Human Resource Development For Handicraft Sector: A Study of Skill Development Training Programme For Textiles/carpet Sector Artisans

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International Journal of Research (IJR) Vol-1, Issue-11 December 2014 ISSN 2348-6848

Human Resource Development for Handicraft Sector: A

study of Skill Development Training Programme for
Textiles/carpet sector artisans
Dr. Suresh Kumar Pandey
Associate Professor
Indian Institute of Carpet Technology, Bhadohi (UP), India

India is one of the leading suppliers of started skill development training
handicrafts to the world market. Indian programme for the sector. Human Resource
handicrafts industry is highly labour Development includes such opportunities as
intensive cottage based industry and employee training, employee career
decentralized, being spread all over the development, performance management and
country both in rural and urban areas. Huge development, coaching, mentoring,
numbers of artisans are engaged in sector succession planning, key employee
sine long. The industry provides identification, tuition assistance, and
employment to more than six million organization development.
artisans (including those in carpet trade),
which include a large number of women and Keywords:
people belonging to the weaker sections of HRD; Handicrafts; indigenous; Skill;
the society. Indian handicrafts sector is not Terminal Competency; Artisan; craftsman;
only playing significant role in handmade; Carpet
strengthening the economy but also
providing employment to vast segment of Introduction
people especially belongs to the rural and Training and development is a function of
semi urban areas. Besides preserving human resource management concerned
cultural heritage it is also generating with organizational activity aimed at
valuable foreign exchange by manufacturing bettering the performance of individuals and
the handicrafts products mainly with use of groups in organizational settings. It has been
indigenous raw material. Human Resource known by several names, including "human
Development (HRD) is the framework for resource development", and "learning and
helping artisans/craftsman to develop their development". Human Resource
personal and organizational skills, Development (HRD) is the framework for
knowledge, abilities and terminal helping artisans/craftsman to develop their
competencies. Human competence is the personal and organizational skills,
most critical factor for their success in life. knowledge, abilities and terminal
Artisan’s terminal competence and a competencies. Human competence is the
supportive organization structure are the most critical factor for their success in life.
key factors for any business to realize their Artisan’s terminal competence and a
business goal. In the handicrafts sector, supportive organization structure are the key
especially carpet industry constant training factors for any business to realize their
is necessary to develop their terminal business goal.
competencies for producing the product as
per the demand the global market as almost The focus of all aspects of Human Resource
all carpet product manufactured in our Development is on developing the most
country are exported. Looking the demand superior workforce so that the organization
of Indian handicrafts products, especially, and individual employees can accomplish
handmade carpets in the world market and their work goals in service to customers.
global completion, Government of India has Organizations have many opportunities for

Human Resource Development for Handicraft Sector: A study of Skill Development Training Programme for Textiles/carpet sector artisans Dr.
Suresh Kumar Pandey
P a g e | 806
International Journal of Research (IJR) Vol-1, Issue-11 December 2014 ISSN 2348-6848

human resources or employee development, during course of changing history. The cross
both within and outside of the workplace. currents inspire the creative impulse of our
craftsmen. Further crafts are results of years
Human Resource Development can be of unconscious experiment and evolution;
formal such as in classroom training, a skills inherited and passed over generations
college course, or an organizational planned from forefathers to sons and grandsons.
change effort. Or, Human Resource
Development can be informal as in The Handicrafts sector includes Clay, Metal
employee coaching by a manager. Healthy and Jewellery, Embroidered goods, Stone,
organizations believe in Human Resource Glass and Ceramic, Papier Mache Crafts,
Development and cover all of these bases. Terracotta, Zari, Zardori, Artistic Leather
Goods, Hand printed Textiles & Scarves,
Skills and knowledge are the driving forces Shawls, Wooden crafts, Carpets, etc.
of economic growth and social development
of a country. In fast growing economies like As the Indian economy continues to
India with a vast and ever-increasing transform and mature, large scale sectoral
population, the problem is two-fold. Firstly, shifts in the working population are
there is a severe paucity of highly-trained, inevitable, particularly from agriculture to
quality & efficient man power, secondly other sectors of the economy. These sectors,
large sections of the population possess little however, require significantly different and
or no job skills. often specialist skill sets, which require
training and skill development. This skill
The story of Indian handicrafts dates back to gap needs to be addressed through
one of the oldest civilizations of the world. comprehensive efforts, at various levels and
Representing beauty, dignity, form and catering to different needs of the society and
style, handicrafts from India are objets d'art. industry.
The sheer versatility of the various materials
used to create handcrafted gift items make Significant Growth of Sector
them truly unique. Materials range from Today, handicrafts products manufactured
wood, stone, metal, grass, papier mache and and exported from India are much sought
glass, to cane bamboo, textiles, clay, after and have established an unsurpassable
terracotta and ceramic - everything goes into reputation in the international market. In
the creation of a masterpiece. Indian March 2014, the exports have shown an
handicrafts industry has attracted the world increase of US$ 234.33 million i.e. the
by their creativity, aesthetics and wonderful exports increased by 28.37% over the
craftsmanship. It is highly decentralized similar month in 2013. The export figure for
activity, handicrafts of India present rich 2013-14 stood at US$ 3.8 billion. Exports of
cultural heritage and shining example of Indian handicrafts have grown at a rate of
using local resources, skills and initiatives. around
India’s handicrafts are almost inexhaustible 7% since 2001–02.
with infinite variety which has been refined
Skill Development - Meaning and Focus
The objective of Skill Development is to
create a workforce empowered with the
necessary and continuously upgraded skills,
knowledge and internationally recognized
qualifications to gain access to decent
employment and ensure India’s
competitiveness in the dynamic global
market. It aims at increasing the productivity
and employability of workforce (wage and unorganized sectors. It seeks increased
self-employed) both in the organized and the participation of youth, women, disabled and

