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Corregidor is a small rocky island in the Philippines about 48 kilometers west of

Manila which is stragetically located at the entrance of Manila Bay. This island
fortress stands as a memorial for the courage, valor, and heroism of its Filipino
and American defenders who bravely held their ground against the overwhelming
number of invading Japanese forces during World War II.

Also known as "the Rock," it was a key bastion of the Allies during the war. When
the Japanese invaded the Philippines in December 1941, the military force under
the command of Gen. Douglas MacArthur carried out a delaying action at
Bataan. Corregidor became the headquarters of the Allied forces and also the
seat of the Philippine Commonwealth government. It was from Corregidor that
Philippine President Manuel Quezon and General MacArthur left for Australia in
February 1942, leaving behind Lt. Gen. Jonathan M. Wainwright in command.

Although Bataan fell on April 9, 1942, the Philippine and American forces held
out at Corregidor for 27 days against great odds. On May 6, 1942, their rations
depleted, the Allied forces were forced to surrender Corregidor to Lt. Gen.
Homma Masaharu of the Japanese Imperial Army after having successfully
halted the Japanese advance on Australia. It was only two years and ten months
later in March 1945 when the Allied forces under the command of General
MacArthur recaptured Corregidor ... making good his promise to return to the

The big guns of Corregidor are now silent and the ruins of buildings, structures,
and tunnels in the island tell a very moving story of a war that has claimed so
many lives. A visit to this former battleground is a memorable experience
especially for those who cherish and value peace and freedom. In his speech
delivered at the signing of the surrender of Japan aboard the U.S.S. Missouri at
Tokyo Bay on September 2, 1945, General Douglas MacArthur said, "It is my
earnest hope and indeed the hope of all mankind that a better world shall emerge
out of the blood and carnage of the past - a world founded upon faith and
understanding, a world dedicated to the dignity of man and the fulfillment of his
most cherished wish for freedom, tolerance and justice."


Corregidor comes from the Spanish word “corregir,” meaning to correct. One
story states that due to the Spanish system wherein all ships entering Manila Bay
were required to stop and have their documents checked and corrected, the
island was called "Isla del Corregidor" (Island of the Correction). Another version
claims that the island was used a penitentiary or correctional institution by the
Spanish and came to be called "El Corregidor."

In early and pre-hispanic times, it was likely populated by fishermen and no

doubt provided a base for pirates who could easily launch an attack against any
vessel entering Manila Bay. During the Spanish era this tadpole-shaped island
was a signal station where bonfires were lit to alert Manila of a home-coming
galleon. Later on, Spaniards built a lighthouse on the island.

The Spaniards set up a naval dockyard on the island in 1795. This was followed
by a naval hospital and a signal station which was used primarily to warn Manila
of approaching enemies. In 1836 a lighthouse was built and in 1853 a stronger
light was installed. This was replaced in 1897 and remained in use until the
outbreak of the Pacific War, during which it was heavily damaged and rebuilt to
the same specifications. During the Spanish times, the small town of San Jose
emerged to become the seat of government on the island. Later under the
Americans, it evolved into a small community with its paved streets lined with the
houses of the Philippine Scouts who constituted the bulk of the garrison in

After the defeat of the Spanish forces by Admiral George Dewey in May of 1898,
Spain ceded Cuba, Puerto Rico, and the Philippines to the Americans under the
Treaty of Paris which was signed on December 10, 1898. In 1903 a former
Spanish garrison building there was converted to a convalescent hospital. The
island was designated as a U.S. Military Reservation in 1907 and the army post
on Corregidor was named Fort Mills, after Brig. Gen. Samuel M. Mills, chief of
artillery of the U.S. Army in 1905-1906. A regular army post was later established
in 1908.

The following year army engineers of “H” company, 2nd Battalion of the U.S.
Corps of Engineers began to build fortifications on the island to secure the
seaward approach to Manila Bay. This was part of the planned "Harbor Defenses
of Manila and Subic Bay" due to the strategic location of Corregidor. Concrete
emplacements and bomb-proof shelters were constructed and trails and roads
were laid out on the island. This engineer contingent left on March 15, 1912, after
laying down the groundwork to make Corregidor a great military bastion. Thus
began the transformation of a small fishing village into a fortress and site of one
of the most heroic battles in the history of war.

