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PIPESIM 2017 Training Module

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Modeling a Simple Gas Pipeline

1. Create a new, network.
2. On the Insert tab, click Source.
3. The red highlight around the icon indicates that some required setup data for the source is
missing. Double-click on the icon to open its edit window.
4. Rename the source MySource.

5. Enter a temperature of 60 degF and click Close.


6. In the Fluid manager window under the Home tab, create a new fluid by click the green + sign to

add a row.
Click Template and choose Dry Gas
Click OK to create the fluid.

£ New fluid □ X

Template: Dry Gas *

□PIPESIM 0 ,/ OK X Cancel

7. Double-click on the newly added line to display the Edit dialog box.

8. Edit the fields to match the entries in the figure below.

|4 Fluid manager n x
Fluids Fluid mapping

Fluid Gas ratio type Gas ratio Gas ratio unit Water ratio type Water ratio Water ratio unit Description
1 Gas OGR • fo STB/mmscf * WGR * 0 STB/mmscf *
1 +]

4 Edit BOfluid

Name: Gas Save as template

Properties Viscosity Calibration Thermal

WGR •: 0 STB/mmscf C02 fraction:
OGR •: 0 STB/mmscf H2S fraction:
Gas specific gravity: 0.64 N2 fraction:
Water specific gravity: 1.02 H2 fraction:
API • : i0 dAPi CO fraction:

□ PIPESIM 6 */ Close

□ PIPESIM © j </ Close

9. Close the fluid editor.

10. On the Fluid mapping tab of the Fluid manager window, associate the new Gas fluid with the

source that was created earlier.

4 Fluid manager □ x
Fluids Fluid mapping

Current selection
Weil Source Fluid Override... Gas ratio type Gas ratio Gas ratio unit Water ratio type Water ratio Water ratio unit
MySource [Gas OGR 0 STB/mmscf WGR 0 STB/mmscf

11. Close the Fluid Manager.

12. Click the Insert tab.

13. Add a Sink to the network diagram and rename it MySink.
14. Draw a flowline between the source and the sink.

Click Flowline on the Insert tab ribbon, then move the cursor towards the source.
Click MySource, then move the cursor towards the sink. The same signals indicate when the
cursor is in the correct location to anchor the flowline to the object.
Click MySink to terminate the flowline at the sink. The result should match the figure.

MySource FL MySink

15. Double-click on the flowline to open the Flowline properties editor.

16. Enter the flowline data shown in the figure.

Q Edit 'FL' □ X

Name: FL
Mode: <*'ÿ Simple Detailed
Environment • Land J Subsea
Override global environmental data:
Inside diameter 3.068 in -_
Wall thickness -: 0.216 in
Roughness: 0.0018 in

Rate of undulations (1/1000): 0
Horizontal distance : 20000 ft
Elevation difference: 1000 ft
Flowline starts at MySource ik
0 5000 10000 15000 20000
U Value type: User supplied Horizontal distance (ft)
Heat transfer coefficient 0 Btu/(h.degF.ft2)
Inside film coefficient • Include Calculate separately


Note: The heat transfer coefficient is set to 0 to represent a completely insulated (isothermal) pipe and to

effectively ignore temperature changes for this simple example case. In practical situations, the heat
transfer coefficient is always a positive value.

17. Click Close to exit the Flowline editor.

18. On the Home tab, select Simulation Settings.
19. In the Simulation Settings dialog box, click the Flow correlations tab.

20. Enter the correlations as shown below.


O Simulation settings □ X

Flow correlations Heat transfer Erosion/Corrosion Environmental Output variables Advanced User extensions
<S Use global C Use local
Source: OLGAS
Correlation: OLGAS 2017.1 3-Pbase HD
Friction factor: 1
Holdup factor. 1


Source: Baker Jardine
Correlation: Beggs 84 Brill Revised
Friction factor 1
Holdup factor 1


Swap angle: 45 deg

Correlation: Moody

□PIPESIM © J Close

21. Click MySource to activate all the possible tasks that can be run, then click P/T profile from the
ribbon on the Home tab (or select the same operation from the Tasks pane).
The Pressure/Temperature Profile operation is used to model the distribution of pressure,
temperature, and other parameters along the flow path.

22. Designate Outlet pressure as the Calculated variable.

23. Enter values for the Inlet pressure and Gas flowrate, as shown in the figure.
24. Set the sensitivity data for Temperature 20, 100, 180 and 260 degF as shown below.

b* P/T profile □ x
Nome; MySource • P/T profile

P/T profile
Branch start MySource Iniet pressure 1200 pua •
Branch end: MySnk • Outlet pressure
Default profile p ot Pressure vs. total distance Gas flowrate • 10 rrvmcf/d •



o o
Run Stop
Reset boundary conditions


25. Run the model.

bfc P/l profile □ x

Name: MySource • P/T profile


P/T profile Engine console System results Profile results

Snow grid • Showpict

Se-ect Bonom X-ars Tcta- d stance ft
J Se-ect Left T-aris: Pressure ova
J Select R-gnt Y-a*« None

P/T praflh : MySource P/T profS*

TEMP£SATU«£»20 F Outlet Preuure.TaiCJBS p*» J TEMPERATURE* 100 F Outer Prewu’e*BM.l0l9 put

TEMPERATURE* 180 F OutM Pretufe*42U6*5 pu*


□ PIPESIM © «/ Close

Notice that the highest temperature case generated the highest pressure loss. As the temperature

increases, these conditions change:

• The density decreases

• The Reynolds number decrease

• The corresponding friction factor increase

• The frictional pressure gradient is higher. In other words,

T t » p3 4, » Re = 4, » f T » (ÿfriction T
and because

(dP\ fpv2
The velocity increase due to gas expansion has an exponential effect on the frictional pressure term.
This accounts for the increase in the frictional gradient along the flowline and the curvature in the
pressure profile plot.

Note: The viscosity of the gas increases slightly with increasing temperature, but this effect is small
and does little to offset the effects of decreasing density.

Calculating Gas Pipeline Flow Capacity

Previously, the outlet pressure was calculated for a known inlet pressure and flow rate. In this exercise,
you will specify the inlet and outlet pressures and calculate the corresponding gas flow rate.

There are three key variables involved in P/T profile, Nodal analysis, and System analysis tasks:

• Inlet pressure
• Outlet pressure

• Flow rate.

Two of these variables must be specified, and the third is calculated. Some tasks allow you to specify

all three variables, in which case a matching variable, such as pump speed or choke setting, must be
set as the calculated variable.

PIPESIM generally performs calculations in the direction of flow. This means that when the outlet

pressure is calculated, the solution is non-iterative in that the outlet pressure is calculated during the
first and only pressure traverse calculation.

However, when outlet pressure is specified and either inlet pressure or flow rate is calculated, the

process becomes iterative and successive estimates of the calculated variable are supplied until the

calculated outlet pressure agrees with the specified pressure.

1. Reconfigure the P/T profile dialog box. Set Gas flowrate as the Calculated variable with an Outlet
pressure of 600 psia.
2. Delete the sensitivity data from previous exercise.

P/T profile
Name VyScu-cc • P/T profile

P/r profile Engine console System results Profile results I

S'ancn start VySource imet pressuie t200 psia

8rancnen<t MySn* Outlet pressure psia

Default profile plot Pressure vs. total 0 stance Gas flovwate •




o Rui
Reset boundary conditions

□ PtPESIM O I ✓Q«e 1

3. Re-run the task and observe the flow rate that this pipeline is capable of delivering under the
specified conditions.

n X

Name: MySource - P/T profile


P/T profile Engine console System results Profile resuits

Show grid • Show plot

1 fplowfite«1071164 nwmcfcT 1 A

Select Bottom X-axis Total distance • ft

Select left Y-aaot Pressure • psia

[3 Select Right Y-axis None

P/T profit* : MySourca • P/T profit*

o o
Run Stop

□ PIPISIM © Oose

Calculated Gas flowrate (mmscfd)


Modeling a Multiphase Pipeline

You have explored single-phase flow of gas through a pipeline. In this exercise, you will modify the

existing pipeline model and explore multiphase flow.

