in the sense that affect serves as an orienting mechanism akin to similarity and memorability
(Kahneman & Frederick, 2002).

Behavioral Economics Guide 2020 144

Behavioral Science Concepts


According to neoclassical economics, rational beings do whatever they need to in order to

maximize their own wealth. However, when people make sacrifices to benefit others with-
out expecting a personal reward, they are thought to behave altruistically (Rushton, 1984).
Common applications of this pro-social behavior include volunteering, philanthropy, and help-
ing others in emergencies (Piliavin & Charng, 1990).

Altruism is evident in a number of research findings, such as dictator games. In this game,
one participant proposes how to split a reward between himself and another random partici-
pant. While some proposers (dictators) keep the entire reward for themselves, many will also
voluntarily share some portion of the reward (Fehr & Schmidt, 1999).

While altruism focuses on sacrifices made to benefit others, similar concepts explore making
sacrifices to ensure fairness (see inequity aversion and social preferences).

Ambiguity (uncertainty) aversion

Ambiguity aversion, or uncertainty aversion, is the tendency to favor the known over the un-
known, including known risks over unknown risks. For example, when choosing between two
bets, we are more likely to choose the bet for which we know the odds, even if the odds are
poor, than the one for which we don’t know the odds.

This aversion has gained attention through the Ellsberg Paradox (Ellsberg, 1961). Suppose
there are two bags each with a mixture of 100 red and black balls. A decision-maker is asked
to draw a ball from one of two bags with the chance to win $100 if red is drawn. In one bag,
the decision-maker knows that exactly half of the pieces are red and half are black. The color
mixture of pieces in the second bag is unknown. Due to ambiguity aversion, decision-makers
would favor drawing from the bag with the known mixture than the one with the unknown
mixture (Ellsberg, 1961). This occurs despite the fact that people would, on average, bet on red
or black equally if they were presented with just one bag containing either the known 50-50
mixture or a bag with the unknown mixture.

Ambiguity aversion has also been documented in real-life situations. For example, it leads peo-
ple to avoid participating in the stock market, which has unknown risks (Easley & O’Hara, 2009),
and to avoid certain medical treatments when the risks are less known (Berger, et al., 2013).

Anchoring (heuristic)

Anchoring is a particular form of priming effect whereby initial exposure to a number serves
as a reference point and influences subsequent judgments. The process usually occurs
without our awareness (Tversky & Kahneman, 1974) and has been researched in many con-
texts, including probability estimates, legal judgments, forecasting and purchasing decisions
(Furnham & Boo, 2011).

One experiment asked participants to write down the last three digits of their phone number
multiplied by one thousand (e.g. 678 = 678,000). Results showed that people’s subsequent
estimate of house prices were significantly influenced by the arbitrary anchor, even though
they were given a 10 minute presentation on facts and figures from the housing market at the

Behavioral Economics Guide 2020 145

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beginning of the study. In practice, anchoring effects are often less arbitrary, as evident the
price of the first house shown to us by a real estate agent may serve as an anchor and influ-
ence perceptions of houses subsequently presented to us (as relatively cheap or expensive).
Anchoring effects have also been shown in the consumer packaged goods category, whereby
not only explicit slogans to buy more (e.g. “Buy 18 Snickers bars for your freezer”), but also
purchase quantity limits (e.g. “limit of 12 per person”) or ‘expansion anchors’ (e.g. “101 uses!”)
can increase purchase quantities (Wansink et al., 1998).

Asymmetrically dominated choice

See Decoy effect

Availability heuristic

Availability is a heuristic whereby people make judgments about the likelihood of an event
based on how easily an example, instance, or case comes to mind. For example, investors
may judge the quality of an investment based on information that was recently in the news,
ignoring other relevant facts (Tversky & Kahneman, 1974). In the domain of health, it has been
shown that drug advertising recall affects the perceived prevalence of illnesses (An, 2008),
while physicians’ recent experience of a condition increases the likelihood of subsequently
diagnosing the condition (Poses & Anthony, 1991). In consumer research, availability can play a
role in various estimates, such as store prices (Ofir et al., 2008) or product failure (Folkes, 1988).
The availability of information in memory also underlies the representativeness heuristic.

Behavioral economics

The field of behavioral economics studies and describes economic decision-making. According
to its theories, actual human behavior is less rational, stable, and selfish than traditional nor-
mative theory suggests (see also homo economicus), due to bounded rationality, limited
self-control, and social preferences.


See Cognitive bias

Bounded rationality

Bounded rationality is a concept proposed by Herbert Simon that challenges the notion of
human rationality as implied by the concept of homo economicus. Rationality is bounded be-
cause there are limits to our thinking capacity, available information, and time (Simon, 1982).
Bounded rationality is a core assumption of the “natural assessments” view of heuristics and
dual-system models of thinking (Gilovich et al., 2002), and it is one of the psychological foun-
dations of behavioral economics. (See also satisficing and fast and frugal.)

Behavioral Economics Guide 2020 146

Behavioral Science Concepts

(Economic) Bubble

Economic (or asset) bubbles form when prices are driven much higher than their intrinsic
value (see also efficient market hypothesis). Well-known examples of bubbles include the
US Dot-com stock market bubble of the late 1990s and housing bubble of the mid-2000s.
According to Robert Shiller (2015), who warned of both of these events, speculative bubbles
are fueled by contagious investor enthusiasm (see also herd behavior) and stories that justify
price increases. Doubts about the real value of investment are overpowered by strong emo-
tions, such as envy and excitement.

Other biases that promote bubbles include overconfidence, anchoring, and representative-
ness, which lead investors to interpret increasing prices as a trend that will continue, causing
them to chase the market (Fisher, 2014). Economic bubbles are usually followed a sudden and
sharp decrease in prices, also known as a crash.

Certainty/possibility effects

Changes in the probability of gains or losses do not affect people’s subjective evaluations in
linear terms (see also prospect theory and zero price effect) (Tversky & Kahneman, 1981).
For example, a move from a 50% to a 60% chance of winning a prize has a smaller emotional
impact than a move from a 95% chance to a 100% chance (certainty). Conversely, the move
from a 0% chance to a 5% possibility of winning a prize is more attractive than a change from
5% to 10%. People over-weight small probabilities, which explains the attractiveness of gam-
bling. Research suggests that problem gamblers’ probability perception of losing is not distort-
ed and that their loss aversion is not significantly different from other people. However, they
are much more risk-taking and strongly overweight small to medium probabilities of winning
(Ring et al., 2018).

Choice architecture

This term coined by Thaler and Sunstein (2008) refers to the practice of influencing choice
by “organizing the context in which people make decisions” (Thaler et al., 2013, p. 428; see
also nudge). A frequently mentioned example is how food is displayed in cafeterias, where
offering healthy food at the beginning of the line or at eye level can contribute to healthier
choices. Choice architecture includes many other behavioral tools that affect decisions, such
as defaults, framing, or decoy options.

Choice overload

Also referred to as ‘overchoice’, the phenomenon of choice overload occurs as a result of

too many choices being available to consumers. Overchoice has been associated with unhap-
piness (Schwartz, 2004), decision fatigue, going with the default option, as well as choice
deferral—avoiding making a decision altogether, such as not buying a product (Iyengar &
Lepper, 2000). Many different factors may contribute to perceived choice overload, including

Behavioral Economics Guide 2020 147

Behavioral Science Concepts

the number of options and attributes, time constraints, decision accountability, alignability
and complementarity of options, consumers’ preference uncertainty, among other factors
(Chernev et al., 2015).

Choice overload can be counteracted by simplifying choice attributes or the number of availa-
ble options (Johnson et al., 2012). However, some studies on consumer products suggest that,
paradoxically, greater choice should be offered in product domains in which people tend to
feel ignorant (e.g. wine), whereas less choice should be provided in domains in which people
tend to feel knowledgeable (e.g. soft drinks) (Hadar & Sood, 2014).


When the same information is presented in a different form that is easier to process, our
ability to receive and remember it is greater. People often reorganize, regroup or compress
information to aid in its understanding or recall. The resulting subgroups are ‘chunks’, which
can be defined as a set of information or items that are treated collectively as a single unit
(Mathy & Feldman, 2012). Chunking may be done through strategic reorganization based on
familiarity, prior knowledge, proximity or other means to structure the information at hand.
For example, a phone number may be split up into three subgroups of area code, prefix and
number or one might recognize a meaningful date in it, and so can organize it more easily into
different chunks.

In relation to the ideal amount of chunks, Miller (1956) found that humans best recall seven
plus or minus two units when processing information. More recently, various studies have
shown that chunking is, in fact, most effective when four to six chunks are created (Mathy
& Feldman, 2012). Although this seems to be a ‘magic number’, it is also possible to learn to
increase the size of those chunks over time (Sullivan, 2009).

In behavioral science, chunking has also been used to refer to breaking up processes or tasks
into more manageable pieces (see for example Eşanu, 2019, on chunking in UX design or
Wijland & Hansen, 2016, on mobile nudging in the banking sector).

Cognitive bias

A cognitive bias (e.g. Ariely, 2008) is a systematic (non-random) error in thinking, in the sense
that a judgment deviates from what would be considered desirable from the perspective of
accepted norms or correct in terms of formal logic. The application of heuristics is often as-
sociated with cognitive biases. Some biases, such as those arising from availability or repre-
sentativeness, are ‘cold’ in the sense that they do not reflect a person’s motivation and are
instead the result of errors in information processing. Other cognitive biases, especially those
that have a self-serving function (e.g. overconfidence), are more motivated. Finally, there are
also biases that can be motivated or unmotivated, such as confirmation bias (Nickerson,

As the study of heuristics and biases is a core element of behavioral economics, the psycholo-
gist Gerd Gigerenzer has cautioned against the trap of a “bias bias” – the tendency to see
biases even when there are none (Gigerenzer, 2018).

Behavioral Economics Guide 2020 148

Behavioral Science Concepts

Cognitive dissonance

Cognitive dissonance, an important concept in social psychology (Festinger, 1957), refers to

the uncomfortable tension that can exist between two simultaneous and conflicting ideas or
feelings—often as a person realizes that s/he has engaged in a behavior inconsistent with
the type of person s/he would like to be, or be seen publicly to be. According to the theory,
people are motivated to reduce this tension by changing their attitudes, beliefs, or actions.
For example, smokers may rationalize their behavior by holding ‘self-exempting beliefs’, such
as “The medical evidence that smoking causes cancer is not convincing” or “Many people who
smoke all their lives live to a ripe old age, so smoking is not all that bad for you” (Chapman et
al., 1993).

Arousing dissonance can be used to achieve behavioral change; one study (Dickerson et al.,
1992), for instance, made people mindful of their wasteful water consumption and then made
them urge others (publicly commit) to take shorter showers. Subjects in this ‘hypocrisy condi-
tion’ subsequently took significantly shorter showers than those who were only reminded that
they had wasted water or merely made the public commitment.


Commitments (see also precommitment) are often used as a tool to counteract people’s
lack of willpower and to achieve behavior change, such as in the areas of dieting or saving.
The greater the cost of breaking a commitment, the more effective it is (Dolan et al., 2010).
From the perspective of social psychology, individuals are motivated to maintain a consistent
and positive self-image (Cialdini, 2008), and they are likely to keep commitments to avoid
reputational damage (if done publicly) and/or cognitive dissonance (Festinger, 1957). A field
experiment in a hotel, for example, found 25% greater towel reuse among guests who made
a commitment to reuse towels at check-in and wore a “Friend of the Earth” lapel pin to signal
their commitment during their stay (Baca-Motes et al., 2012). The behavior change technique
of ‘goal setting’ is related to making commitments (Strecher et al., 1995), while reciprocity
involves an implicit commitment.

Confirmation bias

Confirmation bias (Wason, 1960) occurs when people seek out or evaluate information in a
way that fits with their existing thinking and preconceptions. The domain of science, where
theories should advance based on both falsifying and supporting evidence, has not been im-
mune to bias, which is often associated with people processing hypotheses in ways that end
up confirming them (Oswald & Grosjean, 2004). Similarly, a consumer who likes a particular
brand and researches a new purchase may be motivated to seek out customer reviews on
the internet that favor that brand. Confirmation bias has also been related to unmotivated
processes, including primacy effects and anchoring, evident in a reliance on information that
is encountered early in a process (Nickerson, 1998).

Control premium

In behavioral economics, the control premium refers to people’s willingness to forego po-
tential rewards in order to control (avoid delegation) of their own payoffs. In an experiment,

Behavioral Economics Guide 2020 149

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participants were asked to choose whether to bet on another person or themselves answer-
ing a quiz question correctly. Although individuals’ maximizing their rewards would bet on
themselves in 56% of the decisions (based on their beliefs), they actually bet on themselves
65% of the time, suggesting an aggregate control premium of almost 10%. The average study
participant was willing to sacrifice between 8 and 15% of expected earnings to retain control
(Owens et al., 2014). (See also overconfidence.)

Curse of knowledge

Economists commonly assume that having more information allows us to make better deci-
sions. However, the information asymmetry that exists when one economic agent has more
information than another can also have negative effects for the better-informed agent. This
is known as the curse of knowledge (Camerer et al., 1989), which occurs because better-in-
formed agents are unable to ignore their own knowledge.

The curse of knowledge can manifest itself in many domains of economic life, such as set-
ting prices or estimating productivity. With respect to the latter, one study found that experts
consistently underestimate the amount of time required by novices to perform a task (Hinds,

A fun way to show the curse of knowledge in action is through a musical game in which par-
ticipants are either the “tapper” or a “listener.” In the game, the tapper selects a simple, well-
known song, such a “Happy Birthday,” and taps out the rhythm on a table. The listeners then
try to guess the song. In an early experiment, tappers expected the listeners to correctly guess
the song 50% of the time, yet, in reality, listeners were only correct 2.5% of the time (Newton,

Decision fatigue

There are psychological costs to making decisions. Since choosing can be difficult and requires
effort, just like any other activity, long sessions of decision making can lead to poor choices.
Similar to other activities that consume resources required for executive functions, decision
fatigue is reflected in self-regulation, such as a diminished ability to exercise self-control (Vohs
et al., 2008). (See also choice overload and ego depletion.)

Decision staging

When people make complex or long decisions, such as buying a car, they tend to explore their
options successively. This involves deciding what information to focus on, as well as choices
between attributes and alternatives. For example, when people narrow down their options,
they often tend to screen alternatives on the basis of a subset of attributes, and then they
compare alternatives. Choice architects may not only break down complex decisions into
multiple stages, to make the process easier, but they can also work with an understanding of
sequential decision making by facilitating certain comparisons at different stages of the choice
process (Johnson et al., 2012).

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Decoy effect

Choices often occur relative to what is on offer rather than based on absolute preferenc-
es. The decoy effect is technically known as an ‘asymmetrically dominated choice’ and occurs
when people’s preference for one option over another changes as a result of adding a third
(similar but less attractive) option. For example, people are more likely to choose an elegant
pen over $6 in cash if there is a third option in the form of a less elegant pen (Bateman et
al., 2008). While this effect has been extensively studied in relation to consumer products,
it has also been found in employee selection (e.g. Slaughter et al., 2006), apartment choices
(Simonson, 1989), or as a nudge to increase hand hygiene (Li et al., 2018).

Default (option)

Default options are pre-set courses of action that take effect if nothing is specified by the de-
cision maker (Thaler & Sunstein, 2008), and setting defaults is an effective nudge when there
is inertia or uncertainty in decision making (Samson, 2014). Since defaults do not require any
effort by the decision maker, defaults can be a simple but powerful tool when there is inaction
(Samson & Ramani, 2018). When choices are difficult, defaults may also be perceived as a
recommended course of action (McKenzie et al., 2006). Requiring people to opt out if they do
not wish to donate their organs, for example, has been associated with higher donation rates
(Johnson & Goldstein, 2003). Similarly, making contributions to retirement savings accounts
has become automatic in some countries, such as the United Kingdom and the United States.

Delusion of competence (Dunning-Kruger effect)

This is the case whereby, either socially or pathologically, a person lacks reflexive acknowl-
edgement that they are not equipped to make a decision or to act appropriately in relation
to the demands of a situation. Kruger and Dunning (1999) observed a divergence between
perceived and actual competence which explains a range of unsound decision-making. The ef-
fect explains why, among other real-world difficulties, management boards decide to promote
products whose working they don’t understand, and why talent show contestants are unaware
of their inability to sing, until ejected by the judges. (The prevalence of this bias has made the
producers of certain talent shows very wealthy.)

Dictator game

The dictator game is an experimental game (see behavioral game theory) designed to elicit
altruistic aspects of behavior. In the ultimatum game, a proposing player is endowed with
a sum of money and asked to split it with another (responding) player. The responder may
either accept the proposer’s offer or reject it, in which case neither of the players will receive
anything. Since expressed preferences in the ultimatum game may be due to factors other
than altruism (e.g. fear of envy), the dictator game is played without the responder being able
to decide whether to accept the offer or not (Camerer, 2003). As a result, it only involves one
actual player and is not strictly a game. Whether or not these games really better measure
altruism, or something else, forms part of an interesting debate (e.g. Bardsley, 2008) (See also
trust game.)

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See Time discounting

Disposition effect

The disposition effect refers to investors’ reluctance to sell assets that have lost value and
greater likelihood of selling assets that have made gains (Shefrin & Statman, 1985). This phe-
nomenon can be explained by prospect theory (loss aversion), regret avoidance and men-
tal accounting.

Diversification bias

People seek more variety when they choose multiple items for future consumption simultane-
ously than when they make choices sequentially, i.e. on an ‘in the moment’ basis. Diversification
is non-optimal when people overestimate their need for diversity (Read & Loewenstein, 1995).
In other words, sequential choices lead to greater experienced utility. For example, before
going on vacation I may upload classical, rock and pop music to my MP3 player, but on the
actual trip I may mostly end up listening to my favorite rock music. When people make simulta-
neous choices among things that can be classified as virtues (e.g. high-brow movies or healthy
deserts) or vices (e.g. low-brow movies or hedonic deserts), their diversification strategy usual-
ly involves a greater selection of virtues (Read et al., 1999). (See also projection bias.)

Dual-self model

In economics, dual-self models deal with the inconsistency between the patient long-run self
and myopic short-run self. With respect to savings behavior, Thaler and Shefrin (1981) intro-
duced the concepts of the farsighted planner and myopic doer. At any point in time, there is
a conflict between those selves with two sets of preferences. The approach helps economic
theorists overcome the paradox created by self-control in standard views of utility. The more
recent dual-self model of impulse control (Fudenberg & Levine, 2006) explains findings from
the areas of time discounting, risk aversion, and self-control (see also intertemporal choice).
More practically-oriented research on savings behavior has attempted to make people feel
more connected to their future selves, making them appreciate that they are the future re-
cipients of current savings. In an experiment, participants who were exposed to their future
(as opposed to present) self in the form of an age-progressed avatar in virtual reality environ-
ments allocated twice as much money to a retirement account (Hershfield et al., 2011).

Dual-system theory

Dual-system models of the human mind contrast automatic, fast, and non-conscious (System
1) with controlled, slow, and conscious (System 2) thinking (see Strack & Deutsch, 2015, for
an extensive review). Many heuristics and cognitive biases studied by behavioral econo-
mists are the result of intuitions, impressions, or automatic thoughts generated by System 1
(Kahneman, 2011). Factors that make System 1’s processes more dominant in decision making
include cognitive busyness, distraction, time pressure, and positive mood, while System 2’s
processes tend to be enhanced when the decision involves an important object, has height-

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ened personal relevance, and when the decision maker is held accountable by others (Samson
& Voyer, 2012; Samson & Voyer, 2014).

Efficient market hypothesis

According to the efficient market hypothesis, the price (market value) of a security reflects
its true worth (intrinsic value). In a market with perfectly rational agents, “prices are right”.
Findings in behavioral finance, by contrast, suggests that asset prices also reflect the trading
behavior of individuals who are not fully rational (Barberis & Thaler, 2003), leading to anoma-
lies such as asset bubbles.

Ego depletion

Ego depletion is a concept emanating from self-regulation (or self-control) theory in psycholo-
gy. According to the theory, willpower operates like a muscle that can be exercised or exerted.
Studies have found that tasks requiring self-control can weaken this muscle, leading to ego de-
pletion and a subsequently diminished ability to exercise self-control. In the lab, ego depletion
has been induced in many different ways, such as having to suppress emotions or thoughts,
or having to make a range of difficult decisions. The resulting ego depletion leads people to
make less restrained decisions; consumers, for example, may be more likely to choose candy
over ‘healthy’ granola bars (Baumeister et al., 2008). Some studies now suggest that the evi-
dence for this resource depletion model of self-control has been overestimated (e.g. Hagger &
Chatzisarantis, 2016).


Decision makers have a variety of heuristics at their disposal when they make choices. One
of these effort-reducing heuristics is referred to as ‘elimination-by-aspects’. When it is applied,
decision makers gradually reduce the number of alternatives in a choice set, starting with
the aspect that they see as most significant. One cue is evaluated at a time until fewer and
fewer alternatives remain in the set of available options (Tversky, 1972). For example, a travel-
er may first compare a selection of hotels at a target destination on the basis of classification,
eliminating all hotels with fewer than three stars. The person may then reduce the choice set
further by walking distance from the beach, followed by guest reviews, etc., until only one
option remains.

(Hot-cold) Empathy gap

It is difficult for humans to predict how they will behave in the future. A hot-cold empathy gap
occurs when people underestimate the influence of visceral states (e.g. being angry, in pain, or
hungry) on their behavior or preferences (Loewenstein, 2005). In medical decision making, for
example, a hot-to-cold empathy gap may lead to undesirable treatment choices when cancer
patients are asked to choose between treatment options right after being told about their

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In a study on the reverse, a cold-to-hot empathy gap, smokers were assigned to different ex-
perimental conditions (Sayette et al., 2008). Some smokers in a hot (craving) state were asked
to make predictions about a high-craving state in a second session. Others made the same
prediction while they were in a cold state. In contrast to those in the hot group, smokers in the
cold group underpredicted how much they would value smoking during the second session.
This empathy gap can explain poor decisions among smokers attempting to quit that place
them in high-risk situations (e.g. socializing over a drink) and why people underestimate their
risk of becoming addicted in the first place.