The big guns of Corregidor in 1941 were used in support of Filipino and
American defenders of Bataan until the island itself was invaded by Japanese
Forces. The restless pounding by Japanese guns including intermittent bombings
reduced its defenses and compelled its surrender. On January 22, 1945,
Corregidor was once again caught in the fury of war as the Americans retook the
island after a bloody battle.


In the defense and siege of Bataan and Corregidor, the principal participants
included the United States government, the Philippine Commonwealth, the
American and Filipino forces in the Philippines, and the Japanese invading forces
stationed in the island of Luzon. President Franklin D. Roosevelt, President
Manuel L. Quezon, Gen. Douglas MacArthur, Gen. Jonathan M. Wainwright,
Gen. George F. Moore, and Gen. Masaharu Homma represented these principal
participants, respectively.

Franklin D. Roosevelt was the 32nd president of the United States and a strong
ally and supporter of the Philippines. Assuming the Presidency at the depth of
the Great Depression, Franklin D. Roosevelt helped the American people regain
faith in themselves. He brought hope as he promised prompt, vigorous action,
and asserted in his Inaugural Address, "the only thing we have to fear is fear
itself." Roosevelt was elected President in November 1932, to the first of four
terms. In 1935, he sent Gen. Douglas MacArthur to be the military advisor to
Manuel Quezon, president of the Philippine Commonwealth. MacArthur's job was
to build an army, because it was expected that someday the Japanese would
attack and the Philippines had to be ready. When the Japanese finally attacked
Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941, Roosevelt directed organization of the
Nation's manpower and resources for global war. He designated Gen. MacArthur
as Supreme Allied Commander of the Southwest Pacific Theater and placed in
charge of the American Forces in the Philippines. Prior to the fall of Corregidor in
1942, it was Roosevelt who directed MacArthur to leave Corregidor and proceed
to Australia for the purpose of organizing the American offensive against the
Japanese forces. As the war drew to a close, Roosevelt's health deteriorated,
and on April 12, 1945, while at Warm Springs, Georgia, he died of a cerebral

Manuel L. Quezon, the president of the Commonwealth Government of the

Philippines, was advised by Gen. MacArthur to evacuate to Corregidor. The
presidential party left Manila on December 24, 1941 and became refugees in the
island fortress. With President Quezon were his wife, Dona Aurora; his two
daughters, Maria Aurora and Zenaida, and his son Manuel, Jr. Also in the party
were Vice President Sergio Osmena, Chief Justice Jose Abad Santos, Maj. Gen.
Basilio J. Valdes, the Philippine Army Chief of Staff, Col. Manuel Nieto, the
President's aide; and Serapio D. Canceran, the president's private secretary. At
the Malinta Tunnel in Corregidor, the quarters of Pres. Quezon and his family
was a lateral beside the 1st lateral and nearest the East entrance to the tunnel.
The inauguration of President Quezon for his second term as President of the
Philippine Commonwealth on December 30, 1941 provided a strange break in
the routine of life in the tunnel. The ceremony was simple, and though seeming
pathetic, partook of a special dignity. President Quezon in his speech said: "Ours
is a great cause. We are fighting for human liberty and justice, for those
principles of individual freedom which we all cherish and without which life would
not be worth living. Indeed, we are fighting for our own independence. It is to
maintain this independence, these liberties, and these freedoms that we are
sacrificing our lives and all that we possess." When Quezon left Corregidor by
submarine on February 20, he gave MacArthur his ring, saying, "When they find
your body, I want them to know you fought for my country." While he led the
Philippine government-in-exile in the U.S. for the next two years, Quezon's
tuberculosis steadily worsened. He died on August 1, 1944, less than three
months before MacArthur's dramatic return to Philippine soil.

Douglas MacArthur was a brilliant, controversial, and highly intelligent five-star

U.S. Army General. In 1930, President Herbert Hoover appointed Gen.
MacArthur Chief of Staff, U.S. Army. President Franklin D. Roosevelt retained
him in this post until the fall of 1935, when MacArthur returned to the Philippines
as military advisor to the newly established Philippine Commonwealth.
MacArthur’s principal task was to organize and train a Philippine Army. Although
he retired from the U.S. Army at the end of 1937, General MacArthur remained
military advisor to the Philippine Commonwealth, and was named Field Marshall
of its army.