1. Use the Fluid Manager in the Home tab to create a multiphase fluid using the properties shown
in the figure.

4 u.d rr □ X ■

Fluids Fluid mapping

Fluid Gas ratio type Gas ratio Gas ratio unit Water ratio type Water ratio Water ratio unit Descnption
1 Gas OGR • 0 STB/mmscf WGR 0 STB/mmscf •
_ll _ 1
* *

2 Multiphase GOR *1800 [ SCF/STB Watercut * 0 %

! +
£ Edit BOFluid □ X

.Name: Multiphase Save as template
Description: | I
Properties Viscosity Calibration Thermal


Watercut *: 0 % - C02 fraction: 0
GOR • : 800 SCF/STB • H2S fraction: 0
Gas specific gravity. 0.64 N2 fraction: 0
Water spec fic gravity: 1.02 H2 fraction: 0
API • : 30 dAPI - CO fraction: 0

□ PIPESIM © J Close

□ PIPESIM © J Close

2. Click the Fluid mapping tab and ensure that the source is now mapped to Multiphase fluid.

£ Fluid manager □ X

Fluids Fluid mapping

=> Current selection

Well Source Fluid Override... Gas ratio type Gas ratio Gas ratio unit Water ratio type Water ratio Water ratio unit
MySource 1
Multiphase GOR 800 SCF/STB Watercut 0 %

3. From the Home tab choose Simulation Settings.

4. Click the Flow correlations tab and configure the choices for vertical and horizontal flow, as

shown in the figure.

Note: Observe that the Swap angle is set to 45 deg. This is the angle that corresponds to the switch
between using the vertical and horizontal flow correlations. In this example, the pipeline
inclination angle is about 3 deg (that means only the horizontal flow correlation will be used).


O Simulation settings □ X

Flow correlations Heat transfer Erosion/Corrosion Environmental Output variables Advanced User extensions
• Use global Use local
Source: Baiter Jardme
Correlation: Hagedom & Brown
Friction factor 1
Holdup factor 1


Source: Baiter Jardme
Correlation: Beggs & Brill Revised. Taitei DukJer map
Fnction factor t
Holdup factor 1


Swap angle: 45 deg

Correlation: Moody

□ PIPESIM 0 J Close

5. Reconfigure the P/T profile dialog box, as shown in the figure.

P/T profile

Name: MySource - P/T profile


P/T profile Engine console System results Profile results

Branch start MySource Inlet pressure 4300 psia

Branch end: MySink * • Outet pressure

Default profile plot Pressure vs. total distance • Liquid flowrate • 10000 STB/d


6. Run the model.
7. From the Profile Results tab, click Show Grid.

8. Look at the Liquid Holdup or Flow Pattern column. Notice that the flow is initially single-phase
liquid until the pressure falls below the bubblepoint, at which point a two-phase oilgas mixture
evolves. The single-phase Moody correlation is used in the first part of the pipe, and the Beggs

and Brill multiphase correlation is used in the second part of the pipe after the pressure falls
below the bubblepoint.

Case Type Total distance Elevation Pressure Temperature Fluid mean™ Liquid holdup EVR G-L Pattern
ft ft psia degF ft/s %
1 Outlet Pressures1044.591 psia Flowline 0 0 4800 60 16.70264 100 1.14181477... Liquid
2 Outlet Pressures 1044591 psia Rowline 1001.249 50 4648.331 61.13792 16.72483 100 1.14256607... Liquid
3 Outlet Pressure=1044591 psia Flowline 2002.498 100 4498252 6226337 16.74767 100 1.14334588... Liquid
4 Outlet Pressure =1044.591 psia Flowline 3003.748 150 4349.658 633772 16.77142 100 1.14415660... Liquid
_S Outlet °ressure=1044.591 psia Flowline 4004.997 2G0 4202452 64.48019 16.79621 100 1.14500174... Liquid
6 Outlet Pressures 1044.591 psia Flowline 5006.246 250 4056.542 655731 1632214 100 1.14588522... Liquid
7 Outiet Pressures 1044591 psia Flowline 6007.495 300 3911542 66.65662 16.84935 100 1.14681150... Liquid
8 Outlet Pressure=1044591 psia Rowline 7008.745 350 376827 67.73141 1637799 100 1.14778567... Liquid
9 Outlet Pressures 1044591 psia Flowline 8009.994 400 3625.749 68.79812 16.90823 100 1.14881353... Liquid
10 Outlet Pressures1044591 psia Flowline 9011243 450 3484203 6935735 16.94028 100 1.14990178... Liquid
11 Outlet Pressures 1044591 psia Rowline 10012.49 500 3342924 70.16521 16.99856 93.94651 1.15187810... Dispersed B
>2 Outlet Pressures 1044591 psia Rowline 11013.74 550 3193.624 69.66715 17.10465 96.61958 1.15546713... Dispersed B
13 Outlet Pressures 1044591 psia Rowline 12014.99 600 3033.91 69.1856 1724674 94.1089 1.16025634... Intermittent
14 Outlet Pressures 1044591 psia Flowline 1301624 650 2861.602 68.71855 17.4406 9134202 1.16675922... Intermittent
15 Outlet Pressures1044591 psia Rowline 14017.49 700 2673.493 6826181 17.71286 8820408 1.17583097... Intermittent
16 Outlet Pressures 1044591 psia Rowline 15018.74 750 2464.507 6730799 1831202 8450182 1.18900578... Intermittent
17 Outlet Pressures 1044591 psia Flowline 16019.99 800 2232088 6735218 ia718 80.00832 120873267... Intermittent
18 Outlet Pressures 1044591 psia Flowline 1702124 850 1984504 66.89823 19.62967 74.63825 123781870... Intermittent
19 Outlet Pressures 1044.591 psia Rowline 1802249 900 1715.61 66.42305 21.08691 67.93261 128294194... Intermittent
20 Outlet Pressures 1044591 psia Flowline 19023.74 950 1412525 6538222 23.68249 59.05282 135960935... Intermittent
21 Outlet Pressures 1044591 psia Rowline 20024.98 1000 1044591 65.16859 29.4639 47.63912 151651125... Intermittent

Flow Assurance Considerations
In this tutorial, a client with an existing operation in the&ulf uf Mexico has made a new gas condensate
discovery and plans to develop it using four wells producing into a subsea manifold, and then flowing
through a subsea tieback (the pipeline on the floor of the ocean that will "tie" the production from
the new wells to the existing facility) and up a riser to an existing platform. The oil and gas will be
separated on the platform, with the oil pumped to shore and the gas compressed to shore.

Size the subsea tieback and riser

1. Create a new PIPESIM network model/file.
2. Create a compositional fluid with the characteristics listed in the table.

Component Main Fluid (Mol %) Injection Fluid ((Mol %)

Methane 67.5
Ethane 5
Propane 2.5
Isobutane 1
Butane 1
Isopentane 1
Pentane 0.5
Hexane 0.5
Water 10
Carbon Dioxide 2.5
C7+(Pet.Fraction) 8.5
Methanol 100

Use the default PVT package (Multiflash), Equation of State (3-parameter Peng-Robinson), and other
model correlations as default.

3. Click New in the Fluid components section to create a new C7+ pseudo-component.
4. Fill in the fields for Name, Molecular weight, Boiling Point and Specific gravity (only), as shown.