Endowment effect

This bias occurs when we overvalue a good that we own, regardless of its objective market
value (Kahneman et al., 1991). It is evident when people become relatively reluctant to part
with a good they own for its cash equivalent, or if the amount that people are willing to pay
for the good is lower than what they are willing to accept when selling the good. Put more
simply, people place a greater value on things once they have established ownership. This
is especially true for goods that wouldn’t normally be bought or sold on the market, usually
items with symbolic, experiential, or emotional significance. Endowment effect research has
been conducted with goods ranging from coffee mugs (Kahneman et al., 1990) to sports cards
(List, 2011). While researchers have proposed different reasons for the effect, it may be best
explained by psychological factors related to loss aversion (Ericson & Fuster, 2014).

Extrapolation bias

See Representativeness heuristic


In behavioral science, fairness refers to our social preference for equitable outcomes. This can
present itself as inequity aversion, people’s tendency to dislike unequal payoffs in their own
or someone else’s favor. This tendency has been documented through experimental games,
such as the ultimatum, dictator, and trust games (Fehr & Schmidt, 1999).

A large part of fairness research in economics has focused on prices and wages. With respect
to prices, for example, consumers are generally less accepting of price increases as result of
a short term growth in demand than rise in costs (Kahneman et al., 1986). With respect to
wages, employers often agree to pay more than the minimum the employees would accept in
the hope that this fairness will be reciprocated (e.g. Jolls, 2002). On the flip side, perceived un-
fairness, such as excessive CEO compensation, has been behaviorally associated with reduced
work morale among employees (Cornelissen et al., 2011).

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Fast and frugal

Fast and frugal decision-making refers to the application of ecologically rational heuristics,
such as the recognition heuristic, which are rooted in the psychological capacities that we
have evolved as human animals (e.g. memory and perceptual systems). They are ‘fast and fru-
gal’ because they are effective under conditions of bounded rationality—when knowledge,
time, and computational power are limited (Goldstein & Gigerenzer, 2002).

Fear of missing out

Social media has enabled us to connect and interact with others, but the number of options
offered to us through these channels is far greater than what we can realistically take up, due
to limited time and practical constraints. The popular concept of FoMO, or Fear of Missing Out,
refers to “a pervasive apprehension that others might be having rewarding experiences from
which one is absent” (Przybylski et al., 2013). People suffering from FoMO have a strong desire
to stay continually informed about what others are doing (see also scarcity heuristic, regret
aversion, and loss aversion).

Framing effect

Choices can be presented in a way that highlights the positive or negative aspects of the same
decision, leading to changes in their relative attractiveness. This technique was part of Tversky
and Kahneman’s development of prospect theory, which framed gambles in terms of loss-
es or gains (Kahneman & Tversky, 1979a). Different types of framing approaches have been
identified, including risky choice framing (e.g. the risk of losing 10 out of 100 lives vs. the op-
portunity to save 90 out of 100 lives), attribute framing (e.g. beef that is described as 95% lean
vs. 5% fat), and goal framing (e.g. motivating people by offering a $5 reward vs. imposing a $5
penalty) (Levin et al., 1998).

The concept of framing also has a long history in political communication, where it refers to
the informational emphasis a communicator chooses to place in a particular message. In this
domain, research has considered how framing affects public opinions of political candidates,
policies, or broader issues (Busby et al., 2018).

Gambler’s fallacy

The term ‘gambler’s fallacy’ refers to the mistaken belief held by some people that independ-
ent events are interrelated; for example, a roulette or lottery player may choose not to bet on
a number that came up in the previous round. Even though people are usually aware that
successive draws of numbers are unrelated, their gut feeling may tell them otherwise (Rogers,

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(Behavioral) Game theory

Game theory is a mathematical approach to modeling behavior by analyzing the strategic deci-
sions made by interacting players (Nash, 1950). In standard experimental economics, the theo-
ry assumes homo economicus – a self-interested, rational maximizer. Behavioral game theory
extends standard (analytical) game theory by taking into account how players feel about the
payoffs other players receive, limits in strategic thinking, the influence of context, as well as the
effects of learning (Camerer, 2003). Games are usually about cooperation or fairness. Well-
known examples include the ultimatum game, dictator game and trust game.


Habit is an automatic and rigid pattern of behavior in specific situations, which is usually ac-
quired through repetition and develops through associative learning (see also System 1 in
dual-system theory), when actions become paired repeatedly with a context or an event
(Dolan et al., 2010). ‘Habit loops’ involve a cue that triggers an action, the actual behavior, and a
reward. For example, habitual drinkers may come home after work (the cue), drink a beer (the
behavior), and feel relaxed (the reward) (Duhigg, 2012). Behaviors may initially serve to attain
a particular goal, but once the action is automatic and habitual, the goal loses its importance.
For example, popcorn may habitually be eaten in the cinema despite the fact that it is stale
(Wood & Neal, 2009). Habits can also be associated with status quo bias.

Halo effect

This concept has been developed in social psychology and refers to the finding that a global
evaluation of a person sometimes influences people’s perception of that person’s other unre-
lated attributes. For example, a friendly person may be considered to have a nice physical ap-
pearance, whereas a cold person may be evaluated as less appealing (Nisbett & Wilson, 1977).
Halo effects have also been applied in other domains of psychology. For example, a study on
the ‘health halo’ found that consumers tend to choose drinks, side dishes and desserts with
higher calorific content at fast‐food restaurants that claim to be healthy (e.g. Subway) com-
pared to others (e.g. McDonald’s) (Chandon & Wansink, 2007).

Hedonic adaptation

People get used to changes in life experiences, a process which is referred to as ‘hedonic
adaptation’ or the ‘hedonic treadmill’. Just as the happiness that comes with the ownership of
a new gadget or salary raise will wane over time, even the negative effect of life events such as
bereavement or disability on subjective wellbeing tends to level off, to some extent (Frederick
& Loewenstein, 1999). When this happens, people return to a relatively stable baseline of hap-
piness. It has been suggested that the repetition of smaller positive experiences (‘hedonic
boosts’), such as exercise or religious practices, has a more lasting effect on our wellbeing than
major life events (Mochon et al., 2008).

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Herd behavior

This effect is evident when people do what others are doing instead of using their own infor-
mation or making independent decisions. The idea of herding has a long history in philosophy
and crowd psychology. It is particularly relevant in the domain of finance, where it has been
discussed in relation to the collective irrationality of investors, including stock market bub-
bles (Banerjee, 1992). In other areas of decision-making, such as politics, science, and popular
culture, herd behavior is sometimes referred to as ‘information cascades’ (Bikhchandi et al.,
1992). Herding behavior can be increased by various factors, such as fear (e.g. Economou et
al., 2018), uncertainty (e.g. Lin, 2018), or a shared identity of decision makers (e.g. Berger et
al., 2018).


Heuristics are commonly defined as cognitive shortcuts or rules of thumb that simplify deci-
sions, especially under conditions of uncertainty. They represent a process of substituting a
difficult question with an easier one (Kahneman, 2003). Heuristics can also lead to cognitive
biases. There are disagreements regarding heuristics with respect to bias and rationality. In
the fast and frugal view, the application of heuristics (e.g. the recognition heuristic) is an
“ecologically rational” strategy that makes best use of the limited information available to indi-
viduals (Goldstein & Gigerenzer, 2002).

There are generally different classes of heuristics, depending on their scope. Some heuris-
tics, such as affect, availability and representativeness have a general purpose character;
others developed in social and consumer psychology are more domain-specific, examples of
which include brand name, price, and scarcity heuristics (Shah & Oppenheimer, 2008).

Hindsight bias

This bias, also referred to as the ‘knew-it-all-along effect’, is a frequently encountered judgment
bias that is partly rooted in availability and representativeness heuristics. It happens when
being given new information changes our recollection from an original thought to something
different (Mazzoni & Vannucci, 2007). This bias can lead to distorted judgments about the
probability of an event’s occurrence, because the outcome of an event is perceived as if it had
been predictable. It may also lead to distorted memory for judgments of factual knowledge.
Hindsight bias can be a problem in legal decision-making. In medical malpractice suits, for
example, jurors’ hindsight bias tends to increase with the severity of the outcome (e.g. injury
or death) (Harley, 2007).

Homo economicus

The term homo economicus, or ‘economic man’, denotes a view of humans in the social scienc-
es, particularly economics, as self-interested agents who seek optimal, utility-maximizing out-
comes. Behavioral economists and most psychologists, sociologists, and anthropologists are
critical of the concept. People are not always self-interested (see social preferences), nor
are they mainly concerned about maximizing benefits and minimizing costs. We often make
decisions under uncertainty with insufficient knowledge, feedback, and processing capability

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(bounded rationality); we sometimes lack self-control; and our preferences change, often in
response to changes in decision contexts.


Honesty is an important part of our everyday life. In both business and our private lives, rela-
tionships are made and broken based on our trust in the other party’s honesty and reciproc-

A 2016 study investigated honesty, beliefs about honesty and economic growth in 15 countries
and revealed large cross-national differences. Results showed that average honesty was posi-
tively associated with GDP per capita, suggesting a relationship between honesty and econom-
ic development. However, expectations about countries’ levels of honesty were not correlated
with reality (the actual honesty in reporting the results of a coin flip experiment), but rather
driven by cognitive biases (Hugh-Jones, 2016).

People typically value honesty, tend to have strong beliefs in their morality and want to main-
tain this aspect of their self-concept (Mazar et al., 2008). Self-interest may conflict with people’s
honesty as an internalized social norm, but the resulting cognitive dissonance can be over-
come by engaging in self-deception, creating moral “wiggle room” that enables people to act
in a self-serving manner. When moral reminders are used, however, this self-deception can
be reduced, as demonstrated in laboratory experiments conducted by Mazar and colleagues
(2008). It is not surprising, then, that a lack of social norms is a general driver of dishonest be-
havior, along with high benefits and low costs of external deception, a lack of self-awareness,
as well as self-deception (Mazar & Ariely, 2006).

Honesty must also be understood in the context of group membership. Employees of a large
international bank, for example, behaved honestly on average in an experiment’s control
condition, but when their professional identity as bankers was rendered salient, a significant
proportion of them became dishonest. This suggests that the prevailing business culture in
the banking industry weakens and undermines the honesty norm (Cohn et al., 2014) (see also
identity economics).

Hot and cold states

See Empathy gap

Hyperbolic discounting

See Time discounting

Identity economics

Identity economics describes the idea that we make economic choices based on monetary
incentives and our identity. A person’s sense of self or identity affects economic outcomes.

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This was outlined in Akerlof and Kranton’s (2000) seminal paper which expanded the standard
utility function to include pecuniary payoffs and identity economics in a simple game-theo-
retic model of behavior, further integrating psychology and sociology into economic thinking.

When economic (or other extrinsic) incentives are ineffective in organizations, identity may
be the answer: A worker’s self-image as jobholder and her ideal as to how his job should be
done, can be a major incentive in itself (Akerlof & Kranton, 2005). Organizational identifica-
tion was found to be directly related to employee performance and even indirectly related
with customer evaluations and store performance in a study on 306 retail stores, for example
(Lichtenstein et al., 2010). Also, when employees were encouraged to create their own job
titles such that they better reflected the unique value they bring to the job, identification in-
creased, and emotional exhaustion was reduced (Grant et al., 2014). In some cases, identity
can also have negative implications. Bankers whose professional identity was made salient, for
example, displayed more dishonest behavior (see honesty).

IKEA effect

While the endowment effect suggests that mere ownership of a product increases its value to
individuals, the IKEA effect is evident when invested labor leads to inflated product valuation
(Norton et al., 2012). For example, experiments show that the monetary value assigned to the
amateur creations of self-made goods is on a par with the value assigned to expert creations.
Both experienced and novice do-it-yourselfers are susceptible to the IKEA effect. Research also
demonstrates that the effect is not simply due to the amount of time spent on the creations,
as dismantling a previously built product will make the effect disappear.

The IKEA effect is particularly relevant today, given the shift from mass production to increas-
ing customization and co-production of value. The effect has a range of possible explanations,
such as positive feelings (including feelings of competence) that come with the successful com-
pletion of a task, a focus on the product’s positive attributes, and the relationship between
effort and liking (Norton et al., 2012), a link between our creations and our self-concept (Marsh
et al., 2018), as well as a psychological sense of ownership (Sarstedt et al., 2017. The effort heu-
ristic is another concept that proposes a link between perceived effort and valuation (Kruger
et al., 2004).


An incentive is something that motivates an individual to perform an action. It is therefore es-

sential to the study of any economic activity. Incentives, whether they are intrinsic or extrinsic
(traditional), can be effective in encouraging behavior change, such as ceasing to smoke, doing
more exercise, complying with tax laws or increasing public good contributions. Traditional in-
centives can effectively encourage behavior change, as they can help to both create desirable
and break undesirable habits. Providing upfront incentives can help the problem of present
bias – people’s focus on immediate gratification. Finally, incentives can help people overcome
barriers to behavior change (Gneezy et al., 2019).

Traditionally, the importance of intrinsic incentives was underestimated, and the focus was put
on monetary ones. Monetary incentives may backfire and reduce the performance of agents
or their compliance with rules (see also over-justification effect), especially when motives
such as the desire to reciprocate or the desire to avoid social disapproval (see social norms)

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are neglected. These intrinsic motives often help to understand changes in behavior (Fehr &
Falk, 2002).

In the context of prosocial behavior, extrinsic incentives may spoil the reputational value of
good deeds, as people may be perceived to have performed the task for the incentives rather
than for themselves (Bénabou & Tirole, 2006). Similarly, performance incentives offered by an
informed principal (manager, teacher or parent) can adversely impact an agent’s (worker, stu-
dent or child) perception of a task or of his own abilities, serving as only weak reinforcers in the
short run and negative reinforcers in the long run (Bénabou & Tirole, 2003). (For an interesting
summary of when extrinsic incentives work and when they don’t in nonemployment contexts,
see Gneezy et al., 2011).

Inequity aversion

Human resistance to “unfair” outcomes is known as ‘inequity aversion’, which occurs when
people prefer fairness and resist inequalities (Fehr & Schmidt, 1999). In some instances, in-
equity aversion is disadvantageous, as people are willing to forego a gain in order to prevent
another person from receiving a superior reward. Inequity aversion has been studied through
experimental games, particularly dictator, ultimatum, and trust games. The concept has
been applied in various domains, including business and marketing, such as research on cus-
tomer responses to exclusive price promotions (Barone & Tirthankar, 2010) and “pay what you
want” pricing (e.g. Regner, 2015).


In behavioral economics, inertia is the endurance of a stable state associated with inaction and
the concept of status quo bias (Madrian & Shea 2001). Behavioral nudges can either work
with people’s decision inertia (e.g. by setting defaults) or against it (e.g. by giving warnings)
(Jung, 2019). In social psychology the term is sometimes also used in relation to persistence in
(or commitments to) attitudes and relationships.

Information avoidance

Information avoidance in behavioral economics (Golman et al., 2017) refers to situations in

which people choose not to obtain knowledge that is freely available. Active information avoid-
ance includes physical avoidance, inattention, the biased interpretation of information (see
also confirmation bias) and even some forms of forgetting. In behavioral finance, for exam-
ple, research has shown that investors are less likely to check their portfolio online when the
stock market is down than when it is up, which has been termed the ostrich effect (Karlsson et
al., 2009). More serious cases of avoidance happen when people fail to return to clinics to get
medical test results, for instance (Sullivan et al., 2004).

While information avoidance is sometimes strategic, it usually has immediate hedonic ben-
efits for people if it prevents the negative (usually psychological) consequences of knowing
the information. It usually carries negative utility in the long term, because it deprives peo-
ple of potentially useful information for decision making and feedback for future behavior.
Furthermore, information avoidance can contribute to a polarization of political opinions and
media bias.

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Intertemporal choice

Intertemporal choice is a field of research concerned with the relative value people assign to
payoffs at different points in time. It generally finds that people are biased towards the pres-
ent (see present bias) and tend to discount the future (see time discounting and dual-self

Less-is-better effect

When objects are evaluated separately rather than jointly, decision makers focus less on at-
tributes that are important and are influenced more by attributes that are easy to evaluate.
The less-is-better effect suggests a preference reversal when objects are considered together
instead of separately. One study presented participants with two dinner set options. Option A
included 40 pieces, nine of which were broken. Option B included 24 pieces, all of which were
intact. Option A was superior, as it included 31 intact pieces, but when evaluated separately,
individuals were willing to pay a higher price for set B. In a joint evaluation of both options, on
the other hand, Option A resulted in higher willingness to pay (Hsee, 1998).

Licensing effect

Also known as ‘self-licensing’ or ‘moral licensing’, the licensing effect is evident when people
allow themselves to do something bad (e.g. immoral) after doing something good (e.g. moral)
first (Merritt et al., 2010). The effect of licencing has been studied for different behavioral
outcomes, including donations, cooperation, racial discrimination, and cheating (Blanken et
al., 2015). Well-publicized research in Canada asked participants to shop either in a green or
a conventional online store. In one experiment, people who shopped in a green store shared
less money in a dictator game. Another experiment allowed participants to lie (about their
performance on a task) and cheat (take more money out of an envelope than they actually
earned) and showed more dishonesty among green shoppers (Mazar & Zhong, 2010).

Loss aversion

Loss aversion is an important concept associated with prospect theory and is encapsulated in
the expression “losses loom larger than gains” (Kahneman & Tversky, 1979a). It is thought that
the pain of losing is psychologically about twice as powerful as the pleasure of gaining. People
are more willing to take risks (or behave dishonestly, e.g. Schindler & Pfattheicher, 2016) to
avoid a loss than to make a gain. Loss aversion has been used to explain the endowment
effect and sunk cost fallacy, and it may also play a role in the status quo bias.

The basic principle of loss aversion can explain why penalty frames are sometimes more ef-
fective than reward frames in motivating people (Gächter et al., 2009) and has been applied in
behavior change strategies. The website Stickk, for example, allows people to publicly commit
to a positive behavior change (e.g. give up junk food), which may be coupled with the fear

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of loss—a cash penalty in the case of non-compliance. (See also myopic loss aversion and
regret aversion.)

People’s cultural background may influence the extent to which they are averse to losses (e.g.
Wang et al., 2017)

Mental accounting

Mental accounting is a concept associated with the work of Richard Thaler (see Thaler, 2015,
for a summary). According to Thaler, people think of value in relative rather than absolute
terms. For example, they derive pleasure not just from an object’s value, but also the quality of
the deal—its transaction utility (Thaler, 1985). In addition, humans often fail to fully consider
opportunity costs (tradeoffs) and are susceptible to the sunk cost fallacy.

Why are people willing to spend more when they pay with a credit card than cash (Prelec &
Simester, 2001)? Why would more individuals spend $10 on a theater ticket if they had just
lost a $10 bill than if they had to replace a lost ticket worth $10 (Kahneman & Tversky, 1984)?
Why are people more likely to spend a small inheritance and invest a large one (Thaler, 1985)?

According to the theory of mental accounting, people treat money differently, depending on
factors such as the money’s origin and intended use, rather than thinking of it in terms of the
“bottom line” as in formal accounting (Thaler, 1999). An important term underlying the theory
is fungibility, the fact that all money is interchangable and has no labels. In mental accounting,
people treat assets as less fungible than they really are. Even seasoned investors are suscep-
tible to this bias when they view recent gains as disposable “house money” (Thaler & Johnson,
1990) that can be used in high-risk investments. In doing so, they make decisions on each
mental account separately, losing out the big picture of the portfolio. (See also partitioning
and pain of paying for ideas related to mental accounting.)

Consumers’ tendency to work with mental accounts is reflected in various domains of applied
behavioral science, especially in the financial services industry. Examples include banks offer-
ing multiple accounts with savings goal labels, which make mental accounting more explicit,
as well as third-party services that provide consumers with aggregate financial information
across different financial institutions (Zhang & Sussman, 2018).

Mindless eating

Various cues non-consciously affect the amount and quality of people’s consumption of food.
Cues often serve as benchmarks in the environment, and they may include serving contain-
ers, packaging, people, labels, and atmospheric factors. They suggest to the consumer what
and how much is normal, appropriate, typical, or reasonable to consume. Perceptual biases
contribute to a distorted sense of consumption; for example, people underestimate calories in
larger servings and tend to serve themselves more when using larger utensils, plates, or bowls
(Wansink et al., 2009).

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Brian Wansink, the most prominent academic in behavioral food science, has faced allegations
of scientific misconduct and several article retractions (Ducharme, 2018).

Money illusion

The term ‘money illusion’ has been coined by Irving Fisher (1928) and refers to people’s ten-
dency to think of monetary values in nominal rather than real terms. This usually occurs when
we neglect to consider money’s decrease in purchasing power as a result of inflation. Investors,
for example, may focus on more salient nominal returns rather than real returns that also
account for inflation (Shafir et al., 1997).

Myopic loss aversion

Myopic loss aversion occurs when investors take a view of their investments that is strongly
focused on the short term, leading them to react too negatively to recent losses, which may
be at the expense of long-term benefits (Thaler et al., 1997). This phenomenon is influenced
by narrow framing, which is the result of investors considering specific investments (e.g. an
individual stock or a trade) without taking into account the bigger picture (e.g. a portfolio as a
whole or a sequence of trades over time) (Kahneman & Lovallo, 1993). A large-scale field ex-
periment has shown that individuals who receive information about investment performance
too frequently tend to underinvest in riskier assets, losing out on the potential for better long-
term gains (Larson et al., 2016).

Naive allocation

Decision researchers have found that people prefer to spread limited resources evenly across
a set of possibilities (see also 1/N heuristic). This can be referred to as ‘naive allocation’. For
example, consumers may invest equal amounts of money across different investment options
regardless of their quality. Similarly, the diversification bias shows that consumers like to
spread out consumption choices across a variety of goods. Research suggests that choice
architects can work with these tendencies due to decision makers’ partition dependence. For
instance, by separating healthy food menu options into different menu categories (e.g. ‘fruits’,
‘vegetables’) and combining unhealthy options into one single menu category (e.g. ‘candies
and cookies’), one can steer consumers toward choosing more healthy options and fewer un-
healthy options (Johnson et al., 2012).


According to Thaler and Sunstein (2008, p. 6), a nudge is

any aspect of the choice architecture that alters people’s behavior in a predictable way with-
out forbidding any options or significantly changing their economic incentives. To count as
a mere nudge, the intervention must be easy and cheap to avoid. Nudges are not mandates.
Putting the fruit at eye level counts as a nudge. Banning junk food does not.

