Middle East Chronology - 1977-11-16 - 1978-02-15
Middle East Chronology - 1977-11-16 - 1978-02-15
Middle East Chronology - 1977-11-16 - 1978-02-15
Reviewed work(s):
Source: Middle East Journal, Vol. 32, No. 2 (Spring, 1978), pp. 185-199
Published by: Middle East Institute
Stable URL: http://www.jstor.org/stable/4325739 .
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List of Abbreviations
CSM, The Christian Science Monitor; EG, Egyptian Gazette; FBIS, Foreign Broadcast Information Service Daily
Report-Middle East and North Africa; JP, The JerusalemPost; MEED, Middle East EconomicDigest; MEES, Middle
East EconomicSurvey; NYT, The New York Times; TDN, Turkish Daily News; WP, The Washington Post.
Jordanian Information Minister 'Adnan Abiu Dec. 1: The Egyptian Ambassador to Yugoslavia re-
'Awdah said the Sidat trip had "broken the ice signed in disagreement with Sidat's Middle East
and removed psychological barriers." [NYT} policies. [NYT}
Nov. 23: Israeli Foreign Minister Moshe Dayan said that Lebanon said it would not attend the Cairo
Israel must soon decide its "last ditch" attitude on conference. [NYT]
the questions of ultimate borders, a solution to the Dec. 2: Heads of State and representatives from Libya,
Palestinian problem and the nature of the peace to Syria, Iraq, Algeria, South Yemen and the PLO met
be negotiated. [NYT] in Tripoli, Libya, to discuss their opposition to the
It was reported that Egypt had deported 3 Pales- peace moves of Sidat. [NYT)
tinian officials to Beirut. [NYT] The General Assembly voted 95 to 20 with 26
Nov. 24: Rumania expressed approval of the Sadat visit abstentions for a resolution that would create a UN
and said it offered "a way out of deadlock." [NYT) unit to publicize "Palestinian rights." [NYT]
Nov. 25: The UN General Assembly voted by 102 to Dec. 3: Moroccan Premier Ahmed Osman met with
4 with 29 abstentions for a resolution which con- US PresidentJimmy Carterin Washington. The White
demned the Israeli occupation of Arab lands. [NYT] House later announced that a scheduled visit to the
Israel struck oil at an offshore well in the Gulf of US by King Hasan had been cancelled "because of
Suez, off occupied Egyptian territory. [MEES] recent developments in the Middle East." [NYT)
Syrian Information Minister Ahmad Iskandar A bomb exploded in the Old City of Jerusalem,
Ahmad said that the Sidat trip had raised an obstacle wounding 5. [NYTI
to a reconvened Geneva conference by splitting the Dec. 4: Al Ahram reported that Egypt had recalled its
Arabs and encouraging the Israelis to be more Ambassadors to the Soviet Union, Iraq, Syria,
adamant in their rejection of the PLO. [NYT] Algeria and South Yemen for "urgent" consultations.
Nov. 26: Sadat extended an invitation to all parties [NYT]
involved in the Arab Israeli conflict to attend a Dec. 5: Iraq walked out of the Tripoli meeting because
meeting in Cairo that would seek to remove obstacles "there was no serious hope of establishing a front
to a reconvened Geneva peace conference. [NYT} based on struggle." [NYT]
Syria rejected the Egyptian proposal for a meeting The Tripoli meeting ended and the remaining
in Cairo but said it would attend a "refusal summit" participants established a "front for resistance and
in Libya. [NYT) confrontation" to combat the "high treason" of Egyp-
Israel accepted the invitation to the Cairo talks. tian peace initiatives and called for a "freeze" of
[NYT) political and diplomatic relations with Egypt. [NYTI
The US issued a statement which said the prepara- Egypt broke off diplomatic relations with Iraq,
tory conference "could be helpful." [NYT} Syria, South Yemen, Algeria and Libya. [NYT]
Nov. 27: The Egyptian delegate to the UN met with the Dec. 6: US Under Secretary of State for Political
Israeli UN delegate and handed over an invitation Affairs Philip Habib met with Soviet Foreign Minister
for Israel to attend the Cairo parley. [NYT) Andrei Gromyko in the USSR on the Middle East
The PLO said it opposed the Cairo talks. [NYT] situation. [NYT]
Nov. 28: Iraq called for a meeting of those Arab nations Sadat said he would carry peace negotiations
and guerrilla organizations opposed to the Sd-at "through to the end" with Israel even if other Arab
peace initiatives. [NYT} countries refused to take part. [NYT)
Jordan said it would attend the Cairo meetings only US Secretary of State Cyrus Vance said that Soviet
if all parties to the Middle East conflict attended. criticism of Sadat had "not been helpful" to peace.
Syrian Foreign Minister 'Abd al-Halim Khaddam Dec. 7: Egypt ordered closed the cultural centers and
met with Soviet officials in Moscow. [NYT] some consulates of the Soviet Union and 4 East
Nov. 29: The US accepted the invitation to the Cairo European Communist countries. [NYT]
conference, but the USSR said it would not attend. Jordanian King Husayn flew to Damascus in an
Soviet Foreign Minister Andrei Gromyko said recent effort to mediate the split between Egypt and Syria.