H New component n x
Name: C7+
Type: • Hydrocarbon Non hydrocarbon
Molecular weight 115
Boiling point 283.8618 degF
Specific gravity: 0.683
Critical temperature: 574.241 degF
Critical pressure: 294.1559 psia
Acentric factor: 0.4341695

5. Click OK when complete.

6. In the Fluid manager window, create a new fluid.


The fluid properties at standard conditions, should be as below

4 tdirotMf □ x
Name: CFluid

Composition Viscosity
Pressure: 14.69595 psia * Set to standard GOnditiottS
Name Moles Mole fraction
Temperature • : 60 degF
F \i mol • %
Water 10 10
Phase ratio: Specify • Calculate
2 Methanol 0 GOR •: 7777255 SCF/STB
3 Methane 67.5 67.5 Watercut • : 9879613 %
4 Ethane 5 5
5 Propane 25 25 * PHASE COMPOSITIONS
6 Isobutane 1 1 Apply tuned resuits to fluid
7 Butane 1 1
8 Isopentane n =h0.5 Component Mixture Oil Gas Water
9 Pentane 05 *1 • •
10 Hexane 0.5 05 i Water 0.1 0.0002240557 0.01711115 0.9999999
11 Carbon Dioxide 25 25 2 Metnane 0.675 0.005094842 0X141446 217S312E-09
12 JC7* 85 as 3 Ethane 0.05 0.002002041 0.06013908 2139929E-12
.4 Propane 0.025 0.003442731 0X2981716 2596C88E-15
5 Isobutane 0.01 0.003419963 0X1171571 0
6 Butane 0.01 0.00472977 0X1158032 0
7 Isopentane 0.01 0X13259S4 001069866 0
8 Pentane 0.005 a(X»495101 0.005156526 0
9 Hexane 0.005 0X2499262 0.003451298 0
10 Carbon Dioxide QX25 0X005284712 003011837 123C843E-07
|11 C7* 0.085 0.9338109 0006067067 0


Parameter Unit Mixture Oil Gas Water

1 Mole fraction fract * 1 0X8564165 0X285551 0.08580329
2 Mass fraction tract • 1 03329213 06133823 0.0536964
• 1
H3 Volume fraction fract 0X007213457 0X991996 7.907885E-05
(4 Viscosity cP ■

f 05188829 0X1072134 1093773

5 Molecular weight • 28.7871 111.9063 2131119 18X152
6 Density (molar) lb-moie/ft3 • 0X03190507 03737924 Q002645628 3.46181
7 Density (mass) lbrn/ft3 • 0X9184542 4238925 0X5638148 6236521

■ fW- U« , IIM.. ■
Surface tension (gas-liquid)
Surface tension fnas-o-ll
• 78.98295
• 6719035
f lP }//////, II y

- y/y/y/i
-I « mm

□ PIPESIM 0 */ Cose

7. In the subsequent steps, you will construct a PIPESIM model to replicate the network in the
following figure.


Subsea Manifold subsea Tieback

8. Enter the data for the Subsea Manifold as in the following figure.

'O Edit 'Subsea Manifold' □ x

Name: Subsea Manifold
Active: 0
Fluid: CFluid ' Edit-
+ New-
Override phase ratios: □
PQ curve: □

Pressure: 1500 psia •

Temperature: degF •

Liquid flowrate * STB/d •1

□ PIPESIM © J Close

9. Without closing the dialog box for the Subsea Manifold, click once on the Flowline to switch the
dialog box to the flowline editor.
10. Rename the flowline to Subsea Tieback and enter the flowline data, as in the figure below.

CZ3 Edit "Subsea Tieback' □ X

Name: Subsea Tieback
Mode: • Simple Detailed
Environment Land • Subsea
Override global environmental data:
Ambient temperature (degF)
Inside diameter. 10.02 in 47.936
Wall thickness • : 0.365 in
Roughness: 0.0018 in

Rate of undulations (1/10C0)_ 0
Horizontal distance : 31680 ft
Elevation difference: 0 ft
Flowline starts at Subsea Manifold
Depth at start (MSL): 1600 ft


0 10000 20000 30000
U Value type: Insulated Horizontal distance (ft)
Heat transfer coefficient 0.2 Btu/(h.degF.ft2)
Inside film coefficient • Include Calculate separately

□ PIPESIM © J Oose

11. Select Detailed for Mode to access the Heat transfer tab.
12. Configure the flowline heat transfer by setting the U Value input as Calculate and specify pipe
coating detail as shown.

t=3 Edit Subsea Tieback □ X

Name: SuDsea Tieoadc
Mode: Simple • Detailed
Environment Land • SuDsea
Override giooai environmental data

General Heat transfer


U Value input Specify • Calculate Thermal cond... Thickness Description
Pipe conductivity. 2601156 Btu/(h.degF.ft) Btu/(h.deg... • in •

Ground conductivity 0.4478 Btu/<h.degF.ft)

L-JU 0.15 025 Insuiai-.on
Pipe bunai depth; in L+J
Overall outside diameter 11-25 in

0 Pipe is elevated aoove ground

□ PIPESIM © l_y Close

13. Without closing the Flowline editor dialog box for the Subsea Tieback, click once on the Riser to
switch to the dialog box for editing it.
14. Rename the riser to Riser.
15. Change the Mode to Detailed and enterthe information on the General tab, as in the figure below.


Tf Edit 'Riser'

Name Riser
Mode: Simple • Detailed
Override global environmental data: Z
General Heat transfer

Ambient temperature (dcgF)
Inside diameter 10.02 in 50 55 60 65 70
Wail thickness * : 0365 in
Roughness: 0.0018 in

Platform height (above waterline): 60

Riser starts at J
Use as downcomer
Distance • Horizontal Measured

Horizontal dis... Measured dist.. Depth MSL

ft * ft • ft
1 0 0 1600
2 0 800 800 Horizontal distance (ft)

3 0 1600 0

□ PIPtSIM O V Close

16. Click the Heat transfer tab and set the U Value input option to Calculate and enter 1 layer of
insulation as in the figure below:

"E" Edit 'Rise*' □ X

Name Riser
Mode . Simple Detailed
Ovemde global environmental data:

General Heat transfer


U Value input Specify • Calculate Thermal cond— Thickness Description
Pipe conductivity 26.01156 Btu/(h.degf.ft) • •
d Btu/fhdeg.. in
1 025 |Insulal orj
Surface temperature: 60 degF •i LB
Wind speed 8.439042 h/s • Overall outside diameter 11.25 m

□ PIPESIM 0 </ Close

17. Exit the dialog box and save your workspace.

18. Modify the global environmental settings by selecting Home » Simulation settings »
Environmental and change the ambient air temperature to 51.89 F and sea water gradient to
North Sea, as shown in the following figure. These global values will be used for the heat transfer
calculations for the flowline and riser, because we left the Override global environmental data box
unchecked in both the flowline and riser editors.