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Perhaps the most frequently mentioned nudge is the setting of defaults, which are pre-set
courses of action that take effect if nothing is specified by the decision-maker. This type of
nudge, which works with a human tendency for inaction, appears to be particularly successful,
as people may stick with a choice for many years (Gill, 2018).

On a cost-adjusted basis, the effectiveness of nudges is often greater than that of traditional
approaches (Benartzi et al., 2017).

Questions about the theoretical and practical value of nudging have been explored (Kosters
& Van der Heijden, 2015) with respect to their ability to produce lasting behavior change (Frey
& Rogers, 2014), as well as their assumptions of irrationality and lack of agency (Gigerenzer,
2015). There may also be limits to nudging due to non-cognitive constraints and population
differences, such as a lack of financial resources if nudges are designed to increase savings
(Loibl et al., 2016). Limits in the application of nudges speak to the value of experimentation in
order to test behavioral interventions prior to their implementation.

As a complementary approach that addresses the shortcomings of nudges, Hertwig and

Grüne-Yanoff (2017) propose the concept of boosts, a decision-making aid that fosters peo-
ple’s competence to make informed choices. (See also choice architecture.)

1/N (heuristic)

1/N is a trade-off heuristic, one that assigns equal weights to all cues or alternatives (Gigerenzer
& Gaissmaier, 2011). Under the 1/N rule, resources are allocated equally to each of N alterna-
tives. For example, in the (one-shot) ultimatum game, participants most frequently split their
money equally. Similarly, people often hedge their money in investments by allocating equal
amounts to different options. 1/N is a form of naive allocation of resources.

Optimism bias

People tend to overestimate the probability of positive events and underestimate the prob-
ability of negative events happening to them in the future (Sharot, 2011). For example, we
may underestimate our risk of getting cancer and overestimate our future success on the job
market. A number of factors can explain unrealistic optimism, including perceived control and
being in a good mood (Helweg-Larsen & Shepperd, 2001). (See also overconfidence.)

Ostrich effect

See Information avoidance

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Overconfidence (effect)

The overconfidence effect is observed when people’s subjective confidence in their own ability
is greater than their objective (actual) performance. It is frequently measured by having ex-
perimental participants answer general knowledge test questions. They are then asked to rate
how confident they are in their answers on a scale. Overconfidence is measured by calculating
the score for a person’s average confidence rating relative to the actual proportion of ques-
tions answered correctly.

A big range of issues have been attributed to overconfidence more generally, including the
high rates of entrepreneurs who enter a market despite the low chances of success (Moore &
Healy, 2008). Among investors, overconfidence has been associated with excessive risk-taking
(e.g. Hirshleifer & Luo, 2001), concentrated portfolios (e.g. Odean, 1998) and overtrading
(e.g. Grinblatt & Keloharju, 2009). The planning fallacy is another example of overconfidence,
where people underestimate the length of time it will take them to complete a task, often
ignoring past experience (Buehler et al., 1994). (See also optimism bias.)

Over-justification effect

This effect occurs when a person’s intrinsic interest in a previously unrewarded activity de-
creases after they engage in that activity as a means to achieving an extrinsic goal (e.g. finan-
cial reward) (Deci et al., 1999). As a result, the number of hours worked by volunteers, for
instance, may be negatively affected by small financial rewards (Frey & Goette, 1999) (see also

Pain of paying

People don’t like to spend money. We experience pain of paying (Zellermayer, 1996), because
we are loss averse. The pain of paying plays an important role in consumer self-regulation
to keep spending in check (Prelec & Loewenstein, 1998). This pain is thought to be reduced
in credit card purchases, because plastic is less tangible than cash, the depletion of resources
(money) is less visible, and payment is deferred. Different personality types experience dif-
ferent levels of pain of paying, which can affect spending decisions. Tightwads, for instance,
experience more of this pain than spendthrifts. As a result, tightwads are particularly sensitive
to marketing contexts that make spending less painful (Rick, 2018). (See also mental account-

Partition dependence

See Naive allocation

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The rate of consumption can be decreased by physically partitioning resources into small-
er units, for example cookies wrapped individually or money divided into several envelopes.
When a resource is divided into smaller units (e.g. several packs of chips), consumers encoun-
ter additional decision points—a psychological hurdle encouraging them to stop and think.
In addition to the cost incurred when resources are used, opening a partitioned pool of re-
sources incurs a psychological transgression cost, such as feelings of guilt (Cheema & Soman,
2008). Related research has found that separate mental payment accounts (i.e. envelopes with
money) can disrupt a shopping momentum effect that may occur after an initial purchase
(Dhar et al., 2007). (For related ideas, see also mental accounting).

Peak-end rule

According to the peak-end rule, our memory of past experience (pleasant or unpleasant) does
not correspond to an average level of positive or negative feelings, but to the most extreme
point and the end of the episode (Kahneman, 2000b). The rule developed from the finding that
evaluations of a past episode seem to be determined by a weighted average of ‘snapshots’
of an experience, such as moments in a film, thus neglecting its actual duration (Fredrickson
& Kahneman, 1993), as well research showing that people would prefer to repeat a painful
experience if it is followed by a slightly less painful one (Kahneman et al., 1993). In terms
of memories, remembered utility is more important than total utility (Kahneman, 2000a).
People’s memories of prototypical moments are related to the judgments made when people
apply a representativeness heuristic (Kahneman, 2000b).

Planning fallacy

Originally proposed by Kahneman and Tversky (1979b), the planning fallacy is the tendency for
individuals or teams to underestimate the time and resources it will take to complete a project.
This error occurs when forecasters overestimate their ability and underestimate the possible
risk associated with a project. Without proper training teams of individuals can exacerbate
this phenomena causing projects to be based on the team’s confidence rather than statistical

One way to combat the planning fallacy is to use a method termed Reference Class Forecasting
(Flyvbjerg et al., 2005; Kahneman & Tversky, 1979b). This method begins by creating a bench-
mark using data on similar projects. Then estimates are built based on variances from the
benchmark, depending on variables related to the project at hand. For example, a construc-
tion company might estimate that building a house will take five weeks instead of the average
reference class time of six weeks, because the team at hand is larger and more skilled than
previous project teams. (See also optimism bias, overconfidence.)

Possibility effect

See Certainty/possibility effects

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Humans need a continuous and consistent self-image (Cialdini, 2008). In an effort to align
future behavior, being consistent is best achieved by making a commitment. Thus, precom-
mitting to a goal is one of the most frequently applied behavioral devices to achieve positive
change. Committing to a specific future action (e.g. staying healthy by going to the gym) at a
particular time (e.g. at 7am on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays) tends to better motivate
action while also reducing procrastination (Sunstein, 2014).

The ‘Save More Tomorrow’ program, aimed at helping employees save more money (Thaler &
Benartzi, 2004), illustrates precommitment alongside other ideas from behavioral economics.
The program also avoids the perception of loss that would be felt with a reduction in dis-
posable income, because consumers commit to saving future increases in income. People’s
inertia makes it more likely that they will stick with the program, because they have to opt out
to leave.


In economics, preferences are evident in theoretically optimal choices or real (behavioral)

choices when people decide between alternatives. Preferences also imply an ordering of
different options in terms of expected levels of happiness, gratification, utility, etc. (Arrow,
1958). Measurement of preferences may rely on willingness to pay (WTP) and willingness
to accept (WTA). Preferences are sometimes elicited in survey research, which may be asso-
ciated with a range of problems, such as the hypothetical bias, when stated preferences are
different from those expressed in actual choices, or response effects, when subjects return the
answer that they perceive the researcher ‘expects’. Armin Falk and colleagues have developed
cross-culturally valid survey questions that are good predictors of preferences in behavioral
experiments. These include questions about risk taking (see prospect theory), social prefer-
ences (e.g. about reciprocity) and time discounting (Falk et al., 2012).

Preference reversal

Preference reversal (Lichtenstein & Slovic, 1973) refers to a change in the relative frequency
by which one option is favored over another in behavioral experiments, as may be evident in
the less-is-better effect or ratio bias, for example, or framing effects more generally. The
preferred ordering of a pair of choices is often found to depend on how the choice is pre-
sented; this effect contradicts the predictions of rational choice theory. (See also transitive/
intransitive preferences.)

Present bias

The present bias refers to the tendency of people to give stronger weight to payoffs that
are closer to the present time when considering trade-offs between two future moments
(O’Donoghue & Rabin, 1999). For example, a present-biased person might prefer to receive
ten dollars today over receiving fifteen dollars tomorrow, but wouldn’t mind waiting an extra
day if the choice were for the same amounts one year from today versus one year and one day
from today (see time discounting). The concept of present bias is often used more generally
to describe impatience or immediate gratification in decision-making.

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Primacy effect

See Serial-position effect

(Conceptual) Priming

Conceptual priming is a technique and process applied in psychology that engages people in
a task or exposes them to stimuli. The prime consists of meanings (e.g. words) that activate
associated memories (schema, stereotypes, attitudes, etc.). This process may then influence
people’s performance on a subsequent task (Tulving et al., 1982). For example, one study
primed consumers with words representing either ‘prestige’ US retail brands (Tiffany, Neiman
Marcus, and Nordstrom) or ‘thrift’ brands (Wal-Mart, Kmart, and Dollar Store). In an ostensibly
unrelated task, participants primed with prestige names then gave higher preference ratings
to prestige as opposed to thrift product options (Chartrand et al., 2008). Conceptual priming is
different from processes that do not rely on activating meanings, such as perceptual priming
(priming similar forms), the mere exposure effect (repeated exposure increases liking), affec-
tive priming (subliminal exposure to stimuli evokes positive or negative emotions) (Murphy &
Zajonc, 1993), or the perception-behavior link (e.g. mimicry) (Chartrand & Bargh, 1999).

The technique of conceptual priming has become a promising approach in the field of eco-
nomics, particularly in the study of the economic effects of social identity (see identity eco-
nomics) and social norms (Cohn & Maréchal, 2016).

(Myopic) Procrastination

People often put off decisions, which may be due to self-control problems (leading to present
bias), inertia, or the complexity of decision-making (see choice overload). Various nudge
tools, such as precommitment, can be used to help individuals overcome procrastination.
Choice architects can also help by providing a limited time window for action (see scarcity
heuristic) or a focus on satisficing (Johnson et al., 2012).

Projection bias

In behavioral economics, projection bias refers to people’s assumption that their own tastes
or preferences will remain the same over time (Loewenstein et al., 2003). Both transient pref-
erences in the short-term (e.g. due to hunger or weather conditions) and long-term changes in
tastes can lead to this bias. For example, people may overestimate the positive impact of a ca-
reer promotion due to an under-appreciation of (hedonic) adaptation, put above-optimal va-
riety in their planning for future consumption (see diversification bias), or underestimate the
future selling price of an item by not taking into account the endowment effect. Consumers’
under-appreciation of habit formation (associated with higher consumption levels over time)
may lead to projection bias in planning for the future, such as retirement savings.

Projection bias also affects choices in other settings, such as medical decisions (Loewenstein,
2005), gym attendance (Acland & Levy, 2015), catalog orders (Conlin et al., 2007), as well as car
and housing markets (Busse et al., 2012).

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Prospect theory

Prospect theory is a behavioral model that shows how people decide between alternatives that
involve risk and uncertainty (e.g. % likelihood of gains or losses). It demonstrates that people
think in terms of expected utility relative to a reference point (e.g. current wealth) rather than
absolute outcomes. Prospect theory was developed by framing risky choices and indicates
that people are loss-averse; since individuals dislike losses more than equivalent gains, they
are more willing to take risks to avoid a loss. Due to the biased weighting of probabilities (see
certainty/possibility effects) and loss aversion, the theory leads to the following pattern in
relation to risk (Kahneman & Tversky, 1979a; Kahneman, 2011):


HIGH PROBABILITY 95% chance to win $10,000 95% chance to lose $10,000

(Certainty Effect) Fear of disappointment Hope to avoid loss


LOW PROBABILITY 5% chance to win $10,000 5% chance to lose $10,000

(Possibility Effect) Hope of large gain Fear of large loss


Prospect theory has been applied in diverse economic settings, such as consumption choice,
labor supply, and insurance (Barberis, 2013).

Ratio bias

We find it harder to deal with proportions or ratios than with absolute numbers. For example,
when asked to evaluate two movie rental plans with a contracted scale (e.g. 7 and 9 new
movies per week for Plans A and B, respectively) as opposed to an equivalent offering with an
expanded scale (364 and 468 movies per year, respectively), consumers favor the better plan
(Plan B) more in the scale expansion than contraction condition (Burson et al., 2009). This is
because our experiential system—unlike the rational system—encodes information as con-
crete representations, and absolute numbers are more concrete than ratios or percentages
(Kirkpatrick & Epstein, 1992). (See also framing, dual-system theory, affect heuristic.)

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Reciprocity is a social norm that involves in-kind exchanges between people—responding to

another’s action with another equivalent action. It is usually positive (e.g. returning a favor),
but it can also be negative (e.g. punishing a negative action) (Fehr & Gächter, 2000). Reciprocity
is of interest to behavioral economists because it does not involve an economic exchange,
and it has been studied by means of experimental games (see behavioral game theory).
Organizations often apply reciprocity norms in practice. Charities take advantage of reciprocity
if they include small gifts in solicitation letters (e.g. Falk, 2007), while hospitals may ask former
patients for donations (e.g. Chuan et al., 2018).

Reciprocity is also used as a social influence tool in the form of ‘reciprocal concessions’, an
approach also known as the ‘door-in-the-face’ technique. It occurs when a person makes an
initial large request (e.g. to buy an expensive product), followed up by a smaller request (e.g.
a less expensive option), if the initial request is denied by the responder. The responder then
feels obligated to ‘return the favor’ by agreeing to the conceded request (Cialdini et al., 1975).

Recency effect

See Serial-position effect

Recognition heuristic

While a core heuristic in the heuristics and biases tradition of Tversky and Kahneman is avail-
ability, a conceptually similar heuristic proposed in Gigerenzer’s fast and frugal tradition is
recognition. In the fast and frugal view, the application of heuristics is an “ecologically rational”
strategy that makes best use of the limited information available to individuals (Goldstein &
Gigerenzer, 2002). Recognition is an easily accessible cue that simplifies decision-making and
indicates that sometimes less knowledge can lead to more accurate inferences. In one ex-
periment, participants had to judge which one of two cities had the greater population size.
Results showed that the vast majority of choices were based on recognition of the city name.
What’s more, the study indicated a less-is-more effect, whereby people’s guesses are more
accurate in a domain of which they have little knowledge than one about which they know a
lot. American participants did better on German cities, while German participants had higher
scores on American cities (Goldstein & Gigerenzer, 2002). (See also satisficing.)

Reference dependence

Reference dependence is one of the fundamental principles of prospect theory and behavioral
economics more generally. In prospect theory (Kahneman & Tversky, 1979a), people evaluate
outcomes relative to a reference point, and then classify gains and losses (see also loss aver-
sion, endowment effect). Reference dependence can apply to any decision involving risk and
uncertainty. Online privacy research, for example, has shown that identical privacy notices do
not always result in the same levels of disclosure (Adjerid et al., 2013). Consumers evaluate
privacy notices relative to the status quo—their current level of protection. When privacy no-
tices are preceded by notices that are less protective, people disclose more compared to those
who have experienced no change in privacy protection. The converse is the case if preceding
privacy notices are more protective.

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Regret aversion

When people fear that their decision will turn out to be wrong in hindsight, they exhibit regret
aversion. Regret-averse people may fear the consequences of both errors of omission (e.g.
not buying the right investment property) and commission (e.g. buying the wrong investment
property) (Seiler et al., 2008). The effect of anticipated regret is particularly well-studied in the
domain of health, such as people’s decisions about medical treatments. A meta-analysis in
this area suggests that anticipated regret is a better predictor of intentions and behavior than
other kinds of anticipated negative emotions and evaluations of risk (Brewer et al., 2016). (See
also loss aversion, status quo bias, sunk cost fallacy, fear of missing out, information
avoidance, and action bias.)

Regulatory focus theory

The psychological theory of regulatory focus (Florack et al., 2013; Higgins, 1998) holds that
human motivation is rooted in the approach of pleasure and the avoidance of pain and differ-
entiates a promotion focus from a prevention focus. The former involves the pursuit of goals
that are achievement- or advancement-related, characterized by eagerness, whereas the lat-
ter focuses on security and protection, characterized by vigilance. For example, a person can
become healthy by either engaging in physical activity and eating organic food, or refraining
from bad habits such as smoking or eating junk food. Prevention and promotion orientations
are a matter of both enduring dispositions and situational factors.

According to regulatory fit theory, messages and frames that are presented as gains are more
influential under a promotion focus, whereas those presented as losses carry more weight in
a prevention focus. For example, research by Lee and Aaker (2004) found that ‘gain frames’ in
advertising (“Get energized”) lead to more favorable attitudes when the body of the advertising
message is written in promotional terms (e.g. emphasizing the energy benefits of drinking
grape juice), whilst ‘loss frames’ (“Don’t miss out on getting energized!”) have a more favorable
effect when the main body of the ad focuses on prevention (e.g. stressing the cancer reduction
benefits of drinking grape juice).

Representativeness heuristic

Representativeness is one of the major general purpose heuristics, along with availability
and affect. It is used when we judge the probability that an object or event A belongs to class
B by looking at the degree to which A resembles B. When we do this, we neglect informa-
tion about the general probability of B occurring (its base rate) (Kahneman & Tversky, 1972).
Consider the following problem:

Bob is an opera fan who enjoys touring art museums when on holiday. Growing up, he enjoyed
playing chess with family members and friends. Which situation is more likely?

A. Bob plays trumpet for a major symphony orchestra

B. Bob is a farmer

A large proportion of people will choose A in the above problem, because Bob’s description
matches the stereotype we may hold about classical musicians rather than farmers. In reality,

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the likelihood of B being true is far greater, because farmers make up a much larger propor-
tion of the population.

Representativeness-based evaluations are a common cognitive shortcut across contexts. For

example, a consumer may infer a relatively high product quality from a store (generic) brand if
its packaging is designed to resemble a national brand (Kardes et al., 2004). Representativeness
is also at work if people think that a very cold winter is indicative of the absence of global
warming (Schubert & Stadelmann, 2015) or when gamblers prefer lottery tickets with ran-
dom-looking number sequences (e.g. 7, 16, 23, …) over those with patterned sequences (e.g.
10, 20, 30, ….) (Krawczyk & Rachubik, 2019). In finance, investors may prefer to buy a stock
that had abnormally high recent returns (the extrapolation bias) or misattribute a company’s
positive characteristics (e .g. high quality goods) as an indicator of a good investment (Chen et
al., 2007).


‘Consequentialist’ perspectives of decision-making under risk or uncertainty (risky-choice the-

ories, see e.g. prospect theory) tend to either focus on cognitive factors alone or consider
emotions as an anticipated outcome of a decision.

The risk-as-feelings hypothesis (Loewenstein et al., 2001), on the other hand, also includes
emotions as an anticipatory factor, namely feelings at the moment of decision-making.

In contrast to theories such as the affect heuristic, where feelings play an informational role
helping people to decide between alternatives, risk-as-feelings can account for cases where
choices (e.g. refusal to fly due to a severe anxiety about air travel) diverge from what individu-
als would objectively consider the best course of action.


According to Herbert Simon, people tend to make decisions by satisficing (a combination of

sufficing and satisfying) rather than optimizing (Simon, 1956); decisions are often simply ‘good
enough’ in light of the costs and constraints involved. As a heuristic, satisficing individuals
will choose options that meet their most basic decision criteria. A focus on satisficing can be
used by choice architects when decision makers are prone to procrastination (Johnson et al.,

Scarcity (heuristic)

When an object or resource is less readily available (e.g. due to limited quantity or time), we
tend to perceive it as more valuable (Cialdini, 2008). Scarcity appeals are often used in market-
ing to induce purchases. Marketing messages with limited quantity appeals are thought to be
more effective than limited time appeals, because they create a sense of competition among
consumers (Aggarwal et al., 2011). An experiment (Lee & Seidle, 2012) that used wristwatch
advertisements as stimuli exposed participants to one of two different product descriptions

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“Exclusive limited edition. Hurry, limited stocks” or “New edition. Many items in stock”. They
then had to indicate how much they would be willing to pay for the product. The average
consumer was willing to pay an additional 50% if the watch was advertised as scarce.

Scarcity can be used as an effective strategy by choice architects to get people who put off
decisions (myopic procrastinators) to act (Johnson et al., 2012).

Scarcity (psychology of)

People have a “mental bandwidth,” or brainpower, made up of attention, cognition, and

self-control (Mullainathan & Sharif, 2013), which consists of finite resources that may become
reduced or depleted. The scarcity mindset entails a feeling of not having enough of some-
thing. According to Mullainathan and Sharif, anyone can experience cognitive scarcity, but it
is particularly pronounced for people living in poverty. On the positive side, this may induce
limited focus that can be used productively. The downside is ‘tunneling’, which inhibits the
cognitive power needed to solve problems, reason, or retain information. Reduced bandwidth
also impairs executive control, compromising people’s ability to plan and increasing impulsive-
ness whereby the focus becomes immediate—put food on the table, find shelter, or pay the
utility bill (See also present bias).

The financial and life worries associated with poverty, and the difficult tradeoffs low-income
individuals must make on a regular basis, all reduce their cognitive capacity. Limits on self-con-
trol or planning may lead some individuals to sacrifice future rewards in favor of short-term
needs. Procrastination over important tasks is also more likely, as is avoidance of expressing
negative emotions.


Self-control, in psychology, is a cognitive process that serves to restrain certain behaviors and
emotions vis-a-vis temptations and impulses. This aspect of self-regulation allows individuals
to achieve goals (Diamond, 2013). (See also intertemporal choice, present bias, dual-self
model, dual-system theory, ego depletion, and decision fatigue.)

Serial-position effect

The serial-position effect refers to the finding that items (e.g. word, picture or action) that are
located either at the beginning (primacy effect) or end (recency effect) of a list are more easily
remembered (Ebbinghaus, 1913). These effects have also been extensively studied in social
psychology. Research on persuasion, for example, has found primacy effects to be stronger
when the issue in a message is relevant or familiar to individuals, and recency effect more
likely to occur when the issue is less relevant or familiar to them (Haugtvedt & Wegener, 1994;
Lana, 1961).

The serial-position effect should not be confused with more general order effects, which refers
to context effects produced by the order of items, such as questions in a research instrument.
(See also anchoring and peak-end rule.)