Due to the spread of the war in Europe and the accelerating Japanese
Expansion in the Far East, the U.S.Army Forces, Far East, were created.
President Roosevelt recalled General MacArthur to active duty to command
these forces. The President also directed that the Philippine army be called upon
to serve with United States forces. Mobilization, planning, organization, training,
re-equipping, and supplying his command occupied the General until Dec 8,
1941. Although built up considerably prior to the outbreak of war, especially in
their air strength, the U.S. – Philippine units were no match for the combined
naval-air-ground assault by the Japanese. Having fallen back on the Bataan
peninsula and the fortress islands blocking Manila Bay, most notably Corregidor
Island, the Americans and Filipinos under General MacArthur brought the
Japanese to a standstill.

Since no significant reinforcement could reach Bataan and Corregidor and the
disease ravaged, ammunition-short Filipinos and Americans could not be
expected to hold out much longer, President Roosevelt ordered General
MacArthur to leave the Philippines and to proceed to Australia. The General, his
family, and a nucleus staff left Corrigidor in a torpedo boat for Mindanao, whence
they flew to Australia. From April 1942 to October 1944, General MacArthur
trained, organized, planned for, and led his Southwest Pacific Command through
New Guinea, New Britain, the Bismarcks, and Morotai to an enormously
successful landing in Leyte in the central Philippines which ultimately led to the
defeat of the Japanese forces in the Philippines. For his dogged, brave defense
of the Philippines, General MacArthur was awarded the Congressional Medal of
Honor. He died at Walter Reed Army Hospital in Washington, D.C. on April 5,

Gen. Jonathan M. Wainwright was the Commander of the Filipino-American

forces in the Island of Luzon. When MacArthur was ordered off Bataan in March
1942, Wainwright, promoted to temporary Lieutenant General, succeeded to
command of US Army Forces in the Far East, a command immediately afterward
redesignated US Forces in the Philippines. When Corregidor was still under
siege, Wainwright's concern became twofold: to preserve the morale and fighting
spirit of his men, and to try to arrange for the evacuation by submarine of
selected personnel, including intelligence specialists, grounded aviators, and
nurses. His remaining duty was to tie up the Japanese for as long as possible.
He chosed to stick it out in Corregidor and stay with his men. His last duty was to
surrender Corregidor to the Japanese on May 6, 1942 which turned out to be the
most painful and shattering experience in his military career. He was then held in
prison camps in northern Luzon, Formosa, and Manchuria until he was liberated
by Russian troops in August 1945. After witnessing the Japanese surrender
aboard the USS Missouri on September 2, 1945 he returned to the Philippines to
receive the surrender of the local Japanese commander. On his return to the
United States, he was given a hero's welcome, promoted to General, and
awarded the Medal of Honor. He retired from active duty in August 1947 and died
at San Antonio, Texas on September 2, 1953.

Maj. Gen. George F. Moore was the commander of the Philippine Coast Artillery
Command and the defense of Corregidor was his responsibility. He was
described by those who served under him as a soft-spoken, self-possessed
person. Gen. MacArthur had earlier informed Gen. Moore that negotiations with
Japan were breaking down and that he should prepare his men for war. Gen.
Moore's unit was organized into three commands: Seaward Defense, with
responsibility for keeping Japanese warships out of the bay and away from
Manila; Anti-aircraft Defense, with responsibility for repelling air attacks; and
Beach Defense, with responsibility for defeating enemy landings on the shores of

Lt. Gen. Masaharu Homma was the commander of the Japanese forces in
Bataan and Corregidor. He launched the final battle to capture Bataan and
Corregidor on April 3, 1942 with 50,000 Japanese troops, including 15,000 new
arrivals from the 4th Japanese Army Division and the Nagano Detachment. In his
meeting with Gen. Wainwright in Bataan, Gen. Homma demanded the
unconditional surrender of all American and Filipino forces in the Philippine
Islands. Homma made the threat of considering the captives on Corregidor as
hostages and not prisoners of war and that they could be slaughtered if his
conditions of surrender were not met.