0 Simulation settings □ X

Flow correlations Heat transfer Erosion/Corrosion Environmental Output variables Advanced User extensions
Temperature: 51.8 degF
Wind speed: 8.439042 ft/s
Atmospheric pressure: 14.69595 psia

Soil type Clay Soil (moist)
Soil conductivity: 0.4478 Btu/(h.degF.ft)

Seawater gradient/current North Sea

Depth MSL Seawater temp. Current velocity

ft OegF • j ft/s
1 0 51.8 228
2 50 51.5 2.28
3 100 50 228
4 200 482 228
5 328.034 46.4 2.12
6 500 44.4 1.64
7 656.168 42.98 128
8 1000 402 0.97
. 9 1500 38.9 0.62
10 2000 37.9 033
!L 2500 373 0.33

□ PIPESIM © [ V Close

19. While still in the Simulation settings dialog, click the Flow correlations tab and select the following
flow correlations:
• Vertical flow correlation = Hagedorn & Brown (Duns & Ros map)
• Horizontal flow correlation = Beggs & Brill Revised
Now, design the system based on following criteria and constraints:

• Design production rate = 14,000 STB/day (normal scenario). The system should be designed
to achieve a maximum rate of 16,000 STB/day (should the wells produce more than expected)
and should simultaneously be able to handle a turn-down scenario, when the production is
expected to drop to 8000 STB/day.
• For all production rates, the arrival pressure at the Sink must not drop below 400 psia.
• Available flowline and riser sizes are 7.981 inches (wall thickness = 0.322 inches), 10.02 inches
(wall thickness = 0.365 inches) and 12 inches (wall thickness = 0.375 inches). Flowline and riser
sizes must be the same for all scenarios (i.e. if 7.981" is selected for the flowline inside
diameter, the riser must also have an ID of 7.981") and the erosional velocity limit must not
be exceeded.
• Cost: The bigger the flowline and riser, the higher the cost, so the objective would be to select
the minimum diameter sizes that would satisfy the target rate and constraints specified above.
20. Click the Subsea Manifold and select the System analysis task.
21. Select Outlet pressure as the Calculated Variable and enter any value for the Liquid flowrate e.g.
the normal rate of 14,000 stb/d.
22. For the X-axis variable, select System Data as the object, and Liquid flowrate as the variable. Enter
the range of flowrates the design is being done for: 8000, 14000 & 16000 stb/d.
23. Change the Sensitivity configuration to Change in step with Variable 1 by selecting it from the
dropdown menu. Review the topic System analysis properties to understand the differences
between the sensitivity configuration options.


24. Configure the additional sensitivity variables for the Subsea Tieback and Riser as in the following

55 System analysts

Name Subsea Manifcid - System analysis


System analysis
Branch stait Subsea Manifold Inlet pressure 1500 psia

Branch end: Sk • Outlet pressure

Sensitivity configuration: Change in step with Variable 1 Liquid flowrate • 14000 STB/d

X-axis Variable 1 Variable 2 Vanabie 3 VanaWe 4 Variable 5 Variable 6 Variable 7 Variable 8 Vanabie 9 Variable 10
Active: J Active: J Active: J Active: v Active: J Active J Active: J Active: J Active: J Active: J
System Data
Liquid flow-
Subsea Tie-
inside dia~

Subsea Tie-
Wall thickrv.


Wail thictti— *
•J »| -
Ranqe_ Range- Range- Ranqe- Range- Range- Range- Range- Range- Range. Ranqe_

8000 1
P in
* in

1 7.981
• in
• • • • - *

2 14000 2 10.02 0365 10.02 0.365

3 16000 3 12 0375 12 0375
5 *5
7 *7 .

9 9.
10 10
+ +

oRun Slop
Reset boundary conditions

□ PtPESIM 0 <ÿ Close

25. Click Run.

26. Review the System results plot. Why are there no results for some cases?
27. Determine the minimum diameter of the tieback and riser that satisfies the arrival pressure
requirement (i.e. > 400 psia) for all flowrates.
28. Double-click the Systems plot and change the Y-axis variable to display Erosional velocity ratio
29. Verify that the selected flowline ID does not exceed the erosional velocity ratio limit of 1.0 for the
expected flow rates. Compare your results with the answers in the following table.

Parameter Value
Selected Tieback and Riser ID based on 400 psia 10.02
arrival pressure constraint, inch
Max. erosional velocity ratio for selected ID 0.755
Minimum arrival pressure for selected ID 963
Maximum arrival pressure for selected ID 1267.3

Selecting Tieback Insulation Thickness

In this task, you will update the model with the tieback and riser ID selected in the previous exercise
and determine the insulation thickness required to maintain the system outside of the hydrate
formation envelope.
The worst case scenario in terms of a hydrate risk, is when the flow rate through the system is the
lowest, in which case, the heat loss will be the greatest. This scenario will be the turndown case of
8000 STB/day.

Do the following:
1. Double-click on the Subsea tieback and enter the inside diameter and wall thickness determined
from the previous sizing task. Repeat this step for the Riser (ID and Wall thickness for Tieback and
Riser = 10.02" and 0.365" respectively).
2. Go to Home » Simulation settings » Heat transfer and check the Hydrate subcooling box. This will
enable the calculation of the hydrate sub-cooling temperature difference, which is the difference
between the hydrate formation temperature and the flowing fluid temperature (i.e. Thyd -Tf). If
this difference is positive, then the fluid is in the hydrate formation region at that location in the
3. Still under Simulation settings, click the Output variables tab and change the Report template to
Flow Assurance. This template includes the important flow assurance variables; specifically the
following hydrate variables of interest.
• Hydrate formation temperature (profile variable)
• Hydrate sub-cooling delta temperature (profile variable)
• Maximum hydrate sub-cooling temperature differential (system variable)
4. Save your workspace.
5. Click on the Subsea Manifold and run the P/T profile task with Outlet pressure set as the Calculated
variable and the Liquid flowrate set to the turndown rate of 8000 STB/day.
6. Double-click the Profile results plot and change the Y-axis variable to Hydrate sub-cooling delta
temperature The plot appears as below. With the current insulation thickness of 0.25", is there a
hydrate risk? At what point in the system does the fluid temperature drop below the hydrate
formation temperature?


P/T piofile
Name: Source.1 P/T profile

P/T profile Engme comole System results Profile results

Show gnd • Show plot

t |Outlet Pressure■126725 pga * AXES SERIES
Seiea Bottom X-arc Total distance ft
J Seiea Left Y-a*it Hydrate suo-cooimg de*ta_ deg?
J Seiea Right Y eas: None

P/T profit* : Source.1 • P/T profit*

Total distance (ft): 237207 Hydrate sub-coolmg delta temperature (degF): 2-4.59

Run Stop

QpiPCSIM o V Close

7. You may also check the hydrate risk from the phase envelope viewer. Click on the Subsea manifold
and on the Home tab, click on Phase envelope. The plot appears as below. Observe how the
calculated flowing P/T profile line intersects the hydrate formation line. As determined in the
previous step, the system drops into the hydrate formation region at approximately ~13,000 ft,
which is somewhere in the long subsea tieback, which has a total length of 31,680 ft. Clearly, the
current insulation thickness of 0.25" is insufficient to mitigate against hydrate formation.

Network schematic
Subsea Marvfdd CElwd
Subsea Manifold Cftuid : Phas* envelop* plot

Pressure: 1S00 psu •
Temperature - ; 176 degF •

4215373 SCF/STB
Watercut 7.1006 %


Component Mixture Od Gas Water

1 Water 0.1 03)03783963 0006153884 0.9999681

2 Methane 0675 03540485 08436261 5.901742E06
3 Ethane 0.05 0.0511568 005626038 1.465251E-08
4 Propane 0.025 003952378 002464511 7.721669E-11
5 liebutane 0.01 00208907 0006583205 2D12683E-13
6 Butane 0.01 002296931 0006068738 265794E-13
7 isopentane 001 002981009 0006359162 135478E-15
a Pentane 0.005 001573445 0002972306 S334948E-16
9 Hexane 0005 001982128 0001950967 0
10 Carbon Dioxide 0025 001961481 0.02961714 2.601572E-05
11 C7* 0.085 0.4226463 001175304 0


—— D*w tow
PT profile
— Bubble tow
o Cn»cai point —• Water bn*
Plain point
—• k* tow
Inlet condition
— Hydrate 2 luw
Mole fraction
Mas; fraction

• 1
0 7241658
3 Volume fraction tract • 1 01138032 08774985 0
J IfariKitv rO ■\ n UCXKT nmwToafl n

8. Determine the appropriate insulation thickness by increasing it in 0.25" increments and running
the P/T profile task until the entire system is hydrate-free. Assume the same insulation thickness
must be used on both the tieback and riser.