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The two defining characteristics of a sludge (Thaler, 2018) are “friction and bad intentions”
(Goldhill, 2019). While Richard Thaler strongly advocates nudging for good by making desira-
ble behavior easier, a sludge does the opposite: It makes a process more difficult in order to
arrive at an outcome that is not in the best interest of the sludged. Examples of sludges include
product rebates that require difficult procedures, subscription cancellations that can only be
done with a phone call, and complicated or long government student aid application forms.

Even when a sludge is associated with a beneficial behavior (as in student aid, voter registra-
tions or driver’s licenses, for example), costs can be excessive. These costs may be a difficulty
in acquiring information, unnecessary amounts of time spent, or psychological detriments,
such as frustration (Sunstein, 2020).

Social norm

Social norms signal appropriate behavior and are classed as behavioral expectations or rules
within a group of people (Dolan et al., 2010). Social norms of exchange, such as reciprocity,
are different from market exchange norms (Ariely, 2008). Normative feedback (e.g. how one’s
energy consumption level compares to the regional average) is often used in behavior change
programs (Allcott, 2011) and has been particularly effective to prompt pro-environmental be-
havior (Farrow et al., 2017). This feedback can either be descriptive, representing what most
people do for the purpose of comparison (e.g. “The majority of guests in this room reuse
their towels”; Goldstein et al., 2008), or injunctive, communicating approved or disapproved
behavior (e.g. “Please don’t….”, Cialdini et al., 2006). The latter is often more effective when an
undesirable behavior is more prevalent than desirable behavior (Cialdini, 2008).

Social preferences

Social preferences (e.g. Fehr & Fischbacher, 2002) are one type of preference investigated in
behavioral economics and relate to the concepts of reciprocity, altruism, inequity aversion,
and fairness.

Social proof

The influence exerted by others on our behavior can be expressed as being either norma-
tive or informational. Normative influence implies conformity in order to be accepted or liked
(Aronson et al., 2005), while informational influence occurs in ambiguous situations where we
are uncertain about how to behave and look to others for information or cues. Social proof
is an informational influence (or descriptive norm) and can lead to herd behavior. It is also
sometimes referred to as a heuristic. Research suggests that receiving information about
how others behave (social proof) leads to greater compliance among people from collectivist
cultures, whereas information on the individual’s past behavior (consistency/commitment) is
associated with greater compliance for people from individualist cultures (Cialdini et al., 1999).

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Status quo bias

Status quo bias is evident when people prefer things to stay the same by doing nothing (see
also inertia) or by sticking with a decision made previously (Samuelson & Zeckhauser, 1988).
This may happen even when only small transition costs are involved and the importance of
the decision is great.

Field data from university health plan enrolments, for example, show a large disparity in health
plan choices between new and existing enrollees. One particular plan with significantly more
favorable premiums and deductibles had a growing market share among new employees, but
a significantly lower share among older enrollees. This suggests that a lack of switching could
not be explained by unchanging preferences.

Samuelson and Zeckhauser note that status quo bias is consistent with loss aversion, and that
it could be psychologically explained by previously made commitments, sunk cost thinking,
cognitive dissonance, a need to feel in control and regret avoidance. The latter is based on
Kahneman and Tversky’s observation that people feel greater regret for bad outcomes that re-
sult from new actions taken than for bad consequences that are the consequence of inaction
(Kahneman & Tversky, 1982).

While status quo bias is frequently considered to be irrational, sticking to choices that worked
in the past is often a safe and less difficult decision due to informational and cognitive limi-
tations (see bounded rationality). For example, status quo bias is more likely when there is
choice overload (Dean et al., 2017) or high uncertainty and deliberation costs (Nebel, 2015).

Sunk cost fallacy

Individuals commit the sunk cost fallacy when they continue a behavior or endeavor as a result
of previously invested resources (time, money or effort) (Arkes & Blumer, 1985). This fallacy,
which is related to loss aversion and status quo bias, can also be viewed as bias resulting
from an ongoing commitment.

For example, individuals sometimes order too much food and then over-eat just to "get their
money’s worth". Similarly, a person may have a $20 ticket to a concert and then drive for hours
through a blizzard, just because s/he feels that s/he has to attend due to having made the
initial investment. If the costs outweigh the benefits, the extra costs incurred (inconvenience,
time or even money) are held in a different mental account than the one associated with the
ticket transaction (Thaler, 1999).

Research suggests that rats, mice and humans are all sensitive to sunk costs after they have
made the decision to pursue a reward (Sweis et al., 2018).

System 1/2

See Dual-system theory

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Take-the-best (heuristic)

Take-the-best is a simple decision-making shortcut that people may apply when choosing be-
tween alternatives. It is a one-reason decision rule, a type of heuristic where judgments are
based on a single “good” reason only, ignoring other cues (Gigerenzer & Gaissmaier, 2011).
Using the take-the-best heuristic, a decision maker will base the choice on one attribute that is
perceived to discriminate most effectively between the options (Gigerenzer & Goldstein, 1996).
Airport customs officers, for example, may determine whether a passenger is selected for a
search by choosing the best of various cues, such as airport of origin, nationality, or amount
of luggage (Pachur & Marinello, 2013). One study investigated voters’ perceptions of how US
presidential candidates would handle the single issue that voters regarded as most important,
such as the state of the economy or foreign policy. A model based on this issue (as a take-the-
best attribute used by potential voters) correctly chose the winner of the popular vote in 97%
of all predictions (Graefe & Armstrong, 2012).

Take-the-first (heuristic)

Take-the-first is a fluency heuristic. Fluency-based decision-making strategies occur when dif-

ferent alternatives are recognized, but the one that is recognized faster is given higher value
with respect to a criterion (Gigerenzer & Gaissmaier, 2011). In the case of take-the-first, deci-
sion-makers simply choose the first alternative that comes to mind (Johnson & Raab, 2003).
Similar to other fast and frugal approaches, this strategy is most suitable in situations that
present limitations to people’s ability to analyze information carefully. When experienced
handball players were asked to decide between taking a shot or passing the ball in video
sequences, the first option that came to mind tended to be superior to later options or a
condition under which when they had more time to analyze the situation.

Time (temporal) discounting

Time discounting research investigates differences in the relative valuation placed on rewards
(usually money or goods) at different points in time by comparing its valuation at an earlier
date with one for a later date (Frederick et al., 2002). Evidence shows that present rewards are
weighted more heavily than future ones. Once rewards are very distant in time, they cease to
be valuable. Delay discounting can be explained by impulsivity and a tendency for immediate
gratification (see self-control), and it is particularly evident for addictions such as nicotine
(Bickel et al., 1999).

Hyperbolic discounting theory suggests that discounting is not time-consistent; it is neither line-
ar nor occurs at a constant rate. It is usually studied by asking people questions such as “Would
you rather receive £100 today or £120 a month from today?” or “Would you rather receive
£100 a year from today or £120 a year and one month from today?” Results show that people
are happier to wait an extra month for a larger reward when it is in the distant future. In hyper-

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bolic discounting, values placed on rewards decrease very rapidly for small delay periods and
then fall more slowly for longer delays (Laibson, 1997). (See also present bias.)

Research has shown different ways to reduce discounting, such as primed future focus (Sheffer
et al., 2016), mental simulation of future experiences (e.g. Stein et al., 2016), and interactions
with visual representations of one’s future self (Hershfield et al., 2011).

Transitive/intransitive preferences

Preference transitivity is a hallmark of rational choice theory. It holds that if, out of a set of
options, A is preferred to B and B to C, then A must also be preferred to C (e.g. von Neumann
& Morgenstern, 1947),. Intransitive preferences (i.e. C is preferred to A) violate the transitivity
assumption and are sometimes used to indicate System 1 vs 2 decision-making (Gallo et al.,
2016). (See also preference reversal and decoy effect.)


Trust pervades human societies. It is indispensable in friendships, love, family, organizations

and politics. Interpersonal trust is a mental construct with implications for social functioning
and economic behavior as studied by trust games, for example.

Although neoclassical economic theory suggests that trust in strangers is irrational, trust and
trustworthiness can be widely observed across societies. In fact, reciprocity exists as a basic
element of human relationships and behavior, and this is accounted for in the trust extended
to an anonymous counterpart (Berg et al., 1995). The nature of trusting behavior is a multi-fac-
eted part of psychology, investigated in terms of underlying dispositions, intergroup process-
es, and cognitive expectations (Evans & Krueger, 2009). Behavioral and biological evidence
indicates that trusting is not simply a special case of risk-taking, but based rather on important
forms of social preferences, such as betrayal aversion (Fehr, 2010).

Both trust and trustworthiness increase when individuals are closer socially, but the lat-
ter declines when partners come from different social groups, such as nationality or race.
Furthermore, high status individuals are found to be able to elicit more trustworthiness in
others (Glaeser et al., 2000). For example, CEOs are considerably more trusting and exhibit
more trustworthiness than students. Trust seems to reinforce trustworthy behavior. In a be-
havioral experiment, trustworthiness was highest when the threat to punish was available but
not used, and lowest when the threat to punish was actually used. Paradoxically, however,
most CEOs and students used the punishment threat; although CEOs made use of it signifi-
cantly less (Fehr & List, 2004).

Trust game

Similar to the dictator game, this game asks participants to split money between themselves
and someone else. However, the trust game first asks Player A to determine an initial endow-
ment of zero or a higher value (e.g. $5). The money is then multiplied (e.g. tripled to $15) by
the experimenter and given to Player B, who is then asked to return an amount of zero or
a higher value back to Player A. The game is about reciprocity and trust, because Player A
must decide how much of the endowment to give to Player B in the hope of receiving at least
the same amount in return. In the original experiment (Berg et al., 1995), 30 out of 32 first

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players sent money, and 11 of these 30 decisions resulted in a payback that was greater than
the initial amount sent. This finding confounds the prediction offered by standard economic
assumptions (see homo economicus) that there would be no trust. However, as with other
games, critics have raised questions about what the trust game actually measures (Brülhart &
Usunier, 2012). (See also ultimatum game.)

Ultimatum game

The ultimatum game is an early example of research that uncovered violations of standard
assumptions of rationality (see homo economicus). In the experiment, one player (the pro-
poser/allocator) is endowed with a sum of money and asked to split it between him/herself
and an anonymous player (the responder/recipient). The recipient may either accept the al-
locator’s proposal or reject it, in which case neither of the players will receive anything. From
a traditional game-theoretic perspective, the allocator should only offer a token amount and
the recipient should accept it. However, results showed that most allocators offered more
than just a token payment, and many went as far as offering an equal split. Some offers were
declined by recipients, suggesting that they were willing to make a sacrifice when they felt that
the offer was unfair (see also inequity aversion and fairness) (Guth et al., 1982). (See also
dictator game and trust game.)


In economics, utility (e.g. Stigler, 1950) refers to the benefits (satisfaction or happiness) con-
sumers derive from a good, and it can be measured based on individuals’ choices between
alternatives or preferences evident in their willingness to pay or accept. Behavioral econ-
omists have questioned past assumptions that utility is always maximized, and they have
worked with both traditional and new utility measures.

• Expected utility (Bernoulli, 1954 [1738]) has been used in economics as well as game and de-
cision theory, including prospect theory, and is based on choices with uncertain outcomes.

• Discounted utility is a form of utility used in the intertemporal choice domain of behavioral
economics (Berns et al., 2007).

• Experience(d) utility (Kahneman et al., 1997) relates to actual (hedonic) experiences associ-
ated with an outcome (in contrast to choice-based decision utility), which is associated with
theories on forecasting errors like the diversification bias.

• Remembered utility (Kahneman et al., 1997) suggests that people’s choices are also based on
their memories of past events or experiences and is invoked in the peak-end rule.

• Instant utility and forecasted utility have been used in the area of intertemporal choice,
such as research on the empathy gap, showing that forecasted utility is biased in the direc-
tion of instant utility (Camerer & Loewenstein, 2004).

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• Procedural utility is relevant if people value not only outcomes, but also the processes that
lead to these outcomes (Frey, Benz, & Stutzer, 2004).

• Social utility has been proposed in relation to game theory, where players not only always
act self-interestedly, but also show concerns about the perceived intentions of other play-
ers and fairness (Camerer, 1997).

• Transaction utility accounts for perceived merit or quality of a deal, rather than just the value
of a good or service relative to its price captured by acquisition utility (Thaler, 1985).

Willingness to pay (WTP) / willingness to accept (WTA)

In economics, willingness to accept (WTA) and willingness to pay (WTP) are measures of prefer-
ence that do not rely on actual choices between alternative options. Instead, they ask individ-
uals to specify monetary amounts. WTA is a measure of the minimum financial compensation
that a person would need in order to part with a good or to put up with something undesirable
(such as pollution or crime). Willingness to pay (WTP) is the opposite—the maximum amount
of money someone is willing to pay for a good or to avoid something undesirable. According
to standard economic intuition, WTP should be relatively stable across decision contexts and
WTA should be very close to WTP for a given good.

Behavioral economics, however, has shown that WTP and WTA may be context-dependent.
For example, Thaler (1985) found evidence that people presented with a hypothetical scenario
of lying on a beach and craving a beer would be willing to pay significantly more for a beer
purchased at a resort hotel as opposed to a rundown grocery store (see also transaction util-
ity and mental accounting). In addition, sometimes the average WTA for a good exceeds its
WTP, which may be indicative of an endowment effect, i.e. people value something more if
they already own it. Research has also shown that the farther a good is from being an ordinary
private (market) good, the more likely it is that WTA exceeds WTP. The WTA-to-WTP ratio is
particularly high for health/safety and public/non-market goods (Horowitz & McConnel, 2002).

Winner’s curse

The winner’s curse describes the phenomenon that the winning bid of an auction tends to ex-
ceed the true (and uncertain to the bidders) value of the commodity, resulting, in effect, in the
winner overpaying. Emotion, cognitive biases and incomplete information seem to account
for this behavior, which can, in extremis, lead to bubbles in the stock or real estate markets.

In his seminal paper, “Anomalies: The Winner’s Curse”, Richard Thaler (1988) stated that if he
were to auction of a jar of coins amongst his students, (1) the average bid would be significant-
ly less than the actual value of the coins (bidders are risk averse) and (2) the winning bid would
exceed the value of the jar (even if it might be overpriced). This is not consistent with the idea
of all bidders being rational. In theory, if perfect information were available to everyone and all
participants were completely rational in their decision-making and skilled at valuation, no over-
payments should occur. However, the winner’s curse, a robust and persistent deviation from

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theoretical predictions established in experimental economics, reflects bounded rationality

quite well, since people have difficulty in performing contingent reasoning on future events
(Charness & Levin, 2009) (see intertemporal choice). Not surprisingly, in an experimental
demonstration of the winner’s curse, the degree of uncertainty concerning the value of the
commodity and the number of competing bidders were identified as the two factors that affect
the incidence and magnitude of this curse (Bazerman & Samuelson, 1983).

In an attempt to overcome the winner’s curse, an experiment has identified two factors that
account for its persistence: a variability in the environment, which leads to ambiguous feed-
back (i.e. choices and outcomes being only partially correlated), and the tendency of decision
makers to learn adaptively. Therefore, reducing the variance in the feedback (such that choices
and outcomes are correlated), performance can be significantly improved (Bereby-Meyer &
Grosskopf, 2008).

Zero price effect

The zero price effect suggests that traditional cost-benefits models cannot account for the
psychological effect of getting something for free. A linear model assumes that changes in cost
are the same at all price levels and benefits stay the same. As a result, a decrease in price will
make a good equally more or less attractive at all price points. The zero price model, on the
other hand, suggests that there will be an increase in a good’s intrinsic value when the price is
reduced to zero (Shampanier et al., 2007). Free goods have extra pulling power, as a reduction
in price from $1 to zero is more powerful than a reduction from $2 to $1. This is particularly
true for hedonic products—things that give us pleasure or enjoyment (e.g. Hossain & Saini,
2015). A core psychological explanation for the zero price effect has been the affect heuristic,
whereby options that have no downside (no cost) trigger a more positive affective response.

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Shah, A. K., & Oppenheimer, D. M. (2008). Heuristics made easy: An effort-reduction framework.
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Behavioral Economics Guide 2020 191

Behavioral Science Concepts

Sheffer, C. E., Mackillop, J., Fernandez, A., Christensen, D., Bickel, W. K., Johnson, M. W., ... &
Mathew, M. (2016). Initial examination of priming tasks to decrease delay discounting.
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Shefrin, H., & Statman, M. (1985). The disposition to sell winners too early and ride losers too
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Shepperd, J. A., Carroll, P., Grace, J., & Terry, M. (2002). Exploring the causes of comparative
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Shiller, R. J. (2015). Irrational exuberance. NJ: Princeton University Press.
Simon, H. A. (1956). Rational choice and the structure of the environment. Psychological Review
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Simon, H. A. (1982). Models of bounded rationality. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.
Simonson, I. (1989). Choice based on reasons: The case of attraction and compromise effects.
Journal of Consumer Research, 16(2), 158-174.
Slaughter, J. E., Bagger, J., & Li, A. (2006). Context effects on group-based employee selection
decisions. Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 100(1), 47-59.
Slovic, P., Finucane, M. L., Peters, E., & MacGregor, D. G. (2002). The affect heuristic. In T. Gilovich,
D. Griffin, & D. Kahneman (Eds.), Heuristics and biases: The psychology of intuitive judg-
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Slovic, P., Monahan, J., & MacGregor, D. M. (2000). Violence risk assessment and risk communi-
cation: The effects of using actual cases, providing instructions, and employing probability
vs. frequency formats. Law and Human Behavior, 24(3), 271-296.
Stein, J. S., Wilson, A. G., Koffarnus, M. N., Daniel, T. O., Epstein, L. H., & Bickel, W. K. (2016).
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Stigler, G. J. (1950). The development of utility theory. Journal of Political Economy, 58(4), 307-327.
Strack, F., & Deutsch, R. (2015). The duality of everyday life: Dual-process and dual system mod-
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Strecher, V. J., Seijts, G. H., Kok, G. J., Latham, G. P., Glasgow, R., DeVellis, B., Meertens, R. M., &
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Perspectives, 4, 193-205.
Thaler, R. H. (1999). Mental accounting matters. Journal of Behavioral Decision Making, 12, 183-

Behavioral Economics Guide 2020 192

Behavioral Science Concepts

Thaler, R. H. (2015). Misbehaving: The making of behavioral economics. New York, NY: W. W.
Norton & Company.
Thaler, R. H. (2018). Nudge, not sludge. Science, 361(6401), 431.
Thaler, R. H., & Benartzi, S. (2004). Save More Tomorrow: Using behavioral economics to in-
crease employee saving. Journal of Political Economy, 112, S164-S187.
Thaler, R. H., & Johnson, E. J. (1990). Gambling with the house money and trying to break even:
The effects of prior outcomes on risky choice. Management Science, 36(6), 643-660.
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Economy, 89(2), 392-406.
Thaler, R. H., Sunstein, C. R., & Balz, J. P. (2013). Choice architecture. In E. Shafir (Ed.), The behav-
ioral foundations of public policy (pp. 428-439). Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press.
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Behavioral Decision Making, 30(2), 270-281.
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of Financial Services Marketing, 21, 51–63.
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Behavioral Economics Guide 2020 193

Behavioral Science Concepts

Zeelenberg, M., Van den Bos, K., Van Dijk, E., & Pieters, R. (2002). The inaction effect in the psy-
chology of regret. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 82(3), 314-327.
Zellermayer, O. (1996). The pain of paying. (Doctoral dissertation). Department of Social and
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Zhang, C. Y., & Sussman, A. B. (2018). Perspectives on mental accounting: An exploration of
budgeting and investing. Financial Planning Review, 1(1-2), e1011.

Behavioral Economics Guide 2020 194

Postgraduate Programs
(Taught in English)
Explore the mind of the consumer Program Features:
though The Chicago School’s Dedicated, engaged faculty
Behavioral Economics Program who are highly experienced
professionals and leaders in
With a foundation in advanced psychology, an M.A. in their respective fields.
Behavioral Economics from The Chicago School of
Professional Psychology provides students an alternative to A student-faculty partnership
the traditional M.B.A. by providing skills that are rooted in model that encourages
understanding and influencing consumer behavior. collaborative work between
students and instructors,
Our M.A. in Behavioral Economics program blends elements enhancing professional,
of consumer, social, and cognitive psychology to provide a academic, and community
psychological perspective of consumer behavior. engagement.
Graduates are prepared to deliver professional services,
perform research, excel as leaders and policy advisors, and Integrated learning that
to sensitively and inclusively serve diverse populations in balances classroom instruction
business, marketing, and politics. and “real work” research
and application.
The Chicago School of Professional Psychology is a nonprofit,
regionally accredited institution with over 4,300 students at campuses A curriculum that values
across the country (Chicago, Southern California, Washington, D.C. exposure to a variety of
and Online). The Chicago School has been an innovator in the field of strategies for understanding
Psychology and related behavioral science since 1979. The Chicago
School offers over 20 degree programs and several opportunities for
and researching diverse human
international experiences. experience and behaviors.


The online M.A. Behavioral Economics (B.E.), non-licensure program is designed for
working adults interested in psychological perspectives of human decision making, risk
assessment, and consumer behavior. This program provides students an alternative to
the traditional M.B.A by offering a curriculum with a foundation in advanced psychology
that addresses broader business applications to decision making, negotiation,
marketing, and consumer behavior.

The M.A. in Behavioral Economics is a unique program that utilizes a competency-based

model grounded in: consumer, social, cognitive and consulting psychology and political
science and infuses multicultural perspectives from a diversity of market audiences. The
curriculum is interdisciplinary in approach and integrates theories of consumer decision
making, consulting, and financial literacy, including coursework in choice architecture,
neuromarketing, and persuasive messaging to generate a richer understanding of
human behavior.

Graduates are prepared to deliver professional services, perform research, excel as

leaders and policy advisors, and to sensitively and inclusively serve diverse populations
in business, marketing, and politics.


• The online Behavioral Economics M.A. program provides students with an alternative to
the traditional MBA by combining social psychological theory with a practical application
toward decision making and consumer behavior within the context of a psychology

• The program is distinct from those of competing institutions both in its flexible online
delivery model and its curriculum, which blends elements of consumer, social, and
cognitive psychology while providing a psychological perspective to B.E.