• Topside - is the highest geographic sector in the island where the terrain
elevation above sea level ranges from about 400 feet and higher. Topside
is said to be the nerve center of the island fortress. It is here where you
will find the ruins of the following buildings: Mile-Long Barrackes, Post
Headquarters, Cine Corregidor, and a number of buildings previously used
as quarters for bachelor officers as well as the senior officers of the
garrison. All the major gun emplacements are also located around this
high ground. The parade ground, a small golf course, the old Spanish
flagpole, and the reconstructed Spanish lighthouse are similarly located at
Topside. The more recently constructed buildings and structures that are
now found at Topside include the following: The Pacific War Memorial
Dome, sculpture of the Eternal Flame of Freedom, and a museum.
o Mile-Long Barracks - This is a three-story concrete building which
was constructed to be hurricane-proof. It was used for the billeting
of American officers and enlisted personnel detailed at the garrison.
The entire length of the building measures about 1,520 feet that it
became popularly known as the world's longest military barracks.
Although it is just less than a third of a mile long, it was, however,
commonly referred to as the Mile-Long Barracks. The headquarters
of Gen. Douglas MacArthur was also located in this building.
o Pacific War Memorial - The memorial was erected to honor of the
Filipino and American servicemen who participated in the Pacific
War. Financed with an appropriation by the United States
Congress, it was completed in 1968. The major memorial structure
is a rotunda in which a circular altar falls directly under the dome's
open center through which light falls on the altar during daylight
hours. The altar symbolizes a wreath of victory with the following
words inscribed on its rim: "Sleep, my sons, your duty done, for
Freedom's light has come; sleep in the silent depths of the sea, or
in your bed of hallowed sod, until you hear at dawn the low, clear
reveille of God." The memorial also houses a museum which
serves as the repository of relics and memorabilia related to the
history of Corregidor.
o Eternal Flame of Freedom - A large steel sculpture which
symbolizes the Flame of Freedom burning eternally. It is located at
the rear of the Pacific War Memorial dome on a raised platform
which provides visitors a breathtaking panoramic view of Manila
Bay, the Bataan Peninsula, and the coastline of Cavite. Designed
by Aristides Demetrios, the sculpture commemorates the sacrifices,
hopes and aspirations, and the heroic struggle by the United States
and the Philippines to preserve freedom for future generations. The
sculpture stands as a reminder that all men will fight as one if need
to be to defend a nation's liberty.
o Spanish Flagpole - This old historic flagpole, just like the many
other relics, buildings and structures in Corregidor, serves as a
reminder of the Corregidor's colorful and glorious past. The flagpole
was the mast from a Spanish Warship captured by the American
fleet of Admiral George Dewey at the Battle of Manila Bay on May
1, 1898 and erected at its present site by the Americans. When the
defenders of Corregidor surrendered to the Japanese forces, the
American flag was lowered down from this flagpole on May 6, 1942.
When Gen. MacArthur returned to Corregidor on March 2, 1945
following the recapture of the island, he ordered the hoisting of the
American flag on this flagpole. Finally, on October 12, 1947, in a
moving and colorful ceremony signifying the turnover of Corregidor
to the Republic of the Philippines, the stars and stripes was hauled
down for the last time and the Philippine flag was hoisted in its
stead. Corregidor once again belonged to the Filipino people.
o Cine Corregidor - To the left at the entrance to the Pacific War
Memorial are the ruins of what used to be Cine Corregidor, a movie
theater. It was erected during the pre-war period to cater to the
entertainment needs of the personnel of the garrison as well as
their families. Nothing much is left of the building except portions of
its concrete walls, a stairway leading up to its upper balcony, and
the concrete floor of what used to be its stage. Its former lobby now
houses two black vintage cars which were used by President
Quezon and Gen. MacArthur.
o Spanish Lighthouse - At its current site, the original lighthouse was
built by the Spaniards in 1836. Sixty-one years later a need for a
much bigger lighthouse was conceived which led to the erection of
another structure to replace the old one. However, the lighthouse
was destroyed during World War II. The current lighthouse was
constructed on the same site at an elevation of 628 feet above sea
level. Being the highest point in the island, visitors who climb up the
stairs of the lighthouse can have a breathtaking view of Corregidor,
Manila Bay, the South China Sea, and the neighboring provinces of
Bataan and Cavite. Beside the lighthouse is a small gift shop where
visitors can buy souvenirs.