Note: There is currently no option to sensitize on coating thickness, in this case, insulation thickness,
in any of the tasks. You will have to manually change the insulation thickness in the tieback and riser
objects, and run the P/T profile task repeatedly until the objective is met.
P/T profile n X

Name: Source.! P/T proft'e


P/T profile £ng-.r»e console System result! Profile result*

Sftowgrd • Showp'Ot
1 four** Presaxe*i2733ib pstal * AXIS SER'tS
Select Bottom X*a*ts Total distance • ft
J Select left V-ans Hydrate sut>-coo ing delta • degF
J Select Right Y-axis: None

P/T profit : Source.1 P/T prod*


«•] Networfc schematic Phase envelope x

Subsea MamfoW Cflud -
Subua Manifold ■ CFluld . Pha** enyMope plot
Pressure 1500 psu
Temperature : 176 degF

GOR 4215373 SCF/STB
Watercut 71006 %


Component Vxtxre Oi Gas Water

1 Water 0.1 0303783963 0006158884 03999681

2 Methane 0.675 03S40485 03436261 5.901742E-06
3 Ethane 005 03511563 005626038 1.46525IE-08
4 Propane 0025 033952378 002464511 7.721669E-11
s isc butane 001 03208907 0308588205 2312683E-13
6 Butane 001 032296931 0006068738 2.65794E-13
J Isopentane OOI 032981009 0006359162 125478£-15
e Pentane 0005 031573445 0002972306 S334948E-16
9 Heaane 0.005 031982128 0301950967 0
10 Carbon Dronde 0025 031961481 002961714 2601572E-05
11 C7- 0085 0.4226463 0.01175304 0


— PT profile
Dew hne — Cnt-cal
—• Water hot
hash point
—• <ein*
Inlet condition
Hydrate 2 toe
1 . Mole fraction
Tract •

2 Mass traction Tract 1 062546
3 | Volume fraction Tract • 1 01138032 08774985 0
4 Is/icmcdv rP • \ V/7 01453047 nmsoxua 0

Determine the methanol requirement

Assume the flowline and riser have been insulated, but they are under-insulated with only 0.5 inches
of insulation. In this exercise, you will determine the required methanol injection rate to ensure that
hydrates do not form in the system.

Do the following:

1. Double-click on the Subsea tieback and enter an insulation thickness of 0.5 " to model the scenario
where it is under-insulated. Click on the Riser and repeat this step.
2. Insert an Injection Point from the Insert tab and place it between the Subsea Manifold and the
Subsea Tieback. Connect the Subsea Manifold to the Injector using a connector. Connect the
Subsea Tieback to the Injector on the left end and the junction J on the right end, as shown in the
following figure.



Subsea ManifokJ Inj Subsea Tieback |

o a

3. Click on the Fluid manager in the Home tab. Click on the Component/model settings tab and add
Methanol to the Fluid Components list by checking the box beside it.
4. Click on the Fluids tab and create a new fluid by clicking on "plus sign"
5. Double-click on the row for the new fluid, rename it to Methanol and enter 100 moles for
Methanol in the Components grid and click Close.
6. Still on the Fluid manager, click on the Fluid mapping tab and map the Methanol fluid to the Inj
(Injector) by selecting it from the dropdown list.
7. Exit the Fluid manager.
8. Double-click on the Inj (Injector). Specify a fluid injector temperature of 68°F and any value for the
liquid flowrate of Methanol (this variable will be sensitized upon later). Exit the editor.
9. Click the Subsea manifold and launch the System Analysis task.
10. Set Outlet Pressure as the Calculated Variable and specify a Liquid flowrate of 8,000 STB/d.
11. For the X-axis variable, change the sensitivity object to Inj (Injector) and the sensitivity variable to
Liquid flowrate by selecting them from the dropdown lists. Click on Range and enter a methanol
injection rate range from 0 to 500 STB/d in increments of 50 STB/d. Remove all other sensitivity
variables either by deleting their values or unchecking the Active boxes for them, as below.

aystem analysts

Name: Sutnea Manifold - System analysis

• Description:
System analysts Engine console System results Profile results


Brandi tart Subsea Mamfold inlet pressure 1500 psia

Branch end: Sk • Oitlet pressure

Sensitivity configuraton Change m step with Vanable 1 Liquid flowrate • BOCO STB/d

o Reset boundary conditions

□ PIPESIM 0 1 yoose 1

12. Click Run.

13. Double-click on the System results plot and change the Y-axis variable to Maximum Hydrate sub¬
cooling temperature difference. This is the maximum value of the Hydrate sub-cooling
temperature difference throughout the system for each of the cases run.
14. From the plot, determine the required Methanol injection rate to maintain the flowing fluid
temperature above the hydrate formation temperature, at every point in the system (i.e.
Maximum Hydrate sub-cooling temperature difference < 0). You may refine the range of the
methanol injection rate to more accurately determine the minimum amount required.

BE System analysis □ X

Name: Subsea Manifold - System analysis


System analysis Engine console System results Profile results

Show grid • Show plot

Select Bottom X-axis: Inj-U'quidRowRate * STB/d
J Select Left Y-axis: Maximum hydrate sub-cool... * degF
E Select Right Y-axis: None

o o
Run Stop


Screen for severe riser slugging

In this task, you will screen for severe riser slugging.

1. Continue with the model from the previous exercise. Deactivate the methanol injector by right-
clicking on it and selecting Deactivate. Re-enter the tieback and riser insulation thickness
determined from the previous exercise that is required to prevent hydrate formation in the system
2. Click the Subsea Manifold and select the System analysis task from the Home tab
3. Set Outlet Pressure as the Calculated Variable, and leave the default Inlet pressure and Liquid
flowrate values.
4. For the X-axis, select System data as the sensitivity object and Liquid flowrate as the sensitivity
variable. Enter the following flow rates: 8,000, 14,000 and 16,000 STB/d.
5. Click Run.
6. Double-click on the System results plot and change the Y-axis variable to display the variable;
Severe Slugging Indicator - Pots. This represents the minimum value of the Severe Slugging
Indicator number along the subsea tieback, at the base of the riser.

BE System analysis

Name: Subsea Manifold • System analysis


System analysis Engine console System results Profile results

Show gno • Show plot

Select Bottom X-axis System Data-LquidciowRate - STB/d
J Select Left Y-axis: Severe siuggug indicator *
5] Select Right Y-axis: None

System analysis : Subsaa Manifold • System analysis

Run Stop

□ PIPESIM Q */ dost I

Size a slug catcher

In this task, you will screen for severe slugging and determine the required size (volume) of the slug
catcher based on the largest volume of the following criteria, incorporating a safety factor of 20%.

You must design the slug catcher taking into account the following criteria:

• Hydrodynamic slugging: This typically generates the largest slugs of all the scenarios. The
design is based on the statistical l/1000th population slug size, determined using the SSB or
Norris Correlations.
• Pigging volume
• Transient effects, such as the requirement to handle the liquid slug generated when the
production flow is ramped up from 8,000 to 16,000 STB/D, such as a ramp-up surge

Note: The slug-catcher will be sized to address the above scenarios only, and not severe riser slugging.
We will assume that the severe riser slugging scenario can be mitigated with topsides choking or riser-
based gas lift.