• Upon successful completion of the online M.A. in Behavioral Economics program,

students who meet admissions requirements will be prepared to enter TCSPP’s Business
Psychology Ph.D. program, allowing them to pursue additional post-graduate and career

Graduates can consider careers in some of the following fields:

• Consulting • Public Relations • Human Resources

• Public Service • Healthcare • Nonprofit
• Marketing • Higher Education • Government


SPECIFICATIONS: The MA Behavioral Economics program is designed to support
interaction and learning among students and faculty by
The M.A. in Behavioral incorporating cohort membership, small groupings, a blended
Economics is a non-licensure delivery system, active learning, and pedagogical “best
40 credit hour program. The practices” within the design.
program includes:
Cohort Model: Students in the MA Behavioral Economics
• 18 credit hours of core program move through a sequence of courses collectively. The
course work common goal of starting and completing the program together
encourages students to work collectively, which promotes the
• 16 credit hours of research development of personal relationships and the building of a
course work professional network. Cohort membership enables students to
support and learn from other students.
• 6 credit hours of elective Small Groupings: The program strategically allows for
course work arrangement of students in small groups for online learning
that is advantageous for active learning. As approximations:
The program culminates in Online Courses have fewer than 20 students.
an Applied Research Project
in which students will apply Diverse Delivery System: This program utilizes both
Behavioral Economics synchronous and asynchronous instructional modalities to
concepts to an approved provide students an accommodative learning environment that
topic. Students will complete encourages interaction among students and faculty, supports
classwork over the course of active learning, and respects diverse talents and ways of
their studies that will guide learning. Asynchronous learning includes the use of online
them through the process of forums, audio and video recordings. Synchronous learning
writing the Applied Research includes the use of live chat sessions and GoToMeeting live
Project. A faculty member will virtual meetings.
approve and supervise the
project through these courses. Student Services: Online students have access to a range of
students support services provided by TCSPP including: Access
to TCSPP Library Services, professional skill development
through Career Services, opportunities to study abroad, the
chance to present original research at the Graduate Research
Forum, and engagement opportunities through student groups
and societies.


Psychological and
Behavioural Science




An increasing number of organisations now apply behavioural

insights to their challenges. Companies, charities and public bodies
all recognise the power of testing their products and policies in real
world environments.

The Executive MSc Behavioural Science, based in LSE’s Department

of Psychological and Behavioural Science, is taught by specialists at
the forefront of international research in behavioural science.

Our programme provides the opportunity for full-time professionals

working in any sector to obtain a graduate qualification in behavioural
science, allowing you to pursue new and expanded opportunities
within this emerging and exciting field.

For further information, please

Contact us:
Psychological and
Behavioural Science



LSE’s Executive MSc Behavioural Science is taught by specialists at the
forefront of international research in behavioural science. Our programme
provides the opportunity for full-time professionals working in any sector to
obtain a graduate qualification in behavioural science, allowing you to pursue
new and expanded opportunities within this emerging and exciting field.

The programme starts in September each year with teaching being delivered
during three two-week intensive teaching blocks at the LSE campus in London.
You are not required to be in attendance on campus outside of these week and
can therefore continue to live and work outside of London and the UK. Between
teaching sessions you will have various assessments to complete. After the
April session, you work on your dissertation with support from your supervisor.

The programme includes unique and innovative modules such as:

l Behavioural Science and Policy

l Behavioural Decision Science
l Research Methods for Behavioural Science
l Frontiers in Behavioural Science Methods
l Policy Appraisal and Ethics
l Behavioural Science in an Age of New Technology
l Corporate Behaviour and Decision Making
l Organisational Culture

Our students come from a wide range of academic and professional backgrounds from all
over the world. This diversity is incredibly valuable as it allows you to consider issues from a
variety of different perspectives. You are likely to choose this EMSc for two reasons; because
behavioural science is an area directly related to your current professional role, or because
you wish to pursue it for your own personal and career development. The programme
provides you with the opportunity to study alongside your employment to enhance and
support your professional development.
Psychological and
Behavioural Science



The Executive MSc of Behavioural Science exceeded

my expectation on every level. It was a transformative experience
intellectually, professionally and personally. Intellectually, every
course stretched and challenged my thinking in a very different,
positive and fulfilling way.

Ladan Niami, 2017/18 cohort

My understanding of the way people

think, act and decide changed so much from
what I learned, I now think about my contributions
(at work and in general) as pre and post LSE MSc
in Behavioural Science.

Ellen Raim, 2016/17 cohort

For further information, please visit

Impact decisions and behaviors
in a variety of fields
Penn’s Master of Behavioral and Decision Sciences program equips students with theoretical
and practical tools to understand how individuals and groups make decisions, how to affect those
decisions, and how social norms play a role in motivating and changing social behaviors.

During one full-time academic year, students:

• Establish theoretical, quantitative, and methodological foundations in the field
• Learn to model how individuals and groups make decisions
• Train at the forefront of nudge theory and social norms research
• Design lab and field experiments to test hypotheses
• Apply knowledge to real-world case challenges, internships, and capstone research
• Work with faculty experts in fields such as policy, education, law, business, and medicine
• Select elective courses from disciplines and schools across Penn
• Participate in professional development and networking opportunities with leading employers

Get program details:
Meet the Master of Behavioral and
Decision Sciences program’s
founding director
Cristina Bicchieri
Founding Director, Master of Behavioral and Decision Sciences
S.J. Patterson Harvie Professor of Social Thought and Comparative Ethics,
Departments of Philosophy and Psychology
Director, Center for Social Norms and Behavioral Dynamics

Cristina Bicchieri is a world authority on social norms and has

consulted with UNICEF, the World Bank, the Gates Foundation,
the United Kingdom’s Department for International Development,
and many other organizations. She is the founder of the Master of
Behavioral and Decision Sciences program, the Penn Social Norms
Group (PENN SoNG), and the Behavioral Ethics Lab. She is also the
“Wherever there is a human
Director of the Center for Social Norms and Behavioral Dynamics, a
group there are social norms.”
-Cristina Bicchieri
newly formed research center at Penn that aims to support positive
behaviors on a global scale.

MBDS 2019 Program Facts

48% 46% 75%

Percentage of international Percentage of students Students enrolled
students in the 2019 cohort, matriculating directly from full-time
representing 9 countries the workplace

To learn more about the MBDS program’s world-renowned faculty and researchers, visit:
Unparalleled connections
A defining feature of the University of Pennsylvania’s Master of Behavioral and Decision Sciences
(MBDS) program is its network of outstanding industry and research partners. We collaborate with
some of the most influential organizations in the world to bring students exceptional networking
experiences, such as internships, design challenges, and other employer-driven projects. Additionally,
MBDS students can pursue independent, cross-disciplinary research at over a dozen schools, centers,
and institutions at Penn.

Anu worked with Ipsos for the 2019 MBDS Design Challenge and deepened the
collaboration for her capstone:
“I wanted to do a design challenge so that I could apply what I was learning in a
real-world context. I formed a really good relationship with the industry partners
and eventually collaborated with them for my capstone project. Having a sound
understanding of behavioral science has benefited me in my current role at every
stage, from forming research questions to shaping a story from the data.”

Anu Raghuram, MBDS ‘19

Data Scientist, JPMorgan Chase Institute

Upon graduating, Alex collaborated with current MBDS students on research

for the US Army:
“I value the opportunity for MBDS alumni to stay connected to the program and
work with current students to solve important organizational challenges. As a
client for the Consulting in Behavioral Science course, I worked with a team of
five very impressive students with diverse skill sets and industry experience.
They helped us understand why some individuals who want to join the Army
sign contracts to join but end up dropping out before basic training.”

Alex Willard, MBDS ‘19

Marketing Strategist, US Army Enterprise Marketing Office

Lorena received University funding for her interdisciplinary research with

Penn’s Graduate School of Education (GSE):
“I did my electives at GSE because my work is focused on education and children.
The MBDS program team was always open to my ideas and helped me excel. I
think the world needs more people who understand the academic side and the
practical side and can build bridges between the two, and the MBDS program is
great at that. You learn how to apply evidence-based theories in the real world.”

Lorena Levano, MBDS ‘19

Consultant – Behavioral Sciences, The World Bank

To learn more about how to impact and influence behavior for social change, visit:
MSc in Behavioural
and Economic Science
26 November 2015, 6.30 pm
26 November 2015, 6.30 pm
Modern Records Centre
Modern Records Centre

The Departments of Psychology and Economics at the University of

Warwick offer innovative new courses in the growing area of decision
science and behavioural economics. The MSc draws on the excellent,
ground-breaking research being undertaken in the departments of LAUNCH
Psychology, Economics and the Warwick Business School. EVENT

The MSc will suit those with a quantitive background ALL WELCOME
(e.g. maths, sciences, economics, psychology).

Further Details:
Email: Tel: +44 (0)24 7657 5527
MSc in Behavioural and Economic Science

Why should I take

this course?
This inter-disciplinary course emphasises both theoretical foundations
and real-world applications of Behavioural Science, and is aimed at those
intending to work in business, public policy implementation or research.
26 November 2015, 6.30 pm
Modules 2015,
Centre 6.30 pm
will include
Modern Recordsgrounding
 A thorough Centre covering both the theory
and real-world application, in behavioural
economics and the cognitive science of
judgement and decision making.
 Modules on the design, conduction and analysis
of behavioural experiments and the analysis of
large-scale datasets. EVENT
 An empirical research project.
Our previous students have gone on to take positions at The Busara Center for Behavioral
Economics, The UK Behavioural Insights Team, Google, Frontier Economics, Facebook,
Ogilvy Change and more.

Further Details:
Email: Tel: +44 (0)24 7657 5527
Why Warwick?
You will be taught by leading researchers from the Departments of
Psychology and Economics and Warwick Business School.
Three leading departments in this area of research.
26 Warwick
Novemberhas been2015, 6.30
ranked top pm
of the specialist subject table for Economics in
The Times 2015,
and the
Records Sunday
Centre 6.30
TimespmUniversity League Tables for 2020. Behavioural
Modern was identified
Records Centre as an area of significant academic achievement in the
Research Excellence Framework.
Warwick is a global community. Our students come from all over the world,
including South America, Asia, Europe, USA and the Middle East and from many
backgrounds including undergraduate study, industry and the public sector.
Find out more about Postgraduate Study at Warwick EVENT ALL WELCOME

Further Details:
Email: Tel: +44 (0)24 7657 5527
Postgraduate Programs

University School/Department Program

United States

Brown University School of Public Health Master of Public Health (Health Behav-
ior concentration)

Department of Economics PhD in Economics

California Institute of Technology Division of the Humanities and PhD in Social and Decision Neurosci-
(Caltech) Social Science ence

Carnegie Mellon University Department of Social and PhD in Social and Decision Sciences
Decision Sciences

Tepper School of Business PhD in Behavioral Economics

(see also Dynamic Decision Making


(see also Center for Behavioral and

Decision Research)

Chapman University Economic Science Institute MS in Behavioral and Computational


The Chicago School of Professional Masters in Behavioral Economics

See pp. 196-198

Claremont Graduate University School of Social Science, Policy, PhD in Economics

and Evaluation
(see also Center for Neuroeconomics

Columbia University Columbia Business School MBA, MS, and PhD in Business

(see also Center for Decision Sciences)

Department of Economics MA and PhD in Economics

(see also Cognitive and Behavioral Eco-

nomics Initiative)

(see also Cognition & Decision Lab)

Cornell University Charles H. Dyson School of PhD in Applied Economics and Manage-
Applied Economics and ment
Master of Professional Studies (MPS) in
Applied Behavioral Economics and
Individual Choice

(see also Lab for Experimental Econom-

ics & Decision Research)

(see also Cornell Center for Behavioral

Economics in Child Nutrition Programs)

Behavioral Economics Guide 2020 208

Postgraduate Programs

Duke University The Fuqua School of Business MBA and PhD in Business Administra-
tion (Marketing or Decision Sciences

Franklin University College of Arts, Sciences & Master’s in Business Psychology


Georgetown University McDonough School of Business MBA and Executive MBA

(see also Behavioral Research Labora-


Georgia State University Andrew Young School of Policy PhD in Economics

MA in Economics

(see also Experimental Economics


Harvard University Department of Economics PhD in Economics

School of Public Health
MS and PhD in Social and Behavioral

Johns Hopkins University Johns Hopkins Bloomberg PhD in Social and Behavioral Sciences
School of Public Health

Massachusetts Institute of Technology Department of Brain and PhD in Brain and Cognitive Sciences
Cognitive Sciences
Masters in Management, Analytics,
MIT Sloan School of Applied Economics
(see also MIT Sloan Neuroeconomics

New York University Graduate School of Arts & MAs and PhDs in Economics, Politics
Science and Psychology

(see also Center for Experimental Social


(see also Institute for the Study of Deci-

sion Making)

Ohio State University Department of Psychology PhD in Psychology (Decision Psychology)

(see also Decision Sciences Collabora-


Stanford University Department of Economics PhD in Economics

(see also Institute for Economic Policy


(see also Experimental/Behavioral


Behavioral Economics Guide 2020 209

Postgraduate Programs

Texas A&M University Department of Economics PhD in Economics

(see also Economic Research Laborato-


University of Arizona Eller College of Management PhD in Economics

(see also Institute for Behavioral


University of California, Berkeley Haas School of Business PhDs in Marketing, Psychology and
Department of Psychology
(see also Initiative for Behavioral Eco-
Department of Economics nomics & Finance)

(see also Berkeley Decision Science

Research Group)

University of California, Los Angeles Anderson School of Manage- PhD Behavioral Decision Making

University of California, San Diego Rady School of Management MBA and PhD in Management

(see also Atkinson Behavioral Research


University of California, Santa Barbara College of Letters & Science PhD in Economics

(see also Experimental and Behavioral

Economics Laboratory)

University of Chicago Booth School of Business MBA

PhD in Behavioral Science

(see also Center for Decision Research)

University of Kansas College of Liberal Arts and MA in Applied Behavioral Science

PhD in Behavioral Psychology

(see also KU Applied Behavioral

Economics Laboratory)

University of Maryland College of Behavioral & Social PhD in Social, Decision, and
Sciences Organizational Sciences

University of Oregon College of Arts and Science MA and PhD in Psychology

PhD in Economics

Lundquist College of Business PhD in Marketing

(see also Institute of Cognitive and

Decision Sciences)

Behavioral Economics Guide 2020 210

Postgraduate Programs

University of Pennsylvania School of Arts & Sciences Master of Behavioral and Decision

See pp. 199-201

(see also Behavioral Ethics Lab)

(see also Social Norms Group)

University of Pittsburgh Katz Graduate School of PhD in Marketing


Dietrich School of Arts & PhD in Economics


University of Southern California Dana and David Dornsife PhD in Economics

College of Letters, Arts, and
Sciences (see also Los Angeles Behavioral
Economics Laboratory)

University of Wisconsin School of Human Ecology MS and PhD in Human Ecology:

Consumer Behavior and Family

(see also Behavioral Research Insights

Through Experiments Lab)

Washington University in St. Louis School of Arts and Sciences PhD in Behavior, Brain and Cognition

(see also Behavioral Economics Labo-


Yale University Yale School of Management Doctoral Programs in Financial

Economics, Marketing, and
Organizations and Management

(See also Yale-Ipsos Consumer Mar-

keting & Behavioral Economics Think

United Kingdom

Bangor University MA Business with Consumer


City University London Interdisciplinary MSc in Behavioural Economics

School of Arts and Social PhDs in Economics and Psychology

(see also Decision Making and Behav-
ioural Economics Research Group)

Durham University Department of Psychology MSc in Behavioural Science

Durham Business School MSc in Experimental Economics

Behavioral Economics Guide 2020 211

Postgraduate Programs

Kingston University Faculty of Arts and Social MSc in Behavioural Decision Science

Lancaster University Management School PhD Behavioural and Experimental


London School of Economics and Department of Psychological MSc in Behavioural Science

Political Science and Behavioural Science
Executive MSc in Behavioural Science

See pp. 202-204

Departments of Management, PhDs in Management (Marketing),

Social Policy, Economics and Social Policy, Economics and Psycho-
Psychological and Behavioural logical and Behavioural Science
(see also LSE Behavioural Lab for
Teaching and Research)

Middlesex University Business School MSc in Behavioural Economics in


Queen Mary University of London School of Economics and MSc in Behavioural Finance

University College London Division of Psychology And Executive Programme in Behavioural

Language Sciences Science

Division of Psychology And MSc in Cognitive and Decision Sciences

Language Sciences
PhD in Experimental Psychology

School of Management and the PhDs in Management with Behavioural

Behavioural Insights Team Science and Policy

University of Bath MSc Applied Psychology and

Economic Behaviour

University of Cambridge Judge Business School MBA, Executive MBA and PhDs in
Business Economics, Marketing, etc.

Faculty of Economics PhD in Economics

(see also Cambridge Experimental and

Behavioural Economics Group)

University of East Anglia Department of Economics MSc in Behavioural and Experimental


(see also Centre for Behavioural and

Experimental Social Science)

University of Essex Department of Economics MSc in Behavioural Economics

University of Exeter School of Business MSc in Behavioural Economics and


University of Huddersfield MSc in Behavioural Economics and

Decision Science

Behavioral Economics Guide 2020 212

Postgraduate Programs

University of Leeds Leeds University Business School MSc in Business Analytics and Decision

(see also Centre for Decision Research)

University of Nottingham School of Economics MSc in Behavioural Economics

PhD in Economics

(see also Centre for Decision Research

and Experimental Economics)

University of Oxford Department of Economics DPhil in Economics

(see also Behavioural Economics Re-

search Group)

(see also Nuffield Centre for Experi-

mental Social Sciences)

University of Reading Henley Business School MSc Behavioural Finance

University of Stirling Stirling Management School and MSc in Behavioural Decision Making for
Behavioural Science Centre Finance

MSc in Behavioural Science for


(see also Behavioural Science Centre)

University of Warwick Interdisciplinary MSc in Behavioural and Economic

(Warwick Business School) Science

See pp. 205-207

Department of Psychology MSc Behavioural and Data Science

PhD in Psychology

(see also Behavioural Science Group)

The Netherlands

Erasmus University Rotterdam Erasmus School of Economics Master in Economics and Business
(Behavioural Economics specialization)

PhD in Applied Economics (Behavioural

Economics group)

Leiden University Institute of Psychology Master in Psychology (Economic and

Consumer Psychology specialization)

Maastricht University School of Business and Master in Human Decision Science


Behavioral Economics Guide 2020 213

Postgraduate Programs

Radboud University Nijmegen Department of Social Science Master in Behavioural Science

Master in Economics (Economics,

Behaviour and Policy specialization)

Tilburg University Department of Social Master in Social Psychology (Economic

Psychology Psychology track)

School of Social and Behavioral Research Master in Social and

Sciences Behavioral Sciences

Tilburg University Graduate Research Master and PhDs in

Schools Economics, Business (Marketing track)
and Social & Behavioural Sciences

(see also Tilburg Institute for

Behavioural Economics Research)

University of Amsterdam (Amsterdam Business School and School of Master and PhD in Economics
Business School / School of Economics) Economics
(Research Priority Area Behavioural

University of Groningen Faculty of Behavioural and Research Master in Behavioural and

Social Sciences Social Sciences

Utrecht University Graduate School of Social and PhD in Social and Behavioural Sciences
Behavioural Sciences
(see also Behaviour in Social Context)


Friedrich-Schiller University Jena Jena Graduate School PhD in Human Behaviour in Social and
Economic Change

Applied University at Hamm-Lippstadt Intercultural Business Psychology

Masters (Economic Psychology concen-

Ludwig-Maximilians University Munich Munich Graduate School of PhD in Economics

(see also Munich Experimental Labora-
tory for Economic and Social Sciences)

TH Köln MA in Behavioral Ethics, Economics and


University of Bonn Bonn Graduate School of PhD in Economics

(see also Center for Economics and

(see also Bonn Laboratory for Experi-

mental Economics)

University of Kassel MSc in Economic Behaviour and


Behavioral Economics Guide 2020 214

Postgraduate Programs

University of Konstanz Graduate School of Decision PhDs at the Graduate School of Decision
Sciences Sciences (interdisciplinary)

Other Countries


Monash University Faculty of Business and Master of Applied Economics and

Economics Econometrics

School of Business, Monash

University Malaysia. PhDs in Business and Economics

(see also Monash Laboratory for

Experimental Economics)

(see also Monash Business

Behavioural Laboratory)

University of Queensland School of Economics Master and PhD in Economics

(see also Risk and Sustainable Manage-

ment Group)

University of Technology Sydney (UTS) UTS Business School PhD in Economics (Behavioural or Ex-
perimental Economics research field)

(See also UTS Behavioural Laboratory)


University of Vienna Faculty of Business, Economics, PhD in Economics

and Statistics
MSc in Economics

(see also Vienna Center for

Experimental Economics)

Sigmund Freud University Master in Psychology (Economic

Psychology specialization)


University of British Columbia UBC Sauder School of Business PhD in Marketing and Behavioural

University of Saskatchewan Interdisciplinary PhD in Applied Economics (Research

area in Behavioural and Experimental

(See also Experimental Decision Labo-

University of Toronto Rotman School of Management MBAs and PhDs in Marketing and
Business Economics

(see also Behavioural Economics in



Behavioral Economics Guide 2020 215

Postgraduate Programs

University of Copenhagen Department of Economics MSc and PhD in Economics

(See also Centre for Experimental



Oulu University in Finland Business School Master’s program in Economics


Paris School of Economics School of Economics Masters and PhDs in Economics

(see also Parisian Experimental Eco-

nomics Laboratory)

Toulouse School of Economics PhD in Economics (Behavioral and Ex-

perimental Economics specialization)

University Bourgogne Franche-Comté MSc in Behavioral and Digital Econom-

(UBFC) ics for Effective Management

University of Paris Panthéon-Sorbonne Master in Economics & Psychology

/ University Paris Descrates


Christ University Master of Science in Behavioral Sci-



Trinity College Dublin MSc Applied Behaviour Analysis

University College Dublin School of Economics MSc Behavioural Economics


Hebrew University of Jerusalem The Federmann Center for the PhDs at the Federman Center for the
Study of Rationality Study of Rationality (interdisciplinary)

IDC Herzliya Raphael Recanati International MA Behavioral Economics



Bocconi University in Milan Bocconi Experimental Laboratory for

the Social Sciences

Behavioral Economics Guide 2020 216

Postgraduate Programs

Catholic University of the Sacred Heart, PhD School in Economics and PhD Economics and Finance
Milan Finance
(see also Behavioral and Experimental
Economics Research Group)