• Middleside - is a sector located within the tadpole head of the island where
the ground elevation approximately ranges between 100 feet and 400 feet
above sea level. It lies between the Bottomside and Topside sectors
where a number of landmarks, buildings, and structures are found.
Currently, the Filipino-American Friendship Park, Aviary and Bird Park,
and the Youth For Peace Campsite are found at Middleside. It is also at
this sector where you will find the ruins and former sites of the following:
YMCA, Middleside Barracks, Post Stockade, Officers Club, quarters for
officers and enlistedmen, warehouses, some service and utility buildings.
o Filipino-American Friendship Park - the park commemorates the
close friendship and camaraderie between the Philippines and the
United States in times of war and in peace which is depicted by ten-
foot high statues of a Filipino and American soldier. A plaque at the
park bears the following statement: "In these hallowed surroundings
where heroes sleep may their ashes scatter with the wind and live in
the hearts of those who were left behind. They died for freedom's right
and in heaven's sight. Theirs was a noble cause."
o Middleside Barracks - a large military barracks made up of two
three-story buildings which was referred to as the Middleside
Barracks because it was constructed in the middleside sector of the
island. Personnel of the 60th Coast Artillery Regiment and the 91st
Philippine Scout Coast Artillery Regiment were billeted in this
barracks. It was also briefly occupied by elements of the 4th Marine
Regiment upon their arrival in Corregidor on December 1941.
o Aviary and Theme Park - a 3,000 square meter complex managed
by Feathered Friends Foundation which houses local and foreign
varieties of birds such as the red-vested cockatoo, Indonesian
parrot, Philippine horned owl, Brazilian sun conure, and the
Indonesian rainbow lory. A number of monkeys are also kept in a
large cage. It has a propagation facility for showcasing eco-tourism.
o Army Hospital - the ruins of a three-story building formerly used as
the island's main medical facility prior to its transfer to Malinta
Tunnel is found at Middleside. The building was shaped like a cross
when viewed from the air to distinguish the structure from the other
buildings in Corregidor.
o YMCA and the Youth for Peace Campsite - the campsite is an open
area intended for out-of-school youth, scouts, and student campers
and hikers. Behind it are the ruins of the former YMCA building
which served as a recreational facility for the military personnel
detailed in Corregidor.


To the east of Bottomside a hill rises abruptly to an elevation of 390 feet. Called
"Malinta," it severs Bottomside from the tail end of the island. The North and
South Shore roads curved from its slopes and girdled the hill and ran on down
the curving tadpole tail. To facilitate passage and to create a bombproof shelter,
the Americans drove a shaft from a rock quarry at Bottomside directly through
the hill, creating the famous Malinta Tunnel. Construction of the tunnel took about
10 years. Work was initially started in 1922 and it was substantially completed in
1932. The 835 feet long East-West passage served as the main tunnel which is
24 feet wide and the height at the top of its arch is 18 feet. Branching from it are
13 laterals on its north side and another 11 laterals on the south side. Each
lateral averaged 160 feet and 15 feet in length and width, respectively. A double-
track electric trolley line used to run through the main tunnel which is reinforced
with concrete walls, a concrete floor, and overhead arches. Blowers were
installed to allow the circulation of fresh air.

The tunnel had been dug through solid rock and offered complete protection from
artillery or air attack. Command communications and medical units were located
there. Gen. MacArthur set up the headquarters of USAFFE inside the tunnel
where men and women would live and work during the siege of Corregidor. The
tunnel was originally designed to house huge quantities of ammunition, food and
supplies, and an underground hospital with a 1,000-bed capacity. The location of
the tunnel beneath Malinta Hill made it ideal as a bomb-proof headquarters for
the embattled Filipino and Americans defenders of Corregidor during World War
II. During the siege of Corregidor, a number of shops and storage areas were

Malinta Tunnel also served as the seat of Philippine Commonwealth Government

under President Manuel L. Quezon. At the vicinity of the tunnel's west entrance in
the afternoon of Dec 30, 1941, Manuel Quezon and Sergio Osmena were
inaugurated into their second term respectively as president and vice-president
of the Philppine Commonwealth in simple ceremonies attended by members of
the garrison.