peace initiatives were aimed at "exploding" a Geneva [NYT)
peace conference. [NYT] Dec. 8. Asad arrived in Riyadh and met with Saudi
UN Secretary General Kurt Waldheim accepted an Arabian Crown Prince Fahd. [NYT}
invitation for the UN to attend the Cairo con- Egypt returned to Israel the bodies of 3 presumed
ference and proposed that talks to prepare for a new Israeli soldiers killed in the 1973 war. [NYTI
Geneva conference be held on the "neutral ground" Dec. 9: King Husayn ended a 2 day conciliation mis-
of the UN after the Cairo meetings. [NYT] sion in Cairo and returned to Amman. [NYT}
Nov. 30: Israel rejected the proposal of UN Secretary US Secretary of State Vance arrived in Cairo for
General Waldheim for preparatory talks. [NYT] consultations and said the US wanted to do every-
The PLO Central Council met in Damascus to dis- thing it could to maintain diplomatic momentum
cuss strategy. [NYT] toward peace. [NYT]
Israeli Foreign Minister Dayan said in West Asad ended talks in Saudi Arabia, flew to Kuwayt
Germany that Israel would be willing to sign a and met with Kuwayti Ruler Shaykh Sabah al-Salim
separate peace treaty with Egypt at "any time." Al Sabah. [NYT]
[NYT] Dec. 100:US President Jimmy Carter said that Sadat had
shown "a great deal of courage" in making the trip Israeli peace plan that was to be submitted to Egypt
to Jerusalem and said his "expectation" was that the at Ismailia. [NYT]
Israelis would "respond accordingly." [NYT] Dec. 24: An explosion, believed to have been from a
Asad arrived in Bahrayn from Kuwayt and met with bomb, erupted in a side street in Bethlehem near
Amir Shaykh 'Isa bin Salman Al Khalifah. [NYT] thousands of Christian pilgrims who were celebrating
A statement issued by King Khalid urged Arab Christmas Eve. [NYT)
unity and said such unity was needed more now then Dec. 25: Carter said there could be "a complete
at any time in history. [NYT} settlement of the Gaza Strip, West Bank, and the
Dec. 11: Vance ended 2 days of talks with Israeli Palestinian Arab questions without the Syrians'
leaders in Jerusalem. [NYT] participation." [NYTI
Dec. 12: After conferring with Vance in Amman, King Begin and Sadat met at Ismailia to discuss an
Husayn said he felt "more optimistic" but indicated Israeli peace proposal. The 2 leaders said they had
Jordan would not attend the Cairo conference. [NYT] agreed to establish a Military Committee and a
Dec. 13: Vance met with President Ilyas Sarkis and Political Committee for negotiations in later stages.
Premier Salim al-Huss in Beirut. [MEED) [NYTI
Vance met with Asad in Damascus. The Syrians The Soviet Communist Party newspaper Pravda said
later issued a statement saying that Sadat's initiatives the Soviet Union would not join in a Geneva con-
had "torpedoed all chances of making peace." [NYT] ference to ratify any agreements reached by Egypt
Dec. 14: Egyptian and Israeli negotiators opened a and Israel in Ismailia. [NYT)
conference in Cairo which was attended by repre- About 5,000 Palestinians gathered in Beirut to
sentatives of the US and the UN. [NYT) demonstrate opposition to Sadat. [NYT]
Vance met with Saudi leaders in Riyadh. The talks Dec. 26: Sadat and Begin concluded talks and the
centered on the situations in the Middle East and Ismailia conference ended. An expected joint declara-
the Horn of Africa as well as on oil matters. [NYT] tion of principles for a Middle East settlement was
Dec. 15: The negotiators met in formal session in Cairo not issued. [NYT)
and then adjourned. An Israeli spokesman said the Dec. 27: PLO leader Yasir 'Arafat arrived in Yugoslavia
talks had made "progress". [NYT] to confer with President Tito. [NYT]
US President Carter said that by their "intransi- Dec. 28: Begin submitted a 26 point peace plan offering
gence" the PLO had removed itself "from any im- limited administrative autonomy for the West Bank
mediate prospect of participation in a peace discus- and Gaza to the Knesset. It was accepted by a vote of
sion." [NYT] 64 to 8 with 40 abstentions. [NYTI
Dec. 16: Begin and Carter met in Washington to discuss Begin told the Knesset that his proposals for peace
an Israeli peace proposal. [NYT] between Egypt and Israel included: demilitarization
east of the Gidi and Mitla passes; retention of
Dec. 17: Talks between Carter and Begin continued
Jewish settlements in Sinai to be administered by
in Washington. [NYT]
Israel and protected by an Israeli force; a transition
Dec. 18: King Husayn arrived in Saudi Arabia and met period during which Israeli troops would be stationed
with King Khalid and Crown Prince Fahd as part of in central Sinai, and a guarantee of freedom of
an "effort to strengthen the cohesiveness of the Arab navigation in the Strait of Tiran. [NYT}
world." [NYT] Sadat urged Begin to "re-evaluate the whole
In an interview in the magazine October,Sadat said situation again" in the light of the changing condi-
that if his peace initiative ended in "complete tions in the problem of peace. [NYT}
failure" he would resign. [NYT] Carter said in reference to the Palestinians that
Begin said that Carter regarded the Israeli peace the US felt there should not be "a fairly radical, new
proposals as "a fair basis for negotiation," but that independent nation in the heart of the Middle East."
the US had not endorsed the plan. [NYT] [NYT]
Dec. 19: King Husayn left Riyadh and flew to Kuwayt Dec. 29.' The PLO declared that the US had "lost its
on a tour of Arab Gulf nations. Later he flew to role as a neutral arbiter" because of its stand "against
Bahrayn. [NYT] Palestinian self-determination." [NYT]
Delegates to the Cairo conference met briefly and S.adat said that he was "disappointed" and "em-
adjourned their talks. [NYT3 barrassed" by Carter's statement on the Palestinians.