LUISS (Libera Università Internazionale LUISS School Of European Politi- Master in Behavioral Science and
degli Studi Sociali Guido Carli) cal Economy Administration

University of Chieti-Pescara School of Advanced Studies PhD in Business and Behavioural


Master in Behavioral Economics &

University of Trento Doctoral School of Sciences PhD in Economics and Management
(Behavioural Economics)


Norwegian School of Economics PhD in Business and Management


(see also the Choice Lab)


Universidade Catolica Portuguesa Master in Psychology in Business and



National Research University Higher Master in Applied Social Psychology

School of Economics


National University of Singapore NUS Business School MBA and PhDs in Management,
Decision Sciences and Economics

(see also Centre for Behavioural



University of Gothenburg School of Business, Economics, PhD in Economics (Behavioral

and Law Economics concentration)


Conférence Universitaire de Suisse PhD in Behavioral Economics and

Occidentale Experimental Research

University of Zurich (Zurich Graduate Department of Economics PhD in Economics and

School of Economics) Neuroeconomics

(see also Laboratory for Experimental

and Behavioral Economics)

Behavioral Economics Guide 2020 217

Popular Behavioral Science
Popular Behavioral Science Books

Popular Books (By Publication Year)

Average Number
Title Author(s) (Mean) of
Rating* Ratings*
The Blindspots Between Us: How to Overcome Tsipursky, Gleb & 2020 4.96 25
Unconscious Cognitive Bias and Build Better David McRaney

The Economics of Violence: How Behavioral Science Shiffman, Gary M. 2020 0.00 0
Can Transform our View of Crime, Insurgency, and

Radical Uncertainty: Decision-making for an King, Mervyn & 2020 4.20 15

unknowable future John Kay

Ripple: The Big Effects of Small Behaviour Changes Groom, Jez & 2020 0.00 0
in Business April Vellacott

Experimentation Works: The Surprising Power of Thomke, Stefan H. 2020 3.67 12

Business Experiments

The Power of Experiments: Decision Making in a Luca, Michael & 2020 4.00 2
Data-Driven World Max H. Bazerman

Hello World: Being Human in the Age of Algorithms Fry, Hannah 2019 4.14 4548

Biased: Uncovering the Hidden Prejudice That Eberhardt, Jennifer L. 2019 4.27 1430
Shapes What We See, Think, and Do

Conformity: The Power of Social Influences Sunstein, Cass 2019 3.28 119

Priced to Influence, Sell & Satisfy: Lessons from Dholakia, Utpal 2019 4.67 3
Behavioral Economics for Pricing Success

Understanding Behavioral BIA$: A Guide to Krawczyk, Daniel C. & 2019 5.00 2

Improving Financial Decision-Making George H. Baxter

Trusting Nudges: Toward A Bill of Rights for Nudging Sunstein, Cass R. & 2019 0.00 0
Lucia A. Reisch

I Love You, Now Read This Book. (It's About Human Weinschenk, Guthrie 2019 4.00 1
Decision Making and Behavioral Economics.) & Susan Weinschenk

Alchemy: The Surprising Power of Ideas That Don't Sutherland, Rory 2019 4.29 1012
Make Sense

How Change Happens Sunstein, Cass 2019 3.82 123

An Economist Walks into a Brothel: And Other Schrager, Allison 2019 3.57 882
Unexpected Places to Understand Risk

The Age of Addiction: How Bad Habits Became Big Courtwright, David 2019 3.65 171

Behavioral Economics Guide 2020 219

Popular Behavioral Science Books

Mind in Motion: How Action Shapes Thought Tversky, Barbara 2019 3.68 90

Messengers: Who We Listen To, Who We Don’t, And Martin, Stephen & 2019 3.76 160
Why Joseph Marks

Indistractable: How to Control Your Attention and Eyal, Nir 2019 3.81 4501
Choose Your Life

Narrative Economics: How Stories Go Viral and Drive Shiller, Robert J. 2019 3.62 398
Major Economic Events

Why We’re Wrong About Nearly Everything: A Duffy, Bobby 2019 3.45 55
Theory of Human Misunderstanding

Behavioral Economics: Moving Forward Ghisellini, Fabrizio & 2018 2.75 4

Beryl Y. Chang

Thinking in Bets: Making Smarter Decisions When Duke, Annie 2018 3.84 6289
You Don't Have All the Facts

The Choice Factory: 25 Behavioral Biases that Shotton, Richard 2018 4.18 428
Influence What We Buy

Randomistas: How Radical Researcher Are Changing Leigh, Andrew 2018 3.70 113
Our World

Behavioral Economics: The Basics Corr, Philip & Anke 2018 3.75 20

The Misguided Mind: Correct Everyday Thinking Schuster, Steven 2018 4.60 5
Errors, Be Less Irrational, And Improve Your
Decision Making

Factfulness: Ten Reasons We’re Wrong About the Rosling, Hans, Ola 2018 4.37 74906
World… and Why Things Are Better Than You Think Rosling & Anna
Rosling Rönnlund

The Book of Why: The New Science of Cause and Pearl, Judea & Dana 2018 3.95 2102
Effect Mackenzie

When: The Scientific Secrets of Perfect Timing Pink, Daniel H. 2018 3.79 17436

Farsighted: How We Make the Decisions That Matter Johnson, Steven 2018 3.53 1162
the Most

The Behavioral Investor Crosby, Daniel 2018 4.20 189

Cents and Sensibility: What Economics Can Learn Morson, Gary Saul & 2017 3.91 76
from the Humanities Morton Schapiro

Behavioural Economics: A Very Short Introduction Baddeley, Michelle 2017 3.72 82

Honours versus Money: The Economics of Awards Frey, Bruno S. & 2017 3.00 4
Jana Gallus

Behavioral Economics Guide 2020 220

Popular Behavioral Science Books

Who Can You Trust?: How Technology Brought Us Botsman, Rachel 2017 4.16 496
Together… and Why It Could Drive Us Apart

Dollars and Sense: How We Misthink Money and Ariely, Dan & 2017 3.73 2703
How to Spend Smarter Jeff Kreisler

Irresistible: The Rise of Addictive Technology and Alter, Adam 2017 3.85 5932
the Business of Keeping Us Hooked

The Enigma of Reason Mercier, Hugo & 2017 4.13 520

Dan Sperber

The Knowledge Illusion: Why We Never Think Alone Sloman, Steven & 2017 3.84 1293
Philip Fernbach

Invisible Influence: The Hidden Forces that Shape Berger, Jonah 2016 3.66 2037

Algorithms To Live By: The Computer Science of Christian, Brian & 2016 4.15 16440
Human Decisions Tom Griffiths

The Ethics of Influence: Government in the Age of Sunstein, Cass 2016 3.85 39
Behavioral Science

How to Have a Good Day: Harness the Power of Webb, Caroline 2016 4.02 1929
Behavioral Science to Transform Your Working Life

Mind over Money: The Psychology of Money and Hammond, Claudia 2016 3.47 414
How to Use It Better

Payoff: The Hidden Logic that Shapes our Ariely, Dan 2016 3.70 3423

What Works: Gender Equality by Design Bohnet, Iris 2016 4.20 452

Pre-Suasion: A Revolutionary Way to Influence and Cialdini, Robert 2016 4.05 5085

Smarter Faster Better: The Secrets Of Being Duhigg, Charles 2016 3.93 23875
Productive In Life And Business

On Being Human: Why Mind Matters Kagan, Jerome 2016 3.83 29

The Undoing Project: A Friendship That Changed Lewis, Michael 2016 3.98 40721
Our Minds

Superforecasting: The Art and Science of Prediction Tetlock, Philip & 2016 4.09 12048
Dan Gardner

The Mind Club: Who Thinks, What Feels, And Why It Wegner, Daniel & 2016 3.90 512
Matters Kurt Gray

Inside Nudging: Navigating Behavioral Science Shu, Steve 2015 3.00 3


Irrationally yours : On Missing Socks, Pick-up Lines Ariely, Dan & 2015 3.47 1777
and Other Existential Puzzles Haefeli William

Behavioral Economics Guide 2020 221

Popular Behavioral Science Books

Phishing for Phools: The Economics of Manipulation Akerlof, George & 2015 3.42 1502
and Deception Robert Shiller

The Smarter Screen: Surprising Ways to Influence Benartzi, Shlomo & 2015 3.97 233
and Improve Online Behavior Jonah Lehrer

Work Rules!: Insights from Inside Google That Will Bock, Laszlo 2015 4.17 10825
Transform How You Live and Lead

Inside the Nudge Unit: How Small Changes Can Halpern, David 2015 4.00 521
Make a Big Difference

When to Rob a Bank Levitt, Steven & 2015 3.50 11445

Stephen Dubner

Mindware: Tools for Smart Thinking Nisbett, Richard 2015 3.77 1266

Social Physics: How Social Networks Can Make Us Pentland, Alex 2015 3.54 1036

The Last Mile: Creating Social and Economic Value Soman, Dilip 2015 4.03 29
from Behavioral Insights

Choosing Not to Choose: Understanding the Value Sunstein, Cass 2015 3.56 43
of Choice

Why Nudge? The Politics of Libertarian Paternalism Sunstein, Cass 2015 3.47 148

Misbehaving: The Making of Behavioral Economics Thaler, Richard 2015 4.18 12386

Happiness by Design: Change What You Do, Not Dolan, Paul 2014 3.58 1723
How You Think

Feeling Smart: Why Our Emotions Are More Rational Winter, Eyal 2014 3.50 107
Than We Think

Improving Employee Benefits: Why employees fail Wendel, Stephen 2014 3.50 2
to use their benefits and how behavioral economics
can help

Everything I Ever Needed to Know about Economics Oyer, Paul 2014 3.63 289
I Learned from Online Dating

Wiser: Getting Beyond Groupthink to Make Groups Sunstein, Cass & 2014 3.59 344
Smarter Reid Hastie

Hooked: How to Build Habit-Forming Products Eyal, Nir 2014 4.08 21258

Webs of Influence: The Psychology of Online Nahai, Nathalie 2013 3.79 218

Decoded: The Science Behind Why We Buy Barden, Phil 2013 4.21 666

Make Your Brain Work: How to Maximize Your Brann, Amy & 2013 3.43 65
Efficiency, Productivity and … Kogan Page

Behavioral Economics Guide 2020 222

Popular Behavioral Science Books

Thinking: The New Science of Decision-Making, Brockman, John 2013 3.72 749
Problem-Solving and Prediction

The Art of Thinking Clearly: Better Thinking, Better Dobelli, Rolf 2013 3.84 18905

Risk Savvy: How to Make Good Decisions Gigerenzer, Gerd 2013 4.02 1060

The Why Axis: Hidden Motives and the Gneezy, Uri & 2013 3.65 912
Undiscovered Economics of Everyday Life John List

Focus: Use Different Ways of Seeing the World for Grant Halvorson, 2013 4.03 994
Success and Influence Heidi & Tory Higgins

Decisive: How to Make Better Choices in Life and Heath, Chip & 2013 3.99 12085
Work Dan Heath

The Rational Animal: How Evolution Made Us Kenrick, Douglas & 2013 3.88 321
Smarter Than We Think Vladas Griskevicius

You Are Now Less Dumb: How to Conquer Mob McRaney, David 2013 3.94 3665
Mentality, How to Buy Happiness, and …

Scarcity Why Having Too Little Means So Much Mullainathan, Sendhil 2013 3.92 4118
& Shafir, Eldar

Designing for Behavior Change: Applying Psychology Wendel, Stephen 2013 4.14 251
and Behavioral Economics

The Honest Truth About Dishonesty: How We Lie to Ariely, Dan 2012 3.93 12829
Everyone — Especially Ourselves

Save More Tomorrow: Practical Behavioral Finance Benartzi, Shlomo 2012 4.03 36
Solutions to Improve 401(k) Plans

The Psychology of Price: How to use price to Caldwell, Leigh 2012 4.00 60
increase demand, profit and customer satisfaction

The Signal and the Noise: Why So Many Predictions Silver, Nate 2012 3.98 40250
Fail — but Some Don't

Willpower: Rediscovering the Greatest Human Baumeister, Roy & 2011 3.97 16583
Strength John Tierney

The Social Animal: The Hidden Sources of Love, Brooks, David 2011 3.86 20624
Character, and Achievement

The Power of Habit: Why We Do What We Do in Life Duhigg, Charles 2011 4.10 298406
and Business

The Willpower Instinct: How Self-Control Works, McGonigal, Kelly 2011 4.14 24876
Why It Matters, and What You Can Do to Get More
of It
Incognito: The Secret Lives of the Brain Eagleman, David 2011 4.05 25037

Adapt: Why Success Always Starts with Failure Harford, Tim 2011 3.88 3543

Behavioral Economics Guide 2020 223

Popular Behavioral Science Books

Thinking, Fast and Slow Kahneman, Daniel 2011 4.15 262215

You Are Not So Smart: Why You Have Too Many McRaney, David 2011 3.87 28572
Friends on Facebook, Why Your …

Grand Pursuit: The Story of Economic Genius Nasar, Sylvia 2011 3.82 1504

Everything is Obvious: Once You Know the Answer Watts, Duncan 2011 3.82 4271

Identity Economics: How Our Identities Shape Our Akerlof, George & 2010 3.51 437
Work, Wages, and Well-Being Rachel Kranton

The Upside of Irrationality: The Unexpected Benefits Ariely, Dan 2010 4.03 31421
of Defying Logic at Work and at Home

Switch: How to Change Things When Change Is Hard Heath, Chip & Dan 2010 4.04 39751

Carrots and Sticks: Unlock the Power of Incentives Ayres, Ian 2010 3.21 356
to Get Things Done

The Invisible Gorilla: How Our Intuitions Deceive Us Chabris, Christopher 2010 3.90 13201
& Daniel Simons

Secrets of the Moneylab: How Behavioral Economics Chen, Kay-Yut & 2010 3.63 52
Can Improve Your Business Marina Krakovsky

The Art of Choosing Iyengar, Sheena 2010 3.83 5640

The Little Book of Behavioral Investing: How Not to Montier, James 2010 4.11 1563
be Your Own Worst Enemy

Priceless: The Myth of Fair Value Poundstone, William 2010 3.84 1598

The Buying Brain: Secrets for Selling to the Pradeep, A. K. 2010 3.68 308
Subconscious Mind

Cognitive Surplus: Creativity and Generosity in a Shirky, Clay 2010 3.81 5500
Connected Age

Animal Spirits: How Human Psychology Drives the Akerlof, George & 2009 3.77 4208
Economy, and Why It Matters for Global Capitalism Robert Shiller

The Age of the Infovore: Succeeding in the Cowen, Tyler 2009 3.38 691
Information Economy

Herd: How to Change Mass Behaviour by Earls, Mark 2009 3.74 313
Harnessing Our True Nature

Bozo Sapiens: Why to Err is Human Kaplan, Michael & 2009 3.35 254
Ellen Kaplan

Emotionomics: Leveraging Emotions for Business Hill, Dan 2009 3.44 106

Behavioral Economics Guide 2020 224

Popular Behavioral Science Books

How We Decide Lehrer, Jonah 2009 3.83 37479

SuperFreakonomics: Global Cooling, Patriotic Levitt, Steven & 2009 3.99 116868
Prostitutes And Why Suicide Bombers Should Buy Stephen Dubner
Life Insurance

Predictably Irrational: The Hidden Forces That Shape Ariely, Dan 2008 4.13 92840
Our Decisions

Sway: The Irresistible Pull of Irrational Behavior Brafman, Ori & 2008 3.78 18433
Rom Brafman

The Logic of Life: The Rational Economics of an Harford, Tim 2008 3.81 5257
Irrational World

Yes!: 50 Scientifically Proven Ways to Be Persuasive Goldstein, Noah J., 2008 4.00 10574
Robert B. Cialdini &
Steve J. Martin

The Science of Fear: How the Culture of Fear Gardner, Daniel 2008 3.98 5172
Manipulates Your Brain

Buyology: Truth and Lies about Why We Buy Lindstrom, Martin 2008 3.76 10321

Why Popcorn Costs So Much at the Movies: And McKenzie, Richard 2008 3.29 161
Other Pricing Puzzles

The Drunkard's Walk: How Randomness Rules Our Mlodinow, Leonard 2008 3.92 18790

Drive: The Surprising Truth about What Motivates Pink, Daniel 2008 3.95 87345

Nudge: Improving Decisions About Health, Wealth, Thaler, Richard & 2008 3.84 55365
and Happiness Cass Sunstein

More Sex Is Safer Sex: The Unconventional Wisdom Landsburg, Steven 2007 3.49 1210
of Economics

Stumbling on Happiness Gilbert, Daniel T. 2007 3.83 50145

Mistakes Were Made (But Not by Me): Why We Tavris, Carol & Elliot 2007 4.02 21350
Justify Foolish Beliefs, Bad Decisions, and Hurtful Aronson

The Myth of the Rational Voter: Why Democracies Caplan, Bryan 2007 3.94 1513
Choose Bad Policies

More Than You Know: Finding Financial Wisdom in Mauboussin, Michael 2007 4.10 1599
Unconventional Places

The Black Swan: The Impact of the Highly Taleb, Nassim 2007 3.92 77204
Improbable Nicholas

The Laws of Simplicity (Simplicity: Design, Maeda, John 2006 3.93 5559
Technology, Business, Life)

Behavioral Economics Guide 2020 225

Popular Behavioral Science Books

A Mind of Its Own: How Your Brain Distorts and Fine, Cordelia 2006 3.86 2490

Changing Minds: The Art And Science of Changing Gardner, Howard 2006 3.62 553
Our Own And Other People's Minds

The Undercover Economist Harford, Tim 2005 3.81 23.372

Freakonomics: A Rogue Economist Explores the Levitt, Steven & 2005 3.97 665878
Hidden Side of Everything Stephen Dubner

The Paradox of Choice: Why More Is Less Schwartz, Barry 2004 3.85 26995

The Luck Factor Wiseman, Richard 2003 3.81 1194

Blink: The Power of Thinking Without Thinking Gladwell, Malcolm 2001 3.93 457581

Fooled by Randomness: The Hidden Role of Chance Taleb, Nassim 2001 4.06 44262
in Life and in the Markets Nicholas

Why Smart People Make Big Money Mistakes and Belsky, Gary & 2000 3.98 1337
How to Correct Them: … Thomas Gilovich

Irrational Exuberance Shiller, Robert 2000 3.98 6298

Beyond Greed and Fear: Understanding Behavioral Shefrin, Hersh 1999 3.75 224
Finance and the Psychology of Investing

Why We Buy: The Science of Shopping Underhill, Paco 1999 3.90 11759

The Emotional Brain: The Mysterious Underpinnings LeDoux, Joseph 1998 4.09 2674
of Emotional Life

Management of the Absurd Farson, Richard 1996 3.81 248

The Fifth Discipline Fieldbook: Strategies and Tools Senge, Peter; Kleiner, 1994 4.13 1849
for Building a Learning Organization Art &
Charlotte Roberts

Influence: The Psychology of Persuasion Cialdini, Robert 1993 4.19 88225

Irrationality Sutherland, Stuart 1992 3.91 1365

How We Know What Isn't So: The Fallibility of Gilovich, Thomas 1991 3.96 2840
Human Reason in Everyday Life

* Ratings retrieved in April 2020

Behavioral Economics Guide 2020 226

Popular Behavioral Science Books

Popular Books (By Average Rating)

Average Number
Title Author(s) (Mean) of
Rating* Ratings*
Understanding Behavioral BIA$: A Guide to Krawczyk, Daniel 2019 5.00 2
Improving Financial Decision-Making C. &
George H. Baxter

The Blindspots Between Us: How to Overcome Tsipursky, Gleb & 2020 4.96 25
Unconscious Cognitive Bias and Build Better David McRaney

Priced to Influence, Sell & Satisfy: Lessons from Dholakia, Utpal 2019 4.67 3
Behavioral Economics for Pricing Success

The Misguided Mind: Correct Everyday Thinking Schuster, Steven 2018 4.60 5
Errors, Be Less Irrational, And Improve Your
Decision Making

Factfulness: Ten Reasons We’re Wrong About the Rosling, Hans, 2018 4.37 74906
World… and Why Things Are Better Than You Think Ola Rosling &
Anna Rosling

Alchemy: The Surprising Power of Ideas That Don't Sutherland, Rory 2019 4.29 1012
Make Sense

Biased: Uncovering the Hidden Prejudice That Eberhardt, 2019 4.27 1430
Shapes What We See, Think, and Do Jennifer L.