Human Resource Development for Handicraft Sector: A study of Skill Development Training Programme for Textiles/carpet sector artisans Dr.
Suresh Kumar Pandey
P a g e | 807
International Journal of Research (IJR) Vol-1, Issue-11 December 2014 ISSN 2348-6848

other disadvantaged sections and to country and create human resources

synergize efforts of various sectors and for global needs.
reform the present system with the enhanced  Provide guidance through the Prime
capability to adapt to changing technologies Minister’s National Council on Skill
and labour market demands. Development for activities to be
undertaken by the Centre and the
According to the International Labour States and by the National Skill
Organization “Skill development is of key Development Corporation.
importance in stimulating a sustainable
development process and can make a
contribution in facilitating the transition National Skill Certification and
from an informal to formal economy. It is Monetary Reward Scheme
also essential to address the opportunities
and challenges to meet new demands of National Skill Certification and Monetary
changing economies and new technologies Reward Scheme have been started in India
in the context of globalization.” that will be implemented on pan-India
basis. This is a first scheme of its kind in
Skills development can help build a the country with the Budget allocation of
“virtuous circle” in which the quality and Rs 1,000 crore which will motivate the
relevance of education and training for youngsters of the country to acquire a
women and men fuels the innovation, vocational/terminal skill. The objective of
investment, technological change, enterprise scheme is to benefit a million people in the
development, economic diversification and first year of its implementation.
competitiveness that economies need to
accelerate the creation of more jobs. The scheme that is branded as STAR
(Standard Training Assessment and
Skill Development has been set up with the Reward) for promotional purposes
mandate to: envisages that a monetary reward that will
in essence financially help those who wish
 Develop a strategy for skill to acquire a new skill or upgrade their skills
development at the national level, to a higher level.
along with variations at the state
level. With the advancement of technology,
 Bridging the gaps in the area of skill youngsters need to upgrade their skills for
development and develop strategies better opportunities and become capable to
to address the skill deficit. handle the world level challenges.
 Identify new areas for employability
and promote skill development in The National Skilling Mission has
such sectors. envisaged developing 500 million skilled
 Advise on remodelling of existing Indians by the year 2022, While 150
skill development programmes run million are expected to be contributed by
by various ministries. the private sector working under National
 Promote greater use of Information Skill Development Corporation (NSDC)
Communications Technology in the and 350 million will be contributed by
area of skill development. various departments of Government of
 Develop and implement an action India.
plan for skill development to
maximize job generation within the

Human Resource Development for Handicraft Sector: A study of Skill Development Training Programme for Textiles/carpet sector artisans Dr.
Suresh Kumar Pandey
P a g e | 808
International Journal of Research (IJR) Vol-1, Issue-11 December 2014 ISSN 2348-6848