Dec. 20. Israeli Defense Minister Ezer Weizman and [NYT}
Egyptian Defense Minister 'Abd al-GhanI al-Jamasi A bomb went off in Natanya, killing 2 Israelis.
met near Alexandria to discuss issues concerning an [NYT}
Israeli withdrawal from Sinai. [NYT] Dec. 31: Egyptian Foreign Minister Muh.ammadIbrahim
Begin briefed British Premier James Callaghan in Kamil said that the Egyptian position towards self
London on the consultations with Carter in Wash- determination for the Palestinians was based on 2
ington. [NYT] fundamental principles: termination of the Israeli oc-
Dec. 21: Sadat conferred with Israeli Defense Minister cupation of the West Bank and Gaza and the liquida-
Weizman in Ismailia. Prior to the meeting Sadat said tion of settlements there as soon as possible. [NYT]
he would not accept an Israeli military presence on Carter met with the Shah of Iran in Tehran on the
the West Bank as part of a peace settlement. [NYT] situation in the Middle East and the Horn of Africa.
Dec. 22. The Israeli Cabinet unanimously endorsed an [NYT]
mittee negotiations until the Egyptian Press ceased its Representatives of Algeria, South Yemen, Syria,
"hatred and incitement to hatred against the Jewish Libyan Secretary General Mu'ammar al-Qadhdhafi
people." [NYT] "unconditional and full support" in opposing Egyp-
US Assistant Secretary of State Alfred Atherton tian peace initiatives. [NYT)
met with Dayan and Weizman on a mediation The Israeli Labor Party criticized the Begin govern-
mission. [NYTI ment for its settlement policies on the West Bank
Jan. 26: The US Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) and said that government statements concerning the
disclosed that it had concluded as early as 1974 that Shiloh camp didn't "fool anybody and only projects
Israel had already produced atomic weapons, partly Israel as deceptive." [NYT]
with uranium it had obtained "by clandestine means." Feb. 3: Sadat arrived in Washington and was met by
[NYT) Carter. Later the 2 men flew to Camp David in
Jan. 27: The US State Department said it was asking Maryland for talks. [NYT)
Israel to investigate charges that a Palestinian Amer- Libyan Secretary General Mu'ammar al-Qadhdhafi
ican who had been arrested in Israel the month be- arrived in Algiers to join his delegation at the con-
fore had been tortured by Israeli authorities. [NYT) ference and warned that a Middle East settlement
Jan. 28: US Assistant Secretary of State Atherton which ignored the Palestinians could only lead to a
met with King Husayn in Amman. [NYT] "war in abeyance." [NYT]
Jan. 29: An Israeli bus driver who had driven Arab Feb. 5: Carter and Sadat returned to Washington from
workers home to Ramallah was stabbed to death near Camp David for further talks. [NYT)
Nebi Samwil. [NYTI In an interview in The Miami Herald Begin said
The Israeli Cabinet voted unanimously to resume that Israel would not surrender to the "unreasonable
negotiations in the Military Committee in Cairo. demands" for withdrawal to pre 1967 borders and for
[NYT) establishment of a Palestinian state. [NYT)
In an article printed in The Miami Herald, Sd-at Feb. 6: Dayan said that Israel had sold arms to Ethiopia.
appealed to American Jews to support his peace [NYTI
efforts. [NYT) Sadat charged that Soviet and Cuban pilots were
Jan. 30: Atherton flew from Israel to Egypt to present flying missions for Ethiopia in its war against Somalia
Israeli suggestions for a joint declaration of prin- and said he would not rule out sending Egyptian
ciples towards a comprehensive peace. [NYT) troops to aid Somalia. [NYTI
The New York Times cited "senior Government of- Israeli Education Minister Zevulun Hammer can-
ficials" as saying Carter had been assured by Dayan celled a scheduled television broadcast of a docu-
in September 1977 that no new civilian settlements mentary film which portrayed Arab villagers being
would be established by Israel in occupied territory banished from their homes by Israeli forces during
for a year, and asserting that Israel had unilaterally the 1948 war of independence. [NYTI
altered its commitment to apply only to 1977. [NYT] Feb. 7: The Israeli Mapam Party urged Education
Jan. 31: The newspaper Maariv said that 3 military Minister Hammer to resign because of his decision to
outposts in the West Bank would soon become civilian cancel the film. [NYT]
settlements after approval by the Israeli government. The State Department said the US had told Israel
[NYTI and Egypt that their arming of rival combatants in
Military Committee negotiations resumed in Cairo. the war between Ethiopia and Somalia was "not
[NYT} useful." [NYT]
Atherton met with Kimil to work out a com- The US White House ordered the State Depart-
promise draft for a declaration of principles towards a ment to issue a chronology of recent US protests
peace settlement. [NYT] against the latest Israeli settlements. The information
Feb. 1: Dayan said that he had promised Carter only was made public in response to allegations that the US
that any new settlements would be in military camps did not object to the new settlements. [NYT)
as long as peace talks were under way. [NYT] Feb. 8: Sadat and Carter concluded talks on the Middle
The Military Committee ended a round of discus- East and the Horn of Africa and Sidat left for
sions on the Sinai. [NYT] London. [NYT]
Atherton and Sadat met on "the full range of issues." Feb. 9: Begin said that Israel continued to maintain that
[NYT] Jewish settlements in occupied Arab lands "are
The New York Times reported that Israeli grown legitimate and legal." [NYTI
oranges injected with mercury had been found in the Sadat held talks with British Premier Callaghan in
Netherlands and West Germany. A letter from the London and later flew to Hamburg to meet with West
"Arab Revolutionary Army-Palestine Commando" German Chancellor Helmut Schmidt. [NYT}
claimed responsibility. [NYT] It was reported that Israel had cut back exports of
Feb. 2: Mercury injected oranges of Israeli and Spanish oranges to Europe by 40%. [NYT]
origin were found in parts of Europe. [NYT] Egypt announced it had promised oil exploration
Sadat conferred with Moroccan King Hasan, a sup- rights in parts of western Sinai to 2 US oil companies.