1. From the Home tab, go to Simulation settings > Output variables. The Flow Assurance report
template is selected. Click on the Clone button to make a copy, so you can customize it. Type in
any name you want for the cloned report.
2. Click the Profile tab to see all the selected profile variables. To see the complete list of profile
variables, click the Selected tab to deactivate the selection. Add the following profile variables of

interest that are not included in the Flow Assurance template by default, by checking the box next
to each of them (Enter the first few letters of each variable in the Type to filter box, to filter the
• Sphere-generated liquid volume from section (profile variable)
• Total sphere-generated liquid volume so far (profile variable)
• Cumulative liquid holdup (profile and system variables)
3. Click the System tab and add the system variables below, if missing.
• Sphere generated liquid volume (system variable)
• 1in 1000 slug volume (profile and system variables)
• Exit the dialog box and save your workspace.
4. Launch the P/T profile task and set it up with Outlet pressure as the Calculated variable. Leave the
default values for the boundary conditions. Under Sensitivity Data, select System Data as the
sensitivity object and Liquid flowrate as the sensitivity variable and enter the three liquid flowrates
that have been used in the previous exercises ( 8,000, 14,000 and 16,000 stb/d).
5. Click Run.
6. On the Profile results tab, select Show grid, then click Select Columns and add the following three
variables to the grid.
• Total/Cumulative liquid-holdup
• 1in 1000 slug volume
• Total sphere-generated liquid volume so far
7. Click Close to exit the Select columns dialog and scroll to the end of the Profile results grid to see
these variables. Change the units for all 3 variables to bbl.
8. For each sensitivity rate, extract the maximum 1/1000 Slug Volume and the Total SGLV so far
(Sphere Generated Liquid Volume) at the system outlet and record them.


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ifSifHSfPfiiiiiiiH •)
16,000 stb/d
P/T profile 1 &n»ne console SfJtcm ProfwreMB

• Viowgnd ( Sue pot

I JUQ.*X»tf»/<Jj,OuO«>«ox*.127*ia;ptu
2 UQ.1*000 lOOUdw OJWOHIMX1034*15 out III J««clcekmK. O L1ÿI«* 1

3 UQ- 1*000 vx> i») OMM >e-.vÿ«.»WCS2t 3vj

Lpjpnw-ii Tfo* tBeeafcon Tempe-atwe U**d roAip EYR G-lPettern O-WPette-n 1/1000sK*j Jot SGIV » tot H.
ft * sw *.«*•«* • IW • % • DW ' DU
1 UQ» >6000 sooi/dejr 0_ Sowed T>0_ Row ne -1600 1S00 176
2 UQ. 16000 lOM/d* O- 'Ow TC -1600 1417429 1721546
24 47668
Q 7282*211. wwnuaenj

07X25624. H*.mr*n» Undefned

Undefined 001152214
Y UQ.16000 taevor, O- Bowfene -1600 1455523 1644115 2*61066 2197179 07125*964 *Wffini*n« Undef-ned 5142679 1641182 7*25515
L* UQ.16000 sSOUdJy O. Rowtne -1600 14JJ065 164.7557 2*40*12 2149C11 071512764- HttnMien* Undef-ned 8822447 54 530*9 1112233
S UQ. 16030 iaol/de*0- Rowtne -1600 1410441 1611254 2494151 254025* 071774465. Htownnent Undef-ned 1014468 7274071 1430696
6 UQ«16COO JSOVdef 0- Rowt-ne •1600 11376*9 157 567J 2517591 25*9908 0 7*061HI. Wmnw Undefned 1118699 9092042 18*7647
1 UQ»16000 ffiOlAJJyO- Bowline -1600 1164665 15*0648 251906* 2159004 Q7*J78St4- Wemw* Undef-ned 120 6353 109.0421 2212911
a UQ-16000 >ab</d*0- Rowtne -1600 1141471 1506097 2561454 21*7911 074709625 Wer-n.nent Undef-ned 1292631 127.1046 2576*9
9 UQ. <6000 taW/darO- Bowine -1600 1114067 147.194 254587 211549 Q 75054914. Htennnent Undefined 115091 1451336 2918115
10 UQ*16000 lacx/Oaf O- Bowi.ne -1600 1294.425 1414598 2612541 2121975 075445605. wentvnem maefned 141 1725 161)201 1293116
1ijUQ. 16000 ODI/dJy O- Bowls* -1600 1270522 14060*3 264216 2106t*1 07547144) M6enn.t*n» Undef-ned 1472938 1815124 365S66
12 UQ.16000 i»t>i/dj» O_ Bowfcne -1600 1244317 1171*14 2672991 2249579 076)12905. m*rm.i»r* Undef-ned 1524659 199786* *010664
,,ÿlJQ•,W00,oov,M»o- - ‘Tc

-- -1600 1221455 1142228 2706712 2271201 076791001. Mtimiitem Undefined 159261 2181479 416299
t*JUQ.16000 fflbVO»t O- Bowls* -1600 11970*2 1111207 27*3756 22515*1 0771164)1 Wemtlrt Undefined 1615501 2165104 471231
U UQ- 16000 tact/a+i O. Bowls* -1600 1171471 121057 2741997 221159 07744t)47_ Wermnem Undefined 168 7739 254 7016 50546S6
16 UQ* 16000 laot/dey O . Bowline -1600 1146J21 1250192 2426141 2210971 076464642- lUe-ntlrt Undefined 1719255 2729241 5401349
IIT UQ- 16000 ttoOdJ»Q_ Bowhne -1600 1120 JS4 1220461 247245 2148071 079114)98 Wrutlml Undefined 179.1799 291294 5741684
14 UQ- 16000 oet/djy O- Rowline -1600 1091913 1191165 292*651 2162762 079824509 H*rm«*n« Undef-ned 1846071 3014405 6077796
if UQ.16000 rooVday O. Bowline •1600 106701 1162464 294214} 21 1*921 040605244 . MimfflW Undefined 1902309 1285935 640.9905
X UQ> 16000 tboi/<U)fO. Rowtne •1600 1019511 111*151 30*2911 2107124 041422148- hSftmlMnl Undef-ned 1960905 147.1074 6717461
21 UQ.16000«»i/d»yO_ Bowline •1600 1011464 110611 11096 2074611 0009755. Unlefned 2022216 1654915 70608*1
22 IIQ.16030 taot/ddy O Rue-
21JUQ.16000 iOW/ddyO-
- Rue- -1600 1011464 110611 1109717 1401304 042111102 Slug Undefined 2022298 3654979 7060978
Rue* -900 9566686 1066411 1270182 t16974) 04*408277. Slug Undef-ned 212961S 17210*8 7169042
2* UQ- 16000 tt>W/d*»0_ Rrter 0 9010239 1024595 1**3626 11147)5 0466406*2. Skjg Undef-ned 2255*93 179.105 7274S29
25 UQ. 16000 -.bai/dey 0- Rise* 60 9990524 1025919 1*6268 1112US 04645ftH0. Slug Undefned 2265704 1795946 7282112

10. Assuming the design is based on a ramp-up volume from 8;000 to 16,000 stb/d, the ramp-up
volume would be the difference in total liquid holdup in the system between the 8,000 stb/d and
16,000 stb/d cases. Extract the total liquid holdup at 16,000 stb/d and at 8,000 stb/d and subtract
the 2 values.

Note: The surge associated with ramp-up occurs over a much longer time period than the other
cases. When sizing a slug catcher for a ramp-up scenario, consideration should be given to the
volume that will be discharged from the vessel during the ramp-up. For more information on how to
calculate the ramp-up duration, see Cunliffe's method for ramp up surge.

11. Determine the highest volume of the 3 scenarios and apply a safety factor of 20% to get the design
volume for the slug catcher. Compare it with the answers below.

Parameter Values
Slug Catcher Sizing 8000 stb/d 14000 stb/d 16000 stb/d
1/1000 slug volume (bbl) 164 185 226
Sphere generated liquid volume (bbl) 375 378 379
Total liquid volume (bbl) 875 765 728
Ramp-up volume (bbl) 875 - 728 = 147 bbl
Design volume for slug catcher (bbl) 379 * 1.2 = 454.8 bbl

Looped gas gathering network
In this tutorial, you will learn how to build a gathering network and perform a network
simulation to evaluate the deliverability of the complete production system. It is necessary to
model the network as a complete system to account for the interaction of wells producing into
a common gathering system. The wellhead pressure, and by extension the deliverability of
any particular well is influenced by the backpressure imposed by the production system.
Modeling the network as a whole, allows the engineer to determine the effects of such
changes as adding new wells, adding compression, looping flowlines and changing the
separator pressure.