Decoded: The Science Behind Why We Buy Barden, Phil 2013 4.21 666

Radical Uncertainty: Decision-making for an King, Mervyn & 2020 4.20 15

unknowable future John Kay

The Behavioral Investor Crosby, Daniel 2018 4.20 189

What Works: Gender Equality by Design Bohnet, Iris 2016 4.20 452

Influence: The Psychology of Persuasion Cialdini, Robert 1993 4.19 88225

The Choice Factory: 25 Behavioral Biases that Shotton, Richard 2018 4.18 428
Influence What We Buy

Misbehaving: The Making of Behavioral Economics Thaler, Richard 2015 4.18 12386

Work Rules!: Insights from Inside Google That Will Bock, Laszlo 2015 4.17 10825
Transform How You Live and Lead

Who Can You Trust?: How Technology Brought Us Botsman, Rachel 2017 4.16 496
Together… and Why It Could Drive Us Apart

Behavioral Economics Guide 2020 227

Popular Behavioral Science Books

Algorithms To Live By: The Computer Science of Christian, Brian 2016 4.15 16440
Human Decisions & Tom Griffiths

Thinking, Fast and Slow Kahneman, 2011 4.15 262215


Hello World: Being Human in the Age of Algorithms Fry, Hannah 2019 4.14 4548

Designing for Behavior Change: Applying Psychology Wendel, Stephen 2013 4.14 251
and Behavioral Economics

The Willpower Instinct: How Self-Control Works, McGonigal, Kelly 2011 4.14 24876
Why It Matters, and What You Can Do to Get More
of It

The Enigma of Reason Mercier, Hugo & 2017 4.13 520

Dan Sperber

Predictably Irrational: The Hidden Forces That Shape Ariely, Dan 2008 4.13 92840
Our Decisions

The Fifth Discipline Fieldbook: Strategies and Tools Senge, Peter; 1994 4.13 1849
for Building a Learning Organization Kleiner, Art &

The Little Book of Behavioral Investing: How Not to Montier, James 2010 4.11 1563
be Your Own Worst Enemy

The Power of Habit: Why We Do What We Do in Life Duhigg, Charles 2011 4.10 298406
and Business

More Than You Know: Finding Financial Wisdom in Mauboussin, 2007 4.10 1599
Unconventional Places Michael

Superforecasting: The Art and Science of Prediction Tetlock, Philip & 2016 4.09 12048
Dan Gardner

The Emotional Brain: The Mysterious Underpinnings LeDoux, Joseph 1998 4.09 2674
of Emotional Life

Hooked: How to Build Habit-Forming Products Eyal, Nir 2014 4.08 21258

Fooled by Randomness: The Hidden Role of Chance Taleb, Nassim 2001 4.06 44262
in Life and in the Markets Nicholas

Pre-Suasion: A Revolutionary Way to Influence and Cialdini, Robert 2016 4.05 5085

Incognito: The Secret Lives of the Brain Eagleman, David 2011 4.05 25037

Switch: How to Change Things When Change Is Hard Heath, Chip & 2010 4.04 39751
Dan Heath

The Last Mile: Creating Social and Economic Value Soman, Dilip 2015 4.03 29
from Behavioral Insights

Behavioral Economics Guide 2020 228

Popular Behavioral Science Books

Focus: Use Different Ways of Seeing the World for Grant Halvorson, 2013 4.03 994
Success and Influence Heidi & E. Tory

Save More Tomorrow: Practical Behavioral Finance Benartzi, Shlomo 2012 4.03 36
Solutions to Improve 401(k) Plans

The Upside of Irrationality: The Unexpected Benefits Ariely, Dan 2010 4.03 31421
of Defying Logic at Work and at Home

How to Have a Good Day: Harness the Power of Webb, Caroline 2016 4.02 1929
Behavioral Science to Transform Your Working Life

Risk Savvy: How to Make Good Decisions Gigerenzer, Gerd 2013 4.02 1060

Mistakes Were Made (But Not by Me): Why We Tavris, Carol & 2007 4.02 21350
Justify Foolish Beliefs, Bad Decisions, and Hurtful Elliot Aronson
The Power of Experiments: Decision Making in a Luca, Michael 2020 4.00 2
Data-Driven World & Max H.

I Love You, Now Read This Book. (It's About Human Weinschenk, 2019 4.00 1
Decision Making and Behavioral Economics.) Guthrie & Susan

Inside the Nudge Unit: How Small Changes Can Halpern, David 2015 4.00 521
Make a Big Difference

The Psychology of Price: How to use price to Caldwell, Leigh 2012 4.00 60
increase demand, profit and customer satisfaction

Yes!: 50 Scientifically Proven Ways to Be Persuasive Goldstein, Noah 2008 4.00 10574
J., Robert B.
Cialdini &
Steve J. Martin

Decisive: How to Make Better Choices in Life and Heath, Chip & 2013 3.99 12085
Work Dan Heath

SuperFreakonomics: Global Cooling, Patriotic Levitt, Steven & 2009 3.99 116868
Prostitutes And Why Suicide Bombers Should Buy Stephen Dubner
Life Insurance
The Undoing Project: A Friendship That Changed Lewis, Michael 2016 3.98 40721
Our Minds

The Signal and the Noise: Why So Many Predictions Silver, Nate 2012 3.98 40250
Fail — but Some Don't

The Science of Fear: How the Culture of Fear Gardner, Daniel 2008 3.98 5172
Manipulates Your Brain

Why Smart People Make Big Money Mistakes and Belsky, Gary & 2000 3.98 1337
How to Correct Them: … Thomas Gilovich

Irrational Exuberance Shiller, Robert 2000 3.98 6298

The Smarter Screen: Surprising Ways to Influence Benartzi, Shlomo 2015 3.97 233
and Improve Online Behavior & Jonah Lehrer

Behavioral Economics Guide 2020 229

Popular Behavioral Science Books

Willpower: Rediscovering the Greatest Human Baumeister, Roy 2011 3.97 16583
Strength & John Tierney

Freakonomics: A Rogue Economist Explores the Levitt, Steven & 2005 3.97 665878
Hidden Side of Everything Stephen Dubner

How We Know What Isn't So: The Fallibility of Gilovich, 1991 3.96 2840
Human Reason in Everyday Life Thomas

The Book of Why: The New Science of Cause and Pearl, Judea & 2018 3.95 2102
Effect Dana Mackenzie

Drive: The Surprising Truth about What Motivates Pink, Daniel 2008 3.95 87345

You Are Now Less Dumb: How to Conquer Mob McRaney, David 2013 3.94 3665
Mentality, How to Buy Happiness, and …

The Myth of the Rational Voter: Why Democracies Caplan, Bryan 2007 3.94 1513
Choose Bad Policies

Smarter Faster Better: The Secrets Of Being Duhigg, Charles 2016 3.93 23875
Productive In Life And Business

The Honest Truth About Dishonesty: How We Lie to Ariely, Dan 2012 3.93 12829
Everyone — Especially Ourselves

The Laws of Simplicity (Simplicity: Design, Maeda, John 2006 3.93 5559
Technology, Business, Life)

Blink: The Power of Thinking Without Thinking Gladwell, 2001 3.93 457581

Scarcity Why Having Too Little Means So Much Mullainathan, 2013 3.92 4118
Sendhil & Shafir,

The Drunkard's Walk: How Randomness Rules Our Mlodinow, 2008 3.92 18790
Lives Leonard

The Black Swan: The Impact of the Highly Taleb, Nassim 2007 3.92 77204
Improbable Nicholas

Cents and Sensibility: What Economics Can Learn Morson, Gary 2017 3.91 76
from the Humanities Saul & Morton

Irrationality Sutherland, 1992 3.91 1365


The Mind Club: Who Thinks, What Feels, And Why It Wegner, Daniel 2016 3.90 512
Matters & Kurt Gray

The Invisible Gorilla: How Our Intuitions Deceive Us Chabris, 2010 3.90 13201
Christopher &
Daniel Simons

Why We Buy: The Science of Shopping Underhill, Paco 1999 3.90 11759

Behavioral Economics Guide 2020 230

Popular Behavioral Science Books

The Rational Animal: How Evolution Made Us Kenrick, Douglas 2013 3.88 321
Smarter Than We Think & Vladas

Adapt: Why Success Always Starts with Failure Harford, Tim 2011 3.88 3543

You Are Not So Smart: Why You Have Too Many McRaney, David 2011 3.87 28572
Friends on Facebook, Why Your …

The Social Animal: The Hidden Sources of Love, Brooks, David 2011 3.86 20624
Character, and Achievement

A Mind of Its Own: How Your Brain Distorts and Fine, Cordelia 2006 3.86 2490

Irresistible: The Rise of Addictive Technology and Alter, Adam 2017 3.85 5932
the Business of Keeping Us Hooked

The Ethics of Influence: Government in the Age of Sunstein, Cass 2016 3.85 39
Behavioral Science

The Paradox of Choice: Why More Is Less Schwartz, Barry 2004 3.85 26995

Thinking in Bets: Making Smarter Decisions When Duke, Annie 2018 3.84 6289
You Don't Have All the Facts

The Knowledge Illusion: Why We Never Think Alone Sloman, 2017 3.84 1293
Steven & Philip

The Art of Thinking Clearly: Better Thinking, Better Dobelli, Rolf 2013 3.84 18905

Priceless: The Myth of Fair Value Poundstone, 2010 3.84 1598


Nudge: Improving Decisions About Health, Wealth, Thaler, Richard & 2008 3.84 55365
and Happiness Cass Sunstein

On Being Human: Why Mind Matters Kagan, Jerome 2016 3.83 29

The Art of Choosing Iyengar, Sheena 2010 3.83 5640

How We Decide Lehrer, Jonah 2009 3.83 37479

Stumbling on Happiness Gilbert, Daniel T. 2007 3.83 50145

How Change Happens Sunstein, Cass 2019 3.82 123

Grand Pursuit: The Story of Economic Genius Nasar, Sylvia 2011 3.82 1504

Behavioral Economics Guide 2020 231

Popular Behavioral Science Books

Everything is Obvious: Once You Know the Answer Watts, Duncan 2011 3.82 4271

Indistractable: How to Control Your Attention and Eyal, Nir 2019 3.81 4501
Choose Your Life

Cognitive Surplus: Creativity and Generosity in a Shirky, Clay 2010 3.81 5500
Connected Age

The Logic of Life: The Rational Economics of an Harford, Tim 2008 3.81 5257
Irrational World

The Undercover Economist Harford, Tim 2005 3.81 23.372

The Luck Factor Wiseman, 2003 3.81 1194


Management of the Absurd Farson, Richard 1996 3.81 248

When: The Scientific Secrets of Perfect Timing Pink, Daniel H. 2018 3.79 17436

Webs of Influence: The Psychology of Online Nahai, Nathalie 2013 3.79 218

Sway: The Irresistible Pull of Irrational Behavior Brafman, Ori & 2008 3.78 18433
Rom Brafman

Mindware: Tools for Smart Thinking Nisbett, Richard 2015 3.77 1266

Animal Spirits: How Human Psychology Drives the Akerlof, George 2009 3.77 4208
Economy, and Why It Matters for Global Capitalism & Robert Shiller

Messengers: Who We Listen To, Who We Don’t, And Martin, Stephen 2019 3.76 160
Why & Joseph Marks

Buyology: Truth and Lies about Why We Buy Lindstrom, 2008 3.76 10321

Behavioral Economics: The Basics Corr, Philip & 2018 3.75 20

Anke Plagnol

Beyond Greed and Fear: Understanding Behavioral Shefrin, Hersh 1999 3.75 224
Finance and the Psychology of Investing

Herd: How to Change Mass Behaviour by Earls, Mark 2009 3.74 313
Harnessing Our True Nature

Dollars and Sense: How We Misthink Money and Ariely, Dan & 2017 3.73 2703
How to Spend Smarter Jeff Kreisler

Behavioural Economics: A Very Short Introduction Baddeley, 2017 3.72 82


Thinking: The New Science of Decision-Making, Brockman, John 2013 3.72 749
Problem-Solving and Prediction

Behavioral Economics Guide 2020 232

Popular Behavioral Science Books

Randomistas: How Radical Researcher Are Changing Leigh, Andrew 2018 3.70 113
Our World

Payoff: The Hidden Logic that Shapes our Ariely, Dan 2016 3.70 3423

Mind in Motion: How Action Shapes Thought Tversky, Barbara 2019 3.68 90

The Buying Brain: Secrets for Selling to the Pradeep, A. K. 2010 3.68 308
Subconscious Mind

Experimentation Works: The Surprising Power of Thomke, Stefan 2020 3.67 12

Business Experiments H.

Invisible Influence: The Hidden Forces that Shape Berger, Jonah 2016 3.66 2037

The Age of Addiction: How Bad Habits Became Big Courtwright, 2019 3.65 171
Business David

The Why Axis: Hidden Motives and the Gneezy, Uri & 2013 3.65 912
Undiscovered Economics of Everyday Life John List

Everything I Ever Needed to Know about Economics Oyer, Paul 2014 3.63 289
I Learned from Online Dating

Secrets of the Moneylab: How Behavioral Economics Chen, Kay- 2010 3.63 52
Can Improve Your Business Yut & Marina

Narrative Economics: How Stories Go Viral and Drive Shiller, Robert J. 2019 3.62 398
Major Economic Events

Changing Minds: The Art And Science of Changing Gardner, Howard 2006 3.62 553
Our Own And Other People's Minds

Wiser: Getting Beyond Groupthink to Make Groups Sunstein, Cass & 2014 3.59 344
Smarter Reid Hastie

Happiness by Design: Change What You Do, Not Dolan, Paul 2014 3.58 1723
How You Think

An Economist Walks into a Brothel: And Other Schrager, Allison 2019 3.57 882
Unexpected Places to Understand Risk

Choosing Not to Choose: Understanding the Value Sunstein, Cass 2015 3.56 43
of Choice

Social Physics: How Social Networks Can Make Us Pentland, Alex 2015 3.54 1036

Farsighted: How We Make the Decisions That Matter Johnson, Steven 2018 3.53 1162
the Most

Identity Economics: How Our Identities Shape Our Akerlof, George 2010 3.51 437
Work, Wages, and Well-Being & Rachel Kranton

When to Rob a Bank Levitt, Steven & 2015 3.50 11445

Stephen Dubner

Behavioral Economics Guide 2020 233

Popular Behavioral Science Books

Feeling Smart: Why Our Emotions Are More Rational Winter, Eyal 2014 3.50 107
Than We Think

Improving Employee Benefits: Why employees fail Wendel, Stephen 2014 3.50 2
to use their benefits and how behavioral economics
can help

More Sex Is Safer Sex: The Unconventional Wisdom Landsburg, 2007 3.49 1210
of Economics Steven

Mind over Money: The Psychology of Money and Hammond, 2016 3.47 414
How to Use It Better Claudia

Irrationally yours : On Missing Socks, Pick-up Lines Ariely, Dan & 2015 3.47 1777
and Other Existential Puzzles Haefeli William

Why Nudge? The Politics of Libertarian Paternalism Sunstein, Cass 2015 3.47 148

Why We’re Wrong About Nearly Everything: A Duffy, Bobby 2019 3.45 55
Theory of Human Misunderstanding

Emotionomics: Leveraging Emotions for Business Hill, Dan 2009 3.44 106

Make Your Brain Work: How to Maximize Your Brann, Amy & 2013 3.43 65
Efficiency, Productivity and … Kogan Page

Phishing for Phools: The Economics of Manipulation Akerlof, George 2015 3.42 1502
and Deception & Robert Shiller

The Age of the Infovore: Succeeding in the Cowen, Tyler 2009 3.38 691
Information Economy

Bozo Sapiens: Why to Err is Human Kaplan, Michael 2009 3.35 254
& Ellen Kaplan

Why Popcorn Costs So Much at the Movies: And McKenzie, 2008 3.29 161
Other Pricing Puzzles Richard

Conformity: The Power of Social Influences Sunstein, Cass 2019 3.28 119

Carrots and Sticks: Unlock the Power of Incentives Ayres, Ian 2010 3.21 356
to Get Things Done

Honours versus Money: The Economics of Awards Frey, Bruno S. & 2017 3.00 4
Jana Gallus

Inside Nudging: Navigating Behavioral Science Shu, Steve 2015 3.00 3


Behavioral Economics: Moving Forward Ghisellini, 2018 2.75 4

Fabrizio &
Beryl Y. Chang

The Economics of Violence: How Behavioral Science Shiffman, Gary 2020 0.00 0
Can Transform our View of Crime, Insurgency, and M.

Behavioral Economics Guide 2020 234

Popular Behavioral Science Books

Ripple: The Big Effects of Small Behaviour Changes Groom, Jez & 2020 0.00 0
in Business April Vellacott

Trusting Nudges: Toward A Bill of Rights for Nudging Sunstein, Cass R. 2019 0.00 0
& Lucia A. Reisch

* Ratings retrieved in April 2020

Behavioral Economics Guide 2020 235

Popular Behavioral Science Books

Popular Books (By Author)

Average Number
Title Author(s) (Mean) of
Rating* Ratings*
Identity Economics: How Our Identities Shape Our Akerlof, George 2010 3.51 437
Work, Wages, and Well-Being & Rachel Kranton

Animal Spirits: How Human Psychology Drives the Akerlof, George 2009 3.77 4208
Economy, and Why It Matters for Global Capitalism & Robert Shiller

Phishing for Phools: The Economics of Manipulation Akerlof, George 2015 3.42 1502
and Deception & Robert Shiller

Irresistible: The Rise of Addictive Technology and Alter, Adam 2017 3.85 5932
the Business of Keeping Us Hooked

Predictably Irrational: The Hidden Forces That Shape Ariely, Dan 2008 4.13 92840
Our Decisions

The Upside of Irrationality: The Unexpected Benefits Ariely, Dan 2010 4.03 31421
of Defying Logic at Work and at Home

The Honest Truth About Dishonesty: How We Lie to Ariely, Dan 2012 3.93 12829
Everyone — Especially Ourselves

Payoff: The Hidden Logic that Shapes our Ariely, Dan 2016 3.70 3423

Irrationally yours : On Missing Socks, Pick-up Lines Ariely, Dan & 2015 3.47 1777
and Other Existential Puzzles Haefeli William

Dollars and Sense: How We Misthink Money and Ariely, Dan & Jeff 2017 3.73 2703
How to Spend Smarter Kreisler

Carrots and Sticks: Unlock the Power of Incentives Ayres, Ian 2010 3.21 356
to Get Things Done

Behavioural Economics: A Very Short Introduction Baddeley, 2017 3.72 82


Decoded: The Science Behind Why We Buy Barden, Phil 2013 4.21 666

Willpower: Rediscovering the Greatest Human Baumeister, Roy 2011 3.97 16583
Strength & John Tierney

Why Smart People Make Big Money Mistakes and Belsky, Gary & 2000 3.98 1337
How to Correct Them: … Thomas Gilovich

Save More Tomorrow: Practical Behavioral Finance Benartzi, Shlomo 2012 4.03 36
Solutions to Improve 401(k) Plans

The Smarter Screen: Surprising Ways to Influence Benartzi, Shlomo 2015 3.97 233
and Improve Online Behavior & Jonah Lehrer

Invisible Influence: The Hidden Forces that Shape Berger, Jonah 2016 3.66 2037

Behavioral Economics Guide 2020 236

Popular Behavioral Science Books

Work Rules!: Insights from Inside Google That Will Bock, Laszlo 2015 4.17 10825
Transform How You Live and Lead

What Works: Gender Equality by Design Bohnet, Iris 2016 4.20 452

Who Can You Trust?: How Technology Brought Us Botsman, Rachel 2017 4.16 496
Together… and Why It Could Drive Us Apart

Sway: The Irresistible Pull of Irrational Behavior Brafman, Ori & 2008 3.78 18433
Rom Brafman

Make Your Brain Work: How to Maximize Your Brann, Amy & 2013 3.43 65
Efficiency, Productivity and … Kogan Page

Thinking: The New Science of Decision-Making, Brockman, John 2013 3.72 749
Problem-Solving and Prediction

The Social Animal: The Hidden Sources of Love, Brooks, David 2011 3.86 20624
Character, and Achievement

The Psychology of Price: How to use price to Caldwell, Leigh 2012 4.00 60
increase demand, profit and customer satisfaction

The Myth of the Rational Voter: Why Democracies Caplan, Bryan 2007 3.94 1513
Choose Bad Policies

The Invisible Gorilla: How Our Intuitions Deceive Us Chabris, 2010 3.90 13201
Christopher &
Daniel Simons

Secrets of the Moneylab: How Behavioral Economics Chen, Kay- 2010 3.63 52
Can Improve Your Business Yut & Marina

Algorithms To Live By: The Computer Science of Christian, Brian 2016 4.15 16440
Human Decisions & Tom Griffiths

Influence: The Psychology of Persuasion Cialdini, Robert 1993 4.19 88225

Pre-Suasion: A Revolutionary Way to Influence and Cialdini, Robert 2016 4.05 5085

Behavioral Economics: The Basics Corr, Philip & 2018 3.75 20

Anke Plagnol

The Age of Addiction: How Bad Habits Became Big Courtwright, 2019 3.65 171
Business David

The Age of the Infovore: Succeeding in the Cowen, Tyler 2009 3.38 691
Information Economy

The Behavioral Investor Crosby, Daniel 2018 4.20 189

Priced to Influence, Sell & Satisfy: Lessons from Dholakia, Utpal 2019 4.67 3
Behavioral Economics for Pricing Success

Behavioral Economics Guide 2020 237

Popular Behavioral Science Books

The Art of Thinking Clearly: Better Thinking, Better Dobelli, Rolf 2013 3.84 18905

Happiness by Design: Change What You Do, Not Dolan, Paul 2014 3.58 1723
How You Think

Why We’re Wrong About Nearly Everything: A Duffy, Bobby 2019 3.45 55
Theory of Human Misunderstanding

The Power of Habit: Why We Do What We Do in Life Duhigg, Charles 2011 4.10 298406
and Business

Smarter Faster Better: The Secrets Of Being Duhigg, Charles 2016 3.93 23875
Productive In Life And Business

Thinking in Bets: Making Smarter Decisions When Duke, Annie 2018 3.84 6289
You Don't Have All the Facts

Incognito: The Secret Lives of the Brain Eagleman, David 2011 4.05 25037

Herd: How to Change Mass Behaviour by Earls, Mark 2009 3.74 313
Harnessing Our True Nature

Biased: Uncovering the Hidden Prejudice That Eberhardt, 2019 4.27 1430
Shapes What We See, Think, and Do Jennifer L.

Hooked: How to Build Habit-Forming Products Eyal, Nir 2014 4.08 21258

Indistractable: How to Control Your Attention and Eyal, Nir 2019 3.81 4501
Choose Your Life

Management of the Absurd Farson, Richard 1996 3.81 248

A Mind of Its Own: How Your Brain Distorts and Fine, Cordelia 2006 3.86 2490

Honours versus Money: The Economics of Awards Frey, Bruno S. & 2017 3.00 4
Jana Gallus

Hello World: Being Human in the Age of Algorithms Fry, Hannah 2019 4.14 4548

The Science of Fear: How the Culture of Fear Gardner, Daniel 2008 3.98 5172
Manipulates Your Brain

Changing Minds: The Art And Science of Changing Gardner, Howard 2006 3.62 553
Our Own And Other People's Minds

Behavioral Economics: Moving Forward Ghisellini, 2018 2.75 4

Fabrizio & Beryl
Y. Chang
Risk Savvy: How to Make Good Decisions Gigerenzer, Gerd 2013 4.02 1060

Stumbling on Happiness Gilbert, Daniel T. 2007 3.83 50145

Behavioral Economics Guide 2020 238

Popular Behavioral Science Books

How We Know What Isn't So: The Fallibility of Gilovich, 1991 3.96 2840
Human Reason in Everyday Life Thomas

Blink: The Power of Thinking Without Thinking Gladwell, 2001 3.93 457581

The Why Axis: Hidden Motives and the Gneezy, Uri & 2013 3.65 912
Undiscovered Economics of Everyday Life John List

Yes!: 50 Scientifically Proven Ways to Be Persuasive Goldstein, Noah 2008 4.00 10574
J., Robert B.
Cialdini & Steve J.