porter of the Egyptian peace initiatives, in Rabat. [NYT]
[NYT] Feb. 10: Vance said that the Israeli settlements in Sinai
were "contraryto international law" and that therefore Dec. 23: The Polisario Front freed 8 French hostages
"they should not exist." [NYTI that had been captured in Mauritania and handed
Atherton met with Dayan in New York on the them over to UN Secretary General Kurt Waldheim
proposed "declaration of principles." [NYT] in Algeria. [FBISJ
The Education and Culture Committee of the Israeli French Foreign Minister Louis de Guiringaud con-
Knesset ruled that there could be no political inter- firmed that the French Air Force had twice inter-
ference with decisions of the Israeli broadcasting vened to support Mauritanian troops resisting attack
authority on what should be shown on television. by Polisario Front guerrillas in recent weeks. [NYT]
[NYTI Dec. 24: President Didier Ratsiraka of Madagascar
Feb. 11: Sadat met with Israeli Labor Party leader called on the Organization of African Unity to
Shimon Peres in Austria. A meeting between Sd-at denounce French "aggression"in Western Saharaand
and Austrian Chancellor Bruno Kreisky was also held. to convene a special UN meeting on the dispute.
Feb. 12: Sadat met with Rumanian President Nicolae Dec. 27: Six French citizens who had been prisoners
Ceausescu in Bucharest. [NYTI of guerrillas fighting in Western Sahara said they had
Israel expressed its "regret and protest" over the been detained in Algerian military bases. [NYT]
statement by Vance on the Sinai settlements and
said the statement was "in complete contradiction"
to remarks made by Carter. [NYT] 1978
Feb. 13: The US said there was "no contradiction"
Jan. 20: The US Commerce Department published
between statements of Vance and Carter and re- strict regulations defining the application of US laws
iterated the US position on Israeli settlements. [NYTI concerning the Arab boycott of Israel. The regulations
The documentary film was broadcast in Israel. went into immediate effect. [MEED)
Feb. 14: The Carter Administration said it would approve
the sale of $4.8 billion worth of military planes to
Egypt, Saudi Arabia and Israel. [NYT]
Petroleum Affairs
The UN Human Rights Commission voted 23 to 2
with 7 abstentions to condemn Israel for "warcrimes" 1977
in occupied Arab lands. A second resolution af-
firming the right of the Palestinians to establish an Nov. 16: Muhammad Riza Shah Pahlavi said in
independent state was passed with 25 affirmative Washington that Iran would work actively against
votes and no member opposed a third resolution an increase in oil prices in 1978. [NYTI
deploring the failure of Israel to recognize the ap- Nov. 29: Indonesian Minister of Mining Muhammad
plicability of the 1949 Geneva Convention to oc- Sadli disclosed that the Organization of Petroleum
cupied Arab Lands. [NYT] Exporting Countries (OPEC) Economic Commission
Feb. 15: Begin told the Knesset that acquisition by had proposed increases in oil prices in 1978 of
Saudi Arabia of F-15 aircraft would make it "a con- between 10%-23%. [MEES]
frontation state." [NYT] Dec. 14: A Ministerial meeting of the Organization
of Arab Petroleum Exporting Countries (OAPEC)
was held in Bahrayn. [MEES]
Dec. 20: Venezuelan President Carlos Andr6s Perez
General opened an OPEC Ministerial meeting at Caraballeda,
Venezuela and proposed that OPEC raise its crude
oil prices but use the increased revenue to aid
1977 developing countries. [NYT)
Dec. 21: OPEC concluded its meeting in Venezuela and
Nov. 23: Two Mauritanian military bases between
Polisario said that crude oil prices would not be raised. [NYT]
Zouerate and Nouadhibou were attacked by
Front guerrillas. [MEED]
Dec. 3: Somalian President Mohamed Siad Barre re- 1978
turned to Mogadishu after a tour of South Yemen,
Saudi Arabia, the UAA, Egypt and Sudan. [NYTI Jan. 177:Kuwayt said it would reduce the price of its
Dec. 8: About 600 Moroccan troops were flown to heavy crude oil by 10 a barrel retroactively to
Mauritania to guard a strategic railway. [MEED] Jan. 1. The price of its liquified petroleum gas