Model a pipeline network

In this tutorial, your goal is to establish the deliverability of a production network. The
network consists of three gas wells producing into a looped gathering system, which delivers
the commingled streams to a single delivery point.

1. Launch PIPESIM and create a new, network centric workspace.

2. From the Insert tab, add the following equipment:
o 3 wells (Use the Simple Vertical template for all wells).
o 4 junctions
o 13-phase separator
o 1 compressor
o 1 heat exchange
o 3 sinks
3. Rename and arrange them exactly as indicated below.

Cmp HX GasSales

Oil Storage

4. Connect the inserted objects using flowlines and connectors such that the network diagram
exactly matches the figure below. (Rename all the flowiines exactly as indicated below).


5. Create 2 new compositional fluids for the 3 wells based on the compositions below. Set the PVT
package to Multiflash and select the 3-parameter Peng-Robinson option as the Equation of State.
Leave all other model settings to their default values, but name the fluids as indicated below.

Component Moles
Fluid_A (Well_l & Well_2) Fluid_B (Well 3)
Water 10 6
Methane 67.5 71
Ethane 5 6
Propane 2.5 3
Isobutane 1 1
Butane 1 1
Isopentane 1 1
Pentane 0.5 0.5
Hexane 0.5 0.5
Carbon Dioxide 2.5 4
C7+ 8.5 6
Name Molecular Weight Specific Gravity
C7+ 115 0.683

6. After creating the 2 fluids, map WellJL and Well_2 to Fluid_A and Well_3 to Fluid_B in the Fluid
manager, as below.

Fluid manager

Fluids Fluid mapping Component/model settings

Current selection T Wellstream outlet

Well Source Fluid Override... Gas ratio type Gas ratio Gas ratio unit Water ratio type Water ratio Water ratio unit
1 1 Well 1 Completion Fluid_A •i □ GOR 7777.255 SCF/STB Watercut 9.879613 %
| Well 2 • □

2 Completion Fluid_A GOR 7777.255 SCF/STB Watercut 9.879613 %
3 j Well 3 Completion Fluid.B •' GOR 12316.72 SCF/STB Watercut 7.702981 %

7. Save your workspace.

8. In a previous step, you created all 3 wells using the Simple Vertical template. You will now edit the
default template values for each well and change them to the values specified below.

Properties Unit Well_l Well_2 Well_3
Well type - Vertical Vertical Vertical
Casing Data
Casing (Bottom MD) ft 4700 4600 4800
Casing ID inch 6.765 6.765 6.765
Casing wall thickness inch 0.43 0.43 0.43
Tubing Data
Tubing (Bottom MD) ft 4450 4350 4550
Tubing ID inch 2.441 2.441 2.441
Tubing wall thickness inch 0.217 0.217 0.217
Roughness (casing/tubing) inch 0.001 0.001 0.001
Packer depth (MD) ft 4200 4100 4300
Wellhead ambient temperature deg F 60 60 60
Heat transfer coefficient BTU/(h.degF.ft2) 2 2 2
Completion Data
Fluid entry - Single point Single point Single point
Completion depth (MD) ft 4500 4400 4600
IPR model Back pressui Back pressure Back pressure
Reservoir pressure psia 2900 2900 3100
Reservoir temperature deg F 130 130 140
Constant C mmscf/d/psi2n 4E-06 4E-06 5E-06

The three (3) wells display as below.

Well 1
General Tubulars Deviation survey Downhole equipment Artificial lift Heat transfer Completions Surface equipment
Mode: « Simple Detailed
WfL-1 Dimension option: OD • Wail thickness
Name Bottom MD ID Wall thickness Roughness
Tubing flow from
1 1 Casmg 1
• in
• in
2~ J Tub ng 4450 2.441 0217 0.001



Casing 1


General Tubulars Deviation survey Downhole equipment Artificial lift Heattramfe Completions Surface equ pment


Name Geometry pro fluid ent7 Top MD Middle MD Bonom MD Type Active IPR model
ft ft -ft
[Completion • Single pent J 4500 Bade press...
am ■ n—
f Verbcai Perforation ■/ *

Reservoir Fluid model

Reservoir pressure: 2900 psia

Reservoir temperature: 130 degf
IPR basis: Gas
Constant C 4E-06 mrmcf/d/psi'2n
Slope rr 1
Use test data:

0 5 10 is 20 2S 30
Q (mmtcf/d)

4700 ft

Well 2
General Tubulars Deviation survey Oownhoie equipment Artificial lift Heat transfe- Compietons Surface equipment
• Simple
Mode: Detailed
Wf12 Dimension option: OD • Wall tftickness
Name Bottom MD 10 Wall thickness Rougnness
{Tubing flow from
Completion _
1 I Casing t
• [in
6.765 043

2 j Tubing 4350 2.441 0217 0001 -


Casmg 1

4600 ft



12 Name Geometry pro_ Fluid entry Top MD Middle MD Bottom MD Type Active tPR model
i Tubing Mow Hem 1 /* • ft • ft
Completion 1 [Completion Vertcal • [Single point *| |4400 : Perforation I'S Bac* press •|
Reservoir Fluid model

Reservoir pressure: 2900 psia

Reservoir temperature liO degF

IPR basis- Gas
Constant C 4E-06 mmscf/d/psiA2n
Slope x 1
Use test data:


HQQjft _, Tubing

±3SQJL Completion
44QQJ8 _ Casing 1

4600 ft

Well 3
General TuOua'S Devaton survey Downhole equipment Artificial lift Heat transfer Completions Surface equipment
Mode • Simple Deta.ea

WFl-3 Dimension ootica OO • Waii tr*cimess
Name Bottom MD ID Waii Mcknes Roughness
Tubing flow from
ft • m * m m
1_j Casing 1 43CC 6.765 043 0.001
"2 |TuO'ng 4550 144 0.217 0X01


I Completion

1 1
4600 ft

33.ft General Tubular* Deviation survey Downhole equipment Artificial lift Heat transfer Completions Surface equipment


Reservoir Fluid model

Reservoir pressure 3100 psia

Reservoir temperature 140 degf

IPR basis: Gas
ConstantC 5E-06 mmscf/d/psi*2n
Slope it 1
Use test data:

9. Click the Flowline manager on the Home tab and specify the flowline details as below. (Double¬
click the Name column to sort in alphabetical order to make it easier to enter the data).

*3 Flowline manager □ X

Name » Hor. distance Eiev. diff. Undulation ID Wall thickness Roughness Amb. Temp. Detailed Override global
ft ft •1 • jin rn in * deg? •

1 Fl-1 30C00 0 0 6.065 0.28 0.0018 60


4 Fl-4 30000 0 0 6.065 028 0.0013 60
FL-5 263
0.365 0.0018 60 □
GL-1 0322 0.0018 60
7 Gl-2 10000 0 0 7.981 0.322 0.0018 60
8 OL-1 467 0 0 6.065 028 0.0018 60
9 WFL-1 24 0 0 4.026 0237 0.0018 60
10 WFl-2 24 0 0 4.026 0237 0.0018 60
11 WFl-3 24 0 0 4.026 0237 0.0018 60
'2 WL-1 243 0 0 6.065 028 0.0018 60

10. Exit the Flowline manager.

You will notice that all the flowlines are valid.
11. Double-click the Separator (3PS) and select Gas as the Production stream. Leave the default value
of 100% for both the Gas/Oil and Water/Oil efficiencies.
12. Without exiting the separator dialog box, click the Compressor and enter a Pressure differential
of 400 psia and an Efficiency of 70%.
13. Without exiting the Compressor dialog box, select the Heat Exchanger and enter a Pressure
differential of 15 psia and Discharge temperature of 120 degF. Exit the dialog box and save the
14. Go to Home » Simulation settings » Flow correlations and choose Beggs & Brill Revised as the
global vertical and horizontal multiphase flow correlations.
15. From the Home tab, launch the Network Simulation task.
16. Configure the boundary conditions for the simulation task, as shown below.