Major highlights of the scheme are: Objectives of Integrated Skill

Development Scheme
 A Rs 1000 crore pan-India scheme  To address the trained manpower needs of
launched by the Government of textiles and related segments including
India. Handicrafts, Handlooms, Sericulture, Jute
and Technical Textiles by developing a
 Branded as STAR – Standard cohesive and integrated framework of
Training Assessment and Reward. training based on the industry needs.
Addressing this need is critical for
 To benefit 1 million people. enhancing the competitiveness of the
industry in the globalized economy.
 Scheme to be implemented by
National Skill Development  To increase the employability of residents of
Corporation (NSDC). the target areas through imparting of skills in
the textiles and related segments.
 Each tested and certified trainee to
get an average of Rs 10,000 to cover
training costs.  To ensure that the scheme is designed in a
way that it caters to the wide range of skill
sets required in various segments as listed
Integrated Skill Development Scheme above, while simultaneously ensuring
(ISDS) sufficient flexibility to meet the dynamic
needs of these segments over a period of the
Integrated Skill Development Scheme next five years.
(ISDS) has been launched by Government of
India in 2010 for developing the 26.75 lac  To create a trainers’ pool by conducting the
people over a period of 5 years. advance training programmes at a cluster
The scheme will cover following sector
 To ensure training in design development
(i) Textiles and Apparel programmes, particularly for the handloom
weavers/handicraft artisans/jute artisans and
(ii) Handicrafts also help them to produce diversified
(iii) Handlooms products with innovative use and improved
quality to meet changing market trends.
(iv) Jute
(v) Sericulture Scheme Implementing Organizations
Following organizations have been involved
(vi) Technical Textiles
for the implementation of ISDS scheme to
train the people in the above mentioned

S.No. Name of Implementing Organization No. Of trainees to Craft/sector

be trained
1 Apparel Training & Design Center 172223 Textiles/Tailoring
2 Northern India Textile Research 16575 Textiles/Apparel
Association (NITRA)
3 Ahmadabad Textile Industry's Research 59325 Textiles/Apparel
Association (ATIRA)
4 Bombay Textile Research Association 9900 Apparel

Human Resource Development for Handicraft Sector: A study of Skill Development Training Programme for Textiles/carpet sector artisans Dr.
Suresh Kumar Pandey
P a g e | 809
International Journal of Research (IJR) Vol-1, Issue-11 December 2014 ISSN 2348-6848

5 South India Textile Research Association 10000 Textiles

6 Indian Institute of Carpet Technology 2400 Carpet, Computer
(IICT, Bhadohi)
7 Textiles Committee 4500 Quality Professional
8 Central Silk Board (CSB) 7650 Sericulture
9 Indian Jute Industries Research 3174 Textiles/Garment
Association (IJIRA)
10 Institute of Jute Technology (IJT) NA NA
11 Man-Made Textiles Research 2910 Textiles
Association (MANTRA)
12 Metal Handicrafts Service Centre NA NA
13 Synthetic and Art Silk Mills' Research 14345 Textiles/Apparel
Association (SASMIRA)
14 Indian Institute of Carpet Technology 4300 Carpet
(IICT), Srinagar
15 Powerloom Development and Exports 2815 Textiles
Promotion Council (PDEXCIL)
16 Office of the Textile Commissioner 29000 Textiles/Apparel
17 Office of Development Commissioner 50900 Textiles
for Handlooms(DC Handlooms)
Total No. of trainees to be trained 390045

Above table shows that 3.9 lacs skilled soft skills are required to be undertaken.
artisans will be available to serve the above Skill training programme may be undertaken
mentioned sectors. in two components: Technical Training and
Soft Skill Training.
Conclusion & Suggestions:
Based on the above statistics of the sector, it References
is clear that there is tremendous scope to
increase the Indian handicrafts market share 1. Byrd, W. A., & Lin, Q. (Eds.).
in the world market. It will also provide the (1990). China's rural industry:
employment to the people especially to the Structure, development, and reform.
weaker section and illiterates. People from Oxford University Press.
different places may be trained in the local
handicraft sector of the area to which they 2. Dulebohn, J. H., Ferris, G. R., &
belong. It will help the industry to higher the Stodd, J. T. (1995). The history and
local skilled man power which will stop the evolution of human resource
migration of the people to the other places. management. Handbook of human
resource management, 18-41.
Indian handicrafts items are highly
demanded in the world market. To capture 3. Zhu, C. J. (2004). Human resource
more world handicrafts market share, management in China: Past, current
productivity must be increased. To increase and future HR practices in the
the production of the handicrafts items to be industrial sector. Routledge.
sold in the world market, skilled manpower
is required. To bridge the gap of skilled
workforce in the handicrafts sector, large
numbers of training programmes in hard &

Human Resource Development for Handicraft Sector: A study of Skill Development Training Programme for Textiles/carpet sector artisans Dr.
Suresh Kumar Pandey
P a g e | 810

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