Dec. 12.' Polisario Front guerrillas attacked a train on would be raised $2 a metric ton. [NYT)
the railway linking Zouerate and Nouadhibou in Jan. 31: Kuwayti Oil Minister 'Abd al-Muttalib
Mauritania. [FBISJ al-Kazim1said OPEC should stop using the dollar to
Dec. 22: The New York Times reported that the calculate the price of oil if the value of the dollar
Polisario Front had charged French warplanes had continued to fall. [MEED]
bombed Polisario forces in Mauritania on 3 oc- Feb. 1: Ministers from the OPEC members Saudi
casions. [NYT} Arabia, Iraq, Iran, Venezuela and Kuwayt met in
Afghanistan 1978
1977 Jan. 11: Yemeni Foreign Minister 'AbdallIh al-Asnaj
met with Ruler Shaykh 'Isa bin Salman Al Khalifah
Nov. 16: Minister of PlanningAhmad Ali Khurram during a visit to Bahrayn. [FBIS)
was assassinatedin Kabul.[MEED) Jan. 14: Djibouti President Hassan Gouled arrived in
Manama from Muscat to meet with Ruler Shaykh
'Isa. [FBIS]
Jan. 28: Bahrayn revalued its currency 2% against the
Algeria US dollar. [NYT)
(Seealso, ArabIsraeliConflict,General,Algeria,
Qatar,SaudiArabia,SouthYemen, Tunisia,Yemen)
Nov. 16: Saudi Arabian Foreign Minister Prince (See also, Turkey)
Sa'iudal-Faysalmet with PresidentHouariBoumedi-
enne in Algeria.[FBISJ 1977
Dec. 10: Maltese Premier Dom Mintoff met with
PresidentBoumediennein Algeria.[FBISJ Dec. 7: An American U-2 reconnaissance plane crashed
Dec.22: Spainannouncedit wasrecallingits Ambassador on take off on Cyprus, killing 5 people. [NYTI
to Algeria to protest an article in the daily Dec. 15: The son of President Spyros Kyprianou
Al Mujahid which claimed that the CanaryIslands was kidnapped by gunmen who threatened to kill
were part of Africa and criticizedSpain for its use him unless a total amnesty for prisoners were
of the islands.[MEED] granted. [NYT)
Dec. 28: CubanFirst Vice PresidentRaul Castroleft The UN Security Council agreed to a 6 month
Algiersat the end of a visit. [MEED) extension of the UN peacekeeping force in
Dec.29: FrancewarnedAlgeriathat relationsbetween Cyprus. [NYT}
them would be endangeredif an anti-Frenchpress Dec. 17: President Kyprianou declared he was ready to
campaignin Algeriacontinued.[NYT] sacrifice his son "but never my country." [NYTI
Seven hundred Turkish soldiers withdrawn from
Cyprus arrived in the port of Mersin. [JP}
1978 Dec. 18: After Kyprianou promised the kidnappers
Jan. 3: Boumedienneleft Algiers for Iraq at the start would not be punished, the abducted man was
of a tour of Arabstates.[MEEDI released unharmed. [NYT}
Jan. 12: Boumedienneleft Damascusfor Moscow for
talkswith Soviet leaders.[MEED] 1978
Jan. 16: Boumediennereturnedto Algeriaat the end
of a tour of Arab States, the Soviet Union and jan. 15: Talks between the leaders of the Greek and
Yugoslavia.[FBIS) Turkish Cypriots were held in Nicosia. UN
An economiccooperationagreementwith Bulgaria Secretary General Kurt Waldheim attended. [NYTI
was signed. [MEEDI Jan. 16: UN Secretary General Waldheim met in
Jan. 21: The government nationalized 5 French Athens with Greek Premier Constantine Caramanlis
companies.[MEEDI on the question of Cyprus and relations with
Turkey. [NYTI
Jan. 17: Waldheim said that prospects for a settlement
Bahrayn of the Cyprus problem had reached a "turning
point" with the agreement of Turkey to submit
(Seealso, ArabIsraeliConflict,PetroleumAffairs) proposals in 2 weeks. [NYT)
Jan. 21: Kyprianou said the time was "fully ripe" for
the US to use its influence to solve the Cyprus
1977 problem. [NYT)
Dec. 15: The Arab Shipbuildingand RepairYard dry Jan. 24: Turkey announced it would withdraw 500
dock, a joint project of the Organizationof Arab troops from Cyprus. [NYT)
Jan. 26: Kyprianou was re-elected unopposed for a Nov. 18: The Shah concluded his visit to France and
5 year term. [MEED} said Iran was ready to place industrial orders in
Feb. 10: Unsigned letters received by local newspapers France worth billions of dollars. [NYT]
announced the dissolution of the Greek Cypriot Nov. 19: Indonesian Minister of Mining Affairs
underground organization EOKA-B. [NYT) Muhammad Sadli arrived in Tehran for a 2 day visit.