The third lateral on the North side from the East entrance served as the USAFFE
Headquarters of General Douglas MacArthur. In the South side, the first lateral
from the East entrance was designated as headquarters of the Harbor Defense
Command under Maj. Gen. George Moore. The fourth lateral on the same side
connects to a group of 12 laterals which was used as a quartermaster supply
storage. It has been said that some of its laterals were so secret that only those
working there knew of its existence and that those who worked inside the tunnel
during its construction were even blindfolded as they were escorted to their
respective work areas.

The tunnel complex was described as damp and poorly ventilated and, except for
the hospital, it was not designed to quarter humans. Although it was safe inside,
morale of the personnel was lower than elsewhere on Corregidor. The entire
length of the main tunnel was lined to a height of six feet with crates of all sizes
and descriptions. Its occupants, numbering over four thousand, and sixty-eight
women, including nurses and seventeen civilians and army wives, complained of
dust flying around, the flickering blue mercury vapor lights, and the dull boom of
exploding bombs when the island was under siege. Little black flies swarmed
everywhere, bedbugs prickled the flesh, and dust hung in a pall despite the
continuous daily mopping. Although no shrapnel could get through, yet the tunnel
dwellers felt suffocated, helpless and trapped being unable to fight back. There
was no privacy and nowhere else to go to be away from other people.

Today, visitors can experience the thrills of Malinta Tunnel in the vividly staged
Light and Sound Show called the “Malinta Experience.” Scripted by national artist
and film director Lamberto Avellana and sculptures made by national artist
Napoleon Abueva, the show is a re-enactment of World War II’s dramatic events.
This show has been incorporated as an optional part of the tour of Corregidor
and those who opt to see the show are asked to pay an extra amount.


There is a special tour of the Malinta Tunnel which is not included during the
regular day tour. It is a night tour which may be availed of only by those who
remain overnight in Corregidor. This tour allows visitors to see for themselves the
different laterals of the 1,000-bed capacity Fort Mills Hospital which was used
during the siege of Corregidor. Those who join the night tour assemble at the
lobby of Corregidor Hotel just after dinner and they are then taken to the Malinta
Tunnel by a "tramvia." A tour guide accompanies the group to point out and
explain the different laterals of the hospital.

The starting point of the night tour is at the East Entrance of the tunnel. Upon
reaching the second lateral on the right side, the group enters this lateral and
head northward towards the tunnel's North Entrance. It is in this vicinity where
the 12 hospital laterals are located. The tour guide brings along a large flashlight
for the tour since the hospital laterals are no longer lighted by electricity. It is
pitch dark inside the tunnel and everyone who joins the tour experiences the
eerie darkness when the tour guide switches off his flashlight for a few seconds.
One person who once joined this night tour wrote, "It is the most stygian
blackness imaginable, a darkness so total it can paralyze all the senses."

There are 10 laterals in the hospital which were used as medical wards and each
lateral had a capacity of 100 beds. Of the remaining two laterals, one was used
as quarters for the female staff of the hospital. This was the only lateral inside
Malinta Tunnel which was secured with a heavy steel door and bolted at night for
the security and privacy of the women who were billeted in it. It is believed that
the other remaining lateral was intended for the hospital's administrative office
and also for the storage of medicines, medical supplies and hospital equipment.

At one of the hospital laterals, the tour guide will point out the location where a
number of Japanese soldiers committed suicide by blowing themselves up just
prior to the recapture of Corregidor by the American forces. For the Japanese, it
was an honor for them to die rather than to surrender to their enemy. For those
who join this tour, it will no doubt entertain some creepy thoughts in their minds,
thus making the night exploration of Malinta Tunnel not only eerie but a bit
stirring as well. Some consider this particular tour as mysterious and strange that
it could send a cold chill up one's spine. With the number of Japanese soldiers
who died inside the tunnel, visitors would often wonder if there have been any
known sightings of ghosts inside the tunnel ... apparently, there have been none.
For those who have visited the Malinta Tunnel at night, they will surely confirm
that this is one tour that should not be missed by those who come to visit

After the tour of the hospital laterals, the group returns to the main tunnel and exit
out at the West Entrance where they board the tramvia for their return to the
hotel. The 15 photographs portrayed above were taken during one of the night
tours of the hospital laterals.


Hara-kiri-suicide by using sharp objects

Kamikaze-suicide by wrapping around themselves together with a bomb

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