J-* Network v mutation

Name Network simulation


Network simulation
Boundary conditions Rate constraints
Type filter All • Required P.Q specifications: 6
Location of well boundary conditions: • Reservoir Surface Supplied P.Q specifications: 6
Override phase ratios:

Name Type Completion Active Pressure (P) Flowrate type Flowrate (Q) Flowrate unit Temperature Zone PQ Table clu*d
psia • degF
1 Well 1 Well Completion V 2900 Liquid ST8/d 130 FkrdJL
2 Well 2 Well Completion 2 2900 Liquid STB/d 130 ;s// /.//s. FluidÿA
3 Well 3 Well Completion j 3100 Liquid STB/d 140 Fluid.B
4 ; Gas.Sales Sink V aoo Liquid * STB/d ////////V
S Oil.Storage Sink V 250 Liquid STB/d '/////', '//y///yy/K
6 WaterJ'eatment Sink ss/ss/s/s «/ 60 Liquid * STB/d fl/jLdSJL/zj. 77777/77?

17. Click Run to launch the simulation.

18. View the Profile results.
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19. Plot the profile results for the flow path from Well_3 to the Gas_Sales sink as annotated below,
by selecting the highlighted branches. Observe the 400 psia pressure boost provided by the

20. Review the Node/Branch results and determine the network deliverability. Compare your results
with the answers below.
Netwcv* smuUtion

Name Network simulation


Network simulation Engine console Sode/Brand 'esuiK Profile results

Display moce • Node Brand

Type filter All

III Select columns. O Expand ail

Name Type Brand Pressure lout) Temperatur-. ST pu d rate ST 0>i rate ST Water rate ST Gas rate STGOR STWCUT a Gas rate (_ n. WCJT
pw • deg* STB/d • STB/d • STB/d • mrreef/d * SCF/ST8 •]% • mmef/d %
1 Completion Completion Welt 3 2521.007 133.1726 1431444 1321.18 1101638 1627261 1231672 7.702981 0.06597003 4.68259
2 Completion Completion Wen 2 2253335 1211555 1888.986 1702.361 1866245 112397 77772SS 9*79613 OQS424S62 5334556
3 Completion Completion WHI 1 2272305 1213471 1852 344 1669.34 1830044 1298288 7777255 9*79613 005270976 531686
4 Cmp Compressor 351.3*49 151.615 0 0 0 3843795 0 07013705 0
5 HX Heat exchange' 346.3949 271.635 0 0 0 3843795 0 09032524 0
360.7196 8142062 1852344 1669.34 1830044 1298238 7777255 9*79613 01714323 7.419537
Awction 8269915 79.15355 2898032 2611.718 286.3144 20312 7777255 9*79613 02778148 7.451164
3 J3 Junction 339.0111 79.13386 2274.907 2081328 1915788 21183 106581 8509308 03013704 6413761
9 J4 Junction 463.259 61.72706 5171125 4691231 479*937 4149478 9CS4.482 9276669 1.107933 7.6383S3
10 Gas.Sales Sink 300 251.711 0 0 0 3843795 0 09255818 0
11 Oil.Stwage Sink 250 5830612 5618095 5618095 0 1374471 4216471 0 004033428 2714809E06
12 Water .Treatment Sink 60 58*4507 575.7779 0 575.7779 4700029E07 100 1043313E-08 100
13 3PS Three phase separator 4613862 61.65627 0 0 0 3845381 0 1.111777 19.61053
14 Weil 1 Well 362.6809 83.48752 1852.344 1669.34 1830044 1193288 7777255 9*79613 01709814 7.416296
15 Well 2 Weil 829.121 82.74431 1888.936 1701361 1866245 112397 7777255 9*79613 01828455 7.47891
16 Well 3 Weil 841.7186 8230426 1431444 1321.18 1102638 1627261 1231672 7.702981 02237806 3934952

21. Determine the drop in Gas production in the event of a compressor shutdown. This scenario
assumes that there is a bypass line around the compressor that allows gas production to be
maintained if the compressor goes down. Simulate this scenario by right-clicking on the
Compressor and selecting Deactivate.
22. Rerun the Network Simulation task and compare your results with the answer below.

Network simulation

Name: Network simulation


Network simulation Engine console Node/Branch results Profile results

Display mode: • Node Branch
Type filter All

121 Select columns- © Expand all

Name Type Branch Pressure (out) Temperatur._ ST liquid rate ST Oil rate ST Water rate ST Gas rate ST GOP. STWCUT Fl Gas rate <_ FI WCUT
psia • deg? STB/d STB/d • ST8/d • mmscf/d SCF/STB • % * mmcf/d %
1 Complebon Completion Well 3 2551.96 133.601 136238 1257.436 104.9439 15.43749 1231672 7.702981 0.06193305 4881314
2 Completion Complebon Well 1 2317617 123.9563 1734.17 156284 1713292 1215461 7777255 9979613 0.04793544 5.46321
3 Completion Complebon Weil 2 2304.027 123.7729 1770014 1595.143 1748705 1240584 7777255 997%13 004935407 5478955
4 hX Heat exchanger 8326353 193.9317 0 0 0 34.50326 0 0.7158831 0
S J1 Juncton 1078.909 3938446 1734.17 156284 1713292 1215461 7777255 997%13 0.1227803 707189
6 J2 Junction 105S737 84.51321 2742339 2471.406 2709325 1922076 7777255 9879613 0.1959293 7071364
7 i3 Juncton 10648*7 85.49943 2124376 1944.165 1802116 2082701 1071257 8483034 02139386 6067753
8 ' 14 Junction 8438734 7400982 4866896 4415.751 451 1445 40.04755 906925 926%56 03225192 6870552
9 Gas.Sales Sink 800 1792828 0 0 0 3480326 0 0.7243795 0
10 Ol.Storage Sink 250 63.31813 5147116 5147.116 0 3.978239 7729065 0 0.1219235 2849167E-C5
11 Water.Treatment Sink 60 6288769 544 6493 0 5446493 8.002265E-07 100 3313305S-08 100
3PS Three phase separator 348.2615 7296734 0 0 0 34.69408 0 03231303 1279276
13 Weil 1 Well 1080266 89.42672 1734.17 156284 1713292 1215461 7777255 9879613 0.1225972 7.069636
14 Well 2 Well 1057184 89.1347 1770.014 1595143 1748705 1240584 7777255 997%13 0.1286129 7113732
15 Weil 3 Well 1066.756 90.00128 136238 1257.436 104.9439 15.48749 1231672 7.702981 0.1625897 5.64363

Screen the network for erosion issues

In this task, you will screen the network for branches that exceed the erosion velocity limit.

Do the following:

1. Re-activate the compressor by right clicking it and selecting Activate.

2. Go to Home > Simulation settings > Erosion/Corrosion and confirm that the API 14e erosion model
is selected and the default Erosional velocity constant (C value) of 100 is being used.
3. Run the Network Simulation task.
4. Go to the Profile results tab, select Show plot and change the Y-axis variable to display Erosion
velocity ratio. The erosional velocity ratio (EVR) is calculated as below.

Fluid velocity
EVR = Erosion velocity ccilcidcited - :
by the Erosion model
If EVR > 1, there is an erosion risk.

5. Display the EVR plot for all branches.

You should get a plot similar to the one displayed below.

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6. Identify the branches where the EVR exceeds one and compare them to the answers below.
Why do these specific branches have the highest EVR? (These are the well branches. They have
the highest flowing pressures and temperatures, hence highest fluid velocities).
7. Determine possible solutions to get rid of the erosion issues and implement them in the network.


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