Nov. 22: Factory workers clashed with dissidents who
were holding an outdoor meeting in Tehran. [NYT)
Egypt Nov. 25: Former Premier Manuichihr-i Iqbal died,
aged 68. [NYT]
(See also, Arab Israeli Conflict, General, Morocco, Dec. 4. Iraqi Vice President Taha Muhyi al-Din
Sudan, United Arab Amirates) Ma'ri:f met separately with the Shah and Premier
Jamshid-i Amiizgar during a visit to Tehran for talks
1977 on bilateral cooperation. [FBIS)
Dec. 8: The Shah returned from Oman after talks on
Nov. 28: Somali President Mohamed Siad Barre met Gulf security and economic cooperation. [MEED]
with President Anwar al-Sadat in Ismailia. [FBIS] Dec. 9: Italian police arrested 12 Iranian students who
Dec. 3: An economic and technical cooperation had entered the Iranian Embassy in Rome, burned
agreement with Turkey was signed in Cairo during documents and committed acts of vandalism. [NYT]
a visit by Turkish Foreign Minister Ihsan Sabri Dec. 15: The newspaper Rastaikhiz said an Iranian
Caklayangil. [MEEDI general had been sentenced to death for spying for
Dec. 9: Middle East Economic Digest reported that "aliens". [NYT]
5 defendants of the Jama't al-Takfir wa al-Hijrah The Grumman Corporation said a "compromise"
religious group had been sentenced to death for their settlement had been reached with Iran in which
part in the death of a former Cabinet Minister $24m worth of spare parts for F-14 interceptors
in July 1977. [MEEDI would be delivered to Iran. [NYT]
Dec. 11: British Journalist David Holden was found Dec. 20: An earthquake struck Kerman Province in
murdered near Nasir City. [NYTI southeastern Iran, devastating 3 villages. [NYT]
Dec. 24: A decree was issued appointing Muhammad Dec. 23: The New York Times reported that the official
Ibrhi-m Kamil as Foreign Minister. [FBIS] earthquake death toll had reached 521. [NYT]
Dec. 25. A general convicted of spying for an
1978 unnamed foreign country was executed. [NYT]
Dec. 29: The Chamber of Commerce, Industry and
Jan. 6: West German Chancellor Helmut Schmidt Mines said that Iranian companies had stopped
ended a 10 day visit to Egypt. [NYTI trading with Italy and Denmark to protest light
Jan. 13: British Premier James Callaghan met with sentences given to Iranian students who had occupied
President Sadat in Aswan. [FBISI Iranian Embassies there. [MEED]
jan. 25: Yemeni Foreign Minister 'Abdallah al-Asnaj Dec. 30: Jordanian King Husayn arrived in Tehran
left Cairo after 2 days of talks on political develop- and was met by the Shah. [NYT]
ments in the Horn of Africa and the Middle Dec. 31. US President Carter arrived in Tehran and
East. [MEED) had talks with the Shah. [FBIS]
Jan. 28: Vice President Husni Mubarak left Egypt
on a tour of 9 Arab countries and Iran. [NYT) 1978
Feb. 3: A government spokesman said that the Wafd
Party had been revived. It was the fourth legally Jan. 2: Pakistani Chief Martial Law Administrator
recognized party in Egypt. [NYTI Mohammad Zia-ul-Haq had talks with the Shah in
Feb. 13: Sadat returned home at the end of an 8 nation Tehran. [MEED]
tour. [NYT) Jan. 4: The Shah met with Danish Foreign Minister
Knud Borge Andersen in Tehran. [MEED]
Jan. 9: A demonstration by dissidents in Qum
resulted in at least 5 deaths when police fired on
Iran the protestors. [NYT]
Jan. 11. The boycott of Danish and Italian goods was
(See also, Arab Israeli Conflict, Petroleum Affairs, lifted. [MEED]
Egypt, Morocco, Oman, Pakistan, Qatar, Saudi Arabia) Jan. 19. Japanese Foreign Minister Sunao Sonoda met
with Premier Amfuzgarin Tehran. [FBIS]
1977 Jan. 30: Ethiopian Chairman of the Provisional
Military Administrative Council Mengistu Haile-
Nov. 16: Muhammad Riza Shah Pahlavi met with US Mariam charged that Iran was planning to intervene
President Jimmy Carter in Washington. [NYT) militarily in the Ogaden conflict. [MEED]
Nov. 17: The Shah held economic discussions with Feb. 2: The Shah arrived in New Delhi on a 4 day
French President Valery Giscard d'Estaing in visit. Students clashed with police during demonstra-
Paris. [NYT) tions against the Shah. [NYT]
jan. 5: Shmuel Katz, Advisor to the Premier for
Dec. 17: Cuban Vice President of the Councils of State Information Abroad, resigned his post and said he
and Ministers Carlos Rafael Rodriquez met with would compete for a Cabinet post against the
President Ahlmad Hasan al-Bakr in Baghdad. [FBIS) nominee of Begin. [NYTI
Dec. 24: The Patriotic Union of Kurdistan, based in Feb. 9: The New York Times reported that Finance
Damascus, accused Iraq of torturing and executing Minister Simha Erlich was on an official tour of
more than 96 Kurds since September and continuing South Africa to find ways to increase trade between
a "drive toward Arabizing the Kurdish regions of Israel and South Africa. [NYT]
northern Iraq." [NYTI Feb. 10: Begin returned toJerusalem from fund-raising
Dec. 29: Somali President Mohamed Siad Barre arrived meetings in Switzerland. [NYT]
in Baghdad and met with President Bakr. [FBIS]
Jan. 24: Omani Interior Minister Muhammad Ibn
Ahmad arrived in Baghdad for a 3 day visit to (Seealso, Arab Israeli Conflict, Bahrayn, Egypt, Kuwayt,
Iraq. [FBIS] Morocco, Oman, Qatar, United Arab Amirates)
Jan. 25: Revolution Command Council Chairman
Saddam Husayn met with South Yemeni Premier
,Ali Nasir Muhammad in Baghdad. [FBIS} 1978
Jan. 27: A group of 34 Iraqi Christians and a
Lebanese flew to New York and asked for political Jan. 7: UK Defense Minister Fred Mulley began a
asylum in the US. [NYT] 4 day visit to Amman. [MEEDI
Jan. 17: Somali President Mohamed Siad Barre met
with King Husayn in Amman on issues including
the Horn of Africa. [FBIS}
Israel Feb. 15: King Husayn left Jordan for a private visit
to Britain. [NYT]
(See also, Arab Israeli Conflict, Lebanon)
Nov. 16: Defense Minister Ezer Weizman suffered a
fractured leg in a car accident. [JP)
(See also, Arab Israeli Conflict, Petroleum Affairs,
Nov. 27: Foreign Minister Moshe Dayan arrived in
Frankfurt at the start of a 4 day visit to West Saudi Arabia)
Germany. [NYT)
Nov. 28: Foreign Minister Dayan met with West German 1977
Chancellor Helmut Schmidt in Bonn. [NYTI
Dayan criticized recent "anti-Semitic incidents" Dec. 5: UAA Minister of Petroleum and Mineral
in Germany. [NYT) Resources Mana' Sa'id al-'Utaybah met with Oil
Dec. 3: Premier Menahem Begin met with British Minister 'Abd al-Muttalib al-Kazlmi on oil matters.