Focus: Use Different Ways of Seeing the World for Grant Halvorson, 2013 4.03 994
Success and Influence Heidi & E. Tory

Ripple: The Big Effects of Small Behaviour Changes Groom, Jez & 2020 0.00 0
in Business April Vellacott

Inside the Nudge Unit: How Small Changes Can Halpern, David 2015 4.00 521
Make a Big Difference

Mind over Money: The Psychology of Money and Hammond, 2016 3.47 414
How to Use It Better Claudia

The Undercover Economist Harford, Tim 2005 3.81 23.372

Adapt: Why Success Always Starts with Failure Harford, Tim 2011 3.88 3543

The Logic of Life: The Rational Economics of an Harford, Tim 2008 3.81 5257
Irrational World

Switch: How to Change Things When Change Is Hard Heath, Chip & 2010 4.04 39751
Dan Heath

Decisive: How to Make Better Choices in Life and Heath, Chip & 2013 3.99 12085
Work Dan Heath

Emotionomics: Leveraging Emotions for Business Hill, Dan 2009 3.44 106

The Art of Choosing Iyengar, Sheena 2010 3.83 5640

Farsighted: How We Make the Decisions That Matter Johnson, Steven 2018 3.53 1162
the Most

On Being Human: Why Mind Matters Kagan, Jerome 2016 3.83 29

Thinking, Fast and Slow Kahneman, 2011 4.15 262215


Bozo Sapiens: Why to Err is Human Kaplan, Michael 2009 3.35 254
& Ellen Kaplan

Behavioral Economics Guide 2020 239

Popular Behavioral Science Books

The Rational Animal: How Evolution Made Us Kenrick, Douglas 2013 3.88 321
Smarter Than We Think & Vladas

Radical Uncertainty: Decision-making for an King, Mervyn & 2020 4.20 15

unknowable future John Kay

Understanding Behavioral BIA$: A Guide to Krawczyk, Daniel 2019 5.00 2

Improving Financial Decision-Making C. & George H.

More Sex Is Safer Sex: The Unconventional Wisdom Landsburg, 2007 3.49 1210
of Economics Steven

The Emotional Brain: The Mysterious Underpinnings LeDoux, Joseph 1998 4.09 2674
of Emotional Life

How We Decide Lehrer, Jonah 2009 3.83 37479

Randomistas: How Radical Researcher Are Changing Leigh, Andrew 2018 3.70 113
Our World

SuperFreakonomics: Global Cooling, Patriotic Levitt, Steven & 2009 3.99 116868
Prostitutes And Why Suicide Bombers Should Buy Stephen Dubner
Life Insurance

Freakonomics: A Rogue Economist Explores the Levitt, Steven & 2005 3.97 665878
Hidden Side of Everything Stephen Dubner

When to Rob a Bank Levitt, Steven & 2015 3.50 11445

Stephen Dubner

The Undoing Project: A Friendship That Changed Lewis, Michael 2016 3.98 40721
Our Minds

Buyology: Truth and Lies about Why We Buy Lindstrom, 2008 3.76 10321

The Power of Experiments: Decision Making in a Luca, Michael 2020 4.00 2

Data-Driven World & Max H.

The Laws of Simplicity (Simplicity: Design, Maeda, John 2006 3.93 5559
Technology, Business, Life)

Messengers: Who We Listen To, Who We Don’t, And Martin, Stephen 2019 3.76 160
Why & Joseph Marks

More Than You Know: Finding Financial Wisdom in Mauboussin, 2007 4.10 1599
Unconventional Places Michael

The Willpower Instinct: How Self-Control Works, McGonigal, Kelly 2011 4.14 24876
Why It Matters, and What You Can Do to Get More
of It

Why Popcorn Costs So Much at the Movies: And McKenzie, 2008 3.29 161
Other Pricing Puzzles Richard

You Are Now Less Dumb: How to Conquer Mob McRaney, David 2013 3.94 3665
Mentality, How to Buy Happiness, and …

Behavioral Economics Guide 2020 240

Popular Behavioral Science Books

You Are Not So Smart: Why You Have Too Many McRaney, David 2011 3.87 28572
Friends on Facebook, Why Your …

The Enigma of Reason Mercier, Hugo & 2017 4.13 520

Dan Sperber

The Drunkard's Walk: How Randomness Rules Our Mlodinow, 2008 3.92 18790
Lives Leonard

The Little Book of Behavioral Investing: How Not to Montier, James 2010 4.11 1563
be Your Own Worst Enemy

Cents and Sensibility: What Economics Can Learn Morson, Gary 2017 3.91 76
from the Humanities Saul & Morton

Scarcity Why Having Too Little Means So Much Mullainathan, 2013 3.92 4118
Sendhil & Shafir,

Webs of Influence: The Psychology of Online Nahai, Nathalie 2013 3.79 218

Grand Pursuit: The Story of Economic Genius Nasar, Sylvia 2011 3.82 1504

Mindware: Tools for Smart Thinking Nisbett, Richard 2015 3.77 1266

Everything I Ever Needed to Know about Economics Oyer, Paul 2014 3.63 289
I Learned from Online Dating

The Book of Why: The New Science of Cause and Pearl, Judea & 2018 3.95 2102
Effect Dana Mackenzie

Social Physics: How Social Networks Can Make Us Pentland, Alex 2015 3.54 1036

Drive: The Surprising Truth about What Motivates Pink, Daniel 2008 3.95 87345

When: The Scientific Secrets of Perfect Timing Pink, Daniel H. 2018 3.79 17436

Priceless: The Myth of Fair Value Poundstone, 2010 3.84 1598


The Buying Brain: Secrets for Selling to the Pradeep, A. K. 2010 3.68 308
Subconscious Mind

Factfulness: Ten Reasons We’re Wrong About the Rosling, Hans, 2018 4.37 74906
World… and Why Things Are Better Than You Think Ola Rosling &
Anna Rosling

An Economist Walks into a Brothel: And Other Schrager, Allison 2019 3.57 882
Unexpected Places to Understand Risk

The Misguided Mind: Correct Everyday Thinking Schuster, Steven 2018 4.60 5
Errors, Be Less Irrational, And Improve Your
Decision Making

Behavioral Economics Guide 2020 241

Popular Behavioral Science Books

The Paradox of Choice: Why More Is Less Schwartz, Barry 2004 3.85 26995

The Fifth Discipline Fieldbook: Strategies and Tools Senge, Peter; 1994 4.13 1849
for Building a Learning Organization Kleiner, Art
& Charlotte

Beyond Greed and Fear: Understanding Behavioral Shefrin, Hersh 1999 3.75 224
Finance and the Psychology of Investing

The Economics of Violence: How Behavioral Science Shiffman, Gary 2020 0.00 0
Can Transform our View of Crime, Insurgency, and M.
Irrational Exuberance Shiller, Robert 2000 3.98 6298

Narrative Economics: How Stories Go Viral and Drive Shiller, Robert J. 2019 3.62 398
Major Economic Events

Cognitive Surplus: Creativity and Generosity in a Shirky, Clay 2010 3.81 5500
Connected Age

The Choice Factory: 25 Behavioral Biases that Shotton, Richard 2018 4.18 428
Influence What We Buy

Inside Nudging: Navigating Behavioral Science Shu, Steve 2015 3.00 3


The Signal and the Noise: Why So Many Predictions Silver, Nate 2012 3.98 40250
Fail — but Some Don't

The Knowledge Illusion: Why We Never Think Alone Sloman, 2017 3.84 1293
Steven & Philip

The Last Mile: Creating Social and Economic Value Soman, Dilip 2015 4.03 29
from Behavioral Insights

How Change Happens Sunstein, Cass 2019 3.82 123

Choosing Not to Choose: Understanding the Value Sunstein, Cass 2015 3.56 43
of Choice

Why Nudge? The Politics of Libertarian Paternalism Sunstein, Cass 2015 3.47 148

Conformity: The Power of Social Influences Sunstein, Cass 2019 3.28 119

The Ethics of Influence: Government in the Age of Sunstein, Cass 2016 3.85 39
Behavioral Science

Wiser: Getting Beyond Groupthink to Make Groups Sunstein, Cass & 2014 3.59 344
Smarter Reid Hastie

Trusting Nudges: Toward A Bill of Rights for Nudging Sunstein, Cass R. 2019 0.00 0
& Lucia A. Reisch

Behavioral Economics Guide 2020 242

Popular Behavioral Science Books

Alchemy: The Surprising Power of Ideas That Don't Sutherland, Rory 2019 4.29 1012
Make Sense

Irrationality Sutherland, 1992 3.91 1365


Fooled by Randomness: The Hidden Role of Chance Taleb, Nassim 2001 4.06 44262
in Life and in the Markets Nicholas

The Black Swan: The Impact of the Highly Taleb, Nassim 2007 3.92 77204
Improbable Nicholas

Mistakes Were Made (But Not by Me): Why We Tavris, Carol & 2007 4.02 21350
Justify Foolish Beliefs, Bad Decisions, and Hurtful Elliot Aronson
Superforecasting: The Art and Science of Prediction Tetlock, Philip & 2016 4.09 12048
Dan Gardner

Misbehaving: The Making of Behavioral Economics Thaler, Richard 2015 4.18 12386

Nudge: Improving Decisions About Health, Wealth, Thaler, Richard & 2008 3.84 55365
and Happiness Cass Sunstein

Experimentation Works: The Surprising Power of Thomke, Stefan 2020 3.67 12

Business Experiments H.

The Blindspots Between Us: How to Overcome Tsipursky, Gleb & 2020 4.96 25
Unconscious Cognitive Bias and Build Better David McRaney
Mind in Motion: How Action Shapes Thought Tversky, Barbara 2019 3.68 90

Why We Buy: The Science of Shopping Underhill, Paco 1999 3.90 11759

Everything is Obvious: Once You Know the Answer Watts, Duncan 2011 3.82 4271

How to Have a Good Day: Harness the Power of Webb, Caroline 2016 4.02 1929
Behavioral Science to Transform Your Working Life

The Mind Club: Who Thinks, What Feels, And Why It Wegner, Daniel 2016 3.90 512
Matters & Kurt Gray

I Love You, Now Read This Book. (It's About Human Weinschenk, 2019 4.00 1
Decision Making and Behavioral Economics.) Guthrie & Susan

Designing for Behavior Change: Applying Psychology Wendel, Stephen 2013 4.14 251
and Behavioral Economics

Improving Employee Benefits: Why employees fail Wendel, Stephen 2014 3.50 2
to use their benefits and how behavioral economics
can help

Feeling Smart: Why Our Emotions Are More Rational Winter, Eyal 2014 3.50 107
Than We Think

Behavioral Economics Guide 2020 243

Popular Behavioral Science Books

The Luck Factor Wiseman, 2003 3.81 1194


* Ratings retrieved in April 2020

Behavioral Economics Guide 2020 244

Other Resources

For the most up-to-date behavioral science

resources, including events, jobs, popular books,
and scholarly journals, please visit
Author Profiles
Author Profiles

Alain Samson (Editor)

Alain Samson is the editor of the Behavioral Economics Guide, founder

of and Chief Science Officer at Syntoniq. In the
past, he has worked as a consultant, researcher and scientific advisor. His
experience spans multiple sectors, including finance, consumer goods,
media, higher education, energy and government.

Alain studied at UC Berkeley, the University of Michigan and the London School of Economics,
where he obtained a PhD in Social Psychology. His scholarly interests have been eclectic,
including culture and cognition, social perception, consumer psychology and behavioral
economics. He has published articles in scholarly journals in the fields of management,
consumer behavior and economic psychology. He is the author of Consumed, a Psychology
Today online popular science column about behavioral science.

Alain can be contacted at

Colin Camerer (Introduction)

Colin Camerer is the Robert Kirby Professor of Behavioral Economics at the

California Institute of Technology. He earned a PhD from the University of
Chicago in 1981, worked at Northwestern, Penn, and Chicago, and came to
Caltech in 1994. He was elected a Fellow of the Econometric Society in 1999
and named a MacArthur Fellow in 2013. Camerer’s research group uses a
wide variety of lab and field methods to study computations made in goal-directed economic
and social decisions, including strategic interaction and market trading. fMRI projects have
isolated self-control in choosing tempting foods, emotional regulation of financial losses,
curiosity, and neural circuitry underlying disposition effects stock market bubbles. Their group
have also used TMS to causally influence choice, eyetracking to measure attention, behavior of
lesion patients, and competitive touchscreen experiments with chimpanzees. Besides creating
lab experiments, Camerer’s group tests theories from neuroscience and psychology using field
data on sports betting, work decisions, strategic naivete among moviegoers, and habits in
consumer choice.

Behavioral Economics Guide 2020 248

Author Profiles

Elke U. Weber (Guest editorial)

Elke Weber is the Gerhard R. Andlinger Professor in Energy and the

Environment and Professor of Psychology and Public Affairs at Princeton
University. Her research models decision-making under uncertainty and
time delay in financial and environmental contexts from a psychological and
neuroscience perspective. Her expertise in the behavioral decision sciences
has been sought out by advisory committees of the National Academy of Sciences on Human
Dimensions in Global Change, an American Psychological Association Task Force that issued a
report on the Interface between Psychology and Global Climate Change, and Working Group III
for the 5th and 6th Assessment Report of the U.N. Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change
(IPCC). She is past president of the Society for Neuroeconomics, the Society for Judgment and
Decision Making, and the Society for Mathematical Psychology. She is a fellow of the American
Academy of Arts and Sciences, the American Association for the Advancement of Science, the
American Psychological Association, the Association for Psychological Science, the Society
for Risk Analysis, the Society for Experimental Psychology. She received the Distinguished
Scientific Contribution Award from the Society for Risk Analysis and was also elected to the
German National Academy of Sciences.

Behavioral Economics Guide 2020 249

Contributing Organizations
Contributing Organization Profiles

Think Forward Initiative

Empower People to Make Better Financial Decisions

The Think Forward Initiative (TFI) is based on the belief that our society is better off when
people make sound financial decisions. TFI’s Research Hub does cutting-edge, data-driven
research in social and behavioural sciences to learn more about people’s decision-making. TFI’s
Accelerator Hub translates research insights into innovations. It scouts and selects start-ups
and supports them to scale faster and helps people to change their behaviour and improve
their financial well-being. Lastly, TFI’s Community Hub promotes the activities of the other two
hubs through our network of TFI community members, and it launches campaigns to ensure
our work reaches the people that need it the most.

For more information, please visit

Affective Advisory

Affective Advisory is a Swiss advisory boutique specializing in behavioral science. We use the
latest academic insights from experimental economics, social psychology and cognitive science
to design revolutionary strategies for customer, employee and citizen engagement.

We support leading corporate, government and non-profit organizations in innovation and

change management, organizational culture and development as well as marketing and
communication projects, focusing throughout on human judgment and decision making.

We are locally rooted and globally connected. Based in Zurich, Switzerland, we draw on a global
network of professional and academic experts with diverse industry experience to deliver the
best possible solutions for our clients.

For more information, please visit

Behavior & Law

Behavior & Law is a Spanish company dedicated to research, scientific dissemination and
teaching in behavioral sciences and forensic sciences. Since its foundation in 2008, it has
specialized in the application of these sciences to the field of public and private security.

In the area of public security, it has stood out for its collaboration with police forces from
different countries (Mexico, Colombia, Ecuador, USA, etc.), obtaining various national and
international acknowledgements. Regarding private security, it has stood out for the creation
of the SAVE meta-protocol for fraud management, a method for training teams within private
companies to fight internal and external forms of fraud. In recent years, large insurance and
financial companies have been trained in this method.

For the last two years, Behavior & Law has been intensifying its work in behavioral economics,
currently focusing on several lines of research, one of them within the collaboration with the
Welfare Economics group of the UNED. Our latest project is an App for smartphones that will

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Contributing Organization Profiles

incorporate several economic decision-making games and cross the results with personality
questionnaires that will be administrated to its users.

For more information, please visit

Center for Advanced Hindsight

The Center for Advanced Hindsight is Dan Ariely’s applied behavioral science lab at Duke
University that specializes in health and financial decision-making. Researchers at the Center
for Advanced Hindsight study, design, test and implement behavioral interventions to help
people become happier, healthier and wealthier. Bridging the gap between research and real
world applications, the Center partners with a wide variety of organizations, from tech com-
panies to governments to nonprofits. By partnering with sponsors in real-world settings, the
Center for Advanced Hindsight is able to better scale its applied research and have a broader
impact on the world.

For more information, please visit

Decision Technology

With roots in academia and close links to various research institutions, Decision Technology
specialises in helping businesses and policymakers understand and manage customer
decision-making with insight grounded in behavioural science and psychology.

We deliver highly differentiated insight and end-to-end services that merge financial analysis
and business advice alongside field research and customer insight. This hybrid approach,
developed with our co-founder Professor Nick Chater of Warwick Business School, marries a
necessary focus on commercial results with a practical understanding of what drives human

Decision Technology is a trusted advisor to some of the world’s largest organisations in

both the private and public sectors. We build long-term partnerships with our clients, whose
markets span telecoms, utilities, retail, advertising, and finance. By employing a behavioural,
experimental and statistical approach, our Brand practice helps our clients to navigate and
leverage the relationship between customer decision-making and winning strategies.

For more information, please visit


Experientia is an international, independent, award-winning UX research and service design

agency with offices in Switzerland, Italy and Singapore.

We design cutting-edge solutions that align products and services with people’s behaviors,
actions and aspirations, making them work better for those who use them.

Experientia uses qualitative research to develop an in-depth understanding of people’s

behaviors, actions, pain points and aspirations in a given context to identify key decision-
making moments, and then uses these insights to design solutions that improve the way people

Behavioral Economics Guide 2020 252

Contributing Organization Profiles

engage with products and services, increase their sense of competence, improve collaboration
and positively impact their decisions and behaviors.

Our multilingual, multidisciplinary team has combined expertise in business strategy,

behavioral design and behavioral modeling, cognitive and social psychology, ethnography and
behavioral economics, information architecture, prototyping, and usability assessment.

Our experience and domain expertise cover a wide range of industries including pharma
& healthcare, finance & insurance, public sector & social innovation, urban development &
architecture, transport, energy, FMCG, food, fashion, and technology.

For more information, please visit

Frontier Economics

Frontier Economics is a consulting firm with over 200 economists across London, Berlin,
Brussels, Cologne, Dublin, Madrid and Paris. We specialise in competition, regulation and
strategy, across all major sectors and areas of economic analysis.

Our clients benefit from objective advice, clearly expressed, that helps to inform key decisions.
To get to the heart of what matters, you need both analytical expertise and creative problem
solving. Frontier Economics combines both to take on some of the biggest questions facing
business and society.

We combine our expertise in economics with behavioural sciences to develop a richer picture
of the present, helping us to advise our clients on the right decisions for them, for future
success. We have one of the largest economic regulation practices in Europe - our behavioural
economics work supports wider engagement with regulators and helps develop regulatory
policy. Our work on customer strategy centres around understanding the actual behaviours of
our clients’ customers to help develop innovative customer-based solutions.

For more information, please visit

Gorilla Experiment Builder

We make powerful, flexible and intuitive software for pioneering behavioural science students,
researchers and practitioners to help them run novel behavioural experiments on humans
quickly, easily and cheaply.

Academics use our software to make discoveries about all aspects of the human mind (for
instance memory, attention, language and emotions).

Students use our software to learn how to conduct online research methods and prepare for
careers that value digital experimentation (such as market research and advertising).

Practitioners use our software to design and run behavioural experiments that provide their
clients with behavioural insights. The outcomes of these experiments deliver value to clients
in a wide range of scenarios.

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Providing behavioural scientists with the tools needed accelerate their research will liberate
this community to creatively use their knowledge to discover behavioural insights that address
a wide range of challenges in society.

For more information, please visit


ING is a global financial institution with a strong European base, offering banking services
through its operating company ING Bank. The purpose of ING Bank is empowering people to
stay a step ahead in life and in business. ING Bank’s more than 52,000 employees offer retail
and wholesale banking services to customers in over 40 countries.

Group Research supports ING’s purpose by monitoring and applying lessons from behavioural
science to personal finance through the open-access THINK platform and the ING International
Survey. It is also a key supporter of the Think Forward Initiative. The consumer content on THINK
explores how attitudes to money affect our lives, now and in the future. The ING International
Survey is one of the biggest surveys of its type in Europe and delivers a better understanding of
how people spend, save, invest and feel about money. The Think Forward Initiative is a multi-
year movement bringing together experts representing governments, academics, consumers,
and the financial and technology sectors with the aim of developing tools that can help people
make conscious and informed choices about money.

For more information, please visit

Innovia Technology

Innovia Technology is a global innovation consultancy, based in Cambridge UK, specialising in

the front end of innovation. We work with the best companies in the world on their biggest
innovation challenges to create opportunities for growth. Innovation needs to work from
every angle, so we work holistically to bring different perspectives together to ensure the
best chance of success. In practice, this means we work in multi-disciplinary teams comprised
of scientists, designers and business strategists who can combine creativity with structure.
Innovia pioneered the use of behavioural science in innovation and it has become a critical
component of many innovation programmes. The behavioural scientists at Innovia have
worked on diverse challenges including smoking cessation, improving the experience of
boarding planes, reducing drink-driving and improving animal welfare.

For more information, please visit

Irrational Labs

Irrational Labs is a leading behavioral economics consulting firm. We help organizations design
products and services that make their customers happier, healthier and wealthier. Our clients
have included Google, Lyft, Fidelity, Microsoft, Kiva, Indeed and hundreds of other innovative
organizations. We use behavioral insights to design new products and improve existing ones,
always finding the simple and low-cost route to improved customer and business outcomes.

For more information, please visit

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Contributing Organization Profiles

Reinsurance Group of America (RGA)

Reinsurance Group of America, Incorporated (RGA), a Fortune 500 company, is among the
leading global providers of life reinsurance and financial solutions, with approximately $3.5
trillion of life reinsurance in force and assets of $76.7 billion as of December 31, 2019. Founded
in 1973, RGA is recognized for its deep technical expertise in risk and capital management,
innovative solutions, and commitment to serving its clients. With headquarters in St. Louis,
Missouri, and operations around the world, RGA specializes in individual life reinsurance,
individual living benefits reinsurance, group reinsurance, health reinsurance, facultative
underwriting, product development, and financial solutions.

For more information, please visit

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