Premier James Callaghan in London. INYTI [MEED]
Dec. 6: Premier Begin received treatment for gastro- Dec. 13: A trade agreement with Hungary was signed
enteritis in London. [NYT) in Kuwayt. [FBIS]
Dec. 8: President Ephraim Katzir returned to Israel at Dec. 19: Jordanian King Husayn arrived in Kuwayt and
the end of an 18 day visit to Mexico, Costa Rica met with Amir Shaykh $ab-ah al-Salim Al Sabah.
and Guatemala. IFBISI [FBIS]
Dec. 12: An Israeli suspected of wounding 25 persons Dec. 26: An economic cooperation agreement with
with hand grenades, died when a third grenade the People's Republic of China was signed in
exploded. Police said there was no connection with Kuwayt. [FBIS]
Arab guerrilla activity in Israel. [NYT] Dec. 31: Amir Shaykh Sabih died of a heart
Dec. 29: Protestant Christian churches in Israel attack. [NYT]
protested against the enactment during the week of Shaykh Jabir al-Ahmad al-Jabir Al Sabah became
a law making missionaries liable to imprisonment Amir. [FBISJ
1978 Libya
Jan. 4: Heavy fighting between Christian and Palestinian (See also, Arab Israeli Conflict, Sudan, Syria, Tunisia)
forces left at least 5 people dead. [NYT)
Jan. 17: Palestinian and Christian forces traded artillery
fire in south Lebanon. [NYT] 1977
Jan. 25: Artillery fire was exchanged between rival
Dec. 2: A Bulgarian jetliner carrying Muslim pilgrims
forces in the south. [NYT]
home from Mecca, crashed in northeastern Libya,
Former President Camille Sham'-un met with
President Ilyas Sarkis. It was reported that he had killing at least 56 people. [NYT]
Dec. 5. Ugandan President Idi Amin arrived in Tripoli
raised the question of the importation of weapons by
for talks with Secretary General Mu'ammar al-
the Palestinians through the port of Tyre. [NYT)
Jan. 28: Christian and Palestinian forces traded Qadhdhafi. [MEED]
artillery fire in south Lebanon. [NYT) Dec. 11: Czechoslovak Foreign Minister Bohuslav
Feb. 1: A hand grenade exploded in Martyrs' Square, Chnoupek arrived in Tripoli for meetings with
Beirut, killing 1 and wounding 17. Two explosions Libyan leaders. [FBIS]
had occurred during the night. [NYTI
Feb. 2: A bomb exploded in Beirut, but no casualties 1978
were reported. [NYT]
Feb. 5. Artillery and machine gun fire was exchanged Jan. 20: Middle East Economic Digest reported that
by Christian and Palestinian forces in the south. a dispute between Libya and Malta over offshore oil
[NYTI drilling rights had been referred to the International
Feb. 7: Lebanese soldiers clashed with members of the Court of Justice. [MEED]
Jan. 22: SecretaryGeneralQadhdhifi arrivedin Niger Oman was claiming a northern portion of Ra's
at the startof a state visit. [MEED] al-Khaymah. [MEED]
Feb. 6: Chad broke diplomaticrelations with Libya, Dec. 20: King Husayn arrived in Muscat and met
accusingit of supportingrebels in northernChad. with Sultan Qibus. [FBIS]
[NYT} Dec. 16: Middle East Economic Digest cited Omani
Feb. 7: Qadhdhifi met with Sudanese First Vice Foreign Affairs undersecretary Yuisuf al-Alawi as
PresidentAbual-QasimMuhammadlbrThimin Libya. saying that Oman was claiming part of Ra's
[FBIS} al-Khaymah where oil had been discovered but that
it was not considering the use of force to back up
its claim. [MEEDI
Dec. 29: UAA President Shaykh Zayd bin Sultan Al
Morocco Nuhayyin flew to Oman to meet with Sultan
Qibjus on the border dispute. [MEED]
Jan. 4: Somali President Mohamed Siad Barre arrived
Nov. 17: Saudi Arabian Foreign Minister Prince in Muscat on a 2 day visit to Oman. [FBIS)
Sa':d al-Fay~alarrived in Rabat from Mauritania. Jan. 10: Djibouti President Hassan Gouled arrived in
[FBIS} Muscat on a 5 day visit to Oman. [FBISJ
Nov. 25: MauritanianPresidentMoktarOuld Daddah Jan. 12: Minister of State for Foreign Affairs Qays
met with King Hasanin Morocco.[FBISJ 'Abd al-Mun'im al-Zawiwi began talks in Abu Dhabi
Nov. 29: Minister of State for Foreign Affairs with UAA Foreign Minister Ah.mad Khalifah
MohammadBoucettaleft Moroccoon a tourof Saudi al-Suwaydi. [MEED]
Arabia,Jordan,Egypt,Syriaand Iran.[MEED] Jan. 22: Minister of State for Foreign Affairs Zawiwi
Dec. 14: A conferenceof Justice Ministersfrom Arab visited Ra's al-Khaymahfor talks on disputed territory
countries was opened by King Hasan in Rabat. with the UAA. [MEED]
Jan. 11: US Energy Secretary James Schlesinger
ended a 2 day visit to Moroccoduringwhich he had
held talkswith King Hasan.[MEED} (See also, Egypt)
Jan 18: Rabat Domestic Service reported that Morocco
had complained to the Organizationof African 1977
Unity (OAU) that an "armedgang" from Algeria
had attacked 2 civilian trucks in Morocco a week Dec. 7: The government released 30 journalists and
earlier.[FBIS] newspaper workers who had been arrested during a
Jan. 27: King Hasan began a 3 day visit to Madrid. hunger strike over the forced closing of a paper in
[MEED} October. [NYTI
Dec. 14: Chief Martial Law Administrator Mohammad
Zia-ul-Haq left for Peking on a 4 day visit to the
People's Republic of China. [FBIS]
Oman Dec. 22: Bangaladeshi President Ziaur Rahman arrived
in Islamabad for talks with Chief Martial Law Ad-
(Seealso, Bahrayn,Iran,Iraq,Jordan,Yemen) ministrator Zia-ul-Haq. [NYTI
Dec. 27: Nusrat Bhutto, wife of former Premier
Zulfikar Ali Bhutto, was placed under house arrest.
1977 [NYT)
Nov. 18: JordanianKing Ijusayn was a guest for the
NationalDay celebrationin Salalah.[MEED] 1978
SultanQabusbinSa'idexpressedhis supportfor the
Somali government in the conflict with "Soviet Jan. 1: The government dropped all conspiracy charges
imperialists."[MEED) that had been brought by the previous government
Dec. 5: The Shih of Iran arrived in Muscat for a against leader of the National Awami League Khan
4 day visit to Oman.[MEED) Abdul Wali Khan. [NYTI
The FinancialTimesof Londonreportedthattroop Jan. 2: Police opened fire on striking workers in
movements on both sides of the northern border Multan "in self-defense", leaving 5 people dead.
betweenOmanand the UAA supportedreportsthat [NYT]
Jan. 14: US Energy Secretary Schlesinger met with had informed Sudan it was willing to sell 12 F-5
Petroleum Minister Shaykh Yamini in Riyadh. fighters. [NYTI
[MEED] Dec. 29: Yemeni Foreign Minister 'Abdallih al-Apnaj
Jan. 17: Japanese Foreign Minister Sunao Sonoda met met with President Numayri in Sudan. [FBIS]
with Foreign Minister Sa'ud al-Faysal during a visit
to Saudi Arabia. [FBISJ
Feb. 3: Middle East Economic Digest reported that 1978
swarms of desert locusts in the Jizan area of southwest Jan. 7: Talks between Numayri and Egyptian President
Saudi Arabia were endangering Ethiopia, Somalia Anwar al-Sadat began in Khartoum. [FBIS]
and Kenya. [MEED] Jan. 15: Air flights between Khartoum and Addis
Ababa were resumed after a long interruption.
Feb. 8: Middle East News Agency reported that Sudan
South Yemen and Libya had agreed to reopen their respective
Embassies. [FBIS]
(See also, Arab Israeli Conflict, General, Iraq, Lebanon,
Saudi Arabia, Syria)
Nov. 25: Middle East Economic Digest reported that
women had voted on November 15 for the first time (See also, Arab Israeli Conflict, Algeria,
in elections for representatives in 5 provincial Lebanon, Morocco)
assemblies. [MEED]
Dec. 18: Presidential Council Chairman Salim Rubayyi'
'Ali issued a law extending South Yemeni territorial 1977
waters effective on January 15. [FBIS]
Nov. 28: French Premier Raymond Barre met with
President Hafiz al-Asad in Damascus. [FBIS]
1978 Dec. 3: Syria announced it was free of cholera. [NYT)
Dec. 12: President Asad returned to Damascus at the
Jan. 4: Presidential Council Chairman 'Ali issued a end of a 5 day tour of Gulf oil producing states.
decree abolishing the posts of the Ministers of [MEED]
Local Administration, State for Cabinet Affairs and
State for Presidential Affairs. [MEED]
Jan. 7: Industry Minister 'Abd al-'Aziz 'Abd al-Wali 1978
left for Riyadh for talks with Saudi leaders in
bilateral cooperation. [MEED]. Jan. 10: South Yemeni Premier 'Ali Nasir Muhammad
Jan. 8: Algerian President Houari Boumedienne arrived in Damascus on a 2 day visit and met with
arrived in Aden for talks with 'Ali. [MEED] Asad. [FBIS]
Jan. 16: Premier 'Ali Nasir Muhammad arrived in Jan. 11: The US State Department said that the
Bulgaria on the last leg of a tour of foreign Soviet Union had reached an agreement with Syria
nations. [MEED} to increase military aid to Damascus. [NYT)
Jan. 31: Premier Muhammad left South Yemen for an Jan. 21: An economic cooperation agreement with
official visit to the USSR. [FBIS] Libya was signed. [MEED]
Feb. 3: Muhammad met with Soviet leader Leonid Feb. 8: Voters went to the polls in a Presidential
Brezhnev to discuss the Horn of Africa and bilateral election. [NYT)
relations. [MEED] Feb. 9: It was announced that Asad had been reelected
President by an overwhelming margin. [NYT]
(See also, General, Libya, Saudi Arabia) Tunisia
1977 1977
Nov. 22: President Ja'far al-Numayri arrived in Nov. 17: Algerian Foreign Minister Abdel-Aziz Boute-
Khartoum at the end of a visit to Cairo. [FBIS] flika met with Foreign Minister Habib Chatti in
Dec. 22: The New York Times reported that the US Tunis. [